> A Completely Normal Family Dinner > by Brittywritesponi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Family Dinner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash flew through the sky, like lightning but quicker. She soared to and fro, dodging clouds and flocks of birds along the way. Her destination was in sight. She quickly gained speed as her head barreled towards the big tower that shot up into the sky. She dove inches away from the spire and she hurdled downward in the path of the ground. With precision timing, she stopped herself in her hoof mere centimeters away from the stone pathway that led to the castle doors. She banged on the door a few times before inevitably barging in without an answer. The inviting entryway stood tall and gave Dash plenty of room to fly throughout the rooms. She, however, paused in front of the library and pushed open the large crystal doors. "Heya Twilight!" Dash greeted the purple pony sitting in a crystal chair. Her eyes were on a large book sitting in front of her but she greeted Dash with a happy smile before her eyes focused back on the book. "Soooo, what didja want me to do again?" Rainbow asked. She had been called off to Twilights house for some experiments or some test, but she had completely forgotten what it was she was meant to do. "Yes, right... plant your butt in that seat over there." Without looking up from her book, she pushed her hoof outward in the direction of a small crystal chair resting beside a matching table. Rainbow Dash wandered up to it and sat down, making herself as comfy as she could in the process. "Okay," Twilight began as she finally removed her gaze from the book and turned it at Rainbow Dash. "I've been working on a very special potion that even Zecora has had a hard time nailing, but I think I did it." "A potion? What's it do?" Rainbow asked the mare curiously. Twilight grew a smile on her face. "That's the great part. I don't know!" she giddily explained. "You don't know? Well, are you sure it's safe?" "Psh... Yeah, or I wouldn't be testing it on one of my best friends. Now, drink up." Twilight levitated a small bottle up to the rainbow-maned mare and she carefully took it. Rainbow poured the mysterious liquid down her throat but quickly began gaging. "Whoa, Rainbow, are you okay!?" "Eww, this tastes awful," Rainbow Dash gagged out. Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a stern look before bringing the bottle back to her. "It's not meant to taste good." She quickly levitated a pencil and paper up to her as she viewed the mare's outsides, attempting to see any changes that may have occurred. Nothing seemed to have changed. Her hair looked as cyan as ever, her wings felt fluffy as ever. Everything was normal. "Do you perhaps feel any different?" Twilight asked her friend. "No, not really. just a stomach pain from the disgusting taste of your potion." Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a dour expression and grabbed another book that she had left on the table. She moaned in confusion, looking from the book to the now empty bottle with frequency. "Hmmm. I don't get it! Maybe it doesn't work on pegasus, or I missed an ingredient maybe?" "Twilight, no offense but is this going to take long? I kind of have a place to go soon." "From what I can tell, there aren't any side effects. I mean there weren't any effects to begin with, but you should be fine. Where are you going again?" Twilight inquired. "Hm, my parents invited me and Scoots over for a congratulatory dinner party, for becoming a Wonderbolt, I guess." "Well, you should be set to go. Hope you have a good time and say hi to Windy for me!" Rainbow Dash got up out of the chair and left the castle. Her stomach gurgled as the bubbly potion began to digest. *** The night was bright and made it relatively easy to see. Scootaloo hung to Rainbow Dash's hoofs as they flew higher and higher above the ground. Cloudsdale floated high in the sky above them as they made their way closer. As they went higher, the city rose up over the rolling white hills of cloud. A faded blue house sat dormant in the distance, its insides glowed a bright orange as candles flickered through the windows. They slowly descended upon the white fluffy cloud that made up the ground. The pair walked up to the house and a sign in large bold letters read... Home Of Bow & Windy Rainbow opened the door and stepped in, Scootaloo followed closely behind. The door closed with a quiet bang and Rainbow Dash's mother peeked her head out into the foyer. A smile bloomed on her face as soon as her eyes focused on the cyan mare standing in the doorway. "Dashie!" She excitedly gushed. She opened one of her wings and enveloped Rainbow's body with it, hugging her before her eyes shifted onto Scootaloo. "And you," she said ducking down to Scootaloo's hight. "How have you been?" The small, orange pegasus smiled in reply. "Good, I have a bunch of crusader stories to tell you about!" "That sounds wonderful. I can't wait to hear them. Come in, it's almost time for dinner." Scootaloo walked forward into the kitchen while Rainbow stayed back and went into the living room.  