> Friday the 13th Equestria Girls Part 3 > by Slayer99 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Resurgence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks later right after Gaea suffered a second defeat by the hands of Jason and the Humane 7, she crawled underground to find another cave to hide for another few days to heal and go back to the camp to finish of what she has started. She then heard of the death curse's voice surround her again like last time as she found the dead head of Pamela where Jason placed her after death. The voice then spoke with a displeasing tone of the performance of Gloriosa while she was in battle with Jason and lost to him. "You have failed, and you did not have the guts to kill your own brother" it said. "Leave him out of this!" she said. "Well in order for you to defeat your enemies, you need new weapons, skills, and abilities you can use to destroy them and yet for you to seal the camp" it said. Then lights surrounded Gaea, in which they are altering and filling her mind and body to master new skills with the use of vines and roots from underground that she can use to stab, slash, and slice anyone who comes to the camp, thus with enough strength to rival Jason and his friends at any cost that she will put on. After her transformation she is new and improved with more bulk and strength she has developed to re-surge. "This will do, soon they will know who they are messing with this time. But I should lure them again to another camp where Jason was there once before, and I know the place. Higgins Haven" she said as she left her hiding spot and all the way to Higgins Haven where she will continue her carnage and lust for blood in another battle between beasts. As the sun rises, the camp still looked the same as last time when they left Packanack. The Humane 7 and Jason woke up and began their everyday activities. They now gathered around at the cafeteria and ate some lunch. Jason then sensed Gaea's presence that she is coming back. "What's wrong Jason?" asked Fluttershy. Jason looked at her. She received the translation and was shocked of what it is. "Girls, Jason says Gaea is back and going to another camp called Higgins Haven to lure us away again and she has new abilities that will rival our power" she said. Jason then told them that Higgins Haven is the place where he continued the carnage in 1982 and told them that Gaea will repeat that exact same kills from that time when he knew that she will lure them away from Everfree again and also walking into another trap. "Some history and memories you're gonna get Jason" said AJ. "Well, we should follow her to Higgins Haven and quick before she kills again and when we confront her, we will be ready for her. No matter how strong she is, we can always stop her if there can be a way to save Gloriosa" said Sunset. "I agree" said RD. "Somehow she was met by the death curse again and gave her more power after her defeat" said Twilight. "Well said. But now let's go to Higgins Haven and keep watch of it campers and then we will worry about her" said AJ. As the sun sets, night falls on the camp. As they went to rest, Gaea was out on the other side of the lake looking at Higgins Haven. "Here at last and I see that they will follow me" she said as she moved forward to Higgins Haven quietly without disturbing the revenant's sleep for another day of carnage. > Shadowbolts’s arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunlight broke out to begin the morning, another day for recreation, activities, and celebrations. Then a school bus from Krystal prep academy just pulled into the parking lot and the students who were inside walked out and gather their belongings and walked to their assigned tents. The common students who came was Sugarcoat, Soursweet, Indigo zap, Sunny Flare, and Lemon Zest, Twilight’s former friends right after the friendship games and after her creation of midnight sparkle. They walked up to the humane 7 to greet them with a more friendly approach rather than using rival attitude. “Hey Girls” said soursweet. “Hey there. So what made you come here to camp everfree?” asked Twilight. “We are here to have some fun which is our first time when principal Cadence took over” said Sunny. “Well we would like you to meet our new friend, Jason Voorhees” said Fluttershy. Jason then walked to the group to greet the students of crystal prep giving them a warm welcome. The students were a little bit shaken and frightened of how tall and how big Jason is. They took a step back so they could not watch Jason do anything harmful to them. “It’s okay, he won’t hurt you” said Rainbow Dash. “How do you know that he won’t?” asked Indigo. Then Sunset thought of something to calm them down. Which she can tell them the story about Jason and about the death curse that was created on the camp. “Come with us to the cafeteria, I have a story to tell you about him” said Sunset as they walked to the cafeteria. Sunset told them the story about Jason and the death curse made by his mother which is years ago when he was drowned in the water and his mother created The death curse by killing counselors and campers whoever comes to the camp and on that day when the forest spirit , Gaea Everfree came and