> A Tumultuous Encounter > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Battle of Wills > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The throne room rumbled as yet another detonation rocked the changeling hive, this one markedly closer than the last. Bits of rock and resin rained down from the ceiling, clattering against the floor as Queen Chrysalis sat on her throne, fingers laced and eyes locked on the entrance for her guest. She was more than aware of the events that had transpired in Canterlot after Princess Celestia had, for whatever reason, transformed into the twisted parody of her former self known as Daybreaker. The changelings had spies everywhere so their queen was kept abreast of the events which had unfolded, even though there was no definitive explanation as to what had caused the Princess of the Sun to fall. Another jolt shook the chamber yet the changeling queen sat unflinching, she knew that running would only delay the inevitable, so there she remained. Searing light pierced through the cracks of the doors, darkening the shadows within, before the entryway spectacularly exploded, sending debris skidding across the polished floor. Smoke wafted into the chamber as a soft light seeped into the room, warm yet terrifying, like the approach of an all consuming inferno. Chrysalis straightened herself upon her throne, watching as a blazing figure emerged through the gloom. “Daybreaker,” the queen intoned, a statement more than a question, at the interloper. The white mare, wreathed in flame and clad in golden armor, strode forth, her cat-like eyes smoldering, locked on the dark figure sitting upon the throne before her. “Chrysalis I presume?” she asked, pearly fangs barely visible, as the alabaster alicorn presented herself. Her heels clacked against the stone floor as she advanced, armored breasts bobbing slightly and hips swaying as she strutted forward. The alicorn unfurled her wings to full length and flapped them to dislodge the dust and bits of rubble from her curvaceous frame, although the gesture could easily be taken as posturing given the circumstances. “And what, may I ask, brings the once illustrious monarch of Equestria to my abode,” Chrysalis asked, leaning back in her throne, and eying the alicorn draw nearer. “I figured it was high time to take care of the vermin infesting my land,” Daybreaker replied, a predatory glint in her eye as she looked up at the changeling queen. “You dare call us vermin?!” Chrysalis roared, standing from her seat, and baring her fangs. “You, a blatant mockery of your former self, come to my kingdom, and besiege my very own stronghold to mock our kind?!” she continued, storming down the steps from her throne and towards Daybreaker. The the green carapace, covering portions of her body, glinted in the light cast from the fiery alicorn, her exposed bust wobbling somewhat with each step. “I didn’t exactly see a red carpet rolled out for me,” Daybreaker remarked, nonchalantly inspecting her nails as the enraged changeling queen drew nearer. “You are a fool,” Chrysalis shot back, sweeping her arm around the empty chamber. “I had the palace evacuated as soon as I heard of your approach.” “A kind gesture, although surely you realize even if your guards or that pathetic rabble you call an army would have resisted their failure would have been spectacular,” Daybreaker said, shifter her attention back to Chrysalis, and causing the changeling to halt in her tracks. “I could have easily decimated this entire hive, and may yet do so, because it’s quite the eyesore.” “Be my guest,” Chrysalis challenged, crossing her arms defiantly over her ample bosom. “Your grasp of the equestrian empire is tenuous, at best, and you know it. The elements of harmony are lost to you, your protege has fled, the crystal empire has sealed its borders, and even your sister Luna has begun amassing a resistance to the west,” the changeling queen cackled. “Frankly I’m honored that you would choose me to confront given the number of fires you are currently fighting.” Daybreaker’s eyes flashed in fury, her horn burst to life and sent a searing beam at the changeling. Leaping into the air Chrysalis’s twisted horn lit with sickly green power, discharging a beam of entropic power in the process. The two attack collided, Daybreaker’s brilliant white force mingling with the bilious changeling energy of Chrysalis’s counter attack. Landing in a crouch the changeling queen looked up to notice the white alicorn hadn’t moved from her spot, although she continued to watch Chrysalis and bore a condescending sneer while doing so. “So what shall it be then?” Chrysalis began, her horn still glowing slightly from the previous magical counterattack, ready to unleash another barrage