There, her father sat fixing an old toy that seemed to be broken in half. He looked up just in time to see Rainbow sitting in the hall looking into the room. His eyes acted as his smile as he rushed her giving her a grand hug, squeezing her so tightly she could hardly breathe. "Hello! It's been ages. How've you been?!" Bow remarked. Rainbow showed off a warm yet shy smile before answering him with a simple "Fine" and continued conversing. They were soon being called to dinner in the kitchen. The table was set nicely with plates and silverware in their respective places. A vase of old roses sat in the middle with a napkin holder to its side. On each plate, there was placed a hayburger with homemade hayfries that shined with salt. A warm cider sat beside every plate in wooden goblets, and slowly, saliva began dripping from Rainbow's mouth. "This looks awesome! You got cider? Out of season?" She looked at the table with amazement, all her favorite food was being served. "Only the best for our little Wonderbolt!" Windy exclaimed. Rainbow blushed at the statement but quickly looked over at Scootaloo who looked just as excitedly at the food as Rainbow Dash herself. She sat herself down on a chair and looked around the table. Her mother, father, and Scootaloo followed her moves, sitting as well as they began their meal. Rainbow Dash took a bite and smiled widely. It was delicious and she showed her mum and approving glance. "Mmm, this is really good Windy," Scootaloo praised. She took another large bite, filling her cheeks to the brim with food. "Well, I appreciate you enjoying my food, but I wouldn't want you choking now would we?" Windy chuckled at the small pony scoffing down her food. Rainbow Dash took another bite of her food. A small jabbing pain began aching in her stomach. She swallowed another bite of mashed up food as the pain grew sharper and sharper. Her back involuntarily arched forward as her stomach felt to be blistering. She looked up towards her parents. Her father and mother were too preoccupied with Scootaloo's story to notice the strained face of the cyan mare. Betwixt her thighs, a burning pain grew as the sharp pain in her stomach slowly dropped lower into her crotch to mix with the burning sensation. Rainbow Dash reached her hoofs down into her crotch area to feel a small cylindrical mound of flesh growing and pushing its way out from her vagina. As the pain grew so did the fleshy mound. It grew further outward, widening slowly into a rounded, ovular head with a small hole forming at the very tip. As quickly as the pain began, it dissipated. Rainbow Dash breathed heavily, looking down at the flesh pole protruding from where her vagina was, a pair of balls hanged loosely below, blocking her clit from view altogether. Rainbow Dash looked back upwards at the table, quickly pushing her hooves into her crotch in an attempt to keep her new appendage unseen. 'What the hell did Twilight do?' Rainbow thought to herself. 'Fuck, it's tight!' Her member throbbed violently causing the pegasus to feel irritable. She pushed at the length with her hoof, when suddenly, waves of pleasure flowed over her body. A quiet moan escaped her lips, inaudible to her parents nor the filly sitting across the way. "Right Rainbow Dash?!" Rainbow jumped, startled. Scootaloo and her parents were now staring straight at her. "Right?" Scootaloo asked quizzically. This time Rainbow heard her words. Her head immediately raised in the direction of her family, and a small forced smile was draped over her face. "Uh... Yeah, that was awesome kid," Rainbow Dash spoke in a cracked, nervous voice. Scootaloo gave her a queer look for a moment before continuing to talk. Rainbow sighed, again looking down at her crotch, the new appendage throbbing lightly as Scootaloo spoke. "Whoops! Sorry Windy," Scootaloo apologized as her napkin flew out of her hooves and under the table. "I'll get it." Scootaloo crouched to the floor and moved under the table and subsequently, under the tablecloth