> Fillies last birthday > by Komatala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 The secret sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice day to play outside, but four little fillies where in the hospital spending time together. One unicorn, two pegasi, And one earth pony. “Hey scootaloo, can I ride on your back please.” Asked the dark blue Pegasus with the black mane and tail. “Sure Night Skys, I’d love to give you a ride.” Replied scootaloo As she lowered her self to let the little filly climb onto her back; Moonbeam, a small pale white unicorn with a silver mane and tail decided to ask, “Sis can you please bring your friends over someday, we would like to meet them.” “Yeah you can just ask them to keep our secret, right?” Said Constellation, a black earth pony with the white and silver mane and tail. Scootaloo who just landed, looked at her honorary little sisters from the orphanage simply smiled and said. “Someday soon I’m sure I’ll be able to introduce you all to my friends, but until then get some rest girls. I love you.” “We love you too big sis.” the three said in unison. And with that scootaloo left for the door but was interrupted by the nurse. "Ms. Scootaloo, a word please." said Nurse Redheart. "Ok, I'm coming." she said. As scootaloo walked with the nurse on the way out she was going the get some news that will break her heart. > Chapter 2 bad news > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean they're dying! They're too young!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do. But listen, they would have died awhile ago if you hadn't come to spend time with them." Nurse Redheart said. " They have a tumor growing way too close to they're heart, and with each of them having a specific type of cancer it's not possible for them to be alive now, most ponies just give up hope, but thanks to you they never did." "Ok I guess I'll just head out. I'll let them know tomorrow, but could you please right down the different cancers they have and who has it before I go." Scoots sadly replied. On the way home she noticed that two of them she didn't understand. She heard of brain cancer the one Moonbeam has, but melanoma (Constellation) and sarcoma (Night Skys) before. "I'll ask Twilight tomorrow." And with that she was on her way. -- The next morning -- Scoots was on her way to the castle when her friends came up. "Hey Scootaloo what's up." said Sweetie Belle. "How ya doin Scoots." Apple Bloom spoke. "Hey girls I'm heading to Twi's, I have to ask her something. Would you like to come along?" Scoots replied. "Sure." They said in unison. Stepping into the castle they saw the main 6, all the princesses, Shining Armor, and Spitfire the captain of the wonderbolts. "Hey Twi, can you please tell me what these mean? I don't understand what melanoma and sarcoma is?" Scoots asked. Twilight looked at her shocked before answering "melanoma is a type of skin cancer, and sarcoma is a cancer that effects a ponies bones and tissue. Why do you ask?" Scootaloo looked like she saw a spirit just then. "Ok sweets, bloom, I'll be back just wait here ok." "Okay" they said. And with that she left for the hospital. Once there she saw her sisters and told them the bad news, but also ask if it was alright to go ahead and break the promise she made so she can get them a surprise. All at once they said "sure". > Chapter 3 secret and lies revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo walked into the castle with a look of sadness and grief with the fact she has to come clean. "Yo squirt, what gotcha down?" asked rainbow dash. "Squirt?" "I lied." She said sadly. "What!?" Everyone yelled. sigh "First I can fly, second the cancer was to know what my honorary little sisters have, third I'm an orphan, and last I need y'all's help with something." Tears were running down her cheeks and everypony noticed. "Scoots ya need to tell us everything before we help with anything ya hear" "I understand Applejack. But first Pinkie they said I can break my promise so no need to get mad, ok. Now Moonbeam a little unicorn has brain cancer, Night Skys a Pegasus has sarcoma, and Constellation an earth pony has melanoma. We are all orphan but they would only see and talk to me when we were Younger. I had gotten them to talk to others by agreeing to be they're big sister. They didn't want ponys to pitty them so I pinkie promise to not say a word so I had to lie and hide who I was just to stay loyal to them so I decided to be grounded for them. I'm sorry. But I still look up to you dash it's just I had no choice." Celestia decided how to see if they will help said "If you can get Luna to want to help then we all will help you out." Scoots simply said one thing "Princess Luna is actually there favorite princess of all time, they love her some much that when a surgeon said Luna is a bad and pathetic princess... Lets just say the surgeon needed surgery" all princesses