> A Volatile Mixture > by Dustchu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Week 1 - Day 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- During your little flight alongside your dad and sister, you sighed heavily. Your name is Aileron, and today was a day you were hoping to be an eventful and productive one. You had plans set into place, ideas flowing through your head. However, today was going to be a different day for you, one that was already annoying you to no end. Instead of spending time at home until you could go out with your friends to a rock concert happening next week, your dad had decided on saddling you with some hefty news you did not want to hear from him. He was going on one of his business trips to some far off land, and that meant two things for you. Firstly, you would not get to hang out with your friends and listen to Maretallica rip apart your eardrums live at the Thunderdome - something you were looking forward to for some time. Secondly, you were going to be stuck with your bubbly and annoying sister and your drunk and emotional mess of a mother in a confined space for two straight weeks. You couldn't stop the feeling of irritation that churned around in your gut like a bad four-cheese burrito. All of it was entirely geared towards your dad. You knew exactly what his little trip was and it angered you that he was being such a selfish prick and dumping you at your mom's for two whole weeks! It was insane! You've brought up wanting to go see Maretallica for weeks with your dad, talked about how you were going to go with your friends and fillyfriend to see them live at the Las Pegasus Thunderdome next week! You had it all planned: leave at four in the afternoon and make it there by six to meet up with your group, get inside and listen to two straight hours of your favorite music! And if you were lucky, you'd get some sweet up close pictures of the band! But no... your dad had to be choose this week to head away to Manehattan on a two week getaway. The least he could do was let you stay home, but no, he wasn’t allowing it. So now you couldn’t go see your favorite band. And on top of that you weren't going to be able to hang out with your fillyfriend as much because of this, this interfered with future dates with her! You were eighteen for crying out loud! You were old enough to make your own decisions and do your own thing! You could handle yourself... accidents involving his 'escorts' notwithstanding, of course. How were you supposed to know the penthouse hot tub was off-limits that day? It's not like he put up a sign to warn anyone away or anything, and it was right outside on the balcony! Adjusting your duffle bag which contained your essentials—sketch pads, drawing supplies, extra clothes and the like, you continued following your dad and sister as you all flew to your mom's place. It didn't take very long for the vibrant and mesmerizing scenery of Las Pegasus’s skyline to morph from the bustling city of light and sin to the dusty and dreary desert leading out into the middle of nowhere. More specifically, your mom's junkyard. You've been there a few times, mostly whenever your dad dropped you off for your 'weekly' visits to spend time with the mare and hopefully bond with her alongside your twin sis. It always went the same as one might expect. You'd go there and Apogee would attempt small talk with your mom, who'd awkwardly reply back with something. If you were lucky, she'd go back inside and drink herself to sleep or leave for the day to go pick up some food. She'd end up bringing home Boop ‘o Roops, usually only Boop ’o Roops. Like, you didn’t hate the cereal, it was tasty but like… was this all she ate or what? Half the time you had to scrounge up old pizza she had stored in the back of the fridge. For once, would it kill her to actually stock some food that wasn’t disgusting or just plain unhealthy? You were brought out of your mental musings by your sister's voice. "You alright there?" Apogee questioned you, falling back a bit to fly next to you. You saw your dad's eyes drift back over to you, no doubt out of curiosity, and you bit back a snappy retort to respond calmly, "I'm fine, just didn't have a good night." That was only half true. After an hour of wondering why your fillyfriend wasn't messaging you back, you had set your phone aside before nodding off into a dreamless slumber. Waking up to your dad telling you to pack a bag because you and Apogee were staying at your mom’s for two weeks was the final nail in the coffin for your mood. Honestly, putting on a smile right now was difficult when you knew you weren't going to see Maretallica with your friends. Apogee’s muzzle scrunched up, the corners of her lips drooped, and her eyes looked you over, a genuine look of concern flickering in them like a candle light, "Are you sure?" "Yeah." You replied, focusing on the flight ahead. You just wanted to get to your mom’s and drown out everything with your headphones. Apogee pressed on however despite the tinier part of you wanting to be left alone for the remainder of the flight, "You sure you don't wanna talk about it, Ailly?" Ailly, the 'cute' little pet name your sis came up for you years ago. You guessed she just got lazy and shortened it for her own convenience, unfortunately for you the name got out and now your friends from school had started calling you Ailly. Well, at least it's better than Ronny. You rolled your eyes and replied to her, "I'm fine, Gee, okay?" You tone came off as a bit testy, but again... perfectly understandable, considering the current circumstances leading to your trip to your mom's. Well, understandable to you, anyway. You looked up ahead and saw your old man looking back at you with one of those looks. Concerned and anxious, perhaps? He angled his wings and flew back to fly alongside you like Apogee. "Hey, look... I know that I dropped this on you all of a sudden, but it'll be good for both of you to spend some quality time with her while I’m gone." He sounded so hopeful about that, and it made you snort. Your dad was always so optimistic to try and mend things with your mom. Apogee was the same like that, if not more so than your dad. What more could a filly her age want? She just wanted your mom and dad back together for that big happy family she dreamed about. Sometimes she'd talk to you—without your permission, of course—and talk about her little plans to get them back together. It hardly ever worked as planned, of course. "Sure, whatever you say." You bitterly replied, causing your dad to frown. You and your mother didn't exactly get along that well. She was bitter and resentful towards your old man for reasons she wouldn't speak about, even when Apogee asked a bunch of times. If anything it just annoyed her and she changed the subject to something else, usually about watching TV or drowning herself in booze. Even when you tried to get along with her when you were younger, she wasn't interested in doing much of anything, or at least... that's how it appeared. A random memory came to mind when you thought about that. It was only about four years ago, but you tried to play a game with her because Apogee was too busy with dad, and your mom would half ass the controls or not even try. One rage quit later and you never tried again, if only out of fear for your game system being smashed. Afterwards you've mostly kept to yourself anytime you actually do go to her caravan. She'd ignore you and you'd ignore her and spend all of your time on Squeak talking to your friends and complaining about your mom's antics, her living situation, whatever annoyed you at the time. Sometimes you wondered why it seemed easier for your sister to get along with your mother - not necessarily get along well, but by all means better than you. Maybe your mom was just more of a daughter-type of person? Sometimes you couldn't help but to wonder: how would things be if your parents had only had one child? Would things have gone differently? Would your parents still be together and live a happy life with their only daughter? Well, probably not, seeing how much they seemed to hate each other's guts in any case, but still. "It won't be bad this time, bro!" Apogee chirped next to you, slapping a hand on your shoulder and jostling you a little, "I can feel it!" "Somehow I doubt that, Gee" You remarked with a heavy sigh. It was going to be just like all the other times you've stayed with her, multiplied by thirteen. And speak of the devil, you saw the junkyard closing in. A part of you wished someone would whisk you away at the last second, but no such thing happened. Three synchronized thumps and the three of you landed just outside the entrance to 'Junkyard & Vee's Spaceship Parts', a place your mom lived in that was out of the way on the outskirts of Las Pegasus, perfectly isolated from society proper. It was so far away from Las Pegasus you could barely make out the neon letters on a casino sign in the distance. You huffed and adjusted your duffel and backpack. You had to pack extra for this trip for obvious reasons. You needed extra clothes, and you packed a few books alongside some of your school supplies, things to keep you busy and pass the time. Glancing into the junkyard, you spotted the scrap metal laying around in huge piles of spaceship parts and machinery that had been dumped here by third parties or bought by your mom to repair and resell to someone else for a higher sum than for what it was probably actually worth. The pervasive scent of jet fuel and smoke lingered in the air like a cloud, a smell that was constantly associated with the area due to your mom’s line of work. The small caravan sat just up ahead the small path, flanked by a few rust red barrels—one of them was tipped over and leaking brackish ooze. Probably one source of the smell. On the lounge chair in front of the trailer snoring away her life was none other than your mother, Delta Vee. Aside from your darker color scheme, you've been told you took more after your mother rather than your father, at least when it came to your overall appearance and attitude. Meanwhile, Apogee took after your father in the color department. Clad in her dirty and loose tank top, a pair of tight fitting jean shorts and some dirty combat boots, she was dirty and disheveled looking as always. She could stand to at least take a shower and clean up a little around the place, didn't she know you and Apogee were coming to stay with her? Then again, did she ever? "Okay you two, I'm going to need you to hang back wh-" Your dad started to speak, turning towards you both. Apogee beat him to the punch. "Hi mom!" Apogee cried out with a happy smile, bounding over to the mare. Your mom jolted up from the yell and her sunglasses jostled on her snout, landing askew and those bright red eyes peered out in shock and anger. They flicked from your dad, then to Apogee, and finally settled on you; bright red orbs that snapped to your own like heat seeking rockets, reminding you of your own similarly tinted eyes. Your mom sat up and slowly pushed her sunglasses up onto her forehead and glared towards your dad. "Jet?" Her eyes were exhausted and bloodshot looking, did she not get any decent sleep inside? Your eyes glanced over to Apogee who adjusted her Potato Pony backpack and smiled brightly without a care in the world, as she usually did of course. "Hi Mom~" And with that perky bounce in her step, she hopped over to your mom and wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug. A grunt and your mom replied, "Hey..." Your dad, meanwhile... "Hey Delta, how's business?" Your mom's eyes narrowed sharply, the reds of her irises accentuated like sharpened daggers, "Don't you 'hey Delta' me." Frowning a bit, he said, "Whoa, come on, is that any way to treat a friend?" Your dad's face scrunched up slightly, as if wounded. "We're not friends, Jet. Now spill it, what do you really want?" Your mom's eyes flicked between him and your bags as Apogee finally let go, backing up with a smile on her face. "What's with the bags?" The gears in your mind slowly turned around as you realized something. Wait... wait, did he not tell mom!? You looked over to your the stallion in question, and you noticed the briefest hints of something in his eyes... "I... I'm gonna need you to watch the kids... for a couple of weeks, think you can do that?" As if the sun itself drew closer to the planet, you could feel the heat of the Marejave desert suddenly climb. You could feel sweat trailing down your neck and forehead, normally it didn't bother you before, but now the your body’s temperature rose higher and higher. Obviously the cause of this... was coming from your mom. An eyebrow twitched, the corner of her lip pulled back to reveal clenched teeth and you swore you could hear them grinding together. You actually felt a little scared. "Jet... your jokes suck, horribly." She growled out, her glare intensifying tenfold, "So you better tell me the real reason you're here or there's going to be trouble." A moment of silence, the tension continued to grow in the air until it was almost as thick as soup. After a bit, your dad finally spoke up, "Delta, I'm being serious. I have a very important business trip I have to attend and I can't really take Aileron or Apogee with me. No one's around to watch them except you. So I figured why not have them stay with you for a bit? It’ll be good for you three." "Jet, they're both like... what, eighteen now?" Your mom sat up on her lounge chair, and in her usual slouched posture it drew attention to her dirty and stained tank top. "They're both basically adults, I don't need to fucking babysit them!" Thank you! For once you could agree with her. "Still, I'd feel better if I knew they were with you instead of being home alone." Your dad brought up and stared back at her. You couldn't stop the feeling of uneasiness from welling up in your gut, the tension in the air was just continuing to grow. "Please?" Tossing her sunglasses aside, your mom rubbed her eyes and growled under her breath. You could feel the anger flowing off of her from where you were standing next to some barrels. A brief thought of them containing very explosive material came to mind and you inched away out of fear of your mom's anger somehow setting it alight and blowing you all to Tartarus. Suddenly, she stormed to her feet and yelled at him, "Jet, come on! Two fucking weeks? Maybe a couple of days bu-" "I'm leaving today," You heard your dad cut her off sharply. Your mom slapped her face with both hands as you spared a glance towards Apogee, who looked a tiny bit nervous. You guessed she didn't know about your dad not letting your mom know you were both coming either, which just got you even more peeved at your dad. Unbelievable, all it would have took was one simple phone call to let her know about this. "Did you seriously not tell her we were coming, dad?" You couldn't help but question him, breaking the tense silence in the air. Sighing, he said, "it slipped my mind. I was too busy preparing for the trip." "Bullshit!" Your mom yelled, and you found yourself moving backwards a bit. "You do this every fucking time!" Storming up to the stallion, she got right up in his face and glared, making him recoil and pin his ears back against his scalp. "You never come here unless you want to drop them off because you wanna go off and fuck some whorish call-girl like you always do," She scoffed loudly, "A 'business trip', that's a piss poor excuse to saddle me with them!" She gestured to you and Apogee, the latter of which you noticed was trembling a bit and you yourself couldn’t help but feel a bit of a sting from her words. Looking back over to your parents, you caught your dad's face scrunching up, "Do you honestly believe that? That I would be doing something like that?" He scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms. "It's a legit business trip! I have to go to Manehattan to oversee a new plane launch and make sure it goes smoothly!" "Ohohoho, must be real fucking nice to be doing that, doesn't it?" She growled out, her fists clenched into tight knuckle white inducing balls. "You get your dick sucked by a couple of your regulars and you get to watch another one of your little toys fly, hmm?" Jeez... You tightened the strap on your backpack. The fights were usually fairly short, but this time... she was blowing up. "Delta, please, I need your help. I don't want to leave them at home," You dad was firm in his wording as he stared down at your mom who was furious looking, that rage boiling over like a tea kettle. "You honestly expect me to handle these two for two fucking weeks?!" She yelled, throwing out her arms, "The hell do you expect me to do with them the whole time?" You didn't expect your dad to come up with much to say... and you certainly didn't expect to hear... "Maybe you could try acting like their damn mother for once in your life." Your dad bit back sharply, his eyes narrowed and mouth set in a firm line. You heard Gee gasp silently behind you. You were... stunned. You had never heard anything like that in their usual conversations together. Usually it'd go with your dad trying to start a decent conversation with your mom, and it'd end up with the two insulting one another in another one of their pissing matches. It'd get annoying and you'd slap your headphones on to block it out before moving into the trailer. But now? You're not sure what to do. You could see your mom had stood stock still—her eyes glaring intensely into your dad's with the fury of a rocket’s red glare, her head shook ever so slightly, her nostrils flaring and jaw clenched tightly. A