> Library: Closed For Maintenance > by The Grey Pegasus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Library: Closed For Maintenance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Library: Closed For Maintenance By: The Grey Pegasus "Do any of you have any plans for the next few days?" "Not really anything, since apparently Weather Patrol can't fight the incoming storm..." The six Elements of Harmony sat upon a hill during their picnic. Though it was a nice, temperate, calm day, for the upcoming days there was a forecast of heavy storm. "... It really sucks that we couldn't do anything about it," Rainbow Dash grumbled. "But the clouds coming in from the Everfree just won't let up. Everypony's going to be stuck indoors for the next few days." "I know. I'm really disappointed that we couldn't control those storm clouds," Twilight agreed. "I guess we're all just going to be stuck indoors most of the time." They all nodded and gave their individual reasons. "Well, alright then. Storms are always prime reading time for me. Since I can't go outside, I might as well sit down and read a good book." Twilight thought for a moment. "Actually, if any of you want a book to pass the time, don't be afraid to stop by the library." ==+== During that night, the storm clouds passed the border between the Everfree Forest into the Ponyville area. The rain was heavy, and drops thudded against the windows of houses. Everypony was sure they were stuck inside for a while. Morning rose, though only noticeable by the slight luminance from the clouds above. Twilight set about to the day's plan: read. There was a strange comfort and ambience given off during storms that just made it perfect to hunker down indoors and read a good book. Maybe it was the mood given off by the dark storm clouds, a constricting feeling that makes one feel alone. Perhaps it was the fact itself that it was scarce to see a pony outside, and one knows they have time to themselves. The sound of rain pattering against the outsides of the library along with the occasional drums of thunder created a nice backdrop for a reading session, and Twilight was going to take advantage of it. However, Twilight wasn't the only one that wanted to use the day-off to be with a book. "Twilight! You in there?!" a voice called out after a series of door knocks. Twilight heard this, and walked over to open the door. "Oh, hey there Rainbow," she greeted the drenched pegasus. "What brings you here?" "Well, I'm stuck inside my house doing nothing. This weather's absolutely horrible! Trying to fly is almost suicide! It was hard enough flying over here. Anyways, since I'm really bored, I came to get a Daring Do book. Or any adventure book, really." "Expanding your horizons, I see," Twilight said with a chuckle. "Well, you know where the fiction books are. Good luck. When you're done, just head over to me and check it out. "I know the drill, Twilight, and now I'm off to relieve myself of boredom." Twilight watched as Rainbow disappeared to another room in the library, and then returned to what she was reading. It was easy to get caught up in her books, and the arrival of her friend didn't interrupt her thoughts in the least. Rainbow browsed around for a bit in the fiction section. She did say that she'll consider finding a book other than Daring Do and expand her reading selection a bit. But what if she didn't enjoy the book she checked out? With the rainy weather, she couldn't possibly carry more than one, to make sure the book didn't get wet or dropped. Better safe than sorry. Her entertainment was at stake, and she didn't want to risk going bored over a random book she decided to experiment with. If she found another book she wanted to read, she'll just have to read it later. After reaching that conclusion, Rainbow scanned the titles, arriving at her precious Daring Do series. "Right, what was the next book?" She hummed in thought as she read over the titles. "Ah, here's the next book! Hmmm... Daring Do and Turquoise Tortoise? Cool. Too bad I can't get the next book. Gateways of Doom sounds like a really cool story." Rainbow trotted back to Twilight, and inform the librarian of her choice. “Only one?” Twilight asked her friend. “Yeah, I can’t carry more than one, just to be safe. I guess I’ll come back tomorrow once I finish this one.” "Alright, Rainbow. See you later then." "See ya!" Rainbow exited the library, and flew off into the storm. ==+== The next day was pretty much the same. Turbulent weather with strong winds and rolling thunder. Yet that didn't stop a pony from coming to the library for some books. Twilight heard some knocks on the front door from her study. "Come in!" she called out to the pony. "I can't, Twi, you locked the door," an accented voice said from the other side. "Oh, right." Twilight used her magic to unlock the door and open it. "Sorry, Applejack." "Whoo-wee. It is pourin' out there. Guess I'm lucky I got a hat," Applejack exclaimed once she got inside. "Least Rarity's not here to tell me to tidy up." "As long as you wiped your hooves on the doormat. So what brings you here? Getting some books?" "Yup. Big Mac thought it'd be a good idea to refresh his memory on carpentry and all that. No doubt our barn's gonna take a beatin' from this storm. Maybe even the farmhouse. As for me, I'm gonna take some books 'bout trees. Celestia knows what happens when you hire ponies to cut down your trees. I swear, I thought those ponies knew what they were doin'! Cost me the next harvest for that field..." "Anything else?" "Oh, right. And Applebloom gave me this list here..." Applejack paused to take a piece of paper from her saddlebag. "Can ya go get these for me? I'mma look for the other books." "Sure