> That time of night > by Comeonideodic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Are you uh.. y'know.. ready? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4:23 A.M Watching the different ponies stroll on by throughout the streets of Canterlot was something Twilight loved to do around this time of night. Sitting on the bedroom balcony in one of the many castles towers, Twilight could see all the different couples and groups of ponies living the so called 'night life' and it was rather intriguing to her. Though for all the times that she has revisited this tower and looked over this balcony ledge, she still couldn't understand why half of them were walking so funny. It was as if they couldn't see straight or one of there hooves were sprained. Standing up from her sitting position Twilight took one last gaze down at the cobblestone streets before heading back indoors for a night of blissful sleep. Peering over to her study table she had been working at for Celestia knows how long Twilight gave a sigh before slowly trudging her way towards her bed in a tired manner. Rolling back the covers with her magic she slid under the white sheets and purple blankets. Fixing the pillows to her liking she laid back, instantly falling fast asleep. "So, you uh.. y'know.. ready?" Rainbow asked timidly while looking around the bedroom. Twilight giggled to herself, "Shouldn't I be asking you that question Dashie?" She said while slowly circling her prey. She couldn't help but take long, slow gazes at Rainbows now very plump and swollen vagina. Twilight loved the fact that Rainbow knew exactly where she was looking, while Rainbow herself couldn't even move a muscle. It made Twilight feel.. In power so to say. "It sure does seem like you're ready from back here you beautiful mare.." Twilight said rather seductively while using her hoof to now lightly trace around Rainbows right cutie mark, making both ponies shiver while eliciting a small groan from the cyan pony at the arousing contact. "Mmm c'mon Twi.. Y-you know that I'm not beautiFUUUCK!" Rainbow's words quickly got cut off as Twilight smacked the same cyan flank she was rubbing not 2 seconds ago, earning a loud moan of what sounded like approval from the Pegasus as well as a fairly big red spot. Twilight grinned for she could tell Rainbow was enjoying this, though she knew the pride infused pony would never admit that. She could practically see the smirk on both of Rainbow's lips. "W-what the h-hell Twi?!" Rainbow questioned with a grin while trying her best in her current state to prepare for the second inevitable slap. Looking at the now dripping pink slit in front of her, Twilight decided to not give her mare a pleasurable love slap for talking out of turn again, but instead she leaned forward and gave Rainbow's smirking lower lips a long, slow lick from bottom to top before getting back up to circle the mare as she did once before. Hearing Rainbow whimper and whine from her ministrations gave Twilight a therapy she didn't know she needed. Who knew that her, a smart apparently sexy librarian of all ponies could do such a thing to some pony. One of the most self conscious and stubborn ponies at that. Could one call this a gift? Realizing she had been circling the mare for far to long now, Twilight stopped in front of Rainbow and looked her in the eyes. Seeing the cyan mare was about to speak out of turn yet again Twilight quickly shut her up by giving her a big sloppy kiss. Though Twilights eyes suddenly shot open as she felt a rogue tongue shoot into her mouth, making he--. 9:45 P.M "GAHH!" Twilight screamed. She bolted up immediately with heavy breath as the dream she had vividly replayed back constantly in her mind. Looking around she spotted the familiar balcony doors and quickly remembered where she was. Calming down from her heightened state she held her forehead with her hoof and fell back down onto her back, looking up at the tall, white ceiling while letting her messy mane lay down around her head. Twilight tilted her head down and curiously, but knowingly looked above the covers to where her crotch would be. Biting her lip she slowly snaked her free hoof down her belly and past her teats. Moving the hoof on her forehead to her mouth, she bit down on it and groaned as her other hoof slowly slid down her very sensitive lower lips. "Nnn.. I.. I cant." Pulling her hoof from under the covers she saw her juices glistening from the moonlight peering through the windows. Stopping at that, she looked over to the windows only to see the starry night sky with a big and bright