> The Refugee > by OnEye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Passage to Safety > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere within the never-ending vastness of the darkest depths of space, a lone station drifts within in an asteroid belt. Heavy damage had succumbed to the lone station over the last few decades adrift but if light had touched the surface of the station's outer shell, one could read the name painted on the station 'Passage - 6' Deep inside Passage - 6, a lone cryopod remained empty next to the other sealed occupied pods. Within the same dimly lit room seated in a chair in front of a screen, was a sleek but, yet robust outline of a figure. The figure that sat lifelessly watching the screen of the computer before him looked like the rest of the station. Its body was collecting dust as if it hadn't moved in ages, watching that screen waiting for something to change. Its body was a mixture of carbon mesh and reinforced with a titanium steel alloy. Clear tubes extend out from the figure into and from the neck to other parts of the upper body. A tinted glass covered the face of the figure, as a small dimmed blue glow from behind the glass pinpointed the location of the left eye. Then, after its long wait, something had finally changed on the screen; the color changed from a cool blue to a fiery scarlet followed by a wailing from inside the station. That was when the figure moved for the first time in years as the dimmed blue glow brightened. Its metallic fingers briefly touched the screen, silencing the alarm that rang throughout the station. It rose from the seat, pulling and stretching the cobwebs as it rose from the seat. "Doctor, the Urgent fleet has located our position and with their current trajectory, will be upon us in ten terra minuets" the station's Ai warned from the intercom. The figure began a slow walk towards the door that led to the hallway; the servos and bolts that held it together were creaking. Before leaving, he replied to the station's AI's warning, "Prepare the Gate for jump, I will get the pods ready for evacuation". There was a clear moment of eerie silence before the Ai spoke up again, "Negative Sir, stations shields will not be able to defend against one direct hit. They have developed past previous calculations. You can only transport one pod no more... Sir" The doctor let out a low sigh, almost as if it could breathe, before responding to Artificial Intelligence, "Prepare the Gate, I will cross instead" he spoke, leaving the room and traversing the dimmed corridor leading elsewhere on the station. He walked along the dimmed corridor down past a few rooms before arriving at the room labeled 'Gate'. Opening the door and entering to reveal an arch like device that took up most of the room. The doctor looked around and walked over towards a metallic table that held dusty metal containers about the size of two and a half feet in length and width. He took hold of two by their handles and waited in front of the arch device. It stood there, staring at the cold metal wall for a few minuets without movement, until a loud explosion shook the station. "Urgent fleet has arrived in firing distance, they are tempting to hail us Doctor" the Ai exclaimed, waiting for the Doctor's reply. "Doctor?" It asked after another moment had passed. "Open comms with the Urgent's, and get the Gate operational" the Doctor ordered. "Station-64820 you are identified as Purists and therefore a threat to the Urgent Conformists." the Urgent Fleet voiced through the intercom of the station. "Negative I am not a Purist, I am Doctor 373-J12 series Mod-Unit. This station is under my protection as well as the remaining crew members of this station" the Doctor interjected. "Mod-Unit?, surrender Unit for immediate upgrade to Urgent-Model Class. As for the purists they will be terminated or forcefully upgraded" they replied. The doctor watched as the Gate started to hum and lights flicker a few times before fully lighting up the room. The Gate started to send out small sparks of electricity. "Negative" was all that the figure said before the Gate opened up a portal. "Negative?... You wish to be terminated?" they inquired. The Doctor let out a sigh, before responding "Affirmative, goodbye". The doctor took a few steps towards the portal, "Station delete data of stations research" "Of course Doctor, it was a pleasure to be of service" the Ai replied, just as the Doctor left through the Gate. Somewhere deep in the Everfree forest, hidden by its thick shrubbery laid a clearing leading into a cave. A manticore was happily feasting on a chewy bear carcass. When suddenly a portal opened up tearing through both bodies sending blood and gore around the portal. The doctor stepped throughout from the portal onto a mushy mess. "Hrm... It seems that I landed on something. No matter, this only solidifies the notion of picking this world as the main target for the TerraGenesis Project" the doctor stated as he looked at the ground and the mess that the portal had caused. He raised his head towards the path leading towards the mouth of a cave, and then glared back at the gore that he stood on. "Well... you wont be using it anytime soon", he remarked before he began to walk towards the mouth of the cave. Taking a glance inside the cave he found traces of bones, dried blood and small traces of hairs matching the beast that he landed upon. "Well... with some adjustments I can make this somewhat useful" he stated putting down the cylinders, and further expecting the cave. After minuets of inspection he stopped and began to wonder outside the cave to better find resources such as water, to increase his objective. While exploring he was able to locate a river that separated the forest into two sections. In the distance he could make out what appeared to be some form of structure deep in the forest. Being able just to see the tip-top of the structure. "It seems that this planet holds or has held sentient life. I will need to further investigate the structure to figure out if whenever it was constructed was close to this date or from this planet's past. For now I need to refill my suit and finish setting up a temporary base" he stated, removing an outer part in the center of his chest. Bending down he reached into his chest and pulled out a surgical tube and placed it into the river, it immediately began sucking up water into his chest. "Once I'm done refilling my suit I need to find metal ores to build a power source" he informed himself, as the sun began to lower. Night had just settled across Equestria, Princess Celestia had lowered the Sun and passed the job of leading the kingdom to her sister. Princess Luna was wandering the garden after raising the moon shortly afterwards. Tonight was indeed a beautiful night, like they always were. Luna was gazing up at the stars as here and there a shooting star would pass by. Fortunately for her, she didn't have Night court tonight and Dream watching over the ponies of Equestria wouldn't be till another hour and a half or so. Until then, she has the rest of the night to herself, to do what ever she pleased. Luna turned to one of the guards that was stationed in the garden