Guilty Conscience

by MarcellusMiro66

First published

A reason why revenge isn't always worth it. (An Anon-A-Miss tale of vengeance and its consequences...)

Connected to my "Elements of Harmony" multiverse, this is (for the time being) a stand-alone story centering on the three girls who realize that the Anon-A-Miss conspiracy may just be the all-time low in their entire lives so far. Being the main instigator, Apple Bloom in particular begins to lose her sanity.

The story takes inspiration from Marnie (1964), Frenzy (1972), Suspiria (1977), Blow Out (1981), Blue Velvet (1986), Audition (1999), Memento (2000), Mulholland Drive (2001), and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002) among other classic films; the style is influenced by Alfred Hitchcock, Brad Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Dario Argento, David Lynch, Darren Aronofsky, and Park Chan-wook among other thriller directors.

The plot can be seen as Pulp Fiction (1994) and L.A. Confidential (1997) Meets Brick (2005). The story is naturally dark, realistic, and kaleidoscopic; however, it will have a bittersweet ending.

Chapter 1: "Across 110th Street"

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(Friday, December 14th 2012)
(2:00 / 14:00 PM)

"And...done. Anon-a-Miss is no more...and nobody will ever know it was us."

Apple Bloom nodded in satisfaction at her friend's work well done. She knew that Sweetie Belle was clearly a master when it came to technological hacking, but she never thought she was this good. Scootaloo seemed to agree as she high-fived her friend, an action which she herself mimicked as her way of saying "Good Job".

"So, what do we do now?" Sweetie Belle scratched the back of her head.

"Well..." Scootaloo shrugged after a minute of uncertain silence, "Now that Sunset Shimmer is out of the picture, our sisters spend more time with us now, so...nothing, I guess. We accomplished our goal anyway. What do you think, Apple Bloom?"

The young country girl couldn't help but notice a sinking feeling nagging at her from the back of her head, but she shook it off for now. "Let's go to the Sweet Shoppe to celebrate our victory! Hopefully, our sisters will feel the same when they learn Sunset finally stopped posting secrets."

The three girls exchanged smiles, gave each other high-fives once more, and left the computer lab...unaware of the hell they've unleashed not just onto the school...but the entire town...

Meanwhile, the three girls were feeling good as they were practically skipping their way towards the Sweet Shoppe. Well, two of the three were. It's not that Apple Bloom was feeling good; in fact, she was feeling glad of her accomplishment and separating Sunset Shimmer from her sister. So what was the problem? Well, she wasn't exactly sure, but she did know that sinking feeling from the back of her brain was back with a vengeance and three times stronger than before. In addition, her stomach was feeling much lighter than before, as if there was a void down below. She was starting to get an idea of what exactly the sinking feeling was...and she didn't like it.

Did...did Sunset really deserve this?

Apple Bloom barely managed to stop herself from walking straight into active traffic. Glancing back and forth between the stoplights and the traffic, she then did a double take at the road signs above her. One in particular was labeled "110th Street". Hmm... I never saw that before. Must be a new renovation here... She shrugged and continued walking with her friends once the light reverted to green. As they were, Apple Bloom did another double take – this time, at an electronics store that played a certain peculiar song that accompanied a certain peculiar movie. Okay, something's wrong here... First that road sign, then this movie... Is the world trying to tell me something? Eventually, she probably realized what the world was trying to tell her and shook her head in disbelief. No... No, it can't be. It couldn't be. Sunset deserved everything to happen to her and her only. After all, she enslaved the school, mistreated us all horribly, and stole my sister from me. No...stole our sisters from us. Even if she did apologize, everyone will know her for the cruel person she really is. Everyone will see it. Yes, they have to know her name. No, I don't care if it's illegal, I just did it! Like a devil cast from the sky, I'll show them all the evil you can't deny... You don't know what your future holds, so hear me when I say...

That your past will always bind you.... That your past is here to stay...

"Yo, Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo called from a distance, "Come on, the Sweet Shoppe ain't waiting any longer!"

Apple Bloom snapped out of her dark, deep thoughts and ran off after her two friends. When the girls arrived at the Sweet Shoppe, they noticed the married owners were in a relatively good mood. The atmosphere was equally fair, with a few customers ordering their concessions, minding their own business, and not letting one small thing like Sunset Shimmer and her "Anon-A-Miss" antics deter them from having a good day. It truly was...until it wasn't.

"Hello, girls," Mrs. Cake greeted the trio, "The usual, I suppose?"

"Yes, please!"

When the three girls got their usual order, Apple Bloom noticed her sister and her friends (minus Sunset, of course) sitting in a circle, their own orders forming a separate sub-circle within as they sulked. She decided to comfort her own way.


"Oh, hey, sugarcube. What are you doing here?"

"My friends and I were just getting some drinks. What are you doing here?"

"Well, the girls and I are just...hanging out here, for lack of a better term." Applejack smoothed her nose bridge and sighed solemnly, "I still can't believe that Sunset switched back to her old self, after everything we've been through..."

Apple Bloom suddenly felt a pang of guilt(?) tap against her chest as she bit her lip. "It's...not your fault, sis. I tried to warn you about her; it was going to happen eventually."

