> Death's Judgement > by Jaycren > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Calling the court to order. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna sat on the north of the circle, to the east was Trixie the Lulamoon, to the west was Sunset of House Shimmer, and across to the South, sat Spike of House Sparkle, in the center, an offering of Rum, Vodka, Lemon Juice, and Honey, with it a bundle of cigars wrapped in Belladonna Leaves. "We four have gathered to call for the judgement of the Dead." Luna Intoned. "On behalf of our Friend." Intoned Trixie. "On Behalf of our Teacher." Intoned Sunset "On behalf of our Sister." Intoned Luna. "On behalf of my Mother" Intoned Spike. A cold wind began to blow outward from the circle, fluttering the candles held by the supplicants. "One who has the Blood Oath of the last King on the Iron throne, Calls for Tyrannis Portae." "One who bares the title of Lulamoon, Calls for Tyrannis Portae." "One who has traveled far, Calls for Tyrannis Portae." "One who has Lost much and gained nothing, Calls for Tyrannis Portae." "We call for Truth." "We call for Vengeance." "We call for Purification." "We call for Blood" "Truth!" "Vengeance!" "Purification!" "Blood!" The wind reversed it’s course, drawing back into the circle, within the ground frosting into a mirror of solid ice. Again the wind pushed out, this time extinguishing the candles, plunging the room into utter darkness. First Luna’s, then Trixie’s, Then Sunset’s horn glowed, in the circle stood a lean earth pony stallion, black of hoof and white of coat. A grey mane hung messily from under a floppy hat, Vibrant, solidly Magenta Eyes looking out curiously. He wore a well tailored suit and bore Iron shoes. He leaned easily on a long wooden, silver headed cane , capped with gold, the stylistic raven head gripped well in his fingers. He looked down upon the offering, picked up the concoction and poured it out, the cigars he ground under his hoof. "Your Information is old Luna, Owner of the Blood Oath, I am no longer Tyranis Portae, and have long since given up my former addictions. I no longer seek to deaden my senses but to expand them." "Your call for Vengeance, Sunset of House Shimmer, is indirect, even as Tyranis Portae, I did not come to enact the judgement of the living, it is called the judgement of the Dead for a reason." "Your call for Truth, Trixie the Lulamoon, suffers the same flaw, whose truth and of what? I do not, nor never did, start a case without knowing the particulars." "Finally you, Spike of house Sparkle, one as young as you should never ask for Blood, I have buried more friends and loved ones then you are old, I understand the pain of losing the one that raised you, but I do not call myself the court of the last mortal resolve for my health. If you have not exhausted all other venues you don't need me." With that the room feel silent, all stared at the one who summoned, the ones they'd set their hopes on. Spike was the first to break the silence, "Then why did you come, why did you answer?" "Because, the world I was in was beginning to end, it was a world falling to the corruption it had harbored and grown so long in its darkness, I answered purely for the sake that being stuck in the Underworld, at the nadir of creation, as all burned around me was not how I wanted to die." This time it was Trixie who questioned, "Then what do you intend to do, the circle prevents you from leaving, the wards on these walls restrict your power and perception. On top of that you have two of the most powerful magic users in the room, as well as a Dragon, and I am not exactly a light weight myself, so what do you intend or can do?" The Earth stallion smiled, "I have fought above my weight class for centuries, I am older then I look. So what you mentioned is no difficulty. Although I have to wonder, how does Luna feel knowing her Daughter is a Street Totter?" "I am neither Luna's daughter nor a Whorse. I am The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon, a showmare of great renown!" "Are you sure you're not a show and sell mare instead?" He openly leered at Trixie, before Sunset asked the next question. "Then why are you letting us ask you questions and answering honestly, what do you have to gain by staying here if you could just leave?" "Honestly I have nowhere else to be at the moment, and I'm in no hurry to go anywhere, besides, you're all obviously important beings of this world, it never hurts to take their measure, or in three of your cases measurements, I may need something to clop to once I get free, or if you all leave me alone in this circle, I do have needs you know and you three mares would make fine additions to my flank bank. Especially the idea of a two way between the Daughter of the sun goddess of this world and the Daughter of their Moon Goddess." Ignoring the vulgarity, Sunset continued. "Really? Playing on Mommy issues already? Huh, I thought for some reason you would have more style then that. Although I have always thought Trixie was cute, I can't say I would ever want to share a Stallion with her, we both get so possessive. Still, that circle should have stopped all telepathic scans and I didn't feel one, nor did Trixie, nor Spike, so you're just drawing conclusions until something sticks, some strategy." Luna then took the reins of the conversation, "If thou be not Tyranis Portae any longer, what shall we call thee?" The stallion smiled as he tapped his cane against the ground three times and as the circle shattered, the wards came undone, and the resulting unbound energy lanced back at them he said, "My name is Onyx Nightshade." > The Judge's Chambers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The man stood at the Nadir of creation, his reality burning as the Underworld fell. Next to him stood Dominus Mortus, the oldest dead, the first murder victim, brother to the father of Vampires. "If I dropped a stone off the edge of this cliff, you think we'd hear it hit bottom." Mortus said, sitting down on the edge overlooking the void and kicking his legs cheerfully. "I think if that happened it would mean we were much more screwed then we currently are." Answered the man. He looked over to his friend and snorted at his childishness. A voice was heard through the dying of his world. "One who has the Blood Oath of the last King on the Iron throne, Calls for Tyrannis Portae." Huh a summons the man thought, his friend looked back at him, a smile on his face, he had heard as well. "One who bears the Title Lulamoon, Calls for Tyrannis Portae" "There even doing the rule of three, too bad, not leaving, name no longer applies." Again his friend stared back a smile on his face, one of understanding. The storm clouds within the Underworld, beginning to spread towards where the two sat. "One who has traveled far, Calls for Tyrannis Portae." "Don't care," sang the man with a chuckle, his friends smile