> Super Shy Hero > by Macro Zecora > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Super Shy Hero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a moderately cloudy mid-fall afternoon. Twilight and Spike walked towards Fluttershy’s house, the dragon with his nose deep in a recently acquired comic book, which featured a giant mare leaping over a building on the cover. Twilight chuckled. “So. Is that the villain that the Power Ponies end up fighting this issue?” “Huh?” Spike glanced up at her and then back at the comic. “Naw… You’re thinking Power Ponies vs. The Kowju. This… this is Mega Mare!” He held up the cover. “She’s one of the new characters and guards Maretropolis’ sister city of Baltimare!” “So, she’s friends with the Power Ponies?” Asked Twilight. “Eh… sort of. I mean, she’s a superhero, that’s for sure, but she’s a bit clumsy. Often ends up causing a lot of property damage whenever she fights crime.” Spike rubbed the back of his head. “Sort of a comic relief character, honestly. But she’s interesting enough. I do like the fact they gave her a comic series. This is the first issue, so Baltimare is still getting used to her.” “Ah…I see.” Twilight grinned and knocked on the door. “Sounds pretty interesting. If I was into comics I might consider flipping through it.” Fluttershy answered the door and smiled. “Oh, hey, Twilight. Spike.” She greeted. “Come of in. I was just about to have some tea and cookies.” “Wait. Cookies!?” Spike grinned and ran inside, eliciting an amused giggle from Fluttershy. Twilight chuckled at his eagerness. “Heh. That’s Spike for you. Always thinking with his stomach.” She turned to Fluttershy. “So. How’s Owlowiscious doing?” “Oh. He’s doing great. His wing is all better. He just needed some rest.” She gestured towards a birdcage, where the owl was sleeping. “Keep an eye on him though. If he starts acting up again, you can bring him back here.” She handed Twilight the cage. “Thanks, Fluttershy.” Twilight smiled. “I’d love to stay, but we’re super busy this afternoon.” She leaned into the house. “Hey Spike! We’re leaving!” She shouted, but not too loudly, as she didn’t want to wake Owlowiscious. “Aw…Are you sure you can’t stay for tea?” Fluttershy sighed. “Sorry, Fluttershy. But we need to get Owlowiscious home, and then we’re delivering some gems over to for Rarity’s new line of dress.” Said Twilight. “Yep!” Spike excitedly skipped out of the house with an armful of cookies. “And I’m helping her pick out which ones she’ll use, and which ones are duds!” He licked his lips. “And guess who gets the duds?” “Heheh.” Fluttershy giggled. “I can take a pretty good guess. And I’m sure Rarity appreciates the help. Take care, you guys.” Fluttershy waved and walked into the kitchen to pour herself some tea, when something caught her eye. Something that didn’t belong in her kitchen. “Hmm?” She glanced over at the table and saw a comic book laying there. “Oh no! That must be Spike’s. He must have forgotten his comic! Spike! Hey, Spike!” She ran to the front, but it was too late, Spike and Twilight were gone. “Darn…” Fluttershy frowned. “Oh well, I guess I’ll hold onto this until I see them again.” She tossed the book onto the table and continued to sip her tea. At first, Fluttershy just ignored the book. It was none of her business, it wasn’t hers, and besides, she didn’t even really like comics, so there was no reason to look at it. Right? But before long, curiosity gripped the pegasus, and she couldn’t help but start to flip through the comic. She chuckled, seeing the giant mare in the comic chasing after some tiny criminals, looking up at the mare in disbelief. Fluttershy smirked, she recalled back to the time she and her friends had been sucked into a comic book themselves. Back then she had been able to grow about twelve feet tall when she was Saddle Rager, but this new heroine put her to shame, easily standing at around 150 feet tall, Fluttershy couldn’t help but start to imagine herself as being Mega Mare. Fluttershy was curious about how big the mare actually was, and turned to the back page to look for information when the comic book started to glow. “Huh!?” She gasped, and then realized what was going on. This wasn’t just any old comic book, it was one of those magical ones, the kind that let you literally live out the story, and she had just imagined herself as being Mega Mare! The swirling light rotated around her. “Gah! N-no… g-go away… I’m not interested in being a superhero again! It was just a silly little fantasy! I don’t…” She closed her eyes and curled up into a ball before she was fully consumed by the ball of glowing light. The Baltimare Fireponies desperately scrambled into position as the office building burned. Thanks to the high winds, the building was burning far beyond their ability to fight. There were dozens of ponies trapped on the roof with no hope of escape. They knew they needed a miracle, and