The Adventures Of Space Star

by Glimmerglammer

First published

Space Star is a alicorn who has voices in her head. She lives with Twilight Sparkle in The Castle Of Friendship. She would do anything for Twilight, she would even fight for her.

Space Star is a alicorn who has voices in her head. She lives with Twilight Sparkle in The Castle Of Friendship. She would do anything for Twilight, she would even fight for her.

Feel free to email me at or friend me on facebook at Glimmer glammer

book has moved to youtube. please click the link below and make sure to subscribe to my channel so you know when a new chapter is out.

Chapter 1

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The sun was shining and there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. I was in my room sleeping. While I lived in one of the many rooms in Twilight's castle. I was given my own room which was located between Starlight's room and Twilight's room. My room was also always a mess, which really bothered Twilight a lot because she really likes to keep things organized and she always prefers my room to be clean as well.

I woke up from a long slumber with a cute yawn. I stretched out a bit before I got out of bed. Then I remembered that the Friendship Festival was today.

"What a great day it is today! I’m going to head down to the friendship festival!" I said with a grin on my face. I had never been to a Friendship Festival. It sounded like a lot of fun and Twilight was hosting it! I know she would do a great job to make the festival an awesome experience. I quickly headed out of my room excitedly as I ran out of the castle. I wide luscious grin plastered across my feature as I skipped to the train station.

Smiling at the pony in the booth as I got a ticket to Canterlot. Getting on the train I noticed that there were lots of people on the train. Knowing that they were all heading to the same place as me.

‘Turn on Twilight’

I hate those voices in my head.

I finally reached the festival. When I got there I realized something.

‘Kill her’

I would never kill Twilight. "Wow! This festival is huge! Where will I start?" I wondered. There was a sign that had a map of the whole festival and all of its activities.

‘Do it!’

Enough! "I think I will go to Trixie's magic show first!" I said. I have seen one of Trixie's magic shows before. It wasn't that good but ever since Starlight started helping Trixie with her act, her show has gotten better and better. So I started to head off to the show. When I got to the show I saw Starlight and Trixie there. It looked like they were still getting ready for the show.

"Hey Starlight and Trixie! When is the show going to start?” I asked. There was a long pause. I waited at least a minute before I finally got my answer.

"The show is going to start right now!" Starlight answered. I was very excited to see the show. Always wanting to see and experience something new.

"Come one! Come all! Witness the show-stopping ability of THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" Trixie yelled. After she said that crowds of ponies showed up.

"Now for my first trick! But first, I will need a volunteer!" Trixie said. I shot my hand up. I have never participated in a magic show before. It would probably be very fun.

"You! The grey Alicorn! Come up here!" Trixie told me. I went up to her. I was so excited. I was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Now lay down inside this box that is on this table," Trixie said. She pointed her hoof towards the box. I did as I was told as I laid down inside of the box. She was going to saw me in half. But not for real! Hopefully...

"Now I close the lid," Trixie said. My hooves were outside on the other side of the box. How was she going to pull this off without hurting me? I knew she wouldn't hurt me though.

"Now! I will saw this pony in half!" Trixie said. She began to saw the box. It went past my body and I didn't even feel a thing. I was amazed! Then Trixie brought the saw back up and pulled the two boxes apart. My hooves were on the other side. Everypony gasped. Then Trixie put the boxes back together.

"Behold! The Alicorn has no sign of me cutting her in half!" Trixie Explained. She then opened the box up. Showing that I was indeed in one piece while everypony began clapping intrigued. Trixie then lit the fireworks. They looked amazing as they complimented Trixie’s personality. After the show, I headed to a cake stand. At the cake stand, there were so many cakes. But before I could buy a cake, some weird clouds appeared up in the sky. Though I checked the calendar before I left the castle. It wasn't planned for there to be any clouds today.

"Something tells me that this is bad. I have to find Twilight," I said with a worried tone in my voice. It didn’t take long for me to find Twilight. She was with the other Princesses.

We then spotted an airship that started to come out of the sky. It had a symbol on it that I had seen before. Making the hairs on my neck stand on end.

"This ship looks familiar but I just can’t put my hoof on it." I thought aloud as the ship landed and a rectangular metal door opened up. As a small creature came out of the ship. Things started to look more and more familiar. Finally, I realized what was happening. It was the Storm King. My eyes widened in realization knowing that Twilight and the others weren’t safe here.

"Twilight! We have to go now!" I quickly explained to Twilight.

“And now to deliver the evil-evil message!” The small creature spoke into a mic as he pointed towards the crowd of shocked ponies. “Put your hooves together for Commander Tempest!” The small creature said enthusiastically.

A unicorn with a broken horn fizzing out sparkles of light appeared from within the airship. The atmosphere started to get way darker in her wake.