just widened as more of the world burned around them. The clouds increasing in speed towards the two. "One who has lost much and gained nothing, Calls for Tyrannis Portae." As the man's eyes widened at the euphemism, in that moment of distraction his friend moved, shoving the man that was once Tyrannis Portae off balance, the summons taking effect, Mortus chuckled at the expletives directed his way. Then the storm wave swept all before it. Blinking back tears the man focused on the pull of the summoning. He heard the call again and knew the direction. Knew of those calling to him. "Truth" He smiled, that was vague, he would have to talk to those calling him. One should be more exact in calling something across the Aether. "Vengeance" Also vague, spoke of ritual hastily thrown together, probably a weakness he could exploit. He would really have to educate those calling why you should not rush a summons, especially when the one called had nowhere to go back too. "Purification" His face darkened, he knew what that meant, he was not a mass murderer. He was a court of law. That that court was draconic in nature was irrelevant. He would not purify anything, judgement would be passed nothing more nothing less. This spoke of unfamiliarity, he was definitely going to be having a stern conversation with his summoners. "Blood" This from the voice so young, he would have to converse with this one. A young man of that age should be thinking about Mare's not the blood of his enemies. Wait, Mare's? Then he felt it, he was being pulled into another reality and would be subject to it's laws, he chuckled, like that mattered to the court of the last mortal resolve. He had been to so many realms and been subject to so many rules over the years he was not even sure of his own age, such things no longer mattered to him. He manifested in the circle, facing the north, the one that held the Blood Oath and called for Purification. His breath caught, but he kept his calm, she was the anthro-pony version of his last love Lady Midnight. The one that died in his arms. The one that had taken a mortal wound for him. He smirked, the circle blocked his more... creative ways of gathering information, but the one thing it could never block was the gifts of his eyes, nor could it tamper with his own reasoning. He took stock of himself. He held his cane and wore his beloved floppy hat. His suit that he had worn for years rested comfortably on him. His knife was safely hidden under his coat, settled diagonally across his back. The revolver he had thought lost rested in it's shoulder harness as if it had never left, the other tools of his trade and hidden armaments all exactly where they should be. It was like being reunited with all his old friends at once. The only two that where missing where his duster and his shoulder bag. Physically he felt like he was in his early 20s, Mentally he felt at his peak, Mystically his power and knowledge where at the height of what he had been. Somehow, when he had crossed over, all aspect of him had been set to when they had been the most powerful. He even still had the full potential of his eyes. It was time to put on a show, time to see what he could learn. He went down and picked up the liquid offering before him, he could smell that it was indeed his favorite drink. He overturned it and watched where it pooled and sparked against the circle of containment, he watched how it flowed over the topography of the floor. He could smell the cigars, nothing ever smelled so wonderful in his life. He stomped and ruined them to hear the timber of the floor and check for any shifting or flaws in the inlayed marble tile. Next he rebuked Princess Luna for her lack of research on the one she had called for Purification, and watch her body language for her tells. He took stock of the genetic markers that indicated heritage, as well as made conclusions to her sympathetic tendencies. Then he rebuked Trixie for her lack of definition of truth, and noticed that she too bore a strong resemblance to a Wereraven that he had been fond of, at least until said wereraven had confessed to sending their son off to die for some damn greater purpose. That she had later died horrifically herself was no real consolation. "Huh, beginning to see a trend here." He thought Thirdly, he corrected Sunset, again for the lack of "particulars" in her request. She looked exactly like the woman that he had been betrothed too, before she vanished, leaving no clues to her fate. "Yep, definitely seeing a connection. Hope this isn't where all my dead exes go to be reincarnated, would not be fun for me.". His thought continued. Finally, he turned to Spike, and what he saw almost made him flinch, almost. Wrapped around the poor Drake was all that remained of his mother, Twilight Sparkle. It wasn't the mare in question, but rather as she was being murdered she had had the presence of mind to bond her spirit, not her soul, unto the little Drake. However she did not have the skill to do so, only the power, the connection was seared into her son's soul, but the spirit instead of becoming something new still thought it was the whole. He knew that only Spike could see or hear her, and in time his eyes would develop like his had. Thus the euphemism, one who has lost much, but gained nothing. He rebuked spike to watch the reaction of his incomplete fetch, and was rewarded by it just watching him curiously, her empty scared eye sockets examining him. "That poor Young Man, as I am the King on the Iron throne, so is he the Crown Prince of nothing, as none of my sons or daughters were ever qualified to take my position. He will not trust me yet, I need a plan." He said silently. Surprisingly, the Drake was the first to ask a question. While not the most important, it was pertinent, and logical. Twilight had raised her son well, he honestly wished he could have met her. He answered in vague half truths, watching the young man's reactions. Then it was Trixie's turn, he answered with an unasked for truth, a conclusion based on the observations he had made of Luna already, a vulgar insult, a confident boast/threat. She answered with a dismissal, a correction, and her own boast. He smiled and continued with his vulgarity, and leered as she blushed, halfway between flattered and insulted. Sunset then came between, asking her question. So he continued his mysogny, then added in other conclusions based on his observations of the features of both Luna and Trixie, then just factored in her particular appearance. He then indirectly used it to proposition them both. To his surprise, Sunset used his proposition to flatter Trixie, turn him down then draw some conclusions of her own. He was reminded again of his betrothed, their was a reason he had loved her so much, even though the betrothal had been purely political, as well as an attempt to breed a more powerful Crown Prince. He sighed, none of these