> Workout Routine > by AzureDreamer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pent up aggression (and other things) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The air was warm and humid. Occasionally a cool breeze washed over the balcony, and each time it did Luna moved her body to catch as much as she could. Canterlot summers had always been like this, or at least they were a thousand years ago. That was at least one thing that hadn’t changed, she supposed. As opposed to the many, many, many things that had. Princess Luna had a lot of catching up to do, it seemed. That wasn’t really surprising – she’d been gone for a thousand years. That was really the salient point. One thousand years was a very, very long time. And she’d spent one thousand years on the moon. Or in the moon, she supposed. She wasn’t entirely sure of the exact logistics of her exile and she’d been there. The whole experience was a vague blur, which was probably for the best. A thousand years was a long time for a pony to be completely and utterly alone. Had she not already been mad at the time of her exile, the millennium’s worth of isolation almost certainly would have done the job nicely. Everything from the moment she snapped to the moment after the Elements of Harmony did whatever it was that they did that made her be not Nightmare Moon any more was just sort of gone. She knew, intellectually, what had occurred and what she herself had done, even without being told. But it felt... detached. Like she hadn’t been the one who did those things and experienced those events. Which, she supposed, wasn’t technically untrue. The Nightmare was her, but also sort of wasn’t? It was confusing and complicated and, while she was very powerful, she wasn’t exactly an expert in the theory side of magic. The practical upshot of all this musing was that, while it didn’t really feel like a long time had passed, it absolutely had. There was a sort of severe cognitive dissonance that resulted. The streets of Canterlot, which she once knew like the back of her hand, had been rendered completely alien in what was effectively the blink of an eye. Almost everyone she knew had been dead for centuries in spite of having been alive and well mere hours ago. Again, intellectually she knew that it hadn’t been hours but rather a thousand years, but what she knew and what she felt were two very different things. Of course, the most immediately noticeable change was herself. A thousand years, to hammer the point home, was a very long time to be trapped in the moon doing nothing. When you thought of it like that, it was no wonder that her body had experienced symptoms of severe physical degeneration. Exacerbating the problem, her time as Nightmare Moon had been... extremely magic-intensive, leaving her suffering equally severe magical burnout. And, being an alicorn, magical power equated to physical size. The practical upshot was that Luna, in spite of being several thousand years old, had the appearance of a small child. Luckily, the magical burnout at least was easy enough to deal with. Alicorns were resilient creatures, and what for a normal pony would have left their magical abilities crippled for the rest of their lives was for her just a matter of a few weeks of bedrest. She probably could have gotten away with a few days, if she was honest, but... well, even for an Alicorn, using your magic power at full intensity nonstop for as long as she had was stressful on the biological infrastructure. Better safe than sorry and all that. Besides, she needed the time to get the Night Guard back up and running. Celestia had done an admirable enough job keeping the infrastructure intact, at least, but it had been a thousand years since there was really a Night to Guard, strictly speaking. There wasn’t much point in dedicating resources to the branch of the military specifically there to act as Princess Luna’s bodyguards if Princess Luna was on the moon. They’d needed to transfer a bunch of regular Royal Guards into the Night Guard, get them up to speed on their new duties and prepare their uniforms and get them up to the bare minimum standards for the Night Guard. Currently, Luna was being accompanied by a pegasus mare named Silver Skies. Though one wouldn’t be able to tell immediately. The enchantment on her uniform, standard for every member of the Night Guard regardless of their tribe, left her with leathery wings and grey fur and bat-like ears. The uniform itself was fairly bog-standard for the Equestrian military. An armoured bikini top and bottom with skintight thigh-high boots and a helmet (which contained the aesthetic enchantment). Luna had been told that in the intervening years the average uniform had gotten decidedly less... revealing, and over the centuries Celestia had updated the Night Guard uniform to match. Naturally, Luna vehemently vetoed that decision. What the fuck was the point of having personal bodyguards who weren’t dressed sexy? She honestly couldn’t fathom cultural values having changed enough even in the intervening thousand years that somepony wouldn’t want to be Princess Luna’s personal eye candy, and anyway any defensive value provided by more “practical” armour could easily be made up for with magic. Still, Silver Skies was definitely a bit of a fixer upper by Luna’s standards. Only six foot five, breasts just barely above half the size of her head, no real ass to speak of and her muscle definition was barely above that of the average Equestrian citizen. Her thighs could probably crush a watermelon with enough effort, but the classical standard was bowling balls – something that Silver almost certainly couldn’t manage in her current state. “How big are you when fully erect, soldier?” Luna asked sharply, catching Silver off guard. The taller woman’s composure fell away to nothing, leaving her a stammering wreck. Which Luna would normally have considered unacceptable, were it not for her current physical appearance. It was, she supposed, a bit disconcerting for someone with the rough build and appearance of a prepubescent foal to ask you how big your cock was. “I asked you a question, soldier.” “U-um. One and a half feet, ma’am.” “Adequate,” Luna said. Honestly, that was a lie on her part. It wasn’t adequate at all, but it was at least better than she’d expected. “Now, onto business. My magic has mostly recovered, but my physical strength is a bit of a mess.” “Right... Oh, uh, I mean- Yes, ma’am. Your majesty. Um...” “Don’t let yourself get too hung up on the formalities, soldier,” Luna snapped. “You