The Wise and the Strong

by Rezas

First published

Two friends are thrown into world they don't quite understand, powers thrust upon them that they didn't ask for. One has been given the powers of a god and the other has had herself thrown to the lowest tiers of the evolution spectrum.

Friends are something most people hold dear. This couldn't be any more true than for Aileen and Molly, two girls that have been by each other's sides for years. One has a confidence unwavering and a hard-as-nails attitude, nigh impossible to break. The other holds all the joys of childhood, her excitement and playfulness rivaled only by her lover for the color pink. Together, they've braved the world and all the atrocities that comes with it. But what happens when roles are reversed? When one has their mind split between two bodies and given unimaginable powers, while the other has been striped of everything but the wisdom that has served her so well? They'll have to clear their own path as they traverse the new and dangerous world of Equestria, finding friends to help them along the way... and powers they were completely unaware of.

All rights to Hasbro and Game Freak respectfully.
Coauthored by Pyro Mance

Entering Equestria

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Aileen strode down the aisles of PokeCon, hands deep in her pockets as she strode along with her companion, Molly. Aileen was a tall young woman, pale complected with waist length red hair, her fashion sense far from what other girls would choose. She wore long, tan pants with ankle height boots, a dull yellow shirt peeking out under her large canvas jacket. She gave a little sigh before turning her bright blue eyes on her friend.

Said friend was a couple years younger, and wore all pink. She had aqua blue eyes, and very light red hair that, in the right light, looked pink. She had pink shorts, shoes, socks, and a slightly darker pink long sleeve shirt under a pink t-shirt. If you couldn’t tell, Molly liked pink. The older girl looked over her for several moments before a small smile stole her serious look.

“So, what are we doing now, Molly?” She asked, trying to disregard the girl’s infectious energy.

“I wanna get some stuff from the vendors!” The smaller girl said, bouncing a bit as she walked, almost but not quite skipping.

“Of course you do,” Aileen murmured before letting out a little breath and searching over the tables on tables of memorabilia selling merchants. “Just don’t spend all your money at once, yeah? We’ve still got to take the bus back to the hotel.”

“Okaaaaaaay,” Molly said, giggling a bit. “Come on!” She said eagerly, dragging the bigger friend behind her, causing her to stumble a few steps before she could put her feet underneath her.

“Okay, okay!” The redhead exclaimed, unable to hide the grin forming on her face. “Slow down. The merch isn’t going anywhere, y’know!”

“It is if people buy it before I do!” Molly said, providing a… surprisingly good point. The older girl simply gave a little chuckle as she was dragged along with a shake of her head.

“You always find a way to make your actions logical, don’t you?” Aileen questioned in good humor.

Molly simply giggled, before spotting someone dressed as Professor Oak manning a stall. “Let’s go there first!” She said eagerly, pointing to him as she dragged her friend there.

The professor looked up with a large smile on his elderly features as the girls approached. “Good afternoon,” he greeted. “What can I do for the two of you?”

“Just browsing for now, Professor!” Molly cheerfully giggled, looking over what he had. He had some items, berrys and such, or what looked like them anyway, and two things of interest. A burst stone, and a mega stone… Gyarados’ to be specific.

“Of course,” Professor Oak said, keeping up his smile. “Just let me know if you girls see anything you like.” Aileen looked over the man and became more and more unsettled as she did so. His costume was awesome… too awesome…

Molly hummed. “Maybe a couple of every berry, and this for me?” She said, holding up the burst stone.

The professor beamed. “A smart decision for a smart girl,” he answered in a cheerful tone before looking towards Aileen, the taller girl feeling a shiver run up her back. “And what for you, little lady?”

Aileen stared at him for a long moment, not wanting to look away as her every mannerism yelled at her that staring was rude. “U-um…” she stuttered quietly before she glanced down at the table and picked up the first thing she saw. “How about this?” She asked, holding up the Gyaradosite.

“Another wise choice,” Oak answered, his smile growing a bit even as Aileen reached for her purse, nudging Molly to do the same. Molly did so after a tiny blush of embarrassment crept on her face.

“How much do we owe you for all of this?” Aileen asked, her focus deep on the inside of her jacket.

“Oh, no need for payment,” the professor said in a dark tone that wasn’t lost on the tall girl. “Just make this interesting for me… won’t you?”

“What’re you on abou-” The redhead started to reply, her hand halfway out of her jacket with a bottle of pepper spray before she felt an unusual sensation pull down on her.

“W-what’s happening?” Molly said, sounding scared.

Aileen’s gaze shot to her friend to see her start to fall through a black hole… a black hole that extended underneath her. A large scowl grew over her face and she turned her eyes back on the smirking Oak. “You sonova-” She began, lifting her hand only to realize that she was no longer holding her self defense measure, the man tossing it up and down in his hand.

“Good luck, girls,” he said sweetly, a demented look in his eye. “Oh, and before I forget… welcome to the world of ponies.”

Molly, as she fell, managed to swipe a EXP share and Lucky egg from the stall, in a action of pure spite to the strange man. Aileen’s eyes widened, a feeling creeping up from her chest to strangle her. A feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time… helplessness. As they fell and the light faded, the girl reached out to her friend, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her close as they disappeared…

Aileen lay on the hard ground, the sun beating down her and increasing the already sweltering heat of the landscape. Slowly, her senses began to come back to her and the first thing she noticed was the weight on top of her and the slight pain in her back. She blinked her eyes open gingerly, wincing at the glaring sunrays before looking down to see Molly laying on top of her. With a groan, she let her head fall back. “At least I managed to do something right…” she muttered quietly.

A couple moments later, Molly groaned as she woke up. “Wha happened?” She questioned groggily.

The taller girl looked up at her friend. “I don’t know,” she answered softly. “One moment we were falling and the next….”

Molly looked down, blinking. “Aileen?” She questioned, as if not recognising her friend. “You… look super different.”

Aileen blinked a few times at her friend as a puzzled look formed on her face. “...What?” She finally asked. “What do you mean I look super different?”

