> Sex with a pony > by Taco User > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Second [Prologue] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sorry I was gone for so long. It takes awhile for me to recharge after using so much magic," the female djinnn said. "Nah. It's no problem at all. Especially after all those bitcoins you transferred to me. I ended up selling half of them when they were above 15K and transferring the rest to other currencies and have done pretty well. So I have plenty of money. I was sort of afraid that you'd do some of that weird genie magic shit that would make me regret asking for so much money." "hmm. So you became rich like you wished? " she asked. "Yes! With so much wealth, I can pretty much get whatever I want! cars, houses, women, airplanes, companies! Anything I want! I'm well worth over few hundred million still! Even after all my splurging and I still have more bank left then most 1 percenters. Honestly, I really thought that you genies would do some thing messed up like kill people I loved or knew or even given me copious amount of money but make the dollar worthless." "He he-he-he hehe," she chuckled "regardless of what you have heard or what the media has shown us djinn are actually just focused on the total satisfaction of the finished wish, then just twisting your words on you. So how's everything been?" "New houses, as you see. I've had a lot of parties, but I have sort of stopped that. I can pretty much get anything and everything thing I need right now." Anon said. "Soooo. I guess you don' have much need for..," she stated as her body started to dissolve in thin air and flow back into the lamp. "WWWAaait!," Anon shouted before calming himself, "All the money you've given me has fulfilled almost all my previous wishes. Heck I could just decide I want to learn how to fly a jet and by the end of a day or two I would have bought the jet, lessons and certificate. I could have anything I ever wanted and through all of this it has shown me that who my true friends are. You sort of realizes who your real friends are or aren't after such a change in social and economical status. Sadly not many are left, but that's besides the point. There really isn't much that you can give me now that I couldn't buy." "So you're wishing for a friend?" She said. "What? No I was just saying that I had to think really hard about what you could give me now that I couldn't just get on my own. Money has so much power as you know." Sighing and taking a breath "What is is that you want Master?" "I wish to be able to have sex with a pony!" "A pony? Weren't you just talking about how you could buy anything? Heck i thought you owned a stable on this property. I'm sure you could buy a .." "NO..No. Nooo. I mean yes I have a stable and horses, but I want to have sex with a character from MLP." "MLP?" "Yes. My Little Pony! I want to be able to have sex with a character from My Little Pony" "... What?" she asked. "It's a cartoon show on TV. Also it was a movie in theaters. It's pretty popular and they have such great personalities and they just.." "Wait you want to be in a cartoon?!," she asked, cutting him off. "No. Not at all... I want to be able to have sex with any character from the show... or from the fandom.. or I make up... or someone else makes up" "Alright,.... Hold on give me a minute," She said as she held the bridge of her nose. "you want to be able to have sex with any character from, or loosely derived from, this my little pony show, movie, fandom or something you, or someone else, makes up?" "YES!" Anon replied. "You want to have sex with that that small cock, with a pony?" "Shit no... just increase it with what I need or whatever would feel good to me." Anon replied. "OK... Just phrase it as a wish and I'll do it. Also, this may drain me of a lot of magic, so I may need a while longer than last time to recharge but just say 'I want to have sex with' and the name of the character you want to have sex with out loud and It shall be done." "ALRIGHT. I wish to be able to be able to have sex with anypony or character related to the MLP universe." Anon stated. After a very small poof of smoke around the djinn. "Damn that took more out of me then I thought it would..." she yawned "I'll see you in a while. Best of luck having sex with your ponies or other cartoon beings." After a small explosion around where she was, the djinn was gone and the smoke that was left slowly flowed into the tip of an old Arabic lamp. The lamp rattled slightly and