> The Ultimate Mare's Trip > by Mirror Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Let the Vacation Begin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a room filled with posters, books, and other stuff, a unicorn is fast asleep in her bed with a book titled "The Adventures of Star Burner and the Lost Tribe of Alicorns" in the nude. While she sleeps, her alarm is going off and she doesn't notice it. As the alarm goes off and she still sleeps, an earth pony with orange hair walks into her room. The pony said while rubbing the unicorn "Twilight. Twilight. Twilight Velvet, wake up." Twilight Velvet said in her sleep "Five more minutes, mommy. " The earth pony whispered in her ear "Fine. But that means you can't have any of my special Pear Family Breakfast." Twilight Velvet said as she finally woke up "Pear Family Breakfast. I love those. Pear Butter, what are you doing in my room?" Pear Butter said grabbing the red book"I came to wake you up. From what I can tell, you fell asleep reading this." Twilight Velvet said, defensively"What? Star Burner is one of my favorite adventure stallion characters." Pear Butter said "I can tell. Anyway, breakfast is ready and Cloudy doesn't like that fact that you're holding us up from eating." Twilight said getting out of bed "Alright. Alright. Let's go. " Pear Butter said while giving her a red and pink robe "Robe." My name is Twilight Velvet. I'm a unicorn from Canterlot, a Junior attending Ponyville University and I major Writing with a minor in Equestria English. I like to read adventure novels and do very fun and interesting things, such as bungee jumping, barrel riding, and other interesting things. After graduation, I plan to write my own adventure novel series. Twilight said "How come I can't walk down naked? It's not like you and the girls haven't seen me naked before." Pear Butter said "I know that. But my brother, Roast Pear, could show up early and I would prefer it that he not see one of my friends naked; besides, you know how Cloudy is about that sort of thing." This is Pear Butter; also known as Buttercup. She's from Ponyville and is in charge of the Pear Family Farm located here. She goes to Ponyville University too and majors in Child Development. She was the first friend I made here when I came to Ponyville and let me and the others stay here while we attend college; while we don't have to pay much rent, we do help her around the farm during our stay. A gray earth pony said to Twilight "About time you showed up. Why do you have to be so late?" Twilight said as she sat down"I overslept, Cloudy Quartz. No big deal." Cloudy Quartz said "We have a schedule to keep, Twilight." This is Cloudy Quartz. She's the serious-responsible mare of our group. She's from a village in Western Equestria called Rockville. She's a geology major. According to her, she works on a Rock Farm; I never quite understood how that works. She's the silent, responsible type of our group; she always keeps us on our toes when it comes to getting up for classes, doing chores around the farm, and paying our rent to Pear Butter on time. A yellow pegasus pony said "Calm down, Cloudy. We're not leaving for another three hours." A blue pegasus pony said "She's right. Also, this is our vacation; we can go off script just a little bit." Rain Flower and Windy Whistles. They pegasus ponies from Cloudsdale. They were originally from Cloudsdale University, but they transferred to Ponyville University together. While Rain Flower transferred because of the Botany program here being better than the one in Cloudsdale, Windy Whistles transferred because she wanted to stay with her friend and cheer her on since she can continue her studies in Sports and Fitness Administration here. The two of them have known each other long before they met any of us so they have a closer bond with each other than any of us. A pink unicorn said while eating a pancake "Pear Butter, these pancakes are really delicious today. Did you add something else in them?" Pear Butter said while drinking her pear juice "Not really. But the syrup for the pancakes have a special type of sweetener that Chiffon made, so you should be thanking her more than me." "I'll be sure to do that before we go. Cookie Crumbles. Like Pear Butter, she is from Ponyville too. When I first met Pear Butter, I immediately met her afterwards. She's an Acting Major and the life of the party of our group. She helped bring us together during one of her dress rehearsals at the school's theater that Pear Butter brought me too; Cloudy Quartz was there because she had some free time, and Rain Flower and Windy Whistles were there because of a mix up for a meeting that they were suppose to attend brought them here. Windy asked Pear Butter "Speaking of Chiffon, are you sure she doesn't want to come with us? We have room enough for her on the RV." Pear Butter said "I asked her if she wanted to come with us but she said that she had other plans" Rain Flower asked "What kind of plans?" Pear Butter said "I don't know; she didn't say." Twilight asked Pear Butter"So, what time is your brother suppose to arrive?" Pear Butter said "He said over the phone that he would be arriving sometime around 9:45. So, he will be here in about an hour." Rain Flower said after eating a grape "It was real nice of him to take care of the