> The Black Serpent's Rising > by Error Sans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Shadow and Serpent's Plan with a Practical Exam! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning there was just me, I go by many names, Isfet, Apophis, Elune, Eris but I prefer the first as it was I'm most comfortable with. As I had stated, I was alone in what is now called the universe, but it was originally just the Duat. No Order or Light, just Chaos and Darkness. That was until that despicable creature known as Ma'at or Order and Light. It suddenly appeared one day I thought nothing of it for a while. That was until it started to spread its terrible influence across my territory. I fought as much as I could but it seemed that an unknown force was against me as it succeeded in its job. It filled my space and made have to resort to minimizing my form, the force preventing me from destroying Ma'at's creations. Why? I was here before it but I wasn't allowed to stop it, to keep my territory. Rage has driven me since then, nothing will stop me from getting some, any form of revenge against Ma'at and its creations. I gazed down towards the castle below me, it shone with a brilliant radiance during the day while it was dull and diluted in the darkness that permeated the universe, the only I ever created. I internally scowled before gliding down towards the castle, the window was open so I plunged down into it before landing softly on the ground. I used my power to morph my form into that a woman who appeared in her early twenties. Right in front of me was a bed with a man resting on it. His hair was a sort platinum looking white that seemed to be dyed though it showed no signs of it. He also had this sort of aura around him, a rare few would feel it it let alone recognize it, but I knew this aura it is of one who wielded one of Ma'at daughter's, Horakthy, Millennium items. "Maximillion Pegasus." I said to myself silently, not wanting to wake him, my hand lit with sickly green energy that I proceeded to place on his head. Due to wielding an artifact made by a descendant of Ma'at he was protect from a small amount of Chaos. Not that that mattered to me as I was Chaos, that "protection" was nothing against my power. I embedded false memories inside his mind, making him think that he made a set of a cards for a young girl a few years ago. All of the cards based off of me, and all my incarnations that the mortals have made up in their little minds. As soon as I was done I raced out towards the window and jumped, my body started plummeting towards the earth below I activate my power and changed body into that of a serpent with scaly wings. I started flying towards Domino City to prepare for tomorrow, my allies had already broken into Kaiba Corp and planted my false cards into the database so that I could use them with any duel disks detecting fraud. Tomorrow my plans along with those of the my allies, the Shadow Riders will begin. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (3rd person pov) An alarm blared as a young female groaned from under her bed sheets, she raised her hand and turned off the alarm that resided on her bedside. She sighed before getting out of her bed, hunger overpowering her resolve as she went over to her kitchen and fixed a bowl of cereal. Her phone buzzed on the counter next to her, she picked it up seeing it was one of her very few friends. "Hey Twilight." She said after putting the phone to her ear as she ate. "Hey Sunset, you do know it's almost time for our tests, right?" Twilight replied over the phone as Sunset's eyes widened. She immediately set her food on the counter and went upstairs to get dressed. "Tartarus!" Sunset cursed, partially forgetting she had said that through a phone. Twilight chuckled through the phone Sunset realized she had said that out loud "Sorry Twi, alarm just woke me up about three minutes ago." She said to her. "Well you better hurry." Twilight said before gasping "Got to go Sunset, it's my turn to take the practical exam." She then proceeded to hang up the phone, Sunset ran over to her closet and grabbed her boots putting them on at the bottom of the stairs of her house. Racing out of her apartment Sunset ran down the stairs and towards the nearby vehicle garages to get on her motorcycle. Once she was in she grabbed her helmet from the nearby stand that she had set it on last night and got on, opening the garage door before getting on, and driving out as the door shut automatically. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Isfet's pov) I smirked to myself, the Shadow Riders and I had discussed nights ago that one of us would need to impersonate a student. Me being able to change my form at will took that position, we needed duel energy to increase the shadows power and awaken the Sacred Beasts. If I appeared as a student I could collect it without rousing suspicion, Amnael stated that he would pose as a teacher to watch for any threats. We'd agreed on those positions. My "peers" if you can call them that where in for many reasons, Nightshroud wanted the same thing as me, for Darkness to spread. Kagemaru and Amnael where in for the chance to continue living. Camula wanted to return her race from extinction. Abidos wanted a challenge from the best. Tania wanted the perfect husband. And finally Don Zaloog and the dark scorpions (his followers) wanted in for the riches and glory, which they believed would be at the end of our mission. Out of all of them Nightshroud, Camula and Amnael I respected, Nightshroud wanted the same as me and aided me when he could. Camula wanted her race return, I could relate as I wanted my peace and quiet to be returned plus she was quieter than the others. Amnael was friendly and tried to get to know me I liked that it was amusing, though none of them knew that they were standing with a deity. Kagemaru had the answers to the written exam, now I needed to complete the practical exam which would be child's play for me. I approached the registration forum and put my name in before being told to wait for my name to be called. A girl with red and yellow hair was behind me, she was gorgeous under mortal standards but I sensed something different about the girl. 