> The Sweetest Party Girl You Ever Loved > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Sweet Meeting At Sugar Cube Corner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost everyone in Canterlot City is blessed with a younger/older sibling. Sometimes they even more than one sibling in the family, which is either a blessing or a curse depending on their point of view. Your point of view is on your siblings, or more specifically, your 2 older sisters, Phoebe and Trianna is both a blessing and a curse. They both loved you from the bottom of their hearts ever since you were born. Mom and dad thought so, too. Some kids who were born as an only child would be overjoyed to be in your position. But those kids don't know half of what went on throughout your life as the only brother with 2 older sisters. For nearly your whole life, your 2 sisters have this nasty habit of acting like they're your mothers and would constantly treat you like a 5 year old. Because of this, it was difficult for you to socialize with other girls, especially with your sisters acting like hound dogs, driving them away. To keep yourself from going nutsy-coo-coo, you spent some time with a few students who were part of a Junior High School band that you joined. They needed a guitarist and you volunteered to fill in that position, and with a little help from them and a lot of practice, the band took off like there was no tomorrow. However, the band didn't last too long because back when you graduated Junior High, they ended up enrolling into another school that was out of town. In Canterlot High School, you were all by yourself. You didn't know anyone there, so in your free time, you'd always isolate yourself in the music room and just tune up your guitar and play it. Being isolated in Canterlot High wasn't all that bad, you had lots of alone time away from all the other noisey students. In fact, Canterlot High School was more of a sanctuary rather than a prison. At times you wished you could stay at the school overnight just so you wouldn't have to worry about your 2 sisters hovering over you like a couple of guard dogs. You didn't care if you had to do extra school work, or even volunteer to help out the janitor, all you wanted was some time away from your sister. You loved them very much, but they just didn't know when to draw the line on how to stop treating you like a child. Soon, the day of graduation came and it was time to say good-bye to your sanctuary. Everyone else cheered and shouted "bye bye, prison, hello freedom!" but all you could think of was "farewell, sanctuary, hello hell," and boy did you wish it would just stop. A few weeks after your graduation, that day went from bad to worse when you had to move out of your parents' house and move in with your sister at this two-story building. You already had a job working at Gamestop and the paycheck you got was fairly high enough for you to get your own apartment, so the only question that remains was this: How come mom and dad wanted you to move in with your sisters if you can already take care of yourself no problem? Today, it started off like every other morning. You woke up from the sun's rays hitting your eyes and you let out a tired groan as you rose up from your nice, comfy pillow. You checked your alarm clock and noticed it was 7:30 A.M. You climb out of bed, feeling meh-ish. You went over to your closet and got out a black T-shirt with the Gamestop logo on the left chest. You took off your long-sleeved gray shirt and put your T-shirt on. You then put on some matching black jeans before heading out into the bathroom and doing the usual brushing your teeth and putting on deodorant. It was a surprise to you that your sisters were still fast asleep in their beds. They actually make a living by turning their own house into a type of daycare. The house is usually noisey all day, but you're usually off work around 5 or 6, so you don't usually walk home to a bunch of noisey children. However, that's usually on the weekdays. On the weekends, it's hard to get some peace and quiet with all the yelling and screaming at first, so you isolate yourself in your room playing some of your favorite games that you got on your birthday last year. Most of them were the Sly Cooper trilogy or the Jak and Daxter trilogy, which is only a little bit harder than your other games, but a lot more fun. Anyways, once you had finished with your personal hygiene routine, you walked out of the bathroom and head back into your bedroom and got your wallet before heading downstairs into the living room. There was a big couch and two recliner chairs on the right hand side of the house (left hand side where you were facing) a coffee table in front of the couch with a picture frame of your entire family smiling, well, everyone in your family except for you. On your right hand side was the kitchen, but you didn't have enough time to cook. Your only choice right now was to pick up some breakfast on the way to work. You can cook just fine, but when your sisters volunteer to help you, the result of their cooking leaves you way more stuffed than a turkey. Because of this, you had to cut back a few big meals while putting in a decent workout by strolling around the city. You walk to the front door and grab your house key and store inside your wallet where your ID was. Before you could head outside the door... "Hey, little bro," said two female voices. You closed your eyes tightly and took a deep breath before turning around and facing your sisters, who still had on their matching burgundy pajamas. Their long, brown hair drooped over their shoulders like they had recently woke up. Unlike you, they're morning people. They both had bright smiles on their faces, almost to the point where it's both cute and creepy. "Where are you going, we haven't even cooked you breakfast yet." Phoebe said. Phoebe has green eyes like your dad and Trianna has blue eyes like your mom. "I'll pick up something on the way, and besides. I need the exercise," you said, twisting the doorknob. Right as you opened it up, you felt one of your sisters grab you by the shoulder and turn you around. Trianna still has her usual smile on, but she was starting to give off a strange, creepy, dark aura. "Are you actually seeing someone behind our back?" she asked sweetly. You instantly back away from her, getting slightly annoyed and scared. "For the 15,000th time, I haven't been seeing anyone and I probably won't if you keep acting like bodyguards. Seriously, I'm going to be 19 in January, what do you have against your own brother growing up to be a man, huh?" you ask, annoyed. "We're just trying to protect you. We don't want you to get hurt." Trianna said. "I told you before, I can handle things on my own, now I gotta head to work, I'm suppose to work 2 extra hours for one of my co-workers since he called in sick, so I'll be home a little late." you replied. After explaining, you unlocked the door and opened it up. "I'll catch ya later." "Well, when you do get home, we'll cook up a big meal for you." Phoebe said. "Uhh, just don't get carried away with the cooking, okay? I'm still watching my calories. You girls are great cooks and all, but I can't keep pigging out like some glutton. I'll pick up some coffee on the way to work, I'll see you girls later on tonight, take of yourselves, now." you say, walking out of the house. "Okay, but just be careful when coming back." Trianna said. "We love you, little bro." Phoebe said. "Right back at ya." you replied, closing the door. You walked down the sidewalk and headed out into the city away from your quiet neighborhood. Once far away enough, you let out a sigh of relief. You continued on your way into the city and took in the morning fresh air. It was a little chilly at first, but the weather was going to get a little warmer later on around noon. It was alright with you, since it'll give you time to jog at a restaurant and pick up a burger. If you're lucky, it might even help burn off some calories you still had from your little uneeded binge from last week. All of your thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of your stomach rumbling. You felt hungry, but now was not the time to complain. You kept on walking until you eventually reached Sugar Cube Corner, one of your favorite places to stop by for some coffee. You walk in through the front door and head over to the counter. No one was behind it, but there were a couple of people in the dining area, eating and drinking. You waited patiently for someone to approach the counter by strolling through your phone for any kind of music to listen to or maybe play a game. Just as you were searching, you heard footsteps coming from the kitchen behind the counter. Suddenly, "Hello!" exclaimed a female voice, making you jump. You nearly dropped your phone, but you caught it in the nick of time before it touched the ground. In front of you was an attractive young lady with pink, poofy hair and light pink skin with sky blue eyes. She wore a sky blue opened shirt over her white undershirt and wore a pink skirt with balloon stickers. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!" she said, happily. "Uh, hello." you replied, feeling a little nervous around her. "Okay, I'll just make this quick, I'd just like a nice and simple hot cup of coffee with a hint of cream, please." you said, trying to keep it casual. Just as you told her your order, a strange scent hit your nostrils, something sweet. The scent that caught your attention was coming from the girl in front of you. 'Hmm, she smells like cotton candy.' you thought to yourself. "Cotton candy?" the girl asked. "Oh! You must be smelling the new shampoo I'm using." she said. "Oh, I see-" your eyes widened. "Wait, d-did I just say that out loud?" you asked yourself nervously. She then lets out a cute giggle. "You're funny, you know that? Maybe you didn't catch my name, my name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie Pie. And pretty much everyone is my friend here! So what about you, what might your name be?" she asks. You waited for a while to collect your thoughts. 