"Thanks, Bloom." Applejack rubbed her younger sister's head as Apple Bloom felt another wave of regret wash over her, something that went unnoticed by her older sister. Just then, her iPhone went a-buzzing and so did Rarity's. Then Rainbow Dash's...then Fluttershy's...then Pinkie Pie's...then...well, you get the idea. Applejack opened up her device and clicked on a new update, which read in big, bold letters:

It's Time You Have A Confession... A REAL Confession...

"Well, well. It looks like Sunset is finally going to take responsibility for all of this crap." Rainbow Dash said, smirking at the thought. Applejack couldn't help but let a sly grin of her own – Good job, Sunset. You finally wised up. – before that slowly fell in confusion – But why? Why now? – and Fluttershy offered her insight on the matter.

"I don't know about this, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy hugged her arms in uncertainty, "Sunset isn't the type of person to do something like this, no matter how bad it got."

"Well, darling, I see no other reason for this post to labeled as such." Rarity said, softly huffing in contempt. "Besides, Sunset can't outwit the authorities forever."

"We have to be careful, girls," Applejack warned, "This could be a trick for all we could know."

"Let's hope not," Pinkie took small sips of her hot chocolate.

The three girls, meanwhile, both exchanged surprised and nervous expressions. Apple Bloom in particular seemed appalled at the title of the MyStable post. This...was not what we were expecting at all. Had we finally done it? Had we really broken Sunset so far that she would admit to being guilty of a crime she didn't do...just to gain her friends back?

She didn't have enough time to answer that question, as Applejack played the video:

Nothing more than 30 seconds of black screen appeared until an outline of a familiar person came into view. A light switch was then flipped on, revealing a suit-and-tie clad Sunset Shimmer. Her eyes were red that came with the crying, contained bags that came with the insomnia, and took the appearance of a empty gaze. This blank stare completely contrasted with her forlorn expression worn on her face. A few minutes of silence later, Sunset finally spoke:

"This is...not easy for say the truth, even though you all know it already. It's true, though, what everyone is saying about me. Not just the school, but everybody in the town. I am Anon-A-Miss, the one and only person who has been posting secrets for all of social media to see. My reason of posting these secrets is fairly simple: Nothing can stay secret forever. Sooner or later, everyone will find out about them, good or bad."

A smile(?) crossed Sunset's face as she continued:

"That's where I come in. I created the Anon-A-Miss account in a jealous rage, out of pure existential frustration. A few weeks ago, my parents got a new job in Manhattan and were planning to move there 'tout suite', so I figured to get a little revenge on those who've wronged me...and especially those closely associated with me. Yeah, it may have hurt quite much when they abandoned me like I always knew they would, but I wasn't the top thespian in my acting class for nothing."

Her completely calm manner when revealing such details completely creeped out the people watching, but that didn't deter her from continuing on:

"I know this was a stupid decision, but I chose to do it with the best intentions in mind. Then again...doesn't all the worse things come with the best intentions? That being said, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for every piece of torture and heartbreak I've put you all through. I completely regretted any action I put into this Anon-A-Miss misconduct. I may not deserve your forgiveness, and that's okay. It's all right...because only God forgives. And, uh...for those who don't believe me, know where to find me. This is probably the last you'll hear of me, so...goodbye, farewell, and amen. May God have mercy on my soul."

Sunset covered the lens of the camera, signifying the video's end.

Overall reactions to this confession video was...understandably split, but most agree that their sympathies for their supposed tormentor were at an all-time high. Nobody moved, nobody spoke, and nobody even breathed. A tsunami of crystal clear guilt crashed upon them all: not just the shop, but the entire town. Everyone regretted their rather harsh treatment of Sunset Shimmer: The Cakes who had threatened her to call the authorities on her on more than one occasion, the students who made her last few days a living hell inside and out just because they now had a "justifiable" reason to, the teachers and staff who would fail every piece of homework, quiz, and test taken to show her how much they hated her and harassed her at every ample opportunity, and (last but not least) the Rainbooms, also known as the Humane 5, a group of girls whose very name was now very much ironic because of the situation they've currently found themselves in. They befriended a former bully and showed her the path of friendship is a far better route than the path of loneliness, only to turn on her at the first sign that says "She's guilty beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt", despite how many holes in all of the pieces of the so-called "evidence" acquired.

They didn't deserve to be her friends. Nobody did.

Apple Bloom suddenly lost her appetite as she ditched her hot chocolate and exited the Sweet Shoppe, daring to run into the path of ongoing traffic if it meant one step closer to Sunset's apartment...and naturally ignoring the concerned call-outs of her friends and older sister in the process.

Meanwhile, at the school, Celestia and Luna made their way to the teacher's conference room, a expression of blunt determination worn on both women's faces. In the center of the room stood a smooth wooden circular table, where the teachers summoned were seated around by the time they arrived. Closing the door behind them, the sisters took their place in the middle facing every teacher and authoritative member of their respective section.

"I would like to thank you all for attending this meeting, especially on such short notice. I am well aware that many of you in here have plans already, so I will make this quick: As you all may know, Anon-A-Miss has finally ceasing posting any more secrets and causing any more harm on this very day. Luna feels something is amiss, so I have arranged this meeting to hear your insight on the matter. So, tell me...what shall we do now?"

