> Two Horny Mares > by pabrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Two Horny Mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Would I lie to you about something that involved magic?" she asked as we entered her bedroom. "No. I suppose not. Now let get celebrating," I said, tackling her onto the bed. "Hey I got a surprise for you." "Mmmm, what's that?" I focused on a couple items that I hid under the bed the first night at her parents house. When she saw what I had a hold of with my magic, a huge smile appeared on her face. "You brought Red and the beads! Awesome!" she said excitedly. "When were you planning on using them?" "I had planned on using them at the hotel but since your parents put us up, those plans changed slightly.” “I think those plans changed as soon as we got here and we discovered you're in heat,” she paused a moment before pushing me off and adding, “Not that I would be able to tell the difference anyhow.” “Oh… you… come here,” I stammered before giving chase around the room. She turned and sprang at me, causing a loud thud as the two of us rolled on the floor, ending with me flat on my back. “Did you bring any of the other stuff?” she whispered. “I didn't know if the mistress outfit would change to fit a pony when we crossed the portal so I left it at your apartment,” I replied before Sunny invaded my mouth with her tongue. I don't think she was interested in talking after that. Her right forehoof gently glided down my chest and past my stomach where she teased my nipples. My loins were already on fire from the estrus and the sensations from Sunny's hoof just fueled it further. “Quit fucking teasing me, Sunny,” I said lustfully. “I  am officially your wife-to-be. So quit stalling and please me.” “Is that really what you want?” I pulled her face as close as I could to mine without our muzzles touching and replied, “If you don't start fucking me, I'll make the bedroom a nightmare when we get home.” She slowly moved her hoof from my nipples and pushed about an inch of it into my pussy. I let out a loud gasp as she rocked her hoof back and forth, stimulating the walls of my love canal. “Oh fuck! That feels… ah shit… keep on…” I said between gasps. As my panting and swearing continued, I happened to notice that the beads were still lying on the floor. Without saying a word to Sunny, I lifted them them up with my magic and stealthily levitated them around to Sunny's ass. “Oh fuck, Twi. Work those beads…” she moaned as the first bead made its way in. Sunny pulled her hoof from my pussy and started gently flicking my clit. I continued to insert the beads into Sunny's ass while she moved her tongue from my nipples to my hot, juicy snatch. Red got to join the fuck frenzy next; using Sunny's juices to lube it up and slowly inching it inside of her. Sunny paused from licking my flaming pussy for a moment. “Ahhh, sweet Celestia!” she shouted in ecstasy. “The portal changed the size of that fucker. It's as big as a real stallion… give it to me... harder.” I rammed the rubber cock inside her as fast and as hard as I could, causing her to moan into my juicy marehood from intense pleasure. I could feel my climax starting to build but I knew she had more to give before I did. “Oh fuck, Sunny. You know… what I want,” I said, panting. “So give it to me.” She traced the outer folds of my cunt with her tongue before slowly making her way to my asshole. She gently kissed it a couple times while she worked my pussy with her right hoof. In return for her beginning to give me what I desired, I quickly pulled two beads out of her ass. Then with a loud moan, Sunny plunged her tongue into my hole, sending me over the edge. "I'M CUMMING!" I shouted a split second before releasing my hot pony juices onto her face. I didn't realize in my post-orgasmic bliss that I had pulled the rest of the beads from Sunny's ass, causing her to reach her own orgasm. "That... that was awesome," Sunny panted. "It's been a… awhile since I... made you cum... like that." "I know. Thanks Sunny," I said as I pulled Red out of her pussy. "I'm sure glad you know that soundproofing spell." Sunny's eyes suddenly went wide to cartoonish proportions as something came to her. "What? What is it?" "I forgot to cast the spell." "Well you locked the door though so we still had a little privacy. Right?" Sunny stubbled over to the door to check the lock and another look of fear came to her face. "It's, um, not