> High Contrast > by An Intricate Disguise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Burst Shot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike loved photography; he also loved masturbating. Luckily, those two activities almost seemed to be synonymous these days. He'd picked up the habit years ago, going around Ponyville and taking shots of the verdant landscape and then—as he grew older and his fears left him—entering the once perturbing Everfree forest and taking pictures of frightful trees, even a couple of its inhabitants from timberwolves to manticores. One of his favourites activities was counting their teeth. Needless to say, this wasn't what got his rocks off. The part that he really enjoyed was taking photos of his friends, and one friend in particular was always within his camera's reach... as such, he was starting to amass a pretty juicy collection, photos he kept under his mattress at all times, photos he had developed himself to prevent pony eyes from ever falling upon them. Of course, he had the same porn stash that any drake of his age should, from lingerie magazines to the triple X ones that he had to specifically ask for from behind the counter, but there was something special about his revealing pictures of Twilight Sparkle, not that she knew they existed. He'd become an expert in covert snapshots, hiding under a table or behind a crystal pillar, angling the camera downwards whenever she asked him to take a photo of her. So it was that he was flicking through his collection, a sordid smile on his lips as he glanced over his latest attempts to capture Twilight's beauty. He had some pictures of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, sure, but Twilight was by far his favourite to jerk off to. It was the taboo of the act, knowing that she was either right next door or on the other side of the castle, that if he didn't manage to contain himself, he could go all the way over to her and begin to kiss her, grab at her firm plot, scratch down her body... He had no clue how she'd ever react to such an advance, but even now that he was approaching twenty, they were still inseparable. Sure, they had only been friends for that entire time frame, but that wasn't the point. He had the rugged looks of a young adult now, and Twilight as an alicorn had remained looking just as young and fit as always. His eyes settled on a particularly juicy photo of her, one he'd managed to capture of her tail flouncing just out of the way and exposing her puffy purple pussy, the fur on her vulva smooth as fuck, looking desperate to be caressed and paid attention to. Spike had always wished he could have a taste, but he'd settle for imagining, his cock hardening in his hand as he kneaded it with small motions, feeling it grow and stiffen as he pictured pushing her down and holding her by her tail, maybe wrapping it around her leg and scratching up her barrel as he slid his cock against her folds. It sounded like utter bliss to him, no matter how many times he had had the thought. He began to stroke his length, his girth making him difficult to hold in a single hand as he became more excited by the prospect of rutting her silly, of filling her with his seed and making her a slave to his cock, pumping and slamming and blasting into her like a good number one assistant that only knew how to please his mentor. "Yeah, she'd fucking love it..." Spike began to pull back on his cock, his eyes squeezing shut as his rate of breathing increased, his heart pumping hot blood through his veins as all the while he worked himself up into a state of frenzy, gradually increasing with each ministration of his hand, the tip of his claws teasing his balls as he worked the entire length, sparing none of his shaft the attention it deserved. He'd considered just going out and taking her so many times, he wanted to so badly, yet he knew that it could completely destroy the friendship they'd built over the last twenty years, the dynamic they shared and the companionship they held dear. Spike may have had urges, barely repressible ones, but he would keep himself on a leash if it meant not ruining his friendship with Twilight. Even if he'd much rather put her on a leash. That was a thought that incited rapture in Spike, increasing the speed of his motions as he imagined parading Twilight around as his own personal property, grabbing at her and spanking her, making her beg for his cock as he laughed and gave her small kisses and strokes of the mane as a sign of appreciation for her hard work. Perhaps that was the dominant draconic side of him coming out, but at this point he really didn't care. He was becoming fervent as he put more pressure on his cock, the claws of his other hand digging