> Therapy God > by Dragonfire2lm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Volume 1, Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Whitetail Woods were a black, barren wasteland near Ponyville...Key word is were. Overnight trees, grass, all manner of plants and animals had returned. The land had been rejuvenated, even if it did look like a Japanese art piece brought to life, even the water flowing down a small river shared this change. Naturally, this warranted investigation. “This wasn’t here before.” Scootaloo looked over at her fillyfriend. The white unicorn had done her mane into numerous braids, and she had done the same with her tail. According to her Zul’jin helped her braid it. Scootaloo didn’t know why, but she found that Sweetie Belle looked quite stunning like that. Though the pair of throwing axes strapped to her barrel definitely helped. “What wasn’t there?” Scootaloo asked. blinking her faintly glowing red eyes. “The forest!” Sweetie Belle gestured her hoof wildly at the jungle-like trees not ten feet from them. “Oh....” Scootaloo looked back towards the forest. “Wanna check it out?” “Ya mon.” Sweetie grinned in almost feral glee, “Okay. One, down girl.” Scootaloo lightly shoved her with a black-armored hoof. “Two, you’re voice is too sweet and high-pitched to do a Troll accent.” Sweetie snorted and glared at the offending psionic pegasus. “Shut up and tank for me.” “You don’t know if there’s anything worth fighting is in there.” Scootaloo giggled at Sweetie’s aggressive attitude. “Well we won’t know until we enter right?” Sweetie groaned and rolled her eyes as her horn lit. The pair of axes levitated in her lime green glow as she trotted towards the forest’s edge. “Hey, wait for me! I’m sorry!” Scootaloo babbled as she raced after the axe-toting unicorn. The pair came across a strange building. It looked like a simple, basic log house, complete with a front deck but it's roof and door were akin to those found on traditional Japanese housing, not to mention the building shared the same look as the newly restored forest. A wooden sign out the front read Therapy God Session- 10 bits. “Therapy God? Dufuq?” Scootaloo blinked at the sign. “We’ve had weirder in Ponyville.” Sweetie Belle shrugged. “Eh, true.” Scootaloo shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt to check it out.” Then her face twisted into a look of confusion. “Didn’t you notice that it was oddly empty on the way here?” “Yeah.” Maybe that’s because of the God?” Sweetie shrugged. “Plus if this is new, it’s not like new animal life would just spring up.” “You gotta point.” Scootaloo nodded. “Well let’s meet this God.” Within the building was a modest kitchen, several large cushions, some small potted cherry trees, a wooden tribute box for patrons and a white wolf dozing on one of the cushions. Most would see only a strange white wolf but the two young fillies saw...Something else. A white wolf with feathered growths on her ankles and shoulders while her snow white fur was graced with elaborate crimson markings adorning her forehead, eyes and body with tendrils of divine light spilling out as a mane dancing around her back. The wolf woke up and looked at them curiously. “Oh My God! AMATERASU!” Sweetie belle half-screamed before leaping on the large wolf and nuzzling her with all of her might. “Sweetie..... just.... ugh....” Scootaloo groaned and face-hoofed. Amaterasu happily enjoyed the attention, tail wagging as she nuzzled the filly back. A scroll popped up in front of Scootaloo, hovered in the air and opened of it's own accord. Hello young ones, welcome to my temple. It read. “Huh. Hey Sweetie. You’re hugging a God.” Scootaloo called over the the giddy, still nuzzling filly. “Noted.” Sweetie almost purred. “So.... How’d you end up here of all places. You aren’t exactly from Blizzard.” Scootaloo trotted up and sat on her haunches in front to the Wolf God. The scroll moved so both fillies could read as the writing on it changed. I was summoned by a desperate prayer from a fellow displaced, I have since answered his prayer and chosen to remain. Time moves differently between this Equestria and mine own. It will be many moons before I am needed back there...That and My Dear Prophet insisted I go on vacation after my work here was done. The wolf whined and added It's not a problem is it? I spent eons here trying to help and I just got attached, I can leave if you need me to. “Uhhhh... Cool...” Scootaloo blinked, absorbing the information. “She can’t leave! She’s so fluffy!” Sweetie gushed. “Scoots! Come feel how fluffy she is!” “Okay?...” Scootaloo tentatively walked over, and gently ran a hoof over the wolf’s fur. The next moment the pegasus was nuzzling the wolf next to her fillyfriend. You two are adorable. Funnily enough this is the kind of service I'd like to offer those who come across this place, a chance to rest and heal in a way words or medication doesn't allow for. Simply good food, good friends and a safe place. Also if you two keep that up I'll have to charge you ten bits. Both fillies leapt away from Amaterasu as if