thing," Twilight replied. "Wow. I guess being locked in increases business for books," she commented as Applejack left to search for some books. After some searching, the two found the books, and Applejack nodded her thanks. The orange pony walked out the door, to brave the storm once again. Twilight closed the door as fast as she could. She didn't want the weather to come inside her home, but it seemed like the weather wanted to welcome itself in. Strong gusts of wind fought against the unicorn, and she resorted to forcefully closing it with magic. In her anger, she was surprised that she didn't accidentally rip the door off the hinges. Meanwhile, Rainbow had already finished her book, and was on her way to get the next book in the series. She spotted a pony leaving the library, and heard the library's door close with a large slam. It was probably a miracle the door didn't break from the sound Rainbow heard. "Oh, hey there, Rainbow!" the pony walking away from the library shouted. "Hey Applejack! Did you just come from the library?!" "Yeah!" The wind blew harder. "Ya know, if you want to talk, we should take it inside! I'm not in a rush!" "Sure! I was just going inside anyways!" Rainbow trotted over to the door, and knocked loudly. "Who is it?!" they heard Twilight answer from inside. "It's me! Rainbow! And Applejack wants to go back in for a little! Now open the door! It's really wet out here!" Some rustling was heard from behind the door. "I... I can't! The door's stuck!" "How in the hay is it stuck?!" Applejack yelled above the thunder. "Maybe I closed it too hard!" Rainbow thought of a solution. "Applejack- do you think you can buck the door down?" "What?!" Twilight yelled from inside. "I don't want my door broken!" "How 'bout I do it lightly?" Twilight grumbled. "Fine. I hope my door doesn't break." Applejack reared up for a buck outside the door, and controlled the power of her buck. A solid thump was heard against the wood. "Geez Twilight, how hard did ya close this thing?!" She bucked the door again. "Umm... I threw it closed with magic. And might've accidentally applied some spells to it." "What?!" Rainbow huffed in frustration. "I don't want to be stuck out here any longer, and I'm not going home without a new book!" She flew away from the door, then launched herself at it. The pegasus hit the door with a very audible smack. "Ow..." The two ponies outside repeated their efforts, but to no avail. Applejack was getting frustrated. "Rainbow, we ain't gettin' anywhere with this! Twilight, you sure you can't help?!" She gave yet another buck to the door. "I'm trying, but this door's being stupid!" Rainbow was getting annoyed. "Wait- the balcony window!" She picked up Applejack and flew over to Twilight's balcony. She knocked on the glass. "Twilight! Open the window! It's cold out here!" "Alright, I got it! You can stop tapping on the glass now!" Twilight acknowledged her friend. The second she unlocked the windows, her two friends stumbled inside, shivering and dripping wet. "Sorry about the door, I guess." "'S alright, Twi, at least we're indoors now. All that trouble just to get a book though..." "Ugh... I just wanted to get Daring Do and the 502 Gateways of Doom. I finished the other book, and I don't want to die of boredom, claustrophobia, or both. I need something to do. My house doesn't have enough space to fly in, you know." "Why didn't you just get both of 'em yesterday?" "Well I can't carry more than one without making sure I don't drop it." "Then why didn't you bring a saddlebag?" "...Stop talking AJ." "I guess that meant I won." "Well, while you two talk and whatnot, I'll go and try and fix the door problem," Twilight interjected. Soon enough, the door was fixed, and her two guests were content. They set off their separate ways, satisfied that they got what they needed from the library, despite the inconvenience they went through. Rainbow would probably finish the book and come back again the next day, and hopefully not have any trouble getting in. ==+== The next day soon came, and it was still raining heavily outside. Twilight was almost certain at least one of her friends would come to visit. Probably Rainbow, if she really was that bored and chewed through the chapters faster than she would fly. Still, while Twilight was alone, she'd use the isolating tendency of the storm to her advantage. She could start some experiments in her basement, using the newfound knowledge she gained from reading the previous days. Yes, that would be a good plan for the day, right after breakfast. "Twilight, you in there?!" ...But maybe it'll have to be postponed for a little bit. "Just a minute, Pinkie!" "Okie-doki-loki then!" Twilight was not at all irked by the turn of events. She did suggest that they were welcome to the library during the week. Besides, she had all day to herself; the basement laboratory could wait. She walked over to the door and opened it for the pink pony. "Oh, hi there Twilight!" Pinkie Pie shook herself dry. "So since we're all stuck inside the whole week, the Cakes thought they'd try some new recipes, since they had time, because we're not really getting a lot of customers right now, and since we're not baking much pastries and cakes and cupcakes and cookies, they thought it'd be a great idea to try new recipes for pastries and cakes and cupcakes and cookies!" Twilight smiled at the upbeat attitude of her friend. Not even the dark and gloomy day could suppress the joy beaming from this pony. "Well, the cooking books are over there. You can have a look at what you want." "Thanks Twilight!" Afterwards, Pinkie left to go look for some cooking books, while Twilight started preparing for her work downstairs. After some