said in unison "I'm in." "Lovely now hers the plan..." > Chapter 4 the plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I want the wonderbolts to perform for them so Spitfire could you help out with that?" Scoots asked. "Sure." said Spitfire confidently with a nod. "Rainbow dash they want to see a rainbow so, Sonic rainboom." "Will do scoots" Rainbow said with confidence. "AJ, pinkie, treats Apple flavored and night themed please and pinkie 'gulp' this will be they're first and last birthday party ever." Pinkie looked shocked her main and tail went flat but then puffed back up and said, "okie dokie lokie" "Fluttershy they always wanted to see a nocternal animal so could you please." "Sure" shy said quietly but joyful to be able to help. " Luna Night Skys want to be a bat pony and they all what to be nocternal like your night guards so could you please. And Twi illusion spell for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to look more like night guards. Celestia can you have 3 carriages for them and for me and the others to pull." Scoots said. "Got it." they said in unison. "Ok now Luna can you adopt them and stay here with the rest of us all." She asked sadly. "If thou thinks lt shall help brighten them up, then we shall." Luna said. "Ok Fluttershy, sorry but can you adopt me they said that if I was to be adopted it should be you. For more than one reason." "Um scootaloo, may I ask you why Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle need illusion spell and you don't?" Twilight asked Fluttershy answered, "simple because we're both are half vampire pony half Pegasus pony." And everyone else was just shocked that she said that so simply she said "okay, so questions about that later please." everypony just nodded. "One last thing they want a sleepover at a castle for the last few days and when they go to sleep after their birthday party is over it will be at the castle of the two sisters. And the captain of each guard will be here. They want to meet tempest shadow, Aether aura, Rara, and Songbird. Plus they want different outfits so rarity I need a wonderbolts uniform, a princess dress, and a cute astronomers outfit please." "Sure darling" Rarity said with Elegance and grace. "Great now twilight we all need a spell to insure we don't go deaf today please." Scootaloo said. "Okay but why" Twi said confused. > Chapter 5 introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that the adoption papers are signed. everypony is heading to the hospital where Scootaloo hit a button with a moon on it. " Um Scootaloo why did you push that button?" Twilight asked. Scootaloo said "The same reason for the spell so we can keep our hearing, it's so others won't be disturbed. Now come on." As they come to a door with a sign on it that saids -keep quiet about the princesses or that's your head. " What is the meaning for this?" Spike said while riding on aj's back. Scootaloo just said in a mocking tone. "Let's go in and find out shall we." And with that she looked to see they were sleeping. She went in, turn around and motioned them to enter quietly. Once the door was closed she woke them up with joy that for once she had no ringing in her ears as they screamed. "Aaaahhhh IT'S PRINCESS LUNA." and with that she shoved a moon pie in there mouth to quiet them down. Scootaloo simply gave everypony a look that says ' now do you understand' it made Luna scared to tell them she adopted them but she did anyways after scoots got them to promise to keep quiet for the rest of there stay down. "Yes it is I. princess Luna, your new mom." and that's when she was tackled to the ground with hugs. After getting her laughing fit under control scootaloo asked, "are you all right?" "Yes, I believe I'm ok" said Luna now out of her state of shock. "Well girls meet my friends, the princesses, and the elements of harmony. Everypony these are my sisters moonbeam, night skys, and constellation." Now that introduction are over everything in the room was put in twilights castle. while the doctor came in and gave scootaloo the papers needed to discharge the three, and with that each filly got to ride on some ponies back on the way to the castle. > Chapter 6 introduction part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They arrive at the castle to discord, dragon Lord ember, King thorax, tempest shadow and aether aura outside talking while the guards are inside setting everything up for the sleepover tonight. " Now that we have everything we need for the sleepover at the castle would you like a ride on the back of the captain of the royal friendship guard, tempest shadow, or maybe even a show." Twilight asked the little unicorn on her back. "Yes yes yes yes!" moonbeam exclaimed bouncing. "Now moonbeam mind your manners." Rarity said. "Rarity calm down they never even seen tempest before, not even in pictures. I just hope they don't try to hurt her." Scootaloo said. That