> Look, We All Have Our Preferences > by Citrus Recluse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > And Sometimes That Preference Is Bigger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Ponyville Cafe, a gaggle of girls gathered to gossip. Pinkie Pie had just hinted to her closest friends about something interesting happening soon, but she hadn’t given them any specific details. “Tell us,” Rarity said. “No,” Pinkie said. “Come on, tell us!” “No!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Ah, come on, Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash said. “You can’t just bring out a tease like that and then not tell us what you’re going to be doing!” “Okay, okay,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’ll tell you.” “Finally,” Dash said. “So, Cheese and I have been dating for a while now …” Pinkie Pie said. “Much to our chagrin,” Rarity complained. “No city on Equestria can handle that much party power in one place. And the noise!” “Ignore her, sugarcube, go on,” Applejack said. “And Cheese has been … shifty lately,” Pinkie said. “I don’t see him as often, he always talks quickly when I try to ask him something. Quicker than normal for him, I mean. Like he’s got something else on his mind.” “Oh my,” Rarity said, “you don’t think he’s been having an affair, do you?” “No, no,” Pinkie said. “Because you know what else? I found … THIIIIS RECEIPT!” Pinkie proudly displayed a ticket, holding it aloft her friends heads as if were some divine item. “Okay?” Dash said. “You have a receipt. That doesn’t prove he’s not cheating on you.” “If anything, I’d say it proves he is!” Rarity said. “Ah, but what you don’t know is what’s on the receipt.” “Okay, Pinkie,” Twilight said, “what’s on the receipt?” “It’s a receipt for … a bouquet of roses!” “Scandalous!” Rarity gasped. “Already buying roses for this other woman!” “No, no, no,” Pinkie waved a hand. “You’re being ridiculous. Because you know what else?” The girls looked to each other. “No, Pinkie, we do not know what else,” Twilight said. “I was looking through the pantry the other day, and you know what I found? A bouquet of roses! It was pushed waaay to the back, almost like somebody didn’t want anybody finding them,” Pinkie said. “And … their petals had been plucked!” “Oh my,” Fluttershy said. “Those poor roses.” “So you know what I’m thinking?” “We don’t know what you’re thinking half the time anyway,” Applejack drolly commented. “I’m thinking Cheese Sandwich is going to lay out a path of rose petals leading up to our bed for our anniversary!” “Oh … but that would mean …” Rarity said. “THAT’S RIGHT!” Pinkie shouted. Noticing she was drawing the attention of everyone in the restaurant, she bid her friends to lean in close, and she whispered. “We’re going to have sex together!” “Oh, Pinkie, darling, that’s wonderful news,” Rarity said. “Congratulations,” Twilight clapped, and the others followed her lead. “My books tell me physical intimacy is a sign of closeness and comfort with each other in most healthy relationships.” “Really, Twilight?” Dash asked. “You’re going to get your relationship advice from books?” “They haven’t let me down yet,” Twilight said proudly, bringing a hand to her chest. “Are you sure you’re ready for this, darling?” Rarity asked. “Like Twilight said … sex is an awfully big step.” “Of course I’m ready!” Pinkie Pie said. “Why wouldn’t I be ready? How could I possibly not be ready?” “Well, let us know if you … learn anything,” Rarity said huskily, making it clear what she was referring to. The others stared at her. “Er, provided, of course, Cheese doesn’t mind you sharing the details of your liaison,” Rarity quickly added. “I’m ready,” Pinkie said, upset by Rarity’s doubt. Just because she was energetic, impulsive, and loved sugar didn’t mean she couldn’t be mature about adult topics. Just because she was acted like a teenager didn’t mean she was one. She was ready. Pinkie Pie was not ready. Oh, it wasn’t for the sex. That she was more than ready for. It was coming home and hearing Mr. and Mrs. Cake discussing Cheese Sandwich, and what they made of his recent shiftiness. “You’re being ridiculous,” Ms. Cake said. “Am I? We were young, that’s totally the kind of thing a man his age would do,” Mr. Cake said. “And the roses! It’s their one-year anniversary soon. You know it adds up.” “So, what? She’s not allowed to do what she wants in the comfort of her own room?” Mrs. Cake asked. “The room we gave her,” Mr. Cake said. “Yes, but she’s an adult, and so is Cheese,” Mrs. Cake said. “What if Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake see it?” “They’re babies, Carrot. What are they gonna do, crawl into the room?” “Noo, but they might have a magic outburst and teleport in,” Mr. Cake countered. Mrs. Cake paled. “Oh my. I hadn’t thought of that. We may want to ask Twilight for some magic proofing.” Pinkie decided now was a good time to make her entrance. “Hey, Mr and Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie said, sneaking up behind them and scaring the dickens out of ‘em. “Pinkie Pie! What have we told you about not sneaking up on people like that?” Mr. Cake asked, grasping at his beating heart. “Sorry,” Pinkie said. “Anyway, were you talking about anything … interesting?” She bounced her eyebrows up and down. Mr and Mrs. Cake looked at each other, worried they’d been caught with their gossip. “No, no,” Mr. Cake said, “nothing interesting at all. Just some business orders.” “On that note,” Mrs. Cake said, raising a finger, “I was wondering if you and Cheese Sandwich might like us to make some special cupcakes for your anniversary to celebrate!” “Oh, you know it!” Pinkie Pie said. “We can get special cakes from everybody, with your special cupcakes for us, my special cake for us, his special cake for us, and Gummy’s special cake for us!” “Does, uh, Gummy know how to bake?” Mr. Cake asked. “Oh, yeah sure! He’s watch me do it loads of times!” Pinkie Pie. “He’s a natural. He knows everything he needs to. Anyway, gotta go. I’ll bet Cheese is waiting for me.” Pinkie Pie began slipping out of the room. “Oh, and don’t worry, Cheese and I will bring some anti-unicorn spray,” Pinkie added as she went up the stairs. Mr and Mrs. Cake could have skipped the oven and just cooked their next batch with the blush from their faces. Pinkie Pie went up the stairs to her room. She was surprised to see rose petals lying at the top of them. “Huh?” Pinkie asked. She followed the rose petals across the floor. They led to … her room. Gummy’s doghouse had been placed outside. “Roses … Gummy’s outside … the light is on in the room …” Pinkie’s eyes flickered between the details as she noticed. “It can only mean one thing! But … the anniversary isn’t until a week from now!” Pinkie grimaced. She wasn’t totally sure what this meant for her and Cheese. She took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself to be ready for anything. With a determined expression, Pinkie Pie opened the door. She was at once both prepared and unprepared for what awaited her. “Hey there, Pinkie-boo,” Cheese Sandwich greeted her. He was lying on her bed, stark narked except for the blanket loosely spread over his crotch to cover his dick. The rose petals led up to the bed. “Cheese!” Pinkie said, blushing. “What is this?” “Well,” Cheese rolled onto his side, “I was going to do this later, on the day of our anniversary, but I got so excited I couldn’t wait! So I thought I would do it today and surprise you. Isn’t it great?” “Y-yeah,” Pinkie said, playing with her hair. “Great.” Cheese noticed her discomfort. “Oh my. Have I been too forward?” He tentatively pulled at the blanket, bringing it over his stomach. “I can put my clothes back on if you want. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” “No, I want to, I just …” Pinkie said. “I just wasn’t expecting this to happen today.” “Ah-ha! See, so you were surprised!” Cheese said. “My plan worked! Wait, today? What do you mean today?” “It’s not important,” Pinkie said. She began pulling up her shirt. “I hope you’re ready for this, big boy!” “I was born ready! Wait, no, that sounds weird. Can I start over?” Pinkie chuckled. “Sure. But you only get two extra lives.” She finished pulling her shirt and tossed it to the floor. Her baseball-sized tits swayed back and forth in her dark park floral bra as she strutted up to the bed, her body a healthy, moderately thick size despite her excessive consumption of sweets, with a flat stomach and slender arms. She closed the door, then approached the bed, unbuckling her pants she got closer, letting them fall on their own. Once they dropped to her ankles, she shook them off. Her underwear matched her bra, hugging at her smooth hips, which were slightly wider than her stomach, and her heart-shaped ass leaving a matching impression on the sheets. “What I meant to say was, I have been highly looking forward to this for a considerable amount of time, my dear!” Cheese said, trying to sound fancier and more eloquent than the occasion really called for. “Sure you did,” Pinkie teased him. She flopped onto the bed, making