> Resident evil the silence > by CDblake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the silence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace woke with a pounding headache. Memories of last night surfaced, two arrests and one appearance in court. He looked around, he'd fallen asleep on his couch again. His television was still on, the news playing on the screen. Not that Ace cared, it was probably going on about some political shit that made no sense to anypony anyways. He stretched on his couch. He was still wearing his uniform, which consisted of a plain white shirt and a plain black tie. Plain. That word could sum up his life over the past few weeks. It had always been Ace's dream to be a cop. The thought of being considered a hero always was on the back of his mind. He worked hard in school and kept himself in top physical shape. He passed and became a cop. At first, it was everything he'd hoped it would be. After a while, it slowed down. It became a boring and tedious job. He'd seen and had gotten used to all the horror. Dead bodies and blood were normal for him now. He'd heard all the excuses such as "I'm innocent!" to last him a lifetime. The pony once again stretched his dark blue hide across his couch. His black mane and hair was overgrown again. "I'll get it cut later" he promised himself for the millionth time. Ace wouldn't consider himself anything unique. While he was a good-looking pony, was better looking. His horn that was the same dark blue color as his body. He didn't even have any special abilities. He could use his horn to hold and fire his pistol, but that's about it. While he was sitting there thinking about his average life and underwhelming looks, the world around him started to distort. The news screen suddenly went white, before cutting to static. Ace rose from his couch, a silent "What the fuck?" left his lips. Ace went to his window and pushed the curtains aside. What he saw made him gag. Dead bodies, blood, and guts littered the road. Countless heads far as the eye can see. He saw movement to his left. A blue mare was running and screaming for her life from a large crowd of ponies that were covered in fresh blood, not all of it theirs The mare had a large chunk of skin ripped from her neck. Blood was pouring out of giant lacerations. If she didn't get help, she would die. Ace didn't think about the bodies too much. He used his horn to grab his pistol and ran to his front door. He unlocked it and poked his head out. The smell of rotten and decaying flesh made his vision become muddled. He swallowed hard and focused on his goal: helping that mare. "HEY!" he called to the mare. "COME THIS WAY! I CAN HELP YOU!" The mare wasted no time in running to his house, and when she was safely inside he closed and locked his door. Within seconds of him locking it, the mare’s pursuers began to slam on the door. "This way," Ace said to the mare and led her upstairs to his bathroom. When they were inside the bathroom, the mare collapsed to the floor and Ace looked the door. "What the hell happened!?" Ace said, coming off more intimidating than he meant to. "Manehattan...has...fallen. Ponies...eating...other...ponies. They...can't...be...killed." Her voice was faint and she sounds out of breath. Ace realized that she was going to die, and was beyond saving. Ace didn't have time to formulate a response before the blue mare flopped to his bathroom floor, dead. Her green eyes were glazed over and the blood that was once pouring out of the wound in her neck had slowed down. Ace turned away in sadness. He knew that she couldn't be saved, it wasn't his fault. But he still felt responsible. He still felt like shit. And then he heard a strange moaning sound coming from behind him. He turned around and saw the once dead mare stand up again. But even though she was still standing, she still looked dead. Her eyes were still glazed over, her chest wasn't moving. "H-how?" Ace couldn't believe it. She just died But before Ace could even think, the mare jumped at him. He barely managed to dodge out of her way. He heard the sound of her jaws snag shut. She had tried and failed to bite him. And before he could even start the first attack, she had him pinned down to the floor. He just managed to put one of his front hooves on her neck to keep her snapping jaws away from his face. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? GET OFF OF ME!!" Ace screamed. She didn't listen. Things were about to get worse for Ace. His hoof then went into the hole in the mare's neck. She was now a millimeter away from his face. Ace turned his face to the left the increase the distance from her jaws. He could feel EVERYTHING that was inside her neck on his hoof. The still warm blood. The ligaments. The Bones. The Nerves. The Veins. And then Ace spotted his pistol. It lay within his magical reach. He took a deep breath and focused his magic on lifting and aiming the gun at the mare's head. "I'm sorry" he whispered before commanding his magic to pull the trigger. The mare's blood and brain matter covered the walls and floor of Ace’s bathroom, and Ace himself. He pushed the corpse of the mare from him and stood up. He was shaking, but alive. The same could not be said for the blue mare. "I have to get to the station and find out what's going on here" Everybody was dead. Ace took a deep breath to steady his nerves and ran from his doorway to a dark corner to hide in. The shadows completely concealed him from any prying eyes that might be trying to seek him out. "I won't become somebody's fucking dinner today," Ace promised himself. With that, he took off on the quickest route to the police station. He could usually run it in about five