Dark, Stormy Night

by 999999

First published

While visiting their former home, two princesses are caught in the middle of a raging storm. They are left with nothing else but old memories. And each other.

In the middle of the night, without the escort of the royal guards, Celestia and Luna sneak out from Canterlot to visit their former home. While there and caught in the middle of a raging storm, two princesses are left with nothing else but old memories.

And each other.

Our Story Begins...

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"Almost there," a soft voice spoke, the faint, golden glow of her magic illuminating the dark shrubbery of the Everfree Forest.

The second pony couldn't help herself but giggle.

"What's so amusing, Luna?"

"It's nothing, Tia. It's just… We snuck out of the castle like we’re foals."

"You're saying that like it's a bad thing…"

"We are princesses, Tia. And we're both of age, last time I had checked. We could just say—"

"But where's the fun in that?" Celestia replied with a giggle.

Luna smirked. "Fun? You sure did change in my absence, Tia. It's nice to see you're not so stuck-up anymore."

Celestia winced. "I appreciate brutal honesty, Luna, but… a stuck-up?"

Luna nodded. "Even when we were foals… and recently… Twilight told me about what I missed at Cadance's wedding… and—"

"I understand, Luna. I…" Celestia paused for a moment to find the right words. Upon finding none, she hung her head. "I don't know what to say, Luna. I just… I want to mend some things… I already talked to Twilight and—" She fell silent and looked up.


Celestia turned to Luna. "Did you feel that?"

"Feel what? You're just being s—" Luna perked her ears as a heavy droplet fell on a leaf beside her. That was closely followed by another and another, until it was almost drowned by the sound of rain in the background. "Uh oh."

"That way! Run for it!"

Without hesitation, the pair galloped towards the remnants of their former castle. But regardless of how fast they both were, the heavy rain relentlessly accompanied the pair.

A few minutes later, they finally reached the castle ruins, both soaking wet and craving for a towel along with a warm place by the crackling fireplace. Their pace slowed down, both aware that they couldn't get any wetter, anyways.

However, as soon as they saw the stone arch, indicating the entrance they both recognized, they ran again, one more eager than the other to get out of the rain.

"Fun," Luna deadpanned and gasped for air as they arrived under the nearest roof. "I'm having so much fun being soaking wet, Tia. Can't you tell?"

Celestia giggled. "Luna, we're not made out of su—"

Without waiting for Celestia to finish, Luna shook off her water and watched how her sister lifted a wing to defend against the onslaught of tiny droplets. She couldn't help herself but be overly amused by Celestia's reaction.

The moment Luna stopped, Celestia gladly returned the favor. "I saw that you're not wet enough. I'm glad I could help."

Luna, in turn, playfully stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry.

Celestia laughed out loud, the echoes of her laughter bouncing off of the walls of the great, dark room.

Luna shuddered.

"What is it, Luna?"

"It's kind of eerie, isn't it?"

"We used to live here, Lu…"

Luna nodded. "It's strange to visit our old home. Especially in the middle of the night. After sneaking out of Canterlot."

"Well, to be fair, you wanted to visit the old castle."

Luna sighed and nodded. She was the one that had been desiring to visit the old castle, but she hadn't been able to get herself to do so for many years. She was certain that something deep inside of her would make Nightmare Moon emerge again and take over. And yet, she desperately wanted to know what happened to the place of their foalhood. She just never expected the visit to be in the middle of a dark and stormy night.

Celestia stepped forward and looked at Luna as she was admiring the ruined chamber. "Do you remember this room?"

Luna shook her head.

"Magic practice room!" Celestia almost shouted, her cry echoing through the halls. "Sorry." She closed her eyes and let her horn glow bright enough to shed a light on the half-eroded emblems on the walls and to point out a decently-sized hole in the ceiling. "I never allowed this to be patched."

"That was… me?"

