The Pinkie Promise

by Spirit Derpy

First published

Author: Well here you are Pinkie. Your very own story just like I promised. It’s yours to write as you please. Pinkie: Awww, thank you so much. I’m so glad you let me do this. It’s going to be so much fun.

Author: Well here you are Pinkie. Your very own story just like I promised. It’s yours to write as you please.
Pinkie: Awww, thank you so much. I’m so glad you let me do this. It’s going to be so much fun.
Author: I’m sure it will. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go far away from here just in case the universe blows up or something.
Pinkie: You’re just going to leave me alone? Don’t you at least want to see what I’m going to write?
Author: Nope, I’m basically out the door already. Just try not to destroy everything while I’m gone, okay?
Pinkie: I’m sure everything will be fine. Now let’s get this story started everypony!

The Pinkie Promise

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Pinkie Pie was in the kitchen of Sugar Cube Corner, pulling some cupcakes out of the oven. There were no other ponies around, but she knew that she wasn’t alone. She suddenly looked up from the cupcake tray and said, “Oh, hello everypony or should I say everybody since I'm talking to humans." Pinkie shrugged her shoulders before she continued. "I suppose it really doesn't matter. Either way I’m still glad that you could join me for this story.

“I’ll be your entertainment for the day, since the Author has finally decided to follow through on his promise to let me write a story of my own. I just thought that I would let you know what you were getting into before you started to read this story. Consider this a fair warning of what's to come. Now hold onto your seats because we're going on an adventure.”

Pinkie picked up one of the cupcakes and took a small bite. “Mmmm. These cupcakes are some of the best that I’ve ever made. My friends are sure to love them. What do you think Gummy?” Pinkie asked as she put one down in front of him.

Gummy stared blankly at the cupcake as he wondered why Pinkie was bothering to ask him about the cupcakes. She should’ve known that he didn’t care about their taste. Why did she always insist on things like this? Gummy blinked in indifference as Pinkie bounced about the kitchen.

Pinkie giggled before she said, “Oh Gummy. You’re the best. I’m glad to have you as my friend. One of these days though, I’ll find a cupcake that you will absolutely love. Just you wait.”

Gummy seriously doubted that. Her cupcakes were good but nothing would ever change his opinions. Life was just too mundane to get as excited as Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie smiled at Gummy as she pulled more cupcakes out of the oven. “Aw, thanks Gummy. I’m glad you think so highly of me.” As she set the cupcakes down on the counter there was a soft poofing sound in the middle of the kitchen.

Without turning around Pinkie said, “Oh, hey Discord. I was wondering when you were going to show up.”

Discord looked at Pinkie with a frown as he asked, “What are you doing?”

Pinkie turned around and smiled at Discord as she said, “Isn’t it obvious? I’m making cupcakes for my friends.”

Discord laughed before he said, “No that’s not what I mean. Why are you the one writing the story? Where’s the Author?”

Pinkie smiled as she bounced up and down for a while before she finally said, “Oh he took the day off and decided that I could write the story for him. So, I’m the one in charge this time around. It’s going to be so much fun.”

Discord looked at her with a serious look on his face as he said, “That seems rather odd. Now why would the author let you write the story and not me. I mean after all I’m me and you’re you. Are you sure that you didn’t just steal his laptop?”

Pinkie frowned as she said, “I have his permission to write the story and I would never steal his laptop. Besides, why would he let you write the story? This is the first time you’ve ever been in one of his stories.”

Discord looked disappointed as he said, “Oh I see, I’m not important enough to write the story. I guess I’ll just be leaving now, since I’m clearly not wanted.”

Pinkie looked upset as she said, “Wait, don’t go. You’re an important part of this story.”

Discord shook his head as he said, “No, no, I should really be going. It’s clear that no one wants me here. I shouldn’t burden them with my presence. I’ll just leave.” Discord flung his arm dramatically over his head and turned away from Pinkie.

Pinkie shook her head as she said, “Please don’t do this Discord. I know that you’re really not that upset.”

Discord smiled as he said, “Oh, you know me too well. I guess that I can’t have any fun with you.”

