> Happenstance > by Mozzarella > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Largo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve never been a fan of bars. Between the loud music, smoky air, and crappy drinks, they made for a bad time if you were a certain type of person. Some called that type “boring”. I don’t have a retort for that. But I wasn’t at a bar. Not that kind, anyway. There was a counter, sure. And that counter may have been called a bar. And the guy behind the bar may have been tasked to make drinks for customers. But it wasn’t a bar! Soft piano. Mercifully smokeless atmosphere. The distinct lack of spilt beer residue gluing my shoes to the floor. It wasn’t a bar. It was the hotel lobby. This was a good time. Might have been better with friends though. I was in town for a friend’s bachelor party. “A night on the town in Manehatten!” they said. “We’re gettin’ him wasted!” Maybe that was a good idea. Married life would seem like bliss if you spent some of your last single moments throwing up. Unfortunately, the ol’ ball and chain to be called the thing off. Something about emergency wedding plans. I guarantee the poor guy couldn’t give two shits about the centerpieces, but he knew better than to say no. So, when the man of the hour announced he couldn’t make it- last minute of course- the party kind of fell apart. And without my friend there, I had little reason to follow the others to some dingy dive downtown. Which left me here, nursing a cocktail they’d surely insult me for drinking and letting the melancholic tune of the jazz band distract me from how much money I wasted coming down here. At least I managed to shorten my hotel reservation and book an earlier train ticket. Might as well enjoy my last night of this impromptu vacation. Though my friends weren’t around, I was by no means alone. All manner of colorful characters filled the many cushioned chairs of the lobby. Pretty little anthropomorphic ponies, some winged, some horned, all dressed in over-the-top garb that made me feel pretty inadequate in black and white. I should clarify. I’m not one of them. There are humans and then there’s every other weird species in this world with their comparatively supernatural powers and abilities. I happen to belong to the former category. My first thought when I came to this world was “Holy crap! Talking horses?” My next thought was, “Where did this job offer come from?” As it happens, for all their greatness, the residents of Equestria could not handle something Earthlings happen to deal with all too often. Tedium. You heard right. Equestria, the land of magic and cute horses, was in dire need of office clerks. I’d tell you more, but literally nobody- or nopony as I’ve learned to say- wants to hear about the plight of a cubicle jockey. As I pondered my dull lot in life, I turned my attention to something more entertaining like the band that’s been distracting me from realizing I’ve just had one too many. More specifically, the stunning wom- no- mare singing sweet nothings into my ears all night. Long charcoal hair stretching all the way down her back. Gorgeous purple eyes I wish would look my way. Slim black slit dress that showed off just enough gray leg to see that they did, in fact, go on forever. I don’t wanna blow all my adjectives in one place, but the color gray had never looked better. I didn’t see wings or a horn. That made her an earth pony if I understood correctly. Which might explain her Amazonian stature and generous proportions. I’m not sure if those things correlate with race, but it made sense. Ponies that, historically, did all the farming and legwork of the three races might as well develop to be pretty big. This one probably didn’t farm though. If she did, it would be a tremendous waste of talent. I’d liken her voice to butter but much better for your health. She was only singing about some cliché nonsense like the color of autumn leaves, but it just sounded so good. And in my perhaps excessive analysis of her skills and beauty, I missed the end of her song. Was it polite to clap at this kind of music? Or did one snap at it like poetry. The other ponies opted to clap, so I followed suit. It deserved some louder applause after all. However, to my dismay, she began to exit her place at the microphone with nopony moving to replace her. As the air filled with the still soothing but more forgettable instrumental music, I turned my attention back to my glass. Evidently, I ordered another, though a sip informed me this one was mostly water. But I could worry about that later. Just what was all that about? I’ve never broken into that sort of purple prose at anyone back at my old home, much less one of these ponies in this world. What was in those drinks? Whatever it was, I stopped caring once I saw her sit down a couple empty chairs down from me with a small purse in her lap. She called the bartender over and ordered something I couldn’t quite make out, resting her head on one hand with a tired expression. I really wanted to say something to her. Something like “That was beautiful” or “You were amazing”. She probably heard enough from dumb spectators like me, but the quiet applause wasn’t enough. The bartender brought her order- three shot glasses filled with some dark liquid- and left her to her brooding. “You’re beautiful,” I said across the gap between us just as she downed her first shot. She gave me a blank look without even moving the glass from her lips. Dammit. While I sputtered and tried to think of a way to not look dumb, she placed her empty shot back on the counter and continued her gaze into my embarrassed soul. You know, you see this nonsense happen on television but never realize the drunk mind is a lot like a sitcom producer. Unfortunately, life doesn’t have a laugh track. But she did. A smile grew on her face as she rested her cheek on her hand. I’m sure she laughed, though I couldn’t quite hear it. “Thank you,” she finally answered, her silken voice sending shivers down my back. “I hope you were listening too.” “I- yes of course I was! I meant to say that!” “That you were listening?” “No! That you’re beautiful! I mean-“ I’m sure she laughed that time. I was all too happy to take that reaction. It was more than I deserved for my awkward drunken lines. Speaking of blessings I didn’t deserve, she kept on looking at me. I already knew everybody in this world had pretty huge eyes by my standards, but I didn’t notice how beautiful they were up close. Like there were stars floating around in there or something. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if there really were. “Surely that’s not all you had to say, right?” she asked expectantly. “I don’t know,” I answered before I had time to think too hard. “Pretty sure I could only screw things up from here.” “You’d be surprised,” she said back. Wait, was that a frown? In any case, I was happy to take that as an invitation to talk. Worst case scenario I creep her out and she bails. “Anon,” I said as I moved over to her, offering a hand. She eyed it pensively and I began to wonder if this gesture had some different meaning in this world and context. Or maybe this wasn’t how you introduced yourself to a woman. Mare. Whatever. But her expression soon softened and she offered her own hand, limp and palm down just like in the movies. “Octavia,” she answered. “My friends have tried all my life, but there’s no good way to shorten it.” I tested her name on my tongue a few times and found no reason to want to shorten it. It was beautiful. Like her. I was still holding her hand, wasn’t I? “I feel like I should kiss your hand or something,” I stammered, trying to justify my prolonged contact. “Oh? Why don’t you?” Well who am I to look an anthropomorphic gift horse in the mouth? I brought my lips to her hand and did my best not to linger too long. I didn’t think I had many more ways to play off my awful pickup skills. Is that what this was? “So,” I said, prolonging the word until I thought of something. “You sing.” Freakin’ smooth, jackass. “Would you believe I don’t?” I laughed at the joke until I realized she didn’t. “You’re serious.” “Well, not any more than anypony else. I’m covering for their singer. I’m a musician, but I prefer something with a couple more strings.” “If that was you just messing around, I don’t think I ever want to hear you do what you actually do. You’d ruin me for other music.” “I think you might be exaggerating,” she said, not meeting my eyes in favor of her second shot. “I won’t know until I hear you.” Octavia just hummed at that suggestion, draining her glass. “So that’s me. What about you? What’s your talent?” Ugh. There was that question. Now, I’m not too jealous of the whole cutie mark thing. Sure, it would be nice to know what my purpose was by looking at my ass, but I might get existential about fate or whatever if that were the case. Even so, it’s pretty difficult to seem interesting to ponies when your biggest achievement was a college degree years ago. Especially when some of your contemporaries literally saved the world. But I soon ran out of stalling words and had to tell her about my life in front of a glowing screen and a keyboard. And her face just morphed into a mix of awe and horror. “Goodness! You’re one of the poor souls they brought in to do… that?” Was my career a four-letter word in Equestria? “How do you do it?” She asked like I was a legendary hero. “Every day…” “I could ask the same thing about you, you know.” Octavia slapped her hand on the bar in indignance, I think for my sake. “Those are not comparable! I enjoy music. You’re torturing yourself!” “Hey! There’s plenty to enjoy about what I do.” The exchange continued like that for a while, with her showing similar surprise at my distaste for learning the piano. “How could you not like it? It’s music!” “It’s hard to like something when an old lady with bony fingers pokes you in the back every time you miss a note.” But it was all in good fun. To preserve the conversation, we turned our criticism outward. She told me a number of mistakes the band out on the stage was making that annoyed her to no end. I hadn’t noticed any of them. I told her a couple ways she could improve her credit score. She asked me what a credit score was. As the night went on and our speech grew more and more slurred, the occasional frown on Octavia’s beautiful face grew more frequent. It bothered me. But I couldn’t find a good time to bring it up. I wish I were one of those affectionate drunks. I’d be a little more fun at parties that’s for sure. I’m more of a contemplative drunk, which is a nice way to say I get too dumb to talk. Not that I’m all that smart sober either. Neither of us had said anything in a minute. Octavia just kept glancing from me to her glass. What was upsetting her? Was it even my business as some guy she’d just met tonight? “I have two problems,” she said, interrupting my rambling mind. I guess that’s a yes. “Tell me your problems,” I said, leaning in closer. “I am…” she trailed off, closing her eyes to help her addled mind find her words. “What are you?” “…dreadfully horny right now,” she finished matter-of-factly. She gave no indication that she was joking. “Huh,” was all I could add to that. I stroked my chin, unable to respond with anything more than understanding. It happens to all of us after all. “That is a problem,” I agreed. “What do you suppose I should do?” I scanned the room as though it would contain the answer to her problem. “I guess I would grab some guy, drag him to my room, and tell him to get to work.” She turned her head towards mine and I noticed we were a lot closer than I remembered moments ago. And once again, I could glean nothing from her expression. “Or girl,” I added. “Ya’ know. Whatever you’re into.” That didn’t seem to be the problem. She just leaned back in her chair and sighed. “I don’t think that’d work,” she muttered. I shrugged and took a sip of my drink. “It’d work on me.” I felt her eyes on me after I spoke, but she turned to her own empty glasses when I looked to her. Seemed like I wouldn’t be hearing about her second problem. We must have reached the “brooding drunk” stage. I wonder what- A slapping sound interrupted me before I could begin another soliloquy. The sound drew me to Octavia’s feet where I saw her purse leaning against her chair. “Could you get that for me?” she asked with an oddly grim expression. I guess so. It can be annoying to get stuff directly under you. Also bending over is probably uncomfortable in that dress. Shame I wouldn’t get to see it, though. I dismounted my stool and crawled down to hers. The purse had fallen on the side opposite to me. A smarter person may have just walked to the other side, but I instead attempted to squeeze through the space between her chair and the bar. As I struggled, she pushed her chair back a bit and let me slide in front of her, placing me directly under the lip of the counter. Got it. What silly things, purses. You can fit all essentials into pockets. But I guess- The lights seemed to have gone out and something was poking my back. Wait, no. Something was covering me. I could see faint lights through the fabric. Did I slip under Octavia’s dress? And leg? And hook her leg around my back? Weird. I attempted to stand up, but stumbled forward. I grabbed for something to catch my fall, my hands landing on what I assumed to be her thighs and my face pressing against the chair. Wow. We must have been sitting there for a while for the chair to have been that hot. It felt like leather, but smoother. Did they have leather here? Magic leather? My chair didn’t have any comfortable covering like that. I moved one of my hands and felt around for it more. Hey, why did my hand go nearly all the way around it? Was this her leg? Alright. Focus. One leg around my right side on my back. One leg supporting my left hand. Another leg between them in my- Oh. “Oh,” I said aloud, still feeling the warm, fleshy rod in my hand. “That’s my other problem,” came her muffled voice above me. I hadn’t begun to move yet, still entranced at this thing in my hand. It felt hard when I had squeezed it, but it had a little give as well. “Try taking somepony to your room and surprising them with that. See how things go.” I wasn’t quite listening. The smell down there had gotten to me. Something floral. Soap? Detergent? Probably both. She would take care of herself, given what little I knew of her. “You should probably get up and start running in fear or disgust,” she said tiredly, making me wonder just how often this happened. See, now I had a problem, Octavia. You can’t pop something like that on someone and expect them to behave normally. “In all seriousness, Anon. You should get up before somepony se-eeehhh-!” It was my turn to interrupt. Now, I’d never done that before, but I figured it couldn’t be too difficult given what I’d seen in videos and the like. Just put your tongue on there and drag it on up. The mare sitting above me was still gasping. I was sure it was from surprise more than skill on my part. I mean, who could’ve expected to get licked like that in a… Oh right. We were still in public. In a move too swift for my drunken mind to understand, Octavia dragged me out from under her dress to a half-standing position next to her. My expression still hadn’t adjusted when she grabbed my tie and dragged me to face her, so I stared blankly back at her with my tongue still extended. While I waited a subjective eternity for a reaction, I drew my tongue back in and swallowed, now able to really taste what I’d been licking. Her eyelids fell to half-mast at that gesture, her breath growing heavier. “So,” she breathed, drawing my face even closer to hers. “It’d work on you, huh?” I swallowed again. “You’d be surprised.” > Presto > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- True to my earlier suggestion, Octavia grabbed me by the tie and dragged me through the lobby behind her, presumably to her room. It wasn’t the cute kind of dragging you’d see in movies either. You know what I mean? The kind where the feme fatale gently leads the dashing protagonist by the collar in a show of dominance? Nothing like that. In fact, if the excitement to get to our destination wasn’t driving my legs to keep up with her lengthy stride, I would likely have been strangled. Down the halls we went to the elevators, drawing glances from the few ponies still wandering the hotel this late. Most just sneered at the obscene display, but one guy winked and gave me a thumbs up. Thanks dude. As soon as we boarded the empty elevator, my captor whipped around and drew me into a ravenous kiss. Instead of leaning over slightly to reach me, she decided to use her ridiculous strength to bring me to her. I struggled to keep a toe on the ground, but my weight rested solely on her surprisingly strong arms. I might have felt emasculated had we not been in the middle of swallowing one another’s tonsils. As it was, she could have bridal carried me down the hall and I would have happily thrown my arms around her. The elevator dinged behind us, luckily on our floor and not in front of some unsuspecting bystander. I’m not saying we would have stopped if somepony else walked in. I just would have felt a little bad. A short walk later, I found myself thrust against her doorway. I don’t know where she kept her key card, but I doubt she managed to find it in her purse one-handed. Either way, she brought us both in and slammed the door behind her. I got a chance to look around when she threw me into a seated position on her bed. It looked like my room but with a bigger bed and without all my clothes sitting in a pile around a suitcase. What size beds do ponies have? Earth pony sized? Was there a princess size? My new bedfellow tossed my tie aside and crawled onto me, making bed sizes seem very uninteresting. She stopped inches away from my face, giving us both a moment to catch our breaths and stare at each other. Neither of us said anything. We just sat there panting on one another. I mean, what could we say? “That was nice. Let’s keep doing that.” “Yeah. I sure do want to have sex with you.” I actually managed to contribute when we once again brought our lips together. And thanks to the bed, I finally had a chance to explore her without holding on for dear life. I almost felt bad running my hands through her mane, but I’d do it again. Soft, smooth, and not a single knot. I wasn’t too familiar with horses back home, but I’m fairly certain they didn’t feel like that. Wandering downwards, I traced my hands along her neck and shoulders, squeezing where I’d imagine ponies built up tension. They didn’t quite feel like the muscles of someone who’d just held me against the wall. My mouth descended as well, leaving a trail of nips down her jaw to her neck. It was strange. I could distinctly feel a pleasant fuzziness from her fur when I caressed her with my hands. Yet I felt nothing but skin as I kissed it. A blessing, I suppose, seeing as I wasn’t getting hair in my mouth. I must have been doing something right if her gasp was any indication. I wanted to hear it more. However, my hands met only the comparatively rough texture of her dress. That wouldn’t do. I fumbled around for a zipper and hoped she wouldn’t mind if I undressed her. That’s when I realized my coat and shirt were entirely unbuttoned. “So many layers,” she grunted in annoyance when her hands met my undershirt and not my chest. “Were you cold?” I didn’t get a chance to answer. She pushed me back against the bed and straddled my waist, tugging at my remaining collar with a finger. “Off,” she commanded. “Yes’m,” I replied meekly. There wasn’t much force behind her words. If I had only heard her, I might not have been so intimidated. It was her face that really did me in. The mussed mane, the lightly clenched jaw, and the hunger in her eyes made it very clear who was in charge. I shed my unbuttoned garments and struggled to pull my undershirt over my head from my pinned position. When it finally passed over my eyes, I found Octavia already out of her dress and fiddling with her bra behind her back. I was all too happy to see the gown go. Sure, it showed off her curves and legs, but I was ready to see more. And boy was there more to see. Proportionally, her breasts seemed larger than average. I’ve never committed to memory what cup sizes looked like. However, when you factor in that she was just bigger than me in general, those things were nearly the size of my head. And then the bra joined the rest our clothes on the floor. Now, I’ve heard plenty of people throw around “I could die happy” when something nice happens. I never got that. I always thought that if I saw something that gave me that much joy, I’d want to live as long as possible to keep seeing it. Let’s just say her chest made me consider exercising and eating healthier. It took all the strength I had to push her onto her back. Or try to anyway. She drew her arms back to support herself while I slipped out from under her to grab at her newly exposed breasts. I heard her giggle as I licked along the gray flesh to reach a charcoal-colored nipple. “Mmn,” she hummed, coaxing me deeper into her chest with a hand on my head. Her other hand crept down my back to grasp my bottom. Then, with a particularly firm squeeze and a flex of her arm, I was pulled out of her cleavage and up to her face. She gazed through me with half-lidded eyes, chewing her tongue. “That’s nice, Anon,” she began, now with both hands groping my ass. “But I’d like to see the rest of you now.” Oh yeah. I was still wearing pants, wasn’t I? She moved her mouth over to my ear. “These are getting in the way. Don’t you think?” Then she bounced me against her, letting me feel some pressure between my legs up to the small of my back. Pressure that was very clearly not exerted by one of her first two legs. It’s not that I forgot about it. It just didn’t cross my mind again after she pulled me out from under her dress. But now it was crossing my crotch as well as a good portion of my back. I briefly wondered if I’d gotten in over my head. That uncertainty didn’t stop me from undoing my belt. And Octavia didn’t seem too perturbed either. As soon as there was nothing keeping them on, my remaining clothes were all but torn off me, sending me back onto my back with Octavia’s other leg springing up between mine. I’ve seen them before back home on the closest thing we had to these ponies. I considered them about as much as I’d consider any farm animal. But seeing it jut proudly from the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen? I could do nothing but admire it in that moment. It must’ve been longer than my forearm and a bit thicker too. Over a foot of cock the color of her mane sprouting out of a hefty sack housing two apple sized testicles. It extended from a deeper gray sheath at her pelvis, widening a bit around her ring less than half way up, and flaring ever so slightly at the tip. Though, if I remembered correctly, that particular area could get considerably bigger under the right circumstances. My hands moved on their own, reaching out to caress the monstrous member in front of me. Christ, I couldn’t fit my hand around it anymore. She must not have been fully hard in the lobby. My fingers glided along her flesh exploring the ridges along her tip and ring. The shaft was completely smooth save for a few oddly visible veins. I swore I could feel her heartbeat when I pressed on them. I moved one hand up to massage her tip with my thumb while my other hand traveled down to fondle her sack. For some reason, I thought it’d feel more like leather. But it was about as smooth as her skin. Then I tried to lift her sack and promptly dropped both it and my jaw. That thing was heavy. Even though I knew it wasn’t their function, I couldn’t help but imagine them being filled and sloshing with the slightest movement. Then I imagined myself draining them. As if on cue, a dollop of clear fluid oozed from her tip onto my thumb. I couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary with it. Aside from the volume, of course. That single drop was enough to nearly soak my hand. Still staring at her cock, I absently brought my wet hand to my mouth and tasted the fruits of my labor thus far. Slick, warm, but not much taste to it. I licked my fingers a little more. Yup. I could barely taste it. Why did I feel thirsty all the sudden? “Goodness,” Octavia sighed above me. I tore my attention away from her cock to find her biting her lip. “That’s…” She trailed off. “Could you-?” I didn’t wait to hear the rest. I pulled her with me as I scooted back to the headboard. She ended on her knees, straddling me once again. Only this time, I had full access to her cock. That thing wouldn’t be fitting in my mouth. I’d have better luck fitting my fist in there wrist first. Still, I took what I could get and set about licking the head. Octavia gasped and rewarded me with another release of pre onto my tongue. I lapped it up while my hands pumped the rest of her shaft. Alright, I was wrong. There was definitely a taste. Hell if I could describe it, though. It lasted only an instant on my tongue before it dissipated. I needed more. But she would not provide more. I slurped and stroked all I could, but her cock wouldn’t throb again to feed me. Switching