will get used to them in time. I’m more concerned with your ability to do your job. Which, right now, is to act as my spotter while I undergo intense physical therapy.” “Yes, ma’am!” Silver said, saluting sharply. “Um, this equipment seems like an awful lot to start out with, though.” “I am an Alicorn, soldier. You would do well not to underestimate me.” “I mean no disrespect, your majesty, but it’s not your physical ability I’m worried about. Most of this machinery wasn’t built with someone only three feet tall in mind.” Luna sighed. “Then we shall have to start with something that I can physically do.” She walked over to a chest press machine. Clearly still far too big for her to use properly, but she stood on the seat which put her chest roughly at the right level to use it at all. “Perhaps some dumbbells?” Silver suggested, trying to be as helpful as possible. She’d seen Princess Celestia during her days as a normal Royal Guard, after all. And, well, if Luna aimed to be even remotely comparable, then she had a shitton of ground to cover. “Also, um... Perhaps we should do this in the gymnasium and not your balcony.” “I see no reason why that should be the case.” “Well, it’s just that it’s... very hot outside. The gymnasium has air conditioning.” “Air conditioning?” “A machine that helps keep the temperature down, your majesty. Hydration is already a concern without it being almost forty degrees out here.” And anyway, Silver had decidedly not enjoyed having to haul all the gym equipment all the way here, though she didn’t say that. “Hrm. You raise a good point, if it is indeed possible to control the temperature of a room with technology.” “Right! So we can get someone to bring this stuff back in and-” “However, I’m going to need both the extra space afforded by an outdoor environment and the privacy offered by my personal quarters.” “... Yes, ma’am.” With that, Luna ended the conversation and got to work. She wasn’t particularly familiar with all these newfangled modern exercise contraptions, but she knew enough about anatomy and fitness to intuitively understand what each device did and how to use them. As much as she hated to admit it, Silver did have a point that her current height was... inconvenient. That was something that would have to be dealt with sooner, rather than later. Really, it probably should have been her highest priority. But, well, if this particular machine did what she was almost certain it did, then she really fucking wanted to use it first. Of course, she quickly came to reconsider that decision when faced with the unfortunate reality that she was, in fact, only three feet tall currently and that this particular machine had been built with someone of more reasonable proportions in mind – and by that she specifically meant someone of reasonable proportions for an Alicorn. Simply put, she could not reach the actual part of the machine you were supposed to use. She didn’t know the term, all that she knew was that even standing on the seat, she wasn’t tall enough to use the machine. “Fetch me something to stand on, soldier,” she ordered. “Maybe we should skip out on the machines for now,” Silver Skies said, as diplomatically as she was capable of. “There’s plenty of things that someone of your current stature would have a much easier time with.” “Now, soldier.” “W-well,” Silver Skies said, making the admittedly very risky decision to not drop the subject. “You could do the exact exercise you would get from that machine with just some dumbbells and a bench. The machine just makes it easier, but it defeats the purpose if it’s harder to use the machine than to just use dumbbells.” Luna glowered, arms crossed and clearly unimpressed. “Stacking up things for you to stand on also wouldn’t be very safe,” Silver Skies added in what she desperately hoped would be the last blow. “... Fine, very well. For now, until I have recovered enough to be able to fit in the proper workout machines, we shall do other exercises. For now.” Luna hopped off of the seat of the chest fly machine and snapped her fingers tersely. “Fetch me a barbell. I don’t need to be tall in order to lift a barbell.” “Okay! Good! Let me just get some reasonably sized-” “The heaviest weights available, soldier. I want to expedite this process as much as possible.” Silver Skies winced slightly. Her instinct, as someone with experience as a personal trainer, was to point out that just skipping right to the top end of the available equipment wouldn’t expedite the process so much as end up with her injuring herself and thereby slowing the process down. But, well, she’d already pushed things pretty far as it was. Hopefully her majesty would realize the issue her request raised before things reached that point. Hopefully. Of course, she ended up with her own second thoughts once she started attempting to wrangle the barbell from the bench press to the Princess. That, in and of itself, wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t too bad for her, at six foot five and in extremely good physical condition. But, with each weight she shifted, one at a time, she got more and more concerned that her majesty was going to injure herself. Eventually, Princess Luna’s patience ran thin. “That’s enough for now. You really should have been able to carry more of those at once, soldier.” Silver Skies winced again at the reprimand. The Princess wasn’t really wrong, per se. She had elected to only take one at a time less because she couldn’t carry more than one at a time and more because she hadn’t really prepared for any kind of intense weightlifting and didn’t want to hurt herself. “Oh, um, have you warmed up yet, your majesty? I don’t want to risk you injuring yourself.” “Don’t underestimate the fortitude of an alicorn, soldier,” Princess Luna responded, struggling to lift the weights to put on the bar. That was, of course, extremely worrying. Silver Skies was uncertain the Princess would be able to lift the bar alone, let alone all of the weights she’d elected to put on it. “Would you like some help with that, your majesty?” she tentatively asked. “Yes,” Princess Luna replied after a moment of further struggle. “I don’t wish to waste too much energy on the setup.” She gave the soldier a pointed frown. “Next time make sure that all of this is done before I arrive.” “Yes’m,” Silver Skies replied. Honestly, she had been expecting the Princess to perhaps start off a bit more slowly than she apparently had elected to. “Please don’t hurt yourself,” she admonished one final time as she moved to handle setting