they would get one, in the form of a gigantic shadow from the sky. The darkness that passed over both the street and the various buildings did little to put the hearts and minds of the firemen and the civilians at ease. And a great deal of shock and worry broke out as a giant yellow pegasus in a tight-fitting spandex leotard landed on the streets, crushing several parked cars as she did. For some reason, the costume did not include shoes, so she could feel the tiny vehicles crumpling directly under her bare feet. Thankfully, her soles seemed to be thick enough that such a thing didn’t bother her. “Um…” The titanic pony stood there awkwardly, the skintight suit accenting her boobs and ass far more than she was comfortable with. But, still, she put on a brave face behind her mask and psyched herself up before addressing the tiny ponies all around her. "F-fear not, citizens!" she called out, trying (and failing) to sound confident. "I shall save you!" She held out a colossal hand to the citizens trapped on the roof of the burning building. "Um... everypony get on please..." She asked politely. "Cause y'know... if you stay here, you might burn to death. And that would be really sad..." The trapped citizens weighed the danger of the fire to be way greater than the danger of the giantess offering them assistance. While the fire was a lot less daunting, they assumed that if the pegasus wished them harm, it would have been more than easy for her to cause it. They climbed onto her trembling hands without hesitation. Meanwhile, the fire departments below were having a tough time doing their jobs, as they found it increasingly hard not to look up at her skin-tight rear directly above them. It they squinted hard enough, they could almost make out the folds of Fluttershy’s marehood. Fluttershy gave an awkward smile as the last of the trapped ponies stepped onto her hands. She walked away from the building, trying to keep the nervous trembling of her hands to a minimum as several of them fell on their backs thanks to the minor quake they were experiencing. "Um... sorry… okay, hold on...I’ll get you to safety." She looked around awkwardly, seemingly oblivious to the stares her body was getting from below, and she was too busy looking for a place to put the ponies in her hands. Eventually, she stepped over a smaller building and into a parking lot, where she lowered her hands to the street level. "Um.... there you go." She smiled... oblivious to the fact her bending over just made her spandex ride up a bit and now gave the fireponies a better view of her curves. “Sorry about the rough ride…” Fluttershy stood back up and turned back to the burning building. "Um... okay, now... how do I do this?" She pondered how to put out the fire. Then she had an idea, she just needed to remember the very basics of weather training. She spread her wings and started gently flapping them in order to form clouds out of the moisture in the air. It was a laughable effort by a normal pony’s standards, but an absolutely massive storm to the tiny ponies at her feet. As the cloud grew bigger and bigger, it started raining, soaking her spandex and making parts of her costume even more see-through. Once she had gathered a large cloud, she sent it at the building and let the rain do what the fireponies could not, but by this point, very few of them were actually paying attention to anything other than Fluttershy. It very obvious that she wasn't able to get a bra on under her costume, no doubt because they didn’t come in her size. A few ponies even wondered why she even bothered wearing a disguise anyway, given it would be blatantly obvious who she was. There weren’t a whole lot of other giant pegasi around, and her costume was doing a mediocre job at covering her skin as it was. The fire wouldn't last another five minutes under such a torrential deluge. Fluttershy smiled, confident that the fireponies would be able to handle the fire now, not that they needed to at this point. However, Fluttershy’s solution to the fire had created a new problem, not caused by the cloud itself, but all the moisture that had spilled off it. The streets were now very wet and slick, not only with water, but with the oil from the cars she had trampled on the way in. As she turned to leave, her foot happened upon a slick patch of oil and slipped out from under her, causing the titan of a pony to topple over. "Eep!" Fluttershy gasped as she fell forward. She spread out her wings to try to balance herself, but by this point her fall was inevitable. She staggered forward into the side of an office building, smashing into its façade with her huge chest. Her already hyper-stretched spandex couldn't handle the extra stress, and a large gash was ripped in the fabric, allowing her massive yellow tits to bob freely. She brought herself back up and looked at the gigantic hole she had made in the side of the building, her