> Finding Destiny > by MorningRose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 Part 1 Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 1st 3:30 pm Rhyme script is waiting after school in the rain for his parents and brother. Rhyme is 16 years old, about five feet four inches tall and weighs around 130 pounds. he has an athletic build because of all the martial arts and sword and shield training from his mother. While waiting for his family Rhyme thought about telling his family he is transgender and he has been since he was five years old. Rhyme has been debating on whether or not to tell them for three years. Rhyme having lived in Cloudsdale his whole life was used to the rain. For some reason, he found the rain oddly relaxing. Rhyme finally decided to tell his family and pulls out a book titled “friendliest schools in Amareica” on the first three pages was all the information of the school his aunts run called Canterlot High School. Rhyme got so into his book he didn't hear his family arrive to pick him up. His mother Emerald Script is five feet tall with a highly athletic build from her job of teaching swords and all types martial arts. She also weighs about 110 pounds mostly muscle, his father Solid Script is around six feet tall 180 pounds and all muscle from his high-quality metal shop and his brother Slant Script is about five foot five inches and weighs 150 pounds. It was only when his father honked the horn that Rhyme noticed them and put his book away and gets in the car. After buckling his seat belt Rhyme takes a deep breath and prepares to speak as his father starts the drive home. "Everybody I have something important to tell you. I know you all have been worried that I am never truly happy. I have thought about this for many years and have decided to tell you the reason. I know you have decided to send me to see a therapist if I didn't start being happy and tell you the reason. The reason I am never truly happy is that on the inside I am a girl. I never said anything because I didn't want to worry or disappoint you. In other words, I have been hiding my true self. However, I can't take the pain and self-loathing anymore." said Rhyme in a worried tone of voice because he was afraid they wouldn't accept him. There was an awkward silence in the car as his parent's exchange a look of agreement before Emerald looks at Rhyme in the mirror and said in a knowing tone of voice and with lots of love "Rhyme Script, your father and I thought this might be the case. Mainly for three reasons. The first one is we have noticed that you have always been more comfortable shopping for clothes, getting your hair and nails done and in general doing things most guys hate to do. The second is you have always hung out with girls more than anybody else. Finally and I'm sorry to say this but a week ago you were talking and crying in your sleep. you said and I quote ‘I'm sorry mother and father. My soul feels like it is breaking apart for I have to hide my true self. I want to be a girl. I have ever since before kindergarten.’ When we heard that we knew we were hurting you by forcing you to be a boy. Just know that no matter what we will always love you. By the way, if anything should happen to your father and I we left a journal of our family history in a safe deposit box in your name at The First Interstate Bank of Cloudsdale. The key that is in your wallet is what it is used for." Slant Script looked over at his sister and said in a calm voice with a smile on his face "Rhyme I have always noticed that you were looking at your body with disgust. I love you for the forgiving and caring person you are. You remember last summer when I broke my leg riding that horse at the cowboy farm. I noticed that whenever a girl was around the horse I rode he got defensive. Well, he got defensive when you approached and that was when I knew you were a girl at heart." Rhyme was in shock that his family knew he was a girl at heart. It makes him wonder what he was afraid of. As he looks over at his brother he sees a knowing look on his brother's face. it worried him about what he had planned. However, Rhyme is worried about something his mother said so he looks at his mother and asked: "Mom, what did you mean by if something happens to you and daddy you have left me a journal?” Emerald takes a deep breath before saying "Sweetie, I have never told you this but I have the ability to see the future. Sometimes my visions don't come true. However, I didn't want you to not know your heritage. But we had to wait until you were ready. Anyways about a week ago I foresaw your father and I die. So I had to take precautions." Rhyme is about to ask what was so secret about his heritage when he hears the screech of tires and sees headlights coming right at them. As the other car ran into them Rhyme feels extreme pain and thinks From now on I will not be friends with anyone unless they can accept me as a girl. For I cannot bear the thought of hiding myself. before he blacked out. May 1st 10:00 AM Rhyme starts to come to and upon seeing a calendar he realized that he must've been in a coma for a month. The first thing he notices is the steady beeping of a heart monitor and a feeding tube through his mouth and into his throat. He tried to recall what has happened. The last thing he recalled was another car coming right at him and his family. As soon as he remembered he opens his eyes to see that he is in a hospital. He looks to his right and sees a glass of ice water and a note saying press call button if you awake. Rhyme wanting to know what happened presses the call button and waits. A few minutes later a nurse comes in and removes the feeding tube. Rhyme then takes the ice water in his right hand and tries to take a sip. The cold water looked nice and soothing for his dry parched throat. As he tries to drink the water he looks over his body and sees that his left leg is broken and his head is bandaged. At that moment a doctor walks in and says in a sympathetic voice "Hello Rhyme Script, I'm your doctor. My name is Red heart. I'm happy to see you are finally awake. However, I need to know what the last thing you remember is?" Rhyme looks at the doctor with fear on his face for his family and said in a hoarse voice "The last thing I remember is a car coming right at my family and I. Speaking of my family are they alright? Where are they?" The doctor looks at Rhyme and says in a sad tone of voice as Rhyme sips the ice water "Rhyme, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your family didn't make it. They died from the impact a month ago. That is including your brother. Your family was buried three weeks ago in Canterlot by your aunt Luna. You will be free to go after the doctors fill out some tests and paperwork. Just take it easy and you will be fine until you can be discharged." Rhyme hardly able to believe the doctor cries for the loss of his family as time passes. After some time and testing the doctors gave Rhyme the approval to leave and have him sign the release papers. As he leaves the hospital he sees his aunt Luna standing by her black and dark blue Malibu. Rhyme upon seeing her walks over on the crutches provided by the hospital. Once he is close enough he says in a shy voice "Hi Auntie. I haven't seen you in five years. I'm so happy to see you. how are you doing? I'm guessing  you are here to pick me up and take me home?” Luna looked at her nephew and nodded as she helped him into her car. “However, there is one stop I have to make. I need to stop by the First Interstate Bank of Cloudsdale.” Rhyme said as Luna started the car. “My mother told me before she died that she left me a journal with my family heritage in a safe deposit box for me." Luna nods and says "That's fine Rhyme. After everything that has happened I agree you have the right to know. Hop in and I will take there. By the way, the life insurance, all your parent's money from the stock market, along with the titles to your parents businesses and property have been transferred to you. I know your mother's karate and sword dojo has a huge offer lined up along with your father's metal shop. The sales are up to you just follow your heart my nephew. Lastly, since you are sixteen  your parents wrote an emancipation into their wills so you can live on your own if you want." Rhyme thought about the sales and decides to sell all the property and stock as they arrive at the bank. As soon as Luna parked Rhyme got out of the car and goes into the bank. Once he reaches the counter he says in a depressed tone of voice "I'm here to check my safety deposit box. here's my key along with my Identification. If you could please hurry I would be very grateful." The bank teller nods and leaves. He returns five minutes later with a steel box. As he places it on the counter he says in a friendly tone of voice "  Will there be anything else mister Script?" Rhyme shakes his head yes and opens the box and takes out a leather bound journal and says "Yes there is. Can you please close my account with you? Here is my signature agreeing to the close. Have a good day." Rhyme exits the bank and gets back in the car with his aunt. As his aunt drives him to his house he opens the journal and sees a note from his mother saying ‘My dearest Rhyme. If you are reading this it means your father and I are dead.I just want you to know we will always love you. Also, everything in this journal is true.  there are parts that will seem impossible but it is real. I love you always my lovely Rose. Yes, that's right I know you want to be a girl. Rose is the name I wanted to call you if you were a girl. Never give up on your dream of being a girl my daughter.’ Rhyme just having just finished the note starts to cry hard. He couldn't believe that his own mother knew he wanted to be a girl. She accepted him as her daughter and even gave her a name. Luna hearing and seeing her nephew crying pulls the car over and after pulling him into a hug asks "Rhyme, are you okay? What's wrong? You seem really upset?" Rhyme looked at Luna and said with tears in his eyes " I'll tell you, however, you must swear never to tell anyone. I'm just not confident enough to let everyone know." After receiving a nod of agreement Rhyme said in a scared voice "You see the day my family died I told them I have always wanted to be a girl. My mom told me she knew and that her and my dad will always love me. Also, there was a note in the journal telling me my name if I was born a girl is Rose and that I am their beloved daughter." Luna feeling the pain in Rhyme's voice pulls the young girl at heart into a hug and says "My dearest niece go ahead and let your pain out. However, I want you to know that I think you would make a lovely and beautiful girl. I love you as if you were my own daughter." Rhyme curious about whether Luna was telling the truth asks "Do you really think I would make a beautiful girl? I mean really think it is true?" Luna smiling at Rhyme says in a loving tone "Of course I do Rose. After all, you are beautiful. If I am being honest I have always seen you as a girl. You never really seemed like a boy." Rhyme stops crying and said in a calm and grateful tone "Thank you, Luna. I have decided to sell everything here except for my father's old Chevy and metalworking equipment and move to Canterlot to attend Canterlot High School with you and aunt Celestia. However, when I attend I don't want you or aunt Celestia to treat me any different than any other students. Do you understand?" Luna breaking the hug says "Of course Rose. We promise to treat you as we would anybody else." As Luna started to drive the rest of the way to Rhyme's home Rhyme took out the journal. Rhyme looked at the first page and saw it was dated 10-17-1002 almost exactly one thousand fifteen years ago. Rhyme takes a deep breath and reads ‘Dearest descendants. I started this journal so that you could know where we come from. There is a reason we like horses. The reason is that the land we come from is a secret world called Equestria. It is a land inhabited by sentient ponies. They are lead by two princesses. The first is Princess Luna and she raises the moon and watches over the monsters of the land. She married a stallion known as Starswirl the Bearded. He is my father and Luna is my mother. ‘The second one raises the sun and is called Princess Celestia. Anyway, when I was old enough my father, mother and my aunt sent me into this world to protect the portal since I was the best with swords and shields they have ever seen. I was supposed to return to Equestria after five years. However, I couldn't return for I had fallen in love with a human known as Lunar Love. she is my wife now and is bearing a child. So, in other words, you are part pony. Should anypony need your help I insist you help them. Sincerely Lunar Eclipse Galaxia.’ As Rhyme finished reading the first entry Luna pulls into the parking lot of his house. Rhyme decided then and there to always trust his gut and heart. Rhyme put the journal away and says "Goodbye Luna, I'll see you soon in Canterlot." Luna smiling asked "Rose, would you like me to help you with the packing. I don't mind staying to help you. After all, you are my niece." Rhyme smiling at Luna said "No thank you, Luna. To be honest I'm planning on hiring a moving company to pack everything up. Right now I need to be alone. However, I do thank you for all the help you have given me." Luna looking worried said " No problem Rose. Should you ever need me I'll be there. " With everything said and done Luna drove off into the sunset while Rhyme went inside. September 3rd 6:00 AM Rhyme realized over a week after he was released from the hospital that he had a scar from the accident on his right arm. Rhyme has sold his parents businesses, Property, cashed in his parent's life insurance policies and went to court against the drunk driver who killed his family.  All together between the businesses, property, stock and the life insurance Rhyme had inherited around fifteen million dollars. Rhyme had bought forty acres of property just outside of Canterlot which even had a lake on the property. Rhyme knowing he would need a way to relax his sore muscles had Installed a hot tub. Rhyme woke up nice and early to go to school and went through the routine of showering, brushing his teeth, putting his hair in a ponytail and gets dressed for school.Rhyme decided to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast before getting into his truck and went to school. Rhyme scared of going to a new school parks the truck and approaches the school with fear.  As he approaches the school a girl with red and orange hair walks over to him. Soon as she was close enough she said in a menacing tone of voice "Look here newbie, I rule this school. You can either bow before me and have it easy or I can make your life a living nightmare. It's your choice so what's it going to be?" Rhyme not wanting a fight answered "look Miss. I don't want any trouble. However, I will not bow to you. For that would embarrass my family name and history. So do your worst. I don't care what you do to me." The girl looking furious said in an angry voice "You have made an enemy Rhyme Script and you shall pay for it. No matter what you do you shall never have any friends here and you will get beat up mark my words." Rhyme is in shock that she knew his name and that his choice could cause him to have enemies. However, Rhyme quickly recovers and walks into the school. An hour later Rhyme exits his first class just to be punched in the chest having his rib break. As he collapses to the floor he heard a student with blue spiky hair say " Leave this school at once you Rapist. Nobody wants you or anyone like you here." Once the student left Rhyme gets up and limps to the nurse's office. Rhyme is almost to the office when he collapses. As Rhyme hits the floor he thinks ‘why is this happening to me?’ just as he loses consciousness. The nurse hears a loud thud and goes to see what is going on. She opens the door to see a student passed out on the floor. Worried about the student she picks him up carefully and carries him to the beds. She gently lays him down and binds his ribs tight. she then waits for him to awaken. As she waits a young man entered clutching his hand in pain. He had dark blue hair with a stripe in it and wore a white t-shirt and a racing jacket. “Sorry nurse,” the man said as he approached “I got into a scuffle with Flash. I saw him insult and beat that guy over on the bed. I asked what happened only for him to go off at me and start swinging. I hit him in the nose in self-defense and ran off.” The nurse grabbed some alcohol wipes and bandages and proceeded to stop the mans bleeding knuckles. “It's okay Speedy. At least I know who to report to Celestia about this. You know I don't tolerate bullying after all.” After bandaging his hand Speedy gave the nurse a wave and went off to class as she filled out some paperwork. The sound of the bell wakes up Rhyme about an hour later. As soon as he opens his eyes he sees what appears to be a nurse looking worried. Rhyme turns away and asked "What's going on? Who are you?" The nurse realizing that the student woke up answered "My name is Caren Heart. As for what's going on, that's what I would like to know. I heard a loud thud outside my office and went to investigate. When I opened the door I found you passed out." Rhyme looking ashamed sayed "All I remember is someone calling me a rapist and that someone breaking one of my ribs. Once the person left I limped my way to the nurse's office before I passed out." Caren worried that the student was still in danger asks "Do you remember what the person looked like?" Rhyme thought for a moment deciding he didn't want anyone to get in trouble says "No I don't remember. It all happened so fast. I'm sorry if I worried you." Caren gave Rhyme a comforting smile and placed her hand on his shoulder. "There is no need to apologize to me. I care about anyone who is hurt. not just you. it's just the way I am." said Caren as she bandages Rhyme's chest. “I suggest you go to the local hospital and make sure your ribs are fixed and you are okay. I also had a young man come in while you were gone and told me who attacked you. I made sure to report him to the principal and the local police about what happened. Please heed my advice and take care of yourself.” As she finishes Rhyme said "Thank you, Caren. I guess I'll have to go get another check up now. Tell that man I said thank you. Goodbye." As Rhyme left Caren says to herself "I have a feeling he is going to get hurt a lot." The rest of Rhyme's day passes mostly uneventful. He went to the hospital and got an x-ray showing that his ribs were mostly fractured and none were really broken. As he drove home Rhyme felt like he deserved to suffer and felt like if his parents hadn't picked him up they would still be alive. While Rhyme safely drives home he starts thinking about suicide and if he should end his life. He thought long and hard until he reached his house and decides not to commit suicide. Rhyme knew if he did then Sunset would win and that his aunts would be devastated.  However as he enters the driveway he sees a girl with long blond hair, A Stetson hat and a pair cowgirl boots standing in his driveway. Scared of what she wanted he rolls down the window. As soon as the girl is close enough he asks “May I help you miss?” The girl looking at the fear in his eyes answers “Hello, Mah name is Applejack, and I was hoping to talk to the new owners about something?” “You swear you just want to talk. You aren’t going to attack me or anything right? I only ask because I have had a really bad day. What with me assaulted and sent to the hospital.” inquired Rhyme. “Of course sir. I would never attack someone without cause. By the way, I’m a student at CHS. what's your name?” Applejack asks in a curious voice. Rhyme calms down at her words but is still a little afraid as he says as he gets out and leads the way inside “My name is Rhyme Script and I also attend CHS. If you follow me we can talk in the living room.” Applejack gasps in shock as she says ”aren’t you that rumored rapist and murderer that transferred to our school. I didn’t realize it was you, sir. I’m so sorry.” Rhyme sighing says “I know you won't believe me but I have never raped murdered anybody. if you honestly think I could do that just ask what you want and leave.” “ Actually wondering what you were going to do with the land. You see all this land once belonged to my family. However, during the Great Depression, we had to sell it. I came over hoping you would allow my family and I to farm it. of course, any profits made will be split between the two of our families.” says  Applejack scared of what Rhyme would say. Rhyme sighs as he looks into  Applejack's eyes and after a minute of looking for any deception says “Do whatever you want. I only wanted the house, not all the land. Also, there is no need to split the profits. You and your family can keep it all since I have enough money. Now if that is all you can go and leave me alone. I know you are afraid of me so goodbye.” Applejack nods and leaves the house. all the while she was thinking about their meeting. ‘I feel for him, after all, it isn't easy to be a new student with a bunch of rumors floating around about you. I hope he has a better day then he did today.’ Rhyme having had enough excitement for one day stands up and goes to bed. That night he dreamt of his parents and brother’s deaths. He wakes up screaming his lungs out while crying for his parents to comfort him. Like he has every night since the accident. October 3rd, 2017 Rhyme is soaring through the sky of Equestria a world he has never been to. As Rhyme is soaring through the sky he hears something behind him he turns around just in time to see a six-pointed star surrounded by smaller stars shooting right at him, knocking him out of the sky. Rhyme wakes up with a start, his heart pounding in fear. Gasping for breath he thinks “What was that. It felt so real as it hit me. I have a feeling today or tomorrow is going to be interesting.” Rhyme goes through his normal routine of hiding his bruises, eating, showering and leaving for school. Even though he feels like today is going to be different he is still cautious as he walks into the school and his bullies. Even though Canterlot High school is the nicest and friendliest school nobody was willing to give him a chance. As the bell rings for lunch Rhyme runs for his hiding spot outside. Which is an empty space just big enough for two teens and six pets. It was surrounded by bushes on all sides so that the only way in or out is the side closest to the school. Rhyme upon reaching the entrance gets on his knees and crawls in. Once inside Rhyme pulls out his lunch which consists of a grilled cheese sandwich, a bag of chips and a thermos of fresh ice tea. Rhyme just sat there for ten minutes watching the clouds float by reminding him of his dream. Over the next five minutes, Rhyme eats and thinks about where his life went wrong. All of a sudden there is a rustling at the entrance and Rhyme gets scared. At first, only a white rabbit and a cat enter. Rhyme calms down as the cat curls up on his lap and purrs. Rhyme unconsciously scratched the cat behind the ear. However, his calm disappeared in a flash as a yellow backpack with pink butterflies is pushed in. panicking Rhyme quickly crawls over to the other side. Once he was as far away as possible he curls up in a ball and cries his heart out begging not to get hurt. Rhyme is crying so much he doesn’t see a girl in a light green dress with pink butterflies on it crawl in. Rhyme just barely able to see the girl out of the corner of his eye sees she has light yellow hair with a light pink streak in it.  He is unable to stop crying as the girl finally enters the hideout. The girl finally noticing Rhyme was crying says in a very quiet voice that he could barely hear “ Are you okay? You sound upset. If you don't want to talk about it I understand. It’s just I can't bear to see anybody cry. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were here. I’ll leave now.” Rhyme recognizing the shy and scared tone sighs and says through his tears and mucus-filled nose “No, you can stay here. I’ll leave you alone. I like your animals by the way. Sorry, you had to see me like this I was crying because I thought you were going to hurt me. You see I have had my bones broken and joints dislocated since I started here.” The girl shocked at Rhymes behavior said in a more confident tone “You know you don’t have to leave. There is plenty of room for the both of us. By the way, my name is Fluttershy. I know who you are of course. Also, I thank you for the compliment on my animals. I am so sorry to hear about all the pain you went through. It always saddens me to hear that people are being hurt.” Rhyme stopping his crying looks at Fluttershy and said “Thank you so much Fluttershy. You are the kindest person I have met since I First started at school. Are you sure don’t mind if I stay? I don’t mean to sound so rude but ever since I transferred here everybody has been so cruel to me.” Fluttershy sighs and looking Rhyme in eyes says  “The reason nobody gave you a chance is that of the rumors. You have heard them, haven’t you? I mean I could explain them to you if you want.” Rhyme looks at Fluttershy in the eyes and shyly said “You mean the ones about me being a rapist and murderer. Am I right? Also, thank you for helping calm me down. I am so embarrassed about it. Only four people have ever seen me cry. They were my mother, my father, my brother and my aunts. ” Fluttershy shocked that Rhyme didn’t know the full rumors says “There is more to it than that. You see the first rumor is that you raped three boys and girls at your old school and got away with it. The second one is that you killed your family. Everybody is afraid that you will do the same to them. You are very welcome. There is no reason to feel embarrassed. I am the same way.” Rhyme is shocked to hear the rumors in full. Soon as he recovers he said “Rest at ease Fluttershy for I swear to Luna that I have never raped anyone in my life. To be honest I have never been on a date before. However, for the second rumor, I can’t deny it. I didn’t physically kill them. But I told them something personal. Even though they accepted it a drunk driver came out of nowhere and hit the car. I was the only one to survive. My mother, my father and my brother were all killed on impact.” Fluttershy gasps in shock and asked “your family died in a car accident? Wow, I am so sorry. It looks like the rumors are false and should you ever need me I'll be there. Do you have a cell phone?” Rhyme pulls out his phone which is light pink and said “Yes. my parents and brother died in the accident. It happened this past June after school. Here’s my phone.” Fluttershy takes his phone and enters her cell number. Once it is entered she hands it back saying “Rhyme, if you ever need to talk or just want to hang out give me a call. By the way, why is your phone light pink if you don't mind me asking?” “As much as I would love to hang out with you I’m afraid I can’t. As long as I’m getting picked on and hurt I can’t hang out. Because I’m afraid if I do hang out with you they will hurt you. I can’t bear the thought of having any of my potential friends getting hurt. Do you understand? I can’t tell you the reason for my phone's color in person. However, I can text it to you later. It is very embarrassing and personal. I just hope you still accept me after I send you the message” said Rhyme putting away his phone. Fluttershy nods and said “I understand. However, my offer still stands. Also if you want the animal shelter I volunteer at could always use more help. That is if you want to and have the time. I have seen first hand how good you are with animals. You see the cat's name is Diamond and she is very stubborn and doesn’t like people. However, she really likes you.” Rhyme looks at Fluttershy and said as the first bell rings “That sounds lovely Fluttershy. However, we can discuss it later. That was the bell signaling that lunch is almost over.” The two friends pack up and exit the secret hideout. What they didn’t know however was that Rainbow Dash was walking by on the other side. At first, Rainbow Dash was so happy to see Fluttershy, but as soon as Rhyme appeared Dash got furious. When Rhyme left his spot  Rainbow Dash sucker punches him breaking his nose and knocking him over. Rhyme knowing immediately that his nose is broken gets up and said to Fluttershy who is shocked and extremely angry at Rainbows behavior “Goodbye Fluttershy. I have to get to the nurse's office. Have a good day my friend.” Soon as he finishes talking he runs off. While running he hears Fluttershy yelling at Rainbow Dash.While they were yelling the same man who helped Rhyme on his first day ran out of the nearby auto shop and got in between the two fighting girls. “What is the problem you two?! Why are you fighting?!”yelled Speedy. Rhyme not wanting to cause a friendship to be ruined sent a text to Fluttershy saying I don’t want to cause your friendship with Rainbow Dash to fail. So as much as I want to stay friends, I'm afraid this is goodbye. Sincerely Rhyme Script AKA Morning Rose. P.S. I’m also transgender. That is why my phone is light pink. I haven’t told anybody but my parents and brother. That is what distracted them and allowed the drunk driver to hit the car.” As he sent the message he arrives at the nurse's office. The nurse bandages Rhyme's nose and said "Rhyme since school began you have been in my office every day. The Principal and Vice Principal want to stop it but they can't if you don't tell them what has happened. Rhyme you need to think about what's best for you now. Please just think about it. If you want it to stop go talk to them." The rest of his day is normal for him.  Rhyme heads out to his truck only to see Fluttershy sitting next to the school statue. not wanting to talk to her he walks along the side of the school. he is just about to turn the corner when he sees something gold fly out and hit Fluttershy. Rhyme worried about Fluttershy turns and sees her carrying whatever it was into the school seeing she is okay he hurries home. All the while he thought about what the school nurse had said about him needing to do what is best for him. Rhyme arrived at home deciding she had a point and should anything else happen to him he will defend himself no matter what. October 4th 7:30 a.m. Rhyme walks into the school only to come out face-to-face with the school second-worst bully. Her name was Chrysalis. The moment Rhyme sees Chrysalis he runs away. Rhyme realized a couple years ago that when he is in dangerous situations he can react faster than anybody else. As such Rhyme has no trouble getting away. He weaves through gaps and student so fast nobody saw him. Rhyme takes a right turn, only to come to a dead end. Rhyme turns only to see Chrysalis in front of him. Chrysalis is furious at Rhyme for making her chase him. she turns to him and punches him in the face she hit him just hard enough and knocks him out. Not wanting him to get stepped on she drags him to an abandoned hallway and dropped him in the corner on the floor. before leaving she kicks him in the back and leaves for the class. As she walked away she saw Speedy looking at her and Rhymes body then take off towards the principal's office. Chrysalis took off after him only to come up short as he entered Celestia's office. Not wanting to get in trouble Chrysalis took off and left the school grounds. The school bell goes off signaling the end of the third period. Rhyme wakes up after hearing the bell.  Rhyme laid still and tried to remember what happened. He remembers running from Chrysalis, her punching him and him passing out. Remembering what happened Rhyme is about to get up when the voice of Sunset Shimmer stops him. “I can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier. I should have known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown and her little dog too,”  says Sunset Shimmer. Rhyme opens his eyes to see who Sunset is talking to. However, what he sees shocks him. There he sees a girl with purple hair and a dark pink streak. What shocked him was the six-pointed star surrounded by smaller stars on her clothes. is the same symbol he saw in his dream. Rhyme knowing first hand how bad things can get with Sunset is about to make his presence known when the girl says “it's my crown.” “Whatever this is just a minor setback for me. you don't know the first thing about this place and I already rule it,” says Sunset Shimmer circling the girl with an evil look in her eyes. “ if that's so why do you even need my crown? you went through an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here?” says the girl looking at Sunset Shimmer irritatedly. “What happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?” asks Sunset waiting for an answer. The girl just stood there looking confused till Sunset continues “ you don't know seriously and you're supposed to be Celestia's star student. Then again what are the chances she find somepony as bright as me? after I decide to leave Equestria.  Bit embarrassing that you are the best she could do.” Next thing Rhyme heard and saw was a dog poke its head out of the girl's backpack and bark. Sunset Shimmer looks at the dog and says maliciously “oh, and I would keep a close eye on your mutt. Hate for him to be taken away from you.” Rhyme expected the dog to bark but instead, it asks “ is that a threat?” “Oh of course not. But you might want to cut down the chatter if I were you. don't want everyone knowing you don't belong here now do we? you want to be a princess here, please. you don't know the know the first thing about fitting in.” says Sunset walking away. Rhyme waited until the new girl left to get up. Rhyme is walking to the library after the bell rang only to see the girl staring at a fruit cup in the vending machine. realizing that she looks hungry Rhyme goes over to the machine and buys three fruit cups. He then heads to the library to see the girl having a hard time typing on the computer. Rhyme walks over to the girl and says” Hello there Miss, can I help you? I saw you looked hungry and I got you these.” The girl looks at Rhyme and says” I would very much appreciate your help. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Thank you for the food by the way.” Rhyme chuckles and says while sitting next to her “No problem Twilight. My name is Rhyme Script. it is a pleasure to meet you.” Twilight looks at Rhyme and says” the pleasure is all mine.” Over the rest of the day, Twilight and Rhyme researched everything they could. The research everything from insects and vegetables to rock music. The PA system announced the library would be closing Rhyme looks at Twilight and says “ Twilight, do you have a place to stay tonight?” Twilight looks away and answers “ no I don't. I was going to sleep in an abandoned corner of the library.” Rhyme remembering what the journal said looks at Twilight and says in a friendly voice “If you want you can stay at my house. I have an extra bed and warm food but it is up to you if you want to. Just know that no matter what you choose you will forever be my friend.” Twilight starting to tear up at the corner of her eyes says “I would be glad to stay at your house. However, I must know why are you so kind to me?” Rhyme thinks about his answer, before finally saying “I'll answer your question in my truck, okay?” Twilight nodding follows Rhyme out to his truck.  