into his mattress and almost puncturing it as his chest began to heave, all of his effort diverted to containing his rising breath and not letting out an audible moan. If Twilight, or worse, Starlight heard him, he would never hear the end of it. That wasn't to say that he wasn't prepared. While he may have held the photos close, close enough that he could make out every stunning detail of Twilight's body from her withers to her hind legs, he had them stashed within a Celestia's Secret catalogue: if anyone was to walk in, they'd simply assume he had been getting off over the lingerie models and leave it at that. That was embarrassment he could recover from, at least. How would he manage if Twilight knew what he did to his secret photos of her? Honestly, the idea of getting caught thrilled him just as much as it worried him, and he found his thoughts drifting to it as he picked up the pace, bringing himself closer to the release he'd sought after for five straight minutes now. Maybe it was about time he tested the waters. He knew that it was his horny, unreasonable mind saying that, that in a sober state he would never even consider such a thing, but right now he wanted to take the risk, he just wasn't sure how. Acting without thinking, he let out a small grunt, the sound echoing throughout his sparse room and carrying in the air. Heh, had been a long time since he'd actually let himself make any noise. It felt kind of liberating. Another as he sped up, unsure what he was trying to accomplish but enjoying the sensation and listening to the reverberating sound of his voice bouncing off of the crystal walls as he imagined filling Twilight's sweet pussy with his cock. He needed it badly, that was for sure. It had been over a year since he had been laid, and once he felt the inside of a mare, being without it was almost torturous. He'd kill for some pussy if he had to, but to have the pussy of his super hot best friend princess? He'd commit atrocities for that. Spike let forth a billow of fire as a small measure of precum leaked from the tip of his cock. He imagined lathering the soft, creamy liquid against Twilight's folds, massaging it in and preparing her for his entry, wondering if she'd even be able to take him in his entirety. He was hung, that was for sure, and even by pony standards he measured up quite well. He could feel his body beginning to burn up as his thoughts became more and more depraved with each passing second, each rivulet of pleasure shooting through his core. He'd go insane if he teased himself much longer. Where was his alicorn fucktoy when he needed her? Somewhere else, unaware that he even lusted for her, that he even had this impressive collection, this shrine to her body nestled between the pages of a magazine. He'd glaze the pages and pay tribute to her curves, he'd spray his seed all over her image even as he imagined doing so to her in reality, matting her fur and ruining her mane with all of his pent up sexual frustration, releasing it all in one cannon blast of satisfaction, wet, sticky, and all for her. Spike tapped his thick cock over the page of the magazine, a few drops of his precum clinging to the polaroid as he moved it back and resumed wanking it; she did look much better with cum on her body, that much was certain. Spike could feel a solid heat rising inside him, a torrent of monumental flames waiting to christen the air, and he knew that his orgasm was close. He was sure of it, and as his heart began to throb so did his engorged cock, leaking faster and thicker as he beat his way to paradise, his breath laboured and heavy as the door creaked open... With Twilight Sparkle standing at the other end, the sound of a gasp ringing throughout the room. Then, a lot of things happened at once. Spike came hard, his eyes locking with Twilight's as he shot jet after jet of hot, sizzling spunk onto the pages he still held tight in his grasp, the rapidly building dam inside him suddenly released as his body twitched and shook from the sensation, his eyes squinted as he attempted to focus on the situation. He realised at roughly the third spurt that it was in fact Twilight standing at the other side of the door, that he wasn't just imagining it, and his expression slowly morphed from one of enjoyment, face scrunched up to the raising eyebrows of shock, the opening mouth as he fumbled for words but still he was caught up in his jolting body, cum shooting across the floor as he dropped the magazine, his arms too tensed from enjoyment and fear to grip it properly. It landed face down, thank the gods, but still he proceeded to let out more spurts as he struggled to get a handle of his flared cock, attempting to push it down and stop the excessive flow as still