“I mea-what the?!” Molly started, before something shocked her. She was looking around weird, like something had changed in her vision or something.

“Mol?” Aileen questioned before her eyes widened and she sat up quickly. “Molly what's wrong!?”

“I can see… us, from over there somewhere,” Molly said, pointing in a direction.

The older girls worried eyes turned to confusion before she glanced towards the direction her friend was indicating. There, sitting up… was a Mew. Aileen stared at the Pokemon for several seconds. “...Molly… I think we're dead.”

Both Molly and the pokemon jumped a bit, turning to her. “D-dead?!” Molly said, the pokemon mimicking her with a little ‘mew’.

“There is a freaking Mew right there, Mol!” Aileen exclaimed, waving a hand at it. “An actual Mew! How else would you explain it?”

Molly waited for a couple seconds. “That meanie professors portal?” She suggested after a couple moments.

Aileen raised a finger and opened her mouth argue only to close it and look away. “That… does and doesn't make any sense,” she murmured. “Who… what was that guy…?”

The smaller girl shrugged. “I dunno…” She said simply, looking at the Mew now as it looked at her. Getting up, she walked towards the pokemon slowly. After a moment, Molly was in front of mew… and picked it up, hugging it to her chest. Of course she did.

Aileen looked up toward her friend and let out a breath. “...Really?” She deadpanned.

“I… think I’m seeing out of it,” Molly said seriously, closing her eyes. She started walking around, the Mews head looking around and Molly managed to not trip a single time.

“Wow, wait,” her friend replied, raising a hand. “I must have hit my head in the fall. Did you just say that you’re seeing out of it?”

“Yeah,” Molly said, before the Mews tail moved and wrapped around the girls waist slowly. “And… moving it, too.”

Aileen simply stared at her before giving a sigh. “Alright, fine,” she said. “You win, seeing as there’s no way I can argue with that.” The girl went to stand up only to feel very shaky as she did so. “Uhhh- WOW!” She yelped, leaning against a spire of rock that stood next to her as she nearly lost her balance.

Molly hurried over, eyes open now. “Are you alright?!” She asked worriedly, wondering why her friend was having trouble standing.

“I-I don’t know,” Aileen stuttered, putting a hand to her head. “Everything just feels… weird-” The girl stopped as she looked down towards the ground and finally caught a glance at what her friend had been talking about. Red scales covered her body, seeming to form a sort of thigh-length dress, a hard, three pointed, and dull yellow scale sticking out just under her sternum with bigger, plate like scales coming from it and going around her torso. On her legs, the scales almost looked to form a pair of stockings that ran almost all the way up to the white fin-like frills of the dress while fins of the same dull yellow protruded from her ankles. “WHAT THE HELL!” The girl screamed, falling backwards onto her rear and staring at her hands to find that more scales cover most of her arms up to her shoulders and white fins protruded from her wrists.

Molly stared. “Are… you a magikarp?” She questioned.

Aileen looked up towards her friend with wide, scared eyes. “I-I…” She stuttered, eyes starting to fill with tears. “Molly, what’s happening to us?”

Molly went forward, hugging Aileen with her arms and the Mews tail. “I dunno… but we’ll get through this,” She said, being the surprisingly mature one here. The taller girl held her close, letting several tears fall before she sniffed, taking in a few breaths before she leaned back.

She looked around there surroundings for a moment before she gave one last breath. “Sorry for breaking down like that…” she apologized quietly before clearing her voice. “We should get out of here.”

“Yeah,” Molly agreed, grabbing her poke-self and holding the pokemon to her chest… she had no damn clue how to float yet.

Aileen nodded and once more got to her feet, still wobbling but able to stay upright long enough to get her hand against the rock formation again. “Okay, first thing’s first,” she murmured, looking to the sky and holding a hand over her eyes. “We need to pick a direction…”

“I co-” Molly started, before she was interrupted by a rather obnoxious voice.

“Well, whaddya we have here?” Aileen twisted around quickly, putting her arm out in front of Molly instinctively. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. A large, red dragon with orange fins and a pale belly stood in front of them, a group of other, smaller dragons coming up behind him and fanning out.

“I dunno, bo-GAK!” One of the dragons started to speak up only for the leader to snatch him by the neck.

“It was a rhetorical question, idiot!” He yelled into the other’s face before throwing them down. The angry male snorted as his subordinate crawled away, turning his slitted eyes back on the girls. “All the same, that little pink thing looks like a delicious little snack!”

Molly made a little whimper, stepping back. She blinked when she felt something, looking down and seeing a backpack. Blinking again, she put the thing on, the Mew her hissing a little. After a quick second of searching, the Mew had the egg on her… before it vanished. Not questioning this, the Mew slowly waddled forwards a bit.

“Molly!” Aileen whispered, her scared gaze locked on the dragons before them as they started to circle them. “What are you doing?”

The girl smirked a little. “Metronome,” she said simply. At the word, the mew wagged a finger at the dragons chidingly.

The lead dragon snarled, eyes narrowing at the little creature before. “What’re you nagging aaaaat…..” The dragon trailed off as his eyes widened and head tilted back, watching as a huge, circular wave started to form around the group.

“You should run,” Molly commented. The mew slammed down it’s tail, the water rushing and sweeping the group of dragons away, leaving the three previous victims completely dry. As the wave rolled away, and eventually faded, Aileen felt her breathing start to return to normal

Molly turned to her friend and hugged her, keeping watch with Mew. “Are you okay?” She softly asked.

“I… I think so,” Aileen answered, hugging back as she shivered slightly in fear. “I’m just… oh, my god….”

The smaller rubbed the tallers back, squeezing a little comfortingly. The girl turned part pokemon let out a little breath before straightening up and giving her friend a small smile… before she gasped and her entire body flashed in white light three times over.

“What the? Are you… levelling up or something?” Molly questioned with a confused look, tiling her head.

“I, um… yes?” The girl answered slowly, giving her friend a confused look before looking behind the smaller girl. “Hey, I, uh, think you missed one.”

