> No Luck, Just Hope > by CalmingNature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This can only end well. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally some peace for study. It's been performed countless times in front of me, yet the teleportation spell never stuck. Let's try this a third time. First time landed me headfirst into a den filled with bears, second time it was a jail cell. Hopefully reading this book helped in some way. One, two, three and...where am I? Judging by all the expensive decor and the unconscious guard it's safe to say 'here' is Canterlot castle. The guy below me must've been under when I came crashing in. After helping him up, my hooves stealthily lead me to an open window. There was no way I was trying teleportation again, and since this is a castle with a present monarchy chances were they would arrest me on the spot. See-Oh My Celestia gotta hide with the guard coming around the corner. Well this was unexpected, who could've guessed another jail cell awaited me in the near future. Here he comes, and did he just nod to me? The guard continues along his route. Looking down it seems my horn acted on instinct, having transformed me into a guard. Before anything else happened about four screaming mares ran past. As they vanished around the corner Shining Armor came running with a group of soldiers behind him. "We need everyone that's available down there now!", he said to me as they passed by. We arrived to see a room in tatters. Scratches covered the walls, furniture was ripped or thrown, and windows were shattered. "Must've been that spirit again.", one of the guards on my right said. Normally when it comes to supernatural events you could see a stallion running in the opposite direction, but it seems like I'm stuck for the moment. Shining Armor speaks after surveying the room, "Okay now for those of you who are unfamiliar with what's going on, a spirit has been supposedly haunting this section due to past events that no one remembers. Who here is willing to search for said spirit?", every guard save me and another took a step back. "Congratulations you two." We look to either side and find ourselves drafted into madness. "Wait a minute! Sir I demand a recount!", the pony next to me said. Did not know him as with every other character here. "That's an order. The princesses are due here today and they shouldn't have to deal with such a petty crisis." Of course four of the most important beings in existence are coming here the day I specifically screw up. The guard pony sighs, "Okay, we'll do it sir. Where should we start looking?" "I uh, well, it usually just hangs around here so keep an eye out for it?" This guy has no clue. We looked at each other and the other pony shrugged. The unit was dismissed. Shining Armor pulled me aside asking, "Hey I was looking into getting Cadance a gift since it's almost her birthday and all. What is ,in your honest opinion, a good gift for a wife?" Oh no Shining don't ask the never previously married one that just recently got into a relationship. With what little knowledge there was inside, my words are chosen carefully, "Now I'm not somepony you should be asking, but does a diamond outline necklace with some special words on it sound okay?" The stallion thinks to himself for a moment. "Yeah. Yeah that sounds nice. Thanks, whoever you are." "It's Radio Wave." He only knew me by appearance. Satisfied Shining left me and my accomplice to our newly acquired duties. A thought just entered my mind, did I just draft myself? Nevermind, perhaps now the time had come for a disappearing act. "Radio Wave." The other guard light yellow in coat color, deep blue mane and tail, and pale blue eyes. "Hi, name's Flash Sentry. New here? Well let me be the first to welcome you.", he didn't sound like a jerk. Maybe plain but not a jerk. We continue along keeping an eye out for anything supernatural related. The mares returned to clean the place, their faces exclaiming 'They don't pay me enough for this.' Until this paranormal lunacy is put down then I've been officially drafted into the royal guard. Without warning a mountain of pillows collapses on top of me. Flash comes running at the sound of about forty-three genuine feather plucked leather creations piling on a 4.2 foot tall equine. That sentence could be longer, but it would be filler otherwise. Anyway those same mares from before were responsible for this. They apologize. Later, me and Flash almost get knocked over by some rogue barrels. From there some doves attacked us over a bridge. The finisher came when the Princesses arrived and Flash ran into Twilight Sparkle. "This can't-" "Don't you dare jinx us!", I said to Flash. We were supposed to be looking for a spirit, but all we accomplished was getting laughed at. Somewhere along the way we run into Princess Luna, who was preparing for her nighttime shift. Speaking of which the sun was setting. These two paranormal detectives are just about to call it quits. Maybe we aren't going to solve this mystery. We return to the barracks and find Shining Armor wrestling with thin air. No joke he was throwing punches at the air. He motions for a tag out, but not before he's thrown head first through a window. Hopefully Shining can levitate. Nope, pretty sure I heard crash! just now. We run to his aide, finding him in a state of disarray and/or unconciousness. Laughing could be heard from upstairs. Flash flies upward while I rush up using the upstairs. We arrive on the scene and immediately search from one corner to the next. Eventually the light yellow pegasus finds something that escaped sight. The invisible threat hurls him aside. In some manner of target practice my magic shoots and scores a direct hit. The illusion disappears, revealing a small mule. That blast must've taught them to not almost kill and physically overpower unwilling combatants. He shrinks away into a corner. "Hey it's okay we're not gonna hurt ya. You did all this?" The mule slowly nods. Me and Flash glance at each other with utter surprise. The question is how this young mule successfully threw two fully armored adult stallions. "May we ask how?" It's right then and there that something falls off his neck. A necklace glowed gently with a transparent aura before dying out. My rough guess is that this allowed the character in question to perform his acts of minor violence. "Imagine the Captain's reaction when he's told a kid handled him like a child." Flash smiles in response. "Yeah, though he did the same to me. Anyway citizen your going have to come with us. We're sending you back home, wherever that is." The young mule went along quietly. It's a bit concerning as to where he got that necklace, but knowing this world he probably bought it at a yard sale. Throughout all this I have miraculously maintained form. After everything settles down it was time to finally leave. "Hey uh Flash. Just for the record I won't be here tomorrow or the any day after today." "O-kay why?" "You must be the one that questions a lot of things. Let's just say that this entire day included me on accident. See I accidentily teleported in here when trying a warp spell, and you're probably going to arrest me now because I impersonated a guard." "No I'm not. Have you taken a good look at these guys? The princesses don't, Captain doesn't, we only know each other by name so it's not like your gonna be missed." At this I frown. "As in we tend to skip each others duties and get away with it because we look alike." Don't know about anypony else, but that's as far as I'm willing to go into the subject. Any longer it'll have lost it's touch. Before escape was possible someone familiar showed up. The one and only Princess Twilight Sparkle. We bow in response to her presence, she bows back. Here's hoping that her majesty was just passing through. "Good evening sir," she says to me, "hello Flash Sentry." Calling it right now these two have a crush on each other. Yep, they're both looking at each other with that very obvious gaze. Seriously with a camera you can make this scene look like something from a romance novel. With the atmosphere becoming awkward as the third party I excuse myself. "Wait, I was kind of looking for an escort." You have him! "There are a few questions I've been wondering about, and it would seem suspicious if a guard pony were alone with the princess. So what say you on being a third wheel?" Okay, choose your words wisely, this is royalty standing before you. "Sorry, but see I've been called to service somewhere else." Please let that be enough. Thankfully it was, though it seemed this day wasn't over quite yet. Flash ran over and quickly asked, "What do I say?" "It's only been about three days since me and Chrome Rose got into a relationship. Chances are she's worried over why there's no radio waves coming in." Oh if only that last sentence could be subracted. Flash apologizes, then proceeds back. "Just say what you feel should be said I guess." Much later home was in my sights. Hopefully this was the end, my disguise had dropped an hour or so ago. So if anyone comes looking for a grey stallion in armor they will come up blank. Chrome Rose met me outside. "Hey honey, you look tired. Had a rough day?" "Word for word." Wonder how she'll react to hearing that story.