and out of view. She grabbed the cloth napkin in her mouth. She began backing herself out from the table when something caught her eyes, something long and blue. "So... Rainbow Dash, how have you been?" Rainbow averted her attention from her crotch once again, giving as much focus as she could to her parents. "Me? I've been good. Y'know. Just doing normal me-EE st-Uff." Suddenly waves of pleasure surged through her body. Her head tossed itself back, a sizable moan leaving her mouth. "Honey, are you okay!" Bow recoiled in his seat, concerned for his daughter. Rainbow Dash looked below the table. Scootaloo was hiked up on her hind legs, directly in front of Rainbow's member, licking it liberally with her tongue. More small moans squeezed from the cyan mare's lips. "Yeah, I'm fine. Uh!" Another loud moan escaped as Bow galloped around the table. The mare quickly pulled the tablecloth over her waist in an attempt to hide her length. Windy too raised her body from her seat and followed in his stead. Bow grabbed ahold of the tablecloth. Clenched tight in his teeth, he pulled the length of fabric away from her body, revealing the scene below the table. Scootaloo sat snugly up against Rainbow's cock, suckling it slowly, savoring the taste of each lick. Rainbow's face froze up as her parents stared down at the filly. Her heart sank, a feeling of pure fear washing over her body as her skin turned white. Her parents however, did not have disgusted expressions on there faces as Rainbow had thought... In fact, their faces were completely devoid of expression. "Mom... Dad?" she spoke quietly. Both Bow and Windy stayed silent. Windy slowly bent down until she was eye level with Rainbow's member, then she followed Scootaloo's lead and began giving it warm licks with her tongue as well. "Mom!" Rainbow lept out of her seat, pushing herself into her father. Without warning, she felt a warm, lengthy object press against her back. She turned her attention to her father. His cock was fully erect, and his face was pushed deep into her snatch. "Dad, what're you doing!" She felt his tongue leave his mouth and push its way inside of her, as a soft quartet of moans and coo's left her lips. Her cock swayed as her mother and Scootaloo batted at it and attempted to shove it in their mouths. Her father's tongue left her cunny and lapped towards her ball, and she quivered as her warm sacks were tickled by his soft tongue. At this point, she didn't attempt to get her family off of her. The pleasure she was receiving was far too great to even think straight. "Why are you...uh... doing this?" she attempted to ask between moans, but no response came from them. Her dick began pulsating with pleasure and she began panting with lust. Scootaloo opened her mouth wide, forcing the massive length into her mouth and deep into her throat. Rainbow gasped loudly, grunting as her cock was forced into her tight filly throat, Scootaloo's mouth meeting Bow's tongue as she reached the balls. She began moving her head back and forth, up and down the shaft, all the while using her tongue skillfully in a working attempt to make Rainbow orgasm down her esophagus. She felt herself wanting urgently to cum but managed to hold it in, hardly. "Is this what Twilight's spell does?" she spoke to herself between moans. "Awwww... Buck yeah!" Rainbow was drowning in pleasure, her mind and body accepted what was happening to her. She raised her head to see what her mother was doing. To her disappointment, her mother seemed to be struggling to get after her cock. Rainbow took it upon herself to pull her mother up over her so that her pussy was hanging directly overhead. She pulled down on her thighs, making Windy lean her butt down, pushing her wet cunt deep into her daughter's face. Rainbow licked the pre from Windy's ponut, sucking up her juices before shoving her tongue deep within. Her sweet taste gave Rainbow's taste buds a treat as she swirled it inside and tasting every inch of her walls. Her warm insides felt inviting and Rainbow loved every second of eating out her mother. She didn't care if it was her family or not, it felt fucking good. She didn't even care that there was a filly sucking her off, in fact, she wanted more from her family. And with them being seemingly fully in her control, she could do anything she wanted with them. A wicked smile rose onto her face, the idea of dicking her family and an underage pony was pleasing her mind, her cock getting harder at the thought. She pushed away her mother, smearing her precum across her face in the process. With a squelch of