'If my sisters saw me chatting with this girl, they'd never let me hear the end of it when I get home. But, I gotta admit, she's kinda cute.' you thought to yourself, until you realized something earlier, almost freaking out, 'I think I'd better watch what I say, I get this weird feeling she has the ability to read other people's thoughts.' After you stopped talking in your head, you introduced yourself to Pinkie Pie and tell her your name and then offered to shake her hand. She accepts, but she shakes your hand more rapidly. "It's so nice to meet you, so is there anything else I can get you? OH, I know, we've got a special for a delicious slice of chocolate cake with peppermint candy shards on top. It's one of our best sellers for only a dollar more, or maybe I can interest you in some chocolate chip muffins!" she says in a fast tone. By some sheer luck, you were able to catch up with what she said. "Uhh, no thanks, I'll just have a cup of coffee to go, i've gotta get to work at Gamestop, soon." you tell her, politely. "Okie Dokie Lokie, your total comes to $1.50." she replies. You reach into your pocket and take out your wallet, pulling out a dollar and two quarters before giving them to Pinkie Pie. "Thank you, I'll be sure have your coffee ready for you in a jiffy, wait right there." and just like that, she zooms into the kitchen like a pink blurr, and 5 seconds afterwards, she ends up popping out from underneath the counter, startling you. "Thank you for the wait, I have your coffee ready!" You jumped and moved back one step. "H-How did you...?!" you asked, eyes widened with shock. "A true party thrower extraordinair never reveals her secrets. Of course, you're still wondering as to how I did this, just ask the guy who writes this story, he'll tell you." she says with a squee. Now, she's gotten you confused. "Writer? Story? What are you talking about?" you asked. You glanced up at the wall where a clock was and it said 7:50 A.M. "OH SNAP!!!" You panicked. You went and grabbed the cup and thanked Pinkie Pie before rushing out of the shop. You ran as fast as you could, hoping that your legs would carry you far enough before you ran out of breath. You passed up one block and turned right at the end of the 2nd block. There, you could see Gamestop in plain sight. You slowed down and leaned up against the wall and took a few sips from your plastic cup. The coffee was delicious. After about five or six sips, you looked at your phone to see what time it was. Your phone read 7:53. "Phew, thank... goodness." you panted. During the next few minutes, you just chilled outside of the store, drinking your coffee and taking in the fresh air. After you finished your coffee, you tossed your empty plastic cup in the trash and went inside to start your shift. For nearly 4 hours, you've sold a total of at least 30 games, 5 of them were ordered online. One customer even went so far as to purchase a Nintendo 3DS XL and a Nintendo Switch. One thing was very certain, you were definitely going to get quite a fat check from your boss. By the time noon had arrived, that was your cue to get some lunch and right now, you headed out to get some lunch at Carl's Jr. You can already feel your stomach growling like crazy. "Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning, I gotta get something to eat real bad." you say to yourself. Too bad you were out of solid cash, but luckily, you still had your debit card with you. Suddenly, during your walk to Carl's Jr, the thought of Pinkie Pie entered your mind. Her beautiful, sparkling baby blue eyes looking directly into yours felt like you were gazing into the night sky. Her cheerful personality felt so warm and inviting and to top it off, she sure was cute. But your thoughts were soon struck by the sudden realization that she might have already gotten herself a boyfriend. You sigh with your head down and put on some music from your phone and kept walking until finally looking up to see Carl's Jr. You walked up to the entrance and walked up to the counter where the cashier was. "Hello, welcome to Carl's Jr, what can I get you today?" he asked. "I'll just have a chicken salad and a bottled water to, please, that's all." you replied. "Is that going to be all, sir?" "Yes, that's all. Thank you." you kept a small smile on your face so he couldn't see your sadness. It fooled him, so you were in the clear. "Alright, your total comes out to $6.37." You reach into your pocket and pull out your wallet and hand over your card to the cashier. He takes it and swipes it down on the card reader. He then presses a few buttons on the cash register and gives you back your card and you put it back in your wallet. He then hands you the receipt containing your order number and a water bottle from the little fridge next that has both water bottles and monster energy drinks. One glimpse of those monster energy drinks and you felt your stomach turn. You only drank one of those back when you were still a Junior in high school and the taste was just awful. You've had to get rid of the nasty flavor from your mouth just by chugging down about 8 cups of water on the day you came home from school after you tasted it. You swore to yourself that you would never drink another monster energy drink again for as long as you lived. The cashier calls you over with your food and water ready. You walk over to the counter and grab your food before you gave your thanks to the cashier and headed out. Your trip back to Gamestop lasted a little longer than you thought, what with your hands full. However, your long walk back made it unbearable when your stomach started growling more. The chicken salad you had looked so good to you that you could gobble it up right then and there. But you kept control of your urges and patiently waited until you arrived back at the store. You couldn't take your meal inside, or your boss would get mad that you messed up the game systems or the games themselves. You were okay with eating outside the store as long as you could enjoy the fresh air. You sat down and leaned yourself against the wall, getting ready to eat. You took out a plastic fork and started eating your chicken salad. It tasted so delicious that you almost gobbled it all in only a few minutes, but you got a hold of yourself and savored the taste. 20 minutes later, your food was all gone and only had your bottled water left. You opened it up and chugged down half of it like you were dying of thirst. You waited a few seconds before chugging down the rest of your water and tossed your empty bag in the trash. Once back inside, you recognize a familiar face with pink, poofy hair, checking out the plushies and toys from different games like Minecraft or Pokemon. She soon glanced in your direction and and let out a gasp and waves at you with a cute smile. "Hi there! I remember you, you're the guy I sold the coffee to earlier this morning!" Pinkie said. "Yup, that's me. Is there anything I can help you out with, Ms. Pie?" you asked, walking towards her. "Actually, yeah! You see, it's almost my baby sister's birthday and she really really REALLY has her eyes set on a particular plushie that's very popular to a lot of people." "Really? What plushie does your sister want? Is it one of the Eeveelutions, or is it one of the pokemon starters, or would it happen to be Pikachu?" "Actually, she really wants a Mew plushie." Pinkie said. "The only problem is, I can't find it anywhere." "I see, well as you can see, Mew's actually one of the most highly demanded plushies in this store, in fact, we've shipped out 4 of them already. There's only one left, but it's a little huge. I don't know if that's what your sister wants, but I'm willing to make a deal with you." you explain. "Really? How much is it?" Pinkie asked, taking out her wallet out of her hair. An unusual place to keep it, but my job isn't to judge the customer. "Well, considering it's a large plushie, how does $15.99 sound?" "Really, that's all, then I say... SOLD!!!" she shouts, beaming with joy. You chuckled at her cheerfulness. "Excellent, just let me head into the back room and I'll have the plushie ready for you to wrap up for your sister's special day." "Oh, thank you so much! You have no idea how long I've been searching for that plushie. I know there were a lot of plushies being sold online, but they were either overpriced or they would take too long to deliver, so this place was the only place I could think of to find a Mew plushie. You're a real lifesaver." Pinkie ranted. "Well, I'm glad I could be of help to you, Ms. Pie." you said, before walking into the back room. Once inside, you move over to the shelf on the far left where the large Mew plushie was at. You grabbed it and took it with you out of the back room and moved behind the counter. You typed in the name of the product and how much you were selling it for. Pinkie Pie reached into her hair and pulled out her wallet, a very unusual place to keep her personal belongings, but it wasn't your job to judge her. Pinkie reaches into her wallet and gives you a $20 bill. You put it in the cash register and hand her the change and told her something that really made her smile. "I'm sure your beloved sister has wonderful taste in pokemon. But you know, Ms. Pie..." "Oh, you can just call me Pinkie." You chuckled. "Okay, Pinkie. Anyways, you should know that even if you ran into a dead end, it's important to know that at least you tried your very best to make your sister happy. And I should know, I've actually got 2 big sisters who look after me as well." "Really? That's so nice! Maybe I should introduce them to my 3 other sister. I'm sure they'd get along so well, maybe I could even introduce them to my mom and dad, too!" Though she had good intentions, you felt an uneasy feeling in your gut. You may have told her that you had two caring sisters, but you never told her they can be a little too caring. "Well, maybe we can, it all depends on when and how, you see my sisters work at home, running their very own daycare." "Really? Okay then, how about my family and I comes over to your house and we can chat a little. Ooh, I just love making new friends! It fills me with so much joy!" 