> Last Night's Pain > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly, you opened your eyes into a world of pain… blinding horrible pain. Pain of such intensity your eyes immediately closed again, your mouth opening wide to scream in agony. Your brief glimpse of the world allowed to see you were on a bed in what appeared to be a hospital. Like waves of electricity flowing through you, the entire lower half of your body felt as if you were being stabbed repeatedly, your legs were little more than throbbing jelly. The pain, the horrible pain was like nothing you could have ever imagined. Through your blinding pain, you soon felt a soft, warm and wet sensation on your neck, with a slight touch of a fuzzy feeling. This feeling on your neck did nothing to stop the pain. However, you soon became curious as to what was causing this. Your eyes opened to reveal a large pair of rosy red eyes greeting you. They belonged to the face of a massive, light blue, shire horse sized equine with a rainbow mane. Despite, the immense size difference this creature was being utmost gentle with you. Her soft, warm and wet equine tongue gently licked the side of your neck without stop. In between licks, she firmly pressed her lips against your neck, this was accompanied with an audible smooch as her plump horse lips pressed against your neck. Once done kissing, she returned to affectionately licking you with earnest. While you continued to scream in agony, you did not protest to be used as a salt lick. In fact, you raised your arm reaching out to touch her soft, furry cheek. She stopped licking you, her ears drooping sadly. Acting quickly, you reassured her by gently stroking her cheek. She instantly got the message, moving her head over your face. From there, she began licking and kissing your face with gusto. Screams of agony filled the room, along with loud slurping and smooching sounds as she kissed and licked your face like a big blue dog horse. Being licked and kissed by her was surprisingly pleasant. Her long, thick equine tongue was warm and soft to the touch. Her warm and wet saliva soon coated your entire face. You appreciated she was here in your time of need, helping you through your terrible pain by giving you affectionate licks and kisses. This was very unusual behaviour for her. She normally is nowhere near this affectionate. Perhaps, seeing you in absolute agony brings out her softer side. Suddenly, a memory of last night flooded through your mind. A very large, big blue sphere with a rainbow in the middle came falling down... on… on…. on... .... … . On your lap. This recalled memory naturally made you angry. The entire lower half of your body being wrapped in bandages was all too noticeable. “Rainbow! Stop licking me!” you shouted. Rainbow pulled back, staring at you with a look of hurt in her eyes. Her eyes portrayed a sad, puppy dog expression. She was quite adorable looking like that, but you remained focused on your beef with her. “Rainbow?! Why did you sit on me?!” you bellowed. “I’m sorry Anon.” she said in a low sad voice, looking away from you. “Tell me! Why did you sit on me!” you demanded. “I was drunk okay! And you were too!” she shouted, giving you a harsh glare. “That still doesn’t-- “Isn't it obvious what happened?” “What? What you getting at?” “Anon… I was going to have sex with you…. Unfortunately, all it resulted in was me breaking your legs and pelvis.” she said sadly, looking down in shame. “Well of course that would happen. You’re a big fat horse!” you shouted. “Hey! My butt is nowhere near as big as the average pony. You’re just a tiny little ape, that can’t even handle a petite mare.” “Petite?! Girrrrrlll, you huge.” you said, spreading out your arms to emphasize your point. Rainbow Dash growled angrily, gritting her teeth. You gulped in fear. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. You’re right, you are nowhere near as big as those other ponies. You keep fit and look after yourself.” “That’s what you said last night.” she said softly, giving you a warm smile. “Uh… what happened last night?” “You drank beer like there was no tomorrow, you ranted and raved about how you hated Equestria, then you started crying. I gave you a hug, that put you in a more chipper mood. You then started sweet talking me, and at some point you pissed yourself?” “Okay…. What happened next?” “You then vomited on the floor inside the bar, and got thrown out. We then went back to your place… and…… and…. well… “Rainbow lost her composure, looking down at the lower half of your broken body with a look of shame. “Well, you know.” “You… were willing to go home a guy who pissed himself and vomited on the floor?” “Anon, there as little male in Equestria as it is. Plus, I always wondered what those hands of yours could do to me.” “Yeah… well. I’m not sure how that’s going to work now. With my legs and pelvis broken.” “Hopefully, the doctor can fix your broken bones. If not, I own you a live time of apology blowjobs… plus a buckton of bits to cover your health issues.” “So, my junk still works?” “Yes. I tested it earlier.” “When?” “When I broke your legs and pelvis. Had to make sure you still worked down there.” “Awww, thanks Rainbow for making sure my junk still worked. Just make sure to never sit on me with your big ass again.” “My butt is not fat!” she shouted. “I never said that was a bad thing, my big sexy rainbow.” She blushed, rubbing a hood at the back of her neck. “I guess, it is pretty big, huh?” “Yep. But not a bloody blimp. This chat was nice and all, but I need to go back to screaming in pain.” “Roger.” she said, giving you a salute. With that you returned to screaming in pain, while Rainbow lowered her head to begin licking and kissing you like before. Your legs and pelvis may be broken, but you now appeared to have gotten a girlfriend. A lifetime of blowjobs probably is worth breaking your pelvis and legs by a big blue horse ass sitting on you. Some would think the pain would be worth it… some would think you really do like to live on the wildside with big booty horses, that were so big and heavy they can break bones by the mere act of sitting on you. Others may think you were just insane and should try find a little pony to date. The End