farm while your away. But, won't it be hard for him to run the farm all by himself?" Pear Butter said "He'll be fine. My brother is bringing a long a few of his friends whom I've met before and they are going to help him. He told me that all I had to do was focusing on having fun." Windy Whistles said "He must be the best brother in all of Equestria." Pear Butter said "He really is." Cloudy Quartz said "I wish I had a brother like that." Last summer, the girls and I decided that we should go on a road trip all over Equestria for our next summer, which is now. However, we would make this a month and a half long summer trip and do all sorts of fun things together. Unfortunately, a trip like that would cost a lot of money; so we all took part-time jobs, sold some things that we no longer needed, and Pear Butter, Cookie Crumbles, Rain Flower asked for small donations from our families; Cloudy Quartz and Windy Whistles's parents couldn't donate money for different reasons. Anyway, our plane is to spend at least two-three days in various locations in Equestria. We each picked places that we all wanted to visit and made plans on what to do there; mainly, Cloudy did the planning in terms of organizing and scheduling. After they finished breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen, everypony gathered their things and brought them all downstairs to pack the RV with their stuff. While this is going on, Roast Pear finally arrived at the farm with his friends and greeted Pear Butter along with helping them pack their RV. Roast Pear asked Pear Butter "So, where are you all heading first?" Pear Butter said "Our first destination is going to be Smokey Mountains Park; we're going to camp there for a few days before heading to Fillydelphia. When we get to Fillydelphia, I'll find a phone to contact you." Roast Pear said giving his sister a hug "Alright. You be careful but have fun too." Pear Butter said before getting on the RV "We will." Windy Whistles said to Cookie Crumbles"I'm driving." Cookie Crumbles retorted "No, I'm driving." Windy said "I'm the best driver." Cookie said "But I'm the one who got us the RV." Pear Butter said taking the key from Cookie "That's enough you two. Rain Flower is driving." Cookie and Windy said at the same time, then Rain Flower said "What!?" Cloudy Quartz pointed out"She's the more "responsible" driver between the two of you." Rain Flower said "Um, ok." Twilight Velvet said with a pumped up tone "Alright girls, next stop the Smokey Mountains." Rain Flower started up the RV and they headed for Smokey Mountains Park; Roast Pear and his friends waved goodbye to them. Lucky for them, traffic wasn't heavy at this hour so it was easy for them to get on the road. While Rain Flower is driving, Cloudy Quartz is helping her with directions. Windy Whistles, Cookie Crumbles, and Twilight Velvet are playing strip 52 pick up; Twilight Velvet is wearing her red lingerie and panties, Windy Whistles has her shirt on but her pink panties are exposed, and Cookie Crumbles just has her purple bra on. Pear Butter is looking out the window, taking in all the sights and the billboards Cookie said "Hey Pear Butter, are you sure you don't want to play BS with us?" Pear Butter said "No thanks; I prefer to look out the window for now. Besides, last time I played you all lost so it might be a bit unfair for me to play." Windy said placing a card in a pile of cards "7 of hearts. No kidding." Cookie Crumbles said "Queen of Spades." Twilight said "BS." Cookie Crumbles said taking"Dang it." Twilight said "Jack of Clubs." Windy said "10 of Hearts." Pear Butter said after looking at billboard titled "Manehattan Falcons vs Mustangia Muskrats" "It looks like the Manehattan Falcons are going to face off against the Mustangia Muskrats are going to face off." Cookie said getting up from her chair "How do you know that?" Pear Butter said "I saw it on the billboard; a few of the players are were on the billboard." Cookie asked "Was Hondo Flanks on the billboard?" Pear Butter said "I don't think so; but then again I don't know what he looks like." Cookie said after she used her magic to bring a photo of him out of her purse"This is what he looks like. " Pear Butter said "I take it that he's your favorite football player, Cookie. Cookie said "He's in my top 10 stallions who recently joined the E.F.A (Equestria Football Association). Windy asked "Have you seen him play before?" Cookie said "A few times. He may be a rookie player, but he's an amazing running back; he's also a hunk. I wouldn't mind giving him a ride on the Cookie Crumbles express." Twilight said "You want to fuck him, don't you? Like you did the captain of our school's football team two weeks ago." Cookie said "Yeah, I wan to fuck him." Cloudy said to them after turning her head "I wish you wouldn't use such language, Cookie." Cookie retorted "You use "that language" all the time." Cloudy retorted "I don't use the F-word. " Windy said "That's bullshit; I've heard you use the word "fuck" before." Cloudy asked "When?" Windy said "That time when you brought that stallion over to the barn during midterms." Cloudy said "We were re-reading a book at the time and it simply used that word at the time. Wait, were you spying on us?" Cloudy said "No. I just happened to be walking near the barn late that night and overheard