'Well, you'd be surprised.' you thought to yourself. "Anyways, may your little sister have a happy birthday and many more to come." "Aww, thank you. Ooh, before I forget..." Pinkie reached into her hair again and pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen and starts writing down on it. She hands the paper to you and you accept it. You look at it and notice some numbers on it. "That's my phone number, give me a call when you're ready for me and my family to come over, I'll make sure to be fully prepared until then." "Okay, Pinkie. Thanks for your time and have fun." you tell her with a smile. She smiles back at you and winks at you before walking out of the store. Eventually at the end of the day at around 9:30 P.M, you were making your way back to the house. The streets were lit up with street lamps and the traffic lights. There were less cars in the streets than there were earlier today, no doubt most of the people have hit the sack. There was only 3 things on your mind when you get back home: cook up something to eat, take a shower and head straight for bed. You were way too exhausted to do anything else. But then another puzzling thing hit you like a ton of bricks, and that was the fact that you had to tell your sisters that you met a new friend who happens to be a very attractive woman. You didn't want to tell them, but what good was it to keep secrets from them if they're eventually gonna find out later on. 15 minutes later, you arrived at your house and pulled out your keys. You put them in the lock, but the door unlocked from the inside. The door opens, revealing your sister, Phoebe, giving you the same loving smile she and Trianna always give you every day. "How was work, little bro?" she asked. "It was alright. I made a few big sales on a couple of game systems and some popular games. But I don't feel like explaining everything, I just want to sleep." you replied, exhausted. "I understand. Anyways, Trianna and I fixed up some dinner for you and left it on the table. It's only a couple of hot dogs, so I hope you're not too mad." "Nah, in fact, I prefer a simple little dinner. By the way, where's Trianna, anyways?" you asked. "She's upstairs in her room, sleeping. She's been waiting for almost an hour for you to come home, but her fatigue got to her first and she collapsed on the couch. It was an even bigger pain to have to carry her up to her room, but at least she'll be well-rested for tomorrow." Phoebe explained. "Typical Trianna, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to pull an all-nighter." "Me too, anyways, it's good to have you back home, bro. Enjoy your dinner. Good night." Phoebe gives you a big hug and you hug her back. She then lets go of you and walks up the stairs and heads straight into her bedroom with Trianna, getting some well-deserved rest. You, on the other hand, went into the kitchen and sat down at the table, eating up your dinner and kept thinking to yourself. 'Maybe things'll work out after all. I know my sister can be a pain in the neck with how caring they are, but I think if I can introduce them to my friend and her family, maybe things'll change' you say in your head. But you won't know for sure until you tell your sisters. So, you decided that once you got yourself ready for work tomorrow, you would tell them about your new friend and you want to introduce her. It may start off all rocky, but you still have to try. Keeping your friend a secret won't do any good if they find out later on, since just the thought of that happening would give you a headache. > A Talk Between Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, you completed your daily personal hygiene routine and you were all ready for work as well as telling your sisters about how you made a brand new friend and that you want to introduce her and her family to them, but it's going to be difficult to tell them your friend is a girl. Your sisters always went against the idea of you having a girlfriend in your life, despite that you're plenty old enough. However, Trianna and Phoebe begged to differ and still think of you as their little baby brother instead. And so, you headed over to your sisters' bedroom door and were about to knock on the door until your cell phone rang, which made you jump out of your skin a little. 'Holy shit! What the hell? That's the last time I have this thing on full blast?' you thought to yourself. You pull your phone out of your see that it was your boss calling you. Whatever he was calling you about, it must be important, so you answered the call and greeted your boss. "Hey, chief. Need something?" you asked. "No, nothing at all, I just want to give you a heads up. You see, we just placed in an order for a couple of games for these old game systems like Gamecube, Playstations 1 and 2, etc etc. I need you to be here next Friday at around 9:00 A.M sharp when we open up shop and sign the papers. I'd do it myself, but I've got a meeting with the other Gamestop owners next Friday, so can I trust you to handle this?" your boss asks. "Yeah, no problem. I can do it. But what's the occasion for ordering some games that work for older systems, are we having some sort retro game sale special?" you ask. "Actually, yes we are. We've already put up flyers around town, so it's bound to draw a crowd eventually, but we're gonna keep the games stored away in the back room, so don't shelf 'em until Friday." "Okay, chief. I'll even be there bright and early." Once you gave him your confidence, you were about to hang up until he said something that suddenly made you smile. "Oh, and I want you to stay at home for today. You held up your end of the bargain and now it's time I hold up mine, you volunteered to handle all the sales all by yourself while your co-workers called in sick, it's time you took the day off and relax a bit." "Whoops, heh." you say, facepalming yourself and chucking. "I forgot about that. I'm so use to working long hours I've been getting use to them." "Heh, well take care of yourself. And remember, be here next week by 9 A.M to sign the papers, now I gotto go, take care of yourself, buddy." After that conversation with your boss, you hung up and walked back into your room. You took off your work clothes and put them back where they belonged and put on a midnight blue long-sleeved shirt and some tan pants before walking back out of your room. You approached your sisters' room and knocked on the door and waited for them to answer. A few seconds later, the door opens up and your sister, Trianna, opens up, still wearing her burgundy pajamas, giving you her sweet smile. "Hi there, little bro. You need anything?" she asked nicely. "Yeah, I need to talk to you and Phoebe down in the living room, it's very important." you tell her. "Okay, just hold on for one second, your sisters have to get ready." Trianna was about to close the door, but just then, she glances at you with curiosity. "Wait, how come you're not dressed for work, isn't your boss going to get mad at you if you don't arrive on time?" "No, he called me just now and gave me the day off. I forgot that I volunteered yesterday to handle all of the sales all by myself while my *ahem* "co-workers" all called in sick. He's probably gonna chew them out for skipping work for their own selfish reasons. Maybe fire one of them." "Oh, I see. Well, in any case, I'll go and wake Phoebe up and we'll get ready." Trianna gives you a gentle rub on the top of your head and a hug before she closes the door. You walk down the hallway and head down the stairs, making your way to the living room couch. You sat down and turned on the TV, selecting your Amazon Prime Video app, trying to search for any kind of movie or show to watch. At first, you only watched some weird shows like Lost Tapes, an underrated show on Animal Planet. Not a lot of people liked this show because the monsters that were "shown" in this show were nothing but a big fat myth, but you enjoy watching it because of the grueling and graphic content. To you, as the old saying goes: Haters gonna hate. Oh well, more Lost Tapes for you. Right now, you were watching the Bigfoot episode, your favorite show. Mostly because of the poacher getting killed near the end of the episode by "Bigfoot" when he was trying to kill that park ranger. About halfway into the episode, you heard footsteps coming from the stairs. You look up and see your sisters walking down, both were wearing matching burgundy button-up long-sleeved shirts and blue skinny jeans. They walked over to where you were sitting. Trianna sat on your right, Phoebe sat on your left. "Alright, bro, what did you want to talk about?" Trianna asked. "Is it something that's bothering you?" Phoebe asked. You paused the show and took a deep breath. You sighed and spilled the beans. "You see, girls, I got to talking with this brand new friend of mine while I was at work and they wanted to know if maybe, one of these days when we're not so busy, we could have a little get-together. My friend likes making new friends." "Wait... you... made a friend?" Phoebe asked. Suddenly, Trianna suddenly becomes territorial. "It's not a girl, is it?" she asked, frowning. "As much as you girls want to deny it, yes, it's a girl." you admitted. "No! Absolutely not!" Trianna snapped. "Bro, you're way too young to have a girlfriend!" Phoebe added. "She's not my girlfriend, Phoebe! She's just a friend. Look, why are you so against the idea of me interracting with other girls, I'm a young adult and I can make my own choices!" "Haven't you forgotten that bitch, Brittany?" Trianna asked. Just then, you slammed your fist against the coffee table. "I thought we agreed to never talk about that damn incident ever again, don't tell me you forgot!" you snapped, gritting your teeth. "I'm sorry, but I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be friends with this girl you call your "friend." Trianna argued just as she folded her arms. "What does it take for my to get this through to you girls? She's not like that other girl I met a long time ago, we're not even dating, we're just friends! Why can't you just do this one favor for me and just get to know her, or better yet, maybe try to connect with her OTHER sisters, maybe they'll convince you! How the hell am I suppose to grow up if you girls won't even let me do it on my