> Sweet Treat > by Viper Pit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweat Treats funhouse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOO! Ha ha ha, that's what everypony thinks a ghost would say if they ever encountered one. But no. Ghost can talk like any normal pony, meaning they greet you like "Hiya!" or "Hello" or "Welcome to my Funhouse." Okay, maybe that last part is not actually a greeting but more of welcoming their friends to their home. And by welcoming their friends, I mean take a bunch of strangers hostage in your abandoned home until they do what you want them to do. That's how a ghost greets their guest into their funhouse right? Right? Let this story explain what's going on. One sunny funny morning in a magical land of Equestria. Within this land was a little hamlet called Ponyville with many colorful ponies and other assortments of creatures. Each inhabitant had their own eccentric personalities and interest; living peacefully and happily together. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, one of the village's inhabitants, were gleefully walking through the dirt road while having an engaging conversation. They were side by side for they were the closest friends. "... and I was like If you don't like who I am now, mother." A little filly said. She had light grayish violet mane with white streaks, pale magenta fur coat and a little yet finely crafted tiara on top of her head. "Then you should reevaluate your life choices and your personality." Every little filly and colt in Ponyville has said that she has changed a lot for the better after seeing the error of her ways... whatever that means. She looks like the nicest filly I have ever seen. A gray fur coat and white mane filly giggled at her friend's explanation. "Oh my, Diamon Tiara. You might have changed after the elections but you're still one mean filly I become friends with." "Yes, my dear Silver Spoon." Diamond replied to her friend. "But I am using my powers for the greater good and not for my own petty reasons anymore." The two friends share a giggling mood and a quick hug. " So I like guess that's enough talking about me so whats new with you?" "Oh, nothing much my dear Diamond." The light grey earth pony says. Huh now that I think about it; her braided mane looks like a spoon. Spoons, those things that you use to eat soup with. Or is it drink soup? Do you eat AND drink soup at the same time or... Oops, sorry, I got sidetracked again. Where were we? So, Diamond replies. I think she did it with a raised eyebrow. "Really? There has to be something interesting that might tickle my curiosity, Silver." "Well, there is this one little itty bitty rumor that daddy told me about..."Silver replies a little nervously for whatever reason. Shifting her head side to side a couple of times before returning back to the conversation. "...but I don't think it's true." "Oh, what's this little rumor that has you, my frightened and skeptical friend, have kept hidden from me, your bestest friend in the entire land of Equestria," Diamond inquire Silver with an innocent smile. Inquire or is it Incwhyers or it could be Inchworms. Is that how you use that word? What does that even mean? I think I'll just stick to small words they are easier for me to use and feel less gross-out. I wish I could grab a dictionary right now but the last time I went to the library, that meanie purple unicorn pegasus-something pony and her tiny giant lizard friend kept screaming really loud like crazy jerks whenever they see me. It's not like... Wait, where was I... Oh right, the story. Silver Spoon took a deep breath and a nervous gulp before slowly approaching close to Diamond's left ear. "This rumor is a little spooky." She whispered quietly as if she's afraid that somepony other than her friend could hear her. Oh, wait... nevermind. Moving on. "Why are we whispering?" Diamond whispered back. Happily smiling as she was playing along with this unusual exchange that her friend caused. "Well, there is a little hut at the far edges of the Everfree Forest." Silver begins to explain with an anxious tone. "Daddy told me that it was haunted by evil spirits of the ponies who used to lived there and even a few stray ones from the forest. And any pony who enters the hut has never come out." Diamond made that PFFT noise with her mouth. "That doesn't sound scary at all." She scoffed at Silver's poorly explained story. "Haunted houses and evil spirits. I've heard hundreds of scarier stories than that." "But there's a worse part." Silver continued, her terrified voice becoming more intense. "Some of the ponies who live nearby have told everypony that they could hear the muffled laughter of a little filly through the walls of the hut." "You mean like Pinkie Pie did last nightmare night?" Diamond asked with no hint of skepticism nope not one ounce of the stuff. "I say we should check it out." "I don't think that's a good idea, Diamond." Silver muttered as her entire body and somehow even her mane began to slightly shiver with fear. "What if the rumors are true." In this town, a few ponies and even an assortment of creatures have said