methods, I brought my head down to her sack and licked for all I was worth. She still wasn’t throbbing, but I took her moans as encouragement enough. I traveled upwards, dragging my tongue from her sheath to her ring and savoring all the textures in between. I could smell her now. It was almost like her taste before. Again, I dug my nose into her sack and licked upwards, having trouble inhaling and tasting her at the same time. The sensations got to me, making me lose track of just how long I’d been servicing her. I’d forgotten about getting more pre out of her, content to lick and smell and savor. Up and down. Up and down. There wasn’t a spot I didn’t touch. That I didn’t cover. It was alleviating my thirst, though not quenching it. I would’ve been happy to continue like that all night. Octavia, however, wouldn’t. “I-I’m sorry, Anon,” she said, pushing me back. “I need you.” And I need you dammit now give me back your- She reached over to her bedside drawers and produced a bottle with a white label. She popped the cap and squeezed its contents into my still-outstretched hands. Lube? “Please help me with this.” Could she be…? My hands were back on her as soon as she moved closer, sliding now much easier over her flesh. My mind continued to ask questions, but my body had already made its decision. “Th-there’s no way I could- oof!” Octavia shoved me down onto my back before I could finish, looming over me while I continued to lube her cock. I glanced back and forth from her engorged member and her crazed expression. Her mane fell around her head, encircling her face. Dim light from her bedside lamp filtered in through it, casting heavenly rays around her. “Octavia,” I panted. “I can’t-ngh!” She didn’t want to hear it, reaching a hand down between my legs. Between my cheeks. “It’ll be fine,” she assured me. “You’ll love it.” I felt her lubricated finger enter me. I opened my mouth to cry out, but she just covered it with hers. Although I was being assaulted on both ends, my hands wouldn’t leave her cock alone. The cool lube had warmed considerably on her as I spread it everywhere. Her finger was already more than I was used to. How the hell would I fare against this thing? When it throbbed again in my hands, I realized I wanted to find out. Octavia thrust her finger in and out of me, unaffected by my clenching. When I finally did manage to relax, she added two more. I started to hear it. Wet slurping sounds from below to accompany her moans into my mouth and mine into hers. Despite my discomfort, I couldn’t deny that I was enjoying it. The way she stroked and prodded places I didn’t know I had just made the pain disappear like magic. Like magic? I’ve seen some weird stuff here. Like ponies floating around, floating other stuff around, turning into crystals and back like it was nothing. What was so farfetched about a big cock in a little hole? Or weird super lube? Maybe I really would be fine. Octavia withdrew her fingers, seeming satisfied with her work of mapping out my ass. As she drew back her head as well as her cock, I began to feel woefully empty. My hands grasped at nothing. I needed her back. She seemed to sense my hunger, lifting my legs and moving herself into position. I did my best to hook my feet together around her, but I couldn’t quite reach. Luckily, she had no shortage of curves on which I could rest my legs. She dragged her cockhead along my crack, either teasing me or waiting for it to catch on an entrance. No way. Magic or not, she’d need to do some guiding to get anything done with that thing. While she grabbed her shaft to aim, I did what I could to spread out more for her. Although, once I felt her massive head against my pucker, I realized she’d have to do most of the spreading. “Are you ready?” she breathed with a lick of her lips and an experimental prod against me. “Fuck me.” She pressed gently against me, showing restraint I greatly appreciated. It felt more like I was being poked with a baseball bat than penetrated. However, Octavia was insistent and had more than enough strength to back it up. Her free hand gripped my thigh tighter and gradually increased the pressure of her attempted thrust. Slowly but surely, I began to open up for her. Octavia growled at my resistance. She wanted in and I couldn’t get her there fast enough. It hurt. Only slightly at first, but the pain grew with every additional stretch. Sharp jolts followed by dull aches. She was certainly slick enough, but friction wasn’t the issue. Just as the pain grew alarming, her head popped in. I gasped, feeling some tension leave my gut. She was in. “Okay?” she asked shakily, moving her guiding hand back to my thigh. I glanced nervously at her hips and how far away they seemed. I had a lot more left to take. Then I saw beautiful face that had drawn me in before twisted in ecstasy. “More,” I whispered. Octavia sighed with relief as she pressed onward. Her tensing arms and shaky grip told me how much she wanted to force herself in, but she held back for my sake. With her head inside, my ring had comparatively little trouble swallowing her smooth shaft. Though, I felt a new pressure in my gut as she dug deeper than anyone was meant to go. God, she was endless. I was already acquainted with her girth, but she had every intention of introducing me to her full length in this one drawn out thrust. And what a length it was. I couldn’t deny my own pleasure beyond the background of pain. There was something about engulfing that big club between her legs that was so satisfying. A large part of that may have been her cock rubbing a spot within me I’d only really considered in textbooks. Octavia leaned in, now hovering over me for more leverage. As she moved her hands to my waist, I hooked my own arms around her neck to draw her closer. The change in position forced her cock deeper. It hurried forward, only stopping at her ring when my unprepared ass denied it. “Nhh,” Octavia grunted, wiggling her hips. “Anon…” My grip on her tightened in every respect. My nose dug into her neck while my heels pressed against her back. Among the ever-growing aches, I worried more and more that I really couldn’t take her. “Oc-ngh-tavia,” I whined through winces. She didn’t respond, still grinding into me and coaxing frustrated throbs from her cock. “You’re so-oh! So big! It’s too-ooohh!” My pleas devolved into gibberish under the overwhelming sensations. I didn’t know if I was close to climaxing or splitting in two. Or both. Seemingly defeated, Octavia began to retreat, once again dragging her throbbing cock through my insides. “S-sorry,” I stammered as her cockhead approached my entrance in reverse. I received no response, save for a trembling inhale above me. She squeezed my hips and shuffled on her knees. Oh no. “Wait! Oc-!“ In an instant, she sheathed herself up to her ring within me. My words died in my throat as she again failed to overcome my resistance. Pain this time. Sharp and burning. I couldn’t stretch fast or wide enough to accept her. Yet, she continued to make her offer. Again, she repeated her retreat and thrust, drawing agonized cries from me. Again. I raked my too short nails across her too tough back in desperation. Again. Every part of me was shaking. Again. “Please, Anon!” Again. It hurt. Again. Too much. Ag- Or not. Despite my feeble bracing for another thrust, I didn’t feel her move. Just the rise and fall of her heavy breath atop me. That and the lingering pain. Octavia didn’t give me time to contemplate my situation too much, grabbing my chin and pulling my mouth to hers once again. It wasn’t an assault like last time. In fact, it was the gentlest she’d been with me up to this point. A meeting of lips instead of a devouring. Our tongues met on equal terms, cordially slipping by one another. As I savored this fresh sensation, I found her taste once again. The elusive scent and flavor I’d witnessed while I’d serviced her cock. I still couldn’t place what it was even though it lingered longer this time. Nearly sweet. Nearly sour. Nearly everything, really. A taste I’d never experienced before. But not just a taste. A soothing sensation spread through me from her mouth. For some reason, I knew it was the same as the taste. The feeling. The whatever. All I know is that the whatever rapidly replaced all the pain. Octavia thrust her hips forward once again, though slower this time. I had time to savor the entirely pleasant sensations before I reached her ring. She pressed onward and I readied myself for agony that never came. I felt pressure, sure, but nothing like the tearing of before. I’d liken it to the feeling of cracking a joint. You push it farther and farther until it eventually- “Oh…” Octavia moaned as her hips met me with a slap. “Oh Anon…” My mouth hung open in a silent cry. She was in, every bit of her. Pelvis against me with her heavy sack resting on my tailbone. I came right there. My body couldn’t process what happened, finding the flood of feeling far too much to handle at once. So, it replaced every sense I had with overwhelming bliss. My own cock twitched and throbbed, releasing wildly on my abdomen. I idly noted that I hadn’t even thought about my own sex, much less touched it, throughout this whole affair. And it was already the greatest pleasure I’d ever experienced. I saw that Octavia wasn’t quite there yet from the longing in her eyes. Still, she seemed just as happy as I was that she managed to hilt in me, giddily grinding her hips against mine. God, every time she wiggled, she pushed me back to the brink. “Nnh Anon! I need to move again!” I mumbled an affirmative, surrendering to my lover’s desires. Although, I don’t think I had much choice to begin with. She pulled back with delectable slowness, letting my orgasmic twitches massage her. She freed maybe an inch or two of her cock before plunging back in, setting me off anew. “Mmm. You’re squeezing so much!” she cooed in my ear. “C-can’t stop!” Octavia pushed against my shoulders, prying me off her to beam at the mess she’d made of me. “Anon!” she laughed. “You came?” “Cu-huh-ming!” I corrected, partially cut off by her next shallow thrust. She dragged a finger along the modest puddle I’d left on my stomach and sucked it clean. “Good,” she mumbled, grabbing my legs by the knees. “Keep cumming for me.” As Octavia pushed away my only remaining hold on her, the Amazonian mare loomed farther and farther over me. A few more thrusts later, I found my ankles alarmingly close to my ears. Of course, I wasn’t too concerned with this in the throes of my prolonged orgasm. There, with all the leverage and dominance in the world, she still wouldn’t even pull out to her ring when she thrust. Instead, she kept with those short, gentle pokes while peppering in a few hilted grinds just to tease me. Given her needy tone before, I had expected her to pound me as wildly as possible the first chance she got. But now it was like she was deliberately edging herself inside me. I suppose I couldn’t rightly call it teasing if I was cumming all the while. The constant exertion was taking its toll on my tired eyes. The human body wasn’t made to last this long if my dry ejaculations were any indication. Yet, when I looked up from the breasts bouncing before my face, I saw Octavia sporting the same blissful smile she had when she first squeezed into me. My pleasured convulsions grew less frequent as my stamina waned. My lover took notice. “Anon,” she complained, pouting at the loss of her constant massage. Octavia reared back to her ring and launched back in, slapping my ass with her sack and my face with her tits. My body rewarded her efforts with more pulsating tightness while my cock resumed its steady throbbing. Her rod responded in kind. “Oh yes, Anon!” she cried. “More!” And more she would receive. Her new pace had me squirming and moaning all over again. However, as my pleasure reached another stellar plateau, I began to worry. If those little pokes had kept me going this long, what could she do if she tried? I closed my eyes and took in the scene. I lay pinned to the bed in a mating press beneath this big beautiful mare spreading my legs and stretching my rear without even trying. If this wasn’t what nature intended for me, then she wouldn’t have made it feel so right. “Am I boring you?” Octavia asked with a hint of sarcasm. My eyes fluttered half open to peer at her grin beyond her breasts. I wanted to offer my compliments, but my ability to speak was long gone. “I suppose I’ll need to pick up the pace,” she mused, grinding into me. “If I want to keep your attention.” Oh god yes. Flexing her hips, my lover dragged her cock back out of me, hesitating slightly once she reached her ring. The rigid flesh popped out of me without much complaint on her part and only minor whimpering on mine. I had more to say when I reached her flared tip, finding the cold emptiness that replaced her member unbearable. I grunted, managing to squeeze around her beyond my involuntary spasms. Her cockhead prodded experimentally against my resistance only to relax and remain inside. “You don’t want me to leave, do you Anon?” she teased. “Well don’t worry.” Her hips dropped onto my ass, hilting her cock in me in one delightfully swift motion. “I’m not going anywhere.” The slapping, the stretching, the satisfaction of feeling that glorious cock glide back into me. I wanted to feel it again. And boy would I ever. Octavia proceeded to lift her hips and fall back again, leaving little time between thrusts for me to adjust. Although I didn’t feel completely full or empty for long, the constant movement let me appreciate the lovely textures rubbing and massaging my prostate. Over and over she pushed and pulled on my insides, filling the room with the erotic squishing sounds of our sex. And with the elevation of our passion, I somehow felt even more elevation in my pleasure. I’d been at what I thought was the peak for so long. Yet here Octavia sat, driving me to greater heights with each savage thrust. I could only hope she was feeling a fraction of my satisfaction. “Mmf! That’s it darling! Gods, you’re incredible!” Finally, she was showing some sign of fatigue. It’s not that I wanted her to stop. I just wanted to get started on all those orgasms I must have owed her at this point. And maybe I wanted to feel her cum. My jaw fell open as Octavia added even more strength to her thrusts, letting my tongue loll out and latch onto one of the breasts smothering me. Above, my lover seemed to lose her composure again. She wore the same overstimulated expression that I must have had, tongue out, mane wildly mussed up, and eyes very nearly in the back of her head. Damn I’m good. I half-giggled and half-whimpered up to her, hoping she’d understand my wordless beg. “Oh soon, love! So bloody soon!” Her measured full strokes gave way to wild, short thrusts deep within me. She was on her final stretch and seemed intent on making me remember it. While her crotch collided with my ass faster and faster, I felt a pressure building up in me beyond the throbbing cock rearranging my insides. It hurt even through the magic her hilted rod had worked on my stretched hole. But I wanted it this time. I screamed as the feeling grew. This climax among climaxes. The ‘little death’. “Yes! Anon!” she howled back. “Take me!” I flung my hands to her hips, frantically searching for a hold to pull her closer. Though, my feeble strength could do little against her onslaught. Fortunately, her arms must have given out as well as she fell onto me. There, crushed under her full weight, suffocating under her tits, and at the mercy of her thrashing cock, I found paradise. Octavia froze, bottomed out inside me and clutching me like I was her last link to this world. A guttural moan grew in her throat as her cockhead flared in my depths. Stretched anew and reaching my final peak, I moaned along with her. It throbbed again and again, seeming to swell and shrink significantly with each ecstatic convulsion. My own cock followed her lead, twitching in time with her. Our moans harmonized when I felt the first pulse of her cock. With her flare spreading me wide, she was free to pump her molten love into me without fear of losing a drop. Wet warmth exploded in my gut, rushing to coat the remaining parts of me her cock somehow couldn’t reach. As her molten love coursed through my body, so did her taste. Her scent. Her touch. Her. Her. Her. Octavia dominated my senses, each pump of her cock only renewing the fabulous rapture she’d bestowed on this mere mortal. ‘More!’ my soul cried. ‘More Octavia!’. I heard her sob into the pillow next to mine, perhaps feeling a fraction of my delight. But it was enough to keep her throbbing and gushing into me. I hadn’t noted any deformation of my stomach during our affair. No imprint of her member bursting out of my abdomen or chest if I were to consider her size. However, no inexplicable pony nonsense could hide the voluminous load this mare was producing. When her cum overcame the resistance of my body, it offered a choice: make room or lose it. Naturally, my stomach readily expanded to accept the flooding embrace of Octavia’s spunk. No. Spunk wasn’t the word. Spunk is gross. Feeling it warming and stretching my core, I could only call it nectar. Especially thick, viscous, heavenly nectar. I still couldn’t see my stomach, but I felt it press more and more against Octavia’s as she continued to pump into me. Her soft fur brushed and tickled my ballooning belly. Over and over, throb after throb, load after load. I grew until I was more Octavia than Anon. I swore I could hear the groaning of her member as it filled me. But even the impressive flare of her even more impressive cock couldn’t hold back the torrent she was building in me. It began to leak. Slowly at first, with a thin stream escaping her cockhead’s seal through the path she carved out within me. It grew each time she released another jet into me until I heard it splashing onto the bed. It pained me to waste her precious load, but what could I do? There was far too much for me to hold and she showed no sign of stopping. Hopefully she never stopped. As I lay there drooling, I felt my earth shattering pleasure give way to earth shattering fatigue. Octavia had already gone quiet, her weight resting limply on my body. Maybe she was asleep already, despite her ongoing orgasm into me. Would she pull out when she finished? Or would she just stay where she was, stuffing me with her flaccid cock? What if she just kept cumming in me all night? It didn’t matter. My tired mind was slipping away, content to leave my body crushed under this beautiful mare until morning. Though, I had one more stray thought before sleep took me. One rather worrisome question that’d be answered when I woke. What if she wanted to go again? > A Tempo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good morning, lover." My eyes had only just opened, but I was already smiling. Before me lay the mare that had taken me to bed last night. Her mane fell along her shoulders, damp but not dripping. A white cotton robe obscured her beautiful gray coat, though it hugged her curves quite nicely. I wouldn't mind waking up to that sight more often. "Morning," I answered when I was through ogling. "Did you sleep well?" I'll say. Even without considering Octavia's lovely presence, I'd never been quite this content to see the light of the morning. "Mhm," I hummed, propping myself up against the headboard. "And you?" She responded with a breathy giggle, shuffling closer to nuzzle my neck. She was still radiating heat- probably from her shower. Then it dawned on me that I was probably a mess from last night. I brought a hand to my stomach, expecting to find it as bloated as Octavia had left it. However, it was as flat as ever. "Huh," I mumbled. "Hmm?" It had to have gone somewhere. And, as much as I'd enjoyed it at the time, imagining it soiling her bed was slightly disgusting. Yet, I found nothing when I felt around the sheets. It was the same clean bedclothes I'd expect in any half-decent hotel. "What's wrong, Anon?" Well, my stomach hadn't burst open and Octavia's mattress wouldn't grow mold. That was two things that weren't wrong. "I don't know," I mumbled, probably looking confused as I glanced around the room. "This- this might sound strange but, I am remembering last night correctly, right?" Her eyes narrowed inquisitively. "That would depend on what you are remembering," she said, her voice slow. "I remember you giving me the greatest sex of my life." Octavia sighed with relief, bringing a hand to her chest. "Goodness, Anon. Don't scare me like that." "Like what?" "Well, I'd rather my partner be lucid for that sort of thing. For a number of reasons." "Alright. Yes. I was very much aware of everything-" "Good," she interrupted, drawing me closer. "I'd hate for you to have forgotten," she whispered in her sultry voice. I wanted to melt into her embrace, but my curiosity won out over how hot she was right there. "So then, uh, where did all of it go?" "'It', Anon?" I gave her a flat look. "You came enough to stretch out my stomach, Octavia. What happened to it?" Her confusion seemed only to grow. "Wouldn't you be the better one to answer that? Surely you'd know what you've done with it better than I would." "How would I know? I fell asleep under you and only just now woke up." "So," she began, brow furrowed. "You didn't get up and clean yourself off during the night?" "No?" "Then where did it go?" Great. Full circle. Whatever. Cum laden or not, I still felt sweaty and gross. I had better things to do like- "Ah, shit." "Anon?" Octavia asked, still without answers. Right. Other people and ponies can't hear my internal monologue. "It wouldn't happen to be before ten would it?" She craned her neck over to her night table to see her clock. "It's five of ten now. Why?" Shit. It'd take at least ten minutes to get my stuff and hail a cab. "I missed my train," I answered, rubbing my eyes. So much for the pleasant morning. Octavia grimaced. "I'm so sorry, Anon. I didn't know-" "Hey, don't go apologizing for me being an idiot," I interjected. "I willingly came up here with you, remember?" She didn't seem convinced, avoiding my eyes. "Anyway, mind if I use your shower?" I asked. "By all means, go ahead." I hopped off the bed and walked toward the bathroom. I was still naked, but sex has a way of relieving shame. In addition, I was relieved to find out my legs still worked without any of the "walking funny" sex was also known for. Her bathroom was the same as mine with beige floor and walls and white everything else. Oddly enough, things seemed suited to my size rather than hers. She could still use everything, of course, but she'd have to duck to get under the bar holding the curtain or the spout in the shower. Well, I guess most ponies were taller than me. She was just a bit more. I couldn't afford to get caught in another tangent. I had to figure out what to do here. I had a couple hours until I had to check out. No problem there. No way I could switch my train again. The lady didn't seem too happy about my request last time. Could I really just buy another? They're usually pretty booked and with this short notice I'd have to pay a fortune. Who was I kidding? They give me enough money that I can afford a last minute train ticket and still eat tonight. Hell, even if I couldn't, I didn't have work tomorrow. None of that was the issue. She was the issue. I wanted to see her again. Definitely. That wasn't a problem, was it? She liked me enough to take me up here last night, for whatever that was worth. Then she called me "lover". Man, this was the first time I regretted not sleeping around in college. I had no idea how to deal with this. "So, wanna hang out later? I mean, not now since I need to go home and what are the chances we live nearby. But maybe we'll both schlep out here for a coffee date one day. Do you even want that? Would that even be a healthy relationship?" I didn't bother saying those things to the shower head. It probably heard enough of that from upset hotel guests. In any case, I'd have a bit more time to talk to her. I emerged from the bathroom devoid of filth and filled with uncertainty. Octavia had shed her robe in favor of sweat pants and a t-shirt. It was kind of nice to see that even someone as perfect as her opted to play mortal every now and then. She was still lying on the bed, now fiddling with a tablet. I made to start collecting my clothes until I found them already folded and placed atop my bag. Wait. "What's my stuff doing here?" I asked, confused. "Hm?" She looked up from her tablet and blinked. "Oh! That. Sorry if I've overstepped any boundaries , but I had the ponies downstairs bring your belongings here from your room." "You can do that?" She gave me a sheepish smile. "I, uh, have a bit of influence here what with my work for them. Plus, they know I'm not the type to steal somepony's luggage or anything. I just told them you were here and you'd probably need them." Huh. So she really is a big deal. "Well, thanks I guess. That saves me the trouble of putting on my suit just to walk to my room." "There's a couple more things. I was going to call the train station until I realized I had no clue where you were going." "You don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of it." "I know. I just