“Is that uh… unicorn?” Twilight asked aloud as her face scrunched up in confusion.

“I think so, but what happened to her horn?” Spike replied just as confused as her.

Chapter 2

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The unicorn Tempest looked very familiar to me. Like I had seen her somewhere before. But I didn't have time to think about that. I knew that Twilight was in danger. I knew that everypony was in danger! We had to get out of here before somepony gets hurt! Then off in the distance, I saw that the three princesses were frozen still. They were encased in some sort of dark stone.

I was shocked. I knew that it wasn't normal magic. It was a very powerful dark magic. I have never seen anything like it. I was thinking about where it might have come from and then. Twilight and the others ran right past me. I had no time to think. I started to run as fast as my hooves could carry me. Following in after them.

“If that unicorn hurts Twilight, they will die,” I muttered darkly to myself.

I didn't look back while I was running. I was too afraid to. I had no idea who or what was behind me. But, I knew that if I looked behind back I would probably start to slow down, and I would probably get caught by a Storm Guard. We ran all the way to the bridge before we were cornered by Storm Guards.

Twilight thinking quickly fired a beam of magic at one of the Storm Guards, but the attack failed its intent. As the Storm Guard blocked the attack with his shield, which caused the beam of magic to hit the bridge that we were standing on and we all fell down into the water below.

The current was very heavy. So heavy that we couldn't fight against it. We had no choice as the water swallowed us whole.

We later washed up in an unfamiliar place. We grabbed our bearings knowing that we were all okay. The girls started talking about what they were going to do. Then Twilight remembered something.

"Princess Celestia told Princess Luna to head south and seek help from the queen of the Hippos. Since Luna can't make it there, me and Space Star must go there," Twilight said. The others looked at the two of us with worried looks on their faces. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up.

"Well, you're not going to get all the credit," Rainbow said. We then all agreed that we were going to go together. Everypony began to go south on our Journey to find the Hippos

Chapter 3

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*A little while later*

We were deep in a desert.

"Nothing for miles but sand, and this cactus, and this road," Spike said. There indeed was a road. A road that led to a town. Everypony started to follow the road. As it was the only shred of evidence of civilization.

After a while, we reached the town. The town was inhabited by these weird strange creatures. The girls hadn’t any seen of these creatures before. But I knew these people. They were my enemies. I’m a wanted pony here. They all wanted me dead. I didn't like being here one bit. But, I had to continue on… for my friends… for Equestria.

A little while later, Pinkie started making a ruckus. As she skipped and talked real loud as she pointed and laughed attracting a lot of attention. Twilight went over to Pinkie trying to talk some sense into her to make her stop, and before we knew it we were surrounded. They started to ask to buy stuff from them and then, they noticed me.

"Hey! Over here, guys! It's Space Star!" one of them said. "Let's get her!" another one said. But before they could get to me a cat-like creature jumped in front of townspeople. He was a friend of mine from a long time ago. Everybody started to panic.

"Capper!" I said with a hopeful smile.

"You know him!?" Twilight and the others blurted out in confusion.

"Yes, she does. I'm an old friend of Space Star," Capper explained with his voice as smooth as silk. His tongue just dripping charisma.

"How do you two know each other?" Twilight asked curiously.

"That is a story for another time. Right now we need to focus on stopping the Storm King," I said stomping my hoof on the hard dirt ground.

"Right. Right, so Capper, can you take us to the queen of the Hippos?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I can. But first, we need to get to a safe area so we can talk," Capper said quite urgently and I couldn't agree more.

"Ok let's go!" I said eagerly wanting to get out of here as fast as I could.

Chapter 4

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Capper led us to his home. When we got there everypony except me and Twilight stayed close to Capper as we started to talk to him. I was catching up with him while Twilight learned about our past friendship. After we were done having story time having Twilight as our guest.

We had Twilight look through books, Rarity was fixing Capper's trench coat and as for me, I was taking a break resting my head on a pillow as I laid on the floor staring straight up into the ceiling. Wondering what our next move was going to be. It is very tiring to have to walk for 2 hours straight. After an hour, Twilight found something.

"Guys! We've been looking for the wrong queen! We don't need the queen of the Hippos, we need the Queen of the Hippogriffs! Part pony part eagle!" Twilight told us.

"Oh, the Queen of the Hippogriffs. Now the only problem about that one is no one knows where they are." Capper said.

"Says here there on top of Mount Aris," Twilight said.

"You mean that mountain just outside of the window!" Pinkie said excitedly pointing outside as she bounced up and down on her spring-like tail. We all started to head to the door and when I opened the door someone stood there in front of me.