mares where who he wanted them to be. Physical resemblance not withstanding, even if they were the direct reincarnations, their lives had made them different, and all three had summoned a creature they had little knowledge of, and rushed the entire thing. He had already used what he had seen to formulate how he was going to unleash the energies back on his summoners. He had just decided to knock them all out instead of killing them. He knew what he was going to do. They wanted the Judgement of the Dead, he would render it to them. If they did not like how he did so, their problem. He also was going to train the new Crown Prince. He had had no one, he would not leave another, especially one not born to it as he had been, to walk this path alone. The last question came from the Princess of the Night herself. He almost laughed with joy. She had just given him the perfect set up. It was a question that told him why they needed to call him. It was the final piece of his logic puzzle. Suddenly the naivete of those gathered here made sense. This was a world of peace, here the shadows did not contain the horrors and secrets of his home. He would enjoy this place, he would enjoy protecting this place. His own slice of heaven. Where even the goddesses actually cared about the ones below them. He really wished he could have met Twilight now, because he would have fallen in love. He would protect and raise her son, their son. He would guide the Drake the way he had never been guided. He would bring the ones that had killed his mother before the Court of the last Moral resolve and bring the Judgement of the Dead upon them all. He would bring the Princess of Friendship's judgement, despite what her loved ones asked he knew now what Twilight would want him to do. So it is asked, so will it be, so shall it be, court is in session. Let all those brought before the court present evidence. Let the case against those that plotted the Demise of Princess Twilight Sparkle begin. Let the accused mount their defense. Let the prosecutors bring forth their arguments. Let the jury decide the guilty from the innocent, and let the judge pronounce sentence. The Judgement of the Dead will be enacted, an accord has been reached. Blessed be. Smirking, the being that had been born Micheal Navar, then had been Ettiene Reynard upon his ascendency to the Throne and his final breakthrough, tapped the ground three times with his cane, separating the flaw in the marble only he could have seen, breaking the circle in the exact spot he wanted, and causing all the stored energy to arc outwards to the nearest sympathetic outlet. As he watched those who had tried to influence him fall, he told them the name that had come to him, the name that was forever more his, the one he would die with. "My name is Onyx Nightshade" > Calling the 1rst Witness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The four summoners shook their heads as the blowback of the energy faded. Luna glanced at the circle and was the first to see it empty, she spun to see the wards on the door disengaged, the door wide open. She sprang to her feet, he head clearing, as she shouted to her fellows. "To your feet, The one known as Onyx has fled! We must notify...." "No one" Sunset interrupted. "Princess, we did this without the knowledge of anyone, including Celestia. We have to handle this ourselves, we knew the risks, now we have to deal with them." "He won't case trouble." Spike groaned. "How does thee know this Sir Spike?" Questioned the Night Princess. "The Nightshade were well known for working behind the scenes, I fear a vicious predator has been released into our world." But it was Trixie that answered. "You heard him, his last world was burning, but there was something else, he let his mask slip for just a second, when he triggered the backlash. Wherever he is from Equestria is heaven to him, he won't risk being sent to nowhere. So he will vanish and rebuild, and honestly he doesn't seem the conquering type, MOTHER." She spat the last word. Luna's head shot towards Trixie, her mouth open to protest. Trixie, however spoke over whatever the Princess was trying to say. "Trixie is a show mare, Trixie know's when someone is lying, Trixie has had to perform cold readings for years. He wasn't lying when it came to that, the only thing he lied about was why he came. We summoned someone used to word play and double talk, Sunset you started to realize when we were all sparing with him. He lies except where a truth can hurt you more." Trixie paused and took a breath, "and he wasn't lying about Trixie and Sunset's mothers," Trixe smirked and blushed again, "nor the proposition to Sunset and Trixie. Nor where you lying Shimmer, you really think Trixie's cute?" A smirk rose to Trixie's face as she watched the Blush on Sunset's. Sunset faltered for a moment then recovered, "Trixie, how would we have known, she was your mom? He couldn't have, he was counting in the fact that both you and Luna have similarities, ones that can make it appear that he knew one way or another, he himself doesn't know, just drew a conclusion from what he observed, what doesn't make sense is why he would insinuate that I am Celestia's daughter, or that there was a goddess of the sun. I mean, there is no possible way for you to be Luna's daughter, the timeline isn't right." Sunset paused, then continued, "and I that isn't true then any conclusions he drew past that point weren't either." Princess Luna then spoke up. "Indeed Trixie, thou art a mare I would be proud to have as my daughter but though I did have a special somepony before I was locked away, to the best of my knowledge I never conceived before I became Nightmare Moon. Please calm yourself, those of house Nightshade had an unerring sense of deduction that each was taught to use as a weapon as much for knowledge. He did so to confuse us, while he tested his boundaries, please let us not fight amongst ourselves." Trixie sighed, "You're both right, I needed to just clear my head. Trixie will be fine, losing Sparkle just has hit harder then I thought it would. Still both you and he are telling the truth as seen and understood." Trixie paused and advanced on Sunset, "I will get my answer from you Shimmer, but not now." She looked to Spike, "Spike needs to get to Mayor Mares to make the final preparations. The Mayor is the executrix of Sparkle's affairs, Spike needs to get to her office, or he will arouse suspicion." Spike raised his head and looked at the three mares, "Yeah sorry, I really do have to go be Twilight's Assistant one more time. Like I said he doesn't want to do anything bad here. He honestly just looked tried, as if he had done this task to many times." Spike took a breath. "Let's just meet up at Twilight's funeral, I have to make arrangements and they will go quicker without you three." Spike rubbed the back of his head, seems when he hit the ground one of his scales