Friday the 13th Equestria Girls The Final Chapter

by Slayer99

First published

Three times before you have felt the terror, known the madness, lived the horror. But this is the one you’ve been screaming for...

Three times before you have felt the terror, known the madness, lived the horror.

But this is the one you’ve been screaming for...

The final duel between Jason and Gaea is at hand. Jason must make the ultimate sacrifice to defeat her and save the lives of his friends and other campers including Timber Spruce. All by the means to also sacrifice or save Gloriosa Daisy the counselor of the camp with the help of his friends the Humane 7, The Shadowbolts, and Jason's old rival Tommy Jarvis the new camper and person who killed Jason back in 1984 in which they put aside their differences to fight the new evil.

Friday, April 13th is Gaea Everfree's unlucky day

Sequel to Part 3

F-13th(c) Paramount
MLP EG(c) Hasbro

This story is rated "M" for inappropriate contents like Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, and Death.
Advise your discretion as you read



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A few days later after Gaea suffered another defeat, she waited in her cave and sat there leaking blood and awoke from being unconscious when Jason knocked her out. She walked out of her cave and stared down at the camp with a unpleasant look on her face under her mask. She look and stared down still at the camp in a far distance with sour frowns and angry looks when she know that Jason has new friends and new abilities like them and far more stronger than her. She even thought that it is Tuesday the 10th which is about 3 more days before the 13th of Friday which means she will kill the campers before she kills Jason and his friends for the day to come.

"I need to regain my strength, even if there is any magic here that I can absorb" she said.

Then there was a glow of lights shining at her from the other side of the cave's wall. She broke through and gazed at the source of the lights. She has found more magic that she can absorb to gain strength and enough power to defeat Jason and his friends and to kill any camper or outsider that comes to the camp and cage the camp once more.

"Well, there it is. More magic I can absorb to defeat my enemies and cage my camp" she said.

She approached it and used her powers to pull all of its magic straight into her. As the absorbing began, her body began to change by adding more bulk and her powers being enhanced with the magic making her power more stronger and strength more worse than ever. As the transformation finished, She is more of a bulky and plant-like beast with her rose-colored mask on her face. She has become more and more powerful than the girls and to match Jason's strength and power he has.

"With all of this magic and power, I can now finally defeat my enemies, kill the campers, and cage the camp once and for all!" she said as she left the cave and down to the camp.

At the camp, Jason felt her presence and he realized that she has absorbed the magic from her cave and gained more power that could rival or match his power, but not enough to rival his friends while they are with him and will be by his side. When he came to the girls, he silently warned them and they were surprised of what he told them.

"So, she has absorbed the magic from her cave instead of the death curse we have with us" said Twilight.
Jason nodded.

"Well, we need to find a way to drain her of the magic she has absorbed and somehow free Gloriosa from her grasp. Even if we need to find someway to tell her inside of her to fight Gaea when she is trapped in her." said RD.

"It could work if we can have some time to tell her soon" said Indigo.

"I agree" said Sunset.

When they continue to relax, they still have days to come before Jason and Gaea's final duel for the camp and the campers who came that they need to protect.

Tommy Jarvis

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As the sun rose to begin the morning, a few buses came to the camp and unloaded new campers to the camp. Then one of them who's and adult from being a kid is good on making monster masks and other hobbies he does, his name is Tommy Jarvis which he is the new camper to Camp Everfree with such talent he has.

When he came to one of the tents, the girls came to him and made introductions for a good meeting.

"Hello, I'm Sunset Shimmer and these are my friends, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike" she said.

"We are the Shadowbolts of Crystal Prep Academy, I am Soursweet, and they are Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, and Sunny Flare" she introduced.

"It's good to meet you all, I'm Tommy Jarvis. But you all can call me Tommy for short" he said.

"Okay, Tommy" said Sunset.

Then Jason came to them to meet the new camper who has already came. Then he looked at the very face of the boy who killed him back in 1984.

"Jason!?" asked Tommy in shock.

"Well you two have quite a history don't you?" asked Sunset.

"Yes and a while back he killed my family as I have killed him back in 1984!" he said in anger.

The girls were surprised to hear that of what Jason did back in 1984 and Jason looked down in guilt.