Pinkie giggled as she said, “You’re funny Discord. I’m glad we’re friends. That reminds me, why are you here? You usually hang out with Fluttershy.”

Discord looked surprised by Pinkie’s question as she said, “Oh, you don’t know why I’m here? I thought that you were the one writing the story. Shouldn’t you know what’s going to happen?”

Pinkie frowned as she said, “Well I was writing the story, but it looks like you being here has started to break things. At this point I have no idea what’s going on. We’ve really gone off the rails from what was supposed to happen. It’ seems that I’ve lost control.”

Discord shook his head as he said, “You see this is exactly what I was talking about earlier. The Author should’ve let me write this story. You’re just not responsible enough to do this. I should take over for you.”

Pinkie glared at Discord for a moment before she said, “The Author gave me permission, Discord. This story was supposed to be about a party I was going to throw for my friends.”

Discord frowned as he said, “Oh, I see how it is. You don’t want me to join your little party. I thought that I was one of your friends. Well, it doesn’t matter. If I weren’t so evolved, I would be upset. Fine, go ahead and have your little party. I’ve got better things to do.” Then he poofed out of the kitchen a second later.

Pinkie felt sad. She knew that she shouldn’t have acted that way. It sure was hard to write a story within the confines of her character. This made her appreciate not just her fanfiction Author, but all writers in general. “Writing sure is hard, Gummy,” Pinkie said as she looked Gummy in the eye.

Gummy extended his tongue and licked his eye. Then he blinked slowly as he stared blankly at Pinkie. He had no idea what she was talking about. That didn’t matter to him though, he usually never understood Pinkie. She always seemed to be in her own world.

Pinkie smiled at Gummy as she said, “Yes I know all of that Gummy. It doesn’t matter though. I should really do something for Discord. I think I really upset him. Though, he might have just been kidding around with me. With him it’s hard to tell.”

She stopped speaking as she looked Gummy in the eye for several seconds. Then she inhaled sharply as she said, “Oh Gummy. I just got the best idea ever! I’m going to get Discord to help me write this story and we’re going make the best party ever for our friends. This is going to be so much fun!”

Pinkie started to bounce around the kitchen excitedly. Several minutes later she stopped bouncing abruptly. Then she said, “Oh no, I just realized that I don’t know how to get to Discord’s dimension. How am I going to get there to talk to him?” She looked at Gummy for answers.

Gummy just stared at her blankly. Why was she asking him? Wasn’t she the one with all of the crazy ideas? If she really wanted to talk to this Discord, she should just go there. It really shouldn’t be that hard for her, Gummy thought.

Pinkie giggled at herself as she said, “Oh you’re right Gummy. I sure was being silly. I’ll just go there right now.”

Then Pinkie looked away from Gummy and watched as a rift started to appear in the middle of the kitchen. She turned away from the glowing rift and said, “It’s a good thing we’re not in a normal episode of the show. I wouldn’t normally be able to do that. The show writers sure get upset when I break the fourth wall like this. Oh well, at least I can have plenty of fun here without anyone supervising me.”

She looked through the screen at the audience and paused. “Though, I do seem to be being watched. You’re not going to tell anyone, though are you?” She squinted her eyes and frowned. For a split second her hair deflated a little, then she smiled again and her hair went back to normal. “Of course, you won’t tell anyone. You know better than to go against my wishes.”

A moment later Pinkie shook her head and looked confused for a second before she said, “Where did that come from? That sure was a bit dark. Did I really just write that? That’s so weird. Oh well, I guess I’ll just leave that in. On we go to the next scene.”

Pinkie turned back to the portal and leaped through to the other side. She appeared in front of Discord’s weird dimensional house. Pinkie smiled as she walked up the path and knocked on the front door.

Discord opened the door and frowned when he saw her. Then he said, “Oh, it’s you. I would ask how you got here, but it really doesn’t matter. This is your story after all. Well, let me guess, you’re here to apologize and you want me to help you with your party?”

Pinkie gasped as she asked, “How’d you know? Are you psychic?”

Discord laughed as he said, “Hardly. You know you’re not the only one who can see past the fourth wall. Anyway, if you wish, I suppose I could help you. Though, if the two of us are going to work together things might get a little crazy. Now might be a good time to warn the audience.”