locked." "Maybe nopony heard us," I said trying to reassure her. "Maybe. Let's go get cleaned up before we go to bed," she said as she clumsily walked out of the room with me following behind her. We got cleaned up and laid down in bed where we had a short, interesting discussion. "Remember during the Friendship Games when Midnight Sparkle said she wanted to understand all the magic?" I asked mischievously. "Yes. Why?" Sunny replied with a hint of worry in her voice. "Well... I kind of want to understand all of Princess Celestia's magic." "Please tell me that your not saying what I think you're saying." "Ummm, yes?" "Please tell me you're joking." "Funny story," I said with a nervous giggle. "I may or may not have left a scroll for Princess Celestia asking for a three-way between me, you and her. The royal scribe said she'd have Princess Celestia send the answer first thing in the morning." "Oh no..." Sunny groaned. The scent of strawberries woke me up the next morning as Sunny had tossed her mane over my face at some point during the night. I blew it off my face so I could give her a kiss. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” I whispered as the morning light made its way through the window. “Go away,” she moaned. “I'm not going outside of this bedroom.” “Why?” “You know why,” she grumbled, poking me in the chest. “Come on. Everything will be fine. No one heard us.” “No! Absolutely not!” I didn't want to continue arguing with her so I grabbed the sheets in my teeth and for the second day in a row, yanked them off of Sunny's body. “Let's go. I want to see the Crystal Empire sometime today,” I fussed with my mouth still full. “Ugh. I'll be down in a minute.” “Fine. I'll be waiting at the top of the stairs and if you're not there in five minutes, I'm going to drag you downstairs by your tail,” I threatened playfully. Sunny's parents and sister were already at the table eating breakfast when the two of us finally dragged ourselves downstairs. "Good morning, girls," her mom, Misty Dawn, said cheerfully. "Did you two have fun yesterday?" Her dad, Sunfire, looked at Sunny's mom with a knowing glance but before he could say anything, Dawn spoke up. "Mom? Dad? What does the word fuck mean?" I felt a huge wave of fear overtake me as well as my face feeling like it had been set ablaze. Sunny had to be feeling the same way because her face matched her bright red mane. "Where did you hear that?" asked Sunfire, glaring at me and Sunny. "Shimmy and SciTwi were saying it over and over last night," Dawn tattled. Misty Dawn sighed before addressing us. "We only asked one thing of you regarding your 'activities'. I'm really disappointed in you, Sunny.” “Mom, dad, I'm sorry,” Sunny said, her ears flat against her head as she looked at the floor. “I got caught up in the heat of the moment.” “Don't use your girlfriend's condition for jokes to get out of trouble,” Sunfire scolded. “Wait! Just what did you mean by ‘heat of the moment’?” asked Misty Dawn. “Do you want to show them or tell them?” I asked Sunny. “What are you two talking about?” her sister asked. “Use that light spell that Princess Twilight taught you, babe,” Sunny said with a weak smile. I had to think a moment how the spell went but finally got just the tip to light. The light that radiated from my horn began to cause the ruby engagement stone to glow purple like an amethyst. "What is that?" Misty said as she focused on the ring on my horn. "Sunny, is that an engagement ring?" "Yes it is," I answered for her. "Sunny proposed in the castle gardens yesterday after she talked with the princess." "It's beautiful. What is it? A ruby or amethyst?" Sunfire inquired. "It's a ruby that Princess Twilight helped me enchant so that it shines like an amethyst in the mornings," Sunny said meekly as she was still either embarrassed or afraid. "Oh. It's so beautiful though," Misty cooed over the ring before letting out a frustrated groan. "Ugh. I'm so happy for you two but I'm also still upset with what we found out about last night's activities. I'm so conflicted right now." "Wait!" shouted her sister angrily. "She disappeared for four years, jumped on the bed the first morning back here, used words that are probably bad because you won't tell me what they mean and she's not going to get punished? That's not fair!" I accidentally let a small giggle escape from my lips at her tirade, causing her to become angrier. I understood her emotions because