moon. With an annoyed sigh she threw the covers off of herself and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom with heavy clops for a well needed apparently midnight shower. Tilting her head up to face the stream of water she gave a tired smiled as she felt the liquid pour down her head onto her back, down her forelegs. These dreams she was having about the cyan Pegasus were not new to her, nor did they start recently. Her feelings for Rainbow were.. complicated. Twilight had to take into consideration that for one; they were both mares. Though that wasn't really what bothered her the most. Honestly, she couldn't care less if she was into mares, it was her family and friends she was the most worried about. Twilight knew that Dash had feelings for her as more than a friend, it was.. painfully obvious. Every reading session her and Rainbow had she would always try to cuddle up with her in the most "non" suspicious way she could think of. Saying its cold, when pegasi never get cold, while crawling under the blankets and slowly pressing up against the only other pony in the room in a full on big spoon. who decided that she got to be the big spoon anyway? Though now that she looked back it was weird for Twilight to see Rainbow drop that tuff tom-pony attitude, but instead adopt a rather rare submissive and needy attitude. Sighing Twilight turned around in the shower to let the hot water hit her back directly, quickly falling into her thoughts once again. Sure, she was very curious about what it would be like being in a relationship with the cyan mare, hence the dreams she's been having, but what would the consequences be? Would her family and friends accept her for who she was? Who they were? Opening her eyes she grabbed the shampoo in her magic and began to lather her mane and tail with another long sigh. It was always going to be about acceptance. "Coming!" Twilight said loudly in an attempt to get the pony who was knocking on her door to stop. Letting the towel have one last go at her still damp mane and tale she hung it up on the hook and walked out to the hallway door, ready to tell whoever it was to go away. She really didn't feel like talking to any pony right now. Too many familiar thoughts her haunting her, yet again. "Goodmorning Twilight, or should I say goodnight?" Celestia asked with a smirk directed down at Twilight eyes while she gazed with her own eyes at Twilights hornets nest of a mane. Following the princesses eyes Twilight blushed as she realized she completely for got to brush her mane. Here she was standing in front of the ruler of Equestria of all ponies looking like she stuck her head out of a train window going full speed. "I uh, heh..-" Twilight began with a innocent smile while patting down her mane with a hoof "I uh.. just got out of the shower I.. guess I forgot to brush my mane.. Celestia giggled like a school filly at how unusually unorganized Twilight seemed to be. "It is alright my dear, I was just coming up to tell you that you have a guest at this apparently for you very early hour of the night." Twilights eyes widened at Celestia's words. "Somepony is here for me? Who?" "She will be in the main foyer for when you're ready." Celestia said giving a smile before walking off down the long corridor towards the spiral set of stairs. Looking with wide eyes Twilight quickly shut the door and began to brush her messy mane down. Who could possibly be visiting her at this hour? She knew why she slept through the whole day, it was because of those papers she got caught up on the night before. By the time she laid down on the bed and got comfortable it was almost 4:30 in the morning. Shaking her mind of its thoughts she quickly headed towards and out the door, eager to see who this guest was. About one hour earlier Cracking her eyes open, Rainbow groaned in annoyance at the invading sound poking its way through her ear drums. With another tired groan she reached with her hoof, missing a few times, to hit the top of the alarm clock making the ever so annoying sound go away once and for all. Peering over out of the corner of her eye Rainbow read that it was 8:30 p.m. Perfect. With a deep sigh she sat up and got out of her comfy cloud bed, stretching her legs and ruffling her feathers from the 4 hour nap she just took. A loud tiring moan escaped her lips as she slowly made her way to her bathroom, passing her dishevelled bed in loving abandon. Turning to look into the mirror she stared at her messier than normal mane while letting out a big yawn. Tonight was the night.. Tonight was the night that she was