> A chaotic greeting > by Ravenray > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A chaotic greeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The land of the Chrystal empire was secure after the defeat of the shadow king known as king Sombra who was presumed dead after his most recent defeat at the hands of Twilight sparkle and Spike. However nothing ever lasts forever and after all of the wars following his defeat more and more fear spread across the land which only gave the unicorn king more power towards his resurrection and the revival of the shadow pony was practically the last bit of fear Sombra needed to return. A few days after the defeat of the shadow pony by the elements of harmony Sombra finally returned from the shadow realm, as the Luna brought forth the night a dark shadow swept down to the earth camouflaged by the night sky, once it landed the shadow began to take shape into the form of the great and powerful unicorn king who was full of rage after his defeat to a measly little dragon baby. Sombra turned his gaze to canterlot castle, while he did indeed want to simply just walk in and unleash his fury on anyone who got in his way he knew it was an illogical thing to do. Sombra decided to fall back for a while and regroup so that he could form a strategy "oh come on leaving already? The stories just started" Sombra stopped in his tracks and turned around searching for the source of the sound of whoever was talking, surprisingly there was no one there, could he have imagined it? It wouldn't be too surprising for someone to have the fear of being watched but what he said was definitely not from the imagination of the unicorn king. Sombra continued to glance around his surroundings till he heard a sudden flash from behind him, Sombra jumped and turned to see a strange man figure with mismatched parts riding a unicycle "woo-hoo" he called waving his hands around as if he was some sort of crazed fan trying to catch the attention of a celebrity. Sombra looked the strange creature up and down slowly as he examined him, he had never seen anything like him before as Sombra's reign only came before Discords chaos unleashed upon equestria "how did you-when did you-" Sombra took a breath and then decided to try be more calm in his tone when answering his question, to hide any of the shock he had towards the dragonaquis "who are you exactly?" he asked standing tall giving the spirit of chaos a serious look. Discord gasped holding his hands on his cheeks as his mouth made a perfect "O" shape and the word "GASP" appeared above his head "you.. don't know me?" he finally let out, as if he sounded offended or even heart broken that the unicorn king was not aware of who he was. Sombra simply shook his head and began to trot past the gasping draconequus "no I don't know too and I really don't care to know you, now if you excuse me I don't have time for these antics" he stated trying to sound as calm as possible when in his mind he was really starting to get fed up with these cartoon like antics Discord was messing around with. Discord turned to the unicorn king his head turning a perfect 360° as he still bared his "O" expression, this didn't last however as his face morfed into a devilish grin "ohh, this one is going to be 'really' entertaining" Discord thought to himself as he heald up his claws ready to begin using his signature Chaos abilities on King Sombra. The Shadow king didn't make it too far before he was suddenly tied up by a rope that was attached to a tree, his head darted around till he saw the draconequus once again walking towards him wearing a farmers outfit and doing a very spot on impression of granny smit "well well well looks like I caught the pony who dared turn away from me, to right the wrong of you not being aware of who I am let me explain that in just a few words" Discord cut off his granny smit impression and clicked his talons together causing a microphone to appear, he took a deep breath and began singing "some know me as Chaos, some know me as a draconequus, some think I'm scary, some think I'm strange. But you king Sombra you are a very special case, because you don't recognize this, very special faaaace, I.. Am... Discord! Oh yeah that's right I am Discord! But you may call me..... " The draconequus stopped in the middle of the song trying to think of what else to add before he simply shrugged and threw the microphone away "oh well, I'm sure you get the picture, I am Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony, and YOU, are the king everyone thought was dead" Discord gloated as he rubbed his talons down his beard. Sombra just stared wide eyed in shock of what he just saw "how... How did you.... Release me you fool! Let me out of these restraints you have me under" Sombra growled clearly annoyed by this treatment he was getting. Discord simply smirked "orrrrrrrrrrr what, last I checked here buddy your defeat to victory ratio isn't exactly the best" Discord clicked his paw which made a score board appear in the air under the title of victories there was a "0" and under defeats there was a "3" Sombra looked more confused than he did annoyed at this one "Discord was it? You should check your facts again as you are showing misinformation, I've been defeated twice.. Not three times!!" Discord kept the smirk on his face and shrugged "I know but your second one was to spike, I think you deserved an extra loser point for that" Discord mocked as the score board disappeared. The shadow king growled at this mockery and let out a powerful blast from his horn destroying the rope that held him in place and pushing back the draconequus. Sombra then shot a powerful blast at the spirit of chaos who took out a baseball bat and and cap along with instantly lining the forest to resemble a baseball stadium with many discords as the audience. Discord hit Sombras blast with the bat shooting it high into the sky and caused it to explode like a firework, the words "home run" being formed by the explosion and all the discords cheerd on the spirit of chaos. The unicorn king once again looked in shock by this power the dragonaquis had he then then sighed, perhaps he could talk his way out of this situation he was in, it was clear all of his magic would be futile against him "alright then Discord, perhaps we should start on writing, forgive me for my rude behavior" Discord tried to hold back his laughter until he couldn't anymore and let out a burst of laughter, Sombra simply looked in confusion at the draconequus as he rolled back and forward along the ground like a child. "oh no way am I falling for that again! Seriously this whole oh I'm so sorry let's be friends and work together shtick is really old at this stage" Discord ranted before jumping back to his feet. Sombra got more and more annoyed the longer he looked at this disgusting creature until all of his anger bubbleed up and he shot a green blast right at Discord, this one hit and his eyes turned green with red hues coming out of it, it was a spell to make someone swear there worst fear, Sombra was surprised that it actually worked now he could watch the draconequus suffer. Discords expression changed to a mixture of fear and horror "no! Friends! I'm sorry! Don't leave me! I!.. I didn't mean to" Sombra laughed at the draconequus's suffering till Discords please died out, Sombra, noticed and opened his eyes to see discord right in his face just an inch away from them making contact, then a strange narration could be heard in the skies saying "it was at this moment Sombra knew... He screwed up" LATER Celestia and Luna were in the dyning room having breakfast just as the day came to fruition, until they were interrupted by a knock on the door, they went to investigate only to find the unicorn king Sombra tied up with a label on his flank where his cutie mark would be (if he had one) stating "Discord was here"