> Darker Harmony > by HeartfireFirebrand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dark Protection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset looked at her friends. Rainbow was bashing against the door trying to get it open. Applejack said “Give it up, Rainbow Dash, we ain’t getting out of here.” Rainbow Dash shouted “I won’t give up.” Twilight cried “It doesn't matter anyway, I hadn't finished the counter-spell and even if did I doubt it would have worked anyway.” Applejack shouted “It would have if some certain show off wasn’t constantly bragging about how amazing she is!” Rainbow Dash said “If you think Twilight is getting to caught up in being in charge you should just say so.” Rarity shouted “She was talking about you not Twilight!” Rainbow explicated “I’m just trying to make sure my band rocks out a shard as it should.” Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack shouted “It’s our band, it’s not all about you!” Twilight was panicking “How could I not know what to do? I’m a princess and yet for all that I can’t do anything, oh Sweet Celestia I’m useless.” Sunset was shocked at all the arguing, at how quickly her group of friends fell apart. Applejack said prodding Dash’s chest “You may have started this band we have all invested our time and effort into this band, it’s our as much as it is yours.” Dash protested “I write all the songs.” Fluttershy shouted “I write songs too, we just never play any of them because it’s all about you!” Rarity added “And I designed so many beautiful outfits for us to wear.” Applejack shouted “It’s not about our costumes Rarity, it’s about music.” Rarity huffed “Well I’m sorry Applejack for trying to creatively contribute to this team.” Pinkie shouted “Does anyone remember fun, because this is the exact opposite of being fun!” Rainbow shouted “I shouldn’t have let any of you to be in my band!” Rarity shouted “I should never have agreed to be in this band.” Sunset saw the dark energy gathering around them as the sirens began to sing. She screamed as she felt some of the green glow flow into her body, her hands began to turn into claws. Her mind was screaming (No I won’t become that again.) A voice said “Sunset, stop denying it this is who you are.” Sunset said “Who are you?” The voice said “Look within and you’ll find out.” Sunset closed her eyes and found herself in a strange place. Sunset gasped as she turned around, she saw her demon self standing there with a toothy grin. The Demon Sunset said “I told you that you would find me in here, I am glad to be out of that seal the elements put me in.” Sunset asked angrily “Why are you talking to me?” Demon Sunset replied “Because you need to know I am starting come out again you body naturally absorbs dark magic due to that little incident at Fall Formal, the dark magic your friends have emitted has made us stronger than Elements of Harmony, you are going to turn back soon. We'll chat later.” Sunset opened her eyes to see two red demonic claws were her hands were her hands were. She felt something heavy on her back and saw the 2 large demonic wings. She saw her friends magic flowing into her body as well as up towards the stage, she screamed again. Sunset shouted as she after calming down “Stop! The Dazzlings wanted this to happen, they're feeding off the magic inside of you!” Applejack asked “It’s the magic of friendship, how could they..... What happened to you?” Sunset sighed “This is the darker side of Friendship magic, the demon that was sealed away at the Fall Formal it’s coming back. You have been little things get to you since you started this band, I should have said something but my lack of experience with friendship, I didn’t think it was my place but what I do know if you don’t fix even the smallest problem it can become something nasty, like me.” Applejack said “Your not nasty, you are a good friend.” I said as I flapped one of my demonic wings “Does this look good to you.” Twilight said “Appearances can be deceiving, I didn't even notice the tension going on here between my friends, I’m the Princess of Friendship I should have all the answers.” Sunset said “I don’t think anyone is supposed have all the answers, that’s why we have friends to help us when we’re in trouble. When someone thinks they have all the answers they become like me.” Twilight said “Thanks Sunset now let’s get out of here.” Sunset said “Yeah, I’ll bust us out.” Rainbow Dash said “You can’t break that door, I slammed that door for hours.” Sunset punched through the