flick of her tail and the mare growled out, "Two weeks..." "Yeah... two weeks, give or take a few days." Your dad replied, still glaring down at her. You swallowed the hard lump in your throat, eyes flicking between them both. "...Fine." The upper corner of her lip twitched slightly and she stepped back, and the tension eased a tiny bit, just a tiny bit. Your dad sighed and attempted a smile, "So you'll do it?" "Whatever, but you fucking owe me after this bullshit, Jet." Your mom snapped at him, making his smile vanish into a disappointed frown. Another sigh from him and he nodded, "Alright, consider it done." Your dad reached into his jacket and pulled out a small booklet, “Here,” He handed it to her. Glaring at the small black book, she snatched it from him and looked through it. “The hell’s this?” “Their class schedules,” He crossed his arms, “I need you to make sure they get to school on time.” A hmph and she closed it back up without a word. With that done, your dad walked over and gave Apogee a hug she was all too eager to return, giving him a friendly nuzzle and a smooch on his cheek before he made his way over to you. He ruffled your mane up and said, "Don't worry bud, I'll be back in two weeks and I'll do something special for you and your sis, sound good?" After calming yourself down a little, you crossed your arms and shrugged, "Whatever." You looked away and only heard your old man sigh before walking back towards the entrance. Apogee yelled, "Bye dad!" With that done, your dad flew off into the skies back towards Las Pegasus... leaving you both alone with your mom, who wasn't happy in the slightest. Great... thanks dad, you're the best. A grumble escaped you as you glanced over to the mare that you were dropped off to stay with for two solid weeks. Her arms were crossed under her bust, lifting them up ever so slightly. Her hip was cocked out to the side and she watched with this annoyed expression on her face and a deep exasperation emitting from her eyes. Her posture was that of a very pissed off mare, just like usual whenever your dad did something stupid. This fucking took the cake, even for him. Did it actually slip his mind or was he planning on doing this without her knowledge just to make her angry? You had no idea. Scratch that, you knew. All three of you knew, even if Apogee didn’t want to admit it. Fingering your backpack strap, you hesitantly made your way over to the trailer and opened it up to head inside. Apogee fell in behind you, unusually silent. Once inside you were hit with the familiar scents of you mom's home. The stench of unwashed clothes and old stale food lingers in the air, alongside that unmistakable smell of a mare and stallion's musk you were so accustomed to any time you visited the place. Discarded clothing sat around the floor, laying in areas wherever your mom decided best to toss em' after she was done. Alongside the typical junk, you've once again been reaffirmed that she seemed incapable of picking up after herself even on her best days. Which were about as rare as meeting a generous dragon. You wandered inside and over to the 'dining' area and frowned at the sight of it. If it was just you, you could have probably worked something out with the sleeping situation like last time. Just climb into the seat and huddle up with your laptop, binge watch something on the internet or just talk to your friends. But now it was going to be you and your sister, alongside your mom, in the same tiny ass trailer together, for two weeks. TWO WEEKS! How in Equestria were you going to get any decent sleep like this? A stomping noise and your mom entered in behind you with an angry huff, you turned to face her and Apogee. The three of you were in an awkward stare-off now with one another. Apogee's cheek was puffed out and she fingered her backpack strap, you and your pensive and annoyed frown, and your mom with her hand on a cocked out hip and sneering like her life was just ruined. "So..." Apogee was always the first to start off, eager to rise and eager to please. "Mom, two whole weeks!" Her lips stretched into a toothy grin, showing off her rosy red and freckled cheeks. "This'll be great! We can hang out more and watch Potato Ponies an-" Your mom held up a hand and swiftly booped your sister in the snoot, shushing her and making her produce a squeak. "Listen kid," She started, frowning at the both of you with that look. Tired and annoyed, just woken up to deal with something she didn't want to deal with, you could see it in her eyes. "I don't... I don't hate that you're both here, but..." She furrowed her brows, "But your dad basically fucked up my plans for the next two weeks so..." You snorted softly and shrugged off your backpack before sitting down. "Your plans to get drunk and sleep away your life?" You remarked dryly, flicking an eye over to the discarded beer bottles laying around. She returned the comment with a sharp glare, "Watch your mouth punk." "G-guys, come on! It'll be fun!" Apogee interjected herself in between the two of you, "We can watch TV or... or maybe go into town for a bit! Ooh! I brought some arts and crafts stuff with me!" She pulled her pack off and started to rummage through it. A loud snort and your mom wandered off to the bedroom, yelling, "You two do whatever you want, just don't touch my beer and don't set anything on fire that I wouldn't!" With your mom gone, Apogee held her backpack to her chest and sighed, "Shoot." You just cleared off a place on the table to set your laptop, moving aside half empty beer bottles and empty snack wrappers. It was disgusting the mess your mother lived in, you're surprised she hasn't managed to set the trailer on fire yet. What a great start to this. You thought and grumbled, pulling out your laptop and turning it on. Your thoughts turned to your fillyfriend once more, the cute mare you hooked up with during the summer. She was cute, funny, and just awesome to be around. You were hopeful to go on another date with her soon, but... like before, you dad ruined your plans, and you were honestly a little worried. Would you even be able to see her as often now that you were stuck at your mom's for two solid weeks? You worried. Yeah you'd still be able to see her at school, but going out on a date would prove to be a difficult venture. "Ailly," Apogee sat down next to you after you scooted to the farthest side of the booth, breaking you out of your thoughts. You left enough space for Apogee in case she wanted a place to do something... probably her little arts and crafts stuff. "Do you... you wanna make some artsy stuff with me?" A glance over to her and you saw she was holding up some construction paper and some colored pencils. As your computer booted up you shook your head, "Not really, no, Gee." "Come oooooon, it'll be fun!" She insisted, nudging your shoulder and making you roll your eyes. "I can show you how to make those cute Neighponese Anime mares you liiiike~" You felt your face heat up at the thought of drawing anything remotely close to the anime you held dear, and you scoffed loudly, "Puh-lease!" "So you do wanna learn?" Apogee grinned. "W-what? No!" You shook your head violently. Apogee puffed out her cheeks and wiggled, "But it'll be fuuun!" "Gee, come on, I got things I wanna do." You told her. In truth, you just wanted to kill as much time as you possibly could by yourself, if only to make the days pass by faster until you could finally go home and continue to rage and be angry at your dad for pulling such a dick move. Like your mom, your own plans were ruined because of this! You weren't sure about Apogee though, but she seemed pretty happy with doing whatever, so long as everyone else was happy, that is. Unfortunately for you, that's not what your sis wanted to hear. She scrunched up her snout and puffed out her cheek, giving you puppy dog eyes, "Come on, pleeeeaaaassssee?" She wiggled the materials in your face, giving you that cute look she'd give her friends of the other colts at school, that look that got them to do whatever she wanted. Sneaky filly. An incredibly heavy sigh and you pushed your laptop away, "Fine." "Yay!" She then shoved some stuff into your hands: a container of glue, some scissors, paper, and... glitter? Yep, this'll end wonderfully for you. No regrets at all. ooo000--000ooo So... hours later, and you hurt all over, and you didn't even do much. Apogee roped you into some silly arts and crafts and you both made a couple of things out of the paper she had brought in her pack, most of which was mostly that origami shit. She molded little cranes and dragons out of the paper with her deft little fingers, twisting and folding it and making all these neat little things you honestly had to admit was pretty impressive. Then you attempted to follow her instructions, and of course, it ended with you either destroying the paper, or just butchering it entirely into some type of monster. Apogee was supportive of you of course, it was in her nature to be caring. But this was just ridiculously complicated, how on earth did she do any of this without ruining it? At the end of it all, you just settled for doing little sketches with her, which was something you were far better at doing than trying anything remotely close to folding paper. Unless you were making a paper airplane, in which case, you were hella good at that shit, no one could top your sick paper airplane skills. However, now you were done, and the moon was just rising up over the horizon and you opted to go outside and watch it. You'd always watch the moon rise in Las Pegasus, but seeing it rise out in the Marejave desert? That was always a sight - probably the only redeemable thing about this junkyard was the sight of the nighttime sky, you could actually make out the stars and constellations. It was actually really pretty looking. But it did little to stave off the depression of missing out on your favorite band. This fucking blows. You glared down at your phone and scrolled through some pictures of Maretallica you downloaded a while back of the band. Four incredibly hot mares sat in your phone, their striking colors, their gorgeous bodies wrapped in torn jeans and leather jackets, the rough looks they had going on and the aura they gave off was enough to fill your fantasies for nights to come. Especially the guitarist, probably the one you admired and liked the most. Man, this would have been my first concert too, I could have seen them all, live! Scrolling through the pictures, you paused one one of the images of the guitarist, her gorgeous curves, her pretty eyes and that fierce look as she ripped the guitar chords like there was no tomorrow. Couldn't have waited until after the concert, just had to be this week so he could fuck me over. I swear he does this on purpose! It wasn't really true... your dad was a good stallion unlike some, at least yours had a decent job and was able to raise you and your sister decently. He's still a jackass for doing this. Sadly, there was nothing you could do, you were stuck with your mom until your dad came back and picked you up. You knew Maretallica wasn't going on another tour until next year, these last few weeks would be their last until the new year! Which just made it even worse. Your chest felt tight all of a sudden. Fuck. A growl and you pocketed your phone. You stood up and turned around to head back inside, might as well head to bed and sleep away the rest of the night. You walked back into the trailer and headed into the bathroom firstly, Apogee also roped you into a stupid soda drinking competition. It ended about as well as you'd expect. Apogee flipping out from a sugar rush and you with a full bladder. She eventually crashed on a bed that was made in the dining booth, the same you two slept in when you were kids. Her light snores softly filled the small trailer as she took the far side of the booth, leaving room for you to sleep there. After emptying said full bladder and feeling the fourth most satisfying relief a stallion can feel, you exited the bathroom. Movement out of the corner of your eye made you stop, so you looked. You half expected Apogee to be darting around like the hyperactive loon she was, probably on another one of her Boop 'O Roop rampages. However that wasn’t the case since she was passed out in the booth a few feet from you. Your eyelids snapped open in absolute shock when you saw into your mom’s room, which had the door open just enough to see that... Delta had taken her shirt off, leaving her in nothing except her shorts! You should have moved on, gone to your little booth and tucked yourself away under the covers until tomorrow came and you flew off to school with Apogee. Something kept you locked into place from your spot in the bathroom door frame, your legs just didn't move and your eyes remained fixated on your mom's back. Despite her lifestyle choice, her body wasn't exactly in the worst of shape, at least from what you could see. Her coat was clean to a degree and fluffy in a few places, such as her shoulders. Her back was filled with lightly toned muscle buried under a soft layer of pudge, which was very evident in her hips and rump. She had the wide hips of a mother and a decently sized butt to match it. It was barely contained within the tight fitting shorts, wrapped so snug it showed the perfect round and plump shape of it, and you swore you saw some rips and tears in the crotch and rear when she bent down to pick something up, giving you a peek at her baby blue panties. She stood up after that, holding her phone, looking around her room as if to try and find where she put her charger. Your pants had already grown uncomfortably tight from this, but then your eyes zeroed in on her bare chest. You weren't sure if your eyes could get any wider, or your cock any harder. Her breasts looked absolutely amazing. Not that you had much experience apart from porn sites when you had the spare time, as well as your own fillyfriends. However unlike your fillyfriend, who allowed you to feel her up under her shirt, your mother’s tits were fully exposed. Contrary to some sub-conscious thought you may have had previously, they looked gorgeous. Perfect tear drop shaped mounds with perky dark blue nipples that contrasted nicely against her coat's color, and big, but not by much. She moved around her room a bit and your eyes watched the slight bounce to her tits, jiggling about with every movement and keeping your eyes mesmerized. You felt your mouth watering at that point and your heart was beating rapidly. Were you seriously doing this? Were you seriously ogling her? This mare was your mom for crying out loud! Wow, you wanted to place your face between her soft melons. Yeah she was naked and... admittedly really good looking, but still! This is the mare who brought you into this world and... Abandoned you... Suddenly you felt very tired. You waited and remained as silent as possible until she moved out of view before sneaking over to the booth and climbing into it. Laying down and pulling up the covers around you. As you attempted to fall asleep, you feebly tried to keep your pants from bursting open and to delete what you just saw... Sleep did not come easy that night, and somehow... You were sure every night was going to be just as difficult. > Week 1 - Day 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ooo000---000ooo Waking up from your slumber had proved to be an annoyance. You awoke to a very familiar throbbing sensation in your pants, and you knew it could only be one thing. You sighed and moved around in the booth, feeling hot and sweaty. Was the AC even on? You didn't know. Perking your ears up, you didn't hear the usual hum of your mom's air conditioner clattering in the window nearby. So you came to the assumption that it either broke—again, or she turned it off for some ungodly reason. A mumble of something came from next to you which was swiftly followed by a moan. Your eyes slowly opened up a little, and you realized Apogee was still next to you. A weight was laying on your shoulder, you guessed she moved in her sleep up against you, typical. She was always really snuggly like that, like her subconscious craved the physical comfort of another warm body. Even when she was younger she was like that, and tended to snake her way into your bed just to snuggle with you. You sighed and slowly pulled the covers aside and looked around the with bleary eyes. Nothing seemed to have changed from yesterday aside from the smell of old food that lingered in the air, it was missing in action. You yawned wide as your thoughts turned to the problem in your pants... normally you'd just wait until it was gone, maybe sneak in a few more winks. That or you'd go into the bathroom and deal with it the old fashioned way, jerking one out. The latter was usually the more entertaining option. However, memories from last night replayed through your mind, causing your eyes to snap open wide and start burning. "Ah!" You wheezed, slapping a hand against your eyes and rubbing them furiously to get that ache out of them. However, the memories persisted... and you realized last night did happen, something no colt in his right mind would dare look at. You saw your mom's tits in their full round glory. A shake of your head, Jeez... she needs a door or something, or not strip naked when her kids are home. You thought with a shake of her head, would it really hurt to try and make one? She had so much scrap she probably could… then again she did live alone, so why bother? Then you remembered another issue, Apogee was snuggling you. Arms wrapped firmly around your body and head nestled into the nape of your