own?" you ranted. Phoebe and Trianna didn't want to see you unhappy like this, but they also don't to see you go through a phase of rejection and heartbreak like you did with "that girl." Your sisters let out sighs of defeat and placed their hands on your shoulders. "We're just trying to look out for you, bro, we just can't risk you being isolated from the world, but if this is what you really want, then we'll meet your new friend, but not right now. We have to get ready." Trianna said. "Well, at least it's a start. I'm gonna go ahead and give her a call." you said. You took out your phone from your pocket and dialed Pinkie's number. Last night, you had already saved her number in your contacts after reading off of the paper she gave you. You placed the phone to your ear and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" Pinkie asked over the phone. "Hi Pinkie, it's me." you said, telling her your name. "I was the guy who sold you that big Mew plushie at Gamestop, the one your sister wanted." "Oh, I remember you, I recognized your voice the moment you said "Hi Pinkie." "Yeah, hey listen. I talked it over with my sisters and I wanted to know when you can bring your family over, I really want to introduce you to them." "Hmm, well, I've got my baby sister's birthday party to plan out, so I'm kinda busy today, so why don't we try to meet you on Saturday, tomorrow? I also want to introduce you to my mom and dad." "I'll check with my sisters, hold on just for a few seconds." You moved the phone away from you and turned to your two frowning sisters. "Hey, girls. Does tomorrow on Saturday sound okay? She's kinda busy planning her little sister's birthday party today." Phoebe and Trianna looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "We can wait until tomorrow." "Alright." you moved your phone up to your ear and spoke to Pinkie. "They said, yes. So, we'll all be waiting for you and your family to get here tomorrow. Just let me know when you'll be here and I'll let my sisters know." "Okie Dokie Lokie. I'll see you then. Bye-e-e-e-e-e-e." she sang out before you both hung up. "Looks like we're all set." you said, looking at your sisters. They still had frowns on their faces and something tells you that tomorrow was going to be the most awkward day of your life. Scratch that, the most awkward day for you and Pinkie Pie, as well as her family. You just hope that your sisters can behave themselves and not say anything to offend Pinkie's family, otherwise, you can kiss your friendship with her good-bye, and you do not want to ruin your friendship with her this early. The rest of the day by like any other normal day. Of course, just because you had the day off, that didn't mean your sisters had the day off. Right on schedule, all these other parents dropped off their kids at your house, or your sisters' house for that matter and as usual, the house was filled with so much screams and laughter. It all drove you crazy, so you locked yourself in your room so no one would bother you. How Trianna and Phoebe were able to handle all of these children, even you don't know. But you can say that those kids really give them a run for their money and you're glad your sisters layed down the ground rules: mainly, to never enter your room. Sadly, one of the kids outside your room kept banging your bedroom door. "Ugh, hey, would you stop banging on my door? I'm busy right now!" you called out, playing video games "You're not the boss of me!" called out a little boy's voice. He kept banging on your door just to annoy the hell outta you, and it was working like a charm. "If you don't stop, I'm getting the big bosses up here and you'll be in for a time-out, kid!" you said, slightly annoyed, but this didn't faze him at all. "Ooh, I'm so scared." he called out, mockingly. There was no convincing this kid that you wanted to be alone. So, without any other option, you put your game controller down and walked up to your bedroom door, opening it up quickly. You look down and see a little kid with black, spikey hair, wearing a green, camo shirt and black pants. "Don't test me, kid!" you said, gritting your teeth. "And what are you gonna do about it?" he asked, smirking like he's in charge. "What did I tell you about sneaking up here and bothering my younger brother?" Trianna asked, walking up to me and the little kid. Now he was really in for it. I saw the look of fear in the kid's eyes. "H-Hey... I-I-I was just kidding. No hard feelings, right?" he stuttered, backing away from your sister. But she kept on moving towards the kid and then grabbed his arm, taking him with her back downstairs. "Let's see what your mother has to say about your behavior, mister." "No, please! Don't do that, I'm sorry! No, no, NOOO!!!" he cried out for help. You felt relieved that he was out of your hair, but at the same time, you pitied him... for like a second. Now that Trianna took care of him, you closed the door and went back to your gaming session. The next day, felt rather slow for you. You were bored with your video games, so you're stuck watching movies out in the living room while your sister were fixing up lunch for you, or in this case, a banquet. Just when you thought dealing with shortness of breath was over, they start it again. While you were watching a movie, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You took it out and answered it, bringing it to your ear. "Hello?" you asked. "Hi there!" Pinkie said over the phone. "Oh, hello Pinkie Pie. Is your family ready to come over for a visit?" you asked. "Yeah, but there's one teensey little problem. You never told us where you lived." Of course, you facepalmed yourself for the idiotic mistake of not telling her where you lived. Well, better late than never, you went ahead and told her where you lived. "...Did you get all that?" you asked. "Yup-a-roonie." she replied. "Alright, I'm gonna tell my family and we'll be there as soon as possible. I really, really, REALLY can't wait to see you again. I'm really looking forward to also meeting your sisters." 'Oh you have no idea how they feel.' you thought to yourself. "Talk to you later. Pinkie Pie over and out." after that, she hung up and you put your phone back into your pocket, getting right back to watching movies. "Was that your friend?" Phoebe asked from the kitchen. She still didn't like how your new friend was a girl and Trianna was just as disappointed as well. Quite frankly, their attitudes were really starting to bug you, too. "Yes, now, I normally don't ask you girls this, but can I trust you girls to be kind and courtious to our guests when they get here? I don't want any of them to feel like they're unwelcome or offended." you said, sternly. "We know, we know. You made it perfectly clear." Phoebe said. "Okay, I just wanted to make sure. Now, Pinkie just told me that she and her family are coming over soon, so just thought I'd give you the heads-up." Everything was almost complete. The last thing that was on your mind was to wear some decent clothes in order to show that you're not just some bum. So, you headed up the stairs and walked down the hallways to your room, closing the door behind you. You went through your closet and picked out a navy blue long-sleeved shirt and black jeans. You laid your clothes on your bed and then took off your white tank top and grey sweats. You grabbed the clothes you picked out and put on your shirt first, then your pants. Once fully dressed, you walked out of your room and headed into the restroom, to see how you looked. You were pleased with what you were wearing and smiled. Soon, you exited the bathroom and walked back down the stairs and helped your sisters by setting up the table. You grabbed a few plates and cups while they worked on cooking up lunch for you, them and your new friend. You took the plates and cupes over to the table and set them in front of each chair. In a matter of 5 minutes after that, everything was set up and ready to go. Right on cue, the doorbell rang, making your natural instincts kick in. You made a dash for the door and opened it up. Lo and behold, Pinkie Pie showed up, wearing a nice baby blue sweater with a horseshoe sticker in the middle turned to the right side. It almost looked like a "C." You recognized as a Canterlot Wondercolt sweater, the same one that you bought once when you were a senior in high school. Who knew that Pinkie would choose to wear this sweater just for this occasion. On the subject of what else she was wearing, she wore a dark pink skirt with balloon stickers on the side. "Pinkie, it's great to see you again!" you said, smiling. "Happy to see you, too. Although, I'm sorry to say this, but, my mom and dad couldn't make it because my dad was too sick and my mom is watching over him. But, on the bright side, I was still able to convince my sisters to come along with me, so here we are." Pinkie explains. "Oh, these are your sisters?" you asked. "Yup-Yup. All three of them are my sisters." Pinkie tilted her head with a big smile on her face. "I see, well it's nice to meet you all. Come on in." you said, moving to the side. Pinkie and her sisters instantly accepted the offer and walked inside. You closed the door once all of the girls got inside and locked it. Of course, your own sisters made their way into the living room. Both had small smiles on their faces, but you could tell that deep down they were still uneasy with you making friends with Pinkie Pie, and they knew exactly which girl you were talking about, judging by her other sisters' appearences, but you learned to never judge a book by its cover. "Anyways, everyone, these two beautiful ladies here are my older sisters, Phoebe and Trianna." you gestured the Pinkie and her sisters to look over to the twin sisters near the kitchen entrance. Pinkie made a dash for your twin sisters and shook each of their hands. "It's a so nice to meet you. I'm Pinkie Pie: Party Thrower Extraordinair! I'm your brother's bestest friend! I met him over at Sugar Cube Corner when he placed an order for a cup of coffee!" Pinkie said, shaking your sisters' hands rapidly, smiling. "Ni-i-i-i-ice t-o-o-o-o-o m-e-e-e-et y-o-o-o-u-u-u t-o-o-o-o." both of your sisters said in unison. You