Scootaloo's throat, Rainbow pulled the eager filly off of her dick, sending a chill of deep pleasure down Rainbow's spine. She grit her teeth, doing all she could to keep herself from cumming right there and then. Once her pleasure suppressed, she stood up from the ground, her family and the filly whining as their cock walked away out of their reach. She explored the house, finding a length of rope, perfect for what she had in mind. She brought it with her back to the kitchen where her family sat idly waiting for their pleasure toy back. The second she walked back into the room, the three ponies crowded around her eager to get at her crotch. Rainbow grabbed hold of Bow, his own dick swinging as she flipped him over onto his back. His butt was pulled high as his head was pushed into the dirty ground. She gave his cock a long lick before tying his front hooves together, bringing the rope around his body so that he was revealing his privates to the mare. She then did the same to Scootaloo, her tight little cunny leaking juices down her legs and onto the floor; the same thing occurring with her mother as she was placed in a position making her immobile. Rainbow grabbed her cheeks with her hooves and pulled them in opposite directions, spreading them wide apart to give a good view of Windy's openings. Her warm mare juices flowed down the sides of Rainbow's hooves. Windy's head and underside still attempted to gravitate towards Rainbow's cock; she yearned for it. In fact, Bow and Scootaloo did the same, both aiming themselves in her direction. Scootaloo's loins leaked great amounts of pre as Bow's anus puckered and unpuckered repetitiously. She kept her attention on her mother, and slowly brought her tongue down upon her lower leg, a place where a stream of her juices slid down to the floor. The pre pooled on Rainbows tongue as she pushed deep into Windy's fur. Rainbow rose her head upwards toward her pussy, following the liquid trail with her tongue, and ending with a mouthful of pleasure by the time she reached her prize. She spat the mixture out into Windy's widened slit and pushed it back deep inside with her tongue. She felt her own backside drooling as she lapped at Windy, placing a hoof at the base of her balls to give herself some much-needed enjoyment. She moaned loud, her voice reverberating throughout Windy's cunt and making it leak more. She pulled her hoof up to her face, it was completely soaked and sopping with her lubricant. She pulled herself onto her mother's back and rubbed in her fur. She pulled her dick up to Windy's pussy, lining it up carefully before thrusting her length about halfway inside, the other tied ponies giving small whimpers as they awaited their turn. Rainbow let out a loud moan of pleasure as her cock slid against Windy's walls, the smallest textures making her body quiver. She pulled herself part way out before ramming herself back in, this time, her body pushing in deep as her balls smacked against her mother's plot. Her mother was surprisingly tight as her cock fit just snuggly inside. A collection of warm pre soaked her dick as she pulled back out, only to ram herself deep inside once more. Her thrusts began more rapidly, picking up speed as the enjoyment of her mother's cunt as she was at its complete mercy. Rainbow pushed harder, causing saliva to leak from her mouth and pool onto Windy's back. The only reaction Windy gave back was an empty smile. The idea that she was fucking the same pussy that birthed her was a great and wonderful fantasy come true. She pushed inside hard, feeling her dick bump the back of her mother's cervix and nudge itself against her back wall, it was ecstasy. Rainbow felt herself nearing climax so she slowed herself to hold the feeling in. Windy's walls were greased with pre heavily making it hard for Rainbow to keep from finishing, her mouth watered with pleasure. She slowed her pace even more as she felt the insides of Windy's pussy tighten and contract around her dick, a warm flood of Windy's cum glossing over her cock. She pulled out with a wet suction noise, a river of her moist, sticky ejaculate pouring out. Rainbow leaned her head down, lapping up the sweet marecum that poured from Windy's used hole, then she moved down the line of ponies looking for a new one to use. As Rainbow passed, Scootaloo panted like a dog in anticipation of her turn. She then whined and pouted as she was walked passed and Rainbow stood next to Bow. She stared at his balls, churning with stallion seed, his dick lengthy and rock hard. Rainbow dove her head below his sack and