door and opened it from the outside. Spike ran up with a human with headphones. He shouted “Twilight.” Twilight asked “How did you find someone who wasn’t brainwashed?” Spike said with a smirk “She never takes off her headphones.” Sunset sat in the corner watching them with a sad smile as her arms turned red. Her demon self said “Stop resisting.” She ignored the voice as she watched her friends interact. Pinkie Pie asked excitedly “Are we getting the band back together?” Rainbow Dash said “Hell yeah.” Pinkie squealed with excitement. Rarity asked “So what version of the counter-spell are we going to play?” Twilight said “It doesn’t matter as long as we keep friendship in our hearts.” Rainbow Dash smiled “I believe Fluttershy has written exactly what we need.” Fluttershy’s excitement matching Pinkie Pie’s made her bounce up and down. Applejack asked “We’re saving the world, Rarity let’s see if we can do this in style?” Rarity said “I thought you’d never ask.” Twilight asked “Sunset, you coming?” Sunset said firmly “No, I may hurt you if I go out there, you 6 can handle it.” Twilight was about to speak when one of the white parts of Sunset’s eyes turned black. She left without a word. Sunset asked “Can you be sure we won’t hurt my friends?” Demon Sunset said sadly “No.” Sunset sighed “It seems, I’ll have to leave this place. Maybe Celestia can lock me in a dungeon.” Demon Sunset said “Don’t be so hasty, we’ll work this out.” Sunset said “I hope so, well I better go and talk to them about we’re going to do now.” The she heard a loud soundwave. ******Meanwhile****** Twilight and her friends ran out. Rainbow said “I think we should have brought Sunset with us, she needed us.” Twilight sighed “Sunset needs some time, this is a sore spot and there are some things that need to be figured out alone.” They arrived at the top of the hill. Rainbow asked “How are we going be heard up here?” A honking sound comes from behind revealing Vinyl Scratch driving a huge vehicle that converted into a giant music machine. The Sirens continue to sing, Sonata thought (Maybe I’ll finally get some respect). That’s when the sirens heard singing. Adagio smiled “So the Rainbooms really want to have a battle of the bands, well then let’s battle.” Sonata frowned internally, she was getting sick of her sisters’ attitude. Despite the Rainbooms best efforts the sirens magic was stronger and knocked the microphone away from Twilight. Adagio said “Well let’s finish them off personally, come on my sisters let’s ensure our dominance over the world.” Sonata frowned as she followed her sisters. What they did next shocked her. Rainbow and Applejack rushed forward as they shouted “You not gonna get past.” Aria and Adagio smirked as they stabbed the pair with a pair of knives. Aria said “We had a feeling we would have a physical confrontation with you, we came prepared.” Aria then pulled her bloody knife out and stepped towards Fluttershy, she grabbed by the arm her by the arm and cut 3 of her fingers off one by one. Pinkie jumped at her only to receive a sharp gash along her chest, Aria then cut Fluttershy’s leg before moving towards Rarity which she then to stab in the lung. Sonata stood there dumbfounded. Adagio meanwhile had grabbed Twilight and then laughed as she felt her magic “This is perfect, you’re an Equestrian and an Alicorn Princess at that, I’m going to enjoy this.” She stabbed her knife into Twilight’s intestines and twisted, Twilight’s screams grew louder and louder. Sonata screamed “Enough!” She stomped over to Aria “I’ve put up with you shit for 1000 years, always belittling me and treating me like dirt” she then turned to Adagio “and you don’t get me started on you always gave me incredibly difficult task you knew I wasn’t capable of then scolded me for their failure. Now you are torturing them, I have done horrible things but this is where I draw the line.” Adagio snarled “What are you going to do about it?” Sonata‘s voice boomed knocking her sister over she snarled “I’m going to fight you.” Her sisters retreated to the stage and sent their siren forms at Sonata, Sonata sent hers back. Sunset teleported over, she was half angry and half confused as she saw her injured friends and also the Sirens fighting amongst themselves. Sunset realised a few of the siren’s spells were striking near her friends. Sunset tapping into her demon power and created a shield around her friends, she knew it wouldn't last and she saw the siren fighting her sisters growing weaker and weaker as her sisters were