ears drooping in shame as she saw several ponies inside the building looking up at her. She knew that all these ponies weren’t technically real, and were just an enchantment created by a magical comic book, but she couldn’t help but be concerned about them. "Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry… Is everypony okay?" She gasped before feeling squirming sensation on her chest, and noting there were about a dozen or so tiny ponies clinging on for dear life on her wet boobs, thankfully they didn’t appear to be seriously injured, her boobs were too soft for that. A blush started to rise in her cheeks, as she awkwardly looked away, especially as several of the ponies started to voice their complaints. She started to back up in shame and tried to make herself as small as possible; a futile effort at her size, but still. “Erm… Sorry…I was just…Oh…” She shivered at all the tiny eyeballs looking at her, and tried thinking of the best way to escape from this comic book universe as soon as possible. She had assumed that simply putting out the fire would be enough to end the comic, but such was not the case. It would appear she would need to do more heroic antics. Then she heard the sound of police sirens in the distance. Her ears shot back up, and her eyes widened behind her mask, eager for a chance to escape the comic world. "Um.. sorry, I have to... I have to go." She hastily plucked the ponies off her chest and placed them back inside before turning away from the office building. She started to run through the streets, several cars ending up crushed and flattened in the process. Her footfalls were so massive that they pounded craters into the pavement. Her tits bounced around wildly, but she paid them little mind as she hastened toward the sounds of a car pursuit in the distance. Maybe this would help her make up for that klutzy mistake. Fluttershy leaped over a busy intersection before landing in a parking lot, sending dozens of parked cars flying in every direction. Onlookers were amazed by how much damage the timid pegasus could cause by accident, but they were even more impressed by her boobs, which were slowly becoming more visible as the rip in her spandex widened every time they bounced. At last, Fluttershy was able to cut the criminals the police were pursuing off and crouched down in front of their car. "Hey! Are you...um...going somewhere?" She tried not to appear too menacing though, which was hard to do given her size. But just because the ponies weren’t real didn’t mean they deserved to be afraid. "Because, uh... you shouldn’t." The criminals were actually quite intimidated, though. It was just a given with her being the size she was. As the police ponies pulled up, more than one cop ended up staring at the huge boobs above them. A few of them even made lewd whistling noises at the giant vigilante, causing Fluttershy to blush and cover her chest with her arms. There was something to be said for the tenaciousness of the thieves. Whether from cleverness or desperation, they noticed that the cops were too busy staring at Fluttershy, and that Fluttershy was too busy covering her breasts to stop them. After a moment or two of stunned silence, the criminals’ car suddenly started, swerved past Fluttershy’s foot and sped away between her legs. "Eep!" Fluttershy squeaked, and tried to grab the car. But she missed, and her hand slammed into the ground and cracked another portion of the road. "Um, sorry!" She called to the police as she stood up and started to chase after the fleeing criminals. “D-don’t worry… I-I’ll get them!” However, it seemed the getaway driver wasn't stupid. He knew he couldn't outrun the massive mare, so he opted to try and lose her. He turned the car down a narrow street just before Fluttershy could grab them. “Oghh…” Fluttershy sighed. “This is going to be tight.” She winced as she started to awkwardly squeeze her wide hips between the buildings. "Excuse me, pardon me, sorry about this, I- EEK!" A flagpole snagged onto her suit and created another tear, this time around hip level. The whole rear area of her costume slowly started to tear free with every scrape. The bricks and facades of the buildings started to crunch and crack under the pressure, ripping a huge gash near and revealing her butterfly-shaped cutie marks, further making it harder for her to conceal her identity as her large yellow buttocks were pressed against the sides of many office buildings. At last she pulled herself free from the narrow street and got ready to chase after the criminals, only to see dozens of ponies running around the street in a panic, afraid the buildings she had squeezed between were going to collapse. Fluttershy took a step into the crowded street, doing her best to avoid ponies, but they kept running all over the place, and her annoyance at the tiny ponies was slowly building. After only getting to take three steps in