It was decided on a special assembly at seven in the evening. As much as this short-noticed announcement surprised and even irritated some of the students, the others were somewhat more forgiving and agreed to show up. Little did they know...

Indeed, the main topic was Anon-A-Miss and the quote "reveal of her true identity". Needless to say, when half of the student board cheered at Sunset's decision to finally own to her fatal flaw, they were genuinely shocked when Principal Celestia banged on the podium and basically yelled out a command for them to cease their misguided applause, effectively silencing them into a fearful whirlpool of...well, silence. Thus began the seemingly never-ending speech of why one should not jump to conclusions ever so quickly.

Apple Bloom alone snuck out unscathed before the madness ever started, feigning her escape as an excuse to use the bathroom. Slipping on her blue denim jacket, she exited the school and entered the frozen landscape of Canterlot City. Approaching the apartment complex where Sunset stayed, she picked up her pace and burst into the building, catching the attention of the landowners.

"Excuse me, miss," the middle-aged man called out, "This building is closing; you can't be here."

"Oh, thank goodness!" Apple Bloom ran towards the counter, "I need help! Have either of you seen a girl named Sunset Shimmer lately? She used to live here!"

"Miss Shimmer?" The woman approached and kneeled down to Apple Bloom's level, "Oh, I'm sorry, dear, but...we haven't seen Sunset since two weeks ago. She left because her parents received a new promotion in Manhattan."

"... And who were her parents?"

"She never said."

Apple Bloom blinked a few times in horrific realization. " the police! I think Sunset's in trouble!" She then bolted out of the building, leaving a confused and concerned couple in her wake. Not holding a care in the world about the decreasing temperature and the piling snow above her knees, she only had one objective: to find Sunset and make amends with her, no matter what. She searched everywhere and asked any bystander she encountered. Taking a seat on a nearby porch in front of an abandoned warehouse under foreclosure, she took several deep breaths before her eyes watered up. What have we done? Did we really cause Sunset to...disappear?

"'ve found me."

Apple Bloom's head shot up and turned to find Sunset herself in the flesh. That same empty stare into the distance from her "confession" was ever so present as she gazed at her for a moment's notice before turning tail and walking back inside. She decided to follow her inside as she called out, "Sunset, wait!"

Suddenly, Sunset swiftly turned and pulled a Beretta 92FS on a now stunned Apple Bloom, who was stuck in a terror-induced standstill upon noticing the firearm. She was then instructed through gestures to close the open door behind her. After she did just that, she turned to be greeted with the barrel of the handgun once more. She wanted to cry, yet she couldn't. Instead, she listened. She listened out for the sound of the gun going off and the feel of the bullet going in...but it never came.

"I know you three did it, Apple Bloom."


"I may have been selfish, but I was not stupid. Who else would've known about Rainbow's D better than Scootaloo? Who else could've efficiently downloaded the pictures and videos from my iPhone better than Sweetie Belle? Who else could've known Applejack's Piggly Wiggly nickname...better than you? It wasn't that hard figuring out who Anon-A-Miss was."

"Wait, if you knew...why didn't you say something?"

"Well...if I did reveal the true identity of Anon-A-Miss, everybody wouldn't believe me. And if they did, they would've just apologized to me and beg for forgiveness. None of this is worth recovering from." Sunset then lowered the Beretta, much to the relief of Apple Bloom, who remained unaware of the devastation that would soon follow, "Look, I understand why you three did what you three did, but frankly...revenge is a cruel mistress, and – let's face it – somewhat petty."

"I know, Sunset. I just didn't realize it until..."

"Until it was too late? I figured." Sunset smiled a sad smile as she glanced toward her pistol, "I'm sorry."

"... For what?"

"For stealing your sister. For stealing Sweetie Belle's and Scootaloo's. For potentially angering all of Canterlot and exposing all of their secrets. For...destroying a friendship that was once considered unbreakable. The worst part? They won't even know the truth. I'll give you the liberty of apologizing for me."

Sunset cocked the hammer of her handgun, just as Apple Bloom realized what she meant.

"Goodbye, Apple Bloom. May I see you on the other side..."


Alas, it was too little too late.


Apple Bloom yelped and looked away in sudden alarm as Sunset pulled the trigger. She heard a body collapse onto the floor, but it wasn't her own. When she dared to look and discover the deceased, she instantly wished she hadn't...for there sprawled out on the stone cold concrete with a smoking handgun in her hand and a puddle of blood forming around her head was a now lost Sunset, whose cyan eyes remained open but pupils dilated. She may have been young, but she was old enough to know what death was. And so, she did any high school freshmen would do when faced with a situation like this.

She screamed in absolute horror.

Chapter 2: "Man Down"

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(7:00 PM)

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear that?"

"It must've been my imagination, but I thought I heard a gunshot and someone screaming."

"From the school? Yeah, man, it was definitely your imagination. You're not Superman, you know." The janitor handed his custodian colleague a mop and gestured him to follow him to the cafeteria, "Come on, we need to clean up that mess."

Two hours earlier. . .

As for this mess...