'No need to worry.' I told my self internally 'Even if something is up with that girl, she is nothing compared to you.' She got done with her registration quicker than me and ran off in a different direction, but not before her eyes made contact with mine. I glared at her peering into her soul to try and see what made her different, I couldn't get anything as she resisted and broke eye contact before I could stop her. I growled before turning around and walking towards the waiting area 'An anomaly that can resist me.' I thought my interest piqued, I shook it off I will find out about her later even if she doesn't want me to. "Isfet Daranasus please report to field 23." The intercom blared out 'That was quick.' I thought before getting up and following the directions to that area. The field was more like a stadium there were stands that had some people in them, all of them would be me and the other Shadow Riders prey soon. A man in a yellow trench coat stood in front of me, he had completely black hair with dark grey skin. When he spoke his voice was rough with a hint of cruelty behind "My name is Professor Sombra head of the Ra Yellow dorm and your duel proctor ." I ignored what he said as I locked strait into his eyes, all of his sins appeared at the front of my mind. Abuse of his family, death of his daughter, and an alcoholic. I growled to myself before raising my duel disk, it was scaly green and itch with red and black making it look like evil lightning is trailing across the green. I looked directly at him and said in a voice no-one but him and I would hear "You will pay for your sins." He looked startled for a split second before raising his duel disk, I already hated this man he was one of the many reasons I hated humanity. "DUEL!" We both roared out as we drew our starting hand. "I will start." Sombra said as he drew his sixth card "I will start by activating Clear World, with this multiple effects will happen depending on what attribute our monster is. Next I summon Clear Rage Golem to my side of the field." A being made of rocks rose from the ground before being encased in a crystal "As long as Clear Rage Golem is on the field he is treated as not having his attribute, with that I set a card and end my turn." I seethed to myself as I drew without saying anything "I will start by activating Foolish Burial, with it I will send Sinister Serpent from my deck to the graveyard." A tomb appeared in front of me as the words Sinister Serpent appeared on it before it disappeared "Next I activate Serpent Summoning Shrine." A shrine appeared behind me with a caduceus staff being destroyed by the serpents surrounding it in the middle of the shrine. "W-What is this?" Sombra said out loud, confused on what was happening and the cards I was using. "Your end." I told him allowing him to see my true forms eyes for a split second, he stepped back in fear and shock "My shrine allows me to discard a reptile-type monster for the full tribute summon of a monster with "Serpent" in its name. With that I send the Sinister Serpent in my hand to the grave to summon Apophis the Chaos Serpent!" Clouds formed above us with green and red lightning coiling around the clouds before they slightly parted as my snake slithered out of the sky onto the field. Sombra backed up again before smirking in triumph "I activate Solemn Warning! With this your monster summon is negated and it's destroyed." He pressed a button on his duel disk to activate the trap, but it didn't respond "W-Wha- why isn't my trap working!" He cried out. I smirked "Because the summoning of a monster with Serpent Summoning Shrine can't be negated, in fact if you try you lose half of your life points!" Sombra cried out in pain as both of the green and red lightning bolt that were coiling around the clouds struck down on the ground right next to him. Isfet: 4000 Sombra: 2000 I smiled at his pain "Now I activate Apophis' effect, your monster is destroyed and Apophis gains attack equal to its attack or defense which ever is higher! Plus as an added bonus he gains the attack points of the monsters used for his summon, that transfers over from the shrine which means he has 2100 attack points in total from them both!" Sombra, who was now back up on his feet, gulped in fear "Apophis obliterate him, Oblivion Chaos Blast!" Sombra cried out in terror as Apophis opened its mouth as green, red and black energy gathered in it before firing towards him at the incredible speeds. Isfet: 4000 Sombra: 0000 I used my powers to temporarily freeze the world with where Sombra and I were I instantly rushed up to him and kicked him in the gut. He coughed up blood from the force of the kick. I picked him up by his neck and glared into his eyes which were filled with fear "Shouldn't you be familiar with pain?" He looked surprised at me making him pause in his struggling "After all---" I morphed into a miniaturized version of my true form, I was just as big as I am in mortal form but I was a Cobra-esque serpent and was holding him telepathically. Before he could even scream I bit down on his neck before moving back to where I was beforehand and morphing back to human form. Afterwards I unfreezed time as he collapsed to the floor with bite wounds on his neck, yelling surrounded me as medics rushed in to get Sombra and help him. I turned around and exit just as they got him onto a stretcher and headed for the hospital. I had completed my mission now it was just a matter of time. > Planetary Alignment and Lethal Consequences! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3rd person pov) Sunset arrived at the registration with enough time to spare at least an hour, she and Twilight didn't like being tardy at all. But she wasn't to bad off, the girl in front of her was just finishing up with registration when Sunset arrived. As the girl left Sunset only had to write down a few things before going, she and Twilight had done extra work beforehand to reduce the time it took to get in. As she was leaving to go and find Twilight she looked over to where that other girl went to see her glaring at her. Instantly it felt like someone was trying to force themselves into her mind but she shook it off and broke eye contact. She closed her eyes and shook her head but when she opened her eyes the girl was gone, leaving after Sunset broke eye contact. 'What was that?' Sunset thought to herself before walking into the middle of a waiting room where Twilight stood waiting for Sunset. "Sunset! There you are." Twilight said as she walked over towards her friend. Sunset turn around towards Twilight and smiled before hugging her friend. As they broke the hug Twilight asked Sunset a question that was on her mind "What were you doing that caused you to wake up so late?" Sunset blushed in embarrassment "I was up late last night perfecting my deck, and my alarm decided to not work today." She said as Twilight rolled her eyes, Sunset coughed "So did you make it in?" She asked Twilight. "Of course I did, me and my Dark Magicians won't be defeated anytime soon. Especially since it's pretty easy to get in unless you made a terrible deck." Twilight said as Sunset chuckled to herself, Twilight was filled to the brim with strategy making since the day they first saw each other. Sunset became somber at the thought. 'Why princess?' Sunset thought to herself 'Why did you cast us out of our home, our dimension Celestia?' She shook her head, no need for such depressing thoughts she was here to win not contemplate about the past. Twilight looked at her knowing exactly what she was thinking before the nearby speakers blared out "Sunset Shimmer please report to field 18." "Gotta go, see ya in a few minutes!" Sunset said to Twilight before racing off towards the designated area. Once Sunset had arrived in the area the stands were already filled with people, but they seemed to be talking about something unrelated to her. It made a small ting of pain appear in her chest, she'd never admit it but she loved attention. She was pulled out of her internal war by a male voice calling out "Hello! Anybody in there?" Sunset was startled for a second before turning towards the person who had yelled at her. He had hair as white as snow and his eyes seemed to be filled with excitement at the possibility of a duel. Sunset smiled sheepishly "Sorry about that." she said He just shrugged it off "Hey everyone gets distracted, name's Snow and I will be your duel proctor." He said raising the duel disk on his arm. "Well then let's get to it." Sunset said as she raised her duel disk. "DUEL!" Both of them yelled as they drew their starting hand. "I think I will go first." Sunset said as she drew "I will start by playing Card Advance! With this I look at the top five cards on my deck and arrange them as I want, also I get an additional normal summon if I'm tributing." Sunset said as she looked at her top five cards "I think this will do." After she had said that she placed the five cards on top in a different pattern "Next I will summon Double Coston, with this I can use it as two tributes for the summon of a Dark monster. With that and Card Advance I tribute summon The Supremacy Sun." First two globs of a strange black substance appeared on the field, only to be swiftly removed as a fiendish looking warrior appeared with wings made of solar energy "With that I set a card and end my turn." Snow whistled in awe before drawing "I think I'll start by activating Foolish Burial, using it I send Ice Queen to the graveyard." Snow said as a card appeared from his deck which he then transferred to the graveyard "Next I activate Different Dimension Deepsea Trench, with this I banish Ice Queen from the grave. And with the magic of Mystical Space Typhoon I removed my Trench from the field, which due to it's effect special summons my Ice Queen from the banishment pile." A hole in the ground appeared in the ground, only to be destroyed by fierce winds that appeared above it and Ice Queen rose from the hole before it was destroyed. "That's a strong monster, but my Sun is still stronger than it." Sunset said as she looked over at it's attack points "Unless it has got an effect." Snow chuckled "It doesn't have an effect, but I will use Moray of Greed to return both Snow Dragon and Samurai of the Ice Barrier to the deck to draw three cards." He activated what looked like a fish with a grin on it coming out from a pot, and did as its instructions