feel a bit guilty for causing you trouble." "It's no trouble!" I laughed. This was a strange side of her. It'd be overbearing if it wasn't so cute. "You said there was something else?" I continued. "Oh! Yes! Come see this," she said, patting the vacant spot on the bed. Still in my towel, I sat down next to her and craned my head to see what she was talking about. In this position, I could really see the difference in our sizes. My head was about level with hers and yet my feet barely reached her knees. She pulled me closer with one hand and offered her tablet with the other. It was a lot like the ones back home, though I didn't recognize the brand. It displayed what looked like some scientific publication. I say that because it had a couple charts and the first few words made my eyes glaze over. Luckily, it seemed Octavia would give me an abridged version. "So I was a little curious about some things you said. Both last night and this morning. You are about average for humans, correct?" she asked gesturing to my concealed lower half. "Approximately." "And my size would be-" "Completely unheard of," I interrupted. "Not one of us comes close." "Right," she said with a mixture of concern and slight satisfaction. "Moreover, you all were never meant to, er, take something like mine?" I snorted. "I'm honestly surprised I'm alive right now." "Then why didn't you say something last night?! What if I hurt you?" "I did, but then I figured you had some magic lube or something." "No! It's not! It's normal lubricant and I could have killed you last night!" It was funny to see her so worried from this angle, and kind of touching. She was huge, hung, and terrified of hurting me. "Well first of all, I'm fine now so there's no point in worrying anymore." She huffed and turned away, but her hand never released its grip on my hip. "It was still irresponsible of you." I grinned and laid my head on her shoulder. "And it's sweet that you care." She tried to fight it, but a smile grew on her face. "Anyway, what exactly did you want to show me?" "Right. That. So, I don't completely understand the article, but the fact is humans and ponies have been having relations ever since we first met." Figures. I'd probably want to celebrate too if I found an alternate dimension of creatures who happen to speak my language, share my body structure, and look cute. "And, in doing so, we've been sharing magic with you as well." "So there was magic!" I mumbled. "Since you humans seem to lack any inate magic, your bodies can draw in magic from us. Only slightly upon physical contact but much more upon more intimate activities." "Like inflating my stomach, which also should have killed me by the way." "Well here's why it didn't," she said, pointing to a spot on the tablet. "You see, ponies utilize magic depending on race. Earth ponies use it to practice agriculture as well as to augment our strength and durability. Pegasus ponies use it to fly and to augment their agility and reflexes. And, as I'm sure you've noticed, unicorns can manipulate it rather freely to cast spells." Well, that was a bit more in depth than the pamphlet I got before I came here. All they bothered telling me was "wings, horn, both, or neither". Friggin bureaucrats. "So in some of these studies, they found humans gained some benefits from magic as well. Elasticity, flexibility, vigor. It seems almost random." I was already pulling at my skin in various places by the time she finished speaking. I didn't appear to be Mr. Fantastic, though my joints did feel a little looser than usual. "This all seems-" "Strange?" Octavia interrupted. "I was going to say convenient, but that too. I guess that's more or less par for the course in this world, right?" "What do you mean?" "Things keep working out here, regardless of the circumstances. Magic just so happens to let me survive last night, you worry about somebody being afraid of you only to find me-" "To be fair, I have had ponies run once they found out about me." "I dunno. I just can't help but think a lot more things ended in disappointment or lawsuits back in my world." She didn't seem to understand my point. I guess that makes sense since, as far as I knew, she'd never been to the human world. She didn't push further. "Anyway, I should probably find another train," I said, getting up to find my phone among my clothes. I set about the arduous task of navigating the automated receptionist's many options. Last time I needed a real pony to switch my ticket, but I didn't feel like bothering anyone to just buy another ticket. I got through a couple harmless menus with minimal mandatory low-quality music blasting through the speaker. However, I soon found myself ear to ear with the world's greatest evil. "Please state the name of your origin and press the pound key." Oh goddammit. "Manehatten," I said in my best robot-ese. "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. Please state-" "Manehatten!" "You have selected Manehatten. If this is correct, press one. If not press two." "I hate these things," I mumbled, lying back down next to Octavia. "Don't we all." "Please wait while I gather your station's info." "Seriously. I know the routes. I could just tell them the route I need and we could be done." "Please state the name of your destination and then press the pound key." "Horsesham," I said, careful to pronounce the "horse" portion of the otherwise human-like town. "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. Please state the name of your destination and then press the pound key." Octavia started poking my arm, probably about to tell me to just press zero and get a real pony. No way. I invested enough time that I had to keep going. "Horsesham!" "I'm sorry, I-" I was about to scream the name a third time into my phone before Octavia snatched it from my hand. First I was confused, but rage welled up in my heart as I watched her end the call, erasing all of my hard work. I nearly redirected my anger for voice recognition software toward her until I noticed her surprised and elated expression. "Anon," she began, grinning. "You didn't tell me you were from Horsesham!" "Why did you do that," I said through gritted teeth. "I'm from Horsesham. I can just drive you there tomorrow." Remember what I said about convenience? "No way," I said in disbelief. "I'm telling you. When do you need to be back?" Come on. Surely there's no way our schedules line up that well. She'll probably need to stay longer than I can. "By tomorrow night, ideally." Her smile never left. "Perfect! My last show is tonight. We can leave tomorrow as early as you want." Alright. At this point I was determined to prove to her that the world would never bend so readily in my favor. Although, I realized I was nearly out of misfortune to exploit. "But where would I stay? I have to check out of my room soon." Her expression reminded me of how she looked at me across the bar the previous night. Not contempt, but almost affectionate pity for my clumsiness. I already knew I had a bed tonight. "Tell you what, Anon," she began, rolling onto me and resting her head on my chest. "I'll let you stay here until we leave if you help me pass the time before my show." I swallowed, timid and intimidated all over again. "Well?" she purred. I let out a nervous laugh. "When you put it like that-" Her lips interrupted me, sealing the doom of all of my current problems. How could I say no? ... > Affettuoso > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As much as we'd have liked to spend the foreseeable future in bed, Octavia and I had other pressing needs. Like food, water, and fresh air. And refractory periods. As we got changed and headed downstairs, I wondered what exactly I could do to entertain her until tonight. I imagined tourist traps in a city like this would be pretty similar to their human counterparts. That is, expensive and unsatisfying. At any rate, it would have been tedious to travel all over to see everything anyway. However, as opposed to a one to one recreation of Manhattan, Manehattan appeared to be an amalgam of every notable place in New York. They had a big copper statue holding a torch, a particularly tall building good for little but being tall, a popular theater district known for its broad walkways, etc. "I know you were here for a bachelor party, but have you been here before?" I'd spent my fair share of time in New York and, oddly enough, that knowledge seemed to carry over to here. I could almost follow the crappy map I swiped from the hotel when I checked out. Almost. "Yes and no," I answered. "I've never actually been to this city, but we've got a couple in my world that are remarkably similar." "How do you mean?" Octavia asked in response to my admittedly weird statement. I explained the strange similarities between our worlds as well as the locations that were nearly universally puns for human locations. "So you've got Manehattan and Fillydelphia while we've got Manhattan and Philadelphia." She giggled. "Oh I get it. Manhattan. That's what you call male humans." "What? No. That's- that's not what that means." "Then what does it mean? Why is it called that?" "I," I began before realizing I knew little about the origins for most city names. "I don't actually know. But it's definitely not because of the word 'Man'. I think." "Then what about 'Philadelphia'? Is 'Phil' not a human term?" "It's a name but it's not- huh." As we exited to the busy Manehattan streets, I had an epiphany. I'd been operating under the assumption that Equestria was somehow derivative of my own world. Yet, I couldn't make a strong case for that claim, nor could I disprove the reverse. Who was made first? Did our civilizations interact before? Did it matter? I didn't dwell on those odd realizations. After all, I'd need to have my wits about me to avoid being trampled by a combination of pedestrians, cars, and carriages. "So where are we headed?" I asked, hooking my arm around hers. "I was following you." "Alright," I laughed. "Well I'm a little hungry. How does food sound?" She seemed pleased enough with that suggestion so I put myself on alert for anything edible. Well, not just anything. I wrote off those hot dog stands and the like for a number of reasons. First off, I had the fortune to be accompanying a beautiful mare and I'd be damned if I was gonna make her sit on the curb. Second, I was still getting accustomed to their odd meat mimics. There was some culture shock when I was thrust into a world of vegetarians, but I got over that real quick when I tasted their cooking. Turns out that a civilization without the crutch of meat could get pretty creative with their other food groups. They even have some almost passable substitutes in certain places, though I'm not sure who else was buying them aside from myself. Allegedly, there were other fully intelligent species here. I've heard the words "gryphon" and "dragon" thrown around on occasion. Maybe dealing with those cultures, if they had any, allowed a bunch of herbivores to develop a taste for meat. Or a taste for the taste of meat, anyway. That said, I drew the line at fake street meat. I don't wanna know what the hell some guy in a tiny metal cart was doing to tofu to make a meatless gyro look that convincing. I just found it unsettling. My stomach growled and I realized I wasn't actually taking us anywhere. Still, I felt like I recognized some of the local landmarks. A sort of conical building off in the distance. A relative abundance of trees for an urban area. Something resembling a church in architecture. "I wonder..." I trailed off, pulling Octavia with me. "You certainly seem to know your way around for somebody who's never been here," she remarked, effortlessly keeping up with my stride. "This might be one of those similarities I mentioned earlier. If I'm right we should be coming up on a pretty good restaurant pretty soon." "What's it called?" "Well, mine was called Serendipity. Yours might be the same. Or maybe it's got a pun in it. Or it could just be-" "Happenstance?" I glanced at Octavia and followed her eyes to a black facade with a glass-covered display showing a multitude of appetizing but probably fake desserts. Sure enough, the signs read 'Happenstance 3' and 'Restaurant and General Store' in simple white text. Save for the name and the creatures walking in and out of the doors, it was just like the one I remembered. "Well that was easy," I remarked. "And a bit eerie." Octavia broke from me to look through the windows. I could see her frown in the reflection. "Now Anon, I enjoy sweets as much as the next pony. However, I think I'd prefer something more substantial for one of the only meals I'll be having today." "They have real food too, you know." I knocked on the glass, pointing her to the menu taped onto the other side. "I'm telling you, it's good." She gave the menu a once-over and smirked at the heading. "'Serious Food'? I like that term." "What else would you call it? Come on." It didn't take much more to convince her and we were soon inside waiting for a table. To my surprise, the hostess estimated a wait of only fifteen minutes. Compared to the ages I'd have to wait at the human equivalent, this was nothing. Octavia and I sat on a nearby bench and busied ourselves by looking over another copy of the menu, occasionally stealing glances at other customers' orders. To Octavia's relief, most were ordering non-dessert dishes before resigning to their fate of eventual obesity. A short time later, we took our seats at a tiny table and looked over the menu yet again. "I can't decide, Anon! What's good here?" I was having trouble myself. Despite my past experience and the time we'd spent trying to make a decision, my eyes still jumped around the page. "Keep in mind that this was years ago and in another world, but I remember thoroughly enjoying their sandwiches. I've never tried the full salads, but they look pretty good. Then again, I'm also curious to see how they handle pasta." "You're getting lunch? I thought it was more brunch time than lunch time." That launched a discussion about which is the best meal of the day and whether or not time should govern which meal one should eat. Eventually, we managed to agree that, at least in the case of lunch vs. brunch, time didn't matter. The waitress soon took our orders and menus, leaving us with little in terms of conversation topics. You know, except for getting to know one another. "So," I said, stalling for time. "Octavia." "Anon," she answered, staring into my soul once again. I would have felt intimidated had it not been for her beautiful smile. The rest of her was pretty nice too. She'd traded her casual garments for a more street-appropriate button-down and pants. I had expected a Mary Tyler Moore getup complete with a beret and a coat with massive buttons, but this was good too. Still, she allotted herself one accessory to liven up the ensemble: a tiny little bow tie the color of her eyes. It puzzled me. It was cute, of course, but I couldn't tell if it made her look sophisticated or cartoonish. Oh who cares? I like cartoons. But I don't like leaving conversations hanging. What do I say? Do you like bow ties? Do you like cartoons? Luckily, she took it upon herself to pick up my slack. "Anon," she repeated. "Would you mind if I ask a somewhat intimate question?" Right into heavy stuff, huh? "By all means." "So, when you first saw me," she said meaningfully. "You didn't even miss a beat. Are ponies- er- people with my condition common where you come from?" I laughed. "No. I don't think there are any women quite like you." Octavia glanced away, adjusting her mane. Was that a blush? "In that case, would you mind me asking why you reacted the way you did?" Ah yes. The old "why did you lick my penis" question. I should have expected that one. "I don't know," I responded after some thought. "I'm pretty sure I was straight. Am straight. But, looking at you, talking to you, I just couldn't bring myself to care." I looked around to see if anyone was listening in. Though, we'd been careful enough with our language to avoid being vulgar. "I guess I just like you," I continued. "Sorry if that wasn't a good answer." When I brought my gaze back to her, she was just giving me her attentive smile. However, I noticed a little moisture behind those eyes. "That was sweet, Anon. I-" she faltered and bit her lip as she searched for her words. "I needed to hear that. Thank you." I held up my hand. "Not so fast. It's possible that I just happen to have a fetish for tall, talented mares that can pin me to the bed. Don't go handing out that praise for nothing." Thankfully, that broke the little emotional moment we were having. I needed frequent comic relief to function. The wild Anon buckles quickly under serious conversation. "I suppose that's a risk we all have to take," Octavia admitted, giggling. "After all, perhaps I'm just into shorter stallions of a different species." "Hey now! Don't underestimate my subtly seductive personality." "Ah, so that was it! That clumsiness was just an act to draw me in!" "So you've finally caught on? Well it's too late! You're stuck with me now!" We rode out the laughter from those remarks for a while, trying to think of more hypothetical circumstances that would have ruined last night and this morning. It was oddly cathartic to think of all the things that didn't go wrong. And just like that, our food arrived. Octavia had opted for some sort of omelet with cheese and vegetables that'd be more at home on an artsy platter that left the customer starving. I'd ordered a very green and very tall sandwich that wasn't even suitable for pony jaws, much less mine. For the record, I'd lived most of my life holding the opinion that a sandwich needed meat with the exception of grilled cheese and this place in my home town that did strange and wonderful things with hummus. Of course, these ponies had to prove me wrong with their culinary magic. This thing was stacked with fluffy leaves and even apple slices, yet it felt as filling as a steak sandwich back home. I finished a bite that just barely didn't disassemble my sandwich and looked up to see Octavia elegantly tasting her omelet. "How is it?" I asked. "Excellent. I'm surprised I've never heard of this place before." "Well, the only reason most people know about mine is a movie. Do you have a movie named Happenstance here?" She frowned and closed her eyes, presumably searching her memory. "I don't know. I'm not exactly learned in cinema. Even musically, my knowledge is mostly limited to my own tastes." She then gestured to my meal just as I'd prepared to unhinge my jaw once again. "How is yours?" "Good," I answered as I made to offer her my plate. She seemed hesitant and I realized that this wasn't the most convenient dish to share. "Sorry," I continued. "I guess this isn't really-" "No no. I'd love to. It's just- how did you fit your mouth around that?" "You kind of have to temporarily flatten it as you bite it," I said, pantomiming squeezing a sandwich. Still apprehensive, Octavia grasped the tower of bread and veggies, craned her head forward, and did her best to take a clean bite. "Good?" She gently set the sandwich down, revealing her comically stuffed cheeks and a trail of dressing running down her chin. We both started laughing and she covered her mouth with her napkin to prevent any spilling. "Anon!" she complained after she swallowed. "Don't do that! I could have choked!" She tried to give me a serious face, but buckled when I ballooned out my cheeks and mimicked her choking. "Alright," she said. "Keep laughing. I'll be sure to be there next time you choke on something." I ignored the double entendre let us eat in relative peace. However, in the silence I couldn't help but scrutinize Octavia's movements. Straightened back, careful placement of utensils, almost dainty usage of her napkin when she wasn't tackling a colossal sandwich. She was very clearly refined. So what the hell was she doing with me? "Hey Octavia." "Hmm?" "May I ask you an intimate question?" "It's only fair, I suppose." "You-" I paused. This could easily be misunderstood and the last thing I'd want to do is insult her. "You don't seem like the type to sleep around. Yet, you've told me about ponies running from you once they learned. That, and you and I seem to have gotten along well enough." Octavia nodded her head to consider my words. She didn't seem offended, thankfully. "Well, you're right about that. I've never really desired that type of lifestyle. I don't think you do either." Looks like I wasn't the only one paying attention. "I took this opportunity to work here so I could do a little experimenting away from home. Just to see if I could..." She trailed off, resting her head on her interlaced fingers. I must have struck a sensitive subject. "There's this mare," she continued. "Back home. We've been friends as long as I can remember. Best friends." A very sensitive subject. "Her and I- I suppose we're lovers too. But I've always wanted more." She chuckled under her breath. "It's been falling out of style recently, but I'm a fan of romance. One partner, candlelit dinners, happily ever after, all that. No one can wait until marriage these days but I was certainly hoping for it down the line." I watched her scowl at her water. This seemed like a story that'd been on her mind for a long time without ever crossing her lips. "But she doesn't feel the same. It's not that she doesn't care about me. I'm fairly certain she loves me too. She's just different. She wants more." "More?" I asked. "She's what you might call a free spirit. She parties. She stays out late. She wants to be free to do whatever she likes." Just like that, her face warmed at the thought of this other mare. "And I'd never change that about her. I'd rather change myself." "To be like her?" She shrugged. "In part. I want to convince myself that I can keep up with her. That I won't bore her." "Hey hey," I interrupted. "If this girl loves you then you don't have to worry about-" "I'm not worried," she said, smiling and giving a dismissive gesture. "Her and I will still have our relationship, however open it may be. I'm just seeing if I can do the same. Maybe get that happily ever after some other way." I didn't know how to feel about all that. Changing oneself is difficult and I'd hate for her commitment to be one sided. Then again, she probably knew better than to trust someone who would toss her aside. "I dunno, Octavia. That isn't the sort of thing you usually compromise in a relationship. How can you be sure you'll reach a point that satisfies both of you? And what would that happy ending entail?" "I don't think anyone can be sure of what will make them happy. I'm just following my heart for now. As for my happy ending, I usually imagine us living together like we do now. Maybe in our apartment. Maybe in a house in some suburb. It doesn't really matter. All I really see when I think about our future is her, myself..." She reached over and drummed her fingers across my hand. "...and maybe someone else." Holy shit. My eyes bulged half-way out of their sockets. I tried to stall for time with a sip of my water, but it went right into my lungs and sent me into a coughing fit. "Is everything alright, sir?" said a passing waitress. I held up a finger to let her know I was still choking. "Oh ju-hust fi-hine," I sputtered when I could breathe again. "Great, even." Octavia just grinned from ear to ear like she hadn't just dropped that bombshell on me. Looks like she got her revenge for the sandwich incident earlier than I expected. I waited until the waitress walked off then looked back to the increasingly sly mare across the table. "What exactly are you suggesting?" I asked trying to maintain some composure. She kept her innocent face. "Nothing at the moment. Though I do want to invite you to come see my apartment when we get back. We can have dinner." Man. If she wasn't so attractive, nice, and also my ride home, I wouldn't have to deal with this coy bullshit. We shied away from any other sensitive subjects for a while until the waitress came by with a dessert menu. Neither of us wanted a whole dessert for ourselves, but I happened to know this place had a specialty sweet we could share. I pointed to it for the waitress and kept it a surprise for Octavia. I was surprised by the ease at which we transitioned from relaxed chatter to personal stories and back again, but I guess it was only natural. I mean, we didn't quite know one another before becoming rather intimate. We had a lot of joking and discussing to catch up on. "So what do you want to do after this? I know the deal was that I'd entertain you but, other than eating and shopping, there's not much to do around here." Octavia frowned. "I was under the impression this city was filled with notable monuments." "I mean, sure. We could go see a tall building or big statue or whatever. I was just never all that impressed when I saw them. But if that's what you want, then you just have to say so." "You may have a point. In fact, historical sites may bore me even more than you. I spent approximately twelve years of my life repeatedly learning about all of them after all." "Ha! I guess that's another thing our species have in common. Tedious history classes." "At any rate, I'm sure we'll find something to do if we