> Caribou Raiders: Diplomacy > by BrightDawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Negotiations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia's chariot flew over the Equestrian grassland. Four pegasi pulled it forward, two mares and two stallions. A strange new tribe had appeared in the most desolate part of her kingdom and their leader had sent an envoy requesting an audience with her so that he may negotiate a deal officially making this land his own fiefdom or "Khanate" as he called it. The Princess didn't care what this new nation was going to be called, she was still going to represent Equestrian interests. The Equestrian grasslands weren't the most fertile lands in her kingdoms by any stretch, but later generations of farmers could still want to set up colonies in it one day. Better to make it clear today that these Caribou had to accept that than face conflict with them down the line. It was one for the Yaks, Changelings or Dragons to want to keep their complete independence, it was an entirely different thing for a new species to barge in and demand Equestrian territory even if her subjects weren't using it. The journey took her much shorter than she had expected. Curious. Perhaps the Caribou camp had moved closer to Equestrian civilization. Maybe they were trying to trade with her subjects. "You know this breaking protocol, right, Princess? Princess Luna would have sent for an envoy first before going herself." "I know. However, I'm not Princess Luna, Hastings." She did have a nagging feeling that there was wrong with these strangers. But you needed to give ponies the benefit of the doubt. To give them a chance to be their best selves. She had trusted Discord of all people, regardless of her fears and doubts and she didn't regret it. Yes, he had joined Tirek during this attack but he had redeemed himself. She would be Chrysalis' lunch if it wasn't for his heroic deed. This humble little tribe couldn't possibly be more dangerous than the spirit of chaos. Celestia sighed. If her sister had had the same wisdom to trust others, a thousand years of heart ache could have been avoided. Besides, she'd go mad if she had amuse herself one more time by making faces on pancakes. "Don't land immediately. Fly over their camp once. I want to see how they live." "Yes, Princess!" First they flew over an empty field with strange, four legged creatures gathered in a large herd. The Caribou cows were milking the female ones and performing a strange ritual involving the milk, a fire and a golden statue with two heads. What was weird was that they were doing all these things naked. She would have to have a word with this Khagan Dainn of theirs about this. The camp itself was made out of weird leathery round structures. Some Caribou bucks and cows were just hanging out outside, but always separate from each other. Finally, on the other side of the camp, the Caribou fawns were playing games. The male fawns were playing a very rough and tumble game where they were separated in pairs, riding one of these beasts she saw in the herd and each fawn was trying to pull the other one off of his ride. It struck Celestia as rather dangerous, even after she realized that their leather clothes were padded. The female fawns meanwhile engaged in a little game of tag. To her great relief, unlike their mothers, they were fully clothed. As she landed, she was greeted by their leader and a group of his male subjects. His scale armor and chainmail headgear was clearly meant as regalia, but her own guards' shiny bronze plate armor was infinitely more impressive. She felt bad for embarrassing this humble community and its leader by showing off like that. "Greetings, Princess Celestia." A black object had translated his words for him. His knees did not bend. He had no intention of becoming her vassal, at least not yet. "Greetings. Khagan Dainn was it?" A huge buck wormed his way from between the crowd and started making aggressive gestures at her. Her guards immediately pointed their spears at him. "Nice tits, bitch! Get those silly clothes off and lick my balls!" And just as suddenly as he had appeared, he collapsed on the grass before them. "So sorry you had to see this, Princess. Ivangir's the clan drunk. We couldn't keep him away from the airag even when he knew a honored guest like you was coming." Celestia was quite willing to forgive this incident. Canterlot nobles had hit the bottle and done far worse things in her centuries long rule. Another armored figure appeared from between the crowd, clearly infinitely more composed than this Ivangir of theirs. "It is our custom for negotiations with other rulers to be held in the royal yurt." "Lead the way." Dainn gave one of his subjects a nod and the crowd dispersed. Celestia and her entourage followed the two armored Caribou to the aforementioned yurt. "Your warriors stay outside." A fair request, Celestia thought and commanded them to do just that. Just as they sat down in the yurt on the leather covering the grass, a Caribou cow came into the carrying three cups of milk. "Let us drink, Celestia. So