"Hey! It's okay Tommy he's our friend now" said RD.

Tommy was surprised of what Rainbow Dash said. Still back in 1984, he read about him and his drowning accident even the carnage caused by his mother. He took a step back, but he did see that Jason didn't attempt to kill him or anyone around him but continued to look down in guilt. But he knew that the kind of people he kills are of ambition and ignorance that are his problems being thrown at him like the day he was bullied and left to die in the water.

"How come he won't hurt you or me?" he asked.

"We gave him a second chance to be a better person and forgive others, I also take him to anger management lessons just in case for him to keep his emotions and anger in check" said Fluttershy.

"But there is someone similar to him. Someone far dangerous" said Sunny.

"Who?" asked Tommy.

"Gaea Everfree, she is the living forest spirit of this camp that first appeared years ago and her fight with Jason's mother Pamela" said Sunset.

"Well, I may need more information about this creature" he said.

"Okay, come with us to the cafeteria and we will explain about her to you" said AJ.

"Okay, lead the way" said Tommy as they all went to the cafeteria and still kept his distance from Jason, to tell him about Gaea and her act of slaughter.

After a few hours of telling Tommy the story of Gaea, he was impressed and very shocked that she has contained Gloriosa the sister to Timber Spruce. Then the little black blob came to them and surprised Tommy of it movement and appearance.

"Who is this?" he asked.

"That is the death curse, formed by the hatred, rage, anger, and vengeful thoughts by Jason's mother. He did upgrade Gloriosa but he chose to be better and he sided with us and Jason" Sunset explained.

"Okay, I'm Tommy Jarvis and I'm new here" he introduced.

"It's good to meet you too" said the blob.

"I see that you are the one who killed Jason as a child back in 1984?" he asked.

"Yes I am." Tommy answered as he looked away from Jason.

"Tommy, Jason's days of carnage, vengeance, and Bloodlust are over. He made the choice of his free will to right the wrongs of his past to be a better man. So take some time and give him a chance and grant him forgiveness as the girls did." said the blob

As Tommy took some thoughts of what the blob said, he made a decision and said "Okay I'll try"

Outside of the camp, Gaea was spying on them and the new camper. Also the little blob that she absorbed and lost. She them looked at them with a sneer look on her face under her mask that she knew she maybe foiled again. "So he is the guy who killed Jason back in 1984. They may have told him about me, but it will not be enough to tear me down even to free Gloriosa from me" she said darkly as she went deeper back into the woods waiting for the sun to set and the moon to rise for her to spread carnage again.

Blood-covered grass

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As the night began to appear, Gaea came out of the woods and walked to her first set of targets. Three campers walked to the lake's dock, sat on the dock, and gone swimming. She made her move by drowning two campers to the bottom of the lake. Then she pulled the other camper off the dock and dragged him into the water. Then when she saw a float with a camper inside, she snuck under and used a spear to stab the camper from below the float.

Next, she walked to the cabins and waited for them to come out. She came and used her vine to stab through them in the guts and she slipped them off her vine and left them to lay on the ground, leaking blood. Then she sneaked up on another camper and stabbed him with her machete in the head. Next she went to the archer range and used her magic and fired the arrows on the campers one by one in the hearts, heads, and guts and they fell to the ground bleeding out.

Then when she came to a house like lodge that has been recently built, she went inside and hunted a few of the campers inside. A camper inside the kitchen is trying to open a bottle of wine but couldn't fin the cork screw. He called out to the other campers for help saying "Hey! Where the Hell's the cork screw!?" Then out of nowhere, Gaea used the cork screw and nailed his hand to the kitchen's cutting board and driven a cleaver to his face.

As another camper is watching an old tape player and it suddenly stops rolling he is calling for someone to help him fix it, but no one answered. Then Gaea stabbed him behind the projector screen and let him fall dead as a door nail dragging the knife attached to his back cutting the screen.

When the sun was about to rise, she fled back to the woods and hid there to make sure that Jason did not see her. As the morning dawns, They all woke up and once again saw blood all over the field and the dock. Tommy knew that she was coming and he is thinking of a way to stop all of the carnage that Gaea is causing on the camp.

"We must find her and think of a way to release Gloriosa from her and somehow kill her without killing Gloriosa on the inside" said Tommy.