Chapter 5

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"Here's Verko! These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers if they are going to settle your debt," He said as we all started to run. I opened a window with my magic all my friends followed me out as they climbed out the window as well. But before I left, I had to do something to Capper. I grabbed a dagger off a table. That seemed to be a memento of sorts.

"Buck you Capper!" I yelled as I sliced his head clean off. Using my anger to make it cut clean through. Nopony noticed what I did. Them being too busy escaping.

"Your debt has been settled," I told Verko.

"Y-Yes it has," Verko said quite terrified. I could tell that he was terrified. The way he spoke… the way he looked at me... Then, I ran out the window.

When I was out there I was asked a question that was hard to answer. "What took you so long!" Twilight asked.

"I had to deal with Capper," I said trying not to reveal any details. The less they knew would have been for the best.

"What did you do to Capper," Twilight asked. I knew I would have to come clean. Or else it would only get worse. I had this pit form in my stomach as I gulped. I didn’t want to lose my friends.

"I killed Capper," I told Twilight in a steady voice making her gasped in shock as she stared at me in horror...

"W-Why?" Twilight stuttered in shock.

"He tried to sell us into slavery. He deserved it," I spat as Twilight gave me a harsh glare that seemed to pierce into my heart. She looked angry so angry in fact, that it scared me.

"Nopony deserves to die!" Twilight yelled. I could tell that she was pissed off… and I felt like I couldn’t do anything about it.

"He deserved to bucking die! He tried to sell you! He tried to sell us!” I said motioning to the rest of my friends with a hoof. “If we were sold Equestria would never have had a chance to be saved! All of Equestria would be bucking screwed! It was the right call!" I snapped I was pissed off at Twilight. Why didn't she understand? It had to be done!

"How would you feel if I just killed you!" Twilight yelled. Everypony gasped. Tears started to leak out of my eyes. It hurt being turned on by your own friend. Especially when that reason is that you were trying to protect them. Fluttershy came quickly to comfort me.

"Fluttershy! What the buck!" Twilight yelled rather unladylike. Fluttershy had an angry expression on her face as she scolded Twilight.

"Twilight! Is she not your friend!? You can't kill friends. She did what she thought was best. And we should support her decisions." Fluttershy said as she stroked my back whispering comforting words into my ear...

"She is my friend. She just pissed me off. I-I'm sorry." Twilight said feeling ashamed by her actions. Here she was the princess of friendship turning on her own friend.

"I forgive you," I told Twilight softly. Though I secretly kept the dagger. I wasn't going to stab Twilight, I was going to keep us safe.

I teleported everybody onto an airship that was close by. We hid behind some barrels. Making sure not to get caught.

Chapter 6

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While we were all hiding behind some barrels. We heard some footsteps. Then everything went silent and then, someone began speaking.

"What was that noise? It was probably the rats. If we find them, we will eat them!" The voice said enthusiastically.

"If you try to eat us, I will bucking kill you!" I yelled threateningly.

"Lookie here guys. Looks like we have some stowaways. Let us see the book Captain Celaeno," The bird creature said with a crazy smile.

Captain Celaeno opened a book as she began to inspect is contents "Storm King's rulebook says, throw them overboard." Captain Celaeno said with an authoritative tone. Everypony gasped as the bird creatures started to come towards us. Then, I did the most reasonable and craziest thing I have ever done. I sliced Captain Celaeno head off with my dagger using my hate and malice I had stored up inside me. Everyone gasped the bird creatures and even my friends.

"You want to fight me! Then let's go! Everypony behind me." I yelled. Everypony hid behind me including Spike of course. I held my dagger with my magic. Swinging it around dangerously.

"Y-You have a dagger," Twilight squeaked in shock. I had no time to respond to her. I had to fight right now! One by one, I sliced the birds heads off and one by one, the birds fell down. There was blood all over the ground and all of the birds were now dead.

"May I suggest that you do stuff other than slicing there heads off," Rainbow Dash recommended with a roll of her eyes seeming to be less affected than the rest.

"Ok," I answered simply. Just as I was about to say something more I saw a ship heading in our direction.

"Everypony get down to the lower deck!" I shouted as they did as I told them. Trusting me with their lives seeing me in a new light.

"What about you?" Twilight asked as she hesitated to go without me.

I looked over my shoulder as I smiled "I will be fine. Just go!” I said slowly getting more urgent seeing that my friend might be in danger if she stayed on the top deck any longer. They were all on the locker deck when I slammed the trap door shut. Then, the ship was boarded by Storm Guards.

"Ew! Gross! Dead bodies!" Tempest said in disgust and shock not expecting to see slaughtered griffons.

"That's right. Now you have a choice to make." I told her.

"O-Ok." Tempest Shadow stuttered as she saw my dagger dripping fresh blood as I pointed the tip of the blade in her direction.