Once the truck was started they were on their way. Rhyme takes a deep breath and says “I have to be honest with you Twilight. I know you and Spike are from Equestria since your confrontation with Sunset Shimmer. However, I was surprised that Sunset was also from there. You see I know all about Equestria and the Elements of Harmony from my family's history .” Twilight shocked to hear that Rhyme knew about Equestria asks “How exactly  do you know about Equestria? Let alone the Elements of Harmony?” Rhyme takes a deep breath and says “ I know because one of my great ancestors was the son of Princess Luna and Starswirl the Bearded. his name was Lunar Eclipse Galaxia. he was only supposed to guard the portal on this side for five years. However, he fell in love with a human. During his life, he wrote a journal with everything he knew about Equestria. the journal was handed down within my family for thousand and fifteen years. when my parents and brother died in a drunk driving accident the journal was passed down to me. That way I could know my heritage.” Twilight gasps and asks “What killed your family?” Rhyme recognizing the fear and her voice says “ They were killed by drunk driver. But I told them something personal and it distracted them.” Twilight calming down asks “What did you say to them that distracted them so much? Whatever it was must have been a real shocker.” “It was. You see I told them I always wanted to be a girl. I tried to bury the feelings but only got stronger and stronger and stronger until I was literally falling apart at school.” answers Rhyme looking around in embarrassment. “Well Rhyme I must say I didn't see that coming. Though I must admit I think you would make a lovely mare or filly. Mares and fillies are what we call girls and women in  Equestria. Although I am sure you already knew that. Also, did you say you were related to Princess Luna?” “Yes, I did say I was related to Luna. Do you know her by chance? Also thank you for the compliment Twilight however, I have to be honest starting tomorrow it would be best if we don't hang out.” answers Rhyme looking worried. “As a matter of fact, I was part of the group that changed Princess Luna back to normal. By the way, you're welcome for the compliment. Also why can't we hang out? I seriously think with you as my friend helping me we can win back the crown.” Says Twilight confused. “Twilight, the reason we can't be seen together is that it will hurt your chances. You see there's a reason I don't have any friends at school. some ponies spread rumors about me being a rapist and murderer through the school. the rumor is that I raped 3 boys and girls at my last school and that I have murdered my family. the first one about me being a rapist I can deny. The second one about me murdering my family I can't cause I feel responsible for their deaths.”  says Rhyme pulling into his driveway. “Are you telling me that you don't have a single friend? Please tell me you are joking,” says Twilight getting out of the truck. “That's exactly what I'm telling you. I almost made a friend though. Her name was Fluttershy. However, I ended the friendship between us. Only because I didn't want to end her friendship with Rainbow Dash. I know the pain of losing your best friend. Mine was my brother and it tore me up. I don't ever want to be the cause of ending a friendship.” says Rhyme unlocking the door. Twilight walks into the living room and sees a bunch of boxes stacked all over. saying that she asks “How long ago did you buy this place Rhyme? It looks like you just got here and are still unpacking.” “Actually I moved in about 3 months ago. The pain of losing my family is still too much all I have been able to the guest room and my stuff. It's too painful to unpack by myself.  also because I don't have any friends I don't have anybody to help me.” Says Rhyme looking away. “I see now why your house looks like this Rhyme. I am so sorry if I brought up bad memories,” says Twilight ashamed. “It's fine Twilight but I do have a question for you if that's alright,”  says Rhyme looking at the symbol on Twilight’s skirt.  after receiving a nod Rhyme continues. “  What do you know about dream interpretation?” Twilight surprised that the question says” I actually know quite a bit about the subject. Why do you ask?” Rhyme thought for a moment before saying excitedly “Because I had a weird dream. I was flying through the skies of Equestria on a nice sunny day. then I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I was worried it was dangerous so I turned around and then I see a purple six-pointed star surrounded by smaller stars shoot right at me. they knock me out of the air and then I woke up. the star is the same one that's on your skirt. As soon as I woke up I knew that something big was going to happen. So what do you think Twilight?” Twilight thought long and hard before she finally says “Rhyme, I'm afraid what you had wasn’t a dream. It was a vision of the future. In Equestria, such an ability is very rare. Usually, it revolves around a Pony's cutie mark. That star is my cutie mark. In other words, you first saw me coming to this world. I'm just surprised you have such an ability.” Twilight gives a huge yawn. Rhyme after yawning says in a tired voice “well it's getting late Twilight. There are some brand new pajamas on the bed for you, I along with a new toothbrush in the connected bathroom. I'm going straight to bed, However, if you need anything please let me know. Goodnight my friend.” Twilight hearing Rhymes last word says “Goodnight Rhyme. I want you to know that no matter what I'll forever be your friend. Should you ever need me know that I will be there for you.” October 5th 6:30 a.m. Rhyme awoke extra early so he can make breakfast for his guests. walking down the stairs Rhyme thinks “Now what would Twilight like for breakfast. She's originally a horse so any meat is out. I got it I'll make her apple pancakes with honey, a cup of coffee with oats in it and some apples on the side.’ With a plan for freshly made Rhyme goes into his kitchen and starts to cook. An hour later  Rhyme has 3 stacks of pancakes made, along with 3 coffees. The first had lots of oats in it for Twilight, the second was black and in a dog bowl for Spike and lastly the third one had honey, sugar, creamer and hazelnut flavoring in it. Rhyme just finished setting the table when Twilight and Spike walk in with big smiles on their faces.Rhyme noticing this says “Good morning Twilight, Spike. Did you sleep well? I made you both breakfast and I hope you enjoy it. It's apple pancakes with honey and syrup, and coffee with oats in it for Twilight and black coffee for Spike.  enjoy, I don't normally have guests so I hope it's alright.” Twilight looks at the breakfast then to Rhyme and says “ Rhyme, this looks amazing. Thank you so much. By the way, how did you know I like oats in my coffee.” Rhyme blushes at the question and says “ Well Twilight, I thought you would naturally like oats.  So I use the last of my oats in your coffee. However, I think you have the right to know that I like oats in my coffee too. Anyways I'll drop you off at school then backtrack a different direction so nobody will be able to associate you with me. I plan to do this so your chances won't be hurt.” Twilight looks away in frustration and she says “ Rhyme, I don't like the plan. After all, you have been so nice to me and you deserve to be yourself. People should be more accepting of you. After all the rumors are false and you haven't done anything to anybody. So why should you be alone.” Rhyme sighs deeply.  Then he looks Twilight in the eyes and worriedly says “ I shouldn't have to be alone Twilight. However, the element of Harmony has to be the first priority. Before Sunset gets the crown and the power it holds both worlds will be in danger. Equestria will have lost its most powerful defense while this world would be stuck under the control of Sunset Shimmer. My happiness means nothing when both worlds are in danger.” Twilight looks at Rhyme with wide eyes as she finishes her breakfast. Once she finishes her breakfast she says “ Rhyme, as much as I disagree that your happiness means nothing I have to say you have a point. The element must come first. However, I meant to say I will be back to help you. I pinkie promise you. Anyways it is time to go.” Half an hour later found Rhyme dropping Twilight off a block from the school.  Rhyme looks to Twilight with pure honest eyes and says “Good luck Twilight. I'll see you later my friend.” With everything said  Rhyme took off to go to school from the other direction. It took longer for Rhyme to get to school then it should have. When he arrives he notices he still had a half hour to class. Bored Rhyme decides to take a walk through the school until he heard Twilight's voice coming from an abandoned classroom. Rhyme gets closer to the door and he hears Twilight say “Has everyone seen this? Is this why I was getting scared looks?” As Rhyme got closer the voice of the school fashionista says “Of course darling. what did you expect hanging out with a rapist and murderer? It was bound to hurt you. After all, you are a new student here.” Rhyme is shocked at what he hears. however, he continues to listen. next word that he heard lifted his spirit “ Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Have any of you actually talked to him? I ask you this because I have and the rumors you all have heard are false.” Twilight says. “I don't believe it, darling. After all, there  wouldn't be such mean rumors unless they were at least a bit true. After all, no one truly knows about his past.” Rarity replies. Rhyme no longer being able to take the accusations drops his bag and runs away crying. He ran to the rooftop and thought ‘Why doesn't anybody give me a chance. I'm nice and respectful of others. So why are they so mean to me?’ Meanwhile Twilight was about lecture Rarity when she hears a loud crying and footsteps of running away. Twilight knowing exactly what must have happened Turn to Rarity and says “Congratulations Rarity. You just caused Rhyme to run away crying. For your information, I was with him all day and all night last night and nothing happened.” “I agree with Twilight.” Fluttershy said.  “Because the day before Twilight transferred in I ran into him in at his secret hiding place outside. When he saw my backpack he crawled up into a tiny ball and cried he was so scared. Anyways we talked and he was a perfect gentleman the whole time. He offered to leave but I insisted he stay. When we left for class at the end of lunch Rainbow saw him and broke his nose. as he ran away from Rainbow he sent me a text saying he didn't want to be the cause of me and Rainbow ending our friendship and that we can't be friends. don't you see he has been suffering alone after his family was killed by a drunk driver.” she says shyly. Applejack listens to everything that  Fluttershy had said and when she was finished talking Applejack sighs and says “Ah have to agree with Fluttershy and Twilight. I never told anyone this but a month before Twilight came into our lives I stopped by my new neighbor's house. I want to talk to them about the possibility of partnering up to find the land. I was scared when I found out it was Rhyme who moved into the house. I made the offer to split the profits evenly, however, he denied it saying I can do what I want with the farming and that the Apple family can keep all the profits he said he has enough money and only bought the property for the house in the lake. that way he could be alone and the whole time he was nice. if Sunset could tear us apart don't ya think it's possible she started the rumors because he didn't want to join her.” Pinkies hair which is usually bouncy deflates and goes flat as she says “You're right Applejack. All of us have been so mean to him because of the rumors. We never took the time to get to know him. After all only innocent people would put friendship above all else. He put our friendship ahead of himself. so I say we give him a chance and get to know the real Rhyme.” Rarity was silent for a minute thinking over everything her friends had said. When her thoughts were organized she looks at everyone and says “ After hearing all your stories and after realizing the truth. I agree with you all. we should get to know him and be his friends.” As the group nodded in agreement Rarity realized something. “Wait a minute girls! You don't think he would take his own life after what I said do you?!” Twilight, realizing that she should have immediately gone after Rhyme runs out of the room. The girls following soon after worried about the possibility of their new friend. Rhyme stood thinking for a few minutes whether he should end his life or not. Rhyme comes to the conclusion that everybody's life would be better off if he were to die. Rhyme thinks as he steps towards the edge of the roof ‘Goodbye world. please let my death stop people from believing rumors.’ as he takes the last few steps towards the edge. Rhyme is just about to take the final step that would end his pain when is tackled back onto the roof. Rhyme takes a look around to see who tackled him and sees Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack and two other girls on the roof. one of whom has purple hair and a dress with diamonds on it was the one who tackled him to the ground. Rhyme looks at everybody and says “What are you all doing here? Also, why did you stop me from killing myself? Look I heard what you all said and you were right. Nobody will want to be friends with me here. I can't take the pain and loneliness anymore. So please let me die in peace.” Rarity finally realizing just how hurt  Rhyme is by her words looks at him and says “No Rhyme you are wrong. You have five new friends right here. We realized that if Sunset can tear us apart she could start those rumors about you. So as to diminish your threat against her,we are all sorry for how we treated you. You didn't deserve it so please do take the chance to make a new friend and to make everything right.” Rhyme looks at everybody and says in a scared voice “I'll  accept your apologies. If we are to be friends you all must know something. I am actually a girl on the inside, meanwhile physically I'm a boy. In other words, I'm transgender. If you are willing to accept that and are willing to treat me as one of the girls then we can be friends. What do you think?” Rarity is shocked hearing that Rhyme is transgender. She has heard of them before but hasn't ever seen one or known anybody like that. taking a deep breath Rarity thinks ‘Rhyme has always seemed so strong and manly. I would never have thought that he was suffering from such a secret. Or such a difficulty as transgenderism.’ However, as she looked closer she noticed the feminine mannerisms he frequently used. Rarity deciding to be the first to speak says “Rhyme, I'm sorry you had to hide your true self. To make up for treating you so rudely I would be honored to make you a special dress.” Fluttershy speaks stop next saying “I have always accepted you as one of the girls Rhyme. I have ever since you texted me that you are transgender and I shall always be there for you. After all, you are nice to everybody and you deserve to be yourself.” Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down with her normal active style saying “Oh my goodness we totally have to make a coming out party. After all, you deserve to be happy. As your friend it is my duty to ensure you are happy.” Applejack looking embarrassed looks that Rhyme with a fiery red blush on her cheeks. Once she had his attention she says “I have known you were transgender ever since I first saw you. there is no hiding the pain of hiding one's true self. I know because my cousin went through the same pain. However, she didn't have anyone to accept her as she was and she took her own life. So I accept you for who you are: a beautifully vibrant and intelligent young woman who has lost a lot in her life and has suffered but deserves to be happy.” Twilight walks over to Rhyme and giving him a hug says “See Rhyme, you do have friends. On top of that, they accept you for who you are. So what do you say? Will you accept them as your friends?” Rhyme crying says “Yes! I accept your friendship. However, there is one person to have yet to hear from and that is Rainbow Dash. However, after her breaking my nose the day before Twilight showed up I think it would be best if she came to me. However Twilight needs my help so I will all come with you to talk to her. I'll be staying behind all of you too though.” With everything said the group of friends had to the soccer field where Rainbow Dash was known to hang out. As everybody arrives Applejack says to everybody “I should talk to her first. Rainbow Dash and I have something we need to say to each other. it'll be quick. Only 5 minutes maximum.” Everybody waited for Applejack and Rainbow Dash to come over to them. Sure enough 5 minutes later Applejack and Rainbow Dash returned. Rainbow Dash upon seeing Rhyme walks over to him and says embarrassedly “I'm sorry for how I acted and for breaking your nose. Fluttershy told me everything she could about what happened to your family and that the rumors were false. I wanted to say sorry immediately but first I said you should come to me. I swear to you one way or another I will make up for what I did with interest. By the way, I would love to be your friend if you will be willing to have me.” Rhyme searches Rainbow’s eyes for any sign she was lying. After finding only pure honesty and then he says “ I would love to be your friend Rainbow Dash. However like I said to the others I can only be friends with you if you can accept something that I have to say. You see I'm transgender and I can only be friends but those who accept and is willing to treat me as one of the girls. If you can do this then I accept your friendship.” “Of course I accept you as one of the girls. I'm sorry you had to hide your true self. If I ever get my hands on Sunset she will regret starting those rumors. No one deserves to suffer the way you have. So like I said before if you ever need me give me a call. What's your true name by the way?” asks Rainbow Dash curiously. Rhyme looks to Twilight for encouragement and after receiving a nod he says “My name is Morning Rose. I've always like the morning sunrise. as for the Rose my mother before she died left me a note saying she knew I was a girl at heart and told me my name was Rose Script. That is why my true name is Morning Rose Script.” Everybody realizing that Rhyme is upset goes over and give them a hug. While at the same time they all thought ‘Wow she has been hurt so much. I wish I could do something to help her. She deserves more than the pain of losing her family.’ Rarity thought for a minute about all the things she can do with a new girlfriend. Rarity is the first to break the hug saying “Why don't we all meet at sugarcube corner after school for coffees and biscuits that way we can decide how we can help Twilight win the school crown.” After everyone agreed to meet up they headed out to class. Over the course of the day, Rhyme hung out with Twilight trying to think of any way to help her get the Element of Harmony back. Rhyme could only think of one thing he could do and that is fighting Sunset Shimmer as a distraction. But what should they distract her from? Once the bell rung Everybody headed to Sugarcube Corner. as soon as they enter Pinkie Pie says to Mrs. cake “Hi Mrs. cake we will take our usual along with a chocolate latte with oats and a hazelnut frappe also with oats. You got that?” Mrs. Cake gives a thumbs-up saying “Coming right up Pinkie Pie, I will also bring out some freshly baked cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. They are on the house.” As soon as everybody had their coffee and a cinnamon roll Applejack looks at everybody and says in a determined tone of voice “Okay everybody. the dance is tomorrow night and we still have no idea how we are going to get Twilight the vote she needs to be crowned princess. So does anybody have any ideas?” “How about all of us dance while we sing a song on how Twilight showed us the error of our ways. It's just an idea I had today. After all Twilight saved our friendship and I think the whole school should know about it.” says Fluttershy scared “That's actually an awesome idea Fluttershy. However, that leads to another problem of how to do it and what to wear? I'm not going to wear a frilly dress or anything like that.” says Rainbow Dash giving Fluttershy a hug. Rarity looks at everybody with excitement and says “How about we wear Wondercolt ears and tails. During our freshman year, they were very very popular. It was a way for everybody to show their school spirit and as it just so happens I have enough of them for the whole school. However, that still leaves the problem of where and when to do it.” Rhyme knowing the perfect time and place as in a determined  tone “Tomorrow at lunch in the cafeteria. That's where it needs to happen. As you all know Sunset will try to stop you from doing it. That's where I come in. I'll call her out to the wondercolt statue and fight her. Whether I win or lose you will have enough time. I know none of you want me to fight Sunset but it is the only way to ensure she doesn't interfere with the plan. I also have to do it alone or she will be suspicious.” Twilight looking upset says “ Okay everybody as much as I don't like the idea of Rhyme fighting Sunset, he is right. It's the only way to guarantee that Sunset won't interrupt us. So now that we know the plan let's all go home and get ready. Don't worry about the singing and dancing your bodies will know what to do when the time comes.” Once Twilight finished everybody went their own way home. As Twilight and Rhyme headed home Twilight says “ Rose, Should anything happen and you end up in Equestria ask to speak to Celestia and Luna. I know they will want to see and speak with you. Just don't get severely hurt fighting Sunset. I won't have it in my heart to lose a friend.” “I'll do my best Twilight. However, the element must come first if we are to protect Equestria and the human world. anyways I'm tired, goodnight my friend I will always care for you.” says Rhyme going to bed with Twilight following suit soon after. > Chapter 1 Part 2 Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October, 6th  5 a.m. Once again Rhyme is soaring through the realm of Equestria. the sky is clear, the moon and stars are out and all is peaceful or so  Rhyme thought. for as he soared Sunset Shimmer floated down on wings of purest white.  Rhyme noticed as Sunset appears before him that she looked evil. “You pathetic fool! Do you honestly think that the girls accept you for who you are?! If so that is very pathetic. After all who would want to be friends with someone who killed their own family? They are just pitying you whereas I offered to be your friend if you served me.” says Sunset as Rhyme’s friends appeared and laughed at him. “  I - i - i know they accept me. they have to. If they don't I might as well die. It's true you offered me friendship when I first arrived. However, I knew just looking at you that if I followed you I would become a slave. N- no matter what  I think I deserve I know my family wouldn't want me to become a slave. My f-f-family loved me and they even accepted me as my true self.” says Rhyme getting scared as Sunset pulls out a gun while all his friends laughed. Rhyme is about to crawl up into a ball and cry when he heard a strong female voice say “That is enough! You shall not torment such an innocent pony!” soon Sunset and Rhymes friends disappeared as he was now in a dark void.  “It's alright my little pony. you're safe now.” the voice said  “Wait. Lunar Eclipse Galaxia is that you? How are you still alive after over a thousand years?” Rhyme realizing this is a dream looks towards the voice and sees a pitch black mare with wings and a horn. Still uneasy and feeling scared he says “My n-n-name isn't Lunar Eclipse Galaxia. My n-n-name is R-R- Rhyme Script. however I do know of L- L- Lunar for he was my ancestor. M- m May I ask who you are and where I am? Also, why am I a pony? What type of pony am I?” Luna surprised at the resemblance to her dearest son bends down to Rhymes level and says in a caring voice “I'm sorry if I scared you Rhyme Script. I am Princess Luna, princess of the night and dreams and also known as Nightmare Moon. I thought you were my only son from a thousand and twelve years ago.You look exactly like him. As for why you are a pony what else would you be? You are also a pony called a thestral. They have giant bat wings, sharp teeth, and cat-like eyes. They are nocturnal and mainly work during the night. We are currently in the Astral Planes. Where everypony goes to dream.” Rhyme calms down using the calming technique his mother taught him when he was three. Once he was calm he looks at Luna and says “I am what's known as a human. It looks like a hairless monkey. I know you are in Equestria princess but you should know that I plan to fight Sunset in front of the portal as a distraction. That way Twilight and her friends can convince the school Sunset took over to vote for her. If they are successful she will win the crown. However, I need you to tell Twilight that if I die I will cherish her as my best friend. After all, she was the one person willing to be my friend. Also, tell Twilight I gave her my permission to tell you my story about my family's death and the guilt I felt. Goodbye my ancestor. May we meet again on the Elysian Plains. My true name is Morning Rose and I am transgender.” Rhyme awakes panting for breath. Once Rhyme caught his breath he thinks what was that. it seemed so real. yet dreamlike in a way. I wonder if I am going insane. if I am oh well that's life. I better get the plan rolling. Rhyme went through his regular routine and once it is done he and Twilight head out to school. Rhyme dropped Twilight at the same spot he did yesterday and took a back road to school. Fifteen minutes later Rhyme pulled into the school parking lot. Soon as Rhyme gets out he sees Sunset Shimmer walking towards the school. Rhyme following the plan to distract Sunset goes up to her and grabs her  by the jacket and saying in a stern voice “I know it was you Sunset Shimmer who spread the rumors I'm a rapist and murderer! So during lunch I challenge you to a fight. Do you accept the challenge or are you a chicken?” Sunset smirks at Rhyme and says in a menacing tone of voice “I'll admit that I started the rumors to weaken any threat you might make to my plans. As for your challenge to a fight I accept. Just hope you are prepared for the fight of your very short life. After all, I'm not going to go easy on you. You make me sick trying to help Twilight Sparkle when she will just abandon you when she leaves.” Rhyme looks daggers at Sunset’s comments and says in an angry tone of voice “First don't ever insult Twilight in front of me. Second I know both you and Twilight are from Equestria. Thirdly I know all about it because of my Equestrian ancestors. Lastly, I am so ready to fight you. You better meet me at the Wondercolts statue at lunch.” Sunset has a look shock on her face as she says “ Well that explains why I hated you when I first saw you. I'll be there alone to fight you. I wish you luck Rhyme Script.” As soon as Sunset was finished talking she heads to class. Rhyme hurries to class thinking of his plan. once Rhymes first class comes to an end he goes to the library to find Twilight and tell her about his dream with Luna. As soon as he enters the library he sees Twilight sitting at a table with what appears to be a history book in front of her. Rhyme walks over to Twilight and says in a whisper “ Twilight I need to talk to you about something private. Do you mind?” Twilight looks at Rhyme and upon seeing the worry on his face says in a whisper “Of course, Rose. You know you can tell me anything. I can tell you are worried about something and if I can help you in any way I will.” Rhyme calm down and says in a shy tone of voice “Okay last night I had a nightmare that started out as a good dream. However Sunset was in my dream and turned it into a nightmare. I was just about to curl up into a ball when a Pegasus mare with a horn who was black as night showed up. She told me her name was Luna. When she stopped the nightmare we talked about many things. One was since I was in pony form I looked a lot like my ancestor.Thus Luna mistook me for him. another thing was should I die in my fight with Sunset I want you to tell them everything that happened in this world and everything you know about me. Do you understand Twilight?” “Wait a second did you say that she stopped your nightmare last night?” asks Twilight shocked. after receiving a nod from Rhyme she continues “ That shouldn't be possible. After all, Luna is in Equestria on the other side of the portal. Magic shouldn't be able to get through the portal unless it is inside an object or person. This does not work well with me. By the way, I understand that if you do somehow die you'll  want me to tell the others everything. Just please don't die alright I don't think my heart could take it if a friend died just for me to get back my Element of Harmony.” “I can't promise I won't. However, I can promise to do my best to return to you and our friends. After all, I need to protect this world like the rest of my family has for over a thousand years. Just do your best to win the crown. See you later Twilight.” says Rhyme as he gets up and leaves. Rhyme’s last two classes before lunch flew by in a flash. Before he knew it the bell had rung. Rhyme then hurries to the statue. As soon as he gets to the Statue he stands as still as a statue and waits. not even three minutes go by before he sees Sunset approach. As soon as she is five feet away Rhyme says “Okay Sunset Shimmer the fight will commence on the count of three. Are you ready?” Rhyme after receiving a nod continues “ one, two, three.” Soon as Rhyme said three Sunset ran out towards him. Rhyme taken by surprise by Sunset speed is sucker punched to the back of the head. However, Sunset didn't stop there. she ran around him and threw a punch at his face. Rhyme seeing the punch coming pivots to the right side. Once there he grabbed her arm and made three quick jabs to her chest. Rhyme after doing the jabs circles around behind Sunset. Sunset knowing the maneuver Rhyme is using put all her strength into her fist. Sunset then turns and hits Rhyme right in the chest breaking his rib which flew into his lungs puncturing it. Sunset noticing that Rhyme is having a hard time breathing grabs Rhyme and shoves him through the portal. A few minutes earlier in Equestria Luna comes in to the room where the portal is and stares at it. For some reason she was worried about the nightmare she helped with the night before. But for reasons she can't explain she felt that she needed to be in this room. Luna starts to pace in front of the portal. All of a sudden there's a surge of magic from the mirror. Luna Jumps back and prepares herself for an attack. Instead of an attack the pony she helped the night before falls through with a loud crash. Luna recognizing who the pony is says in a tone of voice “Rhyme are you okay? What's going on? Why are you here?” Rhyme recognizing the voice from his dream last night says in a pained tone voice “Lung is punctured. Need help fast. I fought Sunset. she broke my rib and it punctured my lung. If I don't make it tell Twilight I'm sorry I couldn't make it back.” once he finished talking Rhyme passes out. Understanding what happened Luna cast a telepathy spell on herself to contact Celestia and Cadance. Once she is connected she says in a scared tone of voice “Sister! Niece! I need you in the portal room at once. It has to do with Lunar Eclipse Galaxia’s descendant. He's dying right now.” As soon as Luna ended the spell she heard two pops. Luna turns around to see both Celestia and Cadance standing in front of her with worried looks on their faces. Luna takes a deep breath and says “Yes he is dying. However, I suggest we use the forbidden awakening spell. The one that will change their gender all the way down to their DNA. He has told me that he was transgender. So the spell would be perfect for him. However, we must all agree on it. So do we save him and make him a mare or do we let him die? I say we save him because he got the wound distracting Sunset Shimmer so Twilight can win the votes she needs to get the crown back.” Celestia shedding a tear says in a sad tone of voice “I agree. We should save him at all costs. After all is my dearest great nephew. For as you know I value family above all. What say you Cadance?” Cadence looks at both aunts and says “I feel he has great love in his heart. He may one day become a princess of Equestria. I say this because I sense a deep reservoir of magic within him. I say we save him.” Luna turns to Rhyme and says “Okay, everypony agrees. Take your positions and on the count of three cast the spell. one, two, three.” The moment she said three all three princesses cast the spell. As soon as a spell hits him there's a flash of white magic blinding everypony for a second. When their vision returned they saw that Rhyme who was a thestral is now a unicorn mare. She had a yellow mane with a dark pink streak while her tail was the reverse. She had a sky blue coat and greenish blue eyes. Her horn was as white as freshly fallen snow in winter. Luna worried about Rhyme cast an injury detection spell. Once the spell revealed nothing Luna turns to the other two and says in a calm tone of voice ”She is perfectly fine. However, I don't know when she will awaken. I have a feeling she and Twilight will someday be together. I don't know why I just have a feeling. I think we should take her to a room and let her rest.” Once everypony agreed they move Rhyme to a bedroom. Hours later Rhyme wakes up seeing Luna sitting by his bed. He also saw Celestia and Cadance standing against the wall as to not frighten him. He looks over to Luna and says in a girl’s voice “ Luna where am I? And why is my voice so high? I feel different. What's going on?” Luna looking worried says “Well Rose, when you came through the portal you were dying of a pierced lung. So my sister, niece and I agreed to use a forbidden spell to save you. However, to save you we had to change your gender all the way down to your DNA. You are currently a unicorn and have been asleep for a few  hours. Now I have one question and that is how is Twilight doing on your side of the portal?” Rhyme, hardly believe what Luna had just said, looks at her and says in a relaxed tone of voice “Firstly, if they stuck to the plan Twilight should be fine and will have the crown in time. Secondly, I'm embarrassed to ask but did you say I'm now mare as in female? Thirdly, if you did change me into a mare I thank you from the deepest parts of my heart. Lastly, it is nice to finally meet you, Celestia and Cadence. Twilight has told me all about Cadence being the princess of love. As for how I know about you and Celestia your dearest son from a thousand and twelve years ago left a journal. The journal told me everything he knew about Equestria and his family there. Until I overheard Twilight and Sunsets conversation I thought he was insane.” Luna looks at Rhyme and says in a motherly tone “I am glad Twilight is doing fine over there. Second I did say you are a mare. I also know that you are afraid of your friends abandoning you the moment Twilight leaves. I want you to know that it will never happen.” Once Luna finished talking she leads Rhyme to the room where lies the portal. Once Rhyme enters the room he sees a mirror wondering what he looks like he walks over to it. What he sees staring back at him is a gorgeous mare. As she looks closer he sees what appears to be a tattoo on his flank. The tattoo is a shield and sword with a rose on it. Rhyme turns around and asks “Why is this tattoo on my flank? It looks like a shield and sword with a rose on it.” Cadence steps forward with a smile and says “Well the tattoo as you call it is actually a cutie mark. The shield and sword are the symbols for protecting others while the rose is a warning not to hurt the ones they care about and love. Anyways it was nice meeting you Rhyme but I have to get to work. Please