Twilight stared, completely wordless. Was she just going to look at him forever? Was she frozen in the moment as he was because she just didn't know what to say or do? Spike battled with his rebellious penis, barely managing to get it under control, but by then, the damage had already been done. His room was a mess, large quantities of cooling sperm shot over the floors and furniture, the smell of sex in the air and Spike sat in an extremely compromising position. "I..." Twilight tried, but she appeared to be too lost, too befuddled to even grasp the situation, let alone react to it. Her head was tilted like when she tried to work out a very difficult equation, and her front hooves were pattering on the floor as she stood stock still. Was that an act of nervousness, or anticipation? Spike wasn't sure, but his cock was an optimist. Being a dragon, Spike didn't seem to go through the refractory period as easily as a stallion, and as such his still cum-coated cock stood tall and proud, which was probably the worst thing it could do as Spike hoped to defuse the situation. How even could he? He took his free, dry hand and slowly began to scratch the back of his neck as he felt his cheeks beginning to heat up. As much as he'd imagined this moment in the past, he never thought about what he'd do if it actually happened. Twilight returned with a blush of her own, backing up a step but not moving to turn or break eye contact. "I'm sorry, Spike!" she almost yelled, a delayed reaction that would almost seem humorous in retrospect, but with the speed of their actions and the density of the situation, it probably didn't feel as if they'd both been standing there with locked eyes for over ten seconds. If anything, it was as if time had slowed down, and was only now beginning to resume its coarse. Spike could see the rise and fall of Twilight's chest, and it almost seemed to mirror his own. "T-Twilight, I can explain—!" "You don't need to," Twilight said, shaking her head profusely. "I shouldn't have barged in on you like that! You're a big dragon now, you need your private time..." her tone seemed to jump in pitch at the word 'big', almost as if she'd unintentionally dragged the word out, but Spike had no clue what that could mean. "I-I mean, yeah, but I don't want you thinking I'm a pervert or anything," Spike replied, fully aware that his stammer was only indicative of him having something to hide. Why had he even said anything? "Why would I think that?" Twilight asked, her eyebrow raising even through the miasma of heat permeating the room, the heat they shared. "You were just doing something that everypony does from time to time, it's natural." "Even you?" Spike asked, a genuine curiosity and wonder in his tone that he knew he should have stifled. He had blurted it, he hadn't been thinking about what he was saying, but now that he had said it, he knew it was best to stick to his guns. Surely Twilight would tell him that that was none of his business, that he should keep his mouth shut about things like that. Her muzzle seemed to twist even as Spike wished he could bury his face in his hands, but he didn't feel like covering himself in his mess if he could help it. Eventually, syllables began to pour from Twilight's mouth. "Yes, even me, Spike. It's completely normal! Hell, haven't you had a marefriend before? You're old enough to know how the birds and the bees work, surely you know that doing that stuff alone is just as okay." "You mean you don't think it's degrading to the mares I look at?" Spike wondered aloud, knowing he was digging himself a hole but unable to keep himself from producing more words. "Why would it be?" Twilight said, eyes widened, what was previously a small oval around her lips now a short frown. "What are you looking at, a pornographic magazine? Those mares are paid a good deal of money to be looked at in that way, so all you're doing is what you're meant to do, I'm sure they wouldn't be uncomfortable with it. If anything," Twilight continued, a wry smile on her lips, "They'd probably be interested to know that a dragon found them so good looking. I mean, I don't know if that's how much you usually produce, but that's a lot more than any stallion I've ever seen." "Twilight!" Spike shouted, turning away from her and trying once more to cover his stiff cock. "What?" Twilight laughed, shrugging her withers. "It's interesting, okay? It's not often I get a chance to learn about dragon physiology, and that mark you left on your bedroom tells me a lottt." As Spike turned back, he noticed her snout beginning to twitch, and wondered if there was something about his scent that intrigued her too. He felt as if she should have turned tail and ran by now, but still she remained