Molly looked through Mews eyes, trying to see which one she apparently missed. Not far from them, maybe twenty to thirty feet, the top of a green, serpentine head with purple horns poked out from behind a group of boulders, not seeming to realize it had been spotted.

The little girl narrowed her eyes. “Metro-” She started.

“PLEASE DON’T FLOOD US!” A sudden cry sounded through the air. Molly blinked. That didn’t sound like a dragon.

Aileen raised an eyebrow and glanced towards Molly before taking a few steps forward, trying to muster some sort of courage. “Come out of there!” She called out in response. “Or else!” The seconds seemed to tick by as the girls waited for a response, the taller of them starting to back away again before the head shifted down and the sound of crashing could be heard… along with three very feminine voices.

“OW! Hey, watch it”

“Rarity, you’re standing on my tail!”

“Get your tail outta my face!”

“That’s my tail, you ruffian!”

Molly blinked. “Um… okay…” She said, not really too sure how to take all of this. They have confused the pink lover.

Aileen blinked for several moments before three… something or others rolled out from behind the formations, tangled up in some sort of green, jeweled fabric. All seemed to be about the same height, but all built differently and definitely different colors, one being white with purple hair, the other having a similar mane with lighter pink stripes and a lavender body, while the last sported the most bizarre look of light blue with hair of every color in the rainbow. “...Molly, I’m serious this time… I think I’m crazy….”

“We just met dragons Aily ail, at this point we should just roll with it,” Molly said to the bigger, holding her Mew to her chest.

The magikarp girl looked at her confidant before she gave a little breath. “Who are you three?” She called out, getting the three beings to stop their bickering.

The three looked at the pair for a long moment before swapping looks with one another. Eventually, the lavender and purple one cleared her throat and spoke up. “Um, my name’s Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends, Rarity,” she nodded towards the white and purple one, “and Rainbow Dash,” she nodded towards her prismatic companion. “And, uh… who are you?”

“I’m Molly, and this is Mew,” Molly said as she bounced her mew-self a little, letting her friend introduce herself.

“And I’m Aileen,” the taller girl added, gaining a bit more confidence as the conversation went on. “And, uh… what are you?”

Each of the three odd beings raised their ears, the purple one, Twilight Sparkle, tilted her head. “We could ask you the same thing,” she said in a low, curious tone before she shook her head. “Sorry. We’re ponies.”

Aileen’s eyes widened for a moment before they deadpanned and she raised an eyebrow. “...Ponies?”

Molly shrugged. “Different world, different rules,” Molly whispered to her friend.

“Riiight,” the pokegirl said before looking towards the mares again. “So, what are you three doing out here anyway?” At the question, Twilight’s ears and eyes fell, her friends glancing towards her with concerned looks.

“We… came out here after a friend of ours,” the one called Rarity answered, looking up to the two friends. “He wanted to know more about his own kind and….”

“He came out here and now we can’t find him,” Rainbow Dash, the last of the ponies to speak, finished for the quieted mare.

Molly frowned. “Metronome,” She said. This time however, she focused on something that would sense the area, something to find the ponies friend. Mew wagged a finger, and Molly felt the area, searching.

After a couple moments, Molly went towards where she felt a hollow bit in the ground with someone inside it. She didn’t know if the ponies friend was in there, but wanted to save whoever it was anyway. “Mol?” Aileen questioned, following after her friend. “What’s up?”

“Someone's here… Metronome.” Molly said. This was quickly becoming her favorite, and likely strongest, move. Mew grabbed the boulder… comically picking it up and tossing it far away. The other’s watched in awe as a small surprised yelp sounded out from the shallow cave that was revealed… and nestled inside was a purple and green dragon, much smaller than the others had been. The drake stared up at Molly, eyes wide with fear. “Are you okay?” Molly asked gently.

The small dragon flinched as the girl began speaking before her tone of voice reached him. He looked up at her before he gave a little nod. “Y-yeah,” he answered in a voice relaying his youth. “I’m okay…”

Molly extended a hand, an offer to help him out. The purple drake gave a little smile and accepted the offered hand, climbing out with the girl’s help. “Thanks.”

“Are those your friends?” Molly asked, Mews tail pointing to the trapped ponies. The dragon turned his head to follow the direction only for his and the three mares’ eyes to all go wide.

“Twilight?” The small drake questioned, starting to step forward.

“Spike!” The purple unicorn answered, ears perked as the dragon started to run faster towards her. Spike collided with them, wrapping his arms around them as best as he could, the three mares nuzzling him in response.

After a moment, Rarity drew her head back from the embrace. “Why were you in that dreadful hole, darling?” She asked, worry clear in her voice as she looked at him.

“It… it was a part of their… initiation,” the drake answered. “They wanted to see how tough I was…. But, what about you guys? What are you guys doing out here?”

“We were lookin’ for you, squirt,” Rainbow answered, starting to move her arm to noogy him only to find it still restrained. “Uh…”

“You might want to use those claws to free them,” Molly commented, pointing at his hands. Spike looked up at her before looking at his talons, looking back up with a awkward chuckle.

“Right,” he muttered before he started to systematically cut through the fabric. “...So, um… what are you guys?”



“I’m a human, Mews a Mew, and Aileen’s a Magikarp-Human hybrid… Mew and Magikarps are pokemon,” Molly said to the drake.

“Po-ke-mon?” Rainbow questioned, raising an eyebrow. “That sounds like some sort of nerd thing the Crusaders are always messing around with when their not trying to get cutie marks.”

“The ‘nerd thing’ just beat ten dragons with one attack,” Molly said with a giggle.

“It was six dragons, Mol,” Aileen corrected, coming up behind her friend. “But she is right. Pokemon might come in cute or… unassuming forms, but each of them can be incredibly powerful.”

“Really?” Spike spoke up, glancing towards the fish-girl. “So what can you do?’

Aileen froze, her pupils shrinking a bit. “Iiiii… um…” the tall girl began to stutter.