protect Twilight for me. I couldn't bear it if she were to die or get badly hurt.” Rhyme nods his head and says “I swear to protect Twilight with my life. Also, my name from now on is Morning Rose. Thank you all for saving my life and I wish I could stay longer but I need to get back to Twilight. For if Sunset thinks she killed me there's a good chance she will target Twilight next. Goodbye and I hope I'll see you all soon.” Rhyme then walks straight through the mirror back to the human world. Once the magic ends Rhyme stood up and noticed that the clothes he was wearing when he fought Sunset were gone. replaced with a simple pink dress. On his hands, he noticed he was wearing gauntlets that felt stronger than steel but shined bright as the moon. He also noticed that his clothes were made of the same material. the next thing he noticed was that his hair is longer and changed from black to blonde. He also realizes that he had size C breasts. Finally, he noticed that he was still a girl from the spell and Equestria. Author's note: from here on Rhyme is referred to as a girl. And excitement filled her as she hears the bell signaling the end of school ring. Rose decided to wait for her friends outside. After ten minutes Rose sees her friends come out with worried looks on their faces. Rose not wanting them to be worried goes over and says “Hi girls. sorry if I worried you. How did the plan work? Did distracting Sunset help at all? I hope so because Sunset almost killed me.” Once Rose finish talking she saw her friends worry turn to confusion and anger. Rarity is the first to speak saying in an angry tone “I don't mean to be rude darling but who are you? None of us have seen you before and I'm pretty sure you're not a friend of ours. I'm sorry but can you please leave us alone we are worried about our friend Rhyme Script.” Rose who had a feeling they were going to react like this says “I can prove I am or at least was Rhyme Script. I was about to step out and kill myself when you tackled me and saved my life. When I was hiding in my Hideout Fluttershy I thought you were going to hurt me. You were the one who calmed me down. Applejack you offered to farm my land and split the profits fifty/fifty. However, I turned down splitting the profits and said you and your family could keep it. Rainbow Dash you punched me in the nose drawing blood from me. I don't know how I can convince you Pinkie that I'm Rhyme except that your hair deflated when you found out how mean you were to me. Twilight you and I had a conversation about what to do should I die fighting Sunset.” Once Rose finished talking everybody gasps. Twilight is the first to recover as she grabs Rose’s arm and leads her away from the others. Once they were far enough away she says in a curious voice “ Rose how did this happen? There isn't any magic in this world so how did you change? I'm sorry if I'm being rude. I'm just confused” Rose looks at Twilight and says in a determined sort of voice “Well I fought Sunset and was holding my own but then Sunset broke my rib and it punctured my lung. Sunset knowing I was dying threw me through the portal. when I arrived in Equestria as a thestral in front of princess Luna, who recognized me from the dream and called princess Celestia and Cadance. they decided on whether or not to save me with a forbidden spell. They all agreed to save me. However to save me the spell changed me into a unicorn mare. While I was passed out I could have sworn Cadance said something along the lines that I could replace her As a princess of love with my unlocked potential. I then hurried back here to help you.” Twilight sighs and says in an exhausted tone of voice “ Looks like I have no choice. I have to reveal to the others I'm from a different dimension. By the way, I am so happy you are now a girl. I just hope you don't regret it. I only say that because the periods are going to be real, real hard on you.” Twilight and Rose return to the others. Soon as Twilight was close enough she says “girls I have something to tell you.” until Pinkie Pie spoke up. “Your actually a Pony princess from a magical land called Equestria. The reason you need to win the Fall Formal is that the crown is part of a magical defense and without it, the others don't work. That also explains why Rose is now a female. When she fought Sunset she broke a rib and it punctured a lung. Sunset threw him through the portal. The other three princesses of the land decided to save her. However it changed her into a mare all the way down to her DNA. Rose after recovering hurried back to us to help us win the crown.” Twilight, Rose, and the others looked at Pinkie in shock. “How did you know?” Twilight asked. “Just a hunch.” Pinkie shrugged in response. Rainbow Dash, surprised at the information, says “Hold on. You're a pony?” After receiving a nod she continues “ That…..is…..SO AWESOME! I'm actually friends with royalty. I can't believe it! I have to know what is it like being a princess with incredible magic?” “Honestly ever since I became a princess I have felt lost. Like I don't know who I am. I feel like I don't know my future anymore. I'm afraid one day my friends will leave me because I'm too busy.” Says Twilight in a hurt tone of voice looking away. Rarity hearing the hurt in Twilight's voice says in an excited tone “ Okay girls let's head to my shop and get ready for the Fall Formal. we need to get ready for the dance because it is in two hours. Rose we have already got you a ticket to the dance. consider it a thank you for all your help, for being our friend and for forgiving us for how we treated you.” Over the next hour, all the girls but Rose got dressed for the dance. Once the girls were ready they noticed Rose was still in her new clothes. Being the fashionista she is Rarity goes over to Rose and says “Rose darling why aren't you getting ready for the dance? We want you to come with us but you can’t attend without formal clothing.” “I know that I can't attend without formal clothing. However, I'm just not confident enough in myself to pull off wearing a formal dress. I only became a girl four hours ago and I'm still getting used to this new body.” Says Rose embarrassed. “I can't believe I didn't recognize your clothes before Rose.” Twilight said as she examined Roses dress. After some examining Twilight is surprised and says to Rose “The dress and gauntlets you're wearing are made up of an extremely rare material known to me as Lunar Silk. It's light as a feather it's harder than almost any other material.” “Theres a secret of Lunar Silk” Twilight says “If the person or pony it is bonded to wishes for it to change its look it will change. However, it can only change once. To activate the change all you have to do is think only of what you want it to look like.” Rose thinks of her ideal formal dress. All of a sudden there is a flash for a few seconds and once everybody recovered they saw that Rose is now wearing a form-fitting floor-length pink dress with a shield and sword with a pink rose on it embroidered inside the sword and shield. Rose also still wore her gloves that were provided by the portal. Rose sees herself in a mirror says in a happy tone of voice “Wow Twilight, it worked. this dress has always been my dream dress. Well, Rarity let's get to the dance now shall we.” “Yes Rose, let's get going. I have arranged for a limo to take us to the dance. after all ladies like us have to arrive in style. So if we are ready let's go have the time of our lives and save two different worlds from Sunset’s evil plan.” says Rarity looking around at everybody as they left for the dance. as the limo took everybody to the dance they stared at the beautiful star-filled sky and the wonderful full moon that they surrounded. As soon as the girls arrived the student who beat Rose first because of the rumors goes over to Twilight. Rose scared that he wants to beat her up hides behind Rainbow Dash and says in a terrified tone of voice “I'm sorry Rainbow Dash but I need to hide behind you for a moment. That boy talking to Twilight beat me up on my first day and threatened me because of the rumors. I didn't want to start any trouble so I never said anything. I don't want to get hurt like that again.” Rainbow Dash upon hearing what Rose just told her walks over to Twilight and the boy and says “Flash Sentry, is it true that you beat up Rhyme Script on his first day because of the rumors? I ask because he is my friend and if you ever hurt her like that again you will regret it. Rhyme has always been and will always be a good person.” Twilight hearing the exchange and seeing the nod from Flash Sentry says “I'm sorry Flash, but until you earn Rose's forgiveness you and I cannot be friends. Goodbye.” With everything said the girls all heading to the dance. Halfway through the dance, the lights are turned on and principal Celestia takes the stage with vice principal Luna carrying the crown. Celestia looks at everybody and says “I know you all want to continue the formal. However, right now we need to present the crown. Your new Fall Formal Princess is…….Twilight Sparkle!” as soon as Twilight is next to Celestia the crown is placed upon her head. The moment the crown is placed on her head though she hears Spike scream her name. Twilight sees Snips and Snails run away with Spike and chases after them yelling “They've got Spike.” Twilight and the girls chase after the two until they see Sunset holding a sledgehammer over the portal. Twilight looking desperate looks at Sunset and says “ Please don't hurt him. He is like a son to me. Please, I'm begging you let him go.” Sunset laughing says as she sees Rose  “I'm not a monster Twilight. let him go boys.” Snips and Snails look at each other then set Spike down who runs back to the girls. “Now Twilight you have a choice you can give me the crown and return home to Equestria or keep it and never go home. You better hurry to decide, the portable closes in less than two hours so make your decision. By the way, I'm surprised you survived Rhyme. Though you do look different.” “I'll buy you some time Twilight. Just hurry and think about what needs to be done.” Rose whispers to Twilight walking forward. Rose looks at Sunset with a fire in our eyes and angrily says “First off Sunset I will never let you hurt my friends. Second I'm no longer Rhyme Script. You see when you broke my rib you punctured my lung and threw me through the portal, Luna, Celestia and Cadance cast a forbidden spell to save me. However, it changed my gender into the one that matched my soul. Third, my name is Morning Rose and if you harm my friends I will make you regret it.” Twilight having made up her mind says “Go ahead Sunset, destroy the portal. For I have seen what has happened with you in control of the school. I know the pain and suffering you have caused. So do what you must but you're never getting this crown.” Sunset drops the Sledgehammer and groans “Alright you win Twilight.” With everything said the girls congratulated each other but Sunset not being able to take it rushes Twilight. Over the next five minutes, a scramble ensued for the crown. In the end Sunset grabs it out of the air and puts it on transforming into a she-demon. The next thing the girls saw was Sunset tear down the wall of school with her magic. Sunset then turned all the students into her own personal army. she then turns to Snips and Snails and says “Round them up and bring them to the portal.” she then turns to Twilight and says “News flash! I was bluffing when I threatened to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school. I want Equestria and there's nothing you can do. I have magic and you have nothing.” Twilight is about to give up when Rainbow Dash and the girls except for Rose step forward. Rainbow Dash says in a confident tone of voice “She has us and no matter what you do she always will! Because friendship is worth fighting for and even dying for.” Sunset laughing maliciously says “Aww the gang really is all back together. Now get out of the way. It's time I eliminated Twilight once and for all. She has interfered with my plans one too many times!” While speaking Rose was creating a fireball with her magic. Rose realizing that Sunset was going to throw a fireball at Twilight ran as fast as she could to stop it. Rose is just about there when she sees Sunset throw it. Rose pushes herself faster and jumps to intercept it. the moment the fireball hit her she felt forgiveness towards everyone for everything they've done to her especially Sunset. The moment Rose forgave everyone the magic in the fireball awakened the Element of Forgiveness inside her. Rose is badly hurt by the fireball and in so much pain that she passes out on the ground. Twilight and the girls, worried about Rose, activate the Elements of Harmony from within them. This awakens the magic rainbow that launched itself at Sunset, burning the evil from her heart. The force of the magic creates a big hole in the ground. Twilight walks over to Sunset and says in a disappointed tone “Sunset Shimmer, you have lied, stole and started rumors causing the innocent people of this world to suffer. You also almost killed the descendant of Princess Luna. I'm sorry to say that the punishment is death. I'm sorry Sunset Shimmer.” Rose woke up halfway into Twilight speech walks over saying “Wait a minute Twilight I have a better idea. How about you sentence her to learn the true meaning of friendship. Since I'm the one she almost killed twice I feel I should have the decision.” After receiving a nod from Twilight, Rose offers out her hand to Sunset and says “Sunset Shimmer I forgive you for everything you have done to me. Me and my friends can show you the way to true friendship if you want it.” Sunset takes Rose’s hand in tears as everybody returns to the dance. She looks at Rose and says in a sincere and honest voice “I'm sorry Rose for spreading those rumors. I realize now that I shouldn't have done that. You deserve better than that and I will do my best to make it up to you.” The rest of the night passed without incident until finally, it was time for Twilight to return. Everybody said their goodbyes as Twilight walked through the portal with everything done everybody heads home thinking about what the future will be like with Sunset on their side. Rose, on the other hand, pulled out her phone and texted his aunt's for a meeting tomorrow at one in the afternoon. Once it was set up she goes home and falls right to sleep. That night Rose dreamt about what her future would hold if Twilight was her girlfriend along with Sunset. > Chapter 2 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 7th 10:00 am Rose wakes up hearing her alarm clock go off with a shrill beeping sound. Rose turns off her alarm and goes and takes a shower. Once she gets out she takes special care to dry her hair and put it into two pigtails. As soon as she finished styling her hair she tries to find something nice and feminine to wear to the meeting with her aunts. However, as she finishes looking over all her clothes she realizes that none of the clothes would fit her right. Rose realizes that she has no choice takes out her phone and calls Rarity. After five rings Rarity picks up saying “well hello Rose. How are you this morning? I hope you are doing well and got plenty of sleep. Also if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. After all, you are a very dear friend.” Rose chuckles and says “Hi Rarity. I’m doing just fine. However, there is one problem I need your help with. You see I have a meeting with my aunts at one and unfortunately I don’t have anything to wear. All my clothes are from when I was a guy and they don’t fit me anymore. Do you think you could help me out with some clothes from your boutique? I hate to ask but I have no choice the only clothes I have that fit are the ones from the battle yesterday and they are kind of torn to shreds.” Rarity squeals in excitement at the Idea of making some clothes for Rose. After taking a deep breath to calm herself down Rarity says “Of course darling. I will be there in thirty minutes with a couple outfits and my alterations kit. That way if any of the dresses need alterations I can fix them.” with everything said and done Rarity hung up the phone and looked for the perfect dresses for Rose. Rose puts her phone away and goes into her kitchen and cooks herself a small breakfast of eggs and toast. Rose notices as she eats her breakfast that her appetite has drastically fallen since she became a girl. As Rose finishes her breakfast she takes her dishes to the sink and washes her dishes. Rose is just finishing her dishes when she hears a knock on her front door. Smiling Rose goes to her door and opens it to see Rarity and Sweetie Belle standing there. Sweetie is carrying the alterations kit while Rarity was carrying three different dresses. Rose steps to the side and says “come on in, my friends.” Rarity and Sweetie walk in and see that the house seems very empty. They don’t say anything about it however they do worry about Rose. Rarity looks at Rose and says “Okay Rose. I brought three dresses with me. They also should fit you perfectly. However, there are two conditions for me helping you. The first is after your meeting with your aunts who you must tell me who they are you will go on a shopping spree with me and Rainbow Dash so we can update your wardrobe. The second is while we are shopping Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Sweetie Belle will make your house more like a home. Do you accept these conditions?” Rose just chuckles and says “Actually Rarity, I was going to ask you for your help on the wardrobe problem anyways. So there is no problem with that as for the decorating do you think the others will be willing and able to do it? There are three bedrooms upstairs and an entertainment center in the fourth room upstairs. Only one of the bedrooms upstairs are furnished but I would like the others furnished in case anypony wants to stay over.” Rarity chuckles daintily before saying “Rose, the others are more than willing to help out a friend when they need it. As for the furnishing, Applejack can lift up to a hundred and fifty pounds. She could easily set up a room. As a matter of fact, she helped me set up my boutique two years ago. Anyways enough of that let’s get started on getting you dressed for your meeting. Who are your aunts and what are they like?” Rose sighs before saying “ I’ll tell you but I need you to pinkie promise me that you won’t tell anypony else ever without my permission.” Rose waits a minute while both Rarity and Sweetie went through the motions. Once they finish Rose continues “Okay first off you already know who they are. Second, their names are Celestia and Luna. They are our school principals and one of my ancestors was Celestia’s son from Equestria where Twilight was from. In other words, I’m descended from royalty.” Rarity gasps in shock upon hearing that Rose is related to royalty and the principals. After Rarity recovers, she says “ In that case Rose, I think this dress will be the best for the meeting. The dress is regal yet it isn’t formal. It also matches the greenish blue of your eyes.” Rose looks at the dress Rarity was talking about and after examining it for a minute says “Rarity, this dress is absolutely perfect. The color is the same as my eyes. It even has a white rose with the morning sun shining on it sewn in. let me try it on and see if it fits.” Rose takes the dress from Rarity and after removing her pajamas slides it on.Soon as she has the dress on she smoothes it out and sees that it fits perfectly. Rarity upon seeing Rose in the dress gasps in shock at how perfectly it fits Rose. She thought the dress would need some alterations in the length of the skirt or in the chest. However, none of it was necessary as the dress was a perfect fit. Rose turns to Rarity and gives a curtsy as she says “Thank you so much for the dress Rarity it is perfect. Also if you and our friends would like to decorate my house while I’m at my meeting here is the key and a credit card with no limit on it. The pin is 1989 feel free to do whatever you think will make it look better. However, I do have one request could you please have Applejack and Sunset yes I said Sunset repaint my bedroom a light pink with flowers on it. Also if they do repaint my room do you mind if I stay with you tonight while it drys and airs out?” Rarity says in an excited tone of voice “Of course you can stay the night Rose. As a matter of fact, why don’t we have a sleepover at my house? After all, we did promise to give Sunset Shimmer a chance to earn our trust. I’ll message everyone and set it up. You have fun at the meeting and let me know what happens.” Rose after giving Rarity a nod heads out to her meeting. Rose decided to walk to the meeting since the day was so nice. The sun was out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Rose knew she still had an hour to get to the tea shop she set the meeting up at and to get there from her house it only took half an hour. So she took her time and arrives with fifteen minutes to spare. > Chapter 2 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose enters the shop and finds a table near the windows with a perfect view of the city. Rose takes a seat when a waitress comes over and asks “ Hello there miss. My name Perfect Tea and I will be your waitress today. Is there anything I can get you?” Rose smiles and says in a kind tone of voice “My name is Morning Rose. Actually miss Perfect Tea there is I would like three glasses of iced orange pekoe black tea and a platter of bite-size chocolate cake. Also, I know your regulars Luna and Celestia will show up any minute and when they do can you bring them to my table.” Perfect Tea smiles and says “Of course miss Rose. The tea and cakes should be out in about ten minutes. After all here at the Tea Shack we make all the tea fresh when ordered.also if the conversation you are going to have is of a sensitive manner we have a separate room for customers who want some privacy.” “I didn’t know that you had private rooms like that here. If it isn’t too much trouble could we have one of the rooms? What I need to discuss with them is very sensitive in fact. Also please don’t ask but Celestia and Luna will ask if a Rhyme Script has arrived when they do bring them to me.” says Rose getting up from the table she was at. As Perfect Tea leads Rose to a private room she says “Of course miss Rose. Here at the Tea Shack, we pride ourselves on keeping secrets and minding our own business. I will personally lead the two you were speaking of here. I will be back soon, miss Rose.” As Rose enters the room she gasps at seeing the intricately carved oak table in the middle of the room surrounded by what looked like three comfortable silk seats. Rose takes a seat on the left side and waits for her aunts. Rose only waits five minutes before the door opens and in walks Luna and Celestia who have a shocked look on their face. Once Rose hears the door shut Rose says ”Hello auntie Luna and auntie Celestia. How are you? I know this is going to be hard for you to understand Celestia. My name used to be Rhyme Script. Yesterday during lunch period to help Twilight win the crown I fought Sunset Shimmer. During the fight, Sunset broke one of my ribs and threw me through the portal to Equestria. My ancestors on that side of the portal used a forbidden spell of awakening on me. It healed me however it changed my gender to match that of my soul. Celestia I never told you this but in my heart, I have always wanted to be a girl. Looking at myself in the mirror when I was a boy made me want to kill myself.” Rose stopped for a minute to take a breath and continues to say “ The day my family died we were on our way home when I told them about me wanting to be a girl. My mother left me a journal from our ancestor detailing our heritage and about us being descendants of royalty in Equestria. However in the journal was a note from my family telling me that they knew I wanted to be a girl and that they still loved me. In the not my mother told me my name if I was born a girl she was going to name me Morning Rose. Because they spell cast on me in Equestria changed my DNA I thought I should tell you in person what happened. Luna knew most of what I have said. However, I made her promise not to tell anypony without my permission.” As Rose finishes speaking there is a knock on the door. Celestia opens the door and takes the tea and cakes from the waitress and shuts the door. She then places the tray on the table and takes a seat while Luna does the same. Once everyone has a cup of tea Celestia says “To be honest Rose I have always noticed that you never really felt comfortable around other boys. I even remember this one time when I was watching you and one of your friends play dress up at her house. You put on this one dress when you thought none of us were watching. Well, I saw you and the happiness I saw on your face when you wore the dress made me so happy. However, the heartbreak when you had to change back to your own clothes was almost too much to bear. Ever since then I have always known you would make a beautiful girl and I was right. You Rose are a beautiful girl and I am so proud of you. I will contact an old friend of mine and get all information on you switched to Morning Rose and change your gender on all documents to female. I’ll deliver the papers and Id’s to you tomorrow at one at your house.” With all the important stuff done everybody talked about random stuff just enjoying their time together for the next half hour before they all went their separate ways. Rose takes out her phone and calls Rarity. After three rings Rarity picks up and Rose says “Okay Rarity I’m done talking to my aunts and am ready to go on the shopping spree. Can you come pick me up? I’m at the Tea Shack tea shop.” “Of course darling. I’ll be there in five minutes with my car. See you soon and the renovations to your house are done. Also, everybody is going to be at my house for a sleepover tonight including Sunset.” says Rarity hanging up the phone and heading out. > Chapter 2 Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure enough five minutes later Rarity and Rainbow Dash show up in Rarity’s car.  Rose climbs in the back seat as Rainbow Dash hands her the credit card Rose gave Rarity to use to decorate her house. As soon as Rose buckles up they all head towards the mall. Along the way everyone talked about minor things like how the school drama club was doing and the chances of the school soccer team going to nationals. Before they knew it they were parking across the street from the mall so they could easily get out without waiting for traffic. Rose and her two friends cross the street and upon entering the mall Rarity asked “So were to first ladies? Should we start with the dresses and everyday clothes or should we look  for more sporty clothes first were Rainbow Dash is the expert?” Rose thought for a moment before she said “ No offense Rainbow Dash but I think we should do the girly shopping first. Just to get it out of the way. Then we can move on to the sportswear and sturdy everyday clothes. I know with the girly clothes like dresses and the like me and Rarity can lose track of time because we get so into it.” Rainbow Dash nodded and said “ I am here to help you, my friend. If you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask me. Whether it is shopping, exercising or going to a funeral I will always be here for you. You are a very dear friend of mine and I value friendship above all.” Rose nodded to Rainbow Dash and turns to Rarity and said “So what shops first Rarity? Personally, I think we start with the dresses and skirts. After all, I am a girl and I just love to wear dresses and the like. However, I do like to wear sporty clothes on occasion.” Over the next three hours, the three friends went to every clothes shop in the mall. While they were shopping Rose thought about her family and how she hasn’t visited their graves once. By the time they finished the shopping Rose had decided to ask her friends to accompany her to their graves tomorrow. The three friends just exited the mall when Rarity and Rainbow fell behind so they could talk about Rose. Rose not realizing that they fell behind started to cross the street. Rose got about halfway across the street when the screech of tires made Rose look up just in time to see Rainbow Dash push Rose out of the way of the oncoming car. The car stopped four feet away from where Rainbow Dash and Rose lay on the ground. The driver of the car gets out and runs in a panic to see if he hit the two ladies. As soon as he sees them he said “Are you two okay?! I’m so sorry I couldn't stop.” As Rose and Rainbow stood up the man recognized one of them. “Wait……..Rainbow Dash is that you?” Rainbow Dash upon hearing her name looks up and upon recognizing the driver said “What the hell Speedy? You almost hit us you, idiot.” Speedy gave Rainbow Dash a glare as she helped Rose back up “It’s okay Rose. We are fine. Let me introduce you to the idiot that almost killed us. Rose this is Speedy Silverstreak. Speedy this is Morning Rose.” Rose upon recognizing the name said “ I have been wanting to meet you Speedy since my first day at CHS. My name now is Morning Rose but you would know me as Rhyme Script. I heard about what you did to Flash for me on my first day and I heard you stop Fluttershy and Rainbows fight about me. I just want to say thank you very much for everything you did. It means a lot to me that at least one person was willing to ignore the rumors and help me. Even if it was behind my back.” Speedy smiled at Rose and said, “So your the one that RD beat the shit out of for no reason?” That made Rainbow shudder at the memory and Speedy smirk. “Well, your very welcome Rose. As a matter of fact, I have been wanting to talk to you. But it can wait a bit seeing you three are busy. I’ll talk to you later and if you ever need any help please let me know.” Rose nodded as she watched Speedy get into his car and drive away. Rose, Rarity and Rainbow Dash grabbed the bags of clothes and put them in the trunk of Rarity’s car and drove off to Rarity’s house. As they approach they see standing in front of her house the rest of their friends. All her friends grabbed a bag and carry them into Rarity’s. Over the next two hours, everybody played board games and had fun. Finally, around six Rose ordered four large pizzas and plenty of soda and a small salad from Heaven’s Pizza and Sides.  The order was to be delivered in a half hour from when it was placed. Sure enough half an hour later the doorbell rang and rose signed for the dinner and took everything inside. Five minutes later when everyone had a plate of food Rose looked at everybody and said “Everybody I know we just became friends and all but I have a big favor to ask. As you all know last April my family was killed by a drunk driver and my parents funeral was held here in Canterlot a few weeks later by my aunts while I was in a coma. You see I never got to say goodbye to them and I haven’t had the courage to go to their graves once. I was hoping that maybe if you aren’t busy tomorrow you could accompany me to their graves. So, in other words, would you all please accompany me to my families graves so I can say goodbye? At the very least I would like Fluttershy and Applejack to be there. Applejack because I know she will be able to carry me if I can’t move and Fluttershy because she will be able to calm me down. What do you say?” By the time Rose finished talking all her friends showed remorse and had tears in her eyes however as they looked at each other they all agreed that Rose needed them. So all as one they look at Rose and Rarity said “Rose we are very sorry for your loss and we would be honored to go with you. You need us now more than ever and we will be there for you no matter what.” Applejack looked at Rose and said in a very understanding tone “Rose, I want you to know that I understand how you feel after all mah parents were killed in an accident saving my life. So I understand how you are feeling. However, I was able to say goodbye you weren’t so I’ll help you any way I can.” With everything said the friends went back to having a good time. Little did they know something important was unlocking inside the hearts of Rose and the others. > Chapter 2 Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 8th 7:00 am That night for the first time since before her family died Rose slept peacefully through the night knowing that in the morning she would finally so goodbye. At seven the next morning everybody but Rose woke to a high pitch thrumming. Everybody looked at Rose and saw that a strange power was emanating from her and there on her forehead was a horn white as freshly fallen snow. Pinkie pie having a hunch that it was important takes a camera out of her hair and takes a picture of Rose. Right after Pinkie takes the picture Rose wakes up with a start. Breathing heavily rose looked at everybody and said “Morning everybody.” Rose looks and sees the shocked looks of her friends. “What is going on? You look like you just saw a ghost or something.” Rarity and Applejack leave to get a cup of coffee not being able to understand what was going on without any caffeine in their system. Sunset just stared in shock at Rose having recognized the horn of a unicorn. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at Rose with worry on their face. Pinkie Pie, however, said “ Well Rose we all woke up to a high pitched thrumming sound and when we looked at the origin we saw you with a horn as white as freshly fallen snow on your forehead. I took a picture of it then you woke up.” Rose sits up and said in confusion “Pinkie did you just say I had a horn white as freshly fallen snow?” After receiving a nod Rose sighed and said “I guess that settles it. In a journal from one of my ancestors, it said that should one of his descendant’s ever come in contact with Equestrian magic there is a fifty-fifty chance that the magic would manifest inside us. Thus igniting the magic within us like a car getting a jump start.” Rose looked over at Sunset and said “Everybody do you mind if I talk to Sunset alone for a few minutes. I have three things to discuss with her in private.” Rose waited for a few minutes while everybody but Sunset went to get some coffee. Once they were alone Rose turned to Sunset and said “ Sunset I have two questions for you. The first is since you were born a unicorn could I get you to please teach me how to control my magic? I only ask because in the journal my ancestor mentioned that if their descendants don’t control the magic they will be a danger to their family, friends and everybody else around them. The second and this is a personal question would you mind becoming my girlfriend? I ask because when you launched that fireball at Twilight and I jumped between it and Twilight I realized that I had a crush on you. Should you feel the same I would be honored to be your girlfriend.” Sunset shocked at Rose’s second question said “Uh well…….for your first question Rose I would be honored to teach you how to control your magic. However, as for me being your girlfriend I really don't know. Are you sure you want me as your girlfriend? I'm asking because I started the rumors about you at school and convinced Chrysalis to attack you. I honestly didn’t know she was going to do it that day and I'm  so sorry about everything I have done to you.” Rose took Sunset in her arms and gave her a kiss so passionate and full of love that they both forgot where they were. As Rose was running out of breath she pulled away and said “I love you Sunset. I love you more than anything in the world and should you but ask and I would serenade you with poetry night and day. You must remember that I forgave you for everything you did the moment I found out that I loved you. That is the main reason I asked Twilight to sentence you to learn about true friendship and not kill you. As the sun must rise and the moon must set. Know that you will always be my lovely sunset.” Sunset, upon hearing the poem that was told her, collapsed into Rose’s arms and said not knowing that the others had heard the poem and had tears in their eyes “You Rose are the kindest most forgiving girlfriend I could ever have. So to answer your question my answer is yes. I would be greatly honored to be your girlfriend. Rose, I have to admit ever since I first saw you I have felt an unknown feeling in my heart. However, I now know the feeling I had for you was love. I love you my Morning Rose.” As Rose and Sunset were about to kiss Pinkie Pie appears from out of nowhere from under the bed and said “Rose and Sunset are now dating? When would you like to have the party? After all, it isn’t every day that a really mean school bully turns good and then falls in love with the one that saved her life. Anyways you two better get dressed for the day, after all, we still have to go see Rose’s family in a half hour and it takes fifteen minutes to get there from here.” Both Sunset and Rose blushed so hard that they put setting sun to shame. Both Rose and Sunset close the door and got dressed for the day. As Sunset was putting on her shirt Rose saw that where the wings had appeared on Sunset during her transformation were two deep scars. Rose not wanting to upset Sunset continued to get dressed. Five minutes later Rose and Sunset emerge ready for the day and the meeting that was to come. As they emerge Rarity hands them both a cup of coffee and together they leave for the graves of Rose’s family and the inevitable tears that Rose was going to shed. As they all pile into Pinkie Pies VW van they talk about random things. That is until fifteen minutes later when they arrive at the Canterlot Cemetery. As they enter the graveyard Rose directed them down a path to the right and after five minutes of following it, they see a sign that reads Script/Galaxia family graveyard. When Rose saw the sign she said “We have to go on foot from here girls. Just so you know all these graves you see are my family ancestors. After five more minutes of walking, they approach three graves. What nobody was expecting was that standing before the three graves was Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Who were both crying with tears in their eyes. Rose recognizing the pain in their hearts goes over and said “Hey aunties. How are you doing? I know it hurts to lose your brother but remembers at least you have me in case you ever need to talk.” Celestia and Luna surprised that Rose was there said “Thank you, Rose, for those kind words. We’ll leave you alone with your families graves since this is your first time visiting them. By the way, I’m glad to see that you have finally made some friends.” “Thank you, aunt Celestia. I also want you to know that Sunset Shimmer is now my girlfriend and by some miracle, she feels the same way I do. I wanted you to know that we care for each other.” said Rose blushing a deep pink. “I am glad to see that you both have found each other. Anyways Luna and I gotta get going. We will see you at your house at one pm my lovely niece.” said Celestia as she gives Rose a hug and then leaves to get the documents for her niece from her old friend Discord. Once Celestia and Luna were gone Rose looked at her friends and said while tearing up “Well girls these three graves are my families graves. The two on the right are my mother and father. My mother taught me everything she knew about martial arts and swordsmanship. My father had a metal shop that could make pretty much anything you would like out of metal. Whether it was a sword that would never dull or the engine of a plane. He could even replicate people as figurines perfectly. On the right is my younger brother. Even though he was only eight years old he was able to create masterpieces of art that were almost as good as Da Vinci. They were my only true friends while I was growing up. Yeah, I had a couple of girls I hung out with but I never felt like they were seeing me for me.” By the end of the introductions, Rose was crying like never before but was still able to say “Mom, Dad, little brother these are my friends. The one who looks like a fashion model is Rarity. The one with the pink hair is Pinkie Pie. The one with the Stetson hat is Applejack. The one with the rainbow hair is Rainbow Dash. The shy one is Fluttershy. Finally, the girl with fiery red hair that looks like a setting sun is Sunset Shimmer and she is my girlfriend.” When Rose finished the introductions she began to tell her family everything that has happened. After fifteen minutes of talking Rose finally, let all the pain and loneliness she had built up since her family died out all at once. The feelings were so overwhelming that she didn’t notice when Applejack helped Rose up and carried her to the van. Fluttershy sat on the left side of Rose while Sunset sat on the right side. Both girls hugged Rose and tried to calm the young woman down. After a few minutes of crying Rose fell asleep in the embrace of her girlfriend and her best friend. > Chapter 3 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 9th 9:00 am Rose awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside her window as the light shone through. As she awoke she checked her clock wondering why the alarm didn't go off even though it was the weekend. Once she got dressed Rose walked downstairs to see Applejack, Fluttershy, and Sunset all in the kitchen making breakfast. “Morning everyone.” Rose said as she smelled the delicious food being cooked “Does anyone know why my alarm was turned off? I was supposed to wake up two hours ago.” Applejack looked over at Rose and said “well sugarcube after you passed out from crying at your families graves we brought you back here to your house. Speedy sent me a message and said he would like to spend the day with you in about three hours if yall want to that is. As for why your alarm didn’t go off is because we turned it off so you could get some much need rest to recover from the pain. Go ahead and take a seat Rose breakfast is almost ready. Also before I forget Celestia stopped by yesterday and dropped off a folder with a bunch of legal papers and new drivers license for you. I set it in your room in case you needed them.” As Applejack was speaking she leads Rose to the table with the other girls bringing out the food. Over the next two hours, Rose thought about if she should spend the day getting to know Speedy. Rose decided that since Rainbow Dash and the other girls trusted Speedy and he has been standing up for her against the rumors she could spend the day getting to know him. After all Rose also had a feeling that he will be important to them in the near future. Rose decided to dress in some Carhartt jeans and a tank top with a Rose on it for the day. As she was just heading downstairs with her new driver's license in her wallet when she heard the doorbell ring. Rose heads to the door and opens it and sees Speedy standing there. “Hey, Rose. I see AJ gave you my message.” Speedy said with a smile “I guess you'd want to get going then?” “Sure. Where do you think we should go first?” Rose said as they left the house and walked down the driveway. As they walked down they soon reached Speedy's red Foxbody and got in. “Well I have to get some parts and work on my car later but whatever you think we should do we can do that,” Speedy said as he started the car and drove down the road. As they drove Rose decided to learn a little more about her sorta savior. “So Speedy. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself and what you do.” “Well, Rose I'm actually not from around here. Originally I was born in Wisconsin and have three siblings. My older sister Passion is a local police officer while my little sister Shine is studying abroad in Italy.” Speedy chuckled after mentioning his little sister. “She has these big dreams of becoming the first female cardinal in the Vatican. Granted most of her tuition was because of my brother Van.” “Well that was really nice of him” Rose said as they entered town “Is he a lawyer or banker or something?” she asked curiously. Speedy shook his head no as he pulled up to a red light. “No chance in hell” Speedy said as the light went green “He decided after my parents were…….murdered…….to become a street racer. We moved to a place out west called Silver Rock Nevada and started over there. Passion became a junior officer after high school and Van started street racing. After a while, he formed his own crew with help from some mechanic whom he got to take me under his wing.” “Well besides what happened to your parents the rest of them sound very nice. Is your brother with you guys in Canterlot as well?” Rose said. “Nope. He's still back in Fortune Valley and I'm guessing still street racing. It's all he mainly knows to do.” Speedy said as he pulled up to a large house. “Well, we're here. Welcome to Casa de Silverstreak,” he said as they both got out of the car and walked up to the house. Once inside Rose noted the more modern look on the inside of the house with various racing posters and pictures on the walls. “I'll be in the garage for a little bit. You can take a look around if you want to but otherwise, you know where I'll be.” Speedy said as he walked down the hall and through a door into the garage. Rose decided to walk around before joining her friend in the garage. As Rose looked around she noticed a simple family photo hanging on the wall. The photo showed Speedy and three other people all smiling and looking happy. The man had dark blue skin with gray and light blue hair and his right arm seemed to be a metal arm. Rose guessed that was Speedy's brother Van while the pink skinned woman was his older sister Passion while the light blue girl was his younger sister Shine. After some looking Rose decided to go to her friend and went into the garage. As she entered she saw that the garage was a large building with a separate tool room and it's own car lift. She saw Speedy under the lift working on some kind of off-road car sitting on it. The car was camouflage, covered in brand stickers, and had bolt on panels on the sides and a blower poking out of the hood. “Wow” Rose muttered as Speedy lowered the car back to the ground “That looks……...interesting.” “Built her from the ground up,” Speedy said as it was back on the ground. “Sixty-seven Ford Mustang Notchback. Found it as a wreak out in the desert in Fortune Valley and rebuilt it as an off-road car. With help from my brothers mechanic, we turned it from a stock Mustang into an off-road monster.” Rose looked in awe at the car as Speedy unbolted the hood and opened it revealing the cars supercharged engine. “Over one thousand horsepower and two hundred miles per hour crammed into eight cylinders and strong steel. She drives like a beast.” Rose surprised to hear that it has so much speed said “That seems like an awful lot of speed for a car. Though I do love the design on it. It’s cool yet not so overly cool as to make it look gaudy.” As she looked around Rose had a question come to mind. “By the way, do you think maybe one day you can take me out on an ATV off-road ride. I think it would be a great way to get to know your true character.” Speedy looked back at her and gave her a soft smile. “Sure Rose. I can teach you how to ride an ATV. But know my true character?” Speedy gave a small chuckle “I can solve that now if you want.” Once he said that he grabbed a set of car keys off the wall and opened the garage door. “Hop in. I saw a good trail in the woods on the way here we can try out. Besides, the old girl needs to stretch her legs a little.” As Speedy got in Rose looked at him and the car with a hint of worry that Speedy noticed. “Don't worry Rose. I don't let anyone ride unless I'm positive the car is safe. Plus I'll drive slow for you if you want.” Rose thinking for a little bit decides to get in the car. As she gets in she notices the complex pattern of metal tubes around both her and Speedy's seats and a red metal box in the backseat. “What's all this?” Rose said as she sat in the seat “It looks really complicated.” “It's the car's roll cage. I and my brothers mechanic welded up steel piping around the cab and chassis to make this car tough as nails. Also, that red box is the car's fuel cell and next to that is the battery box. It's the safest place to put the cars most delicate components.” Speedy said as he turned the key. The Mustang’s engine roared to life then soon went to idle as Rose covered her ears. “Sorry,” Speedy said “Not use to passengers……...or not a helmet. The helmet usually drowns out some of the engine as I race. You can borrow mine if you want to feel safer. It's by your feet.” Sure enough, Rose looked down and saw a flamed theme racing helmet by her feet and put it on her head. The helmet drowns out a lot of the engine noise but was still able for her to hear Speedy. Speedy put the car in gear and slowly rolled down the driveway. Once on the road, Speedy and Rose drove through town towards the nearby Whitetail Woods. On the way, Rose took in the details of the car's interior. The roll cage went through the whole car and even in between her and Speedy. She recognized a fire extinguisher next to her behind the shifter and noticed a blue tank behind it with tubes and wires coming out of it. Once at the edge of the woods, Speedy pulled off the road and stopped on a dirt trail. He then looked down at the blue tank and turned a nozzle and watched as a small gauge slowly increased. “What's that do?” Rose said as Speedy rolled the car forward. As the car picked up some speed Speedy pointed to a red button on the dashboard. “It's only used if necessary.” He said as he went around a corner. Throughout the trail drive, Rose and Speedy saw the beauty of the woods as they passed all the woodland creatures. As they drove Rose noticed an odd figure in the distance and got Speedy's attention. “You see that?” Rose said as she pointed to the mass “What do you think it is?” Speedy looked at the mass and decided to go off the trail and head towards it. “Only one way to find out,” he said as they got close. Once close enough Speedy stopped and turned off the Mustang and got out of the car. As Rose got out she realized what she found was an old car. “Well I'll be damned,” Speedy said as he touched the pile of metal “It's an old Datsun. I recognize this model anywhere and I know this is an old Datsun Fairlady Z. Finest Japanese sports car of the seventies.” Rose looked at the old Datsun in confusion and curiosity. “What makes this car so special exactly? It's a pile of junk.” Speedy turned and looked at Rose with a look of shock. “What's so special?” he said “Well Rose this car is actually a pretty rare find here in the states. The car's inline six motor was one of the first of its kind and is very popular among Japanese car culture.” Speedy opened the old door and looked inside the gutted and rotted interior. “Looks like the body is still in good shape and I didn't see any problems with the frame. If I can find the parts I think I can rebuild it.” Speedy said as he looked at the car. As they were looking they heard the sound of motorcycle engines approaching. > Chapter 3 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What's that noise?” Rose said as she looked around for the motorcycles. Speedy also looked and spotted a group of dirt bikers heading towards them. The group was wearing tattered clothes and wearing spiked dog collars while howling over the sounds of their bikes. “Oh, shit….” Speedy said “It's the Diamond Dogs! Rose come on we gotta go!” Both Speedy and Rose ran back to the Mustang and got in just as the gang arrived. Speedy quickly started the car and reversed away from the bikers back onto the main trail. As he turned around he saw a trio blocking the trail exit back onto the road and turned around. Rose held onto her seat as Speedy spun the car and drove back into the woods. As they got deeper they noticed the trail getting smaller and rougher to drive on. Rose thought the car would get stuck or crash but was shocked to see Speedy elegantly drive on the depleting trail with ease. Rose noticed that it said on the car's speedometer that they were doing seventy miles per hour and quickly nearing one hundred. “Hold on!” Speedy said as they neared a creek. Rose braced herself as the Mustang hit a small dirt pile and jumped the creek landing on the other side. Rose looked in the mirror to see the bikers following by jumping or skiing over the water on one wheel. As they kept moving Speedy saw a large rock wall approaching them. “Rose” Speedy said “When I say so pull the e brake hard. It's the stick next to the shifter.” Rose grabbed the brake and waited as Speedy got closer to the rocks. “Ready. And……..now! Pull it!” Speedy said as Rose pulled the stick. The Mustang’s rear wheels locked and sent the car into a slide. As Rose let go Speedy slammed the throttle and slid out of the way barely hitting the wall. Most of the bikers followed but some slid and hit the wall wrecking their bikes. The bikers got closer but soon pulled back as Speedy neared a small gorge and drove alongside it. As they gained speed the two noticed the nearing cliffside of the gorge with land on the other side. “Rose” Speedy said, “We're gonna have to jump it.” Rose looked at Speedy like he was crazy as they sped up. “When I say so hit the red button. It'll give us the speed to make it.” as they neared the edge Rose had her hand over the button waiting. “Ready…….and…….NOW!” Speedy said as Rose hit the button. Both were thrown back in their seats as flames shot out of the exhaust and the car sped rapidly towards the edge. Both teens screamed at the Mustang jumped the gorge and landed on the other side unharmed. As the car skidded to a stop Rose and Speedy watched as the bikers stopped before the edge while some slid off and fell down the gorge. Both sat in shock as their heart rates slowed down back to normal. As Rose calmed herself she heard Speedy start laughing. “Holy hell….now THAT was fun! I mean I've gone faster and farther with jumps before but whoo! What an adrenaline rush!” Speedy said as he turned to see Rose's deadpan look. “What?” Speedy said. “Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again.” Rose said as she turned to face the front of the car with a scowl. Speedy took that to note and started to drive back to town. Once back in Canterlot Speedy pulled up to Sugarcube Corner and decided he and Rose needed some food to calm down. As they entered they saw Pinkie working the counter waving at them. “Hidy ho you two.” Pinkie said, “I'll have your orders ready soon.” Speedy and Rose sat at a window booth as Pinkie gave them both food. “A milkshake with extra oats and a cupcake for Rose. And a Coke with a cherry and apple pie for Speedy.” Both smiled at their food as Speedy paid thanked their friend. The two decided to talk a little bit to each other while eating until Speedy saw something out the window. He noticed a familiar green Raptor and white and pink Subaru pull up behind his Mustang. “No way…..” Speedy said, “They're here?” Sure enough, two people entered the bakery that Speedy remembered. “Roth! Faith! Over here” Speedy said as the two walked towards their booth. “Morning Rose. Meet Faith Roth and Udo Jones. Two of the best off-roaders out of Fortune Valley and my mentor slash best friends.” Rose stood up and shook her hand with the two racers. Faith was a woman in her early to mid-twenties with short brown hair and wearing a military-style outfit. Udo was slightly shorter than Faith sporting dyed pink hair and wearing a racing jacket. “It's nice to meet both of you,” Rose said with a soft smile. “Pleasures mine. Faith Roth, Full Ember Militia offroad team.” “Nice to meet ya. Udo Jones, League Thirty Seven Racing.” After introductions, the four sat at the booth as Pinkie brought them more sweets. After some chatting Faith decided to speak about their reason to be there. “Speedy. Something came up back home in Fortune Valley” this got Speedy's attention “It's about Van.” “Faith. I already told you all. I can't go back home even if I wanted to. Passion won't let me and Van said it was until the heat with The House died down.” both offroad racers looked at each other with worry before deciding to tell their end. “Speedy……” Faith said with an apologetic look “Van’s been murdered.” Speedy looked at the two like it was some kind of joke until Udo spoke up. “It's true. After the Outlaws Run The House sent a team after him. They smashed his car into a gas station and blew him up. We tried to help but we were too late. He died in the hospital that night. We're sorry Speedy but he is dead.” Speedy looked at the two's grief-stricken faces and took in the reality of what they're saying. The table sat quietly as Speedy got out of his spot and walked outside to his car. The trio looked out the window to see him talking on his phone with tears in his eyes. As they got out of the booth Faith sighed as she heard Speedy drive off leaving Rose behind. “Don't worry kid. Just tell me where you live I'll drop you off” She said to Rose as they left. The drive was silent to Roses house as the two girls arrived. Rose thanked Faith and said goodbye before entering her house and going to bed. > Chapter 4 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 10th 5:00am Rose woke early the next morning so that she could practice her hand to hand combat and her swordsmanship. After practicing her hand to hand combat skills for an hour she was proud to see that her skills were still there just not as fast or sharp as they once were. Rose turned to grab her sword from her house and was shocked to see that Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Sunset just staring at her with shocked looks on their faces. Rose upon seeing the shock on their faces blushed and asked “what are you girls doing here so early? I thought we were going to meet at school.” “Last night I got a text message from Speedy telling me what happened to his brother. He told me that he didn’t know your phone number and asked me to tell you he was sorry for leaving you at Sugarcube Corner yesterday. I was on my way here when I noticed Sunset and Applejack were both heading in this direction. I called out to them and Sunset said she was heading to your place so she could spend more time with her girlfriend. Applejack then told me she was bringing you a bunch of fresh apples from her farm for you to try. We all decided to come see you together and when we got here we heard a bunch of fighting noises coming from back here. Worried we all rushed back here to see if you were alright. We arrived half an hour ago and saw you doing a bunch of unknown fighting moves. I have to say I am so glad you never fought back against anyone at the school. For had you fought back we would’ve most likely been in the hospital right now.” Said Rainbow Dash while the other two nodded. Rose just chuckled and said “you girls haven’t seen anything yet. I was just about to start my sword practice when I saw you all. If you will give me a minute to grab my sword you can see what I can really do. You will also see what happens when my family and those I care about are threatened.” Rose goes inside and returns three minutes later carrying a sword with a two-foot-long blade and a foot long hilt. The blade had the ancient Equestrian language for solar moon protector. Rose doesn’t know why but whenever she used the sword she felt lighter, faster, stronger and for some reason more aware of her surroundings. As soon as Sunset saw the sword she gasped and said: “Rose where did you get that sword?” Rose looked at Sunset with confusion on her face and said “I don’t know. For as long as I can remember my mother has always had me practice with it. As I got older my mother realized that I never felt complete using any other sword so she gave it to me. I once overheard her tell my father something along the lines that I was bonded to the sword and that it belonged to some ancestor. At the time I was only ten and didn’t know what they were talking about so I brushed it off and never thought about it.” Sunset sighed deeply and said “Rose, that sword’s name is Solar Moon Protector and it belonged to Celestia and Luna’s father. I can’t remember his name but he cast a spell on it that would give the sword the choice to bond with whomever it wishes in his family line. However, it can only bond to one pony at a time. If it is true that it is bonded to you now you should take it to Celestia and Luna immediately. They know everything about that sword and the secrets it holds. I just don’t know how we are going to get you to them.” Rose looked at sunset with wide eyes before she said “ girls there is something I have been meaning to tell you. You see ever since my first day at Canterlot High I have been able to feel an unknown pull from the wondercolt statue. As the days passed the pull got stronger the day before Twilight showed up and the following days it got so strong I was worried I would lose my mind. When you threw me through the portal the pull from the statue weakened and reversed towards the mirror. I have a feeling I may be able to pass through the portal at will but I am not sure.” Sunset looked at Rose and said “Rose you need to take that sword and try to pass through the portal. If it doesn’t work we will think of something else but you need to see them asap. I will let your aunts know you won’t be in school for a couple days.” Rose just nodded and all four girls went to school in his truck. Once they arrived and they all got Rose turned to sunset and handed her the keys to her truck and said “ Sunset if this works and I pass through the portal I want you to take care of my truck and yourself. I will tell you everything that happens when I get back. Stay safe my beautiful mare. I love you with all my heart and soul.” After receiving a nod from Sunset Rose grabbed the sword that was behind her seat and walked to the portal. Rose put her hand on the portal and let out a sigh of relief when her hand went through. She turned to her three friends and saw that instead of Sunset, Applejack and Rainbow Dash there was also Rarity. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. When she saw them she smiled and said “Take care everyone. Sunset can you fill the others in on what's going on.” After receiving a nod Rose takes a deep breath and walks through the portal. As the swirl of magic ended Rose stood up and noticed that she was in the room with the mirror in Canterlot. Rose walked out of the room and bumped into a pony in gold armor. Rose not wanting to be rude said  “I am so sorry sir. My name is Morning Rose and I am looking for their highnesses, Celestia and Luna. Do you know where I might find them?” “Did you say your name is Morning Rose?” asked the stallion. After receiving a nod he bowed and said “Welcome back your highness. My name is Solar Eclipse Armor and I am the personal guard for Celestia and Luna. I know you are probably confused by what I just said so I’ll explain. You see yesterday during day court Celestia announced to all the nobles that her descendant has returned and said that the descendant's name is Morning Rose. Everypony knows that Morning Rose is a girls name so we all knew that there was a new princess coming. She also announced that your coronation was to be held in two and a half years because of you being unable to make it. As such that makes you a princess of Equestria and should you need anything let us the royal guards know.” Rose smiling said “I need to talk to both Luna and Celestia right now in private can you lead me to them. It is of the highest importance that I speak to them.” “Of course your highness. If you will follow me I will take you to the dining hall. They are both currently eating breakfast at the moment. By the way, would you like me to carry your sword for you?” said Solar Eclipse Armor. “No thank you. I don’t let anypony touch my sword. It is very special to me. However, I will follow you if you take the lead.” said Rose. Solar Eclipse Armor nodded and started to walk down the hall. After ten minutes of walking, they arrive in front of two doors. Solar opened them and walked in.  As soon as he entered he said “ Princess Celestia Princess Luna there is somepony here to talk to you. She said it was of the utmost importance.” Celestia after swallowing the bite of chocolate pancakes said: “I thought we told you not to interrupt us during breakfast and that breakfast was family time.” “You did your highness. It’s just the pony is Morning Rose. I thought since you said she is your descendant and a future princess of Equestria I should bring her here.”  said Solr Eclipse Armor. “What Rose is here? Please bring her in at once and summon my special guest Lucky Rose. I think it is time she meets her marefriend. In the meantime, we will talk to Rose about whatever she thinks is of the utmost importance.” said Luna and Celestia at the same time. Solar bowed to the princesses and then turned and let Rose into the room. As soon a Rose was in the room he left to get Lucky Rose. Rose upon entering the room said “Celestia, Luna could you please cast a soundproof spell on the room, please. The topic I need to discuss is about a certain sword.” Celestia upon hearing the word sword immediately cast a soundproof spell on the room. Once the spell was activated Celestia said “Okay Rose the spell is cast. What sword are you talking about? For if it is the one I am thinking of I will need to cast a spell on you.” Rose takes a deep breath and said while levitating the sword to the table “I’ll start at the beginning. Ever since I was five years old my mother had trained me as a swordsmare so I could protect those I love. Well, when I was 6 she had this sword out on the table. I picked it up and all of a sudden I felt lighter, faster, stronger and I could sense everything around me. I liked it so I used it during practice with her. She noticed that I was way faster and stronger than I was without it. Once we were done she tried to take it away but when she did I felt like a part of me was missing.” Rose paused to see how they were reacting and saw that they were listening intently but she could notice the tears in their eyes. Rose after taking a breath continued “Later that night when I was supposed to be asleep I went to see my parents and overheard my mother say something like I had bonded with the sword. I didn’t know what she meant so I forgot about it and kept training with the sword. This morning I was doing hoof to hoof and swords practice since I haven’t done it in months and wanted to see if I lost any of them. I just finished with my hoof to hoof practice and turned to see two of my friends and my marefriend Sunset Shimmer. We talked and I went in and got my sword. Sunset upon seeing the sword asked me about it. I told them most of what I just told you and she told me that the swords name is Solar Moon Protector. She also said that it belonged to your father and that I needed to talk to you asap.” Celestia and Luna gasped and said “Rose if you bonded with that sword as we now know you did it means that you are to become an Alicorn when you turn sixteen and are still bonded to the sword. We can tell that you are bonded to it now we must now are you sixteen years of age?” After receiving a nod from Rose Celestia cast the spell to unlock all potential in a pony. There was a bright flash of magic and Rose now stood in front of the princesses n alicorn. Celestia looked at Rose and said “ That sword when it is bonded to a pony in our family and they reach sixteen they must be turned an alicorn or their bodies will be poisoned. That’s all we have to say about the sword and I have somepony I want you to meet. I know you already have a marefriend, however, there is a pony here in the castle who both Luna and I think you should date. You two have almost everything in common and that includes the same birthday.” As Celestia was talk she lowered the soundproofing spell. A couple minutes later there was a knock on the door and Solar Eclipse Armor opened the door and let a mare with light and dark blue mane and tail into the room. Her coat was black and she had a crescent moon cutie mark. Rose upon seeing the mare noticed that she was also an alicorn. However, she didn’t want to scare the mare so she stayed where she was and once the door was closed said “Hello my name is Morning Rose and I heard from my ancestors that we are to begin dating. I don’t know how you feel about multiple pony relationships but you should know that where I live I have a marefriend. I also have a crush on Twilight Sparkle and hope to one day date her as well.” The mare looked up and upon seeing Rose gasped. Once she calmed down she said in an adorable voice “My name is Lucky Rose and as it turns out I don’t have anything against multiple pony relationship. I would also be honored to go on a date with you tonight so we can get to know each other better. By the way, I am sorry for gasping like I did. I just thought you were gorgeous and couldn’t help myself.” “It’s okay Lucky Rose. to be honest I thought you looked gorgeous as well. By the way, I would love to go on a date with you tonight. However, I will need to get some sleep before we do so could you make the arrangements for it while Celestia and Luna crown me as a princess in court today. I know they were going to wait but that was because we thought I wouldn’t be able to come back for two and a half years. But now that we know I can come and go whenever I think we should do it today what do you say Celesta and Luna?” said Morning Rose. “Celestia smiled and said, “I think that would be a perfect idea. I also know what you should be the princess of and that is the Princess of Portals. You, Luna and I will make the announcement in my court in ten minutes. We also already have your crown ready and we both want you Morning to call us aunt from now on.” Celestia looked at Rose intently as she nodded in understanding. > Chapter 4 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Of course aunt Celestia and aunt Luna. However after we make the announcement I will need to get some sleep so I  am ready tonight,” said Rose as they headed to the throne room. Rose noticing that Lucky stayed behind looked to Luna and said “Luna could I borrow about a hundred bits for the date tonight and get you to do me two favors?” “Of course my dear niece. What can I do for you tonight?” asked Luna. “Well, when you raise the moon tonight could you make it a full moon. That way after we eat we can go on a nice moonlit walk before turning in. The second favor is can you make me a reservation for two tonight at a restaurant that Lucky likes. I just want tonight to be perfect for her,” said Rose as they near the throne room. “Consider it done Rose. After the announcement is made I’ll make the reservations. Here are the bits you wanted and the moon will be full tonight. Personally, I think you made a perfect choice. For Lucky has always liked to take moonlit walks at night,” said Luna. All three alicorns walk into the throne room where there were three thrones waiting. Once everypony took their seats Celestia said “Everypony Luna and I have a special announcement to make. We are proud to present to you the Princess of Portals Princess Morning Rose. I believe she has something to say to you all so I’ll let her speak.” Rose looked out at everypony and said “Look, I know a lot of you don’t agree with their decision to make me a princess. However, I want you all to know that a thousand and fifteen years ago Celestia and Starswirl had a son. Their son joined the guard and after proving himself was given a special assignment. He fell in love and had some foals. He was my ancestor. In other words, I am a descendant of Celestia and as such, I swear to protect this land with all my might. That’s all I have to say.” Once Rose finished talking she left to get some sleep before her date. As she turned to leave she noticed that Solar Eclipse Armor and a mare with a black coat and a pink mane and tail. The mare was also wearing armor with the moon symbol on it.  