you two." Cookie asked Rain Flower after she walked up to her "How long until we reach the Smokey Mountains, Rain Flower?" Rain Flower said "According to the map, we should be arriving there in about 2 and half hours; however, the traffic is very lite today so odds are we may arrive a few minutes early." Twilight said looking at the map "That's good to hear." Cloudy said "Cookie, Twilight, cover yourselves. You could get us pulled over for public indecency." Twilight said pointing out the male drivers next to them who notice Twilight and Cookie "They don't seem to mind." Pear Butter asked Windy "Aren't you going to join them up there?" Windy said "Nah. I ran around naked in high school during my senior year with the cheerleading squad; once you've done that, flashing your boobs out like that is nothing." A few hours later, they finally arrived at the Smokey Mountain Park. As Rain Flower is driving through the campsite, they looked at all the giant trees, the wild animals roaming around, and the Smokey Mountains. They arrived at the entrance to the camping grounds, checked in with one of the park rangers, and headed to their assigned camp ground. When they arrived, the unpacked the RV with their camping supplies and set up their two tents for three of them to stay in; tent one will house Twilight Velvet, Windy Whistles, and Cookie Crumbles, while tent two will house Rain Flower, Cloudy Quartz, and Pear Butter. Pear Butter asked everypony "Well, now that everything is set up, what should we do first?" Rain Flower said showing them a park brochure-map"The park ranger said that the safest places to go to at this time and when it gets dark are these places: flower fields, the lake, and the playground." Twilight asked "What about the Smokey Trail?" Rain Flower said "He says that we could go there but the trail is suppose to be closed in about two hours and the entire trail takes about 5 hours total if you wanted to walk the whole trail." Windy said while resting on a cloud "So our choices are limited for today. That's lame." Cloudy said "We'll just have to make do with what we can do now and do more tomorrow morning." Cookie said taking off her clothes with her magic, revealing a red and silver one piece swimsuit "I don't know about all of you, but I'm going to head to the lake for a swim." Twilight asked "You were wearing that underneath your clothes this whole time?" Cookie said while showing off her swimsuit"Of course. I came prepared with my lake swimsuit. What do you think; isn't it sexy for swimming in a lake?" Pear Butter said "It sure is, but you look good in anything, Cookie." Cookie asked everypony "So, who else wants to go swimming with me?" Twilight said running into the RV to get changed "I'm game." Pear Butter said "Count me in." Rain Flower said "I'll pass. I want to check out the flower fields when night falls." Windy said "I'm just going to chillax up here for a while." Cloudy said "I'll stay here and prepare dinner in about an hour; be back here in an hour and half before it gets cold." With that said, everypony went their separate ways to do what they wanted to do. What they didn't know, is that they are being watched by a pink earth pony with a purple mane. > Meet Bright Macintosh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Smokey Mountain Lake, Cookie Crumbles, Pear Butter, and Twilight Velvet are in the water, swimming around; while Cookie Crumbles is wearing her red and silver one piece, Twilight Velvet is wearing a blue tankini, and Pear Butter is wearing green swim trunks and a white shirt with a pear on it. Cookie Crumbles said while laying on her back in the lake"The water feels great." Pear Butter said while she is keeping herself afloat "I know right. It's like my aunt Sparkle Pear said to me when she visited this place once." Twilight Velvet said after she used a nearby tire swing to jump into the water "Cannon ball!" Cookie Crumbles said "I could stay in this water forever; I don't care if my skin prunes up. However, I'm amazed at how clean this water looks." Pear Butter said "According to my aunt, this water is said to be one of the 10 enchanted lakes in all of Equestria that wasn't affected by the Great Magic Shut Down that took place 1000 years ago. The lake not only feels good on the skin but it never gets dirty no matter how many ponies use it. She's says that this is her fifth favorite lake of the 10." Twilight Velvet asked "What's her number one favorite lake?" Pear Butter said "The lake that is said to give a pony a eternal youth." Twilight Velvet asked "She's been to a lake like that?" {ear Butter said "No. She's only heard of the lake through some ancient book she read during a trip to Manehattan; that lake is said to have vanished 990 years ago and hasn't been found even when magic returned to Equestria 660 years ago." A brown earth pony shouted at them north from where they are now"Hey! Excuse me, ladies." Twilight Velvet said "I wonder who that is." Cookie Crumbles said "I don't know but he looks handsome." Pear Butter said"He sounds like he needs help." The three of them swam back to shore and approached the brown earth pony. Pear Butter asked the brown earth pony "Is something wrong? Who are you?" He responded "My name is Burnt Oak and I was wondering if you've seen my friend around here; I think he might be