> A Good Luck Charm In Her Running Shoes > by Nobody96 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To Jog or Not to Jog? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Good Luck Charm Inside Her Running Shoes ALT "I don't get it, Pinkie." "What's got your brain turned into mesh, Spikey?" You sigh. "So, you think you're starting to on some pounds, and that causes you to start running every morning. Personally, girls with some meat on their bones are more my speed, but you know what, it makes sense, at least." You see Pinkie blink: her face is utterly massive compared to your diminutive form, which is pinched between her index finger and thumb, held just a few inches away from her enormous face, though at your size, her face is miles away. Her pink lids slip over her blue eyes, such a simple action jolting your heart. "You start running daily, but it doesn't work out too well." You rest your arms on her fingers, your legs dangling below. It's crazy to think, that if her fingers slip even an inch that you would fall to your death. Your claws dig into her finger. "You run past me a few times, I cheer you on, and you rub a bit better. I cheer you on more and more whenever I can, and now you're a better runner because of it." You shrug your shoulders as a warmth rushes over you. "That makes me happy to hear, to be honest with you." "And you being happy makes me happy!" Pinkie says. You see a glint flash in her eyes. "Besides, any mare would run better if they had the drakey they like cheering them on." "About that," you say, shifting against her fingers. Her gaze upon your form is intense, her eyes shimmering an excitement at just the prospect of you—it's all so overwhelming that you're surprised you haven't passed out. You raise a claw and cough into it, before using it to rub the back of your neck. "I'm glad you asked me out; I'm unsure if I had the guts to do it myself." You swallow. "W-When you said out first date should be a jogging session, I thought it was a cute throw-back, but then, you shrunk me down...and here we are." Guilt arises from the exposition dump, but you fight it down. "That's because we should be close as possible on our first date!" Pinkie says, her voice still sweet on your ears even at this size. You can't bring yourself to be mad at her excitement. "Problems still come when I run, but if I have you cheering my on from inside my shoes, then I should be able to make it across all of Equestria!" You groan as your head tilts left. "Can you please not do that for the sake of my life? Or better yet, at all?" "But I'm so close to making it around Ponyville without having to pause!" Pinkie says, her eyelids lowering and lips quivering. "If you're in my shoe, then I'm sure I can do it. Will you please do this for your marefriend, Spike?" She's got you. The pink mare has you. There's no escape from her sweetness, from the excitement in her voice to the glint in her eyes. Pinkie's attractiveness is derived from how explosive her personality is, something that you feel lacking in, and maybe, just maybe, if you help her out, she can show you her ways. Your head falls in defeat. "Alright Pinkie, I'll do it." You look up, meeting her gaze of her two large eyes. "Just promise me you'll be gentle, okay?" "Alright!" Pinkie cheers, and wind hurls around her as she strikes her hands into the air. You scream, but her cries of joy are louder. A few seconds pass, the floor of the pastry shop vistas below: you cling your arms and your legs to her thumb. "P-Pinkie! Pinkie!' You cry, digging your claws into the pink flesh, trying not to break past the surface. "D-Don't kill me before you even get a chance to try me out!" Pinkie stops shaking, her eyes gazing upward. She sees you, and you wave back. "Happy?" She nods, bringing you down to her face, holding you between the bridge of her nose. "More than you can know. My heart is beating really fast, listen!" Pinkie presses her thumb into her right boob, and you feel yourself overcome with her fat. Your body sinks into the boob, feeling the flesh develop you as the pressure on your back grows stronger. You sigh, indulging in the sensation, wishing for the gods above that there wasn't a running jacket in the way of you and paradise. You could hear the blood pumping into her hear; you could feel the blood pumping through your cock. Your hips begin to grind against the squishiness, feeling nice as your cock sinks a bit into the flesh as well. You go to thrust your hips harder, but cry as Pinke's thumb raises you once more. "This is exciting, Spike!" Pinkie says, staring at your body latched onto her thumb. You hope she couldn't see nor feel your cock rubbing against the appendage. "If this goes over liquidity-split, then maybe we could try you in my bra next!" You blink. Boobs. Pinkie's enormous rack. Her tits pressed into you. Running, so jiggling boobs, all around you. Had you died and found this mare to be your angel? "Oh for the love of all that is related to boobs," you yell, "put me in your shoe!" Pinkie giggles, bringing her thumb to her lips. You back is facing her, and