> The Wings of Time > by Lightning_Striker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Night of the Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: The Night of the Future Starlight Glimmer woke up to another day, assuming that she slept in again. However, as she rubbed her eyes with her hooves, she glanced outside, and saw that it was still night. As such, she decided to roll over and go back to bed, after determining how long she had left to sleep. Starlight was essentially a master of time magic, even though she never actually time travelled. That would be far too dangerous, even if she had modified Starswirl the Bearded's spell. She lit up her horn to determine the approximate time, and her magic only confirmed that she did, in fact, sleep in. She looked back out, again to see that it was night. She knew Princess Luna well enough to know she would not try to take over Equestria again, especially now that she had a daughter, Trixie Lulamoon, who just so happened to be Starlight's best friend. Starlight wandered into the hall of the Friendship Castle, and decided to check her moms' bedroom. Inside, she found their bed, neatly made, with their cutie marks on the covers, a purple star next to a red and gold sun. Starlight became increasingly worried, and teleported herself to the room with the Cutie Map. "Mum? Mom?" she called. However, there was no response. A few minutes later, she heard a knock on the door. She swiftly teleported there, and opened the door to Sunburst. "Starlight! The other Princesses are gone, please tell me your mom is still here!" he said in a panic. "No, neither of my parents are here? What's happened? Where are the other Princesses?" Starlight asked. Just then, she saw a flying object getting closer. "Maybe that's one of them," she said, hopefully. "Well, all of the main Princesses are gone, Flurry Heart is still here. She went to go check on Princess Luna after checking on me and mom," he explained. Flurry Heart dropped Trixie to the ground before landing. "Geez, Trixie, you're hard to carry," she said. "Well the Great and Powerful Trixie's magic is mostly illusion, I'm not that good at teleporting. Besides, flying is faster," Trixie countered. Starlight raised an eyebrow at Trixie. "What? It's good for morale," Trixie explained. "And Harmony knows that we need morale now more than ever." "True. Let's meet in the Map room, so we can go over what we know," Starlight said, keeping a façade of calm about her. The four friends made their way up to the map room. When they arrived, they gathered around the Cutie Map. "So, what do we know?" Starlight asked. Flurry was the first to answer. "All four Princesses have disappeared, presumably taken. The bearers Elements of Harmony are spread across Equestria, and without the Element of Magic, they are rendered useless. The Pillars that are still alive may be able to help, but I'm not sure how much time we have." "We also know that wherever our parents are, that they have been rendered unable to perform their duties, I think. Can you confirm, Starlight?" Sunburst asked, hoping to be wrong. "Unfortunately, I already have, and you are correct. However, my mum is also missing, are any of your other parents missing?" Starlight asked. "Dad is doing his best to keep the peace in the Crystal Empire," Flurry Heart replied. "My dad is doing the same in Canterlot," Sunburst confirmed. "My dad has sent out patrols to look for the Princesses," Trixie said. "So why would both my parents be taken?" Starlight wondered. Just then, a bloodied and bruised Sunset teleported in, and collapsed. "Mum!" Starlight cried. "Hey, sweetheart," Sunset muttered. "Mum, are you okay? Where's Mom?" Starlight asked. "No, my little Star, there is no time," Sunset replied. "You cannot save her now. I... I tried." "But there must be something we can do!" Flurry Heart said as she stepped up. "There is," Sunset said weakly. "More specifically, something you can do, my little Glimmering Star." Starlight's eyes went wide. "No, you can't mean?" Sunset looked up at her daughter. "You must. It is the only way." "But I might never see you again," Starlight objected. Sunset coughed up some blood. "I'm afraid my time is up already. But there is still a way to save Equestria, to save your Mom, the other Princesses, maybe even me, in some way. Just go to the most recent flux." "But... But..." Starlight started bawling. "No. Mum, please don't leave me." "I'm afraid I don't have that choice," Sunset said. "But I will always be with you, in here," she smiled as she put her hand on her daughter's heart, before closing her eyes, the little life in her drifting away. "No, Mum, I... I..." Starlight could hardly speak. Trixie put her hoof on best friend's shoulder. "I'm so sorry. What did she mean by there was a way you could save her, and all the rest of our parents?" Starlight began to dry herself up. "I think she means this," she said as she pulled a scroll out from under the table. "But how is that supposed to help? Starswirl's spell only works for a week, and is a self contained time loop," Sunburst said. "Not this