A Haunted House

by Strawberryjuice

First published

The humane 7 spend Nightmare Night at a haunted house. Ghosts, magic, confessions and sexy shenanigans.

Nightmare Night is here and the girls want to do something special for it. They're going to spend the night at a haunted house. Confessions are going to be made, secrets are going to be revealed and, most importantly, spooky shenanigans are going to happen.

Contains or is about to contain: lesbians, ghost sex, mind control, noncon, futa


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The bell rang in Canterlot High, signaling the end of the day and students all around the school stood up to rush home. It was Friday after all. The weekend was officially here, and no teenager wanted to spend another second of it at school. And it wasn’t just any weekend, it was Nightmare Night weekend. Sunset Shimmer wasn't in a hurry though, her friends would be waiting for her at the statue in front of the school.

Their little group had plans for the weekend. Or, more accurately, they had plans to make plans for the weekend. Nothing solid yet. They'd probably just have a Nightmare Night themed sleepover, either at Pinkie's or Sunset's home, depending on what Pinkie's family was doing.

Sunset walked outside into the sun to see her six friends already at the statue. Her paced walk turned into a light jog as she made her way to them only to slow down suddenly as she caught the voices from them.

“What's it gonna be AJ?” Rainbow said in a mocking tone.

“You've gone completely insane, Dash!” came Applejack's answer.

“What's going on here?” Sunset asked quietly.

Twilight sighed and adjusted her glasses. “They're having a dare competition again.”

“Yes, but this time Rainbow has gone way too far,” Rarity added.

Sunset noticed Applejack's furrowed brow and red face, as well as Rainbow's smug grin. “What is it this time?”

“Dashie dared AJ to pull up her skirt right here,” Pinkie Pie explained.


Fluttershy flinched at the loud voice.

“I know, right?” Twilight deadpanned.

“Everyone here thinks that's completely inappropriate, except you Dash,” Applejack bellowed angrily.

“I don't,” Pinkie offered.

“Why's it inappropriate?” Dash asked ignoring Pinkie. “I did it, why can't you? Too chicken?”

“You’re wearin’ yoga shorts under your skirt, it’s not the same!” Applejack shouted, her face turning bright red and clenching her fists. Rainbow Dash just grinned for response. Sunset figured she should step in before something blew.

“AJ, obviously you don't-”

But before she could finish, Applejack grabbed onto the hem of her knee-length denim skirt and pulled it up hard. Each of her friends went blank in the face with shock, even Rainbow, as she revealed her green cotton panties and strong smooth thighs. She held that pose for several seconds, squeezing her eyes closed as the angry red on her face slowly turned into an embarrassed blush.

When she finally let her dress fall back into place, there was a long awkward silence. Applejack broke it herself. “I did it. What now, Dash?”

Rainbow Dash stumbled over her words, blushing, before managing to form a sentence. “I didn't think you'd actually do it.”

“Do you know what that means?” Pinkie Pie asked enthusiastically. “You're tied again!”

“I do think AJ is in the lead,” Rarity said. “It’s hardly fair to compare that to what Rainbow is wearing.”

“Damn it,” Dash cursed under her breath.

“I just don’t understand sometimes,” Twilight mumbled to herself, as Dash and AJ started thinking about the next dare.

“Alright then,” Sunset sighed. “I'm sure this'll go on all weekend so just one rule. Rainbow Dash, no more dares like that!”

“It's ok, Sunset,” Applejack said before Rainbow could protest. “I already came up with the perfect dare.”

“Bring it, AJ!” Rainbow replied.

“I dare you to stay the night at the old haunted house!”

Rainbow snorted mockingly, Pinkie Pie gasped loudly, Fluttershy hid behind her hair and Twilight simply rolled her eyes.

“Haunted House?” Sunset asked.

“The old decrepit house just out of town, just at the edge of White Tail Woods,” Rarity explained. “It's been empty since who knows how long, and people say it's haunted.”