Pinkie giggled before she said, “Oh I’m sure it’s fine. They should know by now what kind of story this is. I mean it is going to be released on April first after all. I think that should be enough warning to the bronies that are still reading.”

Discord sighed before he said, “You’re right, I suppose.” Then he straightened up and smiled. “Well then, shall we give them what they’ve been waiting for this whole time?”

Pinkie smiled at Discord as she said, “Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for this all day. Let’s give our friends the best party ever!”

Discord snapped his claw and teleported the two of them back to Pinkie’s kitchen. Pinkie started to bounce excitedly around the kitchen. “This is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait until our friends see the party we’re going to give them.” She paused her bouncing for a second. “Wait though; do you think we might need some more help with this party?”

Discord frowned as he said, “What do you mean? We have me here, so why would we need anyone else?”

Pinkie smiled and said, “Oh silly, it’s not for you it’s for them. We can make this party so much more interesting if we just add one more pony to the story.”

Discord shrugged his shoulders before he said, “Well fine, it’s your story. Who do you want to bring in?” Then he froze in place when he realized who Pinkie was talking about. “You can’t be serious? If you bring him into this story we could break everything. It might just be too much for the bronies to handle. Can’t we just stick to you and me?”

Pinkie shook her head before she smiled at Discord and said, “Oh, come on Discord, you know that you want to try this. You are the god of chaos, after all. Let’s see how far we can break this story.”

Discord smiled as he said, “Oh you know me to well. That sounds like so much fun. Okay, you’ve convinced me. Shall I do the honors or do you want to be the one to bring him here?”

Pinkie smiled as she said, “Go ahead, you’ve earned it.”

“As you wish,” Discord said. Then he snapped his claw, causing a poofing sound to echo through the kitchen. A second later, there was a yellow pony standing in the middle of the room. The pony had a crazy brown colored mane and a grilled cheese sandwich for a cutie mark.

Cheese sandwich smiled when he saw Pinkie. Then he asked, “Why did you summon me here?” He noticed that Discord was in the room a second later. “Wait, why is Discord here? Oh, I get it. This is a fanfiction. Though, I don’t see who would possibly be crazy enough to bring all three of us together like this. Who’s writing this story anyway?”

Pinkie smiled at Cheese and said, “Well, I am silly. Can’t you tell by looking through the screen? This is my story.”

Cheese frowned as he looked past Pinkie and said, “But I don’t see you writing the story. There isn’t even anyone out there besides the readers.” Then he paused for a second to look back at Pinkie. “Wait, if you’re not writing this story then who is?”

Pinkie froze in place when she realized that she hadn’t been writing the story for the last few paragraphs. She looked over at Discord and narrowed her eyes as she asked, “Did you take control of my story?”

Discord smiled at Pinkie as he said, “I haven’t touched the keyboard at all. I’m not interested in writing a story. I only break them.”

Cheese looked form Pinkie to Discord, then he said, “So if none of us is writing this story anymore, who’s the writer now?”

All three of them looked through the screen and noticed that there was no one typing on the keyboard anymore. It seemed to be clicking away of its own accord.

Discord frowned as he said, “How odd? The story seems to be writing itself. I guess the three of us being together like this must have broken everything.”

Pinkie shook her head and asked, “Well, what do we do now? If the story is broken how do we fix it so we can throw the party for our friends?”

Discord smiled and said, “Isn’t that obvious? Let’s bring the Author back and make him fix it. After all he’s the one who let you write this story in the first place.” Before Pinkie or Cheese had a chance to respond, Discord snapped his claw.

There was a loud poofing sound as a confused looking human suddenly appeared in the room. He frowned as he looked around the room before he asked, “Uh, is this your story Pinkie? How am I here?”

Pinkie smiled at Adam and said, “Well, it was my story, but now it seems to be writing itself. Discord brought you here because he thought you could fix it. Though, I don’t see how you can fix the story if you’re actually in the story like this.”