wander around. At the very least, I'll get to hear a bit more of your commentary." "If it'll keep you happy, I'll run my mouth as long as you like." Surprisingly, our server came to the table after we were done speaking. She brandished a plate holding a large, overflowing mug topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. She placed it between us with dual straws pointing at our respective faces. "Enjoy!" she said, laying the bill on the table as well before leaving. I waited for Octavia to taste it or at least react to it, but she sort of just stared. "Uh, are you gonna try it or...?" "It's just a drink?" Just a drink she says. Like they served these every day in her school's cafeteria. "Fine then. I'll have some first. Are you afraid it's poison or something?" "Nothing like that," she said as I sipped slowly from my straw. "I just expected something a little more from a 'signature dish' in a place like this. I mean, those cakes out front were about as tall as you!" The cool beverage washed over my tongue along with some harder granular stuff. Come to think of it, I wasn't actually sure what that stuff was. It may have been ice or sugar or whatever. I liked the taste so it was fine by me. "Just like I remember," I said with a sigh. "You're not listening." "You wouldn't either if you tasted it." "What even is it?" she asked, poking the whipped cream with a spoon. "Coffee?" I grinned. "It's their signature Frozen Hot Chocolate!" I said with as much flourish as I could muster. "So it's hot chocolate?" "Frozen hot chocolate," I corrected. "You gotta say the whole thing." She rolled her eyes at that one but leaned in to try it anyway. Her expression brightened slightly soon after, presumably when she began to taste it. However, just as I thought I'd won her over, she recoiled and started chewing. "What is it?" "It's crunchy!" "It's Frozen," I corrected again. "Never mind that. It's good, right?" I could hear the stuff crunching in her mouth from across the table. Her grimace wouldn't go away. "Well, aside from feeling like sand, I suppose it at least tastes good. However..." What "however"? What's wrong with a chocolaty drink? She didn't even have any whipped cream. "...Isn't it just chocolate milk?" The ambient chatter of the restaurant cut off as though someone had fired a gun. I shut my eyes, but I could still feel the eyes of the crowd on us. A couple ponies dropped silverware, only emphasizing the surrounding silence. "W-what is it? Did I say something wrong?" She started to hide her face when she noticed her words echo through the quiet room. I stood with my gaze affixed firmly to the floor. I placed a couple bills on the table walked away, motioning for Octavia to follow. She soon shuffled up behind me and took my hand as we left. ... "What was that about?" We'd escaped the stares as soon as we made it out of the doors, but I shushed her attempts to speak until we were a block away. Couldn't be too careful. "Just a massive, humiliating faux pas." "A faux pas?! Over chocol-" I reached up and clamped my hand over her mouth. "Frozen. Hot. Chocolate," I whispered. "They are very sensitive about it." Octavia gave me a flat look and pushed away my hand. "And I suppose I should be on the lookout for assassins now? For my 'disrespect'?" "I mean, I'd steer clear of that street from now on if I were you," I answered, making an ominous face. She rolled her eyes and pushed me, but I still got a smile out of her. "So the culinary mafia is after me? What will they do? Poison my food?" I scoffed. "Of course not. That's against their principles." "And knives are right out too, I'd imagine. They're for food after all." "Correct. Devoting one's life to delicious food leaves little room to serve up revenge. Cold or otherwise." We continued to ponder how a violent chef could honorably destroy someone that'd crossed them as we wandered around Manehattan. Luckily, there was plenty to see. Now, I'd pretty much always hated shopping. Memories of unending trips with my family and chaffing in the changing rooms have already ruined retail therapy for me. However, I'd never experienced looking at clothes and overpriced trinkets with someone who could be almost as jaded as me. I followed Octavia through the doors of some strange wooden facade that was very much out of place in this concrete jungle. Immediately my senses were assaulted by a combination of crappy incense and the B.O. of ponies that thought soap was a hoax. I made a mental note to ask how ponies stick it to "the man". Do they just say "the stallion"? That sounds stupid. I looked around at the merchandise and was disappointed. It looked like one step below "trendy" middle school fashion. Tattered jeans, stringy tops with weird frills hanging off the hem, vaguely tribal-looking footwear. Actually that last one was kind of interesting. They were like socks with horseshoes attached. I could have seen them being popular if the material didn't feel like straw. "What the hell is this hippy bullshit doing in Manehattan?" I asked, reading the label on one of their garments. Thankfully, it was made with "violence free" cotton. Octavia laughed and turned back to me sporting a feathered headdress. "Your guess is as good as mine. Does this make me look culturally insensitive?" "Hey, it's not my culture. I won't tell." We soon found that this shop had more than just trashy clothes. It also had trashy knick knacks. "Who would ever buy these things?" Octavia asked, picking up a polished rock from a display. "'All Natural Mana Gems'. Ridiculous." "Well I'm glad they're all natural. Who knows what the government puts in those disgusting artificial mana gems." "Probably real magic." "Wait what? Those are real?" "Of course they're real. Skilled unicorns can store magic in certain crystals and talismans to replenish their energy. I've seen them. These, however," she paused, twirling one between her finger and thumb. "Have nothing." Damn. Even in a world filled with magic, hippies believe in fake magic. Octavia bent down to check the other shelves, humming something lovely. After everything, I'd almost forgot she was so good with music. It wasn't the song from last night. This was faster with more energy. Would she be singing this tonight? "Oh goodness, Anon. You're going to love this one. Let me just..." She trailed off, shoulders jerking around probably to untangle some poorly made doodad from the others. Then the rest of her started jerking around as well and I became acutely aware of her sizable rear in the middle of my view. It seemed I'd been neglecting a good portion of her physique. Most importantly, I had yet to take note of the tail poking out above her pants. Of course she had a tail. All ponies did. And hers was just as beautiful as the rest of her. Soft, almost shiny, free of any apparent knots. How do you tell someone you want to feel their tail? Focus, Anon. Lowly mortals such as yourself don't get to see something like this every day. Something like this stunning Amazon shaking her gorgeous ass in front of you. Appreciate this. "Anon?" Okay maybe stop appreciating it for a second. But the damage was done. Her sharp eyes peered over her shoulders at my dumb ogling face. I heard the clacking of whatever she was about to show me falling out of her hand as she stood. "I guess something else has caught your eyes." She walked over to me, her predatory grin once again upon her face. "Care to share?" And as she loomed over me, I was once again faced with the sheer difference in our sizes. "I'd, uh," I stammered. "I'd need a mirror." Octavia snorted and the intimidating glow in her gaze faded. She hooked her arm around mine and led us to the doors. "I swear, it's getting easier to fluster you every minute." "Because it was such a challenge before? Besides, how could you tell? I'll have you know I'm a very meek person." "I can tell because your quips get less creative. You didn't even try to lie to me." Ouch. "Why would I lie about that? I'm not ashamed." "Oh?" "Don't you 'oh' me! You've got a nice ass!" "Anon!" It was then that I noticed we were passing the cashier who stood motionless with his mouth agape. I could recall doing something much worse last night without feeling even a bit of remorse. Chalk that one up to the lovely effects of rum I guess. Back in the present, I was almost mortified. That is, until I noticed his red bloodshot eyes that weren't following us to the exit. Right. This was that type of store. As we emerged into the beautiful overcast Manehattan afternoon, Octavia gave me what she probably thought was a playful bump with her hip. The only thing keeping me from flying across the block was her arm around mine. What a gal. "So long as we're being honest," she murmured, leaning down to talk into my ear. "I suppose you've got a nice rear too." "Aw. You're making me blush. You know you're the only one to ever say that to me?" "I think I'm the first to do a lot of things to you," she growled playfully. "Keep pushing me and I might be the second too." "Why, Octavia! I do believe your intentions might not be entirely pure!" She gave me another hip check and dragged me a bit harder, keeping me at an awkward fast walk with her lengthy stride. Seemed like she'd be leading us now. Fine by me. Lead the way you goddess, you. ... So much for more sarcastic browsing. All it took was one high-end display case and suddenly we were clothes shopping. Well, she was clothes shopping. I was the unhelpful second opinion and pack mule. I couldn't even get any good anecdotes out of the trip since Octavia was so engrossed. Hell, I even threw her some softballs like "you know they have the exact same stores in other places" and "how do you even go clothes shopping on a trip". But she just shrugged them off and asked if her newest pick looked good on her. Yes. It did. Everything did. Still, the shopping spree wasn't completely useless. First, I finally played the role of the bored male following his female companion around a shopping district with boxes piled above his head. Second, I learned that Octavia either won the lottery recently or was living quite comfortably. The thought of anypony affording all that overpriced nonsense on a whim made my head spin. "What time is it?" I grunted, my hands far too occupied with her numerous purchases to check my phone or some wayward clock. "It's gotta be seven at this point." "Try two," she answered from ahead. "You know I can carry some of those as well. No offense, but they may be less of a burden to me." "No! I have to do this. Television said so." I imagined she just shrugged at that one, but all I could see was the boxes and their artsy logos on the sides. I bet they were funny puns based on human stores too. If only I knew any human clothing brands aside from Gap or whatever. What would that one be? Gallop? No. It needed to be one syllable. What horse terms sound like "gap" with one syllable? While I contorted my mouth trying all one syllable words beginning with "ga", I felt a cool drop fall onto my head. I looked around and found some other pedestrians holding out their hands with confused expressions. "Was it supposed to rain today?" I heard Octavia ask. I readied myself to say something about unpredictable weather, but then I remembered that ponies did not predict that sort of thing. Rather, they dictated it. Octavia came to my side and began tapping away at her phone. "So what are we in for?" I said. "Light drizzle? Sun showers?" She shook her head, cringing. "Hotel?" "Hotel." ... I don't like to take multiple showers in a day. It's supposed to be bad for my skin or hair or something. That might only be really important for women with long hair or when taking extremely hot showers. I'm not really sure. However, at the moment, I was considering going against that little preference of mine. Shortly after Octavia and I decided to return to shelter, the pegasi above decided to dump their cloudy payloads on the city. It was cold. The kind of cold that wasn't gonna go away if I just changed clothes. And boy did I want to change my soaked clothes. Hopefully my phone wasn't bricked. Not all was glum, though. After all, I got to see Octavia with her mane all wet. She was even wearing white. We stumbled through the hotel to the elevators, now sharing the load at the expense of my pride. "Well we must look a sight," Octavia exclaimed, dropping her boxes so she could wring out her hair. "I should really check the weather more often." I followed suit and began stripping my outer garments. "I meant to ask about that. You ponies have completely accurate weather reports but you don't check if you'll need an umbrella in the morning?" "You're here too you know," she said, smirking at my undoubtedly uncomfortable face. "Why didn't you check?" The doors opened and we stepped out towards her room, leaving a trail of dirty street water on the nice clean carpets. "I happen to be an idiot," I proclaimed proudly. We laughed our way into the room. Upon entering, a blast of frigid air chilled both me and the water still clinging to my clothes. Octavia must have subscribed to the "if I'm not paying for it, blast that AC" school of thought. "That was a nice little outing," she said as we dropped our boxes by the door. "For the most part." "I'll admit, that last bit wasn't exactly on the itinerary. Mind if I change?" She was already down to her underwear beside the bed. "I think the time for modesty has passed, Anon." I still turned away to search my luggage for some backup clothes. "For some reason, I feel like ogling here is a bit inappropriate." "So it's only okay when I'm bent over in public?" "That was just taking advantage of an opportunity. This feels more like violating privacy." Just as I undid my belt, a couple of soft hands grabbed my waist and tossed me onto the bed. Deja vu. "Was it something I said?" I asked, dazed from the impact. As I backed into the headboard, my vision came into focus on Octavia crawling onto me. "In part," she murmured almost nonchalantly into my ear. "You did promise to help me pass the time." I shuddered at the feeling of her lips along my neck. "Already?" "What? Don't try to tell me you're not in the mood. You haven't exactly been subtle." A nervous chuckle escaped my lips as I tried to eye her lower half. "Believe me, I would love to. But, uh, I'm not sure I'm prepared for another round like last night just yet." "Who said it had to be like last night? If I recall correctly, you've got some working equipment yourself." I imagine I looked like a deer in headlights. A baby dear. In the headlights of a monster truck. A very sexy monster truck. "Are you sure about that? I mean, if you're used to someone close to your size," I said as I felt a familiar hardness on my thigh. "I'm not sure it'll be very, uh, satisfying for you." Octavia pulled back to smirk at me. "That's new. Stallions don't usually admit that sort of thing. Don't they usually mention something about 'the motion of the ocean'?" "'Ocean' is a little generous." "I'm sorry, Anon. But I plan on returning the favor." Well that was that I guess. My supply of willpower to spurn a beautiful woman's advances were officially dry. My hands found her waist, my lips found hers, and there was nary a hint of a long, unnecessary soliloquy. "Ah, there you are," she hummed, falling into my lap and somehow not crushing me under her weight. I could feel her squirming against my crotch through my boxers, but looking down only afforded me a look at her massive pride bulging comically out of her own undergarments. Once more I was reminded of how silly this little role reversal could be. "But look at me getting ahead of myself," Octavia chastised, pulling back once more. "No need to dirty any more clothes." She dropped to all fours, still astride me in my seated position, and began a mesmerizing display of removing her underwear. Though it succeeded in captivating me, I couldn't help but feel unworthy as I clumsily followed her example. Helpless inexperienced idiots must really get her off. She fell back onto me, arching her back rather impressively to match the curve of our bodies. I listened to her breath grow heavier as I nipped at her collar bone. I felt her hips wiggle as I fondled her backside, marveling at the plushness that gave way to unbelievable firmness when she flexed her legs. "You -mnh!" Octavia grunted. "Where does this confidence come from? One moment you're like a flustered teenager and the next you're- mph!" No clue, Octavia. But I was pretty happy with the outcome thus far. She dragged her body along mine, letting me drag my tongue down her chest and midsection. I couldn't taste a hint of sweat from the day's travel on her body. Just the faint taste of her that'd gotten me love drunk last night. Maybe it was her magic. Her hand pushed on my shoulder, preventing me from tasting any more delicious Octavia for the moment. And just when I was getting to the best part, too. She must have noticed my disappointment. "Perhaps I wasn't clear. It's your turn, Anon," she said, leaning back against my knees. "Let me take care of you." I got a tantalizing view of her cock once again as she gradually lowered her rear onto me. I briefly felt the silkiness of her tail before my modest length was fully buried between her cheeks. "Are you alright?" she cooed, wiggling her hips. "You seem flustered again." "What gave it away?" I stuttered through clenched teeth. I must have resembled a sweaty, gasping tomato at this point. And she was still just teasing me. Things were looking grim for my composure. That is, until I noticed her decidedly heavy breathing and lack of a predatory grin upon her face. Perhaps things were getting to her too? "Then let's get started since you're so eager," she bluffed if her flushed face was any indication. I slid down her shapely rear until I was poking up behind her sack. I met wetness with my first tentative thrust, telling me exactly what else I was dealing with down there. "You've just got it all, huh?" Octavia smiled down at me, biting her tongue. "I will once you give it to me." With that, she began her slow descent onto me. I gasped at my first prod as though I'd just touched a hot stove. It wasn't just surprising warmth and tightness, though it had certainly been a while since I was on this end of sex. No, there was electricity arcing between us. Or at least some tingling. Was there anything else her magic could do to me? Stop asking that, Anon. Just go with it. To my relief, her rather pleased face put to rest my concerns about this little meeting being one-sided. Either she was feeling a fraction of my pleasure or she was a damn good actress. Not like I'd be hard to fool. Well, assuming she was being honest, how could I press that advantage? Adding my own motions would do more for me than her. Given her position and my mere human strength, I couldn't very well sit up to hold on. What to do? I idly traced my hands along her hips, the answer coming to me just as she finally fell into my lap. "That's it," Octavia said in a breathy, shaky voice. "You just lie back and enj-oy oh!" I don't think I could ever get tired of interrupting her like that, turning her biggest asset into a target. In one swift motion, I pulled her cock down to me and fit whatever I could into my mouth. My tongue went to work exploring her cockhead, desperate to taste every exposed surface. "I thought I told you to-" Nope. None of that. If it was my turn then I'd do whatever I damn well pleased with her. As punishment, I hugged her rod close and began sucking on the tip. The effects were immediate, her normally sharp eyes all but rolling back into her head in response to my assault. The powerful body that'd so dominated me before fell into a heap onto mine. I lamented taking so little of her into my mouth, disappointed that whatever magic that'd reinforced me before wasn't letting me unhinge my jaw or crane my neck farther forward. Then again, my two-way stimulation of her two sexes seemed to be doing its job despite my shortcomings. I looked up from her cock to find her head thrown back, limbs trembling and chest heaving. The ball was definitely in my court. Balls. That's when her head snapped forward to face me, revealing a familiar crazed expression and more than a few hairs out of place on her otherwise coiffed mane. Without breaking eye contact, she gently dragged her hips upward and slammed them back into my lap, putting an end to my short stamina break. A shock traveled through both of us, her walls squeezing around me while her cock twitched within me. I heard her let loose a squeaking moan, head thrown back once again. I couldn't help but note how her voice sounded more feminine than last time. I guess it fit considering our roles at the moment. Although, the only reason I wasn't squealing along with her was the meaty cockhead in my mouth. Despite that burst of activity, Octavia failed to begin any sort of rhythm after her bold thrust. She seemed almost out of breath already, either unwilling or unable to continue. Well, I wasn't exactly the picture of composure myself, but I still had control of what I needed. My hands squeezed and wrung her pride, drawing all sorts of lovely noises from the goddess atop me. God, I couldn't get enough of her voice. Maybe with practice I could make her sing. Well, as much as I admired it, her equipment made for a poor instrument. My first experimental squeeze drew a single sharp gasp while my second caused more of a shuddering exhale. Varying the placement of my tongue gave me similarly inconsistent results. So much for my literal skin flute. I couldn't bring myself to be too disappointed, though. After all, I was finally getting the unrestricted access to her that I was denied last time. Christ, when did I get so obsessed with this thing? My constant service started to take its toll on my jaw, fatigue building much like it would at a particularly slow dentist. That is, it was until her twitching member deposited a small reward onto my tongue. The indescribable flavor washed away my aches while somehow slicking the tip of her cock further. Lubrication was all well and good, but I knew from experience how difficult it could be to draw more of that out of her with my mouth alone. I would need to redouble my efforts to get any more encouragement like that. "An-nngh!" Or would I? As her grunt truncated my name, another throb expelled some more lovely Octavia into my mouth. Before I could understand what happened, the pattern continued with another cry and another drip. Just what was I doing differently this time? I tried to decipher some more of her vocalizations to no avail. For better or for worse, she never got very far into a word before devolving into gibberish. Now I was all too happy to be receiving such praise, but I prefer to know how and why things like this happen. The half-formed words themselves offered no help, but their frequency grew more regular as we went on. Who would have guessed that the musical mare would moan and twitch to a rhythm? So what was I doing? As far as I could tell, my hands and tongue were moving more or less randomly around her cock. It was my first time in this position after all. Yet, the same steadily rising melody continued to pour out of her mouth. I could almost hear a regular percussion in the background counting the beats. Percussion? Oh. I'm actually a moron. I rested my hips for a moment and the twitching did indeed stop. As did the metronome of her ass on my lap and the breaks in her moans. I got so caught up in trying to suck her off that I forgot I was thrusting up into her as well. I really stopped thinking about my own pleasure. This new addiction was getting scarier every time I fed into it. "Too much," she panted, pushing herself upright. "Can't-hah-hold on." "Then don't," I shot back, momentarily pulling my mouth off of her. "I told you it's-" I launched my hips upwards with all of the strength of an average, winded human. Luckily, it was enough to shut up an equally overwhelmed pony. She fell forward this time, just barely catching herself on the headboard. Her shadow washed over me, limiting my view to her toned abdomen. Though I could no longer see her face, the closer sound of her heavy breathing and the heat radiating off of her body told me exactly what sort of mess I was making of her. The twitching resumed with my thrust, harder this time. It nearly flew back out of my mouth the way it was moving. She was definitely on the edge and I intended to keep pushing. I traded consistency for speed with my bucking, drawing an arrhythmic cacophony of noises from her. It wasn't long before the attempts at speech faded leaving only her wordless song. This was certainly satisfying, but there was no way I could keep this up for long. Both in terms of stamina and stamina. It was only thanks to my short attention span and newfound oral fixation that I lasted this long to begin with. Now that I was actually aware of my lower half instead of just hers, my time was limited. This must have been what she felt last night. The intermittent squeezing as proof of your partner's pleasure. It was reassuring. I could see why she was so insistent that I kept coming for her. I heard a telling gasp from above. Octavia pushed herself upright and grabbed one of her breasts, falling fully onto my lap. Immobilized