> A Princess and Her King > by Orkus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bugs and Ponies and Chairs, Oh My! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight entered her castle with heavy hooves, pushing the one of the mighty front doors open with one of them. Letting it go with an exhausted huff once she was through it and inside, the doors closed behind her with a loud clap. Moving just a few inches further, she paused. Huffing loud enough so that the sound of her great sigh echoed off of the spacious, crystalline walls, her limbs started to extend one by one - being specifically her legs and wings. They rose and lowered, curled and twisted, stretching out as she groaned in a tired fashion. It had been a long day. A long, long day indeed, but it was over at last. Ironic as it was, Twilight was originally preparing today for a simple, stress-free session of reorganizing her library, when a flurry of requests for aid in solving a whole swarm of friendship troubles came to her, nearly all at once. Being the Princess of Friendship, she felt both obliged and prepared to deal with such problems in her beloved town of Ponyville. By the day's end she had accomplished her mission; successfully mending that which had threatened to be broken, if at the cost of most of her energy. Finishing her stretches, she began walking again, venturing deeper into her abode. Not a few steps in she could plainly see that the castle was empty of just about any life. Taking in the quiet loneliness, Twilight remembered why this was so. While her pet owl, a clever creature named Owlowiscious, had most likely departed for the Everfree Forest in search of mice to hunt with nightfall soon to come, her dragon assistant, Spike, was gone with Rarity to the Dragon Lands. The trip was for the purpose of aiding the acting Dragon Lord Ember with a friendship dispute involving the sudden discovery of what could only be described as a once-abandoned cave filled with lots and lots of gems, and some greedy young dragons who didn't wish to share them. They wouldn't be back until the weekend's end, leaving Twilight alone at home with only the peaceful silence and the various, miscellaneous items that sat within her castle to keep her company. With her fatigue having dampened her urge to reorganize her collection of countless books, if only for now, unless something new came up out of the blue, she had essentially nothing to do. While she would still have liked to manage her library, just thinking of those delicious words was enough to soak the alicorn's mind in relief. Nothing to do. She spoke to herself in a low tone that was almost like a whisper, "Nothing to do for a whole weekend. Nothing to do for a whole weekend..." as she trotted about through her home, repeating it as though it were a monotonous chant. Indeed it was the truth, and she had to face it. Already she formulated her next course of action, and in turn moved herself toward the library. Minutes later did she enter the wide room, and thusly stared at it almost blankly. Her wish to reorganize it had passed, and all she wanted to do, at least for now, was simply relax. That was why she was here. Just to find a single, good book in her collection to take down and read for the time being. Extending her feathered wings, Twilight took to the air to get at some of the higher tomes and textbooks on their towering, crystalline shelves. Sure, there were ladders about that anyone, pony or otherwise, could climb on at her leisure, but this way was both much more effective, and preferable. Plus she was in a hurry to find something and sit down with it. She was poking and prodding through her science-fiction section, when after making a sideways glance she happened to notice a single object in the fantasy portion just a few sections over. Like an untarnished diamond glistening in the dark recesses of a dank mine, Twilight spotted the peculiar book right off. Overcome by curiosity, she used her magic to grab a hold of the item, pulling it from its resting spot to her hooves in a purple halo of energy. Landing on the floor below and blowing the dust off of it, she looked over its cover and hummed out loud in recognition of what it was. The Nature of the Heart was an old book; one of the older surviving pieces in Twilight's collection, in fact. It was a simple novel relaying a story of adventure, romance, more than a few steamy elements of smut, and not really anything more than that. It was ordinary, short, sweet and satisfying. For the alicorn who now looked over its cover, it was something else entirely. It was the first piece of... mature romance literature that she ever read. A happy little trip down nostalgia lane now, if anything more major than that. Sitting herself down in her magenta, softly-padded comfy chair (her self-descriptive, special, cozy seat for fictional reads of any variety) and gripping the book tightly in her hooves, Twilight