in trouble." At the flower fields, Rain Flower is studying all the different flowers in the field. However, she is trying to find the flowers that glow in the dark when the moon starts to show itself like it is now. As she is doing this, she notices a yellow earth pony walking toward her and he's bleeding. Rain Flower walks up to him to check on him. Rain Flower said while panicking a bit"What happend to you? Who are you?" The yellow earth responded before fainting "Bright Macintosh." Rain Flower shouted "Oh dear. Help! Somepony help!" Rain Flower's yells for help could be heard by Cloudy Quartz and Windy Whistles so they ran to her location. When they arrived, the found her with Bright Macintosh and brought him back to their campsite. Back with Pear Butter and the others, they are heading back to the campsite while listening to Burnt Oak's explanation on how he and his friend were separated on the Smokey Mountain trail because they were attacked by some of the wildlife; but the strange thing about the attack is the animals eye's turned red. Pear Butter said with a confused tone "Their eyes turned red?" Burnt Oak said "Yeah. We figured that they were put under some sort of spell since the animals, according to the park ranger, aren't suppose to be hostile unless you attack them first and we didn't attack them." Twilight Velvet asked "Have you talked to the park rangers about this?" Burnt Oak said "Not yet. I wanted to find my friend first." Cookie Crumbles said"We're almost back at our campsite. Once we get back there, we can ask the rest of our friends to help find your friend." Burnt Oak said to Cookie Crumbles "Thank you. By the way, haven't I seen you somewhere else before? " Pear Butter said "Looks like we're here. Is that your friend over there?" Burnt Oak said running toward his friend "Bright Mac." Bright Mac said "Burnt Oak. Good to see that your alright." Cloudy Quartz said "We've managed to stop the bleeding but it won't last long. Windy went to the nearest ranger station here to get help." Rain Flower asked "Pear Butter, don't you have that remedy that can stop bleeding instantly? " "I do and I should be able to make it easily inside." Pear Butter took Bright Mac inside of the RV, had Bright Mac sit down on the couch, and began making the remedy he needed to treat the wounds. Pear Butter asked "Apart from bleeding, how are you feeling?" Bright Mac said "Aside from bleeding and a pain to my back, I'm ok. " Pear Butter said mixing some pears and some herbs "Your friend told me that you were attacked by the wildlife and they had red glowing eyes." Bright Mac said "Yeah. It was like they were possessed by something or someone. I got them to attack me so Burnt Oak could escape; I escaped too, but as you can see I didn't escape unscathed." Pear Butter said while placing the medicine on the wounds "Well, you'll be fine in a few more minutes; but I'm going to warn you now, this stuff will stink for a while." Bright Mac said "It smells like pears. I haven't smelled those in a long time." Pear Butter asked "Are they your favorite fruit?" Bright Mac said "Not really; I prefer apples, but I do think pears taste good. If you my mom, she hate's pears; says that they leave a bad taste in her mouth." Pear Butter said "Well, everypony has different taste; that's what my mom used to say." After Bright Mac was bandaged up and the pear medicine was applied to his body, they walked out of the RV where one of the head park rangers, Big Daddy McColt talked to Bright Mac and Burnt Oak about what happened. The next morning, the girls woke up to begin their day around the park but not before eating breakfast. Twilight Velvet asked "Has anypony seen Cookie Crumbles?" Cloudy Quartz suggested "Maybe she got up early for an early morning walk." Windy Whistles said with a note addressed to them"That's exactly what she did. It say's so right here; she's even having energy bars for a snack." Rain Flower said with a worried tone "She should have gone with one of us. Given what happened to Bright Mac, it sounded like it could be dangerous out there." Pear Butter assured Rain Flower "Ranger McColt said that they are investigating what happened in the area that Bright Mac and Burnt Oak were attacked and they told us not to go in that area for a while until they've confirmed it's safe. But the rest of the Smokey Mountains is said to be safe." Cloudy Quartz assured her too "There's nothing to worry about, Rain Flower." In another part of the park, Bright Mac is walking toward a huge pink mansion like tent that is being guarded by muscular stallions in suits. They let Bright Mac pass and he walked and called out the name Spoiled Milk. She responded by saying that she is on the top floor and allowed him to come upstairs. When he arrived, Spoiled Milk is completely naked and in a hot tub. Spoiled Milk asked "What do you want? Do you have it?" Bright Mac said "No. It's like the report said; we can't go near the cave without being one of the legendary alicorns or the proper element bearer. " Spoiled Milk said while drinking a bottle of wine "But the mage said that you're an element bearer; if that's the case then you should have been able to get the element. " Bright Mac said "Maybe it's not the right element for me to bear." Spoiled Milk said "Then I guess we'll have to try another place." Bright