rubbed off, looking at the worried looks, he decided not to complain, they had other things to worry about. "I'm fine or as fine as I can be, we need to get ahead of this." Luna nodded her head, "We will all meet later. In the meantime Sunset and Trixie, I need you two to look for the Nightshade. That house once upon a time was my spies and investigators. Although in happier times they where performers and travelers, actors and storytellers. They where masters of planning and counter planning. They worked on the ground to lay the foundations for the Thestrals to triumph and had strange powers over things seen and unseen. I was saddened when I could find no record of them or trace upon my return, as if they he never existed. But it was not surprising, even I never new the true extent of their family and it's allies, nor where any of them where placed. Please, I need him found." "Luna, could he have been seeing a family resemblance in me from that? Could I have been descended from the Nightshade?". Trixie asked. "I was adopted, so would that make sense?" "Maybe child, but we will look into this later, I need to find everything I can about what happened to the Nightshade. There are many I can ask about it, I haven't because whatever happened hadn't been important." Luna's eyes narrowed. "In fact I think I know exactly how to find this out. It's time I had a heart to hear with with my sister." > Presenting the Evidence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onyx chuckled as he followed the little Drake out of the castle. Some minor trickery and deceit mixed with some minor ritual magic kept him hidden from all that would perceive him. Not that it would have been hard. God this realm was overflowing with magic, the background count high enough to hide any minor thing he did. So he watched as his unknowing disciple walked with purpose through the streets of the city. Onyx scanned the Young Teens thoughts as he walked and got a wealth of information, it seemed that Spike was indeed his mother's Number One Assistant for he had an amazing depth of knowledge about anywhere he looked. Spike himself had his hands in the pockets of his pants, his light, hooded jacket pulled close more out of a want to be unrecognized then against any chill. Spike soon boarded a train to Ponyville to meet this Mayor Mare. Once on he selected a empty car and it was then Onyx saw the Young Man's mask slip. He watched as the Drake slumped in his chair, his eyes drooping, but the whispers of his broken fetch keeping him awake. Whispers of love and assurance, comfort and care, but said from an eyeless face, upon a body that bore still bleeding spectral wounds. "It will be okay, Spike I will always be with you". Spike shivered as the fetch hugged him, nuzzling his arm, "I will watch over you and protect you forever. I will never leave you. But we must not tell them they will think you killed them. Those gaurds with the empty eyes. The ones who killed me and tried to kill you. But I wouldn't let them. I couldn't let them, tell me you understand, please Spike?" Onyx had seen enough, their was no time for a plan, to let this continue was cruelty. "Hello, Spike." Thinking he had been alone Spike jumped. "You!" "Yes, me, You have a problem there, and no you are not crazy, I see it too." "It? This is my mother's ghost! You can't just call her an it!". The fetch had grown quiet it was just staying wrapped around Spike. "Not correct, what you have there spike is an incomplete fetch that still thinks it s the whole instead of just the part. IT thinks it's your mother but it is not. Your mother's soul moved on but she so wanted to protect you that she tore her soul and spirit apart from each other, my guess using the very release of her death as a catalyst. Then, as she was by the look of it being stabbed to death, she burned a connection directly into your soul between you and it. However she did not know how to finish the binding, honestly I'm impressed she did as good a job as she did. If she had gotten one calculation wrong your mind would have been completely broken, if not destroyed." He sighed, "and your Fetch, the broken thing it is, would have crawled into your empty body and lived again." His eyes lit up, "Your Mother must have been quite the Mare." "Wait, aren't the Spirit and Soul, describing the same thing?" Spike shrank back from Onyx's glance, it felt like when his mother caught him reading comics during lessons. Onyx sighed. "I suppose with the summons you used to call me, I should have expected that question." He straightened and took on a serious posture that made Spike, out of reflex, pull out his parchment and quill. "The Soul, young Drake is the higher guiding force, it governs the higher emotions as well as the urges to push ourselves to do more, to reach for the heavens if you will. The Spirit, however, is responsible for the physical, the day to day running of the body, as well as lower emotions, and more animalistic impulses. Of course this is a gross over simplification and does not discuss any of the aspect of either nor where the two over lap, vis a vie, Love.". He smiled as the Teen Drake scribbled notes furiously. "Upon Death, the soul moves on to pursue higher things, while the spirit rejoins the energy of the world. A fetch is formed, typically in one of two ways. 1. It is called by a summoner and forms from the energy within everything and is then bound to a being, place, or, thing of the summoner's choosing or, and this is your case, 2. It is formed from the dying of another and bound to another living being. In both cases the fetch is named and given it's own purpose. Your fetch is in pain and confusion because that step never happened. We need to fix that, we need to end it's constant pain." "I thought you weren't going to help?" "I never said that, I said that I perform the Judgement of the Dead, and that if any authority could help you, I was not needed, they can't, so I must do so." "So you are going to help!" Onyx held up his hand, "According to my own rules, methods, and means. I'll not be influenced, nor will I be used. I am the court of the last Mortal Resolve. First, we are going to fix your fetch problem then I will look into the particulars of this case and make my determination based on my findings and what Princess Twilight Sparkle would want. That is what the Judgement of the Dead is, putting the wrong things right as the Dead would have wanted them done in life.. And I severely doubt your mother would ever ask for Blood." Spike again rubbed the back of his head, without his fetch's whispers he was able to think clearer. "So what do we do?" " We are going to name your fetch, it is the only way to end it's pain. We're going to complete the binding started, First, though, Spike take a letter. > The First Defendant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor mare glanced at the clock, 12:45, it was unlike