"Do you want your head sliced off or do you want me to send you to Tartarus," I asked with a sinister grin. Making Tempest’s skin crawl.

"I'm not choosing." She told me shivering just at the thought of choosing her own fate.

"Oh. But, here's the fun part. If you don't choose, I will choose for you." I told her.

"Choose for me," Tempest said accepting her fate. My grin only seemed to grow wider with her answer.

"If you insist," I said. As I gripped the dagger tightly with my magic.

"Your head will be sliced off. You should have chosen. But, it's too late for that now," I told her. But before she could speak, I sliced her head clean off… I was starting to enjoy this…

Chapter 7

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After I killed her, a bunch of Storm Guards came out of their airship. They were prepared to fight holding their weapons as they stepped towards me cautiously. They were cautious of my presence as I had easily taken out their commander. This would be easy. But this time, I tried something different. Stabbing them in the heart. As I did some nice twirls like a ballet dancer narrowly dodging as I skewered them each one by one.

"Success," I said with a confident smirk. Everything went perfectly smooth. All the Storm Suards were dead and now Tempest was dead. I imagine that the Storm King would be looking for Tempest. He will be my next victim. But until then, we are safe.

I didn't tell anypony to come out of the lower deck yet. I wanted to call down to my friends and tell them that everything was safe and alright. But the Storm King could come at any time and I didn't want to risk losing one of my friends. There were 10 airships in the distance as far as I could see anyway. One of them possibly containing the Storm King and the others, containing storm guards. I had plans for the Storm King. He was going to die a horrible, painful death.

Though the ships arrived quicker than I expected. But, I was ready. Grasping my dagger with my magic, as I got ready to fight. The ship was boarded once again. I wasn’t nervous because I used my hate and anger to stand threateningly.

"*Gasp!* You killed Tempest! Now you will die!" The Storm King yelled like a cliche villain boring me to no end. He probably thought he was going to win because he was taller and stronger than me but, he probably didn't see my dagger.

"Ok. Time to die Storm King!" I shouted with a wicked smile on my muzzle.

"You’re crazy to think you can kill me you weak, short, good for nothing pony!" He spat speciesist. That really pissed me off. He had no idea who he is talking to… poor thing...

"I AM NOT WEAK!" I screamed angrily as my mane whipped back as I plunged the knife into the back of his neck. Seeing his eyes widening in pure shock said jolts of pleasure down my spine. I then twisted the blade as the Storm King reached for the knife handle that was on the back of his neck. I was actually surprised that he didn’t die instantly. He began to gargle on his own blood. As he clawed at the back of his neck. But I didn’t give him the satisfaction of dying by his own blood. I quickly pulled the knife out as I began to saw off his head. Wanting to be as painful as possible. I then glared at the Storm Guards that boarded my ship with eyes full of hate. "WHO ELSE WANTS TO DIE!" I screamed loudly as I tossed the Storm King’s body at them as I held the Storm King’s head beside me. "I GUESS YOU GUYS WANT TO FIGHT ME! SO, LET'S FIGHT!" I roared angrily. I wasn’t going to give them a chance to hurt my friends!

We began a fight. I knew that they didn't stand a chance against me. Nobody stood a chance against me. It was surprisingly easy to slice there heads off. They were weak. They were ugly. They were ponies!?

Indeed they were ponies. I was killing ponies and I loved it. The Storm Guards look was just a suit. But, I still killed them all. I didn't even feel bad for these ponies. They tried to fight me. They got what they deserved. Then after all of the Storm Guards were dead, I fainted from exhaustion from all of today's excitement.

Chapter 8

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I didn't know where I was when I woke up. But my vision soon began to become clear. I was in a hospital on a hospital bed. The first thing I heard was crying coming from the corner of the room. Slowly sitting up I noticed that It was Fluttershy. Why was I here? One minute I was killing the Storm King and the next, I was in a hospital bed.

"Guys! She's awake!" Twilight said in relief. From the expression on her face, I could tell that she was relieved to see that I was ok. Which obviously means that they noticed that I fainted.

“Are you okay Space Star?” Twilight asked concerned for my well being.

I was fine, I felt great. “I’m feeling fine Twilight,” I said honestly because it was only true.

“What happened back there?" Rarity asked curiously as she played with her curled azure mane.

"I think I fainted," I told her bluntly.

“We're just glad that your ok," Twilight told me. Just then a nurse came in.

“Visiting hours are over! Everypony out!” The nurse called with a stern look. Everypony left the room right after the nurse asked them too though it was more of a demand. After they left, the nurse left the room so that I could get a good night's sleep. I fell asleep right away having a lucid dream of me killing Storm Guards. A smile growing on my muzzle as I slept..