challenged Pamela Voorhees to battle. In their final moments his mother gave her life to kill Gaea to keep her away from Jason. After the story, they were very impressed and shocked about Jason’s story and they fell to feel sorry for his loss and what made him that way. “It’s OK Jason, we were mistreated by our former principal just like the way you were treated like” said Lemon. Jason held out his hand asking for a handshake. Indigo responded by shaking his hand for gratitude. “He says, the camp is his woods now. He will be keeping an eye on all of you along with the rest of the campers to be on your best behaviors” Fluttershy translated. “OK, we will” said Soursweet. “We promise” said Sunny. “He says if he sees you bully anyone or other people bully others, you won’t leave the camp alive. That in which I need to teach him about in anger management lessons” Fluttershy translated when she said about his lessons. “OK, point taken” said Sugarcoat. "Better pack up we are hiking to Higgins Haven tomorrow because Gaea Everfree is there." said Spike. "Well, okay a little hiking and staying in another camp won't hurt." said Soursweet. Then outside the camp out on the road, a dark violet vehicle was going down the road driven by Principal Cinch of Crystal Prep. She was also coming down to the camp but while driving, Jason came out of nowhere and slammed his fists on her car shutting down her engine. When that happened she got out of the car furiously at Jason right after he smashed her car. “What is wrong with you!? My car was an old model for me to restore! You are so hardhea-“ She screamed but cut off by Jason when he grabbed her by the throat and used his machete to stab her in the stomach and through the brain. Jason then threw her corpse in to the woods, and lifted her car and threw it off the road leaving it exploding in flame. Gaea was spying on him and was surprised that Cinch was the one who turned Twilight into Midnight. She left the road and gone back to her hiding spot. As the sun sets, the campers went to sleep especially for the humane 7 and the shadowbolts, in which they going to sleep to travel to Higgins Haven tomorrow and Jason joined them. But then meanwhile at Higgins Haven out of nowhere, Gaea fired a harpoon through the camper’s head making him fall into the water. She then went to another camper and stabbed her in the gut. She also killed another by slashing him through the throat. As midnight strikes, Gloriosa continues her rampage to cover Higgins Haven in blood before their arrival. > Higgins Haven Bloodbath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the dark of night, Gaea went to the cabins and waited for campers to come out. When they came out, she used her vines and stabbed them through their heads. Then after she left them she went to the dock of the lake. She used two harpoons, and fired at the campers in the chests as they fell into the water bleeding out the blood in the water. Then she went to the office and used a knife and stabbed three campers in their heads, hearts, and guts while leaking blood on the floors. Then Gaea went to the open field, she used her fists and slammed on the ground summoning the roots and vines underneath and they grab hold of them and choked them to death and left their mouths leak out blood and on to the grass. She went to the camp's barn next as she climbed up the ladder to where the camper is and used one of the barn's tools to stab her in the neck and left her hanging dead. Then she hears the barn doors open as another camper came looking for the camper she killed. She hidden herself in the shadows as the camper climbed up the ladder to look for the camper. When he climbed up and turned around, he is shocked at the sight of the camper's death. As he is going to leave the barn, Gaea came out of the shadows and used a pitchfork and stabbed him in the belly while he slowly falls dying. "Hello?" called another camper as Gaea knew that there is another victim to take down. When the camper looked around, the Gaea rolled the dead corpse of the camper she killed and fell down and on top the live one. When he saw the dead body, he was scared of who killed the camper. As he looked around to find the killer, he found her as he saw her jump down. As he grabbed a machete to defend himself and tried to dig her out, he looked behind himself and found her but with a disgusted look on his face by the sight of her appearance. When he tried to strike, he missed and Gaea banged him in the head with a wrench and banged him a few time until he is unconscious. After that as she left the barn, she also went to the tents and used her machete and slashed other campers in every tent she goes to. When the sun began to rise, Gaea went back to her spot where she came out of before she can be discovered. When every camper from every tent begin to wake, The Girls and Jason traveled to Higgins Haven to fight Gaea. When they have arrived, they saw a huge puddle of blood all over the field and saw fewer dead bodies that were victimized last night while they were sleeping and saw people dead in the tents, cabins, the barn, and in the water. The humane 7 and the Shadowbolts were getting worried and scared of what will happen next. Then a TV turned on