minutes, but today he wasn't running. He went as slowly and quietly as he could. Ace walked the dead silent streets, each one covered in half eaten corpses, internal organs, and blood. Ace nearly burst into tears when he saw two young children that were completely covered in their own blood. "How could this happen?" Ace kept questioning himself. When Ace rounded the last corner to the police station his heart sank. What must have been several hundred of those cannibalistic ponies dragged themselves around outside the building. Ace had already seen that they were fast and strong and that nothing would stop them trying to get his flesh except death. Ace removed his revolver from its holster and counted his bullets. Five was all he had left. "Shit! Common Ace, think! There's got to be something I can do! There has to be!" An idea sprang to mind to save himself. He felt his shirt and nearly jumped up and down in glee. Every single police car used the same key, the government said it was easier that way. Ace still had his on him. One of the cars was just a few yards from him, and none of the crazy ponies were near it or him. Ace ducked down and moved to the driver side of the car. He pressed the unlock button on his key and heard the sound of the door locks open. He opened the car door and got in the driver seat. He immediately closed the door and locked the car. What Ace didn't know was that whenthe car was locked, a movement sensor was activated in the car that was connected to the alarm. the car was locked, a movement sensor was activated in the car that was connected to the alarm. So as he moved to put the key into the ignition, the car alarm began to scream. Ace panicked and started the car, before slamming his hoof on the accelerator. The car shot forward, slamming Ace against the back of his seat. Ace just managed to grab his steering wheel and make a hard left before slamming into a brick wall. Ace kept muttering "Fuck" under his breath trying to calm himself. He turned onto the highway which was incredibly bare. No cars. Nothing. Ace drove for a few miles without incident, but as he rounded a corner, was met by a large herd of the crazy pony eating ponies. Ace's adrenaline took over and he pulled a hard right. Which sent him off the road, into a woodland area and headfirst into a tree, knocking out Ace in the process. But it would've been worse. He would've been killed, in theory. > Long bloody Road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resident Evil – The Silence – Chapter 2: Long bloody Road It was not that long since the crash into the tree, he woke with a splitting headache and got up from the car “I hope I don’t get a bill for the damage” he remembers that every police car came with extra weaponry just in case. He opened the trunk and saw a pump-action shotgun with a box of shotgun shells, he loaded the shells in the shotgun and before he planned his next move was to get inside the police station to get answers he heard moans coming from near by “Aw shit” Ace begins to move quickly and looks around to make sure their isn’t any undead ponies around but he did start to notice some birds looking at him and starts to get curious “I hope their isn’t a thing of zombie birds” Ace moves along to ignore the birds looking at him then he heard Pegasus wings and looked behind him to see an undead Pegasus “Aww fuck” the undead Pegasus was twitching and Ace aimed his shotgun at it. The pegasus then swooped in to attack Ace but when it got close to him, Ace fired his shotgun into the face killing the undead Pegasus’s face and died “Good thing I found this shotgun in the car” he then notice more of them “fuck” he ran away which made the undead pegasi to chase him but Ace managed to pick’em off one by one while running for his life but then he saw normal undead appeared and turned right to avoid them but the pegasi were still following him. Another undead Pegasus got close and Ace shot it and killed it “Alright where the third-” Ace gets pushed to the ground by the third Pegasi and gets pounced on by a normal zombie and gets tickled by it but Ace holds it off by using his front hooves out on it’s neck to while the zombie wanting to bite him. He then noticed the undead Pegasus coming in to end him but Ace wasn’t gonna give it a chance. He strongly pushed away the zombie aside then reach his shotgun then shot the undead Pegasus of of the sky then quickly shot the normal one next to him “That was close, better get out of here” he ran away as quickly into the an alleyway but there was a dead end and got cornered by some zombies however he saw a sewer entrance and quickly used it to escape being killed from the zombies. After Ace escaped from the zombie he was now in the sewers which smelled like shit and he was standing in it “Great, now am gonna smell like shit” he walked through the sewers until he heard a growling noise coming from behind him and he saw eyes from the shadows then a giant crocodile appeared and charged at Ace. Ace ran from the crocodile as fast as he can, the water wasn’t helping since Ace’s running made splashing for the crocodile to hear. Ace was scared because he couldn’t hear the crocodile any more but then after he found the sewer entrance to the Police Station and as he was close to the ladders the giant appeared out of nowhere to attack Ace off guard. Ace stopped right in front of it and ran the other way to escape and the crocodile continued chasing him, Ace then turned right that lead to a smaller tunnel and reached the other side. The crocodile tried to follow him through but got stuck giving Ace a chance to escape to the entrance and quickly got out of the sewer before the crocodile got unstuck. Ace