Celestia nodded. "You got frustrated the spell didn't work, and… well… that happened. Luckily, nopony was in the room above at the time…"

Luna hung her head. "Memories fade away after a thousand years…" She looked around and then returned her gaze to Celestia. "Do you know if… our rooms…"

"There's not much left of them. As you can see, Nightmare Moon demolished a lot of the old castle. I haven't visited this in hundreds of years, so… They may be in an even worse state now…"

"I… did this," Luna breathed.

"No," Celestia murmured. "Nightmare Moon did this. You wouldn’t have done… this…"

After a moment of awkward silence, Celestia continued, "If you still want to take a look, we need to go outside again. Or maybe—hold on tight!"

Celestia's magic engulfed them both and with a pop, they teleported to another chamber. This one was in an even more desolate state than the one before, but Luna sported a faint smile as the empty walls and familiar shapes brought memories back to her.


Celestia confirmed with a nod. "I have fond memories of—"

"When you snuck out of our bed at night and stole sweets from the kitchen," Luna quickly added.

"Shush," Celestia shot back. "You got some of them as well."

"Mhm." Luna giggled and licked her lips. A moment later, a dark square on the wall caught her attention. "Yes, hall… way?" The flare of her magic licked the outline, making the door open with a terrible screech. But unfortunately, her enthusiasm turned into disappointment when she saw that a pile of rubble blocked their way. Luna hung her head.

"I wanted to tell you… this collapsed eons ago, and… well… I found another way… How do you think I managed to steal all those cookies?"

Luna snickered. "You were always exploring when we were foals… and knowing you… Canterlot doesn't have any hidden hallways, does it?"

"Luna! How could you even ask that?"

Luna gave her sister the most unimpressive stare she could muster.

"M… maybe?"

Luna laughed out loud, but quickly covered her mouth as the unsettling echoes filled the deteriorating room. "Sorry," she said in a mere whisper. "I think I may have even frightened myself with that."

Celestia giggled in response. She quickly scanned the kitchen, and her eyes locked onto a piece of the wall, seemingly indifferent from the rest of it. "This."

Luna tilted her head. "It's a wall, Tia."

In response, Celestia pushed hard against the wall, and a trap door swung open.

Luna blinked. "H-how?"

"I think I had found all of the hidden pathways in this castle. Too bad you hardly ever joined me…"

"I was sleeping!"

"Well… other times you were afraid of the dark. And spiders."

Luna groaned. "Don't remind me. Luckily, some things have changed since then…" With that, she took a step forward and happily stepped through the smaller door. However, this action ended with a shriek of surprise and a heavy thud.

Celestia smirked. "You really should watch your step, Luna. You've been through so much already; I don't want to lose you to missing stairs."

Luna groaned again. "'Tis not funny, Tia."

"Yes, yes it is," Celestia replied playfully and climbed through the door that was barely higher than Luna. With her horn shining now even brighter, Celestia followed after her disgruntled sister.

Unfortunately, the very next step made Luna step into a shallow puddle. She turned, cringing. "Blech. Of course there needs to be even more water here…"

"Well…" Celestia looked down, careful to make a mental outline of the puddle. "I'm surprised it's just this, seeing how demolished the building is… We may need to be vigilant…"

Visibly frustrated, Luna lit her horn.

"Luna, no!"

"Why not?" Luna snorted. "I'm wet, agitated, and would like to go home as soon as this rain stops."

"I know, Luna. But if you're going to teleport yourself to the tower without knowing where exactly you're going to end up… I'm not even sure if that path is blocked."

Disappointed and frustrated, Luna kicked a nearby pebble.


"I can't believe that I almost did something incredibly stupid," Luna muttered.

"Luna? Is something the matter?"

"No." Luna looked at her sister. "Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know… I had a chance to be alone for a change and enjoy the night without being pestered every five minutes. Instead, I have been dragged out to the middle of the Everfree forest, in the rain, no less, just to—"

"Luna. Calm down."