Mac said "There aren't any other places, Spoiled; the order hasn't found the other elements yet. All we can do now is have the order protect this place twenty-four seven until we find the right element that works for me or until one of the other potential bearers comes forth." Spoiled Rich said before standing up "I guess. By the way, what about those mares I told you about over the walkie talkie; should I send a squad to eliminate them?" Bright Mac said "No. They're just here for a vacation; they're civilians, Spoiled, not our enemies." Spoiled Milk said "Alright then. We'll leave for Manehattan in a few hours." Bright Mac said before leaving "Ok." Spoiled Milk said grabbing his hand "Where are you going? Now that the important stuff, we can have a little fun." Bright Mac said taking his hand away from her"Forget it, Spoiled. We broke up. Period." Spoiled Milk said pushing her breast on his chest "That doesn't mean we can't have any fun." Bright Mac said getting away from her "I said, no." Spoiled Milk said "Fine. Then I'll ask Burnt Oak." Bright Mac said firmly with a slightly angry tone "He went to get breakfast. Besides, I won't let you hurt my best friend like you hurt me. Our families may work together, but that doesn't make us your play things." Spoiled Milk said with a smug tone "She doesn't remember you doesn't she? You know it's not possible for her to remember you." With that said, Bright Mac left the tent. Elesewhere, in an abandoned cabin in the woods, Cookie Crumbles is making out with Burnt Oak. The other night, Burnt Oak remembered where he's seen Cookie Crumbles before; she was on an old issue of playstallion magazine and she was an amateur porn star. Her porn star name was Betty Bouffant; she was one of the best amateur porn stars a few years ago before leaving the scene for some reason. Burnt Oak said after he stopped making out with her "Wow, it's like playstallion says, you are an amazing kisser." Cookie Crumbles said "It's amazing that I still have a fan out there. Am I everything you expected?" Burnt Oak said "No, your more than what I expected. How come you disappeared?" Cookie Crumbles said "I wanted to get a higher education and hopefully move on to more "serious" acting projects. However, I do miss the porn industry just a bit and being the fantasy girl of all the stallions and mares of Equestria. Am I fulfilling a fantasy of yours?" Burnt Oak said "Having sex in an abandoned cabin in the woods with one of my favorite (ex) porn stars? Yeah, your fulfilling my fantasy; now it's time to make it a reality." Burnt Oak kissed Cookie Crumbles passionately with all of his might and they fell onto a carpet. As they made out, Burnt Oak stripped Cookie of her shirt and pulled down her pants. He stopped kissing her more a moment to gaze in awe of her black lingerie. After he had enough looking, he began to place his face in her big breast and started to lick his tongue all over her cleavage, but that wasn't enough. He undid her top to fully expose her breast and started sucking on her right tit. Cookie moaned in pleasure and joy of his licks. She loved how his warm-wet tongue circling around her tit and how he nibbled on her breast; she felt the same way when he switched to her left tit. As she moaned, Cookied begged Burnt Oak to give her his dick. He complied to her wishes and pulled down his pants and underwear, revealing his long dick to her. As he stood, she got on her knees and rubbed on his dick with her right hand before she placed it in her mouth. She moved her mouth in and out of his cock, kissed on it when she needed to breath, and then sucked and kissed his balls too. Burnt Oak loved having her mouth and lips all over his dick and balls; it was like a dream come true having his favorite porn star suck him off. He placed his hands on her face and pushed her mouth on her dick because he wanted her mouth on his dick to last as long as possible. Eventually, he cummed in her mouth and Cookie swallowed it all. Burnt Oak said "I can't believe I cummed in Cookie Crumble's mouth. This really is the best day of my life." Cookie Crumbles "It's about to get better. Do you know what time it is?" Burnt Oak said "It's time for the "Big Cookie Time"." Cookie Crumbles said "You really are a fan of me." Once Burnt Oak laid on his back on the rug, Cookie crawled onto his body and turned her body around to place her butt on Burnt Oak's face so he can lick her pussy. While he licked her pussy, he placed his hands on her butt too and began squeezing it then slapping it afterward. Cookie let out yelps like a dog would do from his tongue swirling around her pussy. She could feel how he moved his tongue all around her pussy in a circle and then up and down. Burnt Oak then pointed his tongue inside of her pussy as far as he could and Cookie let out an even bigger yelp as a result. Eventually, she orgasmed from his tongue and all the slaps on the ass she received. Cookie Crumbles got on all fours for Burnt Oak while he positioned himself to place his cock in her pussy but not before putting on the condom that Cookie provided him. Once he put the condom on, he placed his cock inside of her pussy and started thrusting his cock in and out of her as fast as possible. Cookie moaned and groaned from how his long cock is; it felt as if his cock hit her womb. She