> Homemade Lemonade > by Rimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Secret Ingredient > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many years ago... Twilight took another sip of her lemonade, eyeing it suspiciously. Cadence claimed it was her "secret" recipe, one that she only shared with those she really, really loved. True, it warmed young Twilight's heart that her favorite foalsitter loved her that much, and it did taste somewhat better than her mom's. But something was off with it. Something Twilight just couldn't place. Today was going to be the day Twilight Sparkle learned Cadence's secret lemonade recipe. She had it cemented in her brain. One way or another, she was determined what made the refreshing drink different from the way everyone else had made it. At first, she had deduced that it was simply salt added to the mixture of the sweet drink. But when she tried it with normal lemonade, it didn't taste the same. Actually, it had tasted worse. So it wasn't just salt. There was definitely salt in there, the salty flavor was prominent, but it could not have been the only deviation from the traditional recipe. Twilight quickly guzzled the rest of the drink down as Cadence came back into the room. "Cady," she said. "Can I have another glass of your lemonade?" She batted her violet eyes. "Pwease?" The pink alicorn shot her a wide smile. "You really like that stuff, don't you Twily?" The young unicorn nodded. "Well, I don't see why not. Just remember, you gotta stay out of the kitchen so I can keep the secret recipe a secret!" Twilight nodded her head in agreement, while crossing her hooves under the table, so that she could break the promise later. Cadence smiled and walked daintily into the kitchen, humming to herself. After she was sure she wouldn't pop back in, Twilight quietly slid out of her chair and silently trotted over to the doorway, where she could peek her head inside. Concentrating, she cast the misdirection spell Celestia had taught her earlier in the week, so that Cady wouldn't notice if she glanced towards her. The unicorn heard her foalsitter let out a sigh, and finally popped her head around the corner to witness just what made Cadence's lemonade so special. What she saw made her young and inquisitive brain screech to a halt. The pink princess was leaning back against the counter on her hind legs, tail held up to her chest by a forehoof, while her pale blue magic held aloft the crystal clear glass to her lower lips. Her other hoof was placed between her hind legs, spreading her labia while a spew of pale yellow urine flowed out of her vagina into the glass, splashing as it fell in the glass. Cadence let out another sigh as her bladder emptied, licking her lips as she eyed the drink thirstily. Twilight watched, mesmerized as the flow of piss drizzled into the glass, quickly filling it up. Cadence's face strained as she clenched her lips, cutting off the stream of pee before it overfilled the glass. She then lifted the glass to place on the counter, and rubbed the few drops of urine off her nether lips with hoof, licking it clean afterwards. Then, she took a lemon she had cut earlier, and squeezed in into the glass with a little sugar, then stirred it. A few ice cubes and a chilling spell later, it looked just like the drink she made Twilight every time she came to foalsit. The young unicorn broke out of her trance as Cadence turned towards the door with the now full glass. Twilight quickly scampered over to her seat, heart still pounding from what she had just witnessed. Her foalsitter stepped through the doorway a moment later, humming jauntily to herself as she held the glass of "lemonade" in her magic. "Here you go, Twily!" she said, as she placed the fresh glass down in front of the unicorn. Twilight looked at it, but didn't take a sip. "What's the matter?" Cadence asked after a few moments. "You said you wanted another glass right? Are you feeling okay? Your face is really flushed..." "I-I'm fine, Cady," Twilight hastily replied. "It just... it looks weird." She struggled to find some excuse. "It's... darker than usual!" she finally said, noting how the liquid was indeed darker than it was previously. Cadence's brow furrowed as she thought of some explanation for it. "Huh, that's funny. Here, I'll take a sip to show you it's still fine." She grasped the glass once again in her magic, and brought it up to her lips. Twilight's eyes slowly widened as she took a moderate sip from the glass, swallowing. The alicorn pulled it way with an "ahhhh," before setting it back down on the table and licking her lips. "See, it's perfectly fine!" Twilight just gaped at her. Watching her foalsitter drink her own pee was... a weird feeling. Twilight felt like she was sitting in a puddle. Glancing down, she realized she was actually sitting in a puddle. The unicorn looked on in fascination as her no-no bits leaked a clear, viscous fluid onto the chair cushion below her. Quickly looking back up, Twilight saw that Cadence was still looking at her expectedly. She nervously reached out a hoof and grasped the glass in her frog. Taking a deep breath, she wondered what it