"I don't want to calm—Mffff!" A muddy, white hoof muffled the rest of Luna's sentence. "Tia! What the hay!"

"All I wanted was to spend some time together and to visit the old castle, Luna. But ìf you don't want to be here anymore… I can't force you to stay. Though, I would advise against going out in the middle of the storm. There's no telling how the weather in this forest will turn.

"You can climb on me if a little puddle bothers you."


"Stop complaining, Luna. You loved to do this all the time when are were foals."

Luna groaned. "But we aren't foals anymore, Tia…"

Celestia smiled and turned, her flank now facing her sister. "My offer won't be up forever."

Hesitantly, Luna climbed onto her sister's back and wrapped her forelegs around the snow-white neck. As Celestia's warmth seeped into her body, she calmed down and affectionately nuzzled Celestia's neck.

"Comfortable?" Celestia asked softly.

Without eliciting a sound, Luna nodded.

"So… where to now? You still want to visit our old chambers?"

Luna nodded again.

"Hold on tight, Luna."

Luna tightened her grip, and with that, Celestia turned again and headed down the narrow corridor with the light of her magic illuminating their way. Slowly and surely, the pair continued with Celestia pausing every few yards as she tried to remember how it all looked the last time she traversed through these dark passages.

As they continued, Luna’s grip grew weaker, as the rhythmic sway of Celestia’s body lulled her to sleep.

Fortunately, Celestia stopped before Luna could slip off of her completely. She started nuzzling her sister.

"Luna? Lu? We arrived. Time to wake up…"

Luna yawned. "W-what? I… fell asleep?"

Celestia nodded, as Luna dismounted the warm back of her sister. She looked around and pointed to a pile of rubble just a couple of feet away. "If you'd teleport, you'd probably have end up there…"

Luna cringed. A quick glance over the completely empty room left her disappointed. "I… I expected there was something, anything left…"

Celestia shook her head. "Everything was moved to Canterlot…"

"Everything? Or maybe…"

Celestia nodded, but curiously watched her sister tap her hoof against the floor, move an inch, and then repeat herself.

After a good minute of quiet observation, Celestia couldn't help herself but ask, "Luna, what are you doing?"

With another tap, Luna's ears caught a hollow sound. She smiled. To her, it was as if she had won the lottery. She lit her horn and removed the tile, but her action left her disappointed. "Gone," she muttered to herself. "But in a thousand years…"

"What is gone, Luna?"

"I thought… I hoped that maybe…" Luna looked up. "My diary… For a moment, I hoped that…"

"It's still intact."

Confused, Luna stared into Celestia's eyes. "You… my…" with a nod from Celestia, Luna threw her hooves around her sister. But in a short moment, her excitement turned into a feeling of dread. She remembered that her diary held not only the thoughts she could only share with her sister, but it also contained thoughts that had to be kept away from that same pony.

Luna swallowed hard. "Had you… did you—"

Celestia nodded and hung her head in shame. "I told myself that I wouldn't. It was yours. They were your private thoughts. But…" She sighed. "But after your banishment, as decades and centuries passed, my memories of the kind and generous Luna slowly started to fade away as they were replaced with stories of the terrible Nightmare Moon, and…

"And at the end, your diary was one of few things you left behind, Luna."

"I—" Luna fell silent.

"Is there something wrong, Luna?"

"I… wrote… a few things about you."

"Correction, Luna," Celestia replied. "You wrote quite a lot about me. Some of it was justified anger, and some of it was… unexpected…"

"You're upset…"

Celestia shook her head. "Why would I be? What you wrote was a long time ago, and there's nothing wrong with anypony indulging into little bits of fantasies. Even if they're… very graphic and descriptive in nature. To be honest, I did enjoy your writing quite a bit."

"I hardly remember any of it… I just remember writing… about us… uh…sleeping together," Luna finally finished with a slight red tint on her muzzle.

"In very broad detail," Celestia happily added.