the mattress bounce and creak from her added body weight, bouncing Cheese up and down. Pinkie cupped Cheese Sandwich’s cheeks, looking at him with lustful, flirty eyes. “Now, shall we get started, big boy?” “Yes, we shalt!” Cheese answered, throwing the blanket off. Pinkie’s head tilted back in shock. She pursed her lips and let out a whine, discovering she didn’t even know she cared about it as much as she did until this moment. What was it? Well, she didn’t want to say … she didn’t want to play into any stereotypes or cliches, but … but … but … She - well, she had been expecting Cheese Sandwich to be bigger down there. Turns out, ‘big boy’ was not so big after all. “Like what you see?” Cheese asked, rocking and letting his tiny member swing back and forth. “Y-yeah,” Pinkie lied for the sake of the relationship. “Totally!” “So, what do you want to do first, huh?” Cheese asked. “I admit, I didn’t think that far ahead, but then it occurred to me, hey, maybe I should see what the lady wants to do first, right?” “Yeah,” Pinkie said. She cupped Cheese’s cheek again. “Thanks, Cheese. You’re so thoughtful.” “Anything for my beautiful girlfriend,” Cheese said with a smile. He’s so good to me! Pinkie thought. How am I supposed to … to … what do I do? “Do you need a minute?” Cheese asked. “I mean, I was thinking maybe we could do anal, but that seems more like something you do on the second time, you know?” “No, no …” Pinkie said. “Let’s not do anything that, um ...we’re … too small for.” “Too small?” Cheese said. “Well, let’s see, I’m an adult, and you’re an adult, and this bed is big enough for both of us, so I don’t there’s anything too small here.” “Sorry, sorry,” Pinkie said, “I was thinking about baking something after and the ratios were too small. It just slipped out. Hey, how about a hand job?” “I like the way you think!” Cheese said. Pinkie Pie reached down and put her fingers around Cheese’s cock, running her fingers up and down its ‘length’. Cheese moaned and vibrated. “Aw, yeah. That’s the good stuff. Right there, Pinkie-boo, right there.” “You like that, huh?” Pinkie said, trying to talk dirty. “Yes!” Cheese wiggled his thighs. “Yes, I like that!” “I suppose it’s easy to be …” Pinkie covered her mouth, catching herself. She was going to say ‘satisfied when there’s not a lot to work with.’ She continued stroking mechanically. Going up and down … up and down. Yep.  Up and down. What was that, oh look, she was still going up and down. Cheese grunted with disappointment. He turned to face Pinkie. “You started slowing down.” “Did I? I’m sorry. Or am I misunderstanding you and you mean you like slower?” “I liked the pace you were going at before,” Cheese said. “I’ll try to do better,” Pinkie said, attempting to bring her speed up to where it was before. “Eyap, yup, nope, nope,” Cheese sat up. “I’m sorry, Pinkie Pie, I’m afraid I can’t, in good conscience, let this go on any longer.” “What? Why not?” “It’s pretty obvious you’re not enjoying yourself, and if I can’t make my lady happy in bed because she’s enjoying herself doing something she wants to do, well … what kind of man am I? So, for that reason, I’m calling it quits here.” Cheese threw his legs off the side of the bed and put on his pants. “If you want to talk about what’s bothering you, I’ll listen. If not, I’ll respect your privacy,” Cheese said. “If it’s business, your friends, if it’s me, if you’re holding out for the actual date, I don’t know. And I don’t need to. I just know that one Pinkamena Diane Pie is not enjoying herself when we’re both supposed to be having a good time. Good sex is about give and take, and I can’t just take without doing any giving. So, with that, mademoiselle, I bid you adieu from this battlefield. May we meet on it again with you in better spirits.” Cheese finished dressing himself and left the room. Pinkie pulled the blanket over herself, trying to cover up her shame. Here Cheese was, a loving, understand, kind, patient boyfriend … and she couldn’t work herself into arousal because she was hung up on a petty, petty thing like the length of his dick. She felt so embarrassed. What kind of woman thinks like that? But didn’t she have a right, in a way, as Rarity might say, to want to enjoy sex the way she wanted? Wasn’t Cheese right - she wasn’t enjoying herself, and it wasn’t fair to her for her to continue the sex she wasn’t an active, enthusiastic partner? Could she help if she wanted some big d with her love-making? Pinkie Pie’s pinkie mind got to percolating. What could she do to make herself enjoy this