> The Secret Society of Party Planners Vs. The Forces of Darkness > by Midnight Terror > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- PARTY PLANNERS, ASSEMBLE! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What was life without a little fun?" Pinkie Pie wondered as she strolled through town on her way to her loft above sugercube corner. It had been a busy day for Pinkie Pie, she had been zipping through Ponyville all day gathering supplies for the next big event. Mayor Mare had put her in charge of planning the festivities, just as she always does. In fact, Pinkie Pie couldn't remember a time when she wasn't planning parties in Ponyville, after all party planning was her destiny, and the best part of it all was that everyone loved her for it. To the ponies of ponyville, Pinkies parties were always welcome with a warm smile and an embracing hug. But Pinkie remembered what her new friends from Our Town had told her about their attempts to plan parties before Starlight was reformed. Just the thought of it all sent a shiver down Pinkie's spine. Not being able to plan parties? That was one thing, but no being able to be her energetic happy self was another thing. When Part Favor and Sugar Bell told her about what it was like not having a cutie mark, Pinkie had almost had a panic attack. As Pinkie became lost in her own thoughts she didn't notice that she had already reached Sugercube corner. "Ummm.... Pinkie Pie... ya there?" A slightly deeper voice than Pinkie Pie's asked. Pinkie Pie suddenly sprung back up, realizing that her friend was standing right in front of her... wait.... what was Cheese Sandwich doing at her apartment? "Cheese Sandwich? What brings you around my little corner of heaven?" Cheese Sandwich put his hoof around Pinkie Pie and said, "Well.." Cheese Sandwich said, exaggerating his greeting. "I came by to wish my favorite party pony a very happy birthday!" Pinkie Pie blushed a darker shade of Pink. She had totally forgotten her own birthday, as she tended to do when she overworked herself during the special occasion. "Awwwww Cheese ya didn't have to come all the way from Apploosa just to wish me a happy birthday!" By the way her own voice sounded, she could tell that she was blushing like crazy, even though she couldn't see it. Cheese Sandwich put his bright orange hoof around Pinkie and pulled her close to his cheek. "Well of course I did, We're friends after all!" Cheese Sandwich said enthusiastically. And he was right... they were friends. Good friends. JUST friends. Pinkie Pie had known Cheese Sandwich for almost a year now, and she had managed to convince herself that they were just good friends the first time she met him, but those dreaded thoughts came crawling back again. What if they weren't JUST good friends. What if.... they could be more? Pinkie Pie quickly dismissed the thought and resumed her conversation with the orange earth pony. "Well I actually came to discuses a little bit more than just a birthday, though the topic is equally as important as your special day Pinks!" Cheese Sandwich exclaimed with a slightly more secretive tone than before. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Pinkie Pie said with one eyebrow raised. She quickly opened the door leading to the inside of the sweet smelling bakery. They both trotted up the stairs to Pinkie's loft where they made sure to close all the windows and lock all of the doors. Pinkie looked to each side of her shoulder before signaling Cheese Sandwich to stand next to her on top of a grey carpet. A lever with a pink handle stood next to the carpet and with one push Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich fell right through the floor to what would later be know as the Secret Party Planner Cave. They both fell right onto a slide that slid them down into the entrance of the cave. The cave was filled with all sorts of colorful supplies needed to throw the ultimate Pinkie Pie approved party. As well as the average party supplies such as balloons and streamers hanging from the celling of the cave. "So... what's the trouble this time?" Pinkie Pie asked as she begun activating all sorts of secret gadgets and gizmos she had lying around the cave, including a glowing map of Equestria, labeled with the locations of each major city in Equestria as well as some of the smaller ones. Cheese Sandwich laid down a long piece of paper with schematics of some sort. "My sources tell me that a couple criminals will be loading in a shipment of stolen jewelry to a buyer here in Ponyville!" Pinkie