up the barbell. “Worry about yourself, soldier.” “With all due respect, your majesty, worrying about your wellbeing is literally my job.” “Save that concern for actual serious threats to my life,” the Princess replied with a dismissive shrug. “Yes, your majesty,” Silver Skies responded reluctantly, continuing to fiddle with the weights. “Hurry up, soldier.” “Yes, your majesty,” Silver Skies replied, not actually speeding up her progress. She was only capable of moving so fast, after all. But, in her experience, if you at least pretended to be speeding up, that was usually good enough. It didn’t actually take her very long to put the weights on the barbell. Much less time than it would have taken Princess Luna, at least. Silver took a few nervous steps back, giving Luna room to step up. The much smaller mare stood in front of the barbell, spreading her twig-like legs slightly to get more leverage. In spite of her earlier protests, she did do some quick stretches. She crossed one arm over her chest and held it in place with the other, then repeated the process for the other side. She then cracked her knuckles, rolled her neck, and bent at the knees like she was sitting in an invisible chair. She took a deep breath, bending over forwards in order to reach the bar and firmly grasp it. Silver’s breath caught in her throat. She’d known it was coming, but a deadlift was absolutely not the kind of thing she would, under normal circumstances, ever let a newbie attempt. Let alone doing so with as much weight as the Princess was using. Hardly enough to break the record, but still several hundred pounds beyond what she’d ever in good conscience allow someone of Princess Luna’s size and build even consider attempting. The smaller mare, for her part, seemed completely unintimidated. There was no hesitation – she took a deep breath, and then tensed up. And then nothing. If it weren’t for some minute quivering, Silver would have assumed Luna hadn’t actually started yet. The barbell, pointedly, remained completely still. It didn’t even jostle slightly. “W-would you like me to remove some of the weights?” “No,” the Princess grunted in response. “Give me time. The first rep is always the hardest.” Silver would have assumed the opposite, but she bit her tongue. Luna relaxed, though it was almost impossible to actually tell she’d done so because her muscle definition was practically nonexistent. Just big enough that Silver could see them straining with every futile attempt to lift the bar. A deep breath, a soft grunt, and no progress, over and over again. The Princess clenched her teeth slightly as sweat began to bead on her forehead from the sheer exertion, and then more, rolling down her dark blue fur and pooling in the subtle contours of her body, catching on the curves of her shoulders, her biceps, her abs, her thick thighs. Silver Skies frowned slightly. Something seemed off. She was absolutely certain that Princess Luna hadn’t had any kind of muscle definition when they’d started. And yet the difference was immediately visible. She was hardly a bodybuilder, but she was definitely muscular enough for it to be noticeable. They were big enough that when she next attempted to lift the barbell, the way her muscles moved was easy to see. The way they strained, twitched, pulsed. Grew. Now that she had noticed it, Silver Skies had no idea how it had taken her so long. Probably because there hadn’t been anything to notice until now. But now that there was anything to notice, oh man did she fucking notice it. With every flex of her body, Luna’s muscles swelled – which was entirely natural. What wasn’t natural was the fact that they didn’t un-swell when she unflexed. And they weren’t the only things that were getting bigger, Silver noted as her mouth began to feel conspicuously dry. With every deep breath, her chest rose and fell and rose and didn’t fall. It wasn’t much, but those little bits of growth added up to some decently sized boobs that strained her formerly loose-fitting top. Which probably explained why she’d been so intent on using a chest-focused exercise machine, Silver realized as she put two and two together. Her ass, likewise, hadn’t just gotten more muscular, but had also developed a nice soft layer of plush. The soldier wasn’t entirely sure how that made sense – usually weightlifting made fat go away. But, somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to complain. And, of course, Luna was also getting taller. It was like, rather than lifting the weights, she was using them to pull her limbs longer. It was difficult to tell exactly how much she’d grown, given the position she was in, but it definitely seemed to be fairly substantial. Luna took a brief moment to shift her body to account for the growth, and took one final deep breath. There was a brief moment of struggle, and more sweat that pooled tantalizingly in her enhanced cleavage, and then she hefted the barbell up in one fluid movement, resting the whole thing on her chest. Not a deadlift, Silver mentally corrected herself, but a clean and press. Whatever. Still not something that she’d allow a newbie to do – and, in fact, probably more dangerous than a deadlift because of the next phase. With some more effort, and an even more noticeable increase in size, Princess Luna lifted the bar further, straightening her legs and arms to hold the entire fucking thing over her head. That she managed to lift it at all was impressive enough, even if she didn’t manage to actually hold it there for particularly long. Just enough time for Silver to get a much better look at just how much Luna had grown – which was, it turned out, quite a lot. She wasn’t nearly as tall as Silver yet, but this was only the first rep and at five feet tall it was decidedly more obvious that she wasn’t a child. Especially factoring in her lithe and athletic muscles, wide hips, and fat fuckin’ tits. D-cups, easily. Every inch of her dark blue fur that was visible glistened with sweat in the light of the summer moon. And there was an awful lot of fur that was visible. Even before she’d gotten bigger, Luna’s outfit didn’t exactly leave much to the imagination. Tight-fitting and revealing, especially now that she actually filled it out somewhat. There were a pair of blue evening gloves with darker blue trimming that reached up to her elbows, matching leggings that reached just above her knees. Her top also matched, and clung tightly to the curves of her body. It was actually impressive how much it had managed to stretch, considering how well it had fit her