the sound ebbed which showed that yet again she was asleep. Anon walked to the kitchen and prepared a small meal for his dinner. He wanted to make sure he was fully charged for tonight's activities. For tonight would be the night he would have intercourse with a my little pony character. He wondered who should he choose? They would have the characteristics of and maybe also the powers of the them from the show. He cursed himself for not being more clear or adding stipulations. After a long debate he figured that Pinkie Pie would be the best choice, of the main six, due to her lack of real magic and acceptance of chaotic events (if not causing them). Also her overall happy attitude and just willingness to go with the flow. This was the moment! hes was going to have sex with one of the Main Six! hell maybe he'd knock the other 5 out after this he thought. Sitting naked on his king sized bed he triumphantly breathed in. "I want to have sex with Pinkie Pie!" Anon announced out loud. He felt flight slightly jittery and anxious. Then a tingle through his body. Anon waited a few seconds and then felt disappointed when he looked all around the room and didn't see anypony. Anon sighed out loud thing that his wish had failed. "HERE'S PINKIE!!!" "What the FUuuuckk---" Right between Anon's legs, there was Pinkie Pie with her arms spread wide and her back facing him. Anon was slack jawed as he looked right between his legs and there lay a sweet pink looking pony with arms reaching out, facing away from him. Pinkie slowly looked around and her eyes set on Anon and her face slowly contorted into a a ridiculously large smile. "Hi!" Pinkie said. Anon slowly passed out. Anon awoke with a start later and slightly remembered what had happened. Then he looked towards his pelvis. His shaft had been replaced by a pink furry shaft and it drooped down below his view. His heart started racing, realizing what may have happened. "p-P-Pinkie?" He asked. His shaft tingled and he saw a very small Pinkie Pie come into view. "Yes?" she asked. "..." Anon was stumped at this point. after awhile he asked "ar.. are you my dick?" "what's a dick?" Pinkie asked. "..." Anon stuttered, "... uh mm you know a male reproductive organ." Anon's hand moved towards the pink shaft and lifted it into view more. Anon tensed at the sensation of his hand on his 'Dick'. "hehe hehe- that tickles" stated Pinkie. Anon's eyes darted over the shape of Pinkie Pie supported by his hand to his pink furry covered balls that both had increased to over the size of his closed fist. "PINKIE YOU'RE MY DICK!" Anon Yelled in confusion. "Well that's quite rude." She replied. "No you really are my dick." Anon applied some pressure to verify his claim. He felt his stimulation on his dick as Pinkie's body swelled with excitement. Anon felt more blood pump to her body. > Tween them > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It echoed in my mind, those very words. "HERE'S PINKIE!" Pinkie pie was right there in my hands, her vibrant fur was softer than silk and her eyes extremely disproportionate to her body. She had slurped up her drool and commented on how it was slightly salty. No doubt it being my pre cum. Her hair was in it's iconic poofy twirl, but this was never in the way I would have ever imaged. Pinkie pie was now my cock and balls. After our little back and forth banter the situation is cemented in both of us, our lives are now intertwined in a very complicated way. Anon walked over to the mirror and held Pinkie Dick up. He still has the same body that he's had for months, but his scrotum now sports a longer, thicker and excessively pink rod and tackle. They both look up and down their body, taking in all the features. Most noticeably to Anon is that Pinkie looks almost spot on to the image of Pinkie but realistic-ish (she still had a bit of cartoon proportioning). His hand is about an inch or two behind her front hooves. It seems her relaxed/natural state is with her throat where the urethra would be and the top of her head facing Anon. "Wow" Pinkie said. "This definitely isn't what I wished for" "What did you wish for?" she asked. "Uhm," Anon stalled, "... to have a really fun party in my pants." "Well that's a weird place to have one, but I can see why you got me! Number one party pony in your pants!" "... um yeah" "Well let's get this party started!" Pinkie yelled and confetti was thrown in the air. "Who 's coming to this pants party?" "... just us," Anon mumbled, "I only wanted us" "Well.. That's not much of a