> Warm Bodies > by FictionFreek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The chill of winter could be a cruel mistress, unforgiving to those who should find themselves caught in its downpour. With snow falling at blizzard speeds, one could only truly enjoy the sight from home. Something Rainbow Dash thanked the stars that she was able to do. With a warm quilt draped over her body, and a hot cup of coffee in her hands, Rainbow could watch the snow fall with bliss. Normally she would sulk, knowing that she couldn’t play any sports, run at top speeds, or fly through the sky. And yet she couldn’t, not today, not when she was able to enjoy the blissful sight that was the winters snow. There was always something about it that could calm her, encouraging her to slow down and simply enjoy the little things.  And at the moment, it didn’t get as little as snuggling in the warmth, away from the cold. And yet, as she sat in silence, staring out the window as the ground is covered in a thick blanket of white. Rainbow couldn’t help but feel like there should be something else, something that could help her enjoy this even more. But she couldn’t think of it, couldn’t quite place her finger on what it could be. And it would continue to ponder in the back of her mind, only to be drowned out when she heard a soft knock at her door. “Oh come on….” Rainbow groaned, not wanting to leave the comfort of her warm quilt. For a moment she sat there, thinking that maybe she could ignore the knock, pretend she wasn’t home. But when the door bell followed, she knew that wouldn’t be an option. With an inward groan Rainbow stood up, already missing the warm as her cover fell to the ground. Letting out a sigh she picked it up and covered herself once more before walking towards the door. With a twist of the deadbolt the door was unlocked, and Rainbow could finally see who decided to disturb her. As soon as the door opened she was met with the sight of a large pink fluffy jacket, snow pants, and boots. Rainbow stood there, staring into the bundled beings snow goggles with wide eye’d surprise. But after a few seconds she tilted her head, and the dots quickly began to connect. “Pinkie?” The bundled person quickly came alive, waving in joy while letting out a muffled sound Rainbow could not understand through the scarf. “Uh….you wanna come in?” Pinkie agreed with an energetic nod using the bulk of her upper body for emphasis. Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle, the high energy of her friend always capable of bringing a smile to her face. She stepped aside and watched Pinkie waddled her way in. “So, what brings you to my humble abode?” Pinkie turned around and began to speak again, her hands swaying as she spoke. But once again Rainbow couldn’t make any of it due to the scarf covering her friends face. “Uh, you want to maybe unbundle first?” Pinkie paused for a moment, then extended her arm out for a thumb up before both her arms and head seemed to retract into her coat. What followed was more akin to a creature emerging from its cocoon as Pinkie’s coat unzipped and released her as it came undone. Granted most cocoons don’t come with a box of pastries inside, but that was their problem. Now free from the confides of her winter gear, Pinkie was free to speak unmuffled. “So, like I was saying, the blizzard was so bad that we had like no customers at Sugar Cube Corner, so the Cakes decided to close early. But I was like so bored after that, and you know how I get when I’m bored.” By now the entire student body of CHS knows what happens when Pinkie is bored, usually resulting in a large party. Though with the current weather conditions Rainbow did not see that happening today. “But then I thought that maybe one of my other friends were as bored as me. So, I made a few treats, bundled up as much as I could and walked to the closes friend I could reach.” It was a nice sentiment, and Rainbow definitely wouldn’t pass up the chance for some freshly baked pastries. But at the same time there was one small inconsistency with Pinkie’s story. “Closes you could reach huh?” She asked, Pinkie confirming it with a large grind and a nod of her head. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have to pass both Rarity and Sunset’s place to get here from Sugar Cube Corner?” as if a child caught red handed, Pinkie’s eyes opened wide as her pupil shrank. And much like any child caught in the act, Pinkie began to stammer for a response. “Uh, well you see….” She began “I took the back way so I could avoid the wind!” she explaimed, convinced that she had managed to talk her way out of it. “That would take you towards Fluttershy’s place.” Rainbow countered with a sly grin. The slight blush on Pinkie’s face from being caught yet again being all too hilarious for her. “Aw, did Pinkie Pie go out of her way for little ol me? I feel so loved.”  