Apple Bloom was still stuck in her silent standstill following Sunset's apparent suicide. Her hands were still clamped over her mouth when she realized that the ear-splitting scream projected was her own. A moment later, she finally find it within her to take at least a few steps forward. Because she was a young child, the concept of "death" was naïve to her. At first, she believed Sunset was pulling a cruel prank on her, much as she herself did to her. Oh my God... Did she do this...because of me? Not just me, but the others as well... Willing herself to walk her way, Apple Bloom stopped in front of her bleeding corpse and crouched down to its level, proceeding to prod it in unwitting desperation.

"Sunset... Sunset? Please wake up. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. It wasn't was me. It was me, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. I was wrong and you were right. We created Anon-A-Miss because we were jealous of you stealing our sisters from us. We saw and took it the wrong way. I'm sorry for accusing you of this. Just please...wake up."

When Sunset didn't, Apple Bloom wiped any building tears and hugged her body. She remained in this position for a few minutes before she realized that at any moment, the police could come knocking on the front door, considering she instructed the landowner couple to contact them. All reluctance to part from her was set aside to hide the body before the authorities could ever find it. With all her might, she hoisted up and placed the body in the nearest place she could find: an upstairs janitor's closet, which she closed and locked the door of. Afterwards, she noticed the blood of her victim on her hands – the harsh reminder of the suffering she instigated and a subtle foreshadow of the tragic events that would follow. She felt sick to her stomach and like vomiting.

Which is exactly what she did...right on the spot.

Apple Bloom upchucked yesterday and the day before yesterday's lunch for a full minute before the discomfort ceased. Breathing heavily, she wiped any remnants resembling that of saliva with her coat sleeve and slipped both hands into both mittens, which she slipped into both pockets as she headed downstairs. When she reached ground level, her eyes laid on an all-too familiar and equally distasteful object of mass destruction: Sunset's discarded Beretta 92FS. Picking it up and examining it down, she then turned and headed back upstairs to check whether or not she herself carried additional ammunition, her suspicions confirmed when she found five additional cartridges in her jacket. Before she closed the door, Apple Bloom noticed that her eyes were still open and, out of instinctive respect, shut them for her.

I'm sorry I did this to you, Sunset... I hope you can forgive me...

With that, she left the scene and a somber atmosphere behind her.

"Where did you last see her?"

The assembly went smoothly as Principal Celestia practically roared (and even cursed) her way into the initially hostile and cocky students, effectively tearing them a new one in the process. She called them all out for not bothering to stick up for Sunset Shimmer in spite of every crime she committed and inflicted upon them. Trixie, Gilda, Dumbbell, and Pokey Pierce were among the few students to dare offend her; Flash Sentry, Soarin, Derpy Hooves, and Coach Spitfire were among the few students to dare defend her. The remainder of the assembly consisted of a 90-minute documentary about the effects of bullying and the consequences it had on the victims. Everyone in the auditorium was becoming increasingly uncomfortable; ore than a few students had to leave, one of whom being a silently sobbing Fluttershy. As the Crusaders (minus a still missing Apple Bloom) watched and flinched at the parts about cyberbullying and rumor spreading, the funeral of a teenager around Sunset's age was depicted in such a realistic manner that many of them began tearing up at the idea of them provoking Sunset herself to kill herself. The teenager's parents described their daughter as depressed and eventually suicidal because of the online rumors that spread.

To think that all of this may have occurred to Sunset...had they not ceased their actions in time. Oh, how the haughty were broken. No, broken... Shattered.

"I honestly have no idea," the landlady shook her head as her husband watched on, "aside from the fact that she moved out two weeks ago."

"Did she say the reason why?" Vice Principal Luna approached Celestia, who was in the progress of interrogating the landowner couple who called the police.

"Her parents received a job offer in Manhattan," the landlord took his place beside his wife, "but I didn't know who her parents. We knew better than to ask."

"We should've. If we did just asked the dear a few more times, then she would've told us both."

"It's not our fault, honey. It was no one's fault. It was her own choice not to tell us."

The personal secretary of Celestia, a young woman by the name of Raven Star, approached the group from backstage. "Principal Celestia, the credits have started rolling. What now?"

"I'll be right out," Celestia nodded in understanding. As she left for upstage, the two girls and the two tenants were left backstage, chattering worriedly amongst themselves.

"We didn't mean it..." Scootaloo wiped away tears, "We were going to stop it when she was gone..."

"And what happened then?!" Sweetie Belle swiftly turned to face her friend, "I told you both this was a terrible idea! WHY?! Why did you post that thing about Rainbow Dash?!"

"We..." Scootaloo nearly backpedaled in alarm of her friend's newfound anger, "We...we weren't thinking straight, Sweetie Belle! We just got carried away!"

"We shouldn’t have done it in the first place," Sweetie Belle growled in utter anger, "Sunset Shimmer was hurt by those people out there, both emotionally and physically. You think a simple "I'm sorry, Sunset" is going to make things better for us and her? She could've died, Scootaloo!"

"Well, I didn't see you try to do anything that would've stopped us a lot sooner, let alone slow us down!"

"You think I didn't want to?! Do you think Apple Bloom using my crush on Button Mash as bait to keep my head in the game was easy for me?!" Sweetie Belle never gave Scootaloo the chance to reply, as she swiftly turned around and crossed her arms in contempt, "Some friends you girls are..."