that phrase five times faster every time they tell that rumor to everyone. Yes, I said everyone instead of everypony. There are other creatures, like tiny giant purple lizards and blad bunny ear greyish ponies, living in the area now. Any argument about this is invalid. Anyway, Diamond wasn't having any of the Silver's paranoia stop her new call to adventure that she has gained from that one hang out with a certain three blank... nope, wait. They have gained their Cutie Marks recently and they are- Yeah, I'm here to talk about Diamond and Silver, not a bunch of fillies that I might never meet. Oops, sorry again. I got sidetrack with the story. I'm such a scatterbrain. Anyway, without replying to her friend's question or saying even a word, she began to walk towards this said 'Haunted Hut' in an elegant manner. Leaving Silver Spoon to chase after her reckless friend, whining a bunch of phrases such as "wait for me" and "don't leave me alone". Now here's the part where you ask this question. Where was I during this part of the story and how come I know what they were doing at that time? Well, that's simple, witnesses from another world. I was watching them... in a non-creepy or stalkerish way. Duh-doy! I mean after getting nothing but ponies screaming at you when you try to buy a cupcake in the middle of the day, you tend to attempt to find new stealthy ways to keep your spirits up. Get it spirits cause I'm a ghost. Eh? Eh? Eh? Where's the laughter? I expected laugh- Oh, wait, I'm telling this story to myself for some reason or maybe something else. This isn't stand up comedy, which would be impossible for me 'cause I can fly. That and I have no hind legs. Cue in typical comedic drum sequence. Ba Da Tiss. Eh? Eh? I'll shut myself up now. As time went by for like I don't... a minute or two, the buddying duo finally arrived the far edges of the Everfree Forest where the hut's location was assumed to be nearby. Diamond was perfectly fine from her short journey there. Unfortunately, that could be not said the same thing for Silver as she was gasping desperately for air and her forehead was dripping with sweat. The pink filly stopped her pace and looked at her friend with a concerned expression. "Ha... ha... h-how... did... y-you get... here... so fast?" Silver exhaled a few words that she could muster before she continued her gasping for air. "Wow, Silver. We were not that far away from here and I walked." Diamond said, shaking her head disapprovingly at her friend's poor state. "What did you do? Doing backflips to catch up with me?" She let out a pleasant smirk. "Let's... just... go to the hut." Silver said as she finally regained her composure and breathing. Diamond agreed without a verbal reply and Another minute later, they have arrived the front yard of the hut. The duo inspected the features of the hut, which was abysmal at best. It appeared to be rotted and disrepair by years of rain and other environmental occurrences, there were thorny vines and other varieties of multicolored exotic flora tangled around the building, and some of the wooden planks from the walls and even from the roof have fallen off and abandoned on the ground. Ha! You never expected that I can be so observant and descriptive of my... I mean, of the hut that the ponies were looking at. "Well..." Diamond said with a disappointed tone. "This isn't what I expected a haunted hut that you are so scared of would look like." "Yeah." Silver Spoon agreed with her friend. "I mean, there are thorny vines surrounding it and it's near the Everfree Forest. But other than that, this place looks like another ordinary abandon builiding." "Maybe, there's something inside that might be the scary part." Diamond assumed as she continued to walk towards the front door of the hut. Silver Spoon let out a anguish moan as her friend is leading them to danger. When they approached near the rotted red door, Diamond leaned her head against the door and began to eavesdrop behind it. There was no sound and... The door abruptly opened inward and I pushed... I mean, some mysterious force pushed her inside. Diamond let out a surprised yelp. "DIAMOND!" Silver yelled as she trotted towards her friend... But I... I mean, another mysterious force pushed her in as well. As soon as both fillies got inside the hut, the door suddenly closed shut and lock.Creepy piano musicsoon played at a very fast pace, somewhere in the hut, which is building the spooky ambiance that usually happens in haunted buildings. The music sent a chilling shiver throughout the fillies' bodies. Candles from every corner and wall of the room began a light up one by one with ghostly blue flames, illuminating the room. Some of the flames flew out of the candles and swirled wildly around the fillies, frightening them a little bit. Suddenly, the blue flames soon gather together and merging into something bigger. This new form began to emit laughter that sounded like a little filly and appeared in front of the fillies. Finally, the one that you have been waiting for and I have been anticipating to perform to my new guests. Here is my grand spooky introduction. "Welcome to my Funhouse!"