looking over your shoulder present only a wall of pink fur—not that you mind the sight. "We since you asked so nicely," Pinkie says, and a moment later, you feel her plush lips envelop all of your back. You moan at the contact, of your body being trapped in-between the pair of lips, knowing with just one, your body would be torn off her thumb, and nobody in all the world will know of where you had gone, all except for the mare that ate you. Sighing, you cast away the thought, kissing back the giant lips, giving them a nip just in case she couldn't feel you. Pinkie moans, it flooding around your body: she feels you, alright. Then, the thumb pulls you away. You cry, wanting nothing more than to hump Pinke's lips till your dick explodes, then gently fall asleep in-between them. You couldn't think of a more comfortable bed. "Hope you're ready, tiny-Spikey," Pinkie whispers, lowering you as she bends forward. "Trapped in my shoe with my big pretty feet. Jostled with every step I take, hearing my every footstep, everyone I pass by unaware of the miniature dragon in my shoe." She licks her lips, and the rim of a show flies above you. The fingers let go. You fall, landing in the padding of Pinke's shoe. Your rub your head, looking at the confines of the runner, of the stale air and murky darkness, the tunnel becoming tighter the further it went down. You look up, and then you gulp. You first see two towering legs, stretching up to unbelievable heights, covered by black and white track-pants. Your gaze travels upward, past the exposed tummy to where the short track-jacket begins, hiding the two massive assets that you enjoyed most on your marefriend. Finally, you reach Pinke's face, it feels like its an outer-space by the sheer distance between you, and yet, you can see her predatory grin quite clear. "You know, Spike, the sight of tiny you stuck in my shoes is driving me all sorts of crazy." Her pink fingers glide down her tummy, slipping past the waistband of her pants, rubbing a place where you would much rather be stuck in. "The crazy that stallions and dragons like very much, get me?" You nod your head, wondering if her giant eyes could even see such a minuscule movement. "Do your best to struggle against my foot," Pinkie says, rubbing her pussy faster, raising the front of her foot to the opening her the shoe. Her toes latch onto its rim, and you begin to walk backward. "And I'll do my best to make you just as happy later on, deal?" You didn't have time to respond as the rest of the foot enter the darkness. You turn and begin to run, feeling the foot touch against your tail, speeding up whenever you do so. Pinkie's teasing you, that she could of just put her foot in and it would have been the end of the game—exerting power over your tiny form is getting her off. You're not sure how to feel about this, but you defiantly feel your chest collide with the front of the shoe, your body having to slouch to make it this far. You gulp, turn around, and see the giant foot, still and almost in. It wiggles its toes like it knows you're there. You know you're screwed. Stay like this, and Pinke's foot is going to slam in, keeping you locked at the front. But if you made a break for it, maybe you could get over her foot. Perhaps you could find a safe place to be in this strange situation. You risk it for the biscuit. You begin to run forward, the already big foot growing in size as you do so, and you can't help but notice how soft Pinkie's foot looks. The nail is cut to perfection, a layer of pink covering her soles, and the whole foot seems smooth and clean as a whole. You don't question this strange attraction—the foots flies forward at you. You try to jump over it, only to band your head on the ceiling of the shoe. The foot comes racing under you, catching your body as you roll across it, trapped as the whole foot is in the shoe now. You try to crawl forward in the confined space, feeling the fur of her foot rubbing against your underbelly, trying to get to the distant pink ankle. "Annnnd we're allll in!" A distant voice giggles, and you hear something wrapping above you. "Just gotta tie my shoes, and then, hitting the road!" You crawl faster because of the news, but something ties above, and the interior of the shoe becomes tighter to accommodate the foot inside. You cry, your entire body sprawled over the foot, your tail being played with the toes behind it. Its too tight to even move, and you give up all hope, and just hug the foot for all that you were worth. "Now we're ready!" Pinkie says. The shoe raises, making a pit in your stomach as you clutch tighter to the fur. You feel your confines swing as your owner rolls her ankle. "Record time, here we come." The shoe slams against the floor, the sound loud in your ears. You do your best to plug them, but everything is just so tight in this space. Then the shoe raises once more, making you feel hollow in the air, as they slam done once again. This is repeated over and over, until you hear the click of a door opening. "Morning sun, here I come!" Pinkie says. "Are you as ready as I am, Spike?"