smaller bust. It consisted of two curved triangles of blue fabric attached to each other at each of the corners. A knot in front, stitches in the rear, and the tops were tied to a loop on a dark blue collar – which coincidentally framed her cleavage in such a way that it was almost impossible not to look at. Almost, but not quite, considering Silver found her eyes equally drawn down south to the tight-fitting thong and the fist-sized bulge in the crotch. Definitely respectable-to-large, though Silver outsized the Princess on both fronts for now. For now. All of that took place in only a few seconds, of course. Luna slowly and carefully lowered the barbell back to her chest and then placed it on the ground, frowning. “Barely adequate.” “U-um. Yes, your majesty?” “The problem with exercises that target everywhere is that you get sub-par returns on everything. And of course there are diminishing returns as well.” “Of course, your majesty.” Honestly, this was significantly more progress than Silver thought they would make with months of work. Though, on the other hoof, she probably shouldn’t have been surprised – Princess Luna was, after all, not an ordinary pony. She was an Alicorn, and Alicorns somewhat notoriously followed extremely different rules than regular ponies. “The workout is mostly a catalyst,” Luna said, as if reading Silver’s mind. “As you should be aware, given your station, an Alicorn’s magical power and physical size directly correlate. Some bed rest has recovered the former, now I need to deal with the latter. I will, naturally, grow on my own over time, and would likely return to my original stature in a few hundred years. The workout is to expedite the process.” The Princess gave Silver a stern look. “More weight.” “Y-yes’m,” Silver stammered. Intellectually, she knew all of this made perfect sense. But, well, seeing it happen in person still caught her somewhat off-guard. It wasn’t her fault that this was all super fucking hot, okay? It was perfectly understandable that she was a little flustered. “Now, soldier.” “A-ah! Yes, sorry, right away your Majesty.” She found herself snapped out of her reverie by Princess Luna’s terse order. This time she obeyed immediately, quickly gathering more weights and adding them to the barbell. Her earlier worry about the Princess’s wellbeing had mostly evaporated at this point. It was extremely clear that she could handle all the weight that there was, and so she gave her all the weight that there was. Or, at least, all the weight that the barbell could physically handle. Which was pointedly not all the weight that there was. “Is that all?” “The barbell can only handle so much, your majesty,” Silver responded nervously. “All that’s left at this point are smaller weights anyway.” “Very well, but this isn’t even a ton, much less the kind of weight I’d need to even notice. We’re going to have to invest in much more robust barbells.” “Yes, your majesty.” “That would be your job, by the way.” “... Yes, your majesty.” “Good. Glad to see we’re on the same page.” With that, Princess Luna once more approached the barbell and once again did the same series of quick stretches before spreading out her legs, grabbing the barbell, and attempting to lift it. As before, initially she didn’t make much visible progress. This time, however, Silver knew what to look for. She could see Luna’s muscles and breasts and ass swelling and her limbs stretching longer, though it was pointedly less pronounced than it had been earlier. Likely that was what the Princess had meant when she said there were diminishing returns. Still, progress was made, even if it was slow. Eventually, she reached the point where she could lift the thing off of the ground, and from there it was slow but inevitable that she lifted it up to her chest and then over her head. This time, Luna outright matched Silver in terms of height, and outright outmatched her in just about every respect. Her muscles were no longer merely lithe, now they were outright bulging. Like a god damn professional bodybuilder, though most bodybuilders didn’t have tits the size of their heads. And, of course, her bulge was on a similar scale. Big and musky and leaky, a thin stream of precum oozing through the fabric of her underwear with a potent sexual odour that overwhelmed Silver’s senses in spite of the open, well-ventilated environment and the fact that she was honestly quite a distance from the Princess. Likely that was helped along by the even more copious coating of sweat – she almost looked like it was raining. She was staring. And the Princess had clearly noticed, given the subtle smirk as she lowered the barbell back to the ground. “That’s one rep,” she said, licking her lips. “But I think now I’m more than big enough for the chest press machine, and then after that some squats I think.” “Y-yes, your majesty.” Silver swallowed heavily. She wasn’t stupid – she could absolutely see where this was going. And, well, it was extremely inappropriate. The kind of thing that she could absolutely get fired for. It was also not unheard of in the slightest, however. Celestia, for all she was immortal and incredibly powerful and basically a god, was still equine. She still had a libido. She still fucked. And, more pointedly, she fucked employees. Or at least she supposedly did. It was, ultimately, just rumours and hearsay. Nothing definitive, as far as anyone officially knew. Unofficially, however... well, there was always a chance that Princess Celestia might decide to use you for stress relief if you happened to work in close proximity to her. So it really wasn’t too surprising that the same probably applied to Princess Luna. Silver hadn’t exactly had it in mind, of course, for obvious reasons. But, well, now that the Princess no longer had the rough size and appearance of a foal, she found her mind wandering to that one story a fellow guard had relayed to her of getting used as a cushion by Princess Celestia for three hours. Honestly, if it was true, she was surprised the lucky motherfucker had survived. Luna wasn’t quite as substantial as her sister yet, of course. But the key word there was ‘yet’. And, while she had been distracted thinking about the prospect of sex, Luna had made her way over to the chest press machine and gotten started. Silver mentally kicked herself for letting her attention slip enough to have missed those first few reps, and vowed not to let her mind wander further. Because god fucking dammit this shit was hot. The Princess’s top had already been straining to contain her tits before