with the news reporting of Higgins Haven's current situation. "Good morning, for our top story from the previous incident at Packanack and now in Higgins Haven, Police, Paramedics, and investigators have reports of dead corpses that has been found all over the two camps caused by a serial killer that no one knows. But for a conclusion by the looks of the kills and mass murders on record, it is to believed that they are to be the most brutal, heinous, and murderous crimes in human and local history on record since 1981, 1982, and decades before. Our time is up for now. We'll be back for more news." said the anchor as the news cut off and RD turned the TV off. “Ok, we have to end Gloriosa’s madness and stop all of this carnage!” said Rainbow Dash. “How can we find her if she’s hiding?” asked Soursweet. “Jason can, he can track her by sensing her presence and morph from place to place” Fluttershy translated. “Well as long as he can find her we will come to help but we need to clean up all of this blood she spilled all over” said Lemon Zest. “Okay, we will first clean up the blood, then we and Jason go find Gloriosa and stop her” said Twilight as they began to clean up the camp from all of the blood that covered. Then the girls were very suspicious of what is behind the bushes. They looked behind them and discovered the dead body of Principal Cinch herself. “It’s Cinch and she’s dead!” called Indigo. “Who killed her?” asked Applejack. “If it wasn’t Gloriosa, who did it?” said Rainbow Dash. “Jason was it you?” asked Sunset. Then Jason nodded and the girls were surprised “Jason! what did I tell you!?” said Applejack. “It’s ok, she deserves it for being a ambitious person and for turning Twilight into a monster and for mistreating us” said Soursweet. “Okay, well please try to keep that from making you kill such people like her” said Applejack. “He can’t, you know of what he does” said Rainbow Dash. “Okay, I was trying to help him do better” said Applejack. Then Fluttershy looked at her watch and she knew it is anger lessons time. “Jason it’s time for your lessons” she said as she took Jason to the main lodge of Higgins Haven for his lessons. The girls continue to clean the camp as Fluttershy started his lessons in a different way she has never done before. > Fluttershy's love note to Jason > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the main lodge of Higgins Haven, Fluttershy was so timid that she could not tell Jason of what she brought him here for what she wanted to do that she never did before. Jason was curious and confused of her timidness and shyness. He approached her and with all of the silence gave them comfort, Jason let out his hand and soothed on her pink hair. He then soothed on her jaw and touched her nose. Fluttershy blushed of the touch on her nose and giggled. Jason then used his hand and soothed on her cheek calmly and gentle. Fluttershy then pulled out an envelope and gave it to Jason. He opened it and it was a letter she written in her own words. "I just wanted to um, remind you that... uh... um... that I... I love you. Umm, alot" When he read it, he then felt something inside his heart that he never felt in all his life. He now has someone that really cares about him after being neglected and bullied by the other kids. He put the letter in his pocket and stared at the shy girl again. "I know that you have been bullied by the kids who threw you in the lake. I just wanted to tell you that I and my friends will never let anything like that happen to you again, and I understand that your heart is hurting. If you don't come back, we'll never fix that hole stabbed through your heart." she said. Jason then spoke to her with his child like voice echoing "Thank you. Also I am timid and shy as you are. I love you too Fluttershy and thank you for everything that healed my heart from hate." When he said that, they hugged each other passionately that all of the evil within Jason has melted away. When they left the main lodge, the girls were curious of what lesson Fluttershy gave Jason when they were cleaning up. "So, how did it go?" asked Twilight. "Well, it's hard to explain" said Fluttershy. "Come on, tell us of what you did" said AJ. Then Fluttershy answered shyly. "I made a love note to Jason and we are now in love" The girls were shocked and surprised of what she told them. "Well, someone has a crush on him" said Soursweet. "I just wanted to do it, to help heal his heart" she said. "It's okay, you gave Jason the feeling and treatment he needs" said Sunset. "Okay, right now might be a good time to find Gloriosa and save her this time, she needs to know the truth we are telling her" said RD. "Right, let's gather our equipment and journey to the other side of the lake" said Twilight as they began to travel to the other side of the lake in any hopes into finding Gloriosa and free her from the forest spirit's power that has held her for way far too long. > Shadows and Curses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls and Jason traveled to the other side of the lake and down deep into the woods where Gaea is hiding and in hopes to find her and free Gloriosa from her grasp and return to normal. As they traveled, the one place the Humane 7's pendants are