"We can try but she has absorbed the magic and may be too difficult for us to save her" said RD.

"It won't be that hard if we can drain all of the magic out of her and her own powers to let us save Gloriosa" said the blob.

"Even then we need to get this camp cleaned up again" said AJ.

"Well, Tommy can help us fight her because we told him about her" said Lemon Zest.

"Yes, I agree" said Soursweet.

Then they all began to clean the camp's field from all of the blood that was spilled by Gaea after her massacring act last night. Then Fluttershy realized it is time for his anger lessons again. She called him over and they went to the cabin for his lessons that he needs to learn. While they clean the camp, they may have the spare time to travel to her hiding spot and find a way to drain the very magic she absorbed within herself.

Journey to Danger

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As Tommy, the girls, and Jason packed up, they hiked down the trail to find Gaea's cave and the source where she absorbed the magic and gained too much power to kill and cage. They walked for a few minutes and they have finally reached the cave, it was big and dark on the inside as well. They all walked in and they gazed the cave around every side with all of the goo, the sharp rocks, and the bats hanging on the cave's ceiling. They looked around for the moments, then the little blob called them and pointed at the one direction where the magic is glowing and about to fade, but they ran to it and saw the glows of magic on a stone.

"There they are" said Tommy.

They walked to the glows. Then the magic swirled around and entered into the Humane 7, Tommy, Jason, and the Shadowbolts. They were surprised and feeling strange about the magic when it entered in all of them.

"The magic has chosen all of you, and it means that you have the responsibility to use it to protect the people" said the blob.

"Maybe so. Wait, I think it's telling me something" said Twilight.

She then heard of the magic's warning that they are about to be in a trap.

"We need to get out of here now, Gaea can be here somewhere because we may have fell into a trap" said Twilight.

"Not if we can get out first before she comes here" said Tommy.

"Okay, let's move" said Indigo as they ran from the stone for another great escape. They dodged every obstacle and avoided some flying vines that tried to hit them as they ran. Then they finally reached the exit and came out of the cave with relieving feelings. Then they hiked back to the camp to warn the other campers to hide in order to keep them away from Gaea. As they arrived back to the camp they are trying to think of what they must do to save the campers.

"Hey, maybe we can set up the same and new traps around her that we can use to penetrate her and the magic to fly freely away from her. When she loses her power we attack" Tommy explained.

"Good idea. Okay everyone, let's set up traps" said Twilight.

They worked on setting up the traps place to place that will be around Gaea when she enters and will be penetrated when she is stumbled upon something hard and sharp that will injure her very severely. When they finished the set ups, they moved to the bushes and hid behind them waiting for Gaea to arrive. As they waited and the sun began to set, the night fell and they are covered by the dark that hid them perfectly. as a few minutes passed they saw Gaea coming out of the woods and walking to find them but they are ready for anything to defeat her at any cost.

Trap attack

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When she came, she searched for them, Jason, and Tommy, but they were not on the field or in their tents. Then the first trap they activated were arrows that were fired from the crossbows and hit her in place making her leak blood. She cried in pain as she pulled the arrows off of her when another trap was set off. The trap was a metal trap with teeth that she stepped into and chomped down very hard and almost to her bones. She then opened it and walked further, only to be met by another trap which they were harpoons that shot out of nowhere and hit her in the leg, gut, and head.

Then new traps were set off which they are knifes, arrows, machetes, cleavers, chainsaws, and grenades launched at her. When they impacted they stabbed, sliced, slashed, cut, and blown at her in the leg, the belly, the gut, an the heart. When she suffered in pain as she leaked out blood, the magic she absorbed is going out of her that they are now flying freely and Gaea screamed in pain and defeat. With all of her power gone she is now one step closer to her defeat when she realized that she is being foiled again.

"Not again!" she said.

Then the girls, Jason, and Tommy came from their spots and approached to confront her. When she saw them, she was very furious that they set the traps off and foiled her again that they took away the magic she absorbed while she was at her cave.

"You will all pay for this!" she said.

"Let go of Gloriosa or we will let Jason take care of you personally" said RD.

"You think that I would hand her over to you, I cannot be penetrated from the inside" she said.