version," Starlight replied. "I altered his spell and so it can go far back, and there is no self contained time loop. I never actually used it, but apparently it's our only hope." "And what was that she said about the most recent flux?" Flurry asked. "The last measured temporal fluctuation was set about twenty years ago, soon after my Mum..." Starlight started crying again. There were tears in everypony's eyes. Starlight, however, was still determined to complete what she was saying. "Soon after she moved in with Mom," Starlight finished through tears. "So if we travel back there, we could save her?" Trixie asked. "But I don't even know if we'll be able to come home," Starlight confirmed. "That won't matter if Equestria is going to be defeated anyways, we've got to try," Flurry said firmly. Starlight stood up. "Mum, I will save you, I promise," she whispered as she began her spell, using the Cutie Map as an anchor for the spell. A large bubble appeared over their heads. "Are you all sure you want to do this?" she asked. "She was my family too," Flurry said. "And the Great and Powerful Trixie wouldn't be so great and powerful if she left her friend to go on a mission to save Equestria alone." "And I can't just sit here and do nothing," Sunburst said. "So we all go," Starlight said, as she entered the time portal, followed by her friends. > Chapter 1: The Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: The Arrival The four ponies fell through time, in a vortex. They landed right where the Cutie Map would have been, but it had not appeared yet. It was nighttime in Equestria as well. Trixie rubber her head. "Did it work?" she asked. Starlight looked around her, and lit up her horn. "Well, considering there's no map, for one, I would think so, but I just confirmed it. We have arrived at least a in a month's window before the temporal fluctuation occurred, which means we have time to go find it and what happened," Starlight explained. "Why a within a month? Could you not get us any closer?" Flurry asked. "Well, nopony knows the exact date of when it happened, and I didn't want to undershoot, leaving us after it. And besides, I'm still in shock and grief," Starlight explained. "Well, let's hope it's sooner rather than later, I'd rather not be caught in a paradox that would cause me not to exist," Sunburst said. "Our very being here breaks every conceived law of time, but at least we have a good reason." "The Great and Powerful Trixie would rather not be the non-existent Trixie," Trixie concurred. "So basically, we stay out of our parents lives until we fix this mess," Flurry said. "Yeah, that might be prudent," Starlight said. However, right after she said that, the door to the future Map room opened. An amber unicorn walked in with her horn glowing teal. "Who's there? I have magic, and I'm not afraid to use it," said Sunset Shimmer, much younger than the one they had just left. Starlight could only stare. There was her Mum, standing right in front of her, alive, and much younger than how she saw her a few minutes ago. Starlight didn't realize it, but she started to shake. Sunset looked around the room at the four intruders. "All unicorns," Sunset started, before looking at Flurry Hearts wings and gasping. "Correction, three unicorns and one alicorn. How did you four get past Twilight's defenses? And what are you doing here?" she demanded. Starlight normally would be the one who would answer things like that, but she was unable to, so Flurry Heart stepped up. "Miss Shimmer, I'm afraid we cannot explain that, but can only say that we are on a mission of the upmost importance, and must be leaving at once," she said firmly. "No. I will not allow you to hurt my friend," Sunset said. Starlight collapsed to the floor, unable to even hold herself up anymore, and passed out. The strain of time travel, the shock of seeing her Mum die in front of her eyes and then suddenly seeing her again was too much for her. "Or, if you really are here for the sake of an important mission that will help Equestria, then we must at least get your friend here checked out," Sunset stated. "So, you could just come with me, let me and Twilight look at your friend, or you could go to the dungeon, the hard way," she threatened. Trixie looked at Flurry after walking over and checking out Starlight. "She needs help," she said. Flurry turned back to Sunset. "Then, I suppose that you could help her. Our mission is to help Equestria, but, as part of that mission, we can say no more. She's been through a lot today," she said. "Alright, I'll lead you to one of the guest rooms," Sunset said. "And I'm going to get Twilight on the way, so don't try anything." "I don't think we'll be trying anything," Sunburst confirmed. "Good, now follow me," Sunset said, as she turned around, and walked out the door, continually looking back to make sure that they were following her. Flurry was carrying Starlight on her back, following Sunset. When they arrived at Twilight's room, Sunset said, "Stay here, and don't do anything, I'm going to get Twilight." After a few minutes, she returned with a tired