Spike to be late, especially an hour and forty five minutes late. The drake was often who made sure others where on time, early even. A relic of being his mother's assistant from birth. Mayor Mare reached for her intercom to call her own secretary when the mare in question briskly walked in. The Mayor admired her secretary's assets, professional and otherwise, as the mare spoke. "Mayor, Spike Sparkle has just been taken to Pony General," The young mare glanced at her notes before continuing,her nose scrunching up adorably, "He is in room 35e and is currently in the care of Dr. Suture M.D, Nurse Redheart attending. A Ms. Rarity Belle brought him in and has not left his bedside. He was found collapsed seemingly from exhaustion in his train car, where he was returning from Canterlot. It is unkown and uncertain if Ms. Belle was the one that found him originally only that she was the one that notified emergency servicies He is in stable condition and they are keeping him sedated to enforce bed rest. It appears he hasn't slept since his mother's.... passing." The Mayor watched as her secretary checked her notes for anything she missed. Her name was Anne Mous and in day and a half she had been on the Mayor's staff she had organizied the entire office and fixed problems from Mayor Mare's first term in office. She was intelligent, resourceful and Mare found herself admiring the way the current situation had her flushed and out of breath. The Mayor admired the Mare before her before interjecting "Is that all the Info we have?" "It is. I am sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner, I just got the call now when Princess Luna realized that Spike had never sent a message that he had arrived and started tracking him down. We were notified as an afterthought. Not that I blame anypony, concern for Mr. Sparkle's health must be accounted for first of course." "Perfectly understandable, Ms Mous, Please notify Ms. Belle that we await Spike's awakening and recovery, as well that we will perform the proceedings on the will at his earliest convenience as well as the best place for his recovery. Spike is a credit to his Mother, even after everything that Drake has gone though he still seeks to put other before himself. I honestly, don't envy him when he wakes up though Rarity is going to let him have it." "Yes, Ms Mayor." Nodding Ms. Mous exited the office, giving the Mayor a full view of the bounce of a particular asset of the young mare. "Not dead Yet" the Mayor said to herself after her curvy secretary left. "Damn body like that, and she's highly competent, damn, a wonder noponies tapping that." Mare shook her head. She was to old for a fling, but she couldn't deny her interest. After all, the perfect package rarely came along everyday. "You should pay more attention to your surroundings then some pretty distraction" A deep voice uttered as a long fingered hand closed over her mouth. She tensed as she felt something sharp against the back of her neck. Her eyes widened, how had he gotten in? There was only one door and her secretary had left through it. "You stand accused of the crime of regicide, Mayor Augustus Mare. Of the Conspiracy to murder one Princess Twilight Sparkle. How doth though plead?" The long fingered hand withdrew and the Mayor opened her mouth to shout for help but instead heard her own voice say,"Guilty." Her mind began to cloud as more words came forth, "I was involved because of my superior knowledge of Ponyville and because I knew all the Guard assignments. I knew the ones she would never hurt. I was able to get the weapons in and out of Ponyville and had the required contacts to connect all the dots without raising suspicion." She screamed internally, she was incapable of stopping from spilling her greatest shame. The shame that she had gone along with the murder. It had been necessary. Twilight had brought to much trouble to town. To much danger. She had drawn a target on Mayor mare's town and that she could not tolerate. "Excellent Justifications, Mayor Mare. But I have all that I need to pronounce sentence. I find thee Guilty of planning the Regicide and the Murder of Princess Twilight Sparkle. I find thee guilty of taking away a friend, a mother, a daughter, a mentor, a student and a leader. I also further find thee guilty of using her trust of those guards against her, of allowing another to turn them into a weapon to be used against the very one they were supposed to protect. But you are are not solely responsible, so I sentence thee to the slumber of oubliette, where living darkness and the mind's imprisonment shall seal thee, and show thee the torment of the dead. May Others have mercy upon thee for thy penance is only beginning.' Mayor mare tried to scream as Green mist poured into her mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she knew not the outside world anymore. The mists and shadows covered her and swept her from the knowledge of the world. As the mists and shadows cleared, Onyx Nightshade leaned back upon the desk chair . He rested his hands on the back of his head and uttered. "So that;s how it is. Seems My work is not over." Onyx stood and walked out into the world, unseen and unknown. Inside the office all that was left as evidence was some papers that bore a strange dampness and some green stains where the mist had lingered too long on the carpet. But soon this would disappear, leaving no indication of the Mayor's sentencing or whereabouts. Soon all would be quiet, all would pass, and all would be set right again. > Presenting the Defense > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna strode through the hallways, her destination clear. She needed to learn more about the fate of the Nightshade, therefore there was only one option, ask her sister. She paused, why had it not occurred to her to ask before? It was more then she had told the others, she had forgotten they even existed. As she thought, realization started to breakthrough. Not just her had forgotten. There was no record of the Nightshade, no heraldry, no known lands, no specifics. No nobles claimed descent from them, they had simply vanished. Her thoughts jumbled, she stepped forward into her sister's court. All eyes turned to her as she spoke before them all, "Sister I wish to have a word with thee about the line of Nightshade." Celestia's eyes bulged as she sank back into her chair. A momentary crack the mask, but Luna saw and knew. "Day Court is dismissed for the day! All current business and cases will be rescheduled." Celestia shouted. The guard rushed all out of the room, leaving the two sisters alone. Celestia sat for a moment, every one of her years visible on her face. Luna stalked forward, a question in her mind and on her lips. She remembered the Nightshade, as spies and even assassins at times, but her sister looked scared. As if some great sin was about to be revealed. "That's it isn't?" Luna