party" "You right," Anon said, "It isn't." Anon sighed and went back to the bed sitting on the very edge of it. He'd wished that he could have sex with a pony, this time specifically Pinkie Pie, had bigger junk and the djinn had gone and twisted his words on him. He was a freak. His life had turned up since the first wish that he didn't think that she would have done something so ... so weird. "What's wrong Anon?" Pinkie asked. He thought a bit about how to not admit to what he really wanted. You know about how he just wanted to be able to smash the plot if anypony or anything related to MLP with saying a simple phrase. "Well it's true it won't be much of a party like this." Anon said "It's not even close to what I wanted." Anon flopped back down on the bed. He thought about how his life was over and he felt remorse, regret and hate involving that cursed djinn in his life. How would Anon ever have sex with a girl ever again? The sight of an extremely large talking pony for a cock would be a deterrent for any possible future relationship. Anon?" She asked. "are you alright it looks like somepony just told you your dog died." "yeah Pinkie I'm good." Anon paused. "I just don't know what to do I guess." "We could still have that party Anon." "I'm not sure if I'm up to it Dickie Pie." "ANON! That's not a nice nick name for me. You have to at least have 'Pinkie' in there," she yelled. "and preferably not that dick word. Dick just doesn't sound nice or fun." "Pinkie Cock? Pinkie Rod? Pinkie Rodpie? Pinkie Winkie? Pinki." Pinkie Pie interrupted Anon" PINKIE WINKY! thst's fine. Nice. Cute and I give those winks." Her left eye winks at Anon. "Yep. You wink." Anon replied realizing that the name was lost on her. Anon's hands were back on Pinkie and he felt her fur still very soft. she had rotated herself so she had been resting her belly on his. He started to explore her length with his hands and noticed no real inconsistency with her length till he reached the ball or the joints of her front legs. He assumed that her (his shaft) was about 2-3 inch thick and her length (His length) was around 10 inches non aroused. He almost sort of feared what would happen if... no... when he becomes aroused. Hell even those balls of hers (HIS) were well over four times the size of his previous nuts. If he had enemies in real life he wouldn't be tea bagging them it'd be a potato sack. Wait was it horse.. no pony sperm or human sperm in them. Or even something else all together? Fuck it that doesn't matter right now. I won't be banging anyone.. or anypony till i figure this out more. "ANON!" Pinkie yelled. "Let's party. You promised me a pants party." Anon snapped out of his train of thought. "ok..." Anon thought about more possibilities. "You seem a little up tight Pinkie. How about I give you a massage?" "... OK. But after that we will PAR-TAY" "Yeah sure. Whatever you say Pinkie." Anon lightly grasped both hands on the lower part of his shaft (her body), and slowly moved up. he shivered as he felt so much more than usually with the increased length and small amount of fur his hands went against. Pinkie twitched and she instinctively twisted her torso away from Anon. Drool started falling out of her mouth and coated anon's hands as his motions quickened. "FAaaStter" Pinkie gurgled. Anon could feel her drool lessen all the friction that he had felt before. and it felt like he had some KY or Astroglide all over his palms. Anon felt so excited, his heart pounded like never before. It felt so new to him that he kept pressing harder and longer. "O.. Ye..s .. a..nom" Pinkie barely got out. Anon had his eyes closed and was focusing on the sensations since Pinkie last talked, noticed that something was off with her voice. He looked down at his cock (her face) and noticed how much she had grown. Her face must have been around four inches in Diameter and it looked like the color of her mane had fused to her head. Also her lips looked tighter and stretched the wrong way.. Overall her face almost looked like a horse cock with 2 eyes and a tongue hanging out that was trying to lick the constant flow of drool (pre cum) out of her mouth. Our eyes meet and then hers went to an expression of pure ecstasy. Then they shut closed. Her eyelids disappeared and her face turned into that of a horse's cock. Fur melted away into skin, it was very slick and lubricated skin. Her front legs got stuck to her body and seemed to fuse into her body (my shaft). Soon, all of her fur from the head to were the shaft ended at my balls turned into a very slick and veiny skin. Pinkie Pie had just turned into a 18 inch hard flared horse cock hovering above Anon's body. Anon fervently worked that shaft and started to fell close to euphoria. > Pinkie Comes in the night! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon Stroked faster and faster. His fingers slided quickly over the veins of his pink shaft and did a stimulating hop over his newly acquired medial ring. Ever pass over the expansive skin that his cock now offered was even better than any other sex Anon has had in his whole life. It was almost like his previous sex would be about the same as him twirling his index finger on the head of his huge pink cock. He felt himself drawing close and he swore he could feel his balls churn as they prepared to send their baby batter out to fertilize the womb, sadly there wasn't one, but that's besides the point. his cock got impossibly harder to the point were if he gripped harder it wouldn't even give. The sensitivity of it was off the charts. Anon started to feel his groin and balls tense up in a spastic dance. His cock throbbed in tandem with his balls. A stream burst fourth form his cock and his eyes followed it past the top of his head . They continued to roll back and shut. "AAAhhoooh" Anon yelled, as the highest form of orgasms pulses through him, with the usual most horrible 'Oh face' a man can make during sex. Anon awakens with the sun beaming through the windows. He can barely see anything at all with the morning vision. Everything in sight is blurs or blobs "Shit. It must be 9 am already." Anon mentions in general. Anon stretches his arms, legs and back; all of them making a crazy amount of pops and cracks for his age. He strolls to his en suite bathroom to freshen up for the day. He grabs a toothbrush and starts cleaning all 32 pearly whites. He feels his cock tingle a little, perhaps really late morning wood. Anon spits out the mouth full of toothpaste and plaque and starts to wake up further. With his teeth clean and lips feeling chapped, he runs his tongue over his teeth and stops. The taste lingers in his brain for a second. Primarily salty. Anon's brain stutters and goes full force to awake. He spits several times and washes his mouth out a few times. "What the hell Pinkie?" Anon yells. "Meh. Too early for this Anon." replies a pink pony dick brushing her teeth by the base of the sink. "You came all over me you " "I didn't go anywhere Anon. Last thing I remembered was that you gave me a massage and then I passed out." Pinkie interrupted. She looked at his reflection dead in the eye, "Is there something I should know about?" Anon gulped, "no Pinkie" Pinkie gave that signature deadpan stare at Anon, "Ok... What's for breakfast? ... I want t get this weird taste out of my mouth" "... I have a fully stocked fridge and pantry." Anon said, "What would you like to have?" "Hmm... blueberry, haybacon and eggs with extra whip cream!" Pinkie yelled splattering everything in front of her with her used toothpaste. "Well I can get you most of that minus haybacon. I really don't think that's a real thing."Anon replied, "would that be fine?" "Yeah sure. Sounds great... And I can help bake!" "Pinkie... Your my dick. I don't want my dick near any range stove or oven. I'll get it for you." "But Anon... I Love to bake!"Pinkie replied. Sighing, anon said, "Fine you can help me make it but if it has heat sharp tools or involves touching the batter you let me do it." "I'll wash my hands before I touch anything." "NO." Anon sternly said and closed his eyes. He thought about the most tactful way to handle this and said, "Pinkie you're my dick and the portions we will be working with are way too larger for you to even psychically help with. I know you're a top notch chef and baker. That's why I want you to be head chef in the kitchen. I'll be you're assistant and you lead everything in the kitchen. Can you handle that Head Chef?" Pinkie's eyes grew large and teared up a little, "Head CHEF. Of course Anon, I'll be your head chef. I'll be the bestest Head Chef you ever had!" Pinkie had rotated and tried to hug Anon with all her might. Unfortunately due to her size it just looked like a bright pink dick with cotton candy on top and two small legs smashed against his belly button. Anon knew what she was trying to do and responded in the like by pressing the palm of his and against her back smashing his dick even tighter against his stomach. The two held their embrace for awhile until Pinkie loosened her grip