> The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor > by Deathwatch 456 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Time in Equestria. Part One. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a week since John left with the Outsider to train. Repairs have been going alright in Equestria. Those he left in charge were doing their best to keep thing in order. Celestia and Luna have been doing their best to keep the citizens happy. Ponies, griffons, dragons,minotaurs and the other species have been getting along for the most part. There have been some trouble here and there, but nothing to serious. The princesses have been ok themselves. Citizens have been asking about “The Blade of Equestria” and where he has been. They answered that he has left somewhere to train so that he can better protect his and everyone's home, and that he will not be back for a while. They asked the citizens to be patient. That he will return eventually. Twilight has done her best when it came to the economy side of things. With the bits and munny from the castle treasury she was able to help get things in the village repaired as well as offer reconstruction to other parts of Equestria. She also was busy with the castle archives. She found many spells and info in the castles ancient library. She had a blast going through those. She also had a lot of help from Trixie as her apprentice. Trixie grew in both her magical powers and her keyblade skills as well. Twilight was a great teacher and a great friend as well. Twilight cherishes her friends more after she lost the others. She and Trixie have been doing their best to help. Trixie has also been visiting the Pie family to help them cope. She wants to make up for her past mistakes and is willing to do anything to help. Vanitas was doing a great job training and managing the cadets and guards. Everyone sees him as the unofficial leader in John's absence. He made sure that no one was slacking in their training. He noticed that while most of them have hit their limit when it comes to individual power he made up for it in their teamwork. Working together to take on stronger heartless and unversed. He also sent out elite or veteran members or guards on missions to either patrol, clear out an area, search for survivors, or other things to make sure they get experience in the field. Cadets were sent to help with reconstruction to make sure they weren’t cooped up in the village all the time as well as give them a little work experience. He kept up with his own training now and then. He was training to get better control of the darkness he has as well as his secret technique he hasn’t used in battle yet. It puts a strain on his body so he has been doing endurance training to use it longer as well as increase his battle stamina. He isn't as strong as John yet. His base form at least, but he is getting stronger by the day. He has also been doing solo missions to keep himself from getting rusty. Gilda and Roseluck have been missing John since he left. They wished he would hurry back, but knew this training was important to him. So they decided to get much stronger so when he gets back they will be able to stand by his side to protect everything with him instead of being in the background being protected. Gilda has been training furiously since he left. Trying to make herself stronger and faster each day. She has also been trying to fly with boulders tied to her in order to increase the strength of her wings so she can fly faster and carry heavier things. She also is getting stronger with her Fenrir. Her keyblade reminds her of John since they have similar keyblades. It comforts her a bit. Rose has also been upping her training as well. While Gilda is more of speed and strength while using her aerial advantage against her foes Roseluck uses her magic to help keep up. She practiced her offencive spells daily and her defencive spells as well. She is really good with her barrier and reflect spells as well as her healing spells. She has been trying to get better at those so she can protect and heal others so fewer die. She has gotten so good at them that the cadets and guards are seeing her as the head healer of the village. She has healed lots of wounds and saved a lot of lives. She even has her own group to train as combat medics. Both Gilda and Roseluck have been looking after Survivor together. John adopted him and since they are in a herd with him they are his mothers together. Rose had an easier time taking care of him then Gilda do to her being a pony like him as well as have been a mother already. Gilda did her best with Survivor and did a good job, but with her personality and her being a griffon instead of a pony she had troubles now and then. Which is why she was glad Rose was here to help. Nurse Redheart also helped to make sure S was healthy as well. Together Survivor was a happy colt. From what they heard of the Crystal Empire things have been going well. Other than Everfree Village the Crystal Empire has been receiving refugees from other species as well. Cadence has been doing what she can to keep the peace while Shining Armour has been training with the guards to help protect the citizens of their Empire. Thanks to their shield from the Crystal Heart they haven’t had trouble from Heartless in the city, but Unversed can still enter. Cadence sent word of a surprise to Twilight that she was pregnant which Twilight was delighted about. She heard that Shining Armour passed out for a few hours when he heard. To which Twilight now has some new teasing material against her brother. Applejack was doing well also. After learning that she may be distant relatives to Pinkies family she got to know them and mourned Pinkie as well as her family and friends. She has been training as well, but spent most of her time helping with construction. She leads the earth ponies in farming to help keep the citizens fed. She also has been helping her little sister Applebloom move about with her disability. Bloom has been adjusting well to moving without her eyes, but still has trouble. Thanks to her sister things have been easier, but she misses her friends and the rest of her family. Everyone was doing their part in order to help. The Princesses didn’t like to admit it, but what John did here with the Village has made peace more possible than what they have done before he appeared. He is a great leader. They’ll do their best to protect it while he is gone. They wonder though. There are threats our there that are powerful. Sombra wasn’t the only enemy from Equestria. They haven’t found a shard of Discord’s statue so it's possible that he is free. They also found out something got past Cerberus and escaped Tartarus. Both worried the princesses greatly. Vanitas and the others upped their training even further to prepare. They wanted to make sure that when John returns there is still home for him to return to. Hidden away in a distant cave lied an old being in a cloak. It was a old shriveled up centaur. This wasn’t any old centaur though. This was Tirek. He escaped from Tartarus and has been in hiding. He was betrayed by his brother long ago and was locked away forever. He eventually escaped and is now biding his time. He saw the battles between Core and Hollow, John and Blueblood, John and Core, and the others as well. He knew he was behind a lot and needed a plan in order to steal magic and take over Equestria. He found out that the “Blade of Equestria” was gone and wasn’t coming back for a while. He knew that he had an opportunity to gain magic and get stronger so when John gets back he can beat him and steal his strange magic. With that power he should be able to easily conquer Equis. “Soon my plans will be put into action, and all of Equis will bow to me.” Tirek said. He started to laugh evilly to himself since no one was there, or so he thought. A small salamander crawled away and when it was a few yards away from the cave turned into a creature that look like it was made of multiple animal parts. It then teleported to a distant location and gave a small laugh to himself. “Oh things are going to get fun soon, and so much Chaos will happen hahaha. Oh all the lovely chaos lately. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.” The creature said. This being was the spirit of Chaos. Master of Chaos magic. Discord. He has been free since Core and Hollow started to fight. All the chaos they were causing broke his seal and released him. The death of most of the elements of Harmony ensured that they couldn’t seal him away again. So when things were said and done he was free to cause as much chaos as he wants. Oh the fun he will have. He then snapped his claws and summoned some popcorn and and sports hat with the cups and straws attached. “I’m going to need some snacks and refreshments for this haha. Can’t wait till the author starts this.” Discord said- wait what?? “Don’t be so surprised I’m me. So go ahead and finish this so we can get on with the story.” He said looking at the author...who is now afraid of what's going on. “Ok your taking too long.” Discord then grabs the next scene and places it infront of him. Ok that was a thing. On with the story. Celestia was on the castle balcony looking out over the Village. Which was quickly growing into a city. She remembers when she and luna onced lived here and ruled before Luna was banished to the moon. She regrets that day a lot, but more than anything she regrets failing to protect her sister from herself. If she had noticed how lonly her sister was then maybe Nightmare moon wouldn't have happened, but that is the past. Now she and Luna must watch over this new kingdom till its rightfully leader returns. She looked behind her to see her sister Luna trotting next to her. Looking out over the kingdom with her. She repressed a wince when she saw her legs. She remembers her wings and horns are gone as well. While she replaced her wings with these artificial ones she can’t replace her horn. Luna not only lost her legs, but with the moon in its current shape she lost a lot of power. Both Celestia and Luna have to work together to move the sun and moon around the planet. It will be for some time, but Luna will eventually be able to move the moon on her own and gain most of her power back. “Greeting Luna dear.” Celestia greeted. “Shouldn’t you be asleep. The moon shouldn’t rise for a couple more hours now?” She asked. “I know, but i couldn’t sleep. It's still a little hard adjusting to these legs i got. So sleep is a little difficult. So I decided to come out here and look around for a bit.” Luna answered. Her sister can relate. These new wings are still new to her, but she is managing. “Well don’t stay up to late. You need your sleep so you can protect the citizens from nightmares in their dreams.” “I’ve been meaning to tell you something about that. I think there are creatures similar to Heartless and Unversed in the dream world. I’ve been seeing them lately. They have a symbol similar to the other creatures and got worried. It's a good thing i can summon my keyblade in the dream world or i would’ve been in trouble.” Luna told her. “What?! Why didn’t you say anything sooner? We could have helped.” Celestia questioned worryingly. She was surprised to hear this. “I thought i was imagining them at first or that they were just things i saw in ponies nightmares, but i know better know. Lets go ask Vanitas. He should probably know what they are.” Celestia agreed and they both left to find Van. They found him near the training grounds just leaving from training. When they told him what they found out he was surprised. “Really? Didn’t expect Dream Eaters to appear. Although it kinda makes sense. Given what's been going on.” Vanitas states. “So these things are called Dream Eaters? Sounds fitting from what i’ve seen.” Luna said. “Ya. Although you shouldn’t have a problem with them since as you said you can summon your keyblade. Works on them like any Heartless or Unversed.” “Glad for that. Although if i run into them in another keybladers dream i’ll convince them to help me.” Luna told him. Celestia sighed in relief. “Well time to get back to work. I’ll head back to check on the cadets training. Celestia go and check to see if anyone has any complaints and see how to sort it out. As for you Luna. Your going back to sleep even if I need to use the sleep spell on you.” Vanitas told them Luna let out a yawn and nodded her head. She turned around and went back to her quarters to go back to sleep. Van headed off to make sure the cadets weren’t slacking because may the gods help them if they are. Celestia trotted back to the throne room. They will have to make renivashinions for when John comes back. After all. He is Equestai’s true ruler after all. > Mark of Mastery. Part One. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a few weeks since Hollow brought John into the Void to train. They have been training in the dojo that John got from his Tenno friend a while back. Hollow has been training him in the weapons he has from the Tenno. Only this training is much harder then what her’s was. Hollow’s training began with the fist type weapons like Furax, Ankyros, Kogake, and Obex. John had to master each one while facing either Hollow himself or creatures from the Void. He nearly died over thirty times in the first day. Hollow was even going easy for the first month he was told. He probably would have been in worse position if he wasn't a black belt. After he finally got to a lvl with those that Hollow was pleased with he went to blades. For the rest of this month he trained with one handed blades like the Skana, Plasma Sword, Heat sword, Dark Sword, Destreza, Nami Solo,Sarpa, and others. He had to master all their styles to. Some he had to learn without his Void arm so he was basically learning how to use them with one arm. Hollow said the one arm training will help when he starts the keyblade training. Said he couldn't use any Void on it. John has trained in many weapons, and somehow is mastering them very quickly. Hollow said that's because Tenno weapons aren't that hard to master. He told him that another Survivor from Earth is trying to master twelve weapons and they are really hard to master because of their different forms and abilities. When John ends up with similar weapons they will be hard to master as well. When the month ended Hollow told him it was time to begin the Keyblade training, and preceded to remove his Void mark from John's hand. Cutting off John's Void powers. “Your Mark of Mastery must be completed without Void. You must obtain it with you keyblade skills alone. This first month was to ease you into the training. Now to turn it up.” Hollow explained. And turn it up he did. For the next five months John was forced through many, many drills on keyblade spells and moves. While he still couldn't use their third form he has learned the second form. He has been beaten down by Hollow in magic and fighting every single HOUR! He was rarely healed too. As to make it he is resilient to pain at a point. Which he calls bull crap on. John was also practicing his command styles Diamond Dust, Fire Storm, and Thunder Bolt. Hollow trained him to quickly enter the forms and switch between them. Originally he could only stay in one for a few minutes with switch reducing the time drastically, but Hollow trained his endurance for it till he can go nearly an hour in one form with switching barely reducing it as much. He even got good combat experience from fighting Hollow. Again John is only using one arm because he doesn't have Void at the moment. John even progressed well with his shotlocks. He mastered Flame Salvo, Thunderstorm, Meteor Shower, Photon Charge, Absolute Zero, and Lightning Ray. He asked about Ultimate Shotlocks and was told everyone develops their own. While possible to learns their they must be trained by them. He told John that he already has two for himself but can't use them since they are Void based. Once the half year mark came Hollow decided it was time to advance the training. Said he was ready. So Hollow opens a portal and throw John through it. John opened his eyes to find himself in a wasteland. There wasn't any buildings or anything no matter where he looked. Although the air itself felt...different. Like there was a darkness to it. John quickly realized where he was. “Welcome to the Realm of Darkness. Your training will continue here for now. Your objective is simple. Survive. Heartless will soon be appearing endlessly and you must fight them off. I took your other weapons away for you must only use your keyblade and its magic.” Hollow announced from nowhere. “What! For how long? I don't want to attract Core’s attention here.” John said. “Don't worry about him. Someone went and killed him already” Hollow sounded...different for a bit. Like there was a sadness to his voice. “You must worry about surviving.” When he said that Heartless started appearing everywhere. All kinds of heartless. From Shadows to Invisibles. There were even huge heartless like Darksides. John summoned Fenrir and got ready. “This is going to suck big time.” There is no way to describe the chaos that followed. One man vs an infinite army of Darkness. It was all John could do to stay alive. He used every spell from Thundara to destroy multiple shadows to shotlocks for taking down the tougher Heartless. He is covered in multiple cuts and bruises from the battle. Cura helps but there is no end to them. John jumped out of the way of a slam from a darkside that was about to crush him. “Ok. Time to kick it up a notch. Haste. Strength. Defense!” These spells increased his speed, strength and defense respectively. He then used a Fira to destroy the Darkside from before while cutting through over a dozen Neoheartless with Zantetsuken. He has been fighting for hours he believes. As he was readying another attack, he stopped, seeing all the heartless around him just...stopped. They were standing still, making little to no movement. “Why...did they stop?” He asked. Then, he heard clapping. “Well well, not bad.” John turned around, seeing...Zeke...no, he was split in half. This half having jet black hair, ash pale skin, and his ears were beginning to form a point. “And with one arm. Impressive.” John lowered his keyblade, but just a little. Still wary. “Who are you? Your not Zeke since he split. His dark half?” John questioned. “Call me Drezke. Been around, for a while I just wandered the realm of darkness. WIth the darkness he absorbed from Core, the thing that set his heart into the instability that split me from my brother, Unversed and Heartless alike all obey me. Consider this a break for you while I’m here.” “Thanks I guess. This is my Mark of Mastery so I can't take a long break. Don't know how long Hollow wants me to go at this?” John said. He used Cura to heal up a little. “Hmm. Very well. Tell me, does Hollow know Core is dead?” “Ya. Told me before he left and this started. Who did it?” “Hm. An old…friend of Zeke’s. Huxley. Survivor, like him, you, the rest. Died doing it, yet, Core isn't dead yet. All that was killed was his Nobody, a Nobody hyped up on ancient and powerful darkness. Daybreak holds Core’s heart, and from that, he can still return.” “Great. Well at least I can still have some payba-wait? Why do I sense light nearby?” John asked looking around. “Yes, that’s right. About all of the reflections of Aqua are still out there. My time scouting these lands before finding a place that better suited my needs, I came across more than a few of her reflection’s corpses. Though, Heartless don’t leave behind bodies now do they? Wonder what killed those ones.” “Something or someone worse I guess. I should probably head to her quickly and send her to my Equestria. At least there she can be safe. In a way.” John said. He summoned his keyblade glider and flew in the direction of the light he sensed. It took a minute but he found her surrounded by Invisibles. He quickly blasted four of them with the bow portion of his glider while she cut the others that were surprised by his attack down. He flew down and desummoned his glider. “You ok?” “Y-Yeah. Are...Are you real...or an illusion?” She asked, looking at John with uncertainty. He looked at her for a sec before knocking his hand lightly on her head. “Ya I'm real.” “Owe!” She yelped, rubbing her forehead. “Heh, alright. Good enough. I’m Aqua, how did you end up in the Realm of Darkness? How are the worlds, if you know at all.” John smiled a little. “I'm John. John Corvo. I'm here for a Mark of Mastery test. Been fighting heartless for the last few hours I think.” She looked shocked at his answer. She also saw he was missing an arm and assumed he lost it recently. He saw her look. “Don't worry about the arm. I actually lost that over a year ago. Hey. You want a portal out of here? I can't send you back to your home but I know of a world you can go. I have friends there that will help you. Just say you know me.” “You can actually do that?” She asked, slight glimmer of hope in her eyes. He smirks as he points his keyblade in a direction and a beam of light left it. A portal then appeared. “One portal out of Darkness at your service.” He says giving a bow. “Wow, didn’t even know those worked here.” She said, giving John a smile. “Thank you John. I hope to see you after your exam is finished.” She said, stepping into it. “Later. Better get back to it.” He flew back to see Drezke still there. “Figured you would have left by now?” He arrived, seeing Drezke just sitting on a rock. “I have things to do still, but, I felt I should warn you about my...brother…” John tensed up a bit. “Your light half...that Psychopath took over.” “He’s already ended countless worlds, an entire reflection, and the Keyblades where were with him are now corrupted by that things influance. I don’t even know why I show up when someone tries to end him anymore…” “Because he is still your other half. Your brother. You feel like if anything should stop him it's you. While also having a small part of you wanting him to be saved.” John said. “Maybe. We each made up parts of Zeke that made him...him. Each passing day those parts of him slip away from me, and when that thing took over my brother, those parts of Zeke died the very second. Tell me, is Genocide of all evil on a world justified?” “I can't give you that answer. The answer varies from different morals. Some will say it is while others will say it isn't. What do you think?” John asked. ”I say who gives a damn.” John turned around while Drezke merely looked up, Psychopath there, taking a slash at John’s face. He dodged, but a rather large gash now took of his left side. ”Damn, missed.” John gives him a deadpanned face while holding his cut. “Somehow I knew you would appear. That was cliché.” ”Grand to meet the fool who went berserk and ultimately lead to this half of my true host being split. I owe you this body, even if it’s just half of the whole prize.” John signed looking down. His hair covering his eyes. “You think I don't know that...I know that ultimately every death by your hands is my fault. Because I couldn't control my rage. My darkness. I know that Core also released other monster because of our battle as well. I blame myself fully for that.” “Hmm...Tell me, Psychopath. Your current body is like mine, right, held by the energy of the half of the person we are?” Drezke asked, walking up and then between the two. ”Yeah, why ask such a dum-” Drezke then acted quickly, using his Kingdom Key D and tore out the other half of Zeke’s heart, which was a blood red rather than a pure glowing white. “Thanks.” ”Ha! What are you going to do, absorb it? I’m in it’s half of Zeke’s core being. I’ll just take over you finally.” Psychopath said, his body fading without the light half of Zeke’s heart in it. “Not exactly.” Drezke said, his hand flowing with darkness before he squeezed his other half...and it shattered. John was shocked at this. “What did you do?” John looked over at Psychopath, who was even more shocked than he was. ”How...How could you kill your other half!? Don’t you care Zeke will never be whole now!? He screamed as his body began to disintegrate into ash. John raised an eyebrow. “Never figured the embodiment of murder would be shocked over death?” ”Grr… It happens, but this took me off guard completely. Heh, so tell me, what happens now?” “Firstly, all those Keyblades you had suffering I sent to Kingdom Hearts now that they’re no longer trapped by you. Second, you’re going to die in that decaying half that was once my brother. Then, I’m going to fix up the world who’s evil I ended, and then, fight. Fight until this body is no longer able to stay in it’s form, and let myself be ended. I am half of Zeke, and I know, even though his...our family won’t ever see him again, he would have done this act. That’s something of him I can keep alive.” Drezke said, opening a DTL behind him and walking into it. John looked where the portal and smiled. “Something tells me Zeke won't die that easily. He'll be back.” He looked over at the half that was disintegrating. ”He’s a reflection of Cript so sadly I agree with you.” Psychopath said, his body looking worse every second. “Before you go I have something to say Psychopath.” ”Spill it, at the rate I’m going I won’t last the hour.” John looked down. “I won't forgive both myself or you for all those life's you ended. So I swear on my body, my soul,my spirit-” He summons his keyblade Fenrir. “- and I swear on Fenrir-” He looks into its eyes with a look of determination, and a small glow it was Very familiar with. “I will make the real you, the real Psychopath, pay a thousand time for it!” John swore. Psychopath looked over At John for a time. Then laughed. ”We. Are. Murder. We feel all the pain of every death from wars, sentient life killing each other, the mental instability. That heart and this vessel may be dying, but I’ll just end up in another host. The only way to actually end us forever is to put an end to Murder itself.” Psychopath then opened pools of blood all around him, blood covered bodies of...ponies, ponies John had killed crawling out of them. ”I doubt someone like you can do that, Assasin.” “Maybe I can't end murder, but I know that you have a real form. A form that no matter what body you posses is the original and strongest of all. I was talking about that form. If I can't kill it. I'll seal it away. You'll still be alive, but won't be able to possess anyone I hope.” He laughed again. ”Idiot.” He said, charging in for an attack, his blood covered reminders of John’s past work following close, moving in twisted, alien movements. As they closed in John remembered his time in Equestria. He failings, and those he came close to. His friends, his adopted son Survivor, and the girls he left to train. Instead of rage. He smiled. As Psycho drew near John swung Fenrir clashing with him...while a wave of energy wiped out the dead around. John’s eyes widened at that, all that was left of Psychopath was a head rolling towards him lazily. ”Hehehehe. Idiot.” Psychopath said, the head turning to ash. In the pile, John saw something. It was small, and stood out. When he picked it up, his eyes widened, a Keychain. It was a Heart, bleeding, and there was a faint glow of white in the center of it. Hesitantly. He put it on his keyblade and watched it change. It looked like bloody metal, John swore it was like someone took a handgun and molded it to be in the shape of a Keyblade, the blade being part of the barrel and the top being made of of partal gunsmoke looking metal, with the bullet being a heart. “What is this?” He wondered. “Bloodborn.” John turned around, seeing a face he saw before. “Been a long time John.” Cript said. “Cript?” John said in confusion. “Why are you here?” “Isn’t it obvious? You wiped out those Blood Creatines, and a Decaying Psychopath in one swing. Even when Decaying, it takes a bit more than just a swing to take them out.” John nods. “I know. What was that by the way? That...power I used. I felt it when I thought of my past. My failures, and my loved ones. I was happy I met them. I didn't let my rage control for this fight. It was then I felt it...I never felt such pressure. It felt like it could have tore me to pieces if I had it any longer.” “Humanity. The power opposite of the Psychopaths. The power I, and so far only I, can access and use both freely, at will, and without limit.” “The opposite of the Psychopaths…” John then looked confused. “Wait. If only you , so far, are the only to use it freely. Then how did I use it?” “It’s...well, hard to explain. The Key to accessing it, that I have learned, is feeling no rage against even those who wronged you in the worse ways. Thinking instead of loved ones and past events that bring up joyful emotions.” “And so far Psycho has wronged me more than anyone. Even more than Core, and yet I didn't feel anger. Just love for those I have back on Equestria. There is a catch to it isn't there? Power like that can't be free?” John asked. “Sadly all I can really tell you is that the few times I felt others use this power it was in short amounts, but, it’s...potent. In small amounts it’s like a second wind, in large amounts...unless you can handle it, it will burn though your body like sunfire.” “So unless you can control so it doesn't kill you no risks? Other than that it's very hard to use.” John summarized. “It’s, like I said, hard to explain, but that’s the basic of it I guess.” John looked at his keyblade. “You said its name is Bloodborn. What kind of keyblade is it? It doesn't feel like a normal keyblade.” “There...in my Realm, more than two kinds of Keyblades.” He said, summoning his own, looking like something out of a Realm of Darkness eldritch horror mess. “This is Darkest Hero. My masters called Keyblades like this, Soul Blades. They represent your core being, your past, your present. That, is Bloodborn, well, like Zeke, half of it. It’s part of his core, his soul.” “Half his core. So it's not complete. If it combines with its other half will it change?” John ask. “Only when Drezke is defeated will the other half appear, though, it’s no guarantee that they will combine.” “Both of them. Their Zeke’s Soul Blades. When he comes back I'll give Bloodborn to him. It's his anyway.” John said. “Wonder what my Soul Blade is?” “In time, I think.” Cript said, looking around. “Man, this place get’s more and more depressing every time, no matter what Realm it is.” “Realm of Darkness. What did you expect?” John said with a smile. “My mark of mastery should continue soon.” “ Actually. You passed this portion.” Hollow said appearing a few feet from them. John let out a sigh of relief. “Ok. What's part two?” “Hey there Hollow.” Cript said, giving a light wave. “ Hello Cript. Things going well I presume?” Hollow asked. “Depends...I am sadly having to incorporate a backup plan I didn’t want to use, but, sadly, things are getting rather bad.” “Does it have anything to do with what happened a little bit ago?” John asked. “No, this concerns a different matter involving all the realms.” John sighs. “Ok. Was worried I accidentally did something forbidden or something. Should I be involved in any way or is it out of my territory?” “For now, it is. Let’s just say there are now two kinds of Realms. Locked, and open. Which reminds me, Hollow, weren’t you supposed to be coming to me for some special training of your own?” “ A little busy training this one. He has a big destiny. Once he is done with his Mark of Mastery I need to train him in Void as well as help him gather a special team.” Hollow explained. “Yeah, yeah, I know, I read the script. Still, for being late, your first day, will be worse than his time here so far.” Cript said, pointing a thumb at me and making Hollow gulp. John almost felt bad for him. “ Well. John your next part of this training is simple. You must fight your inner darkness. Your rage given form. You did a good job against Psychopath but you still must face it completely. ” Hollow said with some sweat on his face from Cript's threat. “Alright then, John, before you go, wanna see Hollow get hurt?” He asked, appearing next to Hollow. “I can fling him for MILES with just my pinkie finger.” “Please don’t…” Hollow begged. John looked at Hollow for a bit. “As tempting as that is I'll pass. Don't want my Master flung across the Realm of Darkness.” John said with Hollow letting out a sigh of relief. “Your going to do it anyway aren't you?” That question made Hollow tense. “As much as I want to, I probably shouldn’t. I have phase two of my backup plan to do. Till then, later. Oh, and here.” Cript said, tossing John a...cookie? “Enjoy.” He said before vanishing into thin air.” “Why a cookie?” John asked looking at it. “ Don't worry it's just a normal Cookie. Cript likes cookies.” Hollow explained. John shrugged and ate it. He likes cookies to. Hollow than snapped his fingers and John found both his wounds and cloths healed and fixed. “ Now. Let's begin part three.” Hollow placed his hands on John's head and the next thing John knows is darkness. John opened his eyes to a wide are of darkness. He looked everywhere seeing nothing. He knew what he had to find so he chose a random direction and walked. He walks for a few minutes thinking about what's been going on. After walking he saw something. Himself. Only this one looked like how he was back on Earth. It wore normal blue jeans with a long sleeve green shirt and blue sneakers. It's skin was pale and had purple eyes. “ So...the master appears. I...am hatred.” “Hatred huh. So your my darkness.” “Yes. Every ounce of hate, guilt, wrath, all that comes from me. Even fear. The fear you have of me. Of what you could become.” Rage said. He was right. John was afraid of him. He has seen what he could do when his rage takes over. “I know we're supposed to have some kind of talk and what not, but we both know how this ends.” John said. Bringing out Fenrir. Rage chuckles. “ Yes. We do. While you have only your keyblade and Magic. I have...everything else.” Rage then began to transform. He went into John's Demon form...and brought it further. It's power was growing at an incredible rate. When it was over John saw it...his demon form at its peak. It stood seven feet tall. It was covered in a dark purple armor with runes he was sure were in a language known only to Void. It's two wings were spread out with a wingspan of eight feet each. It's claws look like they could rip the soul out of anything. It's eyes were slited demon like and dark purple. It's teeth were sharp enough to make a shark jealous and its arm look like they can bench press both Air Force One and the Titanic. At once. “ This...is the power you were to afraid to obtain.” Rage spoke. John let out a breath and prepared himself with some spells. “ Hastaga, Strengthga, Defensga, Magicga. I won't lose.” John said as he used the spells. ‘Since when could their third form?’ He thought. Rage let out a loud laugh. “ Let's begin then!” As that was said both charged at each other. The clash made a small shock wave. Before Rage smashed John away with its other hand sending him flying. If he didn't use the defense spell that attack would have ended it. John realized the difference in strength was still to much. He immediately had to dodge Void bullets from Rage making guns appear and shooting at him. John ran as fast as he could deflecting as best as possible but a few got through and hit him. “Wait I'm an idiot Barrier.” A shield formed around him stopping the bullets. John let out a breath before he suddenly lifted Fenrir to block a punch from Rage who destroyed the shield and sent him flying again. John looked at his keyblade to see a crack in it. He realized the difference was greater then he previously thought. He pointed Fenrir at Rage as he came for another strike. “Stopga!” Rage stopped with a clock above its head. Before John could breath the clock shattered and he was punched in the gut making him cough up blood as he was knocked a few dozen feet away. ‘T-this is alm-most like the ba-battle with Core the first t-time.’ John thought as he tried to stand. He was heavily injured with a broken rib. From the blood he coughs up it probably pierced a lung. It felt like it. “ Trying to stop me was a good try, but you forget...I can manipulate time to.” Rage said as it appeared behind John and smacked him with two huge hammers in its hands. Fragors he thinks their called. The last of his protection spell broke and he was sent flying for over thirty feet. He felt broken. He could barely move. “ This is the end. You never stood a chance John.” Rage told him. It lifted up its hand and formed a massive Void blast. “ Don't worry. You won't feel a thing soon. Which is more than I can say for those weaklings back at Equestria. They were holding us back. I'll take care of them once I'm done with you.” It then sent the blast right at John. When John heard that last bit his eyes widened. ‘Gilda, Rose, Survivor, Celestia, Luna, Vantus, everyone…’ The blast connected and a huge explosion followed. Everything within over six dozen feet was wiped out. Smoke covered the area. When it cleared. Rage saw that nothing was there. “It is done. Now to leave and find those weaklings.” it turned around and started walking away before it stopped. “Wait a moment? If John is dead then...why am I still here!?” It realized before frantically looking around. It was looking everywhere before it suddenly took a strong fist to the face sending it flying back. It skid on the ground for a dozen feet before stopping. It held its face in pain before looking up. It's eyes widened in shock. John stood there. Completely fine. He was covered in a bluish aura that it recognized. Because John recently used it a while ago. “The power of Humanity!? Impossible! Once against Psychopath was one thing but twice so soon!? How!?” Rage yelled out. It didn't make sense. John looked over himself and looked at Rage. “Just like before. I didn't let my ‘rage’ take over. You reminded me of who I'm fighting for. I can't let you win. I have to beat you for them. I can't use this long. I already feel it tearing my body apart. But now.” John then summons his keyblade. Rage looked at Fenrir in shock. Gone was its silver look and bandages. It's was now a mixture of black and gold with the keychain a solid gold. “You...you unlocked your true keyblade?!” Rage said taking a step back. “Now...I'm going to end this! Nature's Favor!” John yelled. “WHAT!! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT SPELL!?” Rage yelled out in shock. He watch as all the wounds John had was healed. New enhancements were placed over the old ones. More powerful ones to. The damage the Humanity power was causing was undone as well, but John had to hurry. Normally this spell wouldn't have been able to close the gap, but with this new power. He can win. Rage let out a roar as he charged at John with two massive swords. John met it midway and clashed with one of them while kicking the other away. Rage tried to slam its fist into John only for him to dodge and kick its chin sending him flying straight up. John then appeared above it and blasted it with a combination of Flame Salvo and Thunderstorm sending it back to the ground under a rain of explosions of fire and lightning. Rage flew out of it pissed and let loose a barrage of Void blast. John used Fenrir to deflect each one that was going to hit him while ignoring the others. Rage smirked at this and brought both arms down. John saw this and looked behind him. The attacks from before were hot on his tail. He summoned up blades of light and sent them at the Void blast. Cancelling each other out in small explosions. John then turned and blocked a claw strike from Rage and used his left leg to kick its head back to the ground. It opens its mouth and sends a beam of Void right at John. Having no time to dodge John uses another spell. “Reflectga!” The spell not only stops the beam but sends it back at Rage who takes the full force of it. John watches the area for a bit before Rage lets out a massive roar that blows the smoke away. John sees that it is heavily damaged and REALLY angry. John then coughs up blood. Realizing he has to hurry before the Humanity power takes too much of a toll. “I WILL NOT BE BEATEN!!YOU HEAR ME JOHN CORVO!!” It then creates massive blades of many kinds in the hundreds. “DIE!!!!!” It sends all of them at John at once. “Time to end this.” John then focuses all of his remaining power, both the enhancements and the humanity power, into Fenrir. It glows brightly as he charges Rage. He sees blades coming from all directions see no way to dodge. Then just before a few hit him…his body suddenly dodges on its own. Both John and Rage are taken back, but John doesn't worry about it much as he lets it happen. He begins to dodge everyone as he comes closer and closer to Rage. He then is right in front of it holding Fenrir is a drawing stance. Rage looks completely shocked. “I-I lose?” John looks Rage in the eye. “Yes. You do. Final Zantetsuken!” John then appears behind Rage a few feet away. A few seconds go by...when dozens of cuts appear all over Rage as it screams in pain. Blood flew out of the wounds as Rage fell to its knees before falling to the ground. John desummons Fenrir and breathes heavily for a few moments. He then starts coughing up blood as the Humanity power finally took its toll on his body. He looks behind him to see Rage back in its human form. It's breathing heavy and shallow. John walked over and lifted its head with his right arm. “So. This is it huh? You go free, and I'm stuck here. With all this anger and pain.” John just shook his head. “No. Because I'll take all that anger and pain on myself. You don't have to suffer anymore. Just sleep now.” John said. Smiling at Rage. It looked at his eyes, and saw something. It started to chuckle weakly. “So.” It said. It's eyes now just like his. “I guess he was right about you.” John was confused at that. “Who was right about me?” Rage looked at him. “You'll know soon enough. You got one more test. Be prepared. He is stronger than me. Take care. John Corvo.” With that Rage closed his eyes and faded away. John looked were rage was in his arm for a second. “Goodbye. Rage.” He got up and started moving. When a bright light overtakes him. When he opens his eyes he sees he is standing on a platform. He looks at it to see himself on it. Along with Gilda, Rose, and a few others he didn't recognize. Wait one of them was Aqua. Where is-wait. Is this? “Welcome John Corvo.” John looks ahead to see a figure in an organization cloak. “Impressive display with your darkness. But it's not over yet.” “Who are you?” John asks. The figure put its hand on its chin. “Who am I? Oh! Forgot to introduce myself.” He proceeded to put its hood back revealing his face. John couldn't believe what he was seeing. The figure looks like him with a few differences. His hair was brown and his eyes were green. “My name..is Drexel Quake, and you. John Corvo. Are my reincarnation.” Drexel said. > Time in Equestria. Part Two. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanitas looked outside the boundaries of the the town. Watching for anything that could come attack. It’s been two months since John has left and things have been going back to how they were before that battle. Funerals were held for those that were lost. About four dozen died from Heartless or Unversed and some died as a result of the battle from John and Core. Most were guards trying to defend the citizens. Thoses who died had their names etched onto a memorial. A statue was also built with the memorial to honor them and to not forget. Van was also getting reports of some strange happenings. Some key bearers on patrol found random stuff like clouds made of cotton candy raining chocolate milk, or….giant Corn dancing out and about. Now that he mentions it he sees a few doing the conga out in the distance. Things have definitely got weirder since John left. Vanitas blames him for this. Twilight, Applejack, and the Princesses think it’s Discord who is doing this. The spirit of Chaos. If he becomes a threat Vanitas knows that he will be very tough to beat. Chaos magic is unpredictable. It’s user even more so. While he was looking out he heard a noise nearby. Curious he went to see what it was. After a minute of searching he came to a clearing. He saw three fillies training together. He recognized them as Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. They were practicing with their keyblades together. Scootaloo was the fastest on the ground so she was training her agility and stamina so she can make hit-and-run maneuvers to wear down the enemy. Sweetie was obviously better at magic so she was practicing her healing and support spells. She was still on beginner spells, but was getting better. Bloom was physically stronger than them do to her Earth Pony nature, but losing her eyes took a toll on her. So she has been practicing very hard for a while to be able to fight while blind. Vanitas believes she almost trains as hard as John did before he left, and he trains till near death, or till Rose and/or Gilda drag him back inside to rest. As he mentioned before each had a keyblade. John ended up doing the ritual for them to help defend themselves. Scootaloo uses the Guardian Soul keyblade. Sweetie uses the Fairy Stars keyblade which for some reason reminds her of when her sister would tell her bedtime stories before bed. Apple bloom’s keyblade was the Mark of a Hero keyblade. Vanitas and the others have seen her train a lot with it. Like he said it's getting to the point where she almost trains as much as John did. Which wasn’t good for her health. He watched as Scootaloo and Sweetie trotted around Bloom slowly with their keyblades ready. Bloom was very still in the center as they went around her. He noticed she was waiting for any signs of movement that will let her know when one or both of them striking. This went on for a full minute when Sweetie suddenly sent out a blast of fire with the Fire spell. One of Bloom’s ears perked up and she dodged the blast only for her ears to perk up again to let her know of a noise from Scootaloo. She blocked the strike and used blits to knock her back.Scoot recovered mid-air and used Sonic strike and sent Bloom back a few feet. Sweetie than sent some more spells at her that she either reflected with her Keyblade or dodged. Vanitas watched this for half an hour with them failing to notice him. Which he was slightly disappointed of. He needs to up their awareness training. When a full hour went pass he figured it's best to make them stop before they go to far. He didn’t need Applejack or Twilight getting mad at him for not stopping them. “Ok you three. You trained enough. Everyone needs a break now and then. Even me and John.” Vanitas spoke out. Spooking the fillies cause they didn’t know he was there. They were so caught up training they didn’t know he was there. Which is pretty bad because it could have easily been an enemy that would have killed them. Applebloom put her keyblade away. “ Hey Master Vanitas. Didn’t notice you over there. Sorry. I can’t stop training. I have to get past my blind eyes weakness, or I’ll just get in the way.” She said with a look on her face. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at each other in worry. Van saw this and knew they wanted to take it easier on her, but Applebloom wasn’t having it. Van sighed. “ Look Bloom. I can understand wanting to be stronger, but you can’t work yourself to death. If it wasn’t for Gilda and Roseluck John would have most likely done that a long time ago.” He chuckled a bit at the memory of Gilda once dragging an unconscious John back into the Castle because she knocked him out to get him to rest. “Don’t worry about your sight either. From what i can tell your already doing remarkable progress.” “Ya Bloom. You’ll be able to fight just fine in no time. From what I’ve heard you have gotten so good at using your other senses that you’ll soon be able to do everyday stuff even without your sight. Sweetie Belle and I will be right besides you all the way,and of course so will your sister.” Scootaloo said. Sweetie nodded her head. “So take it a little easier on this training. We don’t want you to hurt yourself even worse. We Cutie Mark Crusaders have to stick together.” Applebloom nodded in her friends general direction with some tears in her eyes. Vanitas smiled underneath his helmet at the scene. Knowing that those three will be ok. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FUTURE KEYBLADE MASTERS YAA!!!!” Now if only he had a spell to fix his hearing. He wonders if he can somehow weaponize that...then thought against it. The Heartless don’t deserve something that cruel. He chuckled to himself a little and left them. Knowing that as long as they stay together they’ll be alright. He looked back one last time to see them heading back to town. Bloom stopped for a sec and turned her blind eyes to him and smiled. She then hurried off after her friends. Vanitas smiled a little and continued onward. He still has to patrol the perimeters. He summoned his keyblade glider and hopped on it before continuing the search. As he does this he can’t help but wonder how John is doing. Hopefully whatever training he is getting is worth all the time it takes him. In the meantime it's up to Vanitas and the others to make sure he has a home when he gets back, and to show that they haven't done nothing the entire time he was gone. Far away from the Everfree Village scouting for supplies was a group of guards. A pegasus, a unicorn, and an Earth pony. They were each keyblade users to each possessing a Starlight keyblade. Most of the ones to receive keyblades start out with this kind while very few started with others. Starlight was basically a starter keyblade for beginner keybladers. Eventually their keyblade will evolve into their true keyblade with enough training and experience. So for now they had to make do. These three have been patrolling for a few days now and don’t have much to report besides some destroyed Heartless and Unversed. Just a few Shadows and Flood ones. Nothing they couldn't handle thanks to their training. They spotted a few high lvl Heartless and Unversed, but chose to stay away because they didn’t have a death wish. Any injuries they got was easily fixed with a Cure, some potions, and bandages. They have been careful as to not get seperated or into a fight they couldn’t win. They also came across some things that most likely Discord created. Bunnies with feet the size of houses and plants growing out of their head, low gliding clouds made of cotton candy raining chocolate milk all the time, and worst was a new forest that was made of dark vines that seemed to radiat evil off of it. They made a note in capital BOLD letters to make a report of where this was and to keep it monitored. They didn’t want any innocents to wonder here by mistake and either get lost or worst. No one ever knows what the Spirit of Chaos itself will do. After marking down the coordinates they continued. An hour later they decided to head back when the pegasus spotted something in the distance. “Hey. What's that out there?” The pegasus asked. The other two look where the other was looking and saw it as well. Curious they decided to check it out first. After a minute they arrived and saw a strange orb floating off the ground. They could sense a strong power behind it. Both light….and darkness. Their instincts were screaming at them to leave the area immediately. They decided to listen to them and try to leave. The pegasus marked down the area and turned to leave when he saw a huge figure in a cloak holding the other two by their throats. He was about to summon his keyblade to help when the unicorn yelled at him to run before quickly using a teleportation spell to get the pegasus guard out of there. The figure growls in anger that one got away before turning to the two ponies in his hands. With a flick of his head the hood fell off his head showing who is was, and both were suddenly terrified. Tirek. The Centaur that escaped Tartarus and has been missing since. From the looks of it he has been collecting magic and has got a good bit of his power. He still looks like his old man self but bigger. He gave both guards an angry look. “Thanks to you two one got away and now they know I’m free. If they didn’t already. So it seems like you deserve some...punishment!” Tirek growled. He opened his mouth and proceeded to suck our all their magic. They summoned their keyblades to try and fight back but it proved useless. When he drained them of his magic his form grew bigger as well as his horns and muscles. He noticed their keyblades and picked them up...and proceeded to suck out their magic as well. The effect on him was completely different. He quickly grew into his stronger young self and had noticed his power jump massively compared to draining the ponies. He grinned evilly before looking over at the guards. He didn’t need them anymore, but had recently discovered a way to keep magic from just returning to its old owners if he was defeated. So he then pick up both weakened guards by their necks...and proceeded to snap their necks. Killing both guards. He threw both bodies and the ground and left. Now their magic truly was his even if he was somehow defeated again. “But it's not enough. Against beings like the Blade i won’t stand a chance. Well. At least there is a lot of good meals here now thanks to him. HAHAHA!!” Tirek boasted at the end. With the Blade gone he was free to some easy magic meals. As long as he avoids the Princesses as well as the head of those keyblade users like the creature similar to the blade and Griffon he has now worry. Not even the Heartless and Unversed are a problem. He has small control over the Heartless thanks to his own dark heart and the Unversed just avoid him. As long as he stays patent and doesn’t get too greedy then nothing will stop him. Vanitas was looking out the walls of the Village for anything. His patrol for the day was almost over. When it is he’ll get back to training to improve his skills. His ace in the hole still takes a toll on him so he has to master it soon. As he was about to leave he saw something in the distance. Looking again he saw one of the guards from patrol flying back. He was immediately on edge because of two things. 1. Evey patrol is always in groups of three or more. And 2. That pegasus was flying like if it stopped then something was going to kill him. He waved the guard to him as it flew towards the village. The guard noticed and went to him landing quickly and skidding a bit. The guard to a few to get some air back into his lungs. Van waited before asking his question. “Guard. Where is the rest of your squad? What happened?” The guard looked at him and told him everything. From the regular patrol to the huge cloaked figure. Vanitas listened to all of it before answering. “ Go get some rest. You deserve it.” The guard nodded his head. Still shackened from the encounter. He trotted off to rest at the bareks. Vanitas waited a bit before calling a guard to assemble the others. He just know something big is happening, and that those other two guards are most likely dead. He needs to tell the others what he just learned. Soon Vanitas and the others in the council were at the war room ready for what he discovered from the guard. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadence, Gilda, and Shining Armor were their as the council. Celestia and Luna has gotten use to their new limbs and have been training with their keyblades when they aren’t keeping the Village intact. Twilight has been managing both her training and her duties in the Archives really well. Her control of her magic is greater than when she had her horn and has learned new spells to help in combat. Cadence and her Husband Shining have doing great in the Crystal Empire. Keeping everything going and helping the refugees from the battle from a month ago. Gilda and Rose have been keeping up in their training as well. Although they have had some problems like tiring out faster than normal and stomach cramps along with weird cravings and vomiting. They both still did their best regardless. Vanitas told them everything and waited for their response. The three princesses looked worried as well as the others. Shining was hoping his guards were alright, but if the figure was who he thought it was he doubted it. “The figure. It must be Tirek.” Celestia suggested. Luna nodded. “It has to be. If the size description was correct than he is regaining his power faster than we thought. He is growing stronger.” Shining Armor let out a shaky breath. “ I’ll send out an order to call all patrols in. They don’t stand a chance against Tirek. Better to call them back now before they rind up prey for him.” Vanitas nodded at that. The guards were basically canon fodder to Tirek as well as a power source. Besides when the real fight with him happens they need the guard to keep the citizens safe and away from the fight. Twilight got a thoughtful look on her face. “I’ll look through the Archives to see if i can find something that might help. If Tirek is as dangerous as the Princess say then we’ll need all the help we can get. Especially since we don’t have the Elements of Harmony anymore.” Cadence looked at her sister-in-law. “I’ll help you search for now. Me and Shining still need to head back to the Empire to defend it from Tirek incase he decides to attack there first.” Gilda looked at the other and hid a smile on her beak. John would be proud to see this. She got up to find Rose so they can practice more when she got another cramp. The other noticed and suggested she see nurse Redheart. She decided to go because something was really getting in the way of her training time. As she headed there Roseluck was on the way to the same place as well. Both needed to get to the bottom of this. Both Gilda and Roseluck waited on Redheart to get back with the results. She asked question of what they have been experiencing lately as well as did a few scans with a spell or two with another nurse who was a Unicorn. Gilda was a little nervous and was confused and what was wrong with her. Rose on the other hoove had a feeling she knows whats wrong. Because she went through this before. Red Heart suddenly trots through the door with a clipboard in hoove with a smile on her face. “Ms. Gilda and Ms. Roseluck. I have some good new.” Gilda raised an eyebrow. “What is it?” “First off you don’t have to worry. None of you are sick or anything, but i should say congratulations!” Redheart said with a bigger smile. Gilda tilted her head a little while Rose’s eyes widened a bit with a small tear in one eye as her suspicions have been confirmed. Gilda was about to ask what she meant when she told them and made her eyes widen in shock. “Your both pregnant.” She said. And Gilda saw darkness soon after. Later when she wakes up both Redheart and Rose had to stop her from hitting herself for fainting like a, as she would put it, a wuss. > Half year mark: down time. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Six months. It's been six months since John left Gilda and the others to train in Void. Things haven’t been easy. It was at first with training and preparing, but with Tirek, Discord, and the heartless/unversed things have been bad now and then. Now and then a patrol will turn up dead while outside the towns barrier. Some dead from being overwhelmed by the creatures that haunt this world because of Core, and the others found dead with all of their magic drained and then killed. Tirek is growing stronger by the day. From the small instances the princesses can sense him he is stronger than he was in the past and continues to grow. Although the thing that makes Gilda both mad and happy is one thing both she and Rose got from John. They were both pregnant with his kids. She was happy to be a mother, but since she is about five to six months pregnant she and Roseluck have been banned from training to keep from harming the kids they are carrying. They found out what the genders were a week ago, Gilda was carrying a boy and Rose has a girl. Even though they cant train they do what they can. From Gilda managing the training for the recruits to Roseluck working at the shelter in town to help feed the villagers. Town is now made up off different races from ponies to dragons. The others are doing ok as well. A few months ago Vanitas went to check out the orb the patrol found that one time. It was called an Absent Silhouette, and it was Zeke’s. He fought him with everything he had and even with some new stuff he gained while there, but it wasn’t enough. After telling us what it was like we all came to two things. 1, The A.S. will be a milestone for us to measure our growth. Zeke is powerful so if we can manage to beat it it will show how far we have come. And 2, all of us knew without a doubt that John will be able to beat it in one try. John was stronger than all of us before. He will be much stronger when he gets back. Rose and Gilda just wish he would be able to make it to their children's birth, but knew he wouldn’t be able to. He doesn’t even know both she and Rose are even pregnant and he is stuck in his training with Hollow. They doubt he will be done anytime soon. Which means he won’t be there for their birth, which both saddens(which you won’t hear from Gilda if you value you health) and angers her. The father should be there when they are born, but they understand that this is something he needs to do. He has to complete this training to protect not just them and this world, but his kids that he doesn’t know of as well. Gilda sighed as she walked the town with two guards following her. Since she and Roseluck are carrying the “Blade of Equestria's” kids they have guards following them while they aren’t battle ready to protect them from anything that might target them. Even though she can still claw off the face of anything stupid enough to try. She was heading to the spa the town has. The twin ponies that ran the old Ponyville spa survived and now have a new shop in town. Roseluck had talked Gilda into coming here to relax and ease the burden that comes with child carrying. She said she was fine but Rose wasn’t having it and told her either go willing, or she will drag her by her tail here is she must. Gilda does not like it when someone messes with her tail(that and she really didn’t like the creepy look in Rose’s eye, but you didn’t hear that from her). Gilda decided to go anyway. Who knows it might take some of her stress off. Twilight was in the Castle Archives again organizing them. She does this most of the time nowadays. It keeps her busy, and to make sure everything is going smoothly. Some errors were found now and then which she quickly corrected. When a fraud was found Twilight would find the source as fast as possible and an arrest was made. Some people think she isn’t smart enough to notice such things. Twilight made sure things like the info and currency of the town and its traders were stable and true. She really loves this job. When she has free time, which is rare because of her schedule she made for herself, she practices her magic and keyblade skills. Her keyblade Three Wishes was a magic type keyblade which she was glad for. While she learned to use magic without her horn her keyblade helped amplify them. She practiced her magic both in its power and control. Like John and Princess Celestia told her “What good is having lots of magic power if you can’t control it.” She has also been making her own fighting style that involves her teleportation spell and her keyblade techniques. Even the princesses are having a tough time keeping up with her. Though Vanitas keeps beating her in their spars. His new Reaction Commands are annoying to deal with. She hasn’t even seen this new spell he learned and it frustrates her. She also has been training her...Assassin skills. She, Gilda, Roseluck, and Luna joined Blade’s group of Assassin and were given more training then the others. Before he left they were trained vigorously in stealth, parkour, infiltration, and assassination. Before Gilda and Rose stopped training do to their pregnancy they were at the top followed by Luna then herself. Luna took it better than her because of her duty as Princess of the Night. She could blend in with shadow easier than the other but Gilda and Rose trained much harder than them. Twilight wasn’t use to it at first and made many mistakes, normally do to her overthinking how to stealth and/or infiltrate. John told her to not do that. Because with their line of work not everything will go according to plan. A good assassin improvises on the mission and does whatever it takes to complete it. They weren’t given Void marks to use because John was sure they weren’t ready for them. Hopefully when he returns he will see that they are more than ready. Twilight got down with what she was currently doing and got up to stretch. She decided to walk around the castle for a bit to make absolutely sure she has the entire place memorized. As she trotted around the castle she thought about things. Like….her friends. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike. It's been a while since the day they died. She missed them everyday. Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo miss them as well. They all wish the others had survived as well. Thinking about spike made her realize some things. Spike was more than an assistant. He was her son. She raised him since she hatched him. She also realized that sometimes she ended up treating him like an assistant more than what he actually was. In fact...she never even told him what she actually thought of him. Now she never will. Twilight stopped for a bit to wipe some tears that were starting to form. She continued onward. She failed Spike and the others. She won’t fail those still here. She’ll get stronger to protect them. Celestia and Luna looked at the town from the top of their old castle. Which now is John’s castle. They saw the ponies and other species interact with each other. Most of the time they saw kindness. Each race helping each other to prosper and keep eachother safe. Though now and then they’ll see someone be the exact opposite. Yelling at others for petty reasons, blaming a different race for what happened, or other insticess of hate that festered from someone. The guards made sure nothing to serious happened, but it still worried them. John advised them to watch their citizens closely and not to just trust guards to report everything. When John was here he sent Doppelganger in secret to watch for anything suspicious. He watched his town no matter what was going on. Compared to them they haven’t really done a good job before he appeared in their world. They realized they have gotten soft over the long years. Some of the punishments they dealt to criminals should have been harsher than what they got. They are glad John came to their world. While he tried to keep the death count low he killed those who even they would agree that were beyond safing. Although they wish he didn’t use such brutal methods like being eaten alive by swarms of rats. He himself admits to hating that ability. Luna was adjusting well to her new limbs. She is able to run faster than before thanks to them. Luna joined as one of John’s assassins and is one of his best. Her powers of the night make it childs play to blend into the dark and sneak. She is amazed that those other two are higher than her in the ranks of the Assassin’s group. Although thats because they have both been at this longer and have trained really hard. Well they did till their pregnancy stopped them. On her time off she spends time with her sister. Who also has time off at the same time as her. Both are glad to be here. Even if they wished more had survived. Luna’s dream activities have been busy as well. These Dream Eaters are very active here. Which isn’t a surprise given all that's happened. One of the things that warms her heart is that sometimes while she is attending a foal or filly's nightmare to help a dream version of John would appear and defend them with ferocity and versatility. The Dream Eaters never stood a chance. Celestia looked towards her sister and gave a small smile. Luna was working hard to keep everyone safe at night. She herself was busy during the day. Day court was different than what it was. She is now stricter with her sentences for the accused. Thankfully she hasn't come across a case that requires execution, but according to John it's a matter of time for someone to do something horrible enough to deserve it. Her own training has been going well as the others. Neo Light Seeker is a strong Keyblade. Her spell uses are strong and controlled. She is currently the strongest magic user in the town. Followed by her old student Twilight and her sister Luna. Although like the others she still losses to Vanitas. He is more well rounded of his basics than the others and is strong, and that was before he left to fight the Silhouette. Luna looked at her and smiled back. They both looked back at the town watch citizens mingle. Gilda and Roseluck were on their way back to the castle from the spa. Gilda had to admit. It was relaxing. A lot of stress she has been building up from everything lately was gone. which they were both glad about. Stress isn't good for babies. As they went back they looked over the town. Noticing how the others acted towards each other. Most were behaving. Being nice to the other races and helping where they can. Roseluck smiled at this. Glad things were starting to look up. Gilda than frowned when she noticed the rest of the races. They weren't getting along. Most blamed the others for what happened. Why they thought that she'll never know. Probably because their stupid and needed to blame something. If it weren't for her pregnancy and the guards that were moving in when some started to get violent she would have handled herself. “Don't worry Gilda.” Gilda was a little surprised at the sudden words and looked at Roseluck who was smiling at her. “Things might look bad in some areas, but things will get better. We have to make it better. Don't want John to come home to a civil war now do we?” Gilda let loose a little chuckle before she gave a playful hit to Rose’s shoulder. “Whatever RL. Let's head back. Getting cravings again.” Rose giggles at that. They continued on back to the castle. Vowing to keep their home safe. > Conversation in Void. Training going to gear 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hollow was leaning against a wall in John's Dojo in the Void. He was watching John as he was unconscious for his exam. Injuries appeared now and then but that's normal with this training. He knows he can complete this. Facing both his inner rage and his past self is a daunting task especially given how powerful both are. Though Hollow knows he'll do it. John is destined for greatness. Heck he believes Cript can see his potential. Anyone that can use the Power of Humanity not only once, but twice and defeat even a decaying Psychopath was not normal. He looked over to John's right a bit to see Aqua on her knees looking at John in worry. She saw wounds appear on him, heal up, and saw a strange, powerful energy emit from him. She has no idea what is going on. She knows he is in a Mark of Mastery, but it's her first time seeing this kind. Ones that happens in the mind don't normally injure the participant, but this was something else entirely. “What is going on with him, where exactly are we, who..who are you?” Aqua asked Hollow. “Those questions will be answered in time. When John wakes up we'll answer your questions. For now thought. Want to say hi Cript?” Hollow asked without even looking. Aqua was confused at what he said before a figure appeared out of nowhere next to her. Scaring the heck out her as she jumped back a bit while summoning her keyblade hovering it over John as if to protect him. “Ouch, rude.” Cript said upon seeing Aqua’s response to his appearing. “You rang man?” Cript asked Hollow. “I just sensed you appear here not long after John tapped into Humanity again. He most likely was fighting his inner rage. He couldn't use Void while his rage could. He probably needed it since he was vastly overpowered before. You sensed it and came here wondering why he tapped into it again so soon correct?” Hollow asked. “Nope.” Cript said, kneeling down to get a better look at John. “I’m wondering is he’s changing.” He said, giving Hollow a bizarre look of confusion. Hollow spoke again. Only this time his voice was normal. “You mean is he becoming a Delete?” He asked. Confusing Aqua. “What's a Delete?” She asked. “Yup, say, how’d you know about those jack asses?” Hollow gave him a deadpanned look. “I'm in the Void basically 24/7. Do you honestly think I wouldn't have encountered the Voids version of a Psychopath even once after all this time?” “Oh they are more than that. Turns out Delete activate whenever creation is getting too big for it’s britches. They come it, erase everything and once they move on Admins come in to remake everything. Killed two already, the first had my boss scared, the second… I’d rather not talk about. Still, the look in his face when I managed to get near it. Heh, was so worth the danger.” “Heh. Well given your...condition it's no wonder it was shocked. Still most would have thought a Delete would have been probably the only thing left that could kill you after what Truth did.” Hollow said. Cript didn’t turn to face Hollow, but he felt the shift in the air. “And...how did you learn about that?” “Spend enough time in Void and you learn a thing or two. It's not hard when you know where to listen. The things here can make most of Creation cower for mercy. Some things that are sealed here are actually so dangerous that if it wasn't for your condition you would probably avoid them at all cost.” Hollow said. He has seen many things in Void. Things he hope never leaves. “Hm...maybe. Can’t say if that’s true, always been the reclass type. Besides, there are still things stronger than me. It just takes… something special to finish me. So, how’s his progress been?” “Great actually. He defeated his rage and unlocked his keyblades true form. His getting stronger. All that's left to face his past life Drexel. Drex won't use his full power obviously. He could destroy a galaxy with his trump card. This more of a training fight than a battle to the death. Tell me...how are things outside?” Hollow asked. He wanted to know incase he has to change John's training schedule. “There’s a second Keyblade war in the works, but for me, that’s not my priority at the moment.” “.....A second war…” A wall next to them suddenly opened up as Hollow sent a blast of void out into the Void. It collided with a small island like rock floating in the void before it exploded with the force of a supernova. Aqua’s eyes widen greatly at the display of raw power of him casually throwing such a blast before Hollow spoke with rage in his voice. “Who is the goddamn idiot that started this. After the last war I never want hear even a thought about a new one!?” ‘The second Keyblade war was said to be started when Nothingness and Kingdom Hearts shared a single being. Zeke was split, being balanced of heart, his body didn’t stick with the dominant heart side, it was sent to Purgatory. He managed to find the door to escape, and thus, the second war was declared by Kingdom Hearts itself.” Aqua was shaking at the news. “I heard stories about the last war. If a second one is coming what are we goiter to do?” Hollow calmed down a bit before answering. “Prepare. I'll have to accelerate John's training, and gather the rest of his group.” He held out his hand and showed four images. A male carrying a strange axe with a tattoo covering his ash white skin, a male with two swords on his back with a ghostly figure following him and a ring that radiated power, a tall skeletal figure with six wings two red feathered wings, two bat wings, and two bone wings, and a male holding two black rusted swords that seemed to repale magic itself. “One of them is already here.” He Said looking at Aqua. “Me?” She said surprised. He nodded. He then looked at Cript. “What are you going to do about the others? Help them prepare?” “I gave them some aid but like I said this second Keyblade war isn’t my priority, I have other things I’m working on.” “Ok than.” Hollow than looked at John. “It's strange. To be able to tap into Humanity twice in such a short time when even your family can barely tap into it once. I know that Ben is going to master it. It's just a matter of time, but John. What do you think?” “Hm.” Cript hummed in thought. “Hard to tell, void and Humanity? Sounds bizarre, but, it’s a strange world we live in. Hey Hollow?” “What?” Hollow asked with an eyebrow raised. “Do you still dream?” “....No. Not after what happened to me.” Hollow said. “I can't dream or have nightmares. It's just nothing. Just Void.” “Hm. I sometimes catch myself dreaming. I see grassy fields for as far as they eye can see. The sun is high up in the sky, bright in the blue around it. It feels… so peaceful. I think, this is how creation should be. One vast space, no need for portals to travel worlds, just an endless sky above and eternal earth as far around and deep as life can dig. Simple, not so complicated.” Hollow was silent for a little bit before closing his eyes. “That was how creation was...before the war. That's exactly how I remember it…” “I don’t just mean your reality Hollow.” Cript interrupted. “I mean all realities. No more reflections, realities, barriers. One reality for all, one planet for all, one sky for all.” “Things would be peaceful, or not. Evil. In no matter what form will eventually happen. Give it a few centuries or millennia, or even eons. Still. Your right. Creation might be better like that.” Hollow said. Hollow than shook his head. “ Anyway. I'm going to have to rethink on how I'm going to train them. This is a start.” He said bringing out six orbs of pure Void. Cript sensed that each had the power of a large star at least. One I particularly was twice that. He took a guess at what this training was. “So, how you expecting him to survive?” Cript asked. “John is more durable to Void than you think. How else would he be able to use that old Emperor true Void even barely a fraction of it without it destroying him outright?” Hollow asked. “Let's face it. John and his group are going to come against ‘them’ at some point and the weakest of them is multiversal at least.” “Face who now?” Aqua asked worried a bit at what she just heard about the ‘weakest’ of this group. “I'll let you know when John has gathered the others.” Hollow told her. “For now me and you wait for him to awake. Should be soon.” Aqua nodded her head before looking at Cript. “Um. Who exactly are you? I know your name is Cript but who are you?” “Oh wow how to phrase that…” Cript said, scratching the back of his head. “Well, I am an Admin. You know legends of how gods came and created all these different worlds and stuff, well that’s partly bullshit. Admins created realities from the void, and life within them, but we let life do it’s own thing and some of us only intervene when needed. Not many admins to be honest, those than can create realities anyway.” Aqua nodded her head. She was apparently meeting a True God. She noticed a strange device on his wrist. “What is that?” “This? It’s called an assistant. Aside from being a backpack on your arm it makes combat and getting stronger easier by allowing you to see your strength progress. Kinda turns reality into the biggest video game ever but it helps a lot.” Aqua’s eyes widened at that. She thought for a few seconds. “How do you acquire one?” “Various ways, earn one, be born into the right reality and everyone has one. Can’t take one from a corpse though, they are linked to the wearer, wearer is killed it powers down and then can rust, be damaged, and break. There’s been lots of people trying to steal my tech so I take precautions.” “How do you earn them?” She asked. These things could help her or even her group. “Hm, well, easiest I guess it to impress me.” “Easier said than done.” Hollow mutters silently to himself. “Do you want week long diarrhea? One snap of the fingers and your ass will be planted on the nearest toilet.” Cript threatened. “Besides, impressing me, I take into consideration their power and current strength. The reason you haven’t yet is because you haven’t stepped out of your power or strength yet. Do that, and you’ll catch my eye.” Aqua giggled a little when Hollow froze up a bit before looking at Cript and nodding. “Gotcha.” “So, on a darker note, Aqua...I got some bad news about your friend Ventus…” Aqua froze for a sec before swallowing her fear. “Wh-what happened?” “Well, as you know his heart was missing, looking for a friend...that friend was a high value target of Core, sure you know him...took that child's heart and many others to forge an imperfect replica of the X-blade. It was destroyed, along with both the boy’s and Ventus’s heart...I’m sorry.” Aqua was frozen stiff. She started to shake and was about to lose it before Hollow knocked her out with a small chop to the neck. “ Some are surprised when that actually works.” He looks to Cript. “It had to be done. When she wakes she'll be more calm about it after a few minutes. How she'll react to Vanitas is up for debate.” “I was about to tell her than Vanitas holds part of Ventus’s heart still, and I am sure you know about Zeke’s Absent Silhouette?” “I know.” Cript shook his head. “Only Vanitas can beat it and acquire Ventus. His Absent Silhouette gives thirteen prizes upon completion. One Keyblade, eleven random items, and the thirteenth chest holds what the champion desires most. For Joy, it was why Eve is who she is, for Vanitas, it is his missing half, Ventus. Somehow that thing breaks all the rules this reality hase to acquire it’s prizes, the thirteenth especially. For once, I have no idea how it works, and that’s exciting. That thing is more than just an echo, it’s an imprint on reality itself of Zeke.” Hollow chuckles. “Well Zeke is your reflection. Not that surprising if you just go with it.” “Yes, Zeke has potential. I can see him replacing me, but, his desires are simple, his family. So long as he has that, he’s content with life and likely won’t fight ever again after this second war.” Hollow had a dark look. “Than let's pray no one is stupid enough to take them from him. If so...than maybe Ben and John combining Void and Nothingness might be the only thing that could stop him. The Foretellers are strong and have massive potential, but they are nowhere near their true power now. John and Ben have a head start. Dreams and Nightmares are a powerful force.” “You think they can defy the one crowned as king of this whole reality?” Cript asked, giving Hollow a confused look. “The X-blade isn’t just the weapon to guard and protect the balance of the worlds and Kingdom HEarts, it’s the symbol of the king, each wielder was crowned King, or queen, but that tidbit was lost before it even even got a wielder, when it’s forge was overrun with the first Heartless. Zeke knew this, so despite his power, it’s all him. He never tapped into a drop of the X-blades power. Like his predecessors, he left the throne empty, and the crown unworn.” Hollow chuckled. “Do you forget? Ben and John are Royalty themselves. A King and Emperor of their own realities and Facts.” “Ben is in line for Nothing, but not for long will be be the only one. That old fart has been eyeing Kexez a lot lately. I know that look in his eyes, he wants his throne to go to the strongest.” “Be that as it may. Ben issue going to give that up without a fight. He and his council will get stronger and stronger. When John decides to visit I'll have him give him something. Something that will help.” “Hm, two kings, one emperor. Wonder what the Foretellers will be?” Cript laughed. Hollow looked at Cript with a smirk. “Isn't it obvious? The Council of Dreams and Nightmares. Both are a powerful force. Similar to light and darkness, nothingness and void. A force of nature with unlimited power.” Hollow looks at John. Knowing that he'll become one of the strongest beings in existence. Along with his friends. > Mark of Master. Finish. John vs Drexel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- John stood on one end of the platform that wakes up his station of Awakening. The other person, Drexel, was on the other end. John processed what Drexel just told him. “Your...reincarnation?” Drexel nodded. “Like the Foretellers. You are the reincarnation of a keyblader from the keyblade war. I am Drexel Quake. A member of the Unicornis Union. I was around during the war. I won't tell you what happened. That can come later. For now though you must complete your exam. I'm the last obstacle, but I have three things you must do. First.” Drexel than snapped his fingers. Four Heartless appeared in front of him. They looked like Invisibles, but had a different colors on their horns and swords. “What kind of Invisibles are those?” John asked. Drexel smiled. “There are a class of heartless beyond the strength of regular heartless. These are Omega Heartless. Orges to be precise. They are at least five times more powerful than the average Invisible. Your first test is to defeat the Omega Heartless I summon. Defeat them all and we'll processed to the next part, but first.” Drex than snapped his fingers again and John felt Fenrir disappear. He saw it in Drexel's hand and was confused on that. “Sorry, but Fenrir was my partner before he was yours. Don't worry I got you covered.” He snapped again and a new keyblade appeared in John's hand. “That is Starlight. A beginner keyblade from the Unions. It's basically a sheath for your true keyblade.” Drexel explained. John figured he now had to pass this without Fenrir. Which is a weird feeling since Fenrir was basically his only keyblade. “Now than..” Drex raised his hand up before bringing it down to start the test. “Begin!” John jumped back in time to avoid blast of darkness that each Orge unleashed in an instant. “Nature's Favor!” He powered himself up and charged at them. John used Firaga and Blizzaga to knock back two of them while sliding on his knees and bending backwards to avoid a sword swipe that would have cut his head off. He then used Blitz and Areoga on the fourth to send it flying. John then turned around and blocked a strike from the first Orge, but the third one used its swords extended chains sword strike to cut deep into his side. Slicing through his defense like it wasn't there. He gritted his teeth before moving again. He jumped as high as he could and used his Flame Salvo and Thunderstorm to pummel the second Orge back weakening it. As he got prepared to finish it the fourth one suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed him by his neck before throwing him into the air. Before he could recover the first and third Orges pelted him with dark blast and to finish the combo the second and fourth slammed the pommel of their swords on his gut sending him crashing to the floor. John gets up coughing some blood. ‘These things are strong. So this is what Omega Heartless are like.’ He had to do something or he could lose or even die. He examined them closely. Each looked almost exactly like an Invisible, but the horns, sword, tail ends, and wings were blood red. They are much stronger and faster than regular ones. He noted their condition too. The Second one was in the worst condition so it shouldn't take much to finish it. The first and third ones were average and the fourth was in better condition but not full health. He got ready to finish this. The fourth one used the chain sword shot which made John quickly move his head or get decapitated. He blocked a swing from the third one and kicked away a blast of darkness from the second one. He then kicked the third Orge’s wrist making it drop its sword before quickly roundhouse kicking the hilt of the sword making the blade stab into the third Orge's chest. He finished it with a swipe of Starlight removing its head. As the Ogre disappeared John jumped back to avoid two chain sword strikes from the first and fourth ones. He used Thundarga to both damage and stun them. He quickly charged at the second Orge with a Sonic Strike combo hitting it six times before using Strike Raid on it. The Strike Raid finished it off. Leaving only the First and Fourth Orges left. He decided to use a command style...while mentally smashing his head in with a 2x4 made of adamantium for not using them before. He focused on Starlight and used the command style Blade Charge. A purple blade of light surrounded Starlight and extended. The Ogres got ready for the fight. They were still for a few seconds before charging at each other. John swung his keyblade parrying both and quickly attacks the first one. The sword of light didn't add any weight so it didn't slow him down. He just has to adapt to the longer reach. He knocks the sword out of Ogre and swipes at it a few times. It was still for a few seconds before lines appeared on it and it fell apart disappearing as it did. John then blocked a chain sword strike that sent him back about a dozen feet. John undid Blade charge and used Firaga on the ground in front of it. After it exploded he charged into the smoke sliding on his legs when he got in. As he slid the Ogre swiped its sword but since John was sliding it missed him. He got up behind it as it was recovering from the attack and stabbed its head with starlight killing it. After it disappeared John took a knee trying to regain some stamina when Drexel spoke up. “That's one wave. Time for the next.” The glee in his voice made John wish he could slug him at the moment. Next thing he knew two huge shadows appear. They looked like Guard Armors but had a more golden color scheme. He didn't have time to think more because he had to dodge one of their fist from flattening him. He jumped back dodging it before using Firaga on its hand. He then used Curaga to heal most of the damage he took. He had to be careful now. He felt his magic running low so he has to use it sparingly. He decided to finish it fast and used another Command Style. Critical Impact. His striking power increases from the style. He baits one of them into trying to smash him with its fist dodging at the last moment before jumping on it. He then used a Shotlock Ragnarok. The blast both greatly damaged and stunned it. It stumbled back before he jumped up and slammed his keyblade into its head before stabbing it. While Starlight was in its head John used Firaga causing its head to explode. John turned towards the final one as it stood there. He deactivated Critical Impact and activated another one. Ghost Drive. His speed increases greatly while leaving after images in its wake. He blitz around it leaving over a dozen afterimages around it confusing it. He used a speed based attack to quickly finish it. Blazing Strike. He attacked randomly around leaving deep cuts a dozen times. Combined with the speed of Ghost Drive it all happened in less than a fraction of a second. The Guard Armor fell over and dissipated. He used Cura to restore some stamina before getting ready for the next wave. “Nice job. Although I probably should have saved the Ogres for later? Just because these were bigger didn't make them more dangerous than the Ogres. I was going to summon some Darkside Omegas, but this wave proved that wouldn't work. So let's get right to the final part. An Alpha Heartless.” With that Drexel snapped his fingers. A single heartless appeared. It was smaller than the Invisible, but from what his gut was telling him it was stronger. It had on a hood with big red claws for hands and two small wings on its back. It had the Heartless symbol on its chest. “ A Darkling. A heartless that was once a keyblade user that was swallowed by darkness.” John just looked at it as it looked at him with a crazed smile. It suddenly appeared before him uppercutting him into the air then appearing above kicking him downward. It appears again quickly near the ground about to attack again, but John was able to block it before slamming his knee into its face. He then used Firaga up close causing the blast to send him back as well as damaging it. He put Starlight up to block which was a smart move as it blocked the Darkling’s claws. He kicked it in the gut sending it back a few feet before using the Photon Bomb shotlock causing multiple explosions injuring it more. When the smoke cleared it looked damaged but was still wearying to go. John closed his eyes and focused. He needed to end this now. So he decided to try something risky. Combining two command styles. He decided to combine Ghost Drive and Sky Climber. He focused for a second. Feeling both styles trying to mix. He felt them fighting each other inside his body injuring him, but he was able to stabilize them for at least a few minutes. He disappeared from the Darkling's view before it was kicked in its jaw into the air. It used its wings to stabilize itself and tried to find John. Only to see dozens of afterimages of him around it before it was struck multiple times from all angles. It tried attacking but it only kept hitting afterimages. John then called out his final attack. “Extreme Zantetsuken.” A dozen afterimages suddenly attacked at once each appearing on the opposite side of were they appeared. It was dead before it could even fall apart and dissipated. John deactivated the styles and fell onto his back. He was in pain and was exhausted. He was hoping that this exam was over already, but something tells him that this isn't over. Before he could think of something a warm light washes over him. He feels his strength, stamina, and magic restore. His wounds are also healed. He sits up and looks at Drexel. Who was the cause of this. “I'm impressed. For someone of your lvl to do that was impressive. I'll give you a few minutes of rest before I do the final part of this test.” Drexel than sat in a meditation form leaving John to his thoughts. ‘Ok. One more test to go and I'm done. If what's happened so far is anything to go by. Then the last one is going to be the hardest.’ He looked over himself to see if he is still injured anywhere. He doesn't see any injuries. Although he see a paldron on his left shoulder. He stares at it for a few seconds before remembering. ‘......I have Keyblade Armor…’ He wished he had a boulder or something to cave his skull in for the major stupidity of forgetting that. He got up and used Cura to finish healing before looking at Drexel. “You've done well so far. I've been watching you ever since you were given your Void Mark. Your not perfect. Far from it, but you always made decisions based off both your morals and conscience. You done very well during your Exam as well. Against the Heartless, and your Rage. Now. It's time for you final test.” He held out his right hand and Fenrir appeared. “You must now fight me.” John nodded before activating his keyblade armor. The Crowns armor. He noted the left arm still appeared, and when he tried to move his left arm the armor moved. ‘Well. Looks like my armor lets me use two arms whether I have two arms or not.’ “Nature’s Favor!” He felt the enhancement settle and got ready. John and Drexel charged each other. They clashed their keyblades for a minute before breaking apart. “I was once a member of the Unions from before the war, and have gotten training from all five. First style from the Leopardis Union. Speed.” Drexel then disappears in a burst of speed kicking John back a dozen feet. John recovered from the attack and used Speedga to increase his speed. Both enhancements that increased his speed allowed him to follow Drexel and fight back. After countering Drexel with an elbow to the face he jumped back grinning. “Not bad. Lesson two is from the Ursa Union. Power.” John charged at him trying to end it when Drexel caught his wrist and with one swipe sent him back over a few dozen feet. John got up with multiple cracks in his armor. He then used strengthga to catch up. When they clashed again a shockwave formed that left cracks in the ground. They continued this till Drexel dodged one of his attacks and kicks him a dozen feet back. “Next is Vulpes. Magic.” He switched Fenrir with another keyblade. Counterpoint he thinks. He then launched a Volley of spells from fire, lighting, and ice. John countered as best as he could. He used Reflectga to sent a huge Firaga back at Drexel who just dissipated it a single swing. “Anguis Union. Stealth” Drexel then used a spell called Smoke that left a smokescreen around them. John looked around for him when he turned to block his midsection only for Drexel to smash his helmet to bits and send him flying. John got up and closed his eyes. He listened, tried to sense him, and listen to his gut. He then blocked a strike from the side while kicking him out of the smoke. Drexel got up smiling even more. “Well done. Now then the Unicornis Union. The Union I was apart of. Balance.” Drexel seemed to glow as he charged faster then at the beginning. John used Ghost Drive to keep up and used to afterimages to try and confuse him. Which didn't work. They clashed like that for a minute before Drexel stopped and disappeared. John looked to his left and his right before he heard a clap from behind him. “Great Job. You held your own. Even if I was majorly holding back.” When he said that it shocked him. He wasn't using his full strength? Was he that beneath hi? “Well from what I gather I say you pa-” “DON'T SCREW WITH ME!!” Drexel paused at the interruption. He saw a look of determination and anger as well. “ This isn't over yet. Use everything. If I can't fight you I wouldn't be able to surpass you and protect those I care about. So show me everything!” John yelled. Drexel had a shadow cover half his face hiding his expression. He didn't move a muscle. Suddenly Counterpoint appears in his left hand taking John by surprise. ‘He can dual wield?’ “You want my full power?” Drexel question. Half his hair turned white as light started pouring off Drexel in waves. He then stanced up with both keyblades in the Valor form. “Force me.” John suddenly found himself soaring through the air in pain. Drexel than kicked him back to the ground. He saw his armor was destroyed from those two attacks. He looked up and saw Drexel with one white wing on his right side. He felt his power, and it was huge. ‘I'll need to push myself further than ever if I want a chance to win.’ With that in mind he got up and prepared. “ First Style. Critical Impact!.” He felt the command style boost his striking power as he prepared the next. “Second Style. Ghost Drive!” He felt the pressure from both drives as he felt his power and speed increase eachother. Drexel looked unimpressed. “Combining those two won't be enough to face me.” He stated to John. John just chuckled. “ I know that. Who said I was done!? Third Style. Spell Weaver!” He felt the pressure increase dramatically on his body as he used the command style that increased his magic. All three worked together to not only destroy his body, but increase his abilities. “And fi-finally. Fourth Style! Sky Climber!” The fourth one activated. He felt like his body was being torn to bits. Drexel's eyes widen at the display. “Are you willing the kill yourself just to win?” John looked at him. “No. I'm willing to die to protect everyone I care about. I don't care what this does to me. I won't lose to you!” John suddenly disappeared with Drexel having to quickly block a strike to his right only for six afterimages to hit him simultaneously. “Sonic Strike Frenzy!” Twenty afterimages suddenly started attacking Drexel with Sonic Strike six times each for a total of 120 strikes sending him back a couple dozen yards before he recovered and sent a barrage of light blast that hit each one dispersing them. He looked around for John before tilting his body backwards to avoid a Zantetsuken from ten afterimages around him before kicking upwards at the real John sending him up. Drex chased him but John disappears. He looks around to see twenty afterimages zooming around him trying to confuse him. Drexel wasn't deterred. He began to parry, dodge and counter strikes, magic, and other moves John tried on him. He then grabbed John's arm and kicked him down to the ground. ‘John’ than dispersed making Drex realize that was an afterimage. He felt a power behind and turned to see ten afternoon and John using a shot lock on him. “Light Cannon.” All of them blasted Drexel with it sending him flying. The blast collided with the ground causing a huge explosion. John waited for the blast to subside while staying on guard. When the smoke clears he sees Drexel standing in the middle. Hair completely white with two wings now. He pointed Counterpoint at him and said one word. “Bang.” John felt pain in his right shoulder. He looks to see a hole in it. Before he could even react he was punted up into the air before he was smacked around over a dozen times. He couldn't tell if he was knocked left, right, up, down, or even backwards. He felt Drexel grab his neck looking into his eyes. “Just to be clear…” He leaned forward to whisper into his ear. ..I'm not even at a fraction of my power.” He suddenly kicked John downwards before liftoff Fenrir up into the air and forming a blast of fire that looked like a miniature sun. He sent the blast at John and watched as it consumed him. Drexel looked at the crater where John was. He knew he was still alive because they were still in his subconscious. He was impressed that John lasted this long. So he's going to pass him just for being able to force him to this level of power. He was about to power down when the ground where John was started shaking. The ground burst open showing John barely standing. He was panting hard and looked like he was about to fall. If it wasn't for the look he had. John had a look of sheer determination to win. To not fall. John shakenly started to speak. “I-I won't...le-let you wi-win!” Drexel looked at him. “And how are you going to beat me? You look like your close to death already?” Drexel stated. John didn't answer at first. When Drexel was about to speak again John powered up his styles again. “I don't care if you're not at a fraction of your strength! If I pull off eight styles I at least stand a chance! I have to beat you! If I don't the. I won't be able to protect anyone when it matters!! Fifth Style. FireStorm! Sixth Style! Thunderbolt! Seventh Style! Diamond Dust! Eighth Style! Blade Charge!” Drexel felt his power skyrocketing. He can't imagine the damage all eight of those is doing. He saw Starlight extend a blade of light from Blade Charge as its surrounded by fire, ice, and lightning. All eight increasing everything at great cost. John then disappeared and he felt ten simultaneously afterimages send him flying. He saw over thirty afterimages of John charging up for another attack. “Ultima Omni-Slash!!” All of them seemed to have hit him over a dozen times doing the combo, but for every one hit...he actually felt over thirty. The final one slamming into him sending him flying into the ground causing a massive crater. John stood a few dozen feet from the crater...before he fell to his knees coughing up blood. His entire body felt like it was dying. His arms, torso, and legs had tears in them that were bleeding heavily from the pressure of his styles. “At least it's over.” John said as he fell on his front. “Is it now?” Before his eyes could even open up wide he was kicked into the air hard. As he was sailing he was grabbed by what felt like a huge hand. He opened his eyes to only widen them. Drexel was flying in front of him barely injured with a massive dragon made of light behind him holding him in one of its claws. “I'm impressed. I felt that.” Drex said. John was then let go only to find himself in a crater on the ground in more pain. He felt like he was hit by a mountain. He saw the dragon’s arm twitch before he felt the crater deepen with him in more pain. ‘It can swing its limbs at light speed! I-I can't follow it as I am now.’ Drexel had the dragon attack a few more times before he decided to end it. He held out his hand and formed a small ball of light. He let it fall down to John where it exploded in an explosion much bigger than his last one. When the blast cleared he couldn't see John. “Well if you have to say anything about him it's that he is tough. Still alive after that. He definitely passes on toughness alone I think. Well better find him.” Drexel dropped to ground level to look for him. He felt the ground shake again as it exploded in front of him. He saw John slowly get up. He head down making it impossible to see his expression. He took a step forward when he felt it. Heat. There was a strange heat coming off of John. John disappears and appeared behind him. Drexel couldn't even see it. He cheek felt wet and when he checked it was bleeding. “What's?! How did you?” He asked as he turned to face him. John had a strange glow to him. His spiked a little. His eyes turned silver. He looked..relaxed? John wasn't tensed at all. A closer look shows that he actually looked unconsciousness even. John raised Starlight and said in a strange voice. “Nature’s Gift” The spell activates healing him and increasing his power. Drexel let loose more power and prepared. When John moved it looked unreal. Drexel could still follow and match. Even surpass it, but for such a sudden increase bogged him. What was this? They clashed for a minute and he noted that when John defends it is without hesitation and insanely fast that he could barely follow, but his attack isn't as fast. Drexel then attacked with his light dragon sending multiple punches that were faster than light at John, only for him to effortlessly dodge most of them. He landed a hit when he had to defend against multiple blast of light at the same time allowing one punch to get in. John landed on the ground after the attack recovering quickly. Drexel looked at him and spoke. “I don't know what you did to gain such an increase in speed, but it won't be enough to beat me!” John just lifts starlight and it glows. Drexel recognized it as a style activation. Before he could interfere he is suddenly attacked by five John's, but each hit felt like thirty. ‘He activated both Ghost Drive and Critical Impact!?’ He was sent flying. Drexel recovered after a little bit of rolling and chuckled. “Hehe of its a fight you want?” He then surrounded himself in light as he powers up. “It's a fight you'll get!” They both clashed. Sending shockwaves from their blows at each hit. Drexel felt each hit he took, and he was getting excited. It's been so long since he could all out and he was loving it. He couldn't land a hit on John though. He was blocking, dodging, and parrying everything he sent at him. This continues for the next minute which felt like hours. He saw John twitch and suddenly get more aggressive in his attacks. He was getting hit more but it felt like they were getting weaker. Whatever must be powering him must be running out. Drexel flew back and had. His dragon prepare a massive blast of light in its hands. John started focusing all of his power into Starlight at its tip. This was the final move. John charged at him while Drexel's dragon was still charging. Drex sent multiple light blast trying to stop him but he was effortless dodging them and still charging his keyblade. The dragon final charged up enough and sent the huge blast of light John. It looked like it would hit till John took Starlight and used it to surf the beam. Drexel's eyes widen at that as John got closer. When he was close enough he got off the blast and send a beam of light from the tip of the keyblade. It was the light used to lock/unlock both keyholes to worlds and open up doors to light. It hit him through his chest and sent him back a dozen feet. Drexel was lying on the ground. John looked at him while the glow disappears. John than falls down unconsciousness for real this time. After a few seconds Drexel gets up. A hole in his chest. This test was to see how he hands against an opponent superior to him in every way and he passed, but he didn't expect John to do as well as he did. He decided he deserves a gift. Drexel placed his hand on John head and not only heals him, but places knowledge of spells and moves that John can use. Not everything though since some are moves that only he could perform for special reasons. John disappears from his mind. Meaning he was about to wake up. Next time John sleeps he will meet the old demon in here to learn of what's to come. For now though. “May Your heart be your guiding Key. Keyblade Master John Corvo.” > Mastering Void. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- John felt nothing for a few seconds. He doesn't remember what happened. He was facing Drexel and...nothing. ‘What happened?’ He thought. Feeling started to return to him as he felt the floor beneath him. He felt sore all over as well. He must have damaged himself will good with the Command Styles. He groans from his sores and tries to get up. He felt a hand push him back down softly. “Stay down. You need to rest more. You body is in pretty bad shape.” A female voice said. He could swear he heard that voice somewhere before. He opened his eyes to see the worried look of Aqua. “Aqua? What..what are you doing here? Should..shouldn't you be in Equestria now?” He asked. She looked at him a little confused. “I walked through the portal and ended up here. I don't fully know myself.” She said. “We have much to talk about you two. This is important.” They looked over and saw Hollow leaning against the wall. “ You really pushed yourself this time John. You almost died from your techniques alone. Not to mention what Drexel did to you. Your very lucky to be alive.” Hollow told him. “Speaking of which.” Aqua said before smacking John on his cheek so hard he was sent flying towards the wall. “ARE YOU INSANE OR SUICIDAL!?!? My master forbidden me and the others from combining our command styles saying the strain would be too much and that the negatives outweigh the positives. Why would you try to combine so many at once?! I saw TEARS form on your body and BLOOD shoot out from your self inflicted wounds!” John rubbed where he was smacked before answering. “I had no choice. If I couldn't beat him then what would happen if I face someone like that again? Doesn't matter anyway. I lost after I used them.” He said which confused Aqua and confirmed something to Hollow. “It appears I was correct. After you took that attack from Drexel you passed out, but what you don't remember is that you subconscious took over and fought Drexel. Held its own pretty well.” John was shocked at this. “Wait? I couldn't before then what changed?” Hollow smiled. “You seemed to half...taped into something while fighting him. I'll give more info if it appears again, but for now we need to talk.” Hollow then proceeded to inform both John and Aqua about what is going on. About the coming war, the group John must collect, that Aqua was a member which explained why she was here, and how their training must be increased. John signed. “Let me get this straight. We not only have another Keyblade War on the horizon, but I must gather a group of powerful individuals, which Aqau is already one, accelerate our training massively to prepare, and there is a powerful group that my group will have to deal with correct?” “That's right. I'm basically taking your training from five and kicking it to twenty.” Hollow said. “This is going to suck.” “I'm sure it won't be that bad.” Aqua tried to cheer him up. Hollow waved his hand and their keyblades were next to him with a Void mark burned onto their right hands. John tried feeling the Void like he used to, but for some reason it was much harder to use. “What gives? I can't access Void like I used to?” “That's the idea. I realized I made it to easy to use Void through the mark. John you have a unique ability called Void Construct which so far lets you create anything nonliving with Void be it a sword, gun, or even machines. But. The mark made it to easy to control. You formed a sword before you could use the ability. Now you and Aqua are starting from square one. I used some of my power to change how time works here compared to your world. Like a hyperbolic time chamber in a way. Now. Work on your control of Void. When you can make a sword we will continue.” So they began their training. John decided to meditate to improve his control. He used it before so it should help this time. While he was meditating he let the Void flow though his body. Into each of his limbs. He felt them get stronger from the power. He also held a strain. So he has to work and improve how much he can take. All the power in the multiverse won't make a difference if your body breaks down before you can use it. He looked over at Aqua to see her meditating to. Although she wasn't channeling Void correctly. “Aqua. Your doing it wrong.” Aqua looked at his both surprised and confused. “What do you mean?” “Your use to channeling light. Which is warm and bright. Void is completely different. It has a coldness to it. Different from Darkness. It doesn't feel evil. It feels cold. Empty. Like it's a bottomless abyss that can never be filled. An Abyss that neither light, darkness, nor anything can even begin to fill. Void itself...is infinite.” John told her. She thought about what he said and tried again. It took a little while, but she finally felt it. The coldness that John described. She began to try and access it. It took a little longer before she felt it flow. “Good. Now. Let it flow through your whole body. Each limb. Your arms, legs, head, and torso. Feel not only it empower you, but feel the strain it puts on you. Before we even try to make a weapon. We must first increase how much Void our bodies can take.” She began to spread the power across her body. She felt cold, but...stronger. It was a strange feeling. As she brought in more of it she felt her body react. Her muscles started to strain from the pressure of Void. It was different from using the Command Styles. When the strain started to get worse she eased up on the power intake. She distributed the power as evenly as she could across her body. When she was done she tried to hold onto the pressure till he body adjusted to it. “Great Job Aqua. Your getting it. Just keep this up. Try not to let it go wild or it could backlash.” John instructed while he continued to improve his own control. They had continued this for the next week. Steadily improving both their control and how much Void they can take. Hollow informed them that while they can draw in an infinite amount of power from the void. It's only true limit is how much the user can take. When you go over the limit terrible things can happen. You could break apart into atoms, you could mutate into an abomination of creation, or much worse. They got to a point that when John tried to practice some martial arts he noted that he was moving faster and that some control slipped. He talked with Aqua and both agreed that for the rest of the current month they would practice sparing to make sure they don't lose control in a fight. They started slowly. Moving through the motions to make sure it was not only correct, but strong and precise when it can time to fight. John taught Aqua both the Magic and Balanced fighting styles of the Vulpes and Unicornis Unions. Although he doesn't know how he knew them. He guesses that Drexel transferred the moves into his memories. When the month was over both have gotten pretty efficient at fighting while using Void throughout their bodies to enhance them. John was meditating while also thinking of ways to improve his control more. He knows that both Aqua and him must be able to make a sword from Void before they can proceed, but even after training for that month it's still incredibly hard. Time is passing differently here so John technically won't be gone as long as he thought. He looked at his hand and had an idea. He decided to start small with forming objects like spheres, squares, triangles, or even small platforms in his hand. The platform was the easiest to from while the square was the hardest. He informed Aqua of this and helped her form shapes as well. After a week John was able to form three squares in his hand and rotate them while Aqua can form a square in both hands and spin them as well. Even after this forming a sword was still very difficult. While trying to figure it out John had an idea. He told Aqua of how Tenno form an Exalted Blade with Void. He figured she would be able to use the stance to form it since he doesn't have his other arm. After a few days Aqua not only learned how to form the sword but was able to increase its efficiency. John took a little longer but can now make a sword out of Void from one hand. Hollow was impressed with this. Saying it normally takes much longer for someone to form a sword. He said before they move on he wants them to not only cloak themselves in Void again but to practice with their Void swords to improve their control and power. They went like this for the rest of the month.Making it two months since they started. Hollow decided it was time to move on to the next lesson. He then split himself into two with a doppelganger and took them into different areas of the dojo. He brought them two different sparing rooms. For Aqua she will practice using the Void sword and keyblade spells for now. John has to relearn some abilities of his. John began with Blink. It was easier to use the first time he got his powers, but now it's really hard. After a few hours he finished was able to blink. He continued it till he was sure he had it down pat. He then practiced Far Reach. It took an hour to get a void arm to form. The first attempt pulled him into a wall...as did the next ten times. After he was finally able to use it good enough he used Wind Blast. Another hour later and he can now send concussive winds to blow things away. He wanted one more of his old abilities back before he tries something else. Bend Time. It was one of his if not the most versatile ability he has. He wished he trained it more. His Rage was able to use it to get out of Stopga so it could influence other time altering abilities. This was the hardest to use. Manly because it was hard to tell if he was using it or not. He noticed a water fountain/pond that was set up it the dojo by Hollow. He went to it and tried Bend a Time again. After half an hour he noted the water was slowing down. So he can use it. Although it will probably be a while before he can stop time with it. Aqua was training with the Void sword when Hollow stopped her. He wanted her to try and use her spells with just her hands. Incase she couldn't use her keyblade for them. She admitted it was a good plan so she trained this. After an hour she was able to use a basic Fire, Lighting, and Blizzard spell. This not only was harder to do but she felt they drained more magic than she thought it did. Showing that the Keyblades don't only just allow easier spell casting but reduces the magic cost as well. She kept up at this while also trying to increase her magic capacity. After another hour she was able to cast the basic spells easier then before and more often. Showing her magic capacity has increased a bit. Now she need to master their third lvl and she can safely say her magic skill is much stronger. After another month John and Aqua have come along way. John and Aqua have both practiced hand magic and can now use the third lvls of their spells as well as having increased their magic capacities. Their control of Void is much better to. John is now able to summon a new arm of Void and their Void swords are much stronger and efficient. Hollow decided that now was a good time to send them on a quest of sorts. “You two have come far. John it's been about a year since you started and half a year for Aqua. Now though begins the next step. You two must head to another world...and find the next member.” Hollow told them. “Next member? You mean like Aqua?” John questioned. “Yes. This next world will have the next member. John your group will be made up of Five members. The Champion. The Knight. The Paladin. The Sorcerer. and The Berzerker. You already have The Paladin. Aqua here. When you gain a new member I will tell you what they are. Now. Go.” Hollow explained as a portal appears. John and Aqua looked at each other and nodded. Both headed through the portal. Ready for whatever the challenge may be. > The first King: The Thought. P1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When they left the portal. It was snowing. They looked around to see they were in a forest with it snowing a lot. Aqua shivered a bit from the cold. “Wish I had a jacket or something.” She was currently regretting her choice of outfit. She then felt something put on her shoulder and that it got warmer. She looked to see it was John's jacket. “W-wait! Don't you need this?” She asked. Blushing a bit from the gesture. John shrugged. “It's ok Aqua. Back home I sometimes had to walk through the ice cold snow on the way to my parents restaurant without a jacket. Sometimes in just a t-shirt because I was short on time. It doesn't bother me that much. “ Aqua adjust the jacket a bit to fit her more with a blush on her face. They walked through the snow looking to see where they were. As they were walking they started to hear someone yelling. “SANS! Where are you?!” Someone yelled. The name they yelled made John stop. Sans. Sans the Skeleton? Is this the Underground? Well at least John knows where they are now. Aqua on the other hand has no idea who Sans is. As they got closer they came onto a path in the snow. They saw who was yelling. A tall skeleton in some sorry of armor, snow mittens, and a red scarf. “Oh. Hello there. Who are you two. I'm The Great Papyrus!” Oh so it's Sans brother. The Sans he knew from Zeke's world told John a bit about him so he wasn't surprised by how Paps acted. Aqua was a bit surprised by the tall loud skeleton. She giggled a bit thinking Ventus would have loved to meet him. “Greetings Papyrus. I an Aqua, and this is John. We're new here.” She greeted him. Papyrus looks at both of them a bit before asking. “Are you two...Human?” John could see that Papyrus was holding in his excitement. Sans did say he was a human hunting fanatic. “Yes.” Was what John said. “WOWE!!! Two humans in the underground at once! Undyne will be so proud of me when I bring her two humans! Nyeheheh!” Papyrus exclaimed. John and Aqua chuckled at this. “Wait. Weren't you looking for someone just now?” Aqua asked. That made Papyrus stop and remembered. “Oh ya. I’m looking for my lazy bones brother Sans. He left his post again so I'm trying to find him. Where could he have gone this time?” He said walking past them. John and Aqua followed him deciding to help. They walked for a minute before they..came across something. John and Aqua’s eyes widened at what they saw. A kid...dead in the snow. There were bones sticking out of the ground around them. They kid looked like they died not to long ago. While John and Aqua was wondering what happened Papyrus walked up to the kid. “Oh hello. Are you ok?” He checked the kid only to find their soul was gone. He was surprised they were able to keep their body together despite lack of a soul. He picked up the child and began to move. “Come along. Let's go to Undyne's place. She should know how help this human.” John and Aqua followed. Not knowing what to say. Papyrus seems to think that the kid is ok. Just with their soul gone. Doesn't know that their dead. Man he is innocent. They just followed in silence for a while till they made it to Undyne's. After meeting her and seeing what's going on. She took them to Alphys’ lab in Hot Land. “ So you-your telling me after Pa-Papyrus met these two hu-humans they searched for Sans, but fo-found a human without th-their soul?” Alphys asked. We were standing in her lab next to her huge computer. Undyne had explained what has happened so far. They continued to converse with Papyrus joining in so John and Aqua talked. “So...you think who we’re looking for is one of them?” Aqua asked. Curious to see if it was true. John shook his head. “The mark would have reacted or something if it was one of them. Whoever it is, is in the Underground. I just don't know where.” As they were talking Undyne bolted past them with Papyrus following close behind. John and Aqua blinked for a second before booking it after them. Papyrus filled them in that the Soul was already at the castle so Undyne is booking it there because she believes that someone stole the soul and is trying to hurt Asgore. Papyrus was carrying the child the whole time. Undyne eventually got uncomfortable with Papyrus carrying a dead child and ask. “Papyrus. Why are you still carrying that thing?” Papyrus looked at her while still keeping up with her. “ They are without a Soul yet they haven't turn to dust yet. They can still be help!” Undyne had an uneasy look on her face. “Pap. Humans don't…” She couldn't bring herself to tell him. Not that John or Aqua could either. They didn't want to destroy his hopes. “You know what. It's fine. Yeah. We'll help the human.” She gain a determined look. “AFTER I DESTROY WHOEVER DARE STEAL A SOUL FOR THEMSELVES!! NGYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” She shouted with more spears forming with her. “Well someone has enthusiasm.” John said while sprinting behind them with Aqua. “I know we should be worried about a kids soul being stolen but why are they making such a big deal?” Aqua asked. Oh right. She doesn't know that souls here, human souls to be precise, are powerful things from what Sans told me. One could make a monster extremely powerful. “Human souls here are different. If a monster from here absorbs a human souls they become much stronger. An already strong monster can become monstrously, pun not intended, stronger. Seven human souls are needed to break the barrier surrounding this place. What do you think would happen if a monster absorbed seven souls?” John told her. Her eyes widen at the thought. Sans told him a monster who has absorbed seven souls basically becomes a god. He don't know how they would stack against actually gods but he also don't want to face that. They continue to run towards the palace. They had made a stop to take the elevator,...but it wasn't working. “OF ALL THE TIMES FOR THE ELEVATOR TO NOT WORK!!” Undyne screams out loud as she took the long way with them following her. John could have swore he heard something that can only be described as...angry fish noises... As we ran Undyne look at Papyrus. “ No matter what happens, Pap, you stay behind me! Same with you two humans. We don't know who took the soul or your brother Pap. That kind of power could make anyone into a humongous threat.” As they hurried John and Aqua felt a shift in the place. Like something disappeared. Aqua had no idea what it was, but John had a suspicion. ‘Was that the barrier? Was Asgore given the soul or something? We better hurry.’ He thought. They soon made it to the throne room. It was a large open room with most of the floor covered in flowers. Buttercups from the looks of it. There was a single throne in the center of the room. Undyne looked around for a bit before becoming frustrated. “Ngah!!! He’s not in here?! He must be at the barrier!” She told Papyrus to stay here since he wasn't an official Royal Guard yet. He did since he figured someone had to watch the kid. Undyne didn't say anything and continued to the barrier. John told Aqua to stay with Papyrus just in case while he went with Undyne. She was hesitant a bit about staying behind but agreed anyway. Papyrus put the child in the throne chair and sat next it. Aqua sat in the other end of the throne. They sat there for a bit before Papyrus started talking. To the kid. “Do not fear small Human. Undyne will save your soul.” He said. Aqua was silent. She wanted to tell Papyrus that the human was dead, but couldn't bring herself to. “By the way. Who are you and the other Human that went with Undyne? You two are different. I can sense magic within you two?” He asked. Aqua was surprised he could sense it. So she answered. “My name Aqua. The other human is called John. John Corvo. We...aren't from the human world, or this world entirely.” She confessed. Papyrus looked at her with a shocked look. “Not from this world? What do you mean?” “Well. Me and John are part of a group of people that travel to different worlds, or dimensions in some cases, in order to protect them and keep the light safe. Although I think my objective changed a little since joining John.” She said. “Wowe! Different worlds. That must be so cool! Although. What do you mean your objective changed?” “It's complicated. For now let's say me and John are here looking for someone. Don't know who though, but we'll know who soon. I can tell.” Aqua told him. Papyrus looked like he had more to say, but decided to ask later. A minute goes by before Papyrus says another word. To the kid. He had a sad look on his skull. “Small Human. I can't help but notice how you've been so silent.” He looks to side. “I've actually...never seen someone who has “Fallen Down” before.” Aqua looked away from what he was saying. She had no idea what fallen down in the underground ment, but it was most likely bad. “I don't know why my brother is missing...or why your soul was stolen…” He had a sad look while he was saying this before he perked up a little. “But!!! I do know some things.” Aqua smiled a but seeing him cheer up a bit. “Undyne is the best at saving people. And lots of other things two, and King would love to meet you.” He then had a slightly annoyed look. “My brother would probably just flood you with a torrent of awful puns.” Aqua giggled at that. Glad things was taken a lighter turn. She was about to talk when the mark on her left hand started to glow. a few minutes ago. John and Undyne were sprinting towards the barrier to find Asgore and whoever took the soul. They kept moving till John heard speak. She was hesitant in what she was saying. “The barrier...I don't see it?” She was confused. The barrier was gone. “Maybe...maybe Asgore was given the soul?” “Or someone killed Asgore and stole the souls for themselves.” John said. He hoped he was wrong, but he had to think of everything possibility. Undyne looked at him with a pissed off expression. “SHUT UP!! Asgore wouldn't lose to some thief!” So they kept running. John kept thinking about what is going on. After he helps the, he is going to have to search for whoever was supposed to be one of the Void kings for his group. Hopefully things go smoothly….now he wants to smash he face in via Hulk for jinxing it. As they kept going they started reaching the end. As they headed outside Undyne saw Asgore standing on the cliff looking away from them. She hurried up. “Asgore!” He turned around to see Undyne running to him. “Undyne?” He looked behind her to see another Human following her. He was surprised to see him. He can tell that this human is different from all the other humans that fell into the underground. He can sense his magic. “You did it?! You've broken the barrier!?” Undyne said exited. Asgore looked down. A sad and devastated look on his face. “No...I did not.” Undyne had a confused look on her face. John was wondering. If Asgore didn't break the barrier then...who did? “You didn't? Then..who..?” A bright light suddenly appeared near them. John looked over with Undyne to see a six winged figure. The light made it hard to tell who it was, but they can both see the seven souls on this being. “ I-I don't who or what you are, but YOUR GOING TO GIVE BACK THOSE SOULS!!!!!” Undyne said summoning some spears. Preparing to battle. John summoned a void sword and prepared as well. Undyne had the spears surround the figure. She gave off a grunt as both she and John can't tell who it is. “Show yourself!” The figure was getting closer. Undyne start speaking with authority. “Who do you think you are? It's the job of Royal Guards and Sentries to get the human soul. Why would you steal from our King?!” John kept his sword ready. He has no idea who this is and what they're capable of. Who is this? “And Papyrus’ brother! What did you do to him!?” She demanded. As the light went away. Undyne and John saw something familiar. The skull of a Gaster Blaster. “He’s right here.” The figure was tall. It was a skeleton. It had six wings on it. Two red feathered wings with two souls on them. Another was two bat wings with two souls on them to. The last was skeletal wings with two more souls on them. Combined with the red soul in his chests makes seven. The number of souls needed. It had three to four jaws on it with its teeth were knife like. While it didn't wear the jacket. It had on some familiar shorts and slippers. It was Sans. “I've definitely been in better shape though.” He said. John didn't know what to say. Till he felt his hand, or more specifically his mark react. He looked at it and realized. The Void King candidate...was Sans the Skeleton. > The Thought. P2. Psycho. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- John and Undyne looked at Sans stunned. John was surprised by Sans form more than anything. He took the souls? He killed the kid? Why? From what he could tell when he knew him Sans wouldn't just kill some child out of nowhere. Although Sans never told him all of what he faced when he was still in the underground. Undyne was the first to speak. “Sans…? You did this?” She dispelled her spears. John put his void sword away as well. “ Yeah.” Sans answered. “I meant to tell you.” Asgore started to say. “But you did not give us time to react.” Asgore look at Sans’ new form. “Sans meant no harm, I am sure in doing….this.” Asgore looked at Undyne with a confused look. “How did you know to come here, Undyne?” “Papyrus couldn't find...Well, he found the human’s body, without the soul.” She explained. “Papyrus?” Sans questioned. Undyne looked down a little while she walked a little closer to Sans. “I…..thought the human Killed you, Sans. And some monster wanted to betray Asgore.” “ Nah. It's cool. I just needed to open some doors. And now Asgore can have these back….right?” Sans said while having a questionable look at Asgore. Like he wasn't sure himself. Asgore looked troubled. Asgore finally closed his eyes with a sigh. “Sans...I do not think you understand the gravity of what you have just done.” Asgore looked away a little. “The only other monster to take a human soul…...Died. Leaving no trace of his or the human’s soul.” Asgore looked up at Sans. “Sans...I do not know if we can safely change you back.” ‘That could be a problem.’ John thought. He doesn't fully know if it's Sans or maybe one of the souls he took. To many variables to know. The biggest question for him though. Is the mark saying Sans himself is the candidate, or just his current form? Undyne started speaking again. With her voice raising as it does. “Great. This is just great. Just flippin DANDY!” “Undyne?” Asgore questioned. “Why would you do this Sans?! Everyone's hopes, all those dreams, depends on those souls. Just…” She then looked at him confused with her fins, gills?, drooping down a bit. “Why. You've never rushed anything before. Why didn't you let me do my job?!” She asked. “So no one else had to die…” He said giving her a strange look. Is he talking about the resets? He mentioned them before. “It is...hard to understand. Why not take a moment to explain what has happened for you to decide to do this.” Asgore asked. “Thats the catch. You wouldn't understand what has happened. Cuz it didn't happen yet.” Sans said with a shrug. This only pissed Undyne off. It also confirmed to John Sans was talking about the resets. “WHAT?! Do you think I'm stupid?!! That body Papyrus found is just a kid. They scared you!? And what am I supposed to tell him? His brother killed the final human and turned himself into a god?!!!” She gave Sans a hateful look. “All of that hope...And it ended up in you.” Undyne turned and walked away. Asgore looked down. “I will...have Alphys see to getting you back to normal.” Asgore followed Undyne back to the palace. Sans signed as they left. He then noticed the other person. John. Sans eyes widened at another human appearing. “Yo...so that happened.” John said. He didn't know how to react right now. He knows this Sans is different compared to the one he knows. “Another human? Sans said to himself before his eyes narrowed while the souls...eyes? Whatever they are looked at Sans with a worried look. ‘Wait. Are they consciousness? That's a little surprising. I'll keep that to myself for now.’ “Don't worry Sans. I'm not some genocidal maniac. Names John. John Corvo. I'm here with one other human, don't worry she is friendly. We're looking for a certain someone. Well I suppose I already found them but I'll wait a bit longer to see if I'm correct.” “Who are you looking for? You know what? Never mind. Don't really care.” Sans said. Sans didn't really trust John. Although that's not surprising with what he's been through already with humans. “I won't blame you for not trusting me. After everything you probably went through in this world I wouldn't blame you for trying to kill me on the spot.” John said. Sans and John were silent for a while. After a bit Alphys appears and sees both of them. More specifically Sans and what he has become. “Hey Alph. Sun’s nice isn't it?” “Oh my god...Sans? You?....” Alphys said. Stunned by Sans look. “Yeah.”Sans said. Alphys was silent for a bit. “The sun...is nice.” She said. Alphys looked at Sans again and spoke after a bit. “You took all seven souls.” It wasn't a question. “Yeah.”Sans answered. She was quite again for a bit. Possibly thinking of what to say or ask. John remained silent. Choosing to let them talk. “I'm not going to ask why. You wouldn't tell me. But...I will ask...How. How did you do it?” Her claws were shaking together as she held them. “I have cameras all over.” She asked. “I turned one off.” Sans replied. “The one by the ruins?...” “Yeah.” He said. “How did you know the human was going to be there?” Alphys asked. Sans seemed to pause again. Probably having flashes of the past meeting the human. “Someone told me a long time ago.” “So. W-we luckily have some options on how to get those souls out of you.” Alphys explained. “Cool.” “O-option one is to,uh,see if you can't voluntarily r-release them yourself.So!Uh,try that!!! First.” She exclaimed. John and Alphys watched Sans concentrate for a bit. John could have sworn he heard waiting room music. “Nope.” Sans replied. John made a void trombone and played the failed note. One that Sans has played before when his brother fails to stop the dog from stealing his bones. Sans chuckled a bit. “Oh…”Alphys looked dejected from that not working before shooting John an annoyed look for a second. She then turned back to Sans. “Well, OK, option two is...we could...Attempt to attach you to the...The DT-Extractor…” She said with a nervous look on her face. Sans looked at her with John noticing one of his eyes were red. “But that'll take a few weeks to s-set up…” She looked down a bit. “It's built for six human souls, not seven, and we don't know if your...your body will even persist once the souls are unlinked.” She then looked at Sans souls which was visible. “Even if we lower your DT levels enough to recapture the human souls...Y-you might….your soul might….Fracture.” She then perks up. Most likely trying to ease away the tension a little. “Also!!! The lab is an awful mess!! And option three... isn't exactly….” She didn't finish the sentence. “...ok. We got time to figure this out.” Sans said looking at the sun. “Hopefully we get a solution that doesn't end in your death.” John said looking at the sun as well. They were like that for a minute before Alphys spoke again. “I'm sorry, Sans.” “Nah. That's me.” He replied. He didn't want Alphys to blame herself. It's his fault he became this. Suddenly multiple flame blast were heading straight towards them. When they struck. Alphys notices that Snas used one of his hands to shield her with John slicing a few in half with a sword made of some magic she couldn't identify. Sans looked behind him with his right eye glowing red. “Watch your aim.” “It's not nice to attack bystanders.” John said. Not the best thing to say but hey. He isn't some cheesy action movie star with one-liners out the wasu. Sans did noticed who attacked them and sighs. “You.” The female goat person said. John didn't know her name, or couldn't remember. “Yeah...I wondered when this would happen.” Sans said. “You...I...I trusted you.” She said with tears in her eyes as she ignited her fist/paws with fire. “I asked you to look after this child. I asked you to promise. To protect them!!!” She then launches more fire blast at Sans as she yells out the final part. “And you killed them.” Sans was peppered by the blast, but they did nothing. “I tried to protect them. So many times...but something went wrong. Sorry lady.” Sans said. John knew that was a bad call. “Sorry? No.” The fire in her hands grew more and more. She had more blast of fire appear around her. “DO NOT LIE TO ME. YOU WILL SUFFER.” She blasted him with more fire, which again did nothing. “How can you stand yourself? Do you not feel remorse?” She asked sans as she attacked him while crying. She must have cared a lot for that child. Sans just looked at her. “I don't feel anything.” He said with barely any emotion. The way he said it stunned her for a bit. Which was enough time for Undyne to grab her from behind. “GOT HER!” Undyne yelled. Undyne started to yell as she lifted the goat woman in a way that seemed familiar. “Unhand me !?” The goat woman said. Before Undyne had suplexed her into the ground. John could have swore he hear a K.O. Like from old games when her head hit the ground. Undyne then got up and yelled to Papyrus who was heading this way. “Papyrus Go!!!” “Righto, Undyne!” He said before surrounding the other woman with blue like bones. “Blue means stop! As long as you stay still you'll be unharmed!” He explained. Now it was time to explain things to him it seems. (AN: sorry for not writing what happens but not only is this chapter WAY behind but I'm also playing it safe to avoid a copyright strike or whatever. I unfortunately might have to do this again on later chapters featuring the rest of John's group. If I do I'll be sure to make an OVA chapter that details what happened later on. No promises though.) It's been two weeks since the Barrier went down. The goat woman, whose name John had learned was Toriel, made Asgore hand over the children so she can give them a proper burial. Except for Papyrus along with John and Aqua, everyone seems to either hate Sans or are scared/disappointed in him. It took a while to figure out what comes next, but one of the things that happened it that Papyrus is finally a member of the Royal Guard….with his first post being to watch his brother till Alphys can remove those souls. Which it appears no one else knows that Sans hp is 1. With Seven Souls Toriel couldn't hurt him, but with his stats….removing the souls could very likely kill him. They didn't want news of what happened to spread so they won't tell anyone that the barrier is down at that sans is now a god apparently. His cover name is Wing Ding. Sans and Papyrus’ cousin that's visiting. Another thing John, Aqua, and Sans learned is that the souls...are conscious apparently. Sans’ new form is also very popular with the kids of the underground. To Papyrus’s confusion. Sans also needs to teleport to get in and out of the house. John and Aqua decided to stay with them to help out. They practice their sword play while their with Papyrus joining as well. Though they had to promise Sans they won't hurt him. And on the deeper note. Sans technically has eight souls, technically because one doesn't have their soul and comes as a package deal with Frisk. The kid from before. Sans almost either killed them or just hurt them very bad. Till Chara, other one, told they didn't start the Genocide runs. They just helped. Chara said Frisk started it, but Frisk said they didn't. They thought Chara was the one that started it. Which left Sans confused. If neither Frisk nor Chara started the Genocide? Then who did sans stop? John has a bad feeling about this and Aqua agrees. Aqua visited the others to see how they were fairing. Asgore is silent and Toriel basically hates Sans, Alphys is hard to work on modifying the DT Extractor, Undyne is still coming to terms on what Sans did, and no one else knows about the barrier yet. Meanwhile John has gotten Sans to at least train a bit to see how each soul and its power works. With them being conscious they help with as much as they could with their abilities. Frisk didn't seem to have an ability just yet and Chara isn't helping. So sans is at least a little knowledgeable of what the other Souls do. He also had to basically retrain his blue magic to Not grab the Souls he currently has by accident. Was pretty funny the first few times seeing Sans basically throw himself to the ground like that. One day. Undyne came by informing that Alphys was ready and wanted Sans over so they can run a few more test to be sure. When they got to the lab they greeted Alphys who looked a little surprised to see them. “W-wow you guys got here f-fast.” Alphys said. “I've only been waiting for this like every day now.” Undyne told her. “She basically through nearly all of us on her back and sprinted here.” John said. Nearly all of the, because she didn't want to carry Sans. He beat us here with his Shortcuts though. “W-well, uh, I need to run some test on Sans first. So…I-if you, Papyrus, and the two humans wouldn't mind, can you wait in the lobby here?” Alphys asked. Undyne and Papyrus agreed, but John was a little hesitant for some reason. He had a bad feeling all day. “I'll go with you two. Don't worry. I won't get in the way. I promise.” John said. Alphys hesitated a bit, but agreed. She led Sans and John towards the lab while Undyne, Papyrus, and Aqua waited back in the lobby. Alphys and Sans sit on a bench she had so she can get his readings. See if he was ok for the machine. “Let me just. Uh…There.” Alphys said as she had Sans stats on her tablet/computer. She looked pale as she started to realize what his stats were. “Oh my God!?” “What's up?” Sans asked. John had a feeling it was do to Sans’s stats. “For starters, you do have theoretically infinite power in you. But… You only have a base stat of...One?!?” Alphys asked. She started to get worried. She had made buffers to help Sans survive the extraction, but she didn't think the room for error was….so small. “Alph, I'll be fine.” Sans started to say. “Not with these stats!!!” Alphys yelled. She then tried to calm down a bit. “I...Ill figure it out. You just wait here, ok?” She asked. Sans agreed as she started brainstorming what to do. From John's perspective. Sans was probably talking to the Souls at the moment. John and Sans waited in silence. Alphys went to another room. Probably to find a solution to Sans low hp problem. “Hey Trash Bag” A familiar voice said. “That's not my name.” Sans said. There sticking out of the floor, after moving a tile like its a hatch, was a familiar talking yellow flower. Flowey the Flower. “Whatever. So, uh, smiley...What are you doing down here?” “Getting a checkup.” Sans said. Which made the flower mad. “Don't get cheeky with me! You were talking with them, right? All the souls,” he then had a more demon like face. “Must feel heavy on your tiny soul.” Sans said nothing for a second. “Asriel.” He said to the flower. “W...what did you call me?” The flower, whose real name is Asriel, asked. “Why couldn't you have just stayed as everyone's friend, Asriel.” Sans asked. “...Well I guess… I didn't want new friends. I had a best friend,y’know.” Asriel said. “Yeah, I do now. They miss you too.” Sans said. Shocking Asriel. And if John was a betting man. He would bet that Chara was shocked at Sans telling Asriel that they were there as well. “Chara! Chara! I knew they missed me! They brought me back! Can they hear me? Chara! Your still my best friend!” Asriel said. He then spoke in a more quiet tone. “ I knew they couldn't have been the one who hurt me...and if they can hear me…” He then looked at Sans with a fierce expression. “You better not be doing anything to hurt them Trashbag.” He hissed at the end of that. Sans assured him they were fine. Asriel left soon after because Alphys was on her way back. But not before saying bye to Chara….and leaving with a laugh that basically nightmare fuel. When Alphys came back she asked for John's and Sans help with the new buffers. They walked to the area where the DT extractor was and began helping. As they all began to work. Alphys. Tried to talk sans out of going through with this. “Alphys...do you remember those timetables?” Sans said. Interrupting Alphys. “Of course I remember. It was… A little scary, but only theoretical. Branching of timelines is normal with quantum theory. And…you left not long after those findings. I still don't really get why.” Alphys said. “It’d be nice if it'd been just a theory. You've been real busy since then, huh?” Sans asked. They continued this talk for a but before Sans finally told her about Resets. About that he can remember them clearly. She was shocked to know...that Sans had been through so much without anyone to talk to or to help. Because they wouldn't remember on the next reset, and reminding them of it over, and over would eventually drive one mad. “I had a thought. What if...they never brought us back,what if we stayed dead. So I...panicked. This is all finally new. We're moving forward. And I'm tired.” Sans said. “S-sans...If I do this…” “It'll be fine. The king and Queen will protect everyone. They don't want war. You've found a way to accept your mistakes before. Undyne will cool off, eventually. My brother is finally a Royal Guardsman. And I'm tired.” Sans said. That bit about him being tired...John knew what he ment. “Let's get this over with.” They talked a little before Sans asked her to strap him in. John watched Sans get put into the machine. Alphys asked one more time if Sans was ready. Then activated the machine. For a bit things were going ok...then something went wrong. Cracks stated to appear in the tubes that were draining the DT from Sans. Alphys yelled for help. John did his best to help. He heard Undyne and the others come running down the hall to help as well “What happened?!” John asked. “It cracked from the Strain! I...OH GOD-I-” While she was worried on the machine Aqua noticed something dire. “His HP!!” We all turned towards the Display...Sans HP was O.2 out of 1! “Oh crap it's killing him!” John said. “Sans!!!” Papyrus yelled. John and Aqua went to use their Cure spells to help sans when he...disappeared? “Oh no...N...No…” Alphys said. “Where is he?! The...THE SOULS?!” “Undyne said. “Th-they're gone. Just...Gone!” Alphys said. Alphys stated to have a panic attack. Saying she failed over and over. Undyne was trying to comfort Papyrus along with Aqua. John...he was confused. If he was gone...were was the dust? Monsters from here turn to dust when they die. John looked at his mark on focused on it. Trying to see if it could help...when he felt it. “He's alive!” John said. Making everyone look at him. “Sans is still alive. My mark here is connected to him. When I said me and Aqua were here looking for someone. That someone ended up being Sans. My Mark would have let me know I he died, but it's telling me he is alive.” John walked over to the machine. “Aqua. I'll go after Sans. You stay here just in case. Be careful.” John said as Aqua nodded her head. John held his Void mark at were Sans disappeared, and after concentrating for a bit. Disappeared as well. John found himself….he didn't know where he was. He was nowhere, but this wasn't nothing. He wasn't at the Void either. He heard what sounded like a battle a little bit away. He headed over as fast as he could. He saw sans and someone else fighting. Sans was pulling out all the stops. Shooting, blasting, power punching, blocking, and throwing ballet shoes, no you heard me correct. The other one was dodging all his attacks and attacking back with what looked like Gaster Blasters but with different models. Sans used the notebook power to dodge some attacks. But his opponent was like those cheap enemies. Nothing Sans threw was hitting. John decided to enter the battle to turn the tide. He blinked next to the other figure, surprising both, and punched him in his skull like head. Wait it was a skull, but also liquid like for some reason. Well at least he hit him. He then appeared next to Sans. “You ok Sans?” “I'm fine. How'd you get here anyway?” Sans asked as he shot at the other figure. Since he was stunned from John's attack he was hit once before dodging the rest. For the next few minutes they continued to either miss Gaster, who John learned his name later in the battle, or destroying more of his Blasters. Only for more to take their place. John then noticed Sans stopped moving for a bit. Gaster tried to capitalize on it with a blaster from behind. Only for it to be sliced into oblivion but what looked like a cross between a big knife and a huge sword. It had a flower where the blade and handle connected. “Sans is on break. It's me…” They raised the weapon and rested it on their shoulder. “Chara.” “Since when can you guys do that?” John asked The battle continued. Only this time Chara started to push Gaster back. John took out any Gaster Blasters he could. He really wished he had his old strength back. This would be much easier. Then again this is part of his training to not overly rely on transformations. As the battle seemed to come to a close with Gaster being pushed more and more...he stopped. He looked up. “He is coming.” Gaster then disappeared. And something crashed into the ground a couple meters away. “Great, now what?” John asked. First Gaster now someone new?! He can already tell this is going to get bad quickly. John barely managed to dodge a projectile, something like an arrow but… made from a material alien to him. “Been a while since bloke like you made your way to my quarters.” When the dust, that came from seemingly nowhere, settled, John stood looking at a man, long grey/silver hair, yellow eyes, thick metallic armor, and wielding a bow with strange arrows… and he was british in voice? “Ok just who the heck are you?” John asked. Sans/Chara was keeping their blade ready just in case. “Jones. I am… was an Admin. War was my game, and the bow my weapon.” He said, drawing the arrow back some more. “There is hardly anything my arrows can’t kill.” “That's Code isn't it?” Sans asked. Which surprised John that he knew what that was. “Yes. Not mine though. Only other admin to beat me robbed me of my code and caste me adrift through dimensions. I popped out in this world, where I… twinked this worlds code to my liking.” “So...your the one that made Frisk their puppet.” Sans stated. “I also made Chara homicidal, brought back Asriel as that murderous flower, and when good ol Gaster got here I made him my pet. I also gave you those nightmares. Gave Frisk the powers to Reset. The list goes on but I belive you get the idea.” “So after you got you tail beat you appeared here to make it your personal playset.” John said. “I had realms of war! Countless armies all fighting under my orders! Lord stole all of it from me! How that runt of the admins became so powerful I’ll never know. At least I can take comfort in the fact he’s pretty much retired these days.” “Then we'll take his place and kill you.” John said with both him and Sans readying their weapons. “No, do you want that?” Jones asked, almost...mockingly. “You see, without me… you can’t keep bones over there alive as those extra soles are removed. I can even bring those children all back to life…. Now if you kill me good luck but you’ll still have seven dead children and an ash pile at the end of it all.” John glared at him hard. While Sans...was still for a bit. John figures he was talking to the souls. He couldn't tell what was going on there. Then sans look at Jones….and snapped his fingers as two Gaster Blasters fired. Jones dodged at the last second. “Normally. I would have gone with keeping you alive. But those kids...I've been a worse influence then I thought. Even when their such good kids. They can't forgive you for what you've done to their world. Even the merciful ones. Though to them it's more of a mercy to stop you then to let you cause more suffering. So.” He held Chara’s knife/sword on his shoulder and points Justice Pistol at Jones. “You ready for a bad time?” Standing, Jones cracked his neck. “Have it your way buds.” Jones was fast, his draw and release on his bow was fast… very fast. Sans teleported out of the way while John dodged with the arrow barely grazing his mask. “But I’m weakened, not powerless.” “Wouldn't be fair if you were.” John said as he sent Void waves at him from his sword. Jones dodged or shot them away. Though he barely dodged a shot from Sans Justice Pistol. Jones fired an arrow at the Justice pistol, shattering the attack in one blow as he fired three rapidly at John. John dodged by using Shadow Walk. He then Blinked right up to Jones and slammed his right hand on Jones Chin. Then he quickly switched hands and slammed Jones into the ground. He saw that Jones had braced for it in time and prevented most of the damage. Jones swiftly spun around, bow already drawn as he let go, the arrow slicing some of John’s leg clean off. A good fist sized chunk missing as Jones spun up, kicking and tossing John off the the side before firing five arrows as Sans. Sans deflected them with the Frying Pan and teleported next to John, who was still close to Jones, and slammed a fiery Bravery Fist into Jones face. Jones took an arrow in his grip and jabbed it into one of Sans hands. Sans’s god tire hp fell by ten percent. Then one of Jones hands was nearly sliced off. He saw that one of Sans hands held Chara’s knife. It did major damage to his hp even though it was just a bad slice on his hand. Which pissed him off. “Vile brat.” He hissed, breaking off the tip of his arrow and wielding it like a dagger. “I programmed your entire moveset and redid your whole psychology. You really think you can surprise me brat?” “No. Figure we wouldn't, but we can distract you.” Sans says before lazily pointing behind Jones. He turned….to take a mallet made of Void to the face. “Not a golf club, but Fore!!” John yells as he hit Jones face with a mallet sending him back a couple of yards. “Hey pitcher.” Sans said as he appeared before Jones hit the ground...to smack him with the frying pan like its a bat. “Let see if he can ‘dish’ what we give him.” Sans said. “Enough!” Jones yelled, halting his own momentum from the hit mid air before flying up some meters. “Targets locked. Storm Riser.” He said, drawing his bow back, his arrow glowing bright as he fired, immediately countless super charged arrows flew in every direction, barely an inch of space between them. “I got them. Get down!” Sans yelled as he had four Gaster Blasters appear and fired powerful blast of magic deflecting most of the arrows. John got one in his shoulder before he could get to safety. He pulled the arrow out before noticing it glowing brighter and brighter. “Oh crap!” He through the arrow away before it exploded with enough force to send both of them back a few meters. The arrows around them that impacted the ground began exploding in chains. The blasts taking their toll on the duo. When it ended, John and Sans where bruised, hurt, and barely conscious. “I have to admit, the fact you two survived that attack impresses me.” Jones said, walking up to the two. “Even Lord has his trouble with it, but I was at full strength back then.” “I-I won't le-let you win.” John said as he struggled to get up. He felt a familiar pressure on his left eye but beat it down. “What he said.” Sans said. Also trying to get up. The Souls giving him more Determination. “Your worlds souls where what interested me.” Jones said, his hand phasing into Sans, Sans screaming in agony as he pulled out a red heart shaped soul. “The red one in particular.” “G-give that b-back!” Sans said. Somehow still holding his form. “Oh I will, but first… Chara still has a job to do.” Jones said, the soul glowing green with ones and zeros aura covering it… code. “What are you doing?” John said. While Sans realized what he meant. “Fuzing the two, and turning them into what is normally an Admins fear...but I’m no longer an Admin.” Jones said, the aura faded as the soul turned back, and Jones waved his hand, the soul floating into a portal he opened. “He will return to his body, and be reborn a Delete. Once his whole world, underground and human worlds are gone… his body will fail, and he’ll die.” “It’s me or the kid, who will you kill first? Kill me, who knows how much he’ll erase, kill the kid, well, I’ll still be alive.” Jones laughed. John's anger grew and grew at what he heard. “Is life...just a toy for you?!” John said with his eyes hidden. The pressure in his left eye growing more and more. “It’s what Admins do.” Jones said, opening his arms wide in his own self victory. “We create because before us there was nothing, not even Deletes or anything within the ancient void our ancestors were conceived within. We create because we can, create whatever we like, whenever we like, and when we are bored with it, we either scrap it, or let the Deletes have at it. It’s what we do, and it’s what we always will be.” John slowly stood up. “Sans…” John thrusted his arm at Sans without looking and the Void mark appeared on Sans left hand. “Frisk and Chara are still apart of you. With that mark go take them back. As for this….bastard.” John looked up at Jones. The pressure in his eye enormous. “Leave him to me.” “Hahahahaha. Bring it you little plaything!” Jones laughed, acting…. Happy that John was still able to fight. John snapped his fingers to open a portal for sans to get back to his world on stop Frisk/Chara. “Good luck.” Sans said before going through. Leaving John and Jones. “Your not leaving here alive.” John said. As he started walking towards Jones. “Then let’s make it interesting.” Jones said, pulling out a stopwatch. “I bet I can end this within fifteen minutes. Or is that too little time for you?” John didn't reply. He just blinked in front of Jones and reared back to slug him. Jones could easily dodge it, but was stunned by the red glow...behind John's left eye? John's fist was covered in both purple Void and the same red glow. That glow was very familiar. He then sensed it half a second before it connected. Jones barely dodged it, then jumped back several feet. “No wonder you are so hard to kill. You’re a Psychopath.” Jones said. John looked at Jones before removing the contacts in his left eye. Revealing his blood red eye. “I had to ever since I was young. I always feel it clawing away at me. It's why I always hold back. No matter who it was. But you? I won't hold back anymore. Like I said. You will die.” John said as he was covered in both Void and Psychopath energy. “Hm. I guess I will then.” Jones said. “No Admin until Cript has ever bested Deletes, or Psychopaths… Still, least I can die knowing that when you kill me, and get a taste for that power, Cript will have to kill you. That’s right, I see that look in your eyes, you’ve killed before, and you’ve grown to enjoy it. Least I can take joy from that.” Jones said, drawing his bow. “Interesting statement, but you forgot one thing.” John said. “Oh what? That Cript can save you? That you’re stronger than the Psychopath hive? Spare me the banter and either die or kill me!” “Not that.” The voice was from behind Jones. A hand covered in Void, Psychopath, and Jones blood went through his chest out the other end. Holding his heart. “How can I have a taste of this power, when I had already had it for so long, and I only resist the control. I'm fine with the rest. Unlike the others. Killing doesn't bother me.” John then crushed Jones heart. The John in front of him dispersing into shadows. “Hehe. Since when did freaks like you come to be?” Jones asked as he fell back. “I’ll be seeing you in the next life, you monster. Maybe then, I’ll have your head…” Jones said, his eyes closing as his breathing stopped. “Maybe. That is if I get a second life.” John said. Before looking behind him to see someone he had been expecting since he used this power again. “You’ve been busy.” Cript said, walking up and kicking Jones’s corpse over. “Damn, that’s messy.” John just stared at Cript before saying. “So. You here to kill me or what?” Emotionless like. Happens when he uses this. “No, just to see how far you’ve tapped in.” Cript said, looking over John’s eye. “Barely tapped the surface correct?” John said. “Once you are linked to them, you can draw power from them. Being an assassin I can imagine that would be easy as their power is linked to murder.” “I hear them every time I so much as think of taking a life. I hear their whispers all the time. Ever since I was a kid and got my first kill.” John said. “Does it ever get easier?” “Nope.” Cript said, blinking as his eyes changed, both the Psychopath red as John felt that energy...dwarf him. “I was created to be one. I was created to end everything. Their voices were like a second personality to me. At some point, I did listen to them… when I killed one. But, I did something that let it’s host begin to break free.” “What?” John asked. “I forgave them.” Cript said. Both the host and Psychopath where surprised. I forgave them for all the torment they did to me, what they made others do to me. I’ve learned it’s okay to listen to them, but even Psychopaths and Deletes deserve kindness. For every psychopath I kill I cremate the body, for ever Delete slain I return them to void, and for every other life I’ve taken I bury what’s left.” John looked at Cript before looking away. “For a long time I hated these Voices. That hate grew after I found out that my rage lead to one of Zeke's halfs becoming a Psychopath and slaughtered countless life's. I hear what your saying, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive yet. Maybe one day.” John said. Feeling the Voices...were surprised he said one day. “Psychopaths aren’t as black and white as they appear. They feel, see, and experience every death caused by any kind of murder all the time. From both the victim and the murderer. They just want that pain to end, and it can only end if there was no more life to die. It’s how they see their way out of the pain.” “I see.” John said. Seeing more of what Cript said. Pychopaths aren't as black and white as most seem them as. When he said he wasn't ready to forgive. He also meant he wasn't ready to forgive himself. Hearing this though. Maybe...he should try to forgive. As he thought that. He felt...strange. He felt this before. Once when light was a Psychopath, and when he fought his inner rage. He looked at his hand, and saw that same bluish glow from then. “This is….” “Humanity. Psychopaths other half.” Cript said, his eyes returning to normal. “Don’t get any ideas. Humanity is more potent, and if wielded with Psychopath without proper practice, you will explode with the power of a red giant gone supernova.” John looked at his hand, and couldn't help but wonder….why? “What makes me different from the others? Zeke and Ben I could understand. Zeke is your reflection and Ben is both the heir to Nothingness and you son through that family curse. So...what's so different about me to get this? Someone like me...shouldn't have this kind of power.” “Neither should I.” Cript admitted. “I’m just a guy built and born to destroy creation and stole a destiny that belonged to another. Well, stole might be the wrong word. I fulfilled the destiny of another.” John pondered on what Cript said, but before he could ask he heard the Voices again. Repeating a word over and over. “Cript?” John asked. “What's Generation? The Psychopath Voices keep repeating it over and over.” “An ability. Very rare, very...broken, overpowered.” Cript shrugged. “Ok. Why are they telling me this though, and what does it do?” John asked. “In time. You still have this and another chapter do wrap up.” Cript said, confusing John. “Did you just break the fourth wall?” John asked. Yes. Yes he did. ”Yeah, but that’s for you to interpret.” “Ok. So what now?” John asked. “Well you killed an Admin. Speaking from personal experience you get their shit. He has no realm, code powers. So you just get his bow and a rare ability of your choosing.” “Ok. Can you use you pipboy thing to tell me it's stats please. Also what abilities?” John asked as he bow appeared in his hand. He forgot the name of those things. “It’s called and Assistant, and sure. Here’s your new bow.” Warblood. Class B Admin Weapon Att: 2,000 Def: 350 Mag: 975 Each kill with this bow raises it’s stats randomly. Ability: Drink- Coat your arrow in blood before shooting, and let the arrow give you their, and all around them’s strength. “Dang. Is the stat boost permanent or temporary?” John asked. “Do you think it is?” Cript asked. “Permanent would make this weapon almost broken in the right, or wrong, hands and temporary seems more balanced.” John said. “Well it is an Admin weapon.” Cript added. “Good point.” John put the bow away. “What abilities were you talking about anyway?” “Well, let’s see.” Cript said, his Assistant scanning John with a blue light before he showed it to him. John Corvo Rewarded Ability of choosing for Defeating former Admin Jones 1.Requiem: Every low level enemy that manages to hit you is automatically countered and if low enough level, killed/ 2.Rags: All armors worn deflect and block all ranged attacks regardless of their condition or materials. 3.Finite: All weapons never break, no matter how damaging of a blow. John whistles at these abilities. “I can only choose one correct?” He asked. “Yup.” John thought for a bit before choosing. “Finite. Keeping my weapons from breaking during the job is essential for an assassin. Weapons break during a fight almost guarantees death.” John felt himself… different. He pulled out one of his blades, and tried to break it…. To no avail. “Neat huh?” “Ya. This is useful.” John said before putting the blade back up. “Just wondering. Have Ben or Zeke fought and killed an admin yet, or am I the first out of us?” “Ben killed a Delete and Zeke is, well, preoccupied.” “Oh. Ok. So. Is there another reason your here besides my psychopath powers and killing Jones here?” John asked. “Not really. I’m here mostly as a plot device.” “Ok then.” John said. Ignoring the fourth wall break. “I should go get Sans and Aqua. From what my mark is telling me Sans was successful in reuniting with Frisk and Chara. Things are ok. Although Most of the underground is gone.” “True. Well, you go on then.” John put his contacts back on before opening a portal. He walked through it. After meeting up with Aqua and Sans. Sans decided to join John as they all went back to the Dojo. Those that lives from the underground moved to Equestria. At one point John was training on his own. When a portal appeared next to him…. > The Emperor. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kexez sat across from Spoiled in the main lounge of what was once Core’s castle. Spoiled was showing, her stomach grew some inches. “Surprised it’s taking so long.” Kexez commented. “Yes, perhaps given what it will become it takes longer for the body to develop than expected.” She replied, reading over one of Core’s research notes. “These Big Daddies from Rapture are perfect. So strong, and disposable, replaceable. It’s great.” “Well now this is a surprise, and I don't see much that can do that nowadays.” A voice suddenly said. Kexez turned around. The figure before him was adorned in John Corvo’s clothing, but he knew better. “And, who might you be? All things considered only two people wear that mask that I know of.” “Well technically it still is two.” He said making a chair made out of Void appear and sat in it. Completely at ease where he is. Like there was nothing threatening there. “Spoiled, mind waiting in the library.” Kexez said, Spoiled taking the notes and leaving the room as Kexez took a seat. “Well now, to what of many evils of this grand hell do I owe the pleasure of meeting?” “Call me Max for now, and watch you tone.” He said playfully at the end. Before it turned serious radiating power. “You never know who might kill you for just looking at them.” Kexez mood, nor expression showed no fear, interesting Max as Kexez simply smiled. “That is the best answer I’ve heard in a long time.” “Interesting. So I saw what you were currently planning for the moment. Any worries that someone might...interfere?” He asked. “There is always a risk when Heros run around swinging Keyblades and whatnot.” Kexez said, a small scroll manifesting into his hand. “But, nothing is as simple as what the surface shows.” “Too true. So what do you think happens now?” Max asked. “Depends, what was your intention given you appeared unannounced.” Kexez said, walking over to a small table with a bottle of whisky and glasses. “You drink?” “No. Nothing against it. Just with my position I need a clear mind...even though it doesn't affect me anymore.” “Hm.” Kexez said, grabbing the bottle and chugging it all. “This body is the product of generations of evil breeding, that evil enhanced by Psychopath blood til I was made. I had no will of my own. A balanced heart and a soul reflecting their ideals. I was just a vessel. Now, without any of them, I’m free to act on my own. I’ve come to appreciate it’s...mutations. Immunity to high levels of deadly toxins, and since that little incident long ago, no typical weapon can pierce my skin. If only the rest of life had such...abilities. Hm, maybe in time I can give them the same alterations I got.” “Interesting. This body has lived for a long, long time. Has been beaten passed death multiple times, and has...become something that even Admins fear. Well besides Cript and ___. Oh sorry. Forgot most can't hear his name. He goes by Lord nowadays.” Max said. “Another Admin playing with the name of a god? Hm, pitty. No originality even among our all makers.” “Is that what you think they are? The all makers.” Max said. “Depends, do you know otherwise?” “I head things. Beings that came before them that make them seem weak. I want...to be beyond even that. For personal reasons really. I already have a kill on the admins under me.” Max said. “Know who?” “Hm, interesting. Tell me more.” Kexez said, taking a seat across from Max. “You know this one...Cript.” Max said. “This bodies reflection. Yes. And this… Lord?” “He is Cript's master in a way. He fell to Cript when he went mad and nearly slaughtered creation.” Max said. “Really? Is this recent events, or...other?” “Heh. You catching on. A different timeline….that doesn't exist anymore because of me.” Max explained. “Hm, a sole survivor of your own doing. Not bad.” “Well no. I brought along a few others. They...are quite powerful. They are kings in my domain.” Max said trying to hint at what he is. “Domain? Hm, so John has competition then?” “Hehehe. You can say that.” Max chuckled. “Heh, good. Takes some load off my work, just leaves Ben, Zeke, and the Foretellers.” “Oh I know them. Let's say I've had a hand in some of the things that's happened before the whole Mayian day.” Max said. “Oh? Due tell, and leave out no details.” “Ben's parents in the original time, my time, died from an accident a year before the day. This time, I hired an assassin. You know her. Although she won't be able to say who hired her. Void...has many uses.” Max said. “Heheheh. Beautiful. And the others?” “Zeke's ancestry didn't go into Psychopath blood rage as soon as it did. A little manipulation and misplaced rumors do more than simple weapons at times. Now a whole family tree has kills and worse with tons of bodies. Necromancy has definitely increased since then.” Max said drinking through his mask...somehow. “Other then some subtle manipulation on some like his Grandfather to make them more bloodthirsty to the point they think it's all them I didn't need to do anything else.” “Hm, fascinating. And, the Foretellers?” “In my time their strongest attribute was when they all, and I mean all, fight together. A little mind trick over a couple years and Crow, one they were all close to, was changed. Now they have their own ‘Brother’ as an enemy. Not to mention I have plans for his light half as well as these ‘Unions’ of theirs. Their family will crumble. One way or another.” Max said. “Hm. Interesting, a puppet master sits before me. I’m honored. Care to make a… partnership of sorts?” “Interesting. Not going to ask about John?” Max asked “Nah, giving your...relationship I can imagine it’s the worst of the bunch. So, what can we offer one another?” Max was still for a moment. Before slowly reaching for his mask and taking it off. “I have info and specimens, as well as allies in the Void that can make things..very interesting.” “I have access to disposable, endless minions, abominations that transcend species, and quite the assortment of weapons of mass destruction. Biological, and… ballistic.” Kexez replied, not even flinching at Max’s face. No expression other than his typical smirking smile. “Those ‘weapons of mass destruction’ are basically toys compared to many things, but not bad. Also in exchange for a Favor now and then. I can ‘deal’ with anyone you think is too troublesome to leave alive. Whether you can actually kill them or not doesn't matter. I can either leave a statement, or...erase them.” Max said. Making his glass disappear. “Hm, tempting, but I need test subjects, alive preferably.” “When their alive is the most fun.” Max said with a vicious smile. “So deal?” “Deal. Care to make our first Exchange?” “What do you have in mind?” Max asked. “Ten thousand disposable new prototypes I’ve been working on, in exchange for a certain DNA sample.” “Zeke's I'm guessing” Max guessed. “No, someone else I’ve taken interest in. My, or rather, Zeke, threw his brother into the void during John’s battle with Core. Whether he’s dead or alive is irrelevant, but compared to Zeke, he came out more like I did, heart, soul, and body. I want to know what made that transpire.” “Simple. It won't take very long to find him. No one….can hide in my Void. Hollow believes he can, but it's pointless with my powers. The only one that has actually managed to is the Embodiment of the Void herself. Slippery one she is.” Max said. “Perfect. Here’s a...preview of your payment.” Kexez said, snapping his fingers as a an amalgamation of darkness and human crawled from the air itself. It formed a human shape, and stood like it was twitched, and crippled. “Hmm. What can this thing do exactly?” Max asked. It looked bad, but he has seen Much worse in Void. Kexez summoned forth a metallic ore, with a blue aura. “I belive you know of Vibranium.” He said, snapping his free hand as the creature charged at it, cutting it clean through with it’s talon like fingers. “It’s also tough enough to take an atomic bomb fifty thousand times stronger than any mankind has created in their lifetime. Only thing that can touch it is Zeke’s X-blade. There’s only one of those. He won’t be able to kill an army of them.” Max whistles as he approached the thing. He looked it over before stopping. “It's very impressive…” “The looks admirably a factor to tune up, but nothing’s perfect.” “...but.” Max suddenly appeared on the other side of it. Kexez didn't even see him move. Then the creature fell into tiny bits before those bits disappeared. “It's not as durable as you think. Something that only the X-blade can harm? Don't make me pity you. While it's an impressive weapon. It's far from the strongest thing in creation. Also while cutting Vibranium is impressive. When it can do that to Void Steel then I'll be impressed.” Max said sitting back down. “But don't worry. With my help those things can become even more...monstrous.” Kexez walked over to his fallen creation, sifting through it’s remains. “Hm. Pity, then again, it wasn’t designed to fight things like you.” “That's why you need to make things for beings like me. You never know when an Admin is going to just knock on your door.” Max said. “In that case.” Kexez said, a smile crossing his face. Max was almost creeped out by it. “Screw my ‘brother’. Get me an Admin. With that, I can make you anything.” Max smiled at this. “Deal. I think I know how. Cript likes to keep an eye on Zeke since they are reflections. Take him and John as a bonus should bring at least him. Let me take Cript. If he brings Lord we better just bail unless you keep him busy. I can actually face both head to head, but admins are like hackers. Have the code for everything and can become stronger at the drop of a hat.” “Question, if there’s code to make everything, what’s the Void version of Code?” “Ever hear of the dark Web?” Max asked. “Grew up with it.” “That. Code so unstable, so dark that Admins who use it create monsters we can only dream of. Never seen a Dark Admin before, but I’d relish the chance to meet one.” Max said. “Interesting. A job for another time them. For now any admin will do, Cript or not.” “I know. Now let's begin. Oh Vin.” Max called. Actually surprising Kexez. As Cript's father appeared with a very forced smile. “Oh, I can feel this one’s darkness. It’s so… bottomless.” Kexez said. “So I’ve been told.” Vincent said. “Me and Kexez here have a meeting with Zeke and John, and if I'm right Cript should appear. Open a portal to ‘that’ place will you.” Max asked. Although Kexez can see Vincent really didn't want to do what he basically was ordered to do. “Fine. Just remember, you stay out of my plans and I get that Essence.” He said, a portal opening behind the two. “Hehe fine just-” Max placed a hand on Vincent’s shoulder and released a presence only he could sense, and from what Kexez saw by his face pailing. It shook him. “-remember your place. Ok.” Max took his hand off him and walked back to Kexez. Vincent growled. “For now.” “Well let's go Kexez. Let's leave the kid to dream a bit.” Max walked through the portal, Kexez close behind. Vincent smiled, blinking as one of his eyes pupils change shape to an hourglass. “Dreams, heh, so that’s what you call facts.” He said, walking into a portal of his own. John was currently training his Void powers. His Bend time has gotten better. Being able to slow down time more and more and for longer the more he progressed. His Void sword is stronger as well. Being able to cut even titanium with little effort. He even progressed with Blink, Far Reach, Wind Blast, Shadow Walk, and Doppelganger. Blink can now reach much farther than he used to. Same with Far Reach. With the difference that the Void arm that it uses can now pull heavier objects then before. Wind blast is much stronger now. Being able to shatter a boulder. Shadow walk is faster than before. John has also increased both the durability and numbers of the doppelgängers he can create. Hollow took Aqua and the newest recruit to another part of the Dojo to train them personally. To help them master Void in their own ways. John was training by himself so he can focus more. He also had a side objective. After Hollow told him of what he probably went through when he fought Drexel. He tapped into a technique that is both really powerful and really hard to use. Even for the higher up beings. Although Cript probably has this mastered knowing him. He was about to activate Bend Time again when a portal appeared behind him. He was confused on why it was there. When a black tendril suddenly grabbed him and pulled him into the portal. When he noticed his surroundings he was...somewhere. The air felt like the Void but...different. He can't put his finger on it. It felt much...much older. While he was thinking a few more portals appeared suddenly. Two people fell through them. One looked like an Anthro Trixie and the other was Ben. “And now another bullshit thing is happening.” Ben frowned while getting up. “Oh, hey John.” “Hey Ben. Why is an Anthro Trixie here?” John asked confused why...whoever pulled them here pulled her as well. “Oh her? Well...it’s a bit complicated…” Ben said sheepishly. “Will you believe me if I say I have Zeke in me as my new soul?” She said. “Probably. Weirder things can happen.” John said shrugging. Just then, a late comer arrived, falling on top of Ben. “Ouch… my flank.” Eclipse moaned, rolling off the dire wolf man. “Oh, hey Ben...new guy...Trixie...Zeke. Charlie filled me in so...confused.” “Yo...whoever you are.” John said with a wave. “Oh yeah, you weren’t there when shit hit the fan.” Ben said while getting up again. “John, this is Eclipse, Eclipse this is John Corvo.” He said honestly. “And why the hell did you land on top of me?” “Probably comedic effect from someone bored?” John said. “So, what’s going on?” Trixie asked. “And for the record, Zeke’s asleep at the moment.” “Don't know. I was training when a portal appeared and a tendril of some kind pulled me into...where ever we are. I know it's Void but….it feels ancient.” John said looking around. “Well now the gang is mostly here.” A voice suddenly said. Two figures appeared a couple yards away. Ben and Trixie recognized Kexez, but the other one was someone new. Except he was wearing something similar to John, but it looked older. “We are just missing two more special guest.” The new guy said. “Holy…” Ben muttered, Nothingness crackling off of him as if to warn him of the new guy. “Okay…so let me guess...your the big bad here?” Ben asked the new guy worriedly. “Sure. Just ask Vincent who is currently waiting for this to get done. He can't wait till I die, because as long as I'm alive he can't do anything. Nothing but my personal butler really.” The figure said. “Although if I have my way...not even fate or any admin can stop me.” “Okay…” Ben said. “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen…” He said, summoning Frozen Pride and Reunion just in case. “Ohh a fight huh?” The figure said. “Put it away Ben.” Eclipse said. “For the time, we’re outmatched. Best hear his ranting and attempts to put fear into us.” “I’m only having these ready for his ranting. Cause he looks like the kind of guy to beat people while he’s talking.” Ben said honestly. “I would beat you in a coma without trying, but I digress. I know some things about each of you. Also if wanted to install fear into you..” Void started to cover the figure. “I would just tell you of how I killed Cript.” He said. “Excuse me but isn’t that factually impossible?” Ben asked, kind of confused and shocked to hear that. “Oh you mean of when Truth stole his humanity. His ability to die. Well there are things that even Truth fears.” The figure said. “Oh excuse me. I forgot my manners. I am Max. The Emperor of Void...and the future ruler of Existence.” “No wonder…” Ben muttered. “But future ruler of existence...right there, if trends have been going right, that’s not gonna happen.” “I’m with Ben on that one.” Eclipse added. “Ditto.” Trixie spoke up. “Figures you might think that. I would to back then, but I know how to do it, or at least a theory. I also noticed you guys and your interactions with Core. It's fun to see how one of my pawns go. Especially when they don't even know they are nothing but pawns.” Max said. “So many worms out there think their big shots. In fun to put them in their place like Vincent.” “Core….was a pawn.” John said surprised. “ I know there were things worse than him but he was your pawn, and didn't even know it?” “Yes. It normally would have took him a few centuries of grief to go mad like he did after what happened, but a little manipulation and the piece move how you want them. Just like you guys.” Max said. Ben looked at the guy with some thought. “Okay just so we all know, timeline’s are bullshit.” He frowned. “Ding ding ding. We have a winner. So how are your parents Ben? Still dead from that accident a year before you left from the Mayan event?” Max asked. “No actually, there back home with my few hundred kids.” I said honestly. “But I have a feeling that in your timeline my parents weren’t murdered...and then you proceeded to get them murdered if I’m not mistaken.” He said, having a damn good feeling about that given why he brought it up. “Correct. I might have to visit them this time personally. Only if it's me...not even ___ can save them. Or does he go by Lord now?” Max said with a twisted glee to his voice. “So...what’s going on exactly? Still new to all of this?” Trixie asked. “Well I wanted to draw Cript here, but I might just test you guys to see how you currently are, and don't worry-” Max said before taking a stance. “I won't even use Void for this.” “Well...shit.” Eclipse said, summoning a… Everyone’s eyes where on Eclipse’s X-blade. “What… Oh...right… Kingdom Hearts apparently made me one.” “...Neat.” Trixie said, summoning the original. “Zeke is gonna flip when he wakes up.” “Interesting, but…” Max said behind Eclipse suddenly. “Pointless.” With a small slap Eclipse was sent flying to his left. Max then turned towards the others and did the ‘come here’ gesture. “Cause of course…” Ben grumbled, summoning Lunatic and feeding his rage into it as he dashed forward and swung it as hard as he could towards the guy knowing he was gonna get his ass beat. Not even dodging he took the hit. “Good force, but you lack control.” Max then jabbed Ben in his throat sending him back a few feet coughing. Max then sent a few more jabs then kicked him sending him flying. Trixie stood focused, the X-blade glowing as she spun, swords and other weapons splintering out from the ground all around. Each sword then was lit ablaze, gaining Keychains on all ends. “Kilns Forge.” She said, vanishing as each Keyblade was picked up and tossed at Max at blazing speed. Max walked forward with the attacks doing nothing. “Nice plan, but it lacks true power. Each barely has a fraction of what a single attack could do, and even then.” He appears right in front of her. “Too weak.” He knees her gut hard enough to send her into the air before grabbing her tail and throwing her into Ben knocking the air out of him. John summoned Fenrir and a Void sword and used Blink to close the distance before attacking with both covered in as much Void as possible. Only for Max to flick him away like an insect. Grunting, Trixie got back up, getting off of Ben. “Damn. That was a good shot.” She said, managing to stand back up. She raised the X-blade, fire covering it and her body. “Kilns First Flame. Rekindle.” She said, slamming the X-blade down to the ground as flames of primal fire erupted all around. Max not even faced by it. Walked towards her. “These flames...aren't even worthy to be called the dead embers of a campfire.” With a small clap the flames went out and Trixie had to stab the ground to keep her from being blown away. “Having fun?” Ben asked, summoning Eternal Flames and spinning them faster and faster. “Giga Flare!” Ben shouted, raising the chakrams up and a massive ball of pure plasma was thrown down towards Max. John then lifted Fenrir and used one of his strongest non void spells while powering it with Void. “Rising Sun!” A giant ball of intense fire enhanced by Void fell on Max as long with Ben’s Giga Flare. As the smoke cleared Max is shown walking through it like he was just casually walking through a park. “I expected more really.” Max appeared in front of John and grabbed his right arm before kicking him towards Ben….with out his arm. “You forget about me!” Eclipse shouted, bringing down his X-blade from behind Max. The X-blade collided with Max’s neck….and didn't do anything. “Why should a giant worry about a speck of dust?” He then smacked Eclipse on the ground nearly sending him unconscious. As Max was about to speak, he felt a surprise across his side. The tip of a Keyblade, one he’s seen Cript wield, made a cut along his side. He looked behind it, seeing Trixie, wielding Cript’s Cursed Keyblade. “I may be undead, but I’ll not go Hollow to scum like you.” She huffed. Max whistles at this. “You have Cript's keyblade. Cursed Hero. Didn't expect that, but still.” Max grabbed her throat before bringing her close. “Giving an ant a gun doesn't make it anything else. It's still an ant.” He slams her on the ground hard. He saw her on the ground unconscious. “Well one down. Who's next?” Max heard a whistle below him...right as Trixie’s foot kicked his neck in. What surprised him. It hurt. Trixie’s hair was not a mix of her blue grey and blond, and her right eye was red… like Zeke’s. “Thanks for the wake up call.” Zeke spoke out. “Ah Zeke.” Max said rubbing his throat a little. “Nice of you to join us. So.” Max spread his arms out in a way similar to a certain alien that hates monkey tailed warriors. “Have at thee.” Max and Zeke then began fighting. Zeke not even using a Keyblade, which impressed Max that he was able to catch up. “I'm impressed you can keep up...with this speed.” Max then sped up to a point that Zeke was being pushed back when he found Max had grabbed his left arm and slammed him into the ground creating a crater. Before kicking him away near Ben, John, and Eclipse. “Can you still keep up?” “Better question is, why take it this easy on us?” Ben asked simply, getting back up as he went into master form and brought out both Skysplitter and Lunatic. “Easy. I don't want to accidentally erase you like I did Spike.” Max said. “Wait...it was you!?” Ben said in shock, rage starting to grow even brighter. “You…” Ben growled. “Me me me. Yes I was one that killed him. Be glad I felt kind enough to leave a body. Although I might pay another visit to another of Cript's family to see if he gets the point? Maybe Den, or maybe Eclipse’s mother? Oh so many options to choose.” Max said with glee. Ben’s rage snapped. In a flash Lunatic fueled by pure rage slammed into Max and actually sending him back about ten feet, Ben looking more feral in his berserker rage as moonlight and Nothingness radiated off him as he bolted towards Max with surprising speed and swung Skysplitter and Lunatic like a mad man. Max was struck multiple times before Ben sent him upwards and appeared above him for the finisher. John seeing a chance even without his arm he used a bit of Void he had contained inside himself to amp up Ben's attack which multiplied its power. Max was hit extremely hard towards the ground creating an explosion from the impact. Ben panted, not used to going into this kind of berserker rage as he still tried to beat Max down to make sure he didn’t get back up. Only for him to walk out of the crater, but he was covered in injures and the bottom half of his mask broke off. “Excellent. That actually hurt, but..” Max grinned wickedly before disappearing in a puff of black smoke. John instantly recognized what happened and shouted. “EVERYONE LOOK OUT!! THAT WAS JUST A DOPPELGANGER!!” Suddenly a fresh uninjured Max appeared between then. Slugged Ben in the gut, elbows Eclipse in the face, back kicks Zeke in the throat, and kicks John in the face. Where his right eye was. Sending each of them back on the brink of unconsciousness. John looked at Max only to notice something. Half of his vision was gone. He looked on ground to see a bit of his right eye on the ground. “I'm not even close to being done playing with you guys.” Max said. “Hey Kexez. You sure these guys are really worth worrying about?” Max said in a joking matter. “Cript from what I can figure has chosen them for greater heights. They’d be more of a challenge if they all had accepted the full extent of his help.” Kexez spoke from the sideline. “Though, I am wondering why Cript has yet to show up? Ben and Eclipse are his own, that should have made him appear by now.” “That would be my fault. I spread out a few false pulses similar to their own connection along with a few Deletes causing some havoc in his dimension. Didn't want him and Lord appearing to soon. Erasing our presence helps to.” Max said. “Although it's just a matter of time before he locates us. Max then felt a tap on his arm. He turned around. Cript stood behind him, eating a lollipop. “Sup.” He said, taking a lick. Max snickers a bit. “Figures you would appear right when I say that. I'm guessing Lord is here as well?” “He’s wrapping up your ‘distraction.’ I’ve been watching this whole time actually. Very impressed with how they have been handling themselves. Still, you forgot something.” “Figured I sensed you before, and what did I forget Cript?” Max asked. Cript took a bite of his candy. “I see the future too dumbass.” He then proceeded to spin kick Max across the field, into Kexez. Max, before he hit Kexez stopped mid air. Covered in a very black Void. “You think I don't know that. I was trained by you in my time.” Max said. “Kexez. You might want to step back. Things are about to get-” the Void covered Max and turned him into an armored demon. “Fun.” “Um...that’s...not good…” Ben muttered, backing away worriedly, being reminded of the first time he ‘saw’ Cript fight. “Hm. Trained by me you say?” Cript said, tossing what was left of his treat to the side. “Yes. Before you went mad and made me kill you of course.” Max said standing up. “Hm. Did I teach you everything?” He asked, putting his hands into his coat pockets. “No, but I did learn how to use Humanity at its fullest. Sadly though I had to cut myself off from it.” Max said. “Really? So I never taught you code? Huh, guess you weren't my successor then. Shame. You had promise.” “The you of my time actually thought I was little unstable for code. Besides. Why would I want Code? When Dark Code seems to fit me more.” Max said “Dark Code? You mean this?” Crips said, lifting a hand as Code power that drenched of evil and despair flowed from his skin. “It’s fun, but not the strongest. You’re after a dangerous toy.” “Never said it was strongest. And those are the best kind after all.” Max said. “The best? Maybe. Still I have something better.” He said, the code changing to something...hard to look at, and felt...wrong. “Broken Code. No code is stronger, and only two admins can use this power. I’m one. Guess the other.” “Don't really need to guess. Lord.” Max said. Cript moved his hand fast, the Broken Code forming a sword that he grabbed. “So, still think I’ll be no different than the me of your time?” “Heh. Not even a challenge.” Max said, and with that...Max and Cript collided. The shockwave sending everyone flying. Cript's sword of Broken Code against Max’s sword of Dark Void and...Delete. Somehow matching Cript's sword. “Hm. Not bad. Your form is sloppy though.” Crpt said, his sword phasing through Max’s. Leaving a scratch down Max’s face as he jumped back. “And you’re actions are predictable.” Cript pointed down, max was standing on a ruin circle, that glowed as blue electricity sparked him, leaving parts of his armor scorched. Max chuckles. “Your right.” His wounds healing. “Guess I was too excited for a fight with you again. Let me correct that.” More power came off Max. Before it was pulled back into him keeping the excess power from leaving his body and correcting his stance. Cript was a little impressed given that holding in power like that is normally very damaging to the body. Max then appears before Cript much faster than before and lands a few precise and powerful combos on him. Then grabbing him by his head and slamming him down hard before flying up in the sky. “I'm still not 100% yet. Don't want those kids getting erased by accident now do we?” “Now, why limit it to a hundred?” Cript said, getting up and dusting himself off. “Besides. I have a student in this time. You can play now Jericho.” Cript spoke, a man in full body armor, like military Black ops met medieval knight. He dodged an incoming swing from Max, grabbing Max’s hand and tearing it clean off before spinning around, revealing his tail and wings, a lizard's tail, and slipping Max across the floor. Max spitting out a tooth as he got up. Max looked at Jericho and sign. “Are you trying to pity me Cript? With such a weak opponent? That hit instantly told me...that he is no match. All he is…” Max then appeared with one hand on Jericho’s face. “Is another dead nat.” A pulse washed over Jericho. Before his body fell down on his back. His soul completely erased. “Just like spike.” Max said as his hand healed back. To Max’s surprise, Jericho jumped right back up, kicking his chin upward and staggering him. He saw Jericho get back to his feet. Unphased by his attack. “How?!” Max demanded. “If you learned, you'd know why Broken Code is the strongest. It's… glitched, in a sense. Not even a delete abomination like you can erase it. Meaning you can't kill him.” Cript said. Max just sighed. “It's strong that I'll admit, but I've been holding back to much it seems. I held back on him because I didn't want to show too much to you, but I guess…. it can't be help.” Max was then covered in intense Void. Coverings him to where they couldn't see him. When it settled he was wearing something different. It looked like Samurai Armor made of Void was covering him. He also had two swords on his hip, but he didn't reach for them. He held out one hand out and held it like he was holding something. He then appeared in front of Cript with his hand to his side. Jericho was then covered in very deep cuts as not only the ground around him was shredded but lots blood came out of him. “ While I'm still not at full strength. That doesn't mean some pupil you pull out of nowhere can defeat me Cript. He may have Broken Code, but you of all people should know just having a strong power doesn't make you strong, or is he about to jump back up fine and reveal yet Another power we didn't know to show he could beat me? Besides I don't need to kill him to beat him.” Max said. “Wouldn't surprise me…” John said. A but deadpanned. Knowing this is basically Cript's specialty. “And let me fill you in on another detail.” Max held out a hand and had Dark Void covered it. “I refer to this as Dark Void, but I'm guessing you know that this is still just regular Void. I can max out my Void to its utmost limits and you would still know I'm holding back right Cript? After all….an Ocean of Void is completely worthless….compared to a cup of True Void.” Max said. “You monologue a lot, you know that?” Cript said, Jericho standing back up. He took a bow to Max, then left in a flash of light. “Well been, quote 'nice’ unquote, chatting with you but I can't stay long. Let's just say yada yatta, powers above all else, yada yatta. I can't kill you because I am not meant to kill you. John is.” Max powered down back to his base form with a sigh. “You know what? I forgot something about you. No matter what it is, be it your family, your allies, or anything else. You. Don't. Care. Why would you? Your an immortal admin with broken code who can basically do anything. I could threaten to kill or even attempt to kill your family in a way that not even your broken code can save and you'll just pull some random bull crap power or ability that make it null. After I fought and killed you in my time and came here. A part of me couldn't help but look forward to fighting you again. To see if your power really was different in this one, but I forgot that about you. I was just wasting my time trying to fight you. Not because you can kill me or anything like that. You just don't care. Oh and that whole “I can't die unless it's by John's hand” is bull crap. John just has the current most potential is all. Even the others have a potential to kill me. Fate doesn't have a hold on me like others. You'll probably say I'm monologuing or sprouting bull crap to save my hide or what not. But know this Cript, and this is something we both know is a fact because it happened before. If it wasn't for your immortality, even with admin powers, I can very much kill you and Lord if we fought seriously.” Max said before signing again. “But you'll just say I'm wrong or I'm overhyping myself. Whatever the case it doesn't matter. I'll become something that not even you, Lord, or any other admin can even hope to defeat. Vincent believes he can see my factual future, but the fool doesn't know I've been tricking him from the start. I was once your student Cript. Just how stupid do you think I am. You know what. Don't answer that because you'll probably very stupid to spite me. Why did I bother wasting my time fighting you and your pupil.” Max appears next to Kexez. “Let's go. We're wasting our time here with them. Cript is just a waste of time. It will probably be to much of a bother to try and stop us for him. I'm done trying to test myself against him. We both know. We are equal in terms of power without things like Delete or Admin powers, but why waste time against someone who won't even bother even if his family's life is hanging in the balance. He would just pull some bull crap out of nowhere to save them while making it look like an average day at the park.” Max said. Annoyed that he wasted his time against someone he now sees as worthless. “ Oh and Ben?” Max called out before opening a portal made out of...a very strong and cold Void. “Your Nothingness reacts to strong Void. So let's see if True Void can bring out Absolute Nothingness?” He then walked through the portal with Kexez. “There is a bright side, to not caring Max.” Cript signed. “In the end, I’ll have nothing left to lose. Nothing left to cherish and care for. So, I won't have any reason to hold back. You've seen the end of it all Max. Admins, Deletes, Psychopaths. We all fall in the end, save for you of course. Not because you were stronger… because you ran. Too bad really… what came after that fight was something… new.” Max stopped just short of the portal. “....You think I ran?” Max was still for a few seconds. “You know nothing. Even with your future sight.” Max then walked into the portal with Kexez following with the portal closing. Cript breathed in, clapping his hands. “Well that happened… fuck why always my timeline/reflections…” “Cause why not? Your basically one of the strongest beings in existence. Who wouldn't want to test their metal against you?” John deadpanned. “Eh. They want a real challenge, he would go after Lord. Man when he kicks the Bucket ‘dear' old dad is gonna make his move.” John just looked at Cript. “That was just a joke for you right? Max trying to fight you. You never took him seriously even if he did go full power.” John questioned. “The downside to being ‘all powerful’ is that your heart is rarely, if ever, in any fight. I try not to think too much about it. I’d rather think on the past.” “Even if he has your family by neck in front you right?” John asked. Meaning his wife's or children. “That would be tricky for him. They're hidden. It's a place so obvious it's stupid. But also quite genius.” “I'm not even going to guess, but something tells me that won't matter. He most likely will make them come to him if he can. Max...doesn't really look like your average evil ruler that monologues.” John said. “Heh. He can try. The me from his timeline taught him a lot, but not everything. I have some secrets I’m taking to my grave.” “If you say so. Also, Zeke, Ben, other guy. Why are you guys suddenly mute? No way you're more injured than me. I lost a fricken arm and eye?!” John asked. “I think he broke my arm?” Zeke said. Zeke said, his/Trixie’s right arm almost bent at a forty degree angle passed the elbow. “Yup… crap that hurts.” “I’m just...wondering when literally all of this went horribly wrong.” Ben shook his head while getting up. “Like...what the actual hell, I don’t know the full amount of time I’ve been doing this but...when did our time literally go to this level?” He asked while motioning to Max and the shit he’s done. “Experience taught me to don’t think about it. WAY too much stress.” Cript said. “So we basically also need a major power boost fast. Because I don't think Max is going to let us off that easy for now. We don't even know who his Void Kings are or what they can do.” John said. “Well, what are you going to do then?” Cript asked them. “Time may or may not be on your side depending on how you choose to train.” “Well right now I’m training and doing a bunch of other things.” Ben said honestly. “But besides that...don’t you think this is a bit out of our league, even if time was on our side?” “If I didn’t deal with crap out of my league when I was weak you think we’d all even be here?” Cript asked. “Lord bet I’d die in a fight MANY times. I proved him wrong each time. Should have bet money on that.” “Was this before or after you became immorta?l Because we don't have the advantage of never dying.” John said. “Besides I don't think he'll give us a choice. Cript did you know who he was? I couldn't tell because he was still wearing that mask the whole time.” “Well….” “What?” John asked. Confused on why Cript was hesitating. “He either has an idea of who he is, or actually does know who he is, but in this universe he’s Max is kind of dead.” Ben took a shot in the dark to see if that’s true. “But how does he know us? We never met him before now and he talked like he personally knew?” John asked. “Okay so how much about timelines do you guy’s know about?” Cript asked. “That they can be bull crap at times. Especially with parallel versions of yourself. Why?” John asked. “Well Timelines have reflections, like Realms, only they can take place far ahead in time, or way back to the beginning. Max comes from an alternate Realm Timeline to yours where… He was You John, he and you were kinda swapped places… and he was my student.” Cript threw in at the last moment. John stood still for a but trying to understand what he hear when another voice talked. “It's a bit more complicated than that Cript.” Hollow said appearing. “Can't believe I found you guys here of all places in the Void.” “Well pardon me for simplifying it so I don’t give them Educated coma’s.” Cript shot back. “Point taken, but seriously we don't want to be here. Cript can you tell where we are?” Hollow asked with a little fear in his voice. Cript took a look around. “Say… Didn’t I banish someone here once? Wait, wait, don’t tell me…” “Oh for fuck’s sakes.” Ben groaned. “First we have Max, now we have something you banished here that you just so happened to forget. What’s next, an eldritch abomination sending us all a tea party invitation?” Ben frowned. “Vincent has his main base nearby….” Hollow stated as well. Cript’s face went from thoughtful to fearful… then, he laughed, a laugh that field everyone there with fear. “Really now? So he hid it in this place? Hehehehehe. I’ll be back…” “It actually moves a lot but this is its main place. You stopped coming to this area of Void after banishing you know who and other things. We should go now.” Hollow said. “I’ll. Be. Back.” Cript said, vanishing. The group stood in silence as the sounds of screams of agony, explosion, buildings collapsing and fire’s burning massively filled the area, but the dark of void blocked it all. Hollow just deadpanned. “That wasn't really the base….it was a storage area. Vincent is serious about protecting his crap. Also I believe that ‘thing’ is nearby.” “Doesn’t matter. I wreck all his crap.” Cript said, appearing behind Hollow… covered in blood and ashes. “I...need a shower.” “I'll take us back to John's dojo. I need to talk to these four.” Hollow said. Ben slowly shook his head. “So...who else thinks this is going a bit beyond what should normally be happening?” He asked John, Zeke and Eclipse. “I just learned that my future self is evil and wants to make our lives Hell...I normally don't drink but I might try...if I had any arms to use that is.” John said. “I might have something for that back at the dojo. Let's resume this talk there before any of the things Cript has banished appears. Trust me….he banished them for a reason.” Hollow said. Using True Void to open a portal. Which the strong Void made Ben’s power react. “Christ…” Ben muttered, holding his head as Nothingness pulsed against the the strong void. “Think you can tone it back a bit? This place is already giving me a headache, no need for a migraine.” “My apologies, but since we are so far in Void I have to use some of my full power to get out. Not only are we in very dangerous territory, but the Emperors Domain is close. Trust me. The things there...lets just go.” Hollow said going through the portal with the others following. After it closes a figure slams into the ground. It's form barley seen through the dust cloud. A earth shattering roar soon heard. The group appeared in one of the main halls on the Dojo. It was a large open space with stairs leading to two other floors and had four sparing rooms on ground lvl. Hollow decided to show Cript where the showers were before he talked to John, Ben, Zeke, and Eclipse, but before Hollow and Cript could go John decided to ask Cript something. Something that's been on his mind. “Cript before you go. I just got to know. You basically talked to Max like he was some insect that wasn't worth the trouble of dealing with. Was he that much weaker then you, or was that because since your immortal he couldn't kill you so why bother?” John had asked him. He really wanted to know. Max was essentially his problem since he has to fight him for the title of Void Emperor, but he had to know. Cript was still for a few seconds. “I...just have bigger fish on my mind… MUCH bigger fish.” Cript said, sighing. “Max is strong, not gonna lie there, but I’m saving my next kill for my LAST kill. Max thinks he’s top dog… more like a cat entering the dog fights. To you as is though, he’s a lion. So I’ll worry about what’s above him, and you worry about him.” Cript said, stepping into a pool of magic he summoned with a wave of his hand, it vanishing. John saw that as it closed, a book appeared on the ground. He would pick it up...if he had any arms or hands that is. “Still though. Max doesn't seem like your average Villian who is full of hot air or something. He probably knows there is lot of things stronger than him, and won't stop till he surpasses them. What worries me most, if he was once Cript's student. Then how long before he learns how to use Code or even Broken Code by himself, unless Broken Code has some crazy cost that is.” John said. Meanwhile Max suddenly found himself somewhere else without Kexez. He didn't recognize the room he was in. “Hey there Max.” He turned around, seeing Vincent sitting on a sofa, drinking some red liquid while cleaning a knife. “Wanted to talk.” Max signed for a bit. “So...why have you been acting all this time? I'm not stupid Vincent I know your actually stronger than me.” “I was bored.” He stated simply. “Waiting my for son to start his war with me has been trying on my patience, so that’s why I played along with you. HAve to admit, when your ego grew it blew up like fireworks.” He laughed. “That’s something Cript and I have in common. We are a lot alike. I made him to be that way, after all.” “Ya ya I'm just a minnow in an ocean of megalodons right?” Max said. “Nah, not that weak. Piranha maybe, but no minnow. Don’t undersell yourself yet kid. I just wanted to ask you a question.” Max took of his cracked mask. Showing a face like John's. An older, scarred up face. “What was is it?” “FIrst, what about Cript do you know, exactly. I know he taught you a lot in your long gone timeline, but did you two ever spar?” “We did. Multiple time. It's how I knew he was holding back. He taught me a lot except for things like Code, but I've seen it enough from both him and other admins that sooner or later I'll learn how to use it myself. Magic, combat, Humanity, even Psychopath power. He taught me it all, but in our last fight I had to sacrifice my connection to Humanity and Psychopath powers to kill him.” Max said. “Heh. Cute. Kid, you can’t use code unless you are either an Admin, or their underlings. Call them Scripters. Only three I know of, and only one belongs to him. Becoming an Admin, now that’s a trial. Only two ways I know of.” He said, polishing the blade til it reflected perfectly, then flipping it over to work on the other side. Max held out his hand and focused hard. To Vincent’s surprise Code appeared for a second. “Only Admins and their underlyings right? Well like I said I've seen enough of it to have an understanding. It's still very experimental so I can't use it in a fight, but I'll have it down sooner or later.” Max said using a healing spell on his hand. Which was very injured from the unstable Code. “Heh. Not bad. Though, I have to ask. Did you really think Cript is the kinda person to let life die out? Just like that?” “No. It's unlikely. Which is why I was confused when he suddenly went mad like he did. After I lost everything I became something else. I locked it away but even Truth himself was terrified of me. Which is why he gave me Cript's humanity. He wasn't faking either. He was generally terrified out of his mind. Still even when mortalized Cript was very powerful. I was barely able to survive when it was over.” Max said. Vincent stopped his polishing, looking up at Max before laughing. “And you think he died?” He laughed again. “His heart stopped, his soul destroyed, delete remember, among other things he was dead. Unless he had some ability that transcends Broken Code or something….sigh he does doesn't he?” Max asked with a deadpanned face. Sounds just like Cript. Vincent smiled, leaning his head to the side. Max looked. There, on a TV was playing his battle with Cript. Max had to admit, it hurt to watch. He dealt the final blow, Cript falling dead before Max fell to his knees, taking a breath as he saw he was indeed dead before opening his escape portal. Then, there was the loud, recognizable noise of a heartbeat. A red and white orb emerged from Cript’s chest. “Humanity, the human power to keep on living, and Psychopath. Corrupted purpose.” Vincent spoke. “Two sides of the same coin, when used to their fullest.” Cript’s body rose, lifeless, eyes empty, and held the orb. “You did it Max… Max?” He said questionably, looking around. “Max?” Max looked on as the Cript from his time looked for him. “...so he survived...was that...all that just some test or something?” Max question. “The Cript in that timeline wanted to die, and that timeline was coming to an end.” Vincent spoke, polishing his blade again. “You left, too early. He holds all his power in his hands… it was for you. Reset button. All you had to do was take it, but you left.” “Max?” Cript asked again. Looking around, not seeing him anywhere. “No...no… I”m...I”m dead...where is he?” Max stood there before walking over to the Tv and turning it off. “It doesn't matter. Can't dwell on what could've been. I've come this far. Nothing left to do but keep moving, or all I've done would have been for nothing. Despite what happened in my old timeline. I'll do what I have to here. If John kills me and takes the title then that's that. If not then I'll just continue and surpass everything, and keep going.” “Now, while that’s all fine and dandy, you have to admit. Just a few seconds longer. Things could have been real different for you now. Cript was right, you did run away.” “Maybe I did. But it doesn't matter now. So was there anything else you needed?” Max asked putting his mask on. “Yes. In fact, there is. You see, Cript only has it out for me. I’m his “Final boss” in a sense. We’ll see how this fight turns out. You? You just jumped in the way. I figured since Cript didn’t fight you at full power, you’d want to know what that was really like. DIfference between him and I. I don’t believe in holding back. I’m not looking for a challenge like him, I’m just taking the efficient course of action.” “So what? A ‘fight’ with you? I'm pretty sure even at my full power currently I stand no chance. Like I said I'm not stupid. I fought him to know what the difference between him and the Cript of my timeline was.” Max said. “Ah, now what makes you think there was even a difference? When I made Cript and his reflections, the only difference between any of them was that some turned, according to plan, and some came out like yours. Goodie goodie that likes helping.” “Then why, immortal or not, did he treat me like an insect when I killed another him if they're all basically the same?” Max asked “Not that bright are you? How did he hold ALL his power in his hands for you after killing him? How did he even stand up to talk with you? Cript never goes all out. He limited himself for your fight, so he could die, and you could be his heir and fix what he no longer could carry.” Max sighed. “It was always at the back of my mine. That he could have held back. Something didn't feel right during both fights. Should have known. Correction. I always knew. Just didn't want to believe it. Even after all this time...I'm still pathetic.” Max said. “So, wanna know what he is like, nothing held back? Don’t worry, I can keep you alive for it all.” Vincent said, snapping his fingers as Max began to feel sick, puking blood suddenly as a small black pearl formed from his blood, and rolled over to Vincent. “Then again, it wasn’t like you had a choice either way.” He said, picking it up. “W-what ‘cough’ did you do?” Max asked. “I’m giving you a taste of what it’s like to be Cript. This, is your death. Just like how Truth stole it. Don’t worry, I'll return it, after Number 88 has their fun. That’s the best of them all so far.” Max felt an arm wrapped around his waist, and grew...and grew til they were like tendrils wrapped around his legs. He looked behind him, Cript, but the number 88 tattooed on its forehead was holding him. “What am I allowed to do?” 88 asked Vincent. “Hm. Go wild.” He replied. “Wait, what?!” MAx stated, pan emerging from his sided...88 was EATING him. “Get off me!” MAx shouted, fiering void into it’s head to no avail. 88 took another bite, this time MAx felt his kidney getting ripped out, and saw 88 sleeping it like a noodle. “GAH!” he shouted, increasing his power with each strike to no avail. 88 would not budge, and already his lower torso was gone. “You see Max, this is what I built Cript to be, the perfect Monster. Unbeatable, immortal, and...hungry. Heh.” Vincent said, placing his knife down and taking another drink of his red liquid. “Ya just one thing.” Max said smirking. He dissolved into smoke as the real max appeared from 88’s shadow in his full power and kicked him out of the building into an unknown area. Max didn't know where they were but did care at the moment. He charged his true Void to maximum and prepared for 88 to attack. As expected, 88 attacked. MAx fired… but 88 was EATING his attack. “Hehehehhehehehehhehehehhehehe. Tasty.” He said, running up to MAxand beginning his cannibalism all over again. “Little trick inherited from me.” Vincent said. “We both can consume all forms of energy. But unlike me, Cript, once he has a single sample of it, can generatie it like a nuclear plant on steroids. Because of this, he generates too much energy, rending void attacks like your useless as he creates more energy than it can erase. Once your attack got it’s ‘fill’ he took it all back in a second. Max’s arm was the first thing 88 bit. Max didn't hesitate to cut it off and back away. He was in real trouble here. That ability is bull crap. Eating his true Void?! He fought something like that once and it blew up in a second. True versions of Void, light, balance, ect were far stronger and volatile then their basic forms. Although he shouldn't be to surprised. He has seen enough crap already. He formed multiple weapons of true Void and blasted 88 back a mile away. “Now, now. Want to leave already? I thought you wanted to see how strong my Cript’s can really be?” Vincent asked. “Who said I was leaving?” Max said. He blasted 88 back not run away? He saw 88 charging through like it was nothing. “Crap.” 88 tackled him, and rather than eating him this time began bashing Max’s head into his own, Max’s head bloody and nose possibly broken while 88 laughed the whole time. “I wonder how long it takes to break this one?” 88 said. Max was slowly losing consciousness from the beating. ‘H-he...is so strong. So this is Cript…’ As he was blacking out. Max started to hear...something, or...someone. ‘Max...Max.’ He saw someone. He couldn't make it out, but he knew this one...a girl. No someone...special? He heard her say one last thing. “Fight!” Max eyes suddenly widen...and turned silver. “That’s enou-” Vincent was speaking, before MAx headbutted 88 back, knocking him over. “Well now, what do we have here?” Max was glowing in a silverish light and Vincent felt a lot of heat coming off him. Enough that his drink evaporated. Max then let out a ungodly yell before flooding the area in silver light and heat. Vincent actually had to cover his face for a second from the heat. When it died down max was completely covered in a silver light. 88 charged at him fast before Max appeared behind him. Vincent then noticed...that 88’s right arm was completely gone. 88 then suddenly being pummeled by what he counted as hundreds of strong hits that he saw where delayed attacks from Max. 88 was then sent flying and fell at Vincent's feet. Max looked at himself. “I should probably thank you. It's been so long since I used this. I couldn't even use it against Cript for some reason.” Vincent clapped. “Nice. That was a nice little flashlight trick.” Vincent said, Max feeling 88’s hand grabbing his ankle. “But… Try harder.” Max was thrown through the ground, falling and landing on a sadly familiar feeling...corpses. He moved to get up...and looked into his own face. He jumped up, looking around… they were all him. “Like it!” Vincent shouted from above. “Now, it’s just you and John left kid! Two of a kind.” Max looked at Vincent. “You really are a piece of work, but again I should thank you. I'm still to weak to actually beat 88, but as I am now, without having to worry about dying.” Max then covered himself in his unstable Code, true Void, and the power he just got back. His power skyrocketing again. “I'm eager to see how for I can currently go without death to hold me back. I also remembered something, someone. I knew her, but can't recall her face or name, but a bit of myself is back. I won't stop fighting till I surpassed not only you and Cript, but everything in existence!” “And when you are all that’s left, you’ll do what? You have Psychopath mentality kid. But dreams just a bit too big.” Vincent said, snapping his fingers as he was in front of Max, delivering a strong punch, breaking his jaw and Max...swallowed something. He began to burn from his energy. “Sorry, but I can’t let anyone walk around immortal.” Max shut off his power quickly. He was in the most pain he ever felt, but was happy. “Thanks for making me mortal again. I was just testing how far I might be able to go, but I know I can go so much farther then that.” Max said picking his, eaten a little, arm back and attached it back. “Curaza.” He healed his arm back into place. “Not the best of healing spells, but they get the job done, and are less costly on Magic.” Max turned to Vincent. “So. Now what?” “Now, I wanna see what Cript saw in you that was so special.” Vincent said, his hand on both sides of Max’s head, Max feeling tendrils or something akin to that entering his skin from Vincent's hands, drilling into his skull and into his brain. He felt Vincent searching through his memories. “There’s something here that drew Cript to you, and I’m gonna find it.” Max felt him digging deeper and deeper into his memories. Searching for something. What that was he didn't know. “Now then, let’s make it interesting.” Max’s body went into Shock, Vincent was putting his own memories into him, mainly, of killing his reflections, and what he does to others he can ‘use’. “Come On now, where is it!” Vincent yelled. Max was seeing everything Vincent did. He watched every second like it was in slow motion. It was eating away at him. Breaking him. He feels something starting to break inside him. He grabs Vincent's arms suddenly. “g-get…” Vincent looked at Max in confusion. Max then looked him in the eye as something inside him snapped....eyes completely black. “GET OFF ME!!!!!” Max suddenly exploded in a flood of power sending Vincent back. He saw that max was covered in a type of Code he hasn't seen ever. It looked like Code, or broken code, but...it was different as well. He also noted that Max had even tapped into deeper power then before. He then noticed that his right arm….was missing it's skin and muscle. It was just bone. “I’m Not...Giving up. That easy kid!” Vincent shouted, everything going black for MAx. “So he actually used it?” Max heard an all too familiar voice speak. “Yup… I’m surprised he is alive...then again, he is your student.” Another, also familiar voice spoke. Max groaned in pain as he tried to get up, but everything was hurting like heck. He could barely move. “Well, looks like sleeping beauty woke up.” “Shut up ____.” Max said as he open his eyes and sat up. He saw ____ and Cript not far from him. He was on the ground somewhere he didn't recognize. “What happened?” “You survived my dad, got beat the crap out of my one of my less likes reflections, had your mortality taken then returned to you, had your brain picked through like a salad.” Cript went on. “All in all I say you did good all things considered.” “If it wasn't for A, I'm still hurting like I've been dragged through Hell and back a thousand times by my teeth, B, you both are here at once, and C, I'm not in the mood I would smack your immortal troll like grin off your face and hang it so your wife's can laugh at it.” Max deadpanned. Deadpanned so hard it could have been a weapon. “Awh. I remember when you were afraid to even speak to me. Nothing but stuttering like a toddler with a lisp.” “Ha ha so why am I here and not having my brain picked at by mister Evil Incarnate?” Max asked. The laugh was sarcastic. “Cause Cript here saved you.” Lord stated. “And this is my place. The Ethereal plains! Plains. Plains…” He said, quieting the last word each time. “Touch nothing. Seriously… I left something unattended for like two minutes and now I got a nanobots eating everything.” “Ok, but why?” Max asked. Wanting to know why Cript would bother saving him. “Why not?” Cript asked, holding out a hand to help Max up. “Come one man, what was my number one rule?” “Don't hit on your wife's.” Max said. “Okay, second rule.” Cript said, grabbing Max’s hand. “Save everyone worth saving.” He said, pulling him to his feet. “How am I worth saving? After all I did? I even killed Spike...he is still alive isn't he?” Max deadpanned. “I brought him back a day later.” Lord spoke up. “You deletes seriously think you actually erase shit. News flash, there is a backup of everything and everyone. At least in the crap I make.” Max sighed. “Jericho was actually Spike I'm guessing right? Thought he was familiar.” “Yup.” Cript said. “I plan on leaving this Timeline to him, when he is ready of course.” Max was just silent. He thought about his encounter with Vincent. He remembered using..something. He held his hand out...and brought out the...strange Code. “What is this?” “Unstable code.” Lord said, taking a piece of it on his finger. “It’s what an Admin, or someone with the potential generates when they are unable to fully access or hold the power of reguler code. It’s got its uses, I’ll be it limited.” “So Code that weaker then every other kind of Code.” Max stated. “Mostly. One thing about it is that when used like what you used it for, it’s passive to others defence. That’s how you harmed Vincent. He’ll recover, but you can say you hurt him at least.” “So it can bypass others defense? I could do the same with True Void, but this is different.” Max said looking at it. “Yeah but it takes a crap tone, like what you did. As for True void that’s a different ball park. True void is...sentient. To a degree. It’s what all the first Admins came from….WAY fucking back. Its Power is great, but it’s knowledge on the past...is greater.” “Never too late to keep learning huh.” Max said. Looking as he made Unstable Code take different forms from a glove to a blade. “Not bad. Try infusing it into weapons.” Cript said, demonstrating with reguler code. “The effect applies to the weapon, and it gets a damage boost.” Max looked at it and brought out a weapon he hasn't used in a long, long time. His folding sword. He infused Unstable Code into it. Except for a small crack on the blade. It held just fine. “Guess all this time with Void Construct has its perks.” Max said. Max looked up at Cript, seeing him with a warm smile on his face. “You are still willing to learn. Aren’t you?” “You never did teach me everything you knew, and you were right. I did run away. I was coward and ran from my timeline after our battle.” Max said looking away. Max felt Cript...hug him, holding him tight. “We all make mistakes. Show me a man without regrets and you will have found a lier. Walk your road Max...I’ll meet you at its end.” Cript said, Max’s vision going dark, before he blinked… he was in Core’s castle. “Max?” He looked to his left, seeing Kexez standing there. Looking at him. “You alright? You took a bit longer to come out of the portal?” He looked around at himself. Seeing he was back in his gear before he met Vincent again. He saw his folding blade in his hand, Unstable code still in it and the words ‘Forgiven’ carved into them… Cript forgave him… for everything. He noted that Kexez noticed the strange Code and turned it off. He put the blade up before turning to Kexez. Waiting for him to ask. “Well?” “It's nothing. Just things I had to do. We’ll meet again later and discuss what to do next. I….I have some thinking to do with my Kings.” Max then walked away. Kexez noticed that something was different about him, and what was that strange Code he saw? With the others. Hollow had walked back to the others. Max was sitting on a seat with the book Cript left on his lap closed. Ben had picked it up for him since John was missing both his arms now and an eye. “Before we begin. Anyone have anything they want to ask?” Hollow questioned. “Yeah… WHAT THE SHIT JUST HAPPENED!” Eclipse shouted. “Explanation please. I'm not a mind reader, or am I?” Hollow smirks at the end. “First off, Zeke ain’t the only one with a X-blade anymore. So I take it shit is bad. You wanna earn one John? Seems like Zeke’s Silhouette is given them away.” “Wonder if I'll get another one for beating it?” Zeke questioned. “Trixie and I share a body and heart, so this X-blade is by all means hers in reality.” John just looked at Eclipse. “How am I supposed to fight? Hold Fenrir in my mouth? I ain't got no arms!?!” Max said. “DId somebody say Tacos!” Cript said, appearing out of nowhere behind John, making him jump, then fall over. He was holding massive bags of Taco’s with Deadpool’s face. “You are a jumpy one.” John deadpanned the tacos. “I'm not trusting those things.” Hollow looked at Cript. “Welcome back. What was that strange power I felt before?” “Nothing you need to worry about my soon to be student/punching bag.” Cript said, placing the bags on a table. “Anyway, I figured John needs arms. And an eye… and other crap.” “Already got a left arm and right eye for him. Just need a new right arm.” Hollow said. Trying not to cringe at the punching bag thing. “The Void in the area is affecting you too much is it Ben?” “Just...need to get used to it is all.” Ben said, Nothingness flickering against the Void. “But I’m also trying to think about the bullshit that was our encounter with Max, and I just beat Zeke’s Absent Silhouette, and god damn it was it bullshit.” He frowned. “Oh, also Lake’s alive...cause your thing somehow bends the laws of time and space to it’s will so someone can get a bunch of things.” “He's alive? I remember Drezke ripping his heart out and me finishing him with a Humanity powered slash.” John said. “Yay...how is this gonna help me when my soul in in a different body?” Zeke asked. “I got ya covered.” Cript said. “Now, about John’s arms…” “Okay so basically it takes things from other timelines if need be and brings them here to our world through some bullshit magic, kind of like what Max did to get here but on a much wider scale.” Ben explained. “And how that helps is because Death, and I do mean the First Death, explained to me that Kexez, at the moment, is going mad with Psychopath blood because Lake was dead and Drezke is busy absorbing darkness like a mad man. So I have to find Drezke, use a special item Death gave me and get rid of all the bastards darkness so him and Lake can be buddies, calm Kexez the fuck down, and then get you back to being whole again Zeke.” Ben explained honestly. “Glad to see your authors have some liniers in mind.” Cript’s said. “Save for me.” Eclipse added. “Meh.” Hollow was working on John as they talked. He had transplanted a new rock like eye on him and put what looked like a skeleton arm with a rock like substance for a hand for his right eye and left arm. “Your arms look like crap Hollow.” Cript commented. “That's because John hasn't mastered it yet. Once master the Void rock on his hand will cover it completely and become harder then Void Adamantium.” Hollow said. “Neeeeehhhhh still looks like crap.” “Where did you get theses?” John asked. “They're the remains