flipped through the many pages that it bore, skimming to the best parts and savoring the memory of when she first read the words they contained. Way back when, in the times before she became the princess she was now and even before she came to Ponyville as destiny willed, this little book was the first experience she had with her inner mare. A conductor for the innate, private desires that had always burned within her soul, however high or low they were at times. Ever since she became a proper adult she had always dreamed of finding a certain somepony, with many a quality she deemed attractive, to enact an action of such passion as was described in the novel. Twilight sighed and closed the book, holding it close to her chest as her eyes traveled to the ceiling. Just thinking of undergoing such an intimate encounter made her heartbeat accelerate twofold. She had read much of what such carnal pleasures felt like. But how did it actually feel? How did it - or could it - feel to her? Alas, she never found much time in her life to do something so simple as ponder such scenarios, and her work as of the modern day prevented her from really finding that special somepony, much less one who would want to go so far as that so soon, if at all. At the very least, she just couldn't think of it becoming reality anytime soon, given her busy agenda. She puffed and shook her fantasizing head. If only there really was someone out there who she saw as the perfect stallion. Someone who was unique and vibrant in color and personality. Someone of an odd yet regal, and somewhat charmingly meek disposition, who would answer the call to rush over to her castle as fast as his hooves or wings could carry him and make this boring weekend into the most exciting one of her life. Someone who was no common stranger, but one she knew. Someone who would possibly jump- no, leap at the chance to spend a night of absolute bliss with her. Someone whose business laid within the realm of love in one form or another. One form... or another. Then, like a stray bolt of lightning on a storming night, it hit her. Her eyes widened and she sat up, holding the air in her lungs. She knew the perfect person. The perfect, available person who had the capacity to do all she wanted, and more. The perfect person who could serve as the perfect way to remove the stress that tormented her so! She suddenly placed a hoof to her lips as another thought crossed her mind. Would such a suddenly thought-out scheme work? Would her request actually be accepted by the one she wanted to experiment this admittedly lewd wish of hers with? Did he even see her in a way that to how she saw him? Much like the scientific question itself that she knew this risky venture of hers had the chance to earnestly become, there was only one way to find out... She ran to the nearest desk. With haste in her movements, she lifted the feather pen lying on its surface with her magic and dipped its sharp tip into the nearby inkwell. Now thoroughly coated with the dark substance and ready to write out her paramount demands, her pen scratched the parchment's surface with incredible swiftness, placing down every word that the princess then uttered to it. "'Dear Thorax, King of the Changelings. What I have to offer you is something of a sizable, but rather simple request. I just wanted to know if you have the ability and willingness to participate in a little... 'friendship activity' I have planned...'" Thorax looked up to the tall shape of the castle he had just teleported himself in front of. It was a tall and pointy thing, taller than what was left of the rebuilt changeling hive back in his native lands. Standing in its evening-drawn shadow made him feel so very small, but he shook the feeling when he remembered that the thing was an inanimate object of unliving stone. He took a deep breath as he looked to the note he carried with him, which sat, opened, in his hoof. The scrap of paper was small, but it conveyed a clear enough message. Out of a need to reassure himself for a fourth time on what he was getting himself into, he read over it again. Dear Thorax, King of the Changelings, What I have to offer you is something of a sizable, but rather simple request. I just wanted to know if you have the ability and willingness to participate in a little... friendship activity I have planned. It's something like an... 