she’d started using the chest press. And, like, of course each rep made her boobs get even bigger. Moreso than the clean and presses had, and they’d already left her with tits almost twice the size of her head. Of course a more targeted workout was more effective. Now they were twice the size of her head. More than twice. Each time she pulled the bars in, her chest swelled a good solid cup size bigger. And she wasn’t exactly taking her time with it so they were getting big. Fuck head-sized, they were outright ridiculous. Bigger and bigger until – SNAP! – the fabric tying the top to the choker gave in to their sheer magnitude and they flopped out onto her lap. “Oh. Darn,” the Princess said, clearly not all that upset. “That was a nice top, too. Oh, well. I suppose this is a sign it’s time to move on. What do you think?” “I, ah, I agree wholeheartedly, your majesty.” “Good girl.” Luna stood up – and up and up. Apparently, in spite of being a more focused exercise, it had still also given her a good solid extra foot of height, making her decisively taller than Silver. Still not quite on par with Celestia, but at this point it was absolutely only a matter of time. Her boobs, meanwhile, were on par with her elder sister’s, at least proportionally. They dominated her torso, to the point where her torso was outright barely even fucking visible anymore. It was all just boob. Big, heavy, round, perfect boob. Not too saggy, but also not so firm as to look fake. They hit that perfect middle ground between the two that generally Silver had only seen in Alicorns. “Hmhmm...” Luna calmly hefted one of them. She savoured the weight, the way her hand sank deep into soft, pliable flesh. After a moment of that, she wrapped her whole arm around it, squeezing firmly. “Yes. This we can work with~” Silver tried her hardest not to drool too much. “Y-yes, your Majesty.” “Of course, now my lower half is falling behind, which simply will not do. Princess Luna is not one to skip leg day.” With that, the Princess took a moment to get away from the chest press machine and into a more open area. “I believe I said that next was squats, no?” “That, um, that is what you said you would do, your Majesty.” Luna turned around, making abundantly certain that Silver could see her from behind. And, therefore, that Silver could see her behind. As though it was at all subtle that the Princess was showing off. Well, whatever, Silver had a very hard time bringing herself to have any negative opinion on that. Like, oh no this enormous and extremely attractive mare is getting more enormous and attractive and actively wants you to watch it happen, how awful. Surely there was someone out there in the world who thought like that, and Silver supposed that she could see how the logic might actually work, intentional flippancy aside. But that person sure as fuck wasn’t Silver. Princess Luna’s form was, of course, excellent. Legs exactly far enough apart, back and arms perfectly straight, and when she bent her knees she kept her back straight while also leaning forward exactly enough. The former personal trainer in her was extremely pleased – most ponies had a difficult time with squats. Of course, most of her attention was on Luna’s ass. Her thong was so tight and so completely consumed by ass, she might as well not have been wearing anything below at all. In front was a different story, of course. In spite of the fact that Luna was facing away from her, she could still see her enormous package between her legs, clad in deep blue fabric that was absolutely stretched to the limit. And, of course, to the surprise of exactly no one, all of it got bigger with every rep. Lower, pause to grow, raise, pause to grow, repeat. Thighs thickened, hips widened, ass swelled, and balls got progressively closer to the ground. And, once again to the surprise of exactly no one, each squat added noticeable inches of extra height. Silver didn’t even bother keeping count of the number of reps. She was well, well, well beyond the point of caring about the fucking workout routine. It was getting more and more clear exactly what was going to happen next and she couldn’t help but feel her patience waning. Of course, she was going to leave it to the Princess to move things to that final stage. She was many things, but she wasn’t stupid enough to try and force sex onto fucking Princess Luna. “That should just about do it for the squats, I think,” Luna said, calmly standing to her full height. Which was, it turned out, quite large. “I would like to keep going, of course, but unfortunately there’s only so much room out here. I’m also far too big for any of these machines and certainly far too big for you to be of any use as a personal trainer.” “... Oh.” Well, that was a bit of a downer. It made sense, Silver supposed. At this point she only really came up to Princess Luna’s crotch because said crotch reached her god damn knees. She would have to be around Luna’s initial height to not reach her oversized bulge. Really, it was impressive that her thong was still even slightly intact, especially considering her top had exploded earlier. “No need to sound so down! This is the good bit.” “It is?” “It is!” Luna grinned. “After all, if you’re too small to effectively train me, the obvious solution is to make you bigger.” “Um-” Silver found herself at a bit of a loss. She had absolutely no idea how to react to what the Princess had just said. Who would have any idea how to react to that. “How?” is what she eventually settled on. Which, frankly, kind of made her feel like a god damn idiot. Somehow, she felt like she should already know the answer. “I should think that would be obvious,” Luna replied tersely, although her smile made it clear she wasn’t mad. Which was good, Silver supposed. Maybe. She honestly didn’t really even know. All she knew was that this was, apparently, the ‘good bit’, whatever that meant. “Step one is going to be a nice, big injection of protein.” “Oh. Oh. Okay. That’s what you mean by the good bit.” “Yes.” Silver had seen this coming. Honestly, she’d kind of had it in mind as a possibility since the moment she’d been given her uniform. She knew Princess Celestia’s proclivities, and she was dressed in the skimpiest armour she’d seen outside of a fantasy novel cover. Of course she was gonna end up having sex. She’d not been particularly enthused about the prospect at first, of course. At first. For obvious reasons, she’d found herself getting more and more interested in the prospect as things developed. But now that she was actually faced