on Anon's stomach, which he started to remove his hand. Pinkie looked up at Anon with twinkles in her eye and a fire that was inferred from her stare. "Let's build and destroy that breakfast Head Assistant Anon." "Let's" Anon replied inspired by her enthusiasm. "Wait!" "what Anon?" "Pinkie.... I don't know how to break this to you." Pinkie looked at his face. His eyes had darted to the side and were clearly avoiding hers at all cost. She wondered is this a proposal. She remembered they just met so even if it was it's too soon. Also who would every marry there cock. Well maybe a chicken ... no a hen a hen would marry a cock. Oh those chickens. would i have been better off as a cock... well a male chicken.... no that's too weird. "PINKIE!" Anon yelled. "Huh? What? Yes?" Pinkie stumbled to get out of her train of thought. "I have to pee." "So go pee." Pinkie replied. "You sure?" "Yeah. I Mean why wouldn't I be....." Pinkie froze, "how do you pee?" "You know like most any other thin that has a fully functional dick or genitalia... through that orifice that is provided with said genitalia" "Through my Face?" Pinkie yelled. "Not face. Or-i-fice." Anon pronounced. "... but it might be your face." > Worst part about being the best part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ANON!" Pinkie yelled "Let's talk about this." Anon was firmly holding Pinkie Pie's dick body face forward at a downward angle. Her dilated pupils were focused on the half full porcelain commode before her. Pinkie was struggling ever so much in Anon's grasp. Anon gently applied pressure to the back of her head and re-positioned his index in front of her forelegs and the rest behind. "Anon!" Pinkie yelled, "No means no... There's got to be another way!" "I'm sorry but I'm abut to explode," Anon pleaded. "There's no other way." "Just pee out your ass!" Pinkie yelled as she felt an oncoming pressure. "It doesn't work that way... I'm so sorry Pinkie!" Anon replied, " I'll make it up to you a swear." Pinkie felt even more pressure on her insides after anon apologized. She freed her front legs and quickly covered her mouth to attempt to prevent the inevitable torrent of piss. It hit her esophagus with even more pressure than she though possible. It stung horribly so. It was worse than vinegar mixed with salt and she clenched her eyes closed. She desperately held her mouth and nose closed with her hooves. It didn't stop the onrush of fluids that Anon had collected in his body in the past eight hours. The veil fluid started to spray in every which direction and hit pretty much everything but the water in the toilet itself. Anon realizing this was able to dispel the flow and stopped instantly. "Pinkie, I'm really sorry but I have to do this." Anon said. Choking and spitting what was left in her mouth she replied, "Please Anon. I beg you I can't do this. It's too much. It's horrible." "I... I can't.. I'm really sorry. I need to do this." "Well I won't let it happen." She replied. Anon weighed his options. She refused to perform the primary functions of the organ that is second most vital to him and had already and would probably continue to make a mess of his master bedroom's en suite if he were to press his daily routines action. He truly felt sorry for her but short of having some sort of dialysis machine or something else to evacuate his bladder, this action was needed right now. His eyes looked over at his Jacuzzi right next to his stand up shower and an idea formed in his mind. "How about we take a morning shower Pinkie?" Anon asked. "Um. Ok. I don't know why but my body and hair feels really crusty." Anon runs his hand through his hair and realizes that his hair is also very crusty and has some extremely moist spots that feel almost like some thin pudding is stuck in. Anon thinks back to the activities of the night before and remembers of the huge horse cock spray load after load above and then finally on his head. Anon then rationalizes that the weird gunk he lick off his lips most have been his (Pinkie's) own horse spunk. His stomach turns at the thought. Anon thinks 'Forget it, Just accomplish this one thing and move on.' "Oh. A beautiful Pink Princess like you should never be left crusty or soiled. Let me take care of you 'Milady'" Anon takes a fake bow. "Oh Anon. You're too kind. I'm no princess or a milady I'm Pinkie. You silly head." "None the less let me expunge the crud from thyself and myself so we can face the day fourth right" Anon replied, while internally questioning if he used English