'experiment' I want to test out. To put it loosely, it involves the changeling body interacting with the pony body -- and the subjects of it are you and I. If you're interested, come to my castle as soon as you possibly can (it's an urgent matter). Before you make your choice, just know that with what I have in mind, I am most certain that we'll both leave greatly satisfied. His eyes traveled down to the last line of the note, and as he did when he first read the thing, he observed the name of the one who wrote it to begin with. With hope and gratitude, Your friend, Twilight Sparkle Hope and gratitude, eh? Thorax hummed to himself, still uncertain as to what to make of the perplexing request. What is it a cute, bookish pony mare like Princess Twilight Sparkle would have planned that involved him and his body specifically? Some sort of changeling thing, probably. She was so ever-excited to study his kind, after all. Normally, when it came to him getting invitations or messages in general from Twilight, he would usually receive them in a flash of green fire - Spike was the one who delivered them with his fiery breath. However, this message came not an hour prior in a rather sparkly cloud of alicorn magic. It was from Twilight for sure, but there was something Thorax sensed there had to be something more to it than what was written down. Then again, it did mention that this was an urgent matter. Perhaps Twilight just didn't have the time to put down the full explanation. Oh well. Rolling up the paper, Thorax poofed it away with his own magic and cleared his throat. His mind clear and eager, he walked up to the doors before him and knocked a hoof upon them, sending out a loud, echoing banging sound into the other side. It wasn't more than a few seconds later when he received a response, for someone on the other end pulled on the door's handle, opening it partway and poking their purple head out. It was Twilight. "Thorax!" loudly greeted the familiar voice of the Princess of Friendship. The door soon opened the rest of the way, revealing the smaller alicorn fully. On her face was a wide-grinned mien of unkempt excitement, and there seemed to be a twinkle in her purple eyes that positively reeked of something insidiously mischievous. "You came!" "H-hello, Princess Twilight," shaken for but a moment by Twilight's starry-eyed visage, Thorax quickly regained his composure and bowed his head respectfully. "I heard you needed help with something, and so I decided to come by and... well, help you!" Twilight just stood there as he spoke, admiring the magnificent specimen standing before her in a heavenly light. The set of mandibles resting over his crown, which bore an uncanny resemblance to antlers, always gave him his rightful aura of regality since he underwent the metamorphosis that made him how he was now. His lime-green carapace, smooth and shining but not at all bulky, was like a living suit of fine armor on a dashing knight. Oh yes, if she could properly catch his eye, making sweet love to him would most certainly be divine. Finally snapping out of the small trance and back to reality with a blink of her eyes, Twilight responded to him. "Thank you so much for coming by. How's everything at the hive?" "Pretty good, all things considered." Thorax looked to the ground and bit his lip, unsure for a few moments on what to add to his brief summary. "I put my brother Pharynx is in charge of it while I'm here. What seems to be the full issue? The letter mentioned I would get a more detailed explanation of everything." "Where are my manners." Twilight pushed the door open wider and motioned a gleeful hoof for him to enter. "Come in, come in! If you'll follow me, I'll explain it to you in the library." Thorax did as requested, entering and following behind the princess as she sauntered into the depths of the castle. The walk was short, and after just a minute of travel, they stood within the grand room that housed all of Twilight's works of literature. Twilight stopped and flashed a positively happy look Thorax's way, speaking, "Just before we get down to business, might I ask you a question, Thorax?" "Um... okay..." while caught a little off guard by her query, he was more startled by the tone she used to deliver it. It was light and bubbly - not serious and no-nonsense, as she usually was when it came to science-related activities. "Ask away." Twilight smirked, then turned and hopped into her most favored chair in the room. "Do you remember what peculiar seat this is?" she asked him, partially lowering the lids over her eyes. "Oh, yeah!" Thorax recognized it right off from when Twilight showed it to him during one of his prior visits, though the name eluded him for a moment. "You, uh... told me that this chair is the... 'comfy chair', right? The chair you sit in for... 