> Apple Raid > by Dusk Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Basking in her Glow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late afternoon, with Celestia's Sun slowly setting and Luna's Moon was slowly rising. The lingering twilight only sparkled against the shimmering crystal that was the Tower of Friendship that stood in Ponyville. Despite its size, the crystal-like tree and castle was inviting and open to all who wanted to enter. As it often doubled as a library, Princess Twilight had recently hired a receptionist. One of Applejack's more distant cousins, Appleglow was a mustard yellow shade of colour, along with a two tone of light and dark green mane that was split into twin ponytails that were held in place by pink bows. Her cutie mark was a red apple with a pink ribbon around it, showing her strong apple family bloodline. Though she was a cheerful mare, her rather heavy set body was brought by an awkward stare here, and a small whisper there. But there were many things to keep Appleglow happy. Looking at the clock reading a quarter to four, Appleglow smiled at what was going to happen later tonight. Filing the last of her paperwork, and packing up her saddle bag, Appleglow closed her reception desk for the night. "Packing up for the day?" Asked the voice of Princess Twilight Sparkle, as she entered the room. Her lavender body, two tone purple mane and tail was held in an elegant and regal style. Though it was the same style she always wore, as a Princess, Twilight made it look more regal. "Yes Princess." Appleglow smiled, finishing her packing. "I was able to make some great headway on all the collection records. Just a few more weeks, and I can have the entire library's collection organized and recorded." "Well thank you for all the hard work Appleglow." Twilight complimented to her receptionist with a smile. "With all the extra duties I had to do, I was worried I couldn't organize the library like I used to." "It's no problem Princess." Appleglow smiled with a nodding bow. "I was just happy to find a good job and I'm thankful you gave me the chance." "No problem." Twilight replied. "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon." "I believe I will." Appleglow smirked as she saw the clock reaching four. Walking out of the Castle of Friendship, Appleglow let out a small yawn after another day of hard work. Looking around, Appleglow saw other ponies walking along the dirt streets of Ponyville. Giggling couples, along with other various ponies were enjoying themselves. Looking around the small bits of crowds, Appleglow waited for her special somepony. She didn’t have to wait very long. Moments later the chubby earth pony mare saw a familiar white Fiesta thundering up the wide dirt road that was Mane Street. Amid a small cloud of dirt that the semi-slick tyres kicked up, the experienced driver of the car pulled a picture perfect skid as she bought the car to a halt mere inches from where the large mare was standing. "Appleglow!" Said an excited Air Raid from the driver’s side. Looking in, Appleglow saw the face of the lime green pegasus mare and her short, spiked blue mane and sparking grey eyes smiling back at her. "How was work today?" "Hey, Air Raid." Appleglow blushed a little at the sight of her long awaited date. After being at work all day, she was having some difficulty looking away from Raid's winged tire cutie mark and toned looking hind legs. "It was fine. You were almost late you know." "I know, I know." Air Raid giggled, rubbing the back of her head. "I was practicing for the race next week. I'll get first place this time! And there was mad traffic too." She explained as she popped open the passenger door for the mustard yellow mare. "I'm sure you will." Appleglow said, with some difficulty she eventually got in the passenger seat and managed to shut the door. While she was squeezed next to her date, she took the opportunity to hug her. "So what do you have in mind for tonight?" "I'm thinking a little dinner, a little karaoke." Raid then held Appleglow close, her eyes were half-lidded like some sultry predator. "Maybe even some flirting and a little ‘snack’.” "Oh, I do like the sound of that." Appleglow giggled, kissing Air Raid's cheek. "Where are we gonna to eat?" "Your favourite place for some relaxation food." Air Raid giggled. ~ ~ ~ The food establishment Air Raid chose for Appleglow was her favourite haunt; the Hay Burger joint that rested