by her weight, I had no choice but to let her ride this out at her leisure. At least in part. I kept her cockhead in my mouth where it belonged while I kept up with my stroking. A slow wave seemed to pass through her rod while her climax approached. The shaft grew slightly thicker while her head swelled and stretched my jaw. Through adrenaline or the constant stream of pre flowing out of her, I felt no pain. Her expression tightened along with the rest of her until I saw her finally reach her peak. For a split second, her face relaxed and her half-lidded eyes stared through me. With a flex of her strong but shaking legs, she finished off the last of her resistance. I took no small amount of pleasure in her cries and jerking movements. Knowing that I managed to put this powerful creature in such a state without losing control myself was just primally satisfying. I briefly wondered if I would be able to draw out her pleasure like she did mine before. Then I tasted her. The pole I'd been worshiping pulsed and let loose a volley of cum into my mouth. Most of it hit the back of my throat with nearly uncomfortable force but I could feel a strand land on my tongue. This wasn't like before. It wasn't the vague, nebulous essence I'd been chasing. This was concrete. Real. Salty. Sour. Sweet. Thick. Hot. Overwhelming. Just like that, I tumbled over the edge with her. I only vaguely felt my own climax. Just a muted throbbing while my body was preoccupied with that influx of heaven in my mouth. No resources for pleasure. Get that stuff in me now. It's a good thing the swallowing started automatically. Octavia's next shot flooded every space not currently occupied by her pulsating cock. And the next. And the next. No good. Her output felt like it was doubling with every throb. I'd need to pick up the pace if I wanted to take all of this in. Soft, strong hands fell onto my face. Briefly, I thought she might be offering me some encouragement or gratitude for pleasing her. But then her grip grew stronger. She didn't pull me all that far. Fractions of an inch, maybe? It didn't even feel particularly straining on my neck. But it was enough to redirect Octavia's ongoing climax directly down my throat. I couldn't really lament her bypassing my tongue; I had quite a bit of creme de Octavia still ballooning my cheeks. Plus, the desperate sounds she was making implied this was a bit better for her too. Help yourself, lover. It's not like I could stop you like this. I mentally reciprocated her pleasured groans, relishing the feeling of her love flowing endlessly into me. I could almost hear it pulsing, periodically pressing harder against my lips. So many shots in and she was still accelerating. I felt a bizarre sense of deja vu as my stomach grew tight. Considering her past performance, it was entirely possible she'd overfill this end too. Or maybe I'd swallowed enough magic to take her absurd orgasm in its entirety. Hopefully it was the second one. I wasn't too keen on vomiting. It would kill the mood. As her roaring climax continued, I felt my eyes fluttering shut. Probably a combination of my long-faded orgasm, oxygen deprivation, and a very full stomach. As my neck went limp, it seemed I'd be passing out again. This probably wasn't good for my health. But before I could settle down for another nap, Octavia's grip on my head loosened and her cock popped out of my mouth, allowing my body to carry out all the appropriate responses to being suffocated. You know. Swallowing, coughing, gasping. The usual. While I returned to the world of the living, I watched my lover slowly lean back as even her monstrous strength left her. After leaving its second home in my mouth, her member snapped back against her abdomen, landing a rope of cum up to her chin on its way. The rest caught the underside of her breasts. Even though I didn't quite manage to maintain dominance, I still allowed myself a small amount of pride for bringing Octavia this kind of pleasure. Enough to leave her slack jawed and panting, still erupting all over her magnificent body. Pretty good for a human pinned to the bed, I'd say. Without any more stimulation, her throbbing finally weakened and Octavia finally joined me in the afterglow. Just the sound of our steadying breaths filled the room. It probably smelled of sex too but I was probably just accustomed to her scent and taste at this point. In the silence, I started to wonder if anyone had heard us. I could convince myself that normal ponies in neighboring rooms were probably asleep during our first escapade. I could not say the same for this rainy afternoon. Well, they would have knocked if they wanted us to stop. Not that we would have heard. Octavia let out a final sigh before leaving my lap, letting her head fall next to mine. She seemed to study my face for a moment then smiled, pulling me by the chin for a quick peck. While I was there, I thought I might as well clean her up a little. Much like how this little session began, I traced my lips down from her chin to her neck, licking up what she managed to shoot past her chest. Yeah I know I said I was full. I liked it. "Well, you seem to have held up your end of the bargain," she said, giggling at my attempt at aftercare. Ah yes, I forgot. I was technically obligated to entertain her all this time. Sucker. I would have done it for free. I swallowed. "Is it that late already?" She craned her neck to look past me, presumably to a clock on her nightstand, and shrugged. "Late enough. Well done." I wondered what "late enough" might mean. Then I tried to decide how I felt about "well done" as feedback after sex. Then I stopped thinking about all of that as Octavia drew me into her arms. "Mmm," she hummed, pressing my face into her chest. "That skin of yours feels nice." That's right. Everyone in this world was probably accustomed to fur-on-fur what with the lack of any native hairless apes. It was easy to forget that I was about as exotic to her as she was to me. Although, considering I was currently being smothered by a mare drenched from the tits down in her own cum, I was likely in the lead as far as new experiences were concerned. I freed my head from the soft confines of her breasts to check on my partner. Her eyes were closed and she'd already sank deep into the pillow. She seemed intent on drifting off into an afternoon nap while I played the part of her teddy bear. Frankly, I didn't want to sleep at the moment. Still, the warmth of her body and the strong arms holding me implored me to reconsider. "Hey," I whispered to disturb her as little as possible. "Isn't napping without an alarm kind of dangerous?" Octavia opened one eye and sighed. "How diligent of you." She raised herself to a seated position with one arm, holding me in her lap with the other. "My set doesn't start until rather late this evening but I can set an alarm if you'd like." While she leaned over to her night table to fiddle with the hotel's alarm clock, I found my pants hanging over the headboard and freed one of my arms to grab my phone. "I got it," I said, twisting until I sat with my back to her. "When do you need to get up?" "Never mind that, Anon. You've got nearly twenty messages. Is someone trying to get a hold of you?" Sure enough, I turned my eyes toward the screen and found a plethora of notifications waiting for me from within the hour. Luckily, instead of some family member, the contact read "The Boyz". I assure you I did not name it that. "It's just the guys from the party. I bet it's just hangover complaints or something." I was only partially right. There were a couple concerning a missing wallet and swearing off of alcohol forever, but upon noticing I wasn't reading the chat, one of them asked where I went. They quickly came to the consensus that I was killed and started a chorus of various forms of "RIP Anon". Octavia snickered behind me but quickly caught herself. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me to read those. It's just, your friends seem quite interesting." "Yeah, I bet a therapist would find them absolutely fascinating." While I was reading, one of them must have noticed my icon appear on the app indicating I was caught up with the messages. "He's alive! What happened last night, dude? You ghosted us." I started chewing my lip, thinking of some kind of response. There was a sort of minimum level of irony to be maintained in the group chat. I'd need a sufficiently clever answer to not be called a bitch. "Is something wrong?" Octavia said into my ear. "You just didn't follow them to the bars, right?" "Yeah, but that's not funny enough. I've gotta catch them off guard somehow." "Off guard? I think I can help with that." She held out her hand, asking for my phone. Now, normally I'd be put off by that sort of breach of privacy. But I don't think Octavia and I had many secrets left between us. "Knock yourself out," I answered, handing it over. She proceeded to navigate to my camera and pull the sheets over both of us. "Lie down facing that way," she ordered, releasing me from her lap. I did as I was told and, after a little shuffling, heard the telltale shutter sound. Looking pretty pleased with herself, Octavia pulled me back onto her and presented her work. She'd angled the camera such that she was visible from the nose down with the bed sheets just barely covering her chest. My form was visible in the background, appearing asleep. Text stretched across the bottom of the screen reading "Don't worry, boys. I'm taking good care of him." "Jesus Christ," I exclaimed, laughing and shaking my head. "I can't send them that. You're half naked." "I'm completely naked, Anon. But they can't see who I am, nor can they see anything important. I had to hand it to her, that picture would definitely catch them off guard. Still, it felt like the sort of kissing and telling that I usually avoided. Regardless of my reservations, I was relatively helpless as she hovered over the send button. When she heard no further complaints from me, she finished the job and returned my phone to me. Almost immediately, the chat was inundated with "YOOOO!" and similar exclamations. I decided to mute it and deal with that aftermath later. "I didn't know you had this kind of exhibitionist streak," I said. "Is it really exhibition if you're the only one that really saw everything?" I couldn't argue. My head had just about caught up with my body's fatigue and I was much more receptive to the idea of a nap. With the alarm set, Octavia carried us both back under the covers, once again clutching me like a security blanket. Caught between a bed and a very soft place, I let the sounds of rain on the window and her breathing above my head lull me to sleep. > Capriccio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Comfy?" I asked. "Quite," said the voice below me followed by a corroborating yawn We were seated in the back of what I could only describe as a luxury car. Not exactly a limousine as it wasn't so much stretched as it was spacious. Unlike some other things in this world, it actually seemed to have been made with a huge pony in mind. With a nice reclining bench seat and plenty of leg room, there was no need for close quarters. So of course Octavia was lying across the seats with her head in my lap. I'd had some questions when we stepped into the car. Why does this look like it belongs at the Oscars? Why are we getting in the back? As it turns out, the answer to both of those questions was Octavia's strange influence and wealth. The man in the front was a taciturn chauffeur rather than a valet. And this wasn't even her car. She'd left that one at home. If nothing else, I knew who to go to if I ever needed a loan. "Do you perform for the queen or something?" "Princesses," she corrected. "And only occasionally." Right. I knew that. I had more to ask, mostly for the sake of conversation rather than curiosity, but her eyes were shut already. It was for the best. It's not polite to pry into finances, jokingly or otherwise. I couldn't really complain about her choice of a pillow while I idly ran my fingers through her mane. It seemed ponies, this one especially, enjoyed affectionate contact like this even more than humans. I did have a bit of trouble convincing myself to pet this intelligent and very much thinking creature like a house cat. However, my reservations faded when she purred like one. The ride went like that for the most part, my gaze shifting from the still dark early morning road to Octavia's peaceful sleeping face. Good on her for being able to clock out like that in a car. That's how I got most of my neck cramps. Around hour two or three of uninteresting turnpikes and highways, it occurred to me that I didn't tell Octavia my address. Despite apparently living in the same city, I was not necessarily walking distance or even convenient public transportation distance from home. I guess I could get an Uber. Wait, it's not called that here. Was it Hoover? It was probably Hoover. I certainly could have spoken up and asked our driver where exactly we were headed but that would have run the risk of waking my companion. Plus, for all I knew, Octavia had already somehow found my address. I laughed at that thought as we entered the familiar streets of Horsesham. Then I stopped laughing when we approached my apartment building. "Uh, Octavia?" I gently shook her shoulder. "Hm? Wha?" She roused herself from her car nap with an understandable lack of grace and blinked out the window. "Oh goodness. I'm sorry, Anon." Well, I could forgive a little creepiness. Octavia pulled herself half way out of her seat toward our driver. "I apologize, Miles. Would you mind making one more stop to bring Anon home?" Wait what? She returned to her seat and shot a sheepish smile in my direction. "I wanted to drop you off first. It would be rather strange for me to send you two off without me. Rude, as well." "Back up a sec," I said. "What's going on?" "I forgot to ask Miles to drop you off." "Drop me off where?" "Er, your home, presumably. Unless you have somewhere else to be?" What? "Are- do you-" I had to stop and collect my words. "Where do you think we are right now?" Maybe she was still in the process of waking up or maybe I was having a stroke, but I felt like we were speaking different languages. "I live here, Anon," she eventually said after a couple glances outside. "I live here, Octavia," I said back with my rapier wit. "You both live here," droned the voice of our driver from the opened trunk as he removed our bags. "Will you be needing anything else?" That last part was just a formality, I guessed. The guy nearly destroyed his tires tearing out of the driveway as soon as the doors closed behind us. We took a moment to stare at the entrance. Two sets of doors leading into the plainly decorated lobby. We'd both been using this entrance for as long as we'd both lived here. We likely passed by one another on several occasions, maybe even been on the same elevator once or twice. "Remember when I said coincidences like this happen more often here?" I asked to break the silence. Octavia nodded. "I'm beginning to understand. Where's yours?" "205. You?" "823. Goodness, I may have even seen you through the window at some point." I should clarify. The building we apparently shared had a sort of horseshoe shape to it. Even numbers face outward, odds face inward. Though, it's not like there was a nice courtyard out our windows. A mess of plumbing and ventilation from the first floor dominated what would be our scenic view. "What, you peep on your neighbors often?" She nudged my shoulder with her elbow. "I enjoy leaning outside for some peace every now and then. She's not entirely inconsiderate, but I wouldn't call my roommate 'quiet' either." That's right. The roommate. The old best friend slash lover but maybe not entirely committed roommate. Would I have to meet her at some point? Do we have to get along or do I have to compete with her? Or was Octavia serious when she mentioned "someone else"? Screw it. It was too early for that kind of crap. It's not like I was gonna confront that reality today. "Say, why don't you drop off your bags and come up for coffee?" Oh. Never mind. "Sure," I answered despite my reservations. "I'll just, uh, see you up there in a minute." We parted ways by the elevators when I opted for the stairwell. Then I instantly wondered if that seemed weird. I had a bag, after all. Why not just ride in the elevator for one floor? Then again, the load was light enough that I could still carry it. Then I panicked because I momentarily forgot the room number I'd heard mere moments ago. I'm much smoother when I'm drunk, aren't I? Generally, after any sort of overnight trip, I like to have a day or so at home to just get situated before the routine starts back up, you know? So upon entering my very humble abode and letting my bag fall by the door, a wave of instinctual fatigue washed over me. No. Stop that. Go be social. You can handle coffee in another apartment in the same building. You'll have plenty of time to do nothing later. I ventured back to the elevator and hit the little "8" button for what I realized was the first time. As I walked the unfamiliar floor, I found the rooms a lot fewer and farther between. Did my building have penthouses? Rounding a corner, I found Octavia outside of a door rummaging through her purse. "I must be faster than I thought," I said, wincing after hearing my voice echo a little louder than I intended through the empty halls. "My key chain broke," she explained, holding up a broken ring. "And now my key is who-knows-where in my bag." Ah yes. The woman's pocketbook. I've heard stories of chewing gum and lip balm passing through the event horizon, never to be seen again. It seems that was another transcendent fact of life between our two worlds. "Isn't your roommate home?" "She won't be up at this hour. She wouldn't hear me knocking even if she- aha!" Octavia's hand emerged triumphantly with her key. "Hallelujah," I droned. "I apologize if there's a mess. I haven't been home, you know." "You're talking to a bachelor, Octavia. My bar for 'clean' can't go much lower." She pushed open the door and, to her credit, the room was mostly clean. And big. While the furnishings and layout resembled mine, that's where the similarities ended. She appeared to have a full kitchen rather than a modest kitchenette. I counted three more doorways within, presumably two bedrooms and a half-bathroom. Her "living room" area was probably about the size of my entire apartment. Dominating that living room was a piece of furniture I'd never seen before. I'd describe it as the result of a passionate evening between a large sofa and a king size bed. It curved around a comparatively diminutive coffee table leaving only narrow walkways on either side to access the rest of the apartment. A sea of black cushions large enough that someone Octavia's size could stretch out on it completely with room to spare. I know that because a white pony around Octavia's size was sleeping on the thing. In nothing but a cropped tank top. With at least a partial erection. "Vinyl!" Octavia stormed into the room ahead of me, her roar sending this "Vinyl" tumbling backwards off the couch in surprise. Her dazed head poked out from the cushions and managed a raspy murmur of confusion before Octavia grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and dragged her through a doorway. The door shut behind them, leaving me alone in their living room. While I listened to muffled sounds of movement and presumably harsh words, I wondered if I should take a seat on the weird couch-bed. On one hand, I didn't want to look like I was eager to leave. On the other, that girl was just hanging out butt naked on the thing. Thing. That girl was like Octavia, I assume. I didn't get the longest look, but that was definitely a dick. Octavia hadn't mentioned that. Maybe this condition wasn't as rare as I was led to believe. But there was definitely something rare about it. Maybe it was a trick of the light or some kind of underwear I didn't notice, but that thing had the brightest shade of electric blue I'd ever seen. Without realizing it, I'd taken off my shoes and made myself comfortable on one of the cushions. I guess I couldn't very well pull the prude card if I just devoted a good deal of thought to the look of a stranger's penis. "I told you we'd be coming back today." The door opened and Octavia stomped out, one hand on her hip and one on her forehead. "At, what, four in the morning? I sleep too, ya know." Following her was the roommate "Vinyl" now clad in some plain athletic shorts. Her voice reminded me of a radio show host for an alternative rock station. You know the type. Not quite feminine and somehow implying a permanent smirk through audio alone. With the two mares side by side, the first thing I noticed was the height difference. Pretty much all ponies were taller than me and she was no exception. However, Octavia still cleared her head by a comfortable margin. Probably contributing to that size difference was the horn on her head. This one was a magical unicorn. Logically, I guess it made sense that a magic horse wouldn't need to be huge. In height, that is. I gave into my baser instincts and let my eyes fall to where every guy looks eventually. Jesus. If I were to call Octavia's chest "generous", then this girl's was obscene. Like, she probably forgot to wear pants earlier because she couldn't see past those things. That tank top must have been made of spider silk. Right, back on track. Neck-length mane with a couple shades of blue. Purple eyes. Don't stare at her tits. Don't stare at her tits. "Why even be naked on the couch to begin with?" Octavia continued. "What if someone was at the door?" "Anyone that's coming here to see me is probably gonna get an eyeful eventually," Vinyl answered. Then she turned her gaze to me. "Help me out here, dude. I didn't traumatize you, did I?" "I think I'll live." Vinyl shot her roommate a victorious grin while Octavia rolled her eyes. "Well, since first impressions can't get much worse, I might as well introduce you," Octavia said to me, leaning over the couch behind me. "The mare that just flashed you is Vinyl Scratch" Vinyl took a seat opposite to me and waved. "Sup." "Vinyl, this is-" "I know who he is," Vinyl interrupted. "He's the legendary Prince Anon!" Her words hung in the air, waiting for a punchline. "I'm the what?" I asked, finding a similarly bewildered expression on Octavia. "Oh come on. Don't you humans have some kind of myth about a King Arthur or something? How he pulled a sword from a stone and became King?" Octavia sighed an annoyed sigh. I was beginning to doubt they were actually friends. "Anon, I apologize if she's being racist right now." "No no," I assured her. "She's fine. There are a couple to that effect. But, uh, that's kind of a weird random thing to know about one culture on my world." "I watch a lot of documentaries," the unicorn said dismissively. "Anyway, I figured you should at least become a prince if you managed to pull the stick out of Octy's ass for a weekend." Ah. There it is. I'd give it a four out of ten. The punchline is too long. "I thought you said nobody could shorten your name," I asked Octavia. "Not in a way I like. Octy, Tavi, Octo, Big O, T-bone- don't ask about that one." "I think I can imagine, thanks." "Hey!" Vinyl protested. "First of all, all my names for you are great. Second, are you both really gonna ignore my joke? I freakin' wrote that one down when I thought of it." Octavia ignored her and turned back to me. "Cream or sugar?" "A little cream, thanks." Octavia sauntered off to the kitchen, leaving me alone with her pouting roommate across the couch. Vinyl, as soon as "Octy's" back was turned, grimaced and started pulling at her waistband. She noticed my cautious gaze and shook her head. "Too tight," she whispered. "Muscles over there tied me up like a friggin' life boat." Sure enough, Vinyl put in a noticeable amount of effort before the knot on her pants gave way. Freed from her elastic prison, she let out a sigh and settled into a decidedly unladylike pose on the couch with her arms above the cushions and her legs spread wide. However, I saw no sign of her other unladylike attribute. I wasn't sure of the size but I was pretty sure a garment that tight wouldn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. I wasn't disappointed. Honest. Apparently I wasn't even fooling her with that thought. When I dragged my eyes off her crotch, I found her sporting a very knowing and cheeky smile. "You look like you lost something," she so astutely observed. I shook my head, trying to focus on not ogling her for once. "No. Just wondering if I was seeing things." "Don't worry, you saw right," she said tugging her waistband. "She threw me into some of her enchanted clothes. Guess she doesn't want me to give you a show." Then she gave a knowing smile. "Of course, I can give you a show if you'd like." And suddenly I was really thirsty for that coffee. "D-does that hurt?" I stuttered to avoid her provocation. "The enchantment I mean." "They're not too bad. It's kind of a spacial magic thing so it's not like I'm getting crushed in here. It kind of feels like it's floating." She emphasized her words with a little thrust into the