said drawing "Perfect! I activate Lemuria, the Forgotten city! With this all Water monsters gain 200 attack and defense points, which makes my Queen just stronger than your sun. Also just in case your face down I'll activate Sea Lord Amulet, with this my Water monsters can't be destroyed by card effects for three turns!" "Interesting, that might be a problem." Sunset said, faking shock but internally she was smirking he'd fallen for her trap. "Now my Ice Queen destroy her monster!" Icicles formed above the monsters head, which it then directed it's wand towards The Supremacy Sun as the icicles flew towards the monster destroying it "With that I end my turn." Sunset: 3900 Snow: 4000 Sunset smiled as she drew "I discard Gren, Tactician of Dark World to revive The Supremacy Sun!" Her monster that was destroyed last turn rose from the ground. "But I just destroyed that!" Snow cried out, it was going to be a problem if her smirk said anything. "Next since Gren was discarded I can destroy a spell or trap card on the field, I think I will destroy your amulet." Sunset said as the ghost of Gren appeared next to the card destroying it. "But why didn't you destroy my city?" Snow asked confused. "So I can do this, I activate Advance Force and chain it with my face-down The Eye of Truth." Sunset replied "With The Eye of Truth on the field, you have to keep your hand revealed but if you have a spell card during each of your standby phases you gain 1000 life points." Snow looked confused but revealed his hand "Now, with the power of Advance Force I tribute The Supremacy Sun to summon The Suppression Pluto." A fiend appeared in front of Sunset that minorly looked like Diablo. "Why would you trade your monster for a weaker one?" Snow asked progressively getting more confused by the minute. "Because with your hand revealed I know exactly which cards are in your hand. And with the use of Pluto's effect I can declare a card name and if it's in your hand I get to use on of his effects." Sunset replied as Snow's expression changed to one of worry "Your card is After the Storm, which means I can use Pluto's effect to take control of your Queen." Snow's eyes widened in fear as his monster stepped onto Sunset's side of the field. "Oh curd." Snow stated. "Ice Queen and Pluto direct attack!" Ice Queen did the same thing she did to The Supremacy Sun earlier except on snow, and Pluto disappeared before reappearing behind Snow as he slashed his back. Sunset: 3900 Snow: 0000 Snow clapped for her "Welcome to Duel Academy Sunset!" Snow declared out loud, Sunset looked like she was gonna started bounce up and down but calmed herself. "Thank you." She said bowing to Snow, he smiled just before his phone started ringing. "Hey what's going on---" He suddenly stopped before he started rummaging through his pockets, before he grabbed something and handed it to Sunset "Get to the place at noon tomorrow that's were your supposed to go." He said as Sunset looked startled at his sudden change of attitude "See you tomorrow kid." He said to her as his eyes soften for just a second as he walked off. Sunset walked out of the area towards where Twilight was, more confused than anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (With Snow) "What do you mean Sombra is going to the hospital." Snow asked the woman on the phone in a whisper holding the phone as close as he could to his ear. "Sombra, for some strange reason, after his duel suddenly had bite wounds on his neck. He was facing against a girl who seemed to be mad at him, at least that is what witness said." The woman said, worry was etched in her words. "Well it serves the bastard right." Snow growled out as he got near his car "I mean seriously Celestia, he had a record a mile wide filled with reports of abuse." "I know, but I think he can do better. Anyways I will be needing you to take over being Ra Yellow's headmaster for the time being." Celestia said through the phone, Snow stopped working towards starting the car. "You want me to do what now?" Snow asked confused on why he would be the one to get the position, there were many better options. "Because you've redeemed yourself, even if you don't see it." Celestia said over the phone, memories of long ago still saddened her "Light is worried about you, Serah was important to all of us." She sighed "But you've become distant to most people, even yourself." Snow sighed "Fine I'll take the stupid job." He said admitting defeat. "Thank you, cause from what I've heard from the doctors so far he isn't going to make it." Celestia said the mood slowly turning more depressing by the second. "We'll talk later." Snow said "Bye Celestia." "Goodbye Snow." And with that Celestia hung up, going to attend to her teacher who will not make it. Snow sighed to himself 'What have I gotten myself into now?' He thought to himself as he finished getting ready to leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Isfet's pov) 'This day is just perfect!' I thought to myself as I returned to my "home" 'Not only did I get to kill a sniveling little gnat, but I can start the plan to end this world.' I was just right next to it now, to mortals it was just a wall but with my power I can reveal its secrets. I walked a bit closer before whispering "Sa-hei" Black hieroglyphics with red edges burned on the wall before it parted revealing a corridor. 'Now,' I thought with a vicious smirk 'tomorrow the slaughter will begin!' I laughed with psychotic glee as I descended downwards, the wall behind me rebuilding itself quickly to cover my tracks.