> The Pregnant Prequel of Madam Pinkie Pie > by Pacificside18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon rose high above the citizens of Hollow Shades as a celebratory festival was being held after a triumphant victory against the wicked Witch, Starlight Spellcaster who had haunted their town for years, stealing their candy for her own self-gain.  The townsfolk filled the night with music, laughter, dancing, drinks, and all of their lost candy that was being prepared to be spread across Equestria. Just outside the town entrance was a large, purple and green tent being swarmed with townsfolk going in and celebrating with a traveling visitor.  Inside the tent, guests young and old had made themselves at home on the hundreds of pillows scattered across the tent floor.  Wrappers and cider stains littered the inside of the tent floor and pillows, something that the visitor had unfortunately not probably planned on. “She’s here!  Clear the way!” The tent guests created an open path as a large shadow moved its way to the entrance.  When the figure emerged from the darkness lit from the tent’s lamps, everyone cheered with candy and mugs of cider in hand, happy to be in the presence of their savior.  The tent owner wore a tall, purple turban with a matching scarf and a gypsy outfit with multiple colors and shapes sewn into it.  But if there was one thing the villagers were most puzzled with was the gypsy’s enormous, gravid belly that seemed to be big enough to house half a dozen children at the least yet she was capable of walking, or rather waddling, around her tent without straining herself. The gypsy raised her hands to quiet down the cheering bystanders as she fell back into her personal mountain of pillows lying in the center of the tent.  When she crashed down, her pink belly jumped and jiggled in place until its vibrations ceased.  She glanced left to right at her eye-balling guests as she threw a few pieces of candy into her mouth. “Pass on down that cider!” She exclaimed, smacking her lips with whatever candy was still stuck in her teeth.  She put her arms behind her head, using her pillows as a makeshift throne. “Yes, Madam Pinkie,” one of the villagers responded and poured a fresh batch of apple cider into a large glass tankard.  The glass traveled from person to person until it had reached the pink mare. “Thaaaaank you!” she responded, “Welp, bottoms up!” She immediately poured its contents down her throat, gulp by gulp as the crowd watched with concern.  The room quieted down until only the sound of crickets could be heard outside along with the thirty seconds of swallowing coming from Madam Pinkie herself. “M-madam Pinkie?” One spoke out, “Is it safe for you to be drinking that in your...um...condition?” The pink fortune-telling mare let out a satisfying gasp for air as she brought down her glass, completely empty and with a face of foamy cider covering her snout. “Condition?” she questioned, “What, is this non-alcoholic or something?  Besides, I have no idea what you’re talking about.  This batch you guys provided was delicious!  What’s say you, PONK!?” The gypsy’s belly glowed, causing peering eyes to back away for safety as a pink cloud emerged, taking its ghostly shape into what appeared to be a bustier version of the fortune teller. “HIC--Y-yup!” the ghost staggered, trying to float in one place, “I-I give this batch a--HIC--DEN-OUT-OF-DEN!!” The ghost flew around, smacking into support beams until Pinkie reached up and caught her partner by her transparent hand. “This little ghost, however,” Pinkie presented, “She can’t hold her cider!  Ha-ha!” “Well you’re not supposed to be able to hold my HIC-hand!  What do you have to say about tha--” A strange rumbling noise came from the gypsy’s belly, it sloshed and bubbled causing the townsfolk to back themselves a little further from the unusual duo.  A trail of bubbles began climbing from the gravid gypsy, phasing into the spirit’s tail and built up pressure through its body until it released a massive belch loud enough to shake the Foal Mountains. “PHEW!” the spirit said, shaking off the tipsiness, “That stuff just goes right through me!” “You mean ‘us’, PONK!.” “Pfft, easy for you to say.  Try drinking without me and then I’ll start pointing and laughing.” “Tried it before, pal.  That was my first, and hopefully last hangover that someone like myself will never have to experience again.” “Oh, really?  Alcoholic or non-alcoholic?” “Non-alco--HEY!” The spirit snickered to herself, proving her friend to not be the most tolerable of drinkers. “Excuse me, Mrs. Pie?” a voice came from the crowd interrupting the unusual conversation being had, “What exactly is your connection with this ghost?” “Yeah, how did you two meet?” another voice questioned. Madam Pinkie and PONK! looked around the room with their curious guests all asking them about their origins and meetings. “Well,” PONK! whispered to its host, “We may as well give them what they want, huh?” The gypsy agreed as she raised both hands to quiet down the crowd.  She had PONK! levitate her gravid body up from her pillow throne and back onto her two hooves “So, you really want to hear the bizarre introduction of The PINK Madam Pinkie Pie and her symbiote spirit, PONK!?” Half of the crowd reacted positively to the question while the other half became puzzled from the fortune teller’s full name. “Alright, then!  Gather around, everypony!  Get some drinks, some more candy and come here the tale when this tummy of mine was just a flat tummy!” “Oh--hold up!” PONK! interrupted as she flew up to Pinkie’s belly and pressed upon her belly button.  Everyone gasped as her stomach lit up with a presentation of static snow.  PONK! rubbed and rotated  the belly button until the snow cleared up showing a newly-built town miles away from Hollow Shades. “Listen to our tale, we swear it’s true. About a young, pink mare and the trouble she brewed. A hidden cave and a trinket broken, This is how the Gypsy’s career became awoken!”