“It's the most haunted house in town!” Pinkie Pie squealed.

“I think it's the only one in town, actually,” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Technically there's not a single haunted house in town, considering ghosts aren't real,” Twilight said, mostly to herself.

“Yeah, ghosts aren't real,” Rainbow Dash snickered. “Come on, gimme something better.”

“Maybe they aren't real,” Applejack said. “But staying at that house is still daring, especially during Nightmare Night. And if there's no ghosts, then what do you have to be afraid of?”

“But what if ghosts do exist?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “Is it really worth the risk?”

“Obviously ghosts don't exist,” Twilight told Fluttershy. “There's been several studies on the paranormal and almost all “haunted” locations have a logical explanation as to why they make a person feel unnerved, like pulsed magnetic fields, infrasound, or, in cases of old decrepit houses, even some types of toxic mold growth.”

Sunset hummed in thought. “But, what if it is haunted? Hear me out,” she quickly asked before Twilight could interrupt. “I don't mean ghosts necessarily, I mean, what if it's Equestrian magic?”

“Darling,” Rarity said. “Not everything is a magical emergency. You should relax sometimes.”

“I know,” she replied. “But just, I don't know how to not think about these things. Besides, it's possible, right? A haunted house wouldn't really be the weirdest thing we've encountered, right? It's worth it to at least check it out.”

“I suppose you're right,” Twilight agreed.

“So we're all going,” Rainbow Dash asked, staring coldly at Applejack.

“I guess we are,” the cowgirl replied.

“Umm,” Fluttershy interrupted. “Do we have to?”

“Of course not, darling,” Rarity assured her friend, putting her hand on her shoulder. “You don't have to come if you don't want to.”

“Obviously not,” Sunset agreed. “But I would still ask you come. If it turns out to be a magical emergency, we might need your help too.”

Fluttershy hesitated. She didn't want to go into a known haunted house, but she also didn't want to let down her friends. Rarity grabbed onto her hands and held them tight.

“Whatever you decide, we understand,” she said. “And if you do decide to come, we'll be there with you. You'll have nothing to be afraid of.”

The rest of the group give agreeing nods and encouraging words. Fluttershy was so nervous that she couldn’t get a word out so instead she just nodded.

“Do you guys know what this means?” Pinkie jumps up enthusiastically. “Spooky scary sleepover party!”

Part 1 - The Arrival

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Since Sunset didn’t really have anything better to do once she got home, she decided to pack her bag.

Pajamas, sleeping bag, spare clothes, and, after some hesitation, a Nightmare Night costume, just in case.

She made sure once more before leaving that she had her phone and the magical geode around her neck. If the house did end up magical, they would definitely need their powers.

With that she left towards where the house should be. She would run into Pinkie Pie on the way and help carry enough food to feed seven girls for two days and then some.


“I'm so proud of you, darling,” Rarity beamed at Fluttershy.

They were both in Rarity’s bedroom, and Rarity was currently holding the shy girls hands as they sat on a bed next to each other.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy smiled. “I wouldn't have agreed if it weren't for you. All of my friends. I know you'll be there for me Rarity.”

“Of course, darling,” Rarity assured. “And like Twilight said, there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of. There's no such thing as ghosts.”

“But there might still be something there. But I know I can handle it.Together with you.”

“Oh, of course, Fluttershy,” Rarity said pressing her forehead against the other girls.

They shared a quick kiss, and then another longer one. Rarity enjoyed the touch of her girlfriend against her lips. Even more so with how rarely she got the chance. Fluttershy wasn't ready to come out yet and Rarity respected that privacy, even if it meant less time spent smooching.

“Rarity,” the shy one whispered. “I have to go pack.”

“Oh alright,” Rarity accepted. “I'll see you soon,” she promised before stealing one more kiss.


Rainbow Dash’s parents were still at work. Which meant that she had the perfect opportunity to mull over what had happened at school. In fact, she couldn't get that sight out of her head even if she tried.