alicorn. "Sunset, who are these ponies, and why are they here?" Twilight asked groggily. "I already told you, Twilight. Apparently their on some important mission, and one of them is hurt in some way. She passed out," Sunset replied. "Oh, right. Where are we taking them?" Twilight asked. "One of the spare bedrooms, since this castle doesn't have a medical bay that I know of. I'll lead the way," Sunset said. "Okay," Twilight yawned. As they made their way to the bedroom, the three newcomers recognized the way. They were going to what would become Starlight's bedroom. When they arrived, Flurry put Starlight on the bed. Twilight had finally woken up some more, so she was now more alert. Twilight lit up her horn and scanned Starlight. "There appear to be no external injuries," she said. "It appears her problem is fatigue, and maybe even shock, though I can't know for sure." She turned to the other three newcomers. "Alright, I need your names, and an explanation of how you got into my castle with all of the new counter spells and wards I've put up." Flurry sighed, she was afraid of this, that they would have to reveal their names. So, she decided to tell at least part of the truth, at least enough that Twilight wouldn't interfere. From what she knew of her aunt, she knew that Twilight would do her best to stay out of time travel and paradoxes. "Well, my name is Flurry Heart, these are Sunburst and Trixie, and the pony who now lies before you is Starlight. And I'm pretty sure your wards do not work against time travel," Flurry explained. That should be just enough to keep the timeline intact, and keep Twilight for looking any further into it, as well as answering Twilight's question. "Time travel? I find that very hard to believe, considering that no one's even heard of you, and that Starswirl's spell only lasts a few minutes, right Twilight?" Sunset said. "Right, and it only goes back a week, and causes a temporal loop, causing the events that lead to the time travel. But, given the fact that you are an alicorn," Twilight pointed to Flurry. "And the fact that I was the most recent to ascend, you could have ascended in the next week. Tenses are so confusing. But how? If you were using Starswirl's spell, you would have been sent back to the future already?" Starlight had started to regain consciousness. "Because I modified it," she muttered. Twilight turned back to Starlight. "You're awake," she stated. "Now, how did you get your hooves on the time travel spell in the first place?" "Maybe it's because of who-" Starlight started. "Her friend is," Flurry cut in, trying to avoid any paradoxes. "I am an alicorn after all. I have access to it." "Well, I suppose that makes sense," Twilight said. "But if you modified it, what else does that mean?" Starlight was able to sit up in the bed she was in now, and somehow able to keep her composure. "It means that we can change the timeline, which also unfortunately means that we could inadvertently erase ourselves from existence. This didn't happen before, I know that," Starlight explained. "But then why would you come to this time and place?" Sunset asked. Starlight trembled a little, before calming herself down. "We came back a little before the most recent temporal fluctuation," Starlight said. "As for the place, I suppose that since we didn't have a particular destination in space, it just dropped up where we came from." "You came from my castle?" Twilight asked. "But that would mean you had access in the future. If you came from far in the future, enough so that you are not born yet, as shown by your statement about being erased from existence, maybe one of you is my foal, if not all of you, or some of you." "Twilight," Flurry said. "It could just be because I'm a fellow alicorn who you are friends with. We cannot reveal anything more. Just know that we come to defeat a great evil, and that we have a good purpose in being here, to save the future. We wouldn't risk ourselves otherwise. Besides, we're all tired, and could use some rest." "I suppose that's true, but how are we to truly know that you are from the future?" Sunset questioned. Flurry thought for a moment. "Because nopony else in this time besides a select few know that you went to another world, and that you changed there, after being saved by Twilight, and helped defeat an evil there," she said. "Okay, that's good enough for me," Sunset said, before yawning. "I agree with Flurry, we should all get a good night's sleep, we all could use it, and maybe tomorrow you can figure out how to change the future," Twilight said, before leaving the room with Sunset. "Well, buck," Starlight said. "Day one and I already encountered my future parents. Let's hope this doesn't mess anything up." "Considering you're still here, I don't think it has, but I don't know how this works," Sunburst said. "Worry not, dear Starlight. Once we all are rested up tomorrow, the Great and Powerful Trixie will help keep things on track." "Good to know," Starlight said. "But they were right, we do need sleep." She then turned over to go to sleep, and the others followed suit. > Chapter 2: Paradoxes and Breakfast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Paradoxes and Breakfast Starlight Glimmer awoke with a small headache. She rolled over to see that the sun was out. "I overslept again, didn't I?" she said to nopony in particular. She didn't even think about what happened until she looked down at her covers. "Well, buck." Of course it couldn't have just been a dream. Besides, Luna would have stopped it anyways. She then got up, and looked around the bare room. "Did they really take me to my future bedroom? How freaky is that?" She then decided to go and eat, she hadn't eaten in a while. Probably over a day. When she got to the kitchen, she saw her three friends in there, as well as her future parents. This was going to be hard to think about. "Good morning, everypony," she said groggily. "Good morning," Sunset said. "Starlight, was it?" "Yes, my name is Starlight," she said before glancing at Flurry. "I thought I would give them just enough information to get them off our backs and keep the timeline intact. Knowing our names shouldn't really affect the timeline, at least I don't think so," Flurry defended herself. "So, just to be clear, these events didn't happen before, and we never actually found you in your original timeline?" Twilight asked. "No, you didn't," Starlight responded. "And, in the future, my Mum," Starlight began, before stopping. "Your mum?" Sunset asked. "Yeah, she said that if we went back it should change the timeline. And no, I am not revealing who my Mum is. I do not wish to endanger the timeline. From what I've studied about time, is that it wants to happen, but the more that is revealed, the bigger the consequences become. Actually, our plan was to avoid everypony, and to only deal with whatever caused, well, what we came back to prevent," Starlight said. "Well, now that you've talked to us, maybe we could help," Twilight said excitedly. "I don't think that would be a good idea," Starlight said while getting a cup of coffee. "It would be best if you just forgot we even came here and stayed on your current course of events." "But we have no plans," Twilight countered. Sunset was standing closer to Starlight than she was to Twilight. "Well, we would," she said under her breath, but still just loud enough for Starlight to hear. "Wait, what day is today?" Starlight asked. "Hearts and Hooves Day," Twilight said. "And, since neither Sunset or I are dating anypony, we both should be available." Starlight cursed under her breath, and then looked at Twilight and Sunset. "Could you give us a minute?" she asked them. "Sure thing," Sunset said, and then proceeded to step out of the kitchen with Twilight. "What's wrong?" asked Trixie. "What's wrong is that today is the first Hearts and Hooves day that my parents are together! Today is the day that my Mum was supposed to ask out Mom, during their morning coffee! And then we stumble in not giving her the chance," Starlight spat out. "So, how are we supposed to fix this? Clearly it's not set in yet, as you still are here, and not fading from existence," Sunburst said. "That's the problem, we don't know how it's going to affect us. This is experimental time magic. We don't know if the original timeline still exists, and we have just created a parallel universe, if it will take days for me to start fading out of existence, if we just will be stuck in the past, or even with our meddling with time the universe would implode!" "If the universe were to implode, it would have happened already," Sunburst pointed out. "Besides, could not the very danger we are trying to prevent somehow be an indirect cause for at least one of our existences? Also there is a slight possibility that we are indeed in a horseshoe paradox, and your parents just lied." Flurry asked. "Trixie would rather not think of that." "Saving Equestria is our top priority, while our secondary is preventing ourselves from being erased," Starlight said. "We are putting our lives at risk, just like any other time anypony has had to save Equestria. Only this time, there is a much higher risk. I highly doubt that we are in a horseshoe paradox, because my Mum said that we could save her." "So basically, don't do anything that would put any of us in too much danger," Flurry summarized. "So, how important do you think your parents' date is?" "I really want to put it up there. I mean, I know that there could be other times that they could hook up, but they went stargazing. They told me that if it wasn't for that night, they might not have named me Starlight. On the other hoof, even if they went stargazing tonight, they might be too worried to actually enjoy the date, and history is screwed anyways. Them helping us would be a big plus, and they did say that their adventures together are what helped them fall in love. They know the time, and if we can make sure that they both get out of this alive, I still should exist," Starlight said. "So basically, what Trixie is hearing, is that your future parents can still be your future parents and still help us, as well as perhaps getting them closer. Trixie would hate to lose