When I woke up in the morning, Starlight was right beside my bed. It was good to see her. She was pretty reliable and she was very understanding. “Good morning Space Star! How did you sleep?” She asked kindly as always a good friend she was.

“I slept great Starlight!” I told her, and probably because we both had “Star” in our names.

“I brought some games for us to play together! How’s that sound?” She asked. She showed me the games. The games were Discordnopoly, Puno and The Game Of Pony. These were all the games that I loved. And that we would sometimes play at the castle.

“That sounds great! Can we start right now?” I asked eagerly not wanting to be bored in the hospital bed any longer.

“Of course we can Space Star! Which game would you like to play first?” Starlight asked since I was the “sad hospital patient” who needed cheering up. It was a stereotypical thing.

“Hmm, Oh, I know! Let’s start with Puno!” I told her. I was excited to play Puno with Starlight. We haven’t played Puno together for a long time.

“Ok! Let’s start!” She said enthusiastically that could rival Pinkies giddiness.

“Yeah!” I said. Starlight started to deal out the cards with her magic. When she was done we both picked up our cards with our magic. Starlight took a card off the pile and put it on the bed. The game started just as she put the card on the bed. The game went by fast and I was victorious. I had won the game.

“Good job Space Star! Let’s play another game!” Starlight said happily. This went on until visiting hours were over. I beat her at every single game. It was fun for both of us. I really enjoyed her company. I ended up falling asleep right after she left. The next day I woke up to see Starlight again. This time she brought my favorite horror movies. She brought Nightmare On Discord Street and Nightmare Night.

“You wanna watch a movie with me Space Star!?” Starlight asked. Of course, I wanted to watch a movie with her. It was better than nothing after all.

“Yes, I do Starlight!” I told her quite excited to watch a movie.

“Then let’s start watching the movie!” Starlight said as she pulled out a movie projector that she had behind her levitating in her magic. Setting it up as she got on the bed with me as we watched the movie.

Chapter 9

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We started by watching Nightmare On Discord Street. But, the nurse heard it and she told us to turn it off. After we turned it off she took the movies away from us.

Making us both very bored. Starlight actually went home earlier than usual today. So I was alone for the remainder of the day. It was so boring being in a hospital bed all day by myself. I hated being alone… Everything is just felt so dark and dull with an eerie unpleasant feeling. Although I was getting out of the hospital tomorrow. All I could do is wait until I could fall asleep. Slowly but surely… I fell asleep… Zzzz.

Before I knew it, it was morning. I got out of my hospital bed. I didn't have anything to pack so I just left my room. While I was walking down the hall, I was thinking about how it would be like when I got home. I imagined that Pinkie Pie probably would throw me a party, I imagined that Rainbow Dash would probably challenge me to a race and I imagined that Twilight was going to teach me some new magic. These thoughts made me very happy.

I remembered when I first came to Ponyville about a year ago. I had no friends when I arrived. I also didn't have a home. I spent my nights wandering the streets looking for any food and water I could find. When I got very hungry, I killed a pony and ate them. Some days I found food and water and some days I had to eat a pony. On those days that I had to eat a pony, I had lots of fun killing them. I knew that I couldn't go on like this but, I knew that I would have to if I wanted to survive.

That all changed when Twilight found me eating a pony. She was terrified but, she still offered to take me in and I accepted the offer. I desperately needed a place to stay so there was no way I was going to decline an offer like that. She took me to her castle and let me live there. I finally had food and water. I would no longer have to eat ponies. I would no longer have to be cold at night. I finally had a friend…

It always conflicted me on how and why she accepted me in. Instead of just killing me in my sleep. Besides… I deserve to die for all the sins I’ve committed… It made me a bit sad to think about those times before Twilight. I was very lucky that she found me and let me live with her. She was the kindest pony that I had met in a long time. Tears started to roll down my face as I began crying.

If Twilight hadn't taken me in I would probably be dead right now. I was still an alicorn back then. But, being an alicorn doesn't always mean you have a castle or even a home. I was an alicorn and I didn't have a home. But, I managed to go on. I lived long enough for Twilight to find me. I knew Twilight would do anything for me and I would do the same for her. She was my first friend. We couldn't afford to lose each other. I couldn't afford to lose her.

When I got out of the hospital, I was happy to see that Twilight was waiting for me. I was very happy she was there. We could go home together. We could be together. We started to walk home.

Chapter 10

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When we finally got home Twilight told me the most exciting news.

"Space Star you were invited to Canterlot High by Sunset Shimmer," Twilight told me. I was so excited! I haven't seen Sunset in a long time. It would be awesome to be able to see her again.

"Ok! See you later Twilight!" I said. I ran to the portal so I could get there fast. But before I left I packed some Lunchables and a sleeping bag. then I hopped into the portal.