As she closed her eyes she could see it like it was right in front of her. Thick orange thighs, with the perfect amount of fat and muscle to give the apple farmer that delicious pear-shaped body. The panties, that Dash could almost imagine seeing through.

“Stupid Applejack,” she groaned.

She was currently sprawled on her bed, wearing nothing but her sports bra, eyes shut tight living that moment over and over again, fingers feverishly working over her clitoris.

“Stupid, stupid,” she kept moaning.

She couldn't help how she felt. Applejack was perfect to her. She was kind and friendly, but didn't shy from telling Dash how she really felt. She was strong and never backed down from a challenge. And she was beautiful and so so sexy.

Dash growled as she rubbed the mouth of her pussy. She was close now. All she needed was that one push.

“I love you, Dash,” Applejack whispered.

Rainbow Dash squeaked in a way she would've thought embarrassing if she weren't busy with an orgasm powerful enough to make her squirt. She grabbed the bedsheets and kicked her legs as she sprayed her thighs with her own juices.

And as the moment died down, the melancholy set in. Of course it couldn't be true. Applejack would never say those words to her. Not a traditional woman like her. Dash didn't know but she was sure AJ was attracted to the opposite sex only.

She didn't want to think about it though. In her fantasy they could do anything. Together. And now she barely had time for a shower before leaving.


Twilight was more nervous than ever since changing schools. Of course her nervousness wasn't because the house itself, she wasn't scared of ghosts. She was scared of the decision she'd made. She had decided to confess her feelings to Sunset Shimmer.

Ever since the Friendship Games, and especially after Camp Everfree, Twilight had felt a connection with Sunset. A bond unique to the two of them, it was more than with her other friends, because it was more than friendship.

Twilight was in love. Had been for months now. And it had finally gotten to be too much to handle. She had to say something. But she was scared. No matter what happened, their friendship would not be the same afterwards. And Twilight could never forgive herself if it turned for worse.

No, she thought. That wouldn't happen. She would tell Sunset and everything would turn out alright. Maybe even better than before.

She didn't plan big of course. The confession shouldn't be an event. The potential celebration after the confession was an event.

So, Twilight packed what she would usually for a sleepover. And her Nightmare Night costume. With the season and Rarity and Pinkie Pie in one place, there was surely need for it.

Lastly she texted her parents to tell them she would spend the weekend at Sunset’s house. Twilight and her friends had decided that their parents didn't necessarily have to know they were planning to stay the night at an abandoned house.


“So this is it,” Sunset wondered to Pinkie Pie. “Got to admit, it's pretty unnerving.”

They stood before the gates of an old decrepit house. The gate itself was broken, and the grass in the yard had grown out of control. On a hill in the middle of the yard stood the house itself. A three story wooden building, a model of victorian architecture straight out of a cheesy horror movie. The veranda seemed to be on the brink of collapsing and most of the windows were broken.

“How does a house like this still exist? You'd think someone would have demolished it?”

“That's because the Rich family still owns the house,” Pinkie explained. “It used to be the home of the town founder, an ancestor of Filthy Rich, and he wants to preserve the house for future generations.”

“That place is anything but preserved,” Sunset huffed.

“Well, I think people believe that ghost stuff a little too much.”

“Hey guys!”

Both Sunset and Pinkie jumped at the loud sound right behind them.

“Dash!” Sunset screamed. “Why'd you sneak up on us like that?”

“I didn't,” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Sorry, I just zoomed here.” She pointed to the geode around her neck. “Little nervous about spending the night here?” she teased.

“Not nervous,” Sunset explained. “You just startled us.”

“Hey y'all,” Applejack called from halfway down the road. She was carrying a bag half her size on her back.

“Packed for all of us, huh,” Dash teased.

“I packed food, Dash,” she shot back. “And the means to cook them. But if you'd rather go hungry, that's fine by me.”