only a block away from the Castle of Friendship. It hadn’t taken much investigation around the small rural town to find out that Appleglow ate here nearly every day. While not the most romantic place in Ponyville to be sure, to Appleglow, it was one of her favourite places, where she felt most relaxed. She was such a frequent customer, that the moment they walked in, the head cook behind the counter saw her and began to get her usual order ready, gave them a smiling nod, and let them seat themselves. "So how was your day?" Air Raid asked, sitting Appleglow down and gesturing the cook for the 'number two' meal for herself. "Oh you know. This and that." Appleglow commented, a little blush on the face to show she was enjoying herself. Getting some food was always one of her favourite things to do after work; and now she could add cuddling with Raid to that. "I'm almost done with taking down full records of all the books that are in the library." "That's pretty good." Air Raid commented, remembering back when the castle was just the Golden Oak Library. "If I remember right, there were hundreds of books there." "Now there’s roughly a little over two thousand by the Princess's last count." Appleglow replied, proud of her hard work. "I believe I'm only three hundred plus in but I am making excellent progress." "So you'll be done in a couple weeks you think?" Air asked, moving the condiments more towards Appleglow as her usual order of four hay burgers, extra everything, and their pile of hay fries, covered in cheese sauce and hay bacon bits; and to wash it all down were two extra-large cups of cider arrived, along with Air Raid’s more modest order of a large hay burger with cheese, hay fries and a coke arrived as well. Unwrapping their plastic forks, Air and Appleglow began to enjoy their meals. "I mean, there's no reason for it to take longer." Air Raid gulped down some cheese covered hay fries she’d ‘borrowed’ from her mare. "Right?" "True." Appleglow replied, opening her first burger to put some of the coated hay fries inside the burger to add to its bulk. Lifting the large burger to her mouth, Appleglow took her usual big bite. Small splatters of ketchup and mayonnaise spread along the sides of her lips. After a couple moments of chewing and gulping down her food; and even taking some sips of her cider to wash it all down, Appleglow continued her train of thought. "But I was told yesterday that we would be getting more books from the Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest." "That sounds pretty annoying." Air Raid commented, taking down more fries and taking one or two bites from her burger. "I hope she doesn't make you go to the Castle to get those books." "Oh Sweet Celestia no!" Appleglow almost chocked on her burger from the very thought of it. She then poked at her rather ample belly. "Look at me, I'd be more than a meal for the Timberwolves and Equestria knows what else that lives in those woods." "You know I think you look sexy.” Air Raid whispered huskily, “Too sexy for the Ragnacrocks, Plundervines and Manticores in there…but…now that I think about it..." Air leaned in whisper sweetly in Appleglow's ear. "I might just make a cute meal out of you." Appleglow almost dropped her burger into the mass of fries at the thought of what Air Raid had planned in her devious little mind. Not that she was against it by any means, and she was far from being a virgin, but it had been a while since she’d gotten this kind of attention, especially being the size she was. After what felt like another hour or so, filled with pleasant chit-chat and gentle flirting, Appleglow and Air Raid were able to finish their hearty meal. The two mares paid for their meal and walked out with full stomachs and happy smiles. Well, Appleglow’s was fuller than her date’s was, her large belly wobbling a little as she moved and her booty-like flank jiggled with each trot. "I can't believe we ate all that food." Appleglow giggled, still tasting the sauces on her tongue. "You ate most of it." Air Raid laughed a little, poking at Appleglow's stomach on the way back to her car. "Is there any room left in there?" "Don't be mean." Appleglow blushed with a little pout, but nonetheless enjoyed the touch of Air's hoof on her. "Where to now? I think you said karaoke?" "Oh yeah!" Air said, grabbing at Appleglow, her eagerness causing her wings to flare out, and the two trotted off with some greater speed. "You're gonna love it!" ~ ~ ~ The karaoke parlour the two mares drove to was a rather large club called the Pon3, named after its primary DJ Vinyl Scratch. The club was a combination of a dance club, a cider pub, a social gathering for various ponies from Ponyville, and most importantly for Appleglow and Air Raid that night, the karaoke parlour. Once they walked in, the booming sound of music from the main dance floor echoed throughout the room. Air and Appleglow could feel the music shake and rhythm through their bodies. Appleglow even let out a small giggle as she felt the vibrations of the music ripple and giggle inside her large belly. "Let's see." Air said, looking for the karaoke door. "There it is!" She said with a smile on her face, dragging her lover to the door, gently and assertively moving past the dancing and grinding ponies who were enjoying themselves and the music. Once they made it through the door, all sound fell silent. It was almost magical how effective the sound proof karaoke section. The room was more like a large hallway, wall to wall rugs and a single booth where the karaoke coordinator sat. He was a solid white unicorn stallion with more than a few gold piercings in his ears, nose, lip, and eyebrow. The only thing that could draw attention away from his vast amount of piercings, was his neon purple Mohawk, along with his visor sunglasses. The sound of the door opening and closing took the stallion's attention to the two mares. "Third door to the left is available." The stallion said in his normal mono-toned voice, not even looking at Appleglow or Air Raid. When Air Raid had first come here for the karaoke with Wildfire, she had thought the coordinator was just some rude stallion, even to the point that she was ready to give him a small smack. But after coming here more than once, the lime green mare had learned he was just naturally like that. "Thank you Woofer." Both mares giggled, trotting towards their room. The interior of the karaoke room was all white, with a small brown wood table for drinks and snack, which had a small button and speaker to call Woofer if they needed help. On each side of the room were two large wall couches, enough to sit about eight ponies in the room. Finally, resting at the end of the room, on a small wooden stage, was the karaoke machine. Quickly sitting on the large couch, her heavy set frame taking up more than half the space of the couch as she reclined, Appleglow relaxed herself as she pressed the button. "Hey Woofer, we'd like two hot chocolates, no holding back on cream and marshmallows, as well as some chocolate and caramel covered pretzel sticks." Appleglow ordered softly into the mic. "It'll be five minutes." Woofer responded through the speaker, as if he heard this request almost every other week. "Thanks Woofer." Both mares replied with soft giggles. They couldn't see it, but Woofer was gently rolling his eyes at the mare's teasing tones. "So let's get this thing going!" Air Raid said jumping on the stage, turning on the karaoke machine. "Getting right to it?" Appleglow giggled, laying back and relaxing on the comfortable couch. "Got a song in mind already?" "Oh yeah!" Air Raid smirked, shuffling through the various songs. Her eyes remained focused on the vast amount of songs she could sing. "Where is it? Where is it?" After a couple more minutes of searching, a wide grin spread across her face. "Found my song!" Turning on the machine, Air Raid started up the music and began to sing. While Air Raid sung her song, Appleglow looked at her date dance and watched how her body moved and strutted with each motion. She was so distracted by Air Raid's movements, that Appleglow didn't even notice Woofer walking into the room with the drinks. He even was nice enough to add an extra pile of napkins. But he had a hunch Appleglow wouldn't notice once Air started her dancing. It was a mixture or innocent motions, and yet sultry teases and struts. Seeing that her snack had arrived, Appleglow dug into her treat. Taking a bite of Woofer's special chocolate and caramel covered pretzels. It was a near sinful amount of sugar and delights all with a crunchy and crisp pretzel centre. As she watched Air Raid's motions and movements, Appleglow subconsciously started changing from simple nibbles on the pretzel to slowly licking at the broken tip, letting her tongue and taste buds dance at the sheer sugary wonders. Appleglow's licking, though she didn't realize it, but Air Raid