neck. Her soft snores and fur tickled you slightly, and your slight movements made her wiggle up closer to you, nuzzling further into your side. Your boner made itself known by attempting to escape the confines of your loose fitting sweatpants, which you were glad you switched into last night but that just made this all the more awkward. It wasn’t even that hard, but there was still a very considerable ‘hill’ in your pants, twitching every second. Ears still perked up, you listened for the sounds of your mom. So far, silence, you assumed she was still asleep. That and the kitchen was empty. Taking the opportunity, you gently pulled the covers off of you and onto Apogee, then carefully tried to wrench yourself free from her grasp. She was pretty persistent, even in her sleep, but you managed after a few minutes of gentle prying. Now she was laying down in the booth under the covers, snuggling a pillow instead of you. Another yawn and you finally scooted out from your area of the booth onto your feet. After a bit your pants felt less tight and you could actually walk around without much issue, so you took the time to quickly make your way to the bathroom and deal with it. Crap, school is going to be a nightmare. You knew it was going to be, ‘cause you were supposed to meet up with your friends and talk about the concert you wanted to attend. Great, how am I going to explain this to them? Your eyes were dry and you couldn't stop rubbing the crust out of them, and you were just about to think of a way to talk to your friends on the trip to the bathroom. But suddenly you bumped into someone crotch first and caused them to grunt. "Oof!" You bounced back and shook your head. Eyes snapping open, you came face to face with the only other pony you could have hit… your mom, who you just bumped into... with your dick. Your face felt like it was on fire and your member throbbed. Your mom was glaring straight into your eyes; bright red, bloodshot, and a unhealthy mixture of tired and angry. She was clad in a stained tank top that was cropped and torn, exposing her belly and a pair of old ratty boxers that had been stretched so much they hung loosely off to one side, barely hanging around her wide childbearing hips. You could see plenty of her below the navel before your eyes flicked back up to her face. She was glancing down, which you followed and found she was looking at the very obvious tent, which, even at half mast it was still big enough that if you bumped into someone they’d most certainly feel it. A sudden flash of heat filled your cheeks and you were about to panic, spew out an apology to try and not make this as weird as possible. The mare just brushed past you, however, her shoulder smacking into yours and her passing comment filled your ears, "Don't make a fucking mess in there." She walked into the kitchen, rummaging around the fridge and leaving you dumbfounded. You decided it was best to move into the bathroom. Moving inside you locked the door and moved further inside. A sharp look down and you glared at your boner, breathing heavily at the throbbing culprit that dared to get you a swift kick in the nuts. Gah! Now that your mom saw, you couldn't really bring yourself to deal with it anyway... not without making it weird. You just shook your head and sat on the toilet seat, attempting to collect your thoughts while your hard on died down. You rubbed your face and folded your ears down against your head, Ugh... what a great start to this fucking week. Another snort left you as you looked around the small bathroom. Your eyes centered in on the shower, a small box shaped shower of slightly stained glass. The door was open, showing the walls and a small shelf with some cheaply made soap on it. The mirror above the dirty sink next to it was weathered, cracked, and slightly ajar letting you see the handle of a toothbrush sticking out. When you were heading out here on your forced excursion, you certainly did not expect this kind of stuff to happen to you. Pfft, just an accident, s'not that big a deal. You reassured yourself as your member returned to its resting place and freeing you of the awkward morning boner. At least Apogee didn’t fall asleep in your lap, that would have been even more hella awkward. Well, time to get the day started I guess. Putting the accident behind you, you gave your face a wash—regretting it a bit after considering the water got in your mouth and tasted kind of funny—and headed back out to grab your clothes to wear for the day. Now clad in your school uniform; a black dress with matching pants and shoes, you were ready to tackle the day! Stuffy as the uniform was, it was mandatory to wear anytime you did go to school, obviously. Private institutions like the one you went to issued uniforms like that, tight, stuffy, and just generally uncomfortable to wear. You wished you could wear whatever you wanted. Walking back into the room, you were alerted to the sound of Apogee waking up. The unmistakable sound of her squeaky yawn followed by, "Good morning~" Despite the fact she was obviously suffering from a sugar crash, her voice still held the chipper tone it always did as she sat up in the booth, moving the covers off of her petite form. Your mom grunted out a half tired-"Mornin'."-from where she was sitting opposite of the booth. "Morning bro~" Apogee scooted and let you sit down. Once you were seated she gave you a tight hug, worming her way under your arm and smooshing her side up against you. "Sleep well?" You did, truthfully. A dream filled slumber that ended with you waking up with a hard on, which probably had to do with you dreaming about a cute mare giving you a blowjob. That was a nice vivid dream, shame it ended so soon. Considering your tendencies for wet dreams though… You spared a look towards Apogee, it was probably for the best that you didn’t finish that particular dream. Turning fully to your sis, you returned her a one armed hug and said, "Yeah, more or less." You hoped you could sleep tonight and not wake up with another awkward morning boner. You really didn’t want to explain to Gee why you had a hard-on while you were sleeping next to her. Giving you another squeeze, she scooted back into her own spot with a smile. "You gonna be ready for school this time?" Her voice had that teasing little tone to it, one you were all too familiar with. Your eyes rolled around in their sockets, knowing she couldn't help but bring up your usual tendencies of oversleeping and ending up being late for school. You reached for your backpack and checked inside before replying, "Yeah, I got all of my stuff here," You saw you had your textbooks inside, your pencil and pen case, some worksheets. Everything you packed was thrown haphazardly into the pack. Apogee was probably more meticulous about how she packed hers, and she brought up how you did things with your organization. You like to refer to it as 'Organized Chaos.' A chill ran down your spine when you thought that and you weren't sure why. You shook your head and a question about what you had to do in school came to mind, "What's today's class going to be? I forgot." You had it written down, but a memory flashed through your mind of not picking up your schedule book on your way out of the house. "I think it's going to be Equish 102," Apogee replied with a tiny smile. She scooted past you suddenly, her rear brushing over your lap and making you blush a little. She stood up then, stretching out her body and arms extended high above her head. You almost heard a pop come from her back. A sigh and her wings fluttered on her back, nestled on her shoulder blades. "We're totally gonna ace it!" Your mind begged to differ, however. Equish 102? Crap. You rubbed your face. A part of you absolutely despised those classes, they were difficult, annoying, and you honestly couldn’t remember the point in taking them. But Apogee insisted on taking them, told you it would be good to learn alongside the other classes you both were taking. She had an incredibly unfair way of making you agree to things you'd normally not do on your own. You swear it's that cute charm she works whenever she's talking to ponies. Just a flutter of her eyelashes, a flick of her tail, maybe giving them a cute look, and everyone's suddenly putty in her hands. Probably didn't help that she was 'objectively cute' by pony standards. Her lithe form was one that captured the eyes of plenty of colts and fillies in school. Apogee was an active filly and she did a lot of different activities to try and figure out what she liked the most; volleyball, skyball, swimming, track, it differed depending on her mood, and as a result it earned her some nice toned legs and a tight athletic butt that was wrapped in some snug looking shorts, showing off the contours off her delicate hips You also noticed she was wearing a Potato Pony tee. Iit was one of those large ones she bought to sleep in, purely for comfort rather than anything for school. Her coat was clean as well, immaculate looking with a lingering scent of something fruity, you weren't sure what, but it admittedly smelled really good. In short, Apogee was a cute filly with a likable personality, who also had a way of getting what she wanted without acting like a spoiled brat like some fillies you knew. No wonder the colts liked her so much. Looking back towards the table, you made sure you had everything stored in your pack. As dumb as Equish was, you should prepare for it, if only so you don't fuck up your nice B average you’ve managed to score the past semester. Apogee made her way back into the bedroom and left you alone with your mom who was sitting across from you in her folding chair. She was leaning against the backrest, cigarette popped into her mouth and the tip glowing a bright orange/red from a particularly long drag. Ashes fell, and she blew the bluish smoke out through her nostrils. Her eyes were staring across the room at the wall, but nothing was there except some stains and a torn poster of something you couldn't figure out. You scrunched up your nose when you inhaled a bit of the smoke that drifted towards you, causing you to clear your throat and zip up your bag. Apogee came prancing back after a bit, now wearing her uniform. Hers was obviously different, the shirt was more snug around her torso and her shorts were traded out for a short skirt that flowed around her hips, showing plenty of leg. Her dress shoes were accompanied by some fuzzy stockings that traveled up and covered most of her legs save for a small area between her skirt and the stockings. Backpack on and a bright smile on her face, she turned to you. Then your mom finally spoke up, "The hell is that you both got on?" You turned to her and saw her red eyes glancing over at you both. "You going to a funeral?" Apogee pfft'd and shook her head, "No! It's our school uniform!" She tugged at her collar and did a little spin, causing her skirt to flip up a bit and fan around her. Your eyes caught the brief sight of her panties... or was she not wearing any? It was hard to tell, then again why were you trying to get a look anyway? "See?" Feeling your face heat up you shook your head and focused on your pack before standing up, letting your mom get a good look at your uniform as well. She didn't seem too impressed, sitting in her folding chair and arm leaning on the table. The cigarette was lazily held in between her lips, smoke trailing up into the air. "Your school makes you wear that crap?" "All of the students have to wear it!" Apogee pointed out, straightening out her clothes. "I think it looks nice~" Your mom rolled her eyes, puffing out another bit of smoke. “They look dumb,” Pulling out her cigarette, she tapped it against her ashtray. “It’s mandatory.” You told her, tugging at your collar, suddenly the entire outfit felt itchy to you. “If we break dress code we get detention.” She scoffed in reply and took another long drag of her cigarette, “Sounds stupid.” “I think they’re nice,” Apogee tugged at her skirt, fingering the hem of it and wiggling in place. “I like my skirt, it’s cute, like me~” She brought up her hands to her face and poked her cheeks with her fingers, smiling wide. Your mom didn’t look all that amused, she just quirked out a lip and sighed through her nostrils. She pulled up that book your dad gave her, the one with your class schedules in it among other things. “...So when does your class crap start?” You found yourself glancing at your watch out of curiosity, and you saw it was a little after six in the morning. “Should be about eight or so.” That left you and Gee with two hours to fly back up to the city and make it to school before the morning roll call. “It’s a little after six right now.” A roll of her eyes and she stood up out of her folding chair, puffing out more of that bluish smoke into the air. She moved past Apogee before pushing by you, brushing by you a bit roughly and making you scoff lightly. Brushing off your shoulder you heard Apogee ask, “Are you going to take us to school?” “Gimme a minute.” The mare grunted out from her bedroom. You just scowled and moved past your sister and exited the trailer out into the chill morning desert of the Marejave desert. The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, casting a bright orange glow across the sands surrounding the junkyard outskirts. For as far as you could see, you saw only desert, cacti, a few rock formations and the dirt road stretching into a seemingly endless and barren horizon filled with snakes, scorpions and other wildlife, most notably coyotes. From what you could remember, there was only one small town nearby. It was a little place in the distance and you were unsure of its exact name. But you did know that your mom frequented it for booze, food and… the occasional ‘friendly company’ to bring home. You scrunched up your face slightly before turning towards the only other notable view. The city of Las Pegasus lingered in the distance, a blur of clouds hovering above the ground bound portion of the city. Flashing lights, towering skyscrapers, neon signs, and small dots flying in and around. The city was where you were born and raised for the majority of your life, raised entirely by your dad after your mom left, splitting off from him when you and Gee were younger. You still felt bitter about that… she just left you and Gee, forcing your old man to raise you both by himself. Way to go mom. “Ailly?” Apogee spoke up behind you. You could hear the trailer door swing shut with a clack noise, “What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” Was your reply. You busied yourself with making sure your uniform was smoothed out and ready for school. You could hear your sister puff out her cheek from here, “Ailly, I know it’s not nothing,” She stood next to you, peering around to look at your eyes. “...is it about mom?” Right as always… fuck. You sighed and licked your lips, looking away and muttering, “So what if it is?” “Ailly… mom’s had it rough, ya know?” She suddenly hugged you, arms wrapping around you from the side, “She’ll warm up to you eventually! You two just have to find more stuff in common!” You could only scoff at that, always the optimistic your sister. “I doubt that, sis.” “Pfft, that’s not true, you both have plenty in common now.” She pointed out and you could practically feel her smile against your cheek from where she smushed her face against your own. “Dad was right, you take more after mom.” She ruffled up your mane, added, “You both almost have the same color coat and mane, your eyes are both this pretty shade of red~” Thanks for reminding me. Bitterly, you turned to her and fixed her with a look. “Except, you know… you’re a colt, hehe.” She giggled, booping your snout with a finger. You donned your captain obvious hat for a moment, and replied, “Oh boy, really? I never noticed I was a colt before, however did you notice dear sister of mine?” Suddenly, her look got devious, and she said, “I know you watch Clophub at ten every night~” Your eyes bugged out, a heated blush spread across your face like a wildfire. She… she knew about that?! “W-what? Pfft, no!” You scoffed, excellently handling the situation like a professional, as always! “I d-don’t go to Cloph-hub!” She just giggled and let go of you with a little, “Suuuure.” You just scoffed again and looked away, puffing out a cheek in annoyance. Your arms crossed in front of your chest, Gah! Freaking… ugh. Of all the things for your sister to throw back at you, you didn’t expect that. A slam of the door and you heard your mom step outside. Glancing back, you saw that she had switched out her clothes and was now wearing a pair of torn up jeans coupled with boots, and for a top, her stained tank top returned, but this time with an old Equestrian army jacket right over it. Cigarette in her lips, she puffed out some smoke before tossing it onto the ground and stomping it out. A glance and you noticed it didn’t look like she showered at all, but instead just threw on whatever was nearby that resembled clothes and decided, ‘yeah, this is fine.’ “You ready to go, mom?” Apogee asked, turning around to face the mare. She just grunted, spreading her wings out and flapping them a couple of times. “You got everything?” The mare grumbled out, eyeing Apogee with those red eyes of hers. “Uh huh!” She wiggled her backpack, short tail swishing to and fro. Without a word, your mom blasted off into the air, flying upwards into the air with Apogee right behind her. You sniffled a little and spread your own wings before you followed after, kicking off the ground and zipping up after your mom and sister. Apogee was smiling brightly from what you could see when you entered into the little formation, and your mom? Well, she just looked as salty as ever; face set in a scowl, eyes narrowed, lips in a firm line. Can’t she ever smile for once? You wondered, looking out ahead towards the city of Las Pegasus. Wings flapping and helping you glide, you spared a glance over to Apogee. She was still flying along, humming some tune to herself. Most of the flight was spent in silence like that, but between the three of you, only Apogee attempted any conversation after you made it halfway back to Las Pegasus. “So uh… mom, how was your week?” Apogee asked, breaking the silence. “Anything exciting happen?” A tiny roll of your eyes alluded you, you knew your mom was going to say some stupid comment to try and end the convo as soon as possible. She barely put any effort into the conversations Apogee attempted, and you? You didn’t try. “The usual.” Your mom responded to Apogee, her tone bored and annoyed. “Oh.” A mutter from Apogee. Way to make conversation. The thought entered your mind, making you scowl a tiny bit. “So drinking, smoking, and sleeping away your life?” Your commented dryly. A faint growl reached your ears, and it was coming from your mom. “Shut it.” Desperate to defuse any sort of fight, you figured, Apogee broke in, “D-did you sl-sleep well last night?” Your mom snorted before replying with a snappy, “About as well as I can in that shithole.” After a few brief moments of silence, you noticed Las Pegasus closing in faster. “D-did you want to do anything after we get back from school?” Apogee gently questioned next. “Maybe we could go see a movie in town? I heard the Potato Pony movie is playing!” Potato Ponies, the television show your sister loved. It was a little cartoon about potatoes and ponies, something your sister enjoyed so much she bought as much merchandise as she could. The last time you were in her room you couldn’t help but notice all of the Potato Pony memorabilia strewn about on shelves. She even had all of the seasons on DVD neatly lined up next to the figurines. After a bit of silent thought, you saw her turn to Apogee. Her face was still set in that frown of hers, and Apogee was quick to throw on a ‘pretty please’ face. Shockingly, she fell for it and said, “Ugh, maybe…” “Really?!” Apogee cried, a grin threatening to cause her face to implode. A groan from your mom, who replied, “Yeah, now stop looking at me like that…” “Yay!” Your sis cried happily, wiggling in the air and slamming into the side of your mom with a tight hug. “It’ll be fun! I promise!” “Gah!” The rest of the flight was pretty much spent like that, your mom attempting to wrestle Apogee off. You just sighed and continued to fly on to the city. ooo000---000ooo After being dropped off at school, your mom had departed with a half-muttered bye aimed towards Apogee and a grunt to you. You didn’t expect much if you were being honest with yourself. Regardless, you made your way into the private institution with your sister, both of you making sure your uniforms were ready and triple checking to make sure all of your supplies were in your packs. Walking into the courtyard, you noticed everyone was gathered in their little social cliques and circles. You didn’t exactly belong to any of the well known ones, instead, you had a very small gathering of close friends you met over the years since you’re induction into the school alongside Apogee. And I have to break the news to them, aaargh. Climbing up the steps to the front door, your mind was dreading what they would say. The lot of you had grown so hyped for the concert that was playing at the end of next week, their final concert in Las Pegasus where they would rock the Thunderdome and fill the skies with their trademark lightning. Your friends would be able to go, and a tiny part of you was happy they could. You all practically bonded over the band, it was one of the staples of your friendship and what made you all toy with the idea of starting your own band. Stupid as it was, it was fun to think about the fame and fortune that came with being a music star that rocked the foundations of Equestria with the thunder of heavy metal. Never happened though, despite you toying around with a guitar a few times. “You alright, bro?” Apogee broke through your thoughts, making you look up. You realized you had stopped moving at the door. Your hand gripped the handle, but you didn’t open the door either. “Huh?” “You’ve been staring at the door for like… a whole minute,” Apogee’s worried voice wafted into your ears causing them to flick towards her. “Yeah… I’m fine.” You sniffled and pushed on the handle, opening the door and walking into the decorated halls of the building. You could feel Apogee’s stare on the back of your head. She was worried, of course, why wouldn’t she be? That and you’re certain you both had that ‘Twin Link’ thing going on, you both had your rare moments of syncing up and finishing one another’s thoughts, sometimes it came in handy and other times it just freaked you out. Maybe she was sensing the anger you had bottled up in your gut. You wouldn’t be surprised, she was rather… sensitive to how you felt from time to time. It was sweet in its own way, she knew exactly when to help you when you were feeling glum. You couldn’t deny you were a bit of a dick to her from time to time, but knowing that she still cared about you in those small ways left you with some relief. Honestly, if you lost that bond you had with her, you weren’t sure how you could handle life. Moving into the school, you sighed… Time to start the school day. ooo000---000ooo Hours after getting into school, you had gone through the agonizing class that was Equish 102. It wasn’t a very difficult class by any means, it was just incredibly boring to sit through the lectures and your teacher, Miss Calligraphy, explaining things and stalking around the room like a cougar lying in wait for someone to screw up. You could still feel her eyes burning into the back of your head when you weren’t paying attention, she just knew. She was scary like that. Now you had lunch period, where you were free to finally get some rest before the next class. But you wouldn’t be getting any rest, because you just got a text from your friends who were meeting up in the mess hall to talk about the concert. Also, your fillyfriend was there. Great, I might as well just suck it up and tell them, pussying out isn’t my style. Yet you were contradicting that statement by standing in the school bathroom in front of the mirror, and you’ve been in there for a minute since class ended. You were half thinking of what to say to your friends exactly, and half looking at yourself in the mirror—and not out of some narcissistic desire either. You were just lamenting the fact you looked so much like your mother. Your sister was an incredibly stark contrast to your mom in many ways. She had a mane of similar color, but her coat was more like your dad’s, a bright yellow color with a pair of pinkish eyes full of life. Meanwhile, you got stuck with a variation of your mom’s colors, and as far as you knew, you didn’t inherit anything from your old man, except the genes that made you a stallion. From head to toe, you looked like your mom if she was a stallion, but with a lighter shaded mane and fur color. And your eyes. You’ve been told your eyes were the most striking feature you had - a sharp cherry red similar to your mom’s. You sighed and ran a hand through your mane, eyeballing the stallion in the mirror. They’re probably waiting you know, you might as well bite the bullet and tell them already. You tried to tell yourself. However, letting down your friends like that, after being so hyped for months to see the end of Maretallica’s current tour? It was going to suck. “Ugh...” You shook your head and straightened out the tie on your shirt before moving out of the bathroom and into the halls. Time to break the news. You passed by a lot of ponies who were skulking around in their own little social circles. Hushed conversation traveled around as you passed by; most of it seemed to be about the upcoming concert next week, other conversation seemed to be about your sister—and most of it was from young stallions, the kinds that were hoping to score a date with her. Cute, single, and as far as you knew, she was still a virgin, so she was pretty desirable in the eyes of plenty. Though, considering she’s always hanging out with that cutie - Daisy, you believe her name is - Apogee was probably dating her on the down low. Eventually you made it to the mess hall where most of the students were gathered for lunch. Tables were filled up with ponies in their groups, conversation filled the air, lunch was being had. You just strode into the room and made a path straight to your friends’ usual table by the windows. Luckily for you they were all gathered together, including your fillyfriend. They were all sitting at the table, food trays in front of them and conversing about some things, some minor topics about the concert next week. They were probably waiting on your arrival to discuss further plans. Sitting next to an open spot at the table was one of the five of your friends, Emerald Wings. She was one of your oldest friends and one you wouldn’t replace. Cute, funny, and an athlete who didn’t take no for an answer. She considered herself the star-track runner of Las Pegasus and the fastest pony on two legs - that was mostly just her filling her own ego to make her feel better. Truthfully, she wasn’t that bad of a runner, she was just in over her head most of the time. She was a young mare who dreamed big and reached for the stars, and always had your back, no matter what. Sitting across from her were the three other young mares you’ve become best friends with over the course of your time here at the school. Apple Core, a mare you met during science class one summer, sweet and quiet, mostly kept to herself until you came along and broke through her shell. Next to her was Pixel Dust, one of the ‘nerds’ of the school, she was a nice pony and had a good head on her shoulder, but she tended to have her head stuck in her laptop most of the time. And last of the mare friends you had was Desert Trail, one of the few earth pony students who moved from out west to study here. She was an odd one, but still a good friend. Finally, the only other stallion friend you had, Silver Wit. One of the smooth talkers of your little group, practically oozing with swagger and confidence. He could honestly have any mare in the school begging him for a date if he wanted, he just had to work that sweet charm of his. You were honestly a little envious of him when you first saw him, of the way he talked to the girls. Then he helped you win over Rosebud with a boost in confidence, help, and subtly pushing you both in the right directions. You didn’t believe him when he said he’d help you out, but a few dozen bits on concert tickets to Rosebud’s favorite band - which also happened to be your favorite band as well, one hour of music, talking, and a bit of cider later, you both hooked up! You and Sharp became best friends after that, and besides that, he was actually a really nice guy and was nice enough to get your back. Also, who could forget… Rosebud, your fillyfriend. The mare was as pretty as her namesake and smelled twice as good, and had a strange but quirky personality you adored, one minute she could be timid and quiet, and the next, rebellious like you. She was a girl who came from a wealthier part of town, had an incredibly cute taut butt and a pair of dainty sized breasts. You remember the day she let you grope both ends of the spectrum, that was a fun night. Her butt was soft yet firm, and her tits like apple sized pillows. You arrived shortly and sat down next to Emerald with a small, “Hey guys.” “Hey Aileron!” Emerald threw an arm around you, immediately pulling you into one of her trademark noogies. You felt her pull you to her dainty chest and ball up her fist to roughly rub against your scalp, “Thought you’d never come!” “Gah! Easy, Emmy!” You cried, trying to escape her grasp, but for such a ‘dainty sized’ young mare, she was actually quite strong. She had one of those small bodies covered in toned pegasus muscle that’d fool you into thinking she couldn’t take you down if she wanted. With a giggle she let you go, slapping you on the back but keeping her arm around you, “Hehehe, where’ve you been? We were just talking about ya!” “So you know the plan right?” Sharp’s smooth tones drifted towards you, his suaveness tugging his lips back into a smile. “We make sure we got our tickets, we ride in smooth like a wave and listen to a straight two hours of pure heavy metal thrashing goodness~” “Heck yea!” Desert Trail pumped a fist, her country accent slipping through, “This is gon’ be one hell of a week! I’ve been waiting ages to finally see them.” A chuckle from Emerald, “I’d think considering you’re from out west, you’d prefer the dulcet tones of country music, hehe.” Emerald teased, adopting a country accent for the latter part. You just rolled your eyes and centered them in on Rosebud, who had her head buried in her phone and was texting away. Must have been texting her mom or something. You looked at all of them and muttered, “Actually...” “Yeah?” Pixel tilted her head, your friends and your fillyfriend all turning to look towards you. “What’s up?” A sigh left your mouth, now you had their attention… now you had to break the news, “Guys, about the concert, I have some shitty news...” At their silence, you finally broke the dam, “I’m not going to be able to make the concert.” Apple looked up at you, fixing you with a tiny look. “It’s not a m-money problem, i-is it?” “What? Naaaw,” Desert shook her head, “His family’s practically loaded! And even if he did, we’d help ‘im out, right? Chip in a lil’ to help get ‘im his ticket!” You felt your heart warm up a bit when everyone nodded their heads, murmuring their agreements. Guys… you thought, but shook your head to the suggestion of it being a money issue. It was true, your family was pretty well off financially, so you could go to the concert no problem. You even saved up your own money from a part-time job you had, if only to show you could be independent from your dad’s help. Though, while you could technically go to the concert and then some, your dad didn’t want you going alone. You tried to reason with him and explain to him that you were going with all of your friends and the concert was going to have some of the best security in Las Pegasus, he basically forbade you from going without him. Your dad tended to have some rare moments of being overprotective, but this time it was ruining what could have been an epic date with Rosebud. You weren’t lying when you hoped that you’d score some major points and maybe get to third or even fourth base. What could you say? It wasn’t your main goal, but it was certainly on your list of things you’d love to do with Rosebud. “It’s not a money thing, guys,” You stopped them before they could go any further, “My dad’s going away on a two week long trip-” “Two weeks eh?” Emerald grinned, giving you a little look, “All by your lonesome?” You rolled your eyes, ever the pervert your best friend was. “It’s not like tha-” “You and Rosey gonna finally mess up that penthouse hot-tub your dad has?” Emerald giggled, and you swore you saw Rosebud blush heavily. “W-we’re not doing that!” Rosebud gasped out, looking… you weren’t sure what the look was, actually, “W-we haven’t e-even gotten that far into the relationship yet!” Still cackling, you playfully shoved Emerald, causing her to hit Sharp who also chuckled. You cast an apologetic shrug over to Rosebud, who just huffed and looked away. Sighing, you tried to finish, “Look, my dad’s going away for two weeks on one of his business trips, and because of that, he doesn’t want me going to the concert alone. So I have to stay at my mom’s junkyard for two whole weeks.” You saw a hand raise up out of the corner of your eyes, but you quickly shut them down, “I told him I was going with friends and that there was some good security, but he’s basically forbidding me from going.” A huff of your own and you slumped in your seat, “So now I can’t go to the concert with you guys...” Silence across the table, and you could already feel the disappointment radiating off of your friends. You guys had been planning this for months, determined to see a band you all loved on their last tour of the year. Then your dad had to go and ruin it… ooo000---000ooo You and your friends all ate the rest of lunch in silence, though Emerald had broken it briefly to tell you that sucked… and if you weren’t going, she insisted that she wasn’t going either. You had to fight her on that one until she agreed to go. You didn’t want your friends missing out because you couldn’t go. But… that left your fillyfriend. Who you were currently speaking with after school ended. She left shortly after lunch without a word, you had to chase her down after classes were over to talk to her. “Rosey, what’s up?” You asked her. The two of you stood on the steps outside school and students passed you by without a word. “Is it about the concert?” She had her arms crossed and was facing the exit of the school. “This is the third time you’ve had to bail on our plans because of your dad...” Shit. You thought, rubbing the back of your head. She was right, this was the third time your old man screwed up your date plans with Rosebud. The first two times were rather small and forgivable, but this was a huge thing for the two of you! “Rosey, I… I know, but you’ll have a fun time