almost half a minute, her frustration came to a head. "Stop running under my feet!" She yelled as a semi-truck zoomed under her foot and its trailer was crushed like a soda can, the driver looking up at with a look of awe and fear. Of course, the shouting and the crushing of the trailer did next to nothing to calm everypony down, to say nothing of the damage she had done to the buildings’ facades. Needless to say, she wasn't making much progress, and her stress levels were climbing. Little ponies were running all around the street, making it nigh impossible for her to continue her pursuit. The criminals were going to get away, and here she was struggling to even take one step forward. She was going to be stuck in this silly comic world because of these panicking ponies. "GAH! WILL YOU ALL JUST GET OUT OF MY WAY!" she let loose a bellow that shook several buildings and shattered nearby glass. The shout echoed literally all over the city, and everypony just stopped. They blinked, and decided that maybe listening to the giant mare’s request was a good idea. Ponies in the street started to move to the sidewalk, many of them abandoning their vehicles. "Um... thank you..." Fluttershy said awkwardly, now noticing that her costume was very badly ripped, exposing her bare ass for anypony who was brave or perverted enough to stare at her. Fluttershy decided it was best to not worry about it when she had criminals to pursue, she took off at a run again, following the car she had been chasing this whole time. The criminals gunned the engine, doing their best to lose the giant pegasus that was pursuing them, but each step she took was absolutely huge and often left several crumpled-up cars in its wake. Fluttershy was going way faster than the car could go, especially now that the streets had cleared of ponies and property damage seemed to be of little concern to her. Fluttershy’s massive foot crashed down right behind the criminals, sending their car into the air as the road deformed around her foot. The car crashed to the ground, and a shadow fell over them, the windows of the nearby building to their left shattered. Another foot came down next to them, the blacktop exploding with the impact, cracks radiating outwards as her foot sank deep into the ground. She gave the car a gentle tap and rolled it over onto it’s top, gently tapping it with her toe. The criminals exited the vehicle with their hands up, cowering before the angry giantess who was looming over them, her pussy fully exposed now and looking much more annoyed than she did earlier. "Ready to give up yet?" She snorted. At this point, there wasn't much choice but for them to give up, not that it improved the mood of either the pegasus or the cops as they showed up to arrest them. One of the police officers started to read Fluttershy the riot act for all the damage she had done the city, but she wasn’t really listening. She was too high on adrenaline. As embarrassing as it was to have this many ponies yelling at her for tearing up the road, she did feel rather proud of herself for having caught the criminals. In fact, it was actually a little fun now that she thought about it. Still, she was eager to go home, and her mood soured once again when she heard the sounds of sirens in the distance. “Oh, come on! More crimes for me to stop!? Really?” Every pony's face paled significantly as Fluttershy got up to go fight more crime. The giantess groaned in frustration, stomping away as the police hopelessly tried to stop her, a few even shooting at her, for all the good it did. She didn’t seem to care in the slightest. At this point she didn’t really care about the state of this little fantasy world, she just wanted to be out of it. She continued grumbling to herself, stepping over buildings, now almost entirely naked as her spandex costume continued to disintegrate. She knew hundreds of tiny ponies were ogling her, but she found she couldn’t be asked to care anymore. She tiredly stomped toward the sound of sirens. And saw a situation involving a shootout between the police and a robber holed up in a gas station. She was really starting to wish the city could take care of itself for five minutes (ignoring that she was doing more damage to it than the problems she was 'solving'), but she had a duty to uphold if she wanted to get out of this comic before she needed to feed her animals. The robber felt that his position was impenetrable and that the police would never be able to get take him alive, when suddenly, he felt the entire gas station shake. At first, he feared a bomb had gone off and the cops were going to try to force him out with explosives. But then he noticed it was repeating, and getting closer. Suddenly, an enormous foot crashed down in the parking lot, and strips of spandex drifted down to the pricing sign below. Then the rest of her leotard fell on the pumps, completely covering them. Hundreds of