her best friend." "Why do you usually talk in the third person, anyways, Trixie?" Sunburst asked. "Because it's not as boring. Besides, when she got back, my mom always used to use the royal we. Trixie should have a trait like that, too. Only different." "Also, it's kinda cute when she does it," Starlight said. "See, the Great and Powerful Trixie's best friend likes it!" "So, then, it's agreed. Twilight and Sunset may accompany us, but we are to not let them die, for then we might suffer two casualties," Flurry said. "I don't think I could go through that again," Starlight said with a somber look on her face. "But anyways, could we please get something to eat. I'm starved!" "Yes, but don't shouldn't we let a couple other ponies in the kitchen?" Trixie asked. "Nope!" Starlight said. "I messed up their date tonight, so I may as well treat them to breakfast. And besides, I know just what they like. Now, could somepony pass me the pancake mix? Oh, and we might want somepony to tell Sunset and Twilight, ahg, it's so weird calling them that, that they should make their way to the dining room, and that breakfast will be right out." Starlight had made a good and hearty breakfast that everypony enjoyed, especially Twilight and Sunset. "So, what you're telling me is that we can help you?" Twilight asked. "Yes. But, for reasons we cannot tell you, neither of you are allowed to sacrifice yourself for any one of us. Time may want to happen, but any death not meant to be can vastly change the timeline. At least I think so. The Princesses deemed it too dangerous to be used except in an emergency. I was the only one allowed to study time magic, well, me and a select few others. When my Mum came back to tell me about using it, she had to have known that the temporal fluctuation here in the past had something to do with what was happening," Starlight, however she tried, could not keep a steady face on that last part, and it drooped. "Did something happen? To your mum?" Sunset asked. Starlight sighed. "Well, I suppose I can tell you, since it is one of the events we want undone. We don't know where she went or what she did, but when she returned, she was all bloodied and bruised. She exhorted me to use the time spell and to save Equestria, right before she died." "I'm so sorry," Sunset said. "My father passed when I was a filly, so I, in a way, know how you feel." "But now, I have a chance to save her," Starlight replied. "So there is hope." "Okay, what can you tell us?" Twilight asked. "I would hate going after a great evil unprepared. Maybe I should make a list!" Starlight chuckled, as did everypony else in the room. "Apparently you're still known for making lists, even in the future," Sunset laughed. "You can say that again," Starlight said. Twilight rolled her eyes. "I know you might not want to reveal this, but who are all of your parents? We should keep them safe at all costs." Starlight spoke up, "You do not need to know who they are. We believe that the temporal fluctuation only came via Starswirl's original spell, and thus was in a closed time loop. Our parents can handle themselves pretty well." "Okay. What about how Equestria is in danger? What happened?" Twilight asked. "Well, again, since this part is what we are trying to prevent, we can tell you this. The four Princesses, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight, were all captured in the middle of the night. My Mum, a great unicorn, was unable to defeat this evil, and used the last of her energy telling me that time travel was the only way to defeat this evil. We also know that at least Celestia and Luna were rendered useless, as it was supposed to be daytime but the moon was still out. We know it's not Tirek, because, if it were, he would have taken their magic, along with my Mum's. We also know that the families of the four Princesses were left untouched, and they were trying to get order back from the panic that was caused. I also suspect that Flurry was not captured because she is not a full Princess yet," Starlight explained. "But how could somepony ascend to alicornhood and not become a Princess?" Twilight pondered. "Did Celestia and Luna ever tell you how they became alicorns?" Flurry asked. "They didn't, they were born, ooooohhhhhhh. So you're a natural born alicorn. Interesting," Twilight said. "Anyways, we must find this evil before it starts its plans. Presumably, this evil took all four Princesses by surprise, so if we find it in the past, your present, we should be able to stop it," Starlight finished. "What of the rest of my friends. Will they accompany us, and be allowed to help?" Twilight asked. "We are not leaving on an adventure for the current time," Starlight said. "For now we need to do one of your favorite activities, Twilight." Twilight's face lit up. "Research?" "Research," Starlight confirmed. "I need to do some stuff as well such as to try to pinpoint this temporal flux, and find out when and where it is coming from. If indeed it is from Starswirl's spell, it should be a closed time loop, causing itself. We, in essence, using time travel, may have inadvertently