correctly. "OK Anon I'm all about the fourth...," Pinkie replied "I break that all the time." "Alright! Let's get you feeling like a million BUCKS" Anon says. "What? ... A million bucks? Anon I don't have back legs, I can't rightly buck anything and if i could I imagine that I would feel extremely tired silly." "Oh. Pinkie we're in the USA, where bucks is slang for currency. That phrase meant you'd feel great" "Oh like a million bits," Pinkie says. "Yep. Like a million bits." "Let's do this." She yells. Anon walks into the shower and commences his nefarious plan. He got the shower running and stepped under it once the temp was at an above warm temperature. Anon's best understanding of the predicament he was in was that he desperately needed to piss; Pinkie could not stand the taste or action of passing urine through her; she would fight any attempt of that action and that she had no recollection of anything while she was in full dick form. It was a simple plan, change her into dick form and piss his heart (bladder) out in the shower and let the shame wash away. Anon started conjuring up all of the images he ever saw while doing his perverted 'safe search off' on google. He thought of himself plowing the shit out of pinkie Pie, the real one not this small ass one that he had for a dick. He still had Pinkie dick complaining about everything and he slammed it right into the real Pinkie's snatch as she moaned loudly and muffled Pinkie Dicks complaints. With the shower pouring all over his body, he continued his fantasies and stroked Pinkie Dick. "AA..AAnon?" Pinkie started to say as her body grew in length and girth. Anon didn't respond. He continued on with his plan. He knew it was not really the best plan, but he was limited in options. Anon also became very enthralled in the 'dream' he was envisioning. The increased sensitivity from Pinkie Dick further fueled his fantasy and the speed of his stokes on his cock. He kept the scenario going in his head as he slightly cracked one eye open and slammed his unoccupied hand against the wall to support his weakling legs. Anon watched as her pleading eyes twisted around to where if she still had the front portion of her body, her back would now be facing him. Pinkie's eyes looked forward as the back of her mane faced him, and it all seemed to melt away into Anon just having a dark pink top and light pink horse cock. Anon stopped suddenly. He wasn't sure a climax would make him pass out or Pinkie come back. but he didn't want to put her through any undue stress or discomfort of being his dick. Releasing his other hand's grip on Pinkie Dick, he placed it against the wall about shoulder length from his other hand. Anon let out a torrent of piss that almost felt as good as any orgasm he's ever had. Panting and relieved of his duty after almost 2 minutes straight of pissing hand goes back to the base of the shaft and squeezes the urethra and the top of the shaft. Anon wanted to clear the track of all traces of that fowl fluid if his shaft were to revert back to Pinkie Dick. Their heartbeat could be heard throughout the room. Pinkie Dick started to throb even harder. Anon sharply inhaled and placed his other hand upon Pinkie Dick and he went into a frenzy. > To the promised Lands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having just pissed like a race pony and jacked off like a blue balled stud, Anon was now focused on his hair and Pinkie Dick's fur. Both had taken awhile to clean up from the events of the night before. Then he was trying to clean up his shower area as quickly as possible. He managed to get all of his Pinkie Dick baby batter off of the wall but it was collecting at the drain and causing the water to fill up to almost an inch high. Anon started waffle stomping (the act of slamming one's foot upon a semi solid material to get it to go through a grate) it in hopes to get the shower to drain before flooding out his bathroom and master bedroom. After awhile and a couple of the larger chunks of spunk getting sucked down the shower started to clear out. His breaths started to become more controlled and Anon leaned over propping himself up on his legs, looking lie a quarterback. "Man, you're a handful," He said looking at his dick. "Or maybe a few handfuls," as he looked back to the clog of sperm that started to again collect at the drain. After a few more stomps the drain was flowing like nothing had ever happened within those four walls. Anon stepped out and pinkie Dick had finally decreased from her half