Getting Steamy in the Hot Tub

by Leviathan Jaeger

First published

Sunset decides to take a break from life and relax in the spa hot tub, but she's soon joined by an old enemy, one that wants to relax in a different way.

Sunset decides to sit back and relax at the hot tub in the Canterlot Spa, what she doesn't know is that Adagio has the same idea. Now they're both stuck in a hot tub together, might as well have some fun.

Hot and bothered

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Sunset trudged towards the Canterlot Spa, gripping her backpack closely to her side. It was just getting later in the day, and she was exhausted from the school week. When she entered the building, she approached the front desk and was greeted by Lotus Blossom.

"Ah, Miss Shimmer, so good to see you," she said to her, giving a welcoming smile.

"Hey Lotus, is the hot tub open?" Sunset responded.

"As a matter of fact, it is! Right this way," Lotus stated to her, leading the way into the back. Sunset followed close behind her, looking at the different rooms as they walked past. She noticed several people getting massages, and was tempted to get one herself, but ultimately declined the idea when as she got closer to her actual destination. Once inside the room which housed the tub of water, she put her backpack down on the one of the chairs off to the side and sat down in one.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Lotus asked, still smiling.

"Not right now Lotus, but thanks anyway," Sunset replied with her own smile.

"Well, if you decide on something else later, we will gladly do it for you," Lotus stated, before turning to leave. "Oh, and if you want the hot tub to be private, just lock this door."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you Lotus, say hi to Aloe for me," Sunset replied, watching the girl walk out. Once she was alone, she stripped out of her clothes till she was only in the bikini she was wearing underneath. Now that she was in the proper attire, she stepped into the hot tub. With simple ease, she slowly descended into the hot water.

"Aaaaahhhh, that's better," she said out loud once she was completely in, with only her head and shoulders sticking out of the water. "This is definitely what I needed."

Life for Sunset lately had been, interesting to say the least. First the whole Friendship games incident, then going to Camp Everfree and getting freakin super powers, and now she has to keep up with everyone having to control their powers. Not to mention them trying to befriend the Shadowbolts and spending time with them. Her life went from being just trying to fit in, to literally being the head pillar of the group, trying to stabilize everything. Not much she could do about it though, since these circumstances were out of her reach to prevent or contain.

'I wish Princess Twilight were here,' she thought in her head, 'She'd know what to do. But at least I have my own Twilight now...wait, that sounded weird, back up, at least there's a Twilight in this world now...yeah that's better...good job me, thanks me. I still can't believe we have superpowers, I mean, it seemed like not that long ago we created a giant unicorn to beat the Dazzlings...that's something I haven't thought about in a while, I wonder what happened to them? It's a shame they ran off, they were hot...wait, stop it brain, none of that...but it is, bad I must be tired.' While thinking on these things, Sunset slumped down into the hot tub, only for her face to be out of the water, while also closing her eyes.

Adagio walked into the spa, trudging forward to the front desk, where she was greeted by Aloe.

"Ah, Miss Dazzle, what a pleasure it is to see you," she said with a welcoming smile.

"Hello Aloe, is the hot tub open?" Adagio asked.

"Let me check the is, but someone is also using it," Aloe responded.

"Doesn't matter to me," Adagio said to her, as she followed Aloe into the back. The past week had been nothing but a pain for Adagio, since Aria and Sonata had run her ragged. Ever day there seemed to be a new problem that one of them had, and apparently only Adagio could solve it. 'I swear they act just like kids,' Adagio thought in her head.

Before they entered, Aloe told the same things to Adagio that Lotus told Sunset. Adagio nodded to her and preceded inside. She didn't care who the other person was, if it was a girl, she wouldn't mind, if it was a guy, Adagio would do her best Aria impression and scare him off. She stripped out of her normal clothes, introducing the bikini she had underneath to the outside world. She only noticed out of the corner of her eye the face in the water, which she rolled her eyes to. Adagio quietly guided herself into the water, and once she was completely in, she closed her eyes and smiled.

Sunset felt the presence of another person, and now she wished she locked the door, since the privacy was starting to be very comforting. She lifted her head out of the water and opened her eyes, right when Adagio did the same. Both girls stared wide eyed at each other, not really sure how to respond.