going to ask out the most beautiful mare in Equestria. She laughed to herself at that. Why she chose to do it at night she had no clue, more romantic if she had to make one guess. "If any pony heard me say that.." Turning around she walked over to her shower and turned it on. Putting her foreleg in the stream of water to test the temperature, Dash smiled to herself as she remembered the last time she actually took a proper shower. Usually she would just fly through a raincloud or something, but seeing as she would be showing up to see Twilight at the Canterlot castle of all places.. Lets just say smelling like morning dew while meeting her crush with two princesses and guards not a stairway away was not something she wanted to do in her lifetime. 10:05 P.M Before Twilight knew it she was staring down a set of marble stairs at a cyan pony with her back turned to her, looking curiously at one of the oddly shaped candle holders sitting on one of the side tables. Watching her friend with a very curious smile, Twilight suddenly jumped as a loud bang reverted through the castle. Twilight watched as Rainbow swiftly looked around in panic, picking up the candle holder she accidently knocked over onto the marble floor and setting it back where it was, giving it a friendly pat on the top for good measure. Deciding to intervene before anything actually got broken Twilight walked down the stairs to see why exactly Rainbow was here, not that she was complaining of course. "R- Rainbow?" Twilight asked rather quietly for her liking while making her way up behind Rainbow. Turning around Rainbow blushed madly as she saw who was standing right behind her. "Uhh.. heh, hey Twi! How um.. how long have you been standing there? You didn't see me knock that over did you?" Rainbow said with a weary smile while gesturing over to the candle beside her. Twilight pondered on what to say. Of course she saw Rainbow knock it over, but she had an idea.. An idea that could help her figure out if all those dreams she's been having were.. true to life so to speak. It was going to be cruel, but it was worth it for an answer. Taking a deep breath, Twilight slowly let it out before putting her plan into action. "Rainbow.. That's an antique candle holder from Prance and you knocked it over?" Twilight asked raising her voice making Rainbow shudder. Twilight lit her horn like she was getting ready to teleport Rainbow away while standing tall above her, looking Rainbow right in her beautiful eyes. Rainbow ruffled her feathers anxiously while curling her right foreleg up around her left foreleg. "I- I.. I'm sorry Twi, I.." Rainbow said, getting lower to the cold floor in an attempt to make herself small. Twilight rarely got angry and it was pretty scary when she did, but never had Rainbow had Twilight yell at her like this. It was almost as if Twilight was doing it on purpose. Yeah sure, she may have knocked over the alleged antique candle holder, but it wasn't broken or damaged! Slowly, as if to not escalate things further, Rainbow peered up at the purple pony while biting her lip. Instantly she went wide eyed as she made eye contact with Twilight. Twilight was scarily sporting a grin that made her shutter into a quick submission. Rainbow lowered her head again, now only focused on not angering Twilight any further than she already has. "T-Twi..?" "How about we head up to my room?" Twilight said more like a demand then a question while looking down with a now soft and welcoming smile at Dash, earning a very confused stare from Dash. Without saying anything else she stood up and started to head towards the stairs, turning around halfway up them to give Rainbow the best bedroom eyes she could. Twilight giggled at Rainbows wide eyed expression and at how utterly confused she was. Twilight knew that what she was doing to Rainbow was mean and probably uncalled for, but considering how well it was working Twilight didn't really want to stop anytime soon. "Dashie don't make me ask again. Now come on." Twilight said gesturing up the stairs with her foreleg before turning around, continuing to make her way up the set of marble stairs. Her hooves clopping and echoing throughout the large castle. Getting up Rainbow quickly followed Twilights orders without hesitation. This was definitely not how she thought the night was going to go at all. She thought she would show up at the castle and straight up ask Twilight out on a date, but now she was being bossed around and told what to do like a pet and.. she kind of liked it. With her already huge crush on the bookworm this whole thing was