without me,” You tried to point out. Rosebud and your friends got along swell, at least from what you’ve gathered. “...I wanted us to go together, Ailly,” Rosebud grumbled, “This was gonna be the anniversary of our first date! But no… your dad just has to ruin everything.” “It’ll be fine, I promise, I’ll make it up to you after the concert is over.” You walked up behind her and hugged her from behind, draping your arms around her shoulders and adding in a whisper, “We can go to that fancy restaurant you like.” You figured that’d tide her over, but then she said, “Ailly, you know what you should do?” She turned around in your grasp, her rosy red eyes staring into your own. She wrapped her arms around your neck, giving you a cute sly grin, “You should sneak out of that nasty junkyard and away from your drunk of a mom so you can go to the concert!” She smiled widely, “She’ll probably drink herself to sleep anyway, it’ll be the perfect time to get away and we can have fun at the concert!” “I… I dunno,” That was a pretty decent plan, but would your mom even do that? You didn’t know, you knew she drank a lot, but would she just so happen to chug enough to knock herself out? “What if my dad found out?” “Ailly, you’re eighteen, what can he do to you?” Rosebud rose an eyebrow. “Mm… kick me out, for starters,” You shrugged, you weren’t exactly sure what he could do if he found out. “Probably keep me from seeing you as well...” “Pfft, Ailly, you’re thinking too much into this.” She giggled, booping your snout, “Your dad’s a rich and handsome guy, why would he keep you fro-” “Punish me,” While your dad wasn’t exactly an evil stallion, he could definitely fuck up your relationship with Rosebud somehow, “Rosey, I just… I don’t wanna risk it.” Her look deflated, and she scrunched up her lips, “W-well… what about your mom? Maybe she could take you?” That… that was a good idea, actually. But then you remembered you weren’t exactly on good terms with your other parent, if you could even call her that. “I… doubt, she’d take me. She’d be too busy smoking or drinking to take me and Apogee to the concert. I’m sorry, Rosey.” Slowly, your fillyfriend let her arms drop down to your chest, “...Don’t you care about me enough to at least try?” She asked, “Am I not worth the risk?” Damn it… and there she goes trying to guilt trip you into it. She had her little subtle ways of doing that. Not to the extent Apogee does, of course, but in her own little way that made you just feel absolutely guilty and horrible. You tried to formulate a response, wondering what else you could really say to tell her you couldn’t go. But she didn’t seem keen on waiting, and she pulled herself free from your grasp. “I see how it is.” She turned and walked down the steps, storming off. “R-Rosey, wait a minute!” You chased after her to the edge of the street, trying to get her attention, “Rosey!” Just as you reached the gate, you saw your fillyfriend leap off and fly away just as you ended up bumping into someone and falling back. “Gah!” You cried and fell onto you butt on the clouds. You grumbled and spewed a few colorful curses before looking up. It was your mom. “You got a mouth on you,” Your mom grumbled out. Of course. You snorted and glared up at her, and you saw she was still wearing the same clothes as before. But, considering your current position, you were given a very nice underside view of your mom’s large bust. Curse your perverted mind! “So you actually show up instead of being an hour late? I’m shocked.” You remarked, standing up and giving her a look, one she returned with a cross of her arms. A deep frown tugged at her lips as blueish smoke billowed up from a cigarette clenched in between her soft looking lips. “I’m not in the mood for your shit, kid, so zip it.” You rolled your eyes, crossing your own arms and mimicking her stance somewhat. “What, booze store was closed?” She growled and looked ready to retort with something, you just grinned from riling her up. And then Apogee slid into view, “Hey guys!” She cried, cutting off you and your mom’s banter. “Hi mom!” Apogee whirled around before wrapping her arms around the mare in a tight hug, one Delta hesitantly returned. “Hey, Gee,” Your mom greeted after the two separated. A tiny pang of something ran through your chest, but you fought it back down and just looked off into the city. Damn, you lost sight of Rosebud… you made a mental note to text her later, you had to apologize or something to her. As your mom and sister conversed, your mind focused on how you were going to explain things to your fillyfriend. She was obviously hurt, you weren’t that dense in the head, at least. But you made a little mistake with you delivery on why you couldn’t go to the concert, and now you were paying the price. Damn it all to Tartarus and back, I need to make it up to her somehow. But how? Maybe you could go out into town with her, take her on a little outing and buy her something nice… “Ailly?” Gee’s voice filled your ears and you felt her tug on one. “Earth to Aiiilly~” A groan left you and you mumbled out, “What?” “You ready to head home?” She asked you, smiling brightly. Behind her, your mom puffed out more smoke while giving a passerby the stink eye. Your sister’s smile did a little to brighten up your sour mood… You shoved your hands into your pockets and said, “Yeah, sure...” “Alright! Let’s fly, ponyos!” With that declaration, Apogee bounced off the cloud and into the sky with the energy of a fighter jet. Your mom, meanwhile, just dropped off like a stone, leaving you behind. Thoughts still lingering on your fillyfriend, you spread your wings and followed your family home. > Week 1 - Day 3 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ooo 000 - - 000 ooo Much to your sister’s dismay, you three did not go see the Potato Pony movie like she hoped for. Upon arriving back at the junkyard, she walked into the trailer with her shoulders slouched, eyes downcast and the corners of her lips drooping heavily. Seeing her that way didn’t help your feelings towards your mom. Couldn’t she have at least tried, if only for Apogee’s sake? You guessed not considering how uninterested your mom seemed about actually going to see an—admittedly—silly movie about cartoon potato ponies. So you three made it back to the junkyard shortly after leaving school and rested up till the next day. Thankfully, you didn’t run up on your mom naked again before bed so that was a plus. Yet the memories of the other day persisted in your mind like a flea on your back. It didn’t take long before you ended up falling asleep to the brief image of her wearing only the torn boxers, unintentionally showing off those wondrous curves and perky tits of hers to you. You cursed your perverted teenage mind for doing this, gah! You blamed your hormones. Going to sleep proved to be yet another bad idea… at least for your mind. You had fallen asleep in the booth once more with Apogee, nestled in for a hopefully decent night’s rest for once without any funny dreams. Of course you ended up having that oh so dirty dream of getting head again, so that was fun for the brief few minutes you spent in dreamland. This mare whose features you could barely make out was on her knees with her hands wrapped firmly around your dick. She gave you deep, long strokes, while the other hand was massaging your young balls. Bringing you closer to the edge, she brought your shaft to her lips, giving the tip a kiss.  With a hearty moan from your partner, she parted her lips and started to give you head while she jacked you off. Her mouth was so warm and wet, her tongue was heavenly as she dragged it from the base of your member to the very tip, and began swirling it around. It was wonderful! That is… until you woke up. Your eyes felt heavy again and your heart was pounding as the smell of yesterday’s dinner of day old pizza and apple fizz soda wafted up to your nose, your clothes felt a bit grimey, and your body ached all over. Your hand went up to rest against your forehead before sliding down your face, a small sigh left you once that familiar tight feeling in your pants finally registered in your mind. Ugh, again? I need to get my dreams under control or something. Waking up with constant boners while in your current situation was not gonna end well in the long run. A little moan and you felt none other than Apogee nuzzle up next to you. It would seem that regardless of your wants and desires she was going to keep snuggling as close to you as much as possible. She was somehow even closer this time with her arms wrapped snugly around you, face buried in your neck and softly breathing as she lay behind you. You huffed and shuffled a bit in the booth and rubbed your eyes clear of the crust as best as you could. Another day at the junkyard and another day of school you had to spend struggling to get through your classes, but this time you’d be spending it worrying about your fillyfriend and if she was okay. The way she stormed off like that and not giving you a chance to explain things kind of hurt, but what could you do? You would have chased after her of course if you hadn’t bumped into your mom, that ruined any chance of making the situation better.. You could only hope you’d see her again today and be able to explain. After a moment of resting in the booth covered in your own sweat, you shuffled around and attempted to escape the clutches of your sister, only for her to tighten her grip on you. You were about to curse inwardly about the AC being broken again, but your body stiffened when you felt something pressed firmly up against your back, two somethings that finally made themselves known in your mind. Soft, supple, with two distinct and round tips that poked against your wing joints. No… that’s not… Your mind was a whirl with thoughts of what you were feeling against your back and curiosity taking over, you shimmied around a little and glanced at Apogee’s sleeping face. She looked so peaceful lying there and nestled up against the back of the seat; her face was a picture of serenity with her mane spilling down over her forehead and eyes, the corners of her soft lips naturally angled downward. Your eyes traveled down from her face to her bare shoulders where you curiously lifted up the cover that covered you both just a tiny bit to look and see exactly what was touching you. Apogee was completely devoid of clothing save for a pair of shorts she was wearing down below, but aside from that? Your twin sister’s tits were firmly pressed up against your back like two small and very plush pillows. Your cheeks flushed and a wave of heat rushed through your body, spreading like wildfire and your heartbeat picking up. S-she’s… why is her shirt off?! The burning question of why your sister was sleeping half naked rolled around your mind like a boulder falling down a steep incline, you almost failed to notice Apogee’s eyes fluttering open and a soft noise escaping her. Keyword; almost. Your eyes flicked back up to Apogee’s own as her cheeks brightened to a light crimson color. Of all the things to wake up to today, you didn’t expect to wake up covered in a thin sheen of sweat with your sister laying behind you without her shirt on… or a bra for that matter. You reacted like any sane stallion would when waking up to their sister almost completely naked. “Gah!” You fell out of the booth and onto the floor, scrambling down and landing in some trash. With a scurry you crawled out from under the table as Apogee’s startled squeak reached you. Once you got up onto your feet, you whirled around and stared at your twin, “G-Gee, what the shit?” She had sat up by the time you scurried out from under the table and had the cover pulled up to cover her petite chest. “W-what?” “Why’re you-” Hands gestured wildly to her shirtless state. “Where’s your shirt?!” Her eyes locked onto yours and her mouth opened to say something… but then they traveled downward to your chest, then to your… You blinked and stared down at what she was looking at. Your pants were tight but not tight enough to actually hide anything, let alone the hardness of your rod currently trying to rip a hole through the fabric. You weren’t completely hard but you were enough for the thing to stick halfway out. Eyes flicking back up to Gee’s you saw her cheeks grow redder and her eyes grow wide. Did the cover on her shoulders slip a little…? You couldn’t help but feel your entire face burn as your hands flew to you junk, and you swiftly rushed to the bathroom with a few hushed curses. Once inside the bathroom you slammed the door shut. Seriously?! You glared down at your dick, the hem of your pants fell down a little and was kept up partially by your member. You walked over to the sink and pulled down your pants to glare further at your junk, the black rod swaying out once it was released. “You’re such a dick!” You harshly whispered to it. “No shit Sherlock”, it seemed to reply, responding with a few jerky twitches. Your heart pounded in your chest and your mind was racing. Did that seriously just happen? Well, your pants were still on but still! Just… ugh. You shook your head and just waited. Your eyes burned and your heart was still attempting to escape from your ribcage. Just a few minutes and you could leave. You’d deal with it the ol fashioned way, but the thought of Apogee’s petite breasts filled your mind, perky and freckled nipples… No! Stop it, bad brain! A hand slapped your face to rid your mind of the thoughts. You did not need the image in your head. Regardless of how cute they looked. Stooop! A violent shake of your head and you turned your gaze from the wall to your dick again, which was retreating back into your sheath. Finally… Your thoughts began to wander onto other things as your mind began waking up fully. The first one reminding you once again that you were stuck here instead of planning for the concert. The second thing was what happened with Rosebud the other day, how she stormed off like she did, and left you alone. Your heart ached a little. Leaning back up against the door you put a hand to your forehead, maybe if you had been faster you could have said something. After a few moments of waiting until your dick returned to its hiding spot and you assumed it was safe to move out of the bathroom, you opened the door and stepped out to find Apogee slipping on her shirt. Her ears perked up as she turned around to face you, and folded back again straight away as her eyes avoided you, “I-it um, got really hot… hehe.” Her obviously sheepish chuckle did little to ease your beating heart. The ghost-like feeling of her bare nipples on your back still lingered and you had to suppress a shiver. “Whatever,” you said, walking past her and towards the exit door without so much as looking at her a second time. The door leading outside was pushed open by your swift exit, you didn’t bother closing it softly and instead allowed it to slam shut. The cool morning air of the desert greeted you as you stepped outside, causing you to cross your arms before plopping down into the chair your mom always sits in. The hinges of it squeaked with the new weight and you leaned back, glaring out into the barely lit sky overlooking the desert. Rose… you reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. The wallpaper of Maretallica’s lead guitarist, Wicked Note, appeared and you stared at it for a few brief moments before clicking on the photo album. Images popped up, pictures you took of you and your friends, some selfies, and a couple of Rosebud herself. Her sweet smile, sweet as her namesake, her eyes bright as stars and aimed directly at you. She looked so happy, and you probably fucked up when you didn’t respond right away, All because you hesitated when she asked that one simple thing. ‘Am I not worth it?’ Of course she was worth it… But why did you hesitate? Fuck if I know, bitches be totally crazy. You flipped through your photos for some time, looking back on some older ones you had of you and Rose at the park, the movies, even one of you two watching a sunrise. That was a nice day. The opening of the caravan door made you look away to see who… Oh, of course. Staring down at you with those judgmental eyes was none other than your mother. Red eyes glared down at you as her arms crossed under her bust, hip cocked out to the side and tail flicking about idly. “What?” You demanded, eyes struggling not to flick down to her tank top. It was a cold morning after all, and so that affected a certain part of your mother’s body. It was hard not to notice them. “I’m wondering why your father dropped you off here instead of letting you stay at home,” She grumbled out before reaching into her pocket and pulling out her box of cigarettes, producing one of the tubes right after. “You’re both old enough to stay home alone.” You ended up rolling your eyes as you thought about your dad and his ‘reasoning’ behind dropping you both off. “He’s getting part of the penthouse renovated,” You spat, eyes flicking up to your mom’s and lips pulling back into a sneer. “If that wasn’t enough, he doesn’t ‘trust’ us to be alone.” You couldn’t help the tone of frustration that rolled off your tongue when you explained it. Just a week ago you remembered the ponies that came over to talk about renovating one part of the penthouse, you didn’t know what so you ignored it. It didn’t affect you or Gee’s room, so why worry? You could just stay in your rooms and ignore the construction work going on. But then he had the audacity to say he didn’t trust you both to alone. Like, what did he expect you and Gee to do? “He’s so fucking controlling, and I hate it!” You growled out, slamming your back into the chair and huffing out. “What the hell does he think I’m gonna do? Or Gee for that matter? Throw a party and drink all his booze or something? Call over some of his stupid ‘associates’ or something? I probably would have spent time with my friends and fillyfriend, but noooo!” It was so stupid to you! “Fuck me for wanting to have some time alone for once!” Your ears picked up Delta’s own snort and a squeak, she had taken a seat on the stairs of the caravan and it shifted under her weight. “You’re telling me, kid,” She took a long drag of her cigarette, blowing out bluish smoke right after and staring out ahead. “I had things I wanted to do with my life… places I wanted to go, and guess what happened.” An angry ember lit up at the end of her smoke, burning fiercely. Your eyes studied how she was slouched on the steps, arms propped on her knees and eyes staring out into the junkyard, staring through the piles of junk and dust gathered after who knows long. “...What?” She continued to glare before speaking up, her voice low and even through the cigarette, “Your father happened...” A vague memory of what you knew about your mom came to mind, your dad had regaled you with a short story of how your mother was a prodigy in her prime. Then… You sniffled and looked out into the junkyard at the piles of rusted scrap and spare parts laying around haphazardly. “Guess he fucked us both over.” She grunted out something of an affirmative and puffed out some more smoke into the warming morning desert air. Well, you can’t fault your sis for what she said on the way here… Turns out you did have something in common with your mom after all. ooo 000 - - 000 ooo Some time passed until the sun fully rose into the sky, today’s breakfast consisted of the same as the day before; Boop O’ Roops and something resembling milk. You needed to fish out your wallet and actually go out to buy something, eating the same cereal for two straight weeks for breakfast didn’t sound like a fun time, least for your bowels. Anyway. After breakfast and donning your school uniform you, ‘Gee, and your mom flew off from the junkyard and headed back to Las Pegasus and the school. There was little notable conversation that morning aside from your brief interaction with the sudden exposing your clothed boner to your twin. That wasn’t something you needed to think about, it only made you feel weirder. Seriously… Were all sisters like that? They just decided to take off their shirt and sleep half naked with their brother because it was ‘hot’? To be fair to your sister, it was hot. Seriously, was it so much to ask that mom fix that stupid AC unit? Or was there even one inside there anyway? You didn’t really look around that much, instead opting to hide in the booth with your things and hoping to pass the time until you could go home. Sadly that wasn’t working out so well for you this time around. The skies were pretty cloudy today and you all flew above them to get to the city, and on the way there your mind wandered back to Rosebud again. Would she be at school today? And if so, what would you even say to her? ‘I’m sorry for hesitating’ didn’t sound like much of a good answer or an excuse to give to your fillyfriend. Stupid stupid stupid. The desert below you didn’t offer any answers and neither did the sky. You drifted from left to right and kept adjusting your backpack, eyes squinted. A quick glance at your phone and you saw Rose hadn’t responded to any of your texts… ‘Hey, Rose… can we talk about yesterday?’ ‘I need to apologize, can we meet up during free period?’ ‘A text isn’t going to cut it, not for this...’ ‘Rose?’ Maybe you were being too incessant with your texts… or she was just ignoring you because she hated you. Fuck. No... no, you were sure it wasn’t that, you and Rose were close… maybe not close to be considered super intimate enough to get to that point where you two actually fucked, but close enough that you knew you could fix this somehow. “Ailly?” You glanced back up and saw Gee looked over at you, her expression creased in worry. Worried that what happened this morning lingered on her mind, or worried cause she happened to be staring at you, you weren’t sure. “What?” You shoved your phone back into your pocket and glared. “You okay? You were staring at your phone for a while,” She scrunched up her snout a little and you inwardly cursed. How long were you staring? “Ailly, I-” “It’s nothing to worry about, so don’t,” You bit back and flew down a bit lower from both Delta and Gee. You really didn’t want to play twenty questions. Yet your mother seemed fit to ruin your day even further. “Your little fillyfriend not texting you back?” Her gruff voice reached your ears and made you groan. You looked up and saw your mom glaring down at you past her bangs, you half expected a smirk on her face but you just saw her lips quirked back a little in a sort of sneer. “Huh?” Gee looked over, “You mean Rosebud?” “I don’t know her fucking name,” Your mom snorted, “The bitch red?” Fucking... Gee nodded. “Uh, y-yeah.” You growled and shot back, “Look, it’s none of your business what’s going on!” You snarled and crossed your arms. This was your problem! Wait, no, this was your thing! There wasn’t a problem anyway! “Just bug out of it!” “Someone’s salty,” Your mom replied and flipped her mane back out of her face with a jerk of her head, “Who shit in your cereal this morning.” “From how clean you keep your fucking trailer, probably you.” Seriously, her trailer was fucking disgusting. Trash everywhere, smells belonging to things or ponies was something you didn’t plan on finding out, and sleeping in that damn booth was wreaking havoc on your back. You needed a proper bed, or… you know, to go the fuck home. Your mom’s eyes narrowed at you and her arms crossed again. Her jacket flapped in the wind and she finally broke the silence, “It’s my food you’re eating, if you don’t like it then go find something else.” “I would if you bought something besides fucking Boop O’ Roops, seriously. Booze, cigarettes and sugary cereal, how are you even still alive?” “Guys!” Apogee yelled and brought your attention to the city of Las Pegasus, “Let’s hurry up and get to school, and stop fighting… please?” You just rolled your eyes and focused on the route to school… Your thoughts betrayed that focus however, and you thought about how any fight you had with your mom would just end up being stupid and you’d both would go through the whole day angrier than before. You’d rather not be filled with bitter feelings when you met up with Rosebud again today, assuming you could find her and manage to find enough time to apologize to her. Free period would be right after… Actually, what was next class? Despite doing them for so long, they slipped your mind. You glanced over to Apogee. She was more likely to remember than you were, had a better memory as well. “We’re not doing Equish 101 again, are we?” Gee sighed and looked down at you, “You forgot again?” “Look, I don’t spend my time memorizing the class schedule like you do, okay?” Really! You didn’t have time to memorize that kind of stuff. Though you probably should have or at least keep some inkling of it in mind. “What’re our classes for today?” Gee began listing off your classes to you, and like usual you found yourself unable to pay much attention to what she was explaining. Which is rather funny considering you literally just asked her to tell you. Lazy ass. “-and PT,” You heard your sis say. That stood out to you though and you glared at your twin, “Wait… PT?” “Yeah! Physical Training, I’m thinking it’s a swim class this time instead of Skyball this time.” She told you and you scrunched up your snout. Since when did you suddenly have swim class? You never did many PT classes, that’s not to say you ended up becoming a fat slob or were inactive, you just never did them as much as your sister did. You went for stuff like art and you dabbled in the music class from time to time. “Ugh… seriously?” You grumbled and spat off to the side as you all flew through the city, passing by buildings and other ponies. “What kind of crap is this, I didn’t want to do that this week.” “Well… look at it this way!” ‘Gee flew down next to ya and bumped a shoulder against yours, “There’ll be lots of cute fillies in tight swimsuits!” Her eyebrows waggled and you couldn’t stop the fire you felt suddenly growing in your cheeks. The image of a few cute girls you knew from school filled your mind all of a sudden. Wearing tight swimsuits. Wet from the pool water. Hair dripping water down their bodies as the cool pool water... “Gah!” You shook your head and shoved Gee to the side, causing her to giggle as she spun around. “Will you knock it off! I have better things to do than stare at other fillies!” “I’m just teasing! Heheheh!” Your sister continued to giggle and flip in midair, throwing what you could only guess was a smug look towards you. “Maybe Rose will be there!” Your blush only worsened as you thought about that. Rose had been in a bikini a few times. Once during one of the rare moments you actually visited her home in the rich part of the Las Pegasus suburbs. She had invited you for a swim which you enjoyed quite a bit. She had gotten a bit touchy during it, but you were too busy trying not to die of a blush and drown to really see if things would’ve gone anywhere. Her dad had come home a bit after that. You don’t try to think about that anymore. You can still hear the roar of a chainsaw when you think about pools too long. The sight of the school closing in came into view and you all landed outside the gates where more students were filing in. “Thanks for flying us to school again, mom,” Apogee had told your mom and gave her another hug. “Yeah yeah,” The older mare replied and returned the hug. You tore your gaze away from the school gate and the horde of ponies making their way inside, most likely to meet up with friends and prepare for the day. You saw how happy Apogee looked when Delta hugged her back - of course it wasn’t as happy as Apogee’s. It may not have been happy at all, but it was still a hug. Something bugged you when you saw her happily nuzzling into your mom, lips pulled back into a bright and innocent smile and you weren’t sure what exactly it was. It was an odd feeling in your gut and a slight pull in your chest, but you shoved it aside and stared back at the school. “Good luck, kid,” Your mom said and you heard Apogee giggle. “Don’t need it!” Apogee turned and brushed by ya, her hand drifting down to wrap her fingers around your own. “Let’s go Ailly!” “Uugh, I’m coming!” You groaned and tried to follow after your sis. You spared a look back at your mom and saw she had her hands in her jacket pockets, eyes glancing towards the two of you. For probably the first time since you’ve known the mare, she wasn’t frowning at you. Huh. “Bye mom!” Apogee yelled back to her, prompting the mare to just snort and give a half hearted wave back. Well today was going to be interesting, that was for sure. ooo 000 - - 000 ooo Heading into school proved to be as tedious as yesterday as you and Apogee made your way through the halls to your respective classrooms to get on with the day. It was slow and boring, least to you. The only bright side was in most of your classes you ended up with Emerald, who was all but happy to try and cheer you up. Despite not being able to go to the concert like you wanted to with your friends and fillyfriend, you would hope they’d have fun without you. You tried to keep your mind off of that fact, that you weren’t going. Emerald was being rather helpful with that, giving you words of encouragement and reassurance that she was going to bring you back some sweet goodies from the concert. You couldn’t help but chuckle when she declared she was somehow going to get Wicked Note to autograph all the merch she had. You couldn’t see Emerald pulling that off, even if she somehow sweet talked her way backstage to Wicked Note… Then again this was Emerald you were thinking about, she wasn’t one for sweet talking so much as she was for sneaking her way inside. Maybe throwing punches if the moment called for it. Polite student she was, the mare was perfectly capable of kicking someone’s ass, your own could attest to this. She certainly knows how to. Your hand rubbed your backside in fond but painful remembrance of the last time you two had ‘wrestled’ during one particular PT class. It was an interesting look at how weak you were compared to a pegasus of her small stature. Despite how small she was, she knew how to take down ponies bigger than her. Couple that with her speed and she was one mean pony. On your current path to one class you weren’t particularly fond of taking, your thoughts drifted towards that rosey red pegasus you called your fillyfriend. You haven’t seen her at all and that only worried you. Where was she? Was she skipping school just to avoid you? Did you two just have conveniently separate schedules that kept you from seeing one another? Worry gnawed at the back of your mind like a tick. She still hasn’t responded to my texts and I haven’t seen her all day. You shook your head, you didn’t want to worry, but it was hard not too. I hope she’s just busy, or maybe her phone died. The thought of her ignoring you for so long sucked. Yyou seriously needed to apologize to her soon. A heavy sigh escaped you, truthfully, a swim sounded a little refreshing right now. Maybe you should actually give it a try, cooling off in the pool might help calm down your nerves about the whole thing. Your thoughts ended when you finally arrived at one of the school’s many pools and slipped in through the doors. You could hear the clamor of a few students near the pools, most of it a jumbled mess you couldn’t bring yourself to pay much attention to. Once you entered the room proper you were greeted with the olympic sized swimming pool and group of students standing nearby, some already in their swimsuits… And that included your twin. Your eyes immediately zeroed in on her choice of attire for the class; a very tight and form fitting one-piece swimsuit, colored a dark blue with a matching swim cap atop her head with tiny holes in the top to allow her ears through. The suit was tight but breathable looking and wrapped around her body in a way that you could clearly make out the more feminine details through it. Apogee was slowly but surely going through that stage in life where she began to start… developing more in certain areas. Your eyes trailed down from her chest and you saw your eyes locking onto her hips, despite being eighteen she had some deliciously sized hips, wide with a small but plush looking rear. Was it hot? You felt a trickle of sweat run down the side of your face. You were brought out of your staring when you heard, “Hey Ailly! Decided not to skip after all?” Gee called over to you and walked over, her hip swaying a lot more noticable now that she was in a very tight swimsuit. A clear of your throat and managed to tear your gaze away, instead staring at some other fillies. “Might as well, I got nothing else better to do,” You snorted and made your way over to the changing room. “Oh come on, Ailly, it’ll be fun!” She chirped from behind you, her footsteps plapping against the bare floor as she trailed behind you into the changing room. You ignored her and continued into the room before finding a nice bench where you could set your bag. “Ailly?” A huff and you grumbled out “Whatcha want?” You started to take your swimsuit out of your bag. You glanced up at your sis and saw the look in her eyes, little flickering embers of worry drifting around her cerise colored eyes. “Are you okay? You don’t look so well...” Her lips tugged back and down into a tiny frown, “Is it about this morning?” “No.” You answered curtly, doing your best to avoid staring at your sister’s chest or her crotch for very much longer. You weren’t really in the mood to start sprouting wood during swim class. “It isn’t that okay?” “Aill-” “I’m about to change, you mind?” Apogee fixed you with a look before turning to leave the locker room, her departing footsteps filling your ears. Once she was gone, you balled up one of your first and hit the bench a few times in anger. Fuck. You didn’t want to be so hostile, but it was so hard when you were in one of your moods. The whole thing with Rose was still on your mind. Honestly, you felt a twinge of anger at Rose for leaving so suddenly and not letting you explain. Whatever, we’ll talk whenever I can freakin’ find her. With that out of the way, you slipped off your school uniform. You were being careful to fold it up nice and neat before sitting it inside one of the lockers before opening up your bag to pull out your swim gear. Swimming… always a chore. It was such a strange thing too, you could enter it no problem and swim around, moving in ways you couldn’t normally do out of the water; but if you fell from a very high up place it’d be akin to smacking into concrete at full speed. Stay under for too long and you would most likely inhale the water and die, and ponies sure did love to swim in it for fun. Slipping on your swim gear with deft hands, you eventually tossed your duffel into the locker and turned to head out. Time to get this over with. Moving out into the pool, you saw most of the students gathered around and ready to get things going-excited conversation spread between your classmates who were excited to get started. Meanwhile you were standing next to Gee, arms crossed over your bare chest and waiting for your teacher to arrive. It didn’t take very much longer, as the door to the hall slamming open sounded and in