Scootaloo wanted (no, needed) to apologize to Sweetie Belle, having realized her mistake. Before she could, though, her ears perked up at the mention of Sunset's penalties:

"And so, the proper punishments will be handed out. The cyber laws will have her prosecuted for her hacking actions and I'll have to inform the police. I will give her a two weeks suspension when she returns from Christmas break and seven months of detention when you come back. I'm also personally placing a ban on her using the school’s computers for anything not school-related unless she is under the supervision of an adult and bringing electronics for the rest of the school year. She will use the school's phone for emergencies and emergencies only. Does that sound fair?"

Of course, being a jerk jock, Dumbbell made the idiotic decision to open his mouth again. "Yeah, it's fair to her, but not to us!"

"She didn't ask for your opinion, you juvenile delinquent."

Everybody in the auditorium turned to/glanced towards the entrance to find, making their way towards the stage, two presumable male members of authority. The first was a 36-year-old with dark brown hair with a white streak, medium sky blue eyes, a shaved mustache/goatee, a black overcoat above a dark-and-light blue suit, a navy blue scarf with leather gloves, and a pair of black leather business shoes. The second was a 41-year-old with light brown hair (light grey hair at the temples), light brown eyes, no mustache/goatee (or any other facial hair in sight), a black leather jacket, a brown zip-up sweater, a blue-and-white long-sleeved checkered shirt, rugged blue jeans, and brown leather business shoes. Both worn a stoic yet underlining forlorn expression on their respective faces, though it was only slightly in the former's case.

"All right, everyone. My name is Detective Stardust Balance and this is my partner Emerald Skyarrow. We need to speak with a Celestia...damn the person who dared write this in chicken-scratch."

"Detective Stardust, was it?" Celestia called from afar, "I'm Principal Celestia. How may I help you?"

"We need to talk with you and your sister, ma'am, in private." Emerald responded for his partner...not that he needed to.

As she and Luna left the stage, Raven Star was left in charge of everybody. Everybody did not include a not-yet returned Apple Bloom, who had not yet returned to the school and remained backstage as she "listened" to every word spoken:

"Dangflabbit, where is Apple Bloom? I swear to Christ, I'm gonna raw her hide so hard – "

"Watch your tone there, missy! You're not innocent in this, either!"

"Granny Smith's right, Applejack. We didn't listen to and protect Sunset."

"You were the first to turn, Rainbow Dash, so stop making a point that's already been made."

Suddenly, a noise that resembled a scream of heartbreak and trauma blared throughout the auditorium, terrifying and disoriented the occupants. Raven Star immediately recognized who the scream belonged to and bolted towards the entrance, the students catching a glimpse of a red-eyed Celestia hugging an equally solemn Luna in the process. Many murmurs were prompted in the crowd, all wondering what it was that prompted their normally levelheaded and well-intentioned principal to abnormally break down into tears. Eventually, she and her silent sister made their way into the auditorium and towards the stage. Taking up the microphone, the gut-wrenching message she gave was truly disturbing as it was tragic. Both women couldn't think of any way that this day could get any worse than it already was...until they did.

"Forgive me, students. I know that the last few weeks have been...unkind to you. You clamored for actions to be taken, and yet my staff and I did nothing. I would like to apologize to you for not properly handling this situation beforehand. However...I have received news that will bring light to this state of affairs. All of those who have wished for the accused to be punished accordingly...may rest well tonight as you have finally received your wish. Sunset Shimmer...has died."

Chapter 3: "True Faith" [UPDATED]

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(7:00 PM)

To say everybody was horrified beyond words would be the understatement of the century.

Well, more than a few words were actually exchanged, but they were lost amidst the confused and terrified screams of the crowd. Whatever they thought of Sunset Shimmer, they weren't asking for a rotting corpse in her place. Indeed, the occupants in the auditorium were appalled to learn that accused tormentor for approximately two and a half weeks was found dead (rather anticlimactically) by what Principal Celestia described as "natural causes"...and what Detectives Stardust and Emerald described as a "gunshot wound". Celestia had broken down again and was subsequently hugged by her sister; she cursed herself for abiding by the students rather than her daughter figure who she took in after her own parents abandoned her. She was dangerously close to believing that she had gone back to her old ways, but the truth revealed and the lies exposed was much worse than she expected. Luna wasn't doing any better, but there was no crying involved; there wasn't any since the day of their parents' funeral. She was the only one besides the select few of students who truly believed that Sunset was innocent beyond a reasonable doubt. She was more than distraught at the news, she was downright devastated. As of this moment, she made a vow: No matter how long, no matter what happened...

Anon-A-Miss was dead on arrival.

Speaking of the "select few", out of those students who were saddened by the news of Sunset's untimely demise, Flash Sentry was the one hit with the most disheartening gut punch. Guilt instantly washed over him like a land-wasting tsunami bent on wiping away everything in its sight. To himself, he felt responsible for all this madness. He didn't feel like he treated Sunset well (not that he was abusive, mind you) and lead her down the right path. He thought that leaving with her in the company of five trusted friends of his would be the perfect starting point to this path. He thought right. It was the perfect starting the imperfect breaking point. He trusted them, she trusted them, they both trusted them.