An awkward silence fell between the two, and they shared the moment to listen to the heavy rain attacking the remains of their abandoned residence. It took a while to look back at her sister and in a groggy voice, Luna asked, "Tia?"

"Yes, Luna?"

"Had you… um… you said that you liked my stories, and I wonder if… if you ever thought about… what's written in there…"

"Luna? Is there something on your mi—Mmmph!"

Before Celestia managed to finish her sentence, Luna took her chance and pressed her lips against her sister’s. However, when Celestia elicited no response other than shock and surprise, Luna broke her kiss, stepped back, and hung her head.

"S-sorry, Tia. F-for a moment, I thought…"


"I do not know what came over me. I just… It won't happen again, I promise."

“Why not?” Celestia asked softly. "I like kissing just like any other mare, Luna. I was just a little taken by surprise to receive it from my own sister. But by reading your diary… I guess I should not be."

"I just… I just wanted to know… how…" Luna fell silent.

"Do not worry, Luna. Curiosity gets even the best of us. But I'm curious myself… how was it?"

"It was… uhh…" Luna rubbed her muzzle. "Nice? Soft? It's hard to explain… it's different from anything I've felt so far…"

"I see." Celestia closed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Would you, um, maybe like to try it again?"

With a faint smile and a racing heart, Luna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. With a little hesitation, she leaned forward and pressed her muzzle against her sister. But unlike before, Celestia opened her mouth, allowing Luna to soak in a little of her warmth. With their muzzles still conjoined, she felt a tip of a hoof gliding down her neck.

After what felt like minutes to both of them, Celestia slowly broke their kiss and opened her eyes. "Goodness, Luna, that really was something." She looked out the window, but the weather outside wasn't getting any better. "We shouldn't be doing this, and you know that well. But given the circumstances… I think we can both make an exception…" She stared back at Luna's sapphire eyes.

Luna didn't need to be told twice. With a warm smile, she pressed her muzzle against her sister's again, but quickly she moved away. "Something strange is—Egads!" she shouted in surprise as she looked between her hind legs, and her eyes met with a limp, dark-blue penis that barely poked from its sheath. If she didn't know any better, she could've sworn it was there for her entire life.

"That's what you get for running through the patch of poison joke," Celestia replied with a giggle.

"But… but…"

"Worry not, Lu. It's not permanent. Just a herbal bath, and you'll be back to your old self. Although…" Celestia smiled mischievously.

Luna looked at her new appendage. "Uh… But what if the poison joke—"

"It only has effect on the pony who touches it. It's safe for me, and… for… you as well," Celestia breathed. Luna's muzzle was now only inches away, and it was slowly getting even closer. Intoxicated by Luna's warm breath, she bridged the increasingly smaller gap between the two. As much as she knew of her sister's fantasies, she just realized how much she was actually turned on by this entire ordeal.

With a slight nudge from Luna, Celestia took a step back. She was careful not to break their kiss as she took yet another step back and clumsily folded herself underneath her sister. "I'm all yours, Lu. Just… be gentle."

With a subtle nod, Luna affirmed Celestia's request. Just seeing Celestia underneath her with the warm hooves wrapped around her back, accompanied by the sweet scent of arousal permeating through the damp air, she thought that she would climax right there and then, but fortunately, that didn't come into fruition.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down, leaned forward to steal a short kiss from her sister. Luna placed another kiss on her sister's chest, and from there, she moved down much slower, nibbling her sister's fur along the way.

As she moved even lower and stumbled on the pair of dark-white mounds, Luna stopped for a moment to admire, but not just the enticing teats and their nipples as they seemingly stiffened up just for her, but her sister's complete back side. And what a sight it was. Inches before her muzzle was a pair of alluring teats, soft and tender, waiting to be played with or gently sucked on like an exotic fruit. Beneath those, Luna noticed a pink button already protruding from the crevice she would be attending a little later, and on each side were Celestia's delicate inner thighs. With a sly grin, she nudged the nearest one, making her sister flinch.