began giving small, teasing licks up his nuts and along with his shaft. Bow's cock quivered heavily, a small grunt emerging from the brain-dead stallion. She reached his tip and gave it a small kiss, pre covering her lips. She licked up a small glob onto her tongue and swished it around in her mouth, spreading the taste throughout, then spit it back out onto the stallions hard cock. She pulled herself back around to face Bow's ass, giving a strong lick to his mussy. His anus flexed and puckered tight at the feeling of her warm, slimy tongue press against his anus. "Heh," Rainbow laughed. "You don't deserve me here." Again, she pulled herself around Bow. She faced her father, her cock throbbing directly in his face. His mouth dripped with saliva, a clear lust for Rainbow's cock plastered across his personality, yet his face still acted drained, dead, and far away. She yanked Bow's drooling mouth wide open with her hooves, roughly and hastily. She pulled herself up onto his body and thrust her hips against his face, forcing her cock deep into his throat. Gags moaned from Bow's mouth for a short time before they were drowned out by the sounds of her balls slapping against his slimy, saliva covered face. His muzzle tickled her balls sending out a small cry of joy from the mare, the stallion's own noises continued to be deafened by Rainbow's cock. Bow's throat widened as the invader pushed in, forcing its way deep into his esophagus, which contracted and squeezed around the pulsing member as it was then pulled back outward and shoved in once more. The warmth of Bow's tongue radiated onto Rainbow's shaft, every warm breath he took gave a warm tickle to her shaft.  The soft insides of Bow felt amazing as she humped his face, his saliva being just enough lube to slide back in forth comfortably as she felt herself building up. She could feel every crease of his throat, she could feel his uvula slide against her dick as her cock pinned it to the roof of his mouth, and she could feel his tongue wrapping lovingly around her shaft, every taste bud giving a wonderful bumpy texture as she moved. She soon had to slow her pace as to not finish right then and there. She felt like she was going to explode. She brought herself right to the edge before pulling back out of Bow's mouth, long globs and strands of saliva poured to the ground in front of them, Rainbow's cock gleamed in her fathers spit. Bow's own cock was as hard as Rainbow's so she quickly backed onto it allowing her mare parts to be pleasured as well. She moaned heavily as his cock was forced deep inside of her cunt, throbbing violently against her walls. Before long, a thick stream of her father's cum spit deep inside her. She slowly pulled herself off with a thick *schlock*, cum oozing down her thighs. She reached her hoof behind and scooped up as much seed as she could, licking it off her hoof with glee. A smile came to her face as a devilish idea came to her mind. Rainbow rushed over to her mother and positioned her so she was ass to hip with Scootaloo. She did the same with her father on the other side. Rainbow hiked herself up onto Scootaloo, there was one hole she had yet to try and she couldn't wait to use it. She lined herself up with Scootaloo's anus, taking a hoof and running it over the mare's already wet clit, lubing up the hole that couldn't have been wider than a large marble. Rainbow rubbed her hooves together the site. "Get ready bitch," Rainbow whispered to no one in particular. She slowly pushed her hip forward pressing her large tip against the fillies tight hole. It hardly gave as she slowly pushed harder and harder until finally she felt a light *pop*. She was in. Without a second to spare, she lunged forward, burying herself deep inside the fillies anal cavity. A small noise was emitted from the filly but otherwise was silent and still seemed out of it, like she wasn't conscious. Slowly, as to give a bit of relief, Rainbow pulled herself almost completely out of the filly but quickly lunged forward again, digging herself deeper inside; a few drops of blood trickled out with every thrust she took. The tight hole stretched and widened, allotting room for the large member. Rainbow pushed both of her front hooves down toward her thighs, balancing on her hind hooves as she pounded away at Scootaloo's rear. She felt around for the warm, sticky cum Bow had left behind and lathered one of her front legs until it was glazed over and covered. She positioned her leg up against Bow's ass and slowly inserted her hoof in, using the thick spunk Bow left behind as