just fueling the crush. Rainbow chucked to herself at that before quickly stopping and putting a hoof over her mouth. "Oh horse feathers.." Rainbow accidently said out loud making her even more scared. Twilight heard Rainbow get behind her, closely following her up the stairs. Though Twilight stopped and turned around as she heard what sounded like a laugh emanate from Rainbows mouth. "Is something funny Dash?" Twilight asked while looking down the steps seeing Rainbows wide eyes and mouth covered with her hoof. Earlier Twilight didn't know 100% if Rainbow was enjoying this. Though now that she's seen Rainbow get startled like a school filly when talking without being spoken to made it clear to Twilight that Rainbow was in fact enjoying this a lot. Twilight hadn't even said anything about talking without being spoken to and yet here Dash was covering her mouth. This whole thing must have been on Rainbows mind a lot as well.. Twilight thought to herself with a small grin. If Rainbow wasn't sure about what was happening, she definitely would be now.. "Dashie get in front of me, ill tell you which way to go." Twilight said moving to the side of the stair case so Dash could get by her. Walking up past Twilight, she yelped as she felt a sharp pain shoot through her flank. Rainbow shuttered before continuing up the stairs, following Twilights directions to her room. She could feel her lower lips begin to puff up, her juices slowly sliding out from her petit slit. Why was this so hot? Why did she like this so much? Though before she could answer her own questions she heard Twilight speak up again. "Stop. Open the door to your left." Twilight demanded. Following her orders Rainbow opened the door and walked inside the decent sized room. Rainbow jumped as she heard the door slam shut, Twilight walking up to her slowly. Rainbow gulped before getting her breath caught in her throat as Twilight forcefully pressed her lips onto Rainbows. Rainbow felt Twilights tongue snake its way into her mouth, feeling its way around the inside of her mouth and wrestling her own tongue. Though without Rainbow knowing, Twilight was secretly getting a surprise ready for the prismatic pony. Pulling away from the sloppy, super hot kiss she was giving Twilight saw the look of pure pleasure plastered onto Rainbows face. With Rainbow still reveling what just happened to her, Twilight put the brunt of her plan into action. Hanging the ropes up in the air with her magic Twilight made loops the size of hooves and picked up Rainbow in her magic, earning a confused groan from Dash. Flipping her upside down she hooked the loops around all four of Rainbow's legs and let go of her from her magic letting her hang from the magical ropes a couple of hooves off the ground, perfect for the activities ahead. What a sight this was. Rainbow had her head up looking at Twilight. Her face was a look of confusion, fear and pleasure all at once. Twilight looked up and down Rainbow's sleek body quickly coming across her lower, extremely wet lips. Twilight grinned, she really was enjoying this. "Hey uh, Twi? W-what is thi- Nnnnngh.." Rainbow began, but was quickly cut off as Twilight blew a breath over Rainbow's sensitive vagina. "Excuse me Dashie, but did I tell you to speak?" Twilight asked. Rainbow let out a quick breath. "N-nmmph.. No.." Twilight walked around Rainbow as if she was an object she had never seen before. "This seems oddly familiar.." She thought, giggling to herself while she thought back to her dream. Stopping at Rainbows head Twilight got right into Rainbow's face and started to once again, make out with the cyan pony. Though she didn't for long, instead Twilight decided to move down to Rainbow's neck. Slowly she retracted from the kiss and moved her tongue along Rainbow's chin and down the slope of her neck, giving little nips of love every so often. Doing this seemed to elicit soft moans of approval from the cyan pony. Twilight could smell the arousal in the room and it wasn't just Rainbow's scent. Twilight could feel her own lower lips in need of some attention.. "Mmm Dashie.. I'm feeling a little horny." Twilgiht said while moving so her ass was right above Rainbow's face. "I hope you didn't eat anything before coming here." Just as Rainbow was going to ask what that meant before Twilight suddenly bent her hind legs. Rainbow looked in amazement as the purple butt came crashing down onto her face. Rainbow could feel Twilight moving her ass around all over her face to get in the right position it was, embarrassingly nice. Eventually Twilight stopped moving, she waited for Rainbow to start digging into the meal that she had so nicely prepared for her, but no licks and sucks could be felt. "Dash. Eat your suuuuunnnngh..