messed with this casting of the spell, causing it to become unstable. This should be no means allow the caster to freely travel as we have, but instead have undone the horseshoe paradox, meaning that this time the caster would have gone from the original timeline to the one we are now making." "Research it is," Twilight said. "You also probably want to look at a few maps while we're here." "Maybe," Starlight said. "But, as we might need help from the other Element bearers, you should get them to come here, We can meet in the room with all your chairs, as it seems most sensible for a meeting place." Twilight looked puzzled for a second. "But we had to give up the Elements." "Yes, you did, but that does not keep you from being called the Element bearers," Sunburst said. Trixie was too busy chowing down to say anything, so she just smiled. "Okay, so it's settled then. I'll gather the rest of my friends, while you four prepare what you're going to say. And Sunset? Could you get Spike? And set up a few extra chairs," Twilight said. "Sure, Twi," Sunset replied before they all parted way to do what they needed to. "Let's hope this works," Starlight muttered. > Chapter 3: The Map > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: The Map Everypony had gathered in the room with the thrones. Starlight had insisted keeping the circle, and not putting any chairs in the middle, to keep it well organized. Twilight was the last to enter. "Good, everypony has arrived," she said. "Yes, good," Starlight said. Twilight walked over to beside her chair. "So, Starlight, would you like to explain, or shall I?" she asked. "I will, if everypony will take their seats," she said. So, the six mares who represented the Elements of Harmony sat down. As they each sat down, the cutie mark symbols on their chairs glowed. Twilight was the last to sit down. When she did so, the lights shone on the floor in the center of the chairs, causing a shift in the ground, causing a map to spring up. All of the mares eyes widened. "Woah," Spike said. "I never thought I'd actually see it formed," Starlight muttered. Twilight looked at Starlight. "How did you? Oh right, time travel," she said. Starlight smiled. "Good, you're catching on," she smirked, before walking up beside Spike, as Sunset was on the other side of Twilight. "Hello everypony. I am Starlight Glimmer, and I am from the future. I have studied time magic, and swore only to use it in time of great need. Unfortunately, as you can tell, that time came. So, me and my friends, Trixie, Flurry, and Sunburst, travelled back in time to prevent a great catastrophe. The four Princesses were captured, and rendered useless to do anything by the darkness that took them. The only clue we have is one from my Mum," she instinctively glanced over at Sunset. "She told me, with her last breaths, that she believed that the only way to prevent this catastrophe was to go back to the time of the last temporal fluctuation, which we know was before I was able to modify Starswirl's original spell. So, we have come back her to prevent this catastrophe, which means stopping this unknown darkness, which will prevent the four Princesses from being captured, and my Mum from going to fight this evil and dying because of this. I know that it is hard to believe, but it is true. I cannot give any proof of what I am saying, because revealing too much will be dangerous. But, I do know some things that few ponies know. In fact, as of this moment, I believe that almost everypony who knows about Sunset Shimmer's adventures across the mirror is in this room, save the other Princesses." "So you gathered us because we're awesome," Rainbow Dash said. "Because I know that you can help," Starlight said. "And you already have. We needed a current map of Equestria, and now we have one." "So basically..." Pinkie started. "Pinkie, no. Don't say anything. You always know too much," Starlight quickly said. "Huh, I guess you really do know me," Pinkie said. "My lips are sealed. I won't cause any para-who-whats-its." "Paradoxes. And good. We're already dealing with those ourselves," Starlight replied. "So how are we supposed to help you, darling?" Rarity asked. "First, we are going to research. Then, we are going to decide what needs to be done next. Maybe the Cutie Map will tell us where to go," Starlight explained. "As much as I'd like to help, I do have some work on the farm that needs to get done. Let me know if y'all need me, though," Applejack said in her country accent. "I can stay and help, if you want," Fluttershy whispered. "That's all I ask, to help when you can," Starlight said. "Some of the research will be double checking history to make sure we don't mess up the timeline too much. But you can help in trying to find out what this darkness is." "And, I'm assuming you knew about the map, what was it you called it? The Cutie Map? Also because of future reasons you cannot reveal to us," Sunset said. "Also correct. It's honestly a surprise that you've had the castle for a couple weeks and all haven't sat in your chairs at the same time yet. Probably because my, I