almost wanted to burst out laughing from this hilarious sight. Later on, Pinkie let go of their hands, allowing her sisters to introduce themselves. "I'm Limestone Pie," she said. Limestone had short, grey hair and lime green eyes. Her shirt matched her hair in terms of color and had a sticker that said "Rock You" and wore black jeans just like you. She gave off a certain "bad girl" vibe on the surface, but you were certain she's different on the inside. "I'm the oldest sister in the family, so I keep it running. I heard a from Pinkie that he's a nice guy. I was also told that he sold Pinkie the Mew plushie for my youngest sister" Limestone gestured the girl over her shoulder who had long, dark grey hair that drooped over the right side of her face. Said girl also held the very same Mew plushie you sold to Pinkie. That means she was the birthday girl that Pinkie was told you about. She held her Mew plushie close to her upper torso and buried her face behind her plushie's head, hugging it tightly and blushing. "My name is Maud Pie." said Pinkie's other sister. Her voice was spoken in a monotone voice. She wore a dull blue sweater and a matching skirt that reached down past her knees. She had long, straight, purple hair and baby blue eyes, just like Pinkie Pie. Lastly, there was Pinkie's little sister with the Mew plushie. But judging by her shy personality, she didn't look like she would be willing to tell you her name. "And this adorable little lady here is my baby sister, Marble Pie, who's younger than me by only a few minutes, but she'll always be a baby to me, isn't that right?" Pinkie asked as she hugged her little sister. "Mmhmm." Marble said, nodding, looking away with a shy smile. "It's nice to meet you all. How about we all sit down and have a little bite to eat?" you suggested. "Mmm, yummy!" Pinkie said, rubbing her tummy. You and everyone else walked into the kitchen and took your seats, waiting for your sisters to serve you and the Pie sisters a tasty lunch. Pinkie looked more happy than a kid in an ice cream parlor when she got a load of the spread: grilled cheese, a fruit salad, baked potatos and some delicious maccaroni salad. The other Pie sisters smiled and grabbed their forks and knifes, ready to eat. But then, as Trianna and Phoebe sat down, Trianna cleared her throat. Everyone else looked at her. Trianna and Phoebe put their hands together, preying. You almost rolled your eyes, but went along with them, preying in silence just as the others did and then. "Thanks for the food." everyone said. Right away, Pinkie took huge bites out of her food while everyone else ate their lunch at their own pace. Despite the quiet, the atmosphere felt depressing. Your sisters kept eating their food, only slightly glaring daggers at your friend. Pinkie's oldest sister, Limestone, was glaring at you, not even trying to hide it from anyone else in the room. "Is there a reason those two keep glaring at Pinkie?" Maud asked, expressionless. Limestone went straight to the heart of the issue. "Look, if you got a problem with my sister being friends with your brother, then you take it up with me, got it?" she said, slamming her hands on the table. "Hey, don't take that tone with us! We're just making sure our little brother is safe!" Trianna said, after she got done gulping down her food. "If you knew what it was like for us to protect our brother, you'd understand why we don't trust you." Phoebe adds, putting her fork down. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down everyone! I don't want any bad blood between us right at the start! Let's all just try to get along like friends." you said, intervening "Yeah, turn that frowny upside-downy!" Pinkie said with her most cheerful smile. "Besides, I can already say we're like one BIG happy family! Your brother is a real sweetheart! But we did only meet twice and that was when he was ordering coffee at Sugar Cube Corner and selling me that cute Mew plushie I bought for Marble, but it I'm glad I met him, he can be so kind and caring!" she explained happily. "STAY OUT OF THIS!" your sisters shouted. "HEY!!! You have no right yelling at Pinkie like that!" Limestone yelled back, showing them her fist. "It was very disrespectful." Maud said in her usual blank expression. "What the hell is wrong with you two?! We're suppose to be getting long like friends, I told you over and over again to make them feel welcome!" you intervened again. Then, Pinkie tapped you on the shoulder, calling you by name and you gave her your attention. She didn't look too happy. "Are they mad at me?" she asked. "No Pinkie, if anything, they're blind." you were only half-right. "They just haven't been able to tell you the truth about what had happened to me some time ago." "Oh no you don't! You're not telling her anything." Trianna said, reaching out and grabbing your mouth. You struggled to break free from her grasp. Phoebe aided her and made sure you wouldn't resist. "Tell us what? Is there something your little brother is hiding and you don't want us to find out?" Limestone asked, folding her arms. "If that's so, then let the boy speak." "What he has to say is none of your business!" Trianna retorted, glaring at Limestone. You were growing tired of this and wanted it to end. You opened your mouth and locked your teeth on her hand, making her shout in pain and let go of you. You push Phoebe off of you and stand up, backing away from your sisters and stood next to the Pie sisters, glaring at Phoebe and Trianna. "Living room... NOW!" you snapped, never breaking eye contact. Your sisters got a little scared you and walked straight into the living room. You headed inside, along with the Pie sisters and all sat on the couch, still staying silent until you continued. "Trianna... Phoebe... I'm very disappointed in you two. I told you to treat Pinkie Pie and her sisters with the utmost kindness and respect, but you broke your promise." "But we were jus-" Trianna then got cut off. "SHUT UP!!!" you yelled, glaring daggers at her. "Now, everyone. Please allow me to explain the situation. My sisters don't exactly like to talk about this with other people so--" then you got cut off. "W-Wait, let me do it." Phoebe said. You took a deep breath and exhaled. Then you nodded at Phoebe. "You see, girls, back when my brother was only 13, he met this girl named Brittany. She and him were like two peas in a pod, spending a lot of time together. Most of his allowance went to her and I thought it was kind and considerate of him, but then one day, he came home from another date. I never saw my brother looking so angry or sad before, but he later told me the bad news." "That bitch, Brittany used him just so she could live the life of luxury. He heard her confess when he went to pick her up for a trip to the movies. This is what he heard her say: "The only thing he's good for is that fat lump in his pocket, I could even convince him to get me that new bike I always wanted. As soon as that little runt is broke, it's bye-bye mama's boy." Trianna explained, clenching her fists. "Our brother gave us that bitch's address and I gave her the beating of a lifetime. I told her straight to her face "My brother isn't some pawn you can use just because he's got a little pocket cash, so if I ever see you talking shit about him ever again, I'll rearrange that face of yours and turn you into Frankenstein's wife!" "Jeez, you're kidding, right? You actually beat her up?" Limestone asked. "I can relate to that." Maud begins. "Pinkie Pie has always been different from the rest of us." "Mmhmm." Marble added. "But that's just one of the many reasons why we love her. She's not afraid to show off her goofy side. She loves what she does and does what she loves. We get worried about people taking advantage of her because she's always so trusting of most people. There was even a time when Pinkie fell in love herself. But her first boyfriend made her feel like there was something wrong with her. "But after the "talk" we gave to him, he was mentally scarred and Pinkie broke up with the twerp." Limestone said, landing her fist in her left hand. "There's a lot to be learned from all of this. You see, sometimes our siblings, whether they're older or younger, will make a few mistakes here and there. But we're not always gonna be there to protect them. We all have to make our own decisions in life without having someone else giving us a hand. Just like your little brother and our little sister, they've made some bad decisions in their lives, but they've learned from their mistakes. It's our job as the older siblings to see to it that we have their backs when they ask for it. If we keep butting into their own personal lives, they won't have the time to grow up on all by themselves." Maud explained "You gotta face the facts, girls." Limestone said. "Your brother's not a baby anymore. He's a full grown young man who's more than ready to tackle the world alone. If you keep him caged up, he'll lose his independence. Let him live his life the way he wants to, just like how we let Pinkie live hers." "And if you don't believe them, I can tell you about myself." Pinkie said. Phoebe and Trianna sighed and nodded, letting Pinkie explain. "I may be the 3rd oldest sister in the family, but would never take advantage of anyone just for my own selfish gain. Nothing good or fun comes out of it if I'm just in it for myself, so instead I spread my happiness with all of my other friends. And what better way to spread the happiness around than to throw the biggest and bestest parties? I throw parties for my friends all the time and I even host slumber parties with my bestest of best friends. Of course, nowadays my friends have been busy." "What do you mean by "busy?" you asked. "Most of my friends have been hanging out with their boyfriends. All of them are really nice. Me and my friends, Applejack and Fluttershy are the only 3 girls in our group who haven't been struck by cupid's arrow. But I'm in no rush, I'm much happier with making friends for now." "Pinkie might not look or act like the rest of us, but she's still the best party-throwing, happy-go-lucky siser that we all know and love. If she wants to spread happiness wherever she