was when tempest and the others showed up. "Hi Mom what's going on?" Aether aura asked pinkie who decided to give her a hug. "Aether, you and I are having a sleepover with everypony here, isn't that going to be great, although I know you have a lot of questions, it can wait till we get in side, alright." pinkie pie said surprisingly normally and not in her usual super fast way when she is excited which got her adoptive daughter curious. Her daughter then says, "something's wrong. I want to know now what is going on." "When we get inside, I don't think we should stay out here that long, let's head in" scootaloo said. "Ok fine, but this better be good." After an explanation, the show and second introduction they went in and after a ride from tempest they settled down and got ready for the sleepover. > Chapter 7 The sleepover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "what! you can actually turn into a bat? You and Fluttershy, really!!" Asked a slightly shocked ember, while discord just looked at her confused. While soarin, was still shocked about the fact she stayed grounded when she could actually fly. Fluttershy and scootaloo in vampire form nodded while drinking some apple juice and ate a daisy sandwich with what everyone hoped was ketchup except for the three fillies. " It's both ketchup and ponies blood."scootaloo said smiling teeth showing, while a little red. As everypony's face went pale Flutterbat scolded scootaloo "what you said wasn't nice and isn't true ketchup out powers the taste and smell of ponyies blood so I wouldn't mix it together." When everypony calmed down she added. " Only blood of a reptile would ever mix well with ketchup." That's when every creature there had any color drained from them. Fluttershy noticed this and said "it's just ketchup." Everyone calmed down completely. That is until scootaloo ask her new mother if they can have some tomorrow. And she said, "sure I see no problem with it just no one in the castle, and no draining angel bunny." Shy said. Scoots simply asked if they could make a quick trip to canterlot. "you have to ask Celestia if we can drain blueblood." Shy stated. Scoots said "I don't want to drain him just want to see if I can make him blue in the face. His blood tastes awful." After saying that Celestia did a spit take, that made scoots and shy laugh. "ha ha ha, oh so worth the lie. ha ha ha ha." Once she stopped laughing she added "But when I was little, I was told he got his name cause his blood is actually blue." That's when cadence said " it was when he was little cause of a illness. Aunty here fixed him right up." Luna cut in saying "all right my little ponies it's time for bed, sweet dreams." and with that they went to bed. > Chapter 8 nightskys day/set up part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After everyone woke up and had breakfast scootaloo decided that each filly will choose the activities for the day, while the others got the surprise party ready. "Princess Twilight will choose who will get to be today's activity planner, you all will do whatever activity that pony wants ok." scoots said. Twilight had used a spell that will pick a random pony to choose today's lucky pony and nightskys was that lucky pony and what she chose went perfectly. "Let's go to cloudsdales for today, I've always wanted to go there" and so twilight cast the cloud walking spell on moonbeam and constellation and off they went. -_-_- Cloudsdales _-_-_ Rainbow gave them a tour of cloudsdales with cadence and flurry heart with them. she even took them to the park to play. -_-_- Canterlot _-_-_ Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle,and Apple Bloom with help from the actual guards were learning to pull carriages while in armor design for fillies their age. Scoots in her bat form Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle with an illusion spell, so they can pull the Luna loving trio along on there birthday while pinkie somehow invited everyone she could she even invited the whole village starlight once ruled, and cheese sandwich to help. -_-_- Cloudsdales _-_-_ The fillies went to see the wonderbolts headquarters for a tour even got a hug from everypony there. Then spitfire ask them to come up with a small routine to incorporate into the original one they had. And so that kept them busy for the next couple hours. -_-_- Canterlot _-_-_ They got fitted for the Luna guard armor for there size while Luna meanwhile asked about her daughters, and scootaloo answered like she new them more than she new herself. She had to lead almost everything. She shocked them when they found out what the moon pies was, and who made them. They even tried it them selfs. They then went on ahead and hide everything. While the scoots sisters did there last activity for that day. -_-_- Cloudsdales _-_-_ The last place they went to was the weather factory for a tour that was given by rainbow dash, they also