"Let her go!" said Tommy.

"If you want her out of me that very instant, you'll all have to go through me to get to her" she challenged.

"If you want a fight, then you asked for it!" said Indigo.

Then, they charged at her and began the battle. They try to penetrate her with every weapon and move they have with them only that it will not be enough to go through her. They used the machetes that Jason gave them and slung a few time with many slashes, slices, and cuts that could penetrate through her with all of what they have to save Gloriosa. But the attacks proved pointless that they only made a few bleeding spots all over her and she shows no sign of surrendering.

"It will not be easy for you all. Using machetes and your martial arts, they're just low skilled as ever" she taunted.

"How about we even the odds" said the little blob as it entered Jason's body enhancing his body, strength, power, and abilities he possesses that rivaled Gaea's power.

She was shocked that he is upgraded by the blob and their final duel is about to begin.

"Okay Jason, if you win you and your friends live, but if I win, you will all die" she said as they came at each other in a battle that hangs the balance of the camp and Jason's friends.

Jason's Sacrifice

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As the battle raged on, it was so fierce that one of them are determined to win. They put a few slashes and cuts on themselves making them leak out blood into covering the field again. Then, Timber came and watched the raging battle on the field as the carnage between spirit and revenant continues as it became more fierce than ever.

"Please, you've got to help save her!" said Timber.

"We're trying to think of something!" said Tommy.

As the battle rages, Jason is about to be one close step to victory as he continue to punch, kick, and use his machete that may weaken Gaea long enough to defeat her at any cost. When Gaea is almost worn out, she struck back by using her vines and weapons and made a few Slashes and stabs that he could be weakened a little bit that it will not be enough to take him down.

Then the blob within him spoke to him with a solution that he has came up with. "Jason, your friends will not last long if you don't defeat her. Gloriosa will not be saved too easy so you must sacrifice yourself to defeat her if it also means to kill Gloriosa inside of her. This is the only option I have to share to you in order to save your friends and the campers as well"

Jason fell into despair that he had to kill Gaea with Gloriosa inside of her. But it has to be the only way if he wants his friends to live and the camp to survive from her act of massacring and imminent foreclosure. So Jason stabbed Gaea in the gut and flew into the air that he will take the fight to the air. As the air battle began, Jason used the many moves and skills he has to defeat Gaea, like he slashed, sliced and diced her at every spot of her body making her weaker and powerless that she is about to suffer another defeat, in which that will be her last for the last time. Then Jason stabbed her with one, final, powerful strike in the heart and drove his machete to the side of her head on her left eye, he dived back down to the ground with one loud 'CRASH!'.

After that happened Gaea is now forever dead as she sled down to the ground by the machete in her left eye and Jason fell to the ground. When the girls and Tommy saw that and knew that he is dying, they ran to him and pleaded for him to stay.

"Jason, please don't leave me! I love you" Fluttershy said in sadness.

Jason then put his hand on her cheek and looked at her with hidden angel eyes that he never shown in years. Then he dropped and he now died lifelessly which made Fluttershy cry harder as the girls bowed to honor his great sacrifice to save the camp. As Tommy saw it, it does remind him of the day when he brutally killed Jason back in 1984.

"I am sorry for not knowing that you have made the choice to be a better man to confront the sins and wrongs of your past. I forgive you Jason, even for all of the people you killed the girls knew and I now finally understand that you have good in you the whole time." said Tommy in guilt and sorrow.

Then, Tommy walked to the dead body of Gaea and picked up the machete from the side of her face and began beating, striking, and stabbing her in the back shouting " DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!"

"Tommy please. Revenge won't bring back Jason, let it go" said Sunset.

"Okay, I'm sorry" he said as he hugged Sunset.

A few days later, they made two graves that has their names on them for Jason and Gloriosa. They prayed and wished them a good luck for them to be in a better place as a sign of love and caring. As they left and back to the camp, Timber looked at the grave of his sister and said "I'm sorry that I lost you, but I know you did move on and I am happy for you that you and Jason are up in heaven with the lord. So farewell sister and I know you will be with me in my soul forever" he said as he left the graves and walked with a suspiciousless look on his face as Jason's echo called from his grave "KI KI KI MA MA MA"