more? Was just the pale, pitiful penis? Or was it something more? Yeah, no, it was definitely the penis, she thought to herself. But how could she fix that? Could she fix it? If any of those phallic improvement scams actually worked, she’d have heard about it by now from one of her many, many friends, if not from a male who tried, then secondhand from a woman. Could such a thing as growth be done? “Wait, I’ve got it!” Pinkie declared, raising a hand into the air. “If anybody can do it, it’s going to be Zecora!” Pinkie bounded out of bed. When she opened the door, Gummy kept her from leaving, matching her footsteps. “Gummy, Gummy, get out of the way. Why are you …?” Pinkie asked. Gummy pressed his nose to her toes. “Oh, that’s right,” Pinkie said. She forgot her clothes back on. She ducked back into the bedroom and got dressed. “There we go! Now, assuming nobody saw me …” Pinkie shifted her eyes down the hallway. “Now it’s time to go see Zecora in the Everfree Forest!” Despite what she told herself as she left the house, Pinkie Pie didn’t feel too good about visiting. It was almost like she was lying to Cheese, in a way. She called Rarity on her cell phone, hoping for advice. “Hello, darling!” Rarity answered. “Any scandalous new developments in your relationship?” “Uh, yeah, a little one,” Pinkie Pie answered, now realizing her poor word choice. “Oh, do tell! … if you’re comfortable, of course.” “Well,” Pinkie said, “suppose, hypothetically, someone wanted to have sex with their boyfriend, but they were, um, unsatisfied with their … performance. And it wasn’t his fault, it was just … unsatisfying … is it fair for this someone to look for something to … supplement it?” “Well, hypothetically, I would say no. You’re in your rights to want to help improve your boyfriend’s performance. Hypothetically.” “Thanks, Rarity,” Pinkie said, “I needed to hear that.” So Pinkie went onto Zecora’s hut. After she explained the details of her … problem, without mentioning Cheese by name, of course, Zecora looked at her intensely for a few minutes. “There are some options I can provide for you, depending on what you to do,” Zecora answered. “What do I want to do?” Pinkie asked. “You would like to enhance your partner’s, er, stick,” Zecora said. “And for that I have many things to do the trick. But what I have, and what I’ll give, depends on how you want your beau to live.” Zecora bounced her eyebrows in the hopes of getting the rest of the message across. “Ooh, I see,” Pinkie said. “Uh, I don’t want him to live like that. Just something temporary will just fine, thanks.” Pinkie grinned. “Excellent. Here.” Zecora placed a bottle of white stuff on the table. “This magic milk will make him grow, but there’s something about it you should know.” “What?” “It must delivered in a particular way, if you want to use to celebrate your anniversary day.How it’s delivered, that’s up to you, but just know for this potion to work, it requires two,” Zecora said, and she sensually ran her hands along the curves of her voluptuous body. “I think I understand,” Pinkie took the bottle. “Thanks, Zecora!” Zecora wished her a happy anniversary, and Pinkie went on her way. The day of the anniversary, Pinkie requested to be allowed some uninterrupted time in the kitchen by herself. “Of course, dear,” Mrs. Cake said. “I’ll make sure no one bothers you.” “Thanks, Ms. Cake,” Pinkie said. She set about setting up the ingredients she needed to make a special, novelty-sized cupcake. Eggs, flour, butter, baking powers, anti-stick spray … “And the most important ingredient of all,” Pinkie said, placing Zecora’s potion on the table. “Zecora’s magic milk.” Pinkie was assailed by a strong sweet smell when she opened the cap. “Oof. I hope that means this stuff is good!” Pinkie turned the bottle upside down and poured into the baking bowl. She stirred in the rest of the ingredients until they were finely blended. She poured the batter into the tray and set it to bake for 30 minutes. After it was done, Pinkie pulled it out and set it on a cooling rack. She watched it cool with glee, eager to bite into it and see what it would do. “No, no,” Pinkie told herself. For once, she was going to exercise some impulse control. This was for Cheese, not just her. Once the cupcake had cooled off, Pinkie Pie carried it up to her room. The rose petals were there once again. Pinkie smirked. Cheese may have put out the rose petals, but this wasn’t going to be a repeat of last time. “Ooh, Cheese!” Pinkie called. “I have a surprise for you!” “I have a surprise for you!” Cheese