was she was so hesitant about. Sure, she knew what it was and where it came from, but supposedly it was the "secret recipe" she had been drinking all along. And she loved it. So, steeling herself, Twilight brought the glass to her lips and took a timid sip. It tasted just as good as it had before. As a matter of fact, the knowledge that this was Cadence's urine somehow made it taste even better. The puddle around Twilight felt like it deepened, and she decided she liked how it felt. Research would have to be done into this new feeling. But not right now, as the pink princess in front of her was expecting a reaction. Twilight smiled up at her foalsitter. "Tastes yummy, Cady!" she complimented. "Thank you!" Cadence just smiled back at her. "The secret recipe never fails!" Present Day Twilight lay across her couch, the faint memory playing over and over in her head. Her hoof was wedged between her legs as she sensually rubbed her dripping wet cunt. The memory was so hot to her, and she was glad to have it. She just wished she could have appreciated it all those years ago, when it was still "fresh." The now-alicorn let out a cross between a grunt and a moan as she came, her marecum squirting out over the cushions of her couch. She relaxed backwards, coming down from her orgasm. Spike could clean the fabric later, she wasn't too worried. The young drake was used to "cleaning up" after Twilight. After all, with Rainbow around the castle more and more often, the residue of their sexual escapades were all too common nowadays. She flopped over onto her stomach with a sigh, the rest of her juices leaking out of her pussy and onto the fabric, tickling her clit as the dripping down. Even though she had just squirted all over her couch, the alicorn was still horny. Rainbow was out of town for a Wonderbolts thing, so nopony was here to satisfy her kinky desires. She would've asked Spike, but the young drake had quickly backed out of any of her attempts to seduce him after "the incident." Twilight and Spike both agreed they would never tell anypony about "the incident," and so nopony else but them would ever know about "the incident." Twilight flicked through her mental calendar, thinking of anything she could possibly do to relieve the dripping tension between her flanks. Then it clicked. Princess Cadence was coming to visit her in four days. Shining was heading to a military summit in Canterlot, Sunburst would be watching Flurry, and she had wanted to come down to Ponyville for a few days to visit her favorite sister-in-law. The two of them would be here, in the castle, alone. Truly alone together for the first time since they reunited at the wedding. And Twilight began to plan how she could and would take full advantage of it... The days before Cadence's arrival dragged on for what felt like an eternity for Twilight. An eternity of boredom and sopping wet slits. She had been horny every hour of the day, and it was almost as bad as when she was in heat. But the time had finally come, and she was waiting on the train platform, anxiously tapping her hooves as she waited for her sister-in-law's train to arrive. Spike stood next to her, rolling his eyes in exasperation as he watched her fanatic actions. "Twilight," he said. "You normally act weird, but lately, you're over the top." He paused as Twilight froze. "Ponies are starting to notice." The lavender alicorn looked around the platform slowly, and indeed, a few heads were turned her way. She smiled sheepishly and tried to calm herself down a bit. With a small wave, she turned back to Spike. "Sorry, Spike, I'm just so excited to have some girl to girl time with Princess Cadence!" The young drake let out a snort. "More like 'girl-on-girl' time, am I right?" he muttered to himself. Twilight blushed as she overheard his comment, but didn't say anything. The sound of a nearing train distracted her from her embarrassment, and she was quickly back to her giddy self. It wasn't long before the train pulled into the station, steam rising up from the wheels as it came to a halt. The door in front of Twilight opened, and she could barely contain herself as the Crystal Empire fanfare began to play. Two crystal ponies in armor stepped out onto the station platform followed by Cadence herself, and Twilight ran up to greet her in a hug. "Hey Twily!" said Cadence giggling. "Aren't you enthusiastic today!" The two ponies pulled away from each other, breaking up the hug. "I wonder why," mumbled Spike as he picked up Cadence's luggage. Twilight grinned awkwardly and clasped her magic around the young dragon's mouth. "I just... haven't seen you in a while," she said quickly. "I'm excited." She mentally patted herself on the back for the save. The older alicorn just laughed again, happily following the pony and dragon out of the train station and back to the castle. The journey back was uneventful, and they were at Twilight's home in no time. Spike offered to take Cadence's baggage up to her room, desperately trying to find any reason to excuse himself from the upcoming events. The two alicorns made their way to the sitting room of the castle, keeping up the small talk they had