with sucking Princess Luna’s dick, well... she couldn’t help but think about how fucking big it was. Even contained in her thong, it was enormous. Gigantic. Terrifying. If it were anyone else, Silver would have been one hundred god damn percent certain it would kill her. As it was, she was pretty sure that Princess Luna probably had some kinda trick up her metaphorical sleeve to mitigate that. Probably. Hopefully. Still, when Luna reached down and hooked her thumbs into the straps of her bottom, Silver felt an immediate spike of anxiety. A spike that promptly redoubled into a big, intimidating obelisk of pure raw terror when she followed that up by gently yanking at them and – snap! – every single strap failed catastrophically at once and she was faced with another, decidedly less metaphorical obelisk. “Holy shit.” “Holy shit, ma’am,” the Princess corrected. As though she wasn’t wearing literally only sleeves and leggings at the moment. Now was hardly the time for following proper procedure. Her dick was, of course, completely erect. Silver attempted to estimate its size and then quickly decided that was a bad idea because it just made her more intimidated than she already was. And frankly she was already too intimidated. It was roughly the dimensions of one of Princess Luna’s legs. Which was saying a lot because Princess Luna’s legs had significantly larger dimensions than the average pony’s. “Open,” she ordered. There was a significant part of Silver that really, really didn’t want to. For obvious reasons; that thing was very likely as big as she was. Maybe bigger. At the very least it was far too large to take without significant magical assistance. But, well, there was a much more significant part of her that had already opened her mouth. “Good.” Luna’s horn lit up with her magical aura, a deep midnight blue scattered with sparkles, like the night sky itself. The aura extended to envelop her cock and also Silver’s head, allowing her to slowly move the two together – hands free. Nice trick, she supposed. Luna’s flesh tasted salty and bitter and musky. Like sweat and cum. Which, you know. A novel observation; dick kind of tasted like dick. Wow. Good job picking up on that subtle nuance, Silver. Really observant of you. She allowed Luna to press her face against the bulbous, dark blue flare, tongue out and mouth as open as she could get it to go. Which, obviously, wasn’t nearly wide enough for Luna’s meat. Again, and she couldn’t stress this enough, it was absolutely colossal. Literally and without exaggeration the biggest penis that Silver had ever seen, to the point where even saying that was absolutely meaningless because it was so wildly beyond anything she’d experienced. There were above average sized ponies who were smaller than Luna’s dick. And, once again, Silver had to remind herself that this was only the beginning. What she was seeing and experiencing now was the result of two clean and presses, plus some time with the chest press machine and some squats, with the deafeningly obvious implication being that this wasn’t even close to the end. She had no idea how big the princess was going to be when she was done. She had the other princesses as a reference point, of course. But Princess Cadence was still young (and even then, Captain Shining Armour came up just about to her armpits), Princess Twilight was even younger, and Princess Celestia’s size tended to vary as a result of using magic to shrink herself down and actually fit places. But, well, on the other hoof, the fact that Princess Celestia was big enough that she had to shrink herself down despite still being noticeably taller than Princess Luna was right now was telling in its own right. Of course, while Silver was busy with her internal monologue, Luna had continued pressing her dick against the smaller pegasus pony’s mouth. So far, no progress had been made. It was, thankfully, not as uncomfortable as one would think it would be. But she wasn’t confident that it would stay not uncomfortable, considering. She wasn’t being particularly forceful, but she was sure as hell being insistent. Constant pressure was being applied. If this were just about anypony else, Silver would have assumed it wouldn’t work. Like trying to force a square peg into a round hole, not through brute force but rather through sheer fucking grit and determination. But, once again, this wasn’t just anypony. This was Princess fucking Luna. And, so, unsurprisingly, sheer fucking grit and determination began to slowly but surely pay off. It wasn’t even really that unheard of. Like, obviously plenty of ponies had invented ‘make me able to take a really big dick’ magic. Just... probably not quite to this scale, Princess Celestia aside. She could feel her jaws being pried wider than really should have been possible. More and more, slowly but steadily, until – with a wet pop – it went in. Just the head, for now, but Silver got the impression that she didn’t need any more than the head. After all, this wasn’t a blowjob. This was just a quick injection of protein. Lots and lots of protein. “There we go,” Luna said, confirming Silver’s assumption that the goal wasn’t to get the whole thing in so much as it was to get enough in. “Now, remember, you need to swallow aaaaall of it so you can grow up big and strong~” Silver, obviously, couldn’t respond. Her mouth was occupied, and she couldn’t even non-verbally nod. The best she could do was give an awkward thumbs up to convey that she understood. “Well, don’t just stand there giving me a thumbs up, soldier,” Luna continued tersely. “You’re going to have to work for your dinner.” Well, okay then. Silver knew what do do next. When Princess Luna ordered you to jerk her off, you fucking jerked her off. It wasn’t exactly a hard decision to make and honestly she probably would have done it anyway without the explicit order. But, like, fuck it. Being ordered to do it was hot. And actually following that order was extremely hot – hotter than it would have been to just do it on its own. She transitioned smoothly from giving a thumbs up to gently placing her hand on the tree trunk of a cock, followed by the other one. God, it was so fucking hard. Tree trunk was a more apt metaphor than maybe she’d intended it to be – it was like jerking off a rock, except not quite because rocks weren’t quite so hot. And, obviously, it was still made of flesh, so it was like that rock was encased in a thin layer of- fuck it, this is where her sense of metaphor failed her. Dick big hard good about as verbose as she cared to