"...Adagio?" Sunset asked.

"...Sunset Shimmer...what are you doing here?" Adagio responded.

"I could ask you the same thing," Sunset replied, crossing her arms in the water.

"Well, I came to relax in piece," Adagio retorted to her.

"I...actually came to do the same," Sunset said to her, letting her guard drop just slightly.

Both of the girls just stared at each other for a solid few minutes saying nothing. Neither of them wanted the other there, but they were also to tired to do anything about it, so they both just leaned back and looked at the ceiling. Both of them sat in silence, until Sunset was starting to get to hot and decided to sit on the edge of the hot tub and cool off. When she did this, Adagio got a good look at her body, and she was impressed with what she saw. She remembered Sunset having a nice figure, but now she could really see what treats she had lying beneath all those clothes. Her breasts were bigger than what Adagio thought they would be, in fact, they might be bigger than Adagio's. Adagio wanted to be sure, so she climbed out of the water and sat on the edge as well. After carefully looking from one set to the other, Adagio smiled proudly at the fact she still had the bigger rack.

Now that Adagio was out of the water, Sunset got a good look at her, and she discovered that not only were her hips amazing still, but her boobs were spectacular. It might be the hot water getting in her head, but Sunset couldn't get over just how desirable she looked. Unfortunately, Adagio caught her looking.

"See something you like Sunshine?" Adagio teased, smirking at her.

"I-I don't know what your talking about," Sunset replied, setting off a small blush.

Adagio laughed and watched the girl plump back down into the water. After she was situated, Adagio quietly moved over beside her. "Why don't you take a closer look," she said, raising her body so her cleavage was just above the water.

Sunset looked over and immediately turned away to avoid the awkwardness. "I'll pass."

"Oh come now Sunshine, don't be shy, I know you was looking at me before," Adagio commented, still smirking.

Sunset looked back at her, then down to her packages. "They're...quite impressive."

"Thank you, so are yours," Adagio replied, giggling at Sunset's blush. She then plopped back down fully into the water, sitting next to Sunset. Adagio brought back her evil smile as she ran her hand along Sunset's leg under the water, earning a slight jump from Sunset. Adagio didn't care at this point if she was her enemy or not, Sunset was very attractive, so Adagio was determined to have some teasing fun.

Sunset may of jumped at first, but she quickly started to take pleasure in Adagio's hand caressing her leg. She knew Adagio was teasing her, but she didn't care at his point. She turned towards her teaser, and pulled her in for a surprise kiss.

Adagio's eyes widened at the sudden move, and they stayed wide after they separated. But before she could say anything, Sunset spoke up.

"I know were technically enemies, but I don't fucking care at this point. After everything that's happened, I need someone like you right now."

"What do you mean, someone like me?" Adagio inquired of her.

"Someone who's fucking sexy," she replied.

Adagio let out a short giggle before speaking. "Well, lucky for you that I'm interested." She pulled Sunset back in for a kiss, this time letting their tongues collide. As their lips connected, their tongues battled for dominance, with Adagio winning the fight. She crawled onto Sunset's lap and pressed herself against her, while not breaking the kiss. Sunset wrapped her arms around the siren, pushing them even closer. While they kissed, Sunset grabbed Adagio's ass, earning a moan from the siren leader.

When they pulled away, Adagio was the first to remove her bikini top, exposing her delicious breasts. Sunset wasted no time pressing her lips against one of her nipples as Adagio moved up so her boobs were out of the water. While Sunset did her work, Adagio held her head in place so she could suck on her all she wanted. Sunset made the siren moan as she bit down on her one breast, while using her hand to massage the other one.

"Oh yes," Adagio moaned out, before pulling Sunset back in for another kiss. They made out for several seconds, before Sunset moved up and removed her bikini top, letting Adagio have full access to her breasts. Adagio mirrored Sunset's actions, sucking down on one while massaging the other. Sunset let several moans escape her mouth in the process, while placing her hand on Adagio's to assist the massage.