got to see how everything is made. They even got to help -_-_- Ponyville _-_-_ Everyone got back to ponyville at the same time so that's good, although, spike seems to be the only dragon there at the moment. "Spike where's ember?" Scoots asked. Spike said "She went to go get a volunteer for dragons blood, we were wondering if and how you can get blood from a dragon." and with that they went to the castle. > Chapter 9 moonbeams day/ set up part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning ________ Once everypony woke up and had breakfast, twilight used her magic to choose the lucky filly to lead today's activities. That lucky filly is moonbeam. "Can we go to canterlot, I've always wanted to go there, plus I'm curious about this blueblood pony." and with that their mom and aunty went to canterlot. -_-_- crystal empire _-_-_ "I'm glad to be back so I can stock up on flurry hearts supplies," Cadence said. scoots then said "as long as everypony knows what they need to do then we're good, I just want this to be special. They never got to do anything but lay in the hospital bed unless I came over to play it breaks my heart." then they went into their respectful teams or groups and headed on their way. -_-_- canterlot _-_-_ "Wow this castle is huge. Is this where you both live at?" moonbeam asked, in which luna and celestia nodded. "So girls would you like a tour of our home, and maybe I can show some of lunas baby pictures." celestia said smiling at the annoyed look on lunas face. "but what about you? i mean you and mom are sisters there has to be some photos of both of you playing together." constellation asked. -_-_- crystal empire _-_-_ Deciding that it's time to have lunch so everyone can take a break, scootaloo told cadence something that will irritate her. "You know constellation always wanted to come up here right, and if you tell them about the festival thats tomorrow she will surely want to come up here. pluse you could have just said you needed to stock up on supplies and that you were planing to come tomorrow and that you would love to give them a tour of this place." Cadence just mumbled under her breath, " Now she tell me." -_-_- canterlot _-_-_ Would you believe that the next thing they did was go out for ice cream and a walk through the park with blueblood (celestia made him be nice). They had lunch and blueblood had actually promise them that he will change his ways if it made them happy and he did. until somepony had hurt those girls on purpose that is he even went back to ponyville with them. -_-_- ponyville _-_-_ Scootaloo told them about a festival that was happening in the crystal empire and asked constellation if that's where she would like to explore tomorrow. When she said yes they had dinner at sugarcube corner. so that they can meet the cake twins. After they finish eating they went to the park, then they went to the castle and to go to bed. > chapter 10 constellations day/ preperations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woke up, had breakfast and now everypony day starts. cadence, shining armor, and all four little fillies went to the crystal empire, while everypony else set up for the party. -_-_- Crystal empire _-_-_ "So this is the castle you three stay in? it's so pretty i love it." said moonbeam. "well since we are at the castle lets have a tour of it, and we can stop at flurry hearts room so cadence can grab her things needed for while we are out. okay." shining said. and with that they were off. -_-_- ponyville _-_-_ "You really think they will like it" said a shockingly anxious pinkie pie. And to that scootaloo said "pinkie they would like having a picnic in the hospital with all the ponies in the hospital. They are going to love this I'm positive they will." So with that they continued setting up, hiding everything, and of course scoots made the moonpies and pinkie pie made a cake. -_-_- Crystal empire _-_-_ It was time for the festival and the girls were having fun. But when they saw these giant life size luna plushies they did there best to win and when they did cadence had made it to were it was like flying on the luna plushies back. they won alot of prizes, played lots of games and ate they slept the train ride home. -_-_- ponyville _-_-_ Everything was ready for tomorrow so off to the castle were they woke the three little fillies for dinner. and then, they all went to bed. > chapter 11 the party/the last birthday part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the fillies was awake there was a note in front of them that said: your breakfast is at sugar cube corner, your ride is outside. and so outside they went outside to see their Luna plushies floating in the air wings spread ready to take off. they hopped up and off they went into sugar cube corner for breakfast, when they went in Luna's horn surrounded them and three vampire like fillies are now where Luna's daughters once