Luna giggled. She leaned down and sucked on one of her sister's erect nipples for a moment before her mouth engulfed the entire mound. It was nothing short of delight as she attempted to tame the stiffened nipple. Still amused, Luna switched to the other one and began the game anew, and happily watched as Celestia gave in fully into her ministrations.

Even though the erect clit indicated Celestia's readiness, she was enticed by the glistening thick liquid coating Celestia's slit. She couldn't help herself but to take in a lungful of the intoxicating aroma. Satisfied, she leaned forward and pressed her tongue against the slightly-opened crevice and let it effortlessly slip into the gap.

Celestia gasped.

Luna smiled faintly and pushed her sister's legs apart. Lightly massaging Celestia's inner thighs, Luna dove deeper into the chasm of the luscious slit, letting her tongue explore the depths of her sister's insides and lapping out the thick, delicious juices along the way.

As Luna continued with her exploration, Celestia's breathing deepened. Sensing that, Luna moved her muzzle and nipped Celestia's inner thigh, making her gasp again.

Celestia glared at her sister in high hopes that she continued with what she started. "Lu-Luna, why d-did you stop?"

"I didn't," Luna replied in a sugar-coated voice. "I just wanted your attention."

Celestia said nothing. She only opened her mouth a little for Luna to exchange a long, wet kiss before she felt her sister return between her hind legs.

Luna was right. Even with the lovers that she had in the past, watching her own sister caressing her sensitive skin and exploring the depths of her intimate parts was something new. A wave of newfound excitement and lust washed over her as Luna engulfed her labia and started flicking around her clit.

"F-faster, Lu," Celestia breathed.

Luna listened. Her tongue started to flick faster until—

Celestia flinched. "L-Luna…I…I'm—" She didn't need to finish her sentence; her body did all the talking for her. In a moment, she felt all of her pent-up tension coming to an end as the ripple of an intense orgasm washed over her entire body. Surprising to her and to her sister alike, Celestia also shot a small stream of thick liquid inside of her sister's mouth, on her nose, and a little bit on her chin. It was something that Celestia hadn't experienced either on her own or with any of her previous partners.

However, Luna's surprise was only short lived. She hastily moved to lap up the remains, but there was not much left. Only a few stray droplets remained hanging off of her sister's pink slit. Amused by this sight, she stuck out her tongue and meticulously cleaned that as well, making sure to occasionally brush against the erect, pink bud to make her sister flinch.

Finally, Luna stopped. She moved her muzzle away from the deliciously forbidden fruit and licked her lips. As Celestia's vulva gave her a wink, Luna leaned forward and kissed it. "I guess I got a little ahead of myself," she mused.

"Goodness, Luna. What the hay have you done to me?" Celestia replied. Hesitantly, she stood up and turned around and pressed her nose against Luna's.

"Gave you an orgasm, I guess," Luna replied innocently.

"To put it lightly…" Celestia smirked. "I don’t think I ever had that happen before…"

Luna giggled.

"How was… it?"

"Enjoyable," Luna said hotly. She pressed her foreleg against her sister's chest and leaned into a deep kiss. She invitingly opened her mouth and nudged the tip of Celestia's tongue with her own.

Without a second thought, Celestia accepted the invitation. The mixture of her sister's saliva and a hint of something that she hadn't felt before made her feverish, deepening their kiss. Like on autopilot, Celestia rolled Luna onto her back, and her forelegs glided down the dark-blue chest and even lower between Luna's hind legs. With another tap of her tongue against her sister's, Celestia broke their kiss and seamlessly continued down the same path her hoof took not long ago.

For a moment, Celestia paused as she was amused by the combination of teats and fully-erect penis between Luna's legs. With a quick nip of one of her teat, Luna gasped, reminding Celestia she was just as needy as her sister. Looking up, Celestia could see Luna's delightful torment, but she gave no indication that she's going to end it anytime soon.