“I thought some were behind the others…” Molly said with a little blush. “But she can do water type moves,” Molly said. Molly with all the saves.

“Ohhh…” the drake replied, nodding his head before turning back to his task. “That’s actually really cool.”

“Oh, yeah,” Aileen answered nervously. “Super cool.” The girl fell silent as Spike finished cutting through what seemed to have been a sort of disguise for the three ponies, finally revealing them in their entirety. The mares all seemed to be about five and a half feet tall, give or take a few inches. They stood on their rear legs, their hooves scraping against the dust while each of them had a different sort of fashion sense. Twilight wore a pale blue button up blouse, a small pink bow tied under the collar as a paler pink skirt covered her lower half. Rarity’s look was fair more fashionable, a medium sleeve white blouse holding loosely to her torso as a blue-purple skirt came down to her knees, a few bracelets clinging on her wrist. Rainbow was the most different of the mares, sporting a pair of black athletic shorts with a dark blue tank top under her short sleeved blue jacket.

“Finally!” Rainbow exclaimed, spreading out a pair of wings the pair had definitely not seen before. “That was starting to get really cramped.”

Aileen stared at the group of anthropomorphic ponies, her eyebrow starting to twitch as she leaned over to Molly. “I thought they said they were ponies,” she whispered, looking between Rainbow Dash’s wings and the other’s horns.

“Mythical versions aren’t so? I mean, we saw dragons…” Molly whispered back to the taller girl with a shrug.

Aileen looked questioningly at her friend for a moment. “...You’re taking all of this really well,” she said quietly. “Are you doing okay?”

“I… may be in a bit of shock, but I can handle it when we aren’t surrounded by dangerous mythical beams that wants to eat Mew,” Molly said, hugging Mew closer to herself and twitching a little bit. The taller girl frowned a bit, worry filling her and replacing the fear that had saturated her emotions since their arrival.

“We’ll get out of here…” Aileen promised, wrapping both the smaller girl and her pokemon in a gentle hug. “Promise.”

Molly leaned back into the hug and nodded a bit, both sets of eyes closing.

“Um, excuse me?” Twilight’s voice cut through the tender moment. Mollys eyes, all four, opened at once and just kinda looked at Twilight, causing the purple mare to loose a nervous chuckle. “We, uh, just wanted to thank you for helping us find Spike.”

“You’re welcome,” Molly replied simply.

Twilight gave another little chuckle, reaching a hand up to scratch at the back of her head. “W-well, we should probably get going,” she said nervously. “If there’s anyway we can repay you, don’t hesitate to let us know.”

“...Actually,” Aileen spoke up after a moment, still holding onto Molly and Mew. “We kinda don’t have anywhere to go….”

A soft gasp drew the attention of everyone to Rarity, the fashionista’s hand up to her muzzle. “You dears don’t live out here?” She questioned. “Then what are you all doing out here?”

“We… aren’t here by choice,” Aileen answered, her eyes going towards the ground. “We were sort of… kidnapped and… changed….”

Molly sniffled a little, her composure starting to break a bit.The hybrid girl pulled her in a bit closer, and even Rainbow Dash was starting to look sympathetic. “Maaaybe… we could offer you a place?” The athlete suggested, looking to her friends.

“Well, it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle,” Twilight said, giving a little shrug. “Especially after everything you girls have done for us.”

“That is true indeed,” Rarity added, shining a smile towards the two girls and pokemon. “And if all else fails, there are a few spare rooms in the beautique that can be made comfortable for you.”

Molly didn’t really trust herself to speak right now, so she just hugged her Mew body to her chest and nodded a little. Aileen stared in shock at the ponies and dragon before them, mouth agape before she shook the moths out of her head. “You’d…” the girl started. “You’d actually do that for us?”

“Absolutely,” Twilight answered with a nod. “It’s the least we could do.”

The tall fish-girl still stared for a moment or two before she gave a small smile and looked down towards the ground. “That… would be amazing,” she said quietly, looking back up with her eyes starting to shimmer. “Thank you. All of you.”

“Ah, don’t mention it,” Rainbow said, waving a hand as she flashed a grin and turned around. “Now let’s get out of here before any more of those ugly jerks find us.”

Aileen nodded and once more leaned towards her friend. “You ready to go, Molly?” She questioned before reaching up and petting the pokemon in her arms. “What about you, Mew?”

The two nodded, even though it was two bodys with one mind. The petting also calmed Molly a little, her looking a little less sad than before. The magikarp hybrid smiled a bit wider at that before looking back up to the other three. “Lead on,” she said simply before the group nodded and started on their way home, Aileen leading Molly and Mew along.

“You guys are going to love Ponyville!” Spike said excitedly, falling into step beside the two girls as they walked… all the while a figure watched them from the shadows, totally unbeknownst to them…

Unbearable situation

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The sounds of early morning drifted through the slight opening of a window, sending the soft notes of bird song with it as Aileen, Molly, and Mew slept in one of the modified rooms of their generous host. Mannequins, rolls of cloth, and other various tools of the seamstress had been pushed into the corner of the room to make space for a good sized sofa on which the girls slept. How it had happened in the night no one was sure, but the small group had somehow curled around one another, much like a set of nesting dolls, Mew curled around Molly as the shorter girl wrapped up Aileen.

The night had gone smoothly enough with the trio of ponies and their dragon companion leading them. Upon reaching the quiet town, the group had swapped good night's and promises to see each other again in the morning before heading off in their own directions, Rarity leading Molly and Aileen to her own home, the Carousel Boutique. It was here that Aileen now laid on the sofa in the early morning, eyes open and drowsy, though unwilling to move so as to not disturb her friend and her pokemon.

Soon the two smaller forms woke up, eyes groggily opening and the two yawned in unison. It was super cute. Aileen gave a soft smile, petting the Mew on the head. “Morning, you two,” she said softly.

Molly smiled, the mew seeming to purr a bit. “You know both of these is me?” Molly asked with a giggle, tapping her chest and the Mew.