next to her. "I wish to take a small flight, before I have to guard the ponies dreams tonight, Lieutenant" Luna informed, causing the guard to open his mouth to speak. Only to have Luna answer it for him "No need, Lieutenant. Guards would only slow me down for this flight" she explained, before taking off. The guard looked towards her as she flew off. "I was going to say, have a nice flight" he remarked smirking, as he returned to his post guarding the Royal Garden. Luna soared through the night sky, going over and under clouds as she passed them. She felt free of any problems that might have bothered her. Suddenly without warning a flash of light caught the corner of her eye. She stopped and looked towards the Everfree, where the source of the flash came from. Suddenly another flash appeared from the Everfree, peaking Luna's curiosity. "Who would be in the Everfree at this hour?" She asked herself, before flying towards the source. Another flash of light flashed, this time leading Luna to a clearing that lead up to an open cave. The flash of light once more ignited from within the cave. However, this time followed closely with the sound of metal hitting stone. Luna peered into the cave and at first she saw nothing, but that changed when the flash returned. She had never in all her years of living, saw such a being. It was tall, no doubt at least six feet tall and it stood on two legs like that of a minotaur. However, its skin was dark and void of any color. The most interesting part was its face or rather lack thereof, it was like her coat when she was Nightmare-Moon, pitch black. Part of her was afraid of the creature that she just witness for a split second before darkness hid it once more. She slowly crept towards the cave, one hoof at a time. Careful so that she wouldn't startle the creature, nor to alert it to her presence. She knew that if anything would to happen to her, the guard would come looking for her or her sister would. Either way, she knew somepony would come for her. That being said, she was also sure she could handle this creature if it deemed itself dangerous. Without noticing she accidentally kicked a pebble into the cave, which in return a stomping sound echoed from within the cave. Luna slowly backed away from the cave, just as the creature exited from cave. It was indeed tall and yet, it was not as menacing as it was inside the cave. Its skin was dark and dull in the cave but, under the moonlight its hide turned out to be some kind of dark metal armor that had a slight darkish blue shine, that glisten under the moonlight. Its face that she thought was pure black, was rather a form of black glass. She and the mysterious creature stood there staring at each other for what felt like hours, without any other change within their behavior. "H-hello there" she began, trying to start-up some sort of conversation. The creature tilted its head out of curiosity. There was a crackle noise that came from the creature, as part of the glass lit up a dark blue. Only where she believes the mouth of the creature is located at. Eventually, the crackling noise stopped only to have the blue light to return "H-Hello there" it replied, causing Luna's spine to tingle. Here she was in the Everfree alone at night, talking to a creature that she had never seen in her life before. "What are you?" Luna whispered to herself, staring up at the bipedal being in front of her. The figure didn't seem to listen as it stood there watching her. Time had passed since the last time anyone had said anything, they were just staring at each other like two statues in a staring contest. However, Luna was caught of guard when it, got on a knee and got closer towards her face. She couldn't help to blush lightly from how close its face was. "A fascinating one you are. What are you exactly, may I ask?" it spoke once more, ending the uncomfortable silence. Luna was taken back by the creature's question, it was asking what she was? She thought that all throughout Equils, the ponies were one of the most known races. For this thing not to know of what was a pony, the creature must be from very far away. "I am Princess Luna of Equestria, the land you're currently standing upon is part of Equestria. Where in Equis does your kind come from; for you are the first of your kind to appear in Equestria before and the last thing we need is an unknown being causing trouble for our citizens" she replied calmly, waiting for the armored creature's response. It rose from his crouching position and looked down upon her, before giving a small bow towards her. His mouth lit up again, "My apologies Princess Luna, I did not know I was in the presence of someone with of high social status. I assure you, that I mean no harm to you or your subjects. I seek only sanctuary in this forest for the time being, my people are dying to a terrible war. If you want me to leave than, I will" he replied calmly. Luna was heart-struck, if what the creature said was true then it was only right to allow him safety within her and Celestia's Kingdom. However, It's not up to her to decide alone; she would need at least her sister's acceptance as well or one of the Princesses. There is the reason that this being, says it's from a warring kingdom and from his appearance he appears to be a knight or soldier of said nation. She hesitated for a second, finding the right words to say before she replied, "Although, your words have indeed touch my heart, I alone cannot decree your safety here. I will need to consult the other leaders of Equestria before we can grant you sanctuary here. For the time being you are free to live within this forest, I will return here within a week with the other leaders and we will discuss your sanctuary then …um, what is your name?". "Doctor Whitmen, and thank you your Highness" he responded, as he gave a light bow and returned back into mouth of the cave. There was silence only for a moment before a flash of light, followed by metal striking stone echoed from within. Luna look upon the cave one last time before taking off into the night sky in deep thought. Upon landing within the garden, she was met with the Lieutenant; along side with another guard. "Princess Luna, is something the matter? You took longer than your normal flight activities, I was just about to send out a patrol to find you" he stated. Luna looked at the Lieutenant, only for a second and he could tell something had put her in the state of deep thought. "Princess Lun..." he began, only to be interrupted by her. "I was distracted by something that needs the attention of my sister and the other Princesses. I bid you a good night Lieutenant, I need to discuss this... situation with them at once" she explained, before walking off towards Celestia's bedroom. "So.., what just happen sir?" asked the other guard, who was a little confused. The Lieutenant just simply chuckles and walks off, knowing all to well that what ever it was he would find out either the next day or when something abruptly becomes an issue to Equestria. The other guard watches as his superior, just chuckles and walks off. Leaving him alone in that certain part of the garden. "Hey wait up, what's so funny?" he says, trying to catch up.