Rose curious as to who the mare is said “ I don’t mean to be rude but who are you miss? I can tell from the symbol on your armor that you belong to the night guard. However, I have no idea why you are following me.” “Please excuse me, your highness. My name is Lunar Armor and you are right. I am part of the night guard. In fact, I am the captain of the night guard. The reason I am following you is that Solar Eclipse Armor and I have been ordered to be your personal guards whenever you are here in Equestria. We will protect you with our lives, my princess.” “Are you and Solar married by any chance miss Lunar? I only ask because you have the same last name and the look in your eyes told me it wasn’t like a brother. By the way, I would be honored to have you both as my guards. However, I can tell by the time that you both haven’t eaten breakfast. The moment I get to my room I want you both to go get something to eat. Once you are done eating your breakfast you can return and stand guard outside my room. By the way, I know Rarity is currently at the Canterlot Carousel. Could you summon her here to my room for me?” Solar Eclipse Armor looked at his princess and said “Of course my princess. She shall be here in a one hours time. In the meantime, I hope you have a good long soak before she gets here.” With everything said Rose entered her room and took a nice hot bath to calm her nerves.  Half an hour later Rose gets out and dries off. Once she is dry she grabs a Daring Do book off the shelves and starts to read. She just got to the part where Daring Do jumped across a ravine when she heard a knock. Knowing who it is she said, “come in.” As soon as Rose heard the door close she looked up and saw a unicorn mare with a coat as white as freshly fallen snow and a rich purple mane and tail. Know that this must be Rarity Rose puts her book down goes over to her. Once she is in front of Rarity she bowed and said “Lady Rarity Thank you for coming on such short notice. I heard from my dear friend Twilight that you make the best dresses in Equestria and I was hoping you would be willing to make me one for a date tonight. By the way, I should’ve introduced myself first my name is Morning Rose or at least it is now. My birth name was Rhyme Script.” Rarity gasped and said “ I have heard all about you Rose from Twilight. As such I must thank you for helping Twilight get the crown back and saving her life. I would be honored to make the dress your highness I’ll just need your measurements and then I’ll get started it will be delivered in three hours.” Rose just nodded and stood still while Rarity took her measurements. All the while Rose could hear Rarity say that she would look best in a blueish green dress to match her eyes.Rose zoned out for a few minutes until she heard “Well I got all the measurements I need Rose. I’ll deliver the dress in the next few hours. Bye, your highness.” Once Rarity left Rose crawled into bed curled her wings around her and went to sleep. As she slept Lucky Rose went to talk to Celestia and Luna about the date tonight and about how nervous she was. > Chapter 4 Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky Rose walked into the dining room to talk to Celestia and Luna about Morning Rose. As soon as she sat down Lucky looked at Celestia and Luna and said “Your Highnesses may I speak freely with you for a minute?” Luna recognized the worry in Lucky’s voice said “ Thou shalt always be able to speak thine mind without fear. We shall listen to thy concerns with our full focus. So please speak of thine concern.” Lucky giggled and said “ First please don’t speak in the old way with me it is hard to understand. Second I want to talk about me dating Rose. You see I’m worried that she won’t like me or that she is only going along with us being marefriends because you arranged it. The moment I first saw her I knew she was the other half of my soul. The one I want to be with. However, I am afraid that she doesn’t feel the same way and I don’t know what to do.” Celestia smiled while Luna said “ Lucky there is no need to worry. I know that Rose feels deeply for you. I can’t tell you how I know. However, I can say that if you go on the date tonight you will have a wonderful time.” Lucky looked shocked for a moment before she recovered and said “Thank you, Luna, for setting my worries at ease. I doubt you shall ever need it but should you need my help just call and I will come to your aid.” Over the next hour, Lucky and the princesses ate lunch and talked about the reaction the nobles had to the princesses crowning Rose. Once everypony was done eating they all went their separate ways. Lucky decided to go into town for a walk. She was walking past a jewelry store when a necklace in the window caught her eye. Lucky walked over to the window to get a better look at the necklace. Once she got close enough she noticed it was engraved with the words Love You To The Moon My Beautiful Mare. She also noticed that the necklace was silver with an amethyst in the middle. The more she looked at it the more she realized that it was the perfect gift for Rose. Having decided to get it Lucky walked into the store and up to the counter. Once there the sales pony asked “ hello dear how can I help you this afternoon. Perhaps a nice diamond necklace for yourself. Maybe an engagement ring for a special somepony or would you like something else entirely?” “As a matter of fact, I would like to buy the silver necklace in the window. The one with the amethyst and is silver. I think it would make the perfect gift for my marefriend. How much do I owe you for it?” asked Lucky with a smile. The sales pony left for a minute and returned with the necklace in a box nicely wrapped in pink wrapping paper. She rang up the necklace and said “that will be twenty-five bits. I hope your marefriend likes it.” Lucky pulled out thirty bits and said “ I’m sure she will love it. After all, she is the newest princess of Equestria. We have our first date in about four hours. “ The sales pony gasped upon hearing that her marefriend was a princess. Lucky put the necklace in her bag and left to get ready for her date. Over the next two hours Lucky went to the spa, the mane stylist, and finally stopped at the Canterlot Carousel. As soon as she entered Rarity walked over to her. Lucky looked at Rarity and said “Rarity my friend how are you today? Listen I need a dress that sparkles like the night sky and I need it within two hours. I have a date with princess Morning Rose in three hours.” Rarity giggled and said “ You have a date with Princess Rose? I knew she had a date but I didn’t know who with. To be honest with you Lucky I already have a formal dress that looks like the night sky ready. I was making it for the Grand Galloping Gala. However, I think this is more important so I will go get the dress and you can take it with you.” “Of course Rarity I understand. Y the way yes I am dating princess Rose,” said Lucky as rarity left to get the dress. Five minutes later Rarity returned with the dress in a garment bag.Lucky took the dress and gave Rarity a hug before she left. Three hours later found Lucky walking up to Roses room. Meanwhile Rose woke up two hours before her date so she could get Lucky Rose a present. Rose walked into a jewelry store and said “ I would like to see all your key to my heart necklaces.” The sales pony looked up and upon seeing Rose said “ right away your highness anything, in particular, you are looking for?” “I am looking for a gold and silver key-shaped necklace with thirty-five small diamond in it,” said Rose looking worried. The sales pony thought for a minute and then said “ I actually have just the necklace in the lock case. Here you go is this the one you are looking for?” Rose looked the necklace over before she said “it’s perfect my dear sales pony. How much do I owe you for it?” The sales pony chuckled and said “that will be twenty-seven bits, your highness. I’ll wrap that up for you in a nice starry wrapping paper.” Rose took out thirty bits and handed it to the pony telling him to keep the change. She then took the present and left to get ready in her room. Two hours later found Rose in her new dress, had all the bits she needed packed and was ready to go when she heard a knock on the door. > Chapter 4 Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning Rose took a deep breath to calm herself to a manageable level. Once she was calm she walked to her door and opened it. What she saw made her jaw drop. There standing nervously in front of her was Lucky. Despite her having a saddlebag Morning saw that she was wearing a brand new very formal dress of midnight blue with diamonds sewn into it in the shape of stars. The first thought that came to Morning’s mind was I can’t believe this beautiful mare is my date. If there is a goddess of the night surely this is the goddess. Morning looked at Lucky in the eyes and said “I am so sorry for staring at you my goddess. You just looked so beautiful in the dress I couldn’t help it. I do so hope you will forgive me for my actions. I must say not once in my life have I seen a pony as beautiful as the night sky and that includes my aunt Luna. By the way, I wanted to thank you for wanting to spend time with me on a date. I went into town and got you this I hope you like it.” Lucky shook her head and said “ There is no reason to apologize your highness. This dress is gorgeous. Also please don’t call me a goddess. You may think I look like one but I’m not. As for the gift I also got you one. You see I was so scared that you were only going on the date with me because of your aunt’s that I had to go talk to them about it. They didn’t give me any specifics but they did explain that you wanted tonight to be special. Anyways after we talked I was walking through town when I saw the perfect gift. The moment I saw it I went in and got it. I hope you like it.” Morning and Lucky exchange their gifts. Once they each had the gifts they opened them to reveal the necklaces. They both gasp at the beauty of the necklaces as they put them on. Once they were on Morning put her wing around Lucky and they walked out of the castle. As they were approaching the entrance to the castle Lucky asked “So what is the plan for tonight and our date?” Morning chuckled and answered “First we are going to the finest restaurant in Canterlot which is also your favorite place to eat for dinner and the rest is going to be a surprise.” Lucky looked at Morning with curiosity and said “ You mean you are taking me to the Golden Garden. But it is way expensive and you need a reservation to get in. On top of that, it takes a month to get a reservation. How did you know it is my favorite place to eat in all of Canterlot?” Morning chuckled and said “ I asked my aunt Luna to make the reservation at your favorite restaurant for tonight. I asked her for another favor but you will see it later. Lucky I just wanted tonight to be special for you. You see I knew you were worried about my feelings for you since we only just met. However, you should know that nopony can make me do anything I don’t want to do. In other words, I want to be here with you. I love you Lucky and I forever shall.” “Thank you so much, Morning Rose, for those very kind words. I feel the same way about you Morning. I know we don’t even know each other but what do you say to us taking turns asking questions about the other?” As they approached the Golden Garden Morning Rose said “That sound absolutely perfect. This way we can find out more about each other and truly fall in love my beautiful mare. Well, shall we go in and have a wonderful time?” After receiving a nod and nuzzle they walk into the restaurant. > Chapter 4 Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning and Lucky walk up to the podium and Morning said “Excuse me kind sir, but I and my date are here for our reservation. I believe it is under Princess Morning Rose.” The stallion bowed and said “Of course your majesty. Your aunt Luna contacted us about needing an emergency reservation for her niece and her date. Knowing that you are the newest princess of Equestria we have arranged a special room with a perfect view of the sunset for you both. If you will follow me I will show you the way.” Morning looked at the stallion and said while following him “thank you so much kind stallion. I am ever so thankful for the assistance you have provided us this night.” The stallion opened a door and said “no problem your highness. Your waitress will be in right away. I hope you enjoy your night and have a lovely meal.” As soon as the stallion left Morning pulled out the chair for Lucky and took her seat. Once she was seated Morning asked, “so Lucky Rose what is your favorite thing to do?” Blushing like crazy Lucky looked at Morning and said “to be honest my favorite thing to do is take moonlit walks and to just watch the moon and stars. They make me feel like anything is possible and have a calming effect on me. What’s your favorite thing to do Morning?” Morning surprised that Lucky had the same favorite thing to do said “ I am actually very surprised Lucky. I also love to walk under the night sky watch the stars. I don’t know why but I have always liked the night. What’s your favorite food?” Lucky thought for a couple minutes before saying “ well I would have to say a four cheese lasagna with a glass of Sweet Apple Acres hard Cider. What about you Morning?” Morning Rose’s jaw dropped as she looked at Lucky with wonder. Morning was surprised because that was her favorite food as well. Once Morning got over her surprise she said “that is too weird Lucky. Because as it turns out that is my favorite food as well.” Rose was about to ask another question when a waitress came in and upon seeing Lucky said “Lucky Rose how have you been? Long time no see. Who is this lovely mare you have with you?” Lucky looked at the mare and said “Garden Serve is that you? It has been way too long. This lovely mare is my marefriend and the newest princess Morning Rose. Morning this is my oldest and dearest friend as well as my sister Garden Serve.” The mare turned to back to Morning and finally realizing that she was in the presence of royalty said “ I am so sorry for the rude greeting your highness. I didn't realize that you were a princess. Anyways what can I get for you to eat?” Morning looked at Garden and said “first off I may be a princess but please treat me as you would anypony who is dating your sister. As for what we would like to eat. We will both go with a four cheese lasagna and a pitcher of Sweet Apple Acres hard cider.” Garden bowed and said “as you wish Morning. Your food will be delivered in four minutes along with your drinks.” As soon as Garden was gone Morning turned to Lucky and asked “besides Garden do you have any other family?” Lucky looked away and said “I have an aunt and uncle who absolutely hate me. I also have a father who thinks as long as I’m happy he is happy. What about you Morning do you have any family?” Morning started to cry at the question and said “I have two aunts where I am from and Celestia and Luna here. I use to have a mother, father, and a younger brother. But they were killed. I feel you should know I am not from this world there is a mirror portal that leads to another world and that is where I am from. However, my ancestor was this worlds Celestia’s son. In other words, I am part pony.” Lucky looked at Morning and said “I am surprised Morning. I would never have guessed that you were from another world. You look so comfortable as a pony. As if you have always been one.” Morning was about to say something when the door is opened and Garden comes in and drops off their food and drinks. Once Garden left Morning looked at Lucky and said “to be honest Lucky I have always dreamt of being a pony. I don’t know why but now that I can be a pony whenever I want I feel like I am finally at peace.” Lucky didn’t know what to say to that so the two mares just sat and ate in peace. Once they were done eating Morning looked at Lucky and asked “ Are you ready for your surprise Lucky?” Lucky looked Morning in the eyes and said “ Of course I am my lovely mare. Are you finally going to tell me what the surprise is?” Morning paid for the meals and said “ yes I am my beautiful mare. The surprise is a moonlit walk under a full moon. I thought that was romantic and that you might also find it as romantic.” Lucky blushed and said as they left “that sounds like a perfect surprise. Thank you so much my lovely mare.” With those final words, Morning and Lucky took a walk under the full moon. As soon as they reached the castle Morning turned to Lucky and gave her the most passionate kiss ever. Once Morning broke the kiss she said “Lucky I am so proud to have you as my marefriend. I had a wonderful time tonight. However, it will be a few weeks before I can make it back to visit you and when I do I’ll bring Sunset so you can go on a date with her and we can make this a proper trio. Goodbye, my beautiful mare. I love you.” with their goodbye’s done Morning walked through the portal back home. > Chapter 5 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once back through the portal, Rose noticed Sunset standing by the school waiting. As Rose got back to her feet and adjusted back to her human form she walked towards Sunset confused. “What are you doing here Sunset?” Rose said, “I never told anyone I was coming back tonight.” Sunset rubbed the back of her neck and looked at her girlfriend. “Well, Speedy called wondering where you were and hoping you can make his brother's funeral tomorrow. I've been waiting here for the past eighteen hours and well…...I had nowhere else to go. The girls were all busy or still not trustworthy yet and I usually sleep in the back of the library here. I would've stayed at your house but you locked it with security. Didn't want to be arrested.” “Why didn’t you tell me about your living situation my love? If I had known I would’ve changed the security so you could always get in. Sunset I have to know two things. The first is will you move in with me? The second is when I went and talked to Celestia and Luna, they set me up on a date with a mare. We went on a date before I came back and I was hoping you would like to be in a trio with her? You would be first mare and she would be second mare. So what do you say?” said Rose looking embarrassed. Sunset thought for a moment before she said “ I didn’t tell you about my living conditions because I didn’t want anybody to know. As for moving in with you, I know our friends will think we are moving too fast but I don’t care. I would be honored to move in with you. As for being in a trio, I will have to go on a date with her but I don’t see a problem with it. So are you going to the funeral tomorrow Rose?” “The moment I heard about his brother's death I knew I needed to go to the funeral. However, I would be honored if you were to go with me to the funeral. What do you say my love.” asked Rose. Sunset blushed and said “Rose I would be honored to go to the funeral with you. I just want you to know that I truly do love you. You are my Morning Rose and I am your Sunset. That is one thing that will never change. Let’s go home my love.” and with everything said the two lovers went home and fell asleep. October 11 11:00 am Rose and Sunset stood outside the church as more people arrived for the funeral. Both girls were given a ride to Speedy's house from Faith since her and Udo stayed in Canterlot to make sure everything went smoothly. As the girls waited they soon heard the sound of incoming vehicles. They faced the road to see a large group of customized vehicles arriving in the church's parking lot. There was a black Datsun similar to the one Rose and Speedy found with a red stripe and interesting skeleton decals on the sides. A white Mustang with pink and blue stripes pulled up next to it with an ear deafening roar. Those were followed by a white Porsche and a green and blue Nissan. The driver of the Datsun was revealed to be a young woman with brown and black striped hair and whitish-yellow skin wearing a black and red salsa dress. The rest of the drivers showed the Mustang as a white-skinned woman with pink and green hair in a bun wearing an equally striped overcoat, a portly silver-skinned man with short brown hair wearing a tank top and jeans, and a young man with green skin with blue and white hair wearing a racing jacket. The woman from the Mustang noticed the two teenagers and walked towards them. “I'd take it your some of Speedy's friends from here?” both the girls nodded at the women's question. “Nice to meet you both, call me Big Sis.” Big Sis said shaking their hands. “Sunset Shimmer.” “Morning Rose.” “Making new crew members are we Sista?” the brown and black haired woman said joining them. “La Muetra. Fortune Graveyard Runners. Grande Sister here runs the Riot Drag Team back where we're from. Her team's all women drivers and pretty damn good behind the wheel.” Soon the rest showed up and gave their intros as well. The portly man was named Rivera and ran the Silver Cards race team and Aki part of the Noise Bombers Drift Crew. Soon the group entered the church to see Speedy and his family by the entrance. Speedy was wearing jeans and an old mechanic shirt with “Van” embroidered on the heart. Speedy's older sister Passion stood next to him wearing her police uniform while his younger sister Shinelight wore religious robes. “Hey, guys! You made it.” Speedy said as he hugged his old racing friends “And you got to meet my friends as well.” he said after hugging Rose and Sunset. “You asked if we could come and support you today. It really is difficult for someone to lose a person close to you.” Rose said with a supporting smile. Soon a tall man with red skin and black hair entered the room wearing pastor robes. “You are correct young one. But the Lord welcomes all into his holy temple.” “Cardinal Tierk” Passion said shaking his hand “Thank you once again for helping us with the funeral. It means a lot to us.” “You are quite welcome young Passion,” Tierk said “Once young Shinelight got news of her brother's passing she coincided to me about their relationship. Your brother has spent a lot of his hard earned money supporting her dreams and has donated vast amounts to charities and even the Vatican itself. I would've been honored anyways to give him his final goodbye from this world and guide him to the gates of heaven.” “And we wanted to give our farewells as well esse” Rivera chimed “We just followed the herse from La Muetras parents and made sure it would get here safely.” “Yeah,” Aki said “Van was an inspiration for both us racers and the whole valley back home. He was one of the best if not the best driver out there! We all owe our gratitude to him.” a chorus of agreements soon filled the room until Passion calmed everyone. “Okay, guys.” Passion said chuckling “As much as it is nice to catch up on old times we have a special person to put to rest. We should get ready.” > Chapter 5 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Friends, family” Tierk said as he stood at his altar “Today we honor the life of our fallen brother Vanderhoof. He was many things to those he influenced during his life: brother, caregiver, hero, a soldier, and a strong leader. I remember Vanderhoof during my service in the Marines until I became a man of God, where we served side by side in combat in Iraq until he was injured in combat.” “Many of us thought since he lost a part of him we would never see him in service again. Imagine our surprise when he showed up sporting a new robotic arm and a combat rifle.” a few of the people in the pews chuckled at that part. “Anyways after our service, we went our separate ways I received a letter from Van asking if I could teach his young sister the ways of the Lord. I answered my colleague with honor and glad to say not only did young Shinelight learn well, she also passed beyond those of her age.” Shinelight smiled as Speedy and Passion hugged her “Your brother would be very proud sister Shinelight. Very proud.” After the sermon and the actual funeral Speedy, Faith, Rivera, and Big Sis each took a side of Van's coffin and carried it out of the church. As they left they saw that Faith’s Raptor had the bed converted into a makeshift hearse and slid the coffin into place. Rose and Sunset decided to follow them to the cemetery and be with the Silverstreaks as they buried their own. Lining up in front of La Muetra and her Datsun but behind Speedy and Faith, the line of expensive race cars drove towards the gravesite. As they entered and stopped at the grave Cardinal Tierk stood under the tent next to the hole as the rain started to pour. Once Van's coffin was set above the hole the holy man pulled out a rolled up paper. “This is the will of Vanderhoof Silverstreak. He had this written on his deathbed and has decided to give to those who he decided needs it.” as he opened the paper he started to read the will: “To my dearest friends and family. In this will, I am giving away all I own as I will not be able to take it with me to my home in heaven. Let it be known that I died loyal and caring to you all and thank all of you for being not only my friends but a part of my family. And now to give away what I will not need to my family:” “To my sister Passion, my wealth of twenty million in multiple accounts fie your use and the title of our parent's property up north. May you use it well and keep our childhood home alive.” “To my brother Speedy, seven million dollars in your own accounts as well as my entire collection of cars including but not limited to my GTR that I won the Outlaws Rush with and your black Charger. They are all stored in a warehouse under you and your sister's name in Canterlot. Hope you enjoy the rides little bro.” “To my little sister Shine, I give you three million to cover schooling and college with some leftover to use for whatever. Send my gratitude to Tierk for taking care of you. Speaking of Tierk for him a four million dollar donation to his school in the Vatican and to cover the costs of Shine's education. Thank you, my old friend.” “To my buddies in the military, I donate my uniform, records, medals and my prosthetic arm back to the service to be used to remember me and my service to my country and for liberty.” “And to my family from Silver Rock, all the districts are under your control and my garages are now yours to use. Keep the Valleys racing spirit strong my friends.” After the will was read the group dispersed to prepare for the future without Van. Sunset and Rose gave Speedy and his family hugs and condolences before taking Roses truck back to her house. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 16 7:00 am When Monday came around Morning Rose was just setting the table for breakfast and thinking about her mother and father’s wedding rings when Sunset comes in to get her morning coffee. As they ate breakfast Morning Rose noticed that Sunset seemed upset. Rose looked at Sunset and said “What's wrong Sunny? For the past few days, you have looked so sad and I am starting to get worried. I love you with all my heart and it hurts to see you so sad.” Sunset puts her fork down looks at Rose and said “I see you noticed that I am upset. I'm sorry if I caused you to worry my beautiful Rose. However, this is something that you can't help me with. I know what you are going to say my love and I am grateful for the sentiment. What's wrong with me is that though you and our friends have forgiven me for everything I have done I haven't. I still feel like I don't deserve all of you.” “Listen to me my lovely sunset. We have forgiven you for everything you have done and you do deserve all of us. After all, it is because of you that I was finally able to go and say goodbye to my family. Yes, the other girls helped me stay calm and not have a panic attack that would kill me. However, it was because of your love for me that helped give me the courage to finally get the closure I needed from my parent’s and brother. I know we are really early in our relationship but could you please stand up.” said Rose with a smirk in her mind's eye. Sunset not knowing why her girlfriend wanted her to stand up said in a worried tone of voice “ For you my love I will. But why do you want me to stand up? Is something wrong my love? If there is please tell me what I can do?” Rose chuckled and said “Nothing is wrong my love. I just have a very important question to ask you.” Rose then gets down on one knee and said in a nervous tone of voice while pulling out his mother’s ring “my dearest Sunset, I Morning Rose do swear to always make you happy. For you are my setting sun. My light in the darkness. I love you with all my heart and soul and should you feel the same I humbly request your hand in marriage? This ring is the ring my father gave my mother.” Sunset realizing what just happened started crying and said in a very nervous and upset “ Oh my Celestia. Morning Rose is this what I think it is? Because if it is my answer is yes.” Chuckling Rose looked Sunset in the eyes and said in a very cheerful and happy tone of voice “Well my lovely sunset if you think this is a proposal the answer is yes. So Sunset Shimmer, will you do me the honor of becoming my fiancee?” Sunset having stopped crying looked Rose in the eyes and said in an excited tone of voice “ I Sunset Shimmer do accept your proposal my beautiful Morning Rose. as such I do so swear like you to do my best to make you as happy as I can. I agree that it may be too soon but I don’t care. I love you more than my own life and I would give up my own life to ensure your happiness.” Rose happy at her sunsets decision slid the ring on Sunset’s ring finger and said “ now all we have to do is tell our friends and my family. To be honest I’m a little scared of how our friends are going to react.” Sunset looked at Rose and laughing said “Yes it is a  scary idea. Especially when Rarity finds out. Just remember I will always be there beside you.” with everything said and done the new fiancees go and get ready for the day. Half an hour later they pull into the school parking lot. Before they left they sent a text message to their friends saying hey girls. Sunset and I have an important announcement to make to you. However could one of you please get my aunts to meet us in their office. There is nothing wrong. We just want to tell everyone at once. Fifteen minutes later everyone was gathered in the office. Once the door was closed Rose looked at her soon to be wife and upon seeing her nod said “ everyone this morning Sunset and I got engaged. I know it is early in our relationship but we love each other and want to be together forever. We hope you understand.” At first, there was only silence before everyone cheered and Rainbow Dash told Applejack that she lost the bet. Rose upon hearing the response took Sunset over too Celestia and Luna and said “What do you think aunt Tia and Luna? You are the only family I have left and I would like your opinion.” Celestia and Luna look at each other and after nodding to each other said “ Rose, we approve of this move in your relationship. After all, we have never seen you as happy as you are with Sunset. If either of you needs anything let us know. As for you Sunset Shimmer Celestia and I welcome you into our family. Please take care of this woman she is the only family we have left. On a final note don’t you dare hurt our Rose. For if you do we will make you regret it.” With all said and done everyone left to go to class. However, Rose and Sunset were stopped by Rarity who was glaring at them. Upon seeing the glare both Sunset and Rose knew they bucked up. > Chapter 7 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose and Sunset looked at each other before Sunset nodded at Rose. Rose took a deep breath and said “Rarity, I know you are mad at us for not telling you ahead of time about me planning to propose to Sunset. However, I have a reason for not telling you and that is because I wasn’t planning to propose for at least another month.” Rarity continues to glare at them before she said “Then why did you propose Rose? If you weren’t planning on proposing for another month why did you ask her to marry you today? Also, I’m not angry at you for not telling me. I am angry because I wasn’t expecting it.” Rose looked at Sunset and after receiving permission said “I’ll tell you why I asked her for her hand in marriage but you need to pinkie promise not to tell our friends or anyone else in any way. The reason why is very emotional for my fiance and she doesn’t want anyone else to know.” As soon as Rarity went through the motions Rose continued “ I don’t know if you and our friends have noticed but for the past few weeks Sunset has been very upset. The reason why is because even though we have forgiven her for everything she has done to us and the school she hasn’t. I asked her about it this morning and she told me why. It was in that moment that I decided to ask her to marry me. The ring she is currently wearing is the same one my father gave my mother.” Rarity after hearing everything said “ Now I see why you did it so soon.however, I have one request of you both for your wedding. Will you please allow me to make your wedding dresses? I have always wanted to make the dresses and or suits for our friends when they got married so what do you say?” Both Rose and Sunset chuckled for a minute before Sunset said “Actually Rarity we were already planning to ask you to make the dresses for the wedding. I also have a favor to ask you Rarity. Will you please be my maid of honor?” Rarity stunned that Sunset would ask her to be her maid of honor looked at Sunset in the eyes and said “I would be honored to be your maid of honor Sunset. However, I must know why do you want me as your maid of honor?” Sunset looking guilty said “Well first off I am so sorry for everything I did to you prior to the Spring Fling. As for why I want you as my maid of honor there are two reasons. The first is out of all our friends you are the one I trust the most. The second reason is this is my way of giving you an honor that I took away at the Spring Fling.” Rarity thought for a moment before she said “Sunset I would be honored to be your maid of honor. Rose do you have anyone in mind as your maid of honor?” Rose blushing looked Rarity in the eyes and said “As a matter of fact I do. It’s Fluttershy you see she was the first friend I ever made here at Canterlot High. I plan to ask her today at lunch as a way of thanking her. You see if Fluttershy hadn’t come into the hiding spot I was in I probably wouldn’t be here today. To be honest I was planning on killing myself before I met her. Then I met Twilight and all of you. This is going to be my way of thanking her for everything.” Rarity just nodded as everyone went to their class. All the while Sunset was keeping a close eye on her wife to be. After all, if it wasn’t for Rose Sunset would be dead right now. Before they knew it the bell rang for lunch. > Chapter 7 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the bell rang Rose got out of her seat and walked over to her fiance. Once Rose was there she took Sunset's hand and said “ So my love are you ready to go to lunch and ask our friends for a couple favors?” Sunset smiling said “In just a minute my love. I think we should go to the office and announce to the school about our engagement. After all, I know most of the school thinks of you as it’s savior and hero. Yes, they know Twilight was the one who finally stopped me. But they also know that you were the one who helped Twilight when she came here and that you also were the one who set everything up to stop me. I think it is only fair that we let them know about our engagement.” Rose took all of three seconds to think about