could see, was highly sexual. The way her tongue skilfully played with the tip, how her hoof slid that wet and melting chocolate covered shaft in her mouth. As Appleglow was giving an involuntary sexual release to her food, Air Raid was almost done with her song. But the sight of Appleglow enjoying that pole-like treat was quite the sight. How she pressed her tongue against it, her mane getting a little messy over her face. After a few seconds of watching, Air Raid soon found that one of her hooves was moving towards her nether regions. Appleglow quickly realized what was going on. Though with how much Air Raid was starting to moan with her song, almost keeping up with the beat and rhythm, it was hard to not notice. Still unaware that it was her own erotic eating that was getting Air Raid off, Appleglow shoved the half eaten snack into her mouth, chocolate smeared her muzzle with her gulp and the drink of the hot chocolate only made a bigger mess of chocolate and cream. "Oh you tease." Air Raid said, her song now finished and one of her hooves was soaked in her mare-cum. "Look what you made me do." "Oh?" Appleglow said, looking at Air's wet and sticky hoof. "Look at that. Did I do that? I guess I better clean it up." Before Air could react, Appleglow started to gently lick at her juice coated hoof. The taste was tangy, and a little half dry, but still a taste Appleglow loved to have on her tongue. With a subconscious, yet gluttonous hunger, Appleglow brought Air Raid's entire hoof in her mouth; suckling and licking it as if she were a young filly again. Her tongue licked every inch of Air's wet and sticky hoof, not missing a single spec of cum. Air Raid could feel her nethers becoming ever wetter from Appleglow's action. "Uh…Appleglow," Air said, noticing that Appleglow was bringing more and more of her hoof and soon part of her foreleg into her mouth. "I'm not food, hun." Air pulled her leg out of Appleglow's mouth with a slurp and pop noise. "Geez Appleglow." Air Raid still let out a giggle, wiping her leg on the couch to dry it. "Sorry." Appleglow giggled, licking her lips. "I guess I got carried away." "Yeah, maybe a little." Air Raid giggled back, looking at her drying hoof. "Well, it's your turn. Got a song in mind." "Hmm, I think so." Appleglow said, getting up and looking through the list of songs. "There is this one song I hear almost every morning when I wake up." After a couple minutes, Appleglow found the song. "Here it is! I always hear it in the morning by the bakery." "Sugarcube Corner you mean?" Air Raid asked, "Yeah I think I know what you're talking about. Let's hear it." After setting up the song and her mic, Appleglow started up the song. While the song was playing, Appleglow added in her own dance to it; her body jiggled with each beat of the rhythm. With every upbeat sound the song gave, Appleglow bounced her body with it. Her jiggles and the rolling of her body, especially her stomach and flank had Air Raid more than just staring. Appleglow's large body had Air Raid mesmerized and enticed, she only wanted to see more. It was more than enough to have Air Raid's hoof move back towards her lower half again; even if she didn't realize it. Starting slowly and effectively at first, her lime green hoof rubbed at her sensitive clit, teasing it and stimulating it. After a couple seconds, it was already as wet as it had been before, if not maybe wetter. "Uh, Air Raid?" Appleglow asked, her song being over for at least a minute now. Within that minute, Air Raid was already on the verge of a good orgasm. But it all crashed when she noticed the music stopped and the only sound there was, was the sound of her own heavy breaths and moans. "Are you okay?" "Come with me, you sexy mare…" Air Raid breathed seductively, grabbing hold of Appleglow's foreleg and dragging her out of the room, bolting through the hallway, and out the karaoke area of the club; but not before leaving behind the bits they owed for the room. The rest of Ponyville passed like a blur to Appleglow as Air Raid drove her through the winding dirt streets. Within moments, the two mares reached Appleglow’s home, a small cottage-like house that rested near the centre of the town and conveniently near Appleglow's favourite bakery, Sugarcube Corner. Nearly breaking the door down with the force of her speed, Air Raid threw Appleglow playfully onto the couch that rested in their living room. "You're all mine now, beautiful." Air Raid