there were countless times when I threw a tantrum over something Shining was doing. "Dawn, the reason they're not going to be punished is because they are both grown ponies," Sunfire explained. "If they were younger then your mother and I would've punished them." "It's still not fair," her sister said with a huff. Suddenly, the door chime rang causing me to jump slightly. Sunset answered it and returned with a scroll sealed with a wax sun on it. "It's from Princess Celestia," Sunset announced. "And it's for you, babe." I opened it up to see that it had been written in English rather than ponish. I skimmed through the letter before reading it out loud. "What's it say?" asked Sunfire. I paused before reading the contents of the letter out loud. Dear SciTwi Sparkle, I would like to invite you and Sunset Shimmer to a special "dinner" to talk about your "magical experiences" in the other world after the two of you return from the Crystal Empire this evening. I will have a carriage waiting at the train station with appropriate attire for the dinner. I look forward to seeing you and Sunset Shimmer this evening. Sincerely, Princess Celestia > ...Plus One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We boarded the carriage that Princess Celestia had sent for us at the station after arriving back in Canterlot. True to her letter, there were two outfits inside of suit bags waiting for us in the carriage. "Hey there's a message," I noted. "What's it say?" "It says... 'These outfits are designed to be worn with the provided cloaks that are in the bags.' Intriguing..." I was slightly confused about the note until we opened the bags and saw what was inside. Each of us had a bondage outfit that was made for a mistress role. "There must be a mistake," Sunny said as she looked over her wardrobe. "Shouldn't there be a mistress costume and a slave costume?" I thought for a moment before an idea popped into my head. "Maybe neither of us are going to be the slave. What if-" "Celestia is the slave," Sunny finished for me with a semi-wicked smile on her face. "You're liking this idea way too much." "How often do you get to punish a former teacher for your own sexual gratification?" I thought about Ms. Hardcastle, one of my former teachers at Crystal Prep who had a rack bigger than Sunset whom I also had a major crush on, which caused a similar smile appeared on my face. "Good point. Wait! What?!" Sunset let out a drawn-out sigh before explaining what she meant. "I guess it's finally time I told someone the real reason I left Equestria." "You mean it wasn't because you didn't get turned into an alicorn princess?" "That was part of it but the main reason is... well... it's kind of embarrassing really," she said as her face began turning red. "I left Equestria because my numerous, and I mean numerous, requests to fuck Princess Celestia were repeatedly turned down. I began getting more and frustrated with each passing day. The final straw was when I read about bondage sex while I was in heat." I couldn't help but laugh as she told her story. It was definitely going to make for an interesting tale when we got home and told the girls about our visit. "Laugh it up. Anyway I brought up the subject to her and that's when she showed me the mirror. She told- will you stop laughing at me? This is hard enough to admit already. Anyway, she told me that if I learned to control my emotions and gain patience that I could become the alicorn that I saw in the mirror. Stop laughing already. Sheesh." "So let me... let me get this straight. Y-you were horny, had the hots for... for Celestia and she turned you down," I said through my laughter. "Am I right?" "Yeah." By now her face was a bright scarlet red. "I escaped through the mirror and found out that not only was being gay or bisexual wasn't as common as Equestria but the world I gone to it was somewhat taboo to ask about such things. And so, my whole time of bullying the school was out of pent up sexual frustration." I was still snickering as she finished her tale of yesteryear. "So you were a total bitch to the other students because you couldn't get laid?" "Um, yeah, I guess you could say that," she said sheepishly as we finished squeezing into our tight, black vinyl outfits. "Just think, in a little bit you're finally going to be able to force her to be the submissive bitch that you always dreamed of and make her get you off as much as you want." Sunny didn't