> A Rough Night > by Swift Stroke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Rough Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes to read the clock on the night stand: 3:06am. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach along with a voice in the back of her head that said: “Get to a bathroom now or you’ll regret it!” Rainbow quickly got out of bed and few down the hall to the bathroom and turned on the light and fan. Twilight, who had been ripped from her peaceful slumber slowly awoke and noticed that Rainbow wasn’t in bed. She looked around and noticed the bedroom door was open and could see light and hear the fan from down the hall. Twilight groggily got out of bed and walked to the bathroom and knocked. “Rainbow? You okay?” Some moans of discomfort were heard on the other side of the door and then Rainbow spoke. “I don’t think I’ll be having hayburgers for a while.” She said before a blast of mess could be heard leaving her body followed by more painful moans. Twilight sat outside the bathroom and few more waves left Rainbow, she stepped out a few minutes later after washing her hooves and turning off the light but leaving the fan on. “You might want to leave that on.” She said trying to grin in sleepy and painful state. Twilight could help but smirk as she wrapped a warm wing around her marefriend before leading her back to the bedroom. Unfortunately for Rainbow, this was only the beginning. Ten minutes later Twilight and Rainbow were just starting to fall back asleep with a load gurgle came from Rainbow’s stomach and she quickly repeated the process of running to the bathroom. A few minutes later, Rainbow opened the door to find Twilight standing there. “Twilight, thanks for worrying about me but you have more important things to worry about.” Rainbow looked across the hallway to a clock; 3:24am. “You have to catch a train to Canterlot at seven for that meaning with Celestia about Starlight’s progress.” Twilight nodded before drawing Rainbow in close. “Yes, that is important but it’s not the end of the world if the meeting gets pushed back a day or two.” She said while softly rubbing a hoof in circles on Rainbow’s belly. Rainbow was still trying to get used to this new Twilight. She could still have her occasional freak outs but she had really mellowed out since they confessed their love for each other at the last Grand Galloping Gala a few months back. Twilight led Rainbow back to the bedroom but just as Rainbow was about to crawl back into bed Twilight spoke. “Rainbow, that’s the second time in an hour that you had to run to the bathroom.” Rainbow nodded, wanting to get back to sleep. “I think I should put you in one.” Twilight said before walking to the closet and pulling out a box of changing supplies. “Twilight…” Rainbow began. “I’m happy that you’ve accepted that part of me and I love when you play mommy for a day every now and then. But you haven’t been in the bathroom while it’s happening.”She said softly trying to hide her embarrassment. “I’ve heard enough from the outside to know that it’s uncomfortable.” Twilight said as she walked over and sat on the bed with the look of a concerned mother. “I appreciate your concern Rainbow and not immediately padding up after the first trip to the bathroom. But you have to admit it would feel better just going where you sit than running to the bathroom every ten minutes; and I’ll change you right after it happens.” She finished giving Rainbow a warm smile. “Thank you, Twilight.” Rainbow said softly as she laid her head on Twilights chest and gave a small yawn. Twilight couldn’t help but coo at Rainbow’s cuteness before taking her hoof and leading Rainbow to the changing mat and motioning her to lie down. Rainbow did so somewhat reluctantly. It was one thing to pad up to have fun, it was another when a want became a need. Twilight unfolded the light blue diaper and used her magic to lift Rainbow’s legs as she slid the diaper under her. With Rainbow’s backhooves still suspended, Twilight applied foal powder to the diaper and to Rainbow’s rump. It was only after she had done this that she realized how redundant the powder was with Rainbow would probably only be in the diaper for a few minutes; but it was still good practice. Twilight slowly brought down Rainbow’s hooves and sprinkled a little bit of powder over Rainbow’s front. She finished by bringing up the front of the diaper and taping the tabs in place. “There we go; no chance of an accident now.” Twilight said as she lightly patted the front of the diaper, causing Rainbow to blush. “With those last two trips to the bathroom you’re probably dehydrated.” Twilight got up on all hooves and left the room walking toward the kitchen. Rainbow took a minute to take in everything that had just happened over the last half hour. The pain from the food poisoning, Twilight taking a laxed attitude toward a meeting with Celestia and now willingly diapering her. Not because she had to but because she was concerned for her. She continued to ponder this for a few more minutes when her concentration was broken by a returning Twilight with a full bottle of water but a sippy cup top. Rainbow eagerly took the bottle and began drinking. Twilight carefully levitated Rainbow from the changing mat to the bed and wrapped her in a warm blanket when she began to shiver lightly. Rainbow smiled from the new warmth surrounding her and watched as Twilight turned out the light and lit a few candles around the room. “There; that seems nicer than the bright ceiling light.” Rainbow nodded but just as Twilight predicted Rainbow’s stomach began to gurgle a few minutes later. By instinct, Rainbow rolled over so all four of her hooves where pressed into the mattress and her tail shot up. She softly whimpered as the hot runny mess began to fill her diaper. Within a minute she gave a sigh of relief as she lied on her belly and felt some of the waste move from the back to the front of the diaper. “There you go.” Twilight encouraged. “Doesn’t that feel better than running to the bathroom?” Rainbow gave a nod. “That’s the reason you’re the caregiver Twilight; always knowing what’s best for me before I know. But can you please change me? And please be gentile with my butt; cause my anus feels like it was rubbed raw.” Twilight nodded and proceeded to repeat the process of levitating Rainbow back to the changing mat and changing her diaper. Once Rainbow was changed, she couldn’t help but make grabby hooves but the water bottle which Twilight levitated over and Rainbow began to drink. She drank until the bottle was at the half way mark and gave a light burp and a giggle then a yawn. “I think a certain little filly is ready for bed.” Twilight cooed and Rainbow gave a small nod. Twilight levitated Rainbow back on the bed but just as Twilight was about to join her, she stopped and looked into the bag of changing supplies and pulled out Rainbow’s favorite binky. Twilight walked over to the bed with the binky in her magic. When she put it near Rainbow’s maw she happily accepted and gave a noise of happiness and she began to lightly suck on it. Twilight joined her in bed and they cuddled under the warm blanket with the occasional crinkle coming from Rainbow’s padded rear being the only sound as they drifted off to sleep.