I got the same feeling that I get every time I go through the portal. I felt my whole body being twisted into a spiral. It feels a bit awkward at first but, I'm used to it. It didn't feel as awkward as the first time I went through the portal. Which is good because I didn't like that feeling one bit. It made me feel very… and I mean ‘very’ uncomfortable.

I finally reached the human world. But, nobody was there to greet me. It was the middle of the night. Well, I don't know where Sunset lives and I have no idea where anybody else lives. The school doors were also locked that I quickly found out. I was forced to sleep in front of the statue that was in front of Canterlot High School. On this very cold night. I was freezing and hungry. so I got into my sleeping bag and ate some Lunchables. after that, I fell asleep.

Chapter 11

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I woke up in a very familiar place. Then I realized I was in Sunset's house. She probably found me laying in front of the portal statue thingy. She probably felt really bad for not being there for me. I got up quickly stretching as I checked the house for Sunset. Though I quickly discovered that she wasn’t even home. She probably went to school. welp. Guess I better go to school as well. Better than sitting around and doing nothing productive… besides, I might learn something new!

I walked outside strolling to school. But as I looked around there were no cars or people around. It was creepy like a ghost town. The hairs on my neck stood on end. Even at school, there were no people and the doors were locked still. It was probably the darn weekend! I had no idea where Sunset was. Then, I saw some balloons fly into the sky. I knew it was Pinkie. Sunset must be with Pinkie. I decided to head to where the balloons came from.

But I quickly discovered that it was a trap! I walked right into this portal. It was weird where it was placed. But, I was...falling. I was a pony again. I hit the ground with a heavy thud.

Chapter 12

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The world looked like a desolate wasteland and I loved it. The first thing that I noticed was that my dagger had turned into a Sniper Rifle. I cradled my new weapon in my hooves like it was a new toy. Just before I heard a loud bang in the distance followed by a crowd of cheers. I then ran right towards the sound not knowing what I was getting into.

When I got to the source of the noise I saw someone's legs burning as she hung right above a fire pit. I had no idea who it was but, I knew they were in trouble. Seeing that these ponies were burning her, I had to be very careful. if I was caught, I would be burnt as well. I then noticed that I was up high looking down at a crowd of savage looking ponies. At that moment I knew that I wouldn't be able to blend in with the crowd. So, I would have to fire on sight.

"Look it's an Alicorn!" A stallion with a barding of cutie marks stitched together screamed loudly as he spotted me quite easily. The whole crowd had their heads snap in my direction instantly. I saw their crazy yellowed smiles that these raider looking ponies had. I was then grabbed from behind by a mare sneering over my shoulders.

"This little shit is mine!" She said cackling as the rest started to surround me. Going with my plan I shot her. Creating a large hole in her skull.

"You wanna fight me! Let's go!" I yelled ready for a fight. Seeing one of their own laying on the ground motionless and surrounded by a pool of blood, they all started to run at me. I shot each of them when they got to close to me. Making it a rule that the one closer is more of a threat. Hence that they must be taken out first.

Soon they all were dead. Now, I had to figure out how to free the burning pony. She looked like she was about to die so, I had to be quick about this. If she was going to live long enough for me to free her, I would have to put out the fire. Lucky for me, there was a bucket of water right near the flames.

Picking up the heavy bucket of water with my magic, I threw the water at the flame extinguishing it. Now, I had to figure out how to free her. I ended up shooting the rope that held her with my rifle. She fell down to the now flameless pit. She had a few wounds on her. I healed all of her wounds with my magic. She looked charred and melted. It would take me a while to heal her properly but, I would get it done being used to getting injured frequently. After that was done she woke up. The mare looked at me in fear as she backed away.

"P-Please don't hurt me!" She blurted scared of me. The mare I freed had a red coat with an orange mane. "I don't want to become anything like you!" The earth pony shouted shaking scared.

"What are you talking about!" I asked the earth pony in confusion as I cocked my head to the side...

"Don't play dumb with me you Alicorn!" The mare spat angrily. "You Alicorns took my sister away!" The mare said with venom in her voice as she sneered at me.

"For your information, I just saved your life!" I shouted in her face. The mare flinched at my tone. Fearing what mean ‘Alicorn’ could do to her.

"Are you taking me too!" The mare fearfully asked now shaking.

"Taking you where?" I asked.

"With you? Alicorns take ponies away." She told me with fearful eyes.

"I'm not taking you away!" I yelled again making her flinch… again...

"You're not?" The mare asked as she eased up on her shaking as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes. I'm not." I answered with a roll of my eyes.