rooted in place, having a casual conversation with him as if he wasn't stood there with his dick hanging out. Then again, maybe that was just Twilight being Twilight. She'd never really been one for social protocols. Twilight, in fact, was doing the usual Twilight thing: studying, analysing. Her eyes seemed to scan the room, travelling from Spike's body to the floor and then over to the jerking material he had dropped in the commotion, the front cover facing upwards. "Celestia's secret, huh?" Twilight grinned, giving him a short nod. "I've used that once or twice, I can't lie." If Spike was finding it hard to contain himself before, it was doubly so now. The idea of Twilight laying there and rubbing her perfect pussy over the same things as him was just torture. He repositioned his hands as she spoke, or made it look as if he was, but in reality he was just trying to give himself another short stroke, exciting the nerves of his cock once more as he debated inviting her over for a closer look. She seemed pretty interested, after all. But Twilight wasn't looking at him anymore, she was still looking at the floor as her short bout of laughter died in her chest. Her eyes seemed to have narrowed on something in particular, but Spike was unsure what. Following her gaze, he began to trail the floor until eventually he realised what the object of her focus was, a small photograph protruding from the magazine, laying face down. "Spike..." Twilight said, her pitch increasing as she looked him square in the eye. "What is that?" "Wh-what? What's what?" "That photo sticking out of the magazine that looks distinctly similar to the ones you print from your camera," Twilight elucidated, a small snarl on her muzzle. "Well?" "I-it's not what you think!" Spike said, all but diving for the magazine but being halted before he could reach the floor by a purple aura. Probably a good thing, he would have absolutely caked himself in cum. "Twilight, don't!" It wasn't like she was going to listen, he had basically incriminated himself with his actions. Twilight held up the magazine, squinting at it and using her magic to clean it up, then, as she flicked through it, multiple photos much like the first began to fall out, all dexterously caught in her magic. Spike knew each of those photos like the back of his hand, or rather, the front of it, and while he couldn't see which Twilight was looking at, he knew there was absolutely no way this would bode well for him. It could have been the ones of her laid in her chair reading, the ones of her in bed, the ones of her stood in the kitchen bent over with her head in a cupboard, it really didn't matter. Any of them would be enough for her to call him a monster, to kick him out of the castle, to even say she never wanted to see him again. Considering that had to be what was coming next, why was she stood there with a smirk on her muzzle? Spike watched like he was staring down the muzzle of a gun as Twilight went from one photo to the next, scrutinising each with a heavy intensity before flicking it to the back of the pile, dragging out more and more as the weight on Spike's heart doubled, tripled. Eventually, his torturer relented, her eyes settling on him, her gaze hard as she still suspended his effects in her magic. "You've been taking photos of me without my knowledge?" she said, her tone indecipherable, her face stolid. She didn't even need to ask, the evidence was clear as day. Spike tried to speak, but words failed him. He settled for a meek nod. Twilight switched back to the photos, flicking through them once more as she carried on speaking. "I look good in some of these... still, that isn't the point. This is a serious invasion of my privacy, and—is that Rainbow Dash?" Spike knew the photo she was talking about, one of his prouder shots, he should have been ashamed to say. She turned the photo around for his appraisal, but she didn't need to. He knew its dimensions perfectly, the cloud she sat in, the way her tail was draped over her barrel in a way that left her pussy and dock exposed... "I can almost handle you taking photos of me, but photos of our friends?! What are you, Spike, some kind of deviant?" Spike could feel himself beginning to wilt before the intensity of her stare, his body tremulous as he imagined what might come next; gone were his fantasies, replaced only with fear and self-loathing. Why couldn't he have just contained himself like any other pony would have? Hell, even a dragon should know such things were wrong. "Yeah," Spike admitted, as much as he hated to. "I guess I am, and I'm sorry, Twi, I really am, it's just I..." "You what?" Twilight pressed, stepping closer and putting him on the defensive, cornering him on the side of his