goes, she has our support, just like how you should support your brother if he wants to give friendship a try." Limestone said. "I... I guess..." Phoebe stopped and looked at Trianna. "I guess we both failed as sisters, didn't we?" she asked, earning a slow nod from Trianna. Your sisters turned their attentions toward you and got up from their seat, moving up close to you. "We're very sorry, little brother." You sighed and relaxed for a bit before you replied. "It's fine..." you said. "No, it's not!" Trianna said, slamming her fist on the arm of the couch. "How can you say it's alright after the way we kept hounding at you all those times when we thought you were with other girls?! How can you be so calm from how Phoebe and I treated your friend?! Why are you forgiving us to easily?" "Because you're my family, girls." you began, making both of your sisters silent. The Pie sisters just watched as you kept up this little emotional rollercoaster ride. "I will admit that I was disappointed when you got all hostile with Pinkie Pie and her 3 other sisters, but by the end of all of this." Trianna and Phoebe were taken by surprise when you took each of their hands. "I can't stay mad at my own flesh and blood for the rest of my life. We all make mistakes in life, and it's our job to make up for those mistakes and improve ourselves as human beings. The way you two showed how sorry you were is proof that deep down you still love me and that's best thing a brother like me could ever ask for." Right after you confessed how you truly felt about their apology, Trianna and Phoebe both felt tears running down their faces and they gripped your hands. "We're so sorry, little bro!" Trianna said, choked up. She and Phoebe pulled you in for a warm hug. You didn't complain one bit about it and gave them a big hug in return. "I didn't mean to be such a lousy sister." "No... you're not lousy. You're the best sisters I could ever have." Phoebe and Trianna sobbed quietly on each of your shoulders, tightening their grip on you. You glanced at the Pie sisters and noticed Limestone giving you a thumbs up, Maud Pie only smiled at you, Marble Pie snuggled her face into her Mew plushie, shedding some tears of hers as well. Pinkie Pie pulled out a tissue box from her pink, poofy hair and blew her nose in a piece of tissue, bawling her eyes out from how touching it was to see you make up with your sisters. Your sisters later calmed down and apologized to the Pie sisters for their rude behavior, including Pinkie Pie. The girls all forgave each other and joined in for a group hug before everyone went back into the kitchen and started eating again. While you were eating, Phoebe and Trianna conversed with Pinkie's sisters while you had a little one-on-one chat with the party thrower extraordinair, talking about all of the good times that went on in your lives. > The Best Party Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 months went by ever since your sisters started letting you do your own thing. You moved out of their house and bought yourself a studio. Your friend, Pinkie Pie would sometimes come over and even bringing along her friends, as well as their boyfriends, too. Naturally, you welcomed them with open arms and got along with everyone and played a lot of games. Sometimes you would play board games, video games and even Pinkie's most favorite and infamous game, which happened to be "Truth or Dare." A couple of times when the gang would come over, the guys would stay out of that game and just do stuff like watch movies or play online games. Even you were scared of playing "Truth or Dare." Whenever you got bored with staying at home, you took walks with Pinkie Pie, enjoying the fresh air as well as her usual cheerful attitude. She would keep rambling on about how this one time she and her friends got to go behind the scenes and check out the Daring Do movie firsthand. Pinkie even explained how she go to take a look at her favorite show "Stormy With A Side Of Pudding" and how they used real pudding for the movie. Pinkie wouldn't stop fangirling about that event, it was just so cute. When 4 months went by, your feelings for Pinkie Pie started to change, but in a good way. It was after you got off work that you told Pinkie you wanted to tell her something. You and Pinkie met outside of Sugar Cube Corner to talk about what you had to tell her. The moment you confessed your feelings for her, she squealed and gave you the biggest hug imaginable, nearly crushing your back, but it was worth it. The next day, you told Phoebe and Trianna that you and Pinkie Pie were dating, but they were fare from mad. In fact, they were both surprised and proud. They even told mom and dad and they were just as surprised as your sisters. Your dad even made jokes about how you finally found someone who can cook for you every day. During the month you and Pinkie got together, you spent most of the time at Sugar Cube Corner where she taught you how to bake so many different pastries. Each one you made ended up getting guzzled down by Pinkie Pie, and even after eating all those sweets, Pinkie's body stayed the same. It was difficult to figure her out. How can she eat so many sweets and never pack on the pounds? You asked her this and she said that all the weight she gains goes straight to her boobs. You blushed intensely when she mentioned that part. Pinkie even laughed at your adorable reaction. She even started teasing you by pressing her boobs onto your chest. You practucally had to rush to the bathroom every 5 minutes just to stop your nose from bleeding out too much. Being seduced like that came as a surprise, but you learned to live with it. As of right now, you were at your studio, watching TV with your girlfriend, Pinkie Pie. You invited her over to spend the night, but only on the condition that you played Truth or Dare with her. You tried to find a loophole to this solution, but there wasn't, so you agreed to Pinkie's terms with a Pinkie Promise, which she takes very seriously. Right now, she was watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with you, drooling over all of the hot-melted chocolate river. She brought along some squeezable cheese and a box of crackers, as well as a few other sweets that she loves. It's hard to believe how she eats so much sugar and yet all of the calories go straight to her squishy, plump melons that hang from her chest. She reaches into her hair and grabs a packet of twinkies and you just can't figure out how Pinkie can all of these things in her giant hair. But even so, her unpredictability just makes her all the more cute and lovable to you. Pinkie couldn't wait for the movie to end, while wanting it to last forever. You're just hoping the move'll last long enough before you had to pay the price by playing Pinkie's favorite game. You're scared of what she might try on you when it's time to play. However, another thought popped up. What if it doesn't turn out as bad as you might anticipate it to be? You and your favorite party girl'll be the only ones playing, so there's really no sense in worrying about what could go wrong. Just because she felt like it, Pinkie held your hand and leaned herself onto your shoulder, munching away while watching the movie. You humored her with a cute cheek-to-cheek nuzzle. She squeaked happily and nuzzled you back and snuck in a surprise peck on the cheek. "Thank you for nuzzling me. Nuzzling is one of my favorite things to do next to snuggling, cuddling and my absolute most favorite, which is..." Pinkie paused and then wrapped her arms around you. You knew exactly what she was going to say. "...that's right, it's HUGGING!!!" she finished. You couldn't get enough of her cuteness and gently stroked her cheek. She giggled and hummed to your touch. She made herself more comfortable, resting her entire body on your side, enjoying her movie happily. "Pinkie Pie, is there no end to your cuteness?" you asked. "Nope!" she replied before squeeing. "Unless you want me to stop being cute." "Don't stop, please. I have a soft spot for cute girls." you said, wrapping your arm around her. "Aww, you're such a sweetie-pie." Pinkie Pie said, flattered. And later on, the movie came to an end and it was time to play Pinkie's favorite game. With all the snacks she's eaten, Pinkie Pie could probably pull off an all nighter, which is alright with you, since you were off work for the weekend. "Now remember, cutie, you Pinkie Promised me you'd play a game of truth or dare with me." "I haven't forgotten, Pinkie." you reassured her. "Besides, I'm a man of my word." "Yippee!" she cheered. You let Pinkie have her little moment before she pulls you up onto the middle of your bed and you both sit down, looking directly at each other. "Okie-dokie-lokie, are you ready to start funnest of fun games of truth or dare my little cutie-patootie?" she asked. "I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready as I'll ever be." you assure her. "Good." she said. You didn't know what to expect from Pinkie Pie. She's pretty good at keeping you and her friends guessing until it's too late. Let's just hope she doesn't plan anything embarrassing. Pinkie scoots a little closer to you with her usual adorable smile. "Okay, truth or dare?" "Umm... I pick truth." you said. 