eyes widened at the sight of a Fluttershy's feet standing over each side of the gas station. The tiny criminal slowly looked up her leg, gasping at the unabashed nakedness of her sex. At this point, Fluttershy didn’t really care that she was naked in front of so many ponies, she was feeling very stressed out. Her colossal breasts proudly thrust forward at the tiny cops, her eyes glowering with annoyance, directed squarely at the whimpering police. "I swear... do I have to do everything for you ponies?" She knelt down and tore the roof off of the gas station. The robber let out a horrified squeal and fired at her. Fluttershy just rolled her eyes at his fruitless resistance, though she did note that the gunfire, while harmless, could still be felt as a slight tingling sensation. And of course, some of his shots had hit her squarely in her marehood, making her aroused in addition to being annoyed. "Okay… Let's get rid of that weapon now, you could hurt someone with that." She then gripped the gun between her pointer finger and her thumb and crushed it to dust. She then put her head down to his level, staring at the robber with eyes almost as big as he was. "Now, what am I going to do with you?" She smiled and pursed her lips, blowing a massive amount of sweet air over him, her ass high in the air for the delight of all the ponies behind her. The robber was now in complete panic over how easily Fluttershy had overpowered him. His skills with a firearm had made him a formidable foe for the cops, but he knew he was no match for Fluttershy. He tried to flee, but the giantess was easily upon him and he was effortlessly snatched up. The stallion screamed in fear as Fluttershy dangled him in front of her face. "Gah! Set me down! Turn me into the police!" He panicked and practically begged to be sent to jail. Sure, prison sucked, but he didn't even want to imagine all the things Fluttershy could do to him. And Fluttershy certainly was thinking of all sorts of lewd thinks she could do with the tiny pony. Things she would have never dreamed of had she not been in her own personal comic book world. Spurred on by her slowly accumulated stress, and the gentle tingles now centered around her marehood, a great sense of lust now filled the giant pony. “Oh. Don’t worry. I’ll turn you into the police.” Fluttershy gave the robber a mischievous, lustful look. “But first…” She dangled the criminal between her legs. “You’re going to help me get rid of some of my stress.” She started to rub him against the folds of her pussy. The police started to congregate around Fluttershy's feet. They were relieved to see that she appeared to have the situation under control, but were a little concerned about her handling of the perp. Fluttershy was clearly in violation of due process, not to mention several public indecency laws, but neither her or the police seemed to care. She looked down at the cops with the same look of casual lust. "Ohhh… I think I've earned this... don’t try and stop me… unless any of you lucky stallions wanna join him." She giggled as a small river of sexual fluid began to drip down her legs. "Uh...no thank you." They said nervously to the titanic vigilante, who's mask was the only thing still 'concealing' her identity. "Err...just don't hurt him too badly, okay? I don't want to be the one who has to explain this to the higher-ups..." Said the police captain, wincing a little as the tiny pony was fully sucked into her pussy. "Oh, don't worry too much about that. He’ll be safe and sound" The massive masked mare purred as she felt the tiny pony squirm about frantically in her sex. "Besides, after all I’ve done to help this city, I think I've earned a bit of... fun." She gave her pussy a gentle pat. The tiny ponies couldn't help but be nervous about her giggling as she loomed high overhead, still idly stroking herself, soaking in the joy of how much power she had over the tiny criminal as she dominated him with just her marehood. Still, the ponies were relieved that even though the giant mare was destructive and horny as all hell, she didn’t seem to be malevolent, and as long as she was masturbating she couldn’t cause any more property damage. Then another alarm went off in the distance and everypony suddenly froze as Fluttershy’s ears twitched once more. She grinned. "Oh dear, it seems that a hero's work is never done." The gigantic pony stood up and strolled off with newfound confidence, knowing that more crime would mean more toys for her to play with. Now there was a noticeable sway to her hips and her chest as she romped down the street, and the buildings on either side of her occasionally had to pay for it as she stomped along. It would appear that the city had the worst of luck, suffering from three robberies in the same day. A group of ponies in ski masks were outside of a bank loading money into a van when Fluttershy sauntered up to them, her pussy already