said. "When I fell, they fell too?" "Yes." Celestia hung her head silently, "More so then the Thestrals, they became creatures of absolute terror, of madness. They became the Slender ponies. The Nightshade became the boogeymen that took those that went too far into the forests, into the wastes. They used foals that hadn't gotten their cutiemarks to increase their number. Eventually, I declared a blood hunt on them all. I founded a group of Inqusitorum to exterminate them. As far as I know there is only one left. He stays far out in the wastes, where none go and guards something that none may have. I leave him be because there is no point to killing him, as he has not endangered anybeing in millennia. In this day and age you and I are the only ones that know of them all others have forgotten." Luna smirked. "Sister you never learn." Luna sighed then continued as if talking to a particularly slow foal. "The Royals among the Nightshade would most certainly have shared in my contagion. They were all bound to me by blood oaths most severe. But, what of those that where not of the royal line? Those would also be named Nighshade. Where did they disappear too?" Celestia looked confused, Luna smiled and continued. "All of the Nightshade where masters of memory and perception. They were not just my eyes in the dark, they where also performers and con men. Magnificent Liars and Magical Showponies. They were always a transient people." Celestia's eyes began to show their own realization. "All your Blood Hunt did was allow the Nightshade to purge their sick. Then they could have simply vanished, always being promiscuous, joining with your ponies would have been no challenge. I think I have found one of their descendants. Trixie Lulamoon, seems to be a prime candidate. There might even be more, even I didn't know everything that they knew or all that their powers entailed." Luna shook her head, "The full extent of the family was never known to me." Luna knew Celestia needed just one more push and then perhaps the lesson learned. "Sister, not all who wander are lost, and not all that walk in the darkness nor dwell within the shadows are evil. Beauty and Ugliness mean nothing, for even a sainted appearance can hide a monster, while the blackest of forms can conceal a golden heart." Luna once again shook her head at her sister's foalishness. "I apologize for interrupting your Court, Tia. I must rest, so I take my leave." She bowed her head once more and walked from the room, leaving her sister in confused contemplation. Walking through the hallways, for the first time since Twilight died, a spring began to form in her step. The former bearer of Laughter, Loyalty and Honesty, smiled as she thought of the performance that was going to unfold. "He will do no harm." She thought, for the first time realizing what the term Judgement of the Dead alluded too. Twilight wouldn't have wanted those responsible for her death killed. She would've wanted them brought before Celestia, wanted all of the secrets brought to light. Twilight always wanted justice, not vengeance. "Onyx was right to rebuke us." They had not been thinking, to her shame she had allowed her pain to almost make her do something horrible. All would be right now, the King on The Iron Throne would do as Twilight would have done. He would speak for her and act as her representative, and all would be placed back into balance. "Now I think I can rest at last." finding that she had turned herself along the way towards her room she made to enter but one of her Thestrals ran to her. "Princ.....Prin.... Spi......" The Mare tried to wheeze out, Luna placed a hand upon her shoulder "Alright loyal one, I can not have the message if you pass out from lack of breath." She caught the Thestral's eye and began breathing slow, deep breaths. Soon the Thestral matched Luna's rhythm "Spike Solaris has collapsed on his Train. He is in Ponyville, Hospital. The Element of Generosity is by his bedside, She has refused to leave. The Doctor claims the collapse was due to exhaustion. He is in stable condition and has been sedated to enforce rest. He is attend by Doctor Suture, and Nurse Redheart, attending. His room number is 35e. It is unknown who found him but, Ms. Belle was the one that had him admitted." Luna turned and ran, to once again interrupt her sister. > Opening Arguments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mane 5, minus Rarity, sat in the waiting room of Ponyvile General. Rainbow and Pinkie snuggled against one another in a chair, snoring, Discord had Fluttershy wrapped up in his coils and Applejack paced as they all waited for any news from Doctor Suture. Nurse Redheart sat at the main desk and watched the 4 mares as they coped with Spike's collapse. Somehow even those asleep or, in Fluttershy's case, hidden among coils, seemed nervous. Nurse Redheart could practically hear their thoughts, "Are we going to lose another friend? Why were we not more aware? How could we allow this to happen?" The truth of the matter was that Spike was going to make a full recovery, Doctor Suture wanted to do a full examination on the unconscious drake to make sure their was nothing missed. Spike would still be sedated and faced enforced bed rest. Nurse Redheart's thoughts halted, as she was blinded by simultaneous bright flashes, as both Princesses teleported directly into the waiting room. "Where is my little Spike!" Nurse Redheart flinched back from a face full of Celestia. She was saved from further assault as Luna dragged her distraught sister to a chair. "Sister! Honestly, Nightlight and Velvet are on their way. You need to be patient. I am sure Nurse Redheart will inform us of any change. Correct?" Nurse Redheart nodded, unnerved that the Princess of the Night new her by name and sight. The traumatized Nurse took a few cleansing breaths and then walked out to stand in front of two of the most powerful beings in all Eqeustria. A lesser Mare would have been terrified, Nurse Redheart was not a lesser Mare, Nurse Redheart was enraged. "Alright I don't care that you raise and lower the sun everyday for the moment. What you just did endangered EVERY patient I have on this ward. Any second now I expect the pages to start, patients of mine wondering why their GODDESS, was so panicked. Therefore, when they start, YOU and I are going to go to every room that rings and explain. Then, you are going to sit and wait for his parents, AS ALL THE OTHERS WERE DOING!!!" Celestia went to speak, when the entirety of the Nurse's board lit up. Nurse Redheart glared at Celestia as for the first time in over several centuries the Princess of the Sun lost a staring contest. "NOW MOVE!!!!!!" Celestia's ears lowered as she sheepishly began walking with Nurse Redheart to answer the calls and calm her little ponies, as well as explain her actions to each. Luna chuckled and shook her head, "So enjoy seeing her do that." She them turned