> In the Beginning > by Cipher800 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning of Equis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright. You've probably heard about the story of Equestria, have you not? But know this. It's just perspective telling us how the world began, isn't it? The ponies have primitive thoughts on how it began, despite having advanced tech. And they thought that their own rulers created the universe. Discord would have been much more likely in my opinion. He's funny. But he didn't create the universe, nor did I. And no, I'm not a pony, I am Nathaniel Russ Williams, currently known as the Tree of Harmony as of now, and I'm here to tell you the true tale of Equestria from then to now. But why, you may ask. Why should I tell you? Well, because I was there. You see, back when I was born as a human, Equis was known as Earth, and was not a rogue world, don't ask. Anyhow, I was born at the Christmas Eve of 1975 in the capitol city of the United Kingdom: London. It was a great old city from what vague memories I have of it. My family was forced to flee the city, going all the way to America after my mother was brutally murdered by some anonymous killer. Lucky me went to Washington, D.C. and even met a few presidents. At age thirteen, my own father was drafted into a war and killed, forcing me and my siblings to the orphanage. But no, I didn't let the death of both of my parents stop me. When my siblings and I grew up and parted like ducks, I became an athlete in the Olympic Games, winning a gold metal in 2014, along with a nice ranch, a horse named TJ, and a bull named Tauro. I even had a son and two daughters: Megan, Danny, and Molly. Sweet little kids when they were young, they grow up so fast and even had children of their own. But alas, these golden ages could not last forever, you know. When I was fifty, my life took a huge change. I was just minding my own business, getting the groceries when suddenly, I was kidnapped by some lunatics that claimed to be a secret research group. They experimented on me, combining my own DNA with that of a xenomorph's and that of Godzilla's. I wondered to myself about how they were even real. That was when I became immortal, as they claimed. I escaped the testing lab, which was in the jungle. I took refuge in a cave, spending a dozen years or so of my life as an animal, leaving at night to hunt. A blow in my head reduced my mind to that of a common dogs, though I was able to use Godzilla's atomic breath ability. Fast forward to the 2060s, a worldwide nuclear war occurred, killing a vast majority of humanity, and mutating me again. I looked more like a beast than before, but my intelligence and memories were back. I sadly learned that my wife and kids were dead, and my own grandchildren had grown up. I never got to say goodbye. Entire cultures were unfortunately lost, but it was a price for humanity to finally bury the hatchet and found the Terran Confederation. Creatures of all shapes and sizes roamed around, finally giving me access to the world without being tazed by animal control, again. I found out about the voyages of Star Trek, the show which I loved during my childhood and realized they were real, even going about on the mysterious Q beings. I even met Jean-Luc Picard. It was one of the only moments I actually felt happy to be mutated. It went about as exact to the series as well. Suddenly, a few generations after the last Star Trek series, humanity suddenly turned their own warheads on each other again. They vowed not to, but I realized that it was not out of will, per se, but some ghastly darkness that tainted the hearts of humanity, causing them to go into a nuclear war. Suddenly, when one of the bombs was dropped, I finally got to see what would happen next in the timeline: Adventure Time. The Lich as we knew him was born. I mutated one final time, becoming who you would call Naturus, only instead of blue skin, I was of some prism-like substance. Does this mean I'll have to kill ponies proclaimed them as a crime against nature? Not even the slightest. But back to the backstory. The bomb affected the entire world, creating a huge crater in the middle of the planet. Makes me wonder how Earth could handle that. Again, it went exactly like Adventure Time just like Star Trek before it. A thousand years later, Ooo was in a damaged state, like a second mushroom war happened. As for the Elementals, after the little incident with Patience St. Pim, I killed each and every one of them and found a way for life to function without them. It was no longer a world of magic, and the Lich had died long ago. That jerk deserved nothing less. However, humanity was not extinct, and lived on in cyrogenic slumber. I vowed to protect humanity with my might as they developed, and so I did. Eventually, the vast amount of the new civilization, well, all of it migrated into space, leaving only a few isolated