air, looking at what was presumably where her member would be. I knew she was doing it on purpose. It was still working though. "Did you make them?" I asked hoping I could change the subject. Vinyl snorted. "You gotta be a real brainiac to do that kind of stuff. Or practice for, like, years. I didn't study that kind of magic in school but I know a couple little tricks. Check this out." She leaned forward and stared at me, pointing at her eyes. "Look into my eyes," she droned in an awful Dracula impression. I did so without thinking and briefly thought about how there might be actual vampires in this world. I should be more careful with magical crap. "So am I supposed to see swirls or-" As I prepared my snide remark, the unicorn's purple irises flashed a deep crimson red for an instant. Vinyl smiled proudly at my slight wince, reaching for her eyes and pulling off a pair of contact lenses. "Pretty neat, huh? Now imagine you're watching me in a concert and that happens. It'd probably fuck with you a little, right?" While she explained her little color change trick, her horn glowed the natural purple color of her eyes. The contacts followed suit and floated out of her hands and off to the bedroom behind her, presumably into some storage solution. All the while, I heard a sound I can only describe as "sparkly". "I guess 'neat' is a good word for it," I mumbled to the actual magician in front of me. It struck me as pretty dumb that changing your eye color was a cool trick while long distance telekinesis was just a thing some of them could do. "Who exactly are you seeing at concerts?" "Uh, the audience?" "Wait. You mean you, like, give the concerts? Are you famous or something?" She responded with a disinterested shrug. "I don't even know anymore. It's like, I can pack a venue and get all these groupies or whatever, but no one knows who I am when I go to the store. Not like I'm trying to blend in here," she said, gesturing to her chest. Everything coming out of this mare's mouth was either a double entendre or a single, very explicit entendre. I crossed my legs and looked anywhere else, hoping to find Octavia approaching. No such luck. It takes more than an instant to boil water in any universe, I guess. With my guard up but my attention elsewhere, I didn't notice the purple glow around my segment of the couch. With almost disconcerting ease, my seat was dragged across the room to fill a newly empty spot next to my tempting tormentor. Her extended arm fell around my back, all but pulling me into her lap. My gaze had been fixed forward in surprise since my unexpected relocation, but I was shaken from my stupor when she flexed her grip around my waist. "Ease up, dude. I won't bite if you won't." That was all well and good, but I obviously couldn't handle this level of aggression. I was being reduced to a horny teenager even more than with Octavia. That she could do this to me so casually and so quickly was almost frightening. "Alright," she whispered in my ear. "While she's still out of the room, I've gotta ask you something." Oh jeez. "Shoot," I croaked, eyeing the doorway behind Vinyl's disproportionate chest. "How'd you do it?" "Do what?" "You know what I'm talking about! How'd you get into her pants in one night?!" From her words alone, I'd have thought she was being protective of her friend. Except, when I managed to meet her eyes, they were wide and without suspicion. She seemed almost impressed. Wait, how much did she know about the last couple of nights? "How do you-" "We text," she interrupted. "Well, I do. She normally hits me with yes or no or nothing at all. But she's been blowing up my phone recently." Well that's flattering, I guess. "Thing is, she's pretty shit at gossip. I've got, like, no details. So what was it? Pickup line? Beat her in poker? Do you play an instrument?" I blinked at the onslaught of silly possibilities. "No, no, and no," I answered. "I bet you put your coat over a puddle for her or some shit," she guessed with a chuckle. "She probably loves cheesy stuff like that." "Look, we just started talking is all." "Ugh. You're as bad as she is." The "she" in question finally returned to us, placing two coffee cups on the table before us before sitting down catercorner to her roommate. "'As bad' at what?" she asked, unfazed by our close quarters. "At telling me a freakin' story!" Vinyl exclaimed. "You never bring anyone home ever. Then you go on some week-long trip for 'work'," she paused to mime some air quotes. "And come back with a human on your arm!" "We started talking and enjoyed each other's company. There's no story." "'No story' except for two steamy nights in Manehatten with you two supposedly just talking." One, I mentally corrected. The other was during the afternoon. Octavia just smiled at her exasperated roommate. If I were to guess, Octavia didn't get to be on this side of the conversation often. Either she was enjoying this game or she genuinely didn't want to talk about it. I couldn't be sure. "Whatever," Vinyl said with a sigh. "I'll get it out of you two eventually. Especially if this guy lives around here." "In this building," I added. "Second floor." "No shit? What are the odds?" "Yes it's all very convenient," Octavia said, shooting me a smile. "Now why don't you let Anon out of that headlock so he can have his coffee?" The unicorn acquiesced, returning her arm to behind her head so I could reach the table. "What, none for me?" She complained halfheartedly. "You don't even drink-" A distinct buzz interrupted her retort. Like someone drilling into one of the walls. While I rubbernecked around to find some lost carpenter, Vinyl glanced to the far wall and lit up her magic. The object in her grasp lost contact with the wall and the noise faded to a reasonable vibrate. "I truly wish you'd just use a ringtone," Octavia muttered. "You make music for a living." "Get with the times, Grandma," Vinyl answered. "No one uses ringtones anymore. And if I did, I'd keep it at a volume I could actually hear." What was apparently a very loud phone floated into the unicorn's hand, conjuring a look of mild confusion on her face when she read the contents. "Well I don't want to keep it too loud. I might annoy someone." Vinyl didn't react, too absorbed in her phone. "Do you use a ringtone?" Octavia asked, realizing her roommate wasn't going to offer a rebuttal. "I, uh, haven't taken my phone off silent in years," I answered. "Well not only does Octy keep her sound on," Vinyl said, tapping away. "She also doesn't keep it in her pocket." Octavia crossed her arms. "And what's wrong with that?" Vinyl stuck her chin up, flared her nostrils, and spoke in a mocking parody of an insufferable noble. "Mizz Octavia appears to have left her cellular device in my carriage once again. Do let her know I will meet her at the door. Signed Miles Fender." She then dropped the deepened voice. "Dude signs his text messages. What a weirdo." Octavia closed her eyes and groaned. "Again? Really?" she said under her breath. "I'll be right back," I took that as a sign that I should leave as well. Honestly, between their bickering and Vinyl's aggression, my social battery was draining quickly. However, Octavia saw me moving and held up her hand. "Please stay, Anon. It'll only be a moment." "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." She'd already gathered her purse and walked by us toward the door. "Positive. And you," she said, pointing to the pony next to me. "Behave." "Don't lose your keys while you're out," Vinyl responded, not quite answering the command. Still, it was good enough for Octavia as she shut the door behind her. I was squeezed back into Vinyl's side as soon as the gray mare turned her back. She turned to me, unfazed by my cheek digging into her breast. "Alright," she said. "Real talk. I gotta make sure 'cause I actually can't tell with you two. You did sleep together, right?" Octavia seemed intent on keeping this from her for whatever reason, so I did my best to put on a poker face. "That's a yes, then?" Shit. "I'm actually relieved. I heard most of you guys are a little, eh, iffy when it comes to mares like Octy." I shrugged. "That might still be true. I'm probably the weird one. Hell, I was probably more than iffy about it before I met her." "She has that effect on ponies, huh?" "Yeah. I mean, I was still surprised and stuff. There aren't many humans like you two after all. But she was kind enough to give me a little warning when things were going in that direction, so to speak." Then I chuckled. "And I guess so were you." "Oh I'm not like her. Not exactly." "Uh what?" "But that can wait. I'm glad you picked up what I was putting down though. For a minute I thought you were just dense." "Wait. What do you mean?" There was a flash and a magical popping sound, and suddenly I could feel a lot more fur on my face. "I'm usually more upfront about this stuff, but I had to be careful around Octy. She says she likes to take it slower." Once again I felt like I was speaking a different language. Then it all came together when I found a bright blue object poking into my vision behind the now exposed tits against which I rested. Oh. She was naked. She poofed her clothes off. How nice. Vinyl let out a relieved sigh, her hand stroking her freed cock. "I usually don't wear clothes at home," she said. "Not a whole lot, anyway." "Y-yeah?" I croaked. "Helps get the fans riled up when they come backstage too. 'course, the type to come to my show usually isn't this stiff." She punctuated her words with a squeeze of my shoulder. "At least, not up here. Let's get you loosened up." Suddenly, my vision went purple and my body moved without my permission. I felt a slight tingling on my skin as I floated into the air in front of Vinyl, my arms flailing around to find purchase on something. She didn't even bother to move an arm as she carried me. She just sat there stroking herself. "I won't drop you, dude. I just wanna get a look at you." I managed to stop my squirming and settle into a hunched over pose over the coffee table, still instinctively holding my stomach. Not my first choice for a flight pose, but I'm sure all those super heroes looked dumb their first time too. "Those look uncomfortable," she said mischievously. "Uh, no I'm-" "Don't be shy. We're all friends here." I usually made a point to not do that in front of friends, but I didn't think that would convince her. One magical pop later and my clothes were suddenly neatly folded on the floor. All I could do was stay curled up and watch my captor eye me up like a piece of meat. Or whatever hungry ponies might eye up. Well, I wasn't screaming for help yet, so I must have been okay with this on some level. Not like my view was bad either. Even before I awakened my new, let's say open minded sexual preferences, I would have appreciated the sight before me. From what I could see of her stomach, she wasn't exactly toned. In fact, her whole body looked like it'd be soft to the touch. Not just the parts she'd been pressing against me. She was presumably at full mast at this point. Having become intimately familiar with Octavia's member, I was confident that Vinyl's was slightly smaller. Still far beyond what I could handle without magic, though. In fact, due to her smaller height and ridiculous breasts, it seemed she could probably squeeze herself between them if she leaned forward a little. I was already flushed, but that thought decided it. This situation alone had me twitching. Vinyl hummed, bringing a finger to her lip pensively. With a slight flick of her head, my arms and legs stretched out, forcing me to bare what little secrets I had left to this mare. "Weird. Didn't think she was into twinks." Excuse me? "I'm definitely into it, though," she continued, floating me closer. "The skinny ones make the sexiest sounds." I wanted to open my mouth and protest but Vinyl suddenly dragged me to my knees with my face in her crotch. Now that I was right where she wanted me, she let her magical grip loosen and replaced it with a hand on my head. I brought my hands in front of me as soon as I was able in the hopes of maintaining a little breathing room. I did little more than massage her thighs, however, and my cheek soon met the base of her shaft. A unicorn's muscles outmatched mine as easily as an earth pony's. Effortlessly too, given how casually she kept speaking. I wonder if she even registered my resistance. "I'm in the mood for some oral action," she mused nonchalantly. "You down?" A shrinking part of me wanted to slow right the hell down. However, between her cock brushing against my lips and her scent filling my nose, a growing part of me wanted to dive in. I settled for just opening my mouth and letting her grip guide me. It may have been a little non-committal, but it kept me from having to acknowledge that I just agreed to go down on a stranger. Come to think of it, this is how I started with Octavia, wasn't it? In a way, that first time was better. There was at least some "foreplay" first. Here, I was just burying my face in her sack right off the bat. Her hand guided my head while I absently licked and suckled on the closest part of her, losing my inhibitions to her scent and taste. I felt the heat of her length on my face as I dragged my tongue along her sheath. She wasn't quite throbbing just yet. "Alright, come on. We don't have time to screw around while we're screwing around." My head was drawn upwards, my tongue still clinging to her shaft, until I rested on her crown. Through lidded eyes I saw her still-cocksure expression beyond the massive pillows on her chest. "Open up, dude." My mouth was already open when she said that. And it's a good thing too. She didn't give me any time to react before forcing the broad tip of her cock into my mouth. In no time at all, she'd gone farther down my throat than any other object that wasn't food or water. Suffice to say I was surprised and thoroughly unprepared. I grunted in panic, finding my tongue pinned and jaw propped wide open. The curve of her dick placed concerning pressure on unfamiliar parts of my throat. I didn't even try to draw breath, instead shifting my head to my right to sidestep her hand still pressing me down. I broke free with a distinct "pop", immediately gasping for air. I cautiously rolled my jaw, fully expecting something to be broken. Not only was everything in order, I didn't even feel like gagging or coughing. It was as though my body had stretched and snapped back into place as soon as her rod left me. Looking up again, I found Vinyl frowning at me with a shadow of concern behind her hungry eyes. "Was that, uh, your first time?" "Never gone that far," I answered, my voice surprisingly not hoarse from this horse. She clicked her tongue and stood, her magic carrying me into the air once again. "My bad. Thought she would've given you some experience." And here I was thinking I'd had a fair amount of firsts the past few days. "Don't sweat it, though. I've taught plenty of sluts how to suck me off. I'll give you a crash course." Her magic faded again, dropping me belly up on the couch with my head hanging off the side. "It's the angle, right? I usually have an easier time like this." I bent my neck up to see her and maybe question her logic, but her towering cock obscured my view of her face. "Most ponies are more flexible than they think, so let's see how far we can go before you feel uncomfortable. 'kay?" That's real considerate of you, Vinyl. But you kind of forgot I'm not a pony. There's no way that could- I've said this before, haven't I? "C'mon," she urged me, tapping her dick on my pursed lips. "Open. We'll take it slower this time." I doubted her idea of "slow" would be much relief. Still, I'd been on the receiving end of quite a bit of magic recently. Maybe I could handle it if I was prepared. Her hips advanced, gently parting my lips and giving me ample time to explore her head with my tongue. I opened my mouth as wide as I could in preparation for the rest of her, but it still felt too big. That is, until her own efforts plowed through my body's feeble resistance. I'd felt a strain on my jaw before taking her, but all of my discomfort evaporated as soon as it was her doing the pushing. My muscles relaxed and my attention was free to wander to more pleasant subjects. I'd had trouble describing Octavia's flavor before. However, with her as a comparison, I could conclude that there was something lacking about Vinyl's. If Octavia was pure vanilla extract, then Vinyl was artificial vanillin. Sure, the same essential qualities were there, but certain subtleties were absent. Well, I'm no connoisseur. I drank in her flavor all the same. Vinyl had paused her approach while I lapped away at her tip, offering me a pleased hum for my trouble. "Doin' great, dude. Ready for more?" I opened my eyes and found her hefty white sack still quite far away. Instead of mumbling my response around her dick, I decided to take back a shred of control. I reached out with both of my arms and found purchase on her generous rear end. Between her smooth fur and plush flesh, I thoroughly enjoyed sinking my fingers into her cheeks. Of course, I wasn't there just to grope her. Gently, I pulled her closer, goading her to feed me more of her length. "Oh hell yeah!" she exclaimed. "Someone's finally getting into it!" She slowly traced one of her hands along my chest toward my neck, soon cradling my face. She tapped a finger on my jaw. "Just some precautions. Two taps for air. Three for slow down. And..." she trailed off, bringing her other hand to cover mine on her ass and flexed her grip. "Squeeze for 'please fuck my face with your fat dick, Vinyl'." Normally, I wouldn't have offered such a vulgar statement a reaction. However, her crass words along with the cocktail of new sensations filling my mouth tickled something submissive inside me. Those words probably wouldn't pass my lips, but I imagined I'd be giving her butt a squeeze soon enough. She reached the back of my throat without incident, avoiding triggering my gag reflex likely through the same magical means that kept my body in tact recently. However, I reached a roadblock as I tried to pull her in further. I grunted in frustration, wiggling my head around her like I was dealing with a stubborn doorknob. I heard the unicorn laughing above me. "It's seriously hard to tell if you're a pro or a virgin. Here." Her hand reached out and massaged my neck. "I'm in your mouth right now, yeah? What do you normally do when you want something in your mouth to go deeper?" Swallow, I suppose. With some effort, I forced my throat to relax and accept the largest pill ever. Sure enough, the familiar reflex quickly drew her in. I felt my neck expand around her newly swallowed length, bringing back those alien sensations of stretching parts that usually didn't stretch. All the while, Vinyl continued to stroke my neck and, by extension, her cock as well. "Oh wow," she said drowsily. "Am I a good teacher or what?" I hummed around her, savoring the smooth texture pressed against every surface of my mouth. The feeling of warm flesh slipping down my throat gave me a sense of satisfaction I hadn't felt since my last time in the human world. No matter how good these chefs were, I guess humans would always crave meat. I wasn't going to bite. I probably couldn't muster up the strength even if I wanted to. In fact, although she was fitting inside me well enough, her size was imposing some hefty limitations on my mobility. Stretched as I was, I couldn't move my tongue to pleasure her. The same went for my head. Maybe that was her plan when she laid me down this way. To give me no options but to swallow around her cock and take her deeper. I kept pulling. A rigid ring passed my lips without resistance. The comparatively small bit of anatomy that had given me trouble two nights ago now served only as a tactile beacon in my throat, letting me know just how deep this girl was digging. I was vaguely aware of a breathy sigh above me as well as a hand tracing circles on my chest. "Fuckin' crazy, dude! You're such a little guy and, ngh-" she paused, letting out a groan. "And you're still taking so much!" What happened to all that confidence before? These ponies should really make sure they can fit into holes before fucking them. Honestly. She rested her finger somewhere between my ribs. "Betchya I'm right about here right now. But you've got more room for me, yeah?" It was a rhetorical question. She moved her hands back over mine, swung a leg up onto the couch beside me, and let some of her weight fall onto my mouth. My modest, staggered pace gave way to her insistent and constant descent into me. The stretching sensation extended somewhere behind my chest as more and more of her slid by my tongue. Then, suddenly, my nose dug into somewhere soft and warm while to heavy objects met my forehead. "Aww yeah," Vinyl sighed, grinding her abdomen into my chin. "Good boy." I shuddered at those words. I don't know if it was just the dirty talk or my own emerging fetishes, but I really wanted to make this girl cum. To let her use me like a toy. Unfortunately, she was content at the moment to just sashay her hips, wiggling her hilted pride in my throat. She wasn't exactly using me like the voices in my head wanted. "Hey, uh, Anon?" she asked, interrupting my cock-addled fantasies. "Hell of a time to ask this but, are you still alright down there? Can't help but notice you haven't come up for air yet." That couldn't be right. I mean, I hadn't passed out yet. That meant I was breathing, right? Before I could be distracted by another silly train of thought, I reminded myself that I was still in this world of convenient pony nonsense. Of course I could breathe. It would be inconvenient if I couldn't. As a proof of concept, I gently inhaled through my nose, inadvertently dosing myself with her scent. Sure enough, I drew in air unimpeded by silly things like physics. Convinced, I decided to give Vinyl an answer she'd love to hear. Her bubbly butt devoured my fingers. Despite its size, I had no trouble sinking my hands into it to make a firm, stable grip. First, her cock twitched. Then there was a slight pause. "That's not the signal for air, ya know." I know what I did, missy. Just for kicks, I gave her plump ass another squeeze. "Alright, alright. I hear ya. Fuck, didn't realize you humans can breathe through your ears." She paused and I imagined her licking her lips. "Guess that means I can be as rough as I want, huh?" Here we go. I felt her magic engulf me right before my back left the couch. She took her hands off of me and let her telekinesis drag my lower body upward, still holding my head on her dick. Once I was completely inverted, she tucked my legs under her arms. "Bear with me, dude. I think you'll like this position." Cons: Blood was going to rush to my head pretty soon. Pros: I had Vinyl's dick down my throat. I also felt my own brushing up against her tits. I flexed my grip on her butt, grinding my face against the base of her cock to show my approval. "Good boy," she cooed. "Hang on tight." Holding me in place with her magic, Vinyl gently pulled back her hips. Up until this point, I can't really say I've ever found the sensation of something leaving my throat pleasurable. But now, pony magic let me enjoy feeling her huge shaft stuffing me. She removed maybe a third of her length before slamming back in, hard. Her balls bounced against my forehead while my nose dug between them. Then she repeated the process again. And again. And again. Her breathing abruptly became labored over the course of her thrusts. She held herself there at the end, twitching occasionally while I sucked in her musk. "Fuck," she sighed. "Your mouth's a lot more shallow than a pony's. I'm getting so deep..." she trailed off, making a couple more short thrusts. "...in this tight little throat. I'm not gonna last." And what's wrong with that? In the back of my mind, I remembered we were kind of on a time limit here. What she was doing to me probably didn't satisfy Octavia's order to "behave". Would she get upset again? In order to speed things along, I mustered some strength in my arms and pushed myself back against her magical grip. "Huh?" she mumbled almost drunkenly, relaxing her hold. "Do you need-" I pulled myself back into her, commanding my newly tamed reflexes to keep swallowing around her. She grunted and I felt her footing falter. "You tryin' to hair trigger me or something?" Vinyl growled, now gripping a handful of my hair to hold my head down on her crotch. I could only offer a mumble around her rod. "I'm glad you want my cock, dude. But I wanna enjoy this a little more before blow my load in you." I felt her free hand climb to the side of my ass along with a magical one on the other. I understandably tensed up, making unintelligible noises of surprise. "I think I'll give us both something else focus on, then." Her two grips on my rear suddenly pulled me apart. I tried to squirm away on instinct, but I was again faced with Vinyl's superior strength. I could feel her eyes on me, someplace I generally avoided sharing. I didn't know if she could sense my embarrassment, but she chuckled to herself anyway. "Ya know," she began, still squeezing me. "This doesn't look like the ass of someone that took Octavia's monster. But