So what the fuck happened? Absurd accusations came rushing toward the forefront...that's what the fuck happened.

Meanwhile, the two detectives watched everyone with a keen eye to detail. Emerald seemed to notice the lack of concern held by his partner Stardust, but then took notice at his hands balling into fists. He solemnly sighed as he turned his attention towards the principal and her sister, the vice principal. It was made crystal clear that the moment the dam of tears burst, those two cared deeply for Miss Shimmer and were completely devastated by her passing, especially the principal herself. The vice principal, on the other hand, seemed like she was about ready to murder someone. Okay, someone you need to look out case a roaring rampage of revenge commences.

As two of the three main instigators, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo felt the worst out of any of the people in the room. Much like a thriller movie that builds its suspense before letting it erupt, their conversation started as small talk and gradually climbed up the hill of big screaming:

"She's...she's dead?"

"Yes, Scoots.... Sunset's dead."

. . .

"Because of us...?"

"Because of us."

. . .

"We need to tell them."

"Sweetie Belle, Sunset is dead! You said so yourself! Do you what would happen if they found it was all us? Unlike you and Apple Bloom...I don't have a sister! Rainbow Dash is the closest thing to it, and I can't lose her! Not right now!"

. . .

"Alright then. But sooner or later, they will find out."

"You're right. We'll tell them...just not yet."

. . .

"Where's Apple Bloom?"

"... Really? You just realized she was gone?"

Indeed, Apple Bloom had not yet returned to the school, instead preferring to wander aimlessly around the city. She spent the minutes' majority glancing worriedly back and forth for any sign of the police showing up at any moment. Paranoia was beginning to get the best of her, the choice of taking Sunset's Beretta being instantly regretted upon. However, taking a fully loaded weapon from a deceased person was the least of her problems. Framing said deceased person of a truly unforgivable crime which led to the death of said person was something that she could never take back. Blackmailing a friend who stood by her since the beginning of the school year two years prior most certainly didn't help matters.

Insanity seemed to be aiding her paranoia, too, as she began to hear an eerily sounding song played all over Canterlot. It was called...well, she had forgotten the title, but not the chorus:

I used to think that the day would never come
I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
I used to think that the day would never come
That my life would depend on the morning sun

Rule of symbolism, I suppose?

The second electronics store she passed by broadcasted a certain news report which made her stop dead in her tracks. A crowd of civilians that gathered around the flat screen were clearly horrified at the footage played, but not as much as Apple Bloom. As she was the murderer of the girl in said footage, she had every reason for her horror to play out like said footage:

"This just in: A young girl has been found dead in an abandoned warehouse that was burning outside the city limits. The girl has been identified as 17-year-old Sunset Shimmer, the so-called bad girl of Canterlot High. However, her reputation seemed to lift a burden off her shoulders after saving the school's concert from a trio of troublemaking delinquents known as the "Sirens". This has been since overshadowed by a social media scandal which its evidence point to her as the main suspect, a suspicion confirmed when a confession video starring her was posted just two hours before her death. So, was it a case of suicide or homicide? More information when we get it. For now, I'm Shandra Jimenez, a real reporter, reporting from Canterlot City News Headquarters."

Apple Bloom felt that sickening feeling swirling in her stomach again and ran off with teary eyes. Thankfully, nobody had noticed her fleeing the scene. Nobody except...

The young country girl wiped away any incoming tears and slowed to a stop in front of the local church. Doubting that anyone besides the minister would idle around at late hours, she entered inside and took a front row seat. Clasping her hands up and bowing her head down, she began to testify against the crime she committed:

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I have...killed someone. I framed her for something unforgivable when she was innocent. Like me, she was suffering as she never found her true family and who they are. In the end, it didn't even matter, as she killed herself as a result of the torment she suffered. Unlike me, she found peace within the afterlife. I didn't mean for her to take her own life. It was an accident, a really terrible accident that I can't take back. What do I do?"

"There's nothing you can do, actually."

Apple Bloom jumped out of her skin upon her ears perking up at the voice behind her. She turned around to find a boy her age closing the door behind him. He had white hair and black eyes...with all-black clothing. Black coat, black suit, black dress shoes: everything was painted black.

"You could, however, tell the truth and pray that your judges, juries, and executioners show mercy on your soul. Your older sister is the Element of Honesty, right?"

"... What?"

"I know what you did, Apple Bloom."

"Um, what are you talking about?"

"I may seem insane, but I'm not stupid. Sunset was framed for a crime you committed. And don't give that 'I don't know what you're talking' bullshit. I clearly heard your confession play out like a fucking fiddle."

Apple Bloom was beginning to become more and more confused and terrified by the mere presence of this abnormal boy. She doubted that he witnessed the entire confrontation between her and Sunset, but she also doubted that he would be kidding himself if he had any incriminating evidence that could place the three of them in some very hot water. The boy himself was beginning to lose his patience.

"Hey! Don't go daydreaming on me, you hear?"

"Right! Right!" Apple Bloom shook her head while backtracking away from him.

"You're going to tell them the truth, do you understand? That was not a suggestion, that was a command. Whenever you want to them is up to you."