Aileen’s little smile seemed to peeter out a little. “I do,” she said quietly. “But… I think some small part of me finds it easier to think of you both as separate.”

“Okay,” Molly said simply, the Mew’s head nuzzling Aileens chest. The tall girl’s smile returned and she gave a small chuckle.

“...We’re still here,” the hybrid said suddenly, glancing towards the open window.

“No, we’re over there,” Molly said with a giggle, pointing a inch to the left before scooting there. Aileen stared at her for several moments before she broke out into a wide grin.

“You always know how to lighten the mood, don’t you?” She questioned, hugging her friend close.

“Of course I do,” Molly said, smiling and hugging back tightly.

The magikarp-girl held the hug for a moment or two longer before she let go and leaned back a little. “This has turned into a real mess,” she muttered. “We’re completely lost, surrounded by weird ‘ponies’, and the first intelligent life we found tried to eat Mew.”

Molly shuddered a little. “Meanie heads…” She whispered, hugging both the taller girl and Mew tight.

Aileen nodded her affirmative. “The question becomes… what now?” She asked, looking to her companion. “We’re a girl, a Mew, and a… a magikarp in a potentially dangerous place and we can’t keep relying on the hospitality of others… at least, not forever.”

“I dunno…” Molly said simply and softly. “I… don’t know.” The taller girl continued to look at her friend for a moment before she let her gaze drift to the ground, wondering how everything had gone the way it had… until the sounds of someone shuffling around downstairs drew her attention.

“...It would seem our host is awake,” she commented quietly before slowly standing to her feet. “We should go down and talk to her. Maybe we can get some answers….” The small, hopeful sentence sounded more like a question than a statement, but it was the best the taller girl could do to keep up her friend’s spirit.

Molly nodded, picking Mew up and moving to go do just that. She seemed a bit more herself. Aileen gave a small smile, putting a hand to her friend’s shoulder for a moment before making her way out the door and down into the first floor of the home. The girls rounded a corner and into the kitchen that their benefactor had led them through the night before, a yawn shaking the pokegirl to her core as her bleary eyes saw a white pony at the stove.

“Morning, Rarity,” she greeted only to be surprised by a yelp as the pony in front of her spun around with wide eyes. The taller girl blinked at the filly, realizing that the pony was much shorter and seemed to be quite a bit younger than the mare they’d met last night, taking in the green eyes and pale purple and pink mane. “Uh… wha-”

RAAARITYYYY!!!!” The girl suddenly screamed out in a shrill voice, the glass in the room actually shaking as Aileen slammed her hands over her ears. Molly put her elbows around Mews ears and hands around her own, falling to the floor by the screech. It was practically a attack. The scream slowly died out, giving way to the rushed steps of a pony down stairs.

“Sweetie!” Rarity called in panic. “What’s wrong!?” The mare rushed onto the scene, stopping short as she looked around her. “Wha… what’s going on?”

“Rarity, who are these… these… these things!?” Sweetie Belle questioned, eyes still wide in fear at the trio of creatures before her.

Rarity stared at her younger sister for a moment before she gave a calming breath and looked at her sister with a motherly look. “Sweetie, they aren’t ‘things’,” she explained gently. “These ladies helped us a great deal yesterday in the Dragon Lands. They didn’t have anywhere to go, so I offered to let them stay the night. I didn’t think it’d give you such a scare.” The little pony looked towards each of the trio for several moments before she gave a little sigh, her shoulders relaxing a little.

“Okay…” she finally murmured before her ears flicked up and her eyes widened before she looked to the floor and her ears fell back. “And sorry for screaming… and calling you things….”

“My head…” Molly said, groaning a little, Mew whimpering a bit.

“Oh, dear,” Rarity muttered, coming to put a hand on the girl’s back before looking back up to her own sister. “Sweetie, get a teapot prepared, please.”

“But… isn’t it kinda early for tea?” the filly asked innocently as Aileen rubbed the side of her head.

“Yes, it is, darling,” the elder unicorn answered patiently. “But it is never too early for headaches, as you’ve so aptly proved this morning.”

Sweetie blinked before giving an embarrassed laugh and went about her task of preparing the teapot, Rarity once more looking towards Molly. “Are you alright, dear?” She asked worriedly, hand still on the girl’s back.

“Y-yeah… ears are a bit sensitive…” Molly said simply.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the mare murmured. “We’ll get some ginger tea and get this all fixed up, alright?” With that she looked up to Aileen. “And what about you?”

Aileen rubbed her ear a bit more before answering. “I’m fine,” she answered. “Bit more shocking than painful for me… but that tea sounds kinda good.” The unicorn nodded before straightening up.

“Well, why don’t you two have a seat while Sweetie and I get it ready, then?” She suggested, flashing a little smile. “It shouldn’t be too long.”

Molly nodded, taking a seat with Mew in her lap, the hybrid girl following and sitting down next to her. The kitchen fell silent for a few minutes before Sweetie Belle spoke up again. “Sooo…,” the filly began, glancing behind her to her guests. “Um… what are your names?”

“Molly, this is mew,” Molly said, hugging said pokemon closer to herself.

“And I’m Aileen,” the taller girl introduced before looking between the two white ponies. “And you’re Rarity’s… daughter?”

“What?” Sweetie questioned with a laugh, looking back towards the table as Rarity froze up. “Of course I’m not Rarity’s daughter. I’m her little sister!” The tall hybrid looked between the two as Rarity relaxed and Sweetie turned back to what she was doing before she gave a look to her friend.

Molly tilted her head a bit. “Mew feels like Rarity’s hiding something,” She whispered to her taller friend. The pokemons body and senses were… significantly better than the humans. By a lot. Mew has DNA of every pokemon, after all… and the traits that come with them wouldn’t be that much of a stretch.

Aileen nodded at that, bringing the knuckle of her finger to her chin. “...Best not to mention it,” she answered quietly. “If she is, it’s not our place to say anything.”