begged him to ravage her, tear her up, make her feel pleasure and pain. He granted her wish by slapping her butt countless time as hard as he could, he would then squeeze her breast and then twist her tits, and nibble on her neck. Cookie turned her head around and made out with Burnt Oak passionately. After enough thrust, Burnt Oak took out his cock and took off the condom. He stroked his cock for a while and released his cum all over Cookie's ass; some of it even got on her face since she had her head turned around. A few minutes later, Burnt Oak is laying on the ground in exhaustion while Cookie is putting on her clothes but not before taking a few nude pictures of herself with a camera he had; she gave them a kiss with purple lipstick on a few of the pictures. Cookie Crumbles said while putting on her shirt "That was fun Burnt Oak but I have to head back; my friends are probably wondering where I am. Are you going to be alright?" Burnt Oak said looking at the erotic photos "I'll be fine; I just need a couple more minutes of rest before I meet up with Bright Mac. Also, are you sure it's ok for me to have these photos of you?" Cookie Crumbles said "I don't mind; consider that a gift from me to you." Burnt Oak said "That's very generous of you." Cookie Crumbles said giving Burnt Oak one last kiss on the mouth "Bye, bye Burnt Oak. If we ever meet again, let's have more fun." Burnt Oak said "I'd like that very much." In another part of the Smokey Mountains, Pear Butter and Rain Flower are at the flower fields checking out the flowers that are glowing brightly under the sun; Twilight Velvet, Cloudy Quartz, and Windy Whistles are going mountain climbing somewhere else. Rain Flower said looking at the flowers with a magnifying glass"Amazing. So these are Celestia flowers." Pear Butter asked "How can you tell?" Rain Flower said "You have to look really closely to find those type of flowers; it's not as easy with Luna flowers. These flowers are said to have survived the Great Magic Shut Down; the same applies to Luna flowers. I wanted to study them more last night but I'll have to make do with Celestia flowers for now. It's a shame that I can't take any with me to study." Pear Butter asked "Why can't you?" Bright Mac said walking toward them"Because the moment you do then they will wither away in an instant; that's what my granny told me." Rain Flower said "What he said, except for the granny part." Pear Butter asked "Bright Mac. How are you feeling?" Bright Mac said giving Pear Butter a bouquet of buttercups "A lot better. While the doctors say I'll be fine in a few days, I've been feeling a lot better after you patched me up. I just wanted to say thank you with these." Pear Butter asked "Are these buttercups?" Bright Mac said "Yep. I hope that's ok." Pear Butter said "I love these; they make my chin glow." Bright Mac said "They sure do, Buttercup." Pear Butter said "That's my nickname." Bright Mac said with a surprised tone "It is?" Pear Butter said "Yep. I don't remember who gave it to me, but I've always liked that name. I wish I could remember who it was that called me that for the first time." Bright Mac said "Anyway, I have to go now; Burnt Oak and I need to head back home." Pear Butter said "It was nice meeting you; maybe we'll meet again some day." Bright Mac said "Yeah; I'd like that." He then said to Rain Flower "Rain Flower. Thank you for bringing me to the campsite to get treated; it was really kind of you." Rain Flower said "Of course." Bright Mac said "I noticed last night that you were studying Luna flower. Am I correct?" Rain Flower said "I was. I wanted to study them more last night but I'll have to wait for the moon to rise to do that." Bright Mac said "Well, what if I told you that you can study them right now during the day." Rain Flower said "That would be amazing, but that's not possible; Luna flowers only glow during the night." Bright Mac said pointing north "True, but I know a place where they glow during the day; a friend of mine told me about this. There is a waterfall a few miles north from here and there is a cave behind the waterfall that has Luna flowers that glow even during the day. I've actually seen them." Rain Flower said running in the direction Bright Mac said "Really. That's great. I need to go check them out now." Pear Butter said giving Bright Mac a kiss on the cheek before leaving "I'd better go after her to make sure she doesn't overdo it. Bye, Bright Mac." Bright Mac said after she left "Goodbye, Buttercup." > Meet Sapphire Shores > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the direction that Bright Mac told them to go, Pear Butter and Rain Flower are heading to the waterfall where Bright Mac said that they will be able to see Luna flowers during the day. While they are heading to that place, Pear Butter is smelling the buttercups that Bright Mac gave her. Rain Flower said with a smirk on her face "You must really like those buttercups that Bright Mac gave you." Pear Butter said as she smelled the buttercups "Yeah. It was really sweet of him." Rain Flower said "I think he might have a crush on you." Pear Butter said with a blush on her face "That would be lovely. I wish I got to know him a little longer." Rain Flower said"Maybe you'll get lucky and run into him during our trip." Pear Butter said "I would like