bed. "I've just been so pent up lately, and I didn't know what else to do! Sure, I know what I've been doing is immoral and pretty terrible, but..." Spike could feel himself beginning to sweat now, his scales glistening with perspiration as his heart beat faster. "I know it's not an excuse," he said, his eyes solemn, "and I know I should be able to contain myself better, but I've had a lot of urges, and I don't know what to do with them! I couldn't exactly approach you and just tell you I liked your body, could I?" "...why not?" Spike was sure he had misheard. "Wh-what?" "Why couldn't you?" Twilight reiterated, more firmly this time, though some of the bite seemed to have left her tone. "We've always been able to be honest with each other, couldn't you be upfront with me about these feelings? Would that really have been too difficult for you?" Twilight smiled, and it was that caring, understanding smile that Spike had gotten to know so well throughout his life. "I'm not happy with you, but half of that reason is that you should have came to me first rather than... well, rather than this! How long has this been going on, Spike?" Spike bit his tongue for a moment, but figured there was no point in attempting to cover it up any longer. There he was, Twilight stood directly before him after having found out about all of his dirty deeds and lecherous transgressions, his stockpile of sneaky snapshots sat in her spell as he realised there was no wriggling out of this. "About six months." He winced, preparing himself for the worst. Twilight bit her lip, seemingly mulling over what Spike had just admitted to, and he could feel the tension growing with each passing second. "Can I ask you a question and expect an honest answer?" Well, he owed that much to her. He nodded, reluctantly meeting her eyes. "Is this whole thing just the result of sexual frustration, or are you really, honestly attracted to me?" Yes, thousands of times yes he was, but Spike couldn't just blurt that out. "I mean, I..." Twilight inched closer, her fur brushing against his scales as she sat by him, and it was like heaven trying to coax the devil out of him. "Come on, Spike, you can share." "Honestly? I can't stop thinking about you, Twilight. It's been that way almost as long as I've been doing this. I know that's really bad, and that you probably think I'm sick and idiotic, and that I probably shouldn't be saying this, but I—" Spike was cut off by Twilight's soft hoof pressing against his lips, halting his quickened speech. "I think I understand," Twilight said as she looked him over once more, her snout twitching as she took in his scent. "You really want to fuck me?" Spike didn't need to answer, his cock did for him, bouncing out of his hand and stiffening for her, completely firm and rigid and only half a foot from Twilight's muzzle, causing her to grin. "How can you be ready to go already?" she pondered, taking his length in a hoof and giving it a short stroke, examining its shape and contours with small movements. "You only came like a minute ago! Dragons fascinate me..." Oh, wow, that really did feel good. Twilight looked just as beautiful as ever, but now she had a hoof rubbing up against his cock, and in that moment Spike had to wonder whether that was the most beautiful place she ever could have been. "T-Twilight?" She didn't answer, bringing another hoof into the mix and stroking slightly faster, making his cock flare as he imagined the very real possibility of finally getting to fill her tight little pussy, something he'd yearned for for so fucking long. Twilight gave him a small smile as a reward for his silence, slowly inching her way downwards and beginning to lick up his shaft, still cum coated at the tip. She started at the base, slowly working her way up, and Spike realised something all too late. "Twilight, careful, it's—!" There was a short sizzle as Twilight lapped up Spike's cum, swilling it in her mouth to cool it as she graciously gulped down drop after drop, taking her time so as not to burn her little mouth. "How did you know?" Spike asked, his cock throbbing from each short lick as her tongue wrapped around his head, cleaning him up until he was glazed only in her saliva. "Who do you think washes your sheets?" Twilight laughed as she pulled away, scooping a small measure of his cooling creamy cum from the bottom of his shaft and holding it up to the light. "I'd already worked out that dragons came hot, so I paced myself! You taste great, by the way..." She sounded so excited about this, but the more Spike thought about it, the more it made sense. This was probably the best excuse Twilight had ever had to study a dragon more intensely, more intimately than she'd ever have had a chance to