of sorcery should the need arise. Rolling her shoulders she kept her eyes locked on the alicorn; she couldn’t say for certain but she may have a slight advantage should it come down to hand to hand combat given changeling’s innate physical strength. “Shall we fight to the death or will you take your leave? Even if you succeed in defeating me I have various contingencies in place,” the changeling queen continued, a smirk forming on the corners of her lips. “Of course you do, you’re no fool Chrysalis,” Daybreaker said, slowly turning to face her opponent. Chrysalis softly chuckled as she stood, placing a hand on her hip while leering at the irate alicorn before her. “If you were to vanquish me I have agents throughout Equestria who would do everything in their power to topple your empire. As strained as your forces are, are you absolutely sure, you’re willing to risk the combined might of the changeling empire rallying against you?” she continued, haughtily eying her adversary. She knew it was a risky gamble but, in truth, it was the only card she had left to play. “Amusing,” Daybreaker responded, “I knew you were shrewd but, regardless, I’m somewhat impressed. What if I were to tell you that your agents had already been located by my own operatives who were awaiting my command to have them executed?” The blazing princess paced menacingly, awaiting the queen’s responce. “You’re bluffing,” Chrysalis blurted, attempting to staunch the sudden pang of fear which stuck her like the point of a spear. The alicorn began thoughtfully counting off on her fingers. “Over two dozen in Canterlot, a handful in ponyville, at least a score in my detachment on the northern front, and about fifty in Manehatten. Does that sound about right?” she asked with a bloodthirsty grin. The changeling queen scowled. Daybreaker had indeed named several locations, and the approximate number, of her cover forces. “I still have enough in place to wreak havoc and sew seeds of dissent among your people, don’t underestimate me you harridan,” Chrysalis barked. Delicately holding a hand to her muzzle, Daybreaker chuckled softly. “I’m sure you could, but what if I told you there were a way to end this without the need for bloodshed? A way that would potentially benefit us both, as well as our people,” Daybreaker mused, slowly circling the incensed changeling queen. The statement took Chrysalis off-guard, raising an eyebrow in consternation, she continued to watch the armor clad alicorn. “Clarify,” she hissed, askanced. “Simple,” Daybreaker began, unclasping her pauldrons as she spoke, “we forge an alliance. You and your hive serve me as spies and double agents and, in return, they will receive more than enough love to prosper.” “As if I’d trust you,” Chrysalis spat, baring her fangs, and contemptuously squinted at Daybreaker. “Those are your options,” Daybreaker flatly stated, continuing to remove armor from her frame before letting it clatter to the floor. Looking up she noticed Chrysalis watching suspiciously. ‘Good,’ she thought. Reaching to her hip, where a flowing loincloth was tied around her waist, Daybreaker’s nimble fingers undid the knot holding it in place. The pearlescent fabric drifted to the ground, revealing the alicorn’s armor plated thighs as well as a bulbous codpiece. Noting the curious look on the changeling queen’s face as she glanced at the peculiar bit of armor, Daybreaker grinned.“Curious are we?” she cooed, meeting Chrysalis’s eyes, as she ran her fingers over her armored crotch. The changeling queen’s lip curled slightly but her eyes drifted back to Daybreaker’s loins, her preternatural senses for love, and lust, beginning to stir. Unfastening a clasp holding the armored piece to her groin Daybreaker cast it aside, the metal skidding across the chamber before coming to a stop at Chrysalis’s feet. The alicorn watched as the changeling queen’s attention went from the codpiece back to her loins, and a prodigious flaccid marecock that now dangled in the cool air. “Much better,” Daybreaker sighed, gingerly hefting the organ in the air, and allowing her balls to swing freely. “I was unaware that you were a dickmare,” Chrysalis remarked dully, her gaze unmoving from the vascular appendage dangling from Daybreaker’s crotch. “Hardly,” Daybreaker scoffed. “This is the result of a potion, although it’s quite functional, albeit somewhat tedious to lug around for extended periods of time,” she commented, waggling it back and forth as she swayed her hips to either side. Looking back up to the alicorn’s face, Chrysalis continued to scowl. “What is the meaning of this display? Surely you didn’t come here, and demolish half of my castle, simply for such a vulgar presentation,” she observed. “Quite right but, as I said, if