Pinkie’s blush deepened, but something else happened as well. She began to shrink away slightly, her embarrassment turning to a strong discomfort. Something Rainbow had never seen from her friend before, and wondered what might have been the cause. Regardless, it wasn’t something she wanted to see, so she quickly jumped to fix the situation. Placing both hands on Pinkie’s shoulders she offered a sincere smile. “Hey look, I’m really glad you did, because now I know what I was missing before.” Pinkie seemed to calm down slightly. “Really?” “Yeah, you see I was enjoying the view of the snow, and I had this gnawing feeling that something could make it even more awesome than it is. And then you show up and it finally hit me, only thing that could make this better would be to share it with a friend!” Rainbow walked up to the window, turning back to Pinkie with a smile spread across her face. “What do you say, watch the snow with me?” Pinkie seemed all too pleased to accept the offer. “Of course!” Pinkie began walking forward, well, more of a waddle actually. Though she was free of her thick jacket, she still had the rather large snow pants on. “I don’t think you’re gonna be comfortable with those on Pinkie.” Rainbow interjected “Why don’t you just take them off?” again Pinkie seemed to blush, though this was more of a cheeky embarrassment type. “You see while these pants keep me warm, there’s a little uncomfortable if I wear something under them…” Rainbow let out a small snicker, which eventually bloomed into a full blow laugh. “You’re telling me you went commando under that?” Pinkie waved her hands in protest immediately. “Of course not, I’m wearing panties!” Pinkie pressed her fingers together and turned her face away slightly “Just nothing else is all.” Rainbow blew a short raspberry. “Is that all?” she asked “Pinkie I’ve seen you in panties before, there nothing to really be embarrassed about.” In that moment an idea hit Rainbow, something that could maybe ease her friends discomfort a little. “In fact, we’ll both go pants less.” Wasting no time Rainbow dropped her pajama bottoms and rid herself of them with a quick kick of her leg. Leaving nothing to the imagination Rainbow posed with her legs spread apart. Her panties, while a simple cyan blue, sported a rainbow-colored lightning bolt on the front. Same as Rainbow has said, Pinkie has seen her friend in her panties before too, and yet there was something different about seeing them now. Alone together in Rainbow’s home felt like night and day compared to changing in the locker room after gym. As a result, she began to stare, maybe longer than she thought. “If you’re going to stare you could at least close your mouth.” Pinkie quickly snapped out of it and covered her mouth. However as soon as she did she’d realized that her mouth wasn’t open. She looked up at Rainbow who was giggling slightly. “Gotcha.” She teased, a slight pat on Pinkie’s back to ease her slightly. “Now come on, take your pants off, it’s my house and I declare it no pants night!” to emphasis her decree Rainbow stomped a foot down and pointed a finger straight up. Pinkie managed to giggle back, she was more than fine with adhering to Rainbow’s rule. “Alright, if them’s the rules!” Pinkie began working at the button of her pants. Both that and the zipper came undone with ease, but the challenge came next. Grunt and huff as she could it became very clear that her pants did not want to come down. “Need some help?” “I got it I got it!” Pinkie assured, her pants managing to drop a few inches with in time. But as her focus was fully centered around trying to get them off that she’d forgotten about something else. And that, unfortunately, happened to be her sense of balance. And before she knew it the room seemed to be tilting, only it wasn’t the room. “I don’t got it!” Pinkie corrected herself as she continued to tilt, unable to stop herself now. And so, she became acquainted with the floor, but the two did not share any pleasantries. “Owie…” Pinkie hissed as she tried to ignore the slight sting of making hard contact with the wooden ground. Rainbow walked up to Pinkie and took a seat beside her. “You okay?” Pinkie looked up to Rainbow and nodded her head. What followed was a short silence before Rainbow asked her follow up question. “Can you get up?” Pinkie looked down to her poufy pants and wondered, she tossed, and turned, and tried every which way to get back up. But it was becoming very clear that her pants were not allowing it. “Okay I think we’ve been on this bit long enough.” Rainbow got up from the ground, Pinkie looking up at her wondering what she was going to do. Not in a million