time, Twilight heard Pinkie speak again. "Twilight, I've got the books I need. Do I have to check them out now?" "Yeah, just a moment." The unicorn stopped her work and ascended the staircase into the library's main atrium. She took care of Pinkie, and once she left the library, returned to her solitary work in the downstairs lab. Moments later, a certain pegasus flew over to the library. Said pegasus pounded on the door, not willing to go through a repeat of yesterday. "Why does Twilight lock the door? I thought it was a public library," Rainbow contemplated. "Then again, I suppose it's a privacy thing, since it is her house, too." She pounded on the door again. "Twilight! You in there?! I even brought a saddlebag this time!" Still no answer. Rainbow checked the balcony windows. "Hello?! Anypony in there?! I don't want to be stuck out here again! Spike?! Are ya in there?!" Again, no answer. Rainbow returned to the front door and started knocking her hoof on it as hard as she could. "Twilight! Open up! Come on! I finished 502 Gateways of Doom, and I want a new book!" Yet the next five minutes of banging on the door ended with the same result. No answer. At least Rainbow wouldn't have to suffer alone any longer. "Rainbow Dash dear, what are you trying to do? Break down Twilight's door?" "Nah, that was yesterday Rarity. But nopony's answering the dang door! I've been knocking for the past five minutes or something." "Well, just be patient. Somepony's bound to hear it eventually." "And that would either be Twilight or Spike. Which I've been trying to get for the past five minutes." "I suppose we'll just have to keep trying then." Rarity peered inside one of the windows, seeing lights on, but no movement. Twilight was downstairs in the basement. She was surrounded by the constant hum of machinery and the sounds of bubbling liquids. Scratches of quill against parchment were also present. It was such a nice atmosphere- working alone in a room all to herself. No disturbances. Even the booming thunder was an added comfort. Still, she decided it was time for a break and go wake up Spike. As Twilight climbed the stairs, she heard thumps against the door, and so she opened it, to find two ponies drenched with rain and shaking with the cold. "C-c-come on T-Twilight, where w-were you?" Rainbow sputtered. "I've been waiting..." Rarity paused to look at the clock, "...five minutes and four seconds in the rain! Even under all this clothing, I'd rather you just answered the door." "I've been waiting twice as long!" "And you looked like you were going to break down the door!" "Girls, calm down. Sorry about making you wait. I was downstairs and I couldn't hear the door above all the noise in the basement." "I saw Pinkie walking away from the library earlier," Rainbow retorted. "She caught me right after I finished breakfast." "...Fine." Rarity decided to get to the point. "Well, I came to get some books on military uniforms. I just got a client that wants one tailor-made by me, and I want to make sure it's perfect." "Alright, let's see what we can find then." "Hey, why didn't Spike answer the door?" Rainbow asked. "I was actually on my way to wake him up. So, why don't you two just wait a moment while I go do that." Twilight left the two to wait as she climbed up to the loft. "Oh, Rainbow, look at this book! It's perfect for you," Rarity called from one of the shelves. "What is it?" Rainbow read the title and appeared unamused. "504 Ways on How to be Patient. Very funny. I think I'm exempt from patience if I'm stuck outside in the rain for the second day in a row." Before Rarity could ask about what she meant by that, Twilight came down from the stairs. "Right, now that Spike's getting up, we can find your books, Rarity. And Rainbow, you know where to go, so... go." The fashionista's look brightened. "Thank you, Twilight." Once again, the books were found, and the visitors left into the stormy weather. Rainbow hoped she wouldn't have to come back in a while, since she was sure she wasn't getting in next time. ==+== Two days later, the storm was still going strong, and Twilight's friends had enough time to finish their books. Unfortunately, that meant having to brave the weather once again, and risk being locked out of the library. The four ponies met each other a distance away from the library, and kept each other company on the way. "Ya reckon' Twilight's gonna open the door today?" Applejack asked the other three. "Maybe she will, maybe she won't, who knows?" Pinkie answered. "Why? Didn't she open the door for you girls?" Rainbow grumbled at the memories. "Not exactly..." "She unintentionally left us waiting in the rain," Rarity informed Pinkie. "It wasn't pleasant, to say the least," Applejack added. "Believe it. I was locked out twice. Too bad this storm means we're locked in doing nothing, except read and all that." The group of four arrived at the library. However, before the reached the door, Rarity spotted a note stuck on the inside of a window. "Girls, look at this." They all read the note. "I guess this means I'm just going to have to return the book some other time." "Oh well. I guess I'll see if I can just invent a new recipe! That's a great idea!" "Darn. Guess I'll go home and play a board game with Applebloom then." "Aww, come on! You mean I can't even get a new book to cure myself of boredom today?!" "You can come over to the farm if ya want, Dash." "Sure. Not like I got anything better to do." The four ponies left the library, since they could not do anything against the situation. The note clearly stated that. It read: Library closed due to monthly cleaning, organizing, and maintenance. You'll have to wait a while. Sorry for the inconvenience.