were. "There, now my daughters, how do you feel in your new form." They looked at each other then at themselves and they were so happy. That's when they decided on something to eat. After they ate they went out side to see Sweetie Belle in the same state as moonbeam, in Luna's night guards armor standing at the front of the door she bowed saying. "I have arrived to take you all to your next destination. Then I'll escort you in, if you wish it upon me." and with that they went to Rarity's boutique for their outfits. They arrived at the carousel boutique where sweetie belle had guided them to where her sister was. "Ah, there you girls are, I have your orders right here." Said the generous unicorn. As she went to get the outfit they turned to ask sweetie belle what she was talking about just to find she was gone. rarity returned with three outfits. "A dress for moonbeam," she slipped the dress on the small little unicorn. " An astronomers uniform for constellation," the young earth pony was then dressed. "and last but not least a cute wonderbolts uniform for night skys." the little batpony turned pegasus was dressed. Then Sweetie Belle came back in to take them to the next place. They reached Twilights castle where she dropped them off and left, but not before saying. "Your next ride will be here shortly, so please head inside and rest. and so they went in to find a crown for moonbean, a mini telescope necklace for constellation, and a wonderbolts jacket for night skys. "Hey girls how to you like your birthday so far?" ... ... ... "Girls?" "We forgot, we forgot our birthday" they said while shocked. Then a knock at the door prompted twilight to speak up. "Yes, come in." and in comes Apple Bloom looking a little like constellation saying "I have arrived to take the birthday girls to their next destination. Would you girls please step inside, and we'll be on our way." And off they went to the apple family's farm. > Chapter 12 party part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that they have reached the farm, Apple Bloom gave them a tour of the farm before taking them to the barn house. She even took them to the cutie mark crusaders clubhouse to play. Then they arrived at the barn where Apple Jack was waiting for them. "Well howdy y'all. Glad you could make it. Here, have some fruit." Said the honest Apple Jack. As they ate there fruit they found the fangs hard to work with. But soon they somewhat got the hang of it. When they turned to see if Apple Bloom wanted some she was gone. Flutterbat soon appeared and asked, "would you girls like me to teach you how to eat with fangs." They all nodded. "First and foremost, take small bites, plus take it slow, or there will be both a big mess to clean and a sore jaw to fix if you eat to fast or take to big of a bit." She showed them and after that it was easier for them and with that shy was gone. After their lovely snack Apple Bloom came to take them to shys house to feed the animals. Flutterbat is quick and sneaky when she needs to be. So off to the cottage they go. "I think that the best has yet to come. What about you two?" Night skys said in which the other two nodded. Once arriving to Fluttershys cottage they saw a lot of animals. "Welcome to my home. you girls are welcome to play with the animals if you want." Fluttershy said. And with that they petted and help feed all the animals there, and the day is yet to be over yet. > Chapter 13 fillies first and last birthday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo arrived for the next surprise for the little fillies. "Okay girls, it is now time for the tour of ponyville, climb in and we will fly to see the biggest surprise of a lifetime". And with that they were off into the sunset. They flew over the everfree forest, past dashes house, and around the school house. They then they headed to sugarcube corner where their mom was singing her famous song 'children of the night'. And with that they landed. "When...how...who...what??" Stamered the shocked fillies. Scootaloo meanwhile laughingly said "wow I never thought we could break them. This is so shockingly funny." So Luna used her magic to bring the fillies out into the night and placed them on the ground. "I got this. 