years however would Pinkie have expected Rainbow to grab her by the pants and start pulling. Pinkie yelped in surprise, her first reaction being to reach down and grab her panties. Lucky too as she could feel her pants trying to take them with it as Rainbow pulled. “Heave….” Rainbow said as she lowered her stance, getting ready for one last pull “Ho!”  she yelled pulling at Pinkie’s pants as hard as she could. It seemed to do the trick as she was able to cleanly pull them off Pinkie, almost at the cost of her falling as well. “See, that was simple.” Rainbow said with pride, she then immediately tossed them over, the pants joining her pajama bottoms on the other side of the room. “Now, let’s bundle up and watch the snow fall.” Pinkie got up, patting herself of the any dust she’d gotten from the ground. And as soon as she stood up she found herself quickly being held from behind, which was followed by a warm feeling around her. As she’d gotten up Rainbow managed to get ahold of her blanket again. And with only one she owned, Rainbow thought it was best to share. “Come on slowpoke, the snow won’t wait all day!” Rainbow then began to pull at Pinkie, the two giggling as they tried to coordinate their steps so to not trip over one another. “Here we go.” Said Rainbow as she sat both herself and Pinkie down in front of the window. She’d found a comfortable stop herself, her legs crossed and acting as a seat for Pinkie. “Comfortable?’ she asked. “Oh um, yeah!” Pinkie nodded, her face, though turned away from Rainbow, had turned slightly red. The room fell silent after that, both girls looking out the window as the sound of the wind roaring outside kept them company. Pinkie enjoyed the silence, partially because it meant she didn’t need to talk, something she wasn’t sure she could accomplish at the moment. All she could do was think about how close she and Rainbow were, she wasn’t just sitting on her friend’s lap, but both were pants less. Pinkie had touched her friend before, but those were nothing more than simple hugs. This was different, skin contact she hadn’t tried before. And it made her feel strange, but not in a way she didn’t enjoy. Pinkie herself however wasn’t the only one lost in thought, unknown to her, Rainbow was also a bit conflicted. As she sat there, Pinkie on her lap, and her arms wrapped around Pinkie’s body, she wondered. Rainbow enjoyed spending time with her friends, all of them. But she’d never been so comfortable around them as she was now. Subconsciously she pulled Pinkie closer, wanting to feel more of her friend’s warmth against her. A friend who braved the snow to see her. “Hey…Pinkie?” “Yeah?” “Why did you choose me of all our friends to see?” Pinkie paused for a moment, from holding her so close Rainbow could feel her heart rate increase. Or maybe it was her own in anticipation for the answer, in truth both were right. “I love all our friends…” Pinkie started “I love spending time with them, and I love seeing them smile. But, for some reason, I love it more when it’s you.” There was another silence, neither girl managing to brave another word. Rainbow pulled Pinkie in closer, as close as she possible could. She buried her face into Pinkie’s back, Pinkie giving off a short shiver as she felt Rainbow’s breath on her neck for a moment. “I love…seeing you happy too, Pinkie.” Neither knew what to do after that, both having spoken something that far more to hart than they’d ever said before. They couldn’t find words that could follow up. But Pinkie seemed to know of a way to continue without words. She grabbed on to Rainbow arm, gently pulling it off herself. At first Rainbow though that Pinkie wanted her to let go, but she was glad to see that it was something else. Pinkie instead reached for Rainbow’s hand, interlocking her hand with her friend and held it tightly. A smile spreading when she felt Rainbow return the hold in kind. But after they’d gotten this far, there was a little question left to be asked. “So…where do we go from here?” it was Pinkie who asked, her mind racing, wondering what could happen next. Everything that’s happened so far had exceeded her expectations for the day as is. All Rainbow could think about was how close her friends body was to her, how warm she felt, and how much she enjoyed it. “Pinkie, I can’t think straight right now. My…my body want’s something, but I can’t put it into words.” Pinkie’s eyes opened wader, her blush deepening as she forced down a strong gulp. She could feel the warmth between them growing hotter, her body growing hot, but not in the usual way. “Then let your body t-tell me.” Pinkie mustered the courage to say. Rainbow for her part was probably feeling the same, if not more so than Pinkie. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she tried to let herself move, allow her body to take over where her mind has fallen flat. In time it starter, her arm, though shaking began to move. Originally it was wrapped around Pinkie’s stomach it did not stray far from its original spot. Slowly it slid down, Rainbows fingers finding the end of Pinkie’s shirt, and gently moving around it. Within seconds Rainbow could feel the touch of Pinkie’s stomach, and she liked the way it felt. It was smooth to the touch, soft, yet lean at the same time. She wanted to feel more, wanted to explore, but she had to make sure. “Are you sure about this?” Almost immediately she felt Pinkie’s hand grab hold of hers. It guided her hand, moving it slowly up her own body. She turned her head over, looking into Rainbow’s eyes with a smile. “More than anything.” Finally, Rainbow felt something, almost like a soft bump in the rode that was Pinkie’s body. It wasn’t hard to figure out what it was, but by this point Rainbow had no reason to stop, not after being given the okay twice. So, she continued, her fingers sliding under Pinke’s bra and taking a soft grasp of her bosom. “Ah!” Pinkie gasped, Rainbow almost about to pull back, but Pinkie’s hand placed over her own kept it in place. Rainbow began to massage it, slowly at first but picking up speed until she found the right rhythm. Eventually she could feel Pinkie’s nipple stiffening, asking for more attention, and she was willing to supply. Rainbow pushed up Pinkie’s bra, following up by giving the girls nipple a pinch. This time Pinkie’s didn’t reply with a gasp, but a moan. She’d never heard that sound from Pinkie before, but Rainbow knew right away that she wanted to hear more. She managed to get her other hand free, it joining the first as it started to play with Pinkie’s other nip. Not only did she enjoy it, but the more moans she’d gotten from Pinkie proved that she was having fun as well. Rainbow wondered, just what could she do to make it better, and then she felt something wet on her leg. A smile spread on her lips, she knew what it was, and she wanted to play with it too. So, she released one of Pinkie’s breasts and allowed her hand to move south. Past Pinkie’s stomach, past her stomach, and going still. Pinkie began to tremble again as she felt Rainbow’s fingers slide under her panties, biting her bottom lip, waiting for the touch. And when it finally came it was more than she’d expected, a single finger pressing down on her clit being enough to cause her body to spasm. “Whoa…” Rainbow replied, taken back by Pinkie’s reaction. This time she pulled her hand back, allowing Pinkie to compose herself. “D-do that ag-gain” Pinkie said between breaths, though caught off guard at first, she still loved the feeling, and wanted to feel more. Rainbow repeated what she did earlier, sliding her fingers back down into Pinkie’s panties. Once again, she pushed down, Pinkie reacting again but not as strongly as she did before. Pinkie’s breathing picked up, a moan escaping every time Rainbow pushed down on her clit. “Okay, how about…” Rainbow’s finger pushed past Pinkie’s clit, gliding across her slit until finally plunging them through. Pinkie threw her head back, a louder moan escaping as she felt Rainbow fingers thrusting themselves inside of her. The sensation only grew stronger when Rainbow added the second a second finger. Rainbow could see the enjoyment in Pinkie’s face, something that made her happy. She licked her lips and brought herself closer, her lips right next to Pinkie’s ear. “You’re living this aren’t you, my fingers deep inside your pussy?” Rainbow could feel Pinkie’s walls tighten, the dirty talk seeming to take effect. “You’ve fantasized about this haven’t you, touched yourself wishing it was me?” Rainbow started to thrust faster, her hand getting drenched in Pinkie’s juices. She started to kiss at Pinkie’s neck, holding her tight as she worked, knowing what was coming. “Well you’ve finally got it, so go on, cum for me!” Finally, Rainbow added a third finger, and with one final thrust she managed to push Pinkie over the edge. Once again Pinkie’s body spasmed, the loudest moan she’d had coming out as a result. Rainbow meanwhile continued to hold her close, waiting for Pinkie to finally ride out the orgasm. Once Pinkie had finally composed herself, Rainbow pulled her fingers out. Undoing the blanket that had wrapped them Rainbow looked at her hand. It was wet from Pinkie’s juices; the scent of her friend was strong and enticing. Unable to stop herself Rainbow placed her sex soaked fingers into her mouth and allowed herself to taste the nectar on them. She couldn’t put the taste into words, it was sticky, yet in a good way. It wasn’t sweat, yet to her it tasted better than any honey. She wanted to enjoy it more, but when