be. Slowly, her stroking started to get less and less gentle, and she was rewarded with a copious flow of precum. It tasted really, really good. Which was weird. The flavour of cum was, generally, something of an acquired taste, and not one she’d really felt motivated to acquire. And this didn’t exactly taste any different from how cum normally tasted, but also somehow at the same time it did? She had a hard time putting it into words and so she decided not to bother. Maybe it was some quality of alicorn semen, maybe it was just fucking magic, she didn’t fuckin’ know or care. All she knew was that she wanted more. And, well, she knew exactly how to get more. A lot more. There was only so much that Silver could do, of course, given Luna’s sheer size. Still, hopefully enthusiasm would make up for a lack of coverage. She picked up the pace again, rubbing it like it was a magic lamp and she was trying to coax out a genie. Except instead of a genie her reward was gonna be cum. Already the flow of precum picked up and then picked up again for good measure – every jerk resulted in even more copious fluids getting unleashed directly into her throat. She was frankly a bit surprised that she could take all of it. Luna had ordered her not to spill any, of course, which probably indicated more magical interference. But she was still ingesting an impressive volume of fluid without any visible impact to her figure. Or at least not yet. She got the feeling that was going to change any minute now. Luna let out a low groan, reaching down and gently patting Silver’s head. “Mmmm, good girl~” she cooed. “I’m going to help you along a bit, but in the future I expect you to be able to handle this part of the job on your own. Understood?” Once again, Silver couldn’t exactly respond, but it was obvious that Luna didn’t expect a response. The princess placed both hands on her shaft and began to pump. Slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed until she matched Silver’s pace and then surpassed it – all while covering significantly more ground. “F-fuuuuuck~” She groaned, hips rocking and legs shaking and fat full balls making an audible noise. Like a distant earthquake, but getting less and less distant with every passing second. Silver couldn’t see them from her current angle, but she could feel their pulsing and throbbing reverberating through Luna’s cock. She didn’t really put too much thought into what she did next. Instinct could be a powerful teacher under the right circumstances, and these appeared to be the right circumstances. She reached out and, after a few moments of blindly groping, placed one hand on either side of Luna’s nuts before firmly pressing them together. Really, she had just wanted to feel them. But, well, it turned out that she’d inadvertently pushed the Princess over the edge. Luna opened her mouth, but all that came out was a low gurgle. Or at least that was all that came out of her mouth. Her cock was another story. It erupted, shooting what felt like a few hundred gallons of spunk into her in one shot – and that was only the first. What the fuck kind of Alicorn Princess only put out one shot of cum, especially on the first orgasm of the evening? Of course, the climax was so copious and each burst came so quickly that it was kind of hard to actually tell them apart. Absurd amounts of semen. Comical volumes of cum. Just absolutely full-on silly. Silver didn’t spill any, of course. She had been ordered not to and also Luna had almost certainly magically augmented her stretchiness. She couldn’t see it, but she could feel her belly swelling out and out and out as Luna pumped more and more of her protein shake into her. Weirdly, it felt really fucking good? She’d not expected that. Presumably that was the result of more magical interference from Luna, although it might also just be that getting pumped so full of cum that it inflates you like a water balloon felt good who fuckin’ knew. She obviously wasn’t in the state of mind for that kinda philosophical bullshit. She had absolutely no idea how long Luna’s climax lasted. Minutes? Hours? Prolly not days, she felt like she’d have noticed the sun rising and setting, but she wasn’t gonna rule it out just yet. Given how out of it she was, she could believe that the sun had risen and set and she’d just not fucking noticed because she was so pleasure-drunk. Princess Luna removed her shaft from the guard’s mouth with a wet pop, which is what shook Silver out of her reverie. She still felt a little bit out of it, but she was more aware of her surroundings than she had been during feeding time. Her head swam, her vision wobbled, and she had to fight off the overwhelming effects of Luna’s pheromones in order to regain lucidity, which took her a further indeterminate amount of time. The first thing she noticed, upon properly regaining her senses enough to take in her surroundings, was that she was eye-level with the Princess. At first, she thought that she’d somehow missed out on the inevitable end results of all that protein and was, briefly, very upset. Then the Princess, with a mischievous smirk, gently poked her, causing her to wobble slightly. “Oh,” she said, looking down as best as she was capable of given the sheer enormity of her cum-filled belly. Words failed her when she tried to describe just how big it was, though she supposed she didn’t really need to use words. No comparison she could fathom nor any specific numbers hit quite as hard as the visceral realization that before she’d been pumped full of cum like a living water balloon she had been roughly eye-level with Luna’s cock while standing up while now she was eye-level with her face while prone. “I- urp!” It tasted overwhelmingly of cum, unsurprisingly. It’d be weirder if her breath didn’t taste of cum, especially right after she burped. “A very good job,” Princess Luna said before Silver could make any further attempts at talking. “You didn’t spill a drop, very impressive.” As though that wasn’t extremely obviously the result of magical intervention on the Princess’s part. Still, Silver decided that saying snarky comments out loud was probably a bad idea for her continued employment in the Equestrian Military, and anyway she kind of liked being praised. “I think that’s probably more than enough protein for today. Much more and you might end up bigger than me, which is obviously unacceptable.” “Yes- urp! Yes, ma’am.” She decided to be terse and professional in her responses. Partly because, once again, she felt like saying that being bigger than Luna sounded kind of