engaged in on the way over. Cadence settled on the couch while Twilight headed to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink, Cady?" she asked. "I have some fresh lemonade." The pink alicorn smiled gleefully in response. "Oh that sounds lovely right now, I'm parched!" Twilight walked into the kitchen, and gleefully trotted in place as soon as she was out of sight. Now was the time. She stood on her hind legs, and leaned back against the counter for leverage. Then, using her magic, she took a glass out of her cupboard and bright it up to the slit between her legs. Calming herself down enough to relax, she let it go. A stream of light yellow piss began to dribble out of her pussy and into the waiting glass below. She kept the stream as weak as she could as to not let Cadence hear her peeing into the glass from the other room. She filled the glass about two thirds before cutting off her flow, and wiped her slit gently with her hoof before licking the residue from it. Following the recipe as best she could remember it, she squeezed a light amount of lemon juice in, and then stirred in some sugar. She took a light sip, and sighed. It was just as she remembered it. Twilight took a deep breath, and then took the glass back into the other room. "Thanks, Twilight!" chirped Cadence as the glass was placed in front of her. She brought it up to her mouth, commenting on the train ride as she took her first sip. "Can you believe that there was hardly anything to drink at all on... the..." Cadence trailed off as the taste of the beverage settled in her mouth. Twilight sat on the couch, doing everything in her power as to not vibrate with giddy excitement as she watched her sister-in-law take the first sip. The pink pony's face contorted into confusion as she tasted it, and she looked at the glass. The array of emotions that crossed her face next were rapid, and had either pony been asked to name every single one, it would have been impossible. Cadence's mind seemed to settle on confusion, embarrassment, and the bewilderment of her realization. "T-twilight," she asked quietly. "Is... is this..." she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence. Twilight's demeanor only faltered slightly at her sister in law's hesitation, but replied nonetheless. "I remembered that old recipe you used to make me as a foal," she said, wanting to hear Cadence say it. Cadence set the glass down on the table between them, a feeling of shame overloading the rest of her feelings. "You remember that?" she questioned, only briefly making eye contact with Twilight to see her nod. "Y-you knew what that was?" Again, Twilight nodded. Cadence squeezed her eyes shut, desperately trying to prevent herself from breaking down. "So this is just some sick trick you've pulled on me? To get your revenge?" At that comment, all Twilight's excitement fled her body as quickly as it had been built. "W-what?!" she cried, bewildered. "Wait, no!" The lavender pony quickly stood and went over to Cadence's side, placing a hoof on her back. "I'm trying to seduce you, not get any 'revenge.'" Cadence's eye bugged open at that, and she turned to look back at her sister in law. "What?!" she cried. "You're trying to s-seduce me? But why? I have a husband, a foal, w-what do you mean?" Twilight's confidence was falling further and further with each passing exchange between the two. "Um, well, I thought that since back then you did... y'know and I wanted to do it again?" she mumbled softly, not looking Cadence in the eyes. "But like, without the cups this time." The pink alicorn did not know how to reply to that. She was just as surprised in herself that she failed to notice the lust building around Twilight, and now that she had, she could not deny that i was affecting her as well. Cadence pondered the idea. She wasn't all the opposed to it in reality, Shining and her had had somewhat of an open marriage with her being the literal embodiment of sexuality. And, as Twilight had pointed out, this would not be their first brush with sex. Taking that plunge, however, was another thing all together. "Are you sure?" asked Cadence softly, lifting Twilight's chin with a hoof. Twilight met her gaze with one of surprise, before nodding vigorously. "You have to really be sure, Twily." "Yes," sputtered Twilight, and Cadence could feel the sexual anticipation grow in the room almost triple. "Alright then," she said, leaning back. "I suppose I could use a tinkle, it was a long train ride after all." Twilight watched as her former foalsitter leaned back to lay down on the couch. A leg lifted over Twilight's head to settle on the other side of her, and she found herself in the compromising position of being between the other alicorn's rear legs. "Uhhh," she mumbled, not able to find any words. Cadence's sultry grin dimmed by a fraction. "This is alright, right?" she asked. "That we do it here?" "Yeah," Twilight breathed. "Oh yeah, I piss on this couch all the time." It took a few seconds before her face somehow flushed an even deeper shade of red at the confession. Cadence giggled, before reaching a hoof down to her exposed slit. "Well then, I hope you're