After being done with both, Celestia shifted her attention to the stiff rod and happily licked away the clear liquid that was building on its head. Without much hesitation, she wrapped her mouth around it and rhythmically started to glide up and down the flared shaft. With it, she felt Luna's body shifting erratically, and soon after, as she tried to slow down, she could feel Luna thrusting forward in an attempt to keep the momentum going.


"T-Tia… I'm almost—"

Upon hearing that, Celestia moved away. As much as she would like to see and feel Luna finish at that very moment, she had a better idea. She kissed Luna on her stomach. "Lu, I want…" She didn't need to finish her sentence. Luna knew exactly what her sister wanted, and as aroused as she was, she wasn't going to deny that pleasure to herself or to her sister.

Receiving a subtle nod from Luna, Celestia rolled onto her back again and spread her hind legs in fiery anticipation of what Luna would do next. She didn't need to wait for more than a few seconds as a set of dark-blue lips covered her own, and a majestic body of the same color stepped over her.

"I want you, Lu. I want you so much," Celestia breathed.

"I know." With their lips intertwined, Luna pressed the tip of her flared penis against Celestia's opening, and without much effort, it easily slipped deep inside. Worried, since she never done anything like this before, she looked at Celestia.

"Mmm. Deeper, Luna."

Luna pushed a little further. The strange sensation and warmth that engulfed her new appendage overwhelmed her. She could feel the head bump against Celestia's inner muscles. She stopped. If she continued, she would’ve reached her climax in a few more thrusts, something she didn't want just yet. Instead, the glow of her magic engulfed the entirety of Celestia's exposed clit and started to knead it.


"I don't want to finish by myself. And I'm so close right now… If I continue…"

Celestia silently nodded. She felt the lower part of her body come to life again, a nerve pinch in her leg reminding her that she's again going through what she went through not long ago, but she was ready for another ride, even though one was usually more than enough. Luna's magic and the stiff rod nestled inside of her ignited a flare of lust all over again.

"I don't regret reading your stories, Lu," she said with an exceedingly softer tone. "They made me finish so many times. Even though I never thought—" Celestia took a sharp breath and bit her lip. "Luna," she finally breathed.

Luna nodded. As she dimmed down the effects of her magic, she continued thrusting. With Celestia coming to her second climax, Luna was more than ready to push them both over the edge.

"Faster, Lu," Celestia barely muttered between her heaving.

Luna obliged. Celestia pulled her closer, their lips joining into each other. In that moment, Luna felt her body convulse, firing a shot of cum deep inside of Celestia, quickly following by another one and another, filling up her sister to the brim. With that, and with her sister's magical stimulation, a second orgasm rippled throughout Celestia's body, making her cling to Luna even harder.

Exhausted, Luna collapsed onto an equally-exhausted Celestia. The magic stimulating Celestia's clit faded, and in the silence of the moment, Celestia looked deeply into her sister's eyes.

"That was marvelous, Lu. The stallions I've been with usually finished before I even warmed up properly."

Luna giggled.

"Do you still regret coming here? And stepping in that puddle? And running through the—"

"No," Luna whispered back. "Just that this is over already."

Celestia smirked. She perked her ears and listened intently for a few moments.


"Shh, Lu. Listen."

Luna raised her head and did what her sister did. "I'm afraid I don't hear anything, Tia."

"Not even that the rain stopped?"

"Oh." Luna groaned. "Which means we should go back."

"We still have a little bit of time, Luna."

"Mmmhmmm," Luna murmured and kissed Celestia's chest before curling back into it.

* * *

As dusk turned into noon and then into dawn, Luna slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She was happy that she was back in her warm bed, away from the dark and eerie ruins of their old castle and its damp, cold floor. But unfortunately, her happiness ended there.

