> The Tempest of her Desires > by CrimsonEquine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To what End? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was too dark and the depths of one’s mind too desperate for any rational thought. Twilight Sparkle felt her hooves were enchained with tightened metal. As she stirred from her induced slumber she could barely have moved forward. She tried to push with what meager strength she had only for her to be punished by the force of her chains tightened around her hooves. Amnesia cascaded her mind that waved into a painful migraine. There was no recollection of any past events, not even a reason to how she got here. All she knew was that she was in danger and had to find a way out. That was cleared up by the rusted iron bars that were covered in patches of decay and a lone roach that sat on top the decrepit state of these metal rods. They were noticeable by the dim light that emanated from the moon which was visible from outside her tightly barred window. Twilight stood up awkwardly while her chains kept her low to the ground. She gained a sense of strength from a confidence that she had gained to have progressed even a little bit from this terrible situation she was in. And with her angered, she lit up her horn and pushed her neck up against the darkness. The horn magically brightened up the area for a few moments, giving her the sight of the dingy dungeon she was in. There was a single backless chair next to a old table that collected pounds of dust on its frame. Near the furniture was a single knob less door opposite of Twilight’s cell that had no way of being opened traditionally. Oh no, how do I get out! Think Twilight think! There has got to be a way out of this cage! Twilight laid on the cold stone floor and scratched her head for a moment. With her being pulled from reaching the rest of her head. She couldn’t think of anything that could have been of use. No magical spells crossed her mind and she tried to think her way through anything that could have helped her. She groaned at the futility of her memory that had given out in this crucial moment. Twilight shook her head and huddled against the cold pavement. Her dour eyes stared down into the abyss that was her doomed existence. This isn’t good, where is everypony and why can’t I remem- The entrance slammed open and a giant white monster with bright blue eyes came through with a flaming torch in his claws that illuminated the dungeon with light. Twilight was blinded by the flash making her fall back to the wall, before the creature stormed in her cell and grabbed her by the forelegs and ripped her from her chains. She thrashed with what strength she could procure, but was easily held down by the force of the creature’s power. They went onward out of the cell to be met with numerous other prisons. Twilight watched the numerous stone cells that crossed their way. Bones of many sat in each one and would stay there for all eternity. With all her strength, she flexed her muscles and pushed with all her might to be freed, but could not get the Storm King Stooge to budge so she rested over his shoulder like a fresh caught piece of game. “Agh, let me go you monster!” she said with a battle cry. She slammed her free hooves onto his back and left a scar on his armor. The stooge simply slammed Twilight onto the pavement leaving a crater on the ground where she landed. Her sight started to dim in a few moments before she slumbered dizzy and unconscious. Twilight opened her eyes and saw herself strapped to a pedestal. From her view, she could see Tempest Shadow staring right at her with a devilish smile that would have procured nightmares for little fillies everywhere. Her horn was intact and she had the Storm King’s Staff levitating above her with her very own magical aura. “Welcome Princess Twilight!” she would say cheerfully. “I believe you might be having a forgetful episode”. She trotted to the side of her helpless prey, so confused and unable to perceive what was going to happen to her. She appeared and stared into Twilight’s eyes and winked a playful notion. Twilight moved to free herself, but the rope around her hooves was too tight to the point that she could barely even flinch. “Well, I got this idea that if no one likes me, but me, why not make more of ME!” Twilight gasped. “What are you going to do to me, and where are my friends…?” Tempest giggled herself a cute little chortle that was benign to actual purity. Twilight knew that it was anything but what she sold and continued to struggle against her restraints. “Hah, try as you might, this won’t get in the way of our little excursion, my little princess…” In one quick blast of the staff as it glowed with white energy that circled around it, Tempest laughed maniacally, cackling as Twilight was infused with the magical energies. She closed her eyes as the magic had infused within Twilight’s very self. A lightning like sensation went through her body and Twilight grimaced as the shock rocked her very core. Over time the spell had ended and Twilight opened her eyes to find that she hadn’t undergone any changes at all. She looked at Tempest and yelled out at her. “What have you done to me!?” Tempest scratched her snout, doing this to ponies was hard work and overall exhausting, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. “Well, you see princess, the spell won’t take unless you have been completely put into a truly mindless state.” she said while turning her back away from Twilight. “So, were going to have a bit of fun for once, think of it as an honor after all, I didn't take the time to poison your mind for nothing.” Tempest went and released her tongue and leapt near and disappeared almost out of sight. Laughter emanated throughout the chamber like a shadow that crept through the walls that silently watched her every move. Then from below, Twilight felt the most unforeseeable shock to her nether region. Tempest had emerged below her and lapped onto her warm pony snatch that was frothing with juices. She felt a new type of energy envelop her senses that caused Twilight to moan and stir from the place she was stuck to. There her “partner” began to tongue the deeper folds of her hot honeypot. Twilight looked towards her hooves, they began to change color to that of somepony else that had captured her and the coloration slowly ebbed and stretched across her hind legs “Nnnngh, No, please Tempest, I’m sorry you had a terrible foalhood, please don’t do this!”. Tempest Shadow only stuck herself deeper into Twilight’s cunt and amazingly reached her fleshy bead. She started circling it with the tip of her tongue for warm juices had flowed down Tempest’s throat, she swallowed each and every drop in between Twilight’s reserved moans. The magical contamination spread farther up Twilight’s abdomen and forelegs. She gritted her teeth as her skin turned dark magenta. Tempest Shadow then released her tongue and took a breath of fresh air before diving back into it with full frontal kissing. She shoved her whole muzzle into Twilight until her tongue could reach her female bead once more. Tempest stuck her tongue right through the bead in one powerful tonguing. In one moment, Twilight orgasmed a bountiful torrent of flavorful juices that flowed down Tempests throat again. With her job done, Tempest looked at her creation, a perfect likeness of herself. “Ah, it is done!” Soon, five more Tempest Shadows came forth from the darkness and they all began to laugh towards any pony that would hear them. The one known as Twilight Sparkle was forgone and all that was left of her was the orgasmic juice that had flowed down her lovers gullet. They continued to laugh towards their will made perfect.