'I'm not taking any chances with a dare right from the start.' "Hmm... alrighty then. What is it about me that you found most attractive, besides my cuteness?" she asked, folding her arms and grinning at you with half-lidded eyes. She's not fooling around. But either way, this question was pretty easy for you to answer. "Well, besides your cuteness, I love how you plan the best parties. You're also very pretty and you're funny, which makes me want to hang out with you even more." "Awwwwww, thank you. You're so sweet to me." she replies, blushing a bit. "Alright, Pinkie, truth or dare?" "Hmmmm, OOH! I'll go with dare!" "I dare you to... put on lipstick... made from chocolate syrup." you smirked. "Oooooh, chocolate flavored lipstick. I see what you're planning to do with me. You silly-willy." Pinkie said, slyly, moving her hand to her poofy hair. She pulls out a bottle of chocolate syrup and opens it up. She pours some on her hand and closes the bottle back up and uses her fingers to put the syrup on her pink lips. Afterwards, she licks off the leftover syrup on her hands and stares at you with her half-lidded eyes. "Alright, you little stud-muffin, truth or dare?" "Dare." you replied "I dare you to come over here and kiss me. And... to slurp every drop of chocolate syrup on my lips." she said, seductively, smiling at you. You approached Pinkie Pie immediately, causing your knees to touch with hers and then leaned in to kiss your party lover. She leans in and presses her lips with yours. Pinkie wasn't shy to use her tongue to add more pleasure. Of course, you still did the dare and licked off the syrup from her lips, but you did it at your own pace, savoring the moment. Soon, her lips were now clean as a whistle and you seperated yourself from Pinkie Pie, yet you still held her hands and never let go. "Okay, Pinkie, truth or dare?" you asked. Despite the make-out session, you still managed to keep calm, even though your heart was racing. Pinkie Pie did not show any signs that she wasn't heated up. She looked like she was ready to get it on right now, but the sad truth still remained: it was your turn to dare her instead of you. "I pick dare," she said seductively. You had to find a good enough dare that didn't seem too extreme, yet wild enough. "I dare you to... uhh... snuggle with me?" you said, sweating bullets. That was the only dare you could think of to make you not sound all perverted. Pinkie stared at you with her half lidded eyes and let out a seductive, girly giggle. If she didn't stop this, she'll be charged for murder through cuteness overload. "Is that really what you want, cutie-patootie?" Pinke asked, crawling towards you, resting her hand on your crotch. You shuddered in pleasure when her hand rubbed your penis through your pants. "Y-Yes." you barely managed to say, trying hard to resist the temptation. "Okay." Pinkie said, pulling her hand away, acting like it never happened. You had a hard time believing that it was that easy for Pinkie to accept the dare. Then again, you forget that when it comes to a game of truth or dare, Pinkie takes every dare she's given seriously. She crawls up to the pillow and lays herself down, opening up her arms for you to join her. "I'm ready for snuggles!" "Aww, you look so cute. Here I come, Pinkie." you said. You crawled up to her, laid down next to her and wrapped your arms around each other. Pinkie nuzzles you cheek-to-cheek and moves her body closer to yours, like she snuggling with her own life-sized teddy bear. "You know something?" Pinkie asked. "What?" you replied. "I never actually thought I'd end up having you as my boyfriend. Someone as kind and caring and independant is you is a very rare treat. I always thought I'd have to wait for a long time to find someone who loves me for who I am and what I love to do. And the way you showed compassion to your big sisters months ago after that whole fiasco went down made me want to be with you even more. But, I just wish that you would play truth or dare with me more often. If you do, I promise not dare you to do anything embarrassing." she confessed, making you think about it long and hard. "You know, maybe I'm just acting paranoid. I mean, there's no harm in playing truth or dare and you shouldn't have to lay off the embarrassing dares anytime I'm around. If it makes you feel any better, I'll start playing your game more often and I won't complain about it." "Aww, thanks sweetie. However, I won't play the game every time I invite you and our friends over. Anyways, I think it's time for you to decide: truth or dare?" And just when you thought the game was ending, Pinkie refuses to let that happen, not by a long shot. You chuckled and sighed. You look directly into her eyes and just smile at her, not afraid of what your choice is about to be. "Dare." you said, confidentally. Pinkie said nothing and just scooted closer towards you, leaned into your ear and whispered, "I dare you take of my clothes while I'm dancing for you, but leave my bra and panties on." She pushed your button big time, never in your life have you ever stripped a girl's clothes before... until now. You gulped and got off the bed with Pinkie Pie and walked over to the window that was next to your bed. You grabbed the curtains and moved them to the other side, completely blocking out any peeping toms that might try to watch. You walked back up to Pinkie Pie, taking a deep breath. Pinkie giggled at how you were blushing. "There's no need to be shy about it. It's no secret that we're dating and you pretty much covered up the biggest peep hole in your whole entire studio." she said. "Heh, I guess you're right. I'm just a little nervous, since this is my first time doing something like this." you admitted, getting a kiss on the cheek by your girlfriend. If Pinkie trusts you to strip her, you should trust her judgement and so, you reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it up. She reaches up in the air and starts doing this little sexy strip dance, brushing parts of her body onto yours. Once the shirt comes off, her bra covered breasts bounce up and down. Her bra was white with a bright pink trim. She probably had a cup size between D or E cup, and she damn well looked smoking hot. You reached down to her skirt where she starts shaking her hips sexually, slowly spinning around and rubbing her cute little booty on your crotch. You had to bend down a bit to fully get her skirt off. Watching her shake her plump round booty in front of you formed a bulge in your pants. Her panties hugged her squishy ass tightly. "Go ahead and spank it if you want, cutie." she offered. Even if she hadn't, you would have spanked Pinkie's ass anyways. You lifted one hand and slam it hard on her squishy, bouncing booty, earning a moan from her. Now that you got that out of your system, you took off Pinkie's socks and shoes, and left her feet bare. You stood back up and faced Pinkie Pie, admiring how hot she looks, making a sexy pose, squishing her boobs together and bending forwards. She gazed down at your crotch and smirked when she saw the bulge in your pants. She pulls down your pants and checks out your black boxer briefs being stretched out by your hard rod. Pinkie gets up a bit and grabs your shirt, pulling it off of you. Your upper body was no longer being covered and Pinkie was loving what she saw. "Mmm, aren't you a handsome man." she said seductively. Her natural instincts kicked in and she pounces at you, tackling you back onto the bed. You were pinned down by Pinkie's incredible strength, but you didn't care. "Pucker up, big boy. It's time for your just desserts." Without another warning, Pinkie lowered herself down and mashed her lips with yours. Her breasts squeezed onto your chest and pinned your tongue down. You had no problems with matching your tongue rhythme with her before, but she seemed to be dominating you with her new rhythme. 'H-Holy shit! She's gotten more horny than the last time. I can't control her! But, damn this feels so good, I want so much more of her right now.' you thought. While Pinkie pinned you down in your make-out session with her, you caressed her sweet little body, getting a feel of her soft, squishy skin. Pinkie moaned in the kiss and grinded her hips on your crotch. You can feel her panties starting to get wet. You wanted to get a feel of her cute tooshie, so you squeezed both of her butt cheeks hard. Her kisses got more wet and sloppy than usual and you were really enjoying it. She eventually moved from your lips to your sensitive neck and licked each side of it. She pulls back and strokes her chin, looking down at you with a look in her eye that said "it's missing something." She gasped and found a solution. Pinkie grabs the chocolate syrup she left on the bed and opens it up, pouring some on her hands, then, she spreads some of the chocolate syrup on your neck and bare chest, later closing up the bottle and tossing it to the ground. Pinkie leans down and slowly licks off the syrup, starting from down to your chest, moving all the way up to your chocolate-covered neck. She sucked on your neck and licked off every drop of chocolate syrup she spread on you. Who knew that someone as cute as Pinkie could come up with such a sweet treat such as this. She had you in the palm of your hands and you didn't have a care in the world. She turned you into putty, slurping up the chocolate from off of you. As soon as you were clean, she backed off and wiped off the leftover syrup from under her lips and licked it off of her fingers. At that moment, you couldn't hold it in. Your strength returned and you surprised Pinkie by getting behind her and reached under her bra and groped her boobs. Pinkie gasped and shuddered. She looks over her shoulder and gives you a sultry smile, shaking violently. She tried to speak, but couldn't find the words. It seems like Pinkie's huge busty boobie bombs were probably one of her most sensitive areas. "You like this, cutie-pie?" you whispered. She shuddered again, but nodded at your question. "I'll be as gentle as possible, so no need to worry, Pinkie Pie." you reassured. Not knowing how long she can handle being groped like this, you started fondling her breasts gently. Pinkie moaned sofly and erotically. She had a noticable and adorable blush on both of her cheeks. You moved her breasts in opposite circular motions, driving her insane. But then she almost lost it when she felt your boxer-covered rod brush against her panties. She let out a cute yelp and put her right arm around your neck so Pinkie wouldn't lose her balance. This could be your chance to give her the pleasure of a lifetime, and maybe an orgasm. But in order to do so, you added a few good smooches on her blushing face, brushing your covered shaft against her panty-shielded entrance and rubbed her breasts up and down and all around. She gave out louder moans, more throaty than her previous ones, which was music to your ears. "S-Stop it! I... I'm gonna... I'm g--" Pinkie begged. But it was too late, soon she felt release and sprayed her panties with her soaking wet juices, moaning loudly from the intense pleasure. Her