Before Rainbow could reply, another voice greeted them. Twilight came running down the road from the opposite direction of Applejack. She stopped in front of them and looked around with a puzzled look. “Shouldn't we go inside?”

“We were just waiting for everyone else,” Sunset explained. “Where's Rarity and Fluttershy?”

“They'll be here soon, let's just go inside already,” an impatient Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Alright, alright, they'll find us inside,” Applejack said.

The gate made a loud screeching noise as she pushed it open. The five girls made their way towards the decrepit house. A shadow in the upstairs window disappeared.

Part 2 - First Impressions

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The house truly was old. The floorboards creaked dangerously and there was a persistent smell of mold in the air. Twilight wondered if it was safe to stay in the house for even one night.

“So,” Sunset started. “Should we split up to explore?”

“I'll take the upstairs,” Dash exclaimed bolting towards the stairs.

“Wait, Dash,” Applejack shouted. “You shouldn't go alone.”

“What? You're scared of the spooky ghost?”

“No, Dash, use your head. What if the floor gives way, you'll need help.”

“Fine,” she sighed, but there was a warm feeling inside her for AJ being worried. “AJ, you can come with me. What about you three?”

“Wanna pair up with me,” Twilight asked Sunset with a glint of hope.

“No,” Sunset said absently. “You go with Pinkie, I'll stay here and wait for Rarity and Fluttershy.”

No one seemed to notice how disappointed Twilight looked. Applejack pulled off her backpack and hoisted it towards Sunset.

“You can set up our stuff in one of the downstairs rooms while we explore.”

Sunset grabbed the bag and almost fell under the weight of it. She grabbed Pinkie's almost equally heavy bag and waved to her friends as they split up.

“Well, guess I should find a place to settle in,” she said to herself and walked to a nearby door. It didn't open. Not because it was locked but it was jammed. She put her entire weight against the door and it budged, barely. “Ugh, I'm not getting in there without AJ.”

She chose another door. This one opened easily. She walked into what could've been a living room some hundred years ago. Cobwebs covered a couch and two armchairs. A painting of a particularly ugly man hung on the wall. This also seemed to be one of the only rooms with intact windows.

“Perfect,” she said to herself.

She set their backpacks near the door and started to unpack, starting with her own bag. She set her sleeping bag near the window with the rest of her things and then opened AJs backpack. She quickly noticed that AJ had also packed a costume.

Just then she felt a shiver creeping up her back. Like someone was staring at her. She quickly jolted up and looked around but saw nothing, except the painting directly behind her. She stepped closer to it to eye it suspiciously. She didn't remember the painted man smiling. Almost as if he was… perving on her.

She backed away from the painting and bent over AJs bag again, this time sure to point her backside away from the creepy painting.


Meanwhile, upstairs, Rainbow Dash and Applejack had just found the creepiest bedroom ever. Cobwebs hung everywhere around the dusty double bed in the middle of the room. On both sides of the bed were broken windows and from the ceiling hung a chandelier that seemed like it could fall at any moment. The sickeningly sweet smell of moldy wood hung heavy in the air.

“Well, this place sucks,” Dash said gagging at the smell but proceeding into the room anyway.

“Agreed,” AJ said but followed.

Rainbow Dash walked to a closet and opened it. Inside were some musty men’s clothing straight from the 1800s. Dash stepped inside and moved the jackets out of the way.

“Whoa, check this out,” she exclaimed.

Hiding deep in the closet were women's clothing. And not just any women’s clothing, ensembles that would’ve been considered outrageous by today's standards, much less 200 years ago. Dresses that barely went past the hip, ones that were see through, ones that left the breasts bare. And not just dresses, panties with tactically placed holes in them, metal ring gags, leather collars and even some phallic wooden objects clearly meant for female satisfaction.

“Hoo boy,” Applejack said taking a look. “Who would even wear something like that.”

“Don’t be such a wet blanket,” Rainbow chuckled, picking up a pair of panties carefully. “Come on, try these on.”