mean, Princess Twilight, likes pacing around a lot," Starlight said. Twilight, however, noticed the slip. "I'm your what, Starlight?" "Um, one, it was a slip of tongue, two, I shouldn't really be telling you about the future," Starlight responded. "Still, it makes it sound like I'm your Mum or something," Twilight said. Starlight just laughed. "Well, I can't tell you that even if it were true. You're actually my teacher," Starlight responded. She wasn't wrong, just not telling the whole truth. Twilight, first off, was her Mom, not her Mum, and second, Twilight was definitely a teacher to her. Twilight's eyes lit up. "So I get a pupil? How well do I teach? Do I assign enough reading? What would you like me to improve? Hopefully I have enough lists," Twilight began to ramble. "Twilight, you're rambling," Sunset pointed out. "Oh, right, sorry," Twilight said. "I'm used to it," Starlight said. "As for improvements, maybe less lists, they can be a bit excessive. And maybe don't assign me that one about studying Pinkie Pie, knowing I would fail. Nopony can truly understand her." Twilight had already gotten out parchment and a quill and was taking notes. "Less lists," she started saying, before looking up, bewildered. "What do you mean less lists? Lists are what help keep Harmony in Equestria!" Sunset put her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "I'm pretty sure you didn't have a list when defeating me, and against the Sirens, I do believe that was all impromptu," Sunset said, before facehoofing. She then turned to Trixie. "That's where I recognize you from, Canterlot High. It is strange that you're from the future, but exist now in that world. But then again, since Princess Celestia and Luna were born long ago, and since there are no immortals in the other world, it is also strange that they were there. If I recall-" "Please do not theorize about us," Starlight interrupted. "Our identities are to remain as much of a secret as possible. If you do know about the other Trixie, Sunset, then please keep it to yourself. I don't like having to deal with paradoxes." "Ain't ya dealing with paradoxes now?" AJ asked. "Yes, and I'd prefer if there were no more to deal with. The less we change the timeline, the easier it will be for it to remain mostly on track. Except, of course, for the evil we are trying to stop," Starlight said. "How do you know this?" Rainbow asked. "I may not have used it, but I did run a simulation once, using technologies from the other world, on what the possible effects of the spell were. In that simulation, unfortunately, I had to paint myself as the villain, so I could truly see the negative side effects. In it, I stopped your Sonic Rainboom as a filly, thus preventing you all from getting your cutie marks. I did very little programming, instead connecting it to the Cutie Map, such as to have it build the world. Twilight did it with me, so she could see, and she was they good guy in it. I prevented the Sonic Rainboom seven times, each leading to a catastrophic future. We know what caused six of those futures. The seventh is still unknown to us. After we ended the simulation, we could only replay it, not go back in. But, the Cutie Map was a tether for the spell, and it even sensed something was wrong, and stayed, even though the timeline was different. Events stayed the same for the most part in those timelines, but, due to the fact that the Element bearers were not there to rise up and defeat the evils as they came along, the effects were negative. That was an exploration into one of the methods we thought that time travel would affect ponies. Twilight was always returned to the same point in time as she left, keeping herself complete, including her wings. Unfortunately, the simulation we ran was a dire circumstances one, meaning that she didn't have time to explore the timelines. I'm sure that there would be another, different Twilight there. No matter what, time tries to correct itself. We merely just cause ripples in the timeline. But, the Sonic Rainboom was such a big event, it was not ripples, but tidal waves to the time stream. We're hoping here to just cause ripples, just enough to keep the timeline intact, but still defeat the evil," Starlight explained. "So a full VR experience, huh?" Sunset said. "Exactly. Designed by, well, who it was designed by isn't important," Starlight said. "And I'm just that awesome," Rainbow said. "The six of you are just that important," Starlight corrected. Flurry stepped up. "Now that we've established that, we really should get to work. We don't know how long until that pony, or whatever it is, uses Starswirl's spell, so we must act fast." "I agree, though I did make sure to give us some buffer time to do the research as well," Starlight said. "Then let's get to work," Trixie said. The ponies then parted ways. The four time travelers, with Sunset, Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy went to the library, while the rest of them went back to their jobs. > Comfort After Dark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness surrounded Starlight. She looked around to