to the rest of the Mane 5 as they stared at her, shock evident on each face. "What? Am I the only one that gets turned on by a strong headed mare." The princess joked. Her face then grew serious. "I apologize, when we heard the news, Celestia, who has always been close to the sparkle family, she sees herself as just as much a grandmother to Spike as Velvet, that her Granddrake had collapsed it made her panic a bit. I expect Nightlight and Velvet to be more level headed." No sooner had she uttered those words then she had a facefull of Twilight Velvet. "What happened to my Little Baby boy. You where supposed to be looking out for him Princess." Luna flinched back, then pursed his lips. "Ms. Velvet please, everything will be fine, Spike will be fine. My sister, is helping the nurse with her rounds and we will get the full news when she returns." Velvet began to advance on Luna again, but her husband put a hand on her shoulder. Velvet turned to look at Nightlight as he shook his head. He pulled her in as she collapsed against him. "Sorry for that Princess," Nightlight began. "No Need." Luna interuptted. "He is your son, such a reaction is completely reasonable." Soon a much chastened Celestia walked back to the group, escorted by Nurse Redheart. The nurse looked over the group as Celestia sat down. "According to what I have been informed by the Doctor, Spike Solaris Sparkle will make a full recovery. Apparently he hadn't slept since his mother.... passed. He'll be kept sedated till his body heals itself enough for him to be awake. He was malnourished but we have a number of I.V. drips taking care of that. The doctor is just doing his final check and will be out with Ms. Belle shortly." Velvet's Ears perked up, "Rarity is with him?" "She was with him when he was brought in. She has refused to leave his side. Only saying that he would do nothing less for anypony else. I do not know if she was the one that called medical help, I just know that she rode in the ambulance with him. I expect her to return to his side when the doctor informs us what the final treatment will be." Nurse Redheart shook her head. "I for one will not tell her to leave. Goddess's I can Handle. Mare's with that look in their eye are above my paygrade." Velvet sighed in relief. "Good, Rarity will make sure My little Baby is safe." Her brain then caught up to what Nurse Redheart had said. "Look in her Eye?" Redheart smiled, "Yes, she intends to be the first to read him the riot act, before all of you. I believe she has even started taking notes on all the bullet points she intends to hit, as well as has been rehearsing to make sure that it is just right. I really do not begrudge that young Drake when he wakes up." Velvet, Celestia and Luna all shared a knowing smile. Nightlight almost looked sympathetic to what awaited his Grand Drake when he awoke, almost. Nightlight had been worried too after all. "Rarity will take care of everything." Velvet smugly reiterated. She then leaned against her husband and allowed herself to be led over to the corner of the waiting room where the mane five all huddled together, soon they were all joined by Luna and Celestia. All was quiet as they waited for the Doctor and Rarity. The quiet settled over the room and between them, each to their own thoughts, but joined in their shared worry and loss. In this quiet a tune was heard. It started slow and reverberated throughout the room. A solo Violin playing slow and smooth a lament contained withing a dirge. The Ponies gathered closed their eyes as they felt the music wash over them, as they felt a heartsong begin. This was a heartsong of sorrow, but also of something else. Something Defiant. Something Alive and Joyous in its lament. There's No Time For Love There's no Place for Love What is this That Builds Our Hopes Then Takes Them From Us The smooth baritone mirrored the sorrow and despair in each of their hearts. Yet the defiant part, that part that dwelt among the most pain, that Defiance still rang clear and true through the burden of the lament. This defiance could not be silenced though the world fell around it. Those gathered listened as this bloodied Defiance shouted it's pain to any that would listen. Who could Live Forever Who dares to Hope Forever OOOH OH The voice, daring to ask the qeustion they all shared, daring not only to ask, but amongst their sorrow demanding them to find it an answer. Refusing to be turned away by platitudes and well wishes. They had never been good enough and they never would. It demanded a real answer, one that everypony knew, yet refused to say. It want to hear the saying for only in the saying could their be any comfort. What chance for Us Destiny Decided for Us There is ever only one pure moment That abides for us Who wants to Feel Forever Who wants to Care Forever OOOOOHHH OH The Violin here swelled carrying their hearts forward, the sorrow of the singer continuing to demand the answer to his lament. Not just of the three gods sitting in the chair, but the mortals who faced their end much sooner. The voice asked of them all and it would be answered. It must be answered and by each. Who'd Dare To Love Forever OH OH When All Love Dies Here the Violin slowed and the singer silenced, then beginning to speed, rushed towards the answer of the lament, the purpose of that which ultimately must end in pain, as all that is precious and good do. It brought them forward to a hope, so long lost that they never had to look to find. It forced them to look upon that forlorn hope and define it, each to their own, for themselves. This Hope had always been there, just out of their vision and now they were forced to look.. The defiance built, the sorrow could never contain that which it was, for just as all good things die, so does sorrow, so does pain. In the defiance, they heard the hope, the call to continue the call to once more put one step in front of the other. So Cry your tears But know this Touch your heart and you'll Live For moments last Forever And thus Love Lasts Forever Forever is Just Today We all Love Forever We all Hope Forever Forever Is Just Today Why Wait for For more then Today The words ended, but the violin continued, just as their lives had to continue. The Song itself pulsed in the lament of life, demanding and giving it's answer to those that both begrudged eternity and those that where force to endure it. Gradually the music faded but those that had heard began to cry. The sadness of the one they had lost and the worry of the one that they still had, overwhelming them at last. Deep sorrowful sobs, not caring if they where heard. For that was part of the answer, that even in the ugliness of sorrow and grief, of the pain of loss, dwelt that which was the most hated and the most hoped for. That tommorow will always follow today. That their will be new loves. Not to replace the old, nor to fill the void of the old, for such a thing was