The boy smirked and began to walk away, but stopped when Apple Bloom called out to him: "Wait! Who are you?" He briefly glanced over his shoulder before turning away to respond:

"Just someone...who cares deeply about you."

A confused-more-than-ever Apple Bloom watched the boy exit the church as a cold breeze entered. That cold breeze reappeared behind her, prompting a full glance behind. This in turn caused her to notice the fast-falling snow outside and frown to herself: Why did he leave? Doesn't he know that the weather outside is frightful...?

The look of realization soon crossed her face: Wait... I didn't know, either...

Which gave way to terror as she turned back to the entrance and gasped in that very emotion: Oh, no! The others... Before taking off towards the school.

She failed to notice the shadow watching.

Chapter 4: "Enjoy The Silence"

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(9:00 PM)

The assembly lasted an hour ago. Everybody would have left the auditorium by now, had it not been for the decreasing temperature and increasing possibilities of a harsh blizzard traveling to Canterlot. The two detectives had since collaborated with Commissioner Swift Order to work out any suspects involved with the death of Sunset. Meanwhile, Applejack and her family (as well as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo) remained concerned for the well-being of her sister and their friend. They decided to search for Apple Bloom as soon as the storm calmed while the Commissioner and his daughter led the investigation on the possible suspects.

Stardust performed a brass check on his Glock 17 at the same time as Emerald did with his SIG-Sauer P226R and his snubnosed stainless steel Smith & Wesson Model 60.

"Still the ever-so-ready prepper, Emerald?"

"It can't hurt to be one, Stardust."

"For you, maybe. For others, it can. Remember that one couple with the faulty generator?"

"They desired to be prepared for the cold weather. It was a miracle that nobody was seriously injured."

"Even so, their own hubris was their own downfall."

"You can't blame them entirely." Everest sighed as he tucked his S&W 60 into his ankle holster, "Listen, we have a case to solve. Save this for later, yeah?"

"Well, we're not Holmes and Watson, are we?"

"No, we're not."

Just as the two detectives turned to leave and brave the winter, Emerald's ears perked up at the two sounds of two girls whispering:

"We can't tell them, Sweetie Belle..."

"I know we can't, Scoots...but I don't care. I just want Apple Bloom back."

"I know you do, but we can't come out yet. Otherwise, we would be labeled as possible suspects."

"We? More like you and Apple Bloom..."

Sensing a kind of relevance in that short-lived conversation, Emerald decided to set it aside for now when he wasn't tracking down a missing girl...and possible suspect.

Apple Bloom trudged in the snow and hugged herself as she struggled to keep her footing. Her legs were becoming numb, her eyes were watering up, and her body temperature was dropping steadily. She was beginning to regret leaving the church in order to head to the school. She should've stayed and called Applejack where she was just to make things easier. Instead, her paranoia got the best of her and she bolted at the chance. Not only that, but she was carrying a murder weapon that she took off the victim...for some inexplicable reason.

She had to get inside somewhere and get warm.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?"

Her blood ran colder than it already was. She turned around to find three older girls standing behind and above her. The first had brilliant raspberry eyes, luminous vivid orange hair with brilliant yellow streaks, pale apple green skin, and a purple winter coat. The second had moderate mulberry eyes, moderate purple hair with light brilliant aquamarine streaks, pale light greyish fuchsia skin, and a green winter coat. The third had moderate raspberry eyes, light arctic blue hair with moderate Persian blue stripes, arctic bluish white skin, and a blue winter coat. Together, they were...

"The Dazzlings..."

That tone was one of dread, an emotion the three of them knew all too well....with a hint of dry humor thrown in for good measure.

"The Dazzlings? Hmm... I never heard anyone dub us that before, but when you say it out loud..."

Apple Bloom carefully backed away from the trio. "What...are you three doing here?"

"Oh, it's simple, dear," Adagio saw what she was trying to do and quietly made her way to the forefront, "It's the holiday season, and we're just spreading some festive cheer. We just need your sisters' help to do so."

The young Apple's breath got lodged in her throat as she backed up, stumbling and nearly losing her footing. "N-No! No, you can't! My sister didn't do anything wrong!"

"Besides the one fact that neither she nor her other friends stood up for their dearly beloved Sunset Shimmer?"

Her heart immediately slowed to a stop the moment Aria stated this seemingly lie-worthy fact. "What...?"

"Oh, didn't your older sister inform you, little orphan Apple Bloom? It seems that one good deed was not enough to redeem a girl of a lifetime of wickedness, but it was enough to condemn her."

"But..." Apple Bloom struggled to find her words, "Sunset was her friend. Applejack wouldn't just give her up just like that."

"I'm pretty sure that's what you would've wanted when you conjured up the Anon-A-Miss legend from scratch. That's pretty much the reason why the three of us are here...besides spreading some old-fashioned holiday cheer."

"Starting with you..." The trio then pulled out a trio of switchblades, flicking them out to intimidate; Sonata was the only one lucky enough to look sympathetic and hesitant to go through hurting a child. Apple Bloom, the child in question, was now up to her knees in five inches of snow with nowhere to go. There was only one thing to do now. Acting purely on instinct and in the heat of the moment, she drew the Beretta 92FS from her jacket and aimed it at the three girls...two of which felt their blood run cold the split second their eyes focused on the pistol.