“Okay,” Molly said easily. It wasn’t any of their business anyway, a little secret didn’t hurt anyone… at least, not one like this. Aileen gave another nod before leaning back up as Rarity and Sweetie turned back to the table, the older carrying a tray of teacups and saucers while the filly carried the pot.

“Here we are, dearies,” she said, setting a cup in front of each of them. “Hope you enjoy it.”

“I’m sure we will,” Aileen answered with a smile, giving Sweetie a nod as the small unicorn filled her cup before she turned to fill Molly’s cup. After the cup was filled, Mews eyes glew, just a tiny bit, and the cup flew up in front of Molly’s mouth and allowed her to sip from it.

Sweetie leaned back with her eyes widening. “How are you doing that?” She breathed, eyes darting between Mew and Molly’s foreheads.

Finishing her tea, Molly tilted her head. “Doing what?” She innocently asked. Molly’s getting mischievous.

“That!” Sweetie exclaimed, pointing at the teacup. “How can you do magic without a horn?”

“I’m not doing any magic,” Molly said simply, the teacup setting itself down on the table in front of the group.

“But, then, what was it,” Rarity piped up, her own piqued. “If you're not using magic then you must be doing it somehow.”

I am not doing anything,” Molly said, smiling. Technically that was at least half right… it was the Mew body doing it, after all.

Aileen gave a small giggle of amusement as she let her teacup meet the saucer again. “Oh, come on, Mol,” she said humorously, nudging the other girl softly. “Don't keep’em in suspense.”

“But it’s so fuuun,” Molly faux-whined.

“Maybe for you…” Sweetie muttered only to wince as Rarity gave her a minor thumb to her elbow.

“Mew is Psychic,” Molly said simply after a couple moments.

“Ohhh…” Sweetie muttered before her expression became confused. “What's ‘psychic’?”

“Her brain is wired to allow her access to supernatural abilities,” Aileen answered, taking a sip from her tea.

“Very varies supernatural abilities,” Molly said with a smile. “Little Mew here can do a lot with it’s abilities.”

Rarity stopped with her cup almost to her lips, lowering her tea. “Is that where that wave came from yesterday?” She questioned with wide eyes.

“Dragons wanted to eat Mew,” Molly said simply, hugging Mew tighter and going quiet.

“Oh… well that's just barbaric!” The mare said, her indignancy bordering on anger. Molly was now wrapped around Mew protectively, eyes close. Rarity’s upset expression turned soft and she looked towards the girl for a moment before her chair scooted back. The unicorn made her way around the table and wrapped her arms around the girl and her Pokemon. “Don't worry, dear. You're safe now… you all are.”

Molly just nodded, smiling a little. “Thank you,” She whispered.

Rarity smiled and rubbed the girl’s back. “You're very welcome, darling,” she answered before going back towards her seat, spotting the clock on the way. “Sweetie, don't you need to be on your way to school?”

Sweetie’s eyes shot up towards the time price before jumping to her hooves. “I'mlatethanksRarityIhavetogobyeMollyMewAileennicetomeetyoubye!” The small filly was able to say all this, run around the table, grab her bag, hug her sister, and finally take off through the door before Aileen could even blink, let alone process the sentence.

“...Molly… I think you met your match….”

“Oh, please, I’ve been going easy on you,” Molly said teasingly and giggling. Molly stayed silent, hoping no one would comment on her going to school.

Aileen gave her own small laugh before turning her attention to the unicorn across from her. “Thank you for everything, Rarity. Really.”

“Oh, it's no problem at all, Aileen,” the mate answered. “After the Dragon Lands, we couldn't very well leave you both out there all alone, especially with those ruffians hanging about.”

“Right,” the pokegirl replied before shaking her head. “But what happens next? We don't know our way around, and-and-”

“Darling.” The white unicorn’s hand met the panicking girl’s, drawing the hybrid’s gaze to her. “There's no need to worry. I said you were safe and I meant it. I'll help you find your feet, and I'm sure the other girls will be just as willing to help.”

“So… what is there to do around here?” Molly asked after a couple seconds.

Rarity blinked and drew back before giving a small smile. “Well, there isn't much to be completely honest,” she answered, picking her cup up once more. “Most ponies are either working or at school during the week. There are of course special occasions, but… well, we haven't heard anything as of late.”

“Boo,” Molly said with a pout. “It’s gonna be so boring…”

Rarity gave a small giggle as she set her cup down. “Trust me,” she replied, looking to the girl with her smile. “Ponyville is a lot of things, but boring is not one of-”


“OHGOD!” Aileen shouted, falling backwards out of her chair as a flash revealed Twilight Sparkle.

Molly yelped, jumping back a little on the seat. “W-what the?”

“Twilight?” Rarity questioned, her horn lighting up and picking up a surprised Aileen. “What's wrong?”

“There's something going on in the Everfree,” the purple mare answered, her mane frazzled. “Applejack came to the library dragging Mac and Granny with her. If they were worried enough to evacuate the farm…”

“Should we go help them?” Molly asked, worried for her friends friends.

“Th-that’s why I'm here,” Twilight answered, wringing her hands. “I'm trying to gather the girls because… I think something's coming.”

“What’s this ‘something’?” Molly asked the mare, glancing at her rather quiet friend.

“With the Everfree,” Rarity answered quietly. “It could be anything.”

Aileen looked between the two mare's, eyes growing worried. “Wh-what do we do?” She asked, fear weighing down her voice.

“We go help,” Molly said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

“It is what we do,” Rarity agreed, steeling her features and stepping towards the unicorn. “Besides, there’s never been anything we couldn’t handle before and I doubt there’s anything we couldn’t handle now-” The mare stopped short as the sound of panicked screaming reached them through the walls and windows, Aileen’s eyes going wide at the sounds.

Molly didn’t hesitate, holding Mew as she bolted out of the house towards the sounds of the screams. “Molly, wait!” The hybrid girl screamed after her friend, rushing after her as Twilight and Rarity followed after. The morning sun temporarily blinded the girl making her blink rapidly until she could open them fully. She almost wished she’d stayed blind. Monsters ran through the streets of the small town, ponies of every variety running in terror as the wooden beasts tore down the streets. The group stared as the wolves of branches and trees wreaked havoc, demolishing street stands and home fronts.