was now inside the police station and tired from running and smelling like shit “I really need a shower” Ace was in the basement of the police and begins to look for any survivors. Ace left the basement and entered the corridors but it was quiet unlike the time where cops laugh and talk but now it’s just quiet, too quiet. He was looking for the armoury until he heard voices in the prison cells “Look, if you help me and maybe I can reward in some way?” said a feminine voice talking to a prisoner “Reward huh? yeah right like I would work for somepony I barely know” said the prisoner then Ace entered the room with guns up “STOP WHERE YOU ARE!” The mare quickly got behind a desk “RELAX! Am a detective, names Jess” she said “Oh really? Then how come I haven’t seen you around before?” Ace said while pointing his gun at the desk she was hiding behind “Look am not really a threat, just let me explain and stop pointing your gun at me okay?” Jess said “Hey I know we just at all but even if one of us killed the other it would be pointless besides have you seen the zombies outside?” said the prisoner. “So what, do we just work together to survive this nightmare?” Said Ace “Unless you have a better idea?” She said “Unlocking this cell would be a great idea” said the prisoner while raising an eyebrow “Alright fine let me open the cell and we’l-” they heard a loud thump coming from the roof “What was that?” said Ace then became worried “Hey let me out, please!” The mare looked at the prisoner “If I let you out would you help me?” she said. “Yes whatever let me out!” the prisoner said, she opens a cell for him “Hey, your Rocky right? Some pony I arrested for theft was it?” Ace said while pointing at him “Yeah don’t pretend you don’t know me, I know you arrested me and put me in the cell” They start to hear louder thumping from the upper floors “Guys we can talk later come lets go!” Jess said. They had to the armoury but when they got there zombies were blocking the path “Dammit, anypony got a grenade?” Aces said both shook their heads “Great…...” Ace huffed “We should quickly take’em out then get in before come” Jess said but Rocky was scared “Are you serious, we’ll never get out in time!” he said “Then pick up what we need, I only ammo for my guns” Ace said “Mine too, all I have is a pistol and combat knife” Jess said. “I guess I’ll use whatever is in the armoury” Rocky before nodding to each other and quickly shot the zombies blocking the both and quickly head inside, inside Ace found more ammo for his pistol and shotgun, Jess find more ammo for her weapon too and Rocky was able to find a MP5 and ammo with it however Jess noticed “Hey, wanna trade?” Rocky heard her “You kidding me?” before Ace could look at him something burst through the wall. A very big and tall pale stallion appeared and looked at them “WHAT THE FUCK!” Rocky said while being scared and lying on the floor of the tall stallion then the mysterious stallion walked forward and went for Jess “HALT!” shouted Ace but was ignored and the mysterious stallion pinned jess by putting a strong hoof on her neck choking her “Fuck it” Ace pulled out his shotgun and shot the big stallion and he fell on the floor and Jess was freed for him. Ace and Rocky picked Jess they quickly left but the sound of the shotgun attracted attention from the zombies outside the police station. Jess was coughing trying to breath and trying to speak “We we need to reach the” Ace looked at her “Hey relax were gonna escape this trap okay?” Jess looked at him “We need to go to the” Ace didn’t know what she was trying to say but they finally reach the basement. Once they entered the basement Ace quickly barricaded the door so the big stallion wouldn’t get through “For the love of Celestia who the fuck was that!” Ace shouted “We need to go to the Bloodborn Corporation” Ace and Rocky looked at her “What do you know?” Ace questioned “Before the outbreak, I was on an investigation on the Bloodborn Corporation about mysterious testing of a cure for cancer and all that crap but before the outbreak I wanted to enter the labs to get evidence about any illegal research but I was too late and the lab was on lock-down and then I heard gun fire…...and a roar” Rocky then looked at Ace “Diffidently not a cure I guess” Rocky suspects “I don’t what they were doing but whatever it was, it mutated some of the employees then it spread to the city” Ace then got curious “So how come you’re not infected, won’t you close to it?” he said “It might be airborne but I don’t think it didn’t infect because I used the sewers to escape…….btw you still smell like shit” she laughed a little making Ace chuckle also “So how do we stop it?” Jess looks down “To be honest, I don’t think there is” Rocky huffed “So we’re fucked” Ace shook his head “No, I say we leave Manehattan” Jess disagreed “You can’t just leave, besides I need to go back!” Ace shook his head “Where it all started! Give me one good reason why!?” Jess sighed “If you help me I can promise a safer way out of Manehattan” The stallion from earlier was suddenly banging on the door that Ace barricaded “We need to go!” Ace said before opening the sewer entrance “Ladies first” Jess rolled her eyes “If I die I will hunt you” she quickly goes through the sewer entrance “Rocky!” Ace said but Rocky was terrified. “Rocky if you don’t come with us I will leave you!” Rocky quickly went through the sewer entrance and before Ace could leave the pale stallion busted through door and went straight for Ace “Oh fuck!” Ace quickly aimed his shotgun at the pale stallion and fired directly into the head putting him down “Now stay dead!” more zombies then came and Ace quickly entered the sewers and closed the lid.