-" Twilight was quickly cut off as Rainbow began to, without warning, suck hard on her "meal" above her. If this was to be her meal of the night dash was sure going to savor it. Pulling back, rainbow decided she should start with the appetiser. Moving her head up once again she started to make slow and long circles with her tongue around Twilights slit, earning groans and whimpers from Twilight above her. Rainbow could feel Twilight trying to grind her ass down further into her face. How needy this mare was.. Seeing as Twilight was in desperate need and would hopefully return the favour after she was finished, Dash decided to just skip all the appetizers and get to the main course. Twilight wasn't the only one in need of some release here. Quickly stopping her rounds around Twilights vagina, Rainbow took in a deep breath before shooting forward. Twilight's vision went blurry as Rainbow shot her entire muzzle up Twilights very juicy, slick crevasse. "MMAH! DASHIE YES!" Twilight screamed loudly, grinding her ass around Rainbows face in an attempt to get Rainbow's muzzle further up her vagina. Her attempts seemed to have worked to some extent, for Twilight felt a tongue shoot out of the cyan muzzle inside of her. Twilight screamed, but no sound came out of her wide open mouth. She was close and Rainbow knew this. Twilight could feel Rainbow trying to get deeper and deeper with every stroke of her tongue. Suddenly Twilight felt very empty as Rainbow pulled her muzzle out of her vagina, but before she could start could even start whimpering in need Rainbow shot forward once again. This time however her slick cavern wasn't Rainbow's target, the little love button was. Twilight threw her head down with clenched eyes and teeth as Dash bit down on her clit. Rainbow kept her eyes closed for the inevitable waves that were about to wash over her face. Opening her mouth at Twilights entrance Rainbow groaned along with the mare above her as Twilight's love juices started to squirt into her mouth and onto her face. Rainbow had never felt more horny in her life. If Twilight didn't help her now she was going to pass out in this heightened state. Reveling in the most powerful orgasm she has ever experienced Twilight stood up and stretched her hind legs. Twilight turned around and smiled to herself when she saw Rainbow's face covered in her juice. She could see Rainbow swallowing what she had in her mouth still. If only Rainbow knew what was coming her way. "Mmm.. I'd say you deserve a little treat after that wouldn't you say so?" Twilight asked Rainbow only to receive a deep groan in response. Laughing to herself Twilight walked around to Rainbows hind legs and started to feel down them slowly. Lighting up her horn Twilight opened her bedside cabinet, pulling out a rather large vibrating dildo that she had used in the past. "You see.. I want to breed you like there's no tomorrow, but were both mares so that isn't possible.. Yet.. So both you and i will have to settle for the next best thing.." Rainbow watched in awe as Twilight conjured up a magical strap that hooked up to the dildo so it could be worn by a pony. "I hope you're ready Dashie.. You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." Twilight said before putting it on and tightening the magical straps so it was snug around her flanks, the now vibrating dildo hanging between her legs. Rearing up on her hind legs Twilight fell forward, putting her forward weight onto Rainbows chest and belly as she let her forelegs slide up Rainbow's chest to wrap around her neck. Lining herself up with Rainbow's slit Twilight pushed forward slightly. Feeling the resistance of Rainbow's vagina Twilight knew she had gotten into her target first try. Seeing Rainbow's face scrunch up Twilight realised how little Rainbow has fooled around with things like this, for she was very tight. "Mmm don't worry Dash.. When I'm done with you u'll be able to take this whole thing." If this was a dream then Rainbow hoped that she would never wake up. Her eyes scrunched up as Twilight pushed her fake stallion hood into her never before penetrated pussy. Yes she had hoofed herself off before, but that's all she had done before tonight. "MmmmmMPH! T-Twi! A-Ah!" Rainbow moaned as Twilight pushed further into her tight cavern. Twilight could watch Rainbow's face cutely scrunch up as she penetrated her all night. This was truly the best thing she has ever seen and she