of an old Void God from before Lords time.” Hollow stated. “Wait what?” Max asked. “I call bull.” Cript said. “Call what you want it's true. It's remains are extremely old. Older then Both of you two. How it died. I probably don't want to know.” Hollow said before moving to the side. “Still call bull. Anyway, mind if I give everyone some gifts?” “Free Stuff!” Eclipse yelled. “It would be nice.” Ben said honestly. “What kind of gifts? And are they actually free or is there some form of catch?” “There is always a catch…” John deadpanned. Is that going to be a thing with him? Wait ignore the author. “Go ahead.” Hollow said. “For John, I give you a Tainted Catalyst Ring. Will make focusing void easier for you.” Cript said, placing it in John’s new hand. “For Ben, a coin.” He handed Ben the coin… a quarter. “Finally pick if you want that X-blade from the Silhouette already…” “For Eclipse, a Defence ring cause you get knocked out WAY to easy.” “I need that.” Eclipse said, taking the ring. “For Zeke/Trixie, when the time comes and your body is ready to be whole Zeke, take these rings and place them on the both of you.” Cript said, handing two silver looking rings to Zeke. “And lastly for Hollow.” “Oh crap.” Guessing it's going to be bad. Cript walked up to Hollow, placing something in his hand. Hollow looked at it...and felt sad. A photo of him, God, and Core. Way back when. “You’re the last of your family. Yen sid likely won’t live too much longer. Last of your legacy, of your brothers.” Hollow pocketed the photo. “Thanks..” John looked at his ring. ”Thanks, but I won't use it for training, just battle to help.” “What happens if I flip this coin?” Ben asked. “Is this just a normal coin or what?” “Flip it, and it gives you what you feel is right.” Cript said. “That and like a free wish cause I had a shit ton of those left over.” “One time only?” Ben asked. “Yup. One time only wish.” “Yeah I’m gonna be saving this…” Ben muttered while putting the coin in his pocket. “No need to be using the wish right now.” “Then use it to see what you want.” Eclipse said. “Come on, join the club! Three members and we get free ice cream!” Eclipse said, waving his X-blade around. “I count as two people you know?” Zeke said. “Four then!” “Nah, I’ll save my wish for when I actually need it.” Ben said honestly. “And also, how the hell did you get X?” Ben asked curiously. “I had to fight you in the Absent Silhouette fight...again those fights are cheap and bullshit.” “Kingdom hearts appeared in the sky, swooped up Oblivion and Oathkeeper and dropped this baby before me. I got a spare of the special Keychains here.” Eclipse said, pulling it out. “Said Something about taking out two Keyblades and holding this.” “To what? Make a copy X-blade or something?” John asked. “Nope. Real one. Wanna try it?” “Only have one keyblade. The other keychain I got is Zeke's.” He said after throwing it to Zeke. “Got it from lake after he died.” Zeke grabbed it in his good arm, looking it over. “Keep it.” He said, tossing it back to John. “When whatever these rings do is done and I can controle Keyblades again, I’ll mainly be sticking to Discord and Master Keeper. God I can’t believe how much I miss their voices.” “Well glad to hear you want to see Discord again.” The dire wolf said honestly. “I wonder how my worlds Discord, Faust and her husband are doing…” Ben wondered, hoping those three were okay in their search for those who wanted to follow me. “Maybe I should build my own army then.” Eclipse thought. “Well John, last offer?” John thought about it for a few seconds before asking. “Would I still be able to use Fenrir or the other keyblade by themselves or will they be stuck like that? Although I wish I had a magic type keyblade like Counterpoint or something to even out Fenrir's power type.” “Well I can still use Oath and Oblivion so I don't see why not.” Eclipse answered, disbanding his X-blade for his twin Keyblades. “Still wish I had another keyblade other then Zekes. Also I'm surprised you guys don't noticed my Fenrir is a little different compared to others.” John said holding his black and gold Fenrir. After he said that a light appeared in front of them blinding them for a second. When it faded there was a keyblade, keychain, and a note. The keyblade was surprisingly Counterpoint. John picked up the not and read out loud. “John. This is Drexel. Take the deal. Trust me when I say that you'll need every edge you can get and having your own X-blade, which should be impossible, will really help. It's like when using a regular keyblade your going Kaioken, but when you go X-Blade it's like morphing into Mastered Super Saiyan. Yes I know the references. That's because I saw your memories. This is my Counterpoint. It used to belong to a dear friend of mine but now it will serve you better now. It's already in its final stage so it should work well with Fenrir. The keychain there is for Ben. It's called Moogle of Glory. It's a power/magic keyblade with a good reach. I don't have anything for the others I'm afraid. Sorry you two,three?, Zeke's condition is weird. Take care you guys, and ‘May your Heart be your guiding Key’.” “What’s it say?” Ben asked curiously. “Drexel, my past life who is somehow still alive and conscious, not only gave me his old Keyblade Counterpoint, but is giving you a new keychain for a keyblade called ‘Moogle of Glory’. He also tells me to accept your deal Eclipse. Saying we'll need every edge we can get.” John said while tossing the keychain to Ben. Ben grabbed the Keychain and put it in his pocket since he just got other things. “Alrighty then.” He said honestly. “Could be worse. Besides the look doesn't mean anything compared to what it could do you know.” John said. “Some either look like sticks or just slabs of metal.” “I know.” Ben said. “Just curious on the look is all.” The dire wolf shrugged. “I'm guessing….a greedy Moogle wanted to make keyblades to sell or something.” John guessed. Not know how close he was to being right. “Eh, who knows.” Ben shrugged. “So...what are we going to do now all things considered?” “I'll accept Eclipse X-blade deal for now, but Max basically showed us we are far behind on our training. Heck Cript said I was going to get Humanity training once my Void training is done. That's going to make Hell, make Heaven look like an average apartment or something.” John said. “Hey, you only have one half, I have both.” Ben said while blinking, his eyes changing to both Humanity and Psychopath. “So I’m gonna have it a lot harder man, not to mention I still have all my other weapons to master...ugh, this is gonna be a nightmare.” “At least your his son from his family curse thing. So it shouldn't be that hard given your new biology, or it's an excuse to go harder on your training. In that case….It was nice knowing you.” John said at the end saluting Ben. Ben rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, you're probably like ‘glad its not me’.” “Hehe in all seriousness we’ probably going to almost die a lot during that training.” John said. “Well here then.” Eclipse said, tossing the X-blade Keychain to John. John caught it, and felt it cut him. He dropped it, seeing the Keychain absorbing his blood as it’s heart shape grew larger, and on it in red and blue appeared the Outsiders mark. “Woah. What happened?” John asked. “Dunno, mine did not do that… then again, Kingdom hearts made mine.” Eclipse said. The Keychain then floated about three feet in the air. All hell suddenly broke loose at Light, Darkness, and Void itself began flowing in from anywhere that held openings to outside. The room was like being inside a twister, the energies all mixing in an incredible way. Finally it ended, the Keychain glowing hot as it began glowing black tendrils, creating it’s chain...then the X-blade. It’s two crossed Keyblades where both Fenrir’s, one like the one John has now, and the other a black and purple color, the branching out parts for the sides and tip where a crossed pattern of black and white. The new X-blade fell to the ground in a loud clatter, leaving all speechless. “Uh. Did I just get a X-blade made of Light, Darkness, and Void? Is that bad?” John asked. He didn't see this coming. “Nope.” Cript called out from behind John. “So long as all the energies are balanced, it’s good. I have to admit, this is a whole new breed of X-blade all together… Must have needed Void energy to bond with you, which explains why it cut you for blood. Needed to know who you where and what it needed to be your X-blade.” “Makes sense I guess. Still didn't expect the Void part. Also where did the other Fenrir come from? Is that it's Void version?” John asked. “Balance.” Zeke spoke up. “Eclipse and I have balanced hearts, so we can wield these types of X-blades. You don’t, so it needed a third energy to balance itself with you. That best explains that… as for the other Fenrir… Maybe it’s symbolic. The one you have, and the other… Max? Two versions of the same person.” John thought for a second before walking over and picking it up. “What should I even call this? Can't call it X-Blade since apparently there is more than one now.” “I should name mine then?” Eclipse asked, looking his over. “Hmm… Calling mine… Better Half. Yeah, I like it. Now for you…” John looked over it and thought for a few seconds. “Hmm…..something that should...have meaning….between me and Max...and what we've been through.” He thought about it more and more. “......Honor……” “Honor Bound?” Zeke threw out. “Close, but not quite there….Honor…” John thought even more. It was giving him a headache. “Darkest Honor?” Cript threw out. “It’s void after all.” “Darkest Honor? Hmm….closer but….it's like it's at the back of my head shooting a rocket.” John said. “Dishonored?” Eclipse said. “You stole that franchize anyway.” He joked. “Hehe good one. Hmmm….what about. Final Honor?” John asked. “It’s your X-blade. Up to you in the end.” Zeke said. John looked at his X-blade. It's almost like it's trying to tell him it's name, but he just can't quite hear it. It was frustrating him to no end. “Why not just Honor?” Cript asked. “Simple, and has meaning.” For some reason….John could have sworn that his X-blade pulsed. “I think...Honor has been trying to tell me it's name this whole time…” John said. “Wait, I was right? That’s a first.” “Hey Cript. Can your assistant say anything about Honor?” John asked. Wondering if Cript's pipboy on steroids can say anything else about Honor. “Probably.” He said touching it as his Assistant litup. Honor Weapon Type: X-blade Class: S Att: 50 Def: 20 Mag: 30 A X-blade born with Void infused with it’s natural Light and darkness. It’s powers can allow one to traverse the deepest pits of void without fear as it’s passive ability repels all beast before it. It enhanced void based abilities, increasing their potency and durability in combat. Special Ability: Deep Depths- The more void the user generates the more this X-blades abilities increase. John was wide eyed at the description. “....so that's good right?” Wanting to be sure. “I say you hit the lottery.” Cript chuckled. “Me next!” Eclipse called out. Cript did the same for him. Better Half Weapon Type: X-blade CLass: A Att: 25 Def: 15 Mag: 25 Better Half is born from two twin Keyblades uniting while keeping their individualities. As such, it’s physical and magical abilities are equal to one another. WHen using Drive, summons, of D-links, this X-blade will create an illusion able to fight with you of any D-link’s activated of whoever the wielder is linking with. Summon times are tripled, and multiple summons are able to be called. Drive forms last until wielder cancels them, leading to endless Drive duration. Special Ability: Sibling Rivalry- When welded with Oathkeeper, Magic storage and abilities tripled, when with Oblivion, Physical Defences and attacks are tripled. “Holy ever loving mother of all fuck…” Eclipse said, staring at his weapon. “So mine is an S class and Eclipse’s is an A class. What about the original X-blade?” John asked. “Let’s see.” Cript said, Zeke summoning the X-blade and letting Cript touch it. X-blade Weapon Type: Origin. Class: S Att: ?? Def: ?? Mag: ?? The first Keyblade to ever be crafted into existence. Forged from both Pure light and pure darkness. IT was created to keep Kingdom hearts safe from the darkness, and can open any door, including the one Kingdom hearts used to hide it’s true form/power. Many wars were fought over this weapon, non so greater than the Keyblade war of old. Unlike other Keyblades, the X-blade’s strength, magic, and defensive abilities are based on its wielder, and change as it’s welder does. Special Ability: Reject Darkness- Expel all or most darkness from any heart. Inject Darkness: Place Darkness in any heart Doors: Open any Lock. Lock any door. “I knew about Reject Darkness...not the other two.” Zeke said. “Makes sense. It's The Balance keyblade. If it can expel darkness it can also place it, and all keyblades can basically do the whole soo thing anyway.” John said. “Wonder what kind of X-Blade Ben or the Foretellers would have? Ben’s would probably be similar to mine but with its own abilities and Nothingness.” John swung Honor a little bit. Seeing that even as he is now he can see it's power in each swing. “Careful how you swing i-” Eclipse and Zeke where shouting, but it was too late. Honor in that last, simple swing unleashes a blast so strong it knocked John into the wall behind him,and tore apart large chunks of the floor, ceiling, and the whole wall was destroyed. “...The trigger for energy dispersion is always touchy…” Zeke sighed. “Learned that the hard way.” Eclipse groaned. “.....woah. That was awesome…” John said a little dazed while stuck in the wall. “I remember when I did that… Vanitas back in Birth by sleep made it look easy… Half of Ponyville Back in my world was made to ruble… At least it was already abandoned when I got there. Man that was forever ago. When I didn’t have these sensitive annoyances on my chest and had my old body.” Zeke remembered. “Landed right inside the Mayor’s office. That sucked…” John got himself off the wall and shook off some dust. “That was intense….wonder how a full powered swing would appear?” John said getting ready to swing. “I don’t wanna think about it.” Zeke sighed. “Dude! We NEED to have duels together! Only one X-blade has ever existed in history, now there’s three! Imagine them clashing…” Eclipse said, starting to drool at the idea. John, while aiming away from they swung as hard as he could with Zeke noticing and ducking for cover while shouting. John swung, but Cript appeared in front, catching Honor mid swing. THe energy began flowing out, Cript somehow barehanded catching and compressing it. Finally, it settled, and in his hand was a small diamond. “Dude...that would have killed you all.” Cript said, looking at the diamond. “Neat huh, frozen explosion. Best way to blow something up. Out in space you’d have flown out into void naturally from space and torn apart at least nine galaxies with this thing.” Zeke walked up to John, and hammer fisted him on the top of John’s head. “You idiot…” He growled Rubbing his. “Sorry. Guess I got carried away a bit?” John said. “No kidding.” Criptsaid, pocketing the frozen explosion. “I’ll just hold onto this for now. Last thing we need of for one of you to fall, chip it and I have to rebuild you lot Micro atom by Micro atom. And yes, THAT’S A THING. Tiny, tiny little fucks.” “Gonna store that in a vault in your realm or leave Vincent a ‘nice’ little surprise next time you see him?” John asked. “Close.” Criptsaid, taking it back out and opening a portal next to him. “On the other side of this, an entire realm of Nexus’s soldiers, armored Shadow creatures. THe works.” Cript then rubbed the diamond, code all over his hands as he threw the now code infused explosion. The portal closed… EVERYTHING shook. “Oh Delete’s eat your hearts out!” Cript laughed. “So I guess it was kinda a good thing I was stupid for a minute?” John said. Surprised by the power of that blast. “Nice try. Do that again without me here to stop it and when I rebuild you, you’ll be female, in constant heat and surrounded by ugly, nasty horny men.” John paled. “Got it….” “Trust me he can do worst.” Hollow said. “.......got it.” John said paling even further. He looked at Honor before turning it back into Fenrir. He then summoned Counterpoint in his other hand,which Cript brought back while everyone was busy. “Got to master dual wielding now. As well as master Honor, but I won't use it unless I have to.” John said dispelling both keyblades. “Good luck with that.” Cript said. “I’ll be back. Gonna check up on something real quick.” Void is a large place, endless, almost. Almost. It’s traversable, and if one knows how, one can find what they need. For Cript, it was the spot where John and them where when fighting Max. There was someone there he needed a word with. It looked simple, a cage, spellworks of old and great power etched into it’s metal. He took a seat before it, sighing. This was not a cage to keep something from getting out, it was to keep someone from entering, and harming who was inside. Inside the cage, resting on it’s bare floor, was a young girl, she had short cut brown hair, small, rectangular glasses, and a glowing blue gem as the gemstone of a necklace. Her attire was pants that stopped above her ankles, and a blue top shirt, and white sneakers. “Hello again, old friend.” Cript spoke, the girl inside unmoving. “A lot is going to change. Finally, this might all be done with. While Zeke, Ben, and a whole lot of others deal with their worries… I’ll be taking out the final bad guy… I miss you. You’ve been like this for years, just once… I wish you’d wake up, say something…” He shook his head. “I haven’t spoken to anyone from the old days in years. Not since you… not since you left us. I don’t even know what they are doing these days… I don’t want to know. It hurts too much. “Things where so much simpler before. Back when we’d all be traveling, fighting Shadow Creatures and saving people… When did it all fall apart? … I swore I’d take over, after you left I swore to fight because you could no longer do it. Vincent is my last fight. You should be where I am now...not me… I was just the sidekick mage… I never wanted to become this important, this powerful. This was never my destiny. But, the final battle for me is coming, and after that, one more big action. THen I’m retired. All our biggest threats will be gone, and I’m making sure when everything is reborn, what happened in Max’s timeline can’t happen here… it’s a strange, out there plan, but it will work. I know you won’t ever wake up to see it… but maybe someday…” When Cript returned, he saw John practicing dual wielding his Keyblades. He took a seat, watching the practice. He had some experience with his old folding sword and assassin blade. He also learned a few stances from his time with the Tenno, but he was far from a master. He did have much experience with two keyblades. Although he felt he was getting faster then he thought. Probably because he past life Drexel was a master at dual wielding keyblades. Although he still probably looked like an idiot swinging blind. “So what’s your plan from here?” Cript asked, John and Hollow thinking about it. “I'll need to help John master his new arm as well as a few new abilities both his arm and eye give. He still needs to get stronger with Void as well as find the other kings. He has two already, Aqua and Sans, but he still needs to find the rest. I also personal still have….a few things that need to happen for his training.” Hollow said. He looked at Cript. “You probably still think what I said about the previous owner of the eye and arm being older than Lord is bull I'm guessing?” “Eh, over it.” Cript signed. “So, Hollow...ever lose anyone you knew well? Aside from your family, I mean.” Hollow was silent. “Yes….in the worst way. To not only lose them, but lose all memory of them, but know that something is gone. I can't even remember….who it was that did it.” John looked at Hollow. Surprised something like that can happen. “I'm..sorry to hear that Hollow.” John said. Cript nodded. “If whas what made you who you are, isn’t it?” “In a way. I'm not the first nor the last of beings attempt to turn/sacrifice into a God, but I was the only successful one...despite everything.” Hollow then got a determined look. “Oh and John…” “Wha-” John started to ask. Before Hollow shoved an orb of condensed Void that phased into his chest and a hole opened up in the floor. “Don't die.” Hollow said as John fell into the hole. The hole closed up as Hollow turned towards the others. “What?” “Just...throwing him down a hole…” Ben frowned. “Really?” “Do you want him here if he fails and blows up like a supernova?” Hollow asked. “Never mind.” Ben said worriedly. “It's part of his training. He has to force all that condensed Void to adapt to his body and absorb it. Like Cript said you all are behind. This will help John since he is currently weaker then he was before he came here. Now...want me to do same to you with Nothingness?” Hollow said holding an orb of Nothingness. How he got that is unknown. Probably the King. “The king give you that or something?” Ben asked with a frown. “Yes. Said it will help you since more powerful enemies are appearing more often. Believes you'll need it. So want it now or do you want to wait till your stronger and confident you can take it?” Hollow asked. “Be warned….its like all the atoms in your body are being ripped into micro atoms…..at best.” “Is feeling the Psychopath hive mind a good comparison?” Ben asked. “Depends I guess.” Hollow said. “Oi vey…” He sighed out. “Fine, lets get it over with.” “I'll open a portal to Nothingness so if you do fail he can contain the explosion.” Hollow said opening a portal behind Ben before forcing the orb into him. “Don't worry...I got this.” Ben said honestly. “Really, because the pain your about to feel is just from it entering...before the energy tries to rip itself out of you.” Hollow said as Ben felt a massive amount pain on every cell of his being. Hollow then, for some reason, spartan kicked Ben into the portal which closed. After he entered. “Let's hope they both survive. With what's to come they'll need it.” “Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black.” Cript said. “Zeke… and Trixie. Want any special treatment too? Eclipse?” “Whatever helps.” Zeke said. “Ditto.” Eclipse nodded. “Good.” Cript said, waving his hand as the two vanished. “Now that we are all alone, there’s something I need to discuss with you Hollow.” “What is it?” Hollow asked. “I need to know how willing you are to keep creation alive?” “....John's training is over….when he kills me...he will also end up taking my power, but won't be able to access it till he gets rid of the lock he placed on himself from when he fought Blueblood.” Hollow said. Cript signed. “Too bad, that’s one less allie on my side. So, this is why you wanted to keep away from your training with me?” “What's the point of taking admin training if your going to die anyway. Besides...I'm tired Cript. What happened to me...isn't something I would wish even on Vincent. As for allies.” Hollow smirks. “With them. They will become stronger than us. That's something I can guarantee. Their potential...is outstanding.” “Well, maybe you… I have a plain to keep what happened in Max’s timeline from ever happening. Period. But before I can do that, I need to kill Vincent. After that, I can make everything… perfect. Lord even thinks it can work. A means of erasing Madness entirely. I just need two things. My death back from Truth, and Vincent dead.” “That won't be easy. Not only is Truth both blocking you and others from his realm at the moment, but Vincent won't just let you kill him. And what about those clones of you he has?” Hollow asked. “... I’m the most powerful me in the whole of any reality Hollow… I’ll show him just how powerful he made me. As for Truth… worst case scenario I… he won’t be dead… just...trapped.” “Well if Max can get your death from Truth in his timeline I'm sure you can do it to somehow.” Hollow said. “No, each of my deaths is unique. I need MY death. I have an idea of how I can take it back. So, aside from leaving John as your...whatever. Not much else you’ll be leaving behind huh?” “A few things, but it's best not to show you.” Hollow said. “Good idea, so did the authors apparently.” Cript shrugged. “So… have you like...ever...did anyone?” Hollow deadpanned at Cript for a few seconds...before spartan kicking him through a portal back to his realm. “Did he really asked that?” “Nice try.” Cript said, appearing behind him. “I mean, did you ever have kids?” “No, and Cript...your getting predictable with that.” Hollow said as a trap door opened up behind him where Cript was standing and he fell through another portal. “3..2..1” “You really have no family?” Cript asked, this time sitting on the ceiling above Hollow. “None that I can remember. Also again. Predictable.” Two arms came out of the ceiling and threw the portal on Cript before closing it. “Again 3...2...1” Hollow actually jumped this time, seeing Cript INSIDE his eyes. “Really?” “Who are you? Bugs Bunny?” Hollow asked. “Depends.” Cript said, leaving Hollow’s eyes and appearing next to him. “Look, I just wanted to be sure.” “Yes. I'm sure. No family that I can remember.” Hollow said. “And even if you had a kid, you’d still want to die?” “Cript….you know this isn't my actually body. I can't have kids because of what happened to me. I couldn't even if I wanted to.” Hollow said. “You forget who you are talking too.” “Sigh. Cript. You might be strong with a crap ton of broken abilities, but not even you can fix this. Only my death can set me free, and that can only happen through one weapon. “Challenge accepted!” Cript yelled, slapping Hollow across the face...hard… Hollow came too with a semi swollen cheek. He looked at Cript. “Let me guess. You made me human for a day somehow right?” “Yup/” Cript answered. Though, Hollow felt something different, or rather, was different about Cript’s voice. When his vision cleared… he saw a long, brown haired woman...inCript’s clothes… “For the next twenty four hours, you are exactly as you where before you became what you where now.” Hollow looked at the genderbent Cript before sighing. “Just what are you planning now? I'm almost afraid to know.” “Well first, two things. One, do you know who your mother is?” “The Embodiment of Darkness, Eve.” Hollow said. “Percit! THen this will be a quick one!” Cript snapped her fingers, and Hollow found himself at a dinner in what looked like...paris? Before him was… Yen SId...his dad, Eve...his mother...and to his sides… his brothers?! “Sorry we are late!” Cript sai, pulling up a chair next to Hollow, Cript still female. “It’s no trouble.” Core said, taking a sip of what Hollow assumed was Coffee. Hollow whispered to Cript “what did you do?! Is this some kind of joke?!” “Nope.” God said, taking a bite of a muffin. “Core and I are dead brother, mom and dad here, not far behind destiny wise.” Their parents nodded. “ANd from what we here… you’ll be joining us last. Cript arranged a little meeting for us here in a plane between living and dead. A last and first family lunch, if you will.” “I have to admit, when I found out our mom was Eve I about flipped my shit.” Core laughed. “Don't blame you really. After what happened to Unum.” Hollow said. “But ya. My time is short. John will take my place in a way where he isn't in prisoned like I am. Although I do worry for him. Despite facing his inner rage and accepting his Demon forms.. He still holds himself back. Even when he fought you Core. He held back subconsciously. He has this lock on him that suppresses a lot of his power.” “So, you’ve been within Void this whole time Hollow?” Yen Sid spoke, making Hollow shrink a bit. “Why did you net try to find us for help? I scattered myself to the multiverses to try and find you.” “Sigh. I couldn't. What happened to me isn't something that can be undone with magic. I'm...actually dead at the moment. Stuck at my last few breaths before death. If you were to free me. I would die...and that can't be stopped.” Hollow said. “We could still have talked you dumb ass!” Core said, smaking Hollow upside the head. “We’re family. Your vanishing was the start of us all just splitting off. God became the biggest fucking introvert.” God nodded. “Dad is now omnipresent!” Yen Sid nodded. “And I ended up, well, almost killing you when we met again and stole your pupils hand… and wrecked his world! A simple ‘i’m fine’ would have been nice.” “Core. Even if you could have taken my head back then it wouldn't kill me. My death is...strange to say the least. As for John's world...well that was going to happen sooner or later with his connection to Void and Jar'Mudan.” Hollow said. “We still missed you.” God spoke. “A simple ‘hello’ would have been nice every now and again.” “I couldn't. Believe I had tried, but I couldn't.” Hollow said. “I had many things I had to watch while there.” “I can imagine.” Yen Sid said. “Your disappearance left a hole within all our hearts Hollow. Tell me, do you know what your name means in the old language?” “What?” He asked. “Home.” Eve spoke. “Back then, anything that was hollow, could be made into a home. So the two where the same. You where the youngest, and the one who we named that, because we hoped you’d find your own hollow.” Hollow was silent. “Always wondered why my name was Hollow. Now I know.” “We had hoped between the ruffian Core became-” Yen Sid started. “Hey!” Core said offended. “And God, being alone all the time.” “Not denying it.” God laughed. “You’d be the one to make a simple life for yourself. A family. Surprised us when Core was the one to marry, and you vanished.” “I always figured you’d all have kids, at least one. It was just Core in the end though.” Eve said. “Well not everything goes how we planned. Learned that a long….long time ago.” Hollow said. “Remember when we were five, and you fell down that well, and got a wedgie on the loose brick.” Core said, laughing. “You couldn’t sit for a week.” “Yes I remember. Much worse has happened since then.” Hollow said. “We are here to discuss happier times Hollow. Let’s not dwell on the events to come or what has happened since your disappearance.” Yen Sid said. “I'm sorry. It's just hard to remember any good times after all this time.” Hollow apologized. “I remember when you pranked Core by casting stop on him in the rain, when it was over he was sick for a month.” God chuckled. “Yeah, my nose was red for months after with all the snot that came out of it.” Core said, remembering with a light chuckle. “Ya I was grounded for a long time after that.” Hollow said. “YEah but I got you back for that.” Core said, laughing. “Ever wonder why all your meals that month where just a tad slimy?” “Nope. Knew it was you.” Hollow said. “And you still ate them?!” “Not wasting food.” Hollow stated. That earned a laugh from all at the table. Hours passed as the family spoke, time seeming to fly by as good memories and times where talked about, remembered,and for a while, Hollow felt… like there was nothing to worry about. “Okay, okay… when you had Nightmares about being baked into a pie, you remember the very next morning you screamed cause we where baking them for breakfast?” Core asked. “You screamed like a girl.” “You mean like you did when Unum scared you that one day and you passed out?” Hollow asked. “Hey, hey, we had just met, and already she pranked me with a pregnancy scare.” Another round of laughs. “The first one’ or the tenth one? I lost count after twenty three faints. She even stuffed a pillow over her stomach to make it look like she was carrying.” Hollow said. “How did you keep falling for that?” God asked, laughing. “I got smart...after… ya know… just me for so long. Researched all there was, then...began experimenting, just to make the time go by faster.” “It’s alright Core.” Yen Sid said. “You two will meet again.” “Yeah… I guess.” “So...how much time do we have left?” Hollow asked. “With us, it’s about over.” Eve said. “To be human, about eight hours.” Cript spoke for the first time the entire time. “Why are you female right now anyway?” Hollow asked. Almost afraid to know. “Two reasons. One. Cause fuck it, second, well, that should be obvious.” “It should probably, but I'm terrified to know.” Hollow deadpanned. “Good, then you already know.” Cript said with an affirming nod, making Hollow’s temporary normal facial colors as pale as he is normally. “Tempted to have John kill me already….” Hollow said. “I'm like really tempted.” “Yeah… not that easy for ya at the moment trillion year old virgin.” Cript said. “Even I’ve had sex.” God said. “Face it Hollow, you’re screwed.” “Or about to be.” Core added,the two brothers laughing. “Well sorry if I was busy with the crap ton of Horrors in Void and dead to look for someone to screw.” Hollow said with lots of sarcasm. The two elder brothers just laughed louder. “We will be seeing you seen, Hollow.” Yen Sid said, silencing the two. “I’m glad to have spoken to you all, at least for this time.” Eve said, tears rolling down her face. “Having to play the bad guy to my own kids, my daughter in law… it’s been hard… I regret so much…” “It's alright mother. We don't blame you, or at least I don't.” Hollow said. “See you soon, brother.” God said, his body vanishing into small orbs of light going skywards. “We will be expecting you.” Yen Sid said, his doing the same. “I love you, my son.” Eve said,leaving also leaving Hollow, Core, and Cript left. “So, you gonna at least go out with a bang. Heh, no pun intended.” Core asked. “I'll face John at the place where I'm trapped. He’ll deal the final blow if he is strong enough. I just hope he eventually overcomes that lock he put on himself. If he didn't have that lock Core. Even your pride form would have lost against him.” Hollow said. “Figured.” Core said, tracing his finger around his coffee cup. “These kids are something else. Can… you at least do me a favor, before ya pass on?” “What?” Hollow asked. “Unum is alive, well, sorta. Mom didn’t kill her, just sent her where Void the the realm of darkness touch. She escaped, bound to her void tainted corpse. It’s all bones now though… Can you find her...and tell her I’m waiting… and… our kids ended up alright… heh, after the first several hundred generations.” Core chuckled. “Sure.” Hollow said. “Barely anything can hide from me in Void.” “Thanks baby bro. Send her my love…” Core said, his body beginning to fade as well. “Maybe when we meet again, we can start that family over.” With that said, Core was gone, fading back up to the heavens. Hollow smiled. “I will.” “I’m glad you were able to be with them Hollow.” Cript said. “Just a...taste of what’s to come I guess.” “Not many get a second chance. That's a fact. Unless your an admin. Then you can pretty much give people as many chances as you want. One reason I don't really like admins.” Hollow admitted. “I only give them if they deserve it.” Cript said. “Then good for you.” Hollow said. “Good for you.” Cript said. “So, eight hours left as your average mortal. You got two options for what’s next. Submit now, or take a ten second running head start.” “There is something wrong with you…” Hollow stated. “Isn’t there something wrong with everyone?” Cript asked, poking Hollow’s nose. “Nine seconds.” Hollow was already gone….that was a decoy. “Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…” “You hid for a second longer than expected.” Cript said, still female, seven hours after catching Hollow… Hollow felt drained in every way conceivable… pun not intended. “...I feel like I was raped…” Hollow said. “That’s not what you screamed as the three hour mark.” Cript laughed. “Because of the dang drugs and pheromones one of your dumb abilities kept letting out!” Hollow said. “I'm surprised I'm not dead from overdose.!?” “They were just adrenaline shots~” Cript cooed. “Hey, at least you didn’t die a virgin.” “Keep telling yourself that…” He deadpanned. “So, boy or girl?” “No Cript….” Hollow said. “It’s already in me, at least give them a name.” “You….are…..crazy…..” Hollow said. “Never thought of having kids before so I never thought of names. “Well, if it’s a boy, how about naming them after you?” “Fine. Like I said I never thought of having kids before. Mainly because I didn't expect to get Raped?!” Hollow said. “Besides why would you do this anyway? You that bored before you fight with Vincent?” “Nope. Just… figured your parents deserved that grandkid they expected from you.” “Sigh. Fine. They do deserve it after I up and disappeared on everyone for so long.” Hollow said. “Good, now come on, at least come up with a girls name.” Cript said. “Ok.” Hollow thought for a bit. “Abyss?” “Not exactly a girls name now is it?” “Like I said not good with names.” Hollow said. “Violet?” “That’s nice.” Cript said, cuddling up to Hollow. “So, how long til you think til John is ready to… ya know…” “He still has a way to go. From what I sense because Th he and Ben have completed their test I gave them. John still needs to get at least two more Kings. I also worry about Tirek on John's world. He has been absorbing a lot of magic. As well as Void.” “Let Vanitas deal with him.” Cript said. “Even with all that energy, he’s not the major threat at the moment.” “I know. Just can't shake this feeling though…” Hollow said. “Events failed to play out properly on all their reflections. They just have to adjust accordingly. It will take time.” “Which they have little of with the war on the horizon.” Hollow said. “That’s why I had the script run, buy them just a bit more time.” Cript said as she began leaning into Hollow, the male blushing as Cript’s… assets. “I plan on fighting Vincent during this war of theirs. I don’t want them as part of it.” “Will you have your Death back when you do?” Hollow asked. “I should. It’s not exactly necessary, but it’s for what will come immediately after.” “If you kill him as an immortal it's just what he wants. Something he made doing him in to show he made something powerful.” Hollow said. “Maybe, but I’l be having the last laugh. All this power… it won’t be for combat… it will be for life… You ever hear the legend of some beings called The Mother, and, The Father?” “Not much. Not a lot of info to find.” Hollow said. “In Admins beliefs, it’s said to be that the Belief keeps all reality conceivable, able to exist so long as every living thing believes in it. The Mother is the ‘daughter’ of Belief, her very existence the reason life of all kinds exist at all. The Father is her defender, and, well, here’s the lewd parts, so long as they are intimate, life can continue, and evolve. What people didn’t know… is that they are actually the same being. Two halves of the same coin. The ‘all mighty gender neutral god’ or whatever. Let’s just say that… While I will still be around my and all my wives real body will be in one place, while the us you’ll be seeing are like clones we controle. Between us all, life can continue, and with them around for eternity, us all sharing a body and mind… Madness can’t develop. My death… I’ll use to link the Psychopaths to me, upgraded grim reapers. THey will make sure no one lives longer than they are destined to. Immortality is something no one should have. I’m speaking from experience. Lord can tell you the same.” “That's almost basic knowledge but most still want it.” Hollow said. “Well they will soon be a precaution for anyone trying to obtain it. No more gods. No more admins. No one will be as strong and immortal as Lord and I, that’s what got Max’s timeline so fucked. Everyone living forever, going insane. Just… no more. I’ll live on with purpose, sharing a body and mind with my family, keeping life going. Lord will do as he always does. Watch. Kids will likely all explore the new reality to come. My retirement will be...something.” “I'm sure it will be.” Hollow said. “Yeah. So, you still got like… half an hour as a human. Can you think of anything that takes half an hour to do?” Hollow got up and got dressed in an instant. “I'm heading back to continue John's training. He needs it almost more than the others. Since he isn't a member of your family he is basically on his own when it comes to getting stronger. One reason I want him to assemble his kings fast.” Hollow said. “Best wait those thirty minutes. While In that body you are much weaker.” “Doesn't matter. Not like I can die at the moment anyway. Real body is still back where is normally is. Besides I can't waste time now. The war is approaching faster and faster. John has already decided that when it comes. He’ll face Drezke himself. He’ll hold him off while Ben and the others take care of Kexez.” “Then Lake jumps in and All Trixie/Zeke have to do are put on the rings I gave them.” “If things go well, but Drezke probably won't let things go so easily. Especially when he is consumed by so much Darkness.” Hollow said. “True, if that’s the case even Lake’s presence will not be enough to keep him calm. Not to Mention Kexez has massive amounts of Darkness inside him. Zeke will have to use Reject Darkness on him before they are made whole.” “That's for the future to decide.” Hollow said. “Yeah. Welp, guess I’ll make Sure Zeke/Trixie and Eclipse don't die.” Cript said, snapping her fingers as a red and blue sundress appeared on her. “Dang, some womens clothes are just crazy comfy.” “I wouldn't know. I don't switch genders on the daily.” Hollow said preparing a portal. “Actually I’m always both. Some copy bodies of mine are female for… reasons. First ever swapped Genders on my first anniversary, with Lyra. We went to a costume ball and to everyone else, we went as each other, but someone figured out we were really still just us, just gender swapped. I remember that day so well. Before that ball we walked the beach, saw a galaxy being born…” “It's so rare to hear genuine emotion from you Cript. Figured your immortal life and hack abilities nearly killed them all. What's the sense of being sad over someone you love being killed if you can just get a backup on them?” Hollow. “Hollow...how old do you think I am?” Cript asked, eyebrow raised. “Don't really know. Don't really care. Just that you older than most beings except for admins. At least a bit.” Hollow. “... I’m fucking twenty!” Cript yelled. “At least by my realms years.” “And how many regular years are there in one of yours?” Hollow asked. “...one! One normal year! I was born in 1998!” “Then why do you keep acting like your millions of years old from time to time. Because your life made you like that?” Hollow asked. “I may not be as old as you, Lord, or even most anything else… but I’ve seen more than enough… done more than what should be possible…” “Some would say you might be twenty, but only because you probably slowed your aging process somehow. So say your next one year is in fifty.” Hollow said. “No, I’m just twenty.” Cript stated. “Wow you really are young….why are you out of your cradle?” Hollow asked. That earned a punch from Cript, not enough to send him flying, just enough to bruise. “Rude. I told you Nexus made me to become powerful. You really thought they take things slow?” “Wouldn't be surprised if you had multiple defects from their rushing. Is your near dead emotions one of them?” Hollow asked. “No…” Cript said, taking a seat on the bed. “...Before all of this, when I was ten, the temple I grew up in would send us out of a year long walk, to know the world first hand. When I came back…. It was all burned down, my masters dead, and the younger student too… my own friend, almost brother… did it. For a whole year, he tortured me, mutated my DNA, injected dark powers into me… just to wake up the Psychopath inside me… he got what he wanted after sending me to to Truth, and he took my death. I saw EVERYTHING Psychopath had done. In my realm, Mars became a fully livable colony, a second earth… every last man, woman, child...baby… I watched him kill, tear apart...eat… I gained control after it was all over…” “Psychopath….I don't even know if it classifies as evil or something else anymore. From Void I've seen it do countless atrocities. Even saw what it made Light do. John vowed to find a way to stop it. Even if it's pointless..” Hollow said. “I was broken, all their screams stuck in my head, their victims blood… I still feel it on my skin… I started Freak Inc. so normal people can stand a chance against those things, not have to wait for a hero who might be there too late. I was making deals with other world's inhabitants at some point and came across Equestria. I never made it to Celestia, my inner mage wanted to know how Unicorn magic differed from my normal magic. I ended up teleporting all over the place, stopping in the middle of a dirt road. I heard someone yell get out and… I woke up with no memories in the hospital. Lyra’s wagon ran off and ran me over. She took me in… was so patient with me… I remember the first time she kissed me. Even without memories, emotions where hard to muster up. A wall around my heart, remembering without knowing. I guess. She kissed me and it was the first time I felt...human. A week after we were married, I regained my memories. I was ready to leave her… I wasn’t from her world, I couldn’t stay with her… but somehow, she stowed away on my ship, and has been with me ever since. Despite how I act… she keeps me sain Hollow. She always has.” “I'm guessing she tried to wallop you on the head when you tried to leave without her?” Hollow said. “Actually, she was too fascinated with her transformation from pony to human. Seeing the stars so up close. Her whole perception of the universe, blown out of the water. Heh, it was my turn to be patient with her. She’s seen me at my lowest, my...cruelest, and she still loves me regardless.” “I remember when John ran into his worlds Lyra. He was blasted into her house by Twilight, or as he called her Solid Snake Twilight. First thing he said was ‘hey’. Before he practically Noped himself out of there fearing those fan theories of her being Hand crazy were true.” Hollow said. “Heh. Yeah… Lyra’s about as Kinky and horny as the internet’s collected porn combines… partly explains how this happened.” Cript said, waving a finger between the two of them. “It was her idea for a herd… When she said that, I hid in the nearest room, which happened to be the broom closet. Heh, back then she had to talk me out of there, now a days she adds new members in quota’s. Her dream comes from a pony hentia book she loved reading back on Equestria… Dear god I can’t help but love her.” “She makes Rune look stuck up and the complete opposite of what she is doesn't she?” Hollow asked. “She makes Pornhub look like Youtube.” Cript laughed. “But she’s a good person. Better than I can ever be.” “That's the case mostly. Well I best get going. John isn't going to master his powers by himself yet.” Hollow said opening the portal. “And I best switch out with a male copy then. See ya when the kids born.” Cript said, snapping her fingers and she was gone. “Well. Let's get going then.” Hollow said as he stepped through the portal. > Potental and The Monster. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first after Hollow dropped him through a hole to….somewhere. John saw and felt nothing. Then after a bit….he wished he didn't feel anything at all. The best way he could describe it….was as if every atom in his body was being slowly ripped into pieces before those pieces are cauterized and ripped again. Although even that description doesn't feel right. John layed still on the ground. He wasn't able to even blink from the pain. Now that he thinks about. He should start breathing again before lack of oxygen kills him. Although the pain from just breathing almost makes him just stop. You know it's bad when you feel like suffocating is a better death then what the pain will give. He felt blood on the ground next to him. His blood that is. He feels his muscles and skin ripping from the strain and blood pouring out of him. If this keeps up blood lost will kill him before anything. Some of the injuries from the strain should be nearly crippling, but with magic nowadays if he survives he should be better after some time. He didn't know how much time has passed since he got here. For all he knows it's been more than a day or even a week. He tried to get up but kept falling down from the pain. At one point he got to his feet but slipped on some blood and fell on the ground hard. The power Hollow put inside him….was truly something. He is surprised it hasn't killed him yet. “Well….this might be it. I don't really see a way out of this.” John said. He chuckles a bit. Dying during training. Heh. Gilda always said his training would be the death of him. Although he thinks she meant him training to hard that he dies from exhaustion. He wishes he could see them. Gilda, Roseluck, the other. Everyone. One last time. He is kinda fine with dying. At least his Psychopath won't get out. “Giving up already?” A familiar Voice said. “ surprised he lasted this long given the pain he is facing. Then again this is John we’re talking about.” another voice. John opened his eye and looked over where the voices came from and saw two figures. Drexel and….John? Wait. That's….something else. Just using his form. “Dr-Drexel? And...wh-who are yo-you?” John asked. “Well it's about time you met this guy. After all he has been with you about the same amount of time as I have.” Drexel said. What did that mean? “ It's nice to finally meet my host. The name. Is Jar'Mudan. The Previous Emperor of Void.” Jar said. John's eye widened. “The previous….Emperor of Void?” “Ya. This old dude is the old Emperor. He is pretty powerful. Although after his fight with Max all these years ago. He became….stuck to our souls. Can't be freed except by his death.” Drexel said. “That's the gist of it. You borrowed a bit of my power when you fought Core last time. About 2% I believe. Surprised you survived that. Although you are a potential candidate for Void Emperor.” Jar said with a shrug. John was still trying to process all this. He was still in a massive pain. “Still though. I'm surprised your giving up John.” Drexel said. “I can't see a way out of this. Either because there is no current one, or the pain is blinding me more than I thought. What could I do in this scenario.” John said. “Keep fighting.” Drexel told him. “You think something like this can actually keep you down? Your stronger than this John. You wouldn't have passed my test if you weren't.” John coughed up some blood. “This is different Drex. I can't just hit the pain away. I...I can't contain this power.” “Than don't.” John looked at Jar in confusion. “Wh-what do you mean?” Jar gave a small smirk. “Most beings make the same mistake with Void. They either try to control it, contain it, get rid of it, or something else. That's not how Void works. It's alive in a sense. Including the Void Hollow gave you.” Jar walked over to John and kneeled closer to John. “John your potential for Void doesn't come from me. You were born with this connection to Void. Unlike Drexel who was born for Light. You John...are something rare. You can definitely pass this test. You just got to think a little.” Jar got up and walked over to Drexel. Leaving John to think. “Think he'll actually pass this? That energy is no joke.” Drexel asked. “Not at this rate. He is definitely something, but for him to pass might need….a little help.” Jar'Mudan said before using Void to put John under an illusion. John was thinking when he started coughing again. His body felt like it was closer and closer to death. He opened his eye...to see Equestria? It was a bloodbath…bodies everywhere from all around him. This….this couldn't be. John felt something touch when he looked...to see Shining Armor missing the right half of his head. “Where we-were you? We needed y-you.” John gave a small Yelp in fear and scooted away. He bumped into something else. It was Applebloom and her friends. “W-why Mister? Why did you leave us t-to die?” She said while her friend tried to crawl onto John. John crawled away while shoving them off him. “This...this wasn't supposed to happen?!” John said. This had to be fake! It had to! He started dragging himself away when he saw something in the distance. It was a tall shadowy figure...with Gilda and Roseluck at its feet. They looked near dead. Their bodies covered in wounds. Both of Gilda's wings were at awful angles and one of Roseluck’s hoofs was twisted nearly 360 degrees around. John couldn't breath...were….were they still alive? He couldn't tell. He couldn't even tell if his heart was still beating. It's like everything stopped…...before the figure raised one of its arms. Ready to strike down. Ready to kill them. “NO-” John started to yell as he tried to get up. Before multiple tears and wounds appeared on his body. His yell because a roar of pain as he forced himself to stand. “SCREW THIS TEST HOLLOW!! I WON'T FAIL THEM AGAIN!!” John started moving as fast as he could to stop the figure, but it looked like he couldn't get closer at all. He forced himself to move faster and faster despite the stress causing his injuries to worsen. He had to make. He had to save them. He...he can't make it. Not by himself. “Please. Help me save them. I can't do this by myself.” John pleaded, but not to Jar'Mudan, Hollow, or Drexel. He pleaded...to the Void….and it listened. The pressure that has been killing John for some time now started to increase more and more, but the pain started to disappear. John felt himself moving faster and faster. He felt wings form on his back and their familiar sensation as he used to to fly at a much faster speed. He was on the figure in less than a tenth of a second before slamming his left fist into its head. And the illusion shattered. John found himself standing with his fist out. Looking at a different area of the Dojo. He looked around and saw that...none of the bodies were around. Was….that a test? Clapping was heard not far. “Well done. Expected nothing less from you John.” “Think that was a lot too much don't you?” “Nah. Could have made it much worse. Could have had him have a front row seat to ‘something’ using those two as play things but decided against it.” John turned around to see Drexel and Jar'Mudan looking at him. Jar was the one who clapped. “Drex? Jar? What's going on?” John asked. All this still spinning in his head. “Simple. Jar put you under an illusion to help you break past this barrier. Your one step closer to your full potential, but there are still many more barriers in the way.” Drexel told him. “He’s right. Your special John. More than you know. Your easily one of the strongest of your friends from Earth. Your Psychopath, massive potential in Void, and many other things are proof of your potential, and it has nothing to do with you being Drexel's reincarnation or with me being stuck to you.” Jar'Mudan told John. “What do you mean?” John asked. He was confused. What other things did he mean?” “Not for now. Before we send you back to Hollow-” Drexel said before bringing out two keyblades. Fenrir and Counterpoint. “- it's time I show you how use these properly.” John nodded before bringing out his Fenrir and Counterpoint. Noticing his right Void arm is now solid from his hand to his elbow. Meaning this test was a success. Now he just has to practice with Drexel till Hollow is done doing….whatever he is doing. ‘For some reason I'm pitying him now.’ John thought about Hollow for some reason. In Equestria A few mile away from the Village were a group of ten Guards on a patrol. There were ten as a precaution for something like Tirek or the Heartless. Vanitas was hesitant to let them go, but decided to trust them since they were the top ten of the Royal Guard in his training. “Was really a good idea to patrol so far from the Village? I mean with someone like Tirek out there it's a little too risky now isn't it?” One Pegasus Guard asked. “It'll be fine. I'm sure Tirek is just a big push over anyway.” A Unicorn Guard said. An arrogant guard. “Calm down everypony. We need to keep our senses alert. One wrong move and it's over.” An Earth Pony said. He was obvious the leader, or most cautious. “Yah yah captain, we'll keep a lookout. Right Cliff?” Another Pegasus guard said. Only to be met with silence. “Cliff?” He looked over to not see the Unicorn Guards that was next to him. “Hey Cliff! Where did you go?” He yelled out a bit. Causing the others to notice that one was missing. They began looking for the missing guards. When a Unicorn Guard noticed an Earth pony guard was missing. Before he could signal the others a quick scream happened, and another guard disappeared. “COME BACK OUT AND FIGHT COWARD!!” The arrogant Unicord Guard from before yelled out. Another scream, and only six were left. “Who is doing this!?” A Unicorn Guard said. Each brought out their starlight keyblade and formed a circle. Each with their backs towards the center of the clearing. “It's Tirek! It has to be. Damn it! We shouldn't have gone so far from the Village!” The captain said. Two more screams and they suddenly were down to four. “How is he doing this?!” The last Pegasus Pony Guard panicked. The Captain was looking everywhere trying to find him. He then made a decision. “You three head back now! I'll try to hold him off!” “What!?” The Arrogant Unicorn said. “We can take him! I'm not running away like a coward!” The captain got right in his face. “THAT'S AN ORDER!! HEAD BACK NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN!” The other two guards grabbed the Unicorn and dragged him away as fast as they could. Leaving the captain alone. They trotted as fast as they could with the Unicorn guard angry that he has to run away. Then they heard a bone chilling scream. The captain’s scream. The Unicorn stopped. “You two go. I can take him. Get going now!” He said summoning his keyblade and go t ready to fight. The last two guards hesitated, but agreed to go. They left as fast as they could. “Ok Tirek. Come on out so I can show you a real fight.” The guard said. He was ready for what he thought was his chance to show he was one of the best in the Village. Then….he heard the screams of the last to guards from behind him….before they were suddenly silenced by two loud snaps. He looked behind with a shocked look. Then two objects fell in front of him. It was the last two guards….mangled and twisted. He backed away, when he bumped into something. …..or someone. He looked up in time to see a large hand grabbing him by his horn before lifting him up. He looked Tirek on the eye….and was frightened. Tirek smirks. “What's the matter? Aren't you going to show a “real” fight?” Tirek then threw the guard against a tree on the other side of the clearing. A loud snap was heard when Tirek threw him and he felt massive pain in his horn. He placed a hoof on his horn. Only to find that it broke off. He looked at Tirek in fear who threw the horn behind him. Tirek then picked up the guard with magic and pulled him close. “Pathetic.” Tirek then drained the guard of all his magic as well as the magic from his keyblade. Tirek then grabbed the guard by his neck…..and bent it backwards. Tirek dropped the dead guard on the ground like some common trash before looking in the direction of Everfree Village. “Soon. I'll have the power I need to attack. Just have to bid my patience and wait.” Tirek said before moving on. In Everfree Village A fist slammed down on a table that had a map of what Equestria now looks like. “God Damn it!! I shouldn't have let them go!” That was Vanitas. The map was magically augmented to show guards on patrol around Equestria. Only when the guards die will the dots for them on the map disappear. Like it did for the patrol Vanitas sent out before. “You can't blame yourself. We also agreed on sending them out. The fault is as much as ours as your.” Gilda said. No longer looking pregnant. She is a griffin. She finally laid the egg. Now she just has to wait for it to hatch, and hope John is here for it. She won't blame him if he misses it. This training Hollow is giving him is important for everyone. Celestia looked at the map. “Tirek is becoming a bigger and bigger threat by the day. If only me and my Sister had killed him all those years ago instead of locking him away for eternity. Me and Luna were too soft on many things for to long.” She said. She had looked at records of crimes and felonies in Equestria for the past hundred years and saw a lot of the horrible crimes got light punishments. Those “monsters” basically got a slap on the hoof! How could she have gotten so soft over these years? She and Luna won't be making that mistake any time soon. Not that they’ll execute every criminal for even small crimes, but that they'll look at the crimes more thoroughly and issue the proper punishment no matter how strict. Wise Gear looked over the map. “If only we had a way to track him with this. We could go after him and finish this before John gets back, or wait till John gets back if Tirek is too strong for us.” He said. Wise Gear had been busy with his work while the others were training. He had made more and better versions of his Clockwork Soldiers. Each with four blades, the size of Minotaurs, and detection spells for 360 degrees coverage of about ten meters. As well as stronger long range elect burst to either stun or kill targets. He has then set at key points in the Village for protection of the citizens. He also has been working on the Gear John left. Although he is sure John will have much better stuff from his training, but it doesn't hurt to improve them. Vanitas looked at the map where the last guard died. “He is probably still in the area around here.” Vanitas looked at it for a few more seconds before making up his mind. He walked towards the exit and said. “I'm going after him.” Celestia looked alarmed. “What?! You can't Vanitas! What if Tirek gets you as well? We need all the central members here.” She said. “I have to stop him now before he gets to powerful! I won't fail.” Vanitas said before heading out the door. The others becoming worried. Vanitas walked till he was outside and looked at the Village. He has to stop Tirek before he gets here. Vanitas summoned his glider and left. Looking to stop Tirek for good before things get worse. Outside Everfree Village. Few miles away. Vanitas made his way towards the area that the guards died. He searched around for any trace of Tirek, but couldn't find any. “Dang it. Where did he go?” Vanitas said as he looked around. He had his armor and helmet on. Ready for battle. As he searched he saw the corpse of the last guard that died. He looked away from the sight. He has to find him. Now! Vanitas took a few more steps before his reaction command made him dodge a boulder that almost crushed him. He turns towards the attacker, only to be blasted half a second before he could react and plowed through several trees into a new clearing. He quickly got up and saw the other two guards corpses a couple meters away. He won't even describe their condition. Tirek is much worse than anyone has thought before. “Well well well. The Commander of the Keyblade forces here. How nice of you to deliver yourself to me.” Tirek said as he entered the clearing. He was almost half as tall as the trees in the area. According to the show. He is currently a bit bigger than he was before the Alicorn magic, and he still hasn't absorbed all of Equestria's magic. “Once your out of the way, and your power is mine. It'll be much easier to get past that stupid barrier for that town. I'll take all the magic in that village and when John gets back. The “Blade of Equestria” will look in horror at his loved ones corpses before I steal his power as well.” Tirek said as he coats himself in magic power. “You'll have to kill me first, and I'm not dying today!” Vanitas said as he attacked. He used strike raid that nailed Tirek in the chest before he appeared next to his keyblade and slashed at Tireks face. Tirek tilts his head enough to dodge the attack before grabbing Vanitas with his magic. He then threw Van away and made him plow through three acres of forest while digging a trench half way. Van didn't have much time to think as his reaction common made him dodge a charging Tirek and slam a blast of Darkness on his back. Tirek though, smirked as he inhaled the darkness. Making himself stronger. Vanitas widened his eyes. ‘It's not just magic he can absorb?! Crap! At this rate I'll lose my magic and be killed.’ Vanitas thought before dodging a few blast of magic before Tirek rushed and slammed Vanitas in the ground with his fist. Smashing his helmet. Tirek then picked up Van by his neck and held tightly. “Thanks for the meal.” Tirek said viciously before he started to drain Vanitas. Vanitas felt his magic drain fast. He had to get away Now! He felt something on his belt and remembered. A Folding Sword that John made him carry! He will thank him later. Vanitas grabbed the weapon, unfolded it, and stabbed Tirek in his left eye. Tirek howled in pain as he held the wound. Vanitas quickly summoned his glider and fled. Going as fast as his weakened self could go. “I'm such a Goddamn Idiot!i should have listened to the others!” Vanitas said. Hating himself for making Tirek even stronger. He doubts the stab would last long. Tirek probably healed it by now. All he can do now. Is return and let everyone know...he failed. Tirek watched Vanitas fly away before smirking. He took his hand off his eye to show it was fine. “Nice acting if I say so myself. The fools don't realize...but they lost the day The Blade left.” Vanitas flew into the village. He almost crashed into the ground if Twilight and Trixie hadn't have stopped him. “Vanitas! What happened?” Trixie asked. Twilight was worried as well. “Did you...lose?” She asked. Vanitas was basically their best fight at this point...if he lost. “Tirek can absorb more then just magic. He absorbed my Darkness as well as most of my magic. Tirek is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know what to do?!” Vanitas said. “Well let's go back inside. I. Sure the others wou-” Trixie started saying. Before she suddenly disappeared. Shocking both Vanitas and Twilight. Twilight tried a tracking spell, but nothing worked. Things were getting worse and worse. “Dang it John! Hurry Up!” Vanitas yelled out. John finished training with Drexel a while ago. After he did his X-blade, Honor, appeared. What happened was another story. When John got back he, Aqua, and Sans were standing in front of Hollow. “I'll keep this breath. We are low on time, and we still have three more members to find. So for this I'll split you three to find them. You all need the training as soon as possible. Especially you John. Your training in Pure Void need to start soon.” Hollow said. They nodded at him. Hollow snapped his fingers sending them on their way. Now all he has to do….is wait for the final three Void Kings. The Sorcerer, The Knight, and The Berserker. > A Father's Wrath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When John existed the portal he found himself...somewhere. He could see a horizon, but he stood on nothing. Like an invisible platform or something. Although this place looks a little familiar. After a few seconds John saw someone drop down from….somewhere. A tall reddish man, spikey white hair, glowing white eyes, and six Huge arms that looked like they were made of metal. He looked around before seeing John, and got very angry. Probably thought he was an enemy. The man charged at John with incredible speeds that John could barely follow. Luckily John had put up a shield a second before the man moved. Although the man basically tore right through it and slammed a fist into John's face. Which hurt a lot! John was sent flying and rolled a few times. When John was able to correct himself he saw the man close and about to punch again. Only with the three fist on his left this time. “Wait wait wait!?” John shouted. “I'm not your enemy! I don't even know where I am?!” The man stopped before looked at John. “Who are you?” Dang. He could feel the anger in his voice! “My name is John. John Corvo. I'm here looking for someone. Who are you?” John asked The man lowered his fist before saying. “Asura. I'm here for my daughter, and to destroy the bastard that took her!” “I'll help if I can. I'm on your side. So who took her?” John asked. A pillar of light appeared in the distance as if to answer John. A tall multi armed man that looked like a religious God from John's home. He couldn't remember the religion or name though. “Well done Destructor. You have exceeded my expectations. I praise you.” He said before floating over to Asura. His power...was incredible. “You are indeed he one to inherit this world. Gaea...must be led by one of its own.” He said gesturing towards Asura. Ok so he is apparently the manipulative type for his own goals. “Now that you have become a perfect being. I may now leave this world, and save others in need of my guidance.” Ok so a god that's completely full of himself thinking others can't survive with his guidance. And a strong one at that. He held out of one of his hands as a golden orb appears and floats towards Asura. “Come...and join your daughter. “ A girl in strange robes, probably royalty or something, appears from the orb. She looks around and see Asura and smiles. “Father!” She rushes towards him and hugs him. With him hugging back. The god looks and John and raises an eyebrow. “And what have we here? A resident of the Void, and a heir at that. This is a surprise, but not one to worry about.” Was he calling John weak? He was wasn't he. “You don't possess the power to currently threaten a being such as I.” He looks towards Asura and his daughter before kneeling down and holding out a hand. “I, Chakravartin, am counting on you. Redeemer.” Asura looked at him with at him with an angry look. He then looked at his daughter who smiled at him. He looked back at Chakravartin less angry then before. Then..Asura smiled at him. Was...he actually going to- Asura suddenly slugged Chakravartin in the face with his upper left arm with a pissed off look. “I refuse!” Chakravartin stumbled back a few feet before kneeling down while holding his jaw. “How dare you defy me!” John smirked at this. It's nice to see arrogant gods get knocked down a peg or two. Asura then held a fist at him. “I will destroy you and your so-called world!” “That is unlikely!” “Father!” The girl said. Need to know her name. Chakravartin stood up and sent a wave of energy at them. “Get back here!” John jumped in the way and formed a shield with Void to block it. It held till Chakravartin sent even more power destroying the shield and sending both John and Asura flying. John saw the girl get covered in another golden orb before Chakravartin absorbed the orb. Asura got back up and gave an angry shout. John followed and went full powered demon. The form his rage took. He was covered in dark purple spiked armor covered in void runes that increased speed, defense, and strength. Very strong claws and large wings. Chakravartin sent a wave of pressure that pushed them both back. They charged at him as he sent glowing orbs at them that tracked and sent energy beams as well. “I may have overestimated you.” Chakravartin said. “Shut your face!!” Asure yelled rushing towards him only to get pushed back even further. John went in trying to punch him only for him to block it with his staff before knocking him back. “I hope you don't disappoint me any further.” He said. John is really starting to hate this guy. “SHUT UP!!” Both John and Asura yelled. John used Wormhole to make a portal to him that both Asura and himself took appearing in front of Chakravartin. Asura landed a few strong blows with John landing some as well. “Hahaha. Good. Very Good.” Chakravartin laughed as he sent them back again . “You won't be laughing for much longer!” Asura yelled. He got to him before John, but before he could attack he barely dodged a strike to his head from his staff. It struck the ground and appeared to have broken it. When it broke Asura and John were blinded by a bright light. When it subsided John saw they were somewhere else. He saw multiple pillars with what looked like faces on them going down...into a dark cloud that had who knows what behind them. Josh saw Asura falling and saw….a golden giant statue of Chakravartin in the distance. Asura angled himself to fall towards it. John took off after him. “If you will not inherit this world…” Chakravartin said before summoning multiple orbs around him. “Return to nothing!” He sent them at both of them. Asura destroyed the ones coming at him with his own blast while John dodged the ones coming for him. Asura and John then let loose their own blast. Chakravartin created orbs that shot lasers at them as they dodge while returning fire. The orbs then combined into a massive orb that came at them quickly. John used a singularity orb, or black hole, to absorb the blast while Asura pummeled Chakravartin more and more. Asura then in a burst of power went straight for Chakravartin and smashed his fist into him. Then, like he was just a glass panel. He broke and Asura and John found themselves back to the area before. Chakravartin in the distance without an injury. The battle continues with John and Asura trying to get close to land blows with Chakravartin constantly pushing them back and sending out blast to stop them. This continues for a few minutes. Then Asura surrounded himself in another burst of power and charged right at Chakravartin and slammed his three right fist into his face before he could react. As he stumbled back John landed a punch as well with all he got pushing him back even further. Chakravartin stumbled back bending over. He started to shake with angry before letting out a loud yell while power flows out of him. He then threw both staffs quickly at John which broke John's demon form down to half demon and entered a slug fest with Asura. They traded blow for blow as the punches continued. Looked to be at a stalemate. Then Asura's fist started to break, no get destroyed as they collided with Chakravartin’s fist. Although Chakravartin's fist were getting cracked Asura was starting to loose. As he fourth fist was destroyed Chakravartin smiled arrogantly. Asura didn't give up. He charged his right fist with more power before slamming a powerful uppercut into Chakravartin sending up. Then Asura rained in more blows while saying. “A world that needs to be manipulated deserves to come to an end!” Before slamming one more powerful punch that made Chakravartin cough out sending him flying. Before he hit the ground John kicked him higher into the air before creating hundreds, no thousands of weapons around him and brought his hands together sending them all at Chakravartin. “A god that feels that the suffering of countless life's justify his petty goals doesn't deserve to exist!” John yelled as Chakravartin was pummeled from all around him by the weapons John sent at him. John then formed ten Opticor energy cannons and blasted them all into Chakravartin's gut sending him towards the ground. Chakravartin shakily got up before looking at them. His anger grew and grew before letting out a yell as he floated high off the ground. “Arrogant Destructor. Foolish Void heir. I shall erase your very existence!” He then covered himself in a orb of power that was pulling everything towards it. John and Asura stood their ground as they withstood the pull. Suddenly the orb disappeared. But as the shaking of the realm they were in started to lessen it struck back much stronger as a black orb with a white center appeared. Soon the entire orb became white and grew. John could see a figure in the orb before it revealed itself. John and Asura stared wide eyed as they saw Chakravartin's new form. Chakravartin lowered himself down. As he touched the floor...the whole realm changed to a grayish realm with black dots floating around. Chakravartin was mostly silver with only two arms this time. Eyes red with his lower pitch black skull showing. He smiled at them. His power...what is he!? Asura shook off the shock from before and powered up more then before. He charged at him with John following. Both charged up their strike and swung at him. Only for him to causally block both with just one finger each. “Weak. Very weak.” A light started appearing on both fingers John and Asura couldn't move. “Die!” Pain. That was what John could best describe what he felt. He and Asura were sent flying back and started rolling on the ground. Asura was able to correct himself and grabbed John's arm to stop him. Josh was back to his base form while Asura's arms were what was probably his normal arms. Golden metal covering half of them. John and Asura were covered in wounds. Chakravartin was basically at full health. John was starting to wonder if they could do this when Asura put his foot down and powered up. John saw this and followed. He powered himself up with Void and Psychopath. Chakravartin floated up a bit and crossed his arms. “You shall not...defy me!” The battle continues with John and Asura doing the best they can. Chakravartin was very quick and had power attacks that really hurt. Asura went for a punch only for Chakravartin to stop time and quickly move to a different spot. Although he wasn't expecting John to slam a Void and Psychopath fist into him. “Going to have to try better than that. Stopping time doesn't work on me.” John yelled. Bend Time was so useful. Although Chakravartin didn't Sean to mind the punch and kicked John away. As John recovered he sees Chakravartin summon many swords made from his power. “The suffering this world has seen-” He then flicked his finger at John as the swords came at very high speeds. John was barely able to avoid getting hit. They left barely any room to breathe. As he dodged the last one he sees Chakravartin floating off the ground with his legs crossed and a giant orb above him created from his finger. “ -was all to choose my heir!” He then sent to blast at John. John decided to take a page from Asura's book and jumped at the blast and started punching it. Asura jumped in as well as they both destroyed the blast and charged at Chakravartin. He uppercutted John and kicked Asura away in two different directions. This almost one sided fight continued till Chakravartin grabbed Asura and through him into John sending them both towards the ground. John could barely move at this point. Chakravartin...was so strong. Asura...didn't give up though. “I'm not done yet…” He said as he struggled to get up. “I'm not finished!!” He yelled as he stood back up. John was amazed he could still keep going. He remembers that Chakravartin has Asura's daughter. John then thinks of what would he do if it was Gilda or Roseluck that Chakravartin had. It made him furious. A black Void started to cover John as his Psychopath charged as well. “Neither am I!!” John yelled. John and Asura charged the God to continue the battle. Both giving it all they got. John and Asura landed more and more blows with Chakravartin taking each without flinching. Asura then charged up one big punch and slammed it into Chakravartin's gut. Although Chakravartin just smiled at the futile attempt. Asure, fist still glowing a fiery red, didn't stop. He poured more and more power into his fist. Making it sink into Chakravartin a little. Asura took a step forward, and the glow brightened as the power increased. Pushing Chakravartin back a bit. Stunned. Chakravartin tried to push Asura off him, but Asura pushed on. Taking another step increasing the power even more. He let out a loud yell as more and more power from his wrath charged his punch. John, not wanting to be left out, charged his own punch and slammed it into Chakravartin's face. The combination of the two blows sending him flying. John's punch managed to crash his face. While Asura's became an explosion that pushed Chakravartin back. The blast/beam causing multiple crash in his torso. As it subsidies Chakravartin took a few shaky steps back. “What?!” He couldn't believe that they managed to hurt him. “Impossible!” He yelled at them Asura stomped towards Chakravartin with John right behind him. “This ends now!” Chakravartin charged with Asura intercepting with a strong right. Chakravartin responded with his own powerful right. John kicked him off Asura and proceeded to slam a left only for Chakravartin to dodge and punch John in the gut a few time and kicking him up. John recovered and grabbed Chakravartin leg and slammed him into the ground. He moved aside to doge a stomp from Asura before kicking his legs out from under him and tackling him. Asura counters and slams him into the ground and got on top of him. “ I understand it all now!” He said before slamming one fist after another into him. “The true reason for my wrath!” He said before repeating the process. Chakravartin then slugged Asura and processed to reverse their positions. He then did to Asura what he was previously doing to him. “You are not worthy!” He said slamming more fist into Asura. John then kicked him away before slamming in some more fist into Chakravartin. “You don't even deserve to exist!” John yelled as he continues to attack Chakravartin. The god then grabbed one of John's arms and slammed him down. Before he could attack though Asura grabbed him by the face and started to squeeze his hand hard. “I could not stand it!” Asura said. Chakravartin kneed him and proceeded to kick him, but Asura recovers and grabbed his leg. Pulling him into a strong blow that sends him back. Chakravartin charged back and slammed his fist into Asura's face, but Asura slammed his forehead into hit. The force caused many cracks to form on his arm as he stumbled back in pain. “N-no!” “There is always some fool. That WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD!” Asura yelled before slamming a fist into Chakravartin sending him flying back towards the ground. Struggling to get up. “Always forcing others to do..what they cannot do for themselves!” Chakravartin tries to get up but stumbled down. “How can he...be so powerful…?” Chakravartin asked himself before Asura uppercutted him making him flip through the air a few times before hitting the ground. “I am...the only...g-god…” He says struggling to get up. Chakravartin then starts powering up more and more before charging head first towards Asura and slammed his fist into Asura. Causing a massive wave of his energy to fly away. Asura...wasn't sent flying though. He stopped himself before grabbing Chakravartin's arm. His grip got tighter and tighter as Asura started to glow more and more. “That's why…” He said as he broke Chakravartin's arm. “I pray to no one!” He said as he held his right arm back and a massive amount of power charged before he slammed it into Chakravartin's gut. Chakravartin's eyes widening in pain. “Nor will I be prayed to!” Asura said before slamming his other fist into Chakravartin's chin sending him up. “But...above all else…” Asura gripped his right fist as he charged more and more power into it. “I will never...forgive you…” He then reared back and yelled out the rest of his threat. “-for making my daughter cry!!!” He slammed his fist into his face sending him fly a dozen meters back. As he was in the air a familiar orb came out of him and bounced away. Before expanding until it was as big as before and released Asura's daughter. Chakravartin stood up looking shock at what was happening. “This is not my destiny…” Asura charged in for one last punch. “This is your end!” When his daughter suddenly ran in front of him trying to stop him. Asura stopped almost a foot away from her. “If you kill him. All the Mantra will be lost! Without Mantra you cannot survive-” Was Mantra what their power was? Then getting rid of it would end Asura, but Asura just smiled. “But-” he then speed past her saying. “-you will still live.” He charged right at Chakravartin reading one last punch with John sending his own power to help as Asura's daughter yelled at him. Asura slammed his fist one last time into him. The power behind that punch...broke off over half of Chakravartin's face. Chakravartin gave off a cry of agony as his power went out of control as it tore him apart. Before he vanished. Haven been destroyed. John relaxed as Asura and his daughter were next to each other with her crying. Asura started to glow as sparkles came off him. Signaling that he was dying. His daughter cried more that her father was dying right before her and she couldn't stop it. Asura told her not to cry, and that his wrath….was finally gone. His eyes no longer glowing. Showing his red eyes. Only...for something to grabbed his daughter and pull her away. John and Asura looked to see...Max. “Nice job going against Chakravartin. He isn't the strongest, but not weak either. Sorry, but I need John to have his berserker. So you can't die yet.” Max flicked his wrist and Asura's chest opened up revealing a reactor of some kind. “Place his mark on his reactor so he can survive with Void. He’ll have to relearn his forms from his six armed form to his Destructor form.” John wanted to argue, but knew Asura didn't have a lot of time. He placed his Void arm on the reactor and the mark appeared. As the mark appeared Asura's form stabilized. He looked at Max in rage. “Give Mithra back. Give me back my Daughter!” His rage cloaking him in Void. “You'll get her back. When you defeat my Berserker. In do time. Till we meet again. John.” Max said before disappearing with Mithra. John couldn't believe it. Asura just got his daughter back, just saved her, only for her to be taking again. “Asura. I promise. We will get her back. For now. Come with me. I'll need your help against him.” John asked. Asura looked at him before nodding. “That guy...was far more powerful then Chakravartin, and he's still getting stronger. I….won't be able to save her myself. Let's go.” John nods before using void to open a portal. He can only hope Aqua and Sans are having better luck. Although John did have one question. What was that power he used during the fight and… ...why did it feel like it wasn't his? “So he has his berserker?” A female voice said. “Yes. Now for the last two to be acquired.” Max said. “Whoever they are his Mage will never stand a chance against my magic.” A male voice said. “Now now my Mage. Don't get cocky. That killed more than you will believe.” Max said. “Now. Let's see how they fair.” > The Father > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- unknown area. Can’t find in existence. A figure stood on a cliff overlooking a desolate world. Was wrapped in a worn cloak concealing his appearance. Behind him on the cliff was a massive circular arena like area. (AN: for those who might have trouble. It’s the arena for the final main fight in Dark Souls 3. Soul of Cinder arena.) Flowers as well as rusted weapons of all kinds were spread about. The sun for the world mostly black with a ring of red fire on the edges of it. The sky a depressing gray of ash and storms. This was a very hostile world. Which is why it doesn’t hold a place in Existence. The figure looked up. Seeing what ast the sky to see small bright lights in the empty void. Those weren’t ordinary stars. Those were the lights of Existence. All of them. He doesn’t bother counting. Doesn’t need to. He focuses on a particular light out of all of them. “Cript never learns. No matter the Existence he is always the same.” The figure said. Able to see what goes on in that Existence. “He has always been like that dear.” A female voice said. The figure doesn’t look behind him. Already knowing who it is. “You’ve always despised that about him right?” “He is arrogant without even knowing. It’s a shame those three are now following the same path. Oh well. If it comes to it our son as well as the others will have to do.” He said. “Our son. He goes by John now right?” She asked. “He truly has potential. Ben, Zeke, and Eclipsa kinda ruined theirs. They’ll just have to prepare the hard way.” She said. “The easy way. The moment Cript became immortal in any Existence is the moment he lost potential. To be frank he never had real potential since it’s basically handed to him by…Nexus.” He spat the last word out with venom. “Calm down Dear. We don’t want to give ourselves away. Not even She can find us thanks to you.” His wife said. “I think it’s time for me and Cript to officially meet. Not here mind you, but in Existence itself.” He said. His wife laughs and gives a happy clap. “Oh what fun! I haven’t seen you get serious in a long while.” She then thinks for a bit. “What about Max?” “He is up to something big. He found a certain workshop of a long dead admin. He is on the brink of...completing something big. We can’t interfere though. We must let our sons act freely.” He turns back to her. “Besides. After what Cript put him though over nothing but both a stupid test and his own impatience he deserves it.” “I know dear. And that different timeline version excuse won’t work. We know better.” She said. “It’s a shame a few admins are going to die soon. Especially since one just gained life.” He said. He walks past her and opens a portal. “Let’s get this over with.” He walks through the portal. “This will be good to watch.” She said as she follows. unknown world in Existence The figure was on an uninhabited world. No life anywhere. Didn’t need to worry about breathing. Good. No bystanders. His wife was on a cliff with some popcorn and soda. “It’s been so long since he fought serious. Although that doesn’t make him weak in the slightest.” The figure pulled out a sword. A red coiled sword that’s tip was red hot from the heat. He took in a deep breath. “CRIPT!!! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! BRING YOUR SELF AND THE ONES KNOWN AS ZEKE,BEN, AND ECLIPSA HERE! WE HAVE THINGS TO DISCUSS, AND SOMETHING TO SETTLE! YOU CAN EVEN BRING ____ AND THAT NEXUS LEADER IN YOU WANT!” The shout echoed throughout the Existence. He took his sword and plunged the tip into the ground with his hands resting on the handle. “I will be waiting.” The wife in the distance smiled. “Time to see how this goes. Although. If any part of Cript believes that the threat to come can be defeated by just gaining more power like he has…” Her eyes then glows a deep purple void. “He won’t stand a chance.” Some time had passed, the figure sitting on a stone waiting. Finally in a flash of Code, Cript appeared. "This is pretty deep inside the void. Impressive." Cript said, looking around at the area. "I have to say… pretty twisted looking. Yes that was a pun." “Alone then. That’s fine.” The figure said pulling the sword out of the ground before making it disappear with Code. "You call me into one of the voids deepest pits to… fight? Clear use of Code but… you're not an Admin." “Code isn’t exclusive to admins. All you need is the knowledge of how it works. And not just to fight.” He said. "Would still be pretty taxing on someone who isn't." “Was at first, but not anymore. Like breathing really, or any muscle you train. Still. I would think at least Jericho would follow given the ‘destiny’ you two share.” He said. "We share a Destiny yes, but not all of our secrets are told between us just yet. Who are you? You're existence here is abnormal. You weren't born in the void… she was though." Cript said, head turning to the cliff. "The Void Conduit. Pleasure." “Hi.” She said sitting in a chair with popcorn. “Your getting your ass kicked.” she said as it was a fact with a smile. "Yet I'm still standing." Cript replied. "Not many would call me, especially me, to a fight without reason. That's why I came just to talk." “A few reasons really. A few personnel. But that’s not to be revealed yet. You haven’t proven yet.” He said “Well ya your still standing. Fight hasn’t started yet.” The woman said. Throwing a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "I don't have anything to prove." Cript said. “On the contrary..” the figure vanished with He cloak falling to the floor. “You do.” He said behind Cript before he was thrown into a distant cliff. Cript, picking themselves up, began shaking off the rubble. "Ya know. That did hurt. But if you wanted a fight, sorry. I'm not fighting. Whatever reason you have, I'm sorry, but this… I have other concerns at the moment." The figure. Standing in a full armor set.(Firelink armor. Hard to describe XD)Walks till he was ten feet away. "The list can just go on and on but my main concern is stopping my son from making the biggest mistake of his life." “Your son? I don't remember one of your kids going rogue, or is it someone you see as a son?” The figure questioned. "Max. Something about me I don't exactly talk about are how when one of my others, be them from another timeline or Nexus made like me, dies, their memories flow right into me. It's hard to explain, but in one timeline I was… alone. Wives, family, friends and kids… all gone for countless years. I was passing by a village and saw this kid, homeless and hungry. A rare thing there. I took them in, educated and trained them. They were talented I'm everything… I had found my successor… the one who could kill me… unfortunately, there was this disease… Madness, live too long and you, well, go mad. Karma for the Immortals. He lost his family, world… then me. The me there went Mad. He killed them, then… left. The me there came back, to pass our power to them but… he was gone. He hates me with all his being, and I can't blame him, but on his current path, he will side with the Void Mother if it means a chance at killing me. She will kill him. I can't let that happen, no matter how much he hates me." “I know all that already.” He said. "Then you know why I can care less for this pointless 'fight.'" “I wasn't finished. I know of the you who did lose control, but purposely gave into madness hoping it would push Max into being the one. You took everything from him. Because you got impatient.” He said. "They… I had hoped, to find out if Max could kill me. Selfishness drove that choice, and it's a sin I will carry forever, for my eternal life, but that's no reason for me to give up on him." “That's actually related to a personal reason here.” He said. Before Cript could ask he felt a fist hit him. The figure was in his face slugging, but before he sent he flying. Cript notices two things. One, the blood red glow, a familiar glow were an eye would be, and a very, very familiar power. “I can't forgive what you did to my blood.” He sent Cript through the cliff. Vaporizing it and making him dig a massive trench. Cript got up after a second with the figure not far from him. "Your...blood…" Cript said, his eyes shifting to a pure blackness with a red pupil. Suddenly, the figure had Cript's hands around their neck, and we're several miles away and skidded across the ground. "You're the worthless father of Max! Where were you when he was crying from Nightmares at age six?!" Cript slugged them, the impact cracking the ground. "Where were you when he would spend hours a day for years trying to remember their last name?!" Another slug, another large impact crater. "Where were you when he would cry himself to sleep on the holidays wishing he could just remember your faces?!" Cript hit dead center on the helm, not breaking but cracking it. "Where were you when he fell in love?! Married?! His first born?! I screwed up and took it from him, but you were never even their to begin with!! If you had been dead at least it would have been an excuse!!!" Cript said, this time their punch coated in code, smashing the figure in the chest, breaking the torso piece and causing quite the gash. "I fucked up but at least I was there to be his father… compared to me, you are the one with an eternal sin here." “Gave up ...you think we gave up?” The figure asked. Grabbing Cript's arm. Gripping it very hard. “You wouldn't understand what we had to do for our kids.” He said. Getting up while pushing him back. "Kids?" Cript said, backing up a bit. "Maybe I don't know your motivation, but I know the pain of growing up.never knowing your birth family, your mother or father. I met my father and killed the son of a bitch… or tried to at least… slippery leach… but I never got to know my mother. She gave me up to keep me from what Nexus built me for, I don't remember her smile, her face or even her voice. All I had of her was an old teddy bear that burned up with my childhood home. That is a pain Max and I share, but even so… I would have gladly spent my whole life with her on the run to at least be with her than having no memories of her. I understand why she did it but… to leave a child with no memories or monuments of who you are… at least I had that bear while it was around, Max had nothing, not even proper rags when I found him. You're despicable." “Your right. Max had nothing when you found him, but for how long was he like that? We didn't just drop our kids in the streets. We left them with people to watch them. One found a family. Max unfortunately was tossed out. We couldn't do anything to help.” He said as he grappled with Cript, both pushing against each other. "The villagers said Max appeared suddenly out of nowhere. They said he was on the streets for three months before I arrived and the family that tried to take him in almost sold him on the slave market." “Maxella really wanted to make them suffer when she learned, but like I said we couldn't get back to that place.” He said. "Maxella?" Cript asled, looking at the void Conduit. "So you're Max's mom… how do you smile at all watching this fight? Replaced your love and motherly instincts for a sadistic desire for some payback?" She was silent for a bit. “Honey let him go for a bit.” The figure jumped back suddenly making Cript stumble a bit from the sudden retreat from the grapple. He then saw her standing a foot from him. “I know you can't die, but accuse me of something like that again, and you will wish it was the Void Mother you were facing. There are some abilities that not even you can overcome. Mine is special. You can't imagine how hard or how much it hurt to just stand by and do nothing.” She said before appearing back at her spot before. Smile still there. Cript looked at her for a bit, then smirked. "So there is a mama bear there after all. Good to know. So now I know why you hate me, and I for one just layed out all my reasons for hating you, mainly you." Cript pointed at the figure. "She I actually like now." “Understandable. She can make Vincent wet himself when pissed, and that ability. Well he would beg for death.” He said. "To hear that demon beg for anything is a scary thought. Now, there is just one thing I've been trying to put my finger on ever since taking Max in. Seeing you and her… I can see he has his mother's eyes, and talent for threats, but his talents in magic, code, his speed at learning and understanding… I only ever saw that in my own kids. A level no normal person alive in that timeline could have possibly had… but what I always found the most interesting was his body type once he grew up… it was pretty identical to mine.. and yours I see… You're the M.I.A. C.R.I.P.T. experiment, aren't you? Hi brother." The figure was silent before reaching up and taking his helmet off. The face and hair was similar, but the color was ash white and a huge scar over his blind right eye. “I go by Kross.” "... And just like that, you beat me by sheer looks… seriously you look fucking terrifying! Nexus knew you were alive but not where. So, this where you've been the whole time?" “One, I'm a damn puppy compared to Maxella when pissed-” “YOUR DAMN RIGHT!!” She yelled. "Lyra would like her… she doesn't have a crazy harem fetish right?" Cript asked. “She threaten to castrate me and make me eat it if I even looked at another girl in a little more than friendly way.” Kross deadpanned. Cript sighed. "Thank God… so only I got the crazy. That aside… how did you vanish?" “Wasn't easy, but Nexus can't track what isn't in Existence itself. Or any Existence for that matter.” Kross said. “There are actually some worlds out of existence that are very dangerous. Even to admins and deletes. Great training grounds.” "Sweet. Okay, now that aside you summoned me here knowing about what Max Is going to do right? Question is, are you going to allow him to side with that monster?" “Max has already started. He isn't going to side with her. He wants to surpass her.” Kross said. "Surpass the first Mother? Even for you think that's kinda… crazy, right?" “Your life is in the definition of crazy.” Kross deadpanned. "So you know when I say it's crazy… it's crazy…" “Loop” Kross said. "That ability is just a legend… it's not is it?" “He found an old workshop for that admin with notes. With his new Virus ability he was able to finish it. As well as unlock his own Generation with training. Notes on it where there so it helped.” Kross said. "You two can not be okay with this right?" “We're not, but it's not our place to stop him.” He looks to see Maxella looking down. “That's for Katame.” "Okay what bullshit says you can't? Wait… you look like me… I'm pretty much his trigger so this would be his worst nightmare finding out…" “That as well.” Maxella said. “He is far gone as it is. Any further an not even his Kings will be spared.” "Fan fucking tastic… there has to be some kind of hope for him." “There isn't. He sadly inherited our stubbornness and with his hate. The only one that can face him is Katame.” Kross said. "Katame? Your… other son? Wait who is older?" “Katame Akuma. One eyed Devil it means due to his left eye bearing the Psychopath eye. And Max is older.” Kross said. “But you know him...as John.” Maxella says. "John? As in the same kid who cosplays as John Corvo from Dishonored and who's very same Hollow I… basically raped as a chick for a kid?" “Few things. One,-” Maxella started before slapping Cript into the ground. “It's Corvo Attano. Two,- she then stomped him further into the ground. “While a little funny I don't like any kind of rape. Be happy I'm not feeding you your own nuts.” "Lyra beat you to that three years ago…" Cript muttered. "Fetish six hundred and four…" “She really needs a non-fetish hobby.” Maxella deadpans. "I blame my own idiocy. I left her alone with a voice activated computer in my office for a few hours back when we first got married… came back to a PC opened to six hundred porn sights, her nude, drunk and very self pleased three hours later…" “You start backing out slowly when you saw that?” She asked. "Showered her off, sobered her up and burned the PC…" She nods before walking away, but not before giving him one last stomp. “She really hates rape.” Kross deadpans. “Doesn't matter if your male or female. You rape. Your on her list. No matter the ‘reason’.” "Lyra's total opposite sex wise." Cript grumbled. “Would you rather she be the same as her?” He questioned. "No, because then you would know my sex filled hell." Cript said, getting up. "So, next question, what exactly is keeping you two here anyway? You afraid of something? Someone?" “Maxella’s ability that we mentioned. It's able to be stolen, and you don't want Vincent with that ability. Not even you or lord can escape it.” Kross said. "Stolen? Wouldn't that imply she has to… die?" “Normally yes. But I had an. Unfortunate run in with the mother. She wasn't able to finish me, but I can't keep a true hold on this power. You just have to use code and know what to look for to steal it now.” Maxella said. “I was lucky to be alive.” "So, where are you two standing now? With us and your other son, or are you just going to sit idly by again, watching as at some point in the near future, your two sons will be fighting each other to the death?" “If it comes to it I'll help. Especially if it means knocking Vincent down, but we can't actively help besides training someone from here back at our home.” Kross said. "Maxella?" Cript looked up at the Void Conduit. "You can open void portals into the other Mother's creations, right?" “Simple. Especially after training with my one eyed teddy bear there.” She said making Kross twitch. "Ha!" Cript laughed, much to Kross's dismay. "Well better than Lyra's pet name for me. That will be more than enough help. But..m if you two want, I could bring John here. He deserves to know the truth." Maxella shook her head with a sad smile. “Not yet. Hollow is still training him. Like we instructed. He and his kings need to complete their training and soon.” She looks at Cript with a sad look again. “ as for Max. Kross already said he has started...when was the last time you seen the admins guarding Mother and Believe?” "Ben and I just left there to explore… admittedly it's been a few months… but if she was gone or dead that creation would not be standing still." “How are supposed to be related?” Kross said smacking his face. “You should know that Max isn't that dumb. He isn't target Mother, but the admins. He is a Delete after all.” "... Their code would have gone right back to her then." “Not against his Virus. He has basically what he needs to not only completely erase an admin but even transfer their title and abilities to others. Making pseudo admins that have their strength but not their responsibilities.” Maxella explained. Cript, hearing this news… gripped their first… hard. "That leaves two questions left. Kross… when the time comes… who will bury Max? The man who raised him? The man helped conceive him… or the man who will kill him?" “That's is unknown. I'm not even sure both will survive the coming war. They are strong and extremely potential.” Kross said. "John will survive. Unlike Max… John has something worth fighting for. Now… last question…" Cript said, looking Kross right in their eye. "Did you… at least, know your mother?" “No. Not memory or momental. Not a thing.” Kross said. "Then, when we face Vincent, and we know we are the one who will face him, let's get some payback for our mothers deaths. You know as well as I do… her blood is on his hands." “That's a fact. Unless Maxella gets to him. That ability will take care of him for us.” He stated. "Better not. That bastard needs to pay. And I wanna collect." Kross nods. “That he does.” Path to Mother a few hours ago. A small childlike figure was seen breaking apart into nothing. A vacant expression on their face. A figure stood over them spoke. “Now the Admin of Death truly knows death. A shame Cript went and wasted his time for this.” He said holding the heart Cript gave her. He covered it in Virus and sent it to his place. Might become useful later. He turns towards a cloaked person standing not far from him. “So how is the new power?” He asked A female voice came from the smaller person. “Great! Can't wait to test it.” She said. “In due time. Return back home with the others. I'll be back soon.” He said. “Of course. Emperor Max~.” She said with longing at the end. She walked through a portal and it closed. “ ‘Sigh’. That woman will be the death of me. Ironically now.” Max said. He looked at the door that lead to Mother. ‘Not yet. I'm not ready.’ He thought. He opens another portal and walks through it. Unknown workshop Max enters the workshop. Finding this was a major boon. He and his Kings are much stronger now. It once belonged to a certain admin of abilities. Now abandoned until he found it. He walks up to a desk and sits down on a chair next to it. He pulls out some papers. Files. He found these and copied them from a Nexus vault. While they didn't make sense at first the more he went over them the more he uncovered. “Project D.R.E.A.M...This might be what I've been looking for.” Max said. He looks over to a large test tube holding something floating in its waters and chemicals. “I wonder how everyone will deal with you?” He wonders about the project. He does know this. Even Cript as he currently is will be hard pressed by this… [space] > Kings Vs Nexus > --------------------------------------------------------------------------       ??? Max sat at the desk in the old admins workshop. Going over notes and research about abilities created and ideas of abilities. Some useful, some for just convenience, and some powerful ones. When he isn’t training either himself or his Kings he is usually here.  Max put the papers down to look at a report next to him from one of his agents. “ Nexus is growing bolder. While the War isn’t for quite sometime they haven’t slowed down. Gathering sentient beings to experiment on or expanding. We found they have destroyed over a hundred sentient worlds and a few dozens reflections in their wake. No signs of Vincent. Though those individuals the one known as Jericho has gathered now work for him.  On another note we have the locations of a couple big compounds of theirs containing research on Void as well as different artifacts. We will continue to watch them.” Max thought for a few minutes. Wondering what to do with this info. The Void is basically his now. With him being the Emperor after all. The Void Mother from what he knows so far stays in her own sector of Void. Very, very, very rarely ever leaves. Why would she. When she is stronger than any of Mother in any creation.  Max got up and walked out of the shop. He knows what to do. Time to strike. ??? Max stood in front of six individuals. Five of them wearing cloaks. The only exception being the knight Agamemnon. These were his Kings. “What’s going Max?” The small cloaked individual said with a female voice.  “He wouldn’t have called us here without a reason. Give him a chance to speak.” Agamemnon said.  “That's alright my knight. We all know how she is. Isn’t that right Frisk?” Max said.  Frisk removed her hood showing her blonde hair. “You know me Max.” Neutral Frisk said with a smile. She was a special kind of Frisk.  “As for why we’re here. Nexus has been growing bolder. My troops found a couple compounds of theirs. I think it’s time to show them why I’m the Void Emperor and your My Kings.” Max said “And Empress right hehe?” Frisk said opening one of her eyes. Revealed a red eye with a black sclera.  Max sighed. ‘She’s going to be the death of me I just know.’  “I’ll stay here while you six target these areas. You’ll have objectives there. Show them who really rules The Void.” Max said. They all nodded as Max opens portals for each of them. Each walking through their respective portal.  But before Max could close them Frisk ran back in, jumped up to his height, kissed him real quick, and ran back to her portal winking at him as she disappeared through it.  Max stood there for a few seconds…..that slowly became minutes. “Sigh. She will definitely be the death of me one day.” Max said. Although he had a small smile on his face. [Agamemnon] Agamemnon looked at the base in the distance. Taking note of the guards he sees. Nexus personal and Void beast alike. A bit surprised they tamed them. Although it’s most likely from the use of an artifact they acquired or even created. He took note of the base itself. It was a three story building, but only a fool would believe that. The hills surrounding it were all the same, man made, it went far, far deeper down. It’s metal, from what he could tell, was not of creation, but the Void, it gave a framilier sense of something they could not quite pin down. The guards Void weapons were all basic Void infused blades, one however did have a unique one. A Void Firearm. He knew they existed, but they were quite rare, and this one was a rifle to boot. That sniper would be a challenge, but not impossible .  ‘Hm. Let’s see. How to approach. If it was Max he would just stroll in there and kill everything as he walks by. The difference between him and those guards from what I sense is that great. No sign of Vincent so no major worries. Frisk stands the best chance not counting Max himself. Now though. How to proceed.’ Agamemnon thinks. He looks at the sniper. For a sniper he is surprised it hadn't spotted him yet. He’s a frickin seven foot tall knight in white armor for voids sake!? Unless… He thought, eyeing the sniper. Something was wrong here. They were eyeing them, in the corner of their sightline, but why not set the alarms? Looking at the surrounding fields… Ah. Traps. Powerful void mines at that. His armor would hold, but a well timed explosion plus bullet from the sniper might crack his armor, and that was worrisome. He looked at the sniper. Making him know he sees the traps. Even from here he sees him flinch. He takes a small step, and smirks as the sniper reacts accordingly. A bullet loudly shot towards him. Aiming at his head. Only for Agamemnon to cut it in halve mid air. He then quickly transverses the field dodging the traps as the bullet explodes. The sniper surprised from the action quickly fires a few more but Agamemnon learned the speed of the bullet already. They just keep missing as he then finds himself beyond the traps. Once he was passed the traps, the melee foot soldiers and Void Beasts began their assault. While the Void beasts attacked without pattern or strategy, the soldiers used this chaos to try and deal in damage, but their weapons merely bounced off of Agamemnon’s Armor. He put his own sword away and just used their own blades to cut them down. He dropped them afterwards. They were just regular blades with void. The beast tried attacking him. They stood a better chance at  scratching his armor then the soldiers, but failed as well. He just kept walking. He heard a small whistling and snatched something in the air. A bullet. He looks to where it came from to see a hallway. But noticed two small spots on the wall to the left and at the end of the hall which goes left or right. Bullet marks. So he tried to ricochet the bullet. Clever. This isn’t your ordinary Nexus soldier. The soldier vanished someplace, these upper three floors were largely food and ammunitions. Though, he did find one little trinket. A Void Stone, like the ones The Outsider uses. “Hm. What’s this doing here? Max told us about Hollow and his stuff, but why do Nexus have this? Better take it, and find any information they might have.” He said as he stored it. He kept walking down the halls. He eventually came across an elevator. One might not blink much at first, but this was an express elevator. It had no business being in such a small building. He put his hand on the wall. It was active and going down. Well he knows where the sniper went now. He pulled open the doors and looked down.  Arriving at the first negative floor, the size was… larger than he expected. It was easily fifty miles in all directions, and while the ceiling went a far way up, the room was divided by curtain walls, the smell of sanitation was clear, but Agamemnon could feel this was no medical bay. Slowly, they pulled back one of the curtains, and saw a man, right arm replaced by a twisted amalgamation of their own flesh and various metals, their legs morphing into something inhuman, eyes bandaged over, and their still human looking hand was hooked to something feeding an unknown liquid into their body. Their vital signs were reading one heart beat a minute, slow and barely alive. Agamemnon looked over the files of this person that was next to them. Subject #005L7K Name: {REDACTED} Age: {REDACTED} Gender: Male Subject has been fed via IV Serum 9, convergence from human to {REDACTED} is showing complete failure. Their body is rejecting the transformation and their mind has shut down entirely. Yet, their heart beats, ever slowly, but all results show negative. Project Eon Subject #005L7K will be terminated and recycled tomorrow afternoon Agamemnon grips the files hard. He turns towards the one on the bed. “I’ll make it as painless as possible.” He holds one hand over them and another to the side. He is still new to these powers Max helped him acquire from that admin, but if he is right. Code appears in both hands. One hovers over the body as if scanning it while the over create a dagger. With just one use for it. He stabs the body where the heart would be. He hears the heart stop as the machine gives a flatline. He watches the body and dagger disintegrate in front of him. He looks down the hall, and knows he isn’t done yet. There as to be at least one that can be helped. So he continues. Many, so many were like the first, basically dead. There was one though, a child, so young, maybe four. She was a pale blue, skin glittered like snow in summer, hair black as the void itself. The same fluids were being injected into her. Subject #932P0M Name: {REDACTED} Age: {REDACTED} Gender: Female Subject seems to have taken to Serum 9 extremely well, unexpectedly well. Her transformation from Dark Elf to {REDACTED} is nearing completion. She will be moved with the other Project Eon successes tomorrow morning at Primary Base. Her Codename is Lice.   “Project Eon...hope I can find some information about it somewhere here. Can’t unhook her from this without knowing if there are repercussions doing it. If I can find others like her here then I’ll try to get them all out. Max will want to know this. Frisk would probably try to adopt them. Heh. I best leave a few knights here just in case. That sniper is still in the building somewhere. Once I gather all the data I can and get her and other children out. I’m ripping this building apart.” Agamemnon said. Creating a few knights. Two with sword and shields and two with bows. He made sure they were strong. He looks at Lice one more time before heading off.  He can’t help but wonder though. Just what are they planning? He was at the next floor. Not sure what to find here. It was largely moore medical rooms, though these seemed… different. Opening the doors, he spotted indoor gardens with various plants from the void. His eyes wide as the multitude of rare void plants and herbs here. He only ever read about most of these plants. He gazed around. Knowing that if the admin of plants was here he wouldn’t even to be dragged out. Some of these herbs can even be used to combat the special poisons some void beasts have. He’ll have to remember to have more knights gather the safe and properly plants and herbs. As he turns he stopped. He heard a noise...from this room.     “Ugh. Damn Milpocalitu-” At the doorway, stood… Cript. Agamemnon would recognize them anywhere, however, this one was different. Their hair was long, body weak, they even had glasses! Another C.R.I.P.T project. “... Oh god please tell me the guards just got an upgrade…” They prayed. “No. I know you're a C.R.I.P.T, but much different. Who are you?” He asked. Although a seven foot tall knight that looks like it can eat you as a snack must have been intimidating. Because he thinks this one nears wet itself. “Uh… C.R.I.P.T project AKFGT36890PL, but everyone calls me… Nerd…” They said hushly. “I was made solely for intelligence. No powers at all, just a brain that learns things faster than a quantum computer and can calculate damn near anything… Including my odds of surviving if you think I’m worthless…” “While true. Brains are very important. So I’ll give you a choice.” He said. “Good, good… So… what brings Agamemnon to this base?” Nerd asked, trying not to faint or soil themselves. “I’m basically raiding this base. I’ve seen the floor above...and I’m not pleased.” He said leaking out some KI. Killer Intent. They nervously laughed. “Yeah… They’ve been hammering hard on the quota for the Eon project…” “Yes. This project. You will take to the main office and mainframe of this base, inform me if there are any other survivors like Lice, and where they store any artifacts of interest.” He said. “Oh… That’s the issue. You see, Lice is the only current success on base and the success rate of Serum 9 is one in every two… thousand… The others are all already at Primary Base with Vincent and the Void Mother…” “Fine, and the other request.” He said. “Artifacts aren’t kept on base, at least not this one. This place is solely for Project Eon research, and Serum 9 production. Heck everyone who has a weapon here brought it with when they arrived. Mainframe is on the lowest level but is guarded by a… uhhh…. A Project Berzerk....” “What is a Project Berserk?” Agamemnon asked.  “Okay, so back in the Admin war, the Admin of Berzerkers was rivaled only by the Admin of war. The two were strong enough that they could easily destroy an entire cycle if they wanted. Roughly sixty-five thousand years ago Nexus found a remnant of the Admin of Berzerkers and tried to revive them from it. It failed but the byproducts, the Project Berserks, are still strong enough to crush Dark Monofilament and have a high Void resistance.” Agamemnon thinks a bit. ‘Sounds pretty powerful. Don’t know how I’ll stack against it, but I need that info. Pretty sure the others will face something similar to this. I have to push onward.’ He looks at Nerd. “Very well. Lead me there. I’ll make sure any Nexus soldier doesn’t kill you for being a ‘traitor’.” He told him. “Thanks… Can I pack some stuff then?” They asked. “As you wish, but try not to cross me..” he let the threat hang. Just to make sure he won’t try anything. Nodding, they made quick pace to Nerd’s room… if you could call it that. It was more like a small broom closet with a sleeping bag, lap top, Anime girl body pillow… and a few other things. Nerd pulled out a small cube like item, using it to scan the room as all their items were placed inside the small device.  ‘Wonder if he would reject a position on our side?’ Agamemnon thought as he saw the living conditions he had. “One more question. Is the one code named Lice stable to move or should she be given something first?” He asked. “Yes, she can be moved but… Well, how much do you know about Project Eon so far?” Nerd asked as they moved through the floor. Agamemnon noticed a lack of… guards. Lack of lots of things really. “Not much. Only that it’s turning the patient’s into something else, and that nearly all have failed and are better off dead.” He said. “Where are the guards? That couldn’t have been them all upstairs.” “Heh… it was…” Nerd coughed. “Used to be a lot more but… after Vincent took over once Jericho turned out to be a traitor, it was… a massacre. They killed everyone who did not back Vincent was… killed, or worse… recycled…” “Recycled? What does that mean?” He asked. They were nearing the opening to the next floor. Nerd stopped walking for a bit, rubbing their neck, trying to speak but not finding words. They simply tapped on the walls. “How else do you think these places were built in the Void?” Agamemnon was shocked. This place ...Max has to know this.  “What’s worse is that they’re still alive in there… Forced to become Deletes, then melted down alive into the building and facility materials. Everything here from the floors, walls, cables, even the fucking toilets are made from.... So many people. I swear I hear them crying at night, it’s when this place is the quietest.” “....I promise.” Agamemnon said with Nerd suddenly looking at him. “ I promise that once we’re done here. I’ll put them to rest.”  Nerd gave an unsure nod. The next floor was storage of the serum 9. There was a lot of it here. “I find it so fascinating how alone, a lot of these Void herbs and plants are actually helpful… but when mixed, alter the person so much.” Agamemnon looked around at all the serum. He created a few knights to take as much as they can. “My group will try to research this. Try to see if anything it does can be undone. How many floors are left?” He asked. “Two. Next is… The Kennel, then the mainframe room.” Nerd said. “I don’t know what Vincent is going to do to all the Eon subjects… but I do know what Serum 9 is doing to them…” Nerd said, Agamemnon looking over to them. “They’re basically Void Conduits, but… something is still different compared to past attempts.” “Probably gave up trying to make a full conduit? What’s the Kennels? It houses all the Void Beast?” He asked. “Used to… One out of every two thousand Serum 9 subjects become these… Void Conduit like beings, 1,980 end up… like that up stairs… the rest…” Nerd shivered. “It reminds me of the Dream Project…” “Max once mentioned something about that. Found and copied some notes about it. Even has one vial of the stuff locked away.” Agamemnon mentions. “He WHAT?!” Nerd said, panic and anger in their voice. “Unless he has a death wish he should burn it all. That ‘Project’ was far, far worse than what is happening here, fuck that ‘project’ makes the Void Mother look like the vergin Marry!” “He isn’t stupid. He already knows that stuff is extremely dangerous as an understatement. If he finds no other reason for holding it he will destroy it and the notes. He told us all that. Anything else on this floor?” He asked. “No, just the serum 9. The completed batches anyway.” “Okay.” They kept moving. When Agamemnon suddenly through his hand out and caught something in front of Nerd. He opens his hand. A bullet. “ well the sniper is in the area.” “Holy shit!” Nerd yelped, falling back after seeing the bullet. “You didn’t tell me someone else was still alive?!” “He’s been hiding. Probably thinks your a traitor. Although...he made the error of gives away his position.” He puts his hand on the ground. He focuses for a bit. “...there you are.” He flicks the bullet. He ritchotes a bit off walls and containers before it hits something and someone yelled out. “Left leg upper thigh. Won’t get far.” He sets out to finish it.  “Yeah… he still will…” Nerd said, Agamemnon suddenly seeing a blur pass by them and down the elevator. “He’s a Speedster.” “So that’s how he does it. Now that I know he’s finished. Because that blur was pretty slow compared to a few I know.” He said as they made their way. “You don’t know much about Speedsters do you?” “One of the ones I know is basically the Admin of Speed.” He said.  “Then you should know they heal quick and I know for a fact he forced me into making him a few doses of the Velocity drugs….” “Trust me. He won’t win.” He said as they enter the next floor. The Kennels were filled with cages. Agamemnon saw that a lot of them were still filled with…. Grotesque mutations of former humans. All they did was roar and bash against the walls, those close enough to one another trying to kill each other through the bars. “How were they able to tame the ones above? An Artifact?” He asked. “The Void beasts above were… gifts… when Vincent began working for the Void Mother. These beasts are the unlucky Serum 9 subjects who didn’t end up basically dead or turn Conduit. Just mindless animal instinct.” “Would you want me to have them sent back or put them down as painless as possible?” He asked. “Honestly, I don’t know- Oh fuck…” Nerd said, he and Agamemnon looking at the largest cage here, busted open. “Oh shit…. Oh shit… oh shit…” “The Berzerker?” He asked. “No, that was Subject 449K0L… They were a Kryptonian…” “Anything special I should know?” Agamemnon asked.  “Oh you know, Sunlight makes the basically immortal, but the Serum 9 altered them so now they are basically immortal while in the void… which we are in…” “The only one truly immortal is Cript. This Kryptonian will die like anything else. Presumably that he can’t be converted to our side at least.” He said. “These subjects are pure animals, beastial instinct. Add that to a Kryptonian and-” Suddenly, Agamemnon was rammed right into the still filled cages, a cracking flesh man with void bleeding eyes having rammed them, their punches making dents in his armor. Small dents, but dents reguardless. Agamemnon grabbed both arms as they powered against each other. Suddenly the horns on his helmet started charging a void blast before firing right in the mans face. Roaring an inhuman sound, the Kryptonian’s eyes blasted a heated Void Shot, barely missing the eye visor on his helmet, but SLICING off his helmets horns before gut kicking them into the wall behind him. “Drain their Void!” Nerd yelled out from… someplace. Agamemnon could not tell. Agamemnon pushes himself off the wall. He checks his helmet and armor. “Been a long time since someone done damage like this to my armor, but you won’t get any further.” He said looking right back at the kryptonian. “ I have something that will take care of you.”  Agamemnon put his right hand on his left side and waits for the kryptonian to attack. It roared and flew at him with incredible speed. Before stopping. It looked down to see a spear suddenly impaling it. “This isn’t just a spear. It’s draining you of your Void, and it’s made of a special mineral from your world. You are strong, but it takes more than raw strength to kill me.” He said as he saw the life leave the kryptonian. When it was over he broke the spear off inside him. Leaving the spear head.  “ it’s over. Come out now.” He called to Nerd. From someplace, Nerd came out, rushing up to Agamemnon.”That was impressive.” He said. “ All that’s left is the sniper and the berserk. Then we’re at the mainframe.” He said. Walking towards the exit. ‘Will have to patch my armor when I get back. Maybe reforge it into something stronger. Wonder if the berserk can make me use “that”’. He thought. As they arrive at the last floor, they saw the Speedster Sniper at the end of the hallway, rife tossed as he injected one of the Velocity drugs they had Nerd make, the syringe falling and hitting the ground where seven others all littered the floor.  Agamemnon looked at the vials. Then glanced at Nerd to gauge his reaction. He was already in the elevator, pushing the UP button. Suddenly, Agamemnon was upside down, smashed into the walls, then again tossed on the other side. He didn’t even see when the Speedster grabbed or moved him. Agamemnon closed his eyes. ‘So he made himself this fast. Alright. Time to take it up a notch.’ He snapped his eyes open as he was covered in light. The speedster was confused. When the light faded. Agamemnon was standing upright. Although he changed his armor. No longer was it white, but a dark blue. The color was the only appearance change. So he didn’t think much and charged again.   Only for Agamemnon to grab his arm as he got close. “Your going to need to be much faster I’m afraid.” He said as he slammed a fist into the speedster’s gut. Making him hack up blood as he hit the wall and bounced around the room. The Speedster forced themselves up, looking at the blood as they began radiating with a sudden explosion of Blue Lightning. The Blue Lightning quickly shifted to a red one as Agamemnon saw their wounds healing. They were making just their body move fast enough to heal themselves even faster than normal. Once it was over they zoomed out and around Agamemnon, the two now on opposite ends of the room. He looked at the speedster. “So you can still move faster. Well to be honest in terms of raw power, rather that be strength, speed, or magic. I’m the weakest of the Kings. However. I have my own ways to keep up.” He said as walks towards the speedster. Who was confused for a bit on why he was moving so slow. He blitzing around the room and Agamemnon for a few seconds before striking. Only for Agamemnon to grab his kick and throw him across the room. Before he recovered from the throw Agamemnon summoned a large guartlet and slammed him into another room. Agamemnon watched as the Speedster made themselves get back up, laughing. “Weakest huh?” They said, spitting out more blood.  “Everyone is weak in one way or another. You for example. Experience and durability. If you were as tough as you were fast you would have tanked those hits. Such is the cost for speed. It’s balanced out by a lack of defense. Like extraordinary power or defense lacks speed. There are exceptions though. Your not one of them.” He said. Replacing the gauntlet for a simple sword. “Especially since most of your speed is from drugs.” “Hehehe. They boosted me enough… enough to make some backup.” Suddenly, Agamemnon was pushed back out of the room. Looking, countless time remnants of the Speedster were present. “Perks of Being a speedster, so long as there’s a single remnant, I’m not dead.” Agamemnon looks around some more. “Another thing you lack. Planning ahead.” Agamemnon said with a look that sent chills down the speedsters spine. What did that mean? “Your not the first opponent to try to outnumber me. I’ve faced many a foe in my life. Your just faster than most. You say I can’t kill you if one remnant remains. Then.”  Agamemnon said as blades started appearing around him. “I’ll just destroy every last one of them.” He grabs a sword and swings it. Revealing it as a chain sword. Moving fast enough over a quarter of the remnants were wiped before the other moved away. Agamemnon wasn’t finished. He threw a spear which multiplies in the air and speared more remnants. In less than two atto seconds over half of the remnants were gone. “We’re just getting started.” He said. "No, it's over." The original said, as suddenly Agamemnon felt a push… from inside their own armor. An odd sensation flowed over them as they suddenly were outside their own armor, hitting the ground as the one who stole their armor stepped on their head. "Phasing through solid matter. Even vibrating so fast we look invisible." They said, suddenly countless more remnants appearing. Hidden no longer. Agamemnon was silent for a few seconds. Then he chuckled. “Like I said. Planning ahead.” He said looking at the speedster. He was confused when he realized. He...he couldn’t move. Not even a millimeter. He couldn’t even uses the speed force to vibrate or anything. What...what’s going on?! "What did you do, you bastard?!" “ I intentionally told you of my weakness. Leading you to figure out my armor was a huge factor for me. I knew you would use your power to remove me from it. Thinking you would win. When in actuality you sealed your fate.” Agamemnon said getting up before putting his old white armor on while looking at the speedster still in his blue armor. “You see only those I choose can wear it. When you put it on. It took a bit because of the method you used, but you are now frozen. As well as your remnants.” He said as he looked at all the frozen remnants. “And now.” Agamemnon said as blades filled the room piecing every remnant in multiple areas. With Agamemnon himself stabbing the one in the armor. “And you can’t heal this one.” He said and he pulled the blade out. Blood pouring from the wound. They all fell over dead, Agamemnon getting up and cleaning out their armor before putting it away. He calls out. “Come on out Nerd. It’s over.” "3… 2… 1." Nerd's voice called out from an intercom, as suddenly there was an echoing thud… the Berzerk, Agamemnon remembered. He turned to look at the Berzerk. It was about his size, muscles almost ripping out of their skin, which was an ash grey color, eyes were. Bright and deep blue, and it's attire was a haphazard torn jumpsuit. It had no hair, and when it saw Agamemnon, it roared, the building cracked from the volume and Agamemnon even had to try and block the sound from defining them. Agamemnon looked on at the thing. Impressed by its power. “Your definitely strongly then the speedster. No wonder you guard the Mainframe.” It didn't speak, but roared again as it charged. It was not as fast as the Speedster, but even though Agamemnon was braced for Impact, ready to block, it's strength went from impressive, to fearful, as it jammed it's arms Through his armor, grabbing his flesh and ripping out two of his ribs before punching him into the wall and several miles through the void tainted earth behind them. The dent in his armor was massive, and made moving a breathing difficult, on top of the acquired injury. And this was a failed by-product, Nerd had said. Agamemnon breathed. He did a quick inspection of the wound. Even an idiot would tell you losing two ribs was bad. He looked down the tunnel his body made from the impact. Pretty deep. This thing was very strong. He couldn’t help but grin. It’s been a while since he was hurt this badly. He noticed the Berzerk was rushing him again. He grinned as he changed armors. Nerd was watch from some cameras of the area and saw the Berzerk charge the hole it made with Agamemnon's body. A few seconds pass...when the Berzerk was launched out of the hole making its own tunnel in the earth. Surprised by this. He sees Agamemnon wall out of the hole with new armor. Blood Red. With two gauntlets on his arms like the one he used against the speedster.   The Berzerk charged from its hole as Agamemnon went to meet the clash. They both struck and their fist collided. The shockwave not only shook the building but almost disabled the cameras. Agamemnon and the Berzerk were in a tense, powerful stalemate, neither was able to push the other back or move so long as their fists gripped the others in an attempt to move the other away. That was, until Agamemnon began to feel pressure on their gauntlets, the Berzerk was actually BENDING their weapon. It was even stronger than they anticipated. Agamemnon kicked upward kicking it in the chip. He pulled back his fist. “Come one!” He slugged the Berzerk with his right gauntlet  knocking it towards the wall then tackling it through more of the earth. After a few seconds he stopped and uppercuts the Berzerk hard enough he went through the void earth and was out in the void. Agamemnon jumped out the hole as the creature lands creating a crater not far from the hole. The Berzerker jumped out, not a scratch on them as they landed a hit on Agamemnon's head, the helmet shattering on impact as their head took the rest of the blow. The impact sent him through several of the man-made hills. His jaw was broken, and teeth missing. He pushes himself back up. Jumps out of the way of the Berzerk. When it turns towards him he was in a dark green armor wielding a bow. The string and arrow made of Void lighting. He released the arrow and it struck the Berzerk. The force sending it through a few hills as it roars in pain from the blast.  Agamemnon lands on the ground. He sees it charging again. “Amusing.” He switches both the armor and bow. The armor now a silver armor and the weapon a huge one sided axe. He swings the axe colliding with the fist. The blade digging into the fist a bit. This didn't stop the Berzerker however, who kept their momentum in their punch, bending the weapon and landing a hit, Agamemnon managed to tank it, but his axe would need repairs. He saw the Berzerker roar in pain, it's body actually growing larger. He then realized, Pain and injury make them stronger, angrier. He brings out a better axe and they collide again. continued for about a minute. Agamemnon having to switch his axe four times. The Berzerk was now over a foot his height before he was slugged in his gut. He coughed up blood as he was sent back. He feet digging a trench. After nearly a mile he finally stopped. He saw it charging again so he charged another void blast on his helmets horns the blast sending the Berzerk back a dozen yards before it stopped and started pushing through the blast. When it was close enough it grabbed the horns, broke them off, and stabbed them through the armor into his left lung and liver. It then reared back it’s right arm. It grew twice in size and glowed before it slammed it into Agamemnon. A mountain size dust cloud formed from the impact.  It was about to move forward when it heard a noise. “~Beepbeepbeep. Time is up. Armor is ready.~”  A little doll like creature was floating around. It disappeared before the Berzerk could kill it. It then heard footsteps. It looked towards the dust to see something walking towards it. It could barely make out the figure but knew it wanted to kill it. It roars and charges forward and slammed another charged fist into the figure.  When the smoke cleared...Agamemnon stood there. In a sleek black and gold armor. The fist of the Berzerk broken on the torso. No dent. Didn’t even move him. “Sorry for the wait, but it’s over. Your strong. One of the strongest I’ve ever faced. This is my third strongest armor. These armors take time to use. So I was just buying time with the others. If I wasn’t focusing on getting the armor. I would have done much more damage with the other armors, but I had to equip this as a pro caution.” He grabbed the broken fist. The Berzerk pulled back, and pulled, and pulled. But he couldn’t leave the grip. Agamemnon punched it in the torso. Breaking its ribs and sternum as well as sending it flying.  When it landed it slowly pushed itself up. Hacking up blood. It heard a noise and saw Agamemnon not far. “Now. It’s time to end this.” Agamemnon said. He summoned in his right hand a two handed double edged curved sword. His signature sword. “Kingsblade.” The Berzerk saw him start to slowly bring to blade to his left side and it started to glow. And for the first time in its life...it’s instincts were screaming in fear to run. “King…” Agamemnon said as his blades glow became brighter and brighter as the air and ground trembles. It’s instincts taking. Nerd who was watching from some camera had his jaw drop. Because out of everything. He would never have expected the Berzerk...to flee in terror. It went for a bout a mile in under a second, but even if it was ten times faster...it was too late. “Slayer.” Agamemnon finished as he swung. Next thing Nerd new the cameras went white...before the entire building shook like a massive earthquake. He fell to the floor trying to stay stable. The shaking lasted nearly a minute. When it was over he saw the cameras were full of static. He didn’t take the chance and ran towards the hall. He opens the blast doors on the windows to see the result. What he saw ...was...was. “Sweet ever loving baby daddy of The Mother.” Nerd said, the entire area was glass smooth, only and the whole of the buildings underground was not exposed. Even the darkness of the sky was a bit clearer of the endless clouds. Agamemnon was looking where he struck. Not even the atoms remain of the creature. He looked at his sword and murmured something that made Nerd, who was using a device to hear from the distance, pause. “Even with just that it did this much. Have more work to do. It’s over though.” He said as he turned to walk back. Not even changing armors. It took a minute but he was back and another minute later he and Nerd was in front of the Door for the Mainframe. “Anything to note of what could be on the other side?” He asked Nerd. “Just the data banks.” Nerd said. “Been so short staffed, thankfully these systems are built for self maintenance when or if needed.” The doors opened, inside was, something simple, Agamemnon was surprised to see. A few giant wires, all hooked into a single stand where a small computer laptop rested, recording data. “Everything here is on that laptop correct.” He asked. “Older records too.” Nerd said, walking up to it and began typing. “All this places main systems are controlled from here also, just need to shut it all down so Lice can be removed safely… and done.” Soon, all the lights began to turn off, dimmer, reserve lights flickered to life as Nerd unhooked the computer from there. “Everything on Project Eon and some older projects is here.” “Very well. Let’s go. I signaled my knights to retrieve the girl. We’ll meet them outside then head back. I need to get fixed.” Agamemnon said as he walked towards the exit. A little limp here and there.  “Oh? Where are we going?” Nerd asked, keeping up. “Also, can we head back to the lab for a moment, there’s some medical supplies that could be of help for you right now.” “Very well. As for where. Max’s castle. Where the Void Emperor lives. Only he, and without question if she were to try the Void Mother, know where it is. Max keeps moving it to avoid detection. From what his spy’s say only the mother so far can find him if she were to try to do well...being in the Void.” He said leading them back towards the lab. “That makes sense.” Nerd said, he and Agamemnon reaching the medical room. “Here , let me see the wounds.” “Can these supplies heal missing ribs and teeth?” He asked. “Yeah. One thing Nexus was good at was medicine.” He said, opening a box filled with various vials and needles. “You mean one thing that wasn’t either experimenting or slaughter.” He basically stated. “Or at least after Vincent became its boss.” “Heh, yeah.” Nerd said, searching the vials. “What’s your blood type?” “O.” He said remove the left armor gauntlet of his armor.  “Right then. Any damaged organs?” He asked, inserting a syringe needle into one of the vials. “Pierced lung and liver. Ruptured stomach. Bruised heart. And a nearly destroyed large intestine.” He said. “Okay, definitely more of the Cell Charge Serum then. No shellfish allergies? These serums were made from the spinal fluids of a giant shrimp in one of the Ocean based realities.” “No.” He said.  “Alright then. Now, once I inject this, it will hurt, and after words you will need to eat something… a lot of somethings actually.” He said, taking out more vial fluids into the needle. “That’s fine, and I’m accustomed to pain. Otherwise I would be passed out by now.” He said. “Clearly.” He said, swabbing the skin with an alcohol cotton swab before injecting it. The liquid burned as it rapidly rushed through Agamemnon’s body, his bones began to reform from there fractures, his organs healing rapidly as even the blood began to clear out and be replaced by new blood. His teeth reformed, jaw rapidly self reset itself as it healed and skin began molding back to normal over their body. Within a minute or so, it was over, and Agamemnon was feeling in perfect health, and extremely hungry. “I’ll be able to eat back at base. Better there than here where Nexus might come out of nowhere.” He said. “Doubtful.” Nerd said, tossing the used needle and closing the medicine box. “After Vincent really took over, when the slaughtering began, our regular supplies were shortened to once every six months, and even had us disable our emergency beacons. Vincentis expecting these bases to fall and doesn’t care. If I was to calculate a guess, I’d say he’s giving out the bases as part of his prime goal.” “And you don’t know what that is. The prime goal.” He asked. “Whatever it is, all I know is that it involves him, the Void Mother, and Cript…” “I don’t like this. Just what is he planning? The sooner anyone finds out the better. That thing is something that shouldn’t exist.” He said as they made their way towards the exit where the knights and a sleeping Lice waits. “I hear Max hates Cript… is he gonna try and kill me on sight?” “Your Nerd. Not Cript. While before he might have. Frisk has...made him mellow out a bit. Even started calling herself the Void Empress and he doesn’t even try to correct her or anything. I half expect her to probably try to adopt Lice herself.” He said. “He...what?” Nerd asked, looking surprised. Agamemnon could tell, their mind was calculating something rapidly. “Also one more question. Be honest. What did you actually think my odds were of beating that thing?” He asked. At hearing that, Nard gave a half hearted smile, giving a soft punch to their head. “Do you know what the downside to a brain like mine is? I can basically calculate out the same event and how it played out in past Cycles. You fighting that thing was the same, as the last ones, seventy four percent chance of victory.” Agamemnon stopped. Nerd looking back at him. “What do you mean..Cycles? Looking back up, nerd looked back at the fallen base behind them. “Isn’t it obvious? This has all happened before. Many times...each time, same events, near same outcomes with bare minimal diffrences.My brain, from a young age I realized this in my calculations. Out of all of them, there was one where it was a worst case scenario.” They said, looking around for a bit before finding a large stone just at the crater's edge. Motioning, Agamemnon moved it… stepping back in fear… The corpse they saw was… “They all lead to the same outcome of this war though… each, and every time.” Nerd said, picking up the tarnished, battle broken helmet of Agamemnon’s strongest armor, a fossilized skeleton head falling out. “Coming here was all the proof I needed to confirm, those calculations were true all along.” Agamemnon looked at all this. “...” before his eyes sharpened. “Max must know this.” “His anger.” Nerd spoke up, an unexpected tone from their voice, bravery. “You said, he was calming down? Yes?” “I did. Frisk was a major help.” He said. Wondering why he is asking that. “In every calculation from each cycle, Max was forever enraged, angry… he has never once in any cycle… been calm.” “Then that means one thing.” He said looking over the corpses. “This cycle… will be the last, for better… or worse.” Nerd said, placing the helmet down. Frisk observes the Compound. Seeing the land around it and the place itself. It was built like a castle, stone walls reinforced by metal sheet welding, while there were Nexus agents roaming around, most of the security comprised of robots and automatic turrets. “Hm. Impressive, but not much actually manpower on the outside. Either this place relies mostly on robots, or their that arrogant on their defenses.” She says to herself. She jumps down from the cliff. Landing on the ground. She starts walking towards the castle. She watches as the robots and turrets start turning towards her, and they started to prepare to fire.  She smirks. “Well let’s see how good they are.” She says. She summons seven souls of a variety of colors. Yellow, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, and Red. The Dark blue goes towards her feet and covers them. She then disappears. The guards didn’t know where she teleported to. In actuality. That soul only gave her a massive speed boost. She could have made it without using the souls, but felt like stretching for a bit. She was behind three guards that were looking for her when she then kicks them in the back. They fell over. She broke their spines and completely paralyzed them. The sound of them hitting the floor alerts the others though. As she turns around to deal with the newcomers, suddenly, something slams into her from behind, sending her flying a few feet. She easily catches herself, seeing one of the guards she attacked stand back up, their spin audibly refixing itself as they turned to her, their eyes shifting into large white slits. A Symbiote.  “Hm interesting. So you can play more? Well you’ll regret being able to.” She said playfully at first, before getting ire serious at the end as the orange soul splits. Forming orange boxing gloves that went out and punches holes in the newcomers that were almost there as she grabs the symbiote and throws it towards the ground floor. It caught itself, it’s almost living pudding like body gripping her arm, the spin they performed to catch themselves made Frisk land face first into the ground before they backed up, their Symbiote covering their host body as they stood easy not four feet taller than her in this form. She gets up and brushes the dust off her shirt. Before looking up to see the symbiote had thrown a small section of wall that was twice her size her way. It hits the ground making it think it connected. Only for a purple page floats in front of it and her fist came out of it and smashed it through the wall. She jumps out of the page as it forms a purple notebook before becoming the purple soul again. The symbiote took a moment to gather their surroundings, and rapidly, to Frisk’s surprise, suddenly vanished. Invisibility or teleportation, either way she could tell they were gone. She enters the place through the hole and starts exploring. Was near the top from the fight. If she had to guess the stuff she would have to find would most likely be below the castle. “ Well let’s see what this place has in store.” She said as she made her way through. As she explored her only obstacle so far were automatic turrets that were easily destroyed. Each room held… boxes, and boxes of rare, invaluable materials. One of these ores alone would cost someone several thousand rem, and they had gigantic rooms of boxes filled with them. “I know the Void can house some of the rarest items, but where are Nexus getting all this? Something isn’t right. I swear if their doing something like melting kids down to make this stuff the only safe place for Vincent would be up The Void Mother’s asshole.” She said. As she was exploring, she stopped, sensing a strong pull of Pure Void nearby. Drawn by it, she entered the sealed room. Inside was a single closed case. Opening it, Frisk was taken aback. A strand of hair from The Void Mother, a Void material like this was beyond rare, it was basically nonexistent, and whatever this would be used to make would be invaluable in power. She closed the case and put it into a pocket dimension. “Max will love to see this. Maybe even take the initiative for once. Hehe~” she said with a small giggle. She left the room and saw more robots. She just made an orange revolver out of the orange soul and shot all of them.  Then proceeded on her way. As she was walking through the halls, she heard the faint echoes of screams, screams of intense pain. “What da?” She said. She moved a bit faster to find the source. Going down a few corners and hallways till she say two doors. One on the left and right.  She opens the door on the right ...to hear both a shower running and a woman scream. She closed it...then opens it again with a repeat of before. She closes it again with a small laugh before turning towards the other door. As she was opening doors, she saw… “h e y t h e r e…” Nope. She closed that door… and pondered just what the hell this castle was. The screams happened again, this time louder. Rushing down, she finally saw through a window in the course of the screams. It was a C.R.I.P.T, bound to a large machine that was overseen by two guards, she watched as the C.R.I.P.T then grew large pure Void ores from their back as the machines mined them off, the guards kicking their face when they didn’t grow more immediately. Frisk frowns and then proceed to kick the door hard enough it flew and decapitated the left guard. The right guard jumped in surprise. Before he could defend Frisk places a hand on his leg. “I normally like playing with weaker foes, but you pissed me off.” She said as the guard started to turn to dust. Screaming as he did till he was no more. She looks at the C.R.I.P.T before say. “You ok?” Their hair was jet black, long and unkempt, their eyes a pale yellow. “About time I got a fiver.” They said, an echo made as they cracked their neck. “Was what? Ten years back at the old place and three months here? Eh, at least I got a front row seat to that kill fest.” They said, looking up over at Frisk. “And who might you be hotness?” “One, your calling someone who looks like a kid hot? Two, I’m taken and both of us will gut you if you try. And Three, I’m Frisk.” She said deadpanned. “Key word there was ‘look’ hotness. We both know looks are the first defence from others. So, to what do I owe the unexpected visit?’ “What is this place exactly and what are they doing to you?” She asked. “I was just raiding the place when I found you is all. Might as well see what you know.” “This place is Nexus Quarry eighty four, and I’m the quarry. Built with the Absorption and Growth Abilities. I can absorb anything and grow it off my body. Saw a show when I was a kid, before I was hooked up to this guy named Keven who could do the same thing. Call me Keven.” “Hm. Absorption and Growth. Max read about them in those notes from that workshop he found.” She said offhandedly. “So you basically make all these resources and they mine it off you?” she asked. “Yeah. Hurts like hell but I can do this forever. Made for it. So, you're gonna break me out or what?” Frisk shrugs before walking up to the restraints. She holds her right hand out. And turns it into a blood red claw and cuts the restraints. Before making four orange guns appear and shooting the machine. Sighing, Keven stretched, spine and joints popping from an unknown amount of time kept bound to the device. "Ahhh. That's the stuff. Thanks Hotness, mind if I return the favor?" “Hmm. Know where the mainframe is that contains all the data for this place? Maybe even a way that might help get the supplies from this place back to mine.” She said. There are a lot of rare to Extremely rare resources here. And pretty sure Kevin doesn’t want to be mined again unless they find a non harmful way. "If there is one thing those prick guards always did aside from kick my face in, it's talk. Mainframe room in down below this castles old dungeon, as for getting all this stuff out of here, I know one of them mentioned a cargo ship. One of them said it was like, a mile or so east of here I think?" “Perfect. Now. Anything other then that Symbiote I should be aware of?” She asked. The Symbiote she can handle easily, but the info is important for any battle. Walking blind could cost a life. Unless your always blind. Then it’s just day to day stuff. "Let’s see… only thing that comes to mind is that hulking Berzerk in the basement." “Anything to note on that? I’ve heard of the Admin of Berzerkers or something like that, but he died in the admin war.” She asked. "Dunno. All I know is, it's huge, built like a tank, and hits like an Admin from what I hear." “Hm. Sounds fun.” She said with a smirk. She walks towards the exit of the room. “Well let’s get going. Not getting out of here just standing around.” She said as she walks down the hall. "Yes ma'am." Keven said, his arms becoming coated in a metal Frisk could not recognize. He followed her down the halls. They continued to explore the castle like compound. They found a few room that contains more rare resources. Frisk figures this place was a great place to raid for resources. So she made note of each room they find and continued. They came across a few guards that tried to stop them, but Frisk let Kevin take care of them as revenge for what they’ve been doing to him. "Alright ya greedy fuck wads, you want this ore, then fucking choak on it!" Keven said, slamming their metal covered hands into the ground. There was a sudden shake as now, countless thin spikes popped out of the floor, walls and ceiling above them and stabbed through their armor and inflicting deadly blows. They retracted, Frisk seeing the metal returning to Keven's body.  “Can you produce an endless amount of what you absorbed or is it limited and they unknowingly increased the limit by a Fuck ton?” She asked. "Actually, it's based on how much I eat. Once I absorb something I can replicate it, by a similar method to how you would burn calories. The more calories I eat the more I produce, and depending on the quality of the food determines the quality of what I make. As you can see I can also alter their shape and form so long as it's still connected to me." She nodes. They continue to explore. Finding more storage rooms and more guards as Kevin slaughtered them. “Any specific project they were working on here?” She asked. "Fuck if I know. Far as I know this place was solely for mining me. Might makes stuff, dunno really. Hey, you mentioned a symbiote earlier, right?" “Ya. It disappeared though. Like it teleported or something. Will probably run into it sooner or later though.” She said. "Hmm… we might have a problem then." “Know anything about this thing?” She asked as they turn right. Frisk casual shooting down two more guards as they continue. “Yeah, they call him Saw, genetically altered from what I hear. Seen that slug make fully automatic weapons, working sawblades, chainsaws, even an anti-matter cannon.” Keven said, jabbing a hand through the wall, an audible crack heard through the hole before he pulled his hand back. “Hm. Interesting. Sounds fun actually. Just for a note is there a chance of converting it or should I just kill it?” She asked as she casually throws three red knifes through the wall.  Loud thumps sounds coming soon after. "Dunno. Don't care to be honest." She shrugs as they keep going. Soon coming across a huge room that’s almost completely dark. “What’s this room about?” She asked as she looked around the dark room. "My guess." Keven said, feeling the wall and finding a light switch. Flipping it on, showed dozens of mystical crafting stations, All Void based. "Workshop." “Wonder what it’s for?” She said. She looked around with Kevin before she found a journal next to some material. She starts looking through it while Kevin starts to examine the material there. “Looks like their trying to build specific artifacts from just the material here. Void corruption defense, Void beast repellent, Void...sex enhancement?” She said reading the last part with a bit of confusion. As she read she saw recipes for Dead Man's Eye compasses, Void Arms, Potions that deliver long lasting positive effects, Bone Charms, Poisons that could easily kill gods, might even make Cript and Max themselves a tad woozie for a while. She saw there was a recipe with a large 'Do Not Make Again' label in red marker over it. The ingredients were as rare as you could get, and it was for Void item called Crono Monitor. It looked like opera glasses, but there was an elegant gold design to them with plenty of other wealthy metals and gems incorporated into into it's making. “What is this? Must be a powerful, but dangerous artifact if Nexus doesn’t want it made again. Wait one of those positive potions is a...sigh another sex enhancement potion. Either they were completely random with making these things or someone was very into sex.” She said. "They research every aspect of anything new." Keven said, absorbing some material. "Just happy we didn't run into the hybrid projects." “I probably don’t want to know what those are. Well all this will be useful to have. Even found one on apparently repairing or even replacing a damaged or infected womb.” She said reading over. “Even makes them stronger to avoid miscarriage or illness.” "Sounds like someone either admires mother's or can no longer be one." Keven said, sifting through various ores.  “Find anything interesting over there?” She asked as she puts down the notes to examine something else. "Typical crap." Keven said, tossing an ore aside. "Nothing cool, fun or shiney." “Dang.” She said. She takes out her soul notebook and uses it to gather everything in the room with its pages. “Let’s keep moving. We’re bound to come across the symbiote at some point and need to get to the basement.”  "Woah, you sure about that? The Berzerker that guards it isn't exactly a walk in the park to deal with." “Trust me.” She said as her eyes glowed. “I’ll be fine.” They proceeded to continue. Looking through the other rooms, various other storage areas and such were found, then, the armory. A vast room filled with various weapons, Void and normal. What caught Frisk's attention were the various, clearly forged versions of Ben's weapons. But she also spotted one thing that hit her with fear… a Void Key Keyblade, resting on a stand in the center of this large room. “What’s something like this doing here? You’d think it be somewhere more secure?” She said as she got near it. ”Hehehehehe. What have we here? A little imp, blessed with a raging fire, playing with them like embers in the wind.” Void Key’s voice boomed inside Frisk’s head. “Great another a voice in my head. What’s your deal? Become your puppet for power or something else cliche?” She asked with a deadpan face while Kevin glances at her confused on the talking to herself. Then noticed the void key. ”Why bother taking up one who’s flesh would crumble under the kind of void I control. You’re power with Void is impressive, but you could never handle my power.” “Tough talk for something that doesn’t currently have any power. I can tell. Your missing something.” She said with a smile. ”Smart, and Keen, yet, learned too late, after too…” “Many Mistakes.” Jumping, Frisk turned around, seeing the injured, broken and beaten form of Asriel, his head a black silhouette with Void Key;s eye taking up all of it. “While my body here lacks my power, my mind, is a weapon on it’s own.” Frisk was silent. A shadow covering her eyes. Then...she giggled. Then it grew into laughter. “Madness, sins, cruelty, so much evil for one that looks so young. Humor me, why the facade? Why bother keeping the appearance of such a youthful time? Guilt, duty?” “For that question at the end. Is because I just feel like. It’s fun messing with people who think a child could never be a threat till their begging for mercy.” She said. Her face still concealed by shadows. “Trickery, impressive. I can see why that self entitled Emperor picked you, you are the tactical side of the cruelty he revels in that temper of his, his only weakness.” “Temper? Oh your info is a bit outdated. While he still hates the living and unliving hell out of Cript he has calmed down a lot thanks to me. Also one more thing.” She said. “Calmed or not, anger is always his downfall, each time, every time. Your little handi work is but a mask, it always is.” She thrust her hand out. Shattered the illusion and grabbed Void. “ so from what your saying this has happened before. Cycles right? Read a small but from the notes before.” She said holding the key. Unphased, Void Key simple moved it’s eye in the shape of a smile. Creeping Frisk out. ”Only since the beginning. And each time,” Suddenly, something, someone pushed Frisk into the wall, ribs breaking as she spewed blood. Her injuries healed fast, and looking up, she froze. She saw, a silhouette she’s recognize anywhere, holding that Void Key. ”I look forward to claiming his body for my own. After, I’ve stopped his heart. The flesh is all I require, not the mind.” The Max silhouette Void Key controlled vanished in a blink of it’s own Void. She stared at where the key and silhouette was before. Kevin who was watching and silent stood there.  “Uh… what the heck just happened?” Keven asked, breaking that silence. “That...that…” she lowers her head and starts shaking. “That… what?” A dark powerful aura starts coming off her as her hair starts floating. The room..no the castle starts shaking from the power. Kevin unintentionally backed up as it got stronger. Before she then yells. “THAT BASTARD!!!” She yelled out in a fury as one of her eyes is showing full of rage. She looked like she grew a foot as well. She then stood up and marches out the door. She stops and looks at Kevin. “Move your ass! I’m ending this now!” She said as she marches on. “Yes Ma’am.” Keven said, following. The base was cleared Quickly, remaining agents, robots and turrets taken out without mercy. She then came across the Symbiote… though, what she saw about stopped her rage dead… It was petting an adorable small dog that was completely happy in its arms. She looks towards Kevin. “Explain.” “I’m as confused as you are.” Keven said. “What? I can have pets.” The Symbiote said… it talks?! “Well sorry but all I heard is that your a soulless killing machine.” She said matter of fact. “Rude. I mean, I am a killing machine, but I do have a soul. I saw my blueprints.” The symbiote said. “Sigh. Fine. Let us pass and I won’t erase your existence.” She said. “Actually, I left earlier to pack my crap. I felt how strong you were, I’m not stupid. I grabbed my dog, my Pokemon cards, and my DSI. That’s literally all I own.” “... what?” Keven asked. “Anywhere to go?” Frisk asked. “Wherever you’re going. I know a winning side when I see one and I’d rather take my odds with you guys then when Vincent arrives here. Reports said he was scheduled to arrive here in a week, and every fiber of my being screamed to run.” “Ok. Just stay back so you and the pup don’t get mauled accidentally. I’m not in a good mood and don’t feel like holding back as much.” She said. “Fair enough. So, I take it you just have the Berzerker to deal with?” “Yep.” She said as she walks towards another door and kicked it to pieces. “Know where the main room is or should I literally tear this place apart?” She asked. “I know where it is, passcodes and everything. Benefits of being passed through host to host. Including some data that will make fighting that hulking freak easier.” “Like what?” She asked as it leads the way. “When making them, they learned that it’s ears are actually quite sensitive to one specific frequency. A well aimd sonic pulse at that frequency to it’s head will scramble it’s brains good.” “Interesting, but how much stronger is it compared to you?” She asked. “That thing can easily eat me.” “Gross.” Keven said. “Yeah.” The symbiote said. “Then this won’t take long.” She said. She didn’t sound like she was kidding.  As they reached the lower levels the symbiote generated a pulse weapon from their flesh, breaking it off as it held. “Just one shot to the head.” They said, handing it over to Frisk. “Thanks. Though I probably won’t even need it.” She said taking it. They continued until they came across a large open room. Had stairs leading to the floor of a huge room the size of two football stadiums.  In this room, was the Berzerker, it's grotesque muscular body looked to be a clear byproduct of it's making. It saw them and charged, roaring an inhuman sound as it gained speed at the group. Frisk intercepted and slammed a fist in its face. Sending it flying into the wall. She felt a small pain in her hand and saw a small cut. It’s mouth was open so she probably cut her hand on its teeth. She cursed to herself internally, the cut stung. Looking back she saw the Berzerker getting up, impressed, she got ready to strike again, until, she felt something off radiating from the beast. It was framilier, too familiar. She watched in surprise as across both arms, the energy and images of light blue, dark blue, purple, orange, yellow and green glowed across it's arms, and a deplep, large image of a red heart across it's chest appeared, the framilier powers hitting her like a reflection. And then, an ever present voice she was all too accustomed to, spoke. The Berzerker Is Filled With Human Power. “Damn it! It must have copied my powers from my blood.” She cursed. Hoping this thing didn’t copy All if what she can do. She powers up. Growing a bit in height and chest gaining a bit of volume. Her younger self also serves as a power controller. When she goes her full age she can go all out.  She summoned her Green Soul Frypan and held it in reverse in her right hand for defense and her orange soul revolver in her left for range. “Let’s go.” She said. Her voice more womanly than before.   As she charged so did the Berzerker, their speed meeting each other. It's arms matched her two weapons powers, but did not form weapons. She was glad it only copied the energy, and not the weapons… but that's still an issue. She ducks under a punch and shoots the bend of the arm. Making the arm bend in a way it shouldn’t causing it to roar. She then blocks the other with the Frypan which pushes her back from the force. The pan is glowing from absorbing the blow. She swings the pan to send it back knocking it back a couple feet. ‘So it can’t make the weapons, but what can it do with the energy?’ She wonders. She watched in surprise as the orange energy, Justice, focused in it's head. It roared, sending an echoing blast that hit her. At first, it seemed like nothing happened, but then, her arm, like the berzerker's, bent in the wrong way, causing Frisk to yell from the sudden pain. Berserker Used Justice Power; An Eye For An Eye. ‘Damn It! So it gives its own injuries to someone. That’s new. Will have to fully experiment with my own powers later. For now just what else can it do with the souls?’ She thought as she used the green soul to heal her arm. She started the battle with her age at 12. Now she is 14. Her prime age is 25. The higher she ages herself the more powerful she becomes. She wants to end this without becoming 25.  She ages herself to 16. Getting taller, hair getting a bit longer, and her figure got fuller. She focused her blue soul into her legs forming armored greaves and disappeared in a burst of speed. She slams twenty kicks into the Berzerk before slamming a orange soul fist gauntlet into its face  sending it flying before it stopped. It self heals, orange soul energy flowing it's body as it screams, the shockwave nearly making Frisk fall over as the building shook and began to break apart. As it broke, she saw the chrome walls of the building all had… a check option? As it's screams stopped, she checked. The Countless people turned into the structure wish for death. Was..was this place built from actually people?! She checks further to see...oh god.  She puts her hand over her mouth once she realized that the walls, floor, everything built here is made from...melted down people!  She snaps out of it to barely dodge a hammer fist from the brute. She uses her purple soul to form glasses. This form actually improves intelligence and thinking speed. She uses this when either trying to solve an equation or complicated problems. Although she didn’t see the things other hand till it was too late. It grabbed her face and smashed her on the ground a few times then threw her into another wall. She ages herself to 18 getting really tired of being thrown around.  But the Berzerk...is just standing there. The purple soul power coursing through it. She was using the intelligence form of it so that might mean... “Ah Crap. It’s about to get smarter is it?” She deadpans.  After it reached the things head, it stopped moving. For a time it was still, no movement at all. Suddenly, a purple burst of fog expelled from the Berzerker, covering it. After a while it disbanded. The Berzerker no longer looked muscled and malformed, but was still quite muscular, only smaller. It still held a six or seven foot height, features far more human now. It breathed in, then out in a calm sounding sigh. "Intellectual thought processing at last." It spoke, it's voice slightly rough but friendly sounding. "How the hell have I been so beastial for so long is beyond me." She looked at it for a sec before deadpanning. “Ok answer quickly. You still trying to kill me or you want to negotiate? Because I’m still up for killing your ass.” She said. "Being able to think for once in my existence, I'd rather not. I'd like to keep my newfound intelligence, and I can tell already you and your cohorts can make it so I don't have to keep sipping your blood like a Vampire on a diet." “Ok. You have a name for yourself?” She asked. De-aging herself back to 12.  "A name. Hmm… for simplicity's sake, just call me Berz for now." “Ok Berz. How about you join us? Better then staying with Nexus who would just dumb you down to control you.” She said as Kevin and the Symbiote came closer. "Great minds think alike." They said, stepping aside. "Ladies first." She walks into the MainFrame Room. The entire room was lit up by screens and machines, at the center of it all sat a large laptop, hooked up to the other machines by many wires and ports. "That's the Storage drive." The Symbiote said. "It has everything this base has recorded on it. Mainly blueprints for void weapons, recipes, things like that." “ I know of at least two who will like the weapon blueprints, and the rest will be great as well.” She said getting closer to the laptop. “And with all the supplies this place has that we’re taking as well we’ll have a very good stock.” She turns to them. “Any if you know how to remove this without triggering an emergency wipe or anything? I’d rather not risk it myself.” She asked. “They don’t have emergency wipes.” Symbiote said, ripping the thing out of the wires. “They don’t care about losing information. All the data here is backed up elsewhere. At this stage they figure anything you gain is already ten steps behind.” She deadpanned a bit. “And the really good stuff is in a base very close to the Mother I’m guessing?” She both asked and stated. “And Vincent’s head before that.” Berz said. “Luckily, having access to my own mind finally, I can recall that places exact location. It’s where my brothers and I were born.” “And that’s a great boon...hopefully.” She said before taking the laptop and putting it into her pocket dimension. “Let’s head topside.” She said. “Void or not, anything beats the same metal floor.” Keven said. “I’ll need one of you to show me where that cargo ship is and you guys will either go get it or I’ll get while the others stay here just in case.” She said as they headed topside. “Allow me.” Berz said. “Despite the form change, the intellect has allowed me to better utilize this power. I got maybe… exactly two and a half hours left. Shouldn’t take more than five minutes to clear it out.” “Your on a timer? Hmm I’ll work to help make this permanent when you get back.” She said. “One drop of blood I drink is one hour of whoever I drank it forms power. It’s one of the mandatory abilities they put into us. I got three good drops when you punched me. Half an hour gone, two and a half left.”  “Hm. That’s all? A bit of blood isn’t a problem. I’ll have more for you ready to increase your time when you get back.” She said as they got closer to the exit. “Lovely. Now then.” Berz said, giving a smile and a clap of his hands. “Shall we rampage?” “Go nuts.” She said. With a nod, Berz kneeled down, then jumped, breaking through all upper floors with ease. “That’s cool.” Keven said. Frisk opens her pocket dimension and...brings out four large clay pots. “ well better get started.” She said. Forming her red knife and having her left arm glow purple. She then..cut off her hand and held it over the first pot as blood pours out. “You guys good with seeing blood?” She asked as if she hadn’t just cut her own hand off. “Seen mine enough to stomach it.” Keven said. “Seen plenty.” The Symbiote Saw said. “Fair enough. I should have all four of these filled before he gets back.” She said as her blood continues to pour. She continues to have her blood pour into the pots. She also focused on her purple souls power through it to make sure Berz gets the intellect power to keep his. Thankfully she is also using her green soul to heal herself only enough to keep producing blood so she doesn’t run out.  Once she was done she puts her cut off hand over the stump and heals both. She takes two of the pots of blood and carries them with Kevin and Saw taking one each. After a minute they find themselves outside. “Ok. Now just have to wait for him.” She says. As she sits down and pulls out her purple soul notebook. She thinks a bit of what happened so far. The supplies, Kevin, Saw, Berz, ...that Void Key… she grips the notebook a little harder. ‘I’ll do everything I can to prevent that.’ She thinks. She takes out the hair from before. Such a powerful item. If she is correct then this is the power source for Void Key. She puts it back. She feels Berz coming back. Just as predicted, Berz returned. "That was interesting. The supplies there were half gone it seems." She raises an eyebrow. “That’s either good or bad. Depending on what was moved I guess. Well I’ll go get the ship while you drink your fill. I’ll be back.” She said "Gladly." Berz said, downing the blood as Frisk left. Arriving at the shipyard. The Carnage was kept to just the Nexus members mangled bodies and not the facility or storage crates. It was clear that half was indeed missing. Larger cargo crates were gone, and the smaller wooden ones were largely raw materials, some void weapons and munitions. 'They made this all from what the broke off Keven?' she pondered, finding a half ripped logg of the items that were shipped out.  She felt a tad stiff reading it. Two thousand pounds of Void Mother's Hair, Hearts of Void Dragons, Void Tainted Dark Monofilament, and twenty two hundred gallons of Delete Blood. “This is some serious stuff they made off with. Probably brought it back to the main place. And since Her hair is apart of this. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this was the main ingredients for that Thing.” She said remembering the key. “Wonder what’s left?”  She looks around and finds weapons, and ability containers. Nothing noteworthy though. Better head back for them. She looks for the controls and then takes the ship back. Once their they all got together on unloading all they can from the base. It took half an hour given all that was there. Once done they got on except for Frisk. She looks at the building and walks up to it. Before anyone could ask she puts her hand on one of the walls. “Let yourselves rest now.” She said as...the building starts turning to dust. They watch as the whole building is destroyed. Once it was over Frisk checks to see if it’s done.  It was.  She turns towards the others. “Well let’s head back. I’ll take you guys to where I live. Max is going to want to meet you all.” She said as she boards. A tall cloaked figure was floating out in void. Observing the Nexus Compound below. The base was much more like a military compound than others were. Tents, a quarry, moat of Void Water, nasty stuff, and many heavily armed personnel. The most armed one carried an item from Max's personal wishlist. Void War. A battleaxe replica of War's very own battleaxe, twisted by void. One of the few weapons that doesn't require tinkering to be used by Max at full power. The figure looks on as another cloaked one floats behind. “Lots of Nexus goons from the looks of it.” A femal voice said as she pulled her hood down to reveal a green skinned female with short white hair. “Probably has at least one challenging opponent for you huh Broly?” She asked. Broly took off the cloak to show his Green armor that he wore when Freiza recruited him and his father years ago. Now he is with Max. “Probably. While I would like to end this with non-violence I doubt they’ll agree.” He says. “Even if they do fight I know you’ll be ok.” She said as she floated up to kiss his cheek.  He smiles at her. “You best head back just in case. I won’t be long.” He said as he falls to ground level. “Watch yourself love.” She said as she opens a portal back. He lands on the ground and walks towards the compound. The guards somehow not noticing till he was literally twelve feet from them. “All you leave now and leave everything here. All weapons and data. Don’t make me spill blood.” Broly ask/threatened them.  The Nexus people all looked at one another. An uneasy smile crossing their faces. "You're one of that Max's little helpers, aren't you?" One asked. “Correct. I’m his Berzerk King. Broly. We all know the average Nexus soldier doesn’t stand a chance so actually try to live and leave. I won’t ask again. Broly says. "Well now, if blood won't be spilled by you," they said, each visible soldier held there guns to their head, or blades to their neck. "Then we'll spill it for you." A series of gunfire and splashing blood happened, and was over before Broly could fully register. In shock once it did, he jumped their wall, seeing even the Axe wielding one was dead by it's own hands. “Da Hell?!” He exclaimed. He searched the place just finding more and more suicides. “Why would they kill themselves like that? Something isn’t right.” He keeps looking till he searches a quarry. Finding a cage in the center. With one person still inside.  “Who, or should I say what are you?” He asked. If Nexus has someone in a cage it can’t be good right? He then notices something on the ground. Blood. Most likely the blood of the Nexus. It was flowing towards the cage. It seems like whoever is in there is absorbing the blood. "Heh. Last time I saw you, Vincent ripped your spine out through your own mouth." The figure said, eyes opening… a Psychopath. Suddenly, Lights turned on, showing this Psychopath looked, was a C.R.I.P.T. "Is it that time again already?" “Last time? What are you talking about? Who are you? Another CRIPT project or something?” He asked. Killed by Vincent? While it doesn’t really surprise him since he isn’t anywhere near That Things power hearing it like it already happened was confusing… and worrying. "Was. Last cycle. Highly doubt I was made again in this b one." “Last cycle? What does that mean?” He never heard anything about this before. What does...wait. “This...has happened already hasn’t it?” He asked. "Ding ding ding. Muscle head does have a brain. So many times, for what or why beats me, but each time, it's the same song. You all lose, die, and then it happens all over again." “And I’m guessing I’ve always said it’ll be different this time correct?” Broly asked. "Dunno. I was buried here last Cycle. Whether your bravado or brain did the talking I beyond me." “Exactly what form was I in when I died?” Broly asked. "Let's see if I remember… blue hair, black aura, blood boiling out of your own skin and you were punching so fast your finger bones were visible, so tearing up your own skin." “Super Saiyan Blue, but the black aura and blood boiling out is new. The speed might be from pulling in the speed force thanks to my Admin if Speed ability, but I don’t even plan on God Ki at the moment.” Broly said.  "Whatever it was, it clearly wasn't enough to survive." They said, the last of the blood flowing into them. "Ahh. That's a thirst quencher." They said, hitting the side of the cage as all the bars now broke off.  “How did you even get in that cage?” He asked. "Vincent himself threw me in here. Said 'maybe ten cycles of time will make you obedient.' Jokes on that bastard though." “Know why the Nexus killed themselves? Your doing?” Broly asked. "Psht. As if. They found me here and thought I'd do their dirty work for them. I don't follow orders, hence why I was thrown in here, they only see us Cript's as tools, and when we disobey they discipline is if we're valuable or kill us if we are built to be expendable. They likely thought some blood would make me do their desires. As if." “Anything of note about this place?” Broly asked. "Heck if I know. This place wasn't here last time. Now move." They said, a flick of their finger and Broly stepped aside. Against their own body. It was then Broly realized, it was controlling his blood. "I have things to do I didn't get to last cycle." “Like what?” Broly asked. "Killing Vincent." He said as he began to walk out. “Can you do that by yourself? I can tell you stronger then me, but can you honestly say you can kill him alone. I’m pretty sure the only one stronger than him on his side is the Mother.” Broly said.  "I can damn well try." “Why not work with us?" "Hahahah! Yeah I've seen your track record personally. You, like I said, spine ripped out of your own mouth. Big armored tank, squashed like a worm. Arrogant wizard dude, petrified. Child with all that rainbow power, decapitated. And your King, Max. Ha! Killed by Vincent, and his corpse, tossed down Void Keys well, cause his body was useful to their cause. Resilient, strong bodies are in high demand for that eyeball, not the mind, soul or heart, just the meat. You fucks have a bad track record. And it's no different for the other guys! Cript, Imprisoned, Lord, puddle of Gore. Heart, looked like sushi. King of Nothingness, head smashed in and gutted. I can go on. You all fucked up, especially your idiot king for what he did before the war really kicked off." “What happened?” Broly asked. "To try and reconcile and forge an alliance, Cript revived Max's dead wife from his timeline. Child and all. But Max, the retard whole heatedly, idiotically, believes that she was a copy. It's fucking not dumb ass. He killed her, then fought, and failed, the war fighting on two fronts. Cript, that fucker, I've seen his resurrection ability. It's not fucking cloning it's time Alteration. Picking someone out from time the seconds before they died. He was so angery and stupid, he killed his own wife and child! How do you follow this asshole? Cause blind loyalty only should go so far." Broly was stunned. Hearing all this. He sighed. And turned towards the Psycho who raised an eyebrow. Not remembering undoing the blood paralysis. “What you just said. It is hard to follow someone like that. Even after all he has done for us, but Max sounds like rage was his biggest emotion that cycle. While he was ragefull before in this one. Frisk worked hard and has mellowed him out a bit.  He is more logical and understanding. He is even pushing us to be stronger than before. I can guarantee this cycle will be different.” Broly said. "Past. Maybe. We didn't have this talk last time. But why should I even join you? Even if Max this time around is better, I doubt he is good. Borderline decent." “Maybe not Good, but definitely better than Vincent right?” Broly jokes a bit. “At least come and talk to him. At the very least he might let you stay so your not just running around randomly till Vincent or worst The Mother finds you and ends you just to get a loose end tied up.”  "Void Mother never leaves her nest. So it will be Vincent who finds me. Fucking asshole of a dad… hehehe. Tell me, how much do you fucks know about Psychopaths?" “Me personally not much. Max is one do to his blood eyes. Never paid attention to it anyway. Just another opponent no matter power.” Broly answered. The other would know more. "Heheheh. Fun fact. We have a king. I didn't even know that, until the cycle I was in ended. There I was, alone, last of the Psychopaths… or so I thought. His distant muttering told me a lot, but half of it was pure gibberish. All I do know is that he was the first Cycles Admin of War, and the first Psychopath. King of us all apparently. Here's a little deal, Kay? Help me find him, and kill him, and I'll help you sorry bunch of destinies poor bastards out with your bullshit." “Ok. Let’s find the mainframe for whatever info they have. Then we should take anything of value here.” Broly said walking out. "Fine by me, but first, insurance." Psycho Cript said, holding out a hand. "Let's make this deal official." “This one of those ‘you break it you die’ deals?” Broly deadpanned. "We'll see." They shrugged. Broly grabs his hand. They shake. Blood immediately spilled from both their arms. Each others blood flowed out like snakes. Each others blood then latched to the others skin, like a tattoo were these symbols on each other's arms. Broly could not tell what they meant. “Ya I figured this would happen.” Broly deadpanned. Might be hanging around Lemo to much. “Let’s look around. Gotta be a Mainframe around we could at least grab.” He said as they left the quarry. Broly making sure to grab the axe just in case. Broly took along the Cript, inside the facility was smaller than expected. Most supplies were munitions and small notes. Until, Broly found a hatch. Underground then. Once down there they were met by an elevator. They headed down and were met with a hallway with a large door at the end. “You smell that?” The Cript asked. “Ya. And I don’t like it.” Broly said. “Smells like gore. As well as something else.” They then smiled. “Smells like failure.” They grind, the door across from them suddenly received a massive dent in the shape of a fist the size of Broly’s torso in it. “Berzerk?” He both asked and deadpanned. He should probably stop hanging out with Lemo and hang with Cheelie more.  The door broke down, showing the Berzerk. It roared at them. The Cript simply raised an arm, their arm slicing itself open as blood rushed out like tendrils, rushing into and impaling the Berzerk through and slamming it into the wall. “Wanting to get this over with already or was that thing too much for me to fight?” Broly asked. Seeing as he just either killed or nearly killed it in less than ten seconds. “Psst. Please. You and I could kill these things easily. You’re faster than it, and I got range over it. These things are bulky, so while they can be fast, I'll admit, you’ll still be faster.” “True I guess. Max especially has me working on my combat speed with my new powers. It’s more important than travel speed. Combined with my transformations that thing wouldn’t have been a challenge if I went all out.” Broly says. “And why don’t you?” “Is It even still alive?” He asked. “Should be getting up in a bit. You wanna kill it or eat it?” They asked while tilting their head. “Do they even taste good? What am I saying can’t be worse than the bugs on Vampa.”  He said, “Taste of their flesh doesn’t matter.” They said, the Berzerk starting to come up. “It’s the pain that they hold, where their death activates and ends their last moments of life." “I’m almost tempted to say ‘see a psychiatrist’ but that’d be a waste of time probably.” Broly said as he walks into the massive room with the Berzerk. “Ok. One shot. That’s all I’m giving you. Then I’ll end this in one shot.” Broly told the creature. The Berzerker got up, it's rage fueling it's strength as it charged at Broly. It delivered a hard Hammer Fist to Broly's arm. He did flinch, slightly. An unexpected tinge of pain he had not felt in a long time resurfacing. While no serious wounds, it did bruce his shoulder. “Was that your best? Very well. Let me respond with mine.” He says. He brings his arms up as he powers up. Veins bulging as he does. Hair spiking up. Eyes turning green as he hair erupts into a golden blonde as his super Saiyan aura erupts. The best growls ready. “Who said I was done?” Broly said as he pushes himself to the next level. Hair spiking even more as his power more then doubles. The beast took a step back. Broly’s power just keeps rising.  Broly then let’s out a loud yell as his power Explodes more. Getting covered in a golden light that blinds the beast for a bit. When it was over it looked at Broly. And took four more steps back. His eyebrows gone and his blonde hair reaching his lower back. His power was massive. “Not yet..” he said. The beast being stunned. He then powers up again. The force of his power pushes the beast again as his armor explodes off as Broly gets bigger and bigger. Hair turning a shade of yellowish green and his pupils disappear. When it was over Broly looked at the beast. “Like I said. One shot.” Broly grabs the beast and throws it upwards. The force of the throw keeping it from stopping its ascent. Broly powers up a chi blast in his hand before firing a massive blast at the beast. It didn’t even have time to scream.  When the blast was done not a trace of it was left. Broly breathes a sigh as he powers down. Breathing heavily a little. “Anything else like that or are we good?” He asked red. "That should be it for now. Come on then lap dog." The Psychopath said, kicking the doors down. Inside, they saw another C.R.I.P.T, body weak and small, and head with many tubes and wires hooked into it. Eyes open with data moving fast through them. It rested on a medical bed, a machine keeping its body alive. “Another C.R.I.P.T., but it’s basically just a corpse in a way. Probably some kind of special data storage for them. Doubt we could access it. Better hope one of the others found something or even someone that could.” Broly said after looking at it. "Poor baby bro. Never got to have a life… hmm…" Red said, looking the C.R.I.P.T over. "You might be in luck. See this?" Red said, showing Broly it's split Nexus mark. "This means this little guy was born a twin. That twin if it's not in the same state as it's bro here can read the data in it's head." “Let’s hope one of the others ran into the twin then. Let’s find a way to unhook him without somehow causing massive damage to him.” Broly said looking him over “Heh. Master never taught the lap dog the proper tricks?” The Psychopath said, waving a hand over his brother. “Fold the foundation of space before me, compress it and hold it until I command. Compress.” Suddenly, the whole set up of it and the C.R.I.P.T poofed, a small blue marble at the floor. Red picked it up and gave it to Broly. “It’s a simple spell, even a brute like you can learn it.” “While neat I’m not the magic type in our group. Prefer my way a bit more personally. But whatever. I’ll think about learning simple ones later. Let’s grab everything we can and go.” Broly said pocketing the blue marble. “Diversity or die. Better to know a little of everything than master one thing.” “There are many different opinions on that. To some it’s better to master one completely then know little if everything.” He said, "To each their own." Red said, he and Broly walking out of the facility, the rest of the items and weapons were of minimal use or importance. "So then, be a good doggy and show me to your big bad boss." Broly didn’t reply. Starting to see it was pointless. He opens a portal back home. Wondering how the other did in their raids. Max was again looking over notes in the workshop. There was something else in these notes. He just has to find out what. An Ability? Something stronger then Loop? What did that Admin discovery that was so dangerous or powerful?  “I need a new angle or something. I’m missing some kind of clue to find what he hid.” He says, He gets and goes for a walk around the castle. He just can’t help but wonder what the admin discovered that frightened him so much.  As he walks he senses his kings return. “Their back. Hopefully they have some good news. Personally-” He says as he heads toward the throne room to get ready for their reports “-I doubt we even put a dent in Nexus.”  "Not to the Nexus that matters 'Emperor’." A slightly familiar voice spoke as Max entered. Before him he saw his King's, and four C.R.I.P.Ts and a Symbiote. The one who spoke, a Psychopath, clearly strong and older than it appears. The other comatose like, with wire ports drilled into its skull. The others were a more well built but average at appearance one, and the last a twig, only stronger than the coma one by looks. “Well this should be an interesting report.” Max said as he got in front of the group. “Who would like to go first?” "Perhaps it would be best to show rather than explain?" The smaller C.R.I.P.T offered, fixing their glasses. “Very well.” Max said as he let them begin. "Alright, uh, you," They grabbed the Psychopath Cript's hand. "And if you can?" They asked, holding out a hand for Max. "Cute, a little Friendship circle." The Psychopath said sarcastically. “So a memory transfer correct?” Max guessed. "Of sorts yes. Complete memory viewing and all that." “Very well.” Max said as he grabs his hand. The small Cript inhaled for a moment, eyes close before opening them. Mana and small Sparks of electricity sparking from them and up their grip on the Psychopath and Max. Once it reaches them Max saw everything through the eyes of the two, their thoughts, pains, and life as if he was living them. Two lifetimes played by on his mind in under ten minutes. When it ended, Max fell to the floor, panting manically and on the verge of vomiting. What he saw… filled him with despair, regret, and misery. “‘Sigh’ So that’s what’s apparently ‘supposed’ to happen in a way. Correct?” He said as he got back up. "Every. Single. Reset." The Psychopath said bluntly. "Puts a lot of your self absorbed ass into perspective doesn't it?" “Not as bad as I used to be in this cycle, but ya it does.” Max said as he walks over to a window and looks into the Void. “It’s a lot of info. Every single cycle, but there is one thing I noticed as a constant.” He said. "You killing your time saved wife? Getting ganked by Vincent? Your corpse becoming a puppet for Void Key?"  "His rage." The small Cript, Nerd, spoke up. "It's there but less. You have some clarity this time around." Suddenly Psycho smashed his own face with his fist into the ground “ The Hell!?” Max with a red eye talks. “ make that two things. Thanks Nerd, but it’s something else. I ended up seeing memories of myself from those cycles. Going over the Notes of the Admin if Abilities. He hid something I couldn’t find. However, Void Construct. Max made dozens of papers form out of void. Words written on them. “Seeing all of those.” He snaps his fingers as his notes from the workshop appear. “And comparing them all.” He has them float out in front of him. “Nerd. Can you see a pattern in these. At first glance they look the same. But now.” Max said as Nerd got closer and looked at them. “Throughout those Cycles, no version of me ever found the pattern but knew it was there somewhere.” “A Map?” Nerd said, looking it over. “Oh, these locations and terrain, this is the edge of the void. No one has ever gone that far, at least no one in Nexus history has.” “Another thing is a warning. What could be that scared him so bad?” Max wonders. “No idea. And from me, that’s saying something.” Nerd stated. “So what’s that plan, if there is one?” The other C.R.I.P.T, Keven, spoke. “For now we wait for the other Kings. They might have more information on Nexus. In the meantime I’ll need Nerd to help me with two things. One, to find a place here for the comatose CRIPT to safely go over what Nexus might have in his head, and two to help me go through the workshop to see if he left anything else. You and the other can wander the castle as you like. I’d ask some to take the girl Agamemnon brought but Frisk is already gone.” He says as they all just notice she was gone.  They each go their ways with Nerd following Max as Max carries the comatose one. As they go Max can’t help but wonder in his thoughts. ‘I wonder...can I possibly use what’s on the map’?  [Space] > Stopping for now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone. Deathwatch here. I’m gonna put this story on hold for now. I’m not abandoning it. It’s just I reread the first story and...I’m cringing. And it felt like I rushed it. So I came up with a decision. I’m gonna rewrite it. The Dishonored: RE. For Remix. Like in Kingdom Hearts. I’ll be making it longer, fixing mistakes, adding more major enemies, making new powers, adding in info from this one to make it make sense with the story, and just making it better in my opinion. It’ll take some time...not as long as it took me to finally make this(hopefully). Well I’ll catch you all later. > I’m Back!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Everyone/Everypony! I’m not dead. I am very sorry for the long wait and I have no excuse. From life, to work, to writers block, it just kept piling on. But I have myself to blame. I’ll be posting a new chapter soon. Unfortunately I couldn’t put everything I wanted because I’ve honestly been sitting on this for as long as I’ve been gone so I’ll make it a two parter. Hopefully that helps become the kick in the rear I need. Take care everyone > King of Knights: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown World Aqua pov          I went through the portal like Hollow suggested. So me, John, and Sans have to find the last Void Kings we need separately. Hope things go well for them. I find myself in front of a castle ...that has some serious evil energy surrounding it. There are a few Giant towers that are glowing red sticking out of the ground around it.  I took a few steps to look around when I suddenly had to jump back to avoid a blue laser. I took to my right and saw this four legged machine looking at me before firing more lasers while making a b-line for me.  I summon my keyblade. The one master entrusted to me. I used Reflect to send the blast back. It hit its eye and stumbled back with the top portion spinning. I quickly closed the distance and attacked its legs. Destroying them. After its legs were gone I saw it stop spinning before it started to charge another blast. I jump back and prepare to use Reflect again when someone shoots the machine in its eye/cannon. A big blast of blue energy from the shot exploded. The machine went still before blowing up itself. I looked behind me to see someone holding a bow. That was an arrow. 3rd pov AN: just trying a different viewpoint with Aqua. Don't know if I'm keeping it though. Aqua looked at this stranger that helped her. He was almost a head smaller than her. He wore a blue tunic with tan pants and brown boots. He also had a hooded cape on him with the cape on. He put the bow on his back, with Aqua noticing he had a blue kite shield and a sword. She noticed quickly that the sword ...had a strong power in it. “Hey. Thanks for the help. I'm Aqua. Who are you?” She asked. He lowered his hood and revealed his light brown hair. He had pointy ears and blue eyes. “I'm Link.” He said. “What were those things?” Aqua asked. Referring to the machines from before. “Guardians. They were supposed to protect this land, but Calamity Ganon took control of them. It was a slaughter. The soldiers didn't stand a chance.” He said. “Calamity Ganon?” She asked. Link pointed at the castle. “He has been trapped there by Zelda for over a hundred years. Keeping him from destroying Hyrule.” Link said. “A hundred years? You are clearly strong. Does the species of this world have that long of a life span? And if so. Why did it take you so long to fight?” She asked. “Some species do, like the Zora, an Aquatic species, but ...I'm a different case.” Link said, looking down. “I ...was heavily injured in the battle against Calamity Ganon and the Guardians. Zelda took me to a special chamber to heal my wounds. It would put me in stasis while I heal. Unfortunately the process not only took a hundred years, but I lost my memories as well.” Aqua was shocked to hear that. “So when you woke up, you not only had to regain your memories, but your strength as well right?” “Yes. My Sword. The Sword That Seals The Darkness was sealed and I needed to regain most of my strength to wield it again.” He said.  As they talked while progressing towards the castle a group of silver monsters attacked. Before Aqua could summon her keyblade Link had already drawn his sword and cut down two of them. ‘He’s fast!’ Aqua thought. The last two jumped at Link. Only for him to snap his fingers at them and for them to get fried with lightning. Then fell dead. Burnt to a crisp from the Lightning. “Whoa. Impressive.” She said, “Bokoblins aren't that tough. They can be annoying in groups, but if you want a real fight try facing Lynels. Red mane ones are the easiest,but are still pretty tough. The real challenge is the white and silver mane ones.” Link said. He described them a bit more on that they not only were resistant against most in not all elemental type attacks, but could shoot massive fire blasts out of their mouths. Coupled with their speed and skill they do sound like challenging opponents.  They later found themselves in front of the castle. Having faced a few more Guardians on the way. Aqua was able to get a better feel for them. Handling the last one with ease.  Aqua looked over the castle. The evil was one of the darkest she has seen. Pools of Malice were everywhere. She can even see flying versions of the Guardians scouting the castle. As well as Turret ones. Link previously showed her that some pools of Malice have a weak point in the form of an eye connected to them. Destroying it will temporarily get rid of  the pool it was connected to. Not all of them have one though. Some also have mouths that let out cursed skulls of different monsters. The mouths will only go away when the eye is destroyed. The massive iron gates stood before them. Aqua was sure she could push them open. Being a Keyblade Master as well as the training from Hollow helps make something like this look easy, but before she could do that she sees Link pull out a device and aim at the doors. A yellow ball shot out of the device and hit the door. Link then pulled the door open with little effort. “What is that?” Aqua asked. Link held it out. “It's called a Sheikah Slate. An ancient artifact from an old race long ago. It's been with me since I awoke. Runes have been added to it to allow different effects to be done. It can create two kinds of bombs depending on what I might need at the time. Can use magnetic energy like with the gates to move metal objects no matter their weight. Can stop objects or even living beings in time for a short period. While frozen I can build up kinetic energy in objects by hitting them and when the time is up and they're not frozen. They get sent flying. For living things the damage just stacks up.” He said. This device sounds useful. He examined it a bit more. “With the Cryonis rune I can create pillars of ice in any water surface to either help cross a body of water or get something that's floating out of the water. I can even destroy either old pillars or even ice elemental attacks heading for me. It is also capable of taking pictures and storing info on items or enemies.”  “That device can do a lot. Anything else I should know?” Aqua asked.  Link smirks and holds out the slate. A blue dome forms away from where he is pointing. When it goes away. In its place was a strange looking motorcycle. It looked like a metal unicorn with two wheels where its front and back legs should be. “This is the Master Cycle Zero. I acquired it from a challenge involving the same people that made the Slate. Hope on. This will help us avoid the flyers.” He said as he got on.  She got on and held on to the back of the cycle. He drove off dodging the spotlight from the flying Guardians and avoiding the broken stationary one. They soon came across a pool of malice that was blocking the path. Link noticed an eye on the other side. Aqua Asked him to wait here while she jumped and ran on the wall to their left and jumped towards the other side. The eye opened up and looked at her. She waved a little before burning it to ashes with a Fira spell. The pool disappears and Link drives up on the MCZ. “Nice work.” “No problem.” They continue until they come across a tower with two Guardian Turrets on both sides of the gate. They locked on and started charging their attack. Link jumped off the bike till he was a few meters in the air. The turrets locked on him and fired at the same time. Link pulled out his shield and deflected both at the same time back at each one respectively. The shots went right through them and they exploded. Link landed on the ground ok and came back to Aqua. “Bike won't help us up ahead. After this it's just one more gate house and then straight to where Ganon is.” He said as Aqua got off the bike and he desummons it. They entered the Gate House and looked around. An open circular area. Aqua looked up and saw a concealed eye and a….mouth with sharp teeth? “Malice mouth above us.” She said,  Link looked up and nodded. “Ok. The eye should open when the fight starts. You take care of it quickly or we'll have cursed skulls after us while I-” he was interrupted by a large monster falling on the ground in front of them. Its lower body was that of a horse, with the torso of a buff man, and the head of a lion. It had brutal looking weapons in the form of a sword and bladed shield. Aqua could see a huge bow on its back. Mane was White. It roared with enough force to send a blast of wind at them. Link was unfaced. “-while I take care of the Lynel.” He said drawing his Master Sword and Hylian Shield. Aqua nodded and jumped up to the next level while Link faced the Lynel. She saw the eye was open and used a quick Fire spell. Although she destroyed it, the mouth already sent out a skull. She made short work of it with a quick swipe of her Keyblade. She looks to link...to see him already done. “What took you?” He asked. “I… how did you?” She asked. “I've faced hordes of not only Lynels but other monsters at once, and I didn't even have my shield then.” He said. “Come on. Not too far now.” They continued onwards. Using Links bike to make the trip quickly. They soon came across the entrance to the central tower. They can feel the evil at its strongest from this distance. “He's right in there.” Link said. “This Evil… it reminds me a lot of someone from my own past.” Aqua said, remembering Xehanort, and what they did to her and her friends.       “Stop him here, and Hyrule is free from his hundred year terror. My friends are waiting for the chance to weaken him.” Link said as he pointed to four giant animal like structures in the distance with a red light pointing towards the tower. An Elephant, a bird, a lizard, and a camel.  “RIght then.” Aqua said with a nod. In one hand was Master Keeper, and in the other a sword of Void formed. “Never thought I’d make use of dual weapon fighting.” “Always good to have backup styles to use. Sword and shield, single sword, greatsword, spear. Having multiple helps you stay ready.” Link said. “Let's go.” They walk towards the center of the room. Looking up was a mass of Malice. A huge sack of malice hanging from it. A bright light showers from it. A few seconds later they start hearing something. A voice. “...k. ..nk. Link. I'm sorry… But my power isn't strong enough… I can't hold him.” A female voice said as the sack started to move. A blue beam of energy shoots out blasting the room around them and it hits the floor cracking it. Smoke comes off the sack. It burst as...something huge comes out and falls on the floor. The floor gives and all three of them, the creature, Link, and Aqua fall. Reacting fast, Aqua disbanded the Void sword, and took a breath. She tossed Master Keeper far above her, the tinkle shining showed it shifted into a glider, and what came down was a thin, sharp bike based glider built more for speed and attacks than defence. Unlike her friend Terras. She grabbed on, and caught Link. “Come on, this isn’t over yet.” She said, driving downwards to catch up with the falling Creature. They followed it to a large cavern. It looks around before looking up at them. It's three yellow eyes and red mane. It has two arms with one giant and the other skinny. It has a long body with centipede-like legs. Three long appendages with a weapon on them. A sword, a spear, and an axe. On the end of the large arm. Was a huge red sword.  “How should we take it on?” Aqua asked, bringing them both to ground level and getting off the glider as she Disbanded it, bringing back Master Keeper. Link just smirked. “Just look up first.” She did. She saw a bright light shining from the hole they fell from. Suddenly the creature was assaulted by a massive storm of laser pummeling it as it screams in pain. When it was over and the smoke cleared they saw it lying on the ground. “...It’s never that easy.” She said, keeping Master Keeper ready. “You're right. Because that wasn't meant to kill it.” Link said as he walked forward a bit. The creature Spurs and gets up. Looking right at link. He takes out his shield and then his Master Sword. The blade suddenly glowing with a powerful light. “Just to make it a bit easier.” “Fair enough.” Aqua said, charging up her Shotlock. The creature. Calamity Ganon. Swung the red sword sending waves of fire at them. Link quickly moves around the fire and strikes with his sword. Cutting into it. It roars before stabbing at Aqua with its spear. “Gah!” Aqua cried, blood starting to pour, but her Shotlock was charged. The magic activating the unleashed a volley of Rainbow colors towards the attacking spear, shattering it on impact as the remaining color streaks all hit its other weapons. The Axe was heavily cracked and the sword chipped, but its red sword seemed unaffected. Hitting the ground she used a Hi-potion fast before dodging another one of its fire swings. “I hate pyromancy…” She muttered. It starts crawling on the wall of the cavern. Going around before swinging its red sword. Only instead of fire it sent tornados at them. Link used the wind to bring out his glider and safely glint the air. Seeing the creature ready to swing again, Aqua shot out Chains of Light and wrapped them around the sword, and she noticed where the weapon and the Creature were fused. “Link! Can you slice it off?!” She said, trying to keep the behemoth from attacking. “I'll try.” He holds the sword to the side and swings. Sending a blade beam out of it. Before it connected the chipped sword it had blocked it. They then noticed another weapon on it. A laser canon like the Guardians she saw when she arrived. It began firing blue energy shots at them. “Two can play at that game.” Aqua grunted, jumping into the air and aiming her Keyblade, rather than a simple beam of light, a large circle of magic appeared both under her and at her Keyblades tip. “Light's Wrath!” She called out, shooting a massive blast of light into its cannon. The blast destroyed the cannon and made Ganon fall off the wall. It looked at them and roared. Its entire body suddenly glowing as red as its sword. While the damage on its main body stayed, its weapon appendages healed.  “Dang it.” Aqua hissed. “It has to have a core inside it that’s repairing its weapons… by why not the body?” Aqua questioned. “That should be more than its primary heal over its weapons.” “It's not fully conscious yet.” Link said. “If Ganon was he would definitely heal all of it, but this thing just healed the weapons. That's good. We can kill it before it wakes fully up.” Link said. He ran up and dodged a sword swing by jumping backwards with a flip. As he hit the ground Aqua saw him suddenly move much faster and cut Ganon’s body over a dozen times before jumping away. He snapped his fingers, causing a massive lightning bolt to slam into it. The eclecticity both dimmed the red glow and stunning it. “Wow… gonna need to learn that… but first.” Aqua said, looking quickly for a deep enough crack in its body. Finding it, she grinned. “If only Terra was here to see this.” She said, raising her Keyblade up, spinning it around, but it’s tip stayed still as it’s body stretched out, elongating and thinning. With a quick stop, the whole thing sprung up into a drill formation. Aqua jumped into the air again. “Impact!” She yelled, suddenly rushing in fast and slamming into the crack, an explosion caused a massive hole in the creature's side to open up. Aqua jumped back to safety before collapsing. “Darn it… I used way too much Magic in that…” “Aqua!” She looked up to see Ganon firing a blast of blue energy from its third eye. Before she could move Link appeared in front of her with his shield raised. At first she thought he was going to block it, but instead. When the blast was close enough Link parried it back into Ganon's eye. Causing it to roar in pain as its eye was destroyed. “You ok?” He asked. “I used up too much magic in that last attack. But I might have a work around, though temporary.” She said, taking out her Wayfinder. “I’ll be able to fight for about five more minutes using this, once the magic stops I’ll be vulnerable again.” “Five minutes is more than enough. He’s on his last limb.” Link said seeing Ganon staggered a bit from its wounds. Nodding, Aqua clutched the Wayfinder. “Ventus… Terra… I’ll find you soon.” She said, it’s bright glow filling her with magic as she felt strength to get back up. Something was different though, she felt a link with two, not just one. She felt Ventus and Terra together with her. In her right hand was Master Keeper, in the other, an ethereal version of Terra’s Keyblade, and floating behind her, an ethereal version of Ventus’s. “Terra… Ven… Heh.” Aqua smiled. “Let’s end this.” They both charged. Link uses his master sword to injure Ganon when he could. With Aqua using the combined powers of her friends to destroy the red sword finally. Link then plunged the Master Sword into its head. After pulling it out and jumping back. They watched the creature twitch and stumble before red lights shine out of it and blowing up. They watched the malice in the air leave through the hole. They thought it was over before a light started to cover them both. Aqua sense that they were being pulled somewhere. When the light faded. They were out of the castle and in a large field. A voice was heard, but that wasn't what caught them. The massive amounts of malice and evil they sensed. “It's not over.” Link said. “I have at most three minutes… think we can win?” Aqua asked. They turned around to see a massive cloud of malice. Bigger than the castle. As it settled Aqua saw a giant four legged creature that radiated evil and rage.  “Something is horribly wrong.” The voice said. “Someone, or something has done something to Ganon. The beast form is here, but..”  Aqua was confused. Then she saw Link looking at something below the creature. She couldn't make it out yet. “What is this evil?” “Demise.” Link said. A tall figure was shown. Coal back skin. Flaming hair. Eyes that held nothing but hate, and...an evil and hate that made Xehanort look passive.  “How long has this darkness festered within them?” Aqua asked. “I've never met him myself, but a past incarnation of mine slain him.” Link said. “I can't remember much, surprised I remember anything to be honest, but he has a massive hatred towards the gods.” “A hatred...of gods?” Aqua questioned. “There's a thing here. As for Ganon… Ganon is supposed to be Demise’s reincarnation. So why are both here?” Link wondered. “This doesn't bode well.”  “... I have an idea. But it’s impossible without a Keyblade.” “Someone else must be at work here. We’ll worry about who later.” Link said as he turned back to their opponents. “I'll take Demise. Ganon will rampage through Hyrule if left unchecked. Can you take him?” He asked. “I’ve got three minutes still before this wears off.” Aqua said, readying her Keyblade as the Ethereal versions of her Friends Keyblades did the same. “Ok. Careful though. Doubt it will be easy.” Link said as he pulled his sword and shield out. “Go. Ganon is making its move. I'll handle Demise on my own.”   Ganon let out a roar as it started walking, or stomping away. Most likely heading towards a population to destroy. It's third eye shot out a powerful laser that charred  the ground. Aqua rushed in front of the beam, right as she fell into it’s light she cast Barrier, the beam getting blocked long enough to make Ganon stop, and she used Payback Fang, wacking with all three weapons upside Ganons chin. She looked to… No damage. The Malice covering him is too strong. She is also still exhausted from the earlier fight. She dodged a smaller laser compared to before but faster that was aimed at her. Needing a plan, Aqua cast Mega Flare, followed by activating Ghost Drive. She flew around Ganon attacking when she could. Turns out he can shoot lasers out of his skin. Thankfully Ghost Drive with its speed and afterimages made dodging them easier. Still though she was having a hard time even damaging this giant malice covered boar. She dodged a few more lasers...to find herself back at the front of Ganon. With a huge laser firing off right at her. Blasting her into the ground. “Gah!” She gasped, the pain far greater than she imagined. Grunting as she got up, she clenched her Keyblade. In the other hand, forming the Void Sword. “I… Am… Master Aqua. And you will not… Defeat me!” “You are a kind soul aren't you?” A female voice said. “I will fight on. Even as my body decays on me, my weapons shatter and my mind is long since gone. I trust, in the power of my heart. In the power my friends give me.” Aqua said, standing up properly, Master Keeper with the ethereal Earthshaker hovering just over it, and wielding her void sword backhanded, like Ventus, as his ethereal Keyblade floated above it. “I’ve lost it all once before. I will regain it all and then some.” “Then there is hope.” The voice said before a light shone from above her. She looked up to see a silver bow floating down in front of her. “Behold. The Bow of Light.” She can sense the light radiating off it. It was massive. “ With your self currently exhausted you can’t harm Ganon. If you weren’t you would be able to. So take this sacred bow. I’ll help how I can. I’ll use my powers to reveal and open weak spots to aim at. You must hurry. Demise is much more powerful than Ganon. Link will need help.”  The voice said. Nodding, Aqua took the bow, readying it, but the arrow was Master Keeper. “Master Eraqus used to teach me about shifting my Keyblades physical form. But I won’t need to, I’ll just need it to hit you.” She said, aiming at Ganon and drawing back. “While the power will be stronger thanks to your weapon. It’ll take more than one hit to bring him down. You need to be quick.” The voice said. Ganon was moving again. “You need to aim carefully while being on the move. Don’t worry, I have help coming.” Aqua heard a noise behind. She looked behind to see a majestic white horse. “He will help you in this battle.” "Every little girl's dream." She smirked, jumping up onto the horse, the horse giving its own battle cry as it dodged Ganon, Aqua shooting her first 'arrow' at him, striking an arm. She saw it did hurt Ganon, but not as much as she'd hoped. Suddenly a few spots on his side glowed with light. “I have weakened Ganon in these areas. Strike now.” The voice said. Shooting arrows of Light, Aqua did just that. Ganon roars in pain as the areas explode in light from the arrows. It keeps moving but noticeably a bit slower. “I have revealed more areas on his other side. Ride quickly.” She said. Need to ask her name soon. Shooting more, Aqua loaded the Ethereal Earthshaker intotneh bow, shooting it off into the final weak point. Ganon is much slower now from the attacks, but is still moving. A glow appears on his forehead. Bigger than the others.  “Hit this final one to reveal Ganon's light weakness. Be careful though. Once it's revealed it can fire blast much stronger and faster than before.” She said. Nodding, Aqua loaded Ventus's ethereal Keyblade, and charged in close, and fired. The arrow keyblade struck. The blast stunned Ganon. Forcing him to fall. Aqua rode in front of him. She saw he wasn't moving but didn't let her guard down. Ganon's head then opens up. Revealing a Giant Malice eye. It looked around before focusing on her. She started riding away quickly. It then started to charge a blast. Very quickly. She and the horse barely dodged it. The blast traveled before destroying a massive Volcano mountain. The lizard thing she saw from before sent flying before it crashed into the ground.  “No! The Goron’s. Their home. You have to stop him!” The voice pleads. The eye then starts glowing as well. It looked confused. “Now! I can't hold this for long. Strike it with what you have left!”  Loading her void sword, she took aim at Ganon, taking a breath. "Terra. Ven… John, give me strength." She said, her void sword giving off a glow before she fired it off like an arrow. The arrow struck. Dead silence follows. Then Ganon starts glowing as malice comes off him. What's left is the evil that once floated around the castle. Still alive. Aqua was confused on what to do next. When a bright light appears before her. When the light fades a bit. She sees a girl. She has a white dress on with light brown hair. The girl looks at Ganon. Who roars at her and charges her. Before Aqua could move to help. The girl held out her hand and a massive amount of light appeared. She sees Three triangles appear as Calamity Ganon roars in anger and pain before disappearing.  The girl turns to Aqua. “Thank you for help.” It was the voice she had been hearing. "Who… are you?" Aqua asked. “My name is Zelda.” Zelda said. “I thank you for helping Link in this fight.” "What are you?" “I was the princess of Hyrule around a hundred years ago. I was destined to awaken a power within me to seal Ganon away, but nothing I tried worked. I did everything I could but was getting nowhere. I… Was starting to think I was just a failure. Then Ganon attacked. Death left and right everywhere. Link was about to die protecting me, when something inside me snapped. I awoke my powers and saved him, but link was critically injured. You probably heard the results of what happens next from Link. I stayed here at the castle for a hundred years. Using my powers to keep Ganon himself trapped till Link can recover and stop him. So again. Thank you for helping him.” Zelda said. "My pleasure." Aqua said. "Time to end this once and for all?" “Yes. Link is still fighting Demise, but Demise’s power. The former Demon King is much stronger than Ganon. I believe in Link, but Demise. Please hurry bef-” she was interrupted by the ground shaking violently. Calamity Ganon was back. Floating in the air. Only this time it turns towards where Link was fighting Demise before rushing there. “Oh no. We have to hurry!” Zelda said as she and Aqua hopped on the horse and rode as quickly as they could(not like that sickos). a couple minutes ago after Aqua left Aqua had just gone after Ganon. Leaving Link to face Demise. Link frowned. ‘This won’t be easy. Demise from what I can tell is stronger than Ganon in terms of power. Ganon is slow and a big target. Although that’s why Demise is much more dangerous. He has speed and actual technique.’ Link gripped his hand on the master sword. ‘But I have to fight. Aqua is exhausted from Ganon before. She wouldn’t have lasted long enough for me to defeat Ganon against Demise. I have to stop him.’  Demise looked at link. He didn’t react at first. Then he laughed. “Hahahaha! So ‘he’ wanted me to be here. Against you? The reincarnation of the one who defeated me. Hahaha. I will replay in blood the defeat your past self caused me.” He said as he held his sword to the side. Link charged forward as Demise walked forward. They got closer and closer. Before they struck. Their swords colliding. The force sent a shockwave from them. They held their blades against each other for a second. Link then jumped back and backflips into the air before quickly drawing his Royal Bow and shooting a few bomb arrows at Demise. Demise brought up his unarmed hand and made a motion, causing the arrows to fly completely around Demise as he seemed to control the air as he continued moving forward. “Firecrackers on sticks won’t do anything Hylian.” Demise growled as he dashed forward and swung his sword down onto Link. Link grits his teeth and blocks with the Hylian Shield. The force cracks the ground. He pushes back and swings the Master Sword towards Demise’s side. A black mist appeared near his unarmed hand as another blade solidified in it as he blocked the strike against him. “Come on, is that the best the Wild Hero can do?”” He taunted. He then slammed his fist into Link's gut, sending him flying. Link recovered after a second and charged his Master Sword and sent out a blade beam back at Demise. “Not even close!” Link yelled. Demise brought up his sword and blocked the blade beam, darkness coating his sword as it seemed to dissipate the blade beam. “Ah, there’s some of that old power. Show me more!” He challenged as he swung his sword, sending out his own darkness blade beam towards Link Link dodged the beam and sent out two more before charging forward. He put his shield on his back and two handed the Master Sword as it glowed with light. ‘I have to focus. My shield will only slow me down against his sword.’ He thought as he charged. Demise dodged one blade beam and parried the other as he took a step forward and swung his blade, trying to meet Link's charge before he could react. They collided again. Their swords collided a couple more times with light and darkness flashing from their respective blades. Link jumped up and slammed his sword onto Demise’s blade who pushed back. Link was in the air again before he took his bow out again and fired a shock arrow. Not seeing Demise smirk. "Thanks." He said as he blocked the shock arrow, lightning arcing across his blade as darkness seemed to envelope the lightning as he redirected the black lightning back at Link. Link couldn’t block because he didn’t have his shield out. Mentally kicking himself for that. The attack hit and he felt a lot of pain from the lighting and darkness. He fell from the air and rolled on the ground. He pushes himself back up and looks at Demise. ‘What was that. Wait. I remember now. A Skyward Strike. Demise and my original self used this variation of it in that realm. My past self couldn’t use the original because of the immense darkness Demise flooded the area with. They compensated with the powerful lighting.’ He pushes himself to his feet and brings his shield back out. Link charges again. Demise swung again. Only for Link to quickly side step the Strike. Reflexes kicking in and as fast as he can he starts a flurry of strikes. Only for Demise to prove to be just as fast and parry all of them before kicking him. Link was barely able to block with his shield as he was sent back ten feet. Demise laughed. “You're strong, but you're nothing compared to your original.” Demise said as he stomped onto the ground, a wave of darkness rushing towards Link. “But you're probably slowly remembering your past incarnations as we fight” Link blocked the darkness wave. It pushes him back. Link breathes heavily before standing straight. “Ya. I guess you can say that.” Link raises his sword. He focuses. The glow from the Master Sword grows brighter. Before a great flame of light surrounds both link and the sword. His eyes snapped open. “TAKE THIS! SKYWARD STRIKE!!” He sends a powerful wave of light that Demise blocks with his sword covered in darkness, but is pushed back by the force. “”And here I thought this was going to be easy.” Demise chuckled, rolling his shoulders as he got into a proper fighting pose. “But this only makes it more fun to crush you.” He growled as he swung his sword down and into the ground, pulling it out as a trail of stalagmites rushed towards Link. Link, covered in flames of light, dashes forward. He jumps from one stalagmite to another making his way towards Demise. He jumps off them and over Demise. Then charges towards him. Demise smirks before covering himself in flames of Darkness and collides with link. Their sword swings causing bigger and bigger shockwaves as the ground beneath them cracks and splits. Demise parried a swing and swung his unarmed hand towards link. Link spins and parries with the shield and cuts Demise with the Master Sword. He responded by swinging his sword and cuts Link. Both jump back a few meters. Both cut across their torsos. Demise growled and checked his chest wound, seeing how deep the hit was. “Yet again, the Power of Light arrives…” The god growled in anger, hating that accursed light as he raised a hand, dark tentacles came up and lashed out at Link before he charged forward. Link dodges the tentacles and jumps out of Demise’s reach. Link aims at the tentacles and snaps his fingers. Causing a massive blast of lighting mixed with light to incinerate the tentacles before sending an empowered blade beam at Demise. Demise infused his blade with Darkness as he blocked the empowered blade beam. “Damn your accursed light…” He growled as he tried to push back against the empowered Blade Beam. Link lands on the ground and crouches. Pulls out the Royal Bow again and aims his strongest arrow. An Ancient Arrow. Against even Lynels these arrows eliminate them in one shot confiding them to oblivion. It won’t kill Demise, but. He fired the arrow as it collided and exploded. The blast allows the empowered blade beam to land. Demise screams in rage as he is engulfed. Smoke covers the area as the light from Link dies down. He breathes heavily as he watches.  “Can’t let my guard down. Not until I’m sure.” He says. The smoke clears. Demise is still standing. Wounded badly but standing. “You think...that could stop me?” Demise growled, panting from the explosion that managed to injure him. Demise then suddenly turns his head towards his right. He sensed something. He then smiles. And laughs. “HAHAHAHA! Well it seems that Ganon failed. Good.”  ‘Wait. Why is that a good thing? What is he up to?’ Link thought. Demise raises his left hand into the air. Link looked at where he was looking, and was shocked. The dark energy that Dark Beat Ganon was made of was flying towards Demise.  Demise laughs as Malice covers him. The storm of darkness grew around him as Link plunged the Master Sword into the ground to keep himself stable. As the Malice and Darkness subsides Link widens his eyes at the site. Demise was covered in the Guardian like armor. Had four limbs that had a spear, Greatsword, and two swords made of Guardian energy. His regular sword was now a red ethereal sword that radiates intense heat. His left hand had a Guardian eye on its palm. Most likely means he can fire energy beams from it. “Ah, that’s better.” Demise said with a grin, as he lifted the hand with the Guardian eye and fired a beam of energy at Link. Link blocks it but is pushed back. He looks back at Demise with a grim look. on horseback headed there Aqua is on the white horse with Zelda riding as fast as they can. She is exhausted from the Battle with Ganon but she has to hurry. If Demise absorbs Calamity Ganon it won’t end well. Zelda is worried as well. “We must hurry. Link has a chance to defeat Demise, but if Calamity Ganon and Demise combine I don’t know if Link can win.” Zelda says. Worried for Link. “I’m honestly not sure how much help I’ll provide. The battle with Ganon is taking its toll. I’ll do everything I can to help.” Aqua said as they headed towards the battle. “Let’s hope it’s enough to help Link…” Zelda mutered They continued to ride. Hoping things were going well and Link would prevail. They can hear the battle still going as they got closer.  Demise’s evil laughter. The sounds of lasers. The loud explosions. It didn't sound good. As they got over the next hill to see the battle. Zelda gasped. Demise, covered in the power of Calamity Ganon, held Link by the throat, with two limbs that had a guardian spear and sword attached to them pointed at Link. The master sword on the ground a few yards away. “Come on now Hero. Is that the best you can do?” Demise said as he laughed. Aqua couldn’t believe what she saw. Demise had somehow merged with Calamity Ganon. Becoming far stronger as Calamity Demise. She held her keyblade, drained as she was, and prepared for a fight.  Hoping that everyone gets out of this. watching from a distance. A figure watches on in a cloak concealing their body. With the only note being the shape of a woman. She put a blue arm with black veins against her chin and smirked. “I guess it’s time I start taking the board. It’s been far too long and I’m way too bored.”