you ally with me we shall both prosper, and what better way to do that than to sate the hunger of the very queen of the changelings herself,” Daybreaker quipped, her right hand idly stroking her member while addressing Chrysalis. “As if you could satisfy me,” Chrysalis jeered, “I’ve drained legions of stallions, mares, and everything in-between.” Cocking her hip mockingly, she surveyed the alicorn from head to toe, watching as Daybreaker continued to remove her armor. “What makes you think you would have a chance in Tartarus of satisfying me?” Closing her eyes Daybreaker reached behind her back and undid the chain fastening her plated brazier. “Because,” she said, throwing the chest piece across the room, “you’ve never had an alicorn.” Chrysalis sauntered over to Daybreaker, her hips and bare bottom swaying as she went, stopping within an arm’s reach of the alicorn. “I’ll devour you and leave you begging for more, just like every other foolish soul before you,” she growled. “Well,” Daybreaker whispered, stepping forward and obscenely pressing her naked bosom against the changeling queen’s ample rack, “we’ll have to see about that.” Reaching down the alicorn’s agile fingers danced across Chrysalis’s hips, descending to her crotch and the warm, moist, mound of flesh between her thighs. Leaning forward, Chrysalis moved her muzzle towards the alicorn’ snout, hoping for Daybreaker to reciprocate. Parting her lips Daybreaker leaned in, woefully unprepared for what the changeling queen had in store. ‘Just as planned,’ Chrysalis thought, grabbing the white dickmare around the waist before violently hip tossing her onto her back. With lightning speed Chrysalis pounced on her opponent, grabbing her hands and wrenching them above her head. Rearing her head back the changeling coughed a projectile of viscous resin from her throat, ensnaring Daybreaker’s hands to the floor. Hopping down Chrysalis straddled the alicorn in the blink of an eye, her moist crotch pinning the alicorn’s erect member to her stomach. “I’m going to enjoy milking you dry,” she began, grinding her groin, and slick cunt, over Daybreaker’s length. “When I’m though you’ll beg for me to so much as cast an eye in your direction, pleading for my embrace with every waking moment,” Chrysalis continued, running her hands over her torso, and fondling her tits. Looking up, Daybreaker’s heavily lidded eyes looked anything but concerned. “Oh no, whatever will I do…” she replied with seeming disinterest. “You little,” Chrysalis growled, raising her ass slightly, and reaching back go grab the alicorn’s girthy rod to guide it to her entrance. Feeling the blunt tip press against her lower lips the changeling queen unceremoniously rammed her hips downward, engulfing the roughly foot long marecock in one swift movement. Daybreaker’s eyes flew open in surprise, she’d expected Chrysalis to be a savage and skilled paramour, but she hadn’t predicted her to be so tactless. The changeling leaned forward, lewdly fondling the alicorn’s alabaster tits, and playing with their nipples, as she kissed Daybreaker’s collarbone. Nibbling the tender flesh, Chrysalis worked her way upward, to her prey’s neck, before sinking her teeth in and injecting a copious amount of venom. Feeling the changeling’s fangs pierce her hide Daybreaker began to struggle in earnest, writhing beneath Chrysalis, as her assailant began to pump her hips and fuck herself on the alicorn’s immense rod. “Sssssssssh,” Chrysalis whispered into Daybreaker’s ear, “just a little something to help you enjoy yourself.” Giving the dickmare’s ear a nibble she continued to gyrate and ride Daybreaker’s shaft, expertly clenching the muscles of her vaginal canal in tune with her motions to maximize her victim’s pleasure. Her heart began to flutter, and her breathing grew heavy, as the changeling’s venom started coursing through Daybreaker’s veins. She could feel her body begin to fill with an unnatural heat, as her heart thundered in her chest, and her cock began to leak precum, adding further lubrication to the already slickened canal of Chrysalis’s marehood. “You call this a riding? I’ve gotten better service from two bit whores before,” Daybreaker chided, bucking her hips upward to meet the impacts of Chrysalis’s ass. “That’s the spirit, this wouldn’t be fun without a fight,” Chrysalis scolded, gripping the alicorn by the chin as she rhythmically pounded herself on Daybreaker’s member. She could feel the alicorn’s shaft throb within her, savoring the sensation, as its vascular length passed in and out of her pussy. She sighed contentedly each time the flared head scraped against her g-spot, every thrust sending a tingle up her spine. She hadn’t expected the princess to be sporting such a marvelous package