said, her eyes hungrily looking over Appleglow's slightly trembling body. "Air Raid?" Appleglow asked, her lip trembling a little, a mix of anticipation and excitement coursing through her body. She hadn't been this aroused herself in quite some time, and she wanted this as much as the pegasus did. "Are you feeling alright?" "I'm just fine." Air panted, her hooves holding down Appleglow's shoulder. "I'm just feeling a little in the mood." Before Appleglow could respond, Air's face smacked into hers. Her tongue forced its way into Appleglow's mouth. Appleglow's eye shot wide open from the sudden impact, but all she did was not only take in Air's tongue, but her own wet tongue danced and twirled with Air's tongue. The two mouths pressed and slobbered against the other in an intense display of affection; drool ran down the side of their lips as they continued their assault on the others mouth. "You taste so good." Air said, pulling her mouth away from Appleglow's, a string of droll still connected the two. "But I think I know how to get you even more excited." Jumping off her date's chest, Air Raid galloped straight to the kitchen and returned after a short search with a bottle of chocolate, caramel, and toffee sauce. Laying a sheet down on the living room floor, Air Raid got on her back and took the bottle of syrup and slowly poured it over her body. The cold sticky syrup tingled over her as it dripped sticky sweetness over her and down to her glistening marehood. "How does this look?" Appleglow found she couldn't respond with words. With a near blind lust and hunger, Appleglow pounced on Air Raid, her mouth wide open and drooling; ready to feast on the sticky delights of the lime green mare's body. Almost on instinct, Appleglow's tongue covered her exposed and wet labia. The mixture of the tangy, sweet, and sticky taste and texture was ecstatic! Appleglow had never tasted any combination of flavours like this before. Her tongue licked and wiped itself inside and around the entrance to Air Raid's sopping marehood. "K-Keep going, Appleglow!" Air Raid moaned only louder and louder. Her hooves were now placed on Appleglow's head, holding her in place, and shoving her tongue deeper inside her sticky tunnel. "I'm gonna...gonna...AHHHH!!" Air's body convulsed in pleasure, letting her own mare juices squirt and strike at Appleglow's tongue and taste buds. The mixture made her tongue tingle, and her eyes sparkled at such an amazing flavour. Air Raid laid back for a moment, her chest moving heavily up and down. "That...was...amazing..." "You tasted good too." Appleglow giggled, licking her lips. "I didn't even know I could lick that much sauce." "Well maybe we can do that again sometime?" Air Raid teased, getting up to her hooves, her flank wiggled and shook in a tease and flirt. "But I think right now maybe a shower would do." Turning on the hot water, Air Raid stepped in under the pouring water. The sticky and drying sauce quickly washed off her lime green coat as she relaxed and slowly regained some of her strength. She was thankful Appleglow has such a large tub, she was even a little hopeful she’d have some company. Given that the shower / tub was easily big enough to rest, cuddle, and no doubt do other fun things in. "Ahh, that feels good." Air Raid commented, rubbing her body clean of the sticky sauce. From the corner of her eye though, she saw the form of Appleglow entering the bathroom. "You're free to join if you wa-ahh!" Air Raid's voice was cut off by the sudden feeling of a long, phallic-like object touching between her legs. Looking behind her over her shoulder, the lime green pegasus found that Appleglow was not only behind her, but in her hoof, poking at Air's flank, was a double ended dildo. But it looked different, a little too colourful. "Appleglow? What is that?" "Hard candy." Appleglow said in a tone a lot calmer and casual than the situation demanded. "I always wanted to try it out." "Who told you that hard candy makes a good dildo?" Air asked, taking a step to the side to allow Appleglow and her "toy" to join her. "Pinkie Pie." Appleglow answered. "Last week, when I was buying my usual amount of sweets, she and I had a small conversation. So she told me that I could make a dildo out of hard candy." Air Raid looked dubiously over the dildo, it was as thick as any stallion's and twice as long. "So I spent the last week in my spare time making this. Wanna try it?" "I don't think I have