that a lot." Rain Flower said "We're here. Let's hope what Bright Mac says is true." As they got close to the waterfall, they do notice the cave and head inside. They go deeper into the cave and eventually come across the Luna flowers. Back with the others, Twilight Velvet and Windy Whistles are racing each other to see who will make it to the top of the mountain; they both agreed not to use magic or wings. While they are racing, Cloudy is taking things slowly while taking a few rock samples from the mountain for later. Windy Whistles said "I'm almost at the top; I'm going to win." Twilight Velvet said "Dream on, Windy; you can't beat me." Cloudy Quartz said taking a rock sample "Interesting." Twilight Velvet asked "Hey Cloudy, are you ok down there? Do you need any help?" Cloudy Quartz said "No, I'm fine. Go back to your race." The two of them continued to race up the mountain as fast as they could. Eventually, they reached the top, both claiming that they won and not the other. Eventually, Cloudy reached the top too while they argued over who won and simply walked away with her rock samples. While she is walking, she starts to notice something in the direction east from where they are; she is sensing a strange presence in that direction. Twilight and Windy notice Cloudy take off and decided to follow her. In another part of the forest, Cookie Crumbles is heading back to the campsite in hopes of seeing if any of the girls are there. When she arrived at their campsite, she found notes addressed to her from her friends telling where they all went and they would be back later or if she wanted to join either group later. Before she could decide on what to do, she notices the door opened to their RV. Knowing that none of the girls, especially Cloudy Quartz, would leave the door opened like that, she grabs a nearby stick, heads toward the RV, enters the RV quietly, and begins the attack on the intruder(s). Back with Rain Flower and Pear Butter, they are looking at the Luna flowers as they go; Rain Flower is getting a closer look at them along with the cave itself and how it is able to make the Luna flowers glow. Pear Butter said "We should tell Cloudy about this afterwards; she would get a kick out of this place." Rain Flower aid as she is looking at the flowers with a magnifying glass"These Luna flowers are beautiful. To think that this cave makes them glow twenty-four seven is amazing. These flowers must have been planted here through a special kind of magic or magical soil along with this cave's magical properties." Pear Butter asked "Really?" Rain Flower said "Maybe; I only know about plants, not magic." Pear Butter said noticing some words written on the wall "Same here. Hey, what's that?" Rain Flower said "It looks like a message; and it's written in olde ponish." Pear Butter asked "Can you read it?" Rain Flower said "I only took the level one course for olde ponish, so barely. The only words that I recognize are "Bearer of Kindness......prove........power.......harmony.......Luna.". That's all I can read." Twilight and Windy continue to follow Cloudy and where she is going. A few hours later, Cloudy stops since there are park rangers guarding this area. Said a park ranger "Sorry miss, but no one is allowed beyond this point." Cloudy asked "Why not?" Said another park ranger "Because of the recent events of park guest being attacked, we've closed off this area to not only check on the animals but also to see if there is evidence of tampering with the area that made the animals go crazy." Said the first park ranger "This is all under Head ranger Ma Hooffield's orders." Cloudy said before she walked away"Alright; thank you." Twilight asked Cloudy "What was that all about?" Cloudy explained "I thought I sensed a strange presence in this area and wanted to check it out; but now it's gone." Windy asked "What kind of presence?" Cloudy said "I don't know; it's gone now." Twilight asked "How did you even know there was a presence there?" Cloudy said "Cloudy Sense." Twilight said scratching her head "If you say so." After Rain Flower had gotten enough of the Luna flowers, she and Pear Butter decided to head back to the campsite. When they arrived, they find that the door to the RV is open and run in to see what happened; they find Cookie Crumbles looking through the RV's trunk. Rain Flower asked "Cookie, what are you doing?" Cookie Crumbles said giving her and Pear Butter a hug"Girls, I'm glad your alright. I was making sure nothing was stolen from us or planted anywhere." Pear Butter asked "Why's that?" Cookie said "Because someone broke into the RV but I have the prisoner tied up for interrogation after I made sure nothing is gone." Rain Flower said "Prisoner?" The two of them walk into the RV to find the prisoner that Cookie was talking about. She's an earth pony with a blue mane, pale coat, and yellow eyes; she's completely naked, ball gagged, and handcuffed by her wrist and legs. Rain Flower said looking at the prisoner "Cookie, don't you think this is a little perverted?" Cookie said "It is, but I saw no other way and stripping her down prevents her from going anywhere even if she got free." Rain Flower said "Ok, if you say so." Pear Butter said "So, where's the prisoner.....Sapphire? Sapphire Shores." Sapphire Shores said after Pear Butter un-gagged her "Pear