it before she said “you know what my love your right. We should tell them. After all, when we get married I know there at least a couple of them that would like to attend. Like Snips, Snails, Chrysalis and Speedy. The first three are your friends or acquaintances. So even though I don’t fully trust them I would like them to be there for you. After all, it’s your special day as well isn’t it.” Sunset just nodded and together Rose and Sunset hurried to the office. As they walked in they saw Celestia and Luna standing beside the PA system smiling. Rose walked over to them and said “I guess you know why we are here aunt Celestia and Luna.” Luna chuckled and said “but of course my dear niece. You are here because you want to announce your engagement to the school. So go ahead and make the announcement.” As Rose and Sunset walked over to the PA system Celestia turned it on and said “Attention Canterlot High I have two announcements to make. The first is you should all know that Morning Rose is my niece. My sister and I know how you treated her and we forgive you for it. The second announcement isn’t mine to say. So I’m going to hand it off to Rose and Sunset.” With her announcement done Celestia handed the PA microphone to Rose. Rose looked at Sunset and after receiving a nod to having her make the announcement said “First off I want you all to know that I forgive you for everything that all of you have done to me. Lastly this morning I asked Sunset Shimmer for her hand in marriage and she said yes. I know thanks to Sunset that most of you think of me as your hero and savior. As such we decided it was only fair that you all know about it. We haven’t set a date yet but a select few of you will receive wedding invitations. That’s all we have to say thank you for your time.” Once Rose finished the announcement Sunset and Rose went to talk to their friends. Little did they know the entire school was in the lunchroom waiting to congratulate the two. > Chapter 7 Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rose and Twilight neared the lunchroom Rose looked at Sunset and asked “Are you ready to face the school and ask our friends to help with the wedding? I am ready but I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do my love. After all, you hold one half of my soul and Lucky Rose in Equestria holds the other half of my soul.” Sunset blushed brighter than the setting sun and said in a very embarrassed tone of voice “That is the sweetest, most thoughtful and most embarrassing thing I have ever heard said about me. To answer your question my love yes I am ready. I just hope our friends are willing to help with the wedding because I thought of the perfect date. It will be a bit of a rush but I am thinking exactly one month from today under the setting sun. I know you are worried about the money but don’t be. You see I know how much money you have set aside but for the wedding, I am going to pay for everything. You see when I ran away through the portal to this world I had a pouch with five hundred bits on me. When I first got to this world I knew I would need money so I went to a coin shop to see how much a single bit was worth and they said that the coin itself was pure gold and weighed about two pounds. But it was the rarity of the coin itself that they said boosted its price. They told me the price for the coin was around fifty thousand and to this day out of the five hundred that I had I have only sold four of twenty of them. I have lived off of ten of them this past four years. The other half I put in a savings account to accrue more money. To this day in the bank, I have close to one million five hundred thousand saved up. I’m planning to use that money for our wedding. What do you think my love?” Rose shocked to hear that Sunset Shimmer the one she loves had so much money saved up said “My dearest Sunset I love that idea. As for the date, it will be a tight squeeze but I think it is an absolutely perfect idea. I just hope our friends agree to help us out. You know I just thought of the perfect DJ for the wedding. What do you think about having Vinyl Scratch and Octavia to do the music?” Sunset’s eyes widened as she looked at Rose in surprise and said “ As a matter of fact Rose I was thinking the same thing as you are. I hope they will agree to do it. Anyway, let’s go see the rest of the school shall we.” Rose didn’t say anything all she did was take Sunset’s hand and together they walked into the lunchroom. As soon as Rose and Sunset entered the lunchroom there was an extremely loud cheer of Congratulations Rose and Sunset. Both Rose and Sunset knew that they wouldn’t be able to get a word in until the school calmed down waited and sure enough five minutes later the room was completely silent. Rose looked at everyone and said “first off Sunset and I want to thank you for your acceptance of our engagement. Second could Octavia and Vinyl Scratch please step forward.” Rose and Sunset waited a couple minutes while the two they named stepped to the front of the crowd. Once the two were in front of Rose and Sunset Rose continued “Octavia and Vinyl Scratch Sunset Shimmer and I would be very honored if the two of you would be the music entertainers at the wedding. Also to everyone here, while Sunset and I were walking to the lunchroom we decided the wedding will be in exactly a month’s time at sunset. Also to Chrysalis, Snips, Snails and Speedy Sunset and I want to invite you all to the wedding. Anyways Octavia and Vinyl will you do us the honor of being the music entertainers at the wedding?” Both Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other and nodded. Then Octavia looked at Sunset and Morning Rose and said “ Sunset Shimmer and Morning Rose Vinyl and I would be honored to play at your wedding. As long as Vinyl and I can have a dance together. After all, as everyone here knows Vinyl and I are dating. Anyway, congratulations on your engagement and we wish you both all the happiness you could ever want.” At Octavia’s words, everyone dispersed to spend time with their friends at their regular tables. Sunset and Rose walked over to their friends and once they sat down Rose looked at everyone and said “A.J.Sunset and I would be honored if you and your family would cook the meals for the reception and if you would grant us the honor of having the wedding at Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash, Sunset and I would be honored if you would be our ring bearer. As for you Pinkie Pie we would like you to be in charge of the wedding cake. Finally Fluttershy, First I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. If it wasn’t for you reaching out to me and giving me a chance that first time we met I would not be here now. Mainly because before you showed up I was planning to kill myself that night. However, because you reached out to me I was able to hope for a better future and stay alive. In order to thank you for everything, you have done it would mean the world to me if you would be my maid of honor. So what do you all say?” Everyone looked at each other before nodding and together except for Fluttershy said “Sunset and Rose we would be honored to do what you have asked of us.” Rose noticing that Fluttershy hadn’t answered her looked at Fluttershy and said “ So what do you say Fluttershy will you be my maid of honor? You are the only one I want to have as my maid of honor and to be honest you are my very best friend. It wouldn’t be the same without you as my maid of honor.” Fluttershy embarrassed looked at Rose and said “I would be honored to be your maid of honor. After all, you are one of my best friends and so I can make your wedding day as perfect as I can I will do what I can.” Rose and Sunset were so happy that their friends agreed to their request started to cry tears of happiness. Soon as they were finished crying everyone started to eat their lunch. As they were eating they were approached by Celestia and Luna who both had huge smiles on their faces. Worried Rose looked at Sunset to see her shaking. Rose put her arm around Sunset and whispered in her ear “it’s going to be alright my love.” feeling Sunset stop shaking Rose and Sunset looked at Celestia and Luna as they finished their approach. > Chapter 7 Part 4 Important Discussion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose takes a deep breath and said “Hey Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna. What are you doing here in the cafeteria? Don’t the two of you always have a private lunch together? What could be so important that you would give up a private family tradition?” Luna just burst out laughing while Celestia looked at Rose and Sunset and said “Well Luna and I thought of something that we needed to say to the both of you in private and came to get you. We arrived in the cafeteria just before you started to speak to everyone. Before you say anything about it you should know that Luna and I think that a month is the perfect amount of time. However, I think we should grab our lunches and get to my office for the private conversation.” Rose and Sunset looked at their friends and said “Everybody we will meet you after school to discuss the arrangements for the wedding. However, do you think we could talk about it at Sweet Apple Acres with the Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo?” Everybody just nodded as Applejack looked at them and said “That’s not a problem. They always come over after school to hang out and play. Rose, I think you and Sunset should be the ones to ask Granny Smith if the wedding can be held on the property. If she says it’s okay I know the perfect spot. It’s the same spot my parents got married. When they said their vows my mother Pear Butter who was also known as Buttercup and my father Bright Macintosh both planted a seed. My mother planted a pear seed and my father planted an apple seed. Over the past eighteen years, the two seeds have grown into a perfect heart shape. If my grandma says it’s okay I think you should get married there as well. After all, you have done for me Rose my family decided to make you an honorary Apple family member.” Rose after hearing what Applejack said teared up and said “thank you so much Applejack. To be honest, you and the other girls are like the sisters I have never had and the fact that you would grant me permission to be married where your parents got married makes me so happy. We will see you all later goodbye.” Together Rose and sunset followed Rose’s Aunts to their office. Once everyone was seated rose looked at her aunts and said “Okay Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna what is so important that you couldn’t tell us in front of our friends?” Celestia looked at Luna who nodded and said “you tell her Celestia. You know how touchy I am when I talk about that subject. I know traditionally we would wait until the family member or members turn twenty-one to tell them. However after everything Rose has been through in the past few months along with finally accepting the loss of her family and moving on I know she is ready. As for Sunset since she came from Equestria she should know what to do.” Celestia nodded to Luna then turned back to Rose and Sunset and said “Rose there is something you need to know about our family that isn’t in the journal you have. You see everyone in our family has been able to use magic when they are born. But after the first three years, the magic stops until they turn twenty-one. However, you were very different your magic never stopped. So all of the family members who were twenty-one or older got together for an emergency meeting about what should be done about you because your magic was very destructive. A third of the adults said we should kill you. However, the rest of us agreed that we should use our power to seal away your magic. It was extremely complicated but we got the others to agree. So we sealed your magic away for what we thought would be forever. However, your magic was so strong that it took all of us to do it. Only your parents and us knew that your magic even though all us tried to seal it away was still there and you were still using it just not in the way you think. You see your magic changed and amplified to create your power to see the future. That ability is rare among our family your mother, Luna and I are the only ones who have the ability and we only acquired the ability after years of practice once our magic returned. You Rose, have had that ability since your fifth birthday, however, your mother sealed all those memories away and told me and Luna the password to unlock them if they were gone. So we have a question for you Rose do you want your memories back or not?” Rose thought for a second before she said “Wow, that is a lot to take in Aunt Tia. However, I think I need to know what I foresaw. There might be something important about what I foresaw. So yes I want my memories back.” Celestia then turned to Sunset and said “Sunset, I owe you an apology you see I know your mother in Equestria. Your mother and my sister Rose’s mother were best friends growing up. When Rose was born my sister, Rose and I went to Equestria via my sisters magic. Her specialty was portal and sealing magic. You were a year older than Rose and something happened to you and Rose that was so powerful we had to seal your memories away. I know the password to unlock your memories as well if you want me to. Don’t worry it’s not a bad thing that happened in your memory just something that you weren’t ready for. So the question I gave Rose applies to you as well do you want your memories back as well?” Sunset couldn’t say anything so she simply nodded and gave Rose a hug. Celestia went over to Sunset and said “Memory of Sunset and Rose I Celestia command you to unseal and return to your true owner.” The moment Sunset heard those her memory unlocked and her eyes widened. Celestia then walked over to Rose and said “Rose’s Destiny it’s time to begin so I Celestia command you to unlock your memories and return to your owner,” Like with Sunset the moment Rose heard those words her memory returned.the moment her memories returned she turned to Sunset to see that her fiance’s eyes had tears in them. Worried Rose went to Sunset and held her until she calmed down. > Chapter 7 Part 5 Memories Unsealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset’s Memory Sunset is three years old in her memory. Sunset and her mother Morning Spark are in the kitchen washing the dishes from the fresh baked cookies when there is a knock at the door. Sunset stayed in the kitchen while her mother went to answer the door. Sunset heard her mom say “Emerald, Tia, and Lulu how are you? It has been way too long and who is this adorable little colt?” Curious about who her mom was talking to Sunset walked into the hallway only to stop in her tracks at the site of three unknown unicorn mares. As Morning Spark lead the three mares into the hallway she looked at her daughter and said “It’s okay Sunset you can come out.” As soon as Sunset was beside her mother Morning Spark said “Emerald, I would like you to meet my daughter Sunset Shimmer. Sunset these are my oldest friends while I was growing up. The mare on the left is Emerald and her son Rhyme Script. The other two mares are Tia and Lulu.” Sunset nodded politely to the three mares and stepped closer to the colt. The moment her eyes met Rhymes Sunset felt an unknown feeling in her chest. It was a cross between a desire to protect him and the feeling she has for her family. The feelings were so unexpected that Sunset ended up passing out in the hallway. The moment Sunset passed out Emerald felt an extremely powerful magical flare come from her son. Worried she looked down and saw that even though her son was a thestral he was casting a spell. Emerald, Tia, and Lulu were all worried and cast a spell detection spell to determine what spell Rhyme was using. As the spell ended Emerald looked at Lulu and said “Lulu I need you to watch Rhyme for me and Tia I need you to watch over Sunset Shimmer. Morning Spark and I need to talk in private and yes it’s about what you think it is. After what just happened we have no choice.” Tia and Lulu nodded while Emerald and Morning Spark went into the living room. Once there Morning turned to Emerald and after casting three soundproofing spells yelled “Okay Emerald what the Tartarus just happened to my daughter and what in the name of Tirek was that spell your son cast.” Emerald took a deep breath and said “first off Morning Spark there are a few things you need to know. I have the ability to see the future. I know that sounds like a huge pile of horse manure but it’s the truth. While I was pregnant with my colt I foresaw that your daughter would try to take over Equestria by stealing the Element of Magic from the newest princess Twilight Sparkle and escaping to my world. Twilight will cross over into my world to recover the crown and my son will be alone and friendless because of rumors started by your daughter. However, my son will grow up wanting to be a girl but never say anything. By the time the crown is stolen me, my husband and Rhyme’s younger brother will be dead from a car crash. My son will still have his aunts Tia and Lulu but he will cut himself off from the world because he feels like he deserves it. However, he befriends six girls counting Twilight after she crosses over who accept him for who he is. In order to save the school from your daughter, my son will get the cafeteria all set up ahead of time and then challenge your daughter to a fight at lunch. Your daughter will win by almost killing my son and throwing him through the portal to Equestria. Where my ancestor Princess Luna and Celestia along with Princess Cadance will use a forbidden spell to save him because he is their descendant however it will change him into a unicorn mare. He will change his name to Morning Rose and return to his world to stop Sunset. However to stop Sunset Rose will jump in between the giant fireball your daughter launches at her friends and the moment the fireball touches her she awakens as the element of forgiveness and will realize that she loves Sunset Shimmer. The girls thinking that Rose is dead launches the Rainbow magic of Friendship at your daughter purging her of the evil. However, because she tried to kill two royal family members of Equestria the sentence will be death. However, Rose will step in and say that since she was the one that was targeted and almost killed she should decide her fate. The others will agree and Rose sentences her to learn about the magic of friendship. Your daughter, later on, will come to realize that she loves Rose and they will be extremely happy together. As for what spell my son cast. It was a bonding spell to bond his love and your daughters love together forever. Unfortunately, we can’t undo the spell but if you will allow it I can seal these memories away from your daughter until she is able to deal with them. What do you say?” Morning Spark just stared at her friend while she explained everything and after a moment of thought, she said “I knew you had a special ability to see the future. I never said anything because I didn’t think it was my place. I also know that what you see cannot be changed no matter what we try to do. So even though I don’t like it I agree both their memories should be sealed until they are ready.” With everything said the two friends return to the others to see that both Morning Rose and Sunset were still passed out. When Tia and Lulu saw them they said “I take it she knew about your ability all along and has agreed reluctantly to seal their memories away.” Morning Spark and Emerald just nodded while Emerald, Tia, and Lulu cast the memory sealing spell. However what Lulu and Tia didn’t know was that Emerald put the memory of her conversation in Sunset and Rhyme’s mind. While she was sealing it away. She also added a back door so that when Sunset shared the memory with Rhyme his memory will be unlocked as well. Once everything was done Emerald gave her friend one last goodbye before picking up Rhyme and disappearing with Tia and Lulu back to their world. Rose’s Memory Rhyme is only five when he wakes up from what he thinks is a nightmare. He runs to his mother and father’s room and said “Mommy, Daddy I had a nightmare it felt so real it scared me.” Emerald and Solid Knowing this was not a nightmare but a vision said “what’s wrong Sweetie?” Rhyme takes a deep breath and said “well I’m in high school and both you and Daddy are dead. When this one girl with what looks like fire for hair turns into a demon and attacks my six friends. To save them I jumped in between the fireball and my friends. The moment the fireball touches me I realize that I forgive the school for everything they did to me and realize that I love the girl with fire hair. She is sentenced to death and in order to save her, I make the decision to have her learn about friendship. Then we start to date and about a month later I propose to her with your ring mother. Then we travel to a world of ponies and invite her mother to the wedding in person. Do you know what’s going on Mommy? I only ask because I have a feeling that I have done this before?” Emerald not wanting to scare her son said “just close your eyes and fall asleep my little Rhyme. Come tomorrow morning you won’t remember the nightmare I promise everything is fine.” The moment Rhyme fell asleep Emerald cast the sealing spell on his memories of the vision. Once done she turns to her husband and said “Just seven more years before we move on. It’s time we started to prepare for the future and start teaching him what he will need to survive.” Her husband just nodded in agreement before they both go to sleep. > Chapter 7 Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rose and Sunset’s memories unlock both their eyes widen in surprise. Rose looked into her fiance’s eyes as she calmed down from her memory. Once Sunset was calm Rose looked at her love and said “Sunset, I want to share my memory that was sealed away with you. Will you trust me to cast the memory sharing spell with you, my love?” Sunset looked at Rose and said “I do trust you, my love. It’s just I want you to see my memory first. Because my memory is from my point of view and your mothers. You see as it turns out our mothers knew each other.” Rose thought for a minute before she leaned forward and gave Sunset a kiss. Once the kiss ended Rose looked Sunset in the eyes and said “In that case my love you should go first. Once your memory is finished I will show you mine. Because as it turns I have the ability to see the future. The memory I want to show you is a vision I had when I was five.” Sunset nodded to her love and cast the memory projection. As the memory played Sunset looked away in embarrassment. When it got to the part where Rose as a thestral cast a Soul Bonding Spell Rose, Celestia, and Luna all gasped but didn’t say anything. As the memory continued with Rose’s mom telling her friend about her vision of what Sunset would at CHS and about how Rose would stop her. As the memory finished playing Sunset looked at Rose and said “Thank you so much for everything you have done for me Rose. I didn’t know that you cast a spell on me when I was three that couldn’t be reversed. I am so happy to have you as my marefriend and I now know for a fact that you are my destiny.” Rose blushed at the compliment and said “Thank you so much, my love. I’m glad my mother accepted you. I am also happy that she already knew we were going to get married. Anyway, I guess it’s my turn. But before I show you my memory my love I want you to know that I don’t blame you and that I love you with all my heart and soul.” Once Rose received a nod from Sunset Rose played her memory. As Rose’s memory played Rose snuggled closer to Sunset scared of how she was going to react. Once the memory played the part where Rose told her parents about her nightmare or vision everyone gasped. Rose felt Sunset tense up as the memory continued to play. However, she relaxed when she saw the part about rose and her going to see her mother in Equestria and invite her to the wedding. As the memory drew to a close rose looked up into Sunsets eyes just in time for Sunset to place a kiss on her love and destiny. Once the kiss broke Sunset said “Well I guess it’s time for us to go visit my mother and invite her to the wedding. After all, she already knows that we are dating because of your mother. Let’s go see her after school today.” Rose just nodded at her love and together they headed to class after saying goodbye to Celestia and Luna. > Chapter 7 Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the bell rang signaling that school was over for the day Rose grabbed her loves hand and together they went to the portal hand in hand. As they approached the portal Rose asked “Are you ready to go see your mom my lovely Sunset? After all, we got to invite her to our wedding.” Sunset nodded and together they walked through the portal. After the swirl of magic both Rose and Sunset stand on all four hooves now being a pony. As Rose looked over at her fiance she gasped. Rose knew her fiance was going to look nice but she didn’t expect her to look like the setting sun as a pony. In other words, in Rose’s eyes, Sunset looked like a goddess. As they stood up four ponies walked into two of them were the guards that are assigned to protect Rose the other two were Lucky Rose and Celestia. As soon as Celestia walked in Sunset hid behind Rose to calm herself. After all, she nearly killed Celestia’s descendant and stole the Element of Magic from Twilight. Once she was calm she came out from behind Rose and said in a scared tone of voice “Princess Celestia I owe you an apology. The way I left Equestria and what I have done since is a memory I wish I could change. However, I think you should know that Rose’s mother knew all this would happen because she could see the future. Anyways apparently what I did was destined to happen no matter what and I am truly sorry. On a happier note as I am sure you have noticed because it is on my horn but in a months time on the other side of the mirror Rose and I will be getting married.” Celestia smiled and said in a caring tone of voice “Dearest Sunset I am not mad at you. In fact to be honest I am actually proud of you for learning the true lesson I was trying to teach you. As for your wedding congratulations, I know you and Rose will be perfect for each other. Anyways sunset I have three ponies to introduce to you. The two guard ponies are Rose’s personal guard and since you two are getting married as long as you or Rose are in Equestria they will protect you. The other pony is going to be Rose and your second in the herd her name is Lucky Rose and like Rose, she has amazing potential. I know you are going to visit your mother so I’ll leave you be.” With everything said Celestia and Lucky Rose left. Rose looked at Solar and Lunar Armor and said “Thank you once again for protecting me while I’m here. In fact, if you want you two can come to our wedding in a months time if you want. After everything you have done for me, I think it is only right that you attend the wedding.anyways think about it while we go to Sunset’s mom's house.” Fifteen minutes later Rose and Sunset walk up to Sunset’s childhood home. Rose and Sunset took a deep breath and knocked three times. After a minute of waiting the door opens and standing there is Sunset’s mother. The moment they looked at Morning Spark they knew what they needed to do. Sunset took a deep breath and said “ hello mother. Before we get to you telling me I am a disgrace you should know that my memory has been unsealed along with Rhyme Script or should I say Morning Rose’s memory. We know that we were bonded through a spell she cast when she was a year old. We also know that you knew her mother and that you knew I was going to try to kill her. I just want to say thank you so much for everything you have done and for raising me to be the best pony I can. On a happier note, Rose and I will be getting married in a months time and we want to invite you to the wedding. If you decide to go we will come and get you the day before the wedding.” Morning Spark smiled and said “first off congratulations on the engagement and you are right I did know about everything you did. Second I am not disappointed in you, as a matter of fact, I am very proud of you. Lastly, I would be honored to attend your wedding. As for you Morning Rose if you ever want to talk about your parents feel free to come visit me. Anyway, I need to get some stuff ready for the wedding, especially for you Rose. I’ll talk to you later.” Sunset and Rose said their goodbyes to Morning Spark and headed back to the portal. As they approached the portal Rose asked “So Solar and Lunar have you decided whether or not to come to the wedding?” Both Solar and Lunar nod before Solar said “Yes we have your highness. We have decided to accept your invitation and attend your wedding. When the date is set let us know and we will be there. Goodbye, your highness.” With everything said and done Rose and Sunset turned and walked through the portal. After the swirling magic, Rose and Sunset stood to see a gorgeous sunset which they just stood and watched till the moon rose and they walked home hand in hand. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 23 6:00 am A week has now passed since Rose proposed to Sunset and the preparations were coming along perfectly. Rose and Sunset over the last week noticed that whenever their friends played their instruments they would pony up. Rose could even see the magic inside the girls after the first pony up. Rose and Sunset had also stopped by Applejack’s house and asked Granny Smith if they could get married in Sweet Apple Acres. They were worried that she would say no but were pleasantly surprised when she said yes. Rose and Sunset decided to have cereal and coffee before heading to school. As they ate they discussed the wedding. At seven they headed out to school hand in hand. As they approached the school Celestia and Luna approached Sunset. Once Celestia and Luna were close enough Luna said “Sunset, today just before lunch there will be three new students showing up and we were wondering if you would like to show them around? If you don’t want to we can get someone else to show them around if you don’t want to.” Sunset thought for a few moments before she said “I will show them around the school. After all, it will be better for them to know the new me and not the destroy the school and trying to take over the student body. I’m not the same student I was back then and it is mainly because of Morning Rose that I changed for the better.” Rose Nuzzled her fiance and said in a loving and caring tone of voice “you are wrong my love. You changed because you wanted to and knew you were wrong.” Sunset returned the nuzzle and together with Rose and Sunset went to the auditorium to help set up for the Musical Showcase. However, the moment they entered the auditorium all the happy talking seemed to freeze. Sunset and Rose decided to offer to help out the Cutie Mark Crusaders. As they approached the Crusaders Sunset pulled out a paintbrush and said “Hey girls do you want any help?” The Crusaders looked at each other for a second and after turning back to Sunset Applebloom said in a nervous and scared tone “ No thanks Sunset. We are all good here.” Sunset recognizing the tone looks away and said “Oh. okay, have a good day. Also, I am sorry for all the hardships I have caused you. I understand you are scared of me and you have every right to be. So until you are ready I will leave all of you alone. I am truly sorry.” Sunset getting upset turned and walked with Rose over to their friends where Pinkie was waved at them and said “Rose, Sunset over here.” As Rose and Sunset approached their friends Sunset said “ I had no idea the whole school would be here.” Fluttershy realizing that Sunset was getting upset placed a comforting hand on Sunset’s shoulder while Pinkie Pie and Rarity hold up their poster. While holding up the poster Rarity said “Quite the eye-catching advertisement. If I do say so myself.” The moment Rarity finished talking Pinkie added “And it smells like cake.” Fluttershy upon hearing that said while leaning in to smell the poster “It does?” Pinkie puts the poster in Fluttershy’s face getting it on her face as she said “Of course it does. I used frosting instead of paint.” Applejack seeing the frosting on Fluttershy's face said while pointing it out “Fluttershy you got a little something there.” Fluttershy does a quick wipe and asked “did I get it?” Applejack chuckles and said “Not exactly. Here let me help you.” Applejack pulls out a cloth and wipes all the frosting off with a look of love in her eyes that only Fluttershy and Rose caught. A moment later Celestia and Luna walk in as Celestia said “ Good afternoon students. I just wanted to tell you all how pleased I am that so many of you are going to participate in the first ever Canterlot High Musical Showcase.” as Celestia Finished talking there was a round of cheers from everyone in the room. As it died down Celestia continued to say “This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for all the afterschool activities here at C.H.S. so keep working on those signs and posters. I think it is going to be one of the most exciting events to happen at C.H.S. since the fall formal.” At those words, everyone glared at Sunset except for Rose and the girls. Sunset feeling horrible about how she behaved slumped to the floor. The girls realizing that Sunset was upset went on with their day while Rose comforted Sunset. Once Sunset was calmed down Rose and Sunset went to class. As the bell rang signaling that class was over Rose and Sunset went to the music room to meet up with the girls for practice. Rose stood by the door while sunset sat on the piano. A few minutes later the girls showed up and got ready to practice. Sunset looking down in the dumps said “I'm never going to live that down.” Fluttershy looked over and said, “you were pretty bad.” Sunset getting upset again said “She-demon. I turned into a raging she-demon.” Pinkie Pie feeling left out said “And tried to turn everyone here into zombies for your own personal army. Before Rose stopped you and saved your life.” Rarity seeing that what Pinkie said upset Sunset said “aww darling you have us and we have forgiven you for your past boo-boos.” Applejack then said, “ Personally I think the whole event has brought everyone at C.H.S. closer together.” As Applejack finished talking they all started to practice their songs. As they all played they started to pony up. As the song comes to an end rarity said “I can’t believe that happens whenever we play. I got to look into some new accessories. Maybe some clip-on earrings for when I get those adorable pony ears. Maybe a cute hair tie for when I get those longer manes.” Applejack then said a little curious “I just wonder why it happens. I mean Twilight took the crown back to Equestria. So shouldn’t that mean she took the magic back with her.” Rainbow Dash looked at her with excitement and said “who cares why it happens. It makes my band totally awesome.” Rarity taking offense to that said, “ excuse me your band.” Rainbow walks over to her and said “duh.it was my idea to create a band so we could take part in the musical showcase. Plus I’m the lead guitarist and songwriter.” At the moment Flash sentry came in and said “ I heard your music from outside. You are sounding really tight. By the way, any chance our friend from out of town will be stopping by. I mean with it being a charity event and all.” Applejack knowing who he was talking about said “I’m sorry flash but I don’t think Twilight will be back anytime soon.” Flash hiding his hurt said, “ okay I just thought I would ask.” After Flash left there was an announcement on the pa system that said “Sunset Shimmer please report to the main foyer, please. Once again Sunset Shimmer to the main foyer. Thank you.” Sunset hearing the announcement said goodbye to her friends and left to show the new students around. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the girls except Sunset headed to lunch. The girls had grabbed their preferred meals and sat down and began to eat. Rose was talking to the girls about the wedding preparations when Sunset walked up with a worried expression fifteen minutes later. As soon as Sunset sat down Applejack asked “so how did the tour go Sunset?” Sunset looked at everyone and said “ I don’t know. I mean these girls there was something off about them.” Pinkie Pie jumped in doing all sorts of weird things while she said “ Off like this. Or off like this. Or off like this.” Thankfully Rainbow Dash came to the rescue and said “ Why don’t you let her explain Pinkie.” Sunset looking confused said “ that’s just it I can’t put my finger on it. They just sort of acted strange around me. Perhaps someone has already told them about what I did.” Fluttershy just nodded before she said “oh that’s probably not it. After all, everybody at school knows you have changed. You try to help out others. Even if they don’t want your help.” As Fluttershy finished talking the sirens came into the cafeteria and started to sing a really weird song. However, the moment they started to sing Rose started to feel her magic activate on its own. The surge of magic was so strong that she transformed into a unicorn and passed out. Even though she was passed out she could still see and hear everything that was going on. Rose could even hear the sirens true intentions in the song and picked up on part of their plan. The part that she picked up was them thinking we the sirens are going to steal the Equestrian magic so we can get back home to Equestria. With the Principal and Vice Principle under our spell, there is no one who can stop us. After that her mind protected itself and Rose went unconscious. All the girls worried about Rose picked her up and rushed her to the nurse's room. As they entered the room Rose woke up with a start. Rose looked around and upon seeing all her friends said “Girls we have a big problem. Those three girls aren’t from this world they are called the Sirens and they are from Equestria. They are planning to steal our Equestrian magic so they can create a portal to return to Equestria. We need to warn Twilight and the other Princesses. They need to prepare for battle. I just don’t know how we are going to warn them. I would go and tell them but seeing as I have transformed into a full unicorn and the fact that the spell my body cast to protect me has weakened me I can’t go to them. What’s even worse is that they even have Celestia and Luna in this world under their spell. Which is why we are having a battle of the bands. Anyone have another idea?” Sunset’s eyes go wide as she rushes to her locker with the girls right behind her except for Rose. as Sunset and the girls approach her locker Sunset said as she pulled out a dusty old journal “Back when I was Celestia’s pupil she gave me a book so we could always be in contact. I haven’t used it since I came to this world and I just hope it works. The book uses magic to transfer whatever I write in mine to an identical copy in Celestia’s personal chambers. If it still works I can send a message to her telling her what has happened and to put everyone in her charge on alert.” Rarity grabbed a pen and said “well what are you waiting for get to writing. We believe in you, my dear.” Sunset took a deep breath and said “it’s been a long time since I have written these words.” Once she was done speaking she wrote Dear Princess Celestia. It is me Sunset Shimmer I am writing to you with some horrible news the Sirens that Starswirl had banished are here at our school and are trying to steal the Equestrian magic. I am writing to warn you so you can put everypony on alert. We are going to try to stop them but there is no guarantee that we will be able to stop them. I hope you are well your old student Sunset Shimmer. As soon as Sunset finished writing the book glowed with a bright light verifying that the message was sent. As they were walking towards the nurse's office to give Rose the good news the book vibrated. Sunset opened the book and once they were in the nurse’s office read  “My dearest Sunset Shimmer I thank you for the warning. We have put all the guards on alert and cast a spell to notify me if an unauthorized portal appears. Also, I am sending Twilight to help you out please take care of her for she is a very important leader in Equestria. Be safe and my Celestia’s Sun watch over you.” as she finished reading everyone said “Twilight is coming. Let’s hope she will be able to help us out of this jam.” Rose feeling a whole lot better looks at her friends and said “we should go wait by the portal for Twilight. We will need to be there to do what we can.  By the way, I have been meaning to thank you for not asking me to join the band. You see I am horrible in front of others when it comes to music. Or I should say that I don’t have the confidence for it. Anyway, let’s get outside Twilight should be here any moment now.” As rose finished talking everyone headed outside to wait for Twilight and Spike. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the girls except Rose were outside waiting for Twilight to show up when Speedy walked over with a worried look. Rarity being the first to notice the look of concern on their friends face asked “Speedy are you alright? You look like something bad has happened. You okay?” Speedy looked at the group and shook his head. “I don't know.” he said “Ever since those three girls showed up everyone's been pissed at each other. When they sang in the lunch area everyone was at each other's throats in a snap. Yet I didn't feel upset or anything, just feel off.” “Anything you want us to do Sugarcube?” Applejack said with everyone agreeing. Speedy shrugged and shook his head no. “Nah. Just keep an eye on them I guess. I gotta head back to the auto shop before I take Shine to Rarity’s to hang out with Sweetie Belle. She wants to be a Christian singer. You believe that?” Rarity chuckled as she wiped a stray tear “Well Sweetie Belle does have an excellent singing voice. They should have fun then.” “Okay then. If you need me you know where to find me.” Speedy said as he walked around the school. “You think some of that Equestrian magic rubbed off on him?” Rarity said as the group walked towards the school. The rest shrugged as Sunset opened the door and let everyone in. Sunset realized that they forgot about Princess Twilight. Sunset looked at the girls and said “Hey everybody we forgot about Twilight. We got so caught up in talking to Speedy that we forgot that Twilight was coming through the portal.” As Sunset finished talking she heard a gasp from her friends as they all hurried to the portal to see it glowing. A minute later Twilight ran out of the portal with Spike right behind her. As soon as they got through Twilight asked “ how is everyone doing today? Wait for a second where is Rose at? I thought she would’ve been here to greet me.” Sunset looked off to the side as Twilight looked at her for answers. Sunset decided to just tell Twilight what happened to Rose quickly so as to get it over with. Sunset looked Twilight in the eyes and said “ Twilight I have some good news and some bad news. What one would you like first?” Twilight upon hearing that there was bad news answered “Sunset, please tell me what the bad news is first. That way the good news will make me feel better after hearing the bad news.” Sunset nodded to Twilight and said “Twilight, the bad news is Rose passed out when the sirens came into the lunchroom and started to sing. None of the rest of us were really that affected by it. As for the good news, Rose and I are getting married and I would be honored if you were to be one of my bridesmares.” Twilight upon hearing about Rose passing out and about the engagement was both worried and at the same time jumping for joy. Twilight looked at the girls and said “Girls please take me to see Rose. As for if I will be one of your bridesmares the answer is yes. I would love to be one of your bridesmares.” As Twilight finished talking the seven friends walked into the school infirmary. Upon arriving Twilight rushes to Roses side and after making sure that Rose was physically fine said “well I know why she passed out. She passed out because the moment the sirens started to sing her magic started to evolve. There is also a good chance that you six will gain magic abilities.” Sunset looked at Twilight and said “Actually Twilight you're a little late on that. We will show you what we mean after school. As a matter of fact, I think Speedy is gaining magic as well. You see just before you showed up Twilight Speedy said that the sirens made everyone else act weird but he didn’t feel anything happen to him.” > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Sunset was talking to the princess Speedy walked past the infirmary just in time to hear Sunset tell Twilight that she thinks he is gaining magic. Speedy's eyes widened in surprise before looking at the group of friends. As he walked to the auto shop he thought about the possibility of gaining magic powers. ‘Me gaining magic powers?’ Speedy thought as he walked down the hallway ‘I mean it might make sense. I have been getting stronger lately and sis has said I have been more muscular.’ Snapping out of his thoughts he soon entered the shop and met with his sister and friends. “Hey Speedy” his sister Shinelight said as she hugged them “We going to finally practice today?” Speedy chuckled as he tousled her hair ‘Of course sis. Just have to see if Song and Caramel are up for our theme.” sure enough as he finished talking his other two bandmates Caramel and Songbird entered the shop “What about the theme Speedster?” Song said as she hugged their youngest singer. “Yeah,” Caramel said, “What are we planning for our first song?” Speedy thought about it and gave a grin “How well are you with a compilation of different themes? That way we can play what themes we like and not have problems deciding.” the trio seemed to enjoy their leader's decision and all gave their agreement. “And I have the perfect song for our first song,” Speedy said. Meanwhile, the girls tried to use their power to stop the sirens from destroying the whole school. In the end because Rose wasn't there and Twilight didn't cast a musical spell they failed. The girls all enter the infirmary just as Rose regains consciousness. Upon seeing this they rush over to her and asked “Rose are you okay? You have been unconscious for a while now. We were starting to get worried about you. By the way, Twilight showed up and we have a very strong feeling that Speedy is gaining magic powers like the rest of us.” Rose looked at the group of friends and especially her marefriend and said “I am so so so sorry to worry you all. So Speedy is gaining magic as well. Well, to be honest, I thought this might happen. He seems to represent the element of courage. After all, he was the one to take me to the infirmary when flash attacked me. For the rest let's meet at Pinkie Pie’s house for a sleepover and to catch up.” After receiving a nod of agreement everyone went to class. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After school had finished for the day all the girls met up to head to the slumber party at Pinkie’s. However, as they were about to head out to Rose looked at her friends and said “Hey everyone. I think we should invite Speedy to our slumber party. What do you guys think?” After receiving a nod of agreement from everyone Rose turned around and saw Speedy coming out of the school. Rose walks over and said “Speedy do you have a minute to talk?” “Sure Rose. What's up?” Speedy said as he leaned against the statue. “ I was wondering if you want to join us for a slumber party tonight? We all agreed that since you are developing magic you should be able to join us. So what do you say Speedy? Will you join us?” asked Rose. Speedy thought for a moment before he answered “ I'm sorry Rose but as an opponent, in the Battle of the Bands I can't join you. However, I can the next time you decide to have one. Thank you so much, my friends, for the offer. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon at the competition.” Rose looked at Speedy and said “Actually no you won't Speedy. You see I can't sing very well. As a matter of fact, I freeze up in front of others. However, I can sing very well as a backup singer but that's it. Whenever I try to sing lead I can't hit the right notes and I forget the right lyrics. It doesn't help that I can hear the Sirens true thoughts as they sing. Anyways have a good day Speedy and good luck with the Battle of the Bands.” Speedy was worried about Rose but hid it from her as he walked away. As Rose saw Speedy walk away she turned around and saw all her friends looking at her with worry. Wondering what was wrong Rose asked “Hey everyone what's wrong? You look like you just heard something unexpected.” Rarity was the first one to respond with a worried tone of voice “ Rose, why didn't you tell us that you were a backup singer? We didn't know that about you. We never asked you because we didn't want to bring up bad memories. If we had known we would have asked you to be in the band.” Rose chuckled and said “No worries my friends. Like I told Speedy I can't sing very well and right now we need to focus on the task at hand. That means it's party time, however, I will be sitting this one out. I'm exhausted from earlier today when I collapsed. Besides this gives you all a chance to bond with Twilight without me. I know what you are going to say but it is for the best. After all Twilight needs to work on the musical spell and the rest of you need to focus because I know that you have been arguing with each other over small things. You need to stop or we are going to fail against the Sirens. Anyways goodnight my friends I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun tonight my beautiful Sunset and remember what I said.” With everything said Rose went home and collapsed in her bed. As soon as Rose fell asleep she appeared in a realm full of stars. Scared she cried out for Princess Luna. What Rose didn't know is that she somehow opened a portal beneath her and fell into Equestria right in front of Princess Luna. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna gasped in surprise as Rose falls in front of her. However, the first thing she noticed was that Rose was having a nightmare. Luna not being able to stand seeing her granddaughter scared laid down and entered the Dream Realm. Soon as Luna appeared in the Dream Realm she saw Rose curled up in a ball crying. Luna walked over to Rose and said “Stand up my granddaughter. You are safe now. Please tell me what's wrong my beautiful granddaughter?” Rose got shakily to her hooves and said “I am so sorry Luna. All I know is that I went to bed and woke up here. I was so scared I cried out for you Luna because well you are the one who sacrificed everything to save me. If you don't mind can you please tell me where we are at. “ Luna realized that Rose must be destined to take over the Dream Realm. So she took a deep calming breath and said “Rose, the first thing you should know is that you are currently in Equestria. Somehow you were able to open up a portal in your sleep and fell through it and landed right in front of me. The second thing you should know is that we are currently in the Dream Realm and if you are willing to learn I will teach you everything I know about it. Thirdly Celestia and I need to talk to you tomorrow evening at dinner. Believe me, it is very important. So, my granddaughter, do you want me to teach you.” Rose thought for a minute before she said “Luna I would be honored to learn about the Dream Realm. However, I am curious why are you willing to teach me about the Dream Realm?” Luna knew that she needed to talk to Celestia before telling Rose said “Rose, that is the reason why Celestia and I need to talk to you in private at dinner. I can't say anything about it at the moment but know that you will be getting a great honor soon. Anyway, let's begin your lesson.” The rest of the night was passed in peace as Luna taught Rose exactly how to navigate through the Dream Realm. Soon it was time for Luna to set the moon so she woke up both her and Rose. After Luna set the moon she turned to Rose and said “I will see you tonight my granddaughter. Remember that I love you and will always be there for you.” Rose smiled and opened a portal home. Once she arrived home she got dressed and went about her day. Meanwhile, the moment Rose left Luna teleported into Celestia’s room and said “Sister something incredible happened last night. You see Rose opened up a portal from her world and landed in front of me in her sleep. But what really surprised me is that Rose was in the Dream Realm. I found out the moment I saw her in the Dream Realm that she is destined to be the princess of the Dream Realm. I knew I had to talk to you about it before I told her anything so what do you say, sister?” Celestia thought about it for a minute before she said “I agree with you, my sister. Rose not only saved Twilight but she is also dating Lucky Rose and is related to us. The fact that she can dream walk is proof that she is ready. We will tell her tonight. Anyways I will see you at breakfast in ten minutes.” > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose walked into the school music room and sat down to wait for her friends to show up. While waiting for her friends she thought about what happened last night and whether or not she should tell them. Rose decided not to tell her friends just as they arrived in the room looking worried. Rose walked over to them and said “hey girls how are you? You look worried about something. Wait let me guess the song is not complete yet and to make matters worse it isn't working right?” Twilight nodded and said “your right Rose the song is not ready yet. Plus for some reason, the song refuses to activate our magic. To be honest with you my friends I don't know what I am doing.” Rose thought for a moment before she said “ Look this may just be my imagination but I don't think it matters what song you play. As long as you play it with all your heart it should work. Actually, Fluttershy has written a great song that will work. By the way, I am not going to be able to help you with the Battle of the Bands tonight. My beautiful Sunset can I talk to you in private for a moment?” Sunset followed Rose to an empty classroom and sat down. Rose looked at Sunset and said “Sunset last night I fell asleep and appeared in a realm full of stars and it scared me extremely bad. But what is really weird is that a portal opened up beneath me and dropped me off right in front of Princess Luna. She said something about me receiving a great honor soon but couldn't say anything about it. She also requested me to come to dinner with her and Celestia. I thought about telling our friends but I didn't want to distract them. However, I don't want to keep secrets from my beautiful goddess so I am telling you everything.” Sunset looked at Rose with pure love and said “you Rose are my lovely star mare. Thank you so much for telling me. I'll stay here and help stop the sirens at all costs. Rose, you should go to Equestria and spend time with Luna and Celestia I'll let your aunts know what is going on.” Rose blushed and said “thank you so much, my love. Calling me your lovely star mare makes me feel so happy. Please tell my aunt's I will talk to them later. See you soon my beautiful goddess. I love you.” When Rose finished speaking she gave Sunset a kiss that was so strong it seemed like time and space vanished from the world. As soon as they broke the kiss Rose nuzzled into Sunset and opened a portal to Equestria before walking through it. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose appeared through the portal she opened in the dining room of the Canterlot castle. As she appeared in the dining room she sees both Luna and Celestia looking at her with a smile on their face. Rose looked at them with a curious smile on her face. She walks over and nuzzles them. After she was done she looked at them and said “well grandma and auntie I took the day off so I could spend it with you and if she is here Lucky Rose. I also need one of you to find out what her horn ring size is. Because I am planning to go to the jewelers and have an engagement ring made for her. Lastly could you please ask her to come to dinner with us?” Celestia looked at Luna who nodded in agreement before Celestia dismissed the castle staff for about half an hour. Once it was just the three of them Celestia put up a soundproof shield around the room and said “Firstly Rose, Lucky Rose's horn size is 12. Second, we were going to wait until tonight but now is the perfect time for you to know Rose. You see all the alicorns have a certain feeling or item that only we can truly control. For example, Luna's is the moon whereas mine is the sun, Twilight gets her power from friendship and Cadance gets hers from love. Last night Luna found out what yours is. You see Rose your alicorn magic comes from the Dream Realm and as such only you can truly affect the Dream Realm. Thus today we will be announcing you as the Princess of Dreams. By the way, while you were gone Lucky Rose ascended to alicornhood and has the title of Princess of the Stars. Anyways enough heavy stuff why don't you call for your personal guard and go shopping for the ring.” Rose nodded and as soon as the shield was down said “Lunar and Solar you may come in.” after Rose had called out for them they walked in and bowed. After they rose Rose looked at Lunar and asked “Lunar would you please help me look for the perfect engagement ring for Lucky Rose? I plan to ask her to marry me tonight under the moon and stars. While we are out my grandma and auntie are going to announce me as the Princess of Dreams and Portals. As always thank you so much for protecting me.” Lunar nodded and said “I would be honored to help you find the perfect ring. Also, you should know that my husband and I have requested to be your full-time personal guards. Both in this world and yours and it has been approved. By the time we get back a nice sized house big enough for fifteen ponies to live in comfort will be completed. Anyways we best be off now.” With everything done the three ponies left to find the perfect ring. An hour later Rose returned to the castle with the perfect ring. As she entered Celestia saw her and informed her that Lucky Rose will be here for a private dinner and that Rarity has a new dress for her in her room. Sure enough, when Rose got to her room there was a dress that looked exactly like the night sky. Seven hours later found Rose pacing her room waiting for her marefriend to appear. Soon enough there was a knock on the door as Rose answers it. Once Rose opened the door there standing before her was her marefriend in a magnificent blueish green dress that matched her eyes. Rose snapped out of the shock and said “are you ready for the best night ever my love?” Lucky surprised that Morning was wearing a dress that looked exactly like her night sky just nodded. She took Rose's hand and they went to the best formal restaurant in Canterlot. After they finished eating Rose took Lucky on a flight to a cloud directly under the full moon. As they landed Rose looked at Lucky and after getting down on one knee asked “Lucky Rose you are always there for me and I love you with all my heart and soul just as much as I love Sunset Shimmer. I was wondering if you would do me the honor of marrying me? It would make me so happy and I understand if you don't want to.” Lucky Rose after looking at the ring which was made out of diamonds and looked like the stars in the sky looked at Morning Rose and kissed her on the lips as time stood still. After she broke the kiss she said “Morning shut the buck up. Of course, I will marry you. I love you with all my being and I always will. Would you and Sunset be willing to move here?” Rose thought for a moment before she answered “I'll have to discuss it with Sunset but I think it would work.” As Rose finished speaking she slid the ring into place on her soon to be mare and they flew home. Once Rose got to her room she said goodbye before opening up a portal to Canterlot high arriving just in time for the battle of the bands with Lunar and Solar by her side ready for battle. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose hurried to her car and grabbed the armor and sword that was passed down in the family for generations. As Rose, Lunar, and Solar approached the car they saw Vinyl Scratch leaning against it. Rose wondering what is going on asked “ Vinyl what are you doing out here by my car? Sorry, I would chat with you but I need to hurry and help all my friends and even though they might not approve the Sirens.” Vinyl looked at Rose and pulled out a pair of headphones and said “ Rose, I know how you reacted to the Sirens music the last time you heard it. So after talking with your friends, we came up with the idea for you to wear these headphones to block out their music. I have been waiting here for about fifteen minutes to give them to you so you could go help your friends or should I say, family.” Rose shocked that Vinyl thought about that nodded and took the headphones and put them in her ears. Rose could still hear but the sound was distorted. Giving Vinyl a thumbs up Rose unlocked her trunk and got dressed for battle. Little did Rose know that Lunar and Solar were able to conjure wings. For that is exactly what Solar did he sprouted wings and flew into the air to keep an eye out for danger against his princess. About five minutes later Rose reappears in full armor with her bonded sword at her side. After she reappeared from her car her and her guards ran to the battle. As Rose was about to charge on stage she heard banging coming from the room below. Fearing it was her friends Rose hurried to the door. Soon as Rose got to the room she used her magic to unlock the door. With that done she opened the door to find all her friends standing to the side. As soon as she saw her friends she gave each one a nod before she said “ okay girls are you ready for the Battle of the Bands or are you going to just stand there and let the Sirens takeover the school. I personally am not willing to let them take over the school. Because I gave my oath to protect both this world and Equestria. I would like for you to join me but if you don’t want to join me in this battle I understand. By the way Sunset, I would like to introduce you to Lunar and Solar Eclipse. They are going to be our personal guards while we are in both this world and Equestria. They are also going to protect Lucky Rose. By the way, I have good news for everyone later tonight at my place. So who is with me in this fight for our lives?” Once Rose finished speaking everyone in the room nodded and Sunset walked over to Rose and whispered in her ear “ I’ll always be with you my darling wife to be. Whether it is during happy times or in war I’ll always be by your side to protect the ones I love.” As soon as Rose heard those words she gave her fiance a kiss before as one everyone left the room to head to the Battle of the Bands. Once they were close enough everyone started to pony up and that was before the girls even began to set up. As the girls started to set up for their counter song Rose stood guard as Solar flew high in the air to watch for danger. As she was standing guard she noticed Speedy approach with pony ears and tail. Noticing this Rose smiled as he finished his approach and said “ Hey there Speedy welcome to the world of magic and friendship. We already know what the Sirens are up to and are about to start our song to stop them. If you want to help you can stay by their side and protect them. You see I know you know how to fight and I will need someone I trust to protect them while I fly into battle and stop them with my bonded sword. Will you do that for me?” Speedy had a shocked look on his face as he said “ are you sure Rose? I only ask because the two standing with you look like they have a lot more experience in protecting then I do. Wouldn’t you want them to protect them.” Rose looked at Speedy and responded “look Speedy your right. I could have them protect them and they would do an excellent job. However, they don’t know our friend's movements and thoughts as well as you do. That alone makes you the better choice. Solar will be flying by my side to protect me while Lunar will be staying at your back up. What do you say Speedy will you please protect my friends and my fiance?” Speedy thought for a moment before he said “ Thy trust in mine skills shall not go unnoticed. I shall be most honored to protect thine friends and wife to be.” Rose upon hearing the formal language blushed and headed out to battle. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Speedy protecting her friends Rose ponied up and took flight with Solar flying close by. As Rose got closer and closer to the Sirens she saw three giant seaport spirits emerge from the Sirens pendants. Once she got within range the spirits attacked with a slash of their claws. Rose dodged to the left and then she dodged the tail to her head by flying straight up and then finally dodging the second swipe of the claws to the right and using her magic threw the sword at the nearest one. The sword missed the spirit but then it reappeared in Rose's hand just in time for her to block an attack. However, as she blocked it another spirit was about to attack her from behind. Solar seeing the attack soared down on the spirit and slashed the spirit drawing blood and stopping the first spirit once and for all. However, he was distracted and knocked unconscious by the third spirit which was holding back and watching. Waiting for an opening to strike. Rose saw Solar start to fall. Realizing what had happened Rose dropped her sword and dived for her guard. However, as she dived the second spirit took the opportunity to give Rose a deep gash on her back that caused her to swerve off track. However Rose used her magic to temporarily block the pain. Rose recovered her balance and soared down to Solar. Rose was able to catch Solar just in time. Once she had Solar in her arms she started hearing her friends start to sing the song not gonna bring me down. Rose decided to take Solar to her friends to recover. As Rose took Solar to her friends she started to feel the magic from her friends. As she set Solar down there was a blast of magic from her friends that gave Rose a deep transformation into her alicorn form. The blast of magic also weakened the spirit of the Sirens. Because of the blast of magic, the weaker one of the spirits got deep cuts from the magic. That left just one more spirit for Rose to stop. Rose, realized that the only way to stop the last one was to send a blast of her magic combined with the magic of her friends at the last Siren. So once the song reached its zenith Rose shot a bolt of magic at the Siren at the same time as her friends. The resulting blast of magic shattered all the Sirens pendants. The results were that all the Sirens were not only unconscious but badly injured. Rose finally passed out from exhaustion and ended up in the Astral Plane. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Rose realised that she was in the Astral Plane she cast a spell to wake her up. When she woke up she saw That the whole school was destroyed. Not willing to accept that Rose cast a time traveling spell to go back in time to just before Speedy and his band started to setup for their chance to compete. Rose seeing Speedy decides to wait until he is done competing to tell him. “Oh hey Rose" Speedy said as he waved at her “You come to watch us play? We were about to head out on stage.” Rose nodded.while taking in the bands attire. Speedy was dressed in a black and silver suit similar to one from a old mafia movie while wearing a black fedora with a red rim. Speedy's sister Shinelight was wearing a black and red corset with a matching skirt and a small blue bow in her hair.. “Why are you guys dressed like that?” Rose said curious “You look like robots with the suits and facepaint.” “Well that's the point.” Shine said “We're supposed to be a steampunk band. We dress like this because it fits the theme and use face paint and makeup to make ourselves look like robots. Trust us, you'll see when we start playing.”  Sure enough Speedy's band was called to stage and the group got ready to play. Caramel went to his place on the drums while Songbird took her place on the keyboard. Speedy grabbed his bass guitar and stood behind his sister while she stood at the mic looking out to the crowd of students and faculty members. Clearing her throat Shine gave a signal as Song starred playing on her keyboard. (Attune your ears to the grinding gears) Come with me I'll show you how to be a metal man When the gears are turning and the fires are burning When the world ticks around you, voices talking all the time And you live for sleep you've never slept because you cannot sleep Colonel Walter was shocked when he learned from the Nile Copper African elephants turning hostile So he built these wonderful automaton blokes And a very big steam powered giraffe that smokes Now the war is passed and over We're left to sit and wonder What is life and what is real? And why do living things need feeling? (One, two, three) La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da How'd you like to try pumping lead through your veins Or have a heart so wet and cold it starts rusting When the world ticks around you, voices talking all the time You live for feelings you've never felt because you cannot feel And what is this leaking affecting my eye? Does the oil that is dripping mean this is a cry? Will I ever be something with feelings to hide? Or am I just a boiler with nothing inside? I want all today Don't want to hear you say You can't do this, you can't do that You're not a living thing with feeling (One, two, three) La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da Wind me up, turn the gears                                    (Brass goggles!) Wind me up, turn the gears                                    (Brass goggles!) Wind me up, turn the gears      (Brass goggles, goggles, goggles!) Colonel Walter was shocked when he learned from the Nile (I want all today) Copper African elephants turning hostile (Don't want to hear you say) So he built these wonderful automaton bloaks (I love you, I love you) And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes (I love-love-love you) And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da La-Da-Da-Da-Da (And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes) La-Da-Da-Da-Da (And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes) La-Da-Da-Da-Da (And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes) La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da (And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes) La-Da-Da-Da-Da (And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes) And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes And a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes…… Surprisingly the crowd of students actually applauded and cheered as Speedy and his band left the stage. Taking note that their effects have dissipated from the students the Dazzlings moved towards the back of the gym to plan out their next move. Walking from the back of the stage the Humane six then walked out onto stage and got ready to sing their song. Once they were ready the girls took a deep breath before they started to sing. We've just got the day to get ready And there's only so much time to lose Because tonight, Yeah, we're here to party So let's think of something fun to do We don't know What's gonna happen We just know It's gonna feel right All our friends are here And it's time to ignite the lights! Shake your tail 'Cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, Shake your tail Shake your tail 'Cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, Shake your tail So what you didn't get it right the first time Laugh it off, No one said it is a crime Do your thing, You know you're an original Your ideas are so funny that they're criminal Ohhh-ahh! We've just got the day to get ready And there's only so much time to lose Because tonight, Yeah, we're here to party So let's think of something fun to do We don't know What's gonna happen We just know it's gonna feel right All our friends are here And it's time to ignite the lights! Shake your tail 'Cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, Shake your tail Shake your tail 'Cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, Shake your tail Shake your tail 'Cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, Shake your tail Shake your tail 'Cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, Shake your tail Shake your tail 'Cause we're here to have a party tonight! As they finished their song everyone cheered while Rose went to Equestria as everything there happened like she remembered from the last time she was their in the future. Including getting engaged to Lucky Rose and having her own personal guards with her in both worlds. > Chapter 8 Rainbow Rocks Part 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Rose returned to her own time she gained new memories.  