pointing at are showing them the destination they have arrived to is another cave but more bigger than the one they came through last time when they encountered Jason's dead mother and their encounter with Gaea. They walked in and took a view inside. The cave was dark, gooey, huge, and full of bats hanging on the cave sealing. As they looked around, voices of the death curse came to them and spoke darkly. "You have ways to find Gaea, but you need look quickly before she comes at you" it said. "What was that?" asked Lemon Zest. "That was the death curse's voice speaking to us" said Sunset. "That's what is was?" asked Soursweet. "Yes" said Sunset. "The death curse was created by Jason's mother Pamela when he drowned" said Twilight. As they looked around, the Humane 7's pendants shone the path of light to the direction they were looking for. The path was behind a huge stone which leads to another part of the cave where Gaea is waiting for them. "I'll remove that rock" said AJ as she used her super strength to remove the stone blocking their way. Jason was impressed that Applejack is stronger like he is. They walked in and they have discovered the birth place of the death curse. They were surprised that they found it as a little black organism formed by the hatred, anger, and vengeful emotions by Jason's mother. They approached it with caution if it would try to attack, but it didn't when it crawled to Jason and up to his shoulder. The girls were curious about of that organism. Fluttershy was the first to tame it and pet it softly with care. "You must be the one who was talking to us" said Sugarcoat. "Yes and I need your help, Gaea Everfree is trying to seek more power and it's by absorbing me into her with enough power to kill every individual camper" it said. "Okay, we need to get out of this cave and head back to the camp" said RD. "Even if Gaea is here, we won't make it out alive" said Rarity. "Not if we work together" said Sunny Flare. "Yes, let's do this!" said Twilight as they began to run to escape the cave with the death curse. When they reached the entrance and made it out of the cave they now traveled back to the camp to warn the others. "I'm sorry that I have upgraded Gaea, it was my fault that I endangered the lives of the camp" it said. "It's okay we forgive you, you still have a chance to be better like we taught Jason" said Sunset. "Thank you" said the death curse. Then out of nowhere, Gaea came out of the ground with the vines holding her. The Shadowbolts were surprised and shocked of her bulky and menacing appearance with her rose-colored hockey mask on her face. "Well you have found the death curse in your grasp, give it to me" she said. "We will not let you have him, he made the decision to be better and the mistake he made is to upgrade you" said RD. "If you insist" she said as she used her vine to grab hold of Fluttershy and pulled her to her. Jason was scared that he is about to lose the person he loved. "Give it to me or your friend dies" she said. Jason than had no choice but to let it go. Then it said "It's okay Jason I know you and your friends can save me" Then Gaea let go of Fluttershy as she absorbed the blob into her body enhancing her bulky form and powers making her become unstoppable. "Finally, all this power is now all mine" she said menacingly. "We to go back to the camp and quick!" said Pinkie as they ran away to the main fields of Higgins Haven letting Gaea look at them run with satisfaction on her face. "Run while you can, your end will come near" she said as she walked to Higgins Haven to confront the heroes. > Death and Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When they arrived back to Higgins Haven, Timber who has followed them again told him about Gaea's return and her upgraded power with the death curse she absorbed. "Gloriosa has absorbed the death curse? Oh no what is happening to my sister?" he said and cried. "Don't worry, we'll try to pull that curse out of her and it will be free from her grasp" said Twilight. "Although we need to do something to free Gloriosa from Gaea Everfree, without Jason killing her" said RD. "Even then we and the Shadowbolts need to work together like we did for the music video and escape the cave" said Sunset. "You're right, we all did work together to save this camp and escape the cave. Then we shall help each other to save the camp and set his sister free" said Soursweet. "Okay, let's get to it!" said RD. As they prepare themselves and set up traps on all of Higgins Haven, the Shadowbolts are about to be ready for the fight of their lives they never done before. As all of the traps are set up completely, they hid into the bushes to wait for Gaea's arrival. When she came she searched for them and Jason, but they were not on the field or in their tents. Then the first trap they activated were arrows that were fired from the crossbows and hit her in place making her leak blood. She cried in pain as she pulled the arrows off of her when another trap was set off. The trap was a metal trap with teeth that she stepped into and chomped down very hard and almost to her bones. She then opened it and walked further, only to be met by another trap which they were harpoons that shot out of nowhere and hit her