she was soddenly pushed back her hand slipped out of her mouth. Now with her back against the floor Rainbow looked up, Pinkie directly over her. Though her face was partly obscured by her cotton candy like hair, Rainbow could see the desire in Pinkie’s eyes. She reached out, using her hand to move Pinkie’s hair out of the way. They stared at each other, smiling, and then Pinkie closed the distance to steal a kiss. It began as a light lip contact before she pulled back slightly, but she immediately dove back down for more. Both mouths opened wide as they allowed the other’s tongue to explore, the room filled with the sound of their moans and the wet smack of their lips. Pinkie eventually pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting their tongues as they parted. “My turn.” Pinkie went down again, not going for Rainbows lips but instead beginning to work at her friend’s neck. Meanwhile her hand was finding its way under Rainbow’s shirt, just as she’d done before. Much to her surprise Rainbow hasn’t worn a bra, not that she was complaining. Rainbow’s bosom was smaller than her own, but it didn’t make it any less fun to fondle. Slowly massaging at the skin as she continued to leave a trail of kisses. Meanwhile her other hand was working at the shirt, lifting it until Pinkie was able to coax Rainbow into removing it. Now topless Pinkie could enjoy Rainbow’s figure. Much as with any athletic woman, Rainbow was lean with some clear signs of muscle seen around her body. “Cute…” Pinkie thought to herself as she kissed at Rainbow’s collar bone and proceeded to go lower. Soon she found herself in the center of Rainbow’s chest where she left not a kiss, but a single long drag of her tongue across her skin. As she past the area Pinkie’s other hand began playing with the other bosom, pinching and pulling on the hardened nip. Rainbow’s breathing picked up as her body grew hotter with ever inch Pinkie went down. Pinkie only stopped however when she reached Rainbow’s bellybutton, a single kiss from there causing Rainbow to give her biggest reaction yet. So, she began leaving more, each enticing another muffled moan from Rainbow. On occasion she’d leave licks around it before giving more, only stopping when she felt a pair of hands around her head. “P-please,” Rainbow huffed “I n-need it!” she begged. Pinkie looked up, her heart soaring from the sound of Rainbow begging for it. “Okay dokie, lokie.” She said, leaving behind a small nibble at Rainbow’s stomach before continuing on her way. Finally, she’d reached between Rainbow’s legs, her panties already soaked from the juice of Rainbow’s pussy. She could even smell it, a strong scent that beckoned Pinkie to taste, and that was exactly what she wanted. Too impatient to even remove the panties, Pinkie gave Rainbow a long and slow lick, savoring at the flavor soaked into the fabric. The taste, and Rainbow’s arching from pleasure were both amazing, but Pinkie wanted to taste more, wanted to hear more. So, she pulled at Rainbow’s panties and tossed them away once she could, leaving behind nothing but the Rainbow’s uncovered slit. She heard no objections, so she dove right in for the main course. After feeling Pinkie’s tongue Rainbow once again grabbed hold of Pinkie’s head, pushing her deeper in between her legs. Pinkie didn’t mind, instead it only encouraged her to explore more, to taste all that she could. It was at that moment when Rainbow remembered just how long Pinkie’s tongue could stretch. She could feel it plunging deeper, wiggling and twisting in ways that made her mind go blank. And for added pleasure Pinkies nose was being used to play at her clit with ever lick. It was more than she expected and more than she could contain. Feeling herself reaching her limit Rainbow wrapped her legs around Pinkie’s head and prepared to go over. While waiting for it to happen however, Rainbow did not expect Pinkie to stack yet another level of pleasure. In the final moments she felt one of Pinkie’s finger, not into her slit but into the other hole. She’d never stuck anything in there before, but the sensation was so new to her that her body just couldn’t contain itself anymore. Finally, she burst, her back arching as she held on to Pinkie as though she’d fall if she didn’t. Rainbow was almost sure she’d blanked out in that moment because the next thing she remembered was feeling Pinkie cuddled up next to her. “That was awesome…” Rainbow huffed, her arms pulling Pinkie in deeper for the hug. “You were awesome.” Pinkie giggled, both her and Rainbow falling into another, comfortable silence. Both laying on the blanket that’d once wrapped them, both enjoying the view of the snow from the window. There were no more words, and no more questions, just two hearts, and two warm bodies.