Most of them related to the battle with the sirens. Rose looked over to the school and saw that the school was unscathed. Rose thought about the Sirens before deciding that she would ask them of their intentions in Equestria. Should they want to simply return and live in peace she will open a portal and allow them to return. Having made up her mind Rose ran off to find the Sirens. As she was looking through town she saw them enter Sugarcube Corner bleeding. Rose ran after them and upon entering the shop said “Aria, Adagio, and Sonata may I talk to you for a few minutes while I bandage up your wounds? I have something important to say and an offer you might like.” The three Sirens looked at each other for a moment before nodding before they said “ First off we are so so sorry about everything that we have done to you and your friends. Second, we would appreciate your help on bandaging our wounds. Lastly, we shall not attack you or your friends ever again.” Rose nodded and went to the back room to get her emergency first aid kit she left there along with other places around town for safety. As Rose returned to the room she sat down and started bandaging the Sirens as she was doing this she said “okay first I accept your apology. Lastly, I have just two questions. The first is what are your intentions for Equestria?” The Sirens looked really upset but answered “we just want to go back to Equestria and live. But with our pendants gone, I don't see any way to get back there.” Rose nodded as she finished with the first Siren and moved onto the next one. As she started to bandage the second Siren Rose looked at them and said “would you like to return to Equestria and if so what would you be willing to do in exchange?” The Sirens all gasped in shock as they said “We do want to return to Equestria. As for what would we be willing to exchange for it anything. We would give anything to return. Why do you ask?” Rose finished bandaging the second Siren before taking a deep breath and moving onto the last one. As she started to work on the last one she said “ I asked because one of my titles and abilities are Princess of portals. After seeing your skill in combat and after hearing about what you wanted  I would be honored if you were to join my elite guard unit in Equestria. However, that means you will have to protect me and my family whenever we are on that side is that acceptable to all of you?” All three of the Siren’s nodded and said “we would be honored to serve you and your family, my princess. Should you need it we would give up our lives for yours. As of this moment, we are your loyal elite guards and we will always protect you.” Rose finished bandaging the last Siren before opening a portal to Equestria and allowing the three Sirens to return to Equestria. Once the Sirens walked through Rose left to return to her friends. > Chapter 9 Anonamiss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the next two months, Rose and Sunset spent all their time with the girls planning their wedding. That is until on Friday, December eighth when an account was created on the site MyStable. It had a stylized sun design however that wasn’t what was weird about it. What was weird is that it posted a secret about Applejack’s family only nickname that was super embarrassing.  What didn’t make sense to Rose was that all clues led to Sunset Shimmer. Rose decided to wait and see what was going on. Thus that is exactly what she did. Over the next six days, things only got worse. It got to the point where the entire school was in chaos. Rose needing advice from her ancestor told Sunset that she would be back in a week and that she loves her. With everything done Rose opened up a portal to Canterlot and walked through. Thus begins our chapter. Sunset’s POV Sunset watched her fiance walk through a portal into Equestria leaving her behind to face the entire school with her friends. Sunset went to her classes but instead of sitting with her friends she sat in the back so that the glares from the class wouldn’t hurt her. Before she realized it school was over and it was time for Sunset and her friends' weekly meeting at Sugarcube Corner. By the time Sunset got there, all the girls were already there talking. As she approached the girls she noticed that something was wrong. Sunset worried for her friends looked at the girls and said “ hey everyone. What’s wrong? You look like your worried and pissed about something.” The girls all glared at Sunset before they said “ Sunset you are no longer our friend. You have betrayed our friendship and trust. We know you have because a picture was uploaded to MyStable from your phone. We have all agreed that we want you to leave us alone that way we can’t be hurt by you again. We thought you had changed but in the end, we were wrong. Goodbye Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset not wanting to lose her only reasons for living said “please listen to me. I’m not anonamiss. I would never betray you because you are my family. If I were to lose my family I would die. Please believe me.” sunset waited for a minute but when no one answered Sunset took her journal to Twilight and ran away. Sunset rushed home and looked in a mirror. Not being able to take it anymore she punched the mirror with all her strength causing it to break. Sunset not being able to take the pain writes a letter to Rose and Lucky saying that she is sorry for killing herself but she can't take the pain anymore. Just remember that she will always love them. What Sunset didn’t realize is that she wrote the letter in the journal to Twilight. Sunset with tears in her eyes grabbed a large piece of the mirror and sliced her wrist. About two minutes later she passed out. But just before she passed out she heard her fiance scream. Rose’s POV Rose had just said goodbye to Sunset and walked through the portal she opened up when she felt like she was making a mistake. But she knew that it was just a gut feeling so she continued onto Equestria. As soon as she got to Equestria Rose announced her presence and was soon tackled in a hug by Princess Luna and Lucky Rose. Rose looked at her ancestor and fiance and said “Well hello to you too my ancestor and my love. It is so good to see you but I need to talk to both of you and Celestia in private. It doesn’t need to be today but it has to be soon. In the meantime, I’m going to go spend time with Twilight. I haven’t seen her in a long time.” Princess Luna and Lucky just nodded and said “we will set up a meeting in six days at noon. In the meanwhile have a good time with Twilight. You can find her in Ponyville.” Rose nodded and flew off to Ponyville. As soon as Rose arrived in Ponyville she started to have so much fun the days flew by and before she knew it it was time for her meeting with Celestia, Luna, and Lucky. So Rose teleported to the throne room. As soon as she was in the throne room she explained the situation the everypony. As Rose finished explaining everything Celestia looked sad and said “Rose, while I don’t know what a computer is I do know what the cause is and who is behind it. You see it is the CMC who is behind it and the reason is quite simple. They are jealous that their sisters are spending all their time with the two of you. I wish I could help you more but I sense a teleport spell happening.” Rose nodded as she too sensed the teleport spell. However, she also sensed that it was Twilight but felt like something was wrong. A minute later Twilight appeared and showed Rose the note. Upon reading it Rose opened a portal to her house and ran through while Twilight explained what just happened to everypony else. Lucky upon hearing about Sunset runs through Roses portal just in time. As soon as they appear in Rose’s house Rose calls for an ambulance while Lucky slows the bleeding. Once the ambulance was on its way Rose called all their friends and said “girls Sunset just tried to kill herself because you wouldn’t give her a chance. By the way, she was telling you the truth. She was innocent if you want to know who the culprits are it is the CMC they were jealous of you for spending all your time with the two of us and no time with them. Just know that if Sunset dies I will be pressing charges against them.” As Rose finished notifying her so-called friends the ambulance arrived and rushed Sunset to the hospital with Rose and Lucky right behind them. Three hours later Sunset wakes up in a hospital with Rose and Lucky staring at her with worry on their faces. As soon as she sees them she starts to cry and apologize. As Sunset was apologizing all the girls and their sisters come in looking worried and guilty. The CMC ran forward and said “Sunset we are so sorry about anonamiss. You see we are anonamiss. We created the account and posted all the secrets about you and the school. We were mad at you because our sisters were spending all their time with you and Rose and spending no time with us. Can you ever forgive us?” The rest of the girls step forward and said “we apologize as well. We never should’ve assumed you were anonamiss and cut ties with you. You Sunset are part of our family and we are so sorry. Can you ever forgive us as well?” Sunset nodded and said “ of course I forgive you all. After all, you are my family and I will always forgive my family. Rose when I am released could you take me to Celestia? It’s time I apologize for everything I did to her.” Rose looked at Sunset and said “of course I will my love after all I have to take Lucky back as well. Plus I know for a fact that Celestia has been looking forward to you returning to Equestria.” Sure enough, three hours later finds all three mares walking through a portal. As soon as they walked through the portal they found themselves in the throne room in Canterlot. Sunset took a deep breath before walking up to Celestia and said “Celestia I am so so sorry for everything I have done to you and Equestria. If there is any way I can get you to forgive I would be most glad.” Celestia smiled at Sunset and said “I have waited for years for you to realize what you did was wrong. Thus I accept your apology Princess Sunset bearer of the element of Empathy. Having realized your mistake and returning to make amends was all you needed to do to ascend to an alicorn. I am so proud of you my daughter. That’s right I called you my daughter because you are my daughter I had to give up. I am so sorry my filly.” As Celestia finished speaking Sunset transformed into an alicorn. When Sunset recovered from the increased magic she nodded to Celestia and said “ I have to return home but we will talk about me being your daughter the next time I'm here. Goodbye mother, see you soon.” as soon as Sunset finished speaking Rose and Sunset went home to get some sleep. > chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose and Sunset over the next week spent their time alone together so their friends could spend time with their siblings. That is until Speedy showed up at their house with his sisters. When they saw Speedy and his sisters they asked “ what are all of you doing here?” Speedy just smiled and said “ Rose you are going to come with me. Meanwhile Sunset you will be going with my sisters. Before you ask no we are not going to tell you where you are going because it is going to be a surprise. Just remember to have fun because it is a special day.” Rose’s POV Rose looked at Sunset and gave her a kiss before leaving with Speedy. As soon as Rose was buckled Speedy drove off. For the next half hour, Speedy continued to drive while they chatted until finally, they arrived at a mini-golf course that had thirty holes and a movie theater. When Rose saw where they were she asked “Speedy why are we here? Don’t get me wrong I really like to mini golf but I am curious why you brought me here.” Speedy looked at Rose and answered “Rose we are here for your bachelorette party. We are going to play some minigolf, then watch a movie at the theater, and then we are going to meet your wife to be at a restaurant for a romantic dinner just the two of you.” Rose was shocked to hear that this was her party. Once she had recovered she gave Speedy a hug and said “ thank you so much for throwing me this party Speedy. Let’s get down to the fun.” with everything said and done the two friends went to play mini golf and watch the movie. Sunsets POV Sunset returned her wife to be’s kiss before watching her love leave. Once she could no longer see her love she turned to the sisters and said “so what’s the plan? After all, i know you are going to take me to my bachelorette party. I know my love didn’t pick up on it but i did.” The two sisters smiled and said “well since you already know i guess we’ll tell you. You see we are going to see a couple of movies at the mall before taking you to a romantic dinner with just you and your love.” Sunset smiled and said “Well let’s get this party started.” with everything said and done the girls headed out to the mall. Eight and a half hours later found Sunset and Rose stumbling into their house after a moonlight walk under the stars. They were so exhausted from their parties that the moment they laid their heads down they fell asleep in each other's arms. > Chapter 11 The Bridal Shower February 15th Noonish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose and Sunset spent the last four months preparing and planning their wedding. As a matter of fact, they were so busy and worried that their friends were starting to worry about them. All the girls were at Sugarcube Corner eating when Rarity couldn’t take it anymore. Rarity looked at Sunset and Rose and said “ That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. Sunset, Rose I apologize ahead of time for being rude. However, you both have been so busy preparing and planning for your wedding trying to make it absolutely perfect that you have lost track of time and have barely been eating or sleeping. Buck, you haven’t even had your bridal shower yet. In fact, in three days time, we are going to have your bridal shower at Pinkie Pie’s house at 5:00 pm if everyone is in agreement.” Fluttershy looked up from her sandwich and said “Rose, Sunset I agree with Rarity. You two have been working awfully hard and you deserve a break. That is if you want to. Don’t feel like you have to or anything.” Applejack took a deep breath before she said “ Ah think that is a great idea. You two may not have realized it but the wedding is in less than six months. You have done all you can and have everything ready. Now is the time for you to relax and calm down.” Pinkie and Rainbow just nodded as they agreed with everyone else. Rose and Sunset looked at each other and nodded before they said “ Thank you, everyone. As odd as this sounds we were thinking the same thing. So let’s finish up our lunch and get out of here.” With everything said and done everyone finished eating and then left to prepare for the bridal shower. Sunset and Rose instead of going home decided to go to Equestria and chat with their other mare to be. Hand in hand they create a portal to Equestria and walk through. As soon as they arrived in Equestria their guards rushed up to see if anything was wrong. Seeing the worried look on their guards faces the shook their heads and said “ We are just here to spend the day snuggling with our mare to be.” nodding the guards fall in step behind the princesses. 5 hours later found the three princesses snuggled up to each other fast asleep. Before anyone knew it it was time for Sunset and Rose to head home and that is exactly what they did. Sooner than they thought it was time for the Bridal shower. Little did Sunset and Rose know that Pinkie had set up games such as bingo, name that tune, bride and bride trivia, favorite dates activities, and my favorite memory game. Along with having 15 pizzas ordered and several romantic movies. Rose and Sunset walked up to Pinkie’s house and were dragged in where everyone was waiting for the couple. Everyone played the games and watched the movies and just had a great time. After all the fun was done everyone decided to turn it into a slumber party so everyone went to bed. > Chapter 12 Friendship Games Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friendship Games March 14th 4pm Rose and sunset were  at home relaxing and thinking about the future when they heard a text message from Rainbow come in. thinking it might be something important they looked at their phones and read to each other their texts. Important. Meet me at C.H.S. ASAP. RD. Worried they grabbed their purses and left for the school arriving fifteen minutes later. Upon arriving Sunset gasps out and said “I got your text Rainbow Dash. did something come through the portal? Is Equestrian magic on the loose again? Has princess Twilight come through the portal with a problem only we can solve?” Before Sunset could continue Pinkie interrupted her saying “ Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world with cake?” Rainbow looking sheepish answers “uhh, not exactly.” A.J then walks over and says “ I was just tellin Rainbow Dash that a broken guitar string isn’t classified as an emergency.” Rainbow getting defensive says “it totally does.” Rarity frustrated at Rainbows actions says “really Rainbow Dash. I was in the middle of sewing a very complicated applique on my latest frock. I’m not happy about it Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy wanting to let Rainbow now what she was doing informs her by saying “and I was just about to put all the animals in the shelter down for a nap. Now i will have to start stories all over again” Sunset curious asks “Why would you send all of us an emergency text for a guitar string? It doesn’t make any sense right hun?” as sunset finishes talking she looks at Rose for a response. Rose nods and answers “ you are right hun it doesn’t make sense.” Rainbow looking cocky says “ I was going to pony up and show our fans some awesome guitar riffs. However I kind of need all six strings to do so. Does anybody have one?” Sunset looks at Rainbow and says while pulling out a spare string “here you go .but i am pretty sure all the students are done practising for the day. In that case all the music rooms should be locked.” Rainbow takes the string and while attaching it says “No problem. The halls are perfect for power cords. Come on let's go.” As everybody but Sunset and Rose starts to go in A.J asks “ are y'all comin.” Sunset looks at Rose then at A.J and says we’ll be there in a bit.” Once A.j went inside Sunset and Rose sit down and write a message to Twilight saying “Dear Princess Twilight. How's life in Equestria. Learn any new magic. it’s been pretty quiet here at C.H.S since the battle of the bands. We still pony up whenever we play music which Rainbow Dash just loves to show off. I still can’t quite grasp why it happens at all. Your friends Sunset and Rose.” As Sunset is writing Rose sees a figure approach C.H.S thinking it is just a stranger looking for a teacher Rose ignores it until she sees her approach the statue. Rose nudges Sunset and points to the figure who pulls out a strange looking device and points it at the portal. Sunset screams at the person and says “Hey , what are you doing?” Rose being the faster one of the two uses her magic to get ahead of the figure while Sunset chases after. As Rose appears in front of the figure  she sees that the person is Twilight Sparkle from this world. So in order to be nice to the girl Rose stops Sunset from chasing after her. Once the girl was gone Sunset turns to Rose and asks “ who was that hun” Rose looks Sunset in the eyes and says “Twilight Sparkle of this world. She's not the one we know. But I know for a fact that she will be at the friendship games in two days. I have a feeling she was investigating the magic at C.H.S because the device she had reacted to the portal. I think we should let the girls know tomorrow during free period. However we shouldn’t tell them that it was Twilight or that she was investigating the portal. It’s just too risky. What do you think honey pie” Sunset thinks for a moment before saying “ as much as I would like to warn them you are right.” now with everything taken care of the couple walks home hand in hand. The next day passes quickly until all the girls finally gather together in the library during free period. Immediately Sunset tells the girls most of what happened the night before. As Sunset finishes telling the girls what happened Fluttershy asks “do you think it was another magical creature from Equestria?” Shaking her head sunset answers “ no I think I would’ve noticed something like that. I think she was from this world” Applejack sighs in relief and says “ well that's great. The last thing we need is another magical so and so trying for world domination.” Rarity says while leaning against the bookshelf “I have no desire to fight another battle against dark magic. The wear and tear to my wardrobe is just to much to keep up with.” Rainbow dash pokes out from behind a bookshelf and says “ you all are so wrong . I think I know who it was.” Pinkie interrupts Rainbow saying “ooh ooh was it a night time statue cleaner, a magical portal maintenance worker or a gardner?” Sighing Rainbow says “Considering they got off a bus from the city and then got back on the bus to the city chances are they were from the city. Which we all know means one thing.” Together everyone says “Crystal Prep.” Rainbow continues to say “yep and with the friendship games starting tomorrow they would totally try to prank us.” Sunset not sure about that asks “why would they take the bus all the way here just for that?” The girls all give their reasons and Sunset says “it seems kind of silly to me.” The girls all gasp while Rainbow says “ so I suppose you think the friendship games are silly as well.” Sunset wanting to be honest says “ Well it’s not like we will be fighting the powers of evil magic.” As Sunset finishes talking Fluttershy says “ We will be fighting against a school full of meanies. Not everything has to be magical to be important.” Sunset looking ashamed says “I suppose your right. It is a big deal.” Sunset and the girls continue discussing the rivalry between the two schools until free period was over. Right before they all left Rainbow says “ their not going to beat us this year and you’ll see why later.” Then after free period was an assembly Principal Ceestia starts the assembly then hands the microphone off to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash starts to sing a song and gets the school to sing along encouraging the school to come together as one to stop Crystal Prep. However at the end of the song Rainbow pony’s up without playing her instrument which Rose upon seeing comes up with a theory to tell Sunset later. The girls gather around Rainbow congratulating her. That is until A.J asks “does anybody else wonder why Rainbow could pony up without playing her guitar?” Rainbow looking excited says “ I know right. It’s probably because I'm so awesome.” Rose not being able to stay silent says “ I actually think it is because when Rainbow shows her loyalty she will pony up every time. I think the rest of you will as well.” Sunset not wanting to doubt her girlfriend says “ I think you are right. It also makes sense.” As Sunset finished talking Celestia and Luna come over and assign Sunset to help the girls keep their magic hidden and not accessible during the friendship games. Right after being assigned a task Sunset got to work. The next day, everybody started to gather at C.H.S for the friendship games. Rose was walking through the halls when she sees the Twilight Sparkle from this world searching for something with her pendant. Knowing it is magic that the pendant was looking for Rose releases just enough magic to lure Twilight into the empty room she was in. Once Twilight entered the room Rose used her magic to shut the door. Once it was shut Rose says “Hello Twilight Sparkle. I know the power/anomalies you are searching for. You probably won’t believe me unless I prove it to you. If you will leave your pendant here I will show you what it is.” Twilight hesitantly takes her pendant off and says “ok show me.” Rose opened a portal to her home in Equestria and says “ if you follow me your life will forever be changed. However I can guarantee that it will be better than what you have now.” Nodding twilight followed Rose to Equestria. Once in Equestria Sunset says “Twilight the power you were looking into was Equestrian magic or just magic if that's easier to understand. I’m part of the Equestrian royal family. I’m the princess of portals and guardian of both worlds. It’s my job to stop those who may be after the magic from causing harm. I can also see the future and I have seen what would’ve happened to both worlds if I let you discover this on your own. You see that pendant will absorb the portal and the magic of my friends. Then during the friendship games your principal would convince you to release it and you would turn evil. I don’t want that to happen because I've seen you suffer a lot because of it. Also because I think you should transfer to C.H.S because the moment we return to our world your magic will be unlocked and you will finally find the one thing that will fill the hole in your chest. I have said all I can the rest is up to you.” Twilight looks outside and sees several ponies using magic. Upon realising that everything that Rose told her was true Twilight decides in that moment to destroy the pendant when she got back and to transfer to C.H.S. Twilight took Roses hand and together they returned to their world little did they know that the school was in danger. > Chapter 12 Friendship Games Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as Rose and Twilight exit the portal Twilight goes to the spot she left her pendant. As Twilight approaches the spot she left the pendant she gasps and says “ Rose the pendant is missing. I left it right here on this desk and its not there. I think somebody took it.” Rose thought for a moment before saying “I think we should go back to our respective classmates. I’m pretty sure your principal has your pendant. I have a feeling that the pendant has already absorbed my friends Rarity and Pinkie Pie’s magic. Along with the magic of the portal. If so it means I was too late. However I must warn you if you destroy the pendant without part of all my friends magic it will kill you. I promise to help you control your magic. Together, me and my girlfriend will save you from the Equestrian magic. I’m sorry Twilight.” Twilight thinks for a moment before saying “It’s alright Rose. I understand what must be done and that it is unavoidable. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll see you later I guess.” With everything done the two girls return to their classmates. They arrive just in time for Twilights principal to return Twilights pendant before Twilight competes in the math portion of the games. As soon as the math portion ends with Twilight beating Sunset Rose calls Sunset over and tells her what she and Twilight did. At first Sunset was shocked but then she accepts that it was the only way at the time. With their conversation done Sunset walks back to the girls. As Sunset approaches the girls Rainbow says “That was awesome.” before Rainbow could continue Rarity say “That was absolutely splendid darling.” Sunset feeling down says “but i didn’t win.” Applejack looking proud says “Sugarcube, that was the closest we have come to beating Crystal Prep in decades.” As the girls were about to continue talking Dean Cadance walks onto the stage and announces the twelve students moving on to the next phase. Unsurprisingly Rarity, Rainbow, A.J, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Sunset all made it from C.H.S. However Rose also noticed that Twilight made it for Crystal Prep. exactly how she foresaw it happen. Rose thought for a moment before deciding to tell the rest of her friends the truth of what is going on with Twilight. So as she was leaving the gym she sent them a text telling them to meet at the wondercolt statue. Fifteen minutes later found all the girls gathered at the statue.  As she approached Rainbow asks “what’s going on Rose?” Rose takes a deep breath before saying “ Pinkie, Rarity earlier today did you pony up then almost immediately start to feel exhausted?” Pinkie nodded her head while Rarity says “How did you know darling? I made a bunch of outfits for all of us and then it happened.” Rose looking worried looks at Pinke and says “Let me guess, you ponied up after setting up the party for Crystal Prep and then the same thing happened.” After receiving a nod Rose continues “ Sunset already knows this but the person who was by the statue yesterday was the Twilight sparkle of this world. I saw her and told Sunset we decided it would be safer if I dealt with Twilight so we didn’t tell you.. I lured Twilight to an empty classroom then after I convinced her to take off her pendant/device I took her to Equestria and explained what I could. This was before you ponied up Rarity. However when we got back her pendant/device was gone. We arrived just in time for her Principal to return it to her but by this time it had already absorbed some of both your magic and the portal. I warned Twilight as best as I can that if she destroys it with only some magic and not some of all of your magic it will kill her. So I am going to need you all to let her absorb some of your magic before the last round of the games. The magic will take her over but then sunset can harness more of your magic to become an angel while I pony up and together we can use the elements to save her and the school. What do you say.” Nobody knew what to say but they all trust Rose so they nod in agreement. Then the girls go their separate ways until the next round Fluttershy POV Fluttershy needing some time alone goes over to the bushes and sits down. She then takes out a cat when Twilight shows up.Fluttershy looks at her and says “ do you want to give her a treat.” Twilight walks over and sits down and feeds the cat while saying “ I see I'm not the only one to smuggle their pet into school.” Fluttershy giggles and says “ not just one.” as she releases all her pets. Twilight shocked to see all the animals says “ all I have is Spike.” As Fluttershy scratches him behind the ear and gives him a treat. Fluttershy looks at Twilight and says “ congratulations on winning the last round. Though it seems like nobody was very excited about it on your team.” Twilight looking down says “ no one at my school gets excited about anything they don’t do themselves.” Fluttershy reaches out to Twilight and says “ That’s just awful.”deciding to be kind Fluttershy habds Twilight a bunny and says “here hugging a bunny always helps me feel better when im down.” Twilight takes it and says “ that’s just silly. But it kind of works. Your school just lost to me. So why are you being so nice to me?” Fluttershy smiles as she begins to pony up and says “we all need a little kindness and that's my specialty.” Immediately Twilights pendant glows and starts to absorb Fluttershy’s magic however spike jumps in the middle of the magic. Twilight worried about her dog hurries over and asks “ Spike are you alright.” Groggily Spike says “ Yeah I think so.” Twilights POV Scared Twilight runs away with spike chasing after her still talking. Once Spike chases Twilight to a dead end he asks “ Why did you run away like that.” Twilight scared says “oh I don’t know maybe it has something to do with the floating girl.or the hole in space. Or you now being able to talk.” Spike scratches his ear and says “ yeah weird right.” Twilight kneels down and asks “Are you ok? Your not hurt are you? What happened? Where did you go?” Spike licks Twilights face and says “ hey one question at a time this is pretty new to me too. All I know is that I was chasing a rabbit into that weird portal thing and then I was somewhere else. Next thing I knew I was in that nice girls arms. Only now I can talk . I don’t understand why I couldn’t before it is so easy.” At that moment Twilights Principal comes around the corner and says “Twilight, who were you talking to?” Nervously Twilight says “Myself. It’s a nervous habit. You were looking for me” Principal Cinch says “Indeed. Quite a coincidence that the C.H.S students moving on to the finals are friends of the one you met earlier. Don’t you think?” Twilight nervously says “I’m not sure.” “Perhaps you should get to know them. After all it’s not like your transfer relies on it. Oh wait it does.” says Principal Cinch walking away. Twilight collapses to the floor trying to calm herself.. Half an hour later the next event is revealed and it is an obstacle course of archery, skating and finally motocross. Applejack nervously asks Rarity “I don’t suppose you made motocross outfits did you?” Rarity scoffs and says “ don’t be silly. Of Course I did..” The rules are explained and the round begins. C.H.S takes an early lead in archery and skating. Applejack not being able to take Crystal Prep teasing Twilight about her archery helps her hit a bulls eye before ponying up and allowing Twilight to absorb her magic. With the pendant open plants come through the portal and attack the students. The plants are about to attack Sunset when Rainbow saves her. She then ponies up and allows Twilight to absorb her magic. Sunset crosses the finish line first tying the games. With all the magic revealed principal Cinch throws a fit and an hour later convinces Twilight to release the magic by blackmailing her. Right when the tie breaker round which is a find the flag round is about to begin Rose and Sunset walk forward to meet with Twilight. Rose gives Twilight a nod to release the magic. Once the magic merges with Twilight it gives her the ability to open portals and gives her wings and a horn. Twilight being power hungry opens a bunch of portals wanting more. Rose and Sunset notice their friends pony up. Sunset takes the pendant absorbs the magic and then transforms with Rose transforming right beside her. Rose takes care of the portals while Sunset battles Twilight and saves her by showing her true friendship. Twilight returns to normal with tears in her eyes. Cinch vows to get revenge before leaving. Half an hour later found the girls hating when Celestia walks up with Twilight by her side saying “girls we have a new Wondercolt. I trust you will help her out.” The girls nod and together they decide to have a picnic.