I'm pretty sure you didn't get her talking like that with that thing you're poking between my tits." Come on. I'm only human. "Let's see if this body of yours is trying to trick me again." I hadn't noticed since the sound of her magic was already all around me, but she had weaved another spell. While her hand slowly dragged my head off of her dick, a tingling tendril poked at my other end. In an instant, my eyes were once again completely obscured by her sack as she hilted in my mouth. With my attention back on her member, she slipped a piece of her magical appendage into me. "Hm. It's not exactly an easy fit but I don't hear any complaining. Guess she did train you after all. But how much did you take?" She slowly pulled me off of her cock again, this time adding her own hips to the movement. Once she freed a couple inches, she thrust back inside while adding some more length to her arcane toy. "Did you wuss out after the head?" The process was quicker this time and her magical tendril started to twist and squirm. I wasn't equipped to deal with this kind of double sensation. Even through the vigorous movement, I could feel my awareness slipping. "Or did you take it all like a good slut?" Another thrust. I felt her toy gain some girth as well as length this time. If I could have seen anything, my vision would have been swimming. She might have continued with the dirty talk, but she also chose that moment to fall into a steady rhythm with her thrusts. Any further inquiries about my status as a slut were drowned out by the squelching of her cock as it rammed in and out of my mouth. Her new long strokes strained my lips' seal around her girth, letting strings of my saliva trail along her briefly revealed length. I must have been enjoying her taste if I was drooling that much. But while I adapted to Vinyl's rigorous treatment of my head, her other protrusion into me ceased thrusting altogether. Whether from a lapse of focus or just to tease me further, her toy only twitched and ground into me. Moaning from above finally won out over the squishing noises in my ears, betraying Vinyl's waning composure. Although I wanted to take advantage of this vulnerability, I was still very much immobile. Sure I was proud to be making her moan like that without lifting a finger, but that satisfaction had a bit more of a submissive flavor when I remembered I was more or less playing the role of a sleeve. Percussion joined the melody of the mare's cries as she collided with my face with greater speed. However, counter to my previous conclusion, the light slapping had almost machine-like consistency. After maybe a minute of the unbroken pattern, I began to think I was on the business end of the world's lewdest metronome. If I knew more about music, I might have been able to discern a tempo or whatever it was called. Distracted as I was, I decided to call her long thrusts "whole notes". And just as I managed to classify it in my head, her pace started to change. She picked up speed, occasionally peppering quicker beats into the music she was making with my face. A half note here. A quarter note there. Measure by measure, she composed a small sonata as she drove her spit-slicked prick into me. In the excitement. I may have added my own muffled accompaniment to her show. "Nnf- fuck," she grunted. "Gonna cum." As the realization hit her, she dispelled some of her magic and let my body fall haphazardly back onto the couch. Immediately, her hands flew to my neck and she resumed her frantic but still uniform rhythm. Her tight hold on my windpipe accentuated the textures of the cock she was sawing in and out of my throat, its twitches and throbs stretching me even thinner. She'd gone over the edge. I was sure of it. Her engorged head put even more pressure on my insides as it began to pulse, but Vinyl had no intention of slowing down. If anything, her pace only quickened as she shot her first volley into my gut. I shuddered as her thick essence poured into me from such a deep point. The hot injection blurred my already dizzy vision. In fact, it seemed all my senses had gone numb except for touch. In my mind, I could see a cross section of myself: one end still plugged by a conjured tendril, the other stretched beyond recognition around her pulsing, cum-spurting cock. I could almost see the stream of white flowing through me, gathering in my stomach and threatening to stretch me even more if I could make no more room for it. Vinyl just kept hammering away. Her fat head made sure none of her load even made it back to my throat, much less my mouth. So she was free to ride out her orgasm without the slightest threat of a mess. Meanwhile, I could do nothing but lie there limply, offering weak sucking and swallowing to her performance. She stopped cumming before she stopped thrusting, eager to milk out every last throb from her climax. The way she kept moving, I was afraid she'd go right into another round without even pulling out. But no. When she was sure I'd taken everything she could give, she finally let her tool rest, fully sheathed in my mouth. While I caught my breath, I felt a hand stroke my cheek. "Good boy," she cooed, gently swaying her hips. "Good slut." I mumbled a vague response, feeling the heat of her cum relaxing any remaining tension in my body. I drew in shaky breaths from my nose. But with her now sweaty sack in the way, what I inhaled was just more of her scent rather than air. My tongue flexed uselessly against the rod still stuffing my cheeks. "Hope you don't mind the stuffing, dude. I know you only asked for a little cream." Vinyl hummed as she languidly withdrew her cock. And, as my body continued to morph around the intruder, I realized that she was still as hard as before. I pursed my lips as best as I could around her girth, cleaning off what little remained of her generous emission. When it finally slipped out, all that was left was a healthy film of my spit. "No, uh," I swallowed. I could taste her on my breath. "No problem." Although I was now convinced of my strange resistance to sex-induced bodily harm, I couldn't help but pat around my body to check for unfamiliar holes or internal bleeding. The only thing out of place was my slightly expanded stomach. Inhuman, but a far cry from the last time I tried to receive a pony's gifts. I looked over and saw her performing a similar check on her chest. Watching her hands disappear into her chest, I half expected them to emerge with a comically oversized ACME product. But, she took them out empty, frowned, then gave me a once-over. "Huh? You didn't finish?" I scooched forward and sat up on the couch. Sure enough, I was still standing at attention despite everything. I offered a shrug. "Dude, I was fucking your mouth. You were allowed to cum on my tits if you wanted. Jeez, I'm almost insulted." "Sorry?" I answered. "I was a bit, ngh-" When I tried to swivel toward her and sit normally, I winced at an uncomfortable sensation on my ass. "Distracted," I finished, twisting to see the violet glow of Vinyl's magic still planted in my other end. "Oh wow. That's still there?" Vinyl remarked. "Let me see." She put her hands on my shoulders and not-so-gently guided me to my hands and knees facing the kitchen. Once again I felt the unnerving sensation of prying eyes on my backside. "This thing's pretty handy, you know," she said. "Adjustable size, customizable shape, cleaning, lubing..." She trailed off. One of her hands wandered to my ass. I was still a little groggy from my meal, but I could still sense the danger from this exposed position. "Sounds great. But, uh, do you have to be looking at it to take it out?" "Nah," she answered without pause. "Oh." She left me to contemplate those words while she kept on groping me, now with both hands. I heard the sparkly sound of magic followed by a slow retreat of her toy. With nothing in my mouth but her lingering flavor, my attention was free to notice that I was, indeed, lubricated back there just like she said. The sounds faded when the toy finally left me. Not a moment later, I felt something even larger sliding against my newly empty hole. "Hey Anon. I've got an idea." I shivered. Her hotdogging let me feel just how much meat she had to pitch at me. Starting from her tip, it felt like miles until I felt her sack collide with me. That I just handled her in my mouth well enough or that I'd taken more in the past didn't really ease the fear in my filled gut. It might not have even been fear. "Ya see. You're horny. I'm still horny. We're both nice and slippery." She punctuated every other word with a full length grind of her cock. "Think we could work something out?" My fingers dug into the cushions. "I dunno, Vinyl. I'm pretty beat." That was a lie. Energy was returning to me by the second "I bet you are after that performance." She bent over, dropping her tits on my back and her head next to mine. "But I'd feel pretty shitty if I left you high and dry after you sucked me off like that." "Aren't you worried about Octavia?" "Not really. Mr. Driver gave me a whole list of shit he had to do before he could come back." Vinyl chuckled. "That guy won't say two words to me on a 5 hour drive but gives me his whole schedule over text. Like I said. Weirdo." She pressed down on my back, forcing me into a prone position under her. "Besides," she continued. "Don't you think she would just join in?" I gulped. Memories of that conversation over lunch came to mind. As did memories of when she impaled me. I didn't move. Damn. These ponies are really good luring me to bed. Or I was just easy. Maybe Vinyl wasn't wrong when she called me a slut. "That's right," she whispered, laying all of her weight on me. "You want it bad. You really are a good slut. Just like me." I whimpered. I could feel her worming her way into my head just like I could feel her poking my ass. "So you just sit tight." Her arms curled around my chest while her legs forced mine apart. "And sing for me." > Legato > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't memorize things. My brain isn't wired for it. Unless there's an underlying concept explaining them, any and all trivia promptly make their way out the other ear once I hear them. So, I can't speak to whether or not I'm average on certain things. For example, it usually takes me a while to get back into the mood after release. About half an hour at the least if I were to guess. Maybe other guys have a little more vigor. I can't say I've discussed it at length with any of my peers. What I can say is that being raring to go with no break sounds scary. Not necessarily in the giving role, though I could imagine it being pretty distracting if I was short on time. No. Scary for the poor soul that has to handle their partner's climax being more of a literal breather. That's me. I'm the poor soul. Because, despite just having unloaded enough to stretch out my stomach, Vinyl Scratch was currently prodding my ass with a still very-much-hard cock. And for now, it was only prodding. With my upper body wrapped completely in her arms and my legs forced apart by hers, she had all the power and control she needed to overcome any resistance I could offer. That meant she was deliberately teasing me. With her weight on me, my erection rubbed against the black cushions under us. Between that and her refusal to get on with it, my anxiety was giving way to frustration. I took her for the "thrust first, flirt later" type of gal. What was she waiting for? "Ya know, I've been with short guys before but you're really something else." She squeezed her arms tighter around me and put some more force behind her hips, but still wouldn't penetrate me. "I keep thinking I'm gonna break ya." Right. Now she was worried. Not when I thought I'd choke but when I'm waiting for- Dammit, I wanted this. I wanted another well-endowed mare to have her way with me. But no way I was going to say so. If she wanted to derive any more satisfaction out of this, she'd have to do it herself. Well, as bombastic as I was in my head, what came out of my mouth was intermittent whimpering whenever I thought she was going to get started. I could practically feel her smug face looking down on me. One of my whimpers must have sounded more needy than I intended, and snickering from above soon followed. "Aw, is someone getting impatient?" I swear I meant to growl. I definitely didn't want to groan that loud. "My bad, Anon. I thought you were having second thoughts. I try to avoid stretching out a guy's ass if he's not into it." She released her hold on my midsection, allowing me to move my arms forward and brace myself against the couch. That control wouldn't last as she followed my example, placing her hands on mine and once again pinning me. I felt some of her weight leave my back momentarily before her legs tensed and I felt her bear down on me for real. "Hey, wanna hear a knock knock joke?" What the fuck, Vinyl? Before I could even fail to respond, her fat cockhead finally succeeded in spreading me apart, squeezing inside despite my body's feeble attempts to reject her. "Never mind. I'll just let myself in." The crown I'd mapped out so well with my mouth filled me again with a not-so-alien sensation. As Vinyl slowly rolled her hips, I felt the ridges along her tip rubbing me. I instinctively squeezed tighter when she pulled, my body unwilling to part with the new intruder. She kept prodding me with that small fraction of her length. Always threatening to go farther but pulling back at the last moment. It wasn't until I caught my breath to protest when she pressed on. Slowly. So damn slowly. I could almost feel myself growing physically hungrier with each passing, glacial millimeter. What's worse, it was exactly as fast as she wanted to go. This was part of the teasing. And it was working. Then she fucking stopped again. "Alright Anon," she said. "This one's for you so I'm gonna need you to hold those moans for a sec and talk to me. Pretty sure I know where it is from earlier but I like to make sure." With most of her shaft still outside, I felt her gyrating hips almost stutter in their movements. She made a series of shallow jabs, drawing small gasps out of me. Almost like she was being methodical. What exactly was she- Oh. That. I managed to bury my face in the couch only after letting Vinyl's neighbors know I was just nearly launched into a violent climax. Nearly. After I smothered my cries and cleared the stars from my vision, I found myself twitching and clenching, but not lying in a puddle of a premature orgasm. The perpetrator stopped her assault, seemingly satisfied by my reaction."Oh damn. Was that too much?" she asked playfully. "Did you cum?" Thanks to my best efforts to control myself, no. I said as much through my shuddering breaths. "Good. Since I still owe you a nut and all, I'd rather give you a little choice." She kept moving just enough to make me yelp without pushing me over the edge. If she didn't let up soon, I was going to chew off my lip. "I could keep poking your bitch button until you pop," she trailed off, still demonstrating what that would feel like. "Bet it wouldn't take long. You probably wouldn't even survive another real hit." It really was that simple for her. She could angle the first couple inches of her dick just right and finish me off in one more real stroke. I hadn't fared much better last time a mare had her way with me, but that was a little more passionate for both of us. With her describing it so plainly, it felt almost embarrassing. But more than that, it felt... "But that wouldn't satisfy you, would it." That's the word. Vinyl had me pegged in both senses. Her aim shifted and she glided past the sensitive spot that had me screaming. I groaned at the equally overwhelming sensation of her continuous thrust. "It really doesn't take much to get a slut off, especially when you've got the kind of experience I do." There was no struggle as her ring entered me. Just the short bolt of sensation as it passed the button she showed me earlier. "But sluts don't just wanna get off. They wanna get fucked. They wanna feel all of that nice long dick in their holes. They wanna make their stud explode inside 'em." Her shaft shoved aside any of my protesting organs. I could feel her squeezing the flesh of my stomach against the couch. Had we been in another position, we might have seen her bulging through my belly. And that wasn't even all of it yet. "They wanna hear how good they are when I show 'em their place." I finally felt her hips collide with my ass. Her absurd length of pony meat rested inside me while her more absurd tits sandwiched my head. I was fully smothered, stuffed, and subdued under her. Meanwhile, she made a satisfied sigh as though she'd just cracked open a beer and not hilted in her newest bitch. I think I even heard her chuckle. "There we go," she said, not needing to move a muscle while my involuntary squeezing massaged her. "I'm in. So what'll it be?" Back to teasing. She was going to make me say it and I was fresh out of dignity. I freed my mouth from her smothering embrace and prayed my voice wouldn't crack. "Fuck me." "That's the plan, Anon," Vinyl said, gyrating her hips. "But how should I fuck you?" "Come on," I groaned. I tried shifting my hips every which way to no avail. She just let her weight lock me in place. "Nuh-uh," she chided. "Let's hear it. How do you want it?" This fucking bitch. "Hard!" I grunted with all the force I could muster. In no time at all, Vinyl withdrew most of her member and slammed it back in before my ass could even think about missing her. "That's a good fucking answer, slut." The force of her thrust knocked the wind out of me along with some more embarrassing cries. Just that one movement was enough to get both of us bouncing against the couch. While I uncrossed my eyes, I felt her squeeze my hands. "Just so you know," she grunted after another full-length thrust. "I'm not gonna bother with signals this time. You're gettin' it as hard as I know you want it 'till we're done." The meaty slap of her hips on me mingled with my involuntary gasps. Hopefully these two musicians had some good sound insulation. "Mmmf-fuck yeah, dude," she moaned as she hilted again. "You've got a tight fuckin' hole back here!" I could tell. Despite the ease with which she impaled me, every part of me felt stretched to the limit by her size. Even though I'd taken bigger. I wondered if I would ever get used to it. Jesus, just how often was I planning to get fucked? In what felt like only moments of serious fucking, I felt a different tightness in my gut. With my limit fast approaching, I squirmed and opened my mouth to let her know. I'm not sure what my plan was. Maybe I was being too romantic, but I hoped she'd be able to catch up somehow. No such luck. For one, I was past the point of coherent speech. But Vinyl got the point and slowed enough to deafen the slap of her flesh on mine. "Aw, are you gonna make a mess on my couch?" She let my addled mind dwell on that long enough for shame to set in. Then she resumed her frenzied pace. "Go ahead. 's only fair. I'm gonna make a way bigger mess in you, after all." She drove her hips into me again and again, sacrificing some length for speed. I heard wet sounds from the magical lubricant between the slaps. But more than that, I felt her dick bulging out of me. Friction, pressure, pleasure in places that shouldn't have felt anything at all. I'd begun my climax already. My body just hadn't realized it yet. I mewled into the couch as convulsions rippled up my spine. It was like my entire body was throbbing in time with her thrusts. I tried to shut out the world and focus on those sensations to keep myself together. However, Vinyl wouldn't let me ride this out it peace. Magic ripped my head back into the open air, uncovering my mouth and unleashing every undignified cry I wanted to keep hidden. Then I felt the heat of Vinyl's almost calm breath on my head. "Scream for me, slut. I wanna hear you cum all over my cock." I obeyed. I screamed as she kept hammering away, rising in pitch with each rapid punch to my insides. While I came, the world outside of us faded. I saw only her hands locking mine in place. Heard only the deafening smacks on my rear end. Felt only her dominating length carving out my guts while I squirted helplessly onto the couch. I'd have a hard time calling anything else "sex" after this. And she just kept going. No pause to feel any sympathetic pleasure or whisper something dirty in my ear. She wasn't even trying. If she was, I wouldn't have lasted this long. Well, she still offered some words of encouragement. She just didn't stop swinging her hips while she did so. "Mmf! Keep squeezing me, dude!" came her breathy voice. "Just like that!" That's right. I wasn't the main event. I'd reached a peak. Not the peak. Just like she said, I wanted to feel her explode. I clawed my way back to awareness while my hands clawed at the couch. The room flooded back into my vision along with some familiar rhythmic sounds. It was a whopping two data points, but I had a feeling Vinyl liked to maintain a certain tempo when she was close. No idea what a musician might call it but it was way faster than anything I listened to. With my returning awareness, I found myself already in an afterglow of sorts. I couldn't completely calm down of course what with Vinyl still sawing through my insides, but at least one part of me had checked out. No more peaks or valleys, just a vague sense of satisfaction behind the sensation of my partner's thrusts. It was a bizarre feeling, having sex while my libido faded. Almost like I'd lost my reason to be pinned under this girl. I was less a submissive participant and more of an object. I was being fucked. I twisted my head and laid my cheek on the cushion. Beyond the generous breasts I could make out part of her arms holding me so firmly in place. Even without much visible muscle, they had no trouble overpowering me. Not like I needed more confirmation of that though. Her hips were shaking my entire body with each movement and no shifting on my part seemed to help or hinder her progress. She felt hotter inside, somehow. With my own stimulation muted, I had a less biased impression of her ruthless stretching of my hole. I'd probably be having regrets if she were able to hurt me. That's not to say I was without discomfort. In fact, a number of unpleasant sensations crept to the front of my mind. Our sweat left me feeling slick in some places and sticky in others. My orgasm earlier had cooled to a lukewarm smear on my abdomen while Vinyl's bulge in my gut and bouncing hips made sure I felt it. But none of that mattered. We weren't done yet. She wasn't done with me. "So good," Vinyl groaned, hand squeezing mine almost affectionately. "I'm almost there, Anon." That hit a switch in me somewhere. Maybe it was the praise or promise of experiencing another pony orgasm. Maybe her magic rejuvenated me. Maybe her last thrust hit a weak spot. I didn't know. What I did know was that, although I was taking this one lying down, I wouldn't get to rest just yet. My meek voice and meager strength returned. "What the f-ngh!" Vinyl sputtered, her next thrust faltering about half-way into me. My latest burst of energy forced me to clamp down on her hard enough to interrupt her tempo. I cried out. While my spasming muscles impeded Vinyl's entry, the tightness made her tool feel even thicker. That she barely paused after the attempt didn't help me cope any better. There was growling above me. Her grip tightened on my hands as she forced me back open. I may have caught her off guard there but she was getting in no matter how much I squeezed. "Fff-fuck, Anon," she panted. "You want it bad, don'tcha? Nnf!" She was playing cool, but I knew she was losing it. I felt it in her voice. And her penis too, I guess. I told her what she wanted to hear, my incoherent squeals letting Vinyl know that I did, in fact, want it bad. "Yeaaaah you do," she said shakily, almost back inside. "You want another nice big load in your guts, yeah? That's why you're-," she grunted. "-why you're tightening up like a good slut. So fucking tight." She shifted to shorter bucks for her remaining length, letting out quick breaths in time with her movements. "Gonna cum," she announced. "Gonna cum deep inside you, Anon. Gonna knock your ass up." I voiced my approval as well as I could, managing to moan something resembling "yeah". Then my voice died in my throat when she finally hilted. I heard a long, gasping inhale. She stiffened up like a statue above me. For a moment, the only movement I could feel was the sluggish expansion of her cock while it prepared to deliver another inhuman payload into me. Then it began. One or two dry throbs before the deluge of her essence spewed out into me. It only took one shot for me to feel hot, wet, and full. But she'd barely started. Vinyl shook her hips, sawing almost none of her length in or out but rather tugging at my desperate grip around her base. That movement alone was enough to stir up the rapidly growing pool of her climax that was accumulating in my colon. I heard obscene squishing sounds behind me as trails of her cum worked their way back out of me. I also heard her. First moaning. Then panting. Then almost giggling while she continued to pleasure herself with my ass. She must have been having a nice time busting her second nut inside a slut on the same morning she met him. "That's it, slut!" she said. "Take it all!" I was. That's all I was doing. That's all I really could do. Though I'd gotten excited again and was undeniably still enjoying this, another orgasm was beyond my capabilities right now. I could only twitch in sympathetic pleasure while she showed me how a pony fucked. The rhythmic pulsing of her cock rapidly wore away at my strength. I could no longer maintain the squeezing she'd been encouraging so much. Of course, with our respective sizes, my input wasn't really required for it to be a tight fit. And it was tight enough if her accelerating output was any indication. Her load traced a searing path through my insides, once again massaging me in places never meant to be touched. Twisting, turning, coating everything until I could no longer keep track. I just had to assume every available surface would be completely painted a nice shade of Vinyl White. And then I felt the pressure. With my plumbing clearly not prepared to handle so much so quickly, the endless flow of her cum collected in my belly. With each little movement, she throbbed. And with each throb, another rope of pony batter lifted my midsection a little further off the couch. Actually, the movements weren't so little anymore. The added lubrication of her load let her slide through my grip more easily, turning what I thought were her final pumps into full length thrusts. As the flood of her orgasm slowed, the speed of her hips increased. But I couldn't keep up. Every time she pulled back, her cum rushed to the new space no longer occupied by her cock. Then, when she went back in, it splashed out. She wanted to make sure I wrung out every last drop, even if that meant losing a great deal of it on ourselves and the couch in the process. The sounds were louder now. Wet, rapid slapping between a still-climaxing pony and her human bitch hanging on for dear life. I could only imagine what the mess looked like back there. My second wind- or was it my third?