never wanted it to stop. Of course, she couldn't feel anything that was happening down there, but she could imagine it and sweet Celestia she wished she could feel it. Just from Rainbow's reactions alone was enough to make Twilight orgasm for the second time in a span of 7 minutes. Seeing Rainbow's face start to straighten out a bit, Twilight nuzzled Rainbow's cheek while she pushed in further. Twilight could feel Rainbow nuzzling her back in pleasurable appreciation while she stretched Rainbow's vagina father than it has ever been stretched before. Before Twilight even knew it she had bottomed out inside of Rainbow, the fake balls pressing up against Rainbow's ass. "Rainbow for how tight you are you took that quite well." Twilight murmured into Rainbows ear before pulling out and stopping. "How well are you going to take this?" Instantly Twilight plunged the vibrating dildo into Rainbow's vagina once again making Rainbow lurch her head back with her mouth agape in a mix of pleasure and pain. Before long Twilight was rutting her at a steady pace. Rainbow moaned with each thrust that Twilight o'so happily gave her. All Rainbow could do was take it like a champ and nuzzle Twilights neck and cheek until she came. So she did just that. "C-c'mon Twi.. I-is that a-ah! All you've got?" Rainbow asked, poking the beehive with a stick. Twilight stopped her steady thrusting and looked down with a grin. Without speaking Twilight cut the ropes while keeping Rainbow afloat with her magic, the dildo still vibrating away inside Rainbow's slit. Pulling Rainbow up so she was hugging her around the neck with her forelegs, her hind legs sticking out behind Twilights back, Twilight slowly made her way on her hind legs towards the nearest wall and pressed Rainbow against it with a slam. Looking into Rainbow's eyes she gave the best 'I love you' look before kissing the cyan mare and once again thrusting into her, but this time it wasn't such a steady pace. Twilight was determined to make Rainbow eat those words of hers. In seconds Twilight had Rainbow screaming in pleasure while she pounded her cute little pussy with the fake stallionhood. Twilight was pounding Rainbow so hard the books she was reading fell over onto the ground from her research table. The whole room was reverberating Twilights bangs of lust like it was cheering her on. Falling. Rainbow was falling from the highest cloud in the sky and she couldn't stop herself. Her wings wouldn't, no, couldn't fold down to save her life even if she tried. They were constantly out and pulsing from the sheer amount of pleasure this pony was giving her. Everything was clear to Rainbow now. This sex was to good, it felt to real, to passionate and pleasurable to be anything else, but-- "MMMA-AH I-I LOVE YOU TWILIGHT!" With the flood gates finally being opened after so long, Rainbow broke. Convulsion after convulsion Rainbow squirted her juices out and around the dildo inside of her still vibrating away, making the orgasm 10 times more pleasurable to her. Soon everything went dark. 11:56 P.M All Twilight could do was stare at the most beautiful sight she has ever seen. yes she had said that a lot tonight, but this.. This was truly the most adorable thing she has ever seen. Looking at Rainbow's face as she convulsed made this whole think worth it to its full extent. Thinking Rainbow would like to at least lie down and not have a vibrator stuffed inside her now probably very sensitive vagina anymore, Twilight pulled out of Rainbow and lifted her over to her bed, laying her head down on her pillow. Looking at the now apparently sleeping mare in front of her, Twilight smiled happily before heading into the bathroom to clean herself up. Taking the cloth out into the bedroom Twilight cleaned up Rainbow's face and crotch, being careful around her lower lips. She smiled as she looked at Rainbow's now clean and calm looking vagina. That really happened. Her and Rainbow really did that.. Not wiping the smile from her face anytime soon she threw the dirty cloth on the ground for future Twilights problem and crawled into bed with the clearly knocked out cyan pony. Turning onto her side Twilight looked at Rainbows sleeping form and sighed. What was Rainbow dreaming of in that pretty head of hers? Was she ready to be in a relationship with Rainbow? No, what was she saying? Of course she was ready because she didn't care what her friends or family thought of her. No longer would she let these thoughts haunt her. She's finally gotten Rainbow out of her dreams and in front of her and she's never letting go. 12:00 P.M Never.