that wisdom may come to us." the other Caribou explained. The gut feeling she had on her way here was screaming at her. Celestia hated herself for being this paranoid, but she had to be sure. She turned to Dainn. "Would you mind if I have one of my guards taste this?" "Not at all." "Shield Wall, come into the tent." The aforementioned guard came in. "Drink." Shield Wall drank and looked nervous for a moment. They waited, Celestia keeping an eye on Dainn. Shield Wall's nervousness turned into annoyance. "It's just milk, Princess. Sure, it tastes a bit odd, but that's because it's from these beasts of theirs." Celestia nodded and Shield Wall slipped back out. She gave Dainn an embarrassed look, but he seemed to understand. The cow came carrying yet another three cups of milk. This was the 4th time already. "Thank you, dear." Celestia said, took the cup and drank it in one go. So did the two Caribou. This was getting really annoying at this point. Yet the Caribou refused to negotiate until Celestia had drunk her "cup of wisdom". "What do you mean, swear fealty to you?" "These lands are part of my kingdom, Dainn. I don't care if you keep calling yourself Khagan or assume the title of Duke. I only care that you acknowledge this fact and my rule." "We fought many wars to keep our independence in the old homeland, Celestia. This is unacceptable." This could have been seen as a veiled threat. But the idea of her kingdom being threatened by this tribe, whose leader wore armor that made him look like a beggar compared to her rank and file guards, was preposterous. Nor did Dainn's somber tone imply threat. "This isn't your old homeland." the Princess reminded sternly. She was driving a hard bargain, even after just insulting them but that's what Princesses were for. The cow came in again. "Thank you, dear." she said again and drunk her milk. "Why? Why do you care about these lands? Your subjects don't live need them. They do not depend on the warbeast like we do." There was something Celestia admired about Dainn's slyness and his ability to see she was up to something. Still, she had to press on. "Because one day, my subjects might want to found new towns and farms in these lands." "How dare you?!" the other armored Caribou cried out. "Quiet, Ortwin. You're the clan's storyteller, it's your job to preserve our history. It's the Khagans that make it." Dainn snapped back at him. "Sorry, my liege." "Why would you care, Dainn? There is more grazing land in the Equestrian grasslands than your herds can ever need even if my subjects decided to start some farms in it." "I can't accept out of principle. My clan stands to win nothing from this deal." "As my subjects, they would enjoy all the rights and protections ponies enjoy. They would be free to travel and live anywhere in Equestria as long as they obey my laws." "And would they have to obey these laws here?" The cow carrying the milk came in again. Celestia didn't even bother to thank her this time. "Yes, speaking of which, this female nudism thing has to stop." "My liege! This is going too far. This goes against our sacred tradition." Ortwin cried out. Celestia expected Dainn to scold his subject again, but this time he gave her another sad look. "He's right. I can not and will not accept this." The Princess knew she was going too far. There was driving a hard bargain and then there was driving away potentially valuable allies. "Fine, you may keep your traditions, but only here. In our towns and cities, you will follow our rules." "Guess that's as good a deal I'm getting from you. Fine, I'll accept." Dainn held out his hand to her. Celestia took it and shook it. She could see that several scars covered his arm. They had fought hard to keep their independence and now she was taking it from them. She kind of felt bad doing so. "Engla, bring us milk one last time." Dainn commanded. Celestia was going to be tired of dairy for a long time. Still, it was over. She had done a good job representing Equestria. "To this new friendship!" she said, lifting her cup. "To this new friendship!" the two Caribou repeated and drunk the contents of their cups in one go. Celestia did the same. And then her entire body started burning. The yurt, Dainn, Ortwin, her hands. Everything was melting. "You... you poisoned me! I.... I had such high hopes for you. " Of course! They put the poison in the last cup she drank. They used her own good will against her. She should have known. She tried to cast a spell to light Dainn on fire, but her horn wasn't working. No part of her body was. Her guards screaming was the last thing she heard before consciousness failed her. > Communion with the Divine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia woke up. Gone was the leather of the yurt she had just been so cowardly betrayed in. She was lying on a paved road in the middle of the street. She got up and dusted herself off. Her eyes tried to adjust. She was in a city. It resembled Canterlot to almost an uncanny degree, but the buildings were off. Different somehow, but she couldn't really place it. Then there was also the fact