Pie put her hoof on her chin. "I see... when's the exchange taking place?" Cheese Sandwich slammed his hoof on the table for affect, "Tonight!" He looked back at Pinkie Pie with an excited look in his eyes, "We need to alert the rest of the team... I think it's time that we finally put this cave to good use!" Pinkie Pie had the biggest smile on her face, she knew what that meant. Not only was she going to see a couple of her good friends again, but they were going to finally be put into action. It was a little team she liked to call, "The Secret Society of Party Planners!" Pinkie Pie had brought up the idea of forming some kind of legion before, and the rest had agreed but only when it was necessary. Pinkie knew that tonight, they would become the heroes that they were meant to be. Tonight they were going to be more than heroes, they were going to be party planners! Pinkie Pie trotted up to a Pink button with a plastic container covering it in case she was tempted to touch it before the time was right to use it. She looked back at Cheese Sandwich, who was practically shaking with excitement, begging Pinkie Pie to push the button already. She removed the plastic shield from the button and was about eight inches away from pushing it. The six inches. Then four inches. Then two inches. Then one inch... when she suddenly stepped away from the button and asked Cheese Sandwich, "I dunno I'm actually kinda hungry ya wanna get something to eat first before we do this whole "assembling" thing?" Chees Sandwich broke! "JUST PUSH THE BUTTON ALREADY!!!!" He yelled out before racing towards the button and slamming the button hard enough that he was surprised that it didn't break. Pinkie Pie laughed. "Well jeez if you wanted me to push it that badly you should've said something." Cheese Sandwich bursted into laughter with Pinkie Pie and said, "Sorry Pinks, guess I let my curiosity get the better of me after all, you didn't exactly explain what the button does. Pinkie stood up once more after falling on the floor laughing. "Oh right.... it should kick in right about..... NOW!" Suddenly both of their cutie marks began to glow. Their cutie marks as well as Party Favor and Sugar Bell's showed up on the map. Cheese Sandwich jumped up with excitement, "WOW, HOW COOL IS THIS?!?!" He had never seen such an amazing device before. Pinkie Pie blushed at the delightful compliment from Cheese Sandwich, " I know right?!?!" She said as she trotted over to the map, "Its like we have our own superhero alert system!" Pinkie Pie pointed to the part of the map where their other friend's cutie marks resided. "Party Favor and Sugar Bell should be on their way right now!" Cheese Sandwich then frowned, "We've got quite a while before the exchange happens, what do we now?" Pinkie Pie stood their for a second while trying to think of a solution to their predicament. Then her face lit up with excitement! "I KNOW! "We can woahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Pinkie Pie said as she tripped over a couple of boxes stacked nearby the map. Luckily for her, Cheese Sandwich caught her before she could seriously injure herself. "Careful there Pinkie, you almost fell on your face!" Cheese Sandwich said as he looked into Pinkies eyes. Her gorgeous, beautiful blue eyes. Cheese Sandwich had never noticed how wonderful Pinkie's eyes were. The two stared at each other for quite some time before either one of them said anything. Cheese Sandwich blushed as he told Pinkie Pie, "Woah Pinkie, your eyes are so....pretty!" Cheese Sandwich began to pull Pinkie closer and closer to his lips and before they knew it, they were standing one inch away from each other's muzzle. Just as Pinkie Pie was about to close the space between them a voice was heard coming from the entrance to the party cave. "Ummm guys?!?!" Party Favor said as he trotted up to the two of them along with Sugar Bell by his side. Both of their cutie marks were still glowing from the push of that small pink button. The two immediately turned red with embracement as they parted quickly "Oh... hey guys, didn't hear you two come in!" Pinkie Pie said as she trotted up to them to give each of them a big hug. Cheese Sandwich soon followed. "Hey guys, what's up?" Sugar Bell stepped forward and spoke, "We got your message, what's this all about?" The four of them trotted over to the table in the middle of the cave. Pinkie Pie looked at all of them as they all sat around the table, "ITS TIME FOR THE SECRET SOCIETY OF PARTY PLANNERS TO ASSEMBLE!" TO BE CONTINUED........