Butter. It's good to see you. Get me out of this." Pear Butter shouted "Cookie, what did you do to her!? I know Sapphire; she's not a burglar, she's a friend." With that said, Cookie grabbed the key to unlock her cuffs and gave Sapphire back her clothes. Pear Butter also made sure that she apologized a hundred times for what she did to her friend. After that, they checked around the RV to see if anything was stolen or planted on them in any way, especially the engine; to their surprise and luck, nothing was planted nor was anything stolen. They decided to wait for Twilight, Windy, and Cloudy to talk about what happened; a few hours later they arrived and sat down in the RV to talk about it. Windy said "So, somepony broke into the RV but they didn't take anything, plant anything, or sabotage anything." Pear Butter said "Pretty much. We looked all over the RV and found nothing other than a big mess." Twilight wondered "Who could have done such a thing?" Cloudy said thinking about Bright Mac and Burnt Oak "It could have been those stallions." Pear Butter said defensively "That's not possible! I mean, it's unlikely since Bright Mac was with me and Rain Flower at the time our place might have been robbed and he didn't go in the direction of the RV after he left." Cloudy said "What about his friend?" Cookie said alluding to her having sex with Burnt Oak "I can vouch for him; he was with me and it would be impossible for him to be at our RV when it got ransacked." Pear Butter asked "Sapphire, did you see anypony?" Sapphire explained "No, I didn't. Before I was attacked from behind, I was simply taking a walk and came across your campsite. I had realized that I had run out of water and saw your RV door opened and assumed that you all were there; I was going to ask if you had any bottled water since I don't trust fountain water. When I walked in, I noticed that your place was trashed; before I could really react to what happened, I was knocked out and was naked and gagged." Cookie said as everypony looked at her "What!? I said I was sorry." Rain Flower suggested "Maybe we should tell the park rangers or the police." Windy said "And tell them what? Nothing was stolen so they don't have a case." Twilight said "But whoever did this was probably trying to find something. Questions is, what they were looking for." Elsewhere, in a limo, Spoiled Milk is naked in her personal hot tub while drinking champagne. While drinking, she thinks to herself "Based on what my guards were unable to find, it can be confirmed that Pear Butter doesn't remember us nor will she get in the way of our plans. But now that she's met Bright Mac again, she may start to remember things and become a thereat to our goals; the same can be said about her friends to if they are like her. There is not time to get the mage, so I'll have to use other means to learn more about her friends and make sure that they don't become a threat to the mission." A few minutes later, the limo stops to let somepony in and Spoiled Milk greets them. Spoiled Milk said "Hello Gladmane." Gladmane said "Spoiled Milk, its been a while. Mind if I join you?" Spoiled Milk said "I would be insulted if you didn't. I need you to do something for me. " Gladmane said after getting in the hot tub with her "What would that be?" Spoiled Milk said showing photos of Pear Butter and the others "While my resources are focused on finding the exact locations of the elements, I would like you to use your resources to keep an eye on these 6 mares." Gladmane said taking the photo of Cookie Crumbles "Well I'll be, if it isn't Betty Bouffant." Spoiled Milk asked "You know her?" Gladmane explained "Yes, she was one of my favorite porn stars; she had a lot going for her before she left." Spoiled Milk said "All I want you to do is have them followed and give me updates on each of them along with background checking." Gladmane asked "Why?" Spoiled Milk said "One of them poses an "issue" for me. I just want to make sure that she doesn't get in the way of our goals or becomes a problem later down the line. " Gladmane said "I have a few associates available; I'll send them out as soon as I get back to Las Pegasus." Spoiled Milk said "Excellent." Later that night, the girls had marshmallows around the fire while looking up at the star. While they are eating, Sapphire Shores and Pear Butter are talking about how they met at Camp Friendship, kept in touch with letters, etc. Twilight asked "So Sapphire, you said that you came here for inspiration?" Sapphire explained "Yes, musical inspiration.You see, Tsunami Records heard one of my songs during one of my shows in a cafe that I used to work at and they are giving me a chance to make my name known to all of Equestria in a few weeks; my first show is going to be in Manehattan." Pear Butter said "That's great." Sapphire said "It is, but I need to come up with a few more songs since some of my old ones aren't enough. After I leave, I plan on going to Fillydelphia." Cloudy said "That's where we're going after we leave." Pear Butter suggested "You could travel with us for a while if you like; you could get inspiration for your music from us and it would give us more time to catch up." Sapphire said "I would like that. As long as there are no handcuffs involved." Cookie Crumbles said more firmly "I said I was sorry, ok."