“What the hell are these things?” Aileen breathed, staring at the creatures as she began to back away in the same direction as the fleeing townsponies.

Molly frowned. She couldn’t risk Metronome here, there were too many ponies around and she didn’t want collateral. “Mega Punch!” She called out as the Mew floated out of her arms, a tiny fist glowing. Aileen shook out of her stupor and watched as the little pokemon floated away, a look flashing over her face as the mares next to them let out gasps.

“You have to call her back!” Twilight cried, running to Molly’s side. “Those timberwolves will tear her apart!”

One timberwolf tried to do just that, receiving a punch that launched it back into a building and shattered it for it’s troubles. “Mega Punch!” Molly repeated the mental stimulator as another wolf jumped, Mew turning and knocking it away the same as the first.

Twilight stared in awe at the display of sheer power, watching the monsters crumble against the tiny pink creature’s might. “How is it doing that-”

“Twilight!” Rarity’s scream cut off the other mare and drew the attention of the group. Rarity backed up until she bumped into Aileen, eyes wide at the timberwolves that had begun to circle them.

The purple unicorn’s eyes widened as she looked at the circling monsters. “Nopony make any sudden moves…” she said slowly and quietly as her friend shivered next to her. The beasts circled, drool dripping from their jaws… before one barked and snarled loudly and causing Rarity to squeal and lurch away. And the timberwolf lunged forward.

A loud thud and the sounds of scraping later found Aileen in front of the unicorn, the timberwolf biting into the hard scales of her arm. “Gh, why can’t everything just. Fuck. OFF!” The girl yelled, rearing her other fist back and slamming it into the monster’s head. The timberwolf launched backward with a yelp, skidding across the ground for several feet before coming to a stop.

The sounds brought Molly’s attention to the group. After a quick check, she saw that everyone else had left. “Metronome!” She called out, Mew wagging it’s finger. Swiping it’s tail, golden stars erupted in its wake and crashed into the wolves, launching them back and breaking some of them.

Aileen huffed a bit as she lowered her arm and held her other hand to the dented and missing scales on it. “Twilight, Rarity, get out of here,” she hissed through gritted teeth, keeping her eyes on the now cautious timberwolves. “We’ve got this.”

“But, darling, your arm-”

“I’ll be fine, Rarity,” the magikarp girl insisted, not bothering to look towards the mare. “I’ve been through worse. You and Twilight just need to focus on getting these ponies to safety.” The white mare stared at her for a second or two more before nodding and turning to the purple unicorn.

Twilight looked between Molly and Aileen for a moment before she let out a breath. “Stay safe, you two,” she muttered. “The girls and I will be back as soon as everypony is safe.” With that, another white flash left the two girls alone.

Metronome!” Molly exclaimed again. Mew once again wagged its finger. The ground shook, and blades of earth arose, cutting and smashing the wolves. Yet another of the beasts leapt forward, this time aiming for Molly only to find itself punched into the ground and kicked away, sliding away before getting to its feet and running away.

“How long can we keep this up?” Aileen questioned, breaths coming in huffs as she prepared for another interception.

“I don’t know, it had ten PP in the game, and I’ve used it two times today… so we should be fine for now,” Molly said with a worried frown. Aileen gave a nod as she tensed up, eyes locked with a timberwolf that was doing the same.

“Just try to stay between me and Mew,” the girl said, worry etching into her voice. “We’ll get out of this just fine.”

Molly nodded a bit. “Metronome!” She cried again. Mew wagged it’s fingers, and what looked like sharp diamond shards came from the ground, cutting all but one of the current wave to shreds. Aileen stared down the monster in front of it, tensing as the beast started to push off the ground before another timberwolf barreled into it, knocking it off-kelter before the other took off yelping, tail between its legs.

The hybrid girl narrowed her eyes in confusion before she looked around and began to notice something. “Mol….”

“Yeah?” Molly questioned, tensing at the tone in her voice.

“These things aren’t coming after us,” the taller girl murmured, straightening up as three more timberwolves ran their way… and ran past when faced with no opposition.

“Besides those first few…” Molly mumbled, irritated.

“They didn’t attack until we did,” Aileen reasoned, turning her back on the torrent and facing her friend. “They’re not running towards us….”

“They literally surrounded us!” Molly said in exasperation.

The pokegirl opened her mouth to argue only to be interrupted by a familiar shrill scream. Aileen gasped and turned her gaze down the streets where Sweetie and two other fillies, one yellow with a red mane and the other orange with a purple mane, huddled under an up turned cart as one of the beasts stared at them, taking a step forward.

Molly sent Mew, the pokemon floating over and being in front of the beats and snarling a little. The timberwolf shook its head at the sudden appearance, taking a step back and seeming to take a second to register the pokemon’s snarling before returning its own.

While the beast was distracted, Molly went and started working on moving the cart off of the fillies.The wolf’s eyes darted temporarily towards the girl, taking a step back when Aileen rushed forward to help her friend. Their combined strength easily moved the cart, the fillies rushing out of the way and huddling behind them. “M-miss Molly?” Sweetie questioned, looking up at them with teary eyes. “Miss Aileen?”

“Are you okay?” Molly asked, going to eye height with Sweetie.

The little filly sniffed a bit, wiping the tears from her eyes before nodding slowly. “Y-yes,” she answered softly. “I-I think we’re alright.”

“You should get somewhere safe,” Molly said.

The unicorn nodded her head before turning to the other two. “Let’s hurry,” she said, the others nodding before the trio ran off, sticking off to the side to avoid the few remaining timberwolves that charged by, never giving the fillies a second thought.

“What are they all running from?” Molly questioned with a sigh.

“That’s what’s got me worried,” Aileen replied, turning to face the direction the creatures were running from. “Because the only thing a predator is afraid of… is a bigger predator.” As if on cue, a slight tremor ran through the ground, quickly followed by more and more with each one growing in intensity until it felt like an actual earthquake was upon them.