find out what was going on, but still could not see anything. She then tried to light her horn, to no avail. She had no magic. "Hello, anypony there?" she asked, worried. She was met with no response, and no echo. "Hello," she shouted. Nothing. She then breathed in panic, only to find there was no air. She was in a void, absent of everything, except herself. But, strangely, she didn't need to breath. "You weren't brave enough," she suddenly heard a voice say. "Running away to the past," another said. "Away from all your problems," a third cut in. Starlight's eyes widened. She recognized the voices. They were the voices of her friends. "All for what?" the three said. "To see them one more time?" Flurry said. "To ruin their lives?" Sunburst continued. "Just so you could see them again?" Trixie finished. "What? That isn't true!" Starlight objected. "Selfishly changing the past for your own benefits," Flurry condemned. "Your own goals," Sunburst criticized. "Under the banner of a selfless risk?" Trixie said, in fury. "You are a disgrace, Starlight Glimmer," the three joined together again. "To your family," Flurry said in disgust. "To your friends," Sunburst spat out. "To everything," Trixie spoke, those final words of condemnation. "It's not like that, I swear," Starlight defended. "I wouldn't have to do it were it not an emergency. Please, no. No." "You lie!" the three exclaimed. "I'm not lying, I swear. Believe me, please!" Starlight broke down crying. There came no response. "Believe me, please," she repeated again. "Believe me, please," Starlight said, before waking up, gasping loudly. Sunset was immediately beside her. "Starlight, are you okay?" Starlight continued to gasp. "It was... just a dream?" "Yes, just a dream. It's okay Starlight. We're going to fix the timeline," Sunset assured her. Starlight began to calm down, and look around. The two were in the castle's library. "Where is everypony else?" Starlight asked, clearly shaken up by her dream. "They all went to bed hours ago. You insisted on staying in here doing research, even when Twilight and I went to bed. The only reason I stayed up as late as her was so I could get her to bed," Sunset explained. Starlight nodded. It made sense. "But what are you doing up now?" Sunset shrugged. "I couldn't sleep." "Why?" Starlight asked. If anything, her mum was the most sound sleeper in their family. Even in a crisis, she was able to sneak in some sleep to keep herself at peak performance. "Same as you, actually. Nightmares. Princess Luna may watch over dreams, but I still have trouble letting other people, I mean ponies, see me the way I see me I guess. The Battle of the Bands was hard on all of us, and sometimes I dreamed what could have happened. I've learned to run on little sleep though. For a while I had nightmares every night after, well..." Sunset couldn't complete her sentence. "After the rainbow laser?" Starlight asked. "Yeah, that. How did you know about it?" "I heard stories. Let's just say my parents are or will become close to you," Starlight replied. "I mean, I guess that makes sense, considering you are close to a princess, and that you came back to save the princesses. For all I know, you and your friends could be new element bearers," Sunset said. "I'm not sure any of us could take the bearers jobs. Besides, they're in the Tree of Harmony, remember? That's why the castle is here." "Right. I just thought that maybe they could be taken out and used still." "Interesting theory. I'll have to look into it after this is all over. Well, if I still exist when this is all over," Starlight said. "What was your nightmare about?" Sunset asked. Starlight breathed in and out. Her mum always did this, and she could always trust her. But this mare, she wasn't her mum yet. But, perhaps she still had those instincts, that they were always inside of her. "It was my friends. They were accusing me of coming back here and forcing them to come back without a good reason." "And did they say what the real reason you came back here was?" Sunset asked. Starlight could only nod. "What was it that they said?" "I... I can't say... at least not to you. It was about the future though, but they said that I was selfish," Starlight was able to get out. "And were they telling the truth?" "No, but, what if I did come here for selfish reasons?" Starlight asked about herself. "You came to help Equestria, all of you did. And all of you are risking your lives to do it. I think that's noble. And, though I still am pretty new to this friendship thing, I can definitely tell that your friends care for you, and would never blame you like that," Sunset reassured her. "Thanks, mum," Starlight whispered, too quiet for Sunset to hear. "What was that?" Sunset said, clearly hearing a mumble, but not anything else. "I said thanks, Sunset." "Well, thank you. I think talking to you about this has also made me feel better about my own nightmares," Sunset said, smiling. The two mares then hugged. "We both should probably get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," Sunset said. "Goodnight, Sunset." "Goodnight, Starlight."