> The Mysterious Mare Do well Rises. > by Fanayvea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The return to the mare cave. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "In my time ive made enemies. powerful eneimies. enemies that have been so hard to defeat that I just had to eventually hang up my cape and retire. But this city needs me again. The armies of darkness are here to consume justice and plunge the world into anarchy. Well, I am here to make sure that dosent happen, and I am here to seduce attractive mar3s. I am the mysterious mare do well, and no one gets in my way!" "Oh so I se your here again, mare do well." That was my butler. He was a pretty annoying gut, But I was able to put up with him most of the time. Another thing that bothered me, he talked to much. "Do you know of the character callled bane? No, I dont know about bane. Whats he like? Is he one for parties? I was then that I removed my mask and revealed to the world my true identity. I was the bright pink, happy pomy that all of ponyville gazed upon in envy, Pinkie Pie! "Actually no, mrs. Pie, He's a warlord that threartens to nuke gotham! "Oh no! Is there anything we can do to stop him? My Pinkie senses sense trouble!" The butler sighed a deep and sorrowful sigh. "No, im afraid there is nothing you can do nto stop him." Thats another thing I hated about my butler. He was no negative all the time. "Dont be so silly, the little pumpkin pie, Im sure I can stop him!" And so, I sped off in my bat pod, and shot my butler in the face. Nopony could know my secret identity! next time... will the mare do well kill bane, or will an unexpected event occur? Read the next chapter to find out! > An unexpected event occurs. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, you guessed it! An unexpected event occurs. Braeburn was in th bottom of the applesssoooosssa pit, where the buffalo ribe had exiled them to long ago. He sat there, waiting, dreaming for his chance to get out. Well, now that pinkie had been in that pit after her awful performance in "Over a barrel," he knew that if Pinkie could do it, so could he! The only problem was, that was completely flase. Pinkie could fly up and down whenever she wanted, and had far superior physical skills than most ponies her age, so she goot out quick. braeburn had to trian long and hard to get out, and it was a real bitch. Braeburn had to get out, and after seceral trining montages that we cant display in a story, he escaped. Now, I t was time for him to take up foil against Pinkie Pie. He had stop her once and for all, by becoming Braebane! Or Baneburn... whatever one sounds cooler to you! ;) Well now that the mare do well and baneburn/braebane was out, it was time for them to duke it out in a final climactic showdown between two justices! WHO WILL WIN?!?!??! > The thief in the night. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now, let me tell you something. Lyres are expensive. How do I get the money to buy all my lyres? through diamond heists of course! How else did you think, silly??!?" Lyra sneakily snuck in to Pinkies room deep at at night in a sneakt fashion to steal her diamonds. "Not so fast, Lyre Liar!" said pinkie pie as the burst throught the window of her own masion, breaking glass as she did so. "Youll neer catch me, Mare do well!" said lura as she jumpoed out the window of the masion. It was at this point that she forgot to bring a safety rope and she relized that she had royally goofed by jumping out of a building. "Well, as the scout say, be prepared." lyra said this with ears in her eyes as she slammed onto the concrete blow her. She deid painfully. Pinkie pie examind the scene while looking over gotham ponyville while standing on the edge of a bbuilding dramticall. some hoe she got for insid eher saafe to the top of a building, but she can teleport because thats the mare do wells power. "crime dosent pay." Pinkie said in the deep, gargling voice. She hovered down the the surface3 with bher hover boots, and got her diamonds back from lyra, saying "Got your diamonds!" she then vanished into the fog, sog, gog, shadows, gadows, howdysdollws, and smog. > braeburn does some stuff and so does shining armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braeburn had a giant. had a giant The voices of his cheering comrades echoed throughout him and cheered him on. He put on a giant ugly mask to hide a papercut he got while he was climbing out. He entered ponyville, and amassed an army, for he knew this would be the final battle the bitchy mare Do Well. Shing amroro burnd down half of canterlot for the mare signal, and then a bunch of plot-unimportant stuff happenmed. this is pretty much a throwaway chapter, but I love you in return! > final battle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mdw and bb find themselves in a sewer. the sewer sweat dripped down pinkies and baneberns faces. The sewer sweat was a sign of the early stages of malaria. They knew they would be done for soon. bb (breabane/baneburn) laughed at mdw and said! You fool you can never defeat me! I have the cutie mach crusaders to help me! "Dont you mean cutie mark crusaders? Pinkie said in he child molesting voice. "yes but these go up to the speed of light. " are you trying to tell me these ponies go up to the speed of light of light?" "Yes I am very saying these ponies go up to the speed of light. " are you trying to tell me these ponies go up to the speed of light of light?" "Yes I am very saying these ponies go up to the speed of light.you sure this is how get our cutie marks aksed the cmc in unison. "yes, no kill them." "Wait... then they were in a field and little strongheart became robin. and mare do well survived the nuclear blast. bane died and everypony lived happily ever after. the end.