tribes to devolve back into wild beasts, with some of them even migrating into the sea, and only a few tribes clinging onto sentience, living underground. For some odd reason, however, the Earth was knocked out of orbit and froze over, somehow remaining habitable. I guess it was the magic inside the core that gives the world heat at this age, which was pretty boring in my opinion. Nothing interesting for one million years except ice and snow. Magic did not exist except within the core of the world, and eventually, liquid water and clouds were back, but the world was still without a sun or a moon, but all sorts of bizarre creatures evolved in this Age of Darkness, which was an age of eternal night. The only lighting here was that of bio-luminescent plants and that of the background stars. The Age of Darkness brought forth a whole lot of sentient races, including the ponies, but they were not the ponies we know now. No, that would come sometime during what the ponies would know as the Grazing Age. There was no moon nor sun, so I had to improvise. Fortunately, there were a lot of asteroids and nebula gas around, so I mixed them with magic and some other stuff and viola, you got a new sun and moon. The new sun and moon were both a fourth the size of the planet, and had to be moved manually. That way I could maintain a sort of realistic, well, more like a stereotypical day/night cycle. I was even worshiped by long forgotten tribes. At this era, ponies were creatures without magic, creatures that feared the outside world. I felt extremely bored and decided to genetically manipulate their DNA, splitting them into three subspecies: earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. And so I blessed the bulky earth pony with superhuman strength, the agile pegasus with the capability of flight, and the delicate unicorn with powerful magic. I even made them technicolor for Pete's sake. Eventually, the three tribes bickered over who was the strongest and went their separate ways, becoming extremely isolated from one another. Eventually, they forgot all about each other, becoming very curious and naive creatures. They eventually found each other and became the best of friends. Since the world was in an age of peace and nothing threatening happened, the ponies had time to build lots of fun machines like Ferris wheels and roller skates, much to my shock, but then again, it was the world's magic doing its thing, or at least it is, I guess. They even built themselves a castle. Pretty impressive for a race without grasping appendages. Again, this golden age cannot last forever. This time, I was sadly its end. I began having visions, visions of the fabled Battle of Ragnarok, which I thought was only a myth, but alas, I somehow knew that it was real. I decided to train a race of warriors that would follow me into the fight. And that race was ironically the ponies themselves. But they were too soft, so I decided to toughen them up. And so I did, without revealing myself at all. I created dragons, witches and all manner of creatures for the sole purpose of training them, but I did not think my plan through, though. They did not feel like fighting because of all those years of isolation, but then I realized that the challenges that I made to train them mirrored the various evils in My Little Pony: Generation One! And the called up my own children, thinking they were from another dimension, to fight the various evils that were plaguing them. At least I got to see them for one last time. I'm not the type to cause a paradox, so I had no choice but to watch. Well, when Megan left, the ponies rebuilt their civilization into one similar to that of humanity's. I gave up on training them and decided to train myself. And so I did. I came into contact with a team of unicorns and gave them the duty of maintaining the artificial day/night cycle so I'm able to focus solely on my training. Well, when I finished training myself, it looked like society has dialed back greatly. Star Swirl the Bearded took the reins, and I'm honestly impressed that he could maintain the day/night cycle by himself. And I did something extremely ironic in my opinion. I was the one who created Celestia and Luna, and they were literally part of me. As for Star Swirl's group of protectors, I decided to pretend to be a seed so I can suck nutrients from the earth and grow to be a tree while Celestia and Luna grew up. As of now, it is mid-Season 4, just after the Kindness trial. I'm in no rush. I just have to wait for the right time, and then absorb both Celestia and Luna and leave the planet to resume my training, probably around Early Season 7 or after the season altogether. That is why I wanted Twilight and Cadence to ascend. To take the place of the two sisters. I'm not the kind of guy to leave a land without its rulers. They'll have to lose faith in the two sisters so they can have faith in themselves, in each other.