but she certainly didn’t mind adding an alicorn dickmare to her list of sexual conquests. “Here, perhaps you’ll enjoy this,” she moaned, reaching back and bracing her arms against the cool floor, before leaning backward to allow the princess a view of the action. Craning her neck, Daybreaker could see the changeling queen riding her length, watching as each vascular inch of her pearly flesh plunging into the dark cunt of the changeling as she was brutally ridden. Her eyes rolled in her head as Chrysalis began to moan whorishly, savagely bouncing her ass, engulfing the princess’s cock with increased speed and ferocity. She could feel her regal balls begin to churn, the potent combination of changeling venom and stimulation to her shaft beginning to push her over the edge. Chrysalis couldn’t help but smirk as she felt Daybreaker’s marecock begin to throb harder, its head starting to swell, in preparation for a powerful orgasm. “Mmmmmmmm yes, cum for me. Fill me with that thick seed,” she groaned enticingly, knowing her words would further spurn the princess to peak. Daybreaker couldn’t handle it, she grit her teeth and fought against the growing sensation, but it was simply too much to bear. Thrusting her crotch upward desperately she blew her load, screwing her eyes shut and grunting furiously. Her balls retracted tightly to her loins, and her dick pulsated violently, as she buried herself in the changeling queen and unleashed a torrent of seed. Chrysalis threw her head back and groaned victoriously, her marehood filling with alicorn seed, as she pressed her hips down to meet the princess’s own. Looking down she watched Daybreaker’s chest steadily rise and fall, her face turned to the side as she panted. ‘Stupid bitch thought she could beat me,’ Chrysalis thought as she began to stand, dislodging the alicorn’s still turgid shaft from herself. Just as she got to her feet she heard a sickening crack, looking down in amazement she saw Daybreaker’s hand firmly wrapped around her ankle. “This isn’t over tramp,” Daybreaker growled, fire in her eyes, as she agrilly tugged at the changeling queen’s leg, sending her off balance. Rearing up to a seated position, the alicorn took hold of one of the changeling’s wrists and pulled her to the ground. Chrysalis fell to her knees, cum and carnal juices leaking from her loosened snatch, as Daybreaker towered over her. “Now watch closely as I show you what an alicorn is truly capable of,” the Daybreaker grunted, grasping the base of her shaft as a fiery aura enshrouded the organ. The changeling queen’s jaw nearly dropped as she watched the alicorn’s member swelled in girth and length, veins angrily pulsating across its length, cum still dripping from its swollen tip. “How? How is this possible?” she stammered, watching in disbelief as the alicorn sneered down at her. “You wanted a fight didn’t you?” Daybreaker mused, snapping her fingers and magically locking Chrysalis’s hands to the floor, “I most certainly wouldn’t want to disappoint you.” Chrysalis, mystically fettered to the floor, could do nothing but watch as the alicorn circled her, stopping before the changeling’s raised posterior. “Such a fitting position,” the alicorn remarked, reaching down to smack Chrysalis’s ass, “On all fours and presenting herself like a beast begging to be bred.” Lowering herself behind the changeling, Daybreaker grabbed her rod, and began rubbing its head against Chrysalis’s abused entrance. “Well if you’re going to present yourself like some mongrel in heat I may as well treat you as such,” she snarled, grabbing Chrysalis’s hips, and ramming her length into the changeling’s pussy. Chrysalis howled in ecstasy, the pleasure of being filled so fully and brutally overriding any pain brought from the sudden intrusion. Her marehood was stretched to its limit at the titanic insertion, the entrance of her womb was bludgeoned by the first traumatic thrust, and she loved it. Reactively her body pressed backward, yearning for every delectable bit of flesh the alicorn had to offer. “Awwwww, seems like someone enjoys being fucked like a dog,” Daybreaker remarked, continuing to jackhammer against Chrysalis’s cervix. Reaching forward she grabbed a fistful of the changeling’s green hair and tugged forcibly, causing the queen to yelp. “Are you going to cum for me that easily?” Daybreaker taunted, wrapping her free hand around Chrysalis’s waist to toy with her exposed clit, while continuing to ruthlessly fuck her adversary. “F...FUCK!” Chrysalis blared, her body convulsing as it was rocked by a powerful orgasm, her torso crashing against the floor, while she continued to be rutted. Her pussy seized angrily, around the alabaster meat filling it, as a potent cocktail of alicorn cum and changeling