fun actually was a good way to lose her job. But, mostly, because she was so thoroughly overfilled with cum that she was pretty sure that if she said anything more than a few syllables she’d end up spewing cum everywhere which was both wasteful and gross, so she kept things short. And honestly even then she still found herself barely keeping it all in. As if reading her fucking mind, Princess Luna reached down and gently pressed on Silver’s overfilled flesh, which almost pushed her over that edge. She had to fight to keep it in, and fight she did – she wasn’t stupid, she knew that she’d probably get in trouble if she puked cum in Princess Luna’s face regardless of the extenuating circumstances. Which included Princess Luna actively attempting to squeeze it out of her. “Good girl, keeping it all down like that. Just keep it up for a few more minutes.” “Y-yes’m.” Princess Luna’s horn lit up with a pale blue glow that extended to her hands and from there enveloped Silver’s colossally filled tum with Alicorn Magic. It took her a few moments to figure out what, exactly, Princess Luna was doing, though it really shouldn’t have. Silver decided to blame the pheromones for that. The air was thick with raw, concentrated lust and it was very difficult to think straight or at all. Even if it was pretty fucking obvious what the Princess was going to do next. Of course, once the spell actually kicked in, Silver noticed right away. It was subtle at first, but the way her line of sight started to slowly lower gave it away. Her body was digesting all that cum and converting it into more Silver, gurgling and groaning and growing, slowly at first but it snowballed. The bigger she got, the faster she digested, the faster she grew. It felt really good, too, unsurprisingly. It would be pretty fucking lame if sex with an Alicorn didn’t blow every other sex you’d ever had out of the fucking water. She could feel every inch of her body exploding with pleasure, and there were a hell of a lot more inches to explode. Bones creaked as they lengthened and thickened, and there was a rubbery rumbling as flesh and muscle came into being. Princess Luna, still grinning, circled around behind her. “While you’re busy with that, I think now’s a good time for me to get back to my workout.” “Ahnnn?” Silver attempted a coherent reply but all that came out was a moan. At least she didn’t feel like there was any danger of puking up more cum. Still, Silver was pretty sure the sentiment got across. Princess Luna gave her a good solid smack across the ass. “No better workout than sex,” she clarified, grasping Silver’s cheeks and spreading them apart. She pressed her shaft against Silver’s entrance, just as firm and insistent as when she’d done the other end. “By the way, this time I expect you to take it all the way to the hilt. And, of course, I’m going to be thrusting. I trust you’ll be able to handle it?” It was, obviously, not actually a question so much as it was an order. And, when the Princesses gave you a direct order, you fuckin’ obeyed. Silver braced herself as best as she was physically capable of given that she was, in spite of her ongoing growth, still very much immobilized by cum. The only thing there was to brace herself against was, well, herself. Still, she did what she could given the situation. “Mnahhnn~” Well, okay, a verbal response was also currently beyond her abilities, so once again she had to rely on a simple thumbs up. “Good girl,” Luna responded simply, before abruptly slamming all the way to the hilt. As she had heavily implied, this time she wasn’t gentle in the slightest. This was hard, brutal fucking, like a force of fuckin’ nature was ravaging her pussy. And, of course, this was a workout, so with every thrust it got bigger, almost exactly fast enough that Silver’s own growth couldn’t quite keep up with it. At first, there was no visible evidence of it, but as her cum-filled gut slowly receded, it was replaced by a mountainous bulge that distorted her torso, the size of her torso. Bigger than her torso. Bigger than her body. “Of course, sex as a workout mostly focuses on the cock~” This time, Silver was beyond even groaning. Even in spite of being, at this point, bigger than Luna had been before they’d started fucking, she was pretty thoroughly overwhelmed. That’s what you get when you fuck a god, she supposed. Not that she particularly minded because man did it feel good. It probably shouldn’t have felt good, but Luna was a god damn alicorn so “possibility” wasn’t a fuckin’ factor. It felt better than any sex she’d had in her entire life. A small part of her was worried that she might not be able to go back to normal sex, but this was so vastly beyond what she’d experienced that it didn’t even register. She wasn’t the only one who couldn’t speak either. Princess Luna was reduced to low grunts and groans, the pace of her thrusting reaching a fever pitch while the rhythm deteriorated into something wild and chaotic. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuuuck!” And that was the climax. It felt exactly like when she’d cum in the other end, except obviously moreso. There wasn’t really any other way to put it, nothing else to say that she’d not already said, except magnified by a billion. She came, of course, her own shaft erupting with seed that sprayed across the floor of Princess Luna’s quarters, aimed directly downward by her big fat cum-filled belly, even bigger than the last time. Once again, she had no idea how long Princess Luna’s climax lasted. Silver came several more times through the course of the eruption, and by the time she finished the sun had started to rise. “That’s enough work for tonight, I think,” she said, walking over to the edge of the balcony. She towered – Silver didn’t really have a good estimate of how big she was, her perspective thrown off by her own growth. The closest thing to a point of reference she had was the exercise equipment. Princess Luna was currently far too big to use any of it, of course. “Well, that’s certainly a problem. I guess we’re going to have to upgrade our equipment.” “Yes, your majesty.” “Don’t worry about that, soldier, that’s not your job.” “Yes, your majesty.” “In the meantime, however, I don’t want to fall behind on my exercise routine. We’ve already made a decent enough start, but I’m nowhere near done. Fortunately, there is one type of workout that doesn’t require any equipment or even weights.” Princess Luna turned her head, smirking smugly. “That would be your job by the way.” Silver smiled back. “Yes, your majesty.”