ready." Twilight eagerly lowered her head to come face to face with the Princess of Love's pristine pussy. The lips were wet, no doubt from the current situation, and Cadences hoof dragged one to the side, letting Twilight peer into the depths of the love tunnel. Her eyes locked on the tiny urethra, and she opened her mouth in anticipation. The stream of piss dribbled out weakly at first, drooling down over the rest of Cadence's cunt and pooling onto the cushions below. Twilight was about to go in and start lapping at the dribble but was pleasantly surprised as the stream increased in force. Soon and arc of urine was spraying right into her open mouth. She guzzled it down, moaning at the salty flavor. It was much stronger than she remembered, not being diluted with water and sugar and lemon. Cadence let out a breathy gasp and Twilight lowered her head into the stream, letting the piss soak into her mane and wash over her horn for a brief moment before leaning it to hungrily suck at the source. Her tongue dug into her pussy as urine continued to flow out. The experience was new to Cadence, no pony had ever eaten her out while pissing before. For that matter, no pony had let her pee on them, either. "Oh, Twily," she moaned. "That feels so good!" She threw her head back, reveling in the feeling as she emptied the last of her bladder. Twilight was a bit disappointed that her personal drinking fountain had died out, but continued to dig her muzzle into the moist folds before her. The taste of Cadence's natural flavor mixed with piss was nothing short of divine, and she could not get enough. Cadence moaned as Twilight's tongue dove deeper and deeper into her dripping snatch, and reached a hoof down to gently stroke at the purple mane. Within moments she was cumming, her marejuices squirting out and coating the pony between her hind legs. Twilight slurped up as much of the liquid as she could as the older mare sprayed it into her face. The tangy taste mixed with the salty flavor of Cadence's pee, creating a cocktail of sex in the lavender pony's mouth. She couldn't get enough of it, and dove back down an effort to get more. Following the trail of nectar brought her lower and lower until her muzzle was wedged in between two pink cheeks. The pink alicorn let out a giggle as she raised her rear to allow Twilight better access to her backdoor. Her sister-in-law's tongue twirled around the outside of the tight anus, grateful for the extra room to explore. Two lavender hooves reached up and gripped Cadence's ass, spreading the cheeks apart even further. The rosebud rhythmically clenched on nothing as Twilight prodded and probed, as if begging her to slip her tongue into the tight hole. The last time that Cadence had gotten a rimjob was before she had even become an alicorn. Her friend Lily had been fond of the unique taste of a mare's ass, and Cadence had been pleasantly subjected to many of her "spelunking" adventures while in school. Shining, although interested in exploring back there, had never graced her butt with his tongue. His sister however, seemingly could not get enough of it and was trying to shove her tongue deeper and deeper into Cadence's asshole. Cadence let out a loud moan as Twilight finally penetrated her pucker, and was now licking the inside of her ass. "Holy cow, Twily," she gasped. "You must really like the taste of my ass!" The lavender pony only moaned her affirmation. Eventually, the stimulation had gone on long enough, and Cadence shuddered as another orgasm passed through her. A weak spray of marecum shot out over Twilight's head and mane, and the pony finally pulled her face out of Cadence's ass to lick up whatever residue was left. The pink alicorn twitched as the tongue that had just been in her ass licked up and around her sensitive vulva before pulling away and licking her lips. Cadence collapsed backwards onto the couch, a pleasant feeling radiating through her whole body. "I'm sorry, Twily," she mumbled. "I'd love to return the favor, but I-" "It's okay, Cady," interrupted Twilight. "I think I came just from pleasing you!" Cadence sensed the satisfaction in her sis-in-law's voice and glanced between those lavender legs. Sure enough, there was a sizable wet spot matting down the fur. She laughed. "Ha! Did you cum or just piss yourself?" Twilight also laughed. "I don't know, why don't you taste and find out?" She spread her legs even wider, and her clit winked out briefly. Cadence raised her eyebrow's at the offer. "I might just have to," she said, and crawled over to the waiting pony. She stuck out her tongue and gave a sensual lick up Twilight's thigh before swirling it around her outer lips and placing a kiss over her clit. The aroused bud winked out, as if returning the kiss before she pulled away and climbed up on top of Twilight. "Hmm, I don't know... I think I taste a little of both." "Aw Cady, you're such a tease!" Twilight moaned before being silenced by a kiss, and Twilight was pleased to taste her own fluids in her sister-in-law's mouth. "Say, Twilight," murmured Cadence slyly as the younger pony cuddled up next to her. "Have I ever showed you my brownie recipe?"