As the pair was heading back to Canterlot, Celestia had acted like nothing had happened between the two. No teasing, no nuzzling, or any kind of affection like Luna usually received from her lovers, other than a reminder that she needed to do something about that poison joke treatment.

Following that thought, Luna threw the blanket off of herself and looked between her hind legs. Her appendage was no longer there. Instead, she took a brief moment to admire the pink button that poked through the dark-blue rims of her petals. As much as she wanted to attend to it with her hoof like she had done countless times so far, she only sighed. Her thoughts kept on returning to what had happened at the old castle.

She looked out of the window; the sun had already began to set for the night. "Huh," Luna muttered to herself. "She's a little early today." She smirked. "I guess that's what you get for going out in the middle of the night."

Without further hesitation, Luna rolled off of the bed and lit her horn, aiming it at a distant point. Not long after, the moon started to slowly grow bigger and bigger as more of it rose from behind the horizon. Satisfied with her own work, she smiled and turned towards her sister's door, wondering how to ask for her diary back.

Before she knew it, she found herself in front of her sister's room, knocking at the door.

With a faint squeak, Celestia opened her door. "Luna?"

"I… I wanted… uh… We talked about…" Luna's face became redder as she struggled with herself. Finally, she said, "M-my diary?"

Celestia giggled at her sister's embarrassment. "Do come in, Luna. Worry not, though. Contrary to the popular belief I do not bite… that much." With that, Celestia turned and Luna followed to her room. "You will have to give me a few minutes since your diary is very well hidden."

Luna nodded. As much as she wanted to avoid it, she couldn't help herself but stare at the pair of white flanks. She swore that she could see the glistening crack underneath the swishing tail as a familiar warmth began building within her. After what had happened the night before, she enjoyed the scenery until Celestia vanished from her sight completely.

With that, Luna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She swore that if her heart hadn’t been secured by her ribs, it would have escaped her chest way before she even entered her sister's room. But the faint, warm scent of lavender, mixed with the even fainter scent of her own arousal, quickly calmed her. Worries of what her sister would say about her diary vanished. Lost in her thoughts, Luna completely missed the hoofsteps of her sister.


Startled, Luna grabbed her chest. "Tia! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"No? Then how?" Celestia asked in response, clearly amused. "Here, as promised." She floated a thick, medium-sized book with Luna's cutie mark embedded into both covers to her sister. "I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of marking my favorite stories, even though I haven't read any of them for a number of years now…"

Luna shook her head.

"You're awfully quiet, Luna. Is there something else you would like?"

"N-no." She paused for a moment and looked at the ground. "Yes… Just… What happened last night? I mean between us…"

"What do you mean, Luna? Nothing happened."

Luna blinked as she felt her heart sank. "No… nothing?"

Celestia shook her head. "Not a thing, Lu. We just visited our castle in the middle of the night, nothing else. Is there something else I should know about?"

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing. Devastated, her ears drooped. She hung her head, and muttered, "But… I… we—"

Before Luna finished her sentence, Celestia pressed her lips on Luna's, but Luna broke it and stepped back in confusion.

"I… I don't understand… you said nothing happened, and now—"

"What I said was just a tease, Lu. I didn't…" Celestia sighed. "I hadn't realized I went too far."

"But I… I thought—" Luna sobbed.

"I immensely enjoyed the time we spent together, even though I said nothing about it on our way back… It may not be the wisest subject to discuss… in… public… uh, Luna, are you crying?"

Instead of saying anything, Luna shook her head.

"You could have fooled me," Celestia stretched her leg and wiped the tears off of her sister's eyes. With a smile, she kissed her sister on the lips again, calming her down.

"Feeling better?" Celestia asked in a soothing tone.

Luna nodded.

"Good. Now, before you knocked on my door, I was just about to take a shower, and—"

Slightly disappointed that her sister didn't want to continue what they had started, Luna groaned.

"And it looks like you could use one as well," Celestia mused. "If you'd like to join me… there's plenty of room."

Luna's wings shot open.