Discord shrugged his shoulders and said, “Why does it matter if he’s in the story? He should still be able to fix the problem.” Discord turned to Adam. “Now go ahead and fix this so we can have the party and then end this story.”

Adam stared blankly at Discord for several seconds before he finally said, “Uh, there’s nothing I can do. I’m not the real Adam. I’m just a character that you have summoned into the story. The real me doesn’t want to be anywhere near this story. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing that I can do to fix this. You’re on your own.”

Discord glared at Adam and said, “What? But why aren’t you the real Adam? I wanted him here, not a fake. Oh well, I suppose that it can’t be helped. I’ll just try summoning him again.”

Just as he was about to snap his claw again, Adam held up his hand and said, “Hold it right there. I know for a fact that the real Adam doesn’t want to be in this story. As a matter of fact, I don’t even want to be here. Before I go though, there's something that I want to do. Since I can now talk directly to the audience, this is the perfect time for some shameless self-promotion."

Pinkie narrowed her eyes as she said, "What are you doing? You can't just put an ad in the middle of my story. That's not how this works."

Adam smiled and said, "Sure I can." Then he looked through the screen and waived his hand. "Hello everyone. I'm interrupting this story to bring you a lame joke and an ad. My book "The Spirit Field Adventures: Spark" is now available on Amazon and other online retailers. See my website for more details. You may just find Spark to be a very enlightening and adventures read. Now back to your regularly scheduled story."

Pinkie growled at Adam as she said, "Hey, you can't just turn my story into an advertisement for your book. People want to read this story not hear advertisements."

Adam shrugged his shoulders before he said, "Well, consider this payback for all of the times that you interrupted my stories."

Discord shook his head and said, "Well if you're going to turn this story into a shill for you book the spirit what's its, you should at least toss a few bits our way. This story isn't a charity for your book after all."

Adam looked surprised by the sudden suggestion as he said, "A couple of bits? Do I look like I have any money? I'm a nerd. I spent all my money on Ponies, Books and Pokémon cards. I'm just as broke as everyone else who is reading this. It's not cheap to be a nerd, you know."

Discord raised his eyebrows as he asked, "Then why bother trying to advertise in this story?"

Adam shrugged his shoulders as he said, "It just seemed like the thing to do at the time. Now that I got that out of the way, can I go home now? This is getting weird. I don't like being a character in a story like this.”

Pinkie glared at Adam as she said, "But what about the story? We still need to fix it."

Adam shook his head and said, "Like I said before there's nothing that I can do to help you. You'll have to find a way to fix this mess on your own. Now can I leave?"

Discord frowned as he said, “Fine, don’t help us then. We don’t need you anyway.” Then he snapped his fingers and sent Adam away. He looked at the other two for several seconds. “Well, what do we do now?”

Cheese smiled and said, “Well since we’re all here anyway, let’s have that party.”

Pinkie bounced up and down several times before she said, “Hey, that’s a great idea. Let’s do this.”

Discord sighed before he said, “Okay fine. We’ll have your party.” He was about to snap his claw, but Pinkie interrupted him as she said, “Wait, don’t just poof your own party into existence. I already have something in mind. If you follow my plans it will be much better.” Then she pulled a piece of paper out of her mane and held it up so that Discord and Cheese could see it.

Discord stared at the paper for several seconds before a big grin spread across his face. “I like the way that you think. This is going to be so much fun. Shall I do the honors, or are we going to do this together?” Discord asked.

Pinkie smiled and said, “We should do this together.” Then her hoof suddenly turned into a hand as she prepared to snap her fingers.

Cheese laughed before he said, “That looks fun. Let me join in too.” Then his hoof turned into a hand too.

Pinkie chuckled before she said, “Okay then. We’ll do this on three: One, two, three.” The three of them snapped their fingers all at once. There was a loud poofing sound that echoed throughout Ponyville a second later.

“That should do it,” Discord said. Then he smiled. “Shall we take a look?”

Pinkie bounced around excitedly as she said, “You bet!” Without waiting for a response, she bounced her way through the kitchen door and left the shop. Cheese laughed as he followed after her. Discord snapped his claws and reappeared right next to the two of them as they stood in front of Sugar Cube Corner.