lubricant. As she pounded away at Scootaloo's ass, her hoof plunged deep into her father, hoofing his tight hole and occasionally switching sides to do the same to her mother. She felt both parents jerk at the insertions but didn't slow down, ramming each hoof deep while pounding away at the small filly. Her penis felt every curve, every crease, and every ring of Scootaloo's ass, sending pleasurable shivers down the mare's spine. The feeling of her penis pushing deep into her gut was amazing, the squelching was music to her ears. Scootaloos body was pushed, to lay crumpled on the ground as Rainbow continued to pound away. Both her parents were gaping as the hoof of the blue mare stretched and pleasured their asses. Rainbow placed a hoof onto Bow, using him as leverage and quickened her legs pace. She felt as his anus began contracting, squeezing around her hoof until thick strands of cum spewed from his cock, pooling onto the floor below. Rainbow pushed his face down into the pool, covering her dads face in his own creamy spunk. She switched sides again focusing on her mother, instead, switching holes and ramming her hoof into her mother's pussy. Her warm secretions leaking down to soak Rainbow's hoof as well as Windy's nethers. Even with the blank expressions, small, quick whines of pleasure escaped her mouth like she was somewhat there and feeling everything. Windy's loins dripped heavily as a non stop flow of her juices covered the floor. A warm jet of mare cum burst from her cunt as Windy came hard against her daughter, still hoofing her used hole. Rainbow pulled out her hoof and lapped at the mix of juices covering it, savoring the flavor of her parents. At this point she was nearing the edge again, Scootaloo's wrecked was body pushed against the floor, her legs were wet and covered in her own cum. Rainbow thrust harder into the small foal, her mouth watering with pleasure as she felt herself getting even closer. Her pleasure was building up, and she could hardly hold it in any longer. With one last thrust, she pushed into Scootaloo hard, only half managed to fit. Cum spewed from Rainbow's cock, covering Scootaloo's insides with a thick white coating. As her hole filled up Rainbow pulled out and quickly turned her around, forcing her mouth onto the massive member and sending a large load down her throat. Cum shot over the orange pegasus, staining her fur with white globs of her role model's seed. Rainbow Dash breathed heavily, tired and content. She heard her heart thumping in her chest, beads of sweat running over her fur. "Huh, huh, huh." She felt a sudden tightness in her loin. Tilting her head she saw as her cock slowly morphed back in on itself, and again her vagina became visible once more, still soaked and full of Bow's cum. Wait... Bow. Her parents and Scootaloo! She quickly shuffled to her feet and went up to the three, almost collapsed ponies, quickly unbinding them in a rushed manner. "Oh my gosh! I am sooo Sorry! I don't know what came over me I...I..." Bow's head slowly rose as if half awake, his own cum still dripping down his face. He groaned as he got up off the ground, Windy and Scootaloo followed in stead. "Urg... That...was... Awesome!" "What?" "Honey! That was amazing! You're so good!" Bow smiled. A huge smile spread across Windy's face as well, her eyes gleaming with spirit. Rainbow just stood there, a look of confusion spreading over her face. " I've never seen someone buck like that before! It was great! And oh the hoofing...!" "Your not... upset?" Rainbow asked in shock. "Upset? Psh, no, of course not. That was great honey!" Bow gave her a wide smile. "A lot of stamina too... wonder where you got that from" he winked. Windy gave out a small chuckle while Rainbow Dash gave a small blush in return, the confused look vanishing from her face. Even Scootaloo was beaming. Wait! Scootaloo! She was only a filly. "Oh my gosh! Scootaloo, are you okay!?" "Are you kidding, I got to be fucked by 'The Rainbow Dash'!" Scootaloo shouted in excitement. A giggle escaping her lips. "Whoo!" Rainbow Dash gave her a playful shove before smiling with the same excitement as the filly. "Let's do this again! It was fun!" Scootaloo said with haste. "Heh, yeah Dashie, it was. How did you even do that in the first place? Y'know, grow a... length?" “Heh, heh, long story. And you know what, I think we possibly can… I just need to Convince Twilight to make more of her potions." Her magenta eyes brightened as she blasted out of the house in a blur, as her voice echoed throughout Cloudsdale. “Twilight, I need another potion!”