otherwise. That said, there was no pad in her magic, no notes being scribbled, and those were Twilight's go to whenever she had a chance to learn something. Maybe she really did just want to have fun with him? Spike's pondering was cut off by a soft pair of lips being wrapped around his head, slowly pushing its way down as his long shaft began to fill her mouth, and he stared in awe as Twilight took more and more of him into her maw, her tongue lightly bouncing against the underside of his cock as he tried to control the rising temperature of his body—how was she so good at that? She lightly sucked at him as she dipped lower, looking him in the eyes so sweetly as she pushed her way downwards and then swirled her tongue around him as she lifted back up, bouncing her head in place and taking more of his length with each movement, getting a taste for him as Spike resisted the urge to push her head down, to hold her in place and start thrusting like he so desperately wanted to. He loved to have his cock teased, sure, but right now he just wanted to fuck, fill, explode inside of her. Twilight seemed to have no limit to how far she could take him, carefully angling her mouth as she bobbed her head lower, up and down as his cock became more slick with her spit, coated in it and buzzing all over from the sensation of being blown so slowly and sensually, her tongue a gift to his needy length and her eyes beseeching him to just start slamming already. How this had happened, Spike would never know. Earlier on, when he'd been sitting on his bed and rubbing his cock, this was nothing but a distant dream, a fantasy, and now his best friend was sat beside him trying not to choke on his cock as she pushed herself down until he hit the back of her throat, his cock jolting in excitement as he felt the barrier of the luscious inside of her mouth, how he loved to rub against it and feel its wetness sliding all over him... Then there was the feeling of Twilight's lips hugging his shaft even as she pushed them all the way to the base, the fact she deepthroated him with so little effort as curious as it was a turn on, how far she went for his enjoyment a testament to her affection for him. It was affection she demonstrated with sucks and licks and kisses against his tip as she pulled away, softly making out with his head and dragging her bottom lip over it, licking her tongue around the bottom of his helmet and swirling it in circles as he felt his heart beginning to hammer, a pant building in his body as he imagined coating her in his seed. And she did deserve to be sprayed all over, that was a certainty. The torturous thing was how slow her movements became then, she planted her lips around halfway down him and barely moved, looking up at him expectantly as she suckled on him. Okay, that was enough. Spike pushed his hips forwards, pumping his cock into Twilight's mouth as he took control of the situation, holding her in place as he allowed his animalistic side to take over, feeling his eyes harden and his body tense as he was pushed even closer to release by the demure Twilight that stayed rooted in place, her determination never wavering even when Spike began to slam his cock against the back of her throat, ramming into her harder and faster as he felt his senses ignite from his imminent release. He was going to cum all over her, he could feel it. His balls were beginning to tighten as he grabbed her mane in his claws and held her down, his cock was pulsing as it began to be stretched to the limits of how much soft, wet tongue it could take, and the feeling of his head rubbing against the back of her throat was driving him insane as his body became more sensitive, the familiar feeling of orgasm rising but this time more sensitive, more powerful as his arm clamped around her head, holding her down with force as he thrust into her faster, pushing himself to the edge and then straight past it as his cock twitched from the sudden feeling of hot cum shooting out. He pulled out instinctively, worried he'd burn Twilight, but in her craziness she held out her tongue as he shot his thick, heavy load all over her, flames rising from his nostrils as he doused her in hot and sizzling liquid, her horn lightly sparking as she braced herself for his second, third, fourth spurt, all of it hitting her and the floor behind her as she patiently waited for him to finish, unmoving. Spike fell back with a sigh when he was finally finished, and without bothering to clean herself, Twilight hopped up next to him. "So, you still feel attracted to me now?" "Hell yes," Spike replied with no thought whatsoever. "Just wanted to check if it was sexual frustration after all. Plus, that was really fun, and I learnt something about