'fictional reads'?" Twilight nodded. "Indeed it is, Thorax!" She then used her magic to grab ahold of her book from before, telekinetically lifting up to him the piece of literature that inspired her to have this handsome creature over in the first place. "Do you know what book I have now? What fictional read I have chosen to enjoy in this most precious seat of mine?" Thorax studied the book where it floated. He placed a hoof to his chin as pondered its title. His eyes were squinted; not to aid in reading it, but in thought as to what this had to do with his answer. "The...'Nature of the Heart'?" He hummed. "It looks interesting, Twilight. What's it about?" "Ah... nothing much. It's just a good, old-fashioned tale of adventure and romance." Unable to help herself, Twilight grinned and folded her hind legs, hints of a warm sensation already welling up in the spot between them. "Well, it's actually mostly romance. Exceptionally steamy romance. The kind of exceptionally steamy romance that makes one's heart flutter away..." She shuffled her position in the chair to a more relaxed one, sighing in reverie all the while. "And there's nothing I like more than to read such a delightfully steamy romance novel than on my comfy chair..." Ignoring her emphasis on the contents of the novel, Thorax couldn't help but chuckle at her mention of the seat. "That chair does look rather comfortable. And feels comfortable, if my memory serves me right, considering that I... sat in it, once." He put on a crooked, minuscule smile. "That's right, right?" "Right you are, Thorax..." With a small groan of effort, Twilight moved her flank up on the seat's cushioned arm. There was a minor sensation of annoyance nibbling on the back of her skull for the fact that he didn't appear to pick up on her first signs. Time for plan B she thought. Folding her hooves on the other arm, Twilight shifted Thorax a seductive look from her still low-lidded eyes and gave off a light, aroused hum. "Don't I look as comfortable as could be right now? You felt it once, so surely you know all about how it feels now." "I... think." Thorax stared at the alicorn striking such a suggestive posture with a mien that could only be described as one of incertitude, or possibly even concern. His ears furrowed behind his head and his purple eyes squinted again. "This is getting weird. Are you alright, Twilight?" "Of course I am. But you know, I think I could be feeling a lot better right now if I had someone to share this seat with..." Plan B, part two. In that instant Twilight sat up straight. Putting her book aside to a nearby desk, Twilight's hoof patted the empty, if small spot beside her, inviting the only other living being in the room to join her on the magenta cushion. Thorax twisted his head about and searched around the room, making sure it indeed was him she gestured toward. Eyes widening back to their normal shapes, he gulped down a warm stream of saliva down his throat and approached her, wishing not to be rude. It took him a short time, but he was soon able to squeeze himself between Twilight and the right arm of the chair. Things were a bit tight, but Thorax only cared for how his friend was faring more than himself. As a matter of fact, Twilight, who was gazing up at him, now had a very dreamy look about her, her cheeks having turned red. Red with what, exactly, Thorax decided not to guess on. "Wh-what's in that book, anyway? Besides romance," he asked in an effort to change her view on him, pointing to where the book she was showing him before lay, and questioning in his mind just what was going on. The alicorn stared from him to it and paused, apparently to start thinking of its contents, while in reality she was actually ecstatic that he had just fallen for one of her ploys. "Hmm... lots of other stuff." Her eyes went right back onto him as she continued, listing off the features of the novel one by one. "There's drama, and action, and battle, and sex..." Twilight shot a hoof to her mouth, as she had prepared to after letting out that little 'slip'. Removing it from her lips and replacing it with a smile, Twilight chuckled to herself. "Oops," she snickered. "I sure let that little tidbit slide, eh, Thorax? And don't you think it offers just the biggest of suggestions?" She shifted her view up to him, putting on her best enticing expression as she expected him to return a look of tempted frustration at her antics. Instead of giving her such a visage of any kind resembling what she anticipated, however, there was only confusion in the changeling king's eyes. The type of puzzled confusion one might see on the face of a child after giving them a riddle that was a tad too advanced for their young minds. "You... you look like you have a question," she said. "Uh, yeah. Just one," he replied, right before clearing his throat to give his query. "What's 'sex'?" Silence. Deafening silence was all that rang through the room when Thorax gave his question. This question was one spoken with such an unmistakable and unbearably thick aura of innocence. Twilight's mouth fell agape, all her back up plans fading from her mind and transforming into a blur in that instant. "Wh-wh-what's sex?!" she sputtered, louder than she intended her voice to be. "What... what in Equestria do you mean by 'what's sex'?!" "Well, that's what I want to know," he calmly stated. "I mean, I know that sex describes gender. But it sounds like some odd euphemism with how you're phrasing it." Twilight hopped off of the chair, inhaling a deep breath before turning back to him. "Sex is... Well, for ponies, it begins when... when two of