that the city was filled with Caribou, not ponies. The bucks however weren't wearing the leather rags they wore in Dainn's clan nor did the cows walk around naked. All the colors of the rainbow were proudly displayed in a way that Celestia found rather tacky. And this was saying something considering she had seen Rarity's work. "Where... Where am I?" she said, almost by instinct. "Vesont, the city of the old ones. Of the sinners." Celestia rubbed her eyes. She had to be seeing things. The golden statue she had seen on the field was floating besides her. Its two heads, one male and one female, were talking in one male voice that echoed through Celestia's ears. She reached out and touched it, only to find out it felt just as solid as the crown she had on her head. "Why am I here?" "Because you need to learn a lesson. Every last one of your subjects' lives depends on them." "What lesson?" "Silence, mare. Listen and watch." A crowd had gathered around them. Not one of the Caribou seemed to notice them. They were before a platform. A Caribou cow climbed on stage wearing a crown not too different to the one Celestia was wearing. "My loyal subjects!" she began. "All hail Queen Hemma! All hail Queen Hemma!" the crowd cried out in unison. The false queen, Celestia knew. But she had no idea how she did know. "We at last are free from superstitions. No longer will we live under the yoke of this two faced tyrant!" The crowd cheered. The cow held out a statue not too dissimilar from the one floating besides Celestia. Besides her, an orange flame appeared. She held into the flames until it started melting. Its eyes melted first. It was crying. And yet the cow was untouched by the heat. "They thought they didn't need me. That the things they had learned would protect them. That the rules I make for cows and bucks were unfair. Just like you do, Celestia." The crowd cheered loudly as the last bits of molten gold dripped into the flames. And just like that, everything around Celestia faded into darkness. "Down with the false queen!" a muscular stag cried on another stage. "Who's that?" Celestia asked. "Url the Blessed. The first Khagan." the golden statue answered. Celestia found herself surrounded by another crowd, this time in a cave. The bucks' colorful clothes were covered in ashes. Holes were burned into them. The cows were fully naked. Everyone was covered in burns. Some on their bodies. Some on their faces. Some had lost limbs. Others eyes. Celestia shivered. "Down with the false queen!" the crowd chanted back. Hemma was dragged on stage. Whip marks covered her body, besides the burns everyone else had. She was glaring angrily. "Do not listen to this madman, my subjects! Do not let his ravings turn you away from the progress we made!" "What progress? Charred bones cover the world above! Death and fire, that's all your progress brought!" Tears filled Hemma's eyes. Url lowered his pants and revealed he was fully erect despite his surroundings. He forced himself into Hemma as the bucks cheered him on and her crying turned into sobbing. A few of the cows cheered as well. Some of the bucks started lowering their own pants, and shoving their cocks into the nearest cow with little ceremony, not caring how disfigured they were or how unwilling. Celestia couldn't breathe. She needed to get out here. She ran. Up the stairs. She somehow knew that was the way out. She pushed open a heavy metal door. She was back in the city she was before, but only rubble and charred bones remained. The fire. The Great Fire was still there. She could see its flames dancing on the sculls. She looked at her arms. Her skin was shredding by the heat. Yet she could feel no pain, even as her flesh fell of and she saw her bones. Celestia woke up and gasped for air. She was back in her throne room on her seat of power. She sighed in relief. The poison, the city, the rape, the fire. All of that was just a bad dream. She was safe. And then she realized she was alone. She got up from her seat and started looking for her sister. "Luna? Luna? Where did you go? Luuuna! Come on, this isn't funny." She walked out to her balcony and started shaking. Before her were her subjects, but all of them burned to the point they were corpses. She could see bones showing through their burns. She could see how sooth, ash and chunks of meat were falling from them. All spoke in one voice. "Why didn't you submit? Why did you let this happen to us? Are your crown and throne, your wings and horn really that precious?" "No, I protected your freedom. I protected the mares of Equestria. I protected Harmony." "Did you really?" Luna asked. Her left arm was missing. Burned off. Her right eye was dangling from her socket. A flame danced on her back. Celestia ran. She curled up in a ball before her throne and started sobbing. "This is the path you've chosen, Celestia." a somber voice explained. Celestia looked up. The two headed statue had returned. "No... NO! Please! I can change. I'll do anything! Just give me another chance!" "Do so in time, Celestia. My patience is not endless." And everything faded once again. Celestia