The three of them smiled as they beheld the results of their efforts. There was now a giant colorful structure right next to Twilight’s castle. The building had roller-coasters and bouncy castles mixed throughout its structure. It looked like a strange cobbled together fun house.

Discord grinned as he said, "This sure is an interesting sight. It's to bad that it wasn't animated. This would have made for a great episode. Oh well, I suppose everyone will just have to be content with just their imaginations."

Pinkie giggled as she said, “Stop teasing them would you? I think they've had to suffer through enough. It's time we get this party started. Shall we tell our friends that the party’s ready?”

Discord smiled mischievously before he said, “Not quite yet. There’s something else I want to do first.” Before Pinkie had a chance to ask him what he meant, he snapped his claws again. An instant later, party streamers and balloons appeared all over Ponyville. There were also tables with all kinds of food on them. It looked like some strange party festival. “There, now we can get our friends.”

Pinkie giggled as she said, “Oh this is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait any longer, or I might explode!” Without any warning, Pinkie waved her hoof and teleported herself and all of her friends in front of the big strange funhouse. All of the ponies gasped as they suddenly appeared in the new place. There were mummers of confusion all throughout the large crowd.

Discord looked around at the crowed before he turned to Pinkie and said, “I see that you summation everyone of your friends from all over Equestria. It looks like some of them are pretty upset and confused. You know you really should have given them some warning Pinkie. It was a little rude to pull them away from whatever they were doing.”

Pinkie looked down in disappointment. Then she said, “You’re right. I just got so excited that I couldn’t wait any longer.”

Suddenly Twilight Sparkle appeared in front of Discord. She looked really angry as she said, “What are you doing Discord? Why did you do this without telling anypony first?”

Discord smiled as he said, “Who, me? I didn’t teleport everypony here. That was all Pinkie. All I did was put up the party decorations and I helped Pinkie make the fun house. If you want to be mad at somepony, Pinkie should be your first choice.”

Twilight turned to Pinkie and looked at her in surprise. “You did all of this?” She asked.

Pinkie nodded her head. Then she looked down in disappointment before she said, “I don’t know what came over me Twilight. I guess I was just so excited with the idea of a cool party that I didn’t even think about anypony else. I suppose I should have thought this through first. I’m sorry.”

Twilight’s expression changed to confusion as she said, “So, you were trying to throw us all a big party, but how did you do all of this? This is a bit much even for you.” Then she noticed that Cheese Sandwich was standing off to the side. “Oh, I see. You got Cheese Sandwich to help you.”

Pinkie giggled as she said, “Well it wasn’t just him. With all three of us together like this, it just seems to have broken everything. The story seems to be writing itself now. I guess Adam was right when he said that bad things would happen if I started to write my own story. Though, this isn’t all that bad. We do have this cool party after all.”

Twilight blinked in confusion. Then she said, “What story are you talking about? This isn’t more of that fourth wall business again, is it?”

Pinkie sighed before she said, “You know, even though this is my story, I still can’t make Twilight understand the fourth wall. That’s so sad. Oh well, I guess that it can’t be helped. There are just some things that can’t be changed.”

Twilight raised her eyebrow at Pinkie, and asked, “Are you talking to me, or yourself?”

Pinkie shook her head and giggled as she said, “No silly, I was talking to the bronies that are still reading this story. I wanted to share my frustrations with them, because I think that they will understand my problems. Anyway Twilight, can we move past all that? There’s a fun party waiting for all of us.”

Twilight sighed and said, “Fine, we can enjoy your party, but you should apologize to everypony afterwards. What you did was very rude.”

Pinkie smiled and said, “I will Twilight.” Then she turned to the audience and winked. “Well, I’ll see you all later. Right now, I have a fun party to go to. Though, before you go I wanted to mention one more thing. I'm going to be writing another story soon and it's going to be about Gummy. Don't tell the author though. I want it to be a surprise for him.

"Good bye now everpony. I wish you all a happy April Fool’s Day and wish you luck on your quest to not get pranked.” Pinkie then waved goodbye one last time as the story came to a close and all of the bronies screamed in frustration at not being able to attend or witness the promised party.