us like each other, or at least are attracted to each other. It gives a feeling of pleasure, and... other things. And sex itself... the activity of sex is when they, uh... couple togetherrrr...?" Thorax held a hoof to his chin right before his eyes brightened and ears shot up in apparent realization. "Oh, so you mean it's like mating?" "Mating?" "Yeah, mating," he nonchalantly confirmed with small, if radiant smile. "We changelings do what you described a lot. Not sure if it's exactly the same thing, but it's a lot like that." "W-well, then!" Twilight's eye twitched, her mind attempting in vain to reevaluate the situation and what it had evolved into. "I guess I... I... um, I... you, and... well..." Thorax could plainly see that the princess had become lost to her stuttering. "You're beginning to look really upset, Twilight. Can you just tell me what was all that was about that you were trying to put on then?" he inquired, motioning clearly to all the flirting she sent his way prior. "I'm... I'm..." Twilight stammered. Her mind could take no more of this accursed befuddlement. Not one second more of it! "Twilight..." Thorax tried to start again. She didn't allow him to finish, as finally, she said, "For Celestia's sake, Thorax... I'm trying to seduce you!" The words left Twilight's mouth before she could stop them. As soon as she realized what she just admitted, which was only a second after the deed had been done, the princess lowered her head and sighed loudly. Knowing what she had to do now, she lifted her face to meet the the changeling king's confused expression. "Thorax... I invited you over here because I... wanted to have sex with you. Or... mate with you, as you put it, I guess." She inhaled and exhaled again. "Listen; I've had a long, long week. I wanted to relieve all the stress that's built up within me, and I thought you might be willing to 'do it' with me, so to speak. But it seems as though my reach has exceeded my grasp." Thorax was speechless. The princess continued, "What you refer to as 'mating', we ponies refer to as 'sex'; at least, in a more proper term. I'm sorry I dragged you here for nothing. I just thought I could try it out, since, you know, changelings have a taste for love." Twilight lowered her head shamefully. She closed her eyes, unable to bear the thought of looking at him directly after deceiving him as she did. If she knew anything now, he would indubitably show himself out at any moment. That was what she deserved, at least. What came next was something she again did not expect at all (which seemed to be a running factor of today, was it not?). "R-really? That's what it means? That's why you wanted me here? And you... wanted to do that... with me?" Thorax blinked thrice. His expression was no longer confused or unsure, for a smile crept slowly over his face. A very large smile. "Well, why didn't you just say so!" Twilight's head shot up, her expression startled and shocked more than anything. "Wh... what?" "I was just wondering why you didn't just ask me in the first place!" Thorax laughed. He continued laughing for a good long minute, as though he just told her the funniest joke in the world -- a joke that only he understood. Tears starting to well up around his eyes, he wiped one away as it fell over his cheek, coughed for a few seconds, and composed himself before explaining what he surely knew was causing Twilight such apparent discomfort. "I apologize if I never told you this, but I guess we changelings are rather... blunt when it comes to expressing the desire to mate. I had no idea you ponies relied more on subtle cues to find a willing partner." Twilight's jaw was still hanging partially agape. It did close, but it took some time to listen to her brain, given how overwhelmed her mind had become with all the emotions going through it. Thorax was a mere second away from placing a comforting hoof on the mare's winged shoulder when she shook her head. Sucking cool air into her dry throat, Twilight stared back at him stolidly. What she now wore was an expression showing grim resolve in its purest form. Grim resolve indeed! "Thorax, do you want to 'mate' with me?" she asked him in a straightforward way, lacking any subtly in it. To which Thorax replied with an upbeat, perky, and completely nonchalant, "Sure, I'm up for it!" "Then follow me." Twilight spun about and began marching off like a Canterlot guard committing themself to their duty, keeping her serious visage. Thorax, somewhat intimidated but not put off, began to do as she told him and walked behind her. It wasn't more than a few seconds into their walk to their destination when Twilight spoke up. Her voice now more laid back but still containing traces of sternness, she started with, "You know, for a changeling - a changeling king, no less - you sure were oblivious to my advances back there." "Oblivious?" Thorax puffed and shook his head, both of them coming to and traversing a