> Quick Flash: Temptations of the Tantabus > by Wintermist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Losing Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Elements stood around her, eyes flickering with seething black energy, their possessed faces twisted into cruel sneers. The throne room was devastated, debris coating the fine rugs with gritty stone dust and scorched fragments of tapestry, witness to the energies that had been unleashed within it. "You've ruined everything." "You're the worst thing that ever happened to Equestria." "You don't deserve to be a Princess." Their voices overlapped, in ugly, clashing discords. Luna twisted back and forth, dishevelled, surrounded. The Tantabus had escaped into the world, and it was her fault. The creature had started as her creation; something dark, forged of her guilt and shame into a tormentor that tortured her as she slept. Something to punish her for the weight of her past failures; the only thing that made them bearable. It had inflicted many, many nightmares upon her, and she had determinedly suffered through them all. It was her penance. Until one came that was different. No; one came that made her react differently. It was almost normal, not one of the many twisted nightmare-scapes that had haunted her so many times before. The streets, the castle, were as stable and solid as in the waking world. It could have almost been reality. The difference lay in the way the ponies treated her. They scorned her, held nothing but disdain for her. Every guard made it clear that she was pathetic, a stupid bitch unworthy of their service. Celestia burnt the second throne before her eyes. Twilight spat on her. And Luna had awoken, crimson with shame, her nethers running hot, her sheets damp with her sweat and arousal. She'd masturbated herself to orgasm, unable to stop herself, the flashes of the dream replaying behind her eyelids. The Tantabus had noticed. For whatever reasons of its own, from then on, it had chosen to explore the theme of her shame at the hands of those around her in a thousand, in ten thousand ways. The dreams grew rapidly more sexual, her clothes being torn from her body, being flung to the ground or dragged onto a balcony and fucked and used and spat on and humiliated, the endless degradation leaving her panting for breath and crying out in orgasm in her sleep. It became harder and harder to separate her memories of her dreams from waking reality, smiling nervously at ponies - strangers, friends, Twilight, even her own sister - as she felt shivers of arousal wrack her, her instincts ready and eager for them to turn on her. Which, when she went to sleep, they inevitably would. Perhaps it had been the Tantabus's plan all along to leave her too distracted to realise how much stronger it was growing - too distracted to realise that it had its own desires; to escape, to be its own entity. She'd failed to contain it. Now it had infiltrated the bodies of others, twisting them to its warped image. Many bodies. But even so, she was not defeated. She was the Princess of Dreams, and she held strength even the Tantabus could never match, nor comprehend. "No, creature," she intoned, her back straight, horn glowing with unearthly power. "This world is not thine for the taking. These ponies are better than you ever could be. You will bow to my command; you will be destroyed." Energy surged around her, a swirling ethereal hurricane growing in force as it forced them back, step by step. The black light in the eyes of the possessed began to flicker and twist, tugged towards her, struggling to cling to the ponies beneath. Hints of the unseeing, glazed eyes beneath showed from growing rents in the shadowy caul that coated each like a second skin, and their faces began to twist in bewilderment. She could do this. "You stupid whore. Look at the mess you're making," sneered a voice behind her. Luna went cold, the voice of her sister stopping her in her tracks. Then, horribly, as she tried to maintain her focus, she realised she was getting hot instead. Her spell faltered. Celestia's tall body slammed against her back as the elder mare seized her from behind. Her sister's breath tingled in her ear as an iron grip took hold of her wrists. "Shut up, dumb cunt," Celestia hissed. "You've done enough damage. You're too weak, too pathetic, to fix anything. You're a uppity, powerless whore, and you need to be shown your place." "No, no," Luna gasped, the tornado of energy weakening, then collapsing in misshapen eddies. She heard the breathy note in her own voice and cursed herself for it, desperately ignoring the awakening tingles of her rock-hard nipples. "I can-" "You've done enough," Twilight interrupted her, stepping forward. Her eyes had filled with smoothly shifting darkness once more, and she seized hold of Luna's tunic with both hands. With bizarre strength, she ripped it to shreds with a single yank, spilling Luna's breasts into the cool air. "Shut the fuck up and get ready to eat my cunt. As if you weren't drooling for it already." "No," whimpered Luna, twisting in Celestia's grip as the other elements moved in, ripping her clothes to shreds. Hands moved over her ass and up her thighs, ripping her panties off her toned body to expose her dripping cunt. Several fingers forced their way into her, and she couldn't help the moan that escaped her mouth. "Yes," contradicted Celestia, biting Luna's earlobe and jerking another moan from her. "This is what you want, don't you understand, you brainless slut? You wanted all of us to treat you like this, the way you know you deserve. And we will. You'll be the lowest crawling worm in the kingdom, kicked, abused, fucked. All of them will show you your place, on your knees, your tongue in my cunt, being fucked by anyone who doesn't care how pathetic you are. Now get on your