dragons!" "Really? What did you learn?" "They're more fun to blow than ponies," Twilight snickered, leaning over and planting a soft kiss against his chest. While the first time hadn't done it, this time Spike finally felt sated, and his libido began to calm even as Twilight snuggled against him, careful not to get any of his cum on him if she could help it. They laid like that a while, neither speaking and the only sound their calming breaths as they processed exactly what had just happened. "So Spike, I was talking to Twilight earlier and—ohmygosh! I'm so sorry!" Oh right, Starlight. Why did everypony insist on leaving the door open, again? Spike would have jolted out of bed and covered himself up if he had any instincts, but right then he was caught between tired, satisfied, and embarrassed. "I-it's fine, Starlight." "Yeah, I was just checking something with Spike." Starlight raised an eyebrow, because apparently curiosity was the status quo around here. "Checking what?" "Well, to give you the short version, Spike had been taking lewd photos of his friends without their knowledge, and—" "Wait, you've been taking photos of us?!" Starlight stormed in without warning, towering over Spike with a snarl. "That's not okay, Spike!" "Uhh, actually, I didn't see any of you," Twilight meekly offered, Spike remaining quiet. "Wait, what?" Starlight repeated, only seeming to grow more angry for some reason. "Hold on, are these the photos?" "Hey, do you mind?" Twilight snapped, sitting up a little. "There's a lot of me in there—" "Don't rub it in!" Starlight said in a shrill voice as she started to flick through the collection. "Twilight, Twilight, Twilight... Whoa, is that Rainbow Dash?" "I know, right?" Twilight grinned, her voice husky. "I had the same reaction." "Mmh, that's a good photo..." Starlight rapidly shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "Not the point!" She flicked through the photos faster before turning to Spike with a glare. "Why aren't there any of me? Am I not good enough, or something?" Spike could only close his eyes as he replied in a small voice. "Dressing table, third drawer from the top." Starlight stepped over and opened the drawer, searching around a little and finding a short stack of photos of her in compromising positions, just as Spike had said. A wave of relief seemed to wash over her face, but then she began snapping at Spike, levitating the photos over to him and batting him over the face with them. "Don't. Take. Photos. Like. This. Again." Seriously, Spike really didn't understand mares sometimes. Once she'd finished with her harmless assault, she turned to Twilight. "So, what's next?" "Err, I'm probably gonna, you know." "Fuck him?" Twilight's cheeks burned a little, but she nodded. "Yeah, you have fun with that. I think I'm gonna hit the hay, this is a little too weird for me." With that, Starlight began walking towards the door, but was stopped by the sound of Twilight's throat clearing. "Starlight?" "...yes?" "You've got that picture of Rainbow Dash sticking out of your mane." Starlight instantly began sweating as she turned around, making a terrible job of faking a search of her mane until her hoof brushed up against it. "Oh! So I do! How did that happen? Whoops!" Starlight placed the Polaroid down before teleporting away, not even attempting to make another excuse after how terribly she'd just botched the last one. For a few seconds, silence, but then Spike and Twilight began to giggle. It was a small laugh at first, but it gradually erupted into a full on tirade of chuckles and howls as the two of them held each other. Twilight ran her hoof over Spike's chest, looking up at him. "So, are you going to take photos of me without my permission from now on?" "Of course not," Spike answered, thinking that was surely obvious by now. "No, because from now on you've got my permission. Heck, if you'd asked in the first place you wouldn't have needed it." "But why would I need to take photos with you now that I know I can just have you?" Twilight hopped up, still cum glazed, before taking a space in the centre of the room and bending down low on her front legs, lifting her tail high and swishing it from side to side as she exposed everything to him. "Are you telling me you don't want to immortalise this?" "You make a very good point..." Spike muttered as he witnessed the drip of her wet pussy. Twilight allowed her tail to slap against her thigh as her grin turned mischievous, shimmering down until her chest almost touched the floor but keeping her hind legs completely straight. "I mean, if you really don't want to, I can always get up?" "...I think I'll go and get my camera now." Spike loved photography; he also loved fucking his best friend.