mast status and fell to swing between his legs. Pinkies front legs formed and pulled apart from the body of the shaft painlessly ripping the skin that had held it in place. Her left hoof extended in front of her forming face and mouth in an attempt to suppress a yawn. Her other hoof extended as far forward as possible, eliciting a few pops of the joints with the motion. "maahaa.ayawn." Pinkie yawned. She coughed a few times expelling a few blobs of white gunk. She licked her lips and swallowed the rest. "Sorry Anon, I think I got some phlegm," Pinkie said "Are we getting that supper-dupper breakfast now?" "Um. Sure, after we dry ," Anon said and moved his dripping wet body over to the closet to retriever a towel. After which he dried his hair, torso, legs and slowly hefted Pinkie Dick up with the corners of the towel. Anon leaned closer to Pinkie pie and spoke to her gently. "Pinkie I need to dry you off. Please do your best to remain calm." "Okie-dokie-loki," she responded with a salute. The towel lightly went underneath both of their huge pink furry balls and taint, the extremely soft cotton sucking up all the moisture it could. It slide between the balls and thighs with no stimulation giving to the thick shaft. Anon expertly guided one corner at a time from the base of his modified shaft to the top of Pinkie's head, being careful as to not excite either Pinkie or his weird glorious newfound rod. Looking at his equipment he knew there would be very little in the way of a regular human vagina that could even begin to handle her (well Pinkie as a dick), even flaccid she was intimidating. Cradling her stomach and his other hand with the towel on her head, he could feel her rub her head into the towel. "Annnoon," Pinkie Dick whined, "Please dry my head a bit more." Anon complied, but even with choosing the driest parts of the towels and continuing to dry the big poof of mane she had he figured it'd take too long. He dropped the towel and pulled out a blow dryer and set it to low heat and low speed. Soon, Pinkie dick was leaning into the warm breeze with arms spread like Jack from the movie Titanic and yelled that she was king of the world. Anon didn't know that really know what she was talking about but he laughed when she started whooping and hollering. She remained quiet for awhile. Anon Shut off the hair dyer once he noticed that her mane and fur where finally dry. The second her hair stopped receiving that air it boing'ed and poofed up. It had made those exact noises, which Anon had found quiet unsettling. "Alright let's hit the Kitchen!" "YAY!" Pinkie dick yelled. Anon owned his house (mansion) outright, had very few neighbors and lead a life of privacy. So It was understandable how he wouldn't need to live a life of modesty (need clothing). He proceeded to walk a normal path to his kitchen, except he heard something. "ow.ow.ow... WAIT." Pinkie dick said to get his attention. "Anon you're throwing me all over the place" Anon lifts Pinkie with both hands on either side of her. He figures that her head had been that gently tap on the insides of his legs. Her head must have been bouncing between them. 'That poor pony, her head's got enough screws as it is' Anon thought. "Aw. Pinkie I'm sorry. I just not," Anon started to say, but rethought everything, "..I'm sorry. I was too excited about breakfast, I should have know that you would have been thrown all over the place." "Nahh. It's fine. Just hold me. Or you could put me in the upright position before take off," She replied with a smile and a 'squee'. "..yeah.. of course, I think I'll just hold you," said Anon, who was still confused how to take the last part of her response. "Well we're here," Anon said, "my kitchen it has the best equipment around. All of it is restaurant grade." "ANon" Pinkie angrily yelled, "I can't see any of it you dropped me. Oh the tile looks very nice." "Sorry I'm sorry I swear sometimes I think I'd lose you if you weren't attached to me." Anon cornily said as he lifted Pinkie dick and set her on the Island counter top in front of him. sucking in a huge amount of air in surprise with a 'ahhhhhh' sound, Pinkie looks all around her. This kitchen is way bigger than the Cake's bakery and probably more well stocked. Anon shivers with the feel of the cool marble on the underside of his Pinkie Dick and the sudden inhalation that Pinkie had just executed. His furry Pink balls tap the cool edge of the counter top and they churn ever so slightly. 'Calm down. and let's get breakfast first,' Anon thinks.