knees." Images flooded Luna's mind; her disgrace, her abuse, knowing she was a degraded animal, lower than an animal, lower than anything. Her knees quivered as the fingers fucked her roughly, hungry, cruel mouths biting at her nipples, insults and cruel taunts pouring into her ears. And then she was on her knees. She would always be on her knees. Twilight seized her by the mane, yanking sharply to tilt Luna's head upwards, and shoved her head under her skirt. The bookish pony had been wearing an innocent pleated skirt when she'd been overwhelmed; whatever panties she'd worn were gone. Luna's mouth was rammed directly against her lightly furred pussy, the scent of female arousal flooding her senses. "Lick me out, you dumb bitch," Twilight snapped. "That's all your mouth is good for." No, no, she whimpered inside her mind, even as her tongue slid slowly, unwillingly out. The fingers within her twisted, pumping faster, and her mind went blank in a burst of white light. Before she could control herself, even understand what she was doing, she was frantically, desperately licking out her sister's prize student, even as rough hands pinched and twisted her nipples and many fingers probed her molten cunt. It was more powerful than any dream she'd ever had; this was real, this was inescapable. She wasn't in control. She couldn't escape it. And it was really Twilight Sparkle, cursing her, slapping her, telling her how badly she'd fucked up, punishing her. She drooled, open mouthed, as she lapped and sucked, grunting unintelligible sounds of pleasure. It was real, it was real, and she deserved it, it was all she deserved... The fingers pulled out of her, leaving her pussy achingly empty. Unable to stop herself, she whimpered, "No!" into Twilight's body, her hips bucking against nothing. In answer to her plea, something strange and slick ground against her ass, then lower, pushing against the entrance to her cunt. Firm hands gripped her thighs. Somehow, she knew they were those of her sister, even before Celestia spoke with rich disdain that nearly set off Luna's orgasm then and there. "Shut the fuck up, Luna," the Princess of the Sun snapped. "If you can't put your worthless mouth to use pleasing my Twilight, there's no use for you at all. You had better thank me for lowering myself to even think of fucking your filthy body." Luna's body trembled helplessly as her sister spoke so cruelly to her - the way she knew she deserved, no more sympathy, no more understanding, just... punishment. She couldn't fight it. "Thank you! Thank you," she gasped, then yelped as a thick, slick shaft was forced into her body, shoving her face back against Twilight. She let her body be jerked roughly back and forth as she was brutally fucked like a rag doll, head yanked this way and that by the grip on her mane, desperately licking at Twilight's cunt until the usually bookish mare came all over her face. Her sister's moans and the feeling of the twisted shaft within her blanked her mind with every thrust, and there was nothing left in her to resist when her own orgasm blasted through her, leaving her trembling and limp on the floor. Dark shapes surrounded her, standing over her. Her eyes struggled to focus for a moment, only catching glimpses of the Elements of Harmony surrounding her, clothes ripped and clawed asunder, slick, congealed energy formed into unnatural shafts that jutted and swayed at their hips. Seething energy danced in their eyes. Celestia bent over her, and Luna felt the last of her strength ebb away. "...I can still fight you," she breathed, knowing it wasn't true. Her possessed sister broke into laughter, echoed and carried by the Elements around her. Her soft, perfect lips parted slowly, shaping themselves around the words with languorous, erotic deliberateness. "Luna, you can't fight me. Look at yourself; whatever strength you had is dripping down your thighs. You can't fight any of us. I'm going to punish you day and night, and there will never be an escape for you. Not ever again. Because that, Luna, is what you deserve. Isn't it?" Mouth dry, Luna tried to meet her sister's swirling black eyes. She failed, her head lowering. "Yes," Luna whispered, giving herself over to the one creature that knew her better than she knew herself. Forever. Epilogue: And now the light of day had faded from the sky. It seemed to make little difference to the possessed mares surrounding her; if anything, they'd grown more urgent as night had fallen. Luna had been fucked until she could no longer stand, slumped on the floor in exhausted, shameful bliss. The buzz of their voices had faded from relevance - she was too tired to take in their words anymore. But a few words reached her, nonetheless. "You can't trust her with magic. She doesn't deserve it, and she'll screw it up again." It was Twilight's voice, even if laded with sneering disdain. "An excellent analysis, my student. I have just the thing." Luna's ears flickered as she heard her sister's cruelly playful words, but could barely raise the energy to tug at her bonds. Thick ropes bound her wrists and ankles together in a brutally efficient hog tie, and her dusky skin was coated with debased insults in Twilight's elegant calligraphy. Her bare thighs were slick with her own juices, the thick base of a dildo still jutting from her abused sex. Fingers gripped her horn firmly, turning her head upwards. Luna's eyes opened wide, and she caught the barest glimpse of the black metal ring in her sister's white hand before it slid over the tip of her horn. Celestia pushed it to the base firmly, but even before it had settled, a chill power radiated from it, proof against any magic or hand but the one who'd bestowed it. Luna moaned in sluggish protest, but Celestia's finger moved to her lips and hushed her. "Not a word. From now on, you are mine."