juices dribbled down her leg. “There’s a good girl,” Daybreaker chucked, continuing to pound the hapless queen. With a wicked grin the alicorn reared her hips back and mercilessly drove them forward, the tip of her colossal marecock battering past Chrysalis’s cervix, and locking itself deep within her womb. Closing her eyes, Daybreaker pistoned herself viciously into her foe, the entrance of the changeling’s pussy milking the base of her shaft, while her cervix tightly hugged the sensitive flesh just behind the alicorn’s dick head. She could feel her balls begin to tighten, churning with a second load, as she continued to buck her hips. Throwing her head back the princess screamed, unleashing another seething tide of jizz directly into Chrysalis’s womb. She forced herself to look down and watch as the changeling queen’s abdomen swelled slightly, her uterus being packed to the brim with royal semen. Her chest heaved, and orgasm began to subside, as she fell back on her haunches, smiling blissfully as her marecock popped out of Chrysalis’s thoroughly violated cunt. Leaning back on her hands she mopped the sweat from her brow, pleased with another victory in what would be a long, and hard fought, campaign to dominate all of Equestria. The changeling queen’s mind was nearly blank, in all her years she’d only ever suffered treatment this rough once and that was at the hands of a dragon. Collapsing to the floor she noticed her own distended belly, obscenely filled with Daybreaker’s cum which steadily leaked into a growing pool on the once polished floor of her throne room, but she observed something else as well, the magical fetters which had trapped her to the floor had disapated. Digging deep, and mustering the last reserves of her strength, she sprung backward, driving her ass onto Daybreaker’s muzzle and knocking her to the floor. “You,” Chrysalis huffed, “will not win!” Grinding her snatch onto the alicorn’s face she grabbed the base of Daybreaker’s shaft, unhinging her jaw and plunging its length into the tight confines of her throat. Daybreaker suddenly found her face buried in changeling muff, cum and carnal juices flowed over her muzzle as she was fillated by Chrysalis. Mumbling through the changeling’s slick and velvety folds, she did the only thing she could, as her tongue darting out and caressing her adversary’s clit and occasionally delving into Chrysalis’s cum slick depths. It all culminated at this moment, two monarchs entwined in a salacious display of dominance, each pushed to their limit by the other. Chrysalis groaning while deepthroating the alicorn beneath her, Daybreaker’s moans muffled by the changeling’s pussy grinding against her face. They desperately struggled, neither willing to forfeit victory. Reaching her hand around Daybreaker’s ass Chrysalis dug two fingers into the alicorn’s backdoor, pressing and massaging the dickmare’s tender prostate. Daybreaker’s arms shot forward, finding Chrysalis’s nipples and vengefully twisting and tweaking the sensitive buds of flesh. Their tenacity was indomitable, both ruler feverishly stimulating the other, growing louder as they drove each other to climax. In tandem they came, Daybreaker sending a deluge of spunk into Chrysalis’s stomach, further distending the changeling’s already bloated abdomen, while the changeling queen drenched Daybreaker’s countenance in orgasmic fluids of her own. Together they collapsed, Chrysalis falling to her side and coughing feebly as the alicorn’s member dislodged itself from her throat, Daybreaker sprawling on her back and panting while her cock weakly spurted semen onto the ground. The room was still save for the two gasping bodies laying in smeared pools of lascivious effluence. The two enfeebled rulers looked to each other, defiant admiration burning in their eyes, as they struggled to regain their composure. “In all my years, cough cough, I’ve never had such a struggle,” Chrysalis remarked, wiping drool and cum from her chin. “So, oh mighty queen of the changelings, did I surpass your expectations?” Daybreaker quipped, her unsteady gaze affixed upon her opponent. Chrysalis nodded somberly, taking a moment to reply. “I wouldn’t say surpassed, but impressive nonetheless.” “So, will you ally yourself with my forces?” Daybreaker mumbled, pushing herself up to a seated position. “On one condition,” the changeling queen replied, forcing herself up as well. “That being?” Daybreaker queried, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. “That we shall subjugate this land together,” Chrysalis said, shakily extending a hand to the alicorn. Daybreaker chuckled, smiling genuinely for the first time in ages. Reaching out and clasping the changeling queen’s hand in her own, she nodded, “Together.”