answer. Instead, she held up a rider's crop and ball gag with her magic as the look of a smiling dominatrix appeared on her face before poking her head out of the carriage to ask the ponies pulling it to make a quick stop at the store. "Princess Celestia?" Sunny called as we entered the dining hall. "Twilight and I have arrived." We were greeted by an orange pegasus in gold armor that resembled Flash Sentry and led us to the private chambers where we were supposed to meet Princess Celestia. The walk was awkward in the sense that the guard was constantly looking at me with an unbridled lust. He never introduced himself but due to how he was looking at me, I could only assume he had the hots for Princess Twilight. "Here we are," said the guard as we came upon a pair of twenty foot tall double doors with a five foot diameter gold sun on them. "Enjoy your visit." "I have an idea," I whispered as the guard walked away. "What's that, babe?" Sunny asked me. "Since we both have mistress outfits, why don't I pretend to be a 'mistress in training'?" "Ohhh, I like it," she said enthusiastically. "Are you ready to do some punishing?" The room was lit by candles that were strategically placed throughout the room, including two that illuminated a dining table that had three plates on it. Celestia looked up from the book she was reading to greet us. “Twilight! Sunset! So glad you could make it,” she said excitedly. Sunny went straight into character without missing a beat. “This is your only warning. You are to address me as either Mistress or Mistress Shimmer and you are to address my apprentice as Mistress Sparkle. Is that understood?” Celestia immediately lowered her head and whispered “Yes.” “Yes, what?” Sunset asked forcefully. “Yes, Mistress Shimmer.” “Good.” I dug into a bag we brought with us that contained a few items we bought at Long Dong’s Toy Emporium and pulled a clamp out of it. “May I ask what that is for, Mistress Sparkle?” Celestia asked, eyeballing the clamp. “Since you asked politely, I'll tell you,” I replied as I slid the clamp onto her horn with my magic. “This suppresses all unicorn and alicorn magic while it is in contact with the slave's horn. It came highly recommended.” “How do you know that it works on alicorns?” I heard a crack come from the direction of Celestia's ass followed by a quick yelp. Sunny was sitting next to her with a rider's crop surrounded in the teal aura of her magic and a near sadistic smile on her face. “You will not question what we are doing. Understood, bitch?” Sunny told her before giving her another crack on the ass. “Yes, Mistress Shimmer.” “Sparkle, please strip the gold from our slave and replace it with more appropriate attire. She is no longer royalty unless we decide that she is." I removed Celestia's chest plate, crown and slippers, gently grazing my horn the length of her barrel. This caused her to let out a small gasp of pleasure. Sunny immediately noticed. "You will not give into pleasure without permission, you whore," she emphasised with another smack on the alicorn's ass. "Yes, Mistress Shimmer." I finished strapping her wings to her side and began tying her tail to her mane, neither of which were flowing like normal due to the magic inhibitor on her horn, exposing her marehood to us. The sight of it was starting to make me drip juices from my own hot pussy. "It seems that someone's enjoying this besides me, Mistress Shimmer," I said, staring at the royal pussy in front of me. Sunny levitated the crop so that it lifted Celestia's head slightly. "Is that true?" "No mistress. I'm sorry. I'll try to control myself," Celestia begged. "See that you do. You will now find out what your mirror is responsible for." "What do you want me to do?" Sunny passed the crop to me with her magic and motioned toward Celestia's rear. I nodded and proceeded to give Celestia a hard slap across her cutie mark with it. "Ouch! I'm sorry Mistresses," Celestia cried out. I moved around Celestia, dragging the crop along her side the time before giving it back to Sunny. "You are going to smell what your mirror did to me," I commanded, shoving my pussy into her face. "You're in heat Mistress Sparkle? How?" "It doesn't matter, um, slut," I said, slightly wavering. "Now start cleaning your mess." She took the hint and began kissing the outer folds of my pussy. As my eyes began to close from the pleasure, I saw Sunny pull the bullet vibrator out of the bag. Our large sex