"B-But you're an Alicorn! But... a tad bit smaller..." She asked not sure if I was friend or foe. As she sized me up. "Are you tricking me with that magic you have?" The mare asked not feeling what to believe feeling quite lost sitting there with me. The earth pony stood up slowly as she studied me intently. "Horn heads like yourself are the most dangerous of kinds..." She said while studying me. She tapped my horn with a hoof nervously. Like it was a ticking time bomb. The mare let out a nervous laugh as she slowly turned at a 45-degree angle and slowly walked away to the dead raiders as she began to loot them. Taking an occasional glance back over her shoulder to keep an eye on me. When the red mare went to leave a group of ponies blocked the only exit.

"Please get out of my way... Please?" She pleaded the last word. As she had a nervous smile on her face slowly backing away.

"Get down!" I yelled. The mare dropped down hearing me speak scaring her into submission. She clenched her eyes shut. She clutched the ground for dear life. Squeaking like a scared puppy as she did so. I readied my Rifle and loaded some ammo into it. "You will not hurt her!" I shot the group of ponies before they could hurt the red mare. Some scampered behind several old rusted sky wagons.

"The Alicorn bitch is using the big guns!" A Raider colt screamed out as he ran into a small hole into a cabin nearby as the two other Raiders that were alive peaked out spraying with their pipe guns. The red mare hid behind a concrete wall scared out of her mind. As she placed her forehooves over her head. A bullet nicked my side brushing against my coat barely missing. The Raiders weapons were junk. I aimed at the Raiders ready to shoot. I fired my gun. The bullets hit their heads. With a satisfying pop sound as their brains exploded. Blood started to pour out of their heads. After they fell, they were surrounded by a pool of blood. The red mare slowly got up on shaky legs walking over to me.

"Why are you protecting me Alicorn?" She asked shaking as she couldn't believe she was standing next to an Alicorn that didn't just chew her head off. Imagination is a crazy place.

"Ok, I'm going, to be honest with you for a minute, I fell into a portal and I ended up here," I told the red mare. The Red mare blinked at me. Fixing me with a blank expression.

"What the hay is a portal Mrs.Alicorn?" She asked confused. As she slowly started loading a Pistol with her hooves dropping the bullets as she tried to place them in a magazine. She failed miserably with her hooves. Nothing beat magic at reloading efficiently.

"A portal is a gateway to another dimension," I said. I started to look through the Raiders stuff. My eyes darted over to some Rifle ammo which I quickly grabbed. The red mare just stared blankly.

"Another dimension what's that?" She asked. Her ear flicked awkwardly standing before me.

"It's kinda hard to explain," I replied. The hot sun bore down on both of us.

"Well, I can't take you back to town..." She said with a hoof to her chin. "Maybe you could cover your wings somehow?"

I took a cloak from a raider to cover my wings up. "How's this?" I asked.

"Good... just don't show anypony..." She said uneasily as she led me deeper into the unforgiving Wasteland. "S-so what's your name?"

"My name is Space Star. What's yours?" I asked.

"Orange Truce..." She said with her eyes flicking around nervously.

"Nice to meet you Orange Truce," I replied.

"Y-yeah-h su-ure." She stuttered. "I really shouldn't even be talking to you... S-tar."

"It's fine. I'm used to it." I replied flatly.

Chapter 13

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"This is Sun Down. My town." Orange said as the walked. "A merchant town to be exact..." "Best trading in these parts." She bit her lip looking me over. "Just say you're a Unicorn."

“ I will. I can’t afford to be caught.” I said. We slowly walked up a hill trying to get to the entrance.

“I hope so..." But when we did we saw a massacre. There were dead ponies everywhere. Raiders to Merchants to Guards. The front gate even seemed to be torn off. "What the hay happened here?" Orange said in shock her eyes wide as she slowly shook her head in disbelief. "M-my home!" She squeaked falling forward feeling too weak to stand up any longer.

“It looks like Raiders came and destroyed the place.” I told her. She slowly got up as she began to hurriedly walk towards the entrance only to trigger a cheaply made tripwire. Setting off a trap. “Looks like they set traps everywhere. Better be careful.” A loud bang was heard as she got blasted off her hooves as she landed on her side. With her right side red with blood as a shotgun fired. Held together for the trap.

“WHO’S THERE!” I yelled. I heard maniac laughing echoing throughout the town. That had blood painted everywhere. With ponies dead everyone. Some even crucified.

“We got another!"

"I know!" Two high pitched voices squeaked in glee.

"I don't want to die!" Orange wailed on the floor crying as her side leaked blood.

“You’re not going to die. Not today.” I told her. There was loud poof sound as a metal rocket soared in Orange's direction. I flew in front of the rocket taking the hit. The rocket exploded tossing me back like a rag doll. As the laughing pony stopped sticking his head out.