older and more experienced plus they were attacking together. She had no idea how they were going to survive this. Her demon form said “You could use me.” Sunset frowned as she thought (Have things gotten that dire). A loud scream punctured the air, she saw Sonata lying on the ground unconscious. She scowled “They would even do that to their own sister.” She felt the shield get pummelled by waves of sound. She sighed “Very well demon, let’s do it.” The demon said “This will be permanent and I won’t be around anymore, it will be all you.” Sunset scowled “Your telling me this now, we don’t have time let’s do it.” The demon put her hand on Sunset and then a ball of shadows formed around her, she blinked confused at the lack of pain. When the ball dissipated the two remaining sirens looked confused before they gasped in shock at what they saw. Sunset was standing there about as tall as her original demon form but different in many ways, her hands now were now claws with 5 sharp appendages on each, her body was leanly muscled and her skin was as black as the night, two feathery wings made of shadows stretched out of her back, her eyes had a black sclera but with green eyes with glowing purple trails behind them, her hair was black with yellow stripes. She was wearing cool blue shirt with her cutie mark on it, as well as a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black boots. She clicked her claws and her friends wounds healed. Sunset sighed “We’ll talk later” she then pointed to the two conscious sirens “I have to deal with those two first.” Sunset slammed Adagio’s siren form knocking Adagio over. Then Aria’s siren form tried to attacked her from behind only to get blasted by Sunset’s purple magical aura. Sunset snarled “Why won’t these foul monsters stop.” Sonata shouted “The red gemstone break it, it’s the only way.” Sunset nodded and then charged towards Adagio's siren and smashed the stone on it’s neck causing Adagio’s gemstone to break. Aria used the opportunity to blast Sunset in the back with a sound wave, Aria laughed, however she soon found she had laughed prematurely. Sunset was floating then unharmed, she turned around. Aria gulped as Sunset charged at her proceeding to destroy her gemstone and necklace. The crowd has returned to normal as Sunset glared at the pair of them, she growled “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t tie you up and toss you 2 across the mirror.” Sonata flew over still injured. Sunset looked at her injuries, she headed her and said “Thank you for helping my friends.” Sonata asked “Sunset, how about we try and settle into a normal life after all…” she threw her necklace on the ground and stomped on it shattering it into pieces “We’re all just normal teenagers now.” Sunset said “Fine but those two are you responsibility and you will keep them out of trouble.” Sonata nodded “Yes ma’am.” Sunset chuckled “Please call me Sunset.” Sunset gave her a thumbs up as she escorted her angry sisters away. Sunset noticed her slap Aria for something. Twilight and the other girls join Sunset on the stage. The girls got up on stage looking down at the crowd. Sunset’s smile vanished when several students shouted “Monster!” Twilight’s voice boomed “SHE’S NOT A MONSTER!” Sunset covered her demonic ears and they still hurt afterwards. Rainbow Dash said “Wow, that was loud.” Sunset snarled “At least you don’t have super sensitive demon hearing to worry about.” Rarity asked “Um, darling why haven't you turned back?” Sunset replied “It’s permanent, I can’t change back.” Applejack said “I’m sorry about that sugarcube.” Pinkie Pie gave a her a really strong hug, she was glad she was a demon or else she may have a broken rib. Twilight said bringing Sunset forward “Sunset is the only reason you are here you should treat with respect. I am eternally grateful without her help I would be dead as would my other 5 friends.” Sunset said “Thanks, Twilight.” She then said to the crowd “ I understand you don’t trust me in this form but I am no longer the girl I was before. This is the real me and I hope despite my appearance I can help you all in the future.” The crowd clapped and Sunset smiled as she thought (I’m just glad that’s finally over.) ****Meanwhile Somewhere Else**** A girl with mostly purple hair save one long pink stripe said “This is not a coincidence, Spike. There is strange energies coming from Canterlot High and I intend on finding where it came from. She moved away from a board covered in different pictures of Canterlot High."