strength left her shortly afterwards and she fell on the bed, face first. "Oops. I guess I overdid it." you said, feeling your guilt overtake you. But just as she collapsed on the bed, she gets her strength back 7 seconds later as she springs back up to her knees. She turns in your direction, her eyes still half-lidded. "Pinkie, has all that sugar gone and given you some sort of stamina boost?" "You're pretty sharp, sweetie-pie. Eating all those yummy, sugary sweets can really really really give you an enormus energy boost if you know how to work around it. Of course..." Pinkie paused. Afterwards, she took off her bra and tossed it onto the floor, letting her jiggly breasts bounce freely. She also reached down towards her dripping panties and slid them off of her, showing off her dripping sex. You could tell it was leaking quite a bit from how horny she felt. "Any energy I don't use will always go to these big boobies of mine as well as my tushy," she said, bending over and showing off her cute booty. Pinkie Pie turns her whole body over and gets off the bed. "Now, would you be so kind as to stand up for a little bit, please?" "Hmm? Uh, sure, what'd you have in mind?" you asked, standing up and facing her. Pinkie Pie giggled and grabbed your boxer briefs, pulled them down, kneeling down and watching your shaft spring out of its clothed prison, bouncing wildly. "I think now's the time to give your popsicle a good licking after making me cum," Pinkie said, stroking your big, meaty stick, making you moan. Pinkie giggled and began licking the tip of your cock and giving it small kisses, savoring the amazing taste of your huge rod. She began massaging your ball sack, worshiping it. "Oh... shit! This feels good!" you groaned. Pinkie moaned onto your shaft, making your hair stand on end, and she was just liking your expression. Your body started moving on its own when your hands grabbed Pinkie's head and forced her to take in more of your cock. She didn't stop you and proceeded to deep-throat you, even swirling her tongue around your dick. Pinkie moaned and caressed your legs and balls. You bobbed her back and forth a little faster, almost making her gag, but she was able to catch her breathing just in time and matched her rhythm with yours. Your moans got a little louder and your hips moved back and forth, thrusting your cock deeper inside Pinkie's mouth. Her cheeks would bulge out a little from your cock poking the inside of her mouth a couple of times, but she didn't mind. She bobbed and sucked on your cock for what felt like hours, but then, you felt the pressure build up in your loins, which you warned Pinkie about. Before your climax could reach its limits, Pinkie released your cock and gave the tip one last kiss before she stroked it a few times and stood back up. "Oh god, Pinkie! That felt really good. I thought I was gonna blow for a second there," you say, catching your breath just in time before you sat back down on the bed. Pinkie sat down next to you, panting heavily, leaning next to you, wrapping her arm around your own. "That was only the icing on the cake. But, before you stick your thick, yummy popsicle inside of me, be a sweetie and fetch me a cup of water." You weren't sure what she needs that for, but you didn't hesitate to head over to the kitchen. You opened up one of the cupboards and took out a cup before closing the cupboard. You walked over to the water dispenser you boughy recently about a week ago. You filled up the cup with cold, filtered water and brought it to Pinkie Pie where she took out what looked like a packet of pills from her poofy hair. Pinkie thanked you and drank one of the pills with the water you gave her. "Umm, Pinkie, what was that pill you just swallowed?" you asked. "Oh, these are my birth control pills. My sister, Limestone said they might come in handy one day when it comes time for us to do some... hokey-pokey," Pinkie replied, wiggling her ass again. "And now, I'd say it's the perfect time for you and I to punch in our V-cards, you cutie-patootie. Give your horny girlfriend the biggest Pinkie "cream" Pie you can give her." she said, seductively, shaking her ass slowly. You were too hypnotized by Pinkie's round ass that there was no way you could resist. You felt your member throbbing very painfully, begging to fuck her. She licked her lips in anticipation. You climbed onto the bed and grab her hips as you aim your cock at her dripping entrance and slowly slid it inside of her, making her shudder and gasp in pleasure. The moment you broke past her hymen, Pinkie moaned in pain and bliss. "Mmm, so this is what it's like to have my own cherry popped, it feels so good," Pinkie said. "Alright, big boy, fuck me. Fuck me with all you've got and don't ever hold back on me." You widened your eyes when she ordered you to go full-throttle right from the start and you felt a little worried about her since this was her first time. "A-Are you sure? What if I hurt you?" you asked "It may be my first time, but I want my first time to be really wild! So don't worry about hurting me, I can take whatever you can dish out at me! Now stop worrying about me and ram your huge popsicle inside my love cave like how you've been fantasizing about it." It scared you that she can tell what you're thinking, but you sighed in defeat and began ramming your shaft inside and outside of Pinkie's wet pussy. Pinkie moaned loudly and shot her tongue out of her mouth with her eyes darting upwards. 'Holy fuck, she's tight! Nnngh, this feels so good!' you thought to yourself. You gave her two ass cheeks a good squeeze and smacked her ass hard. "OH YEAH! SPANK IT, BABY!!!" she shouted. It was already the start of the fuck session and already, she's not even trying to hide her enthusiasm. Nevertheless, you kept smacking her ass as hard as you could while messing up her inner walls and stretching them out with your enormus size. You stopped your assault on her jiggling butt cheeks as soon as they both had deep red marks. You felt Pinkie's inner walls clamping down on your shaft, keeping your shaft trapped inside of her. She wasn't even going to give you the chance to pull out. You growled and panted with each thrust. The sounds of flesh slapping against each other aroused Pinkie further. Her moaning grew throaty and loud. Her eyes shot up and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Pinkie was beginning to lose control over herself, judging by how her arms were about to give in from the pleasure. Taking notice of this, you stopped thrusting and rolled her onto her back and laid her down on your pillow, then you looked down at her with a warm smile. She looked back at you with her eyes half-lidded, cheeks rose red and her chest was moving up and down. "I want to get a good look at your face when I cum inside of you, Pinkie," you said in a sultry tone. "Then give me some sugar, honey-pie," Pinkie retorted in the same tone. You nodded and grabbed her legs before pounding her pussy again. You enjoyed the way Pinkie Pie reacted to how rough she was being pounded. She gave you two piece signs while she shot her eyes up and her tongue lolled out, as well as her breasts bouncing up andd down, violently. She looked so cute and sexy, you thrusted faster, driving her insane. "Mmmm, yeah! Harder! Faster! Rougher! Keep it up! I'm lost without your cock!" Pinkie moaned. Some time passed and you let go of her legs and gently lowered yourself down onto Pinkie and gave her the biggest, and wettest kiss on the lips. Pinkie regained some control of her body and used it to wrap her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist. "I love you, Pinkie," you whispered. "I love you, too. Now hurry up and... and cum!" Pinkie moaned quietly before she resumed the kiss. You pumped your shaft deep inside her pussy with all your might, trying your best to reach your climax. Pinkie, however, felt her climax hit and she moaned into your mouth. She almost pushes you over the edge, but it wasn't enough and she was now completely helpless and vulnerable to you. You still held in the kiss while you took the time to roll yourself and her into a new position, having her on top, giving you the chance to grab her butt, hold it tight and keep slamming your cock inside her inner walls and almost felt yourself about to climax. "It... it's coming, Pinkie! I... I can't hold it!" you groaned. "I...Inside me... please!" she begged. She didn't have to wait any longer. With one more big thrust, your member erupted deep inside Pinkie's pussy and ended up filling her womb to the brim with your hot seed. Pinkie let out another muffled moan into your mouth and then pulled out to get some air. It was a good thing she swallowed that birth control pill, otherwise you would have been a bit worried. "That... was the best sex I've ever had." Pinkie said between breaths. "I say it was amazing because I did it with you. But man, am I tired." you reply between breaths. "By the way, do you think maybe we can do this again sometimes whenever I'm done working?" "Sure, Pinkie. I could use a good fuck or two. Selling games is fun and all, but I get really bored since I can't exactly play any of the games. But next time when we do fuck, you're in control. I want to see how wild you can get when you'd riding me like a sexy sugar-crazed hottie." "Ooh, is that a special kink of yours? You're such a pervert." "Only when I'm with you, Pinkie." you then let out a yawn and got off the bed and moved around the house, turning off all the lights, but only your lamp was on. Pinkie snuggled herself into the blanket. You climbed back on your bed and laid down next to her, pulling her naked figure close to your body. Pinkie giggled and snuggled up to you, pressing her boobs onto your chest and gives you a big kiss. "Good night, cutie-patootie. I love you," she said, tired. "Good night, Pinkie. I love you, too, my little sweetie pie," you replied. After that, you reached for the lamp you had on your nightstand and turned it off and then snuggled with your party-planning girlfriend, slowly closing your eyes and falling fast asleep, feeling completely satisfied that things have finally worked out between you, your new lover and your sisters.