set of stairs. "No, I was not oblivious. I knew full well how you were feeling." Twilight rolled her eyes and turned her head his way, her expression itself skeptical. "Really? Really, really?" "Really!" insisted Thorax, putting on a frank smile. "I could feel what you were giving off. I knew you possessed a certain desire of some sort as soon as I saw you at the door. I just didn't think you were aiming any of it at me." He chuckled once, evidently at himself. "But now... I assume that this is that 'friendship experiment' you mentioned in the invitation you sent me? About the 'pony body interacting with the changeling body'?" Twilight hummed, her cheeks filling with air while she faced forward. "Yeah, it is." As soon as she said that, the entrance to her bedroom came into view. Approaching it at a speedy pace, she pushed the door with a creak of its hinges, opening the way for Thorax. Moving up to it, Thorax took a peek inside. The room was dark, spacious too, but there was still enough light to illuminate the place. It was given off from what appeared to be freshly-lit candles that hung around it on holders, whether they were attached to the walls, counters and whatnot. Assuming the scent originated from the melting wax, a sweet maple aroma filled the air. Twilight had clearly been thorough in setting this whole thing up. Thorax ventured into the wide abode until he stood by the large bed that was surely Twilight's, taking in all he saw and preparing himself for what was to come next. He stared up at the canopy that loomed over the bed and the silken curtains that drooped from it in a neat, colorful fashion. "So, Twilight," he gulped, before straightening his body out in a confident display. "What do we do now-?" Thorax received his answer soon enough, as in the exact moment he finished his sentence, Twilight's winged, furry purple mass tackled him. Sailing through the air for a brief second, they both fell to the surface of the bed, the impact absorbed completely by its soft surface, though it made quite a mess of the once-straight crimson sheets. Thorax might have yelped out in fear as the unexpected action occurred, had the princess' mouth not met his almost as soon as they landed. He was swift to adapt to the change in the situation, and he kissed the alicorn back, earning from her a muffled moan of approval. When their lips finally parted and their heads moved back just enough to gaze upon the other's face, Thorax witnessed Twilight looking down on him with a wanting gleam. That twinkle of excitement had returned to her lovely purple eyes, giving them something resembling a predatory gleam. And oh, how it was a look Thorax found himself adoring. "Make love to me, my King," the enamored pony demanded, crawling further along the changeling's chitinous body until her chest was even against his. It was a line she remembered being uttered from her favored novel, where the heroine and her love interest, a lost prince from a foreign land, first expressed their true and earnest infatuation with one another and decided to make do on it. Twilight had been waiting so wearily long to utter it to the one who was destined to take her, and that chance had come at last. "Make love to me, 'till we cannot make love a second longer." Thorax's ears fell, and he put on as mischievous a face as he could make. "I will. Anything you ask of me, my princessss," he answered, making sure to end it with a nice, long hiss into her ear. The moment she was graced with the tender sound, Twilight felt her entire being shudder with yet more anticipation. The excitement. The suspense. How it ate at her! How it tore at her very soul and marehood like a wolf with a bone! Had common sense abandoned her -- if even now it was hanging on by a few threads -- she might have sworn that she herself was a love-starved changeling. For right now... right now she truly was hungry for some love. After they spent a good while getting to know each other's bodies with their lips and hooves, Thorax, gripping the princess carefully but also firmly, rolled both of themselves over, sending the mare back-first to the mattress and the distorted sheets while he now laid over her. Twilight, more than overjoyed by the sudden move, brought his face to hers and kissed him yet again, as if to show her liking of this change in position. The lovemaking she gave only halted when she took a chance to see what expression his handsome face had made. His eyes had lit up, and not in any simple way. He was planning something within his mind. A cunning concoction? A concupiscent proposition? There was only one way of finding out. "Thorax?" she questioned. "Is there... something on your mind?" "I have an idea. Do you want me to take the form of anyone? Like, somepony famous, or something?" "What? No! No..." she refused right off. Looking and reaching up, she pet a hoof over his left mandible-antler, sending a somewhat of a tickling sensation