a choice." Air giggled, looking at the adorable begging eyes that Appleglow was giving her. "How do you want to go about it?" "Lay down." Appleglow suggested, holding the dildo now in her mouth. She had to resist a strong urge to eat the whole thing. Air did as she was told, laying on her back, her legs spread open, and stared back at Appleglow. Appleglow grew wetter from the sight of the usually excited and hyper Air Raid getting all shy and submissive under the warm water of the shower. "Let's see how this fits." With a giggle, Appleglow lined the tip of the candy phallus up to Air's tight looking slit. Slowly, Appleglow wedged the candy cock into her new lover. The warmth of both the water and Air's hot pussy made a small layer of sticky candy water to coat the toy; making it sticky, yet slick. This small sticky resistance was a bit of a turn on, making Air Raid tighter, as if she wanted to take in that cock, but also wanted to make it work for it. After getting another inch or so in, Appleglow stopped her probing. Without a word, Appleglow angled herself to align the other end of the candy dildo with her puffy pussy. "On three." Appleglow moaned, her pussy being more sensitive than Air's. "One..." "Three!" Air Raid moaned, thrusting her pelvis towards Appleglow, forcing the dildo to bottom out inside both their pussies. Both Air and Appleglow let out loud and sultry moans at the feeling of having their pussies both filled with nearly a foot of thick hard and sticky candy. Appleglow wanted to say something, but all that came out were moans and pants and she started gyrating her body against Raid's; her hungry pussy lips and inner walls devouring the candy as if it were her upper mouth. Despite her heavy set body, Appleglow's pussy was actually smaller than assumed. Having such a large "cock" inside her was more than her marehood could handle; the tip of the toy was already brushing against her cervical wall, the sensations driving her crazy with desire as it tapped her again and again. Air Raid, on the other hand, had a marehood capable of taking long and thick shafts. The near melting tip of the candy was not fucking her womb, but moreover, was giving it wet and sloppy kisses. But given her frame, Air's body bulged a little bit, looking like she had eaten more than she could take. But the pleasure was not enough. The lime green mare wanted more and the soft and slutty moans and subtle begs Appleglow was panting only made her want more. After a couple minutes of thrusting into each other, an idea sparked into Air Raid's head, inspiring her to use her wing muscles to force herself upwards, sitting on top Appleglow's body. Once on top, Air pressed her hooves against Appleglow's shoulders, angling herself to be more dominant and in control. Not that Appleglow minded, from her perspective, and how the pegasus looked thrusting against her, it felt as if the cock was hers and she was fucking Appleglow's marehood into a sloppy and wet mess. "Keep going Raid!" Appleglow moaned and beg, letting her body jiggle and roll a little with each motion. "Rut my wet marehood with your hot cock!" "Don't say...ahh...things like that." Air Raid moaned, thrusting with more reckless abandon and passion. "You know how...ohh...cute that looks...ahh...coming from you." "I...ahh...know...." Appleglow replied, her orgasm rapidly approaching. "But...but...but...you...AHHHH!!...like it..." "Don't go and have your...AHHH!!...fun without me…" Air replied, her voice lost and loud into her own orgasm. Collapsing forwards onto her mate, Air Raid and Appleglow left the partially melting dildo inside both their pussies, enjoying the afterglow and the feeling of something half hard and flexible inside them. Together they cuddled happily for what could've been an hour, maybe two or even three. Thankfully their drain wasn't blocked, so there wasn't a flood of water in the bathroom. But the eventual loss of the hot water soon roused them from their cuddling. "That was amazing!" Appleglow said with a coo, and then a giggling grin. "Yeah." Air replied with a kiss against Appleglow's soft lips. But then a sudden warm and sticky feeling brought her attention to her lower regions. Throughout their cuddling, the candy dildo and not only melted and formed shattered clumps around the shower drain, but most had stuck to both her and Appleglow's lower coat. Air Raid could only giggle at the sight. "Babe, I think we need to take another shower."