woke up once again. She was in a purple pet bed. Her favorite color. She knew Dainn wouldn't forged that. A bright smile appeared on the face. Her crown was taken from her and melted, her wings were plucked and her horn was gone. Yet she only felt relief when she remembered. She looked around to find out where she had been left this time. Bunk beds surrounded her. She was in the barracks of her... no, Dainn's royal guard. She then opened her legs and looked down. She was soaking. She smiled. There was no better way to start a day given to her so graciously by the Two Faced God. She closed her eyes and gently started rubbing her clit. She was in no rush. The yoke of rule was no longer on her. The doors slammed open. The guards returned to their barracks. She immediately jumped up like a puppy that just saw her owner. "Hello, "Princess"." "Hello, boys. Had a hard day? Come take it out on me." Glee filled Celestia as the stallions surrounded her. Of course Dainn would set up a treat like that. She was so grateful. When she was in charge, she had many times fantasized about doing something like this, but she had never worked up the courage. One of the guards removed his belt and tightened it around her neck. She closed her eyes for a moment and delighted in how she could barely breathe. "Back off. Your captain gets to go first." Shining Armor. Once, she would have chastised herself for fantasizing about him. Now, instead she turned around and presented herself to him. Every step he took closer made her shiver in anticipation. When he finally arrived, he grabbed the belt and gave it another pull, cutting off Celestia's air flow fully for a moment. He then pushed into her all the way in one go. Oh, how she needed this. She once again closed her eyes and enjoyed her rutting. A slap made her open them again however. Three guards were standing before her, presenting their members to Celestia. She immediately grabbed the ones by her sides with her hands and started sucking on the one in the middle like the cheapest, sleaziest callpony in all of Canterlot. Her soft pet bed made for poor support and Shining Armor was really going to town on her, so time and time again she accidentally fell down all the way onto the middle guard's cock. She felt like a total ditz everytime that happened. But it all lasted so short. Soon, her slit was contracting and Shining Armor and the three guards were moaning. Milk and cum flowed over her face. She was in the field with the statue and the white fluids. Instead of into a fire, they were flowing onto her face. She was reborn. She happily collapsed on the grass under the stars. She woke up in a yurt. She felt around and was disappointed to find out that her horn and wings were untouched. Dainn sat besides her. She needed his cock in her throat. She needed those horrid appendages taken care of. As she tried to pull down his leather pants, he stopped her. "Listen closely. You will return to your kingdom and rule. You will wear clothes, raise the sun and do everything else that's expected of you. But first you will sent for Discord. Tell him that there's a prophecy about him in the grasslands and to find me. Then you will talk. You will tell your subjects what you saw. And you will change things. Slowly, but surely, so that your subjects are guided to the right path. And one day I will take your throne from you, remove your horn, and pluck your wings. You just need to be patient." Celestia gave Dainn a sad look, but understood. He knew best. Of course he did. When she nodded, Dainn let Celestia get her well earned prize. > Caesaropapism > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dainn sat down next to Ortwin by the fire. He handed him a cup of airag. "Have a drink. You've earned it." Yesterday he had said the same words to Ivangir, but this time his words were sincere. Aiding in the communion with the Two Faced god took a lot out of a storyteller. Ortwin gave him an irritated look as he accepted the cup. "Did you really have to act like such a pushover when we were negotiating with her?" "We weren't negotiating, we were putting on a show, remember? She might not have not drank the godsmilk otherwise." "We should have given her godscum instead. Bucks drink milk, cows drink cum. That's how the Two Faced God meant it." "Then she definitely wouldn't have fallen for our ruse, Ortwin. And if she did, we don't know if godscum would have stopped her magic from killing us." "And that's not the worst. You didn't bother removing her horn or plucking her wings. You even gave her her clothes back when you sent her off." "I set her on the right path. Just drink your airag. It'll make you act less like a cow on the rag." "I'm not acting like a cow on the rag. What you did was a sin. I would know. It is my job to know sin, my liege." "What I did was strategy. I would know. It is my job to know strategy, Ortwin." The storyteller sighed. "I don't want to hear a word about it. I am serving the Two Faced God just like you are. If you truly are as pious as you claim, you would let me do so as I see to be the most prudent."