Molly and Mew turned to see what was causing the quaking. The group didn’t have to wait long before and enormous figure appeared over the crest of the houses. Aileen’s eyes widened as the monster reared up on its hind legs, and gave an earth shattering roar, its red eyes filled with rage. The beast slammed back to the ground and began its walk once more, the opaque purple coat rippling with each step as stars shone within the monster giving it almost dream-like appearance. It’s yellowed claws and teeth however looked all too real.

“What… the…” Molly said, eyes wide.

The taller girl’s eyes stared up at the monster as she took a step back. “...Still think we got this?” she asked, voice trembling.

Molly gulped. “M-maybe? Do you think transform would work?” The smaller asked back.

Aileen’s eyes went wide and she looked between Mew and the monstrous bear… before a grin spread over her features. “You are the smartest girl I’ll ever know, you know that, right?”

The smaller actually blushed a bit at this, thrown off by the abrupt compliment. Deciding to hide it with action, Mew went forwards. “Transform!” She shouted. The mew glew, shape growing bigger and bigger until there were two giant celestial bears now. “Mega Punch!” She shouted after, allowing the giant bear to do the normal attack Transform allowed and follow it up with a mountain sized uppercut to the enemy bears chin. The original ursa was thrown back, stumbling backward until it crashed down onto its back with a roar, shaking the ground under their feet immensely.

“We’ve got to get this fight out of town,” Aileen said worriedly, watching the titanic bear start to roll back to its feet. “If this keeps up, the town’ll be flattened!”

Molly nodded. “Metronome!” She shouted. She focused on fighting, trying to make the attack pick something that’d throw the ursa away. Arms glowing, the Mew-Ursa picked up the real-Ursa and tossed it far into the everfree.

“Nice!” Aileen exclaimed, pumping a fist before looking back towards the fight. She heard a thud next to her. The hybrid girl turned quickly to find Molly on the ground, sweating and looking like she had a nasty headache. “Mol!” The taller girl exclaimed, kneeling next to her friend and putting a hand to her back. “What’s wrong?”

“H-headache…” She whimpered. “E-exhausting…”

As she said that, the Mew-Ursa stumbled a little, before shaking its head and glowing again. It was agani Mew, the pokemon floating shakily back to the two. Aileen frowned at that and held out an arm for Mew as the pokemon approached them.

The mew fell into her arm, looking tired. “Easy there,” Aileen said quietly, pulling the pokemon in to her chest and putting her other arm around her friend. “Come on girls, we need to get out of here.”

Molly nodded, whimpering a bit. “H-hurt… tired…” She said.

“Okay, okay,” the pokegirl said soothingly, gently bringing herself and her friend up to stand, leaning the girl against her shoulder as she continued to cradle Mew. “We just have to get you two home…” Aileen lifted her eyes away from the pair and took a look around… only to realize that they had become lost during the conflict. “Crap…” she muttered before the sound of charging hooves on the road met her ears.

She turned to look up the street to find six ponies rushing towards them, three being Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight while the other three were completely new to the pair. The first of these was an tannish orange mare with a blonde mane that wore a faded tan blouse that extended part way down her denim skirt, a thin black belt tightened over it as a brown vest covered her shoulders and a stetson completed her look. The next was a yellow mare with a pink mane that stayed to the back of the group, fidgeting with the green long sleeve sweater she was wearing alongside her pale green skirt. The final mare to slide to a stop next to the group was pink on pink, her energetic attitude on full display through the white shirt with a pink heart design in the center, her baby blue half jacket matching up to the poofy thigh-length shorts she wore.

“Girls!” Twilight exclaimed, rushing to Molly’s other side to offer another pillar of support. “We saw the ursa from all the way across town and got worried. Are you two okay?”

Molly just groaned in response, still sweaty and nasty. Aileen looked to her friend with a worried look before looking back towards the unicorn. “Molly and Mew are completely worn out from facing that thing,” she finally answered. “I think what they could use now is a nice place to rest.”

The purple mare nodded her head before the two began to lead the exhausted girl back towards Rarity’s house, the other mares conforming around them as they walked. The group didn’t make it halfway down the street before a shout stopped them in their tracks.

“Sis!” The young voice sounded out, drawing the group’s attention to where Sweetie and the two fillies from earlier ran out from an alleyway.

“Apple Bloom?” The stetson wearing mare questioned, turning to the filly that had shouted as the young pony collided with her in an vicious bear hug. “What’re ya’ll doin’ out here?”

“We got turned around when they evacuated the school,” the red maned filly, Apple Bloom answered. “We couldn’t find our way to the others an’ woulda been gotten by the timberwolves if those two hadn’t saved us.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking away from the orange and purple filly she’d been looking over only to look back to her. “That true, squirt?”

The pegasus filly gave a little nod. “Yeah,” she answered, confirming her friend’s story.

“Wow,” the country mare murmured before looking towards the two girls. “Thank ya’ll. If there’s ever-”

“Molly and Mew need a place to rest,” Aileen interrupted. “Sorry to be short, but they’re on the edge of collapse and last time I checked that wasn’t a good thing.”

“Right…” the mare said. “Let’s hurry then.” The tall girl could only give a small breath and continued to help her friend forward towards their host’s home. Molly wasn’t talking, conserving energy as Mew wrapped weakly around the tall girls arm.

Aileen frowned worriedly and held the pokemon closer as they reached the Carousel Boutique. “Hang in there girls,” she muttered as she helped them through the door as Rarity held it open for them.

“There’s a couch just in the foyer,” the white unicorn said, pointing as they passed and receiving a nod from the taller girl. Aileen quickly made her way to the furniture, setting Molly and Mew on the soft cushions.

Molly hugged her pokemon close to her chest, swiftly falling asleep. Aileen gave a little sigh and laid a blanket over the two before sinking to the floor next to the furniture, keeping one arm protectively over the pair… even as her other arm bled from the multiple spots her scales had been torn from….