in the leg, gut, and head. She pulled them off and got very angry. But the death curse was leaking out of her that she is losing her power and strength to be bested by Jason again. "No! Not while I was so close!" she said in fear. When the black blob came out of her it ran all the way to the woods and disappeared. She was very furious that she is being foiled again. "Where are you girls!?" she hollered. Them she was met by a punch in her face and a kick on her back, she is now met by the Shadowbolts, the Humane 7, and Jason in their battle stances for another duel. "So, it was you that set up the traps!" she said. "Yes, let go of Gloriosa or we will let Jason kill you!" said RD. "Never, she can't resist me! She no longer exists in this world but my slave" she said . "Not if we can tear you apart, and free her from you!" said Indigo. "Very well, then let's fight!" she said as they and Gaea herself began the fight with pure awesomeness and some intense slashes and gore in another battle for the camp. > The Magic, Shadows, and The Revenant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battles rages as the girls and Jason fight Gaea to stop her rampage of massacring the campers of the camp and trying to seal it with giant vines. The Shadowbolts are in need of weapons to fight Gaea, so Indigo called to Jason requesting some weapons. "Jason! can you lend us some of your weapons?" she asked. Jason nodded and tossed over some machetes, spears, and knifes to them as he did to the Humane 7. "Okay, we can do more damage to free Gloriosa as soon as possible" said Sunset. As the battle continues, the girls and Jason place a few slashes, slices, and cuts on her in order to penetrate her bulky body and save Gloriosa from her. But it would take a whole lot more than those moves, the Shadowbolts used their martial arts to penetrate Gaea and have Gloriosa exposed. The Humane 7 did the same with their weapons but her bulky form only took a little bit of damage that will be hard to free Gloriosa from the inside. "We need to use the other traps to penetrate her" said AJ. "We got it!" said Sunny as she deployed all of the traps. The trap that hit her first was a chainsaw that was slinged to her when it was active that tore a hole through her belly. She then pulled it out and continued the fight. Then another trap was set off, it was an ax that was launched at her and hit her in the leg. Then another trap was a rope that was slinged at her and pulled her up chocking her, but she cut the rope and landed on the ground. Another trap was set off that it is a cleaver launched at her and hit her in the arm slicing it off. Then after all of the traps, Gaea was being foiled and defeated again the very outcome of the fight will end like. The girls and Jason had their chance and placed more slices, slashes, and cuts on her to free Gloriosa, but it proved pointless. "You won't destroy me and free Gloriosa that easy. You still have more ways to free her, but if you kill me, Gloriosa dies with me as well as I will" she warned. "That is if we even the odds" said Lemon Zest. Then Jason took the opportunity and ram-headed her to a nearby barn and he grabbed a rope to hang her. As he wrapped the rope around her neck and pushed her off and fell with a death hang she didn't move a muscle. After that happened when he climbed down, opened the barn doors and stared at her, she still lives as she regains consciousness and got loose from the rope. Then from behind the camper Gaea knocked out still lives and tried to strike her down but he failed as she sliced his hand off and stabbed him in the liver making him really dead. With an opportunity, he stabbed Gaea in the liver and the heart and driven his axe to the top-right side of her mask and head, as she walked towards him with arms aimed at him like a zombie to keep fighting, she gave out and fell to the ground, dead as a door nail and wilted away under the ground. As he did it her body disappeared in the ground and slithered away and back to her cave where she will hide and wait for another day to fight Jason and kill the campers and he knows that she still lives. "Well, you have defeated her, but she still lives. We can still wait for another day to save her." said Sunset "Okay, you know Jason, it's a good privilege to fight with you and help protect the camp." said Soursweet as she and Jason shook hands in respect and gratitude. "Okay, let's go back to Camp Everfree." said Sunset and everyone gathered their belongings and headed back to Camp Everfree. When they have arrived, the camp still looks the same after the incident happened weeks ago. "Well, we may be here for while too" said Sunny. "Yeah, it can't hurt to stay in the outdoors and feel the nature here" said Indigo. "Okay, I too agree" said Soursweet. "It's good to have you with us girls, to the end?" asked Sunset. "To the end" said Soursweet as they shook hands. Jason then asked for a group hug asking for love. The girls then came to him and gave him a group hug as a sign of love and gratitude. With Gaea back into hiding, Jason and the girls will stay vigilant and protect the camp from her and free Gloriosa from the forest spirit for days to come as Jason let out his echo going "KI KI KI MA MA MA" THE END