- started to die before Vinyl's stamina. My eyelids were heavy and the only thing escaping my lips was a weak sigh every time her dick tunneled back inside. She was still going, even when her output slowed to a trickle. Soon, her thrusts forced more out of me than she was putting in. Only when I no longer felt her throbbing did she ease up. It was a deliberate change. A smooth shift in her tempo while maintaining the same strong thrusts. Slower. Slower still. With both of us presumably spent, I'm not sure who this little show was for. She remained hilted for a beat. Then sluggishly withdrew to her tip. Then fell back inside. I think these were the final notes of her song. Again. We were both completely drenched from the waist down. I could feel us sticking together while she paused. Once more. She rose with a heavy inhale, held it there for a measure, then collapsed back onto me, into me. There was no applause for her performance. Just our steady breathing. Well, her steady breathing and my jagged gasps. Her dead weight pressed on my back, squeezing the bulge in my belly against the pillows. Despite her recklessness at the end, I still held on to a sizable amount of her cream, no longer leaking out thanks to her- Why? Why was she still hard? How? She didn't answer my thoughts. She just hummed and patted my head before pushing herself up. "That was fuckin' great, dude," she said almost drunkenly. "You're taking these dickings like a fuckin' champ." She shuffled us backwards to get her feet on the ground, letting mine fall down to join them. Then I felt her hands pull me apart. "Damn. I really did a number on you, huh? Look at all this cum." I didn't have to look. I felt it all right as she gave it to me. "And after all that," she began, pulling back her hips. "You're still too friggin' tight!" Her exit wasn't exactly pleasurable. Just a long, thick recap of the tool she used to fuck me. I shivered as she finally popped all the way out. I may have felt empty had she not left me so full. "I mean look at this! You're not even gaping a little bit! Normally I like to watch my sluts ooze my load all over. But you're barely dripping! It's like I didn't even fuck your brains out!" No, Vinyl. I'm absolutely certain you did. My brain definitely felt fucked out at the moment. "Oh well. I'll just have to try harder next time." Though there was a sense of finality in her words, her hands didn't leave my butt. She didn't move at all. My stomach somehow made room for a lump of lead. "Say, Anon?" Fuck. "Seeing you all messy with my nut is pretty hot." Fuck. "You're still good for another round, right?" I had to say something. "Plus, I bet I could really break you in this time. You'd like that, yeah?" Words wouldn't come out. I hadn't recovered yet. I manged only a single "mph". Unfortunately, it takes two "mph"'s to say no. "Hell yeah, dude! Where'd Octy find someone so cool?" Her hands moved to my waist while I felt her cock poking me again. I didn't think I was gonna stay conscious through this one. "Here we go again, slut," she announced triumphantly. "I'll stretch you out real good this time." I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for an even rougher session with this sex maniac. There was a grunt, but I didn't feel her push into me. In fact, her hands left me too. Cool air washed over me as Vinyl, apparently, disappeared from behind me. "That's quite enough," said a voice that wasn't Vinyl's. I knew who it was, though. "Hey! What the-oof!" I lazily turned my head in time to see Vinyl's face fall onto the couch next to me. Judging by her squirming and protests, I'd say she was being restrained. "You neglected to mention Miles had errands to run," Octavia said, eerily devoid of emotion. It seems we were a bit preoccupied to notice the door opening. "Heh heh," Vinyl faux giggled. "My bad." "You know, you need only ask if you'd like some privacy." I felt her hand on my shoulder, gently turning my body in stark contrast to the one-handed submission hold occurring next to me. Grave concern flashed onto her face when our eyes met, only to turn back to austerity when she dropped me and returned her glare to her roommate. I wonder what face I was making to provoke that. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Octavia continued. "Whaddya mean? Anon and I had a little fun while you were gone. What's the big deal? Hngh!" I assumed the grip on Vinyl's wrists tightened there. "I don't suppose you asked Anon for permission first, did you?" "Of course I asked first! I'm not a creep!" "And what did he say?" "Not much. My cock was in his mou-wait wait wait ow! That came out wrong!" "Vinyl..." Octavia said, dripping with ire. "He was cool with it! I swear! Yo Anon, back me up here!" I could have left Vinyl to her fate. Might have been pretty satisfying. Then again, she was telling the truth. Only that third round would have been pushing it. And, by the sound of it, Octavia was about to murder her. "'s okay," I said, slurred and labored. I wasn't exactly in a state to wax poetic. Hopefully that got the message across. "See?" Vinyl said after a relieved huff. "So how's about you let me up so we can give Anon here a little double-team action? Eh?" My heart sank. I could probably survive it, sure. But I didn't feel like becoming a ragdoll tonight. Today. Whatever time it was now. And maybe I wouldn't. Vinyl remained restrained next to me, her cocky expression gradually fading as she looked back. "I recall telling you to behave," Octavia droned. "I didn't do anything wrong!" "Forcing yourself on a guest is not behaving!" "He just said it was alright! Besides, it's your fault." "My fault?!" "Yeah! You were gone for so long and I..." Vinyl's bravado disappeared mid sentence. "Ya know... missed you. And stuff." I pictured Octavia pinching her forehead in frustration. This was far from the right time for sentimentality and romance in my opinion. There's no way that little line really hit home. Right? "You're right," Octavia answered after a pregnant pause. Vinyl's eyes narrowed. "What?" "I know how you are. And I left you alone anyway." "I mean-" "So I've got to take responsibility." "Hold on a sec. What are you-" Vinyl stopped talking after we heard a zipper. "You can't help it, after all." "Hold up hold up!" "It's up to me to keep you occupied. So you don't take advantage of anyone else. Isn't that right?" The sound of her clothes falling to the floor kindled my imagination while Vinyl's face contorted in excitement and fear. "Yo, uh, Octy. This is hot and all but you sound kinda angry right now. And I gotta be able to walk this week. Maybe we could-" Vinyl truncated her protest with a high-pitched yelp just as I heard a heavy smack behind us. "I have been neglecting you, haven't I?" The unicorn whimpered through a couple more slaps, presumably on her fat ass, while Octavia continued to hold her down. "Hey," Octavia called out. "Cast the spell." "But you're just gonna-" Another smack. "Clean up the mess. On Anon too." A dim glow appeared on the unicorn's horn followed by a flash reminiscent of the one that removed my clothes. In an instant, I no longer felt quite so slimy all over. Just sweaty. Convenient. "There," Vinyl muttered shakily. "Good as new. Anything else?" "Just two things. Think about what you did..." Suddenly, Vinyl's face was shoved into a pillow. "...and try to be quiet." The next slap was different. It was one I had burned into my mind. One involving Octavia's strong hips slamming into someone. The earth pony sighed again, still not sounding thrilled to be there. Meanwhile, her partner let out a full throated wail into her pillow. Octavia held her there until the noise died down. Then she thrusted again, receiving a similar response. "Are you happy now, Vinyl?" If her cries of pleasure weren't enough, I could see a look of unabashed horniness on her face when her head rolled to face me. Half-lidded, unfocused eyes, flushed face, and tongue hanging out of her mouth. It was like an inexperienced cartoonist took their best guess after reading a description. Did I look like that two nights ago? Or just now too, I guess. "You're disturbing him," Octavia observed before Vinyl's body was dragged to the other end of the couch. I could see even less of them now. Alright. Exhausted or not, I definitely needed to watch this. I gathered my strength in my arms and pushed, eventually rolling onto my back. After a pause to catch my breath, I shuffled back until my legs no longer hung off the side. I definitely preferred going right to sleep after bottoming for a pony. Jelly limbs aren't good for much. I turned my head to see Octavia for the first time since her return. She was naked now, some of her clothes tossed haphazardly on the couch. Her expression was tight, showing focus without enthusiasm. She'd added her other arm into the mix, holding Vinyl by both wrists to bounce her against her cock. That side profile was really something. One mare with supermodel proportions absolutely reaming out another with a porn star's body, big bouncing tits everywhere, a couple long horsecocks attached. This was someone's crazy, horny fantasy. Probably mine. The impact of Octavia's hips sent ripples through Vinyl's ample rear, briefly distorting the symbol on the side. I think they were eighth notes or something. The ones that were connected on top. It was my first time actually seeing a cutie mark in person. Ponies seemed to have a habit of crawling on top of me before I could really get a good look at their butts. And on Octavia was an elegant pink... what was it called again? That thing at the beginning of the measure on sheet music. I really had to study or something. The way Vinyl's ass seemed to spill around Octavia whenever she slammed home was nothing short of hypnotic. With their practiced technique, they must have been very familiar with pleasuring one another. Well, one of them was, at least. Vinyl hadn't made an intelligible sound that wasn't "Fuck!" since receiving Octavia's first thrust. Her cock flailed about wildly with their movements, the tip seeming to brush against her hanging tits. Despite the protest beforehand, I think Vinyl was enjoying herself. Octavia, however, still appeared stern. There was no variation in her movements or signs of passion. Almost as though she'd found the most efficient way to get her childhood friend off ages ago and stuck with it ever since. Like fucking Vinyl into a blubbering mess was just another day in the office. Vinyl's vocalizations suddenly rose in pitch. Her head fell, her legs quivered, and more of her sticky white stuff shot out onto her breasts and the couch. Actually seeing her orgasm gave me a better understanding of what I'd just gone through. A stray string, not even her first throb on her third load, shot clear past her body to the end of the couch. The puddle that started to form resembled college party's worth of spilled drinks. And, once again, it just kept coming. Well over a minute of uninterrupted, consistent production just to stain the cushions beneath her. Meanwhile, Octavia hadn't let up either. She maintained her breakneck pace either oblivious or apathetic to her roommate's ongoing climax. "Come on," she commanded coldly amid the muted splats of Vinyl's cum. "Get it out of your system." The unicorn responded with a desperate moan, continuing to drench herself and her furniture in the results of her lust. Oddly enough, I couldn't smell any of it. Then again, I might have gone noseblind to it after having my senses overloaded twice. It was dripping off of her chest by the time the flow let up. Octavia then swapped to sharper, full-length thrusts to be sure her partner would be milked dry. Her output spiked along with her cries, but it quickly petered out. I was inclined to think she was spent. After all, I knew what it was like being under that particular mare. If she had anything more in the tank, Octavia would have forced it out. Then again, I'd been fooled by one of Vinyl's "finishes" before. There was also the fact that she was still erect. If it lasted much longer, I'd recommend she contact a physician. Octavia must have noticed the lack of any further squirting. That, or she no longer felt Vinyl clamping down on her. She pulled her mate back upright and wrapped her arms around her midsection, still maintaining her pace. "Are you through?" she asked. "Haaah," Vinyl answered eloquently. Then she tilted her head back against Octavia's neck and repeated herself. "Really?" she said flatly. "Even now?" I don't think Vinyl answered. Her next couple gasps were clearly involuntary. "Will you behave?" The unicorn nodded. Octavia slowed down. "Will you make it up to him?" Another nod and another deceleration. "Very well," Octavia sighed, coming to a stop the next time their hips met. "I'll be quick. Just keep in mind what you said." What did she say? Was this a case of female telepathy or did they do this so often that Octavia understood sex-induced gibberish? The earth pony rolled her hips, stirring Vinyl up without withdrawing much length. Her grip seemed to grow tighter, though it still shifted depending on the angle of her cock. I guess even pony bodies could barely contain that behemoth. Vinyl's member continued to flop about, throbbing occasionally but dripping only residual cum. Her moans resumed, but Octavia seemed deaf to them. In fact, she seemed lost in her work at the moment, having closed her eyes and dug her nose into Vinyl's mane. It was hard to say how long they stayed like that. They were dead to the world and I was right there with them. It would have been a romantic embrace had it not been for the mess of fluids all around them. Octavia inhaled sharply and lodged herself inside Vinyl as deep as she could go. Her head craned down lower, nuzzling against the unicorn's neck. I think I saw her whisper something, though I couldn't hear it over Vinyl's whimpering. Then the whimpering died. Sound drained from the room. I thought I could even hear my heartbeat. But it wasn't anyone's heart. From across the couch. Through Vinyl's body. I heard a deep thud. I heard her cock throb. Her arms jerked in time with the sound, getting displaced by the rhythmic expansion of her rod pressing against Vinyl's abdomen from the inside. Then I heard her cum. A low rumble like a storm surge forcing its way through a drainage pipe. The first shot actually bulged through Vinyl's gut due to the sheer force of the ejaculation. Octavia didn't move. She just locked herself in place as her orgasm washed over her. Her face betrayed not a hint of the flood she was currently pumping into Vinyl. Even Vinyl seemed to have finally conked out, her limbs falling limp while Octavia supported her. Vinyl's stomach sagged forward after only a couple more shots, now steadily growing in size with each passing moment. Soon enough, Octavia was forced to shift her grip as Vinyl's belly made the bear hug more and more difficult. My mind flashed back to my own experience. As overwhelming as it was then, I realized I still missed certain details of the ordeal. The audible pulsing. The speed and volume of her load. The scent of her magic as it easily overshadowed Vinyl's marking of the room moments earlier. I'm not sure I needed it, but this served as a reminder of what power looked like in a pony's bedroom. Nothing could compare. It was steadily leaking out between them. The space between their hips had been thoroughly coated while it dripped down their legs. If it weren't for magic spells, the whole carpet would be ruined. I closed my eyes and just listened, burning the sound of her climax into my mind. Just like Vinyl's thrusts against my face, it had a regular rhythm to it. After so much, after all this time, it hadn't lost any of its strength. Would it end? I'd only ever witnessed one of Octavia's climaxes in its entirety. For all I knew, she could last for hours at a time while she was actually inside someone. That might be interesting to see. Or, if I was sure I could take it, maybe even... Maybe shutting my eyes was a bad idea. I'd woken up early, sat through a long car ride, then got used as a cocksleeve twice. That's more than I usually get done before lunch. And now the soothing sound of Octavia pumping her cum into Vinyl was making me think dangerous thoughts. I needed a nap. But would that be polite? To crash on your neighbors' couch after one of them fucked you stupid? I doubt there was much precedent for etiquette in this situation. Maybe just a second. Surely she'd last long enough. And then I nodded off. Not long, I don't think. I didn't feel rested or anything. Just, one moment I was listening to the two roommates fuck and the next I felt myself being dragged farther along the cushions right before something heavy landed on me. I opened my eyes to see the top of Octavia's mane, still silky smooth and coiffed despite it all. Her cheek rested on my chest while she stared in the direction of Vinyl's passed out form across the room. She felt quite warm in contrast to her calm breath. I guess her rugged body could heat up well before it got winded. I reached out to her on instinct, something inside me demanding I stroke any soft, fuzzy animal within reach. And I managed to do so without my muscles failing. Maybe a micro-nap was all I needed to recover. Or just more magic rejuvenation bullshit. I wondered what to say. Was that little display supposed to be make up sex? Or was it "we'll make up later" sex? This sort of relationship was pretty baffling for my simple mind so I was hesitant to pry. But her lack of a smile called out to me. Alright. I was at least somewhat involved in this dispute. I had to smooth this over. Time to lighten the mood. "Comfy?" I asked for the second time today. "Mph." Octavia's response was delayed and quite a bit less emphatic this time. I understood her lack of energy but the afterglow didn't seem to be improving her condition. She stared off into the distance for some time wearing something resembling a grimace. A grimace that, to my dismay, persisted even as I ran my hands through her mane. Then, I watched her steel her resolve. "I want you to know I'm absolutely mortified right now." She still wouldn't meet my eyes. "Why?" "Why?" she parroted back, incredulous. "I invited you into my home, promptly deserted you for," she glanced around, finding no timekeeping devices in view, "A while. And during that time, my sex-fiend roommate bloody assaulted you!" My hand continued to pet her head while she explained. I think scratching behind her ear didn't help me take her too seriously. "She wasn't lying, you know. I was cool with it." "I still don't think that was what you had in mind when you followed me up here." "'I'll have you know that human men are thinking about that far more than you'd think." "Then you're almost at her level," Octavia murmured. She got a quip in. That was progress. "I still made you stay," she continued. "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have-" "Met your roommate? Talked to both of you? Had a good time? Octavia, I'm fine. Are you upset?" "Me?! I've got no right to be upset after what I just did in front of you! What I just-" She paused to cringe, quite outwardly. "I didn't want her to scare you off, okay? Our situation is weird enough as is. Her intensity doesn't help." "You're pretty intense yourself, you know." "I knew it! You are angry!" "Octavia." I grabbed her by the cheeks and forced her to face me. "Look at me. I've done nothing but enjoy myself since I saw you in the hotel. If you'll have me, I want to come back here. I want to see you again." I glanced at the comatose form of Vinyl next to us. "Both of you." Her sparkly purple eyes searched mine for a moment, no doubt finding innumerable "but's" to throw back at me. But, sometimes a little stubborn reassurance is all a pessimist needs. I would know. "And if you really can't convince yourself I'm not lying, just pretend I'm a sick pervert after your bodies." She sighed and let a smile wash away her concern. "You'd be in good company." She crept forward to nuzzle my neck. "Fine then. Just remember, you had every chance escape this silly life of mine." "I'm enjoying the levity," I said. Then I kissed her forehead in a way that didn't exactly match the immobilizing weight of her body on mine. I'm not sure I could ever get used to being on equal terms with someone so imposing. "Plus, I can't back out yet. You did promise me dinner one night." She rolled her eyes. "I suppose I have you trapped until then at the very least. What shall I make, I wonder?" "I trust you." "Don't," warned a raspy voice from the other end of the couch. Octavia and I turned to see a bloated Vinyl pointing to us. That was probably the quickest recovery from "fucked unconscious" that I would ever see. "Don't give her that kind of freedom. She'll break out the old cookbooks to impress you." "And what's wrong with that?" Octavia shot back. "You like my cooking." "I'm telling you, dude. She lures you in with a fancy salad dressing then bam! Suddenly you've got a plate of split pea soup jelly." Uh. "Sorry I try to make more than one thing, Ms.Curry-every-damn-night." "Have you ever had to spit out my curry?" "It would be good for my health if I did. You raise my blood pressure enough before all that salt." "Oh you're gonna be salty alright. I'm gonna throw away all your gelatin." They continued bickering like that while I stared at the ceiling. I allowed part of me to worry how a race of vegetarians produced gelatin while the rest finally got to processing these new relationships. I didn't know Vinyl well, save for the biblical sense. She probably acts like that toward anything with a hole. Could I call her a friend? Friendly? Weird to be using those words after two rounds of sex and observing one more, but these were strange times. Plus, she was close with Octavia, something I very much wanted as well. I was confident we had something going on, and not just in the bedroom. There was just the small matter of what that entailed with that other party in the mix. One that Octavia already told me she loved. If I wanted to be "someone else" for her, what would I have to be for Vinyl? Ugh. Romance and lust had been blurring together these past couple of days. I couldn't keep up. When our heads were a bit clearer, maybe we could have a talk. One not resembling an argument in a sitcom. Or a porno. Eventually. For now, I had to find a way back to my apartment before one of these nymphos decided to go again. Vinyl was already awake, something of Octavia's was starting to stir against my leg, and I didn't think I had the self control to say no. I thought chaste thoughts. About work tomorrow, bills, some laundry. There might have been some potato salad in my fridge that should be thrown away. My mundane routine would return. And yet despite my best efforts, I couldn't help but feel happy knowing these ponies happened to be an elevator ride away. "Anon?" I looked down to Octavia still lying atop me with a concerned expression. I guess my smile turned goofy while my guard was down. "What's so funny, wise guy?" Vinyl asked, feigning indignation as though she could do anything but roll toward me menacingly. I just kept smiling. "You're too much."