called back. “But is it really a surprise when I know what it is?” Pinkie asked as she opened the door, once again greeted with the sight of her naked beau. “I suppose that’s a fair point,” Cheese said. He sat up. “What’cha got there, Pinkie-boo?” “Oh, just a little something to get us … in the mood,” Pinkie answered. She used her foot to close the door. Pinkie set the cupcake down on the bed and took her shirt off. She and Cheese took turns breaking off pieces of the cupcake and feeding it to each other. Cheese stuck his crumb-covered fingers into Pinkie’s mouth, and Pinkie licked them clean, running her tongue over his digits. A trail of saliva hung from Cheese’s fingers when he retracted them. “Okay,” Pinkie rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “My turn!” “That’s right, sweetie, your turnnn whaaat is that?” Cheese asked, pivoting. “What’s what?” Pinkie asked. “That,” Cheese pointed to Pinkie’s chest. A drop of milk dripped out from between the laces in Pinkie’s bra. “Oh, that? I’m sure I just spilled something on me when I making the cupcake …” “I’m not so sure,” Cheese said. “Look again.” More drops of milk dripped out from Pinkie’s bra. “Hey, does this bra look a little snug to you?” Pinkie asked, the bra getting tighter around her shoulder straps. “I don’t think it’s the bra,” Cheese said. Pinkie undid her bra’s hooks, tossing it aside. Cheese reached up underneath her boob and gave it a squeeze, causing milk to spurt onto his arm. “Oh, well, you shouldn’t have done that, silly!” Pinkie teased him for the mess. “Yeah, but … look,” Cheese said. “Watch.” Pinkie did. She watched closely. As her tit seemed to crawl up Cheese’s palm, getting heavier and heavier and spilling through his fingers. There was no denying it; her boobs were getting bigger, increasing from a manageable d-cup to a K. “Pinkie, how are you doing this?” Cheese asked. “I don’t know, I didn’t - OH! That’s right, the potion from Zecora!” Pinkie said. “This must be what she meant!” “What potion from Zecora?” Cheese asked. “Don’t worry about it,” Pinkie said, giving Cheese her best seductive smile. Cheese was intimidated by Pinkie seeming to grow taller than him, but closer inspection revealed that wasn’t the case. Her ass was growing as well, her cheeks apparently not wanting to be left out of the growing fun. It spilled out of her panties, pushing Pinkie up. “Oof,” Pinkie groaned. “I better take these off before they rip!” She slid her wet underwear off her legs and threw them to the floor before the side effects of the potions could soak them any further. Her honey pot was already releasing liquid in anticipation, ready to lubricate any cock lucky enough to go inside. “Now that I’ve taken care of that,” Pinkie grabbed her tits and propped them up, “do you want some milk to wash down that cupcake, Cheese?” “Do I!” Cheese asked rhetorically. He leaned in and latched his mouth onto Pinkie’s nipple, taking his hands and milking her tit. Pinkie blushed as milk splashed out of her tit, going into Cheese’s mouth and splashing his face. Cheese, turned on, responded by nibbling the nipple with his teeth - but gently, gently. “That’s it, Cheese,” Pinkie massaged her tit in hopes of making it relax and in turn, give up more milk. “Drink up.” “Mm. Mmmf. Mmf?” Cheese pulled his head away. “What’s wrong?” Pinkie asked. “Nothing, it’s just …” Cheese spasmed and chattered, his body shaking. He looked down to see his cock growing and stretching, increasing in size as it became erect. “Pinkie, what’s happening?” Cheese asked. “It’s never done that before...” He gave his cock a curious flick. It was so long and stiff now. It was an alien sensation to him, though not entirely unpleasant. “It’s fine,” Pinkie said, quite happy with this turn of events. “But …” “Don’t worry.” Pinkie took his hand and patted it. “I know exactly what’s going on. It’s fine.” She wrapped her arms around his head and brought his face down into her cleavage. “It’s fine,” Pinkie assured him again. She pulled his face and brought her body down, bringing her basketball-sized tits down on his stiff tool. “Ooh …” Cheese breathed softly. “Do you like that?” Pinkie teased, rolling and kneading her boobs against his cock. “Yes!” Cheese said. “I like that very much!” His cock gave a few appreciative throbs. “So do I!” Pinkie said cheerily. She rolled her tits up, making the tip of his penis poke up between her cleavage. Pinkie wrapped her lips around his tip and gave Cheese’s cock a light suck. “Ooh!” Cheese squealed, a shudder going through his body as he