dripping with lust. "Oh, mister burglars." she called out in a sing-song voice, giggling a bit as they raised their weapons at her. "I don't suppose you'll come quietly, would you?" But they didn't give up, and foolishly started firing upon the pony large enough to flatten the entire bank they were robbing under her ass. "Seriously?" Fluttershy giggled. These robbers were either stupid, desperate, or both. Regardless, Fluttershy was pleased with their response, it meant she could use a little 'excessive force' of her own. She licked her finger and reached down, picking up the robbers with her saliva-covered digit. She looked at them momentarily and blew them a kiss. "Since you all can't play nicely. I guess you'll all get a visit to my personal prison..." She sat down, crushing the robbers' getaway truck under her cheeks. She then spread her pussy lips wide, inserted the criminal-covered finger inside and playfully wiggled it around. When she withdrew the finger, the criminals were gone, but definitely still alive in her, as was evident from the gleeful cooing noises the giantess was making as they frantically ran around the inside of her sex, rubbing their tiny bodies all over the sensitive walls. At this point, the police had all but given up on trying to interfere and opted to only to move in to arrest the criminals Fluttershy had 'detained'. They had fully accepted that there was simply no way for them to actually enforce any level of authority over her. Then Fluttershy noticed a great deal of smoke rising into the sky, and saw that her heroics were needed once more. The officers and civilians could only watch as the twitching pony slowly rose up once more, and started walking along again. This time, there was a VERY noticeable twitch and squeak in her movements, as she struggled to hold in the inevitable orgasm that she was building toward. Her massive form continued on through the streets, heading to a large shopping mall that seemed to be the source of the fire. She had come full circle. Her career as a superhero had started with her putting out a fire, and now it was going to end with one. Fireponies were frantically scrambling about as the naked 'hero' casually strolled in with a lustful grin still spread on her face, crushing one of their trucks in the process. “Don’t… unf…Worry ponies… I’ve got this.” Fluttershy tore open the roof of the shopping center and casually tossed it into the parking lot. Shoppers trapped by the fire screamed as they looked up, thinking that roof was collapsing, only to see Fluttershy’s compassionate, yet lusty face looking down at them. “Don’t worry -oof- everypony. I’ll save you…” She then turned around, and crouched over them exposing her magnificent, butterfly-marked rear to the masses below. “Ungh… Just give me a second…” She panted and started stroking her pussy, which was super excited due to the squirming criminals inside of it, not to mention all the naughtiness she was feeling from being this lewd in front of so many little ponies. She had completely lost any sense of shame, if fact, the power she had was only serving to arouse her further. “Ungh… I’m so close, I just need a bit more stimulation…” She panted. The fireponies looked up at the giant mare, who was dripping sexual fire onto the fluid, the mere droplets of her precum doing far more to extinguish it than they could. They all hung their heads and sighed. As much as they hated to admit it, the massive, horny mare had the right idea. They aimed their nozzles upwards and fired several powerful blasts of pressurized water directly at Fluttershy’s winking ponut. Fluttershy shuddered ad let out a lewd moan the whole city could here. “Ohhh… fuck yes! That’s it! I’ll save you…I’ll save everypony… I’ll AH!” it only took a few strokes of her nethers to push her over the edge. A gushing flood of sexual juices erupted from her crotch, flooding the mall with a huge downpour of her thick marecum, snuffing out the flames as well as soaking dozens of ponies in her juices. The criminals in her pussy were washed out with the orgasm, all of them exhausted and feeling thoroughly degraded, but perfectly fine beyond a few minor bruises the giantess’ churning interior had caused them. "Mmmm...." Fluttershy leaned back against a across from the mall, copious amounts of sweat dripping down her fur as she gently massaged her wet pussy. "Whew...." She panted. "Who would have thought that being a superhero would be so much work?" She smiled and looked over the crowd of awe-struck ponies around her. A few brave public servants were willing to brave the lake of her juices to help out the ponies stuck in the sticky juices and to arrest the traumatized criminals, who at this point were too exhausted to resist even if they wanted to. “Oh… thanks for the help, officers.” Fluttershy panted. “You can take it from here.” She spread her legs and smiled. For the first time since she