Adagio was certainly caught off guard, but a smirk began to grow as well. Big mistake...

"Oh, so you have a gun now, huh? really are tough."


Suddenly, both of the girls (the shooter and the shot) were flung back: Adagio by the impact of the bullet and Apple Bloom by the recoil of the handgun, respectively. The latter rubbed her forehead (for the barrel ended up knocking against it) while the former practically screamed obscenities into the heavens above as she clutched her gunshot wound, her sisters attempting to slow down the bleeding. It was at this moment that Adagio knew...she fucked up.

I'm... I'm bleeding... I'm – no, we're running out of time...

Pushing her sisters away, Adagio forced herself to stand up and – noticing her switchblade in the snow a few inches away – decided that bringing a knife to a gunfight wasn't the best idea. Though, in all fairness, she never knew she had the guts to bring one, let alone pull the trigger. She raised her hands up as a sign of non-harm.

"Okay, I clearly made a mistake. We're not gonna hurt you, all right?" With Apple Bloom still training her gun on her, Adagio knew she had to diffuse the situation and fast. "Listen, we didn't mean to threaten you or anything. It's just that...Sunset promised us something of ours in return for her guiltiness recanted. Our amulets."

Apple Bloom felt nothing but hesitance. She knew these girls with whom she was talking to now were the ones who mind-controlled the entire school into performing a Battle of the Bands for their own amusement, but she also knew that killing them here wouldn't get here anywhere; that last one she learned from Big Mac. Slowly lowering the pistol to her side, the same could not be said for her solemn yet gruff demeanor...for a moment, anyway.

"Why should I help you? All you three do is cause destruction wherever you go..."

Shut up, Apple Bloom! You sure as hell did the same...!

"Then again, so did we..."

Oh, you gonna cry? Go ahead, I don't care...

"...and someone ended up dead because of it."

...but will they?

A deadly silence, save for Apple Bloom's soft sniffling, radiated the area the girls were standing. Feelings evocative of guilt, regret, and sorrow swirled in their stomachs and empire state of minds. Sonata in particular, despite her best interests, felt sympathy for the poor girl who undoubtedly had to witness the massacre she had unintentionally caused. However, the fact that she and her friends had become exactly like them – living, walking, and talking WMDs – was actually the least of their problems. Shuffling through the snow in order to near Apple Bloom, she knelt down to her level and asked a simple three-word question that broke her exterior.

"Was it Sunset?"

Her eyes beginning to water up, Apple Bloom buried her burning face in her gloved hands as she sobbed. Sonata's pity increased tenfold as she pulled the younger girl into a hug, which she returned in search of comfort. Her sisters watched the scene unfold, each having their moments of contemplation – both of which involved the mindset of "Sunset's dead...?" and constant denial. Of course, once the harsh truths of reality settled in, their feelings of guilt, regret, and sorrow came rushing back to them at full force.

This...wasn't supposed to happen...

"You girls go."

Adagio and Aria's heads shot up at the voice of Sonata. "What...?"

"I'm going back with her to the school. They need to know...everything."

"WHAT?!" Aria cried out in shock before shambling over to Sonata and grabbing her shoulders in order to knock some sense into her, "Sonata, you cannot do that! If they found out the real truth–!"

"We might go to jail..." Adagio murmured to herself, but her two sisters' ears perked up regardless. She had reached a conclusion by that point. "It's a risk I'm willing to take. Sonata... Go."

Sonata herself nodded and led Apple Bloom out of the snow. Remembering that she had been shot with an ordinary pistol, she clutched her sides and silently gestured Aria to help out as well. Once they reached the concrete, they glanced back and forth between each other and the direction the two girls took.

"Where to now, sis...?"

"A hospital. Tout suite."

Meanwhile, a black 2012 Mercedes GL450 pulled up to the school, the driver clutching the driver's wheel tightly before exiting. She had moderate opal eyes, moderate rose two-tone hair that tied into a bun, and dark orchid skin. She wore a black leather-with-jersey/polyester jacket with a wide-and-spread collar, tight tactical navy blue pants, black arm-warmer gloves, and black combat boots. A customized utility belt supported her pants, while a Blackhawk Serpa thigh holster held a SIG-Sauer P226R inside.


Everybody inside the auditorium turned towards the entrance, wondering who in their town would dare brave the harsh snowstorm, especially during a time like this. However, upon noticing her own gruff and beaten-up appearance, they wisely kept their mouths shut and crude remarks to themselves. A tense silence radiated from this woman alone, which only broke the minute she stepped onstage.

"It has come to my attention that none of you have any idea in the slightest who I am the moment I walked in. My name is Kate Watson, but I prefer "Rose Huntington". I am a private detective/bounty hunter here to locate any incriminating evidence and round up any conspirators involved with the death of our victim here. Anyone who stands in my way, I'll go all ax-crazy no matter how your impact on my mission affects it."

From backstage, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo – upon snapping out of their trances – exchanged horrified glances whilst thinking to themselves, "I made a huge mistake..."

...and for very good reason.

This woman was the one with nothing to lose.