“Dash!” Applejack shouted while the other girl laughed. “First of all, no. Second, you have no idea where those have been. Third-”

“Yeah, yeah, it was a joke,” Dash replied with a hint of frustration and turned around. “Whoa,” she exclaimed again. “Look at that!”

Above the door hung a small, incredibly lifelike, scandalous painting of a young woman. She was lying with her wide backside on clear view. Her lime green skin shone with a layer of sweat and her long blonde hair hung over her back in a braid.

“Do you think she’s real, or just fantasy?” Dash asked a dumbfounded Applejack who didn’t answer. Dash chuckled once more. “She kinda looks like you, AJ.”

“No she doesn’t,” AJ said annoyed. “You’re just saying that to piss me off.”

“No, I mean it, she does,” Rainbow Dash laughed harder.

And no matter what AJ said, she did see the resemblance. Frustrated, she forced her eyes away from the painted womans ass and walked out of the room.


Meanwhile, outside, Rarity and Fluttershy were standing outside the gates of the house. Rarity stood behind a fidgeting Fluttershy, with her hands on the timid girls shoulders.

“Come now, darling,” she said reassuringly. “It’s really just a house, nothing to be scared about.”

“I know,” the slightly smaller girl answered. “But it’s just so spooky looking.”

Rarity looked around to see nobody near them before laying a small kiss on Fluttershy’s cheek. The rose haired girl immediately warmed up and stopped fidgeting.

“I know you can do it, Fluttershy,” she whispered. “Darling.”

It was Fluttershy’s favourite pet name. Before she could chicken out again, Fluttershy took a brave step forward and opened the gate. Rarity followed closely behind her, as proud as one can be.

Suddenly an upstairs window opened.

“Hoi!” A rainbow haired head stuck out. “Come on in, Sunset’s waiting for you downstairs!”

“Thank you, dear,” Rarity called back.


Meanwhile, downstairs, Pinkie Pie and Twilight were exploring the kitchen. The lack of food was unsurprising and probably for the best, considering the musty smell in the air.

“Wow, who used to cook here?” Pinkie Pie wondered out loud.

Twilight mumbled something unintelligible in response.

“What’s up Twi-Twi?” Pinkie asked. “You don’t seem like yourself.”

“What? Oh. It’s just…” Twilight sighed. “I don’t know if I want to talk about it.”

“Come on, Twily,” the pink ball of energy encouraged. “You can trust your old pal Pinkie!”

Twilight thought about it for a second. Calling her Twily certainly helped. The name Shining Armor used to call her made her feel safe and secure.

“Well, the thing is… This sounds a little dumb, but… I kinda, sorta have a crush on… Someone…”

“Ooh, is it a boy or a girl?”

“How’d you know I was bi?” Twilight wanted to know before answering.

“I just kinda guessed,” Pinkie shrugged.

“Well, it’s a girl,” Twilight said fidgeting.

“Someone I know?” Pinkie asked next, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Maybe…” Twilight answered without really answering.

“Is iiiit… Sunset Shimmer?” Pinkie asked, a little too loud.

“How’d you- I mean… I guess, maybe,” Twilight said, and blushed violently.

“I knew it,” Pinkie exclaimed victoriously.

She jumped up and down, her plump body jiggling joyously. Twilight leaned against the wall, still blushing, twiddling her thumbs.

“Well, since you know now,” Twilight said. “Do you have any advice?”

“Duh, tell her,” Pinkie said excitedly.

“What? Just like that? I can’t do that!”

“Why not?” Pinkie asked. “Twi-Twi, you haven’t seen the way she looks at you when you’re not paying attention.”


“Girl, she is into youuuuu!” Pinkie sang with a wide smile.

Twilight just laughed and pushed the excited girl away. Still, what if it was true? Could Sunset really have similar feelings for her?

“Okay, just… Promise you won’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Of course I won’t tell,” Pinkie said as if the thought horrified her. “You can trust me.”