received the pleasure. Pinkie gave him another hit, bringing her breasts together and squeezing them hard onto Cheese’s cock. It twitched in her mouth again and again until … “Oh, Pinkie Pie! It’s happening! I can feel it! It’s really ...happening.” Pinkie pulled her face away from the cock, happy she had brought her boyfriend to orgasm. After a second longer than Pinkie would have liked of nothing happening, Pinkie squinted at Cheese’s cock. Was it working alright? She hoped she hadn’t damaged it by using Zecora’s potion … But her worries were unfounded, as the cock happily, healthily shot up a splash of cum which got all over her face, taking her by surprise. It pumped and pumped, shooting cum into the air which landed back down on Pinkie’s tits, sliding around the valley of  her cleavage. “How’s that for a surprise, huh?” Cheese asked. “You like the way I managed to hold it in like that?” “Uh, yeah, sure,” Pinkie answered, wiping some of the cum off her face. It stuck to her fingers. “You had me worried for a second. I thought something was broken!” “Broken, huh? Well, I’ll try to give you a heads-up next time then, okay?” Cheese said. “Okay!” Pinkie said. She was caught off-guard when Cheese’s cock twitched again, hitting her chin with a bit of cum. “Ooh …” Cheese groaned. “Pinkie, I’m still so hard. I … I … oh.” Cheese was interrupted by his cock firing off again, this time with the shot landing on Pinkie’s cleavage. “You?” Pinkie asked, not minding. “You what, Cheese Sandwich?” “I … I … I want to cum inside you some more!” Cheese said, his eyes going crazy with lust. This, Pinkie was sure was a side effect of the potion. “You’re getting so big! I can’t handle your tits - your body being so beautiful!. I want to stick my cock in it some more, I don’t care where!” “Well, who’s stopping you? Not me!” Pinkie grabbed Cheese by the hips and laid him down on the bed. Grinning with lust of her own, she lowered her vagina onto his cock, going slowly at first as her wet sex adjusted and got used to the size of his firm cock. Pinkie lowered herself up and down on Cheese’s length, rocking back and forth like a smaller ride at amusement park. Cheese thrusted, moving his strong cock in tune with Pinkie, going faster and faster. “Ooh … I want- I want…” Cheese muttered, unable to finish his sentence between moans. “Want what, Cheese?” Pinkie asked. Cheese reached up and grabbed her heaving tits, kneading and squeezing them, not caring they were still messy with his cum. Pinkie’s tits appreciated the attention, as they rewarded Cheese by shooting out squirts of milk which Cheese happily caught in his mouth. Except for the small amount that spilled onto his face. “Ah … ah,” Cheese panted, his cock throbbing and twitching inside Pinkie’s entrance. “Don’t stop!” Pinkie moaned, bringing Cheese’s wrists and holding his hands tight to her tits. “It feels so good! So good … ah.” Her sex dripped cum onto Cheese’s crotch, which slid down his balls and onto the sheets. Pinkie’s nipples perked up, shooting a greater streamer of cum which Cheese’s palms, splashing all over his hands. “Ooh, Cheese!” Pinkie moaned, enjoying it as much he was. “Pinkie!” “Cheese!” “Pinkie!” “Cheese!” “Pinkie!” “Alright, alright, just cum, already!” Pinkie said. “Right … aah.” Cheese took a deep breath, allowing his cock to relax and his load to shoot through. It splattered all over Pinkie’s entrance, bubbling up like a fountain and soaking her crotch with semen. Pinkie moaned and shuddered. Cheese’s hard, strong, and most importantly, long cock felt so good cumming inside her. She was so warm, so full, she peaked herself, her vagina twitching and throbbing, spilling a load of cum onto the floor. Cheese pulled out, his cock flecked with cum. He sighed and fell back onto the bed, smiling and content as content could be. “I think I’m just gonna … take a nap,” Pinkie said, lowering herself gently the floor, never mind the fact the floor was covered in milk and cum from both of them. “Yeah … me too,” Cheese said. “OH!” His cock gave one more spurt, shooting into the air, but after that his erection began to wilt and his cock returned to normal size. “Good night, Cheese.” “Good night, Pinkie-boo.” Just as Pinkie was closing her eyes, there was a knock on the door. “Pinkie Pie, your friends are here!” Mr. Cake said. “They wanted to wish you a happy anniversary!” Pinkie and Cheese felt a surge of adrenaline shoot through them. They bolted upright, looking at each other in horror, and screamed at the door in perfect unity; “DON’T COME IN HERE!”