slave paused momentarily when, I assume, Sunny inserted it in Celestia's cunt. "I didn't tell you that you could stop, bitch," I said as I turned my head to glare at her. "Sorry, Mistress Sparkle. Mistress Shimmer, I believe I should be punished for stopping the cunnilingus I'm performing on Mistress Sparkle." "Yes. Yes, you should." Sunny levitated a pair of nipple clamps from the bag and attached them tightly to the alicorn's nipples, eliciting a moan which was answered by a pair of slaps on her ass. "Now finish cleaning the mess your mirror made you filthy whore," Sunny said. Celestia returned to servicing my dripping marehood as Sunny added a choke collar and leash to her attire. Celestia stopped momentarily a few more times to take in the scent of my estrus before inserting her long tongue inside my love canal. I felt my legs begin to buckle under the waves of pleasure from her experienced mouth. "Su-suck on my clit, bitch." She removed her tongue and moved to my love button. She gently bit it, causing my forelegs to finally give way, then sucked on the engorged part of my marehood. "Very good. Once she gets off, I will give you a reward," I heard Sunny say. I was starting to feel as though my back legs were about to collapse as I neared my climax. "Fuck me, slave. Get me off by fucking my pussy with your horn," I commanded. "Yes, Mistress Sparkle." I felt the tip of her foot and a half horn enter me as my legs continued to wobble. I let out a loud moan of pleasure as she pumped her horn in and out of me slowly. "Pick up... the... pace," I said through my ragged breaths. Moments after she began fucking me faster, I finally came, squirting juices over her forehead and then collapsing to the floor with her horn sliding out. "Very good," Sunny praised. "What would you like for your reward?" Celestia hesitated before answering. "Wha-whatever Mistress feels I deserve." Sunny thought a moment before turning the vibrator on the nipple clamps on. Celestia bit down hard on her bottom lip to refrain from moaning. The reward only lasted a moment or two as the horn clamp began glowing red, signalling an impending orgasm. Sunny shut off the clamps with a wicked smile on her face. "Thank you, Mistress." "While Sparkle is recovering, it will be my turn to be pleased. Understood?" "Yes, Mistress Shimmer." "Rub Sparkle's juices from your face onto my horn and then lick them off... slowly." Celestia did as she was told. Sunny closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. Seeing somepony else get my fiancé off started  to set my loins on fire once more. Sunny then  grabbed the leash in her teeth and pulled Celestia with her to the bed. "Suck my nipples until you see my pussy start to glisten," she said as she laid on her back. "Ok, Sunset." "What was that?!" "Sorry. I meant to say 'Yes, Mistress Shimmer.'" Sunny smacked her across the flank thrice with the rider's crop being held in her magic. I noticed that on the third smack that the clamp flashed red for a second. I mustered as much energy as I could to get back on my hooves to return to the fun. "Are you enjoying the punishment, bitch?" I asked forcefully. Celestia paused her suckling to answer. "No Mistress Sparkle." "I believe you're lying. The horn clamp flashed red while you were being slapped just now." "I-I'm sorry." I grabbed the rope that had her mane and tail tied together and pulled hard so that she was facing me. "You should be. Think about all the ponies that you fucked and ditched over the years. Remind yourself that you're nothing more than a cheap whore. That's all you are. A cheap whore. Understand? Now what are you?" "I'm just a cheap whore, Mistress Sparkle." "Very good. Now finish sucking my mentor's nipples like she told you." "Yes Mistress." I took the crop from Sunny as Celestia returned to servicing her nipples. I walked around behind her, dragging to crop along her body. Sunny raised her head slightly and gave me a wink. I raised the crop up and quickly brought it down hard across both of Celestia's ass cheeks. I heard a small yelp from her which caused me to smack her again. I saw Sunny's pussy begin to drip as she let out a soft whinny. "Very good. Now she deserves the same treatment I got." "Yes, Mistress Sparkle. I am you and Mistress Shimmer's cheap whore for you to use as you see fit." "Good, now get to work." As Celestia began to eat out Sunny, I turned my attention toward my own marehood that was burning