the mare walked. “Alright class, hope you’re all ready for today!” You couldn’t help but glance over at the mare as she walked in, immediately taking note of the attire she was wearing for the current class. A loose t-shirt with the school logo on the right breast, and a pair of tight looking shorts that hugged her wide hips and butt rather snugly. The watery colored mare was currently doing up her mane into a ponytail. The busty swim teacher was well known for being rather… over the top in general. Speak of the devil, as you watched your swim teacher-Whirlpool strut over, you saw that smirk of hers grow onto her face. She was incredibly well built, toned athletic muscles with a nice butt and pair of boobs to match. A crude remark, perhaps, but it was hard to deny that your swim teacher was actually kinda hot. “So who’s ready to jump in there and give it all they got?” Whirlpool asked you all, prompting a few murmurs of agreement to arise from some of the older classmates while the younger ones opted to stare at her from the back, least from what you could see. Then again you were sort of doing the same. “Come on! Lemme hear the excitement!” Whirlpool slammed a fist into her open palm and she got that reaction she wanted, a few of the younger ones got excited. She said, “That’s the spirit!” A clap of her hands, a flap of her wings and she went over to the pool, “Today we’re going to practice freestyle swimming before taking a few minutes of rest, then more freestyle practice.” Joy. Was all that came to mind. You stretched out an arm and loosened up your neck a bit, preparing yourself for the trials ahead. Apogee seemed rather excited about the class, hip cocked to the side and a smirk on her face. You could see it on her face, she knew damn well she’d ace this practice no problem… little prodigy child she was. Whatever… maybe it was time you actually put a little effort into this whole thing to try and wipe that little grin off her face… That’d be satisfying. “Alright guys!” Whirlpool grinned and went over to the side of the pool, “Let’s get started!” > Week 1 - Day 3 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lot of you made your way to the edge of the pool and climbed in-or in the case of Apogee, jump into the pool with a giggle. You just slid into the water and sunk down a bit. One hand kept yourself steady while everyone conversed amongst themselves, some stretching and others just waiting for Whirlpool to get started. The curvy mare herself stood nearby with a hand on her cocked out hip, bushy tail swishing behind her plush looking butt. You found it hard not to stare at the mare through your bangs, she was an attractive mare. “Let’s begin!” She put the whistle up to her lips before giving it a blow. The harsh whistle sounding… and you were off. A kick of your feet off of the wall and you swam back to the beginning, that was enough you imagined… least for the free time you had left. Upon reaching the starting line, you broke the surface and took in a deep breath as you rested up against the corner. Body thoroughly wet, mane matted down and heart pounding in your chest and you rested you back against the edge of the pool. Your other classmates were lazily swimming around the pool and having fun, giggling and splashing water on one another. A couple were just sitting on the edges of the pool and soaking their feet, chuckling to their friends in hushed tones. You saw Emerald lounging on the other side of the pool, leaning back, smirk on her face and her chest puffed out in confidence. In her tight looking two piece sports swimwear, damp mane hanging off to one side-she brushed it back with a smile while talking with Pixel Dust. She gave her a little look and chuckled before she caught your gaze, she winked. Your snorted and gave her a nod before looking away… your cheeks felt hot for some reason, must’ve been hotter than you thought in the room. The dip in the water didn’t seem to help that much with cooling yourself down. Swimming around the water while your hot swim teacher lurked off to the side, pacing around the walkway of the pool and urging everyone to give it their best. The slight bounce of her bust and swish of her tail caught your eyes more than a few times… you cursed your hormones for focusing on her-your body ended up getting less ‘hydrodynamic’ to say the least with a problem that quickly rose up. Unluckily for you, your ‘problem’ remained and hasn’t gone down since. You were trying so hard to think of disgusting thoughts to get it down, but being around a lot of young and cute mares-including your swim teacher didn’t help matters any. Of course… it didn’t take long for your mind to conjure up images of the class ending. You were packing up and getting ready to leave before hearing Whirlpool asking for you to stay behind for a moment. You turned to her call and spotted the mare sauntering over to you while everyone left, murmuring things that escaped your keen ears. However, you found your eyes too busy being locked onto the body of Whirlpool. She walked over to you with a confident sway to her hips, tail swishing back and forth-a little smirk graced her lips. “I’m gonna need you to stay behind for a bit, Aileron.” You rose an eyebrow at her, eyes drifting up and down her form… were her clothes always wet? You don’t remember her getting into the pool, but you weren’t complaining at all. The shirt-heavy with water accentuated the curve of her bust quite well, and two little nubs poked out through the front. You felt a blush on your face. “W-what for exactly?” You weren’t in trouble, were you? She just smirked as the door leading outside closed finally. “I think it’s time we got some… special training underway~” She cooed before grabbing the bottom part of her shirt and lifting it up, showing you her well toned abs and the sag of her shorts, which looked so close to falling off. Your shorts grew tight with your arousal, was this seriously happening?! She lifted them up further and further… you saw them reach the bottom of her breasts, you saw that glorious underboob as she lifted up the shirt more… so close… “Ailly?” You blinked and suddenly you found yourself back in the pool, your ears cleared up and you heard everyone in the pool area still yapping away, and Whirlpool was lounging nearby. Your shorts were still as tight as could be though, that was the only real part of that little daydream-your member had decided to say hello, and with how tight your swimwear was, it wouldn’t end well. Directly in front of you however, was your sister… who was about as close to you as she could get without making it too weird, but close enough to make you uncomfortable-mostly due to the fact that if she got any closer… “You okay bro?” Her sweet almost naive voice asked you, head tilted. She was submerged in the water about as much as you were, despite the subtle height difference between you two, it didn’t stop her from being eye to eye. “H-huh?” Ten out of ten reply right there. She gave you a look, her cute red eyes locking onto your own… wait, cute? “You’ve been staring for a bit, you sure you’re okay?” You cleared your throat as the tightness of your swimwear became more apparent. I do not need this right now! “W-what? I’m fine,” you argued, sniffling and shuffling up against the edge of the pool. You wanted to climb out and leave, but with your current problem, you couldn’t do that. Apogee didn’t look like she believed you though-the slight pronounced frown, her suspicious gaze. “Ailly, I know something’s up, you’ve been acting weird,” she said, moving up just a bit closer and forcing you back up against the wall. “Is it about your fillyfriend?” You grumbled and looked away… leave it to her to bring that up when you didn’t want to talk about it. “I don’t want to talk about it.” You really didn’t… but for some reason you found it hard to keep it bottled up. Before Gee could press further, you heard someone behind her speak up, “Well hey there Gee~” You both blinked and turned to look at the speaker, and you found yourself looking at a stallion about your age. He had a smug little grin on his face as a pair of beady little eyes locked on Apogee. He leaned on the side of the pool and brushed his mane out of his face, and you noticed he was decently built and lean for his age. You heard your sis grumble something and look back at him, her back facing you now. “What do you want, Tumbler?” Tumbler? Who the heck was this guy? He wasn’t anyone you recognized-dark colored mane and fur, and small eyes that stared at Apogee in a way that made you uncomfortable. “Just wondering if you were free after class,” He smiled at her, his wings flexing behind him in that subtle little way you picked up… was he hitting on your sister? “I was thinking we could go out, get some lunch, maybe see a movie~” Apogee’s voice didn’t really give you any indication of being enthralled by the idea, and she backed up a little. “I’m not interested, Tumbler.” Her tone got a bit more forceful, ears folding back. “Okay?” You wrinkled up your snout and glared at the other stallion-his smug smile, the air of confidence he was giving off… he was creeping you out with how he looked at Gee. “Are you sure?” Tumbler’s voice didn’t lose any of its smugness, what was worse was that he slid forward a bit, forcing Gee further back towards you. “My father said he’d lend me his private airship~” Shiiiiiit! She was practically inches away from your bulge now. You silently cursed-you really should train yourself to stop daydreaming at the worst possible moments! The closeness of your twin coupled with the fleeting memory of Whirlpool taking her sopping wet top off only made things worse for you-the main issue being your dick wasn’t going down at all. “Tumbler, j-just go away, okay? I told you again and again I don’t care,” Gee’s grumpy voice broke you out of your dilemma-behind her you could see her wings shuffling in agitation. “I don’t wanna date you.” You glared at Tumbler, deciding finally to butt in with a rather agitated-“Back off.” Gee turned to look back at you with a little look. Tumbler himself finally broke his gaze from Apogee to look up at you-raising an eyebrow, “And who are you?” You blinked… there was someone in school who didn’t know who you were? You just returned his glare. “She said she doesn’t care, so why don’t you buzz off.” “Tumbler, I don’t care that your dad’s letting you use his airship,” Apogee added, looking a bit peeved. Sadly for you, Tumbler didn’t seem to care about what either of you had to say-his face was still the picture of smugness… That’s when everything immediately got worse for you. “I bet I could change that~” Tumbler suddenly moved forward, a swift movement that sent him moving closer to you two… And caused Apogee to jerk back into you-her butt finally connected with the tent in your shorts and a loud squeak came from her. You grunted, hands flying to her hips as Tumbler chuckled, murmuring something to Apogee-you didn’t hear it at all… the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat trying to explode up into and out of your head. Oh shit! You felt Apogee’s butt press very firmly against you bulge-almost nestling it in between the crease of her swimsuit. She wasn’t halfway against it either, she was pushed back into you about as much as she could thanks to Tumbler. If you didn’t think your problem could get any worse before, it certainly did now. You couldn’t even hope to stop your dick from twitching from the contact of what you could only shamefully admit was a nice feeling butt-even through the tight swimsuit you could feel the hints of plushness through it with both your dick and your hands-the latter of which was resting on her hips and digging into her suit. For a moment, it felt like you were pulling her to you, but that would be weird. As if this wasn’t already weird! You had no doubts in your mind she was feeling this as well, the distinct throbbing and pulsations, the slight tugs of your shorts as your member threatened to push out further and against her. You did your best to not make it worse-forcing disgusting thoughts inside your head and trying not to let your hormones take over, but Celestia’s tits it was hard. Looking down at Apogee while Tumbler was off on some tangent you couldn’t be bothered to put any energy into paying attention to-you saw your sis turn her head slightly to glance back at you. You saw her cheeks were as red as her eyes were-her ears were folded back, her legs were in between yours… Wait… you weren’t sure, but you swore you felt her clench around your shaft-even subtly grinding up against you and just making things worse! Wait, no, she was! Gee! What the heck?! You felt Gee subtly moving up grinding her ass up against yours, sliding your half-hard junk up in between her plush cheeks and clenching. You tried hard not to groan from what she was doing. This was fucking weird! What was she doing? You were siblings for crying out loud! So why weren’t you pushing her away? “-sides, we would make the perfect couple~” Tumbler’s annoying voice finally registered in your mind as you struggled not to completely slip out of your sheath and make the situation worse. Your body so desperately wanted to do something else, unfortunately for you your sheer force of will was having difficulties trying to curb that part of your mind. You tried not to think about how subtly curvy her hips were, how tight her ass felt clenched around your junk, and you definitely tried not to focus on the fact she was sneakily grinding her butt against you. This is so messed up… “A-Ailly-!” Gee pressed back into you further-forced back by Tumbler and making you realize shit was starting to get out of hand. Fuck fuck fu- Bonk Something bounced off of Tumbler’s head and fell into the water, something big and round… a ball? A glance over to your right and you spotted Emerald and her cheeky grin-followed by a wink right after. Tumbler suddenly growled and turned to face the other group of ponies, “Who the fuck threw that?!” He sounded pissed as he moved away from Gee, allowing you a nice reprieve once you were free from Gee’s… ‘movements.’ Your classmates were laughing from the impact and it only made Tumbler angrier to the point he picked up the ball and chucked it towards the group. It hit someone in the head but you were too busy ducking down into the water to pay much attention to the fight, you were also too busy trying to get your dick from escaping your shorts-which in of itself proved to be a hard thing to do. No pun intended. You glanced up when you heard a shout from Whirlpool who ran over to the sudden fight breaking out. Gee was in front of you, occasionally glancing at you-cheeks still red and biting her lips. Fuck, this is ridiculous! Watching the fight go down, you noticed no one was paying any attention to you or Gee. I’m out. You climbed up out of the water and onto the floor as quick as you could-with speed you didn’t know you had, you kicked off the floor and shot off towards the locker room nearby without another word. Once inside, you flew into one of the shower stalls and slammed the door shut, quickly backpedaling up to the wall and trying to calm yourself down. “Shit,” You breathed out and found your gaze turning down to the massive tent in your swimwear. You were nowhere near fully erect-it’d be painful otherwise, but there was enough there to make your arousal noticeable. Sometimes having a dick was the bane of your existence, this wasn’t the first time you ended up sprouting a boner at the worst possible time. And it sure as hell wouldn’t be the last time… Your mind immediately zeroed on what Apogee was doing, was she seriously doing that? Or was it an accident? Her firm butt pressed up against your junk, the subtle wiggles and clenches… No, no she had to have been doing it on purpose! But why? What the hell was going through her head? Gee, seriously, what the actual shit? You bashed the back of your head against the wall and tried taking a few deep calming breaths, you needed to wrap your mind around this whole situation… all the while pulling your shorts down to release your member from it’s tightened confines. It flopped out and hung beneath your legs, the sweet gift of relief filling you. The more you thought about what happened, the more it caused blood to start flowing towards your nether regions. Ahh great… You really didn’t want to whack one off in the gym showers, especially after what happened with Gee, but your hormones were trying to get the better of you. The mental image of Whirlpool came back, furthering the problem down below until it got to the point you were fighting the urge. You really wanted to… if only to try and get rid of the pent up feeling you were suffering from. Just as you felt yourself about to give in, you heard the doors to the gym shower slam open and the hustle and bustle of ponies moving in. You found yourself in a panic before turning on the shower you were in, blasting yourself with water-ice cold water. Needless to say… you didn’t get to whack one out today. ooo 000 - - 000 ooo School ended and you wandered out with your bag over your shoulder to the exit. The icy cold shower had done a good job of killing your urge to jerk it-besides, there were too many guys around you in the shower and that would have been even more awkward than Gee’s… rubbing up against you during swim class. So now you just felt even more pent up after giving yourself the bluest fucking balls you could possibly give. Wandering outside gave you a nice breath of fresh air from the stuffy halls of the school, letting you clear your head and try to get a decent understanding of what you