burned. “Shit! I left my bits pouch at home!” Scootaloo swore. “Me too....” Sweetie sighed dejectedly. The wolf chuffed and gave the impression she was laughing. If you want you can run back home and pick up your wallets, it will give me time to get things properly set up. Feel free to bring others with you, I do group, family and couples discounts. “We’ll be right back.” Scootaloo grinned as she and Sweetie Belle bolted out of the temple. While they were gone, Amaterasu began to set up a small dining area with cushions surrounding several square tables laden with food in the style of an all you can eat buffet with a bench off to the side where plates and cutlery were neatly stacked and awaited use. Finally she created a large sign by the door that showed prices listed. - Singles - 10 bits - Couples Discount - 10 bits - Group Package (10 people max) - 50 bits - Family Bundle - 30 bits Happy with everything set up, she awaited the return of her guests. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle swiftly returned. Upon entering the temple, both froze and gaped at what they saw. Morgan sat cross-legged, her wings draped out behind her as she gently stroked the wolf. Said wolf’s tail slowly wagged from the attention. Morgan looked up at the commotion. She stared at Scootaloo. “Ummmm...... You gave me the day off?” Welcome back you two, feel free to help yourself to the food, Miss Morgan already paid for her session. There is no set time limit, as long as you've paid you're free to relax as you want, within reason of course. “Ooooo! Food!” Sweetie grinned and rushed over to the food table. Scootaloo groaned. “Why must you get your eating habits from Zul?” Shaking her head she levitated out her bits pouch in a red aura. “Where do I put the bits?” There's a small tribute box just in the corner there, the wooden box with a coin slot on the top. The wolf replied, smiling at Sweetie's enthusiasm. Let me know what you think of the food, my sister made it. “Ith tho gowd!” Sweetie yelled through a full mouth. “Savage!” Scootaloo yelled as she dumps bits into the box. Morgan simply giggled and continued to stroke the wolf. She'll be happy to hear that, she was worried my customers wouldn't like her cooking. Anyway don't be shy about asking questions or seeking advice, I'm no councilor but answering prayers for who knows how long racks up plenty of experience. Being older than dirt is interesting at the very least. “U-ummm... Is your plan just to be a therapy dog- er! Wolf?” Morgan asked with a blush. “Not a bad idea.” Scootaloo commented as she sat down in front of the wolf god. The wolf's smile got wider. Unless my siblings require my help, I receive a prayer asking for my aide or The Slayers require me to do something, I will remain here in this forest until I am called back to my Equestria. The therapy god business is just so I have something to do and to ensure my siblings aren't strapped for cash. “Awww that’s so sweet!” Morgan cooed. A loud belch came from the food table. “Scuse me!” “What happened to Rarity teaching you manners?” Scootaloo rolled her eyes and sighed. With my brother patrolling the Void for eldritch horrors and my sister busy with her own family up on Beast Mountain, I wanted to do something to help them out. So tell me, how are all of you doing? Sweetie Belle trotted over and flopped onto her side next to Scootaloo. “I’m..... just great....” She said with a happy sigh. “I’m not bad.” Scootaloo gently patted Sweetie’s side, much to the unicorns irritation. Said unicorn lazily batted the offending hoof. “Ummmm.... I’m good. I moved into Ponyville recently. Scootaloo offered me a job as her assistant.” Morgan explained reaching up to scratch Amaterasu’s fluffy ear. “Dad’s just on temporary leave. He just needs.... to... relax.... I need to get him in here.” Scootaloo face-hoofed. Amaterasu nuzzled the filly and grinned. I would be more than happy to assist any that walked into my temple and I'm glad that you're all finding joy and comfort in your lives despite the challenges that may await you. “Every moment of peace is a blessing.” Scootaloo sighed and laid down next to Sweetie Belle. A soft snoring came the from now sleeping Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo smiled and brushed a couple braids of mane off of Sweetie’s face. “Awwww...” Morgan cooed. Take all the time you need, I don't mind. Sometime later Scootaloo levitated the still sleeping Sweetie Belle out the door as she simultaneously held the door open for Morgan. “Thanks for... everything.” She smiled. “We’ll have to come back. I’ll be sure to recommend you to everyone else.” Your welcome back any time young one, take care now. With her clients gone, the wolf set about to cleaning up getting the temple ready for the next customer, waterspout cleaned the plates and dishes, galestorm piled the dust and any spilled food in a bag she dragged out to the back to thrown away later and with careful precision, replaced the uneaten food with fresh dishes. With the place tidy and ready for more customers, Amaterasu curled up on her cushion and took a nap.