with desire. I began flicking my clit with my hoof while I watched Sunny get the inside of her love tunnel cleaned by her former mentor's tongue. The flicking evolved into a furious rubbing as more moans and whinnies from Sunny filled the room. I looked up after a few moments to see that Celestia had stopped eating Sunny. "Does Mistress Shimmer want to be fucked with my horn also?" she asked. "Not yet. First you need to return to Sparkle because she needs help." "What do you wish of your cheap whore, Mistress Sparkle?" she asked as she approached me. "I want you to suck on my horn as you would a stallion's cock." "Yes, Mistress." As I continued working myself over I began getting my first hornjob. Sunny had told me of the sensitivity of a unicorn's horn when it came to sex but I never guessed it felt as good as it did. It only took a moment or two for me to release another climax. "Tha-thank you, bitch. Now return to Mistress Shimmer and finish... what you started." Celestia did what she was told and returned to licking Sunny's pussy. Meanwhile, I turned on the bullet that was in her snatch so that I could torment her while my fiancé got off. A loud whinny came from the alicorn as I turned up the intensity. "Stop!" Sunny shouted. "Sparkle, get the ball gag. Since our play toy can't control herself she will have to be gagged. Bring the blindfold with you also. She's going to have to finish me off with seeing me." "Yes ma'am." I put the blindfold on Celestia and put the ball gag in her mouth. "Are you going to behave now?" Celestia nodded and began feeling around Sunny's body with her horn until she found the target. "Mmmm, that's what a cheap whore  is supposed to do," Sunny moaned as her pussy was slowly penetrated by Celestia's horn. I continued to increase and decrease the intensity of the bullet as the color that the clamp put off changed back and forth from green to red. Sunny was slowly losing all sense of herself by now as she started to arch her back, moan, whinny and let her tongue hang out the side of her mouth. I stopped the bullet in Celestia's cunt to make sure Sunny got off first. "Teacher, do you need help getting off?" I asked Sunny. "I... I'm gonna... Fuck me harder, whore," Sunny shouted, signaling to me that she was well on her way to a wild orgasm. Celestia picked up the pace as I got the camera out to take a picture of the two of them just as Sunny erupted all over her. "G-good job... slave," Sunny praised between breaths. "Shall I remove the gag and blindfold, teacher?" "Just the gag... but only momentarily," Sunny replied. "Is Mistress pleased?" "I am," Sunny said with a smile. "Would you like to cum now?" Celestia bit her lip and looked around the room, still blindfolded, before answering the question. "Only if my Mistresses feel I deserve to. I am their personal whore to do with as they see fit." "Sparkle, what do you think?" I activated the nipple clamps and bullet before putting the gag back in her mouth. "I've been satisfied." The horn clamp began turning red once more as Celestia approached her climax. Celestia mumbled something unintelligible because of the ball gag so I pulled it out enough for her to repeat what she had said. "Miss... Mistresses? M-m-may I c-cum... now?" "Tell us what you are once more and then you may cum," I answered. "Cer-certainly. I... am ju-just a... ch-cheap who-whore," she said as she desperately held back her climax. Sunny and I looked at each other and nodded before giving her one last slap on her ass and giving her permission to cum. And cum she did. Celestia collapsed as her pussy spewed her cum all over the floor. Sunny removed the clamp from her horn while I untied her wings, tail and mane. As she laid on her side breathing heavily, Sunny and I walked up to her and gave her the biggest hug possible. "Thank you, Princess Celestia," I said. Celestia looked at Sunny, who nodded in approval before answering. "You are most welcome, Twilight." "It's okay Princess. You don't have to act the part of a sex slave any longer... well, until I come through the portal in heat." The three of us laughed at Sunny's comment before we cleaned up to have a real dinner in the dining hall. As Sunny and I walked alongside the princess nuzzling each other, Sunny whispered in my ear, "I don't know about you but I would like some more pie when we get back to my parents' house." To which I replied, "Sounds good. Just remember the spell this time."