Adagio kept this going for a while, before lifting Sunset onto the edge of the hot tub. Sunset looked down at her confused, only to be responded by Adagio's mischievous grin. "Now it's time for the rest to go," she said, before working on pulling off Sunset's bottom part. Once the bottom bikini part was removed, Adagio licked her lips as she gazed at Sunset's pussy. She leaned forward and licked Sunset's inner thighs, smiling at Sunset letting out small, almost none noticeable moans, until she let out a load one when Adagio gave her pussy a nice long lick.

"Mmm, your tasty," Adagio remarked seductively, looking into Sunset's eyes as she gave her another lick. Adagio's licks sent shivers through Sunset's body, making her moan and breath heavily. Adagio sped up her licks, increasing how deep she went on each one, before sucking on her clit. This made Sunset lean back and moan loader than before, her breathing getting very heavy. Adagio could tell her climax was already coming fast, so she stuck her tongue deep inside her, licking all around.

Sunset held Adagio's head in place as her climax came, filling the siren's mouth with her juices. Adagio moved out of her and swallowed, smiling up at the sunny girl.

"You taste delightful," she remarked, before pulling Sunset in for another kiss so she could taste herself. After kissing for around a minute, Adagio switched places with Sunset, removing the rest of her clothes too. Sunset immediately stuck her tongue down inside her, not wasting anytime to tease.

"Oh Sunset, your so forward," Adagio commented, before letting out a moan. She rocked her body to match the movements of Sunset's tongue, massaging her breasts as she watched Sunset eat her out. Sunset explored Adagio's pussy thoroughly, before sucking on her clit, sending noticeable shocks of ecstasy through the siren.

"Oh fuck, keep going...I'm so close," Adagio spoke through her heavy breathing. With a loud moan she met her breaking point, letting the sunny girl taste all of her. As she caught her breath, Sunset moved up and locked lips with her, twirling their tongues together. "Your amazing with that tongue of yours Shimmer."

"Same for you," Sunset replied, now adorning the same smirk as her partner. She pulled her back in for another kiss, before the two stepped out of the hot tub. Sunset thought they were done, and went for her towel, but was stopped by Adagio.

"We're not finished Sunny, I have more plans for you," she said, twirling her back around and kissing her. "Lay down on the ground for me."

Sunset obeyed and laid down on her back, waiting for what Adagio had planned. The siren positioned herself on top of her so they were in the sixty-nine position, and once they were ready, Adagio went back to licking her in and out. Sunset let out a surprise moan, before stabbing her tongue back into Adagio. The two of them worked their magic on each other, occasionally pulling out to let out a moan or catch a breath. With each lick, pleasure sweeps through their bodies, making them moan softly into each other. Soon they climaxed together, letting them each taste each other at the same time. Adagio rolled off of Sunset and sat up, letting Sunset do the same, before they moved in for another deep kiss. They kissed for what seemed like hours, before separating and looking in each others eyes.

"So...does this mean we're friends?" Sunset asked, somewhat joking but also being serious.

Adagio smirked at her and pecked her on the cheek. "I guess it does Sunshine, because we're definitely doing this again sometime. Just think of me as your, special friend."

Sunset giggled before pulling her in for another kiss, and pushing their bodies together.

On the outside of the door, Lotus and Aloe were listening in on the moans. "I told you they were perfect for each other," Aloe commented.

"Indeed, though perhaps on their next visit, we could show them the, private massage room," Lotus added with a hint of seduction.

"Of course, and we'll assist them in taking away their tension," Aloe replied. The two spa girls giggled before moving back to the desk in the front.

After some groping and several kisses later, Sunset and Adagio decided it was time to leave, since they were still in a public establishment. They dried off and put their clothes back, and with one more kiss, left the hot tub room.

"Enjoy the rest of your night," Lotus said to them as they passed by.

"Same to you," Sunset replied with a smile.

"Hurry back!" Aloe spoke up just before they walked out.

Before they went their separate ways, Adagio gave Sunset her phone number so she could contact her for anymore spa visits, or if she just wanted to hang out. After surprising Sunset with a genuine hug, Adagio parted ways, swinging her hips as she walked away.