coursing through his entire being. Enjoying her loving touch, he let out a small purring sound of satisfaction. Twilight's eyes soon traveled back down to his, both of their violet colors reflecting perfectly off of the other. "I think you look handsome the way you are. Handsome, dashing, heroic, sexy... and all mine." Those words and how they were given were the last actions that fully turned Thorax on. As his beloved spoke he slowly moved his body around over her, aligning his bare lower quarters alongside hers as his instincts demanded. The pink tip of his fleshy, erect stallionhood rubbed over the untouched slit that lay between her legs, and it forced the alicorn to stifle a small, faint whimper of want. Thorax lowered his head and dug his snout into the velvety fur on her shoulder, inhaling her rich scent. Her sweet musk. "Are you... ready, Twilight?" he inquired, his breath evidently as hot as hers as it bounced off of her furry hide. Twilight had long since dreamed of a moment like this. She had dreamed and hoped and wished, and it was here now. Here, this fragile second. It was something she had waited far too long for, and yet, as though it were an ironic twist, it felt so soon. But if this was indeed that special moment; if it was what she had been expecting for far longer than she ever should have, she wasn't going to let it slip her by like a bar of soap through her hooves. She was going to grab it by the throat. "I am. Take me, Thorax. Take me now, as you promised me you would..." Without a thought opposing it, he obeyed. Inhaling sharply, he pushed, burrowing his member into her tight slit, piercing it effortlessly and digging it deep. Twilight gasped as she felt him, eyes shooting open and heading toward the bed's canopy above. White-hot fire filled her, and her heart thumped in her breast like a hammer to a nail. It thumped and beat with such vigor, she thought it might just explode. In that act of passion, Thorax took her innocence and breath away in one instant. One act and one instant was all it took. And with it, a kaleidoscope of emotion and pure, unadulterated pleasure seared itself in her mind and filled every nerve in her body with its fiery, incomparable touch. Thorax gave as much as he deemed was proper, and after he finished and pulled out, he looked down to Twilight and how she fared. One glance showed him that she had fallen on her side, panting and struggling to catch her breath. collapsing next to her like a felled tree, Thorax panted with her, chuckling warmly as he did. He still had energy to spare. But now, he just wanted to enjoy watching her recuperate. "H-how was that?" he asked almost smugly after propping his head up on his hoof, his pointed ears only wanting to hear her approval. Every fiber of his instinct and being told him to take her up in his hooves and continue making wondrous, heart-throbbing love to this beautiful, unspoilt mare regardless of her answer, but his will and mind spoke for him first; and it told him to take it slow. This was her first time. And he would be darned if he sullied the experience for her. There was a moment of silence between them, brief as it was, before Twilight faced him properly, wearing a hard smile. Her bottom lip was held in her teeth, but on her face was an unmistakably incontinent longing. "Keep going," she ordered with a lustful growl, suddenly wrapping her upper hooves around his neck and lower ones around his thin waist, pulling him back over her like before with a firm tug. Fire and pleasure, the likes of which she had never before felt, was streaking through her loins. Smoldering ecstasy had consumed everywhere else, and what few tattered shreds of sense and want for anything else were gone. She only wanted more. More, more, more! And by the heavens above; by every every star that twinkled in the night sky, she meant to have it... Quickly adjusting from his immense surprise at her completely unexpected, but not unwelcome burst of energy, Thorax thoughtlessly obeyed. After realigning his lower quarters with hers he took a few seconds to savor the return of that delightfully predatory visage his inamorata bore, and again pushed. Twilight felt him reenter her immediately, causing her to gasp once more as her regained breath was stolen from her lungs. Her veins were again lit aflame, the fire renewed. The bed upon which they laid creaked loudly from Thorax's relentless assault, and soon enough, Twilight's erotic and rapturous cries emerged and rose through the air to join it, followed swiftly by the changeling's own. And for the rest of the night, suffice to say, was a most riveting experience of the changeling body interacting with the pony body had. And not only that, but Twilight Sparkle gained a most delicious bit of first-hand carnal knowledge on the act of sexual intercourse that she would keep with her for the rest of her life. Oh, and the entire thing was immensely stress-relieving, too.