impossible, but to take their own place among the loved ones of the past. Thus forever was achieved, not by immoprtality or magoc, but by simply living and refusing to let the sorrow stop you in you journey. Their will be sorrow, their will be darkness, their will be pain, but such things are but a passing thing. Soon Light always banishes the darkness for the darkness can do naught but run from the light. ######################################################################################### On the opposite roof from the hospital, Onyx Nightshade sat. His eyes glowed for a moment more and then faded. The runic circle faded and the strings of green material dispersed. He rose from where he had concealed himself and looked to the window of the waiting room where those that needed to here his performance sat. He smiled. Soon all the players would be exactly where they needed to be. "And for once, none need to die." He smiled and then once more looked to the room of sobbing individuals. "Not All Tears Are Bad." He intoned. "For in doing so we prevent sorrow from infecting us. Such a wound as was inflicted on all of you must be lanced, lest Oblivion take hold." Onyx smiled, he'd done his duty and it gladdened him that even those that where unto gods to those around them, knew what sorrow and pain where. To forget those where to forget what it means to be mortal. For without sorrow their could be no joy and without despair their can be no relief. He turned and then, was gone. > Calling the 2nd witness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jet Set sat at his desk, scanning the contracts and agreements before him. His talent was for bringing the right group together and this was usually when he thrilled at the possibilities before him. "Something Wrong, Darling Mine?" Jet Set's eyes rose and before him stood the most beautiful Mare in all of Equestria. Flawless in all things. But even Upper Crust couldn't lift his melancholy. "Just Tired my Dear, I have to find the loopholes in these contracts so that we can link these businesses better. Their Profit margin's will rise by 30% and we will have a controlling interest at 65%. " The mare of his dreams graced him with a smirk. "Giving Us Just enough of a controlling share to make sure things go our way without having to bother with the day to day running." Leaning over, she kissed him on the base of his horn. Then, Whispering in his ear, said. "Don't work to late on it, I think you deserve a treat when you get home. Arrive to late and it might melt." Jet Set blushed as his wife strutted out of his Canterlot office. Shaking his head he tried again to concentrate upon the papers before him. Finding himself unable, he slammed them down on his desk. Placing his head in his hands, he leaned on his desk. "I have truly screwed up!" He said to no one. "You have done more then that Jet Set." A deep baritone said. Jet Set shot to his feet, glancing around his office. It was empty. "You stand Accused of Regicide, Turning Others into Dolls, and Murder, how do you plead? Mist began flowing out of the shadows of his office, gathering into the center, a form began to emerge. It was an earth pony stallion of indeterminate age. His coat was pale white, his eyes a bright magenta, his mane a dull grey. He wore a knee length duster and an absolutely beaten floppy hat. Jet Set slumped against his desk, then nodded. "I plead Guilty. I selected those guards because Princess Twilight would never have hurt those two. As to my reasoning behind the murder? A little voice that was my own said to my heart, she is letting the enemy in. It said, she is letting the wrong ones in. Over and over it whispered in my heart, this voice that was my own. In the end I listened. And you are here as the result. I accept whatever punishment You see fit to sentence me too, but please, my wife knew nothing and had no part in this whole affair. She would have put a stop to this if I had talked to her even once. I suppose that's why I didn't. The Stallion shook his head. "A little late to show remorse now. The Guards, tell me their names." "Her Captain Tempest Shadow, and a transfer from the crystal empire named Flash Sentry. I turned them both myself." "Your admitance in turning them both into dolls makes the punishment very clear. If I were to follow the law then the punishment should be I turn your wife into your doll. The other crimes I have leeway with, but on that the law is very clear." Jet Set slumped into his chair. Tears streaming down his face, he begged again. "Please, she is an innocent, I am the one that should be punished, not her." "That is the Punishment. Twilight is not the only one you have wronged here. Tempest Shadow and Flash Sentry both had families and friends, they had those that depended on them, you can not give the lives you took back to the ones it is taken from. Some things are just irreversible." Jet Set sat, overcome. The Earth stallion continued. "However Princess Twilight Sparkle would not have wanted any of that. So instead I will commute it all to one verdict. Oubliette. You will be sent to the darkest place, cut off from every thing. You will now the terror and brokenness of the ones you hurt. The maybe you can be forgiven." He paused. "However in light of you cooperation, any punishment involving your wife is commuted. By accepting yours you have taken on hers. The Stallion once more became mist, lashing forward, it poured down his throat, into his eyes, his nose, and his ears. In a moment Jet Set knew nothing but blackness, alone with himself. When the mist cleared Onyx Nightshade stood within the office. Only know he bore a horn upon his head. "Huh, so this is what it is like to have power at your fingertips." He shook his head, many things to do, not enough time to do them. He would think on this horn thing another time. Searching through Jet Set's office proved fruitful as he came away with multiple documents that proved Jet Set's confession had been both accurate and true. Onyx paused for a moment, then shook his head "Time to go to the hidden hand in all of this. Time to seek out the last one brought before the court." Here Onyx paused, then smirked. "I think someone has already figured much out, isn't that right Grubber?" A small hedgehog like creature eased his way out from behind the door. He was skinny and shook, but clasped firmly in his steady hands was a large combat knife. He smiled uneasily up at Onyx." "So your gonna bring Judgement for Tempest, Huh?" He paused to get his shaking under control. "Who gave you that RIGHT? You didn't now her, You never loved her. What is she to YOU? Nothing more then a name," Onyx sighed and leaned back. "I have lost more then you can comprehend. The Judgement of the Dead is not a Right, it is a responsibility, a burden. By my very birth it is my duty to institute it." He looked to Grubber a smile beginning to form. "How would you like a job?"