'Ahem' happy birthday girls, but you better enjoy the party. If not you get no cake." They shook the shock off and partied for the first time. They opened presents that will be donated to the homeless, and the hospital. Everyone enjoyed the moon pies, while pinkie pie begged for the recipe. Tempest gave every little filly and Colt a ride, while twilight read them stories. The wonderbolts performed for everypony 'with the little routine they made up', and ended that performance with a Sonic rainboom. The rainboom signaled songbird serenade and countess coloratura to start the singing portion of the party. They both singed 'when you believe' in harmony, and it was beautiful. Afterwards everypony went to the castle of the two sisters for the fillies last night. They had told silly stories, told about their adventures or told jokes. It was the best night of their lives. But tomorrow the real sadness will be known to all. > Chapter 14 the funeral > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone awoke to scootaloo crying. Then Fluttershy noticed that everyone is awake but the three fillies. They weren't moving, breathing, anything. That is when everyone started crying. After about another hour of crying scoots gave a small piece of paper to Luna with one last wish from her daughters. It said `we want an organization called wishing star to be made, scootaloo will know what we are talk about.` "Scootaloo?" Luna asked with sadness fully visible in her voice. " It's an organization that is made for every filly and Colt in the hospital that had a hard time and suffered like them can get a wish. And the organization will do all it can to make there wish come true. It's designed to give hope so ponies won't just give up and die so easily." After three days to prepare, and some talking everyone decided a parade through the city of canterlot, a speech given by scootaloo about her three honorary little sisters, and sweetie belle and Luna sings lullaby of the moon. It was planned and all that was needed was the coffins and time it starts and time it ends. With three hours before sunset the parade started. The one to lead it was scootaloo and the guards with wings in the air carrying night skys with the bolts behind the casket with many pegasi coming up to drop a feather in. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom walked side by side under scootaloo with sweeties horn aglow. She lit up the night to show the ponies the fillies while the unicorn guards carried moonbeam in their magic above constellation but below night sky. While the earth pony guards carried constellation by hoof on the ground behind them both unicorn and earth pony guards marched behind them in formation. Unicorns lit their horns to send their magical energy to moonbeam and earth ponies put a seed in constellations casket. Luna, Celestia, Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, and Flurry Heart, stood at the royal family statue garden/cemetery for hero's had a feather to put in the casket. while scootaloo now have three primary feathers wrapped around the girls neck she flew in bat form. Dragons either flew walked or in spikes case rode on someponies back, to show respect to the little ones. The changelings where all around them. With them arriving to their destination, the moon was rising up in the sky with three new stars right under the moon in dedication to moonbeam, night skys, and constellation, they were lowered side by side into the ground while Luna and sweetie sung a song and a statue of them covered the spot that they will rest forevermore. Everypony went their separate ways to morn over the three inspirations that have died. Three fillies who's names will live on forever. > Chapter 15 Future. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been 6 years since the little fillies died and wishing star is booming. Many ponies have gained hope back got to meet one of the wonderbolts, sing on stage with their favorite singer, or spend a day with one or more of the princesses. There were even some ponies that got out of the hospital and had a nice life afterwards. And the owners of this organization is none other than the cutie mark crusaders with scootaloo the head owner of it. "Ok so sunny skys wants to meet princess Celestia, Crystal cove wants to play with Flurry Heart, speedy wants to fly with the wonderbolts, carrot cake wishes for sugarcube corner to sells at least 2 dozens of her style of carrot cakes and twister wants his cutie mark. Let's get to work." And with that they were off to make wishes and dreams come true. Carrot cake, cakes were sold so fast she gave pinkie pie the recipe. Sunny skys was an honorary princess for a day. Crystal Cove had a playdate with Flurry Heart. Speedy got to do an air show with them as an honorary bolt. And twister with the help of the cutie mark crusaders he got his cutie mark. It's a twister meaning he love and is good at fast and making a twister, good luck scootaloo was there to put it out. The elements and the upper class donate to this organization, and a tax is on many things to go to it, along with everyone more than willing to do their part. In the end of it all moonbeams, night skys, and constellations wishes and dreams truly did come true. "I hope you girls are proud. This place is now considered one of the most important organizations around. I sure do miss you three. Moonbeam, constellation, and night skys, I hope you're happy with it all. Scootaloo said while looking into the starlit sky, mainly at her sisters' stars. And with that she turned into a bat and flew towards the everfree forest. 🌕🌠♥