had entered the comic book, when her powerful ears listened for any potential mayhem in the distance, they found things lacking. This made her smile even more genuine as she leaned backwards against the building, stark naked save for her mask. She leaned back and yawned, stretching out her wings and flipping over a few cars in the process. All that running, even at her size, had made her rather tired, and her masturbation hadn't exactly refreshed her body or her mind either. Still, with there no more pressing issues to attend to, Fluttershy was confident that she had completed the storyline and would be returning home shortly. But even if she didn’t she wasn’t sure how much she would actually mind. This adventure had filled her with confidence and made her a much bolder pony, in addition to unlocking her new sexual fetish. Besides, her size meant there really wasn't much the police could effectively do about her even if they wanted to. "Hey officers, do me a favor," she said, closing her eyes and yawning once more. "I’m going to sleep now. Wake me if there's a natural disaster or something." Several of the officers had to bite their tongues very hard to avoid saying that SHE was basically a natural disaster herself and it was a miracle nopony had gotten hurt (almost as if they were in a comic book), but they let her drift off all to sleep all the same. She was probably less of a danger that way. But for all the damage that she had done, she had managed to fulfill her role as a superhero, and that was the whole point of the adventure. Fluttershy awoke in her kitchen to the sound of birds chirping as the sun set. It took a moment for her to realize that the transformation was over. “Ooogghhh… where am I?” She grunted. “Last thing I remember was…” She glanced at the comic next to her. Then she noticed the warm wetness inside her pants, and then felt she had a hand in said pants. “Eep!” Fluttershy’s eyes widened and she glanced all around, hoping that nopony was watching her in such a state. She picked up the comic and stared at it, seeing herself on the cover now, each one of her actions faithfully shown in comic book form for anypony who read the comic to see. “Oh Celestia" she whispered, her heart pounding as she skimmed through the book, reliving her adventure. “That was amazing!” She looked all those little ponies looking up at her, relying on them to save their city. "I…I was all but a goddess to them." She murmured. She looked through the comic book again, seeing the little storyline she had been through play itself out. It was much lewder than the original, but regardless, the story was still complete. New feelings started flooding into Fluttershy as she read the book over a third time, she wanted…. No. Needed to be big again. At this point, she didn’t know if she’d be able to get off otherwise. She suddenly heard a knock at the door. “Eep!” She jumped up, quickly hiding the comic in a cupboard and running up to the door. “Oh. Spike. Hello… Erm, what brings you here?” “Hey, Fluttershy.” Spike nodded. “I think I may have left a comic book around here. Mega Mare, issue #1. Have you seen that anywhere around?” “No!” She blurted, knowing she couldn’t return it to Spike in its current condition. If he saw all the things she had done as a superhero… but still, she felt a little bad about lying. She couldn’t give up the comic book, but she didn’t want to cheat Spike like that. “I mean, maybe… There was a comic somewhere but uh…. My dog ate it.” “Your dog?” Spike said, clearly unconvinced. “I didn’t think you had one of those.” “Erm… I mean my bear.” She blushed. “And I’m very sorry about that. Umm…” she rooted around in her pockets. “Here’s 20 bits to make up for it.” Spike’s eyes widened. “Whoa! Really?” He stared at the gleaming coins and smiled. “You didn’t have to do that Fluttershy. It’s just a comic book.” “No problem Spike. I wanted to make it up to you, and I feel that’s more than worth it.” She smiled. “Well, okay. Thanks, Flutters.” Spike waved. “See you around.” “Wait! Erm… uh…Spike… Just out of curiosity…” Fluttershy tapped her fingers together. “Um… where can you buy more of these comics?” “Heh. Why the sudden interest?” He chuckled, getting the sneaking suspicion that there were things about the fate of his comic book that Fluttershy wasn’t being entirely truthful about. “Erm… I may have glanced at it before it got destroyed and I was… wondering where the story was going?” She blushed. “Well… the next issue is all about the rise of Mega Mare’s arch-rival. Heck, Mega Mare isn’t even in it.” Spike smirked. “Why? Would you have any interest in that?” Even lewder thoughts ran through Fluttershy’s head. If she was able to have that much fun as a giant hero, she could only imagine how much fun she would have playing the villain. A mischievous grin formed across her face. “Oh yes, Spike… I would be very, very interested in something like that.”