were going to do… mostly in regards to your fillyfriend. “Yo, Ailly?” But your friend, Silver interrupted your thoughts. You glanced to the side and spotted your friend wandering over to you, hands stuffed into his pockets and walking with that confident swagger of his. “Hey.” You greeted back, leaning back against the wall of the school and loosening up your tie. “What’s up?” “Could ask you the same thing,” Silver smirked and stood next to you, leaning against the wall and looking towards you-the subtle falling of his mane in front of one of his bright eyes only added onto that natural coolness he just seemed to radiate. “You’ve been acting kinda funny.” Out of all of your friends, Silver was the most likely to figure out what was wrong with you. Not only a smooth talker, but very perceptive about things. “...Have I?” Yet you questioned him when you glanced over to him. “All day dude,” Silver ran a hand through his mane, looking towards you with a curious gaze. “You know you can talk to us, right?” You looked away from him and out into the city, muttering, “I don’t want to talk about it.” What were you supposed to even say? That you messed up with Rose and were scared of your relationship with her being destroyed? “Is it about Rose?” Damn. You hung your head and finally looked at Silver-you could see it in his eyes… he felt bad for you. “Look, I… I’m not going to pry into your love life, Aileron,” He told you and shifted up closer to you, slapping a hand against your back below your wing. “But you gotta talk to her at some point.” “I’ve been trying.” You argued with him, glancing up into the sky for a moment. “She’s not answering my texts and I haven’t seen her at school all day.” You were bothered… you just wanted to apologize and try to clear things up. Why did life have such a hard on for making your life shit? “Well, she might be free right now.” Silver told you, giving you a tiny smirk. “Pfft… what makes you say that?” You couldn’t help but question… what was with that smirk? He jerked his head to the front of you and when you looked up, you saw Rose was walking away from school from the other entrance-she hefted up her backpack and spread her wings. “Go after her dude,” Silver shoved you forward and you would’ve tripped if you weren’t fast enough, you threw him a look before doing just that… Going after Rose. ooo 000 - - 000 ooo You shed your shirt and tossed it to the side before you sat down in the booth with a huff. Your body ached… your heart felt funny and you weren’t sure of anything right now. You had spent the day with your fillyfriend in the hopes of somehow repairing your relationship with her, after the other day you felt horrible for what happened, and damn it all, you didn’t mean to do that, you weren’t sure why you acted that way but... A sigh escaped you and you slumped forward, almost hitting your head on the table. What more could you do? You spent the whole day with Rosebud, taking her to some of her favorite places around Cloudsdale and even digging a bit into what savings you had to splurge a little on her. She threw a little smile your way every now and then, even looked happy for once. Yet you didn’t know, everything felt off about the whole date, like she wasn’t really into it or something? Did I mess up that badly? You couldn’t help but wonder. Rose didn’t speak much during the whole thing, the only time she did was when you attempted to initiate conversation. You asked her about her day, if she had any plans for later on in the week, maybe if she wanted to go check out a movie later. She told you she was going to be busy with her parents doing something, probably involving their car company, you weren’t sure what that was however. She wasn’t happy though, the walk, the fancy food joint you hit up, even the little gift you bought her - a small gemstone necklace. She just left you, after everything… she just ended your relationship like it was nothing! You gazed at the necklace you bought and bit back the emotions that swelled up in your chest. Your heart ached, your eyes stung and your hand shook… what did you even keep this? It also didn’t help your hormones were still acting up from earlier in the day… when Apogee was grinding herself against you. That tight little butt of hers, firmly pressed again yo- “Gah! Shut up brain.” You grumbled. You needed something to get your mind off of things... And you probably would have came up with something to do, but you heard the sporadic clunking noise of the trailer’s plumbing kick up, and the sharp splash hiss of the shower as it turned on. Was mom home? “Fuckin’ shit plumbing.” Yep… she was home it seemed, and taking a shower. That sounded like a relaxing idea… just take a nice long hot shower and loosen up your aching muscles, maybe even finally deal with the problem you’ve been having with Ailly Jr. down below. You swear you’ve never been blue-balled this hard before in your whole life. Seriously… just one wank, was that so much to ask for? Apparently so, because you’ve been fidgety and achy all day, ever since Gee’s… Why couldn’t you stop thinking about that? It wasn’t like you enjoyed it or anything! ...No, that would be weird, really weird… Yet, your mind couldn’t get rid of the image of Apogee’s firm butt… the way it looked, how it was shaped… how it felt... Stupid brain! As stupid as your brain was being, your dick apparently decided it liked the image, thus making your comfy shorts feel all the more tighter as you slipped from your sheath. You sat up finally and glared down at the bulge growing in your pants, “Seriously?!” The frustration of everything was getting to be too much… you hoped your mom finished up soon, cause this was starting to get really fuc- “Nnng!” You stopped once you heard the noise from the bathroom, was your mom drunk again? It sounded like it, the end result of drinking too much… like she always did, but this one sounded slightly different from the usual bouts of nausea she had. Your curiosity was aroused, prompting you to stand up from the booth - ignoring your boner - and heading over to the door to the bathroom. Should you knock? No, she’d probably yell… maybe ask her if she’s alright? ...Why did you care anyway? “He-” “Mng~” You were cut off as that sound hit your ears again… was… was that? You couldn’t help it… your frustrated and horny mind made you bring up your hand and push the door open ever so gently, making it swing open a crack to let you see inside. “Nng, fuck.” Delta was standing there in the shower, the curtain left open and allowed you to see her completely naked... and wet. She was under the showerhead, water splashing down on her mane and running down her back and wings, you could even see her cutie mark fully now… along with everything else. An arm was pressed against her belly, hand snaked between her legs and no doubt buried somewhere you didn’t expect to see them buried. Her eyes were wrenched shut, tongue half stuck out ot the side and her head pressed up against the wall of the shower. You could see the subtle sway of her perky breasts with every little movement… they looked so full and round. Your throat felt incredibly dry… as you watched her movements. “Mm~” She groaned as she used her free hand to steady herself against the wall. Was she…? You moved away from the door and stood in the hall, your back up against the wall as you realized what it was you just saw. It hit you like a runaway cart… she was getting off in the shower… the same one you used! The bigger issue was down below however, the one that was making your pants feel too damn tight, so tight it almost hurt. You glared down at your dick through the cloth… why were you so hard?! Another low moan from Delta sent another throb through your member as it grew even more, you swore you could feel a bit of cum trying to push its way out… Were you turned on by this?! This was your mom for crying out loud! Yet the sight of her busty tits and plush ass couldn’t leave your mind for even a second, and it only made your dick harder the more those images flew past your eyes. You moved on your own and slid back into view of the crack, peering in through the light and eyeballing the mare as she continued fingering herself. Why couldn’t you stop yourself? This was so weird… Your dick disagreed immensely, so much so that you had no choice but to pull down your shorts and let it spring free, allowing you some relief. You swear you’ve never seen it this hard before… it was almost painful, and you felt lightheaded from all of the blood swelling it. Viens pulsated along your length, the medial ring was thick, and your tip was practically dribbling with cum. All because you were spying on your mom taking a shower and getting herself off. You really didn’t want to listen to this, neither did you want the thoughts of jacking it to fill your head right now. But it had been so long since you last jerked it, and the constant blue-balling all day had frayed your nerves… you couldn’t take it anymore! ...It wouldn’t hurt to sneak one out right now, would it? J-just… imagine someone else. Yeah, that would work, that’s a good plan! Just something to release the pent up horniness that was only continuing to build up in your gut. Another quivering moan filled the bathroom, reminding you that you needed to finish as quick as possible, you wouldn’t dare get caught by either her or Apogee. That was a whole other kind of explanation you didn’t want to do. Swallowing what nerves you had left in you, a hand drifted to your dick and gripped it, slowly tightening before you started long smooth strokes up and down. Another half grunt half moan filled the bathroom behind you, sending shivers down your spine. You forced the images of your mother out of your mind, instead replacing them with the almost scantily clad ones of your swim teacher - Whirlpool. She was a busty goddess of curvaceous beauty in your hormone addled mind - a plush looking ass, pillowy tits you wanted to bury your face in, wide foal bearing hips and those eyes of hers, like bright gems and her mane like silk. You imagined it in your head - that little fantasy you had before Apogee stopped you. Your eyes closed and you thought back to it, and you let your fantasies take over. Whirlpool took your arm and drew you closer, keeping you from leaving the pool as everyone else left. The dull clack of the door closing and the lack of ponies talking and yelling informed you that you were both alone, with only the sound of the water gently lapping against the sides of the pool to fill the silence, alongside your heavy breathing. She smiled that gorgeous smile of hers as a hand came up to rest against your cheek. You felt your heartbeat speed up in your ribcage, pounding away inside its prison. Your legs quivered under your weight, and your eyes couldn’t help but drink in her body - those tight luscious curves of hers leading to a tight yet soft looking ass, the two near perfectly shaped mounds hidden under her swimsuit, those sparkling eyes of hers gazing into your own. Whirlpool reached up and pulled at her mane tie, taking it off and allowing that gorgeous mane of hers to flow down like silk over her shoulders, it bounced and rested against her in gentle curls you didn’t know she had until now. “You’ve been on my eyes for a while now, Aileron.” She cooed in that devilishly honeyed voice of hers. The mare’s suit seemed tighter somehow, her curves were more noticable, her breasts more plush and delicious looking. “Like what you see?” You couldn’t answer fast enough, and it came out as more of a stutter than anything else, you sounded like a dolphin that got punched in the scrotum, but she didn’t seem to mind and only grabbed you by the arm and smiled. Then Whirlpool knelt down with a grin and traced her hands down to the hem of your shorts, where your painfully obvious arousal was clear to see. It wasn’t like you could hide it from her, or anyone for that matter. Whirlpool gripped the hem of your pants and slowly pulled on them, teasingly bringing them down until your cock sprang forth, and she swiftly grabbed it. Her hand were so soft, smooth, as they gripped you and slowly began stroking you in a delicate manner, causing more blood to rush down south. “Mmm, you’re a big colt, aren’t you~” She chuckled and kept stroking you off, and you could barely hold back the moan that escaped from you. Whirlpool just smiled, and then she pressed her muzzle to the base and she inhaled, then you swore you felt her tongue touch your sack before trailing upwards. You groaned as she slowly her tongue up your length, it felt rough to the touch but at the same time, so wonderful. You could feel yourself growing harder with each lick and stroke she did, the little tingles of pleasure rose up from the base of your spine, surging forth towards your brain and releasing those sweet little chemicals that made you feel good. Whirlpool continued her ministrations for a while, suckling and licking your sensitive flesh from top to bottom. You could feel every pulsation through your rod, the eagerness was swelling in your belly and your breathing was beginning to pick up. “Enjoying yourself?” She licked the tip of your cock with her tongue, and swirled it around the tip. You had to do your best to keep yourself from blowing your load too early, if you did you’d be so embarrassed. But right now, did you even really care about that? You were getting a blowjob from one of the hottest teachers at school! You could hear her grunts and moans from moving up and down your shaft, feel her rough tongue sliding across your meat from tip to base, where she stopped to suck on your sack and squeeze before moving again. Then you felt her lips wrap around your head and she started to suck even more, before taking in an inch, then another, and another. “Nnng.” You couldn’t hold back that one, and you only heard her chuckle… but it sounded a little different. She didn’t let up either, she was going deeper and beginning to bob her head up and down. Sending those wonderful little feelings surging up and down your spine, electricity danced across your form as the pressure built up inside the pit of your stomach. You could usually last, but this was so good, you could barely keep going. “Dirty colt~” You were getting closer and closer, but that voice… it sounded so familiar, and it wasn’t Whirlpool’s. Suddenly, the fantasy shifted and the pool room warped, becoming more worn and filled with junk, like old cars and spare parts. A hanger, a ratty old couch, a sign appeared nearby, and you were sitting on a chair. The feeling was almost unbearable, you were about to blow any moment! You glanced down... And you saw bright red eyes glaring up into your own, a messy mane that looked like your own, and the light blue body of a curvy mare who was kneeling down on your legs and bobbing her head up and down your dick. She popped off and kept stroking you fast and hard, and squeezed your sack just as she said, “You always have a thing for getting a blowjob from you mom?” You weren’t able to process it fast enough before she downed your cock again, taking it in and causing you to cry out, she gulped down inch after inch and bobbed her head rapidly, your eyes rolled back into your head. You couldn’t stop yourself, or her for that matter, it felt so horribly wrong, but at the same time it felt so fucking amazing! Every part of you was on fire, the nerves in your cock were being assaulted by you Delta’s tongue, her soft lips, the way she moved was almost magical, how she squeezed and stroked your cock. Your eyes popped open and you found yourself back in the trailer, your Delta’s trailer! You couldn’t stop yourself, the memory of Delta and her nude body stuck in your mind, you could hear her own cry of pleasure from in the shower behind you as she no doubt reached her own climax, just as you were your own. Your legs quivered and your balls tightened as your head flared out. You were painfully hard, and there was nothing you could do to stop the eruption of cum gushing forth like a dam with too much pressure behind it. You couldn’t tear the image of your mom’s face away as she popped off your dick just in time, and you blew your load all over her face. Thick ropes of hot cum surged forth in a long arc, most of which ended up going so far as to fly out the nearby window, but some did nick the frame or didn’t go far enough and land on the booth. You couldn’t stop yourself, the pleasure was too much and you couldn’t help yourself. You furiously beat your meat to the image Delta’s curvy body, her busty tits and that plush looking ass, lost in the throes of lust to prolong your climax as much as possible. Using both hands and gripping like a vice, you kept stroking yourself off as the shower behind you continued. You could barely stand from how much you pumped out, every rope shot out and hit either the window, the booth, until it slowly became a few measly spurts that hit the wall and floor, and trailed down your length in and hung off in long sticky strings of your seed. Afterwards, the high passed and your mind was a blurry haze of a lusty afterglow, your body trembled, sweat covered your form and you felt the barest tingles dancing across your body like little lightning strikes. Then, it finally dawned on you what just happened, and you felt a sense of horror rush over your form. You were jacking it to Whirlpool, but… you got off to your mom… You just got off to your fucking mom! “Luna fuck me.” You whispered to yourself as your member - still at half mast - hung beneath you, still twitching and oozing globs of white seed onto the carpet of the trailer below you. You had a mess to clean up.