"Why didn't she splat!" I toss my cloak off to reveal a pair of wings.

"Shit it's an Alicorn!" The Raider shouted as he rushed back inside screaming hysterical as he ran away trying to hide. The other raiders ran out of their hiding spots like roaches. I hunted them all down and shot them. Before a dragon with a vest of colourful cutie marks came out from under a building the size of a three story building.

“Oh shit.” I said.

"ALICORN!" The Dragon roared as he slapped his tail against a building destroying it.

“I'm going to die!" Orange cried harder as she now had a puddle of blood under her as her face turned pale. The Raiders seemed to hey their confidence as they all came back running. Some even getting crushed by the dragon.

"Get the pretty corn!" A Raider laughed as he and a couple of raiders charged at me

“W-who are you?” I asked. The Raiders slowly stopped in front of me.

"Who is she asking?" He asked looking towards another Raider to his right.

"Me obviously!" A small Raider said from the left.

“The Dragon.” I said. They all whined.

"We must try harder to be Raiders!" They all began to whine sitting down disappointed. That they didn't get any Raider fame.

"DOZER STUPID ALICORN!" He roared as he lashed out a claw at me.

“I’ve felt worse claws.” I said.

"WHAT!" The Dragon screamed insulted. The Dragon reared back straightening his back.

“It’s true.” I replied. “But I specifically remember that these are the claws of a Dragon that Isn’t magic resistant. So, any last words.”

"You're a dead pony!" He yelled.

“Have fun in Tartarus!” I said before I casted the spell. The dragon fell into the portal which led to Tartarus. Those Raiders were still whining. I shot them so they would shut up.

"S-star?" Orange squeaked. "C-can you k-k-kil-l me?" She said on her side.

“I can’t kill you. But, i can heal you.” I replied.

"B-but I-I... h-h-have n-nothing to liv-ve for..." She stuttered as her eyes seemed to unfocus slightly

“What about your sister.” I said.

"She-e gone n-now... stupid Alicorn." Orange muttered bitterly.

“The Alicorns took her right?” I asked.

"Yes..." Orange said quietly finding it harder to stay awake. "Gone...."

“Where did they take her?” I asked.

"They took her..." She said quietly before falling unconscious from the lack of blood

“No.” I said. I took some of the Raiders blood and put it in her body then I sealed the wounds.

“Wake up!” I cried. Tears started to roll down my face. “It should have been me.” I didn’t leave her side. This was all my fault. Then, something snapped inside of me. Like, a magical burst went through my body. Before I knew it, I couldn’t control my horn. My horn sent a beam of magic at Orange. After that, she woke up. Orange screamed as loudly as she shot straight up. Frantically looking around until she spotted me.

"What the hay just happened!" She began to pat herself down as she sat. "I feel weird!"

"What. Did. You. Do?" Orange squeaked

“I have no idea what i did. I’m just glad your ok.” I said in relief.

"Oookayyy?" Orange said confused before looking around her town. Her ears slowly pinning back against her head. "Buck..." She muttered sadly as she kicked an empty tin can. "Did you do this?" She asked pointing towards the Raiders with a hoof.

“Yes. I killed the Raiders. Some of their blood is in your body now.” I told her. Orange eyes went bug eyed.

"What!" She squeaked as she started panicking. "Their filthy blood is in me!?" "How is their blood inside me!?"

“I had to put some in there to keep you from dying.” I replied.

"But I wanted to die! There is nothing here for me?" She told me.

“We are going to find your sister.” I told her.

"Are you sure? Nopony ever comes back when they are taken by Alicorns..." Orange said looking down. "You're pretty small in size compared to them..."

“Maybe I can get us in.” I replied.

"Are you a Princess or something?" She said slowly looking up at me.

“Yes i am.” I told her.

"You ARE!?" Orange said throwing herself at me with her eyes practically sparkling as her pupils seemed to enlarge.

“Yep.” I replied.

"No way." Orange said shaking her head skeptical. "You're pulling my leg here..." She said slightly turning her head away. "That sounds too good to be true.."

“It’s true.” I said. Orange bit her lip as she slowly turned back to me.

"If you're lying... you'll get it for not killing me..." Orange said dejectedly

“Oh i ain’t lying.” I replied.

"You better not..." Orange said raising a brow at my confidence in my claim.

“Ok look do you want to find your sister or not.” I